A Biography of Albert Einstein 1879-1955

A Biography of Albert Einstein 1879-1955 By Dominic


A Biography of Albert Einstein 1879-1955. By Dominic. Background. Born in Munich, Germany When Albert was fifteen, the Einsteins moved to start a new business. Albert was left behind to finish the school year. Q uestioning was one of the things Albert did best. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of A Biography of Albert Einstein 1879-1955

A Biography of Albert Einstein 1879-19

A Biography of Albert Einstein

1879-1955 By Dominic

BackgroundBorn in Munich, GermanyWhen Albert was fifteen, the Einsteins moved to start a new business. Albert was left behind to finish the school year.Questioning was one of the things Albert did best.He had a hard time in school.1905Albert published his Special Theory of Relativity.Measurements for time and space do change. They depend on how fast we are moving and how fast the object is moving.

Albert published the General Theory of Relativity.

He thought that gravity pulled on objects, and it also pulled on light.



An eclipse proved Alberts General Theory of Relativity. This made him famous. In 1919 there was a solar eclipse in May. During a solar eclipse, the moon passes in front of the sun and blocks its rays. Even in the middle of the day, it becomes very dark, and the stars come out in the middle of the day.

1922Albert won the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics.

Albert changed the way we view the universe.


Albert became an American citizen.

Albert liked the freedom and the welcome he found in the United States. Reporters gathered to watch him become a United States citizen.

Character TraitsHe was intelligent because he discovered many science theories.

He was determined because his teachers were hard on him, but he did not give up.QuoteI am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very curious.

It means that people can come up with big ideas and understand things more just by wondering and trying to learn more about them.Resourceshttp://www.google./search/


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