A bit of a primer on SHARE County Funding Cuts (3).docx

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Transcript of A bit of a primer on SHARE County Funding Cuts (3).docx

  • 8/18/2019 A bit of a primer on SHARE County Funding Cuts (3).docx


    A bit of a primer on SHARE County Funding Cuts & Elimination:

    For 10 or more years, SHARE had a shelter contract with the State’s ESGP program. y

    !01!, we were recei"ing #$$,000 ann%ally &rom this so%rce'it was a monthly reim(%rsa(le


    )n !01* the ESGP program administration trans&erred to +ing o%nty. At that time, the start o&!01*, the o%nty RE-E- the shelter &%nding allocation to SHARE &rom #$$,000 per year to

    #!0,000 per year /on a !year contract.

    )n addition to this signi&icant &%nding red%ction, the o%nty shelter reim(%rsements were made

    2%arterly'hard to withstand, &or a cashstrapped organi3ation li4e o%rs.

    5e str%ggled, and (egan accr%ing de(t.

     At the end o& !016, we applied &or a contin%ation o&'and increase tothis &%nding &rom the

    o%nty &or !01$ and !017. 8o ma4e %p the original ESGP trans&ertotheo%nty c%t, and

    ad9%st &or costo&li"ing increases, we applied &or a #:$,000 ann%al contract. 5e were

    optimistic; %t, the o%nty noti&ied %s that we were c%t completely.

    Just based on the two-year redution and one-year elimination of this ES!" funding#

    that$s more than %'(#))) lost o*er the past few years# attributable to the County+ ,his

    is well o*er the amount of our urrent debt+

    8hen, in #$0,000 &oro%r indoor shelter networ4, and #$0,000 &or 8ent ities. Again, we were optimistic;

    )n midFe(r%ary, we were noti&ied that (oth o& o%r applications were denied, seemingly witho%t

    consideration. )n the case o& the indoor shelter application, the reason gi"en was> ?%r

    shelters are in Seattle, not o%t in the o%nty. )n the case o& the 8ent ity application, the

    message was> @) regret to in&orm yo% that yo%r application was deemed ineligi(le (eca%se it

    did not meet the &ollowing re2%irements o& the Eligible Applicants section /page : o& the RFP


    • New emergency overnight shelters located in King County outside Seattle that will

    expand existing shelter beds and / or nights a shelter is open.

    +ing o%nty de&ines emergency shelter as either &i=ed capacity /&acility(ased indoor or

    &le=i(le capacity /hotelmotel "o%chers.B )n other words, the o%nty did not deem 8ent ities

    to (e shelter.