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It can often be a contentious issue of debate of when and how Northern Ireland’s ‘Troubles’began, who and what is to blame, and even which event in case led us to where we are now.You can go back 30 years, or even 300 years and beyond for in reality Ireland has been engagedin conflict with England for centuries.

Therefore, in order to compile a chronological record of the modern Troubles - the term usuallygiven to the most recent conflict, we must mark a defining point of start, which we have takenas partition itself and from which we began in. In turn again, we feel it is equally importantto give you the reader some understanding why events spiralled as they did into a bloody civilwar.

This is not another view of the Troubles, this has been done and redone. This is the historicalrecording of events compiled by people from different parts of Belfast who lived throughthem. Our objective as local historians is to compile what we hope will be as near as possiblea definitive reference to events as they unfolded through the last three decades.

In terms of research we have used as much material as possible and from diverse perspectives.We are confident that we have covered events as they were reported at the time. If howeveryou feel that we have either left something out or indeed got something wrong we are morethan happy to hear from you. As mentioned above this series of publications is the historicalrecording of the Troubles and all corrections are more than welcome.



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This is designed to create a better historical understanding of what has become known as‘The Troubles.’ Therefore for educational purposes you are more than welcome to use anymaterial from them. All that we ask is that the source is acknowledged and a copy of thematerial sent to us after publication. We use material that has been placed in the public domain.We try to acknowledge all the copyright holders but sometimes this is not possible. If youclaim credit for something that has appeared in this publication then we will be happy toknow about it so that we can make the appropriate acknowledgements.

BELFAST NEWSLETTERVarious issues for period covered

BELFAST TELEGRAPHVarious issues for period covered

IRISH NEWSVarious issues for period covered

SOURCE MATERIALFor back issues of the singleTroubles Magazine visit the

Glenravel stall every Friday morningat St George's Market. You may

also obtain them at our website atwww.troublesmagazine.com where

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BELOW - An army robot deals with a bomb at theArdoyne shops in North Belfast.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Antrim Road Filling Station bombedTwo men placed a 25lb bomb in a self-service filling station on theAntrim Road, Belfast. The incident occurred at 2.30pm and waswitnessed by a local youth who alerted the police and the area wasquickly cleared. 18 minutes later the bomb exploded causingextensive damage to the building and the computerised self-servicepetrol delivery system. The two men were described as armed anddressed in denims with skinhead haircuts.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Shankill soldier to stay on dutyThe soldier involved in the shooting of a man outside a bar on theShankill Road was not suspended from duty. The dead man was 35year old Alex Howell and it was reported that the army statementsabout the killing were contradictory and that a slur had been placedon the dead man and his family by inferring the he was a gunman.The DUP leader Rev. Ian Paisley called for the arrest of the soldierconcerned and that he is suspended from duty. Since Mr Howellsdeath there have been calls from the Republican Clubs and theAlliance Party for an inquiry into how he died.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Ormeau Road killingJohn Whyte of Cooke Street was shot dead, hit by shots apparentlyintended for an army patrol. Three or four shots were fired at anarmy land rover in McClure Street but they missed their target andstruck Mr Whyte on the head. He died on admission to hospital.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Dublin crackdown on the IRAThe Dublin government launched its first post Sunningdale movesagainst the Provisional IRA by announcing an order under whichpeople can be arrested and tried in the Republic for murder committedin Northern Ireland. The order was made by adapting Section 9 onthe Offences against the Person Act (1861). The trial of a personarrested in the 26 counties and accused of murder committed inNorthern Ireland could be held within the jurisdiction of the State.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Upper North Street blastA 150lb bomb was left in a London type taxi outside McMurraysshoe shop on Upper North Street. The bomb exploded causingwidespread blast damage to shops and offices on both sides of thestreet.

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BELOW LEFT - IRA car bomb attack in Belfast’sUpper North Street.BELOW RIGHT - The funeral of Mr Alexander Howellwho was shot dead on the Shankill Road.

Later in the same area two soldiers were slightly hurt when theirpatrol came under fire from the direction of the Unity Flats complex.In a follow up search a .303 rifle and ammunition were found in adrying room at the flats.

A bomb exploded at McFauls bar on Silvio Street after a member ofstaff was abducted by the men who planted the bomb. He was laterfound beaten up in a nearby entry.The RUC found a shotgun, a rifle and 110 rounds of assortedammunition in a UDA club at Silverstream Road.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974M2 blastTwo RUC members were unhurt after a booby trap attack on the M2between Greencastle and the Sandyknowles intersection. The patrolhad gone to investigate a stolen Ford Anglia, which was from MervilleGarden Village and was abandoned on the motorway by two youthswho ran off. A section of the motorway was closed as police movedin to inspect the car. The two patrolmen were putting up diversionsigns when a bomb exploded in a box used to house emergency signsabout 15 ft from the patrol. Shots were also heard in the area but itwas not known if they were aimed at the RUC.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Man shot fro removing bombThe IRA in Derry claimed that they shot and wounded a Derrybusinessman in the leg at the weekend because the man had carried aprimed bomb out of a shop. The IRA statement said, “This actionwas carried out because the person in question carried out a primedbomb from a shop in Strand Road endangering the lives of othercivilians. The same punishment will be inflicted on persons whoarea guilty of similar actions”.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Newry shootingA twenty five year old Newry man was shot and his 71 year fatherassaulted when gunmen burst into their home. The elderly man wasstruck on the nose with the butt of a rifle and the son was shot in the

thigh. The Official IRA in a statement alleged that the young manhad assaulted one of their young volunteers at a New Years Eve danceat Warrenpoint and as a result the Newry Unit went to his home to“chastise him”.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Strabane and Moy shootingsSix high velocity shots were fired in Main Street Strabane but no onewas injured. In Moy a gunman discharged a shot through the windowof a Catholic owned shop at Canary, Moy but no one was hurt.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Tempo and Draperstown bombsTempo was evacuated after a duffle bag was found at the front doorof the post office in the villages Main Street. The blast causedmoderate blast damage to the building and the surrounding area andthere were no casualties.

Military police and an army bomb disposal team came under heavyfire when they went to investigate an abandoned Ford Escort, stolenearlier from a cinema car park. The gunfire came from derelictbuildings and no casualties were reported.

Wednesday 2nd January 1974Soldier shot in FallsA sniper killed 23-year-old Guardsman Alan Daugherty in the Falls.The soldier was in a personnel carrier in the Beechmount area whena single shot passed through an observation slit and struck him. Thesame bullet injured another soldier.

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BELOW LEFT - Adding the latest entry on the recordsboard at the RUC Press Office.BELOW RIGHT - Car bomb attack near the SuffolkInn outside Belfast.

Thursday 3rd January 1974Belfast rail route hit by bombRail services between Belfast and Lisburn were suspended when alorry containing a bomb was placed underneath the Hilden Bridgenear Lisburn. A 15-minute warning was given and the bomb exploded20 minutes later.

Thursday 3rd January 1974An 18 year old youth from Spamount Street was accused of havingin his possession a quantity of blue sump safety fuse, 19 time switches,15 grams of explosives and 6 metal connectors.

An 18-year-old youth from Hillman Street was charged with beingin possession of a .303 rifle and seven rounds of ammunition. Theweapon was found by troops during a search of Unity flats.

A joint RUC army patrol came under attack from a crowd at Braehillnear Silverstream estate. The crowd stoned the patrol and a shot wasfired. The patrol fired over the heads of the crowd.

A soldier received a slight wound to his right cheek when 12 shotswere fired at a patrol at the junction of Ramoan Gardens-GartreePlace, Andersonstown.Two blast bombs were thrown at an Army patrol at Farset walk in theDivis Flats are. Both exploded but no one was injured.Tennent Street police station came under attack when four shots werefired at it. There were no injuries.

Thursday 3rd January 1974Derry and StrabaneAn explosion badly damaged a Foyle Fisheries cabin on the riverbankat Bready outside Strabane. There were no injuries.Five shots were fired at an Army patrol in Meetinghouse Street. Therewere no casualties. Fire was returned but no hits claimed.

A crowd of about 100 attacked troops with stones and bottles in theCreggan Estate in Derry as the army moved into Leenan Gardens toarrest a wanted man. An army spokesman said rubber bullets andCS gas were used in an effort to break up the rioters. No one wasinjured.

An explosion was heard in the Bogside area and troops found twohand grenades used for training purposes when they searched garagesat Chamberlain Street in the Bogside.Five shots were heard in the Mountainview Anderson Crescent areaof the Waterside but security forces were not involved.Troops found two rifles, a pistol land 129 rounds of ammunitionhidden in a hedge during a routine search in the nearby Old CorrodyRoad.

Friday 4th January 1974Reservist’s wife spot car bombA part time policeman’s wife spotted a booby trap bomb under hercar in Shimna Road, Newcastle. The 15lb bomb was under her blueHillman Avenger and she alerted her husband and the area wasevacuated. Three weeks ago Special Branch detective MauriceRolston aged 37 died when his car exploded outside his house inNewcastle.

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Friday 4th January 1974BelfastA RUC patrol heard a single high velocity shot in the TemplemoreStreet area of east Belfast but it was not known what the intendedtarget was.Four shots were fired at an army post in Lenadoon, Suffolk, but therewere no casualties. Four armalite shells were found in a follow upoperation.In Suffolk the army found a M1 carbine magazine and live rounds ina stolen car outside the Oliver Plunkett School.

Friday 4th January 1974Derry incidentsAn army patrol was fired on twice inside 10 minutes in the Gobnascalearea of the Waterside. They returned fire on the second occasion butthe gunman escaped.A single shot was fired at Creggan army camp from the area of LislaneDrive.Troops found more than 150 rounds of assorted ammunition and twoM1 carbine magazines in a field near the Gobnascale estate.

Friday 4th January 1974Army find in S ArmaghAn army sniffer dog led troops to a 25lb bomb and 162 rounds ofassorted ammunition in a hedgerow at Mullagh Bane, nearCrossmaglen. The bomb, which was ready fused, and may have beenintended as a booby trap was dealt with by an army team.

Saturday 5th January 1974Bomb blasts Ardoyne shopA bomb extensively damaged a wallpaper shop in the Ardoyne areaand the army later tackled a suspect cylinder left in a chemists shopnext door. Two masked men left the bomb in Lynch’s wallpaper

shop near the junction of the Crumlin and Woodvale Roads and gavecustomers three minutes to clear. Seconds later a cylinder was placedjust inside the door of the Belpharm chemist’s shop next door. It wasreported the two men wearing masks and carrying a machine guntold customers and staff that the cylinder contained a bomb.

Saturday 5th January 1974Man shot dead in East BelfastA lone gunman shot 44-year-old Leo McCullagh of Ravenscroft Roadin the chest. It was a case of mistaken identity as the gunman wasafter his son.

Saturday 5th January 1974Arms findSoldiers searching in the Upper Crumlin Road area of Belfast foundtwo rifles, six pistols and a quantity of ammunition.

Saturday 5th January 197414 men set freeFourteen of the 15 men held after Guarda-army raids in the borderarea were released. They had been detained and questioned in groupsat Guarda stations in Buncrana, Dundalk and Monaghan.

Saturday 5th January 1974RUC ambushedMore than 50 shots were fired at police when they were lured into anambush in East Belfast. The ambush began after two men hijacked awhite BMC 1100 car at Bloomfield Avenue. When a similar car wasspotted a short time later outside Albertbridge Road Orange Hall withlights on and the doors open police were called to investigate. As anRUC patrol arrived on the scene it came under heavy fire from thedirection of nearby Glenallen Street. More than 50 high and lowvelocity shots were fired at them and the RUC men had to jump outof their vehicle and dive for cover. Despite the heavy fire the police

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FACING PAGE - The Rev. Ian Paisley at a Loyalistrally at Belfast City Hall.RIGHT - IRA bomb attack on the Belfast Courts atTownhall Street.

vehicle was not struck and the area quietened down after troops movedin. Five or six shots were also fired at a police mobile on theSydenham by pass from the direction of the Oval football stadiumbut there were no casualties.Sentries on duty at Mountpottinger RUC station reported hearingabout 10 shots from the direction of Templemore Avenue and MadridStreet but there was no obvious target.Two shots were fired at an army post in the Templar House flats atthe New Lodge Road.A petrol bomb was thrown into a Catholic family’s home atGlensharragh Avenue in the Castlereagh area but there were noinjuries.

