a every description Japanese; Parents cordially Fig'd India ......Undershirts,a flnoquality and the...

HOYS* AND CHILDREN'S SUITS.31. GUTMAN & CO. GREAT AS OUR VARIETY IS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT r>iv rr aado Uf UUn OiA rt<uvnu, WE AltE SPECIALLY STB ON G IN Boys' and Children's Suits! Wc show every description of these goods except trash. Parents are cordially invited to call and examine this immense assortment, wo nrnmJcp tn slmw them a greater CI 11 Vi n V JV1 vW W..W .. 0 ' variety than can be seen in all tlje other Wheeling Clothing Stores combined. Kilts in All Combinations! for ages from 2 to 7 years. Jersey Suits in every color and style of trimming from 3 to 8 years. All ihe novelties and staples of the season in Cassimeres, Worsteds and Cheviots in short or long Pants for all ages from 4 to 19 years, and we guarantee to save you money on every Child's or Boy's Suit you purchase. 1 KIITIMKO llil Ul 1/ A XUZAXI V& V V RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Main and Twelfth Streets. M. .1. MeFADDEX-MKX'8 SUMMER UNDERWEAR. M. j: MCFADDEN'S SPECIAL SALE OF Ben's Summer Underwear From a manufacturer who was overloaded with Summer Underwear, I have jtiEt bought the following styles of Shirts and Drawers for lees than they actually coet to make, and 1 will now sell this entire lot of Underwear at exactly the same drices other dealers would have to pay for it at the factory. This means a saving to you of FROM 10 TO 25 CENTS ON EACH PIECE. 21 Dozen Men'* Fine Whlto Gauzj, liglft 40 Dozen Men's Eummcr Weight Merino Shirts weight cummer Unilershiru, regular price lific, sn<l Drawer*, the finest and beat quality. In our special price )£c. white and natural culor, ilzei 54 to 46. The v,n a.ir^a ii.ik.i »hirt« are made with pearl button". French neck aODoren Men Fine Quality Mriped ..d front, and the drawer* are made double Id Kau Undershirts in nice co.ori, iIm H to 44, reg* the seat and taped. 1 hit ii an excellent Dnderular priw 35 cents, cur special prica & wear for spring and fall aud the regular price is *tc, our special price 50c. 16 Dozen Men'* Jcrier Balbrigpan close fitting 32 Dozen Mon'a 811k Finish Vgyptisu Yarn Undershirts, a flno quality and the nicest shirt* Balbrlggan Underwear, the finest quality, in made for summer wear, sizes 31 to 44, regular nice colors, size# 34 to 46. This Underwear is price ttc, our special ptice 'J5c. nicely finished, will not shrink or fade and the 10Dozen Men's white Linen 8.mm., Dr.w .», era. an extra good quality, well lowed and will , ?, ft French Bal be a rerfect fit. sizes SO to 86 waUt, regular price t1 £h «7rJ « h .KSSi :iic. our awrcial orlM U5c. have French neck, peari buttons and shaped ojc. our ipcv «i shoulders and sleeves, sizes 34 to 40. The regu82 Doson Men's Genuine PalbrlRKnn Bhlru lar price ii 75c, our special price 50c. ^l?i, i"»v\oa 9 Dozen Men'a Genuine Lisle Thread BhirtJ price Wc, onr »p«J»l price ssc. |l CO, our ip<cl&l price TSc. 1,000 Sljloa of Flno Summer FUnsel Shirts at 25c. 35c, 50c, "5c, $1 00, $150. M. «T. McPADDEN, ONE PRICE HATTER AND FURNISHER CHEAPEST STORE IN WHEELING. 1320 and 132'i Markot Street. Wheeling, Opposite Opera House STONK & THOMAS.CAHPKT REMNANT SALE. Carpet Remnant Sale. FRIDAY, MAY 8. A «i!o that will pay you to came hand rods ol miles to attend. The tremendous carpet bnilnres »« liavn done the past six weeks has leltns hundreds of Remnants of Body, Velret and Tapestry Brussels and all klnda ol Flowered Carpets. We have iiiarkwl them to low that (11 will be doted ont in a day. Remember the Jay-FRIDAY, MAY 8. n « no MMO T t IIO U7PPI/ , D/\nvjttiiNo i nio vvccrx, 200 Pieces 18 inch wide All Linen Crash at 4%c, worth 8c. 100 Pieccs Best Red Table Linen made at 39c, worth 50c. 100 Pieces 36 inch wide Cashmere at igtfc, worth 25c. 200 Pieccs Barred Nainsook at 9*4c, worth 15c and :8c. Carpets and Lace Curtains. The larcrefct business wo htve ever done. Low prices tbe msgnet which dr»ws tlio crowds. Oar price# we gturantee to be u low as the lowest, tod & P»r Cent Handed Back to Every Casli Purchaser. C*n you make money essier, li yon need Csrpets ? STONE & THOMAS. - R®Sl J!1L POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarttr hiking powder. High-, eit of all In letvenlDt »treuglh..Latut U S. Government Food Ktpori. nr?0-MWFAw GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. ^ ; n. n_ Japanese suks, Cream, Black and High : Colors In Plain Twilled anc Crepe Weaves. Fig'd India Silks. Handsome New Designs l> Black Grounds 25 per oen below market value. Henriettas. Cream and High Colors Greatest range of beaut! ful Light Tints ever shown Faille and Sural Silks to match all the nev U.onrlA< spring aiiauoj wi II«»UV> tas and Serges. Striped Wash Silks. Big Bargains in Black Silks am Black Henriettas. GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. Hie gntilltgcncet. Ottlco Nor. JSC anil 27 Fourteenth Strrot. Kow Advertliementa. Boya' and Clilldrca'f dulu-M. Gutman A Co .Fourth page. X Drcam».1>. GuodliDK it Co..Fourth page First urand i-ot Male.riwt page. tflobe Building ArsoclatloD. For Sale Cheap-Two Deoroom 8et«. For baie-moma* w. utmeron. Wool's Pbo.phodluc. Adjourned Sale oi Lots.A. S. Howell. Musical and Literary Futertalnmout. For Wedding or Anniversary Gilta-E. L NloolL iiuntlag's New lUtiroAd Show*. Thermometer Bvcord. The thormometer at Schnepf's druj store, Opera House corner, yesterday registered as follows: 7 a. m....~. _.... 40 3 p. m c 9 a. 61 7 p. m ~ .... G U xa.. ...... C4 Weather.Fair. Indication*. WAtHX90T0ir, Mar 7.-For West Virginia Western Pennsylvania and Oblo fair, warmer winds becoming south. FUEL Skirt HemsUtched Swiss Em broideries. Bile pnr yard up. b£U. M. S.N0OK k 10. IF ron cannot see and need ipcctiicltt jon should call on us and hare your Ktoj tested without charge. We have th< finest instruments ana more experience than anj other Optician in (he State, .ml annraiitui ant lufaM Inn nr mnnflT ra funded. JACOB W. UBUWt, Jeweler and Optician, C«r, Twelfth and Harlot Streets. fjl'ItlMi AM) Sl'MMEK. TVe are In rtcelpt of all tb* newest soToltles In Wool ton for men's near, consisting ol bulling, I'anlaloonlrgy and Overcoating?, wlilcb we are pre. pared to make np In the Vat ulyle and lit at reasonable prlcea. Ilnj tne brat S5 cent fast black Mamless Half llote made, at C. 11ESN & SONS', *«*r 1821 and 182a Market Street. HEMSTITCHED'Swho Embroidered Flonnclnge. UUc prr jura np. HEO. JI. SAOOK & CO. LOCAIi BIIKVITm«. atUrc of Minor Moment la And About the City. f TKAWMEtmrs were down to two boxoc tort quarter yesterday. v/i »*A UUIM UUP CILUlUJt.J»U«UHV.UU» IU "Essex, the Queen's Favorite." The Kiuiezem broko voaterday at the Lalklle for*®. Work will probably be resumed to day. The excavation (or the retaining wall at the northwem corntr of the Market street bridge, U progrekilng rapidly. Thc Howlvytown Juniors would like to hear from any ball nine under twelve years of age, through this paper. Thk Macedonian Baptist church will hold a campme. ting on the Hute Fair grounds on Sun< day, June 7, and^unday. June 14. 1HKCommittees ou Hall mads, Wharves and Street*. Alleys and tirades, are called to meet In Joint seislon to-night, to take action on the proposed new l'ewlky depot ordinances. A BOOT PEOPLE. Strangera In the City and Wheeling Yolks Abroad. Will llnnn I... I,«>n .IaW In V.~.l fn. ,... »IV» IU UVU IUI UiU IU1 few days. Mr*. Louis Aimus left yesterday for Cleveland to rUlt friends. Charles Kettler, of 8outh Jacob itrcet. member of the Board of labile Works, is confined to his Led. Charles II. Cook, who was hurt a few days ago while making en excavation, waa able to oe out yticurday. Jar W. Kennedy lain the city representing the well known medical bouse of Chamberlain & Co Dea Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Susannah Mason mow! yesterday from her old plare, which abe has leased to Albert Remle, t> Joe Webb's place, which her sons hare rented. YraUrday'e Arrests. Officer Trashier arrested two vsgs and two disorderlies yesterday. Officer Don. ley also polled in two trampe. Officer Wilkie arrested Tom Petty lor commit' tins a nuisance on the atrcaL Carrie Palmer's house of ill (una ni pulled, oil the landlady ,nd four other women were raked id. Six mule Tialton were alio arreated. WE are headquarters for Hosiery, Gloves, Coretta and Dndernear. tiEO. M. SNOOK t CO. L. B.Good sella dry (roods the cheapest IF yon hare tried all other opticians In the city and Allied to ret glasses to anlt your eyes, don't rlie np. Consult wltjoat charge, FB0PE.N80K SUEPF, the Optician, corner Main and Eleventh street*. MMIIIOPEMED. ' The Home for the Aged Transferred to the Trustees. fl LARGE CROWD IS PRESENT And iho Intcrefttlnjr Exerclie« arc Enjoyed by Many Prominent Peo» pic-Something about t IicHohja Ihc Trustee* and Manager*. -nr.iriA< fcorn® f°r ^jfcp f the aged, for indebted to the liberality and philanthropy of Mr. Anton Reymann, was formally opened yestrrday in the presence of an unexpectedly large crowd of ladiee and