Transcript of A C April HE SSUMPTION ONNECTION 2018




MORNING BIBLE STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mondays 10:30—12:30pm PHILOPTOCHOS MEETINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bi-Monthly Meetings GOYA MEETINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TBA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION . . K-7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays RELIGIOUS EDUCATION—PREK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundays RELIGIOUS EDUCATION—ADULT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesdays (once monthly) 7:00—8:00pm PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Wednesday of the month 6:15 pm FISH FRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fridays 3:00—8:30pm VOLUNTEER @ CENTER FOR HOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3rd Wednesday of the month 11:00—1:00pm GREEK DANCE PRACTICE — TEENS. . . . . . . . . . . . . TBD GREEK DANCE PRACTICE — KIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TBD CHOIR PRACTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Thursday of the month 6:00 pm

Sun Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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27 28 29 30 31

MAY 2018

6: Last day of Religious Education

9: Parish Council Meeting 6:15 pm

12: Baptism of Irene Leighton 4 pm

13: RE Graduation & MDSC Scholarships

16: Center for Hope 11-1 pm

17: Divine Liturgy Ascension of Christ 10:30 am

19: Katheryn Menoutes 1 Year Memorial 11:30 am

AHEPA/DOP District Convention, 5:30 pm

in Ann Arbor, MI

26: Baptism of Alexander Hountalas


Sun Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

APRIL 2018 1: Palm Sunday Bridegroom Vespers 6:00 pm 2: Bridegroom Vespers 6:00 pm 3: Bridegroom Vespers Cassiani 6:00 pm 4: Holy Unction 6:00 pm 5: St. Basil Liturgy 10:30 am Holy Thursday 6:00 pm 6: Taking Down Service 4:00 pm Epitaphio Procession & Lamentations 7:00 pm NO FISH FRY 7: St. Basil Liturgy-Bishop Nicholas will attend 10:30am Resurrection Service 11:30 pm 8: PASCHA! Agape Service 11 am 9-14 Bright Week—No memorials allowed 11: Parish Council Meeting 6:15 pm 15: Sunday of Thomas—No memorials 18: Center for Hope 11—1 pm 21: Family Fun Night-Roller Skating 22: Spring General Assembly 29: DOP Meeting after church



Wednesdays 3—5 pm

Fridays 3—5:30 pm


To schedule an appointment, call Fr. Angelo at 810-471-0316

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another,

that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power

as it is working. — James 5:16


Elizabeth Barrows; Tina Holland’s Father; Nikolaos Karabinas;

Mary Kottalis, Dino Kondyles; Nick & Chryssoula Kondyles;

Sandy Bachakes Kraemer; Ted Lowe; Achilles Marks;

Charlie Paraschos; George Pappadakis and Gloria Watson

Prosphoron Schedule

Please make 4 loaves of Prosphora and bring them to church by 9:30 on the morning

of the service. Be sure to include your lists of names to give to Father for the prayers:

one list is for those who are living and the other for those who have died. If you

choose not to make Prosphora, please send a check to the church for $20 made paya-

ble to “Philoptochos” with a note stating it is for Prosphora. Be sure to include your list

of names. If you have questions, please contact Athena Kalatzis at 694-4295.


6: Steinhoff, Olga

13: Stergiopoulos, Mary

17: Stickley, Bill & Lesley

20: Stone, Paula

27: Vergos, Nitsa


1: Rivette, Matthew & Lori

5: Rogind, Sally

7: Roufos, Vasilios & Mary

13: Schultze, JoAnne

15: Sirakis, James & Kathy

22: Stamatis, Tom & Sandra

29: Stavridis, Tomas & Zoe


3: Vitinaros, Nick & Effie

10: Kovanis-Wilson, Todd & Loukea

17: Wright, Jeff & Kay

24: Yeotis, Art & Susan


From Fr. Angelo: In the glorious light of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior who brings to Mankind the

promise of salvation, and is preserved and defended, first by the Apostles, St Paul, the Holy

Fathers of the Church, and now, through the apostolic succession, to the current bishops of

the Church. Our bishop, Metropolitan Nicholas, is the (local) present day successor of this