Saturday 5th January 1974Weapons foundIn South Armagh the RUC found 25 detonators, fuse, cortex, six handgrenades and various other items packed into wooden boxes andhidden in a hedgerow.

Saturday 5th January 1974Derry and Strabane incidentsTroops searched a house at Lisfannon Park in the Bogside wherethey found an armalite magazine and 73 rounds of ammunition. Acrowd of 50 youths gathered during the search and attacked the troopswith stones. One soldier was slightly hurt before the crowd wasdispersed with rubber bullets.12 rounds of ammunition, 25ft of cortex, detonators, fuse and weaponparts were found on waste ground at Drumleck Drive, Shantallow.In Strabane five shots were fired at an army vehicle checkpoint onthe Camels Hump at Lifford Road. There were no casualties and firewas returned.

Monday 7th January 1974Landmine explosionA landmine exploded on a border road near Clady, Co Tyrone but noone was injured. The blast caused a small crater in the road and itwas believed the bomb exploded prematurely.

Monday 7th January 1974Granny appeals to kidnappersA 67-year-old grandmother appealed for the release of her son, 18year old Royal Iris Ranger William Horner. Nothing had been heardfrom the kidnappers of the soldier since a phone call to a Belfastnewspaper told of his abduction. The caller to the Sunday News-just10 minutes after the kidnapping took place-said he was speaking foran unnamed Protestant extremist group.

Monday 7th January 1974Blast car in Suffolk injures 2Police received a phone call that a bomb had been left in a car at theSuffolk Inn. The RUC did not move in immediately and the bombexploded near the bar injuring two 13 year old boys. Both boys weretaken to hospital with facial injuries.

Monday 7th January 1974Strabane bombTwo masked men planted a 50lb bomb, which badly damaged theMelmount service station. A fire started by the blast caused furtherdamage but the area had been cleared after a 10-minute warning andno one was hurt.Five shots were fired at the town’s police station but there were noinjuries.

Monday 7th January 1974Belfast stoningA Protestant crowd stoned a group of Catholics returning from StMalachys church in Alfred Street. As a result a Catholic crowdgathered at Lavinia Street and the groups began to attack each other.Police were stoned when they arrived and the rival crowds dispersedafter the army arrived.Police reported that a number of Protestant youths ran through theSilverstream, Benview and Braehill areas of North Belfast smashingwindows in houses.

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Monday 7th January 1974Lurgan shootingA 41-year-old Catholic of Shankill Street, Lurgan was shot in thethigh in an assassination attempt. He was standing at the corner ofChurch Place and William Street with a group of friends when agunman opened fire with an automatic weapon from the front seat ofa car, which came from the Portadown direction. None of the othermen were hit.

Monday 7th January 1974Shooting incidentsMachine gun fire was aimed at men of the Duke of Edinburgh’sRegiment manning a vehicle checkpoint at Drumee on the Newcastleto Castlewellan road last night but the were no casualties.Eight shots were fired from Dove Gardens, Derry at an observationpost on the city walls but none of the shots hit the post.In South Armagh eleven minor explosions and 12 shots were heardin the Bessbrook area.In Newtownabbey an off duty policeman walking along O’Neill Roadwas grazed on the nose when a blast and shot were aimed at an armymobile. There were no military casualties.

Monday 7th January 1974Border searchesLarge-scale searches by security forces on both sides of the borderwere undertaken in a bid to locate hidden arms and explosives. Britishtroops searched several houses in Armagh ad also the rear of theRepublican Club at Ogle Street. At Blackwatertown a home andfarm was also searched.

Tuesday 8th January 1974Soldier freedSoldier William Horner who was kidnapped by a Protestant extremistgroup was released after “very firm advice” the UDA said. In astatement the UDA said that along with the outlawed UVF theycontacted the organisation responsible for the abduction. Theyadvised them that their actions were not in the best interest of theLoyalist population. The militant group holding the Royal IrishRanger had implied that he would come to harm if demands for apublic inquiry into the shooting of a Shankill Road man by a soldierwere not met.

Tuesday 8th January 1974Derry café blastA bomb exploded in a Derry restaurant but no one was injured. Itwas left in the Leprechaun at Strand Road and a 10-minute warninggiven. The bomb was described a small and some damage was causedat the premises.

Tuesday 8th January 1974Man drove bombIn Andersonstown a van driver was held up by two men, one armed,outside the Ulster Brewery on the Glen Road. The man was heldcaptive in the area while his van was loaded with a 150-200lb bomb.He was then told to drive to Andersonstown RUC station and he wasthreatened that if he did not do this a gunman hiding in MilltownCemetery would shoot him. The man did as he was told and when heparked outside the station he warned the sentry and the area was

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FACING PAGE - An IRA patrol in Clady.BELOW - Members of the RUC examine the remainsof a car bomb in Derry.

cleared. The blast followed a short time later and only superficialdamage was caused to the building. The RUC diverting traffic awayfrom the bomb were stoned by a crowd.A window was shattered by a .22 bullet on a Citybus as it passedBelvoir Street on the Newtownards Road but none of the passengerswas injured.Shots were fired at troops in Andersonstown and the Ardoyne, butthere were no casualties.A single shot was fired at an army observation post in Cromac Street.

Tuesday 8th January 1974Newcastle bombA 5-10lb bomb extensively damaged the Brook Cottage Hotel on theBryansford Road. The bomb was planted by two men one armedwith a pistol, who fired shots into the ceiling before making theirgetaway.

Tuesday 8th January 1974Shooting incidentsIn Derry six shots were heard in the Melmore Gardens area of Cregganbut security forces were not involved.Shots were fired at a motorist near the Goodyear roundabout in Lurganbut the man was not hit.Several shots went through the bedroom window of a house inStrabane when gunmen opened fire on troops on the Lifford Road.Also in Strabane an army disposal team defused a 150lb bomb nearClady. Troops were called to the scene when a 50lb bomb explodedcausing some damage to a culvert.

Wednesday 9th January 1974Petrol bombs in NewtownabbeyTwo Roman Catholic families whose homes in Rathcoole were petrolbombed have decided to move from the area. The two houses inClonbeg Drive were set ablaze when petrol bombs were hurledthrough the front downstairs windows. Four youths were seen runningfrom the scene. No one was injured in the attacks.

Wednesday 9th January 1974Cushendall hotels blastedBombs damaged two hotels in the Co Antrim village of Cushendall.A four-man gang planted bombs in the Glens of Antrim andCushendall Hotels. The group split up and two men carried suitcasesbombs into both hotels before the group made their getaway in a carwhich was later found abandoned five miles away. The first blastwas at the Glens of Antrim where the explosion blew in a gable wall.A short time later the army carried out a controlled explosion in theother hotel, which caused extensive damage. Both bombs wereestimated to contain 30-50lb of explosives.

Wednesday 9th January 1974Belfast incidentsThe back door of a Catholic house at Braehill in Ligoniel was damagedby a blast bomb that exploded outside. An incendiary device wasthrown through the front door of another home in the same street butonly slight damage was caused.Bottles were thrown at the RUC at Templemore Avenue and BelvoirStreet but there were no injuries.

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A 17-year-old youth was admitted to RVH with a gunshot wound tothe leg. He was shot from a car while walking along the HannahstownRoad. Five low velocity shots were heard in the Etna Drive area ofArdoyne but the RUC and army were not involved and there were noreports of any casualties.A small bomb exploded near Power Station East inside the HarbourEstate. The blast shattered some windows but there were no injuries.

Wednesday 9th January 1974Derry shootingsFour shots were heard in the area of Meenan Drive in the Bogside.Three empty cartridges were later found. A short time later threefurther shots were heard in nearby Blucher Street but the RUC andarmy weren’t involved.

Wednesday 9th January 1974M2 killing awardThe parents of 16-year-old Henry Cunningham from Carndonagh,Co Donegal, who was shot dead on the M2 were awarded £2250compensation. They had been seeking £20,000. Henry Cunninghamhad been returning home from a Glengormley building site when thevan in which he was travelling with his brothers came under firefrom Donegore Bridge. More than 14 shots ripped through the vanand Henry who was sitting in the front seat was hit in the chest.

Thursday 10th January 1974Sons find body of fatherThe body of an Andersonstown upholsterer was discovered by hissons less than 100 yards from his workshop. Mr John Crawford aged53 of Andersonstown Park West was found with a bullet wound inthe head in a ditch alongside the cemetery. It was reported that theOfficial IRA claimed that they had carried out the shooting but thiswas later denied. No motive was known for the shooting.

Thursday 10th January 1974Court blastedA huge van bomb blasted Belfast Magistrates Court minutes afterthe area was cleared. The 200lb bomb was in a van in TownhallStreet but only half the bomb exploded. The RUC and prisonersremained inside the court during the explosion for security reasons.The heavy rear doors of the courthouse, which had been closed tothe public for some time, were blown in, and a glass partition in thefoyer was reduced to smithereens. Many windows in the courthouse

were also shattered. A heavy meal tanker parked less that 15 feet onthe opposite side of the street absorbed much of the blast and protectedthe buildings on that side.

Thursday 10th January 1974Man shot in both legsThree armed and masked men burst into the home of a married manin Drumbeg north and shot him through both legs. The man was leftbleeding on the floor as the intruders ran off.

Thursday 10th January 1974Derry incidentsAn army patrol came under fire from a gunman in the Shantallowarea. The gunman fired four shots at the patrol which was inRacecourse Road at the time. There were no casualties and no firewas returned.In the Bogside a petrol bomb was thrown at a mobile patrol in BlucherStreet but it did not explode.In the Creggan two shots were heard in the area of the Rath roundaboutand one shot was heard in the Westway area but the RUC and armywere not involved.

Thursday 10th January 1974Sons find body of fatherThe body of an Andersonstown upholsterer was discovered by hissons less than 100 yards from his workshop. Mr John Crawford aged53 of Andersonstown Park West was found with a bullet wound inthe head in a ditch alongside the cemetery. It was reported that theOfficial IRA claimed that they had carried out the shooting but thiswas later denied. No motive was known for the shooting.

Thursday 10th January 1974Court blastedA huge van bomb blasted Belfast Magistrates Court minutes afterthe area was cleared. The 200lb bomb was in a van in TownhallStreet but only half the bomb exploded. The RUC and prisonersremained inside the court during the explosion for security reasons.The heavy rear doors of the courthouse, which had been closed tothe public for some time, were blown in, and a glass partition in thefoyer was reduced to smithereens. Many windows in the courthousewere also shattered. A heavy meal tanker parked less that 15 feet onthe opposite side of the street absorbed much of the blast and protectedthe buildings on that side.

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BELOW - The wrecked Carrick-a-Rede Hotel follow-ing an IRA bomb attack.RIGHT - A protest outside the home of Gerry Fittcalling for an end to the rent and rates strike.

Thursday 10th January 1974Man shot in both legsThree armed and masked men burst into the home of a married manin Drumbeg north and shot him through both legs. The man was leftbleeding on the floor as the intruders ran off.

Thursday 10th January 1974Derry incidentsAn army patrol came under fire from a gunman in the Shantallowarea. The gunman fired four shots at the patrol which was inRacecourse Road at the time. There were no casualties and no firewas returned.In the Bogside a petrol bomb was thrown at a mobile patrol in BlucherStreet but it did not explode.In the Creggan two shots were heard in the area of the Rath roundaboutand one shot was heard in the Westway area but the RUC and armywere not involved.

Thursday 10th January 1974Belfast shootingsA single high velocity shot was fired at an army foot patrol at thejunction of Newington Street and Limestone Road but no soldierswere hit.Troops returned fire when three shots were fired at them inAndersonstown and no hits were claimed.Three men one of them armed with a pistol called at a house in NorthRoad where he was forced to hand over a legally held .22 rifle.Several shots were heard near Palace Barracks but troops were notinvolved.

Friday 11th January 19742 killed in car bombTwo people died instantly when a bomb exploded in their car outsidearmy headquarters in Derry. They were believed to be a man and awoman but this was still to be confirmed. A number of others wereinjured when the car was blasted into smithereens as it travelled downthe Limavady Road in the Waterside towards the cit centre. Womenand children were treated for shock and some injuries were causedby flying glass from dozens of shattered windows. The cardisintegrated as it passed Ebrington Church hurling debris intoEbringdon barracks.Earlier a soldier was wounded in the leg when a gunman fired oneshot at a foot patrol in the Creggan Estate.

