A Bibliography of Publications about the Educational Resources

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 308 874 IR 052 856 AUTHOR Brandhorst, Ted, Ed. TITLE A Bibliography of Publications about the Educational Resources Information Center (Covering the Period 1985-1988). INSTITUTION ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Rockville, MD. SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington. DC. PUB DATE Apr 89 CONTRACT 300-87-0004 NOTE 35p.; For editions covering earlier years, see ED 169 955 and ED 262 784. ,PUB TYPE Information Analyses - ERIC Information Analysis Products (071) -- Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; Clearinghouses; Comparative Analysis; *Databases; *Federal Programs; *Information Centers; Information Dissemination; Information Systems; Instructional Materials; Microforms; *Online Systems; *Optical Data Disks; Publications; *Search Strategies; Use Studies IDENTIFIERS *ERIC ABSTRACT The result of a comprehensive search for writings about the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) pub-.fished between 1985 and 1988, this annotated bibliography lists 107 documents and journal articles about ERIC that were entered in the ERIC database during that period. The 1964-1978 edition cited 269 items. The 1979-19E4 edition cited 131 items. With the 107 items cited in this 1985-1988 edition, this series of bibliographies now documents a total of 400 items written on the subject of ERIC (e.g., documents of historical interest in the development of ERIC; "How to" items whose object is to initiate the user into the system; cross-database comparisons involving ERIC; user L.urveys; evaluations of ERIC performance; reports describing particular computer search programs or efforts; ERIC in the context of educational R&D dissemination; reviews of ERIC practices or results; how to teach ERIC; thesaurus development; how ERIC relates to some subset of the educational community; ERIC and microforms; ERIC's current attributes, size, products, etc.). Entrees are listed by ERIC accession number with the ED accession numbers (for documents) appearing first, followed by the EJ accession numbers (for journal articles). The usual ERIC abstracts (or annotations) and indexes (subject, author, and institution) arc included. (MES) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.

Transcript of A Bibliography of Publications about the Educational Resources


ED 308 874 IR 052 856

AUTHOR Brandhorst, Ted, Ed.TITLE A Bibliography of Publications about the Educational

Resources Information Center (Covering the Period1985-1988).

INSTITUTION ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Rockville,MD.

SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED),Washington. DC.

PUB DATE Apr 89CONTRACT 300-87-0004NOTE 35p.; For editions covering earlier years, see ED 169

955 and ED 262 784.,PUB TYPE Information Analyses - ERIC Information Analysis

Products (071) -- Reference Materials -Bibliographies (131)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies; Clearinghouses; Comparative

Analysis; *Databases; *Federal Programs; *InformationCenters; Information Dissemination; InformationSystems; Instructional Materials; Microforms; *OnlineSystems; *Optical Data Disks; Publications; *SearchStrategies; Use Studies


ABSTRACTThe result of a comprehensive search for writings

about the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) pub-.fishedbetween 1985 and 1988, this annotated bibliography lists 107documents and journal articles about ERIC that were entered in theERIC database during that period. The 1964-1978 edition cited 269items. The 1979-19E4 edition cited 131 items. With the 107 itemscited in this 1985-1988 edition, this series of bibliographies nowdocuments a total of 400 items written on the subject of ERIC (e.g.,documents of historical interest in the development of ERIC; "How to"items whose object is to initiate the user into the system;cross-database comparisons involving ERIC; user L.urveys; evaluationsof ERIC performance; reports describing particular computer searchprograms or efforts; ERIC in the context of educational R&Ddissemination; reviews of ERIC practices or results; how to teachERIC; thesaurus development; how ERIC relates to some subset of theeducational community; ERIC and microforms; ERIC's currentattributes, size, products, etc.). Entrees are listed by ERICaccession number with the ED accession numbers (for documents)appearing first, followed by the EJ accession numbers (for journalarticles). The usual ERIC abstracts (or annotations) and indexes(subject, author, and institution) arc included. (MES)

Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be madefrom the original document.

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Journal Article Resumestot



Resume Section


Document Resumes from Resources In Education (RIE) 1

Journal Article Resumes from Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE) 11

Index Section

Subject Index 17Author Index 27Institution index 31


IERICI®An Annotated Bibliography of Documents And

Journal Articles About ERIC


IntroductionThe Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) began operations in the early 1960's:

Since that time, there has been a steady production of literature about ERIC These malerialsapproach ERIC in several different ways e g documents of historical interest in the developmentof ERIC. "How to' items whose object is to initiate the user into the system, cross-databasecomparisons involving ERIC, user surveys, evaluations of ERIC performance reports describingpartic..ilar computer search programs or efforts, ERIC in the context of educational R&Ddissemination, reviews of ERIC practices or results, how to teach ERIC, thesaurus development.how ERIC relates to some subset of the educational community, ERIC and microforms, ERIC'scurrent attributes, size, products, etc As one of the most economical and frequently searcheddatabases. ERIC has played a major role in the dramatic growth of online searching As oneof the first major bibliographic databases to be offered on compact disk (CD-ROM). ERIC hasfigured heavily in the evaluation:: made by librarians and information scientists of this newmedium

These materials are of interest from several points of view They will often answer a user squestion about ERIC they are essential to any studies of ERIC, some are appropriate to classroomuse in the teaching of ERIC, they are indicative of what is considered worth writing about in ERIC

Given these uses, ERIC has attempted to maintain some degree of bibliographic control overthe more substantive materials This bibliography represents the results of a comprehensivesearch for documents about ERIC published during the period 1985-1988 that can be foundin the ERIC database

Each item has been screened for suitability Items that were simply news announcementshave been eliminated, as have items of poor quality, bibliographies based on ERI accessions(but without other ERIC relevance), repetitive brochures explaning the well-known basic factsabout ERIC, and general material on the dissemination of educational R&D, but without sufficientERIC connection

This is the third bibliography in a series that began in 1978 The first edition, covering1964-1978, contained 269 entries (arranged by Author) and was first issued in December 1978(see ED169 955) This first bibliography was comprehensive in that it was not limited to itemsfound in the ERIC database, however, abstracts were not provided for the entries and therewere no indexes. The second bibliography, covering the period 1979.1984 contained 131 entries(arranged by accession number), and was issued in September 1985 (see ED-262 784) Inorder to be able to provide abstracts and indexes, an effort was made to accession 'avery entryfound into the ERIC database so that the system itself could be used to produce its ownbibliography

This third bibliography, covering the period 1985.1988 (except for a few earlier stragglers),contains 107 entries and follows the same methodology. All items found were accessionedinto ERIC and the bibliography provides the usual ERIC abstracts (or annotations) and indexes(Subject, Personal Author, Institution) Entries are arranged by their ERIC accession number(ED for documents in Resources in Education (RIE); EJ for journal articles in Current Index toJournals in Education (CIJE), with the ED accessions appearing first, followed by the EJaccessions. Full ERIC records have been printed, including abstract and index terms, in orderto make apparent the relevance of each item to ERIC

These three bibliographies supplement one another All three together cover the period1964.1988 and contain a total of 407 citations

Document Resumesfrom Resources in Education (RIE)

ED 143 803 IR 004 873Nowise B. Dar And OthersERIC Feasibility Study: A Small Scale Examina-

ties of the Potetial Valise of the ERIC DataBase to Educationalists in Britaim. Report No. 2.

Lancaster Univ. (England). Centre for EducationalResearch and Development.

Spons AgencyBritish Library, London (England).Research and Development Dept.

Pub DateFeb 77Note-25p.; British Library Project on Experimen-

tal Information Services in Education Projectsucroli ; Some parts may be marginally legi-ble due to print quality

Pub Type Reports - Research (143)ERRS Prim MFOI/PC01 Ph. Pottage.Descnptors*Computers, Data Processing, 'Edu-

cational Research, Educational Resources, Infor-mation Retrieval. Information Systems,'International Educational Exchange, 'Rele-vance (Information Retrieval)

Identifiers 'ERIC, Great BritainThe purpose of this small scale study was to make

a preliminary assessment of the potential value ofthe ERIC data base for educators in Britain On-linesearches of the ERIC data base were conducted fora sample of fourteen users who were asked to com-ment on the relevance of retrieved materials. Re-sults indicate that ERIC can provide access torelevant information not obtainable from othersources. Also included is a review of the use ofcomputerized ERIC data base retrieval systems incountries other than the United States. (Au-thor/STS)

ED 162 333 IR 005 915Tessier, Judith A. And OthersFeasibility of Maintandag and Providing Access to

Data Archives through ERIC. Statistical Data.Sports AgencySyracuse Univ., N.Y. ERIC Clear-

inghouse on Information Resources.Pub DateDec 77GrantNIE-R76-0027Notelbp.; For related document, see IR 005 914,

Best copy availablePub Type Numerical /Quantitative Data (110)EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Paden&DescriptorsArchives, Data, Educational Tech-

nology, Feuilnlity Studies, 'Information Net-works, Information Science, 'InformationServices. Library Science, 'Questionnaires,Shared Services, 'Statistical Analysis, 'Use Stud-ies

Identifiers 'ERICThis document is a compilation of the data gather-

ing instruments used for a study exploring the feasi-bility of establishing archive services in ERIC/ IR(ERIC Clearinghouse oa Information Resources)for researchers in library and information sciences

and instructional technology Raw data are dis-played on the questionnaires. (JAB)

ED 168 SO1 IR 006 991Tbr .r-tionsi Informatioa System for Ontario.

t Guide for Using.Ontario ! ist. for Studies in Education, TorontoSpons Agency Ontario Dept. of Education, Tor-

onto.Pub Dat--Apr 76Note -14p., For reined documents, see IR 006

633-636 and IR 006 990Pub Type Guides Non-Classroom (055) Re-

ports - Descriptive (141)EDRS Price MIFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.Descriptors 'Comparative Analysis, Glossaries.

