A book on the koala

Diet The koala is a herbivore that means that they can only eat plants but the food that is very good for their diet is these types of leaves that are called eucalyptus leaves and there are 30 different kinds of eucalyptus leaves but that is not the only food that the koala will eat the other food that they will is foliage that they get from leptospermum, acacias and they will also eat melaleuca as well. The koala will normally eat about 500g (1.1 lbs.) of these leaves once in each day. But the best time of the day that they do eat is when night comes. The eucalyptus is really not a very good thing to eat for an herbivore that is because it is low in nutrients and these plants are so hard to digest and it will also have so many toxins in them. The koalas are totally adapted to these types of food that is because they can deal with the poison in their liver and they can also have very long intestinal pouches as well. The eucalyptus leaves have an very strong small oil and that kind a acts a lot like an bug repellent and this is very helpful for the koala that is


This is a book about the koala. That I wrote for a Australian animal project.

Transcript of A book on the koala

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Diet The koala is a herbivore that means that they can only eat plants but the food that is very good for their diet is these types of leaves that are called eucalyptus leaves and there are 30 different kinds of eucalyptus leaves but that is not the only food that the koala will eat the other food that they will is foliage that they get from leptospermum, acacias and they will also eat melaleuca as well. The koala will normally eat about 500g (1.1 lbs.) of these leaves once in each day. But the best time of the day that they do eat is when night comes. The eucalyptus is really not a very good thing to eat for an herbivore that is because it is low in nutrients and these plants are so hard to digest and it will also have so many toxins in them. The koalas are totally adapted to these types of food that is because they can deal with the poison in their liver and they can also have very long intestinal pouches as well. The eucalyptus leaves have an very strong small oil and that kind a acts a lot like an bug repellent and this is very helpful for the koala that is because this keeps the koala safe from parasites. The koala is always concerned about the type of eucalyptus leave that they should eat and there are about 600 different type of these leaves that are growing all over the continent of Australia and there are some of them that are totally not good for the koala’s heath. The koala will only eat two or three species of the eucalyptus leaves. If there is no eucalyptus leaves in the area than they will not eat anything at all during that day. This is the reason why there are only a few zoos that are all over the world that are having a lot of good success on having koalas on their exhibits. The only food that the koala will go after is these types of leaves that are called eucalyptus leaves and the best place to find these leaves is in

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a very suitable tree. The koala does not often climb down from the tree or until the there is no leafs lifted in the tree or it wants to get something to drink that is from a nearby stream. When the koalas are on the ground than they will be very weird and they can be very fast when they are on the ground to they can even be faster than a rabbit. They will also eat tree bark as well but their main food source is eucalyptus leaves and there are 12 different types of eucalyptus tree species that can be found all over the continent of Australia. These marsupials will also eat other different types of food to and the type of food that they will also eat is mistletoe and they will also eat box leaves to.

Habitat/Range In the past koalas use to live all over the continent of Australia but today these marsupials can only be found in different parts of Australia and the types of places where these marsupials live in are places that are in Queensland, New South wales, Victoria and they can also be live in places that are in the southern part of Australia. The other places where these animals live in is these different types of habitats and they are called eucalyptus forests, and they can also be found on coastal islands. The other places where they can be found in is a very small woodlands to. The koala can also live in the eucalypt forest that is in eastern part of Australia. The type of places where the koala lives is in the continent of Australia and those places are Eucalyptus woodlands that can be found the on eastern part of Australia. These creatures can also live in Eucalyptus woodlands and they also live in forests that can be found in these types of areas to. They can also live in dry forests to. Koalas can only be found on the continent that is called Australia and this place is located at the Southern part of the world and these animals live in the really large forests that can be found on the east and on the west side of the continent. The type of forests where these animals live in these

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types of trees that are called eucalyptus trees that is because that is where their favorite food is located. These animals can also be found on the eastern states that are in the continent of Australia and those places are Victoria, New South Wales and they can also live in a place that is called Queensland.

Size/Weight The body length of the koala is 65 to 82 cms (26-32 inches). The length of their tails is 1 to 2 cms (0.4-0.75 inches) these marsupials can weight about 4 to 15 kgs (8.75-33lbs). The males can grow about 75-82 cm (29.5-32.3 in) and the females can grow about 68-73 cm (26.8-28.7 in). The males can weight about 9.5-12.5 kg (20.9-29.8 lb.) and the females can grow about 68-73 cm (26.7 in). The males can weight about 9.5-12.5 kg (20.9-29.8 lb.) and the females can weight about 7-9.kg (15.4-2.16 lb). These animals can also grow about 23.5 to 33.5 in (60 to 85 cm) and they can weight about 20 lbs. (9 kg). The weight of a koala is about 5 to 25 pounds and the males are so much bigger than the females are. They can also grow about 2 to 3 feet (0.6-0.9 m) long and they can weight about 10 to 30 pounds (4.5-13.5 kg). The size of these animals is 25-32 inches that is the length of these marsupials and they can weight about 9 to 30 pounds. The weight of these animals are 14 kg and this is how long these marsupials are this is the weight for the male koalas that is in on south of Australia and the females that live on the north they are a lot smaller than the males are and they can weight about 5 kg. The body length of these marsupials is 70 to 80 cm and the weight of the koala is 4 -14 kgs.