Friday 11th January 197410 hurt in coast hotel bombTen people were taken to hospital after a bomb exploded in thehallway of the Carrick-a-rede Hotel at Ballintoy. No warning wasgiven but shots were heard shortly before the blast. The bomb blewdown a rear wall and caused extensive damage. Ten people weretaken to hospital with lacerations and shock.

Friday 11th January 1974Belfast incidentsA UDR man was hit in the leg when shots were fired at his mobilepatrol as it stopped at traffic lights at the Newtownards Road. Policebelieve the shots came from the direction of nearby monumentalsculptor’s yard. The part time soldier was taken to hospital.

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Two beer keg bombs each containing 50-100lb of explosives explodedat a railway bridge in Finaghy Road North. Phone calls received bythe RUC and the Irish News stated that two men had been seencarrying something on to the Railway Bridge and the RUC went toinvestigate. Train services were suspended and minor damage wascaused to the line.

A 150lb bomb was detonated off Donegall Quay when an army expertcarried out a controlled explosion. The incident caused commutermayhem as the area was sealed off. The Fiat car containing the bombwas found in a customer car park and the car had been hijacked onthe Glen Road.

Friday 11th January 1974Lurgan shootingGunmen tried to kill an off duty member of the UDR as he left workat Victoria Street in Lurgan. At least 18 shots were fired at the manfrom a blue car but he was not hit.

Friday 11th January 1974Derry shotsThree shots were fired at an army mobile patrol on Racecourse Roadfrom the direction of Carrabane Walk but there were no casualties.Fire was returned.

Friday 11th January 1974Hoax bombs in DublinTraffic was in chaos in Dublin when army explosives teams rushedto three locations following a warning that bombs had been plantedby the Provisional IRA. After three hours biscuit tins with wiresattached were detonated in controlled explosions by the army.

Saturday 12th January 1974Loyalist groups mergerIt was reported that there was strong pressure at all levels in the UnitedUlster Unionist Council for the Democratic Unionist, VanguardUnionist and Unionist Parties to merge in a single restructuredUnionist Party. The move was thought to be boosted by rumoursthat Rev Ian Paisley supported the idea of Unionist unity.

Saturday 12th January 1974Stones thrownTrouble flared on the Shankill Road, Belfast, after police stopped acar and detained the occupants. A crowd gathered and bottles andstones were thrown at a police car at the Northumberland Streetjunction. Bus services to the area were suspended and traffic builtup as the RUC diverted motorists.

Saturday 12th January 1974Bomb left at dry cleanersIn Dungannon two men left a small bomb on the counter of the UlsterDrycleaners at Scotch Street. The shop and the surrounding areawere evacuated before part of the bomb went off. The army dealtwith the remainder of the charge.

Saturday 12th January 1974Newry bombA car bomb caused some damage to a newsagents and stationers atthe junction of Sugar Island and Sugarhouse Quay. An adjoiningpost office and other shops were slightly damaged by the blast. Therehad been three separate telephone warnings before the explosion andpolice had evacuated the area. The blast in the car came a few minutesafter the army carried out a controlled explosion, which set fire tothe vehicle.

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FACING PAGE - car bomb attack on McGettigan’spublic house, Lower Market Street, Omagh.BELOW - Bomb attack on the Maxol Filling Stationon Belfast’s Antrim Road

Saturday 12th January 1974Belfast incidentsTroops found 400lb of explosives when they searched a house in theRoden Street area.An army foot patrol discovered an incendiary at Seftons handkerchieffactory at Ormeau Avenue. The device was defused.Two Catholic homes in Glengormley came under attack from petrolbombers. One house was undamaged as the bombs failed to ignitebut the other house was damaged as flames swept through the house.

Saturday 12th January 1974Suspect car in AhoghillThe army blew up a suspect car on the Ballylummin Road. The car,which had false registration plates, had been stolen earlier fromBallymena. A parcel with wires attached was in the back seat. Thebomb contained 20lb of explosives.

Saturday 12th January 1974Blast victims were workers at army postThe two victims of the car bomb in Derry outside the armyheadquarters were employed as cleaners at the army post. They werenamed as 53-year-old Mrs Cecilia Byrne and 46-year-old John PatrickDunne. Mr Dunne was giving Mrs Byrne a driving lesson when thecar exploded s they approached the army post. Both were killedinstantly.

Saturday 12th January 1974Conspiracy chargeA 32-year-old joiner and a 16-year-old juvenile were in court chargedwith possessing an armalite rifle loaded with 11 rounds of ammunitionat Ballymurphy Road with intent and conspiring to murder membersof the RUC.

Monday 14th January 1974UDA to join road protestUlster industry faced disruption as roadblocks and strikes are to beset up as the UDA and other loyalist groups protest against the visitof two Irish judges for the first meeting of the Commission on LawEnforcement.

Monday 14th January 1974Guns found in victims homeGuns and ammunition were found in the home of a 43 year old Belfastman after he was found shot dead in Ardoyne. Christopher Dalyfrom the Limestone Road was found lying in an entry off BalholmDrive after a shot was heard. He was killed by a shotgun blast to thehead. He was the second member of the Catholic Ex Servicemen’sAssociation to be shot dead in Belfast in four days. The RUC founda Thompson sub machine gun, a sawn off shotgun a sniper sight and500 rounds of ammunition. Mr Daly was shot where he was foundand there were no immediate clues as to who shot him.

Monday 14th January 1974Belfast explosives chargeA 55-year-old man appeared in court charged with possessing 400lbof explosives and nine detonators at his home in Pisa Street. Theman was remanded in custody.

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BELOW - Mr John Whyte who was shot dead on theOrmeau Road in Belfast.BELOW RIGHT - Andrew Jordan who was abductedand shot dead by the UVF.

Monday 14th January 1974Bomb in Tyrone café defusedThe army defused a 20lb bomb planted in a Strabane restaurant.Soldiers set off two controlled explosions before defusing the bomb,and there was very slight damage to the building in Bridge Street.Three masked men had walked into the restaurant and left a parcel,which they said was a bomb. People from surrounding houses wereevacuated for the night.

Monday 14th January 1974Belfast shops set on fireOne fireman was burned on the arms and leg as he and colleaguestackled a blaze in Telerentals on the Antrim Road. Inflammable liquidhad been sprinkled on the ground floor of the building. Anotherfireman was slightly injured while fighting a blaze, which gutted areligious bookshop on the Falls Road. Other fires were in HughesBakery and offices on the Falls.In Carnlough three single decker Ulster buses were destroyed by fire.Again inflammable liquid had been sprinkled over the buses.

Monday 14th January 1974Derry incidentsThree shots were fired at a mobile patrol in the Carnhall Estate. Thepatrol returned fire but did not hit the gunman. Three empty cartridgeswere found at the ambush point.A single shot was fired at troops manning a vehicle checkpoint onCraigavon Bridge.Two shots were fired at a mobile patrol on Racecourse Road fromthe area of St Patrick’s school. Fire was returned.

Monday 14th January 1974The customs post at Middletown was set fire. The extent of thedamage was not known.Electricity supplies in Crossmaglen were interrupted after two blastsin the area.In Enniskillen a bomb damaged part of the new electricity showroomsat Killynure on the outskirts of Enniskillen. A warning had beengiven and a bungalow nearby was evacuated. The explosion wreckedabout a 30ft section of the building and showered debris on theEnniskillen to Tempo Road.

Monday 14th January 1974Invalid woman injuredAn invalid woman received cuts and severe shock when a massivecar bomb went off only yards from her home in Omagh. The womanrefused to leave her home in Campsie when the area was being clearedbut when the bomb went off she was showered with glass from brokenwindows. The bomb had been left in a stolen van in the Market Yardentry and it wrecked McGettigans public house on one side of theentry and Sloan’s confectionery shop on the other. Four other shopswere also badly damaged and many may have to be demolished. Theyincluded Mills confectionery shop, Anderson’s hardware andMcAleers travel agency. A number of cars were wrecked by the 200lbbomb and the force of the blast left one vehicle upside down on topof a demolished building.

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Tuesday 15th January 1974Border blastA bridge spanning the Tyrone Monaghan border was blown up whenthe army detonated a bomb. Troops suspected that the bridge atMullinavale near Fivemiletown had been booby-trapped. An armysniffer dog was slightly injured when one device blew up. The bombswere believed to have been planted after a demonstration near thebridge on Sunday.

Tuesday 15th January 1974Day of finds and arrests by security forcesIn Newry a car travelling from the direction of the border was stoppedat a vehicle check point on the Newry-Dublin road and 100lb ofexplosives were found. Two men were helping the police with theirinquiries.In Belfast a routine army patrol found 65lb of explosives hidden atthe edge of the Stewartstown Road. Two youths had been reportedacting suspiciously at the scene hours before.In Rathcoole the RUC found a number of rounds of ammunition in ahouse in Woodland Terrace. A man was arrested at the scene.After an army search in Rush Park, Newtownabbey, a man washelping police with inquiries after they found a number of rounds ofammunition.A workman found a box containing suspicious looking objects onwaste ground in the Mount Street area of Greencastle. They werefive homemade mortar bombs and a quantity of shotgun cartridgeswas also found.In Crossmaglen an army patrol found four live rounds and a coupleof empty cases outside the Town Hall.Army experts checked a suspected landmine under the BallygawleyRoad. The road was closed to all traffic.

Four or five shots were fired at the police station in Draperstown.One of the windows was shattered but no one was hurt.A 40lb cylinder type bomb was placed beside a GPO repeater stationat Ballyboley near Ballyclare. The army fired at the device, whichdisintegrated and was rendered harmless.

Wednesday 16th January 1974UDA demonstrationUDA supporters blocked nearly 40 roads and streets in Belfast andthousands attended a loyalist rally at the City Hall as a protest againstthe Irish judges attending the Anglo-Irish Commission on lawenforcement. Thousands of workers including men employed at threepower stations downed tools to take part in the demonstrations. Nearlyevery main road into Belfast was affected; some blocked with vehicleswhile traffic on others was stopped by human chains.

Wednesday 16th January 19743 wounded in shootingsA 30-year-old man was admitted to the RVH with a bullet wound inthe right leg and his condition was said to be serious. The shootingwas carried out in the South Link area of Andersonstown.One of two men walking up the Lisburn Road in Belfast was hitwhen a gunman walked out of an entry and fired at them. The man,aged 22, was hit once in the thigh and was taken to the nearby CityHospital, where his condition is not serious.In Newtownards a nightshift worker waiting to go on duty at theShort Bros factory in Corry Street was injured in the head and neckwhen a shotgun was fired through the door of his car. He was takento Ards Hospital but his condition was not serious.

Wednesday 16th January 1974Bombs in Portadown and CookstownTwo car bombs went off at bridges around the town of Portadownbut they caused little damage. No one was hurt. The first at Ballybay

BELOW - UDA road block across Belfast’s ShankillRoad

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BELOW - UDA road block in HillsboroughFACING PAGE - Burnt out buses in East Belfastfollowing riots by members of the UDA

Road Bridge, two miles along the Loughgall Road was between 30and 50 lb. Later between 20 and 50 lb of explosives in another carwent off under the railway bridge at Annagh on the Tandragee Road.The bridge was not damaged.In Cookstown the Dunleath Bar and nearby premises were badlydamaged by a 150lb bomb that rocked the town shortly after 10pm.A warning was phoned to the exchange beforehand and the area wasevacuated and sealed off before the explosion blasted the buildingsin Church Street. No one was injured.During the night security forces received at least 15 calls reportingsuspect bombs in the Portadown, Tandragee and Dungannon areas.Police and soldiers were tied up all night trying to check these.

Thursday 17th January 1974UVF claim to have missing manA statement from the UVF stated that they were holding the kidnapped32-year-old Protestant. The man was abducted on his way homefrom work in Carrickfergus and UVF said that he would be releasedlater unharmed. The kidnapped man was out on bail on charges ofpossessing five rifles and almost 4000 rounds of ammunition withintent at a garage near his home. The man had two workmates in hiscar and when he stopped to let one of them off his car was rushed bytwo gunmen. He was forced to drive to Woodburn rubbish tip wherehis colleagues were bundled out and tied up. He was then forced todrive off again and has not been seen since.