gentlemen, the ladies being largely in the majority, owing, no doubt, to the hour at which the excretes took place. The institution is one of which the peoplo cf Wheeling may always be proud, and it will aland as a durable and dtting monument of the generosity and I humane spirit of the founder. There are very few citlcs of tie population of Wheeling that can thow such an institution as "Altenheim," and it would be a credit to a much larger place. Mr. Reymann has long desired to found snch a home, and in his travels in this country and Europe he visited many similar homes and examined their t construction and arrangement In fitting up Altenheim ho has bad the bane- fit oI this wide oueervnrton, ana uo spared neither trouble nor money to make this home aa complete ae any in the land. BEAUTIFUL FLACK. When Mt. Belleview hotel was found to be for sale, its eminent fitness for the purpose he had in view was apparent, and be lost no time in eecuring the property, and eioco it came into hia poBaetmon it has been undergoing a process of remodeling and renovation y which.makes it practically a new build. ing, aa well fitted for the uses of a homo for aged women as if the arohitect bad in the beginning had thia in view. The surroundings are as charmiug aa the wealthiest man could command for his home. Indeed, the view from the long porches would b* hard to Burpafs ! for quiet beauty, and the premises them- ^^T-<ss*'flLQlwKl 9 7713 £9 »' o- i#8 aelvea, favored by nature in many waya, have been beautified under the supervision of Mr. Reymann, and with the aid of the experience and taate of Mr. W. F. Kriegerand the helpful auggeationa of tbeladiea and gentlemen into whoae care the home came yesterday, until the l moat exacting can find nothing wonting. , The bouse ia substantia!, well ventilated and conveniently arranged, and the - fnrniaViInn ia taatofnl an/1 nnmfnrtflhln In i every respect. In abort, it 1b a home in the beet sense of the word. YBSTXBBAY'S B2BDCI8ES. . Tho announcement that the formal transfer of the home to the Board of Trustee* by Mr. Beymann would occur * yesterday was expected to draw a large attendance to witness the exercises, but it was in nobody's mind tbst the people would be there in such numbers as they did come. Many drove out in private conveyances, while the Elm Grove road, which had generously placed tho fare at ' the nominal sum of ten cents for the round trip, carried out five car-loads of people at two o'clock and three crowded ones at three, while on other regular trains many also went. Long before three o'clock the Home was as lull of people as it could comfortably hold, and when the threo o'clock motor arrived it became a veritable jam. Those who arrived early spent the time pleasantly in going over and in, spccting tho place, and all wero enthusiastic in praise of the good taste which designed and the liberality which made possible such an addition to the public institutions of this community. Shortly after the arrival of the last delegation of visiiors.wheaattbe least 500 people were in the house, the formal exercises of transferring the home to the Board of Trustees opened in the large and cheerfnl narlora. The audience crowded it almost to sadocallon, and the porcheg oniBidn held almost as many people, who listened through the open doors and windows. mb. reymann's address. Mr. Hermann, in milcinc the formal transfer, made a brief bnt felicitous and appropriate address. He said; oxntlkmkn Thustees akd B Bt Lady Managers: tfm «e^ SB .Tuis day has ry Tr* W been set apart for JHpj to your care, io be to c«!l your attei> lion to tbo /act that, whilst I have erected a durable, healthy and commodions building, I find it lakes not only strong wall*, well ventilated rootna and pleasant surroundings to make a home, bnt whether it be the humblest hut or a luxurious palace, it lakes a father's care and a mother's love and patience to constitute a home; and when I consider the ready acceptance of this trust, the aaruestueas anil nood will with which yon havo already en- ( tered into your duties, I feel assured , that yon will make ont of this lustitu- < tion what tha name itself indicates. "Alienbelm''.a Home for tbo Aged, and to this end I wish you God speed. When Mr, Keycnann concluded there was hearty applause, and ltev. Dr. R. R. Swope, President of tho Board of TruB tees, responding, first formally accepted the traat and then eloiiaenlly digressed 1 to ape«k oI the liberality of the donor, ; the consideration for the helpless aged 1 Id til civilised countries, and the thoughts anggcatad by the preterit occa- , aion. Dr. Swope aaid: bbv. dr. ciropl'a umabeh. In the name aad on behall ol the TnHteea and Lady Managers I accept the care of thia inatitution, pledging I Son, air, that we will endeavor to con- ' not it In apch a manner aa will beat r secure the purposes you haye la foundinelt. That purpose.to furaiah a home I where those whoee life it in the sere and yellow leaf period may flail tbe comfort, care and repose that nature then requires.ia one of the moat appropriate and deserving to which wealth can be applied. Infancy and age, tbongb separated by ancb a noli of days, and each variety of experiencea, have yet thia in common, tbat they ire alike perioda of dependence. Helpless infancy and almost equally helpless age moat alike bave care-takers. And nature baa to provided that those who minister to helplesrf Infancy shall, when the inevitable see-aaw of time depreasea their vital functions, be in turn minlatered to by those whom they bave nourished. This ia not due to any human law, not because of the personal worth of tbe parent, bnt ia the reeult of a natural principle having its basis in tbe constitutional relation which eziats between tbe parent and child. But it will happen aometlmes through those strange and myaterions occurrences that mark the order of human lives that tbe Indian anmmer of our days comes opon us and finds us without tbo natural guardians and caretakers whose loving and dutiful atten- lion and physical vigor should then sup* ply our lack. Old age is often alone, and it is a lonelinees that ia dark indeed. If you have ever found yourself in a queer city with its hurrying and crowda, and you felt that there was no heart there that was in sympathy and none who felt more than a sentiment of curi* osity or passing interest in you, you havo realized something of the feelings of those who have seen their generation pass awav and who are left as Dr. Holmes pictures it, "the last leaf upon the tree." It ia to the credit of the human heart that it has recognized this condition, and how it has sought to provide for some extreme remedy. Homes are provided by public cr private genHrosity in all our large cities «here those who stand in need may have the ministering care which thev require. To-day wo have met hero to inaugu* rato the opening of an institution of this character. TVe plan to found here an institution which shall be for aged women, a home in every sense of the most comprehensive word. I congratulate the friends present, I congratulate the community on the acquisition of this haildinu. I connratu- late the donor for what he has done. His generosity will cariy its own reward. It bleesee them who will find here a home, but Jar mcjro does it tleaa htm. The stone in tbo cemetery will crucible, ita inscription become illegible, bat this institution will remain an enduring memorial and an ever abiding power for good. Ha wound up with a fervent invocation of the bleaniug of the Almighty on the institution. At the conclusion of the prayer the people crowded about the speakers to congratulate tbeip op their happy re- mark*, And then all went to examine the beautiful home. TUK SUPPORT OF ALTESIIE1M. During the day refreshments were served by the ladies, and a great many people embraced the opportunity, the proceeds netting a neat sum as a nest eg? in the treasury of the institution. Mr. Reymann has with his accustomed generosity ottered to bear all the expenses of tho Home for one year, but it is tbo earnest hope of the Trustees and ought to be the aim and determination of all public spirited citizens to relieve him of this burden. Philanthropic people will Cnd Altcnheim a good object lo rerjiom ber in their wiJIf, or better still, to remember substantially in their lifetime. Rooms can be endowed or inmates given a life home in the house at a very slight expense. It is required that an applicant for ad* mission to the Home shall be approved first by the Board of Lady Managers, and then by the Board of Trusteed, and shall pay an admission fee of $300. This entitles one to a home there for life. Several of the inmates already admitted have considerable musical taste, and it *as suggested yesterday by one of the viaitor8 that a wealthy person could not do a better thiug than to present the Home with a piano. PSBSONXEI' OP TUK HOME. The Board of Lady Managers of the Home is composed of Mrs. Anton Keymann, President; Mrs. N. B. Scott. Secretary; Mrs. Mary Franrheim, Mrs. H. F. Behrens