Apostolic tradition and has the sacred responsibility to preserve and defend the dogmatic

Truths of our faith unchanged. We are reminded of this responsibility each Sunday during the

Divine Liturgy, when we pray "Remember O Lord our Archbishop Nicholas that he may serve

Your holy churches in peace...rightly teaching the word of Your Truth." So what is this Truth

that is preserved and defended by our Orthodox faith? While not a complete list, the basic

tenets are:

1. The Christian faith is Trinitarian - One God existing in 3 Persons; Father, Son, and Ho-

ly Spirit

2. The Christian faith is salvific which means that we believe that through the Person of

Jesus Christ, our Lord, we can be renewed to the fullness of our humanity and regain

the eternal life which was given to Adam and Eve

3. The Orthodox faith is experiential informing EVERY aspect of our life. It must be ex-

perienced, that is, participated in, and not just to be studied and analyzed

4. The Christian faith is a faith of freedom - God has endowed each of His creation with

the free will to accept or reject Him

To support, explain and guide us in the meaning of each of these Truths, the Orthodox Church

and Her sister Church the Roman Catholic Church have throughout the centuries developed,

debated, and set forth the supporting Orthodox dogmas and doctrines and proclaimed them

through Ecumenical Councils. Our Nicene Creed which we proclaim in unison every Sunday

is a direct result of these debates and ultimately is a decision achieved through these Ecumen-

ical Councils. However, since the time of the Ascension of our Lord, there have been count-

less bishops, priests, theologians, and self-proclaimed prophets who have put forth false

teaching and heresies which have attempted to obscure the faith entrusted to us. Today we

are seeing a resurgence of these false teachings along with a rise of a new breed of self-

proclaimed prophets who are renewing old heresies under the guise of "newly discovered

books or manuscripts which the Church has kept secret."

As we proceed forth from Pascha, energized with the light and Truth of Christ, we must be

ready to properly defend this Truth we hold dear. First however, we must understand that

faith, so that we can more readily see through the veil of false teachings. Let’s then take each

of these points one by one:

Orthodoxy is salvific

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central hope and expectation which leads

Mankind towards the promise of that which is spoken of at every memorial service: “place of

light, a place of renewed life, a place of refreshment where there is no pain, sorrow or

suffering.” Orthodoxy ceaselessly strives to instill in each of us a lesser attachment to the

world and earthly happiness and a greater turning towards the Kingdom of God. This is why

Pascha (Easter) is the central feast in the yearly life of the Orthodox Church. As the Feast of


Feasts, Pascha points the way to victory over Death; and the restoration of our immortality

which was lost in the Fall.

Orthodoxy is both learned and experienced

Lifelong religious education is critical. It's not just for our children. The Bible Studies, the

Spiritual Retreats throughout the year, and other educational opportunities help us grow deeper

in the faith and provide adult answers to the suffering and social injustice we see all around us.

The many podcasts, interviews, and talk shows hosted by Ancient Faith Radio are great re-

sources as is our own Archdiocese website (goarch.org) along with the OCA (oca.org) and An-

tiochian (www.antiochian.org) websites.

However, Orthodoxy is more than just learning; it is a norm of behavior, a spiritual life, fol-

lowing a distinct path established by Christ Himself, who said "I am the Way and the Truth

and the Life." Recall that in the Book of Acts St. Luke notes that the early Christian movement

was referred to as "The Way" (της Οδος). And this Way and Truth was not a relative truth or a

truth "created" by the Roman or Byzantine Church together with emperors and kings, as Dan

Brown would have us believe, but was passed on through the centuries by apostles, bishops,

and priests through vigorous, logical and passionate debates, Ecumenical Councils and Can-

ons, Liturgies, Matins, Vespers and other services of the One Church. This is what we mean

when we say that Orthodoxy is experiential. Orthodox spirituality, unlike the warm and fuzzy

spirituality of today, is manifested in concrete ways: through communal worship and commu-

nity involvement.

Orthodoxy is freedom.

