A Brief Definition of the Kingdom of the Heavens Lee

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  • 7/27/2019 A Brief Definition of the Kingdom of the Heavens Lee




    1. Outline of the Kingdom in the Bible

    2. The Reality, the Appearance, and the Manifestation of the Kingdom of theHeavens

    3. Life Under the Kingdom's Rule

    4. Exercise and Discipline for the Kingdom

    5. God's Various Treatments of Different Categories of People

    The contents of this book are messages that were given in the summer of 1963 in

    Altadena, California. These messages were among the first that were released by

    Brother Witness Lee after having been led by the Lord to begin the work of the Lords

    ministry in the United States. Those of us who were privileged to hear these

    messages at that time, either by attending the meetings or listening to them on

    audio tapes, can testify of the deep and lasting impression that the Lord gave to us

    concerning the kingdom. Most of the ones who heard these messages had been

    saved for many years, yet as the Word was opened, almost everything spoken was

    new light to them.

    This matter of the kingdom is a great and crucial truth in the Bible. For God to

    accomplish His divine purpose, He needs His kingdom. The government of God is

    with His kingdom, and in His kingdom He fully exercises His divine authority. Every

    believer should live a life that is under this heavenly rule. In addition to our

    salvation, there is the exercise and responsibility of the kingdom of the heavens in

    this age, and those who live in its reality today (Matt. 57) will participate in itsmanifestation in the coming age as a reward (Matt. 2425). The Lord will judge His

    believers at His coming back according to their living and work after being saved (2

    Cor. 5:10), and will either reward them or discipline them (Matt. 24:4025:30; Luke

    12:35-48; 1 Cor. 3:10-15).

    We hope that this book will be read with much prayer and that its contents will

    encourage us to run the race with endurance (1 Cor. 9:24-27; Heb. 12:1), to pursue

    toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:12-

    14), looking to the Lord to save us unto His heavenly kingdom (2 Tim. 4:18) that we

    might be awarded the crown of righteousness in that day (2 Tim. 4:8), the day of

    Christs second appearing when He will reward each man according to his doings

    (Matt. 16:27) and his work (Rev. 22:12).

    June 1986

    Benson Phillips

    Irving, Texas

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    Scripture Reading: Gen. 12:1-2; Matt. 6:9-10; Exo. 19:4-6; Rev. 11:15; Matt.

    21:43; 3:2; 4:17; 10:5-7; 12:28; 16:19; 13:3, 24, 31, 33; 19:23-24; John 3:3, 5;

    Matt. 5:20; 7:21; 18:3; Acts 1:3; 8:12; 14:22; Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 15:50;

    Gal. 5:21; Eph. 5:5; 2 Thes. 1:5; Rev. 12:10; 2 Tim. 4:18


    Genesis 1 says that God created man in His own image and that He gave man the

    authority to rule all the created things (v. 26). In the creation of man the two vital

    things are the divine image and the divine authority. If we are to have the full image

    of God to express God and to realize the full authority to represent God, to subdue

    His enemy, to subdue this earth, God Himself must be our life. In the first two

    chapters of Genesis we see the image and the dominion, the authority, and the life

    of God, which is signified by the tree of life (Gen. 2:9). To express God and to

    represent God in a full way we must take God as our life. We must have God living

    within us and through us. Then we will have the real image of God to express God,

    and we will realize the divine authority to represent God on this earth to subdue His

    enemy. The divine life to be received by man is for two things: to express God on

    the positive side and to deal with Gods enemy on the negative side. To express God,

    man needs the image of God. To deal with the enemy of God, man needs theauthority of God. The divine authority, which is something of the kingdom, is

    revealed throughout the entire Scriptures.


    After man became fallen, God chose the race of Abraham. The first race, the race of

    Adam, failed God. But after the great flood, God began again with a second race of

    mankind, the race of Noah. This second race also failed God. Then God chose the

    third race, the race of Abraham, after the time of Babel. The purpose of Gods

    choosing of Abraham is revealed in Genesis 12:1-2. These two verses tell us that

    God chose Abraham with the intention of having a kingdom. The Lord told Abrahamthat He would make of him a great nation (v. 2). This great nation is a kingdom.

    The kingdom is a sphere, a realm, to exercise authority. Without the kingdom God

    can never exercise His authority. For God to accomplish His purpose, He must have a

    realm, a sphere, as a kingdom for Him to exercise His authority. This is why the Lord

    Jesus mentioned the kingdom when He taught the disciples to pray in Matthew 6. At

    the beginning of the Lords prayer and at the end of it the kingdom is mentioned.

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    The beginning of the Lords prayer says, Let Your kingdom come (v. 10). The end

    of this prayer says, For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.

    Amen (v. 13).

    The accomplishment of Gods eternal purpose depends on the kingdom. If God does

    not have a kingdom to exercise His authority, He can do nothing. Thus, in the OldTestament God chose Abraham so his descendants could be made a great nation, a

    kingdom. The children of Israel came into being, and God did make them a nation, a

    kingdom. Then after God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He told them

    that they would be unto Him a kingdom, a nation (Exo. 19:4-6). God made Israel a

    kingdom, a nation, and in that nation God exercised His authority. God accomplished

    certain things by exercising His authority in the kingdom of Israel.


    In the New Testament the first preacher was John the Baptist. The first word

    preached by him was, Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near(Matt. 3:2). When the Lord Jesus began to preach the gospel, He said the same

    thing as John the Baptist: Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near

    (Matt. 4:17). When the Lord sent the disciples to preach the gospel, He charged

    them to say, The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near (Matt. 10:7). The book

    of Revelation tells us that at the Lords coming back after His judgment upon the

    nations, the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of Christ (11:15).

    Eventually, in the millennium the Lord will rule as a king with all His victorious saints

    (Rev. 20:4, 6). Revelation shows that in the accomplishment of His eternal purpose

    God eventually will have a kingdom in which He can exercise His authority to the

    fullest extent. The Scriptures clearly reveal this line of the kingdom of God in which

    or through which God can exercise His authority to accomplish His eternal purpose.


    A kingdom is not a simple matter. For example, the United States as a nation, a

    kingdom, is not a simple matter. The kingdom of God includes many things that

    need to be understood. In the Old Testament there is the kingdom of Israel. In the

    New Testament there is the kingdom of the heavens. Then after the church age

    there will be a period of a thousand years known as the millennium. The millennium

    is a kingdom of a thousand years (Rev. 20:4, 6). If we read the Scriptures carefully,

    we will see that even in the millennium there are some further divisions. Thekingdom of Israel in the Old Testament, the kingdom of the heavens in the New

    Testament, and the millennial kingdom after the church age are parts of the kingdom

    of God. The kingdom of God runs from eternity to eternity. It is a realm, a sphere, in

    which God can rule and exercise His authority. From eternity past to eternity future

    there is such a thing called the kingdom of God. In this kingdom, God exercises His

    authority to rule over all things.

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    The Kingdom of Israel

    Concerning the kingdom of Israel being a part of the kingdom of God in the Old

    Testament times, Matthew 21:43 says, Therefore I say to you that the kingdom of

    God shall be taken from you and shall be given to a nation producing the fruits of it.

    The kingdom of God was already there with the Israelites, but because they did notbring forth fruit, the Lord told them that the kingdom of God would be taken from

    them. Since it could be taken from them, that means that the kingdom of God was

    among them already. The Lord took the kingdom from them and gave this kingdom

    to another people, which is the church.

    The Difference between the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Kingdom of


    We must also see from the Scriptures that the kingdom of the heavens is different

    from the kingdom of God. Most Christians think that the kingdom of the heavens and

    the kingdom of God are synonymous terms. When John the Baptist came, he told thepeople to repent for the kingdom of the heavens had drawn near (Matt. 3:2). This

    meant that up until the time of John the Baptist, the kingdom of the heavens had not

    yet come but was at hand. Then when the Lord Jesus came out to preach the gospel

    at the beginning of His ministry, He said the same thing: Repent, for the kingdom of

    the heavens has drawn near (Matt. 4:17). Later in Matthew 10:7, the Lord sent the

    first group of disciples and told them to say the same thing, that the kingdom of the

    heavens had drawn near. When the Lord came out to preach the gospel, the

    kingdom of the heavens had not come yet. On the one hand, the kingdom of God

    was already among the children of Israel. On the other hand, the kingdom of the

    heavens was coming.