and Miss Frederika Ocsterling. The membeni of the Board of Trustees are Ilev. Dr. R. R. Swope, President; Dr. A. F. 8tifel, Secretary; Mr. L. F. Stifel, Treasurer; Hon. N. B. Scott and Mr. Iienry Bieberaon. The Matron is Airs. Amelia Hubert, late of a similar home in New York. There are already three inmates in the Home, while a fourth has been admitted and there are ono or two applications awaiting the action of the authorities. Those already in tho institution are Mrs. Hose Wood, of Martin's ferry, apd two sisters, the Misses Dyas. Miss Susan Newhair, of this city, has been admitted, but has uotyet entered the Home. There are in tuo uuuao about lorty rooma. The bed rooms are light, cheerful and airy, and everything about the place iu attractive and home like. Alton* heim will doubilus be a fayorite resort (or vifiitore, Entitled to the Dost. All arc entitled to the beat that their money will buy, bo every family should have, at oncc, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of tfiga, to cleanse the system when cnetive or bilious. For sale in 50c. and $100 bottles by all lead* ing druggists, Mr*. M. W. List desires to inform ber friends nod other Wheeling people that niiv is iocuiea ci in o. is nett xairiy* fourth etreet. New York CUy, where she will be glad to ew all who may favor her with a call. The honae ia moat delightful, cool and airy, location all that could bo deairetJ. Central in every respect. Have you joined tho F. W. Baumer & Zo. Piano Club 7 If not, don't delay, aa hia ia your only chance to own a Kracauer Piano by paying one dollar a week, J . i hPIUXU IVruin rrinrdlcss ril mIup. (.to. M. SNOOK 4, CO. [ Etc Ibe Huprenie Organiwr at the McLore Honse lor ill information pertainnp to the Plymouth Rock Brnefit Order, Ictive men and women wanted. Hasten from Htutlerville preferred. tiBASD Spar Farfeckel Lnnch and Concert at Henry Eichenberg'a, 1100 McJoiioch street, Saturday evening from 8 o 10 o'clock. Ox* Dollar a week will get yon a fine 'iano bv becoming a member of tbe F, iV. Baumer & Co. Piano Olnb. Don't * alia tbe opportunity. FIRE Appllqte and Tanbsnr Curtain Indi at 78c each. UEO. M. SXOOK t CO. OPERA HOUSE, 1 JANAU^^^j }MlHl£DAT_mSWUT. A Itomautlc Elopement vrlth a Happy Kudlog over tlic Bifer. A romantic elopement culminated in a happy marriage at midnight at Martin'a Ferry on Tuesday night. The participants, Olement McLaughlin, a lumber buyer, and Miss Melissa Scbammahorn, daughter of a wealthy farmer near Portland, had planned tho elopement and were quite succeasful, driving nearly ten luiiea before the place fixed /or the marriage was reached. Em pa 011 Schammahorn'a daughter, Melissa, is the fourth to elope. She met Clement McLaughlin, of Birnesville, several months ago, while he was in the vicinity of Portland buying lumber u*n/>rt. An attachment snraci; up between the young peoplo and* they began correfpondirg, and Mr. McLaughlin paid he* a number of visits. At lost he proposed and was accepted. The day was eet and Miss Sehanmiaborn began to make preparation?. Her parents refused to give their consent, but the wedding dress, a lovely and stylish lavender Bilk, was made, and an elopement arranged. On Tuesday evening Meliaea care/olJy wrapped her wedding drees and a lew necessary articles in an old newspaper and quietly threw thorn out of the second story window, tiho then walked out of tbo house and reached the road in a round about manner. There her lover was in waiting with a carriage, and they quietly drove to I'ortland. Albert Mctaaghlin, ol Marietta, a brother of Clement, had procured tbo. linest livery riij in Martin's Ferry, and was in waiting at Portland with this. Tbo runaway couple jumped out of the Portland vehicle and were driven to Martin's Ferry by the brother, reaching there shortly before 12 o'clock. They stopped at the Hotel Maywood 1 .. in tkn n.rlnn liouino SOU ttUIOUJOIUCU IU kU» { ... .w.u, already in tbeir poeaeasion the marriage liccuee. Rev. I. 8. Winters officiated, and the ceremony ill witoeaaed by only a f«w persona. Yesterday morning a brother of the runaway bride caniu to Martin'a Kerry on tbe urat train to look after his sinter, bat she bad gone with ber huaband on her ^veduing trip, and be returned on the next train. KIKE SOUTH OF 10W8. Two Dwelling lluuirft iJelow the County Llnr are Uurut(|. Last night about 13 o'clock a tire broke out in a double frame bouse belonging to Mrs. Hanke, close to Horkbeimcr's tannery. Each honee contained eight rooms. AVithin an hour the dwellings were burned down, and a double frame house belonging to Mr. Whiteman was ignited. At lest accounts the Whiteman houses seemed to be doomed, though :eflorts were being made to save them. It is not knowuhew the tiro originated, and the people were so excited that no information about the insurance could be had. MB ASKfcMKKPKAim A Good Local YTnrbtorj of Gen. Iloiecranf nad hUter F,utnlla. 1 Hon. A. T. McKelvey, oi EL Claireville, tells tbe Imujantcui ou interesting story o( the war, recalled to bis mind by tbe death of Sister Eulalia. Said Mr. McKelvey yesterday; "Few readers of the history of tbo late war have an idea of the store of unwritten history tbnt is treasured np in the memories of the old military telegraphers. No branch of the service oOorded equal opportunities for becoming acquainted with tbo sccret history of tbe rebellion, and many unpublished telegrams are jet preserved by tbe euiviving monibers of the old telegraph corps, which if collected and published would prove a valuable contribution to the bittory of the war. "The announcement in yesterday's Intbllioknckr of the death of Sister Kulalia recalls to ray mind mi incident in connection with the battle of Stone River that bw not hitherto been made public. "When General Rosecrans was assigned to the command of the army of West Virginia, his headquarters were established at Wheeling. "Old Rosy,' as he was familiarly called, was a devout Catholic, and durins his brief stay in tho city was regular in his attendance at all the various services of the church. It was (Jrobably on one of these occasions that he formed the acquaintance of tho gifted and devoted Sister Eulalia, who was then, I believe, stationed at tho Convent of tho Visitation. That he entertained the utmost faith and confidence in the piety and patriotism of this good sister the itory will prove, "The night before the battle of Stone River I was seated at my instrument in the old telegraph office, over tho boat store, ia Wheeling, receiving press reports. About midnight theru was a brief interruption, in order to allow Louisville to connect, by rene&ters, Murfreesboro and Wheeling. When the connection was made there was a hurried call, and in response I received the following brief dispatch: 'HEADQUARTERS ARMY INTHKMRLp. 'Sitlrr Xulalia, Content of VUltatlon, Wfitt ing, IK. I'm.; 'Pray for a victory for this army. '[Signed] W. 8. RosccHJiiia.' "The fallowing day tho sanguinary battle ol Stone River was fought. The world knows the result. The boastfal lud confident Brag? was forced from hie fortified cily, and the victorious Koso- , crane made Murfreeaboro bis baae of ( inppliea." $100 in oneyear or $600 in five years it actual coat of production by Joining ' Plymouth Hock Benefit Order. FINE Drew Patterns at reduced 1 prices. UEO. M. !>.\OOK&CO. Tub King's Daughtere entertainment * Friday evening at Centre School la , liven for the benefit of the Uoapital. j these young ladiea expect to furnlah ' he kitchen entirely, and ought to be J tnnnnrftped. I FIXE Curtain End*. J9c each, UEU. M. -NOOK ft CO. J . - a Piano* for 8*1*. p One 6 octavo, Cbickerloi, $2.5. » One 0 octave, Graham A Co., (10, One OJ octave, Hanger & Pt-Ursun, $00. One 0 octave, Chlckerlnc, $123. One 7J ocuve, E. Von Mindea, $150. = One 7 octave, Weber, $178. One 7 octave, Steinw*7, »300. Tbo above piano# are in perfect con- 1 litton and are offered at apecial bargaina. f. W-BICMIBACO., 1310 Uarket street ° 1 u INDIES' Shirt Walata la black, white Ad faaclci. VEO. 1. SJTOOK ft 10. MAY 8 AND 9. (iirCitj'/iGroatestDranialicErent Bmoul E»a*ai««xi Fsthaobdisabt Of tho Mo*t DlitlnguUbed Living Tragic Actre*, Ma-lame JANAUSCHEK Moat ablr anpportod by her oiro large and ex* ceJJent coraruur In a complete and elaborate i.rcw-ntatlon on FKIDAY. &1AY8. 1SSEX; OK THE <JUKEK»8 FAVOBITE* SATURDAY, MAY 9. MACBETH. 