When observed through a Western lens, this seems to be a paradox. In Western thought, free-

dom is understood as individualistic, a personal right preserved from encroachment on the part

of any other person or organization, religious or secular. Each individual is taught to live au-

tonomously according to his or her "truth". In a country like America this obsession with indi-

vidual rights has caused us to lose a key element of Christianity; sacrificial love for one anoth-

er. Christ warns us of this when He says “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny him-

self and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it,

but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it." (Luke 9:23) In some forms of Protestant-

ism this can manifest itself as a radical devotion to one’s personal relationship with Christ

while severely downplaying the importance of being an active part of the church community.

In Orthodoxy, salvation is found in the Church as each of us help one another, working to-

gether for the salvation of all. In this light the Church is not just an authoritarian overlord bur-

dening people with laws, but a grace-filled unity of love from which authentic freedom

abounds, unity within the Body of Christ, from which we find relief from suffering and life’s


So let us take our Orthodox faith to heart and continue to shine the light of the resurrected

Christ on everyone we meet and not allow the light in us to dim. Let us return to the original

meaning of εκλησσια - a gathering of those who are called. And this calling is to a life in

Christ through continual participation in the life of the Church.


Hope, Joy, & GOYA Corner

Total sales for the month of February bake sales were $384.50. Please remember we are assigning weeks for all Hope, Joy, & GOYA parents to bake items for the Bake Sale. Items need to be at church by Friday at 2:00 pm. If you are unable to bake on your assigned week please make a $20 donation for supplies and we will bake for you. It is also very imperative that you let us know the week before that you are unable to bake so that we can plan for the baking. The schedule again is as follows:

Please remember that the proceeds of these bake sales go towards all the fun events that we hold for the kids throughout the year as well as their charitable events. These charitable events include supporting our churches mission each month in the lunch serving at Catholic Charities Center For Hope and the 200 gift bags that the children put together at Christmas for the clients at the Center For Hope.

We are encouraging our children to attend as many of the Holy Week services as possible. Please see the schedule below.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, March 31st 9:30 am – Children to attend Saturday of Lazarus service

Sunday, April 1st - Palm Sunday - Children to remain in liturgy and participate by carrying the Palms.

Sunday, April 1st - 6:00 pm – Bridegroom Service

Monday, April 2nd 6:00 pm – Bridegroom Service

Tuesday, April 3rd 6:00 pm – Holy Tuesday Hymn of Cassiani – Children to attend

Wednesday, April 4th 6:00 pm – Holy Unction

Thursday, April 5th 6:00 pm – Holy Thursday reading of the 12 Gospels

Friday, April 6th 4:00pm – Taking Christ off the Cross – Children to assist Father

Friday, April 6th 7:00 pm – Epitaphio processions & Lamentations

Saturday, April 7th 10:30 am – Holy Saturday Liturgy of St Basil – Metropolitan Nicholas will attend.

Saturday, April 7th 11:30 pm – Resurrection Service and Divine Liturgy

Sunday, April 8th 11:00 am – PASCHA! Agape Service – Easter Egg hunt to follow

Sunday, May 6th – Last RE classes of the year & Roller Skating Afternoon

Sunday, May 13th – RE Graduation


Religious Education Committee

Lori Photiou, Camelia Greenberg, Vivian Federick, Ageliki Carpenter

April 13th – O’Bee June 1st - Carpenter

April 20th - Panos June 8th - Federick

April 27th - Paraschos June 15th - Grousouplos

June 22nd – Hagler

May 4th – Photiou June 29th - Haralambous

May 11th - Smith

May 18th - Stavritis

May 25th - Batsios



3: Vitinaros, Nick & Effie

10: Kovanis-Wilson, Todd & Loukea

17: Wright, Jeff & Kay

24: Yeotis, Art & Susan

Program for Young Adults (Entering Senior Year or College):

Week Zero: June 24 – June 30, 2018

Programs for Youth Entering Grades 3-11:

Week 1: July 1 – July 7, 2018 Week 4: July 22 – July 28, 2018

Week 2: July 8 – July 14, 2018 Week 5: July 29 – August 4, 2018

Week 3: July 15 – July 21, 2018

PHONE: (248) 909-MDSC (6372) * [email protected]



Lenten/Paschal Items Needed

Items listed are needed for the celebration of the special services during Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha. Con-

tributions should be called in to the Church Office as soon as possible. We suggest that families share the cost of

an item with one or more other families so that those wishing to contribute, may be able to.