Life span When they are living in their natural habitat than they will have to live about 10 years and that is how long a male koala can live for and the female they can live for a few years much longer than the males do. They can also live about 10 to 15 years to. There are some people that think that koalas can live about 12 to 14

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years but this life span happens when they are in the wild. All through to all of the mortality rates that will usually last for 17 years or if they are not getting killed by cars or dogs or if they are looking for a mate and then their life span will start to go low to 2 or 10 years. They can also live for 20 years as well. When they are living in captivity like they are living in a zoo than they can live about 15 years.

1 interesting fact The koala is known to be a sedentary animal and these animals are known to sleep a lot that is because they need a lot of sleep so that. It can digest the food that they eat. If they spend a lot of their time on the floor than they will easily be killed by a predator. So the best way to stay safe is to spend a lot of their time high up in the trees that is where they can be found hanging out in the branches this is where they get their food from and so that they can sleep all they want to and they do not have to worry about what is going to hurt them. Every single koala that lives in Australia has their very own territory and the size of their home range is that it can go through 15 to 20 trees that is how long their territory is . The reason why they spend a lot of their time in the trees is because that is where they can stay safe from predators. When they are in their territory they will not be alone they will also talk to other koalas that can be found in the territory and they will also talk to other koalas that can be found in ranges that can be close by. The koala is known to be an arboreal creature. These marsupials do not make nest when they are up in the trees. So instead on making a nest they will normally sleep in a tree fork or in a branch. They have very strong claws that can help them to climb up a tree but they do often move very slow but if they climb up a tree than they will normally do it rapidly. The most important part of a koala’s home is that it has lots of food in it and there has to be other koalas nearby. The reason why koalas live in the trees that is because that is where their food is and so that they can respect other koala’s homes to.

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2 interesting fact There are three different types of koala species that lives in Australia and those three koalas is the Victoria koala, the New South Wales koala and the last of the three koala species is the Queensland koala. All of these koalas are named after the places that they live in. The koalas that live in Victoria are located on the Southern part of Australia. The climate over there is very cold over in this area. The Victoria koala is known to be the most largest koala than all of the other koala species. The koalas that live in Queensland are located on the northern part of the continent. The weather that is in Queensland is very hot over there. The coat on these koalas happens to be very light weighted and they also have a very pale color on them as well. The last koala that is in the species and that koala is called the Familiar face and they can be found on New South Wales. There is another name for these koalas and the other name for these koalas is called the New South Wales. These were the first koalas that ever got discovered by western explorers and these were the first koalas that were first familiar to the people that live in Europe and in North America. When the weather is not good for a koala then they will not hide from it that is because these animals have thick fur on them and that can keep these animals warm for when it rains out. The hair that is on their fur will always grow close together so the skin that is underneath them can stay dry. The koala has very small eyes and that means they do not see very well and they do not need to that is because when they are up in the tree they do not have to watch out from predators. That is because that is where their food is found up in the trees and the other reason why they do not need good eye sight is because they do not hunt they are herbivores and that means they only eat plants and other food that is vegetation. Hunting is for animals that are carnivores or animals that are called omnivores. A carnivore is an animal that only eats meat and an omnivore is an animal that eat both plants and other animals. The koala has a very big nose and their sense of smell is the most important sense that they need when they are looking for food that is because they need their very good sense of smell so that they can smell out for eucalyptus leaves. The

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koala will use their sense of smell to see if the food that they are eating is piston and they will also use their sense smell so that they can smell other koalas that can be found somewhere in the area. The sense that the koala uses the most is their sense of small and their hearing to. They will use their sense of smell so that they can smell which eucalyptus leaves is better. One of the most strongest senses that the koala has is their hearing and this is another important sense that is because it helps the koala to know that there is another koala in the area.