8ATUBDA* MATINEE, IIAKYK8T 310 0X. ITilb lbs same snrerb oat and prccUeljr ai prethloA during her recent rumarkably aucccaafnl Higetceat at BjiUiu. New York ana Cincinnati. Prlcca.Reaerved Scata, II: AdxnlaMon, 76 and 80 ®ni«- Matinee Prlrr*, Kewnred Beau. 75 ccnta; .dmlMlou, to and 2S cents. bale of seats oomicncea Wednesday, May C, at C. A. Houto'a Music tore. MAHTIVSJKRRY. Personal mod General Mention of Interest over the River. There are 203 cum on tho Belmont county Common I'lcas Court docket. A valuablo dog vu stolon from tho residence of C. W. Swarti on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. James Ruuyon have a new girl baby ut their homo !u Sou in Fourth street. The Dennett Comedy Company opened a three nights' engagement at tho Opera House hut night. Mi»s Dora Cook la entertaining Miss Nelllo Ferris, of Columous. at her home, corner of Hickory aod Fifth streets. Col. D. U. Taylor, of tho Guernsey Tim/s, got the red ribbon at tbo Kansas City Congress lor the best fire mluutes apeech ou tho tarilT. Hi nator J. W. Nlchol Is talked of as a candidate for Attorney General at the Republican Bute Convention. He says ho la not a candidate. At the last meeting of the Belmont county Infirmary Trus'cca the Superintendent pni<l in fiou proceeds from the larmof that institution Kev. H. N. Campbell loft yesterday for Kock Hill to aMflstlu the installation of Her. Mr. Alexander at pastor of the 1'rtsbyUrlau church there. Tho funeral of tbo late John Theaker at Farmington yesterday was v«'ry largely attended. Ilev Messrs. Crawford. Updegtair and Fringle o01elated. A vory enjoyable social was given at the residence i.f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charleston, on Third street, on Tuesday evening, by the senior aud Junior classes ol the High fcehool. Tho new Council, of which Cant. L. >V. Inglebright fs President, will hold the second meeting to night. If /fitnaville desires to be annexed the requost should be sent in at this meeting. At tho cAucluilon of tbo examination of tho thirty witnesses In the case of tne Pennsylvania Compauy vs. Harney McKutee. on Tuesday, he hearing the argumonts was postpoued ten days, Harney says ho.will wiu. flUTta ON NAVIGATION* Stage or Water nod ;u<i»fm»uli of UoaU. The K.ver InturenU. TUoriver iva* falling last night, with 4 feet 4 lncboi la tne Chanel, Tbe reports from above were: l'liuburgb-U feet 3 luahts aud stationary, Tbe Hudson aud Bscbelor are both laid up at Pittsburgh. The H. K. Bedford left for l'lttabnrgh yesterday at aa. tn..The Courier got away for Patfteraburg at 11:3U. Toellou ilur'ebollor Is having a new sheet put on, aad the expects to leave for I'arke-nburg to-day at 11:30a. m..The Matt K. Allen will get away for Pittsburgh at 8 a. in. Oupcr Ciller pilot of the Coahoma, returnod to Wheeling yesterday. He nays she Is hard pcroumt at Letort falls, about 150 miles tlila kltio of Cinciunati. and cannot get away before a rls\ Iti trying to pull her off the Congo ran aground, but havluK 400 tous of freight aboard, got off the bar by transferring ner load to a couple of barges. There will bo no more packets rumilng be twcco Cluclnuatl and l'ltuburKb uutil tbc rlvtr rluc*. Tbc big beau are laying np at Pittsburgh or Cincinnati. with the exccniiuu of ibo fcotla. Tbe Utter hurried out from Wheeling at 1 p. m. .unlay. There la tone fear that abe will not make tbe Davla Inland Oaui before the wlnlctH are taUcl. If abe arrive* too late rlie will have to Uy up below the dam until tbo water flowi over tbe walla. llcaolnUons or lietp«ct. At a tpeoial meeting of Local Union No. 0, A. F. G. W. U., the following r^polutioaa were adopted: Whereas, It baa pleased tbe Almighty in Hit) inlioite wisdom to remove from onr midst brother John Zoeller, whose death we deplore, but we bow to Him who knowetb all thiuga best; therefore be it Resolved, That in thedeath of Brother Zoeller we have lost a trusted brother and an able workman of this Local Union. Resolved, That herein we convey to tho family of the deceased our sympathy in their bereavement. Resolved, That & copy oi these reeolations be presented to the family of the deceased, nUo placed on the records of the Local Union sod published in the daily Inticlligkm'kr and Krister. Robert Pkkari, J ghk Cook, Louis Guntiieb, Committee.' The 6ecret art of beauty ifen not in cosmetics*, but is only iu pure blood, and & healthy performance of the vital function?, to be obtained by uain# Bur* dock Blood Bittora. daw Will soon be all the rage. What? Tho Plymouth Rock Benefit Order. Wk are arwnit'tDK a Piano Club, to consist of 850 members, each member to pay one dollar a week for 360 weeks; one piano to be furnished to some one member of the club each week until every member has been supplied. This in a rnm nnnortnnitv. Dnn'f mim It. F. W. Baumkr A Co. BEAUTIFUL Ueaigna In Challlrs, Scotch Ulngliams ami Outings. HEO.M.xXOUKliCO. A kb von with tia ? We are all going to joio the Plymouth Rode Benefit Order. You inuat not forget that aside from attaining an elegant piano at the rate ol one dollar a week, be F. W. Baumcr & Co. Piano Club furnishes its members with a line Kraknuer for $350, which cannot be bought at retail for less than $125. There are other equally important advantages that will be to your interest to know. Send for a prospectus. ^ i i i-i. qmcK mr moae lino Cnrtaln Eada at itlc each. : l-EO. X. SNOUK k CO. Hleiolti, With the opening of the wheel season Edw. U Roue A Co., who carry a lull line >i the lateat Columbia, Victor and medium grado Bicycles, are prepared to urniah n few rare Itaryainn in secondhand Safeties ol the heet makea. Those ntereited ahosld call at once. UiOTIIEIl lot o'r line Cnrtal'. Ends, !9c each. (if O. M. SNOOK £ CO, ; Go to Kurner & Co. for Wall Papers if all kindH. 31) Twelfth atreet, aeoond loor from Market atraet Keymasn's Celebrated Lager a apecflltv at Lally Sample Roorna, No. 2100 Lfatn iVOOD'S PHOSPHODINE, TH8 GREAT ENUL18H REMEDY. Promptly and p«rma- t] itnUf carca all forma of ftrvov* Weakntrt, Emit- ai [onj, tyematorrtoi, /m- Ql otrncy, nnci aU fffcrfi 0/ WilV^l llmw or Kxerrtei. B«eu Al b( rctcribcd over 35 year* AUSTlk^ a thouaaodaof caaaa; IVa^C lc he only Mum* anii . onion xbpicikb kmowk.Ttotore tad After. tafcdruKgiita for Woou'n i'll mmioiu.n*; h be tferw tome worihlow medicine In rlaco of thla, «< sate hi* dlaboncat itore, inclono price In letter, nd we will «end by return mull. Prl<~, one * *cka«e. ft; ilx, *>. One will p'ttue, Hz trU( b( tire. Pamphlet In plain ecaled enrelowv 2 ttmpa. Addrea, f| THE WOUD CHEMICAL 00.. W 1H Woodward aVe, l»etrolt. Mich. _ Bold In W'hrdlloa by LOUAN DRCU CO. T)( royw-MWMKOw CLOTHING, ETC. ANAMAKEB A BROWN. * Here we are with ¥,00© Spring Samples for I enu' tiults and Uniforms. For variety and A ;yle we itad the world. File guaranteed. One- fl ilrd taring to the consumer. J.W. FXREXL, A tent, (e2C Cor. Twentieth and Main Streets, a ^...i <J. MKNDKIi * CO..NEW HOME,If] "One of the best usee men can In beeutlfylni More New Styles lections an .THAN *v*i an unequaled Parlor Suits, I Chamber Suits, IMninrf Daatti Ennnii viuiiig uuuw mini iSl) MISCELLANEOUS I G. Mendi No. 1124] A Wo haro just added many i line of OAKPRTW ! I>. GUNDI.I.VO & CO. A-uni Most People are Fo Those who have never given tt aid or this a remarkable staterr little and they will sustain ou your appetite Is not as good relishes, and you want them very salty, or very spicy. It Is It Is with your appetite. You you can make this do and can enter a store and see some ar as a good dresser It takes sot you to buy. Wo show " EXTf our large store. No matter ho\ to pay for a thing, you want t from what your neighbor is w extremely stylish. We show n stated, but Immense varietiei apparel for Men, Boys and Ch lUCESPSPS! * n ni i\ini L/< VJIU J.1 UL 34 AND 36 TW1 ROUSK & HEUHMANS-FUUNr For the Little Ones I BABY Ml House & i No. 1300 IV WEEKLY OR MOM That's where good Suoza Renerally j re in demand. Not that good Snoia re acarce. On the contrary, thoj're ot only plentiful but rheap. Yon can't i too good to jronr feet. They carry ] le whole weight o[ yonr body wlthont murronr. T\A»II < u v pui tuem into material that wm *ver intended for tender feet. If yon «nt something that will look wall and ) a pleunre to wear, try onr ILFHARD WBLT for IB! at $3 65 £ )HG0L& HUD TDRIED for LADIES at - $2 50 riST STYLE. ALL WIDTHS.-®* i iEXAHDlR ft CO.,1 .SHOE SELLERS.. p31 1040 Mala HLr««L # stock ^ jflOlEl make of monty l»to«*Bend It X hit home." 5, Handsome Se- d Novelties t BIFOBll ASSORTMENTOF I Mry Fnrniture, Hall Furniture, tore, KitclenFaruitnie, IECES OF ALL K1S1IS 1 EL & CO. flain Street. lew patterns to our already large ...STAR CLOTHIERS. EAMS nd of "Ex-tremes." 10 matter any thought may conte but let them reflect just a I r assertion. Say, for Instanco, as it should be; you resort to extremely sour or very sweet, with your other wants just as have all the clothes you need, make that do. All at once you tlcle which pleases your taste; nethlnK "EXTREME" to allure >rMCCII In «1I -J * binkiw mi mi uuparimunis 01 v much your purse permltsyou :ha latost; something different 'earing, If possible something ot only "EXTREMES," as just i of new and tasty wearing lldron. SUITS! Tng&co., FLFTH STREET. TURK, CARPETS. STOVKH. ETC. e Have a Full Line of ddi Jinroi IlillHULO; lERRMANN, lain Street. THLY PAYMENTS. GEO. K. 8T1FEL & CO. Geo.G.Stifel&Go SPRING and SUMMER GOODS! 1 India, China and Wash Silks in all colors and choke styles. LADIES' SILK MI WAISTS JUST BECEIVSD.. Black Silks, Grenadines, Pattern Suits, Combination Suitings and Light Dress Fabrics in ail Styles. Special in White barred Nainsook at 5 cents per yard. }E0. E. Stifel & CO., 1114 Main Street.