Guides, Information Seeking. 'Online Systems,Records (Forms)

Identifiers 'Educational Information System forOntario, ERICThis general user guide to the Educational Infor-

mation System for Ontario (EIS()) deals with thesimple logistics of acquiring material from the sys-tem Since EISO was developed as a way for On-tario citizens to use the Educational ResourcesInformation Center (ERIC) data base in the UnitedStates, a preliminary descriptioi of ERIC is pro-vided. Questions answered by the guide includewho uses EISO. how to ask a computer question.who/what is a search analyst, how to make a searchrequest. what kind of answer will be given, how longit takes, and how much it costs. A bnef explanationof the way the computer links information usingBoolean operators (AND, OR. NOT) is also pro-vided. as well as a sample request form and com-puter printout, information for ordering microfiche.and 4 glossary of terms. (JD)

ED 168 SO4 11). 006 995Rao. Pal VERIC Data Access System (EDAS).Pub Date-75NoteI3p.; Paper presented at CAUSE National

Conference (New Orleans, Louisiana, December15, 1978)

Pub Type Reports - Descriptive (141)Speeches/ Meeting Papers (ISO)

EDRS Price - MFOI Plus Postage. PC Not Avail-able from EDRS.

DescriptorsComputers. 'Information Process.ng,'Information Services, 'Online Systems, ProgramDescriptions

Identifiers 'ERICThe ERIC Data Access System (E DAS) is an in-

formation retrieval system developed at Eastern Illi-nois University to access the Educational ResourcesInformation Center (ERIC) databasr. and make itavailable to Eastern fnculty and students in a conve-nient and timely fashion This paper describes


briefly why and how Eastern developed and imple-mented this system, as well as how it is operated atthe present time, and some future implications. (Au-thor)

ED 168 563 IR 007 101Brown. Dale W And OthersElementary and Secondary Teachers Use ERIC.Syracuse Univ . N.Y. ERIC Clearinghouse on Infor-

mation ResourcesSpons AgencyNational Inst of Education

(DHEW). Washington. D CReport No.IR-29Pub Date-78Contract-400-77-0015Note-45pAvailable fromSyracuse University Printing Ser-

vices, 125 College Place, Syracuse. New York13210 (IR -29, 53.00)

Pub Type Reports - Descriptive (141)EDRS Price MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.Descriptors 'Information Retrieval, 'Information

Systems, *Information Utilization, ProfessionalEducation. Program Descriptions. 'Public SchoolTeachers, 'Research Tools, Use Studies

Identifiers 'ERIC, Information Analysis Prod-uctsThe experiences with ERIC which are profiled for

three public school systems reflect specific user re-quirements in different environments. In "MeetingProfessional Education Information Needs: A Pro-file of How the Alexandria, Virginia City PublicSchools Use the ERIC System," Dale Brown dis-cusses the types of searches used by administratorsand teachers at the c:ty school system level. PatriciaMautino, in "Watch ERIC Growl" describes threelevels of ERIC use in New York State. through theEducational Programs and Studies Information Ser-vice (EPSIS), which provides state-wide support.the Board of Cooperative Educational Services(BOCES) at the county level, and individual userservices at the school level. The use of microformsat East Detroit High School is discussed in LewisSaks' article, "The Little Grey Cells, The LittleBlack Cards: An Approach to ERIC Microfiche," aswell as a recent study done by Pat Gilmore whichsurveyed the use and knowledge of ERIC by teach-ers in the East Detroit School system. (RAO)

ED 169 933 IR 007 527Slawsky. Dorothy A.. Ed. Brandhoist. Ted. Ed.A Bibliography of Publications about the Educe-

doom' Resources lelormation Center.ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Bethesda,

Md.Spons AgencyNational Inst. of Education

(DHEW), Washington, D CPub DateDec 78Note -18p.. Small type may be marginally legible

2 ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988

Pub Type Reference Materials - Bibliographies(131)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescnptorsAnnotated Bibliographies. Bach

ground. Evaluation, 'Federal Programs. *Infor-mation Centers, Information Dissemination,Information Systems, Instructional Materials. Mi-croforms. hiblications. Search Strategies. The-nun. Use Studies

Identifiers 'ERICThe result of a comprehensive search for docu-

ments about ERIC. this bibliography huts 269entries which approach ERIC in several differentways. e.g.. documents of historical interest in thedevelopment of the system; "hcw to" items de-signed to initiate the user into the system; user sur-veys; evaluations of ERIC performance; reportsdescribing particular computer search programs orefforts; ERIC in the context of educational R&Ddissemination; reviews of ERIC practices or results;how to teach ERIC; ERIC thesaurus development;how ERIC relates to some subset of the educationalcommunity; ERIC and nucroforms. and ERIC'scurrent attributes, including size and products Eachitem was reviewed and screened for suitability;those that were simply news announcements wereeliminated, u were items of poor quality, bibliogra-phies oased on ERIC accessions but without otherrelevance, repetitive brochures, and general mate-rial on dissemination of educational R&D withoutsignificant ERIC connection. Brief annotations areprovided as needed to augment the titles, and ED(ERIC Document) and EJ (ERIC Journal) numbersare cited when available. (Author / BBM)

ED 180 473 IR 007 949Markey. KarenOnline Smelling of ERIC: Suggestions for Int-

provessent is the Special Project.Syracuse Um N.Y. ERIC Cleannghouse on Infor-

mation Resources.Pub DateI4 Oct 79Note -23p.; Paper presented at the ERIC Users'

Workshop (Minneapolis, MN, October 14. 1979);For related documents, see IR 007 494-495

Pub Type Opinion Papers (120) Speeches/Meeting Papers (150)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.Descriptors-'Automatic Indexing. Cleanng-

houses. Information Retneval. InformatioeSer-vices. 'Information Systems. 'Online Systems.Search StrategicsBased on a senes of studies performed by ERIC-

/Information Resources staff and consultants whichfocused on the activities of over 40 experienced on-line searchers, this report offers the following sug-gestions for enhancing certain online retrievalsystem features and making improvements in ERICvocabulary '1) the implementation of an online ro-tated descnptor display, (2) the introduction of anonline rotated identifier display. and (3) the use oflinks between the controlled vocabulary and freetext. A bnef history of ERIC online services pre-cedes a cursory look at some current ERIC search-ing practices. In addition, an appendix providesthree overheads which compare several elements ofERIC searching with those us.xl by three commer-cial bibliographic retrieve services presently mar-keting the ERIC database. (FM)

ED 233 840 IR 050 541Edecstional Dominated= Present and Future.

Proceedings of a latemational Meeting (Flor-ence, Italy, May 31-June 4, 1912).

Biblioteca di Documentazione Pedagogics, Flor-ence (Italy).

Pub Date-83NoteI 48p.Pb a Type Collected Works Proceedings (021)EDRS Prim MFOI/PC06 Phis Postage.DesqOptorsCooperation. Documentation. 'Ed-

ucational Technology, Information Needs. 'In-formation Networks, Information Processing.Information Systems, International EducationalExchange

Identifiers - Educational Information, EuropeThe Library of Educational Documentation in

Florence. Italy began work in 1980 on the establis1.-ment of an educational documentation system forItaly. Recognition of its role in this regard wu ac-corded by the Regional Institutes for EducationalResearch, Innovation and Teacher Training (IRR -SAE) and by the European Centre for Education(CEDE) in Frascati. The library envisages itself asa central point to which all organizations, research-

ers, scholars, and educators who are interested ineducational problems can refer, confident of findinguseful information and thereby avoiding repetitiveresearch With the acquisition of a large mainframecomputer (IBM 170/148) in December 1981. thelibrary began to establish an independent computer-ized system for the handling of educational docu-mentation. In order to put this beginning effort onthe strongest possible basis. the library decided tohold an international meeting on the subject of edu-cational documentation and to invite speakers fromother countries that had operational systems in thisarea. The proceedings of the meeting were envis-aged u an opportunity for analysis and comparisonthat would benefit the Italian developmental effortsSome of the major papers presented were: (I) A. MFurtado. "The Present and the Future of the Inter-national Network f r Educational Information ". (2)W. F de Regt, "Eudised. a Decentralised Systemwith a Common Thesaurus"; (3) S Pissarro. "Infor-mation et Education: situation actuelle et perspec-tives. Ltrole du Centre National GC DocumentationPedagogique (France)", (4) E. Ekman, "Informa-tion on Actual Educational Research in Sweden andon Educational Documentation "; (5) W E. de Regt."Educational Policy Documentation in the Nether-lands": (6) A. Gwilliam. "Educational Documenta-tion in the United Kingdom: Developments andResearch"; (7) C. Hoover and T. Brandhorst. "De-velopment and Current Status of the EducationalResources Information Center. A Model Biblio-graphic Control System Covenng the Literature ofEducation in the United States", (8) G. Biondi."The Educational Documentation System in Italy-First Steps." (WTB)ED 246 919 IR 050 804Weller. Carolyn R.. Ed. Brandhorst. Ted. Ed.ERIC Clraiaghoue Publications, 1983. A. Anno-

tated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Pinhead= of theERIC Clearinghouses, Joinery-December 1983.

ERIC Processing and Reference Facility. Bethesda,Md., On Inc.. Bethesda, Md Information Sys-tems Div.

Spons AgencyNational Inst of Education (ED),Washington. DC

Pub DateJun 84Contract-400-81.0003Note -52p, For related document. see ED 237

098Pub Type ERIC Information AnalysisProducts

(ZAPS) (071) Reference Materials - Bibliogra-phies (131)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC03 Plus Postage.DescriptorsAnnotand Bibliographies. 'Clear-

inghouses. Education. Educational Research,Federal Programs. Literature Reviewg, Publica-tions. Resource Materials, 'State of the Art Re-views

IdentifiersEducational Information. EitICA broad range of gducation-related topics are ad-

dressed in this annotated bibliography, which pres-ents citatiols and abstracts for 117 publicationsproduced bf the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses in 1983An introduction explains the ERIC system. clear-inghouse publications, the organization of this bibliography, and the availability of clearinghousepublications. A statistical summary by year(1968-1983) shows the number of documents in-cluded for each cleannikeuse in the series of whichthis bibliography is the most recent. Document re-sumes are provided from the following clearing-houses. (I) Adult, Career, and VocationalEducation; (2) Counseing and Personnel Services.(3) Reading and Communication Skills; (4) Educa-tional Management; (5) Handicapped and GiftedChildren; (6) Languages and Linguistics; (7) HigherEducation; (81 Information Resources; (9) JuniorCollege (10)Slementary and Early Childhood Ed-ucation; (I I) Rural Education and Small Schools;(12) Science, Mathematics and Environmental Ed-ucation; (13) Social Studies/Social Science Educa-tion; (14) Teacher Education; (15) Tests.Measurement, and Evaluation; and (16) Urban Edu-cation. A listing of ERIC Digests. i.e., short us-er-oriented reference sheets formerly called FactSheets or Short Reports. is also provided. (DMC)

ED 230 013 IR 050 978Clay. Katherine Dam. James ENational Matto' Practice File. Final Report.

