A Collection of Stories



Students write stories using animal idioms

Transcript of A Collection of Stories

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One day last week I was working like an ant when my boss came to my office and gave me two days off work. I went to my house feeling free as a bird, thinking I should do something special for one day.

I felt like going out to see my friends but just then it started raining cats and dogs.

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So, I decided to stay at home to watch a movie. Then I had a catnap and I woke up at nine. I called my friends and invited them to come over to my house and watch a football match with me. Later, I called my boss only to find out he had a car accident. So, I had to go back to work the following day. My two day leave of absence was gone!

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Different sense of humour

I have a memory like a fish but I will never forget what happened two years ago. It was a Saturday night and it was raining cats and dogs. I had been working like a dog all day and I was extremely tired. I went to bed around 11 o’ clock and within a few minutes I fell asleep. While I was sleeping, I heard a loud noise outside my bedroom door. I woke up terrified but I couldn’t see a thing. It was very dark and I was as blind as a bat.

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I tried to sit quietly on my bed but I couldn’t because it was like I had ants in my pants. I turned on the light and I went towards the door. I was as scared as a rabbit. I waited for a while but I couldn’t hear anything. Then I decided to open the door. Guess what! Right outside my door was my cousin who was staying with us that weekend. Sometimes he is as cunning as a fox and he wanted to play a trick on me that night.

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I was so angry with him that I started chasing him around the house. He thought it was funny but for not for me, it wasn’t!

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A party in Spring by Fallen Angel

It was Spring and very hot! So, I thought that a party would be a perfect idea! I decided to work like an ant and finish my homework so as to persuade my mother to let me throw a party!

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At first, I chickened out, but finally I managed to tell her my idea. I was like a cat on red hot bricks and I had a cow waiting for her to decide. I wished she would let me have the party because my friends and I would have a whale of a time. I held my horses though, and then my mum finally decided. And the answer was “NO WAY!”

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All my friends heard about the party from the horse’s mouth, so there would be no problem. The party would take place in my house on Saturday 17th April. It was one of the dog days! In the end, however, I remembered about my father. So, I had other fish to fry!

To ask my dad!!!!

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I didn’t ask her why, because I didn’t want to get upset. My next step was to “use” my friend Lisa and throw her to the wolves. I was hoping that she would change my mum’s mind. They had been talking for an hour before I saw Lisa grin like a Cheshire cat, so I acted like an ape and started screaming. I thanked my mum and started organising the party.

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Everlasting love!

One day last week I on my way to visit my grandparents who live in Kessariani. Half way there, I bumped into some friends of mine. As soon as they saw me they wouldn’t stop rabbiting on. When they realised I was in a hurry, they said goodbye. I chickened out and I didn’t invite them to my grandparents’ house .

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When I arrived at my grandparents’ I was like a cat on hot bricks because I had been promised a gift for my birthday. Suddenly, the place felt so small, as if there was hardly room to swing a cat in. Finally, I got my present! I got not only a beautiful dress, but also a pair of sunglasses! It was the most exciting gift I had ever been given!

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I had a whale of a time that day and I realised I would love my grandparents for ever and ever!!!

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Physics for Beginners!By “Hello Kitty”

It was the first period at school, early on a Monday morning and our physics teacher decided to give us a test!My classmate, Mary, who is a dumb bunny when it comes to physics, was clever enough to be a copy cat!

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She wrote down the complete formula from me and when we got the test back, she had 20 out of 20, whereas I had just got 19. I went ape while she looked like the cat who had swallowed the canary.I went to the teacher’s office and told him what had happened but he didn’t believe me.

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I lost control; I started yelling and throwing things. I am never like that! That day I was like a bull in a china shop! He called Mary and asked her what had happened. “I smell a rat!”, he said. Finally, she told him the truth, put her tail between her legs and apologised to me!