Transcript of a every description Japanese; Parents cordially Fig'd India ......Undershirts,a flnoquality and the...

Page 1: a every description Japanese; Parents cordially Fig'd India ......Undershirts,a flnoquality and the nicest shirt* Balbrlggan Underwear, the finest quality, in madeforsummerwear, sizes




Uf UUn OiA rt<uvnu,


Boys' and Children'sSuits!Wc show every description of these

goods except trash.Parents are cordially invited to call

and examine this immense assortment,wo nrnmJcp tn slmw them a greater

CI11 Vi n V JV1 vW W..W .. 0

' variety than can be seen in all tlje otherWheeling Clothing Stores combined.

Kilts in All Combinations!for ages from 2 to 7 years. Jersey Suitsin every color and style of trimmingfrom 3 to 8 years.

All ihe novelties and staples of theseason in Cassimeres, Worsteds andCheviots in short or long Pants for allages from 4 to 19 years, and we guaranteeto save you money on every Child'sor Boy's Suit you purchase.


RETAIL DEPARTMENT,Main and Twelfth Streets.


M. j: MCFADDEN'SSPECIAL SALE OF Ben'sSummer Underwear

From a manufacturer who was overloaded with Summer Underwear, I havejtiEt bought the following styles of Shirts and Drawers for lees than they actuallycoet to make, and 1 will now sell this entire lot of Underwear at exactly the same

drices other dealers would have to pay for it at the factory. This means a savingto you of FROM 10 TO 25 CENTS ON EACH PIECE.

21 Dozen Men'* Fine Whlto Gauzj, liglft 40 Dozen Men's Eummcr Weight Merino Shirtsweight cummer Unilershiru, regular price lific, sn<l Drawer*, the finest and beat quality. Inour specialprice )£c. white and natural culor, ilzei 54 to 46. The

v,na.ir^a ii.ik.i »hirt« are made with pearl button". French neckaODoren Men Fine Quality Mriped ..d front, and the drawer* are made double Id

Kau Undershirts in nice co.ori,iImH to 44, reg* the seat and taped. 1 hit ii an excellent Dnderularpriw 35 cents, cur special prica & wear for spring and fall aud the regular price is*tc, our special price 50c.

16 Dozen Men'* Jcrier Balbrigpan close fitting 32 Dozen Mon'a 811k Finish Vgyptisu YarnUndershirts, a flno quality and the nicest shirt* Balbrlggan Underwear, the finest quality, inmade for summer wear, sizes 31 to 44, regular nice colors, size# 34 to 46. This Underwear isprice ttc, our special ptice'J5c. nicely finished, will not shrink or fade and the

10Dozen Men's white Linen 8.mm., Dr.w . » ,era. an extra good quality, well lowed and will , ?, ft French Balbe a rerfect fit. sizes SO to 86 waUt, regular price t1 £h «7rJ« h .KSSi:iic. our awrcial orlM U5c. have French neck, peari buttons and shaped

ojc. our ipcv «i shoulders and sleeves, sizes 34 to 40. The regu82Doson Men's Genuine PalbrlRKnn Bhlru lar price ii 75c, our special price 50c.

^l?i,i"»v\oa 9 Dozen Men'a Genuine Lisle Thread BhirtJ

price Wc, onr »p«J»l price ssc. |l CO, our ip<cl&l price TSc.

1,000 Sljloa of Flno Summer FUnsel Shirts at 25c. 35c, 50c, "5c, $1 00, $150.


CHEAPEST STORE IN WHEELING.1320 and 132'i Markot Street. Wheeling, Opposite Opera House


Carpet Remnant Sale.FRIDAY, MAY 8.

A «i!o that will pay you to came hand rods ol miles to attend. The tremendouscarpet bnilnres »« liavn done the past six weeks has leltns hundreds ofRemnants of Body, Velret and Tapestry Brussels and all klnda ol Flowered Carpets.We have iiiarkwl them to low that (11 will be doted ont in a day. Rememberthe Jay-FRIDAY, MAY 8.

n « no MMO T t IIO U7PPI/, D/\nvjttiiNo i nio vvccrx,

200 Pieces 18 inch wide All Linen Crash at 4%c, worth 8c.

100 Pieccs Best Red Table Linen made at 39c, worth 50c.100 Pieces 36 inch wide Cashmere at igtfc, worth 25c.200 Pieccs Barred Nainsook at 9*4c, worth 15c and :8c.

Carpets and Lace Curtains.The larcrefct business wo htve ever done. Low prices tbe msgnet which

dr»ws tlio crowds. Oar price# we gturantee to be u low as the lowest, tod& P»r Cent Handed Back to Every Casli Purchaser.

C*n you make money essier, li yon need Csrpets ?




J!1LPOWDERAbsolutely Pure.

A cream of tarttr hiking powder. High-,eit of all In letvenlDt »treuglh..Latut US. Government Food Ktpori.



^ ; n. n_

Japanese suks,Cream, Black and High

: Colors In Plain Twilled anc

Crepe Weaves.

Fig'd India Silks.Handsome New Designs l>Black Grounds 25 per oenbelow market value.

Henriettas.Cream and High ColorsGreatest range of beaut!ful Light Tints ever shown

Faille and SuralSilks to match all the nev

U.onrlA<spring aiiauoj wi II«»UV>

tas and Serges.

Striped Wash Silks.

Big Bargains in Black Silks amBlack Henriettas.


SNOOK & CO.Hie gntilltgcncet.Ottlco Nor. JSC anil 27 Fourteenth Strrot.

Kow Advertliementa.Boya' and Clilldrca'f dulu-M. Gutman A Co

.Fourth page.X Drcam».1>. GuodliDK it Co..Fourth pageFirst urand i-ot Male.riwt page.tflobe Building ArsoclatloD.For Sale Cheap-Two Deoroom 8et«.For baie-moma* w. utmeron.Wool's Pbo.phodluc.Adjourned Sale oi Lots.A. S. Howell.Musical and Literary Futertalnmout.For Wedding or Anniversary Gilta-E. L

NloolLiiuntlag's New lUtiroAd Show*.

Thermometer Bvcord.The thormometer at Schnepf's druj

store, Opera House corner, yesterdayregistered as follows:7 a. m....~. _.... 40 3 p. m c

9 a.61 7 p. m ~ .... GU xa.. ...... C4 Weather.Fair.

Indication*.WAtHX90T0ir, Mar 7.-For West Virginia

Western Pennsylvania and Oblo fair, warmerwinds becoming south.

FUEL Skirt HemsUtched Swiss Embroideries. Bile pnr yard up.

b£U. M. S.N0OK k 10.

IF ron cannot see and need ipcctiiclttjon should call on us and hare your Ktojtested without charge. We have th<finest instruments ana more experiencethan anj other Optician in (he State,.ml annraiitui ant lufaM Inn nr mnnflT ra

funded. JACOB W. UBUWt,Jeweler and Optician,

C«r, Twelfth and Harlot Streets.

fjl'ItlMi AM) Sl'MMEK.TVe are In rtcelpt of all tb* newest

soToltles In Woolton for men's near,consisting ol bulling, I'anlaloonlrgyand Overcoating?, wlilcb we are pre.pared to make np In the Vat ulyle andlit at reasonable prlcea. Ilnj tne bratS5 cent fast black Mamless Half llotemade, at C. 11ESN & SONS',*«*r 1821 and 182a Market Street.

HEMSTITCHED'Swho EmbroideredFlonnclnge. UUc prr jura np.


LOCAIi BIIKVITm«.atUrc of Minor Moment la And About

the City.f TKAWMEtmrs were down to two boxoc tort

quarter yesterday.v/i »*A UUIM UUP CILUlUJt.J»U«UHV.UU» IU

"Essex, the Queen's Favorite."The Kiuiezem broko voaterday at the Lalklle

for*®. Work will probably be resumed to day.The excavation (or the retaining wall at the

northwem corntr of the Market street bridge, Uprogrekilng rapidly.Thc Howlvytown Juniors would like to hear

from any ball nine under twelve years of age,through this paper.Thk Macedonian Baptist church will hold a

campme. ting on the Hute Fair grounds on Sun<day, June 7, and^unday. June 14.1HKCommittees ou Hall mads, Wharves and

Street*. Alleys and tirades, are called tomeet In Joint seislon to-night, to take action onthe proposed new l'ewlky depot ordinances.

ABOOT PEOPLE.Strangera In the City and Wheeling Yolks

Abroad.Will llnnn I... I,«>n .IaW In V.~.l fn. ,...

»IV» IU UVU IUI UiU IU1few days.Mr*. Louis Aimus left yesterday for Cleveland

to rUlt friends.Charles Kettler, of 8outh Jacob itrcet. memberof the Board of labile Works, is confined to

his Led.Charles II. Cook, who was hurt a few days agowhile making en excavation, waa able to oe out

yticurday.Jar W. Kennedy lain the city representing the

well known medical bouse of Chamberlain &Co Dea Moines, Iowa.Mrs. Susannah Mason mow! yesterday fromher old plare, which abe has leased to AlbertRemle, t> Joe Webb's place, which her sonshare rented.

YraUrday'e Arrests.Officer Trashier arrested two vsgs and

two disorderlies yesterday. Officer Don.ley also polled in two trampe. OfficerWilkie arrested Tom Petty lor commit'tins a nuisance on the atrcaL CarriePalmer's house of ill (una ni pulled,oil the landlady ,nd four other womenwere raked id. Six mule Tialton werealio arreated.