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Thursday 17th January 1974Portadown bombAt Lylo outside Portadown a 20lb bomb damaged the side wall of aRoman Catholic school. The blast also damaged part of the schooltoilets and broke windows including some stained glass ones, in thenearby church.

Thursday 17th January 1974Strabane shootingA single shot was fired at an army vehicle at Columban Avenue. Theshot struck the vehicle but there were no casualties.

Thursday 17th January 1974Man had rifleTwo twenty year old men were charged with the possession ofexplosive substances, a .303 rifle and 64 rounds of .303 ammunitionat Newry. Both men were remanded.

Friday 18th January 1974Man accused of murderA 26-year-old machine operator was charged with a murder in EastBelfast of Hugh Martin of Eskdale Gardens. Mr Martin aged 56,died after being shot outside the Tip-Top bakery at Lichfield Avenue.The accused was remanded.

Friday 18th January 1974Gunmen wound fireman in legA young Newry fireman was shot as he was taken from his home asshort time before he was due to report to the fire station. Three menknocked on his door and then forced him to drive off with them. AtHelens Terrace a short distance away they shot him and then madetheir escape.

Friday 18th January 1974Belfast incidentsYouths surrounded a member of an army foot patrol in the Divis flatscomplex and grabbed his radio. In the ensuing struggle the soldier’srifle went off accidentally and the youths made off, dropping theradio a few yards away.The windscreen of a police Land rover was broken when stones werethrown at it at the McClure Street-Ormeau Road junction.A petrol bomb was thrown through the window of a Catholic occupiedhouse at Belmont Avenue West but caused only slight damage.Three shots were fired at the Fort Monagh army base in Turf Lodgebut there were no casualties.

Friday 18th January 1974UDR man shot22 year old Private Robert Noel Jameson was shot dead as he got offa bus at Trillick, his mother finding her son a few minutes later dyingfrom a bullet wound in the back of the neck.

Friday 18th January 1974ShootingsSix shots were fired in Derry but the RUC were not involved andthere were no reports of casualties.Trouble broke out in the Brandywell after a local SDLP councillorDaniel Feeney was struck by a soldier when he arrived on the scenewhere two women were being held for questioning.

Friday 18th January 1974Pensioner killedA 73-year-old man died when gunmen attacked a pub at Cappagh CoTyrone. Three other men including the owner Francis Boyle wereinjured. Two masked men walked into the bar and one of them openedfire indiscriminately with an automatic weapon on three men seated

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RIGHT - Burnt out shops in Templemore Avenuefollowing UDA violence

at a table and a fourth customer who had just walked in to the bar.The men then drove off at speed leaving Mr Daniel Hughes dead anda 27-year-old man with serious chest and stomach wounds.

Friday 18th January 1974Pistols found after tip offPolice found two air pistols and almost 700 rounds of ammunition ina hedge at Newtownabbey. The find on the Doagh Road followedinformation received and as well as the weapons and ammunition arifle cleaning kit was discovered.

Saturday 19th January 1974Strabane hit by bomb and gun attackA suitcase bomb was left at Bannigans pub in Strabane and whenpolice came to clear the area they came under attack from gunmen.No police were injured and the pub was extensively damaged whenthe bomb went off 23 minutes later.

Saturday 19th January 1974Pub shootingThree customers were injured, one seriously when a pub in Trillickcame under fire. Three men in an Austin Cambridge drove into thevillage and pulled up outside McCourts bar in Main Street. Twomen got out and went over to the pub and opened fire through thewindow with an automatic weapon, possibly a sub machine gun.In Larne four shots were fired through the downstairs window of aCatholic occupied house in the Craigyhill estate but no one was hurt.

Saturday 19th January 1974Belfast incidentsMore than 30 houses suffered blast damage after a car bomb explodedat Marshall Street in the Corporation Street area. Two warning callswere made about the bomb to the Irish News and the area wasevacuated before the blast. The car was left outside the AcademyShirt Factory and it along with other nearby business premisessuffered blast damage.A sewage pumping station at River Terrace in the Ormeau Road areawas damaged by a 10lb bomb. There were no casualties.A blast bomb exploded outside a Catholic occupied house at DeerparkRoad and although no one was hurt a woman in the house had to betreated for shock after the blast.

Saturday 19th January 1974In Dungannon two men carried a bomb into the Dunowen Restaurantin the Square and told a female employee that it would go off in 20minutes. The area was evacuated and the army defused the 20lbdevice.

Saturday 19th January 1974Kidnapped man returnedCarrickfergus man Robert Bell turned up safe in Belfast after beingheld by the UVF for 48 hours. The 32-year-old man walked intoTennent Street police station and said that he had been set free in thearea. The outlawed UVF had said he was being held by them toassist them in their inquiries into the seizure by the RUC of whatthey described as “war materials” in Carrickfergus. Mr Bell wascleared by the UVF of any charge or suspicion.

Monday 21st January 1974Car bomb near city centreA car bomb exploded near the junction of Castle Street and KingStreet. The vehicle a BMC 1300 immediately went on fire and burntout. The only reported damage was a broken window in a nearbypub.

Monday 21st January 1974Man on shotgun chargeA 40-year-old lorry driver from Tamery Street, East Belfast, wascharged with having a shotgun outside his home. He was also chargedwith possessing ammunition with intent and was remanded in custody.

Monday 21st January 1974UDA threaten no busesNo public transport will be permitted to run in Belfast unless busservices to East Belfast are restored immediately the UDA threatenedin a statement. The UDA accused Citybus of penalising the peopleof East Belfast by their withdrawal of bus services after a weekendof rioting, which saw six buses, destroyed at a cost of £70,00.

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Monday 21st January 1974Five injured by bomb in letterboxTwo anonymous phone calls were made to the Samaritans by a femaleabout a bomb outside the Europa Hotel. The first call did not give aprecise location and the second call gave precise instructions. Fivepeople were injured when the bomb exploded in a mailbox. Thedevice, which consisted of 10lb of commercial gelignite, blew jaggedpieces of metal over a wide area. None of the injured was seriouslyhurt. Four are members of the RUC and the fifth victim was a hotelmanager.

Monday 21st January 1974Belfast incidentsTrouble flared in the Lower Falls area after a rally calling for thereturn of the London car bombers to Northern Ireland. A small sectionof the protesters attacked Hastings Street police station with stonesand bottles. Some of the crowd threw missiles, which damaged anarmy canteen in another part of Hastings Street.Two shots were heard in Divis Flats but there were no reports ofcasualties.Youths attacked Springfield Road police station and another groupof youth attacked an army RUC patrol in the Ormeau Road area withstones but no one was hurt.Shots were fired from the direction of Oceanic Avenue at policedirecting traffic way from a suspect device on the Antrim Road. Therewere no casualties and the car that had been abandoned near theCapitol cinema was found to be harmless.

Monday 21st January 1974Dungannon arms findPolice found three rifles, including an armalite, a .45 revolver and128 rounds of ammunition when they searched a hedge at Gorestown.In Derry troops found 100lb of explosives and items of bomb-makingequipment in a search of a house in Calbe Street, in the Bogside area.A single shot was fired at an army patrol in the Ballycolman area ofStrabane but there were no casualties and fire was not returned. Abomb left by three masked gunmen failed to explode.Children in Dunmurry found a .303 rifle in a field.A car bomb exploded under a railway bridge at Whitehouse inNewtownabbey. No damage was caused. Two youths left the vehicle,which had been hijacked in Glengormley. The bomb shatteredwindows in nearby houses.In Sugar Island, Newry, a 100-200lb bomb destroyed the street leavingmany of the residents homeless. The bomb consisted of a large beerkeg on the rear seat of a car parked outside the Savoury Bakery shopnear the post office.

Tuesday 22nd January 1974Furious scenes halt assemblySeveral members of the Loyalist Coalition, among them the Rev. IanPaisley, were carried bodily from Parliament Buildings by police in

unprecedented scenes of disorder. Those removed had been namedby the speaker and after attempts to persuade the named members toleave had failed, a large force of police moved in to the Assemblybuilding and began carrying out the Loyalist members. Several menwere injured and over 400 police were on duty at the assembly tokeep order.

Tuesday 22nd January 1974Girls had gun parts hidden in coatsTwo teenage girls were jailed for four years when they were foundguilty of hiding parts of a rifle underneath their coats in the Divisarea of Belfast. The girls had been stopped by soldiers of theGloucestershire Regiment as they were walking away from a buildingin St Judes Walk.

Tuesday 22nd January 1974UDA to protect busesBus services to East Belfast resumed as the UDA gave Citybus anassurance that no more buses would be targeted in the East End. 500UDA members would be patrolling the streets to ensure order and toprevent youths from rioting.

Tuesday 22nd January 1974Derry shop blastA Derry newsagents shop was damaged by a bomb blast. The bombhad been left in a duffel bag in the shop of A J Hinds in Strand Roadand a 15-minute warning was telephoned to police. The area wascleared before the bomb went off and no one was hurt.

Tuesday 22nd January 1974Soldier dies in DerryThe dead soldier was named by the army as Sgt John Haughey aged32, a father of three from Manchester who was serving with 94Locating Regiment, Royal Artillery. He received severe chest andstomach injuries when a 10lb bomb hidden between an electricitydistribution box and a wall at the junction of Lone Moor road andStanley’s Walk exploded as his patrol was passing. A second memberof the patrol suffered temporary deafness and another soldier wasblown to the ground but uninjured. The blast shattered windows inmany houses in the area and there was some disruption of electricitysupplies. Eight people taken into custody by troops in a house nearthe scene were later released.On the Creggan estate troops opened fire at a gunman but no hits erereported.An attempt by 10 youths to hijack a bus in the William Street areawas foiled when an army foot patrol arrived on the scene. The buswas recovered.

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Tuesday 22nd January 1974Ballyronan pub bombsThree pubs, two of them owned by Catholics, were damaged by the50-100lb car bomb blast in the village. There had been a warningphone call and the area was evacuated before the blast. Four familieshave been left homeless.

Tuesday 22nd January 1974Belfast incidentsA petrol bomb was thrown through a window at Capital Cars on theAntrim Road. A small fire was quickly brought under control.There were more incidents of youths and children stoning buses inthe Springfield Rod area and also on the Sydenham by pass.

Tuesday 22nd January 1974Strabane shootingA single shot was fired at troops on the Camels Hump but there wereno casualties and troops returned fire but claimed no hits.

Wednesday 23rd January 1974Blast tracedAn explosion heard in the Lisnaskea area last night was traced thismorning to the quarries of Clarke and Sons at Slush Hill where theoffices were badly damaged.

Wednesday 23rd January 1974Woman shot in BelfastMrs Anne Duffy was hit in her left shoulder as she answered a knockon the door of her home at Deerpark Road. Four shorts were firedthrough the door but Mrs Duffy the wife of John Duffy the SDLPsecretary luckily escaped with a flesh wound. Her husband was inthe house at the time but was unhurt.Another gun attack came in nearby Alliance Avenue when a 40-year-old man received a shoulder wound. The man was watching TVwith his children when a brick was thrown through a window andwas followed by a number of shots, one of which hit him, anothernarrowly missed his children.Nail bombs exploded outside two Catholic houses at Braehill Roadbut although doors were damaged and some windows smashed noone was injured.

Wednesday 23rd January 1974In Dungannon troops defused a 35lb bomb planted by two maskedgunmen in the premises of Calderwood and Hamilton, electricalwholesalers at Victoria Road.In Strabane six shots were fired at an army mobile patrol in the BridgeEnd area.Members of a joint UDR-army patrol came under fire in Fermanaghas they were dismounting from their vehicles close to the border. Asoldier returned one shot at a man seen running across a field about400 years away. Later troops found a 150lb culvert mine on a minorroad close by.

In Clones two men who were unloading pigs were slightly injured inthe blast at a bacon factory. Most of the 30 pigs were killed by theblast.

Wednesday 23rd January 1974Booby trap in AughnacloyA booby trap bomb packed into a fire extinguisher was found attachedto the car of a Catholic teacher in the village a short time before thefuneral of UDR man Cormac McCabe. His wife spotted the 15lbbomb with wires leading from it and the army later removed the devicewith the help of a robot and blew it up.