Service: Cost: Donator:

1st Salutation – Theotokos Icon Flowers $50.00 _____________________________

2nd Salutation – Theotokos Icon Flowers $50.00 _____________________________

3rd Salutation – Annunciation Icon Flowers $50.00 _____________________________

3rd Sun. of Lent (Veneration of the Cross) Daffodils $80.00 _____________________________

4th Salutation –Theotokos Icon Flowers $50.00 _____________________________

Annunciation Icon Flowers $50.00 _____________________________

Akathish Hymn – Theotokos Icon Flowers $50.00 _____________________________

Palms for Palm Sunday $160.00 ____________________________

Nymphios Icon Flowers (2 Sets) $50.00 _____________________________

Oil for Holy Unction Service $15.00 _____________________________

Cotton for Holy Unction Service $ 5.00 _____________________________

Pascha Red Eggs (35 dozen) $40.00 _____________________________

Rose Petals – Holy Friday $15.00 _____________________________

Rose Water – Holy Friday $15.00 _____________________________

Flowers for Cross on Sepulcher (Kouvouklion) $55.00 _____________________________

Resurrection Icon Flowers (1st) $50.00 _____________________________

Resurrection Icon Flowers (2nd) $50.00 _____________________________

Resurrection Banner $85.00 _____________________________

Large Resurrection Candle for Father $50.00 _____________________________

Oil for Altar Candles $50.00 _____________________________

Cross Wreath for Holy Thursday $85.00 _____________________________

Vase Set for Palm Sunday $50.00 _____________________________

Vase Set for Easter Sunday $50.00 _____________________________

Palm Sunday Icon $50.00 _____________________________

Large Icon Screen (4 total) $115.00 _____________________________

Bay Leaves $220.00 _____________________________

Lilies (6 total) $30.00 ea. ____________________________

Gardenias (12 total) $95.00 ______________________________

Votive Candles (25 total) for Kouvouklion $ 5.00 ea._____________________________


….. and join us for the Paschal Resurrection Dinner after the Resurrection Service. Adults—$10

Ages 5-12 - $6

Ages 4 and under—FREE

Lamb Shank or Pastitsio

served with Rice & Green Beans

Chicken Lemon Rice Soup & Roll

$10 Baked Fish or Plaki

served with Rice, Peas & Greek Salad

Πλακί με ρύζι και μπιζέλια


Ages 5-12 - $6

Ages 4 and under—FREE



1. Buy a one-gallon plastic bag with a zipper closure and fill it with the following items:

One hand towel

One washcloth

One comb

One nail clipper or metal nail file

One bar of soap (bath size)

One toothbrush (NO TOOTHPASTE)

Six Band-Aids

2. Secure kits in a box and download the IOCC Emergency Kits Coupon to fill out and in-

clude on t he outside of each one.

3. Clearly mark the outside of the box with the words “Health Kit”, apply the correct

amount of postage (It will cost about $2-$3 per kit to cover the cost of shipping to the

warehouse.) and mail the box to the following address:

IOCC/Church World Service

Brethren Service Center Annex

601 Main Street

PO Box 188

New Windsor, MD 21776

Be sure to include the name of the parish,

group or individual sending the kits on

the box.

Love in Christ,

Your parish representative,

Ruth Karabina

Please answer god’s call to help those in need!

the kits will be assembled on:

Sunday, may 20th - during coffee hour



Sunday, April 1st

$8.00 LARGE

$5.00 SMALL



Philoptochos Society



Please let us know if you are willing to place an ad in the convention album, and we will work with you to design the ad and have it photo ready.

Future activities:

On June 3, 2018 we will be honoring both High School and College Graduates from our church community. Please provide us with the names of any of the graduates of whom we may not be unaware. The local AHEPA/Daughters of Penelope Scholarships will be awarded that day.

After Easter and when the weather improves, we are working on a clean up day with the church on Saturday, April 21st. If we have enough people sign up this will include both inside and outside on the grounds of the church.