    Matthew 12:28 says, But if I by the Spirit of God cast out demons, then the

    kingdom of God is come upon you. In this verse the Lord refers to the kingdom of

    God, not the kingdom of the heavens. Even then, the kingdom of the heavens had

    still not come, but the kingdom of God was there by that time.

    Another important passage showing this distinction between the kingdom of the

    heavens and the kingdom of God is Matthew 11:11-12: Truly I say to you, Among

    those born of women, there has not arisen a greater than John the Baptist; yet he

    who is smallest in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he. And from the days

    of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of the heavens is taken by violence, andviolent men seize it. This word indicates that up to this time the kingdom of the

    heavens had not come, and John the Baptist was not in it because the smallest in

    the kingdom of the heavens is greater than John. Also, from the time of John until

    the time the Lord spoke this word was the period of time in which people could

    endeavor to get into the kingdom of the heavens.

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    In Matthew 16:19 the Lord told Peter that He would give to him the keys of the

    kingdom of the heavens. Even at the time of Matthew 16 the kingdom of the

    heavens had not begun because the keys had not been given. The Lord gave the first

    key of the kingdom of the heavens to Peter on the day of Pentecost. The kingdom of

    the heavens started on the day of Pentecost when the church began to be built up.

    Peter used one key to open the gate for the Jewish believers to enter the kingdom ofthe heavens on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:38-42), and he used the other to open

    the gate for the Gentile believers to enter the kingdom of the heavens in the house

    of Cornelius (Acts 10:34-48).

    The Kingdom of the Heavens in Matthew 13

    Matthew 13 is another proof that the kingdom of the heavens started when the

    church began to be built. In the first parable in Matthew 13 the Lord says, Behold,

    the sower went out to sow (v. 3). In the second parable, however, He says, The

    kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man sowing good seed in his field. But

    while the men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares amidst the wheat and went

    away (vv. 24-25). In the third parable the Lord tells us that the kingdom of the

    heavens is like a grain of mustard seed (v. 31). The fourth parable tells us that the

    kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three

    measures of meal until the whole was leavened (v. 33). The previous three parables

    of Matthew 13 always begin with the clause the kingdom of the heavens is like,

    but with the first parable there is not such a clause. In the first parable the Lord was

    coming to sow Himself into people as the seed of life. By that time the kingdom of

    the heavens had only drawn near; it had not come yet. With the second parable the

    Lord began to say, the kingdom of the heavens was likened to, because the

    kingdom of the heavens began to be established when the church was built (Matt.16:18-19) on the day of Pentecost, the time when the second parable began to be

    fulfilled. It was from that time after the church was founded that the tares, the false

    believers, were sown amidst the true believers, the wheat. Therefore, the kingdom of

    the heavens is a part of the kingdom of God.

    Thus far, we have seen that the kingdom of God is from eternity past to eternity

    future and that it includes the kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament, the kingdom

    of the heavens in the New Testament, and the millennial kingdom after the church

    age (see chart on pp. 14-15).

    The Kingdom of the Heavens Being the Kingdom of God

    The kingdom of the heavens is the kingdom of God just as California, as a part of the

    United States, is the United States. Matthew 19:23-24 says, And Jesus said to His

    disciples, Truly I say to you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of

    the heavens. And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of

    a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Verse 23 refers to

    the kingdom of the heavens while verse 24 refers to the kingdom of God. This proves

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    that the kingdom of the heavens is a part of the kingdom of God. We have already

    seen from other passages that the kingdom of the heavens is something different

    from the kingdom of God because the kingdom of God was there before the kingdom

    of the heavens had come. This passage, however, proves that the kingdom of the

    heavens is the kingdom of God. The example of California and the United States

    helps to explain this. On the one hand, California is different from the United Statesbecause the United States is an entire nation. California is a part of this nation, so it

    is different. On the other hand, California is the United States. When you come to

    California, you come to the United States. Likewise, when you enter into the

    kingdom of the heavens, you enter into the kingdom of God because the kingdom of

    the heavens is a part of the kingdom of God. If you are in California, you are in the

    United States, but if you are in the United States, you are not necessarily in

    California. If you come to the United States, you may come to New York, Oregon, or

    Washington, but not to California. If you enter into the kingdom of the heavens, you

    surely enter into the kingdom of God, but being in the kingdom of God does not

    guarantee that you are in the kingdom of the heavens.

    Entering into the Kingdom of the Heavens

    Matthew 19:23 says that it is difficult for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of the

    heavens. In John 3:3 and 5, though, the Lord reveals that the only requirement for

    entering the kingdom of God is to be born again. If you have been born again, you

    have entered into the kingdom of God. By our second birth we have entered into the

    kingdom of God, but have we entered into the kingdom of the heavens? To enter

    into the kingdom of God is simply by rebirth, but to enter into the kingdom of the

    heavens is another matter. Matthew 5:20 says, For I say to you, that unless your

    righteousness surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall by no means enterinto the kingdom of the heavens. To enter into the kingdom of God requires

    regeneration as a new beginning of our life, but to enter into the kingdom of the

    heavens demands surpassing righteousness in our living after regeneration. How

    strict this is! Also, Matthew 7:21 says, Not every one who says to Me, Lord, Lord,

    shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but he who does the will of My Father

    who is in the heavens. Since entering into the kingdom of the heavens also requires

    doing the will of the heavenly Father, it is clearly different from entering into the

    kingdom of God by being regenerated. The latter is by the birth of the divine life; the

    former is by the living of that life. Matthew 18:3 says, Truly I say to you, Unless you

    turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the kingdom of

    the heavens. Once we have been regenerated, we are in the kingdom of God, but to

    enter into the kingdom of the heavens we must have the righteousness which

    exceeds that of the Pharisees, we must do the will of God, and we must become as

    little children.

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    birth we have entered into the kingdom of God. On the other hand, as far as the

    kingdom of the heavens is concerned, we are still on the way to entering into it. For

    example, I have entered into the United States because I am here in California, but I

    have not entered into the White House. The kingdom of the heavens is something

    different from the kingdom of God, yet the kingdom of the heavens is the kingdom of

    God because it is a part of the kingdom of God. Therefore, one can be in thekingdom of God yet still not be in the kingdom of the heavens. John 3:3 tells us that

    by the new birth we entered into the kingdom of God. On the other hand, we are told

    in Acts 14:22 that we enter into the kingdom through much tribulation. The kingdom

    of God is the whole realm in which God rules from eternity to eternity. In the

    kingdom of God there is a part which is called the kingdom of the heavens. This part

    began on the day of Pentecost and concludes at the end of the millennium.


    With the kingdom of the heavens there are three aspects: the external appearance

    of the kingdom of the heavens (Matt. 13), the reality of the kingdom of the heavens

    (Matt. 57), and the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens (Matt. 2425). If

    we are going to understand the kingdom of the heavens, we must know these three

    aspects. On the day of Pentecost, the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens and

    the reality of the kingdom of the heavens began. The manifestation of the kingdom

    of the heavens begins with the coming back of the Lord Jesus. When the Lord comes

    back, the kingdom of the heavens will be manifested. On the one hand, we can say

    that the kingdom has started already, but this is just the appearance and the reality,

    not the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. The appearance of the

    kingdom of the heavens includes all of the false Christians, but only the victorious,

    overcoming Christians are in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. When theLord Jesus comes back, that will be the time of the manifestation of the kingdom of

    the heavens.



    Scripture Reading: Matt. 11:10-12; 13:1-50; 57; 2425


    The kingdom of God is the rule, the government of God, from eternity to eternity.

    This kingdom is comprised of four dispensations (see chart on pp. 14-15). Romans

    5:14 refers to the period of time from Adam until Moses. This was the age before

    the law, the first dispensation. The second dispensation is from Moses to Christ. This

    is the dispensation of law. The third dispensation is the dispensation of grace or the

    dispensation of the church. Outside the church is the external appearance of the

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    kingdom of the heavens, todays Christendom. Within Christendom is the true

    church, which is the composition of the real believers, and within the true church are

    the overcomers who are in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. Outside

    Christendom is the world, the unbelievers. There is no real separating line between

    Christendom and the world. The last dispensation is the millennium of a thousand

    years. In the millennium there are two parts: the heavenly part and the earthly part.The heavenly part is the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. In this

    manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens, Christ and the overcoming believers

    will be the kings (Rev. 20:4, 6). In the earthly part of the millennium the saved Jews

    will be the priests teaching people how to serve God (Zech. 8:20-23). The

    overcoming believers as the kings, the saved Jews as the priests, and the nations as

    the people are the three groups of people in the millennium.