Delude. Report.San Mateo County Office of Education. Redwood

City. CASpons AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED).Washington. DC.

Pub DateSep 84Note -430p. Cooperative Agreement #00-CA-

82-0001Pub Type Reports - Research (143)EDRS Price MFOI/PCI8 Plus Postage.Descriptors 'Administrators. Cumculum Guides.

Databases. Elementary School Teachers. Ele-mentary Secondary Education. InformationNeeds, Information Retrieval. Instructional Ma-

- tenets. Learning Activities. Online Systems.Program Evaluation. Reference Materials. SearchStrategies, Secondary School Teachers

IdentifiersERIC. ' National Education PracticeFileThe purpose of the National Education Practice

File (NEPF) was to find out from educational prac-titioners what types of materials would be of valueto them; to locate the types of information identi-fied; and to make this information available to themthrough the development of a computerized file ofpractitioner-oriented materials The 2-year. 4-phaseproject, which took place from October I. 1982 toSeptember 30, 1984. was conducted by the SanMateo Educational Resources Center (SMERC)with two subconteactors-the Social Science Educa-tion Consortium. contractor for the ERIC Clearing-house on Social Studies/Social Science Education;and the ERIC Processing and Reference FacilityPhase I was concerned with the development ofclear and concise specifications of the types of mate-rials needed by practitioners to support improve-ment efforts at the classroom and building level Theprincipal activity of Phase II was the creation of aseparate computenzed test file of all materials al-ready in ERIC that met these specifications. Theseitems were tagged "Practitioners." using a new Tar-get Audience data element developed for NEPFThe development of new sources of practitioner-ori-ented materials and the addition of such documentsto ERIC were the primary activities in Phase IllEvaluation of the file was conducted at nine officialtest sites in Phase IV Recommendations based onexperiences with and et &lusts:in of the project weremade in three major categories: the educationalpractitioner as audience for ERIC. building a data-base for practitioners. and outreach. The project re-sulted in the identification and tagging of 46.344ER IC documents (R 1E) and articles (C LIE) with thenew "practitioners" Target Audience tag.Twenty-three appendixes to the final report arepresented- (1) Report of Working Group Meeting;(2) Search Strategy. (3) ERIC Processing Manual(Guidelines for Applying Target Audience); (4) Re-vision in Timelines; (5) Acquisitions and SelectionPlan. plus Addendum; (6) Document Acquisitionand Selection Chart. (7) Agenda-Field Test SiteTraining; (8) Recordkeeping Forms. ExplanatoryMaterials. (9) Full Text Documents (Guidelines forProcessing), (10) Sensing Network Survey andHighlights of Results, (I I) New Acqui.itionsSources. (12) Journal Articles Compiled (Guide-limes for Compiling). (13; Journal Articles Com-piled (Guidelines for Processing,. (14) Flyers.Letters. Explanatory Materials Used by Clearing-houses. (15) 25 Step Processing Plan. (16) Copy-right Laws Implications for ERIC. (17)Acquisitions Sources-List. (18) Sample SearchPacket. (19) Client Telephone Interview Form; (20)Boulder Valley Information Packet; (21) InterviewForm-ERIC Clearinghouse Directors: (22) Inter-view Form-Practice File Searchers; and (23) Statis-tics on NEPF Documents (Target Audience. Levelof Availability. Number of Microfiche. Length.Type). (311M)

ED 233 439 SO 016 157Finding What You Need In ERIC. ERIC Fact

Sheet No. 3.ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/ Social Sci-

ence Education. Boulder. ColoSpons AgencyNational Inn of Education (ED).

Washington. DCPub DateAug 8IContract-400-83-0012Note-4pAvailable fromERIC/ ChESS. 855 Broadway.

Boulder, CO 80302.Pub Type Guides - Non-Classroom (055)

ERIC Information AnalysisProducts (ZAPS)(071)

EDRS Price MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsComputers. Databases. 'Educa-

tional Resources. Information Retrieval. LibraryCollections. Research Tools. Search Strategies

Identifiers ERIC Fact Sheets

Step-by-step instructions for locating material inthe Educational Re.uurces Information Center(ERIC) database are provided. Following an intro-duction, information is presented in three main sec-tions-manual searching, computer searching, andusing search results. Subdivisions under manualsearching describe who can or should do a manualsearch or ERIC, how to locate ERIC microfichecollections, procedures for conducting a manualsearch-including how to use and understand note-

s in the ERIC Thesaurus and ERIC monthlyindexes-and searching for a specific document inERIC. The second section, "Computer Searches,"contains subsections on when to do a computersearch, types of information that will be retrievedfrom such a search, cost, ups for getting good re-sults, and computer search turnaround tune. Thefinal section, "Using the Results of ERIC Searches,"describes how copies of ERIC documents and jour-nal articles can be obtained. A six-entry resourcesection cites additional ERIC publications on theERIC system. (LP)

ED 254 209 IR 011 524Klausmeier, Jane AMamie/ ERIC with Your Microcomputer. ERIC

Digest.ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources,

Syracuse, N.Y.Spons AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED),

Washington, DCPub DateJul 84Contract-400-77-0015Note-3pAvailable fromERIC Cita inghouse on Informa-

tion Resources, 030 Huntington Hall. SyracuseUniversity, Syracuse, NY 13210 (free).

Pub Type Guides General (050) ERIC Infor-mation AnalysisProducts (IAPS) (071)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PCOI Phis Postage.DescriptorsComputer Software. Databases,

Information Retrieval. Microcomputers, Tele-COMM unications

IdentifiersERIC, ERIC DigestsThis fact sheet offers basic instructions on con-

necting to the ERIC database for individuals whoown or have access to a microcomputer and arefamiliar with ERIC and how to search it through adatabase terminal. Software, hardware, and tele-phone line components necesary to make a mi-crocomputer act ass database terminal are outlined.The discussion of software describes the need for aterminal emulator and lists desirable features forterminal software, including the capabilities to printand save, access to command mode, format display,default setting, and a status indicator. Consider-ations in configuring the software to allow interfaceor access to database vendors is explained andcontact telephone numbers for DIALOG, BRS, andSDC (the three major vendors) are listed. The dis-cussion of hardware requirements covers paralleltransmission, the communications interface,modems, and data transmission speed. A list of pop-ular mwrocomputers And the necessary hardwareand software components required to access thevendors includes the following models: Apple II,11+, Ile; Atari 400/800; Commodore VIC. Com-modore PET/CBM, IBM Personal Computer:Texas Instruments 99/4, 99/4a; and TRS-80 Mod-els I, II, and III. (LMM)ED 257 464 IR 051 131Lavender, G.B. Findlay. Margaret A.Auslallmi Thesaurus of Eder:adore Descriptors. A

Word-Stack for Indexing and Retrieving Antra-Ilse Educational Literature.

Australian Council for Educational Research. Haw-thorn.

Spons AgencyAustralian Education Council,Canberra.

Report No.ISBN-0-85563-385-9Pub Date-84Note-27Ip.Available fromDistribution Services, Anstralian

Council for Educational Research, PO Box 210,Hawthorne, Vic. 3122 (Aus 539.00).

Pub Type Reference Materials - Vocabidar-ws/aassifications (134)

EDRS Price him Plus Postage. PC Not Avail-able from EDRS.

Descriptors--Education, Foreign Countries, 1n-doing, information Retrieval. InformationSources, Information Systems, Online Searching,Online Systems, Subject Index Terms, Thesauri.Vocabulary

IdentifiersAustralli, Educational Information,ERIC

This core thesaurus of terms suitable for indexingAustralian educational literature was developed bythe Australian Council for Educational Research bymeans of a systematic and thorough revision of the"Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors." Based on the ac-tual terminology of education in Australia, this the-saurus includes: key words and phrases used byIndexers as subject headings, or "descriptors," ininformation retrieval systems; an alphabetical dis-play of all subject index terms (headings); extensivescope notes to clarify meaning and usage of terms,and a full introduction and comprehensive explana-tory chapters. Introductory materials include sec-tions on thesaurus development, vocabularymaintenance. the Australian Education Index data-base, information retrieval search aids, guidelinesfor indexing, structure and format of the thesaurus,and descriptor groups. (THC)

ED 258 593 IR 051 206Paisley, WilliamGive Us as "E" for Educational Dissemination

(ERIC, Experhneatation, Extension. Equity).Pub DateOct 80Note-4p., In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting

of the American Society for Information Science(43id, Anaheim, CA, October 5-10, 1980)p10-12.

Pub Type Opinion Papers (120) Reports - De-scriptive (141) Speeches / Meeting Papers (150)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Pins Postage.DescriptorsDatabases, Elementary Secondary

Education, Federal Programs. Higher Educa-tion. information Dissemination, InformationScience, information Systems, Linking Agents.Models, School Districts

IdentifiersEducational Information. ERIC. In-formation EqwtyEducational dissemination has contributed a

number of innovative concepts and strategies to in-formation science. Much-misunderstood ERIC.which combines research reports with policy docu-ments and teaching materials, is one of the first andbest examples of a field-oriented rather than disci-pline-onented database. Building on ERIC. federaleducation agencies hav: experimented continu-ously with extension or outreach to the school dis-tricts. Three extension roles have emerged amcngagents or specialists who work with 'he schools; theconcept of entitlement helps to explain differencesamong the roles. Education's strong equity premisesbelie led to the concept of information equity as aprerequisite of equal access and equal treatment. Toserve millions of educators in more than 15,000school districts and 3,000 colleges and universities.innovative dissemination in education should nowfocus on the concepts of efficiency and economiesof scale. (Author)

ED 258 094 IR 051 207Clark. W. BruceMICROseerch-A Project to Extend the ERIC

Database to Microcomputers.Pub DateOct 82Note-4p.. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting

of the American Society for Information Science(45th, Columbus, OH, October 17-21. 1982).p60.62.