WE are headquarters for Hosiery,Gloves, Coretta and Dndernear.tiEO. M. SNOOK t CO.

L. B.Good sella dry (roods the cheapestIF yon hare tried all other opticiansIn the city and Allied to ret glasses to

anlt your eyes, don't rlie np. Consultwltjoat charge, FB0PE.N80K SUEPF,the Optician, corner Main and Eleventhstreet*.


The Home for the Aged Transferredto the Trustees.


And iho Intcrefttlnjr Exerclie« arc

Enjoyed by Many Prominent Peo»

pic-Something about tIicHohjaIhc Trustee* and Manager*.


fcorn® f°r

^jfcp f the aged, for

indebted to theliberality and

philanthropy of Mr. Anton Reymann,was formally opened yestrrday in thepresence of an unexpectedly large crowdof ladiee and gentlemen, the ladies beinglargely in the majority, owing, no doubt,to the hour at which the excretes tookplace. The institution is one of whichthe peoplo cf Wheeling may always beproud, and it will aland as a durable anddtting monument of the generosity and

I humane spirit of the founder.There are very few citlcs of tie populationof Wheeling that can thow such

an institution as "Altenheim," and itwould be a credit to a much largerplace. Mr. Reymann has long desiredto found snch a home, and in his travelsin this country and Europe he visitedmany similar homes and examined their

t construction and arrangement In fittingup Altenheim ho has bad the bane-fit oI this wide oueervnrton, ana uo

spared neither trouble nor money tomake this home aa complete ae any inthe land.


When Mt. Belleview hotel was foundto be for sale, its eminent fitness for thepurpose he had in view was apparent,and be lost no time in eecuring theproperty, and eioco it came into hiapoBaetmon it has been undergoing a processof remodeling and renovation

y which.makes it practically a new build.ing, aa well fitted for the uses of a homofor aged women as if the arohitect badin the beginning had thia in view.The surroundings are as charmiug aathe wealthiest man could command forhis home. Indeed, the view from thelong porches would b* hard to Burpafs

! for quiet beauty, and the premises them-

^^T-<ss*'flLQlwKl 9 7713 £9 »' o- i#8

aelvea, favored by nature in many waya,have been beautified under the supervisionof Mr. Reymann, and with the aidof the experience and taate of Mr. W. F.Kriegerand the helpful auggeationa oftbeladiea and gentlemen into whoaecare the home came yesterday, until the

l moat exacting can find nothing wonting., The bouse ia substantia!, well ventilatedand conveniently arranged, and the

- fnrniaViInn ia taatofnl an/1 nnmfnrtflhln Ini every respect. In abort, it 1b a home in

the beet sense of the word.YBSTXBBAY'S B2BDCI8ES.

. Tho announcement that the formaltransfer of the home to the Board ofTrustee* by Mr. Beymann would occur

* yesterday was expected to draw a largeattendance to witness the exercises, butit was in nobody's mind tbst the peoplewould be there in such numbers as theydid come. Many drove out in privateconveyances, while the Elm Grove road,which had generously placed tho fare at

' the nominal sum of ten cents for theround trip, carried out five car-loads ofpeople at two o'clock and three crowdedones at three, while on other regulartrains many also went. Long beforethree o'clock the Home was as lull ofpeople as it could comfortably hold, andwhen the threo o'clock motor arrived itbecame a veritable jam.Those who arrived early spent the

time pleasantly in going over and in,spccting tho place, and all wero enthusiasticin praise of the good taste whichdesigned and the liberality which madepossible such an addition to the publicinstitutions of this community. Shortlyafter the arrival of the last delegationof visiiors.wheaattbe least 500 peoplewere in the house, the formal exercisesof transferring the home to the Board ofTrustees opened in the large and cheerfnlnarlora. The audience crowded italmost to sadocallon, and the porchegoniBidn held almost as many people,who listened through the open doorsand windows.

mb. reymann's address.Mr. Hermann, in milcinc the formal

transfer, made a brief bnt felicitous andappropriate address. He said;

oxntlkmknThustees akd

B Bt Lady Managers:tfm «e^ SB .Tuis day hasry Tr* W been set apart for

JHpj to your care, io be

to c«!l your attei>lion to tbo /act that, whilst I haveerected a durable, healthy and commodionsbuilding, I find it lakes notonly strong wall*, well ventilated rootnaand pleasant surroundings to make a

home, bnt whether it be the humblesthut or a luxurious palace, it lakes afather's care and a mother's love andpatience to constitute a home; andwhen I consider the ready acceptanceof this trust, the aaruestueas anil noodwill with which yon havo already en- (tered into your duties, I feel assured ,that yon will make ont of this lustitu- <

tion what tha name itself indicates."Alienbelm''.a Home for tbo Aged,and to this end I wish you God speed.When Mr, Keycnann concluded there

was hearty applause, and ltev. Dr. R. R.Swope, President of tho Board of TruBtees, responding, first formally acceptedthe traat and then eloiiaenlly digressed 1to ape«k oI the liberality of the donor, ;the consideration for the helpless aged 1Id til civilised countries, and thethoughts anggcatad by the preterit occa- ,aion. Dr. Swope aaid:

bbv. dr. ciropl'a umabeh.In the name aad on behall ol the

TnHteea and Lady Managers I acceptthe care of thia inatitution, pledging I

Son, air, that we will endeavor to con- 'not it In apch a manner aa will beat r

secure the purposes you haye la foundinelt.That purpose.to furaiah a home I

where those whoee life it in the sere

and yellow leaf period may flail tbecomfort, care and repose that naturethen requires.ia one of the moat appropriateand deserving to which wealthcan be applied.

Infancy and age, tbongb separated byancb a noli of days, and each variety ofexperiencea, have yet thia in common,tbat they ire alike perioda of dependence.Helpless infancy and almostequally helpless age moat alike bavecare-takers. And nature baa to providedthat those who minister to helplesrfInfancy shall, when the inevitablesee-aaw of time depreasea their vitalfunctions, be in turn minlatered to bythose whom they bave nourished. Thisia not due to any human law, not becauseof the personal worth of tbeparent, bnt ia the reeult of a naturalprinciple having its basis in tbe constitutionalrelation which eziats betweentbe parent and child.But it will happen aometlmes

through those strange and myaterionsoccurrences that mark the order ofhuman lives that tbe Indian anmmer ofour days comes opon us and finds uswithout tbo natural guardians and caretakerswhose loving and dutiful atten-lion and physical vigor should then sup*ply our lack. Old age is often alone,and it is a lonelinees that ia dark indeed.If you have ever found yourself in a

queer city with its hurrying and crowda,and you felt that there was no heartthere that was in sympathy and nonewho felt more than a sentiment of curi*osity or passing interest in you, youhavo realized something of the feelingsof those who have seen their generationpass awav and who are left as Dr.Holmes pictures it, "the last leaf uponthe tree."

It ia to the credit of the human heartthat it has recognized this condition,and how it has sought to provide forsome extreme remedy. Homes are providedby public cr private genHrosity inall our large cities «here those whostand in need may have the ministeringcare which thev require.To-day wo have met hero to inaugu*

rato the opening of an institution of thischaracter. TVe plan to found here aninstitution which shall be for agedwomen, a home in every sense of themost comprehensive word.

I congratulate the friends present, Icongratulate the community on the acquisitionof this haildinu. I connratu-late the donor for what he has done.His generosity will cariy its own reward.It bleesee them who will find here a

home, but Jar mcjro does it tleaa htm.The stone in tbo cemetery will crucible,ita inscription become illegible, bat thisinstitution will remain an enduring memorialand an ever abiding power forgood.Ha wound up with a fervent invocationof the bleaniug of the Almighty on

the institution.At the conclusion of the prayer the

people crowded about the speakers tocongratulate tbeip op their happy re-

mark*, And then all went to examinethe beautiful home.


During the day refreshments wereserved by the ladies, and a great manypeople embraced the opportunity, theproceeds netting a neat sum as a nesteg? in the treasury of the institution.Mr. Reymann has with his accustomed

generosity ottered to bear all the expensesof tho Home for one year, but itis tbo earnest hope of the Trustees andought to be the aim and determinationof all public spirited citizens to relievehim of this burden. Philanthropicpeople will Cnd Altcnheim a goodobject lo rerjiom ber in their wiJIf, orbetter still, to remember substantiallyin their lifetime. Rooms can be endowedor inmates given a life home inthe house at a very slight expense. Itis required that an applicant for ad*mission to the Home shall be approvedfirst by the Board of Lady Managers,and then by the Board of Trusteed, andshall pay an admission fee of $300.This entitles one to a home there forlife.Several of the inmates already admittedhave considerable musical taste,

and it *as suggested yesterday by oneof the viaitor8 that a wealthy personcould not do a better thiug than topresent the Home with a piano.