    With the kingdom of the heavens there are three main aspects we must be clear

    about. The first aspect is the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens. This

    appearance is todays Christendom, which includes the Roman Catholic Church and

    all the false Christians. The second aspect is the reality of the kingdom of the

    heavens. This aspect is comprised of the overcomers, the victorious Christians. All

    the genuine Christians, whether victorious or defeated, are the church. However,

    within the real church among the true believers there is a distinction between the

    victorious ones and the defeated ones. With the victorious ones there is the reality of

    the kingdom of the heavens. The victorious Christians who are in the reality of the

    kingdom of the heavens, the defeated believers who are in the church yet not in the

    reality of the kingdom of the heavens, the false Christians who are merely Christians

    in name but not members of the true church, and the world comprised of all theunbelievers are the four groups of people on the earth today. The appearance of the

    kingdom of the heavens, Christendom, and the reality of the kingdom of the

    heavens, the overcomers, comprise the dispensation of the church.

    After the dispensation of the church, the Lord will come back. This will be the

    manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. Those who live in the reality of the

    kingdom of the heavens today will be manifested with the Lord to be the kings in the

    dispensation of the millennium to rule the nations on the earth with the saved Jews

    as the priests. The kings who are the overcomers in Christ, the saved Jews as the

    priests, and the people, the nations, comprise the manifestation of the kingdom of

    the heavens.

    To be clear about the kingdom truths we must firstly be clear about the difference

    between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the heavens. Secondly, we must be

    clear about the three aspects of the kingdom of the heavens: the appearance, the

    reality, and the manifestation. We have already seen the difference between the

    kingdom of God and the kingdom of the heavens. Now we must see in more detail

    the difference between the appearance, the reality, and the manifestation of the

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    kingdom of the heavens. Matthew is a book on the kingdom of the heavens. The only

    other mention of the kingdom of the heavens is in 2 Timothy 4:18 where the term

    heavenly kingdom is used. In the Gospel of Matthew there are three main parts.

    The decree of the kingdoms constitution in chapters five through seven, the parables

    in chapter thirteen, and the prophecy of the kingdom in chapters twenty-four and

    twenty-five are the three great parts of the Gospel of Matthew. If we can understandthese three parts, we can understand the Gospel of Matthew. In chapter thirteen the

    Lord unveils the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens. In chapters five through

    seven we can see the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. In chapters twenty-four

    and twenty-five the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens is revealed by the

    Lord Jesus.



    The Parable of the Sower

    In Matthew 13 the first parable is the parable of the sower: And He spoke to them

    many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went out to sow (v. 3). This

    parable does not mention the kingdom of the heavens because at this time the

    kingdom of the heavens had not come yet. The sower is the Lord Himself who comes

    to sow Himself into humanity as the seed of life. This was the preparation for the

    coming of the kingdom of the heavens.

    The Parable of the Tares

    The second parable begins in verse 24: Another parable He set before them, saying,

    The kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man sowing good seed in his field.The kingdom of the heavens is mentioned in this second parable. The man sowing

    good seed in his field is the sower in the first parable, the Lord Jesus. But while the

    men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares amidst the wheat and went away (v.

    25). This happened just a little while after the day of Pentecost. When the day of

    Pentecost came, thousands of believers were added to the church. Among those

    believers there were some false ones, some tares, among the wheat. The second

    parable is a parable concerning the church as the beginning of the kingdom of the


    The Parable of the Mustard Seed

    The third parable is the parable of the mustard seed: Another parable He set before

    them, saying, The kingdom of the heavens is like a grain of mustard seed, which a

    man took and sowed in his field; which is indeed smaller than all the seeds, but

    when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds

    of heaven come and roost in its branches (vv. 31-32). The mustard is an herb for

    food. The real church coming out of the seed of life should be just like the mustard,

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    good for food to others. This herb, however, becomes a great tree, and the birds in

    the heaven lodge in its branches. In the first parable the birds (v. 4) signify the evil

    one, Satan, who came and snatched away the word of the kingdom sown in the

    hardened heart (v. 19). The bird is the devil, and the birds are the evil persons,

    spirits, and things out of the devil who lodge in this big tree. This happened when

    Constantine the Great mixed the church with the world in the first part of the fourthcentury. He brought thousands of false believers into the church, making it

    Christendom, no longer the church. Christianity became the national religion of the

    Roman Empire, and Constantine encouraged all the unbelievers to come into the

    church. Before this time the Roman Empire persecuted Christianity, but during

    Constantines reign the Roman Empire welcomed it. From that time onward the

    churchs nature changed. It became deeply rooted and settled in the earth as a great

    tree, flourishing with its enterprises as the branches to lodge many evil persons and

    things. Todays Christendom is a big tree with a lot of branches, and many sinful

    persons and evil spirits are lodging in its branches.

    The Parable of the Leaven Hidden in the Fine Flour

    Matthew 13:33 says, Another parable He spoke to them: The kingdom of the

    heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until

    the whole was leavened. This woman is a type of the Roman Catholic Church. In

    Revelation the Lord likens the Roman Catholic Church to a woman sitting on a scarlet

    beast (Rev. 17:3). The beast is the Roman Empire, and the woman on the beast is

    the Roman Catholic Church. This portrays religion joining with politics. After

    Constantine welcomed Christianity into the Roman Empire as the national religion,

    the church transmuted into something large and worldly and even became a worldly

    power. This worldly power became the Roman Catholic Church typified by thiswoman in Matthew 13. The leaven which this woman took signifies evil things (1 Cor.

    5:6, 8) and evil doctrines (Matt. 16:6, 11-12). Meal, for making the meal offering

    (Lev. 2:1), signifies Christ as food both to God and man. The Roman Catholic Church

    has something real, but it puts in something false. Todays modernism, which is even

    among the Protestant churches, denies the deity of our Lord Jesus and the fact that

    He was born of the virgin Mary. The Roman Catholic Church, however, always

    recognizes that Christ is the Son of God, the very God, born of a virgin. This is the

    fine flour, the meal, but they added leaven into the fine flour (Lev. 2:4-5, 11). Many

    pagan practices and heresies were added into the fine flour.

    The birth of Christ is a part of the fine flour, but Christmas is the leaven added to thefine flour. History tells us that December 25 was celebrated as the birthday of the

    sun-god. When Christianity was accepted as the state religion by the Roman Empire

    in A.D. 313, many people in the church were not regenerated. Some of these

    unregenerated ones were accustomed to having a festival on December 25 to

    celebrate the birthday of the sun-god. To accommodate these unbelievers, the

    apostate church declared December 25 to be the birthday of Christ. This is the

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    source of Christmas. The apostate church has the fine flour, but within the flour

    there is leaven.

    The Parable of the Treasure Hidden in the Field

    A fifth parable says, The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in thefield, which a man found and hid, and in his joy goes and sells all, whatever he has,

    and buys that field (Matt. 13:44). In the Scriptures, the sea denotes the world

    corrupted by Satan (Isa. 57:20; Rev. 17:15) and the field represents the earth

    created by God for His kingdom (Gen. 1:26-28). The treasure hidden in the field

    signifies the kingdom hidden in Gods created world. The treasure hidden in the field

    must consist of gold or precious stones, the materials for the building of the church

    and the New Jerusalem (1 Cor. 3:12; Rev. 21:18-20). The church is the practical

    kingdom today, and the New Jerusalem will be the kingdom in manifestation in

    eternity. Before the Lord comes, the kingdom is a hidden matter. When the Lord

    comes, He finds the kingdom, makes it open, and presents it to the Jewish people.

    Since the Jewish people rejected it, the Lord hid this matter from them. The Lord

    then went to the cross to die, to pay the cost to buy this field with its treasure. This

    means that the Lord died on the cross to redeem the earth with the kingdom.