Pub Type Reports - Descriptive (141)Speeches /Meeting Papers (!50)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsDatabases. information Retrieval,

Man Machine Systems. Microcomputers, On-line Searching, Online Systems, Search Strate-gies

IdentifiersApple II Plus, ERIC, Microsearch,User Cordial InterfaceA project at the ERIC Clearinghouse on Informa-

tion Resources has resulted in the extension of theERIC database to microcomputer. Small subject-re-lated files for current-awareness purposes are down-loaded from the ERIC tapes and are made availablefor searching with Apple II Plus microcomputers.Since the target audience for this system is non-on-line searchers, a user interface has been developedwhich simplifies searching and uses a formattedscreen to guide users through the search process.The small amount of material which can be storedon a S and 1/4 inch diskette has been compensatedfor in part by the subject-matter orientation of theindividual discs and in part by providing supplemen-tary programs which permit the contents of thediscs to be printed, thus producing a bibliographywith extensive indexes. Field- tes.ing of MI-CROsearch has guided its current endeavors-the

ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988provision of record entry program to permit localfiles to be created which can also be searched withMICROsearch, and the developrhent of a specialuser interface for teaching searching (Author)

ED 258 595 IR 051 208Barnett LynnIndexing in ERIC.Pub Date-33Note-44p : Chapter 6 of Indexing Specialized For-

mats and Subjects, Hilda Feinberg, Ed Me-tuchen, NI: Scan crow Press. 1983(ISBN-0-8108-1608-3) p109-152.

Pub Type Guides - General (050) Reports -Descriptive (141)

Document Not Available from EDRS.DescriptorsAbstracting, Databases, Guidelines,

Indexes, indexing, information Retrieval, In-formation Seeking, Information Services, Infor-mation Systems, Online Searching, SearchStrategies, Subject Index Terms, Thesauri, Voeab-War,-

IdentifiersCurrent Index To Journals In Educa-tion, Educational Information, ERIC, ManualSearches, Resources In EducationThis chapter describes how ERIC addresses the

problems resulting from four conditions that makeIt unique in the indexing field: (I) its subject areaincludes a wide range of subspecialists, (2) its clien-tele is extremely diverse; (3) it has a dual retrievalpurpose-for both manual and computer access, and(4) its retrieval is challenged by the inexact languageof the social sciences. Since these problems alsoaffect the way ERIC is organized, discussion fo-cuses first on ER IC's functions, activities, and struc-ture. The types of indexes and other products andservices it provides are then discussed. and indexingguidelines and aids are described in detail co shownot only how the information system coordinates itsindexing process, but also how that process affectsretrieval The concluding section describes qualitycontrol in ERIC in terms of vocabulary mainte-nance procedures. Appendices include a listing ofthe ERIC Clearinghouses with descriptions of theirareas of specialization; sample displays from theprint indixes: sample ERIC descriptors represent-ing population concepts, sample publication typesand thei ,odes: and sample descriptor group codes(BBM)

ED 258 599 IR 051 234Saba. Virginia Kathleen JosephA Comparative Study of Document Retries al Sys-

tems of Nursing Interest,Pub Date-81Note -154p, Ed D Dissertation. American Uni-

versityAvailable fromUniversity Microfilms Interna-

tional. 300 N Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor. MI 48106(Order No. AAD8I- 24656)

Pub Type-- Doctoral Disserations (041)Document Not Available from EDRSDescnotorsBibliographies, Comparative Anal)

us, Databases, Indexes. Indexing. InformationRetrieval. Measurement Techniques. Nursing.Online Systems, Periodicals. Relevance (Infor-mation Retrieval)

Identifiers--Computer Searches, ERIC. Interns-Howl Nursing le 'ex, Medline. National HealthPlanning Informs ai Center. Social Science Cita-tion IndexIntended to provide the nursing community with

a comparative analysis of four major computerizeddocumeri: retrieval systems and one manual systemproviding coverage of the nursing literature. thisstudy compares the indexing vocabulary, databasecoverage, and retrieval performance of the Educa-tional Resource Information Center (ERIC), Inter-national Nursing Index (INI), Medical LiteratureAnalysis and Retrieval System On-Line NED-LINE), National Health Planning Information Cen-ter (NHPIC), and Social Science Citation Index(SOCIAL SCISEARCH) Results of searches onthe five systems were compared with bibliographieson the same topics-continuing edutation for nurses,patient classification, problem oriented records.nurse practitioners, and nurse staffing. According tothe measure. used in this study, MEDLIN E had thebest coverage of the nursing and nonnursing Jour-nals; had the most accurate indexing capabilit., andproduced the most complete retrieval results fornursing topics Although INI indexed the greatestnumber of nursing journals. its overall retneval per-formance was not as complete as that of MED-LIN E. ERIC, NHPIC, and SOCIAL SCISEARCHcoverage of the nursing literature wk., found to be


4 ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988

limited in scope and focus, and It was concludesthat these systems should be searched in addition t'MEDLINE for appropriate topics: nursing educa-tion (ERIC), health planning (NHPIC), and jour-nals not usually included in nursing tmlleetions(SOCIAL SCISEARCH). (BBM)

ED 258 600 IR 051 235Sahli. Marilyn SueTerminology of the Social r....ences: The Tenn

"Cognitive Processes" In the Thesauri of TwoDisdpline-Based baformstiom Systems.

Pub Date-81Note-235p.; Ph.D Dissertation, Case Western Re-

serve University.Available from University ? lic.ofilms Interna-

tional, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ar Arbor, MI 48;06(Order No. AAD81-18804).

Pub Type Doctoral Disseratioiis (041)Document Not Available from EDRS.DescriptorsComparative Analysis, Databases,

Definitions, Education, Hypothesis Testing, In-dexing. Information Systems, Psychology, *So-cial Sciences, Subject Index Terms, Thesauri,Vertical Organization

IdentifiersConceptual EqwvalencyAnalyrs of current methods for achieving com-

patibility or convertibility between two or more in-dexing languages draws attention to the need for aswitching language to establish equivalency be-tween concepts, not terms. In order to examine theassumption of the conceptual eqwvalency of identi-cal terms in the indexing languages of related sub-ject fields, a specific case in winch a single termappears to have different meaning in the informa-tion systems for two social science disciplines isexamined. Hierarchical charts constructed to dis-play the arrays under the term "cognitive pro-cesses" in the ERIC Thesaurus and the Thesaurusof Psychological Index Terms demonstrated thatthe term appears in different hierarchical frame-works in the two indexing languages. Three hypoth-eses were proposed to account for the observeddifferences. The first hypothesis, that "cognitiveprocesses" represents different concepts to educa-tionists and psychologists, was rejected by examina-tion of formal definitions. A comparison oftextbooks on cognitive processes for the two disci-plines did not provide evidence to support the sec-ond hypothesis, that educationists andpsychologists view the concept within different con-ceptual frameworks. The third hypothesis, that thetwo hierarchies represent research interests in thetwo fields, was rejected following an investigation ofcurrent journal articles. The results suggest that thenature of social science terminology and problemsassociated with its use in indexing languages wouldprove to be a fruitful area of research with specificramifications for the design of switching languages.(Author /BBM)

ED 258 601 IR 051 242Malneu, DeniseLa Base de Donnees ERIC Evaluation de Son

Utilisation et Discussion des Choix du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Usesad a Discussion of the System Mcdel),

Pub DateOct 83Note-11p., For related document, see ED 208

902.Journal CitBrises (Bulletin de Recherches sur

l'Information en Sciences Humaines, Econa-=clues et Sociales); n3 p53-62 Oct 1983

Language FrenchPub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports - Research (143)EDRS Price MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsAdministrative Organization, Com-

parative Analysis, Content Analysts, Databases,Educational Resources, Expenditures, ForeignCountries, Information Needs, Information Net-works, Information Services, Information Sys-tems, Models. Reference Materials,. UseStudies

IdentifiersEducational Information, ERIC,France, United SwamThis overview of the ERIC system begins with a

brief history of the system; a description of the typesan numbers of materials contained in the database;sources of types of information for educators thatare not processed by ERIC; and the various publica-tions and reference materials produced by and forthe system. The analysis of ERIC .sage in theUnited States thlt follows is based on the final re-port of the Cost and Usage Study of the EducationalResources Information Center (ERIC) System,

which was conducted by King Research in 1981This analysts includes data on :y pas of access :scantsfor the ERIC system and the services they offer, thelevel of knowledge of ERIC in the educational com-munity; a qualitative evaluation of ERIC productsand services, and ERIC coverage of materials re-lated to disadvantaged groups. The mnponents ofthe ERIC system and their functms are then de-scribed, including relationships among the variousunits and products and services designed to makeERIC more available to users. System operations,resource allocation, and costs are also discussedThe article conc'udes with a discussion of cultural,organizational, and policy concerns that would needto be addressed if the ERIC model were to beadapted to meet the needs of French educators.(BBM)

ED 259 872 RC 015 416Rios. Betty Rose D.Migrant Edacatioa: A Quick Look at ERIC.ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small

Schools, Las Cruces, N MexSpons AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED),

Washington, DC.Pub DateMar 84Contract-400-83-0023Note -.4pPub Type Guides - Non-Classroom (055)

ERIC Information Analysis Products (ZAPS)(071)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsClearinghouses, Databases. Ele-

mentary Secondary Education. Information Re-trieval, Information Services, 'MigrantEducation. Postsecondary Education. Refe ..tnceServices, Search Strategies

Identifiers 'ERIC, ERIC Clearinghouse on Ru-ral Education Small School. ERIC DigestsWritten for potential users of ERIC. this digest

provides basic facts about the information storageand retrieval system, the migrant education maten-als available, and the role of the ERIC Clearing-house on Rural Education and Small Schools(ERIC/CRESS). The following questions are an-swered: (I) what m ERIC and how does it work, (2)what retrieval terms should be used to find migranteducation materials; (3) what types of publicationswill be found and what audiences will be addressedin ERIC documents about migrant education; (4)where do migrant documents in ERIC come from.and (5) how can ERIC/CRESS assist the personseeming information? Practical suggestions are madefor successful computer searches. These includelimiting the search to specific years, specific au-thors, certain kinds of literature, or geographic re-gions of interest. (JHZ)

ED 261 711 IR 051 287Weller, Carolyn R., Ed. Brandhont, Ted. Ed.ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984. An Ammo-

tated Bibliograpk: of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January- December 1984.

ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Bethesda,Md

Spoas AgencyNational Inst. of Educaticq (ED),Washington, DC

Pub Dare Jul 85Contract -- 400.81 -0003Note-61p ; For the 1983 eclitual., see ED 246 919Pub Type Reference Materials Bibliographies

(131)EDRS Price - MFOI/PC03 Phis Postage.DescriptorsAbstracts, Anrotated Bibliogra-

phies, 'Clearinghouses, Education, EducationalResearch, Federal Programs, Literature Reviews,Publications, Resource Materials, State of theArt Reviews

IdentifiersEducational Information, ERICA broad range of education-related topics are ad-

dressed in this annotated bibliography, which pres-ents citations and abstracts for 142 publicationsproduced by the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses in 1984An introduction explains the ERIC system, clear-inghouse publications, the organization of this bibli-ography, and the availabilng of clearinghousepublications. A statistical summary by year(1968-1984) shows the number of documents in-cluded for each clearinghouse in the series of whichthis bibliography is the most recent. Document re-sumes are provided from the following clearing.houses: (I) Adult. Career, and VocationalEducation; (2) Counseling and Personnel Services,(3) Reading and Communication Skills, (4) Educa-tional Management; (5) Handicapped and Gifted

Children, (6) Languages and Linguistics, (7) HigherEducation, (8) Information Resources, (9) JuniorColleges, (10) Elementary and Early Childhood Ed-ucation. (II) Rural Education and Small Schools.(12) Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Ed-ucation, (13) Social Studies/Soc,a1 Science Educa-tion, (14) Teacher Education. (IS) Tests.Measurement, and E% Lemon, and (16) Urban Edu-cation A listing of k RIC Digests. i e short us-er- oriented reference sheets formerly called FactSheets or Short Reports, is also provided (THC)

ED 262 784 IR 051 294Brandhorst. Ted. Ed.A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-

tional Resources Information Center. (Coveringthe Period 1979-1984).

ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Bethesda,Md

Spons AgencyEducational Resources Informa-tion Center (ED / N1E), Washington. DC

Pub DateSep 85Note-43p., For an earlier edition. see ED 169 955Pub Type Referifnce Materials - Bibliographies

(131)EDRS Price - MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.DescriptorsAnnotated Bibliographies. Back-

ground, Clearinghouses, 'Educational Research,Evaluation, Federal Programs, InformstionCenters. Information Dissemination, Informa-tion Systems, Instructional Materials. Micro-forms, P iblications, Search Strategies, Thesauri,Use Studies

IdentifiersEducational Information, 'ERICThe result of a comprehensive search for docu-

ments about the Educational Resources Informa-tion Center (ERIC) published between 1979 and1984, this bibliography lists 131 entries which 'I-proach ERIC in several different ways documentsof historical interest in the development of ERIC,"how to" items whose object is to initiate the userInto the system; cross-database comparisons involv-ing ERIC. user surveys, evaluations of ERIC perfor-mance; reports describing particular computersearch programs or efforts; ERIC in the context ofeducational research and development dissemina-tion; reviews of ERIC practices or results, how toteach ERIC; thesaurus development, how ERIC re-lates to some subset of the educational community,ERIC and microforms. and ERIC's current attn-hutes including size and products This supplementto a 1978 bibliography includes subject. personalauthor, and institution indexes. The 131 entries arearranged by their ERIC accession numbers (ED fordocuments in Resources in Education; EJ for jour-nal articles in Current Index to Journals in Educa-tion), with the ED accessions appearing first,followed by the EJ accessions Full records havebeen printed, including the abstract, in order tomake ;he relevance of each item to ERIC abun-dantly clear (THC)

ED 262 821 IR 051 332IFLA General Conference, 1985. Division on Spe-

cial Libraries. Section on Social Science Librar-ies and Geography and Map Libraries. Papers.

International Federation of Library Associations,The Hague (Netherlands)

Pub DateAug 85NoteI22p.; Papers presented at the International

Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Gen-eral Conference (51st, Chicago. IL. August 18-24,1985)

Pub Type Opinion Papers (120) Reports - De-scriptive (141) Speeches /Meeting Papers (150)

EDRS Price MFOI/PC05 Plus Postage.DescriptorsArchives, 'Databases, Developing

Nations, Foreign Countries, 'Geography. GlobalApproach, 'Government Publications, Interns-none! Organizations. Library Services, 'Maps,Online Searching, Program Descriptions. Re-search Libraries. Scientific and Technical Infor-mation. 'Social Sciences. 'Special Libraries

IdentifiersAccess to Information, ERIC. NationalTechnical Information Service, Universal Avail-ability of PublicationsPapers presented on social science and map and

geography libraries at the 1985 International Feder-ation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference in-clude. (I) "Information for the Developing World.NTIS's (National Technical Information Service)Role in Information Transfer to DevelopingCountries" (Joseph F. Caponio. United States); (2)"Availability of Social Sciences Information"(Evangeline Misters& United States); (3) "Accessto Social Science Information Gathered by Govern-

ment Departments in the United Kingdom" (DerekA. Clarke. United Kingdom); (4) "ERIC: Multidis-ciplinary /Multinational" (Donald P Ely. UnitedStates); (5) "Nordic Cooperation-from the View ofResearch and Special Libraries" (Tor W Holm, Fin-land): (6) "Online Searching of Social Science Infor-mation in WILSONLINE and WILSEARCH"(Wilhelm Bartenbach, United States); (7) "UAP(Universal Availability of Publications) Programmeand Informational and Bibliogrrphical Activities ofVGB1L (All-Union State Library of Foreign Litera-ture) (Social Sciences)" (A. Kasyanenko. USSR);and (8) "International Bibliographic Standards inCartographic Archives: The National Map Collec-tion, Public Archives of Canada, Expenence"(Hugo L P. Stibbe, Canada). (THC)

ED 267 099 TM 800 186Gonzales-Stupp, Emma Wildemuth, Barbara M.At Home with ERIO (Nam Searching from Your

Home Computer. "After Dark" Edidou.ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests. Measurement, and

Evaluation. Pnnceton, N.J.Spons AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED).

Washington. 1)C.Pub DateOct 85Contract-400-83-0015Note-50p.; For a related document. see TM 860

187.Available fromERIC aeannghouse on Tests.

Measurement, and Evaluation. Educational Test-ing Service. Pnnceton. NJ 08541 (S5.00).

Pub Type-- Guides - General (050) ERIC Infor-mation AnalysisProducts (ZAPS) (0711

EDRS Price MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postue.DescriptorsAdults. 'Bibliographic Utilities.

'Databases. Educational Research. InformationNetworks, Microcomputers. 'Online Searching,'Online Systems. Reference Services, 'SearchStrategies

Identifiersllibliographic Retrieval Services, EndUsers. 'ERICThis manual provides information to aid home

computer owners in performing literature searchesof ERIC and other education and social sciencedatabases using the SIRS Information Technologies"After Dark" system. Assuming some familiantywith pnnted ERIC indexes or online searches, thismanual is divided into five chapters. It is suggestedthat potential searchers should study the first twochapters before going online. These chapters coverthe basic concepts of developing a search strategyand the commands used by the BRS "After Dark"system. The third chapter disucsses vanous ways tomodify the search strategy regarding the retneval oftoo few or too many citations. The met chapterexplains how to accomplish common types ofnon-subject searches: specific author, publicationsfrom a specific institution, speeches from a specificmeeting, or certain types of publications. The finalchapter provides basic information concerningother searchable databases. Educational TestingService Test Collection. Exceptional Child Educa-tion Resources; Mental Measurement Yearbook;Psychological Abstracts: and Resources in Com-puter Education Attachments include SearchStrategy Worksheet; ERIC Field Name and Abbre-viations; "After Dark" Commana Summary. Man-datory Level Descnptors: and Publication TypeCodes. (PN)

ED 267 100 TM 860 187Gonzales-Stupp. Emma Wildemuth, Barbara MAt Home with ERIC: Online Searching from Your

Home Computer. "Knowledge Index" Edition.ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests. Measurement, and

Evaluation, Pnnceton, /1.J.Spans AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED),

Washington, DC.Pub DateJan 86Contract-400-83-0015Note-50p.; For related document, see TM 860

186.Available fromERIC Cleannghouse on Tests.

Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Test-ing Service, Princeton, NJ 08541 (5500).

Pub Type Guides - General (050) ERIC Infor-mation AnalysisProdui.ts (ZAPS) (071)

EDRS Price MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.Descriptors Adults, 'Bibliographic Utilities,

'Databases, Educational Research, informationNetworks, Microcomputers, 'Online Searching,'Online Systems. Reference Services, 'SearchStrategies

IdentifiersDIALOG, End Users, 'ERICThis manual provides information to aid home

computer owners in performing literature searchesof ERIC and other education and social sciencedatabases, such as the DIALOG Information Ser-vices "Knowledge Index" System. Assuming somefamiliarity with printed ERIC indexes or onlinesearches, this manual is divided into five chaptersIt is suggested that potential searchers should studythe first two chapters before going online Thesechapters cover the basic concepts of developing asearch strategy and the commands used by the DI-ALOG Information Services "Knowledge Index"system. The third chapter discusses various ways tomodify the search strategy regarding the retrieval oftoo few or too many citations. The next chapterexplains how to accomplish some common types ofnon-subject searches: specific authors or articlesfrom specific journals. The final chapter providesbasic information concerning other searchable data-bases: Psychological Abstracts; Microcomputer In-dex; and Books in Print. Attachments include.Search Strategy Worksheet; ERIC Field Names andAbbreviations; "Knowledge Index" CommandSummary; Mandatory Level Descriptors; sad Publi-cation Type Codes. (PN)

ED 269 035 IR 051 512Ha Soo MangERIC: Oulise, Offline & Without Lime. A &me-

mory and a Report on the Staff InteractionSeminar (at the Indtute of Education Library](Singapore, January 18, 1986).