Thursday 24th January 1974Car Bomb goes offA city centre Chinese Restaurant owner took delivery of two bags ofpotatoes and seconds later a bomb exploded in the fruit and vegetablelorry parked outside his front door in Lower North Street. The bombwas concealed in the back of the lorry, which was packed withproduce, and driven through the army checkpoint into the controlledarea behind the security gates. The 50lb bomb blast scattered fruitand vegetables over the roadway and smashed windows insurrounding premises.

Thursday 24th January 1974IRA air attackA helicopter hijacked by three men and a girl claiming to be journalistson their way Tory Island was involved in an air attack on StrabaneRUC station. Two milk churns containing explosives were droppedfrom the helicopter but neither exploded. Two churns were alsodropped in a Donegal lake and the hijackers were dropped off atCloughfin near the border.

Thursday 24th January 1974Gunfire and bombs in a relatively quiet dayTwo youths left two parcels at the side of the Mountainview fillingstation on the Crumlin Road. As they ran off one bomb explodedcausing little damage. An army expert made the second deviceharmless.Six shots were fired at soldiers in an observation post in AllianceAvenue. No one was hurt and the soldiers did not return fire.Troops searched flats in Norglen Parade in Turf Lodge and foundguns and ammunition. The find included a revolver, a semi automaticshotgun, two SLR magazines, two boxes of shotgun cartridges and100 rounds of ammunition, some of them armour piercing and severalammunition clips.In Dungannon a shot was fired at an army post in Ann Street. Soldiersreturned fire but didn’t claim a hit.

Friday 25th January 1974Station blastA 30-year-old floor tiler was charged with bombing Andersonstownpolice station. The man from the Glen Road area denied the charge.

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BELOW - The remains of the Athletic Stores inWellington Place following a fire bomb attack.BELOW RIGHT - Fire fighters battle to save the Hartand Churchill building in Queen Street follwing anIRA fire bomb attack.

The blast caused more damage to surrounding buildings that to thepolice station.Bus services to several parts of West Belfast were suspended afterthree buses were hijacked in the West and a number of brewery lorrieswere hijacked in the same area.Shots were fired at an army mobile patrol in Kennedy Way but therewere no casualties. Some soldiers were slightly cut when gunmenwho fired about 10 shots at their land rover near Casement Parkshattered the vehicles windscreen.A youth and a girl left an incendiary device in the Fountain Bar ofFountain Street. The device was spotted and was later defused. Asimilar device was left in Hannigans Bar close by and went off.Flames were spotted and the fire was extinguished before the FireBrigade arrived.A single shot was fired at an army patrol in Fairfield Street in theArdoyne area but no one was hurt.

Friday 25th January 1974Abducted man homeA 26-year-old Protestant man abducted by gunmen from his HillmanStreet home has turned up safe and well. The man arrived back athis house after calls from his 21-year-old wife that whoever washolding her husband to release him.

Friday 25th January 1974Mine blastOne soldier was killed and two others injured when a landmine blewup near the shores of Lough Neagh and the border village of Garrisonwas evacuated. The soldier died instantly in the explosion behind ahayshed off the road between Toomebridge and Ballyronan. He wasone of a party of troops searching the area.

In Crossmaglen in Co Armagh another mine of 400lb of explosivesand a smaller booby trap were found by an army patrol and blownup. In the Fermanagh village of Garrison families and shopkeepershad to leave after a radio-controlled bomb was planted at the PostOffice

Saturday 26th January 1974Carbine hidden up coatA policeman told the court in Belfast that when an army patrol stoppedand searched two men on a motorcycle in Belfast they found them tohave arms and ammunition. Both men were charged with having anM1 carbine, two magazines, 21 rounds of ammunition, a .45 automaticpistol and magazine with intent to endanger life or cause serious injuryto property. One man had an M1 carbine hidden up his coat and theother man was concealing a .45 revolver.

Saturday 26th January 1974Car blown up by armyAn army disposal expert blew up a stolen car with false number platesin Queens Square. The area had been cleared but the vehicle wasfound to contain no explosives.

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BELOW - A CIE bus which was hijacked and set ablazein Dublin’s Ballyfermot by republicians

Saturday 26th January 1974Seven bombs chargeA 21-year-old man was charged at a court in Derry with the unlawfulpossession of seven bombs. The man refused to recognise the courtand was remanded in custody.

Saturday 26th January 1974UDR men fired onThree shots were fired at a UDR patrol in the Cavehill Road area ofBelfast. There were no casualties.

Monday 28th January 1974IRA to end UDR killingsThe IRA has called off it campaign against off duty UDR men. Thisdecision was taken at a meeting of the IRA army council and is aresponse to the Desmond Boal initiative on an amalgamated Ireland.The IRA expects their decision will result in the ending of the sectariankillings of Catholics and it hopes there will be a reciprocal statementconfirming this from militant Loyalist groups in the near future.

Monday 28th January 1974Bombers hit StrabaneA bomb caused extensive damage to he interior of McKee’s groceryshop in Barrack Street. A 5-10lb bomb had been left on the counterby three masked gunmen who rifled the till before leaving. Threearmed men planted a 50lb bomb at the Bridgend post office inCunningham’s shop but it only partially exploded, causing slightdamage. A 50-100lb car bomb left outside the town’s main post officein Castle Street also failed to go off properly. Only part of the chargeexploded and started a fire that burned out the car but damage tonearby buildings was slight.

Monday 28th January 1974Newry bomb attackTwo people were cut by flying glass when a bomb exploded in a taxiat Margaret Square in Newry town centre. The taxi had been stoppedearlier by gunmen and the driver ordered out by the men who thenput the 200lb bomb in the back seat. The bombers held the drivercaptive and on his release he alerted the police. The bomb badlydamaged the community services centre and many shops.In Forkhill a car hijacked in Newry blew up on the outskirts of thevillage but there were no reports of casualties or damage.

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Monday 28th January 1974Incidents around UlsterYe olde bar in Main Street Newcastle was targeted when a call wasreceived warning of a milk churn outside the bar. The bomb explodedcausing extensive damage to the bar but no one was hurt.In Belfast troops were fired on from the direction of Holy CrossChurch in Ardoyne. The army also carried out a controlled explosionon a Mini abandoned outside Mackies at Forfar Street.In Swatragh up to 20 shots were fired at an army mobile patrol froma derelict house but there were no casualties.In Donegal Gardai found three rifles in a search of theGlencolumbkille area. In Moy four weapons and 110 rounds ofassorted ammunition were discovered by police hidden in a sandquarry on the outskirts of the village.In Armagh a bomb-making factory was uncovered in the Shamblesarea after soldiers accidentally stumbled over a detonator and somefuse wire lying in an alley. In a subsequent search of a nearby housethe army found 75 lb of bomb making material, a half pint of nitrobenzine, 53 feet of detonating cord, 10 feet of fuse wire and 13detonators.

Tuesday 29th January 1974Woman killed in RAF bus attackAn elderly woman was killed and two RAF men injured when gunmenambushed a bus carrying airmen through Newcastle. The vehiclecarrying over 20 men was on its way to Bishopscourt when it wasraked by gunfire. The body of Mrs Witherington was found lying ina pool of blood on her bed after neighbours noticed a bullet hole inthe upstairs window on her home after the attack. They knocked on

the door and when they received no reply the police were called andfound the widow with a bullet wound in the chest.

Tuesday 29th January 1974Tyrone bombs and shootingsThe police station on the Omagh Road, Newtownstewart wasevacuated after reports of a bomb outside the building. A stolen Fordcorsair was found and the bomb had been left outside the home of a79-year-old widow. A small bang was heard to come from the car,but the 200lb bomb did not explode and after several hours it wasdefused safely. In Dungannon a 19-year-old man came under firefrom a machinegun as he was driving his car near the Ballygawleyroundabout. Two men in a car fired a shot at a commercial travellersvehicle and when he stopped his car one of the gunmen got out andclimbed in beside him, the traveller was forced to drive with him andthen the gunman stole his briefcase containing about £1700.

Tuesday 29th January 1974Belfast incidentsA 16-year-old youth was hit in the foot when a shot was fired atRushfield Avenue in the Ormeau Road, area. The youth was notseriously hurt.A 26-year-old man was taken to the Ulster Hospital with gunshotwounds to his knee after an incident at EbringtonA man was pushing his car on the Whiterock Road when a Londontype taxi drove up and one of the occupants fired a shot at the man.Two youths fired shots at two harbour policemen on duty at PrincessDock gates.

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Wednesday 30th January 197414 held by Gardai and RUCFourteen men were still being questioned by the RUC and Gardaiafter a series of arrests in Strabane and Lifford. In Strabane threemen were detained after a rifle and ammunition were found in a car.Another five men were being questioned after an incident in whichsome people inside a church hall were held at gunpoint for a time.Gardai were holding six men from Northern Ireland who weredetained in Lifford.

Wednesday 30th January 1974RUC man killed in DerryConstable William Baggley, a father of three, was shot dead in theWaterside area. Witnesses said that the gunmen continued to fire atthe man, as he lay injured on the ground. Another RUC man wasinjured during the attack.

Wednesday 30th January 1974Castlederg bombA reserve policeman was injured by flying debris when a car bombexploded without warning outside the post office in the Tyrone villageof Castlederg. There was no warning before the car bomb explodedbut the postmaster spotted the device and the area evacuated. The50-100lb bomb exploded and extensively damaged the Post Officeand a shop across the road and several other buildings were alsodamaged.

Terence McCafferty James McCloskey

RIGHT - The hut in which Terence McCafferty andJames McCloskey were killed

Wednesday 30th January 1974Man shotIn Strabane a man was admitted to hospital with a gunshot wound tothe knee and in Belfast three or four low velocity shots were fired ata RUC land rover in Cromac Street but no one injured and fire wasnot returned.

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Wednesday 30th January 1974Priest drives away suspect carsA priest drove away two of the four suspect vehicles that were hijackedand placed across main roads in the Shantallow area of Derry. Thepriest drove away a van from near the homes of old age pensionersin the estate a short time after the hijacks had placed it in position ina road blocking operation, which sealed off a large portion of theShantallow area.

Thursday 31st January 1974Workers killed in NewtownabbeyTwo workmen were killed and three others wounded when they wereshot in a burst of machinegun fire while they played a lunchtimefame of cards at Newtownabbey. The men worked for NorthernIreland Electricity and were laying cable to a community centre beingbuilt at Rush Park estate, off the Doagh Road. The two dead menalong with eight others were in a shelter when two masked men cameto the entrance. One of the gunmen appeared to be armed with aSterling sub machine gun and the other with a revolver. The gunmenhad identified the two dead men as Roman Catholic and they weremade to kneel before being shot.

Thursday 31st January 1974Man killed on his doorstepMr Thomas Walker was shot four times by a gunman who called athis home in Gosford Place in the McClure Street area of the OrmeauRoad. His father answered the door and when the deceased came tothe door he was shot five times from close range. Mr Walker died ashort time later. The gunman escaped in a Cortina.Shots were fired at New Barnsley police station, at troops inLenadoon, at Divismore, Annadale Street, and Antrim Road and inthe New Lodge area.A pipe bomb was found in the garden of a house in Whitecliff parade.

Thursday 31st January 1974Shootings and bombsIn Derry a petrol bomb was thrown at troops at Free Derry Corner asan army bomb disposal officer was dealing with a suspect car. Acontrolled explosion was used but nothing was found in the vehicle.Four of five shots were fired at a foot patrol in Greenwalk, Cregganand a single shot was fired at a patrol in Racecourse Road, Shantallow.Fire was returned but no one was hurt.In Crossmaglen shots were fired at an army patrol. Some of thempierced a soldier’s flak jacket but he was not hurt.

