A dental recall system will help your practice

A Dental Recall System Will Help Your Practice

Transcript of A dental recall system will help your practice

Page 1: A dental recall system will help your practice

A Dental Recall System Will Help Your Practice

Page 2: A dental recall system will help your practice

The American Dental Association suggests that people should visit the dentist at least two times annually. However, due to the recent downturn in the economy, many patients have been put under financial strain and have been forced to cut their living costs in order to make ends meet.

One of the first costs that many people have chosen to cut is their visit to the dentist. According to a recent article published by the Palm Beach Post several dentists explained that the recession significantly lowered the number of patients who keep up with their bi-annual check-ups and preventive treatments.

Page 3: A dental recall system will help your practice

A good dental recall system can help you to contact these overdue patients and schedule them for an appointment. Research shows that the longer you wait to contact these patients, the less likely they will be to return to your practice for their bi-annual checkups.

Staying current on your recall list with the help of a recall system will help you achieve a better retention rate, result in more appointments, more revenue per patient, with less overhead in your practice. A good system will provide excellent results for your practice.

Page 4: A dental recall system will help your practice

Research shows that the average dental practice retains less the 41 percent of their new dental patients. A good dental recall system is specifically designed to help offices contact their overdue patients and schedule them for hygiene appointments and consultations with the dentist. If you have problems recall system solutions can help you

It is important to note that these systems are a reasonably new technology. They have only been around for no more than 5 years.

Page 5: A dental recall system will help your practice

Since their creations, dental recall systems have been helping many dental offices to increase their patient retention. They also provide great benefits to dental patients as well.

Not only will a good dental recall system allow you to keep a full schedule and maximize your revenues, it will also help your patients to stay current on their check-ups and prevent them from expensive dental procedures. For example, many of those patients cutting cost due to the economic downturn may have needed a simple cavity filling that would have cost under $200.

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After procrastinating their check-up, what could have been

a very simple and inexpensive procedure, requires a root

canal that may cost them up to $3,000. So, not only does

your recall system help your practice but it also helps

your dental patients.

If your practice is still feeling the effects of the slowed

economy or you simply want to maximize all of your

revenues and better reach your overdue patients, a dental

recall system is the solution that you are looking for.

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