    The Parable of the Merchant and the Pearl

    The sixth parable says, Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a merchant

    seeking fine pearls, and finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all,

    whatever he had, and bought it (Matt. 13:45-46). The Lord in this parable is the

    merchant, and the pearl is the church. The pearl comes out of the water which

    denotes the corrupted world. The pearl produced in the death waters (the world filled

    with death) by the living oyster (the living Christ), wounded by a little rock (the

    sinner), and secreting its life-juice around the wounding rock, is also the material for

    the building of the New Jerusalem. Since the pearl comes out of the sea, which

    signifies the world corrupted by Satan, it must refer to the church, which is mainly

    constituted with regenerated believers from the Gentile world, and which is of great


    The Parable of the Net Cast into the Sea

    The seventh parable says, Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a net cast into

    the sea and gathering of every kind, which, when it was filled, they brought onto theshore, and sitting down they gathered the good into vessels, but the corrupt they

    cast out (Matt. 13:47-48). The sea denotes the corrupted world. At the end of the

    church age, when the Lord comes back, He will send the angels to bring all the living

    peoples, the unbelievers, unto Him. He will divide them into two classesa class of

    good and a class of evil. The evil ones will perish immediately, and the good ones will

    be translated into the millennial kingdom to be the nations (Matt. 13:49-50; 25:32-


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    These seven parables show us the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens with

    the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. The appearance of the kingdom of the

    heavens includes the true believers, the false ones, and all the evil things in todays



    The reality of the kingdom of the heavens is revealed in Matthew 5, 6, and 7. The

    parables in Matthew 13 reveal many evil things, leaven, and false believers. In

    Matthew 5, 6, and 7, though, the kingdom of the heavens is revealed as something

    very pure. This is the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. Matthew 5:3 says,

    Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. Verse 10

    says, Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness,

    for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. Verse 20 says, For I say to you, that

    unless your righteousness surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall by no

    means enter into the kingdom of the heavens. These verses show us how strict the

    kingdom of the heavens is and how pure this kingdom is. Matthew 7:21 says, Not

    every one who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens,

    but he who does the will of My Father who is in the heavens. This is the reality of

    the kingdom of the heavens. To be in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens we

    must be poor in spirit, we must suffer persecution for righteousness sake, we must

    do the will of the Father, and we must be pure and meek (Matt. 5:3-10). The

    parables in Matthew 13 unveil the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens while

    the teachings in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 unveil the reality of the kingdom of the


    A real believer in the church is not necessarily an overcomer. We may be in the

    church and still not be in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. Some people are

    in Christendom, the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens, but not really in the

    church. To be in the church a person must be a real believer in Christ, regenerated

    with the life of God. After regeneration, a Christian has to go on with the Lord to be

    victorious. He must overcome all the sinful things; then he will be in the reality of

    the kingdom of the heavens. To see whether or not we are in the reality of the

    kingdom of the heavens, we need to compare ourselves with the teaching in Matthew

    5, 6, and 7. We may be saved, but are we in the reality of the kingdom of the



    When the Lord comes back, the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens will be

    realized. This is revealed in Matthew 24 and 25. Only the overcomers who are in the

    reality of the kingdom of the heavens today will have a share in the manifestation of

    the kingdom of the heavens in the future. The manifestation of the kingdom of the

    heavens will be a reward, a prize, given to the overcomers.

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    Christ is the fine flour, but the so-called pictures of Jesus are included in the leaven.

    Any picture of Jesus is false. The book of Isaiah tells us that when the Lord was on

    the earth, He had no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no

    beauty that we should desire him (53:2). Isaiah 52:14 tells us that his visage wasso marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men. Todays

    pictures of Jesus always portray Him as a handsome man. This is not the true picture

    of Jesus, but the leaven. In 1937, when I was traveling in North China, a case of

    demon possession was brought to my attention. A certain Christian sister had

    become possessed. When I was asked the reason for this, I said that, in principle,

    either sin or some idols or images in that sisters home would give ground for the

    demon to possess her. This sister was a young Christian and did not know these

    things. She had bought a picture of the so-called Jesus and had put that picture in

    her room. Eventually, she was bowing down to it with respect. Later on she was

    possessed by a demon. I told her to burn the picture. From the moment she burned

    that picture, the demon departed.

    To add leaven to fine flour makes it easier for people to take. Unleavened bread is

    harder for people to eat. This is the principle operating in the Roman Catholic

    Church. They maintain that if you do not put the leaven into the things concerning

    Christ, it will be hard for the people to take. If you simply told people that God is in

    Christ as the Spirit, they would not be able to take it. To put up an image of Christ or

    a statue of Christ at the entrance of the cathedral and tell people that this is Christ

    makes it easier for people to worship and realize Christ, according to the Roman

    Catholic Church. They maintain that the images, even though they are not really

    Christ, remind people of Christ. To them, the image of Christ makes it easier forpeople to contact Christ. This is the leaven within the fine flour.

    When I was in Manila, I visited a Catholic cathedral. At the entrance of this cathedral

    was a statue of Mary. Noticing that one of the hands of the statue was almost

    completely worn out, I asked the people what had happened. They said that

    everyone who entered the cathedral firstly touched the hand of the statue and that,

    through the years, this had worn out the hand. When I asked them about the need

    for such a statue, they said, If people do not have statues, they cannot understand

    what you are saying when you talk about the Bible. They need something solid to

    grasp. This is their justification for having statues of Jesus and Mary. What subtlety!

    That is not Jesus or Marythat is an idol. Apparently, they worshipped Jesus;

    actually, they worshipped an image of stone. This is the subtlety of the enemy.

    Now we can see the evil of the apostate churchit absorbs pagan things and adds

    them to the fine flour. How wicked this is! The Roman Catholic Church preaches

    Christ with paganism, with heathenism, with idols, with images, and with sinful

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    things and false things. The Lord likens this to the kingdom of the heavens, so this is

    the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens. This is not the real thing.


    Scripture Reading: Ezek. 28:11-19; Isa. 14:12-20; Rev. 12:3-4; Rom. 14:17; 1Cor. 3:9; 5:1-5; 6:6-7, 9-10; 3:13-15; Matt. 24:38-51; 25:1-30

    What is the real meaning of the kingdom? A kingdom is a rule, a government, and

    the kingdom of God simply means the rule and government of God. From eternity to

    eternity God is the King, the sovereign almighty Ruler of the whole universe. The

    entire universe from eternity to eternity is the kingdom of God. According to Ezekiel

    28:11-19 and Isaiah 14:12-20, one of the archangels, Lucifer, rebelled against God,

    and a number of the angels followed him in his rebellion (Rev. 12:3-4). After the

    creation of man, Lucifer, or Satan, came to induce man to rebel also. Due to these

    two rebellionsthat of Satan with his angels and that of manthe ruling and

    government of God has been greatly interrupted, tested, and attacked. Instead ofbeing under the rule and control of God, the earth has come under the rule and

    control of Satan with fallen man. This is the earthly kingdom. By the time the Lord

    Jesus came to the earth at His incarnation, nearly the whole earth was the kingdom

    of the earth, controlled by Satan with man. The Lord Jesus came to work out Gods

    intention of bringing His kingdom into this world. Gods intention is to have the earth

    controlled by the heavens. For this reason He needs to bring His kingdom to the

    earth. The whole earth needs to be brought under a heavenly rule and government.

    The Lord Jesus came to bring the earth under the rule of the kingdom of the


    This is why John the Baptist cried, Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has

    drawn near (Matt. 3:2). Men needed to repent and to come under the heavenly

    rule. When the Lord Jesus came with the kingdom of the heavens, He was rejected

    by the Jewish people, so He turned to the Gentiles and established His church among

    the Gentiles. Within the church He brought all things under the rule and government

    of the heavens. In the church there is the heavenly rule and government, and there

    is the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. During the period of the church age,

    however, the kingdom of the heavens, the heavenly rule, is not manifested in an

    open way. Rather, it is a heavenly rule in a very mysterious and hidden way.

    Although it is not yet manifested, the reality of the heavenly rule is present. In the

    church at least some of the Christians are under the ruling of the heavens. Withthem there is the reality of the kingdom of the heavens.