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FACING PAGE - The cars in which 16 year ThomasDonaghy was killed and Margaret McErlean fatallywonded (she died a week later) in a UDA gun attackoutside Abbey MeatsRIGHT - Mr Peter Carty who was shot dead by theUDA in the Balmoral Service Station (above right)

Friday 1st February 1974Irish Cabinet at HillsboroughThe Republics Prime Minister Mr Cosgrove and seven of his Ministerswere flown by helicopter to Northern Ireland for a surprise summitmeeting with their opposite numbers in the Assembly Executive. Theconference-amounting almost to a meeting of two Cabinets and anunprecedented event on Irish soil-was at the former residence of theNorthern Ireland Governor at Hillsborough. Three Irish army aircorps helicopters, which brought the Dublin ministers and theirofficials, were met on the border by a British army helicopter, whichescorted them until touch down on the lawns of Hillsborough Castle.With Mr Faulkner in the discussions were Mr Gerry Fitt, Mr OliverNapier, Mr John Hume, Mr Paddy Devlin, Mr Herbert Kirk, Mr LeslieMorrell and Mr Roy Bradford. With Mr Cosgrave were Mr Corish,Dr Conor Cruise O’Brien, Mr Garret Fitzgerald, Mr James Tully, MrPatrick Cooney, Mr Richie Ryan and Mr Declan Costello.

Friday 1st February 1974Derry area sealed offA large section of the business centre of Derry was evacuated asarmy bomb disposal experts moved in to tackle what was regardedas potentially the most dangerous security situation yet seen in thecity, a suspected bomb in an underground petrol tank in a StrandRoad garage. All buildings within a 200-yard radius of the garagewere cleared and huge traffic jams built up. Strand Road and thedockside were closed to traffic.

Friday 1st February 1974Door to door hunt for killersAn RUC murder squad started house to house inquiries in the RushPark area of Newtownabbey after two Catholic men were killed whileworking in the area.

Friday 1st February 1974Army deal with van bomb in BelfastAn army team detonated part of a 100lb bomb in a van in Belfast.The controlled explosions were carried out before 30lb of the chargeexploded. The remaining 70lb of explosives were burned offharmlessly. The bomb was in a suitcase in a yellow Ford Escort vanparked in Hope Street off Great Victoria Street. Dozens of windowsin Hope Street and office buildings in Great Victoria Street wereshattered.

Friday 1st February 1974RUC recruitmentThe RUC numbers have increased from 4086 to 4391 and the RUCreserves from 1284 to 2514.

Saturday 2nd February 1974Guns foundAn M1 carbine and a sawn off shotgun were found by troops in asearch at Silverstream Avenue in the Ballysillan area. One man wasarrested.

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BELOW LEFT - The remains of a car bomb whichexploded in Belfast’s Hope Street.BELOW & FACING PAGE - Devastated shops inMarket Square Dungannon following an IRA car bombattack

Saturday 2nd February 1974Newry Post Office damaged by bombThe head post office in Newry was badly damaged by a bomb. Thebomb was carried into the post office in a duffle bag on top of whichwas a football jersey. It was placed on the counter and the man wholeft it disappeared in the small crowd that was there at the time. Thiswas the fourth successive weekend that bomb damage was caused tothe post office. A large area was evacuated and an army technicalofficer kept a wide cordon. The bomb exploded a short time laterand postal deliveries were not affected.

Saturday 2nd February 1974Belcoo rocket fireSix Russian made rockets were fired at the police station but all struckthe perimeter fence and three exploded harmlessly in a field. Shrapnelfrom one of the missiles damaged a covered stairway leading to anarmy-sandbagged post and, as the missiles were fired, the gunmenopened fire from two positions. Troops in the station returned morethan 100 rounds before the gunmen made off into the darkness.

Saturday 2nd February 1974Belfast incidentsPolice are investigating the incident in which a 33-year-old Protestantwas shot in the right leg at a house in Ritchie Street in the York Roadarea.Four soldiers were slightly injured when about 20 youths threw stonesand bottles at an army patrol in the New Lodge area.Shots were heard in the Dee Street, Greencastle and Antrim Roadareas but there were no reports of any casualties or damage.

Saturday 2nd February 1974Newtownards shootingA 26-year-old Catholic reported that he thought a shot was fired athim as he walked down Prices Lane after leaving a bar. He noticedthat he was being followed by two youths and after hearing a loudcrack behind him he ran to the end of the entry where he came acrossa police patrol.

Monday 4th February 1974Rifle Charge man remandedA 17-year-old Belfast youth was remanded in custody charged withpossessing an armalite rifle at Leeson Street.

Monday 4th February 1974Shankill arms findEight guns and a quantity of explosives were found when troopssearched a house in the Shankill. The haul in Weir Street includedtwo SLR rifles, two Garand rifles, one pistol, three revolvers, atelescopic sight, six magazines, and 648 rounds of assortedammunition and eight bags of explosives.

Monday 4th February 1974Trouble in New LodgeYouths hurled blast bombs at troops as trouble erupted in the NewLodge area. Two lorries were set on fire and one of them blocked theNew Lodge Road. Minutes earlier groups of youths toured the areatelling local shopkeepers to close the doors. The youths told oneshopkeeper that there would be trouble and that it was a continuation

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of yesterday’s demonstration, which followed the unveiling of aplaque to several people killed in the area. Youths stopped a furnitureremoval lorry and jammed it across the bottom of the New LodgeRoad near the junction with North Queen Street.

Monday 4th February 1974Gangs get explosivesPolice on both sides of the border were hunting the gangs who escapedwith a total over five tons of bomb making materials in two separateraids. In Belfast the UFF got away with half a ton of sodium nitrateafter a raid on Ewarts Mill in the Ligoniel area. In Co Offaly six menfrom the IRA got away with over 5 tons of nitrate fertiliser after araid on a Bord na Mona plant.

Monday 4th February 1974Tyrone car bombA car bomb, which went off in the village of Augher, damaged anumber of shops and houses. The car had been hijacked earlier andwas left at the gable wall of the McLarnes grocery shop on the ClogherRoad. A warning was phoned and the bomb went off smashing manywindows.

Monday 4th February 1974Belfast shootings and bombsFour or five shots were fired at a foot patrol at Hillman Street butthere were no casualties. Troops were stoned by a group of 40 youthsand a police land rover was stoned by a Loyalist crowd at DuncairnGardens.A blast bomb was thrown at an army patrol in Glenrosa Street butthere were no injuries.

The area around Great Victoria Street railway station was evacuatedafter a man purporting to represent the UVF rang the News Letterand said there was a bomb in a manhole opposite the recently bombedstation. No bomb was found.

Bomb making materials were found in a house in Knockwood Parkin East Belfast.A 43-year-old motorist was injured when a bomb exploded withoutwarning in a mailbox opposite the Bayardo Bar on the Shankill Road.

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The small bomb destroyed the mailbox and damaged nearby shops.Later the army carried out a controlled explosion on a suspect letterin another mailbox at Percy Street.

Monday 4th February 1974Derry acid attackIn the Creggan estate a bottle of acid was thrown at an army patroland smashed against an armoured vehicle. There was one minormilitary casualty who returned to duty later that day.Two gunmen fired six shots at a mobile army patrol at Carnhill Estate,Derry and 30 youths stoned the army patrol near the communitycentre. Rubber bullets were fired to disperse the crowd.

Monday 4th February 1974In Newry a car bomb at CARS showrooms on the Warrenpoint Roadfailed to explode after two controlled explosions were carried out inthe vehicle. The building was damaged by the controlled explosions.

Tuesday 5th February 1974Letter boxes to be shutThe post office announced that all letterboxes in Belfast would beclosed to prevent bomb attacks. The move follows a spate of letterboxbomb attacks in West Belfast and in the lower Falls.

Tuesday 5th February 1974Bomb defusedThe army defused a bomb planted in a garage at the Monaghan Roadin Newry.

Tuesday 5th February 1974Murder hunt43-year-old Mr Vincent Clarke, a coal merchant from WhiterockGardens was shot dead. Mr Clarke, a father of three, was about toget out of his car when a dark coloured BMC1100 with four men in itcame up the street and four shots were fired. Mr Clarke slumpedover the bonnet of his car as he was hit in the stomach and die almostimmediately. Mr Clarke’s brother Robert was shot dead at a buildersyard off the Donegall Road 6 months ago.

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FACING PAGE - The remains of Traynor’s Bar onthe Moy-Armagh Road in which Patrick Molloy andJack Wylie were killed in a UVF bomb attack.BELOW - The Woolworth store in Omagh in flamesfollowing an IRA fire bomb attack.TOP RIGHT - Rioting at the Boyne Bridge at Belfast’sSandy Row.BELOW RIGHT - Rioting on the New Lodge Road

Tuesday 5th February 1974Omagh shops blastedA bomb went off in Lower Market Street caused extensive damageto a dozen shops and shattering windows in buildings up to 100 yardsaway. The bomb was between 100 and 200lb and had been left in aMorris Minor van outside a television shop. People living above theshops were left homeless and electricity supplies were also hit.

Tuesday 5th February 1974Belfast night of bombs12 people were hurt when a 5lb bomb exploded without warninginside a mailbox at Divis Flats. The box was wrecked and severalpassengers on a bus were injured. Three of the injured had seriousshrapnel wounds.A short time later a bomb exploded in a mailbox on the ShankillRoad. Three girls were treated for shock.A blast bomb was thrown at troops after rioting in the New Lodgearea.Two incendiaries exploded at the Elephant Bar in North Street andextensive damage was caused to a landing and stairway.Coyles Bar in Gresham Street was also damaged in another incendiaryattack.

Tuesday 5th February 1974In Dungannon the arm defused a 50lb bomb planted at the BritishLegion club in Scotch Street. The area had been evacuated.Shots were heard in the Ballybean Estate but there were no reportsof casualties.

Tuesday 5th February 1974Late night letter bombA letter bomb exploded after the occupier of a house in North Belfastfound a bulky envelope. The bomb had been put through the letterboxof a house at Glenside Parade but the occupants were suspicious andthey lifted the package and threw it into the back yard. It explodedharmlessly.

Wednesday 6th February 1974Troops under fireTroops came under fire at Oakham Street off the Falls Road. Eightshots were fired at a mobile patrol and fire was not returned. A handgrenade was found in a gutter on the Crumlin Road and in Derrytroops were stoned in the Creggan Estate.A foot patrol was stoned by youths in Eastway Gardens and later theBlighs Lane army post came under stone attack. In both incidentsthe troops fired rubber bullets to disperse youths.

Wednesday 6th February 1974Bombs hit firms in TyroneTwo bombs badly damaged a mill and a timber yard at Coalislandand in Newry business premises were damaged after a car bomb blewup outside a garage.Warnings were received about the Coalisland bombs and a large areaaround both premises was cleared and the bombs went of shortlyafterwards. No one was injured.In Newry the car containing two bombs was parked outside a garagein Edward Street. It exploded blowing a gas cylinder containing80lb of explosives onto the pavement. The army defused the cylinder.

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In Derry a bomb of 10lb caused slight damage to a Strand Roadsupermarket.60 rounds of ammunition and a small amount of chemical explosivewere found by troops in a search of gardens in the Melmore area ofthe Creggan.In Bangor a gas cylinder bomb was found in a derelict council house.The area was sealed off and the army carried out a controlledexplosion, which damaged the house.The army defused a gas cylinder bomb in a telephone box outsidethe Glenowen Inn on the Glen Road.

Thursday 7th February 1974Hijacking in DerryEight vehicles were hijacked in Derry and left partially blocking roadsin the Shantallow area. Troops fearing booby traps allowed thevehicles to stay where they were.Gunmen fired at an army checkpoint at the bottom of Bishop Streetand troops returned fire. An armoured army vehicle was shot at as itpassed the junction of Lonemoor Road and Letterkenny Road.

Thursday 7th February 1974Belfast shootings and blast bombsThree high velocity shots were fired at troops carrying out a footpatrol at Edlingham Street. There were no hits and the soldiersreturned fire.A blast bomb was thrown at a grocery store at Ligoniel Road. Noone was hurt.Another blast bomb was thrown at a Catholic occupied house atSquires Hill Road and caused moderate damage to the room in whichit landed.Children handed in two rounds of ammunition they found in the OldLodge area. The police carried out a search of the area and found afurther 329 rounds.

Friday 8th February 1974Blasts rock border areaTwelve explosions rocked the South Armagh border, as a large scaleIRA operation took placed. Two bombs were planted in a supermarketat Culloville and a few miles away two bombs damaged pylonscarrying the North South electricity link. The eight blasts left cratersin a field and were thought to have been caused by landmines meantfor army patrols. Widespread automatic gunfire was also heard inthe area throughout the operation.