So far we have 4 delegates and 1 alternate for the District Convention. Please attend if you can. The District Scholarships will be awarded at the Banquet that evening. It is always such a pleas-ure to see so many bright young people from our Michigan communities.

If you have not paid your 2018 Chapter dues yet, please give your dues to our Treasurer, Elaine Joynt. We would like to be all paid up by March 31st.

If you would like to join the Daughters of Penelope, or would like to be reinstated, please con-tact Cathy Yeotis or any other member of the Daughters of Penelope.

Election of Officers will be held at our June meeting.

Cathy Yeotis




MORTGAGE DRIVE (FROM 3-1-2017 TO 3-1-2018)

The following individuals and organizations have contributed this year to the Mortgage Drive:

1. Dr. Nicholas Bakris

2. Karen Begley

3. Andy Brown, Jr.

4. Dennis & Debra Chinonis

5. John & Linda Chinonis

6. James & Liz Christopher

7. Helen Dalbo

8. Mark & Penelopi Drolet

9. Dimitri & Brittany Hountalas

10. John & Tasia Hountalas

11. Yanni Hountalas

12. Agape Kallis

13. Penny Kallis

14. Athena Kalatzis

15. John & Karen Kaloydis

16. Nikolaos & Stephanie Karabinas

17. John & Karen Kaloydis

18. Pavlos & Ruth Karabinas

19. Jeff & Nancy Lauster

20. Susan MacPherson

21. Fr. Angelo & Presvytera Teri Maggos

22. Dr. George & Aleka Mandelaris

23. George & Laura Mersinas

24. Electra Nicolaou

25. Carol Photiou

26. Lucas & Lori Photiou

27. Mike Potsos

28. Steve & Martha Poulos

29. JoAnne Schultze

30. Bill & Lesley Stickley

31. Angelos & Betty Vlahakis

32. Robert & Clarita Wexstaff

33. Robert Wilson

34. Catherine Yeotis

35. Hon. Thomas & Meg Yeotis

36. In Memory of Helen Anagnos

37. In Memory of Christ & Margaret Anastor

38. In Memory of Elaine Bakris

39. In Memory of Tim Bograkos

40. In Memory of Cleo Contos-Coulacos

41. In Memory of Rose DeShano

42. In Memory of London Eisenbeis

42. In Memory of Kristina Erickson

43. In Memory of Lou Glampetioni

44. In Memory of John Helton

45. In Memory of John Jimos

45. In Memory of Tony Karakitsos

46. In Memory of Tom Lamberson

47. In Memory of Sue Lauster

48. In Memory of Richard Leach

49. In Memory of Kathryn Menoutes

51. In Memory of Michael Michaelou

52. In Memory of Aristoteles Panos

53. In Memory of Niki Panos

54. In Memory of Pauline Preketes

55. In Memory of Brian Salutes

56. In Memory of Tommy Stergiopoulos

57. In Memory of Cleo Tarlas

57. In Memory of Gus Vergos

58. In Memory of Sandra Zemore

59. Daughters of Penelope

60. Religious Education

61. V.I.P.’s

62. Assumption Catering

63. Blessing of the Buses

64. Chili Cook-Off

65. Food Sales for Mortgage Reduction

66. Sunday Brunch

67. 2nd Tray

68. ABC Auto Repair

69. Excel Dental/MI Implant Solutions


Mortgage Drive:

In 4 years, we have reduced our mortgage balance more than $200,000 due in part to the

generosity of you, our parishioners, through donations and mortgage drive brunches, and

the Greater Flint Orthodox Endowment Fund, in addition to our regular monthly payment.

Every donation made is applied directly to reduce the principal balance. Thank you all for

your continued support in reducing our debt. With our regular monthly payments and your

continued support, we are on track to pay off our mortgage in 4 to 5 years.

Parish Council

As of 2-28-18 our

balance is:


Thanks! Your generous donations to the Mortgage Re-duction Drive have reduced our mortgage bal-ance by: $2,853.00 in January 2018 $7,405.00 for calendar year 2018 $200,061.65 since we started the mortgage

drive in 2013.