    When the Lord Jesus comes back, He will subdue the whole world and the kingdoms

    of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord. At that time the kingdom of the

    heavens will be manifested in an open way (Rev. 11:15). The kingdom of the

    heavens will become the ruling power and will govern in a manifested, open way, not

    in a mysterious and hidden way. Now the kingdom of the heavens rules within the

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    church in a hidden, mysterious way, but at that time the kingdom of the heavens will

    be fully manifested. The kingdom of the heavens simply means the heavenly rule

    and government. If you are in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens, you are

    under the rule of the heavens.

    When the Lord Jesus turned the kingdom of the heavens to the church, He brought agroup of people out of the world to be under the heavenly rule. Through

    regeneration all the Christians have been brought into the kingdom of the heavens.

    This means that all Christians by their regeneration have been brought under the

    rule of the heavens. This is a marvelous beginning, but after such a good beginning

    through regeneration, not many are willing to be ruled by the heavens. Therefore,

    they are regenerated and saved by the Lord, yet they are defeated. They had a good

    beginning, but they did not have a good continuation. They were brought into the

    kingdom by their new birth, but they did not continue practically in the kingdom by

    being willing to be ruled by the heavens. Within the church the true believers have

    been regenerated and brought into the kingdom of God. But among these true

    believers many are defeated. Only a small number are victorious and overcoming.

    The overcomers are the ones who are willing to be under the rule of the kingdom of

    the heavens. They are willing to live and walk and do things according to the

    teachings of the Lord concerning the reality of the kingdom in Matthew 57. They

    are sanctified, they are victorious over sin, self, the flesh, and the world, and they

    are in the process of being transformed.

    Let me cite some examples to help you understand the meaning of being under the

    rule of the heavens. In a university there are many students who are unsaved; there

    are other students who are regenerated, saved Christians, but who are not victorious

    and overcoming. Rather, they are defeated. Only a small number of the Christiansare victorious and overcoming. Because most of the students may be naughty, they

    need to be controlled by the administration of the school. If, however, you are a

    Christian under the rule of the kingdom of the heavens, you should not need the

    control of the administration of the school. If the rules say that the lights must be off

    by 10:30, you do not need someone to come by and enforce this rule. The

    unbelievers and the defeated Christians may even cover the light and continue to

    study until two oclock in the morning. If you did such a thing and you were under

    the rule of the kingdom of the heavens, you would surely repent and go to the school

    administration, apologizing and offering to pay for the electricity. If you are under

    the rule of the kingdom of the heavens, there is no need for anyone to control you. If

    we need policemen to control us, it means we are defeated Christians. We must be

    those heavenly people who are under a heavenly ruling and a heavenly government.

    We should have no need of any other kind of rule.

    Even cultured, educated ladies and gentlemen will sometimes steal something when

    they have an opportunity. This means they are simply under the control of this

    earth; they are not under the rule of the heavens. If the police were removed from

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    any major city, what confusion and chaos would result! This is because people today

    are under the control of the earth and the earthly government and not under the rule

    of the kingdom of the heavens.

    As the heavenly people, we must be under the heavenly rule, under the kingdom of

    the heavens. This is the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. Gods intention inregenerating us is to bring us under His heavenly rule. But many of us, after being

    regenerated, are not willing to be ruled by the heavens. We are in the church, but

    we are not in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens.

    The kingdom of the heavens belongs to those who are poor in spirit, pure in heart,

    who are meek, whose righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, and who do the

    will of God. Whoever lives in such a way is in the kingdom of the heavens, and the

    kingdom of the heavens is theirs. The Word does not say shall be yours but is yours

    (Matt. 5:3). When we are pure in heart and poor in spirit, the kingdom is ours. This

    means we are in the kingdom now, and we are under the ruling of the kingdom of

    the heavens now.


    In Romans 14:17 the apostle Paul tells us that the kingdom of God is righteousness

    and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Righteousness refers to your relationship with

    others. As to yourself you must be righteous. With others you must be peaceful. With

    God you must be joyful. If you are not joyful before God and with God, that means

    you are wrong. Our daily living must match Romans 14:17.

    In our meeting place in Taiwan we used to have benches, not chairs. Sometimes

    when we expected that not many people would come to the meetings, we announced

    that every bench would be for four persons. When more people were expected to

    come to the meetings, we announced that each bench would be for five persons.

    Some of the brothers and sisters would not be righteous to share their seat with

    another brother or sister. If you are a Christian under the rule of the heavens, in the

    reality of the kingdom of the heavens, you surely would not occupy another persons

    seat. You would sacrifice a little part of your seat to others. To fail in this matter

    shows that you are a greedy person. Do not believe that all Christians are wonderful

    people. Many Christians are selfish. They are not under the ruling of not be happy. If

    you are under the ruling of the heavens, you the heavens. They are not righteous as

    to themselves so they do not have the full peace with others and they do not havejoy before God and with God. If you are wrong with God, you will will be righteous as

    to yourself, you will have peace with others, and you will be joyful with God. This is

    the heavenly ruling, the heavenly government. This is what it means to be in the

    reality of the kingdom of the heavens.

    You may be a regenerated member of the church and yet not be under the rule of

    the heavens. Although you are in the church, you are not in the reality of the

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    being exercised in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens. But when the Lord

    Jesus comes back, the kingdom will be an enjoyment to us. At that time we will

    enjoy the kingdom, and we will be kings ruling with the Lord Jesus. The kingdom will

    be an inheritance to us. To be saved into the kingdom is one thing; to inherit the

    kingdom of God is another thing.


    When the Lord Jesus comes back, the apostle Paul will inherit the manifestation of

    the kingdom. But what about the sinful brother in 1 Corinthians 5? Shall he inherit

    the kingdom of God? No! What will happen to him? The answer to this is found in 1

    Corinthians 3:13-15: The work of each shall become manifest; for the day shall

    make it known, because it is revealed by fire, and the fire itself will test each ones

    work, of what sort it is. If anyones work which he has built upon it shall remain, he

    shall receive a reward. If anyones work shall be consumed, he shall suffer loss, but

    he shall be saved, yet so as through fire. When the Lord Jesus returns, the fire shall

    try every mans work. If a mans work abides, he shall receive, not salvation, but a

    reward. These verses are not related to the security of our salvation; they are

    related to whether we shall receive a reward or suffer a loss when the Lord Jesus

    comes back. Verse 15 says, He shall suffer loss, but he shall be saved, yet so as

    through fire. Do not consider that as long as you are saved there is no problem. To

    be saved is one thing and to be rewarded or to suffer a loss is another. You can be

    saved and yet still suffer a loss. And even though you suffer a loss, you will still be

    saved. Once we are saved, we can never be lost (John 10:28-29). But once we are

    saved, we can either be rewarded by the Lord or suffer a loss.


    The kingdom of the heavens is used by God for two purposes: the first is for the

    exercise of His children, and the second is for a reward to His children. Today the

    kingdom of the heavens is an exercise. Do not say that we have been saved by grace

    and that everything is by grace. Yes, we do have Christ as grace, but we also have

    the kingdom as an exercise. Even with a proper family life there are these two sides.

    In the Bible there is surely the side of enjoyment and grace, but there is also the

    side of exercise and responsibility. Christ is the grace, and the kingdom is the

    exercise. By His resurrection the Lord Jesus has regenerated us (1 Pet. 1:3). But

    now that we are regenerated, we must be exercised in the kingdom. We are not

    simply in the house of God; we are also in the kingdom of God. The house is a placefor grace and enjoyment, but the kingdom is a place for exercise. Many Christians

    simply enjoy the family life of the household of God, but they neglect the exercise of

    the kingdom life. The kingdom of the heavens is used by God to cause us to be



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    The kingdom of the heavens is also used by God as a reward to His faithful children.

    If we exercise ourselves in a proper way after we are saved, we will enjoy the

    manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens as a reward. Today the kingdom of the

    heavens is an exercise to us, but tomorrow it will be an enjoyment to us. The big

    question is whether or not we will be qualified to inherit the kingdom of the heavens.

    God is very gracious, but He is also very wise. He saves us by His grace, but in Hiswisdom He causes us to be exercised by the kingdom, and He will reward us with the

    kingdom. If we are defeated, when He comes back, surely He will punish us. We will

    not enjoy the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens as our inheritance.