Friday 8th February 1974Belfast arms find23 zip guns were found in a derelict house at Highpark Drive off theWest Circular Road. The arms find also included 30 rounds of .22ammunition and 12 rounds of assorted ammunition.

A 60-100lb bomb in a beer keg planted outside St Brigids Church inDerryvolgie Avenue failed to explode and did not cause any damage.Two men who made off in an old car planted the bomb.20 youths stoned troops for a time in the Braehill area of Ligonielbut there were no casualties.A large quantity of arms and ammunition were handed in to policeafter they were found in a plastic bag at Ballysillan playing fields.In a follow up operation the RUC found 82 armour piercing roundsand four other bullets.

Friday 8th February 1974Welsh Guards attackedIn Newry foot patrols of the Welsh Guards came under fire in differentparts of the town but no one was hit. Both automatic and singleshots were heard over a 35-minute period. Fire was returned.In Derry shots were fired at an army patrol returning to Creggancamp at the camp gate. The patrol returned fire but no hits wereclaimed.

Friday 8th February 1974IRA deny plotThe Provisional IRA denied an allegation by the SDLP that therewas an IRA plot to assassinate some of the SDLP leaders. In astatement issued through the Republican publicity bureau the IRAsaid the SDLP allegation was “without foundation”. The statementconcluded that the public could expect more similar wild allegationsfrom the SDLP in view of the party’s “political bankruptcy”.

Saturday 9th February 1974Blast damages Belfast restaurantA bomb estimated at 2-5lb and taped up in a cardboard box damageda rear wall and a ceiling in the Skandia Restaurant at College SquareEast. The area had been cleared after a warning and there was nostructural damage.

Saturday 9th February 1974Customs post blastTwo gunmen carried a bomb with the fuse alight into a temporarycustoms caravan at Killeen, and ordered staff out. The 10lb bombexploded soon after wrecking the caravan and another one parkednearby.

Saturday 9th February 1974Shots heardFour shots were fired at a security vehicle checkpoint in Bridge EndStrabane but no one was hurt. Also in Strabane the army dealt with60lb of homemade explosives found on the road between Sion Millsand Strabane.In Lurgan two high velocity shots were fired at an army mobile patrolin the Kilwilkie estate. One shot hit the land rover but no one washurt and the soldiers returned fire.

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Monday 11th February 1974Tyrone girl hit by 12 bulletsA young Tyrone girl is critically ill after a machinegun attack nearher home at Moy. 12 bullets hit the 20 year old and her boyfriendhad the tip of his finger blown off during the attack. The girls’ fatherrushed to scene when he heard the shots and found the boyfriendcarrying the badly injured girl. The girl was able to have 11 of thebullets removed.

Monday 11th February 1974Worker killed in ambushHooded gunmen opened fire on a car full of Roman Catholic workerskilling a 16-year-old boy and wounding four of his colleagues. Theattack happened outside the Abbey Meat Packers in Glenville Roadwhere the men worked and the gunmen sped off after the attack. Theinjured men were all from the Bawnmore Estate, a few miles away.

Monday 11th February 1974Omagh hit hard by bombFour major shops in the main street and the Crown Buildings, whichhouse Government offices, were destroyed in a huge bomb attack inOmagh. Incendiary devices started fires, which swept through thebuildings and at one point over 70 fire fighters were at the scene. Atthe same time a 500lb bomb exploded outside the Crown Buildings.The bomb had been in a van left at the side of the building andwitnesses saw two men run away.

Monday 11th February 1974Armagh shootingsThree soldiers, two from the Welsh Guards were wounded in attacksin the Armagh area. Troops operating a checkpoint in Crossmaglencame under fire and one soldier was hit on the foot. Fire was returnedbut no hits claimed. Gunmen then opened fire from the Cullovilledirection and one soldier was hit on the shoulder and the other washit on the ankle. Fire was returned and a hit was claimed by thepatrol.In a follow up operation the army defused a 75lb booby trap bombplanted in a ditch with detonation wires running across the border.A grocery store at Killylea Road in Armagh was badly damaged byan explosion but noone was hurt.

Monday 11th February 1974At Lurgan a rocket fired at either the police or an army post explodedharmlessly and landed in High Street without causing any damage.In Portaferry a reserve constable driving a police car was hit in theshoulder and hand when a gunman fired ten shots at the car.

In Magherafelt the army said 50-60 shots were fired at a UDR patrolin the Ballymaguigan area and the UDR returned fire.In Coagh shots were fired from a passing car at the home of an RUCman and a former UDR member in the village.

In Derry four shots were fired at an army foot patrol in the Greenwalkarea of Creggan. Fire was not returned and three soldiers receivedminor injuries when a blast bomb was thrown over a wall at thegasworks in Lecky Road.Troops found 176 rounds of assorted ammunition during a routinesearch in the Teghnevin area.

Monday 11th February 1974Belfast blast bombA blast bomb was thrown at St Gall’s youth club in the Upper Fallsbut no one was hurt.A man telephoned the News Letter warning of a bomb at Cranglesbar on the Cavehill Road. The army defused the 50-100lb bomb andsaid that paraffin had been sprinkled all over the bar.

Monday 11th February 1974Two in courtA 35-year-old labourer of Ramoan Drive was in court charged withpossessing explosives in the city. A 25-year-old fitter of RockvilleStreet was in court charged with possessing five bullets at his home.

Tuesday 12th February 1974Whiteabbey murder carPolice found the car used in the attack on Catholic workers inWhiteabbey lying abandoned in Newtownabbeys Rushpark Estate.

Tuesday 12th February 1974Arms find in DonegalGardai found seven rockets, an armalite rifle and 4000 rounds ofammunition on a beach in Culdaff, Co Donegal.

Tuesday 12th February 1974Belfast Bombs and shootingsThe army carried out a controlled explosion on a cardboard boxcontaining 114 sticks of gelignite in York Street.Three shots were fired at a gateman on duty at the SPD depot on theSpringfield Road. No one was hit.The army found 300 rounds of ammunition when they searched aschool in the Beechmount area.200 rounds of ammunition were found during a search at a house atAinsworth Drive.

Tuesday 12th February 1974Derry incidentsA 10 lb bomb in a gas cylinder with a anti handling device fitted to itwas neutralised by the army. The device contained six-inch nailswas found under corrugated sheeting in the garden of a house atLeenan Gardens.Seven shots were fired at a mobile patrol on the Creggan estate butthere were no casualties.

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FACING PAGE - A woman being rescued following ano warning bomb attack on the Spa Inn in the NewLodge area of North Belfast. 82 year old Hugh Devlinwas killed in the blast. Tony O’Connor Hugh Duffy

Tuesday 12th February 1974Bar BombedA bomb planted outside the Dunleath Bar at Church Street Cookstownextensively damaged the building but the area had been evacuatedand no one was hurt.In Enniskillen an attempt was made to wreck the tourist informationoffice in Townhall Street but the bomb in a duffel bag failed to gooff. Only the detonator exploded scattering the“sugar” explosives across the street. Only one window was brokenby the blast.In Lurgan six shots were fired at an UDR-Army mobile patrol atNorth Street but although several bullets hit the vehicle no one washurt.Four hundred primers and 30 rounds of ammunition were among afind by troops at an unoccupied house in the area.An unattended car at Campsie Road was blown up in a controlledexplosion.

Wednesday 13th February 1974Belfast arms findTroops found five rifles and a large quantity of ammunition whenthey searched a derelict house in Dover Street, Shankilll Road.

Wednesday 13th February 1974Manager killedTwo gunmen shot 57-year-old Peter Carty dead at his Lisburn RoadGarage. Mr Carty had just appeared in a pre-recorded UlsterTelevision interview, 20 minutes before he was killed.

Wednesday 13th February 1974Explosives arrestFour men were charged with possession of explosives in Belfast.The men were charged with having the explosives in Great PatrickStreet with intent to endanger life or cause serious injury to property.

Wednesday 13th February 1974Workers shelter wrecked in bombA bomb blew up a hut in the grounds of Belfast Zoo and injured apassing motorist on the Antrim Road. It was thought the bomb wasintended for a passing army patrol. The workman’s hut wascompletely destroyed and part of the zoo wall was blown on to thecar. The motorist was taken to hospital with facial injuries and aninjured eye. No animals were injured in the explosion.

Wednesday 13th February 1974UDR patrol attack40-50 shots were fired at a UDR patrol near the village of Portglenoneby gunmen lying in ambush positions. One of the vehicles was struckthere were no casualties and the patrol returned fire.

Wednesday 13th February 1974Showroom BombedIn Newry an old television set was used to house a bomb carried intoWylie and Haslett’s electrical showroom at Canal Street. The menwith the bomb told staff and customers that they had five minutes toget out, electrical stock and the building were damaged in the blast.A number of rockets and a .303 rifle were found during a police searchat a field near the local Church in Portaferry.

Wednesday 13th February 1974Belfast bombsA blast bomb was thrown at the rear of a grocery store on the OldparkRoad and one person was injured.At Ladybrooke Park in Finaghy troops found a pistol, a sporting rifle,and 229 rounds of ammunition on waste ground.

Thursday 14th February 1974Barman shot in WhiteabbeyA 59-year-old Roman Catholic man was shot and seriously woundedin Whiteabbey. The barman was hit in the arm after gunmen firedfrom a passing car as he came out of a grocers shop.

Thursday 14th February 1974Night of bombsIn Derry a 100-200lb bomb in a car damaged a supermarket tinGreenhaw Road in the Shantallow district.A bomb exploded in Hillsborough at the home of a prison officer butthe man and his daughter were uninjured. A bomb exploded in agarage next to the officer’s home in Cromlyn Park.A 20lb bomb in a duffle bag exploded in Main Street, Newcastlecausing extensive damage to Walworth’s store.A beer keg bomb partially exploded at the back of Alliance Avenuein Belfast. There was little damage but a follow up search of the arearevealed bomb-making material in a house on Alliance Road.

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The Sheddings bar in Carnlough was badly damaged after two armedmen left a suitcase bomb in the building. There were no injuries.The army defused a 50-100lb car bomb parked in Marcus StreetNewry. The bomb had been packed in a gas cylinder.Troops found ammunition and radios after a search of a house atBlack Mountain Parade, Belfast.

Thursday 14th February 1974Revolver chargeA 24-year-old man charged with possessing a loaded revolver inMashona Street was remanded.

Friday 15th February 1974Woman hurt in Belfast bomb blastA 34-year-old woman was injured when a beer keg bomb explodedoutside a West Belfast bar. The bomb was outside McElhattons Barin Durham Street and caused severe structural damage to the building.

The 100lb bomb blew a large hole in one wall of the bar and theinjured woman was walking past the bar when she received face andleg injuries.

Friday 15th February 1974Dungannon bombDungannon was blasted by a 700lb bomb, which wrecked most ofMarket Square. Both sides of the square were completely destroyedwith hundreds of windows shattered and pieces of shrapnel blastedinto walls and doors blown off. In the centre of the square is a four-foot deep crater, which was all that remains of the huge van bomb.

Friday 15th February 1974Two caught dumping ammunitionSoldiers arrested two youths who were about to dump a shotgun buttand trigger mechanism down a rubbish chute. The youths were caughtin the New Barnsley area.

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BELOW - Army technical officers checking Belfast’sWoolworth store for unexploded bombs.FACING PAGE - The scene after the bombs exploded

Saturday 16th February 1974Post Office van bombA large bomb exploded in Omagh. Eight buildings were damaged inthe 100-200lb bomb on Market Street and about 20 others sufferedvarying degrees of damage. The van used had been hijacked inMountfield and the driver was held at gunpoint while the van wasloaded with the bomb. The Post Office driver then took the vehicleto Lower Market Street in the centre of Omagh and shouted a warning.The area was evacuated and no one was injured in the blast.

Saturday 16th February 1974Three on arms chargesThree men were charged with possessing a .45 revolver converted toa .22 calibre, on the Shankill Road. Both men were remanded incustody.

Saturday 16th February 1974Man clearedA 24-year-old docker was cleared of possessing a .303 rifle inWaterville Street.

Saturday 16th February 1974Hijacked cars left at BawnmoreCars and a van were hijacked and left in the Bawnmore Estate atWhiteabbey in an attempt to seal off the area. All the hijackingswere made in the Merville Garden Village area. The Bawnmore Estateresidents were searched as they went in and out of the estate. Calls

were made by local representatives to the British Government tosaturate Whiteabbey with army patrols due to the UFF sectarianassassinations in the area.