3 interesting factThe koala is totally vulnerable when they are not up in the trees and they will get attacked by predators much easier to. The predators that they will face are really dogs like the fox and the dingo. A koala will spend a lot of their day sleeping and they will normally sleep about 14 hours in a day. There are some people that think that they can sleep about 16 hours in a day and these animals will mostly hunt at night. The hands and the feet of the koala are made to curl and to hang around in the tree branches. The koala is made to climb trees and they have very strong muscles that are in their legs and their shoulders they can help the koala to move on the tree branches and they can do it without slipping. Their legs can also help the koala to run across the trees to and they can run very fast to and they can do it by using their hands and their feet they can help the koala to hold onto the tree trunk and they both can use their front paws and their hind legs to help the koala to pull themselves when they are in the trees. The koala has 4 special skills that can help them to climb the trees and they can climb much easier if they use their paws. The koala has two thumbs and each of them can be found on each of their front paws and they can also be found on each of their hind paws to. These two thumbs and their rough pads can be found on their palms and these body parts are very helpful because they will need them so that they can hold onto the branches when they are up in the trees. The koala has very sharp claws that can be found on every toe so it can dig it into the tree bark so that the koala does not fall off of the tree. The koala is an amazing climber but when they are on the ground then they will start to walk very weird. If they need to run they can

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run very fast but normally when they are on the ground then they will usually walk everywhere but they will walk very slowly as well. The koala is very good at swimming to. The koala may look like a teddy bear but these animals are not a bear or not a member in the bear family. They are a special type of animal that is called a marsupial. The other members that is also a marsupial is the kangaroo. A marsupial is a special type of animal that carries their baby in a pouch. There are a lot of marsupials that can be found on Australia and there is only one marsupial that can be found in North America and that animal is the opossum. The koala has hands and feet that are made to hang up in the branches. On their hands the koala has two different thumbs that can help the koalas to grip and these thumbs are called opposing thumbs (A human will only just have one opposing thumb). These animals also have very sharp claws that can help the koala to hold onto the tree bark when they are climbing a tree and they can hold on when they are digging their claws into the tree bark. There is this special toe that is on the koala’s feet but these toes have two toes that will usually fuse together. The koala will use these special toes to clean themselves and these toes do not have claws on them and so the toe acts like a thumb that is gripping on the trees. On the koalas hands and feet they have very rough and ridged pads on them and their hands and feet that will give them balance when they climbing the tree and it will aid their grip on their traction to. The koala has very strong arms and shoulder muscles that can help the koala to climb a tree and they can climb as far as 150 feet (46 meters) that is how much that they can climb to the top of a tree and these animals can also leap to branch to another branch when they are up in the trees to.

Responding The only time that the koala will mate is in once a year and the gestation period for them is really 25 days. A koala mother will only give birth to only one baby joey. The baby will be very small the moment that they are born and they will live

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inside their mothers pouch and they will remain in the pouch for five or in seven months. Right after those times are over than that will be the time when the young koala will be out on their own. Every single animal that is a marsupial that also means the koala can give birth very differently than the other mammals of the world do and the way on how marsupials give birth is one of the reasons that these animals are different than the other mammals in the world. The koala will normally give birth to unfinished babies and they will normally stay in their mothers pouch in about 30 days that is how long that these animals will remain inside of their mothers pouch. The moment that the joey is born it will be completely blind and they will also be very deaf to and they can only grow about three quarters that is an inch long and then they will start to make a five minute climb right back into the mothers pouch that is because when they are inside of the pouch they will be attached to a tact that is where they get their milk from. The little joey will not be able to see the world in about six months during those times that joey will spend a lot of its time hiding. A marsupial will grow the same way as other mammals do. The first thing that they will do when they come out of the pouch is that the baby will weigh about eight inches long and they will be ready to eat eucalyptus leaves and they will get help from their mother of course. The females will be ready to mate when she makes a very special call that is a very loud bellow. The female will start to give birth in 35 days after they are done with mating. The moment that the baby is born they will weight only about a half a gram and the size of a kidney bean is 2 cm long. They will remain on their mother’s teat in about 13 weeks. Their eyes will start to open in 22 weeks. They will start to grow in their teeth in 24 weeks they will start to grow when the koala is 7 months old. Than they will start to bracket. When the baby is climbing onto its mothers back then it will start to take very small steps at a time up the mothers back and the baby will become a mature adult when they are 12 months old. The koala is just like any other marsupial in the world they will carry their young in a pouch until they are a grown adult. The female koala will only give birth to only one joey at a time and the size of these babies is the same size as a jellybean and they are so small when they are first born. After those times are over than the joey will make its way up to the mother’s pouch this is where the joey will feed on its mothers milk and they will continue to drink their mother’s milk until they are

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6 months old. The joey will come out of their mothers pouch when they are seven months old and that is the time that the joey will be too big to fit into the pouch of its mother and then it will start to ride on their mothers back so that it can eat leaves that they get from the trees that they climb. The joey will stay with the mother for six or twelve months or until they are ready to leave the pouch and then they will ride on the back of their mother. The females will be ready to reproductive when they are 5 to 6 years old. The gestation period for these animals is due to 230 days or in 8 months the females will give birth to only one baby at a time and it is very rare for the females to have twins. The mother will only take care of one baby and the other baby will be abandoned by another koala. The females will only live the bloat in a very short time and the females will normally give birth in seclusion. The gestation period for a koala is 34 days and the they will reach maturity in 2 or in 3 years. The size when the koala is born they can grow about .015 to. 035 ounces (0.4 to 1 gram). The males will reach maturity in 3 or 4 years and the females will reach maturity in 2 years.