PSBSONXEI' OP TUK HOME.The Board of Lady Managers of the

Home is composed of Mrs. Anton Keymann,President; Mrs. N. B. Scott. Secretary;Mrs. Mary Franrheim, Mrs. H.F. Behrens and Miss Frederika Ocsterling.The membeni of the Board ofTrustees are Ilev. Dr. R. R. Swope,President; Dr. A. F. 8tifel, Secretary;Mr. L. F. Stifel, Treasurer; Hon. N. B.Scott and Mr. Iienry Bieberaon.The Matron is Airs. Amelia Hubert,

late of a similar home in New York.There are already three inmates in theHome, while a fourth has been admittedand there are ono or two applicationsawaiting the action of the authorities.Those already in tho institution are Mrs.Hose Wood, of Martin's ferry, apd twosisters, the Misses Dyas. Miss SusanNewhair, of this city, has been admitted,but has uotyet entered the Home.There are in tuo uuuao about lorty

rooma. The bed rooms are light, cheerfuland airy, and everything about theplace iu attractive and home like. Alton*heim will doubilus be a fayorite resort(or vifiitore,

Entitled to the Dost.All arc entitled to the beat that their

money will buy, bo every family shouldhave, at oncc, a bottle of the best familyremedy, Syrup of tfiga, to cleanse thesystem when cnetive or bilious. Forsale in 50c. and $100 bottles by all lead*ing druggists,Mr*. M. W. List desires to inform ber

friends nod other Wheeling people thatniiv is iocuiea ci in o. is nett xairiy*fourth etreet. New York CUy, whereshe will be glad to ew all who mayfavor her with a call. The honae ia moatdelightful, cool and airy, location allthat could bo deairetJ. Central in every

respect.Have you joined tho F. W. Baumer &

Zo. Piano Club 7 If not, don't delay, aahia ia your only chance to own a KracauerPiano by paying one dollar a week, J

. ihPIUXU IVruin rrinrdlcss ril mIup.

(.to. M. SNOOK 4, CO. [Etc Ibe Huprenie Organiwr at the McLoreHonse lor ill information pertainnpto the Plymouth Rock Brnefit Order,

Ictive men and women wanted. Hastenfrom Htutlerville preferred.tiBASD Spar Farfeckel Lnnch and

Concert at Henry Eichenberg'a, 1100 McJoiiochstreet, Saturday evening from 8o 10 o'clock.Ox* Dollar a week will get yon a fine

'iano bv becoming a member of tbe F,iV. Baumer & Co. Piano Olnb. Don't *

alia tbe opportunity.FIRE Appllqte and Tanbsnr Curtain

Indi at 78c each.UEO. M. SXOOK t CO. '«



A Itomautlc Elopement vrlth a Happy Kudlogover tlic Bifer.

A romantic elopement culminated in a

happy marriage at midnight at Martin'aFerry on Tuesday night. The participants,Olement McLaughlin, a lumberbuyer, and Miss Melissa Scbammahorn,daughter of a wealthy farmer near Portland,had planned tho elopement andwere quite succeasful, driving nearlyten luiiea before the place fixed /or themarriage was reached.Empa 011 Schammahorn'a daughter,

Melissa, is the fourth to elope. She metClement McLaughlin, of Birnesville,several months ago, while he was inthe vicinity of Portland buying lumber

u*n/>rt. An attachment snraci;

up between the young peoplo and* theybegan correfpondirg, and Mr. McLaughlinpaid he* a number of visits. At losthe proposed and was accepted. The daywas eet and Miss Sehanmiaborn beganto make preparation?. Her parents refusedto give their consent, but the weddingdress, a lovely and stylish lavenderBilk, was made, and an elopement arranged.On Tuesday evening Meliaeacare/olJy wrapped her wedding dreesand a lew necessary articles in an oldnewspaper and quietly threw thorn outof the second story window, tiho thenwalked out of tbo house and reached theroad in a round about manner. Thereher lover was in waiting with a carriage,and they quietly drove to I'ortland.Albert Mctaaghlin, ol Marietta, a

brother of Clement, had procured tbo.linest livery riij in Martin's Ferry, andwas in waiting at Portland withthis. Tbo runaway couple jumped outof the Portland vehicle and were drivento Martin's Ferry by the brother, reachingthere shortly before 12 o'clock.They stopped at the Hotel Maywood

1 .. in tkn n.rlnn liouinoSOU ttUIOUJOIUCU IU kU» { ... .w.u,

already in tbeir poeaeasion the marriageliccuee. Rev. I. 8. Winters officiated,and the ceremony ill witoeaaed by onlya f«w persona.Yesterday morning a brother of the

runaway bride caniu to Martin'a Kerryon tbe urat train to look after his sinter,bat she bad gone with ber huaband on

her ^veduing trip, and be returned onthe next train.

KIKE SOUTH OF 10W8.Two Dwelling lluuirft iJelow the County

Llnr are Uurut(|.Last night about 13 o'clock a tire broke

out in a double frame bouse belongingto Mrs. Hanke, close to Horkbeimcr'stannery. Each honee contained eightrooms. AVithin an hour the dwellingswere burned down, and a double framehouse belonging to Mr. Whiteman wasignited.At lest accounts the Whiteman houses

seemed to be doomed, though :eflortswere being made to save them.

It is not knowuhew the tiro originated,and the people were so excited thatno information about the insurancecould be had.

MB ASKfcMKKPKAimA Good Local YTnrbtorj of Gen. Iloiecranf

nad hUter F,utnlla. 1

Hon. A. T. McKelvey, oi EL Claireville,tells tbe Imujantcui ou interestingstory o( the war, recalled to bismind by tbe death of Sister Eulalia.Said Mr. McKelvey yesterday; "Fewreaders of the history of tbo late warhave an idea of the store of unwrittenhistory tbnt is treasured np in the memoriesof the old military telegraphers.No branch of the service oOorded equalopportunities for becoming acquaintedwith tbo sccret history of tbe rebellion,and many unpublished telegrams arejet preserved by tbe euiviving monibersof the old telegraph corps, which if collectedand published would prove avaluable contribution to the bittory ofthe war."The announcement in yesterday's

Intbllioknckr of the death of SisterKulalia recalls to ray mind mi incidentin connection with the battle of StoneRiver that bw not hitherto been madepublic."When General Rosecrans was assignedto the command of the army of West

Virginia, his headquarters were establishedat Wheeling."Old Rosy,' as he was familiarly

called, was a devout Catholic, and durinshis brief stay in tho city was regularin his attendance at all the various servicesof the church. It was (Jrobably onone of these occasions that he formedthe acquaintance of tho giftedand devoted Sister Eulalia, whowas then, I believe, stationedat tho Convent of tho Visitation.That he entertained the utmost faithand confidence in the piety and patriotismof this good sister the itory willprove,"The night before the battle of Stone

River I was seated at my instrument inthe old telegraph office, over tho boatstore, ia Wheeling, receiving press reports.About midnight theru was abrief interruption, in order to allowLouisville to connect, by rene&ters,Murfreesboro and Wheeling. When theconnection was made there was a hurriedcall, and in response I received thefollowing brief dispatch:'HEADQUARTERS ARMY INTHKMRLp.

'Sitlrr Xulalia, Content of VUltatlon, Wfitt ing,IK. I'm.;'Pray for a victory for this army.

'[Signed] W. 8. RosccHJiiia.'"The fallowing day tho sanguinary

battle ol Stone River was fought. Theworld knows the result. The boastfallud confident Brag? was forced from hiefortified cily, and the victorious Koso- ,crane made Murfreeaboro bis baae of (inppliea."$100 in oneyear or $600 in five years

it actual coat of production by Joining 'Plymouth Hock Benefit Order.

FINE Drew Patterns at reduced 1prices. UEO. M. !>.\OOK&CO.

Tub King's Daughtere entertainment *

Friday evening at Centre School la ,liven for the benefit of the Uoapital. jthese young ladiea expect to furnlah '

he kitchen entirely, and ought to be Jtnnnnrftped. I

FIXE Curtain End*. J9c each,UEU. M. -NOOK ft CO. J

. - aPiano* for 8*1*. p

One 6 octavo, Cbickerloi, $2.5. »One 0 octave, Graham A Co., (10,One OJ octave, Hanger & Pt-Ursun, $00.One 0 octave, Chlckerlnc, $123.One 7J ocuve, E. Von Mindea, $150. =

One 7 octave, Weber, $178.One 7 octave, Steinw*7, »300.

Tboabove piano# are in perfect con- 1litton and are offered at apecial bargaina.

f. W-BICMIBACO.,1310 Uarket street °1 u

INDIES' Shirt Walata la black, whiteAd faaclci. VEO. 1. SJTOOK ft 10.

MAY 8 AND 9.(iirCitj'/iGroatestDranialicErentBmoul E»a*ai««xi Fsthaobdisabt

Of tho Mo*t DlitlnguUbed Living TragicActre*, Ma-lame

JANAUSCHEKMoat ablr anpportod by her oiro large and ex*

ceJJent coraruur In a complete andelaborate i.rcw-ntatlon on




ITilb lbs same snrerb oat and prccUeljr ai prethloAduring her recent rumarkably aucccaafnlHigetceat at BjiUiu. New York ana Cincinnati.Prlcca.Reaerved Scata, II: AdxnlaMon, 76 and 80®ni«- Matinee Prlrr*, Kewnred Beau. 75 ccnta;.dmlMlou, to and 2S cents. bale of seats oomicnceaWednesday, May C, at C. A. Houto'a Musictore.

MAHTIVSJKRRY.Personal mod General Mention of Interest

over the River.There are 203 cum on tho Belmont county

Common I'lcas Court docket.A valuablo dog vu stolon from tho residence

of C. W. Swarti on Tuesday night.Mr. and Mrs. James Ruuyon have a new girl

baby ut their homo !u Sou in Fourth street.The Dennett Comedy Company opened a three

nights' engagement at tho Opera House hutnight.Mi»s Dora Cook la entertaining Miss Nelllo

Ferris, of Columous. at her home, corner ofHickory aod Fifth streets.Col. D. U. Taylor, of tho Guernsey Tim/s, got

the red ribbon at tbo Kansas City Congress lorthe best fire mluutes apeech ou tho tarilT.