    Let us read Matthew 24:45-51: Who then is the faithful and prudent slave, whom

    the master has set over his household to give them food at the appointed time?

    Blessed is that slave whom his master when he comes shall find so doing. Truly I say

    to you, that he will set him over all his possessions. But if that evil slave says in his

    heart, My master is delaying his coming, and shall begin to beat his fellow slaves,

    and eat and drink with the drunken; the master of that slave shall come on a day

    when he does not expect him, and in an hour which he does not know, and shall cut

    him asunder and appoint his portion with the hypocrites; there shall be the weeping

    and the gnashing of teeth. Do not consider that the slave who was cut off signifies

    an unbeliever. The fact that he is a slave indicates that he is saved. Consider your

    own situation: You are saved, but are you a faithful slave of the Lord? Are you the

    first slave or the second? If you are the first slave, the Lord Jesus will appoint you to

    be the ruler over His goods when He comes back. But if you are the second, you will

    be cut off from this ruling manifestation, and furthermore, you will suffer. You will

    weep and gnash your teeth.


    The second parable in Matthew 25, the parable of the talents, shows the same

    principle. All are servants, and yet some are not allowed to enter into the

    manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. Let us read from verse 22: And he

    also who received the two talents came and said, Lord, you delivered to me two

    talents; behold, I have gained another two talents. His lord said to him, Well done,

    good and faithful slave; you were faithful over a few things, I will set you over many

    things; enter into the joy of your lord. And he also who received the one talent came

    and said, Lord, I knew you, that you are a hard man, reaping where you did not sow,

    and gathering where you did not scatter; and I was afraid, and went away and hid

    your talent in the earth; behold, you have what is yours. But his lord answered andsaid to him, Evil and slothful slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow, and

    gather where I did not scatter. You ought therefore to have deposited my silver with

    the bankers, and when I came I would have recovered what is mine with interest.

    Take away therefore the talent from him, and give it to him who has the ten talents:

    for to everyone who has shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him

    who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away from him. And cast out the

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    useless slave into the outer darkness; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing

    of teeth. The faithful slaves were invited into the joy of the Lord, but the slothful

    slave was rebuked by the Lord and cast into the outer darkness where he would

    experience weeping and gnashing of teeth. The slothful slave was punished so that

    he might become ripe and matured.


    The kingdom of the heavens is the heavenly ruling, the heavenly government of the

    Lord Jesus. After we have been regenerated, we have to be under this ruling. If we

    are under this ruling, we will be victorious and overcoming. We will be in the reality

    of the kingdom of the heavens, and we will enter into the manifestation of the

    kingdom of the heavens to rule and reign with the Lord. But if we are defeated

    Christians when the Lord Jesus comes back, we will suffer a loss, and we will be

    punished so that we may become mature. When the Lord returns, we will be

    rewarded or punished according to our exercise in the kingdom. If our exercise has

    been proper in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens, the Lord will reward us

    with the manifestation of the kingdom. If we have not been exercised in the reality

    of the kingdom of the heavens, the Lord will render a certain kind of punishment to

    us at the time of the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. This does not

    mean that we will be lost but that we will suffer something to help us ripen.

    We are the Lords children, His crop, His plantation (1 Cor. 3:9, lit.). As the Lords

    crop, we must eventually be matured, whether in this age or the next. If we are not

    willing to be ripened in this age, when the Lord Jesus comes back, He will deal with

    us, and we will be forced to be ripened in the next age. On the one hand, we have

    eternal security; once we are saved, we are saved forever. But on the other hand,

    there is a serious warning. Today the Lord gives us the kingdom of the heavens as

    an exercise to test us. When He comes back, He will give us the kingdom of the

    heavens as a reward if we exercise ourselves properly. Otherwise, He will render a

    certain kind of punishment to us so that we can pay the price to be ripened. May the

    Lord be gracious to all of us.



    Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 3:12-15; Luke 12:42-47; Acts 14:22; John 3:5; 1 Cor.5:1, 5; 6:9-10; Eph. 5:3-5; Gal. 5:19-21; 2 Thes. 1:5; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Phil. 3:13-

    15; 2 Tim. 4:1, 7-8, 18


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    The kingdom truths have much to do with the inner life as well as the church life. If

    we are going to realize the church life, we must know something about the kingdom

    of God and the kingdom of the heavens. If we are going to experience the inner life

    in a practical way, we must know the kingdom of the heavens. We have already

    pointed out that the kingdom of God is the rule of God, the government of God. The

    kingdom of the heavens is the heavenly rule, the heavenly government. We mustremember that the first gospel preaching, preached both by John the Baptist and the

    Lord Jesus, was concerning the kingdom of the heavens. Because of our natural

    concepts, we are prone to consider that the first item of the New Testament gospel is

    the forgiveness of sins and the second item is eternal life. Negatively our sins have

    been forgiven, and positively we have eternal life. But in fact, the first word of the

    New Testament gospel was to repent for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens

    (Matt. 3:2; 4:17). We need forgiveness of sins so that we can have eternal life, and

    we need eternal life so that we can be under the heavenly rule. The kingdom is the

    requirement of the gospel, and the life is the supply of the gospel. What the gospel

    requires, it also supplies. The gospel requires us to be governed and ruled by the

    heavens. The gospel also supplies us with the divine life for us to fulfill the

    requirements of the kingdom.

    Matthew 5, 6, and 7 reveal the highest standard of living, a living on the highest

    plane. These chapters reveal that we must be poor in spirit (5:3), pure in heart

    (5:8), and meek (5:5). We must even suffer persecution for the sake of

    righteousness (5:10). If someone takes your tunic, you should let him have your

    cloak (5:40). If a man asks you to go one mile, you should go with him two miles


    When Brother Nee was young, he preached the gospel, and a number of youngpeople were brought to the Lord. These young people went to the country to preach

    the gospel to the farmers, and a number of the farmers were saved. Most of the

    farmland was on the hills so the farmers had to bring the water up to water their

    fields. Two of these farmers who met the Lord had some land close to the top of a

    mountain. Their neighbor owned some fields under their land. After these two

    farmers brought the water to their fields in the evening, they went home. When they

    came to their fields the next day, they found that all the water was gone. Their

    neighbor had stolen the water from their fields by draining the water from the two

    farmers fields down to his fields.

    The two farmers were very angry, but as Christians they thought that they needed to

    learn patience. So they brought up the water once more to water their fields. When

    they came again the next day, they discovered that their water had been drained to

    their neighbors fields again. They were very angry again, but since they were

    Christians, they thought they needed to learn patience. Therefore, they did not say

    anything or do anything. They brought the water up again to water their fields. The

    next day the water was gone again. By this time they were so troubled that they

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    went to see Brother Nee. They told Brother Nee the story and that as Christians they

    felt they had to be patient in this matter. When Brother Nee asked they if they felt

    joyful within, the two brothers replied that the more they exercised to be patient the

    more they suffered.

    Then Brother Nee read them Matthew 5:40-41: And to him who would sue you andtake your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever shall compel you to go

    one mile, go with him two. Brother Nee told them that if they wanted to be happy

    Christians, they should bring the water to their neighbors fields first and then bring

    the water to their fields. The next day the two brothers brought the water first to

    their neighbors fields, and then they brought the water to their own fields. They

    were flooded with joy and praise to the Lord. That night their neighbor came again to

    steal their water. When the neighbor arrived, he saw that his fields were already

    filled with water and that there was no need for him to steal. Their neighbor was so

    moved that, soon after that, he was saved and became a brother in the church.

    These two brothers exercised to be under the heavenly ruling, the heavenly


    As Christians who are born from above, we do not need any kind of earthly

    government to rule over us. We already have the heavenly government ruling over

    us. This is the real meaning of the kingdom of the heavens. The kingdom is simply

    the requirement of the gospel. The gospel not only requires us to be sinless, but also

    to be ruled by the heavenly government.

    If we are going to meet the requirements of such a high standard, we must have a

    life that is on an equally high plane. Otherwise, we cannot meet such a high

    standard. Only the divine life can meet such a high standard. Only the divine life canmeet the requirements of the heavenly government. The kingdom is the requirement

    of the New Testament gospel, and the eternal life, which is Christ Himself, is the

    supply. The divine life can fulfill the requirements of the kingdom. Once we see the

    matter of the kingdom, we can see how high a standard is required by the gospel.