Mortgage Paid in Full


Sunday, April 22, 2018





1. Ray Ban Prescription Sunglasses

2. Gold Child Size 3 Booty

3. White & Red Beaded Necklace with cross

From THE Parish Council

Now that the Lenten Season is coming to a close, we look forward to Holy Week and Pascha with its many beautiful services to help prepare us for the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. All of this leaves us with a wonderful feeling of renewal as we go in-to Bright Week. This feeling allows us to look forward to spring and the renewal of nature, and the beautification of our church inside and out. Thus, it is the perfect time to volunteer with your fellow parishioners in a Church-Wide Clean-Up Day. This is one way to offer your time and talents to help YOUR church. Along with the Parish Council Members, we invite everyone of any age to participate. It is Scheduled for Sat-urday, April 21st 2018. Rain date: Saturday, April 28th.

A light lunch will be provided.


From your Parish Council






(JAN 1—FEB 28)

Assumption Parish

Maggos, Fr. Angelo & Presvy.


Chinonis, Dennis & Debra

Chinonis, John & Linda

Kalatzis, Athena

Kaloydis, John & Karen

Karabinas, Pavlos & Ruth

Schultze, JoAnne

Yeotis, Catherine


Due to the rising cost of mailing receipts for

every donation received by the church, the

Parish Council has established the following

procedure for receipts:

When you mail in a donation to the church,

or drop it off in the office, a receipt will not

be mailed or given to parishioners of As-

sumption Greek Orthodox Church. Your

cancelled check can be used as proof of your

payment, as well as the contribution state-

ment you receive from the church at the end

of the year. This includes donations for

stewardship, mortgage reduction, iconogra-

phy, festival, cash raffle, golf outing, memori-

als, miscellaneous, etc.

If you require a receipt, please contact the

church office during normal business hours

(Tuesday – Friday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM) or

see a Parish Council member on Sunday’s.

Receipts will continue to be mailed to non-


As we look around our church and her prop-

erty, we see things that may need repair in the

next few years. To that end, the Parish Coun-

cil has started a Property Improvement

Fund, initially funded by Fish Fry donations.

The Property Improvement Fund gives eve-

ryone another option for your generous do-

nations. Property Improvement Fund Bal-

ance as of February 28, 2018 is $6,694.02.



Come and see why our Fish Fry was voted one of the best in

Genesee County. We use only Icelandic Cod

Our varied menu also offers these delicious choices:

Baked Fish * Baked Potato * Plaki * Pastitsio * Clam Strips

Chicken Strips * Fish Sandwich * Baked Chicken * Gyros

Mac and Cheese * Shrimp Basket * Greek Salad * Rice Pudding

And don’t forget to support the Bake Sale to benefit

Hope, Joy & GOYA and Catholic Charities!


3—8:30 PM

We welcome volunteers. Call the church if you would like to volunteer

to help on a Friday night.

Teens: This is a great opportunity to earn your Community Service

Hours for school.

Fish Fry Total Sales for February 2018 were $9,876.17.



STEWARDSHIP LIST: Your name will only appear on the Stewardship List if

a filled out and signed stewardship card and a payment has been received.