Hi nator J. W. Nlchol Is talked of as a candidatefor Attorney General at the Republican ButeConvention. He says ho la not a candidate.At the last meeting of the Belmont county InfirmaryTrus'cca the Superintendent pni<l in

fiou proceeds from the larmof that institutionKev. H. N. Campbell loft yesterday for Kock

Hill to aMflstlu the installation of Her. Mr.Alexander at pastor of the 1'rtsbyUrlau churchthere.Tho funeral of tbo late John Theaker at Farmingtonyesterday was v«'ry largely attended.

Ilev Messrs. Crawford. Updegtair and Fringleo01elated.A vory enjoyable social was given at the residencei.f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charleston, on

Third street, on Tuesday evening, by the senioraud Junior classes ol the High fcehool.Tho new Council, of which Cant. L. >V. Inglebrightfs President, will hold the second meetingto night. If /fitnaville desires to be annexedthe requost should be sent in at this meeting.At tho cAucluilon of tbo examination of tho

thirty witnesses In the case of tne PennsylvaniaCompauy vs. Harney McKutee. on Tuesday, hehearing the argumonts was postpoued ten days,Harney says ho.will wiu.

flUTta ON NAVIGATION*Stage or Water nod ;u<i»fm»uli of UoaU.

The K.ver InturenU.TUoriver iva* falling last night, with 4 feet 4

lncboi la tne Chanel,Tbe reports from above were:l'liuburgb-U feet 3 luahts aud stationary,Tbe Hudson aud Bscbelor are both laid up at

Pittsburgh.The H. K. Bedford left for l'lttabnrgh yesterdayat aa. tn..The Courier got away for Patfteraburgat 11:3U.Toellou ilur'ebollor Is having a new sheet

put on, aad the expects to leave for I'arke-nburgto-day at 11:30a. m..The Matt K. Allen willget away for Pittsburgh at 8 a. in.Oupcr Ciller pilot of the Coahoma, returnod

to Wheeling yesterday. He nays she Is hardpcroumt at Letort falls, about 150 miles tlilakltio of Cinciunati. and cannot get away before arls\ Iti trying to pull her off the Congo ranaground, but havluK 400 tous of freight aboard,got off the bar by transferring ner load to acouple of barges.There will bo no more packets rumilng be

twcco Cluclnuatl and l'ltuburKb uutil tbc rlvtrrluc*. Tbc big beau are laying np at Pittsburghor Cincinnati. with the exccniiuu of ibo fcotla.Tbe Utter hurried out from Wheeling at 1 p. m..unlay. There la tone fear that abe will notmake tbe Davla Inland Oaui before the wlnlctHare taUcl. If abe arrive* too late rlie will haveto Uy up below the dam until tbo water flowiover tbe walla.

llcaolnUons or lietp«ct.At a tpeoial meeting of Local Union

No. 0, A. F. G. W. U., the followingr^polutioaa were adopted:Whereas, It baa pleased tbe Almighty

in Hit) inlioite wisdom to remove fromonr midst brother John Zoeller, whosedeath we deplore, but we bow to Himwho knowetb all thiuga best; thereforebe itResolved, That in thedeath of Brother

Zoeller we have lost a trusted brotherand an able workman of this LocalUnion.Resolved, That herein we convey to

tho family of the deceased our sympathyin their bereavement.

Resolved, That & copy oi these reeolationsbe presented to the family of thedeceased, nUo placed on the records ofthe Local Union sod published in thedaily Inticlligkm'kr and Krister.

Robert Pkkari,Jghk Cook,Louis Guntiieb,


The 6ecret art of beauty ifen not incosmetics*, but is only iu pure blood,and & healthy performance of the vitalfunction?, to be obtained by uain# Bur*dock Blood Bittora. daw

Will soon be all the rage. What?Tho Plymouth Rock Benefit Order.

Wk are arwnit'tDK a Piano Club, toconsist of 850 members, each member topay one dollar a week for 360 weeks;one piano to be furnished to some onemember of the club each week untilevery member has been supplied. Thisin a rnm nnnortnnitv. Dnn'f mim It.

F. W. Baumkr A Co.BEAUTIFUL Ueaigna In Challlrs,

Scotch Ulngliams ami Outings.HEO.M.xXOUKliCO.

A kb von with tia ? We are all goingto joio the Plymouth Rode BenefitOrder.You inuat not forget that aside from

attaining an elegant piano at the rate olone dollar a week, be F. W. Baumcr &Co. Piano Club furnishes its memberswith a line Kraknuer for $350, whichcannot be bought at retail for less than$125. There are other equally importantadvantages that will be to your interestto know. Send for a prospectus. ^

i i i-i. qmcK mr moae lino CnrtalnEada at itlc each. :

l-EO. X. SNOUK k CO.Hleiolti,

With the opening of the wheel seasonEdw. U Roue A Co., who carry a lull line>i the lateat Columbia, Victor andmedium grado Bicycles, are prepared tourniah n few rare Itaryainn in secondhandSafeties ol the heet makea. Thosentereited ahosld call at once.

UiOTIIEIl lot o'r line Cnrtal'. Ends,!9c each. (if O. M. SNOOK £ CO, ;Go to Kurner & Co. for Wall Papersif all kindH. 31) Twelfth atreet, aeoond

loor from Market atraet

Keymasn's Celebrated Lager a apecflltvat Lally Sample Roorna, No. 2100Lfatn


Promptly and p«rma- t]itnUf carca all forma offtrvov* Weakntrt, Emit- ai[onj, tyematorrtoi, /m- Qlotrncy, nnci aU fffcrfi 0/ WilV^lllmw or Kxerrtei. B«eu Al b(rctcribcd over 35 year* AUSTlk^a thouaaodaof caaaa; i« IVa^C lche only Mum* anii .

onion xbpicikb kmowk.Ttotore tad After.tafcdruKgiita for Woou'n i'll mmioiu.n*; h betferw tome worihlow medicine In rlaco of thla, «<sate hi* dlaboncat itore, inclono price In letter,nd we will «end by return mull. Prl<~, one **cka«e. ft; ilx, *>. One will p'ttue, Hz trU( b(tire. Pamphlet In plain ecaled enrelowv 2ttmpa. Addrea, f|THE WOUD CHEMICAL 00.. W1H Woodward aVe, l»etrolt. Mich. _Bold In W'hrdlloa by LOUAN DRCU CO. T)(royw-MWMKOw


ANAMAKEB A BROWN. *Here we are with ¥,00© Spring Samples for Ienu' tiults and Uniforms. For variety and A;yle we itad the world. File guaranteed. One- flilrd taring to the consumer.

J.W. FXREXL, A tent,(e2C Cor. Twentieth and Main Streets, a



HOME,If]"One of the best usee men can

In beeutlfylni

More New Styleslections an

.THAN *v*i

an unequaled

Parlor Suits, IChamber Suits,

IMninrf Daatti Ennniiviuiiig uuuw mini


G. MendiNo. 1124] A

Wo haro just added many iline ofOAKPRTW !


A-uniMost People are Fo

Those who have never given ttaidor this a remarkable staterrlittle and they will sustain ou

your appetite Is not as goodrelishes, and you want themvery salty, or very spicy. It IsIt Is with your appetite. Youyou can make this do and can

enter a store and see some ar

as a good dresser It takes sot

you to buy. Wo show " EXTfour large store. No matter ho\to pay for a thing, you want tfrom what your neighbor is w

extremely stylish. We show n

stated, but Immense varietieiapparel for Men, Boys and Ch


n ni i\iniL/< VJIU J.1 UL


For the Little Ones I

BABY MlHouse & i

No. 1300 IV


That's where good Suoza Renerally jre in demand. Not that good Snoiare acarce. On the contrary, thoj'reot only plentiful but rheap. Yon can'ti too good to jronr feet. They carry ]le whole weight o[ yonr body wlthontmurronr.T\A»II< u v pui tuem into material that wm*ver intended for tender feet. If yon«nt something that will look wall and) a pleunre to wear, try onr


for LADIES at - $2 50riST STYLE. ALL WIDTHS.-®* iiEXAHDlR ft CO.,1

.SHOE SELLERS..p31 1040 Mala HLr««L


stock ^

jflOlElmake of monty l»to«*Bend It

X hit home."

5, Handsome Se-d Noveltiest BIFOBll


Hall Furniture,tore, KitclenFaruitnie,IECES OF ALL K1S1IS 1

EL & CO.flain Street.lew patterns to our already large


EAMSnd of "Ex-tremes."10 matter any thought may content,but let them reflect just a Ir assertion. Say, for Instanco,as it should be; you resort toextremely sour or very sweet,with your other wants just ashave all the clothes you need,make that do. All at once youtlcle which pleases your taste;nethlnK "EXTREME" to allure>rMCCII In «1I -J *binkiw mi mi uuparimunis 01v much your purse permltsyou:ha latost; something different'earing, If possible somethingot only "EXTREMES," as justi of new and tasty wearinglldron.



e Have a Full Line of

ddi JinroiIlillHULO;

lERRMANN,lain Street.


Geo.G.Stifel&GoSPRING and SUMMER

GOODS! 1India, China and Wash Silksin all colors and choke styles.


Black Silks, Grenadines, PatternSuits, CombinationSuitings and Light Dress

Fabrics in ail Styles.

Special in White barred Nainsookat 5 cents per yard.

}E0. E. Stifel& CO.,

1114 Main Street.