    After we are saved, we have a heavenly requirement within us demanding us to live

    on a high level. This level can be reached only by the supply of the divine life.


    The kingdom is also related to the wisdom and justice of God. The kingdom proves

    both the wisdom and the justice of God. Without the kingdom, Gods wisdom andjustice cannot be proved to the fullest extent. Also, apart from the truth concerning

    the kingdom, it is very difficult to solve the debate between Calvinism and

    Arminianism. The Calvinists stress eternal security, while the Arminians stress that

    one can lose his salvation. For many generations these two groups have been

    quarreling and debating. Both of these sides have their points. The Calvinists can

    point out many passages which prove eternal security. The Arminians, however, will

    bring up other passages such as Hebrews 6 and 10 which seem to indicate that a

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    person could be saved and then could fall and be lost again. Without the kingdom

    truth, these two extremes can never be reconciled.

    There is no doubt that once we have been saved, we are saved forever. Our

    salvation is eternally secure. But on the other hand, besides Gods salvation, there is

    Gods wisdom. There is the truth concerning the kingdom. In addition to salvation,there is the matter of the kingdom. Today the kingdom is an exercise for us. After

    we were saved, God set the kingdom before us as an exercise. In a sense we are

    born in Gods home, but we are exercised in Gods kingdom. The home is a place for

    birth and enjoyment, but the kingdom is a place for exercise and responsibility. After

    we have been regenerated, we must be exercised. The home is the place to enjoy

    grace, but the kingdom is the place to exercise responsibility. We should not take

    one and neglect the other. We have to take the grace, and we also have to take the

    responsibility. We have to take the home, and we also have to take the kingdom. We

    enjoy and share in the home by partaking of the grace. We share in the kingdom by

    being exercised to take the responsibility. Today, in the church age, the kingdom is

    an exercise to us. In the age to come, the millennium, the kingdom will be a reward

    to us. If we exercise well today, the Lord will reward us at that day. If we do not

    exercise well today, we will lose the reward of the kingdom. By this the wisdom of

    God is proved, and the justice of God is maintained. Salvation is eternal; once we

    get it, we will never lose it (John 10:28-29). But we may suffer the loss of the

    kingdom reward, though we shall still be saved (1 Cor. 3:8, 14-15). Besides eternal

    salvation there is the matter of the kingdom which requires our exercise in this age

    to be a reward to us in the coming age.


    We need to read a number of passages which indicate that in addition to salvation

    there is the exercise of the kingdom. First Corinthians 3:12-15 says, But if anyone

    builds on the foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, grass, stubble, the work

    of each shall become manifest; for the day shall make it known, because it is

    revealed by fire, and the fire itself will test each ones work, of what sort it is. If

    anyones work which he has built upon it shall remain, he shall receive a reward. If

    anyones work shall be consumed, he shall suffer loss, but he shall be saved, yet so

    as through fire. These few verses show clearly that if we exercise properly, we shall

    receive a reward, but if we do not exercise properly, we shall suffer loss. It does not

    mean that we shall lose our salvation but that we shall suffer a loss. Both the reward

    and the loss are something in addition to salvation. Once we receive salvation, wehave it eternally. But besides salvation there is the matter of the reward or the loss.

    We must realize that after we are saved, we are put into the kingdom to be

    exercised. Because we are born again, we must be under the rule of the heavenly

    kingdom, under the heavenly government. For this exercise, there will be a reward

    or a loss. There is no problem concerning salvation, but there is a problem

    concerning the exercise.

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    Now let us read Luke 12:42-47: And the Lord said, Who then is the faithful and

    prudent steward, whom the lord will appoint over his household servants to give

    them their portion of food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom his lord,

    when he comes, shall find so doing. Truly I tell you, that he will appoint him over allhis possessions. But if that slave says in his heart, My lord is delaying his coming,

    and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and to drink

    and become drunk; the lord of that slave will come in a day in which he does not

    expect him, and in an hour in which he does not know, and will cut him in two, and

    will assign his portion with the unfaithful. And that slave who knew his lords will,

    and did not prepare or do according to his will, will receive many lashes. If the

    steward is faithful, the lord, at his coming back, will make him ruler over all that he

    has. But if he is not faithful, that steward will be cut in two and will have his portion

    with the unbelievers. Please notice that there are two possibilities for the same

    steward. Both possibilities refer to the same person. This is a matter of the reward of

    the kingdom. Today we are in the kingdom to be ruled, but in the next age we will be

    in the kingdom to rule. Today the kingdom is an exercise, but in the next age the

    manifestation of the kingdom will be a reward. First we must be ruled, and then we

    can rule over something. If we have never been ruled, we can never rule over

    something. We must be exercised in this age so that we will be qualified to rule in

    the next age. The present age is the age for the Lord to exercise His children and to

    prepare His kings. We all must be prepared. As a steward, you must learn how to

    take care of the household of the Lord. You must learn how to be exercised to be a

    king and to rule. Then when the Lord comes back, you will be appointed to rule in

    the kingdom. At that time the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens will be a

    reward to you.

    There are two possibilities for the same servant. The first possibility is that he would

    be faithful and be appointed to rule over all that his lord has. The second possibility

    is that he will be a slothful servant and will be punished by his lord. Some Christians

    have the wrong concept that these are two different servants. They think that one is

    the real servant, and the other is the false servant. But by careful reading, we can

    see that these are not two different servants. It is the same servant with two

    different possibilities. Instead of being faithful, the steward may quarrel with the

    brothers and sisters and may beat them. When his lord comes, he will surely cut him

    in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. He is a believer, but he will

    suffer in that time as an unbeliever. This does not mean he will lose his salvation.

    This means he will suffer some loss. When the Lord comes back, he will be beaten.

    Some Christians would argue that when the Lord comes back, we all will simply be

    resurrected and taken up to be with Him. They cannot imagine that the Lord would

    punish any believers. It is not my word which says that the lord will beat the

    servant. The Bible says that he will beat the servant.

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    We must see several points very clearly. Surely this steward is saved, because once

    we are saved we can never be lost. Yet because of his unfaithfulness, the steward

    will suffer a beating from his lord. The lord will reward the faithful one and will

    punish the unfaithful one.


    We must realize there are four dispensations, or ages, in which the Lord will

    accomplish His work. There was the age from Adam to Moses (Rom. 5:14), the age

    from Moses to Christ (John 1:17), the age of the church, and the age of the

    millennium. The last of these four ages, the millennium, will be an age of restoration

    but not an age of perfection. This means it will still be an age of dealing, an age for

    the Lord to accomplish something. In the age of the millennium there will still be

    some of the curse, and some will be dead due to that curse (Rev. 20:5). In addition,

    at the end of these thousand years the nations will rebel again (Rev. 20:8-9).

    Although mankind will be restored for one thousand years, his rebellious nature will

    still remain. This proves that the millennium is not the age of perfection but the age

    of restoration. The Lords dealing with the believers is mainly in two ages: the church

    age and the millennium. If we are willing to be dealt with by the Lord to the fullest

    extent in this age, we will enjoy the reward in the next age. But if we are not willing

    to be dealt with by the Lord to the fullest extent in this age, He will still deal with us

    when He comes back. At one time or another we must be dealt witheither in this

    age or the next. But there is a big difference. If we are willing to be dealt with by the

    Lord in this age, we will be rewarded. If not, we will be punished during the next

    age. Either way we will be dealt with by the Lord.

    Why would the Lord still deal with us during the next age? It is because we are His

    harvest (Rev. 14:15; 1 Cor. 3:9), His crop. As a crop, we must be ripe; otherwise,

    the husbandman cannot receive us into the barn. If we would not be ripened in this

    age, the Lord will make us ripe in the next age. If we are not mature in this age by

    the time the Lord comes back, He will cause us to be matured in the next age. For a

    crop to be matured is a fixed principle. We must be matured. As the Lords crop we

    must be mature and ripe. If we are not willing to be ripened and matured in this age,

    the Lord will cause us to be matured and ripened in the next age, but we will suffer.

    Many Christians today mistakenly think that once they die everything will be all right.