Allard, Clyde & Georgia

Altheide, Dena

Asa, Darwin & Barbara

Bachakes, Katheryn

Bakris, Dr. Chris

Bakris, Dr. Nicholas

Batsios, Eftyhia

Batsios, Evangelos

Birtsas, Sandra

Bistolaridis, Antonios & Maria

Bograkos, Tim & Sandra

Bograkos, Vera

Brown Jr., Andy

Burani, Paul & Vasiliki

Carmean, Mike & Denise

Carpenter, Rob & Ageliki

Chiatalas, Andrew & Kelly

Chiavaras, Lucille

Chinonis, Dennis & Debra

Chinonis, John & Linda

Chinonis, Katie

Chinonis, Sandi

Christakis, Zach

Christopher, Jim & Liz

Chuleas-Williams, Anna

Clinton, Mike & Kathy

Costa, John & Laura

Costa, Kyriacos & Vasilia

Dalbo, Helen

Davlantes, Alex & Alexis

Dobbins, David & Nicholas

Douros, Athanasios

Fahoome, Calliope

Falaras, Mary

Ferich, Andrew & Voula

Frantzis, Kanellos & Alexandra

Garceau, Greg & Sia

Greenberg, Robert & Camelia

Grousopoulos, Lambros & Lena

Hagler, Gary & Marian

Helton, Voula

Heos, Pamela & Brancheau, Jeff

Holland, Nick & Jennifer

Holland, Rick & Tina

Hountalas, John & Tasia

Iakovidis, Tony & Vicki

Iordanou, Bill & Lisa

Joseph, Patti

Kalatzis, Athena

Kallis, Agape

Kallis, Penny

Kallis, Susan

Kaloydis, John

Karabinas, Nikolaos & Stephanie

Karabinas, Pavlos & Ruth

Kokkinakos, Peter & Tula

Komodromos, Tessie

Kondyles, Nick & Chryssoula

Kontorousis, Dimitre & Jacqueline

Kossaras, Dean & Joyce

Kottalis, Mary

Kus, Michael & Alexis

Kuzmanovsky, Kosta & Shao-Chi

Lauster, Jeff & Nancy

Leighton, Matt & Argyro

Lillar, Diana

Livaditis, Argie & Angela

Liveratos-Dobbins, Dr. Maria

Lowe, Ted & Ann

Maggos, Father & Presvytera

Maggos, Stavro & Mary

Mandelaris, John & Pauline

Manutes, Nick & Maria

Margaritis, George & Sofia

Menoutes, George

Mersinas, George & Laura

Panos, Spiridoula

Pappadakis, Nikki

Paraschos, Sam & Sandra

Pavlis, John & Pat

Photiou, Carol

Photiou, Lucas & Lori

Politis, Dr. George & Rita

Poulos, Steve & Martha

Richards, Ken & Kathy

Schultze, JoAnne

Stamatis, Tom & Sandra

Steinhoff, Amanda

Steinhoff, Dr. Stephanie

Stergiopoulos, Mary

Stickley, Bill & Lesley

Vergos, Nitsa

Vitinaros, Nick & Effie

Wilson, Todd & Kovanis-Wilson,


Wright, Jeff & Kay

Yeotis, Art & Susan

Yeotis, Catherine

Yeotis, Hon. Thomas & Meg

Zaravelis, Fani


Mortgage Reduction Food Sales:

Pastitsio OR Moussaka

Half Pan — $25.00 — Serves 9-12

Spinach Cheese Pie

Tray — $25.00 — 15 Pieces

Olympic Greek Feta 2 1/2 pounds—$8.00

Tiropita (Cheese Triangle) 12 Pieces — $10.00

Grecian Style:

Green Beans Peas Rice Pilaf $15 $15 $10

To order, call John Hountalas 810-701-5164


Philoptochos Sweet Bread Sale


SMALL $5.00 LARGE $8.00


If you pay your stewardship using the offering envelopes provide in the church you

must write “stewardship” on the envelope to ensure processing as stewardship.

Unmarked envelopes will be considered a contribution only.


Scheduling of Memorial Services

All Memorial Services must be

scheduled through the church

secretary so that they may be placed

on the church calendar.


Philoptochos no longer provides the

refreshments. However, any family

having a Memorial may sponsor the

Coffee Hour and bring food.

If the family is providing food,

Philoptochos will assist in set up and

clean up. However, the family must

contact the Philoptochos President,

Diana Lillar, at least 2 weeks prior to

the time the Memorial is scheduled

with the church.


If anyone is in need of Koliva, please

contact Diana Lillar (of Philoptochos)

for the names of those available to

make it. The standard rate is $150. It

is the responsibility of the family to

arrange for Koliva.



Each week, the Parish Council provides

refreshments for Coffee Hour, and the

women of the VIPs help with set up,

serving and clean up afterwards as they

have been doing for many years.

However, anyone (family, individual,

group) can sponsor a coffee hour, be it

for a birthday, anniversary, memorial, or

just because. If you are interested in

sponsoring a coffee hour, please contact a

parish council member, or let the church

secretary know during regular office


If you have a collection tray for a coffee

hour that you sponsor, please let a parish

council member know what the funds

should be used for (church general fund,

memorial donation in memory of a love

one, iconography fund, mortgage, etc.)