Survival Status The most highest mammal extinction rate can be very high in Australia and this continent has more endangered species than anywhere else in the world. In the earlier years there were so many koalas that have become extinct in some parts of the continent the reason why these koalas do not live in these parts of Australia anymore is because people are cutting down the koala’s eucalyptus trees so that people can make room for farms. Today the people that live in Eastern Australia are trying to help the koalas that can be found in some places in Australia where koalas will cross roads so that they can reach any places that have water in it and that have really good trees to. There are a lot of signs that will normally warn people to watch out from koalas when people are driving across areas where koalas can cross. The most greatest threat to a koala is the loss of their habitat. This has been a threat to koalas ever since the settlers first became to Australia. There are koalas that have lost about 80% of their natural habitat to people . The reason why koalas are losing their homes is because people are

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cutting down the eucalyptus trees where koalas live in. They are being cut down so that people can make room for houses, shopping malls, golf courses and roads. One of Australia’s most recognizable symbols is the koala but the survival for these animals is not looking so good. Koalas are totally in danger from extinction in all over the northern range. That has to do with knowledge about these animals which is making a lot of big challenges for conservations to help keep the koala safe and their habitats to be safe as well. In a very long time ago the koala used to be killed for their coats. The koalas that lived in those times use to be killed for their coats. In 1919 to 1924 there were about million koalas that have been killed during those years. The koalas that are alive today they are in trouble because they are getting predation by the domestic dog and there is a disease that is spreading all over the koala population. The other threats that the koala is dealing with is that they are getting ran over by people’s cars, but the most biggest threat for the koala and the other wildlife that is in Australia is that they are losing their habitats . There are so many caring programs that are doing research on these animals so that they can have a lot of support for the habitat that they live in this is one of the conservation projects that lots of people are working on. This is what we need to help the koala and its survival in the wild. The eucalyptus tree can grow in rich soil this is what makes these leaves so nutritious for the koala. The farmers and ranchers are cutting a lot of big areas that are in these forests that they can use the soil. The koala is not the only one that needs the soil. There are so many farmers and ranchers that are raising their crops and their livestock on where koalas live in. if the trees are not growing with the soil then the trees will not have the ability to grow. There are so many farmers that are starting to clear a lot of the koalas land. They are doing this is because they are trying to grow their crops and they are also trying to take care of their livestock to. If the farmers take a lot of their lands then the koala will not have a home to live in. This is another reason why koalas are losing their homes to, All of these small forests is forcing the koala to eat the same few trees when that happens then the koala will have to eat all of the leaves right before the new ones grows in. Then before you know that the koala will have no food to eat anymore. Then they will be all out of leaves for them to eat so that they can grow and get bigger. In a very long time ago there were so many koalas that were being killed because of their fur but for

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right now they are being protected in some areas that are in Australia. There are so many dangers that the koala is facing and one of the most biggest threats that the koala is facing is habitat destruction and bushfires these are known to be the most greatest threats to these animals. There are some areas where the koala is suffering from a disease which is called chlamydia. They will normally get this disease when they are mating. This disease can be very bad for the koala’s reproducing system and it is also bad for their eyes to. There is another big problem for the koalas and the problem is that are some areas in Australia where is too many koalas living in the same place this is a threat because these animals usually do not joined together. If every koala comes to the same area then there will be no more food lifted for them to eat.

Message from Author We must do something to help and to save these amazing animals. These marsupials need all the help that they can get. The koala has the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is a really big planet that is filled with wonders and discoveries that is just waiting to be found. We have to make this planet a safe place for us and for the other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home and it deserves to have a second change to live on for the next generation to come on this planet there is a really big, bright and beautiful future that is what will happen if we find a way to protect our planet. Then our world and our home will be much happier and a much cleaner place to live in. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for a reason just like he made us. That is what I know about the koala. If we all work together we save the koala and the other animals that lives on this planet to. Together we can make a difference in our beautiful world that we all share. Thank you so much for doing your part. With you reading and enjoying this book. You are helping your favorite animal and its survival in the world. Without your support and love and respect your

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favorite animal will have a chance to make a comeback. This is a huge thank you for helping these great animals and everything else that has to do with nature. Nature it is very important because without nature than our planet will not be so beautiful and full of wonder that can open our eyes to a world that we never had imagined. Nature thanks you for your support.