Saturday 16th February 1974Coalisland shootingA Coalisland a soldier fired a shot at a gunman on a roof near theRUC station.Two shots were fired through the window of a house in Millisle butno one was injured.Soldiers found a self-loading rifle, an M1 carbine, two magazines,two zip guns with a spare barrel, two radios, one telescopic sight,four mercury ant-tilt switches, medical equipment and 403 rounds ofassorted ammunition in Benview Avenue in the Shankill area. In anearby house they also found a Martini-Henry rifle, a .32 revolver, azip gun and 123 rounds of assorted ammunition.

Monday 18th February 1974Soldier dies in border blastOne soldier died and another was seriously injured in a booby trapblast on the South Armagh border. The soldiers were investigating asuspicious lorry when the explosion happened.

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Monday 18th February 1974Girl dies from ambush wounds18-year-old Margaret McErlean of Bawnmore Park died from injuriesreceived in a UFF ambush on Whiteabbey workers. She was woundedseven times in the attack and died one week after the attack. ThomasDonaghey aged 16 died at the scene of the attack.

Monday 18th February 1974Chaos in courtsCourts were thrown into chaos as the RUC refused to escort orinterview prisoners in a protest over the non-jury courts establishedby the British Government. The RUC are protesting over theirmembers appearing in these courts, which do not allow a public juryor bail.

Monday 18th February 1974Dee Street bombThe army defused a 50-100lb bomb at the Dee Street Bridge over theSydenham by pass. A warning had been given about the beer kegbomb.

Monday 18th February 1974Military helicopter fired atIn Fermanagh an army helicopter came under fire at Gortoral Bridgebut there were no casualties.

In Crumlin an army patrol came under fire close to the shores ofLough Neagh and was struck a number of times.Five shops in Bow Street, Lisburn were targeted with incendiarydevices. All the devices went off but the fires were brought undercontrol.Four shots were fired at Creggan Camp from the Fanad Drive area.Troops returned fire but no hits were claimed.Soldiers fired CS gas and rubber bullets at youths in the Creggan,Derry.The army found 12 lb of explosives in a shed at Central Drive,Creggan.

Tuesday 19th February 1974Explosives foundThe army found 11 detonators, 30lb of explosives and 13 blast bombsat Joy Street in the Markets area of Belfast.At Kettle Lane in Coalisland 51 rounds of assorted ammunition wereuncovered.

Tuesday 19th February 1974Tyrone bomb defusedArmy bomb disposal team defused a 350lb bomb found at Eskragh,near Fintona in Co Tyrone. The bomb, which had been spotted in alaneway, was in several bags and had an anti handling device attachedto it.

BELOW - Car bomb attack on shops in Strabane

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Wednesday 20th February 1974Postmen ban election mail1000 postmen refused to deliver election addresses after the Pay Boardblocked a lump sum payment. Deliveries affected were Belfast,Bangor, Lisburn and Larne.

Wednesday 20th February 1974Postman on blast chargeAn Omagh postman was charged with causing an explosion in MarketStreet, Omagh.

Wednesday 20th February 1974Armagh bombingTwo men died when a 20lb bomb exploded without warning atTraynors pub just outside Armagh. Three other people including agirl were slightly injured. The two men were 49-year-old PatrickMolloy, a farmer of Allistragh and 49-year-old Jack Wylie, a dealerof Moy. Both men were buried in the rubble.

Wednesday 20th February 1974Van bomb in city centreA 200-500lb bomb exploded in Castle Street, Belfast. The bomb hadbeen in a Belfast gas van, driven under duress to the scene. Andersonand McAuley and the Bank Buildings were damaged. Threepolicemen were injured.

Wednesday 20th February 1974Shots firedThe army stated that a low velocity shot was fired at a patrol nearSion Mills and they returned fire. In the same area a group of youthsthrew a petrol bomb and stones at a patrol vehicle.In Magherafelt a single shot was fired at the UDR base in the townbut there were no casualties.

Thursday 21st February 1974Man dies in New Lodge pub blast82-year-old Mr Hugh Thomas Devlin was killed when a no warningbomb exploded in the Spamount Inn on the New Lodge Road. Severalother were killed including six children who were playing in the areaat the time. According to locals a car pulled up outside the pub anda man placed the bomb in the doorway of the pub, pointed to theowner indicating that it was for him and then sped off in the getawaycar. The pub owner was able to raise the alarm however the bombexploded almost immediately. The man who died was sitting in thelounge area of the pub when the bomb exploded. The damage to thepub and the surrounding area was extensive.

Thursday 21st

February 1974Two on gun chargesTwo men were charged with illegal possession of a .45 revolver andfive rounds of ammunition. Both men were remanded.

Thursday 21stFebruary 1974Troops attackedIn Strabane an army patrol was fired on by three gunmen in theOlympic Drive area. There were no casualties and the troops returnedfire and claimed a hit. The troops chased after the gunmen and werefired on again in Townsend Street.Shots were heard in the Annadale Embankment area and troops werefired on near Collin Orange Hall on the Glen Road. Twelve shotswere fired and no one was injured.

Friday 22nd February 1974Belfast bombSeven passers-by were hurt when a bomb exploded at Mick Rogerspub in Union Street. A warning had been given but the bomb explodeda short time later and the area had not been evacuated. The bar wasbadly damaged and the upper part of Union Street was devastated bythe blast.

Friday 22nd February 1974Bombs on the border25 mortar bombs and 400 rounds were aimed at soldiers on the borderbetween Strabane and Lifford. The intensive attack lasted 25 minutesand the mortars fell shot of their target. It is thought that the gunmenwere firing from the car park of a Lifford Hotel.

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Friday 22nd February 1974Fake bomb callA UDR patrol was ambushed while on patrol in Tyrone. The patrolvehicle was blown across the road while they were on route to Augher.The bomb was detonated from the roadside and the explosiondamaged a house and shattered windows.

Friday 22nd February 1974Belfast bombThe Cambridge Bar, Bentinck Street was extensively damaged afterthree men placed a bomb containing up to 200lb at the rear of thepremises. The area was evacuated and no injuries were reported.

Friday 22nd February 1974Newry bomb blastA 15lb bomb damaged a number of cars in Newry. The bomb in agas cylinder was planted by two men.

Saturday 23rd February 1974Woolworth’s store damagedFive bombs exploded in the Woolworth’s store in Belfast and firequickly spread throughout the building. The fire brigade were ableto contain the fire to the upper floors and the management of thestore stated that the store would open as soon as possible.

Saturday 23rd February 1974Fire bomb attacksA small explosion at the Balmoral Furnishing Co. was followed by afire but was brought under control.An incendiary bomb was thrown thorough the window of a house inBrougham Street but it failed to explode.A soldier was slightly hurt when a gunman opened fire on an armypatrol. Six shots were fired from a house in Gt James Street. Thesoldier was hit on the left arm.The Cathedral Road area of Armagh was evacuated after a suspiciouscar was left at Desert Lane. The army carried out a controlledexplosion.The army found two Stirling sub machinegun magazines and 15rounds of ammunition were found in Drumbeg.

Monday 25th February 1974Troops injured in blastTwo soldiers were injured when a booby trap bomb exploded on theshores of Lough Neagh. The blast estimated at between 2-5lbseriously injured one of the soldiers.

Monday 25th February 1974Arms foundA 23-year-old man from Sorella Street was charged with possessingtwo rifles, a repeating shotgun, magazines, detonators, a m1 carbineand 6000 rounds of ammunition at Vancouver Street.

Monday 25th February 1974Informer shotA Derry man was found shot and tied up in the Creggan Estate. Theman was accused of being an informer and the IRA issued a statementconcerning the man “Let this mans fate be a warning to anyone whocooperates with the British occupation forces”.

Monday 25th February 1974South Down bombsDoherty’s bar in Castlewellan received some structural damage whena bomb in a box was carried in to the premises by a masked man. Awarning was given and the RUC were able to evacuate the area beforethe 30lb exploded.A similar sized bomb was carried out of Betty Magills shop inCastlewellan, thrown over a wall, but it did not explode.A bomb was planted at Newry courthouse and the 15lb bomb causedsome damage to the building.

Monday 25th February 1974Derry incidentsA shot was fired at a mobile patrol in Buncrana Road and no fire wasreturned. In the Brandywell 10-15 shots were fired at a patrol. Fifteenshots were heard in the area of the city cemetery but no target wasidentified.

Monday 25th February 1974Belfast shotsTwo shots were fired into a Protestant house at Westland Road butno one was hurt.

Monday 25th February 1974Youths chargedFour youths were charged with the possession of ammunition atCarnmoney. They were charged with having an M1 carbine, fiverounds of ammunition and a magazine.

Tuesday 26th February 1974Tyrone arms findSoldiers from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, searched ground nearBallygawley and found two .303 rifles, 35lb of explosives, ninedetonators and a quantity of fuse wire.

Tuesday 26th February 1974City Pub bomb defusedA double gas cylinder bomb was defused by the army. The bombwas left in a Ford Corsair in Hill Street and a man calling himself aCaptain Green of the Ulster Freedom Fighters telephoned the NewsLetter to issue a warning. Windows around the Harp bar weredamaged when a controlled explosion blew open the boot.

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Tuesday 26th February 1974Beer keg bombs foundEight beer kegs containing more than 500 lb of explosives were foundin South Armagh. As the army moved in they came under fire fromover the border.

Tuesday 26th February 1974Ligoniel car bombA stolen Ford Escort was used as a car bomb when it was abandonedoutside the Terminus Bar. Thirteen people were injured when thebomb exploded and it also caused extensive damage to the front ofthe pub and a number of nearby businesses.

Tuesday 26th February 1974CastlewellanTwo customers carried a bomb from Herons Bar after two maskedmen had planted it. The men pulled the detonator off the device andit exploded a short time later.

In Donaghmore 6 to 9 shots were fired at police on duet outside AustinCurries house.

Tuesday 26th February 1974Lisburn houses attackedTwo Catholic homes in Ashlea Place were targeted by petrol bombers.The bombs were thrown through the windows of the houses but thehouseholders were able to extinguish the fires.

Tuesday 26th February 1974Shots firedThree shots were fired at troops in the Kilwilkee Estate, Lurgan. Therewere no casualties but in the follow up operation they found aThompson submachine gun and an armalite rifle packed in a box at anearby playing field.

Wednesday 27th February 1974McGuinness jailedMartin McGuinness, aged 23, was jailed in Dublin after being foundguilty of being a member of the IRA. He was also found guilty offailing to account for his movements on February 10-11.

BELOW - Members of the RUC search for cluesamong the wreckage of the Red Star Bar in DonegallQuay after a bomb attack.

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Wednesday 27th February 1974Shots fired in Strabane12 shots were fired at the army checkpoint on Strabane Bridge butno fire was returned.

Wednesday 27th February 1974Roads blocked100 people blocked the Ormeau Road in a protest about armyharassment. The blockade of the roads caused traffic chaos. Shotswere fired at army at the scene.

Wednesday 27th February 1974Bomb defusedThe army defused a 50lb bomb found under the axle of a lorry parkedoutside a house at Caledon.In Portglenone the army found a shotgun and 77 rounds of ammunitionin a dug out.

Thursday 28th February 1974Arms findsTroops found a sten gun, an M1 carbine and 419 rounds of ammunitionin a search of Springfield Crescent.

Two rifles were found ina search of a vacant house in SpamountStreet, and in Barrow Street, a double barrel shotgun and a smallamount of ammunition were found.Part of a RPG7 rocket was found in a derelict building about twomiles from the town.

Thursday 28th February 1974Pram bombA man and woman left a pram containing a bomb outside BlighsLane army post. The bomb-contained 120lb of explosives and noone was injured in the blast.

Thursday 28th February 1974School targetedIn Trillick a small bomb caused extensive damage to a new RomanCatholic school, which was being built in the village.

Thursday 28th February 1974In Fermanagh a UDR man received head injuries when a landminewent off close to their vehicle. The vehicle crashed into a deep crater.The mine was in a culvert near to Donagh.Two soldiers were injured when a bomb exploded at an observationpost in Strabane.

BELOW - Car bomb attack in Belfast’s Union Street

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