A Compound is…..

A Compound is….. A substance made from two or more different elements that have been chemically combined.


A Compound is…. A substance made from two or more different elements that have been chemically combined. A Mixture , on the other hand, is…. A substance made from two or more different elements that have not been chemically combined, and which can be separated by physical means. Mixtures. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of A Compound is…..

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A Compound is…..

A substance made from two or more different elements that have been chemically combined.

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A Mixture, on the other hand, is…

A substance made from two or more different elements that have not been chemically combined, and which can be separated by physical means

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A Mineral is a naturally occurring Inorganic Solid with a definite chemical composition and a

crystalline structure.

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That means that…

•It can’t be organic in origin

•It can’t be a liquid and..•It has to have a crystal structure

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5 Characteristics of minerals are:

1. Inorganic2. Solid3. Occurs Naturally4. Definite Chemical

Composition5. Atoms are arranged in an

orderly pattern

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Rocks that have a high percentage of Silicates are light in color, and

are called Felsic rocks.

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Rocks that have a low percentage of Silicates are dark

in color, and are called Mafic rocks.

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How do Minerals Form???

1. Minerals form in cooling magma chambers

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Different types of minerals crystallize at different temperatures

Decreasing temperature

Mineral formation in a Magma ChamberBowen’s Reaction Series

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Also the size of the mineral crystals is determined by the rate of cooling of the magma.

-Large crystals form when the magma cools very slowly.

-Small crystals form when the magma cools very quickly.

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Peridotite- Mostly Olivine Gabbro- Pyroxene and Olivine

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Gabbro- Pyroxene and Olivine

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2. Metamorphic Minerals:Some minerals occur as the result of Recrystallisation and Reaction within

existing rocks which produces new minerals in response to changes in


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3. Some types of minerals form as water containing dissolved ions slowly evaporates.

Salt deposits

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A Crystal is….

A regular geometric solid with smooth surfaces called….

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Minerals are identified and classified by visual inspection, and

by performing simple tests to determine their physical properties

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Color is the most easily observed, but least reliable property of a mineral for identification.

This is because the color of many minerals varies with the kind of impurities in the mineral.

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Streak is the color of the powder left on a streak plate when a mineral is rubbed on it.

Streak is much more reliable than color because, although the color of a mineral changes, its streak does not.

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Luster is the way in which a mineral shines in the light.

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Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to split in a particular direction.

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Fracture is the tendency of a mineral to break in directions other than along crystal faces or cleavage surfaces.

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Hardness is the resistance of a mineral to being scratched.

The Mohs Hardness Scale is one of the most effective tool for identifying minerals.

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