A Cop's Legacy: 2.6 Teen Years



All three Greene boys experience teen years

Transcript of A Cop's Legacy: 2.6 Teen Years

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Hey readers! I’m back. I hope you enjoy this chapter of A Cop’s Legacy. This chapter is kind of a stepping stone to things to come as the boys enter their teen years.

Elijah pondered the perfect birthday wish as he stared at the candles on his cake, hoping for a new fishing pole to further his Angler abilities.

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Carter and Dakota celebrated as the middle Greene child blew out his candles. Emmett, Aly’s (Carter’s older sister) husband stood bored in the background, just waiting to take a dip in the pool.

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After the candles were blown out and presents were unwrapped members of the family gathered around the small dining room table, reminiscing and joking, basically catching up with one another again.

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After school the two oldest Greene boys spent time in the basement working out. Their mother had been diagnosed with a metabolic problem which made it hard for her to lose weight. Because of this, the boys were set on beating their weight issues.

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Dakota was the first to reach his goal, improving muscle tone and dropping 20 pounds. He felt a growth in confidence and soon brought up his failing grades at school as well as developing new friendships.

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The Greene home had also been infested with ghosts. On a regular basis, young Forrest would wake up to the sound of a keyboard. His grandmother sat, typing away. The child learned to see the sound of a keyboard as comforting.

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Grandpa Madison often paid a visit as well, turning on the living room television late at night and interrupting everyone’s sleep, blaring the volume as he worked out.

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Shouji grew older each day and after losing his mother, Carter paid special attention to the old mutt. Shouji loved to play tug and often tried to yank Carter’s arm out of socket to win the game.

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Elijah got up early to run each morning. Working out in the basement had developed a bit of arm muscle, but like his mother seemed to struggle with weight. He was encouraged by his brother and often coached by his father.

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Forrest was often late for the bus, running down the hill as fast as his little legs could carry him. School was one of his favorite parts of the day, but for some reason the boy struggled to get up in time.

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The Greene family loved the location of their home, enjoying the rolling hills and lake behind the house and the extensive wildlife, including the many active deer in the area.

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Sharon went back to work, tackling every article and interview which came her way. She felt the need to make up for lost time after having her three handsome sons.

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The day came for Forrest to join his older brother’s in their angsty teen years. He wished his grandmother could have been there to witness the occasion and also complained about the hideous barstools his parents had recently purchased.

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Still, the party was pretty much a success. Even the boys’ cousin Ashley showed up, having recently celebrated her 18th birthday.

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Forrest may have been the most unique Greene child. His genius trait allowed for a quick homework session which allowed for time to teach “an old dog new tricks”. Playing dead was proving to be the most challenging.

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Dakota and Elijah got along well, working on homework after school and throwing a football around in the backyard. Of course they had their arguments too, just like any teen siblings would.

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Surprising both of his parents, Forrest was the first to get a girlfriend. Rosemarie was pretty, blonde and very well spoken and the boy was clearly infatuated.

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Well, infatuated with her and music. Music became a second nature to him. Forrest quickly decided that he wanted to do something with his life that didn’t involve law enforcement.

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Elijah did get a new fishing pole for his birthday, making use of the open-faced pole and white lures to catch nice sized fish from many a pond in the neighborhood.

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The boys were growing up, all moving through their own awkward stages of teen years. Carter and Sharon knew they would soon be making the big decision on who would become heir.

Two more chapters and a spare update are coming soon! Thanks for reading and start thinking about which Greene will get your vote!