Those sponsoring a coffee hour are

responsible for set-up, providing the food

items, and for clean-up. Coffee, water,

milk and/or juice will be provided by the

Parish Council. If you would like the as-

sistance of the VIPs in setting up, serving

and clean up, please let Voula Pagonis



The current approved policy for Parishioner

Status of the Assumption Greek Orthodox

Church (AGOC) of Grand Blanc, Michigan is

as follows:

Parishioner - Person Baptized and Chrismat-

ed according the rites of the Orthodox

Church. and attending the AGOC.

Parishioner - Member in Good Standing:

Person in compliance with Section 1

and 2 of Article 18 of the Uniform

Parish Regulations of the Greek

Orthodox Archdiocese.

Person with an AGOC pledge card on

file and current in pledges for active and

preceding year.

In-Active Parishioner - Person not in com-

pliance with requirements for Parishioner or

Member in Good Standing as defined above.

Parishioners and In-Active Parishioners can

receive all sacraments at AGOC but are re-

quired to pay church usage fee as per Page 19.

Any deviations from this policy must be

approved by the Parish Priest and Parish

Council President and must be presented to

them at least one month prior to the proposed

sacrament date.

Stewardship Policy - Only cash, check or

credit card can be accepted as payment of

stewardship. Donations of items or services

cannot be accepted for stewardship in lieu of

monetary payment.


“With the fear of God, faith and love draw near”

Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ is a solemn

matter, and a time to approach the Cup of Christ with

reverence, awe and respect.

In order to provide respect for the solemnity of the Eu-

charist, we have established the following order for the

receipt of Holy Communion:

Newly Baptized or Chrismated

Choir Members

Far Left Side Pew

Main Body of church released by the Parish Council

members by row, starting at the BACK of the church.

Children will receive Communion with their parents.

Please remain standing in your pew until a Parish

Council member releases your row to receive Holy


After Liturgy is completed, ushers will release you by row

to receive Antidoron. Please go up the center aisle and

exit down the side aisles, as it is inappropriate to turn

your back when the Body and Blood of Christ is present

at the Altar.

Donations made at an Orthodox Funeral service in

memory of the departed are typically collected by the

church, which then presents the names and final dona-

tion amount to the designated surviving family member.

At that time the family has the opportunity to decide on

distribution of those funds and can determine if they

would like to use memorial funds to purchase an item for

the church in memory of the departed from a published

list of approved items. (This list will be posted in the

church office). We ask that should the family desire to

purchase an item they indicate this to the priest and Par-

ish Council by the time of the 40 day memorial, other-

wise those funds will be released to the operating fund of

our church. Any memorial donation checks not marked

“Assumption Church” will be distributed for the purpose

indicated on the check.







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2018 Parish Council

Cathy Yeotis — President

John Hountalas — V. President

Debra Chinonis — Treasurer

JoAnne Schultze—Secretary and


Andy Brown, Jr.

Zach Christakis

John Costa

Susan Kallis

Diana Lillar

John Panos

Tom Stamatis


Acolytes: John Kaloydis, Mike Potsos,

Niko Karabinas

Choir: Nancy Chinonis

Chant: Bill Roufos/Crystal Demps/Jim Sirakis

Religious Education Committee

Philoptochos: Diana Lillar

GOYA: Fr. Angelo Maggos

VIPS: Voula Pagonis

AHEPA: John Costa

Daughters of Penelope: Cathy Yeotis

Nisiotes: Kathy Clinton

Jr. Nisiotes: Vivian Sirakis

Office Hours

Tuesday through Friday 10 am — 3 pm

Telephone: 810-771-4611

Fax: 810-771-4586

Secretary: Laura Mersinas



[email protected]


[email protected]



Rev. Fr. Angelo Maggos

Orthros: 9:30 am

Divine Liturgy: 10:00 am

Weekdays and Feast Days:

See Calendar


Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

2245 E Baldwin Road

Grand Blanc, MI 48439


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