    That can never be! Even after we die whatever problems we have with the Lord will

    still remain. If we are not ready and mature before we die, we remain in the samecondition after we die. Then, when the Lord Jesus comes back and we are

    resurrected, He will tell us that we are not ready and that we need to pay the price

    to become ripe and mature. This principle is quite logical. On the one hand, it

    corresponds with Calvinism which says that we are saved eternally, and on the other

    hand, it corrects Arminianism by the fact that we will not be lost again but that we

    may suffer some punishment. At the Lords coming back, immature believers will not

    be lost, yet they will suffer some kind of punishment. If we are not living in the

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    reality of the kingdom of the heavens today, under the heavenly rule, we will not be

    able to go into the manifestation of the kingdom in the next age as a reward. If we

    want to enter into the manifestation of the kingdom in the next age, we must live in

    the reality of the kingdom of the heavens today. In other words, if we would rule in

    the next age, we must be ruled in this age. We must be exercised in the matter of

    the kingdom in order to enter into the kingdom to rule.

    The kingdom is the requirement of the gospel, and the life we receive at

    regeneration is the supply of this requirement. It is not a loose and light matter to

    become a Christian. It is a very serious matter. We have been saved, and we have

    been born into a royal, heavenly family. Therefore, we have to be exercised in a

    heavenly way and to be ruled and governed by a heavenly rule in order to be

    qualified to be heavenly kings in the next age.


    Many verses in the New Testament show the need of exercise for the kingdom. Acts14:22 says, Establishing the souls of the disciples, entreating them to continue in

    the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom

    of God. By comparing this verse with John 3:5, we can see a great difference. John

    3:5 simply says that by being born of water and of the Spirit we can enter into the

    kingdom of God. According to John, entering the kingdom is a matter of another

    birth. But Acts 14 says that we must suffer much tribulation to enter into the

    kingdom of God. These two verses show two aspects. To enter into the kingdom of

    God is one thing, but to enter into it in the way of inheritance is another. If we would

    inherit the kingdom of God, we must suffer the tribulation. We must be tested and


    We can see the same principle in 1 Corinthians 5 and 6. Chapter five indicates that a

    brother who is living in fornication will still be saved. Even such a sinful, defeated

    believer will still be saved. But in chapter six we are told that fornicators will not

    inherit the kingdom of God. This means that such a fornicator cannot enjoy or inherit

    the kingdom of the heavens as a reward.

    Now let us read Ephesians 5:3-5: But fornication and all uncleanness or unbridled

    greedy lust, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; and

    filthiness and foolish talking or coarse jesting, which are not becoming, but rather

    giving of thanks. For this you know, knowing that every fornicator or unclean personor person of unbridled greedy lust, who is an idolater, has no inheritance in the

    kingdom of Christ and of God. The kingdom of Christ and of God is the part of the

    kingdom of God which is the kingdom of the heavens. As a whole, it is the kingdom

    of God, but particularly it is the kingdom of the heavens. In the kingdom of God and

    of Christ there is no inheritance for the sinful one. If you are still in filthiness and

    sinfulness, although you are a saint, a saved one, you will have no inheritance in the

    kingdom of God and of Christ.

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    Galatians 5:19-21 says, And the works of the flesh are manifest, which are

    fornication, uncleanness, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy,

    angers, faction, divisions, parties, envyings, drunkenness, carousings, and things like

    these of which I tell you beforehand, even as I said before, that those who practice

    such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Thus, three portions of the Bible, 1

    Corinthians 6, Ephesians 5, and Galatians 5 tell us basically the same thing: you maybe a saved person, but if you are still living in sin and filthiness, you will not inherit

    the kingdom of God. You will have no share in the manifestation of the kingdom of

    the heavens because you are not qualified.

    Second Thessalonians 1:5 says, A plain indication of the righteous judgment of God,

    that you may be accounted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which also you are

    suffering. This verse indicates that to suffer persecution causes one to be worthy of

    the kingdom of God. This can enable one to inherit the kingdom of God.

    Let us also read 2 Timothy 4:18, 7-8, 1: The Lord will deliver me from every evil

    work, and will save me unto His heavenly kingdom, to whom be the glory forever

    and ever. Amen.I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have

    kept the faith; henceforth, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which

    the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me in that day; and not only to me, but

    also to all those who have loved His appearing.I solemnly charge you before God

    and Christ Jesus, who is about to judge the living and the dead, and by His

    appearing and His kingdom. These verses, written near the end of Pauls life,

    indicate that he was sure of being in the heavenly kingdom because he had fought a

    good fight, he had run the course well, and he had kept the faith.


    Surely we have been saved eternally. But whether or not we will be able to share in

    the manifestation of the kingdom is the problem. As a concluding word we need to

    consider the history of the apostle Paul. First, let us read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27: Do

    you not know that those who run in a racecourse all run, but one receives the prize?

    So run, that you may lay hold. And everyone who contends exercises self-control in

    all things; those, therefore, that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we an

    incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so I box, not as beating the air;

    but I buffet my body and lead it as a slave, lest having preached to others, I myself

    should become disapproved. Surely Paul had the assurance that he was saved. Yet

    he emphatically told us that he was running the race. During the time Paul wasliving, there were the Greek Olympic games where people ran the race in order to

    receive a prize. Paul used this as his example, saying that he too was running a race

    to receive a prize.

    Philippians 3:13-15 says, Brothers, I do not yet reckon myself to have laid hold, but

    one thingforgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the

    things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of

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    God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as are full-grown, have this mind; and

    if in anything you are otherwise minded, this also God shall reveal to you. At the

    time Paul wrote Philippians, he had been a believer for many years, but he was still

    pursuing toward the goal for the prize. The prize is the uttermost enjoyment of

    Christ in the millennial kingdom as a reward to the victorious runners of the New

    Testament race. In 1 Corinthians 9 the apostle was running the course (v. 26). InPhilippians, one of his last Epistles, he was still running (3:14). It was not until the

    last moment of his running, in 2 Timothy 4:6-8, that he had the assurance that he

    would be rewarded by the Lord at His appearing. When Paul knew that his

    martyrdom was imminent, he had the assurance to tell us that he would be awarded

    with the crown of righteousness. The crown is a symbol of glory given as a prize, in

    addition to the Lords salvation, to the triumphant runner of the race (1 Cor. 9:25).

    This prize is not of grace nor by faith as salvation is (Eph. 2:5, 8-9) but of

    righteousness through works (Matt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12; 2 Cor. 5:10). Such a reward

    will be awarded to the believers, not according to the grace of the Lord but according

    to His righteousness. Hence, it is the crown of righteousness. The Awarder of it is the

    Lord as the righteous Judge. Paul was assured that such a prize was reserved for him

    and would be awarded to him at the day of the Lords second appearing. This is to be

    rewarded with the kingdom of the heavens. We must all be clear that to be saved

    eternally is one thing, and to be exercised to bear responsibility in the kingdom is

    another thing. Based upon our exercise in the kingdom, we will either be rewarded

    with the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens or suffer loss in the next age.

    We must realize that as Christians today we are in the kingdom of the heavens

    today to be exercised and tomorrow to be rewarded.



    Scripture Reading: 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 10:32; Zech. 13:8-9; 8:20-23;

    Rev. 14:6-7; Matt. 25:31-46; Rev. 21:24; 22:2-5

    After having been saved, we can be assured of our eternal security. However, we

    must be clear concerning the matters of the kingdom. The kingdom to us today is an

    exercise, and the kingdom to us in the next age is a reward. Although we can be

    assured of our eternal security, whether we will enjoy a reward or suffer loss in the

    future remains to be seen.


    When the Lord returns, He will set up His judgment seat in the air to judge all the

    resurrected and raptured believers. This judgment will not decide the saints eternal

    salvation because their salvation has been settled once for all. This judgment will

    decide whether or not the believers are qualified to enjoy the manifestation of the

    kingdom of the heavens as a reward. This judgment will also decide whether or not

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    the believers will need some sort of chastening, some sort of punishment, to help

    them to ripen. Second Corinthians 5:10 and Romans 14:10 are two verses telling us

    about this judgment seat. This judgment is different from the eternal judgment of

    God carried out at the white throne revealed in Revelation 20:11-15. The eternal

    judgment at the white throne will be to judge all the unbelievers for eternal

    punishment in the lake of fire. The judgment seat of Christ, however, is not forsalvation or eternal perdition but for reward or punishment.