Pub Date-18 Jan 86Note-20pPub Type Reports - Descriptive (141)

Tests/Questionnaires (160) Collected Works -Proceedings (021)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Postne.DescriptorsDatabases. 'Indexes, Information

Systems. 'Online Searching, Reference Services,Search Strategies

IdentifiersERICThis presentation at a seminar for library staff and

students describes the Educational Resources Infor-mation Center (ERIC) system as an informationsystem designed to provide users with ready accessto primarily English-language literature dealingwith education by establishing a database, publish-ing abstracting journals, and reproducing docu-ments in printed and/or microfiche formats Thedocument includes a description of the organiza-tional composition of ERIC, information on search-ing ERIC both manually and online. a bnefdiscussion of search strategy development; a de-scnption of the format of the two printed abstract-ing journals, Current Index to Journals in Education(CIJE) and Resources in Education (RIE), esti-mated costs of computer searches; and proceduresfor requesting an online search at the Institute ofEducation Library (1E). Singapore. A bnef sum-mary of the results of pre- and post-seminar ques-tionnaires administered to 50 staff and studentparticipants in the staff interaction seminar con-cludes this document. Appendices include a list ofthe 16 ERIC clearinghouses with their two lettercodes; a sample online search strategy: sample on-line output; and copies of the pre- and post-seminarquestionnaires with tabulated results. (THC)

ED 270 100 IR 012 220Klausmeter, Jane A.Accessing ERIC with Your Microcomputer. ERIC

Digest.ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources,

Syracuse, N.YSpons AgencyOffice of Educational Research

and Improvement (ED), Washington. DCPub DateApr 86Contract- -400 -85 -0001Note-3p.Available fromERIC Clearinghouse on Informa-

tion Resources, 030 Huntington Hall, Syracuse.New York 13244-2340 (free while supply lasts)

Pub Type Guides - General (050) ERIC Infor-mation AnalysisProducts (IAPS) (071)

EDRS Price MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.Descriptors 'Computer Software, Databases. In-

formation Retrieval, 'Microcomputers, 'OnlineSearching, Online Vendors, Telecommunica-tions

Identifiers ERIC, ERIC Digests, ModemsFocusing oii how to use a microcomputer as a

terminal for searching online databases, this digestaddresses the following topics. (I) lrdware andsoftware requirements; (2) configuring th, soiiware:and (3) basic requirements for specific microcom-puters. Special features in communications software

ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988 5

which allow microcomputer users to do databasesearching are described, such as print commands,nye commands. access to command mode, formatdisplay, default setting, and status indicator Sugges-tions for software configuration include telephonenumbers for three major database vendors-D1A-LOG. BRS (Bibliographic Retrieval Services) andSDC (System Development Corporation). Finally,the hardware necessary to use a computer as a ter-minal is discussed, including interface modules,modems, modular jacks, acoustic couplers. and in-ternal modems. A list of 10 different microcomput-ers and the hardware and software necessary to usethem as terminals completes this digest (JB)

ED 270 101 IR 012 221Clay, KatherineERIC for Practitioaers. ERIC Digest.ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources,

Syracuse, N.YSpans AgencyOffice of Educational Research

and Improvement (ED), Washington. DC.Pub DateDec 85Contract-400-85.0001Note-3pAvailable fromERIC Clearinghouse on Informa-

tion Resources, 030 Huntington Hall, Syracuse,New York 13244-2340 (free while supply lasts).

Pub Type Reports - Descnptive (141) ERICInformation AnalysisProducts (ZAPS) (071)

EDRS Price - MFOI /PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsAd ,nistrators, Cost Effectiveness,

'Databases. Information Dissemination, Infor-mation Services, Information Sources, Informa-tion Storage. Instructional Materials, 'ResearchProjects. Research Tools, 'Resource Materials,Teachers

IdentifiersERIC, ERIC Digests. Office of Edu-cational Research and ImprovementDesigned to demonstrate that the ERIC (Educa-

tional Resources Information Center) database is auseful source of information for educational practi-tioners at all levels. this digest provides an introduc-tion to the ERIC system and describes the NationalEducation Practice File Project (NEPF). This2-year project was designed to find out from educa-tional practitioners the kinds of information theywould find useful, locate appropriate materials. andmake this .nformation easily accessible to its audi-ence through the development of a computerizedfile of practitioner-oriented materials. An overviewof the ERIC system briefly describes its acquisitionand processing activities; the creation of computer-ized files for online searching; the publication of twomonthly indexes. Resources in Education (RIE)and current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE);and the types of materials the system contains In-formation on the NEPF includes the purpose of thestudy, its participants and activities. and the resultsof an evaluation of the resulting computerized filemade up of documents that were already in theERIC file as well as new acquisitions. Emphasis onpractitioner documents since the completion ofERIC is briefly demonstrated. and a study of thecost and usefulness of ERIC that was conducted forthe Department of Education is noted Hints onaccessing ERIC are also provided, and a list of fourreferences complete the digest. (JB)

ED 271 125 IR 051 563Weller, Carolyn R.. Ed. Brandhorst. Ted. Ed.ERIC Cleeringhosse Publications, 1985. An Anno-

tated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1985.

ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Bethesda,Md.

Spons AgencyDepartment of Education. Wash-ington, DC

Pub DateMay 86Contract-400-81.0003Note -72p, For the 1984 edition. see ED 261 711Pub Type Reference Materials - Bibliographies

(131) ERIC Information AnalysisProdum(ZAPS) (071)

EDRS Price MF01/PC03 Plus Postage.DescriptorsAbstracts. Annotated Bibliographies,

'Clearinghouses. Education. Educational Re-search, Federal Programs, Literature Reviews,Publications. 'Resource Materials, 'State of theArt Reviews

IdentifiersEducational Information. 'ERICA broad range of education-related topics are ad-

dressed in this annotated bibliography, which pres-ents citations and abstracts for 176 publicationsproduced by the 16 ERIC Cleannghomes in 1985

6 ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988

An introduction explains the ERIC system, clear-Inghouse publications, the organization of this bibli-ography, and the availability of cleannghousepublications. A statistical summary by year(1968-1985, shows the number of documents in-cluded for each cleannghouse in the senes of whichthis bibliography is the most recent. Document re-sumes are provided from the following clearing-houses: (I) Adult. Career, and VocationalEducation; (2) Counseling and Personnel Services;(3, Reading and Communication Skills; (4) Educa-tional Management; (5) Handicapped and GiftedChildren; (6) Languages and Linguistics; (7) HigherEducation; (8) Information Resources; (9) JuniorColleges; (10) Elementary and Early Childhood Ed-ucation; (11) Rural Education and Small Schools;(12) Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Ed-ucation; (13) Social Studies/Social Science Educa-tion; (14) Teacher Education: (IS) Tests,Measurement, and Evaluation; and (16) Urban Edu-cation. Indexes for subject. author, and institutionare provided. A listing of ERIC Digests, i.e. shortuser-oriented reference sheets formerly called FactSheets or Short Reports. is also provided for 1985(THC)ED 271 126 IR 051 564Guthnc James W Stoddart. TrishRedealgrJug ERIC: A Modern Information System

for Practicing Educators.Spons AgencyDepartment of Education. Wash-

ington, DC.Pub DateMay 86Note-26p.; This paper. commissioned by the

ERIC Redesign Study Panel, does not necessanlyreflect the final view or recommendations of thatpanel.

Pub Type Opinion Papers (120)EDRS Price - MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.Descnptors--Cleannghouses, Databases, Educa-

tional Research. Federal Programs, InformationNetworks, Information Systems, Position Papers

IdentifiersEducational Information. ERICAsserting that few teachers can provide examples

of how they actually used educational research toshape an instructional decision, this position paperargues that as presently structured, the educationalresearch institution does not appear to be effectivein communicating products of its work to practitio-ners. The paper examines obvious bamers to com-munication between researchers and practitionersincluding the tendency of researchers to focus onabstractions (hypotheses. theoretical implications.statistical analyses, etc.) versus practitioners' needsfor clear descriptions of instructional methods andcurriculum materials, including how well theyworked and with what types of student. The forma-tion of a Professional Resources Information Net-work Computenzed for Educators (PRINCE) isproposed to provide teachers with practical infor-mation and materials chre,ly tailored to meet spe-cific instructional needs. PRINCE would parallelERIC (the Educational Resources Information Cen-ter), the existing information network available toresearchers. Following a general discussion of theproblem. this document includes the following sec-tions. (I)The Research /Practice Dilemma in ERIC.(2) The Current ERIC System; (3) Barriers to Prac-titioner Use: (4) Attempts to Make the SystemMore Accessible to Practitioners; (5) Can an Infor-mation System Help Improve Schools? and (6)PRINCE: Professional Resources Information Net-work Computenzed for Educators. Eighteen refer-ences are listed. (THC)

ED 271 259 RC 015 812Gamest. Anne, Comp. Hill. Amehta. Comp.Searchable Fields in ERIC: A Compeer User's

Guide via BRS, DIALOG, ORBIT.ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small

Schools, Las Cruces, N. Mex.Spons AgencyOffice of Educational Research

and Improvement (ED), Washington, DCPub DateMar 86Contract-400-83-0023Note-7p.Pub Type Guides - Non-Classroom (0551

ERIC Information Analysis Products (ZAPS)(071)

EDRS Pike MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsDatabases. Information Retneval,

'Online Searching, Online Systems, Onlirl Ven-dors, Reference Services, "Search Strategies

IdentifiersBibliographic Retneval Services, Cur-rent Index to Journals in Education, DIALOG,

ERIC, ORBIT. Resources in Education, SearchCommands

A reference guide for online bibliographic search-ers Introduces and explains the major com-puter-searchable fields of the EducationalResources Information Center (ERIC) database,presents field acceg labels or commands of threeonline ERIC database vendors-BRS. DIALOG.and ORBIT -and lists the codes necessary forsearching particular ERIC fields The guide brieflydescribes the ERIC database a.id documentationand provides names and identifying codes for the 16ERIC clearinghouses as well as types of pubhmtionsincluded in the database and corresponding searchcodes. Addresses of the three online vendors andaddresses for ordenng ERIC documents and searchtools are provided. (LFL)

ED 272 170 IR 012 229Brandhurst. TedERIC on Compact Disc (CD -ROM). A Case

Study.Pub DateApr 86Note -17p., Paper presented at the CD-ROM

Based Information Dissemination Conference(Reston, VA, Apnl 13 -IS, 1986).

Pub Type Reports - Research (143) Speeches/ -Meeting Papers (ISO)

EDRS Price MFO1 /PC01 Plus Postage.Descnptors--Case Studies, Databases. Informa-

tion Dissemination, Information Retneval, Infor-mation Services, Online Systems, 'OpticalDisks, Research Tools, Technological Advance-ment

IdentifiersERICORI, Inc., and Silvei Platter, Inc . have joined to-

gether in a joint venture to offer the ERIC databaseto the public on compact laser disc (CD-ROM)Data from both "Resources in Education" (RIE)and "Current Index to Journals in Ed 'cation"(CIJE) will be offered on :.. single disc from January1983 to the present (with the disc being updatedevery gainer) Data prior to 1983 will be offered onarchival discs (two for RIE; one for CIJE) This casestudy reviews the various reasons why ERIC is 'it-tertsted in CD-ROM as a method of data dissemi-nation and the reasons ORI chose to link withSilverPlatter in offenng such a service Some of theearly expenences in developing the product are re-lated: acquiring market information, configunng theproduct. developing the retneval system, alpha test-ing, allocating corporate responsibilities. pricing,etc. It is noted that ERIC satisfies all five factorsthat have been cited as determining whether a prod-uct is likely to be successful if delivered onCD-ROM technology (I) large volume of data; (2)stable data not requiring frequent updates. (3) geo-graphically dispersed user community; (4) most us-ers have access to microcomputers: and (5)additional processing enhances the value of the datadelivered. (Author /JR)

ED 275 329 IR 051 677Brandhorst. Ted. Ed Eustace, Joanna. EdDirectory of ERIC Information Service F roviders.

Arranged by Geographic Location: Country,State, City.

Educational Resources Information Center (ED),Washington, DC., ERIC Processing and Refer-ence Facility, Bethesda, Md

Spons AgencyOffice of Educational Researchand Improvement (ED), Washington, DC

Pub DateMay 86NoteI06p.Pub Type Reference Matenals - Directories/ Cat-

alogs (132)EDRS Price MFOUPC05 Plus Postage.Descriptors Clearinghouses, Information Cen-

ters, Information Dissemination. 'InformationServices, Microfiche, OnItne Searching, Refer-ence Services

IdentifiersCurrent Index to Journals in Educa-tion. ERIC. Eric Document Reproduction Ser-vice, Resources in EducationA consolidation of the Directory of ERIC Micro-

fiche Collections and the Directory of ERIC SearchServtces, this directory lists organizations that pro-vide their users and clientele with significant accessto the ERIC database and its related resources. In-cluded are organizations that provide computen zedsearches of the ERIC database, have sizeable collec-tions of ERIC microfiche, and subscribe to and col-lect the various ERIC public^uons. Material ispresented in three sections covenng the domesticUnited States, outlying U.S. terntories, andnon-U.S. countnes. Where applicable. entnes aregrouped geographically by country. state, and city



within these designations A sample data entry withexplanations is provided, and ERIC Informationservice provider statistics are presented in three ta-bles Additional information Includes a list of ERICClearinghouses, a bnef discussion of online search-ing. information for ordering subscriptions to **Re-sources in Education," an ERIC Fact Sheet, anERIC Document Reproduction Service order form,and a data Input form for the directory (KM)

ED 277 388 IR 051 731Sullivan. Michael V And OthersDirect Access to Bibliographic Databases by

Ead-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

Stanford Univ., Calif LibranesSpons AgencyCouncil on Library Resources,

Inc., Washington. D.0Pub Date(851Note-222p., Best copy availablePub Type Reports - Research (143) Tests/

Questionnaires (160)EDRS Price MFOI /PC09 Plas Postage.DescriptorsAcademic Libranes, Access to Infor-

mation, Comparative Analysis, Graduate Stu-dents, Higher Education. Intermode Differences,

Menu Dnven Software, Online Searching, On-line Systems, Questionnaires. Relevance (Infor-mation Retrieval), Search Strategies, Users(Information), 'User Satisfaction (Information)

IdentifiersBibliographic Data Bmes.,CommandLanguage. DIALOG, ERIC. INSPEC. Interme-diaries. SciMateAfter =etyma training in searching INSPEC or

ERIC on DIALOG using either the SciMate menuor native commands, 40 doctoral students per-formed free searches on research topics of theirchoice In comparison with 20 control subjects (doc-toral students for whom a free search was performedby a skilled librarian). the expenmental subjectswere equally satisfied with their remevals, whichwere smaller but higher in relevance than those pro-duced by the intermediaries, and were more likelyto follow up the search by consultation of the refer-ences listed Subjects Instructed to use native com-mands committed fewer errors dunng training.required less training time. and interacted morewith the databases than subjects trained on the Set-Mate menu. An examination of differences by sexrevealed that women indicated that they would ac-tually consult a higher proportion of the referenceslisted than men. and that women tended to assign ahigher monetary value to their searches than menIt is concluded that end-users can learn to do theirown literature searches effectively, with or withouta menu interface Results are discussed in terms ofcognitive and motivational determinants, statisticalevidence is displayed in 40 tables, and referencesare provided Study questionnaires. quizzes, andend-user searching workbooks are appended (KM)

ED 277 393 IR 051 736The Department of Education's Limits on Publica-

tions: Saving Money or Censorship? SixtiethReport by the Conu ttee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

Conress of the U S . Washington. D C HouseCommittee on Government Operations.

Report No.House-R-99-978Pub Date-86Note-38p., Based on a study made by the Inter-

governmental Relations and Human ResourcesSubcommittee.

Pub Type Legal/Legislative/ Regulatory Materi-als (090) Opinion Papers (120) Reports -Evaluative (142)

EDRS Price MF01/1PCO2 Plus Postage.DescnptorsAccess to Information, Censorship.

Cost Effectiveness. Educational Media. Educa-tional Research, Educational Technology, Evalu-ation Cntens, Evaluation Problems, GovernmentPublications, Information Dissemination. Pro-ven) Effectiveness. Program Evaluation. "PublicAgencies

IdentifiersDepartment of Education. ERIC.Publication and Audio Visual Advisory Council.Publications Review Board, Womens Educa-tional Equity ActThis report discusses an oversight investigation of

the Department of Education's Publication and Au-dio Visual Council (PAVAC) and its successor, thePublications Review Board ,FRB) Background in-formation is provided about the review process forpublications and products; the Women's Educa-tional E.-Nay Act (WEEA) program. educational

laboratones and centers, the PAVAC record; andthe modification of the review process. Findingsconcern rejection of produr ,s of the educational lab-oratories and centers and WEEA, cost of reviewprocedures; training and expertise of PAVAC andPRB members; educators' access to educational eq-uity materials; bias in PAVAC review of WEEAproducts; lack of consideration of appeals preparedfor WEEA products: conflict with the WEEAamendments of 1984; PAVAC review and rejectionof publications that it was not required to review,and delays and uncertainty resulting from PAVACand PRB reviews. As a result of these findings, fourconclusions and six recommendations are presentedconcerning cost-cutting measures, scope of PRB re-view. dissemination of rejected WEEA products,decisions concerning Educational Resources Infor-mation Center (ERIC) product dissemination, andthe elimination of photocopies and products costingunder $2,500 from the review process. Statementsof dimming and supplemental views are provided.(KM)

ED 277 394 IR 051 737Brandhorst. TedDistributing the ERIC Database on SilverPlatter

Compact Disc-A Brief Case History.Pub Date-5 Nov 86Note-43p.; Paper presented at the ONLINE '86

Conference (Chicago. IL. November 5. 1986)Pub Type Reports - Descriptive (141)

Speeches/ Meeting Papers (ISO)EDRS MCI) MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage.Descriptor s---*Databases, 'Information Dissemina-

tion. Information Retrieval, Information Tech-nology, Marketing. Online Systems, 'OpticalData Disks, Summative Evaluation, User Needs(Information)

Identifiers--Bibliographic Data Buts, Current In-dex to Journals in Education. ERIC, ORI Inc,Product Development, Resources in Education,SilverPlatterThis description of the development of the Educa-

tion Resources Information Center (ERIC) com-pact disc by two companies. Silt erPlatter and OnInc.. provides background information on ERICand the ERIC database, discusses reasons for choos-ing to put the ERIC database on compact discs. anddescribes the formulation of an ERIC CD-ROMteam es part of the development process. A reviewof steps along the way in the development of aCD-ROM version of the ERIC database includesdiscussions of agreements and contracts; division oflabor; marketing information/surveys; product de-sign; conversion/inversion specifications; retrievalsystem capabilities; alpha test sites; news releases,flyers, letters, status reports. and order forms; pub-licity (articles, conference exhibits, advertising);and documentation and user manuals. The follow-ing information is appended: ( I) ORI /SilverPlatterDivision of Responsibility; (2) ERIC Database Con-version/Inversion Specificatio is; (3) Search Fea-tures-Comparison of ERIC on Silver Platter withDIALOG 2; (4) Projected Retrieval System Im-provements; (5) SilverPlatter order form and sub-scription agreement; (6) SilverPlatter pricinginformat.on; (7) Resources in Education (RIE)Sample Record; (8) listing of ERIC Clearinghouses.and (9) ER1'..: Fact Sheet. (KM)

ED 277 565 SE 047 661Howe, Robert WSurvey of Selected ERIC Users-1986.Council a ERIC Directors.; ERIC Cleanng hove

for Science, Mathematics, and EnvironmentalEducation. Columbus, Ohio.

Sport AgencyOffice of Educational Researchand Improvement (ED). Washington. DC.

Pub Date-30 Dec 86Note-57p.Available fromSMEAC Information Center, The

Ohio State Univ.. 1200 Chambers Rd., 3rd Floor,Columbus, OH 43212.

Pub Type ERIC Information AnalysisProducts(TAPS) (071) Reports - Research (143)Tests /Questionnaires (160)

EDRS Price MFOI/PC03 Pius Postage.DescriptorsFeasibility Studies, Information Sci-

ence, 'Information Services, 'Information Utili-zation. National Surveys, Opinions,Questionnaires. Surveys, 'User Neecis (Inioi na-tion), User Satisfaction (Information)

Identifiers ERICSeveral projects were undertaken in 1986 for the

purpose of maintaining and improving the ERICsystem. This report focuses on one of the projects

that Involved two surveys of users of the ERIC sys-tem and its products. Survey I consisted of a strati-fied sample of 500 ERIC Standing Order Customers(SOCs). These sites subscribe to the ERIC micro-fiche collection and represent the heavmst users ofERIC The respondents represented all types ofSOCs and included 70 percent of the state depart-ments of education and school districts that sub-scribe to the ERIC microfiche Survey II was asample of 200 administrators and teachers selectedfrom a list of 2.800 schools surveyed periodicallysince 1969 by the SMEAC Information ReferenceCenter at The Ohio State University In addition. asample of SO administrators and teachers were sam-pled in Ohio Each survey is described in terms ofits: (1) sample population; (2) data collection proce-dures; and (3) data results and analysis. A summaryis provided as well as a discussion of specific userrecommendations. Appendices contain survey let-ters and questionnaires. (ML)

ED 277 654 SP 028 231The Importance of the Educational Resources

Information Center for Health and PhysicalEducation Teacher Candidates. ERIC Digest#9.

ERIC CleanrImasse on Teacher Education, Wash-ington. DC

Spons AgencyOffice of Educational Researchand improvement (ED), Washington. DC

Pub Date-86Note-4pPub Type Reports - Descriptive (141) ERIC

Information AnalysisProducts (ZAPS) (07l)EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsClearinghouses. 'Databases, 'Educa-

tional Resources. Elementary Secondary Educa-tion. Higher Education, Information Services.Online Vendors, Physical Education Teachers.Preserice Teacher Education. Research Utiliza-tion

IdentifiersERIC DigestsThis digest highlights features of the Educational

Resources Information Center (ERIC), explainshow to use the system most effectively, and offerssuggestions on how health and physical educationteacher education faculty can present and use theERIC system to supplement classroom instructionFollowing a description of how resources in ERICcan be helpful to teachers and teacher candidates.discussion is presented on what teacher candidatesshould know in order to use ERIC effectively Somesuggested activates for classroom follow-up arehated. (JD)

ED 277 655 SP 028 232The Importance of the Educations! Resources

Information Center for Teacher Candidates.ERIC Digest #10.

ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education, Wash-ington. D C

Spons Agency Office of Educational Researchand Improvement (ED). Washingtoa. DC

Pub Date-86Note-4p.Puu Type Reports - Descriptive (141) ERIC

Information AnalysisProducts (ZAPS) (071)EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.Descriptors Clearinghouses, *Databases, *Educa-

tional Resources, Higher Education, Informa-tion Services, Online Vendors, PreservaceTeacher Education, Research Utilization

Identifiers ERIC DigestsThis digest highlights features of the Educational

Resources Information Center (ERIC), explainshow to use the system most effectively, and offerssuggestions on how teacher education faculty canpresent and use the ERIC system to supplementclassroom instruction. Following a description ofhow resources in ERIC can be helpful to teachersand teacher candidates, a discussion as presented onwhat teacher candidates should know in order to useERIC effectively. Some suggested activities forclassroom follow-up are offered (JD)

ED 278 429 IR 051 933Demesne. James J And OthersERIC Redesign. Papers Issued for Public Com-

ment. 19864987.Educational Resources Information Center (ED),

Washington, DC.; Office of Educational Researchand Improvement (ED), Washington, DC.

Pub DateApr 87Note-60p.Pub Type Reports - Evaluative (142)EDRS Price MF01/PC03 Plus Postage.


ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988 7

Descriptors 'Information Dissemination. Infor-mation Needs, Information Networks, Informa-tion Services. Information Systems. InformationUtilization. Needs Assessment. Position Papers.Systems Analysis

Identifiers ERICThus compilation consists of various letters and

documents issued for public comment during1986-1987 by the Office et Educational Research

and Improvement (OERI) of the U.S Departmentof Education, during its examination of the Educa-tional Resources Information Center (ERIC) sys-tem to determine any needed changes andimprovements. This compilation includes o ly thematerial that was distnbP:d for public comment. Itdoes not include the minutes of meetings of advis-ory groups formed during 1986 to study ERIC, thebackground papers that were prepared to stimulateinternal discussion, or the many letter reactions thatwere received from the field an response to thesepublic announcements. The components of thispackage are. (1) "ERIC in Its Third Decade" (astatement of principles); (2) "Domains or Scope Ar-eas to Be Included an the ERIC System", and (3)"Summary of the Educational Resources Informa-tion Center (ERIC) Redesign" (an implementationpaper). Appended to the third component are twoposition papers: (1) "Access ERIC" (including"ERIC Partners"), by John Collins; a. :1 (2) "Ad-junct Clearanghouses." by Elizabeth Payer. ExceptInsofar as they may be modified by further publiccomment or congressional action. it is OERI's In-tent to proceed to modify ERIC along the linesdescribed in these documents. These changes in-volve: (I) Merging the Clearinghouses on TeacherEducation and Counseling and Personnel Servicesinto a "School Professionals" Clearinghouse; (2)Changing the names of seven Clearinghouses. (3)adding a Clearinghouse on "Education Statistics."to be located within the Center for Education Statis-tics (CES), (4) Immune a new ERIC system compo-nent called "ACCESS ERIC" to concentrate onmarketing, promotion. advertising, public relations.training, system-wide information analysis prod-ucts, and liaison with other information systems. (5)Initiating a for;nal users' group to be called "ERICPartners", (6) Initiating a new kind of "AdjunctClearinghouse" that will, at no cost to ERIC. sc-ow e and process for ERIC the educational litera-ture in the distinctive areas (e g., art) in which theirhost organizations may have a special interest. (AA)

ED 279 310 IR 012 553Smith. Gary R.Successes and Failures with Some Data Bases.Pub Date-13 Mar 86Note-19p ; Paper presented at the Annual Confer.

ence of the Michigan Association for computerUsers in Learning (Grand Rapids. MI. March 13.1986)

Pub Type Information Analysis (070) Reports- Evaluative (142) Speeches/ Meeting Papers(150)

EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.Descriptors Computer Software. Databases. Ele-

mentary Secondary Education. Higher Educa-tion. Information Retrieval, InformationServices, Public Schools of Education.Search Strategies, Statistical Analysis, User Sat-isfaction (Information)

IdentifiersComputer Based Resource Units.ERIC, Michigan Educational Assessment Pro-gram, Michigan Professional Personnel Register.Wayne State University MIConducted ever the past 15 years by the College

of Education at Wayne State University (WSU), thestudies of several databases that are described In thispaper were designed for the specific purpose of pro-viding factual information related to the problems ofeducation in the public schools and in higher educa-tion As a matter of precept the study was earnedout on the following lutes. (I) only databases tatare in the public domain were used: (2) efforts weremade to gather the original documents identified bysearching the databases; (3) existing software wasused with a database when it was available; and (4)descriptive statistics were used in the analysis ofdata. Descnpesns of the use of five databases atWSU-the Educational Resources Information Cen-ter (ERIC); the Michigan Professional PersonnelRegister (M PPR); Computer Based Resource Units.the Michigan Educational Assessment Program(MEAP); and the WSU College of Education DataBase-include explanations of how they were devel-oped for use at the site, and comments on the suc-cesses and failures experienced in their use. The 26

8 ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988

references cited include sources that provide de-tailed descnptions of venous studies conducted atWSU and their results. (DJR)

ED 279 346 IR 051 818Barnett. LynnIndexing aisd Retrieval in ERIC: The 20th Year.ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education. Wash-

ington. D.C.Span Along-Office of Educational Research

and Improvement (ED). Washington. DC.Pub Date-4861Contract-400-86-0017Note-I2p. This paper appears in th,:. Thesaurus of

ERIC Descriptors, Ilth Edition-I987.uidesPubf Pe:- G - General (050) -ERIC Infor-

mation AnalysisProducts (LAPS) (071) - Re-- Descnptive (141)

EDRS Pries MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.Descriptors - Databases, *Indexing, 'Information

Retrieval. Search Strategies. *Subject IndexTerms, 'Thesauri

Identifiers - 'Bibliographic Data Bases, Current In-dex to Journals in Education. *ERIC. Resourcesin EducationThis brief review of the Educational Resources

Information Center (ERIC) system is intended tomake users more aware of (I) the system as a whole.(2) the process of indexing educational literature forthe database. and (3) the role of the Thesaurus ofERIC Descriptors in the overall information dis-semination process. An overview of the ERIC sys-tem is provided, and a discussion of ERICvocabulary maintenance includes descriptions ofthe 1977 Vocabulary Improvement Project (VIP)and the Vocabulary Review Group. In addition, In-formation retrieval methods and tools for manualand computer searching are Ionsiderech and dis-cussion of ERIC's indexing provides general guide-lines as well as detailed discussions of educationaland age level descnptors, identifiers, and publica-tion types. Further 'lints for relevant retrieval con-sider non-subject access and the target audience.Also included in the text are a listing of ERIC'ssearchable fields and vendors' field access labels;sample Resources in Education (RIE) and CurrentIndex to Journals in Education (CIJE) entries; Is-tine of mandatory educational and age level de-scriptors, publication/document types. anddescriptors corresponding to publication type cate-gories; and a guide for assigning pubtype codes.(KM)

ED 279 646 SP 028 648&mesterei ERIC Searcidas for HPRD Professioe-

els and Students. ERIC Digest 18.ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Education, Wash-

ington. D.C.Spons Agency-Office of Educational Research

and Improvement (ED). Washington. DCPub Date-87Contract-400-83-0022Note-4p.Pub Type - ERIC Information Analysis Products

(ZAPS) (071) - Reports - Descnpuve (141)EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plea Postage.Descnptors- 'Dance. Educational Resources.

'Health Education. 'Information Retneval. In-formation Sources, 'Physical Education. 'Recre-ation. Reference Materials

Identifiers- 'ERIC, ERIC DigestsThe Educational Resources Information renter

(EEC) offers Health. Physical Education. Recrea-tion and Dance (HPRD) faculty and students accessto the largest collection of educational literatureavailable today. This digest discusses how to assessERIC. the importance of the i nesaurus of ERICDescriptors, and how to use Thesaurus descriptors.and lists HPRD descriptors from the Thesaurus un-'er the following headings: (I) athletics; (2) dance;(3) health; (4) physical education: (5) recreation;and (6) sports /activities. (JD)

ED 280 510 IR 052 069Administrative Procedures and Guidelines for

ERIC asaringhonse Management.Educational Resources Information Center (ED),

Washington. DC.Spons Agency-Office of Educational Research

and Improvement (ED). Washington. DC.Pub Date-Nov 83Note-83p.; "Compiled by Central ERIC Staff for

the Guidance of the ERIC Clearinghouses."Pub Type- Guides - General (050) - ERIC Infor-

mation Analysis Products (ZAPS) (071) - Refer-ence Materials (130)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC04 Plea Postage.Descriptors-Administrative Policy. Administra-

tor Guides. Annual Reports. Budgets. 'Clearing-houses. Contracts. Guidelines. InformationServices. Personnel Management. Proposal Writ-ing, Publications, Recordkeeping. Records(Forms). Statistical Data

Identifiers- 'ERIC, Site VisitsThis loose-leaf manual brings together in a single

reference source all administrative requirementscommon to ERIC clearinghouse operations. Somecontain relatively firm guidelines that should be fol-lowed closely; others contain more flexible {unc-lip= and suggestions that, in their application.should be considered subject to the discretion of theindividual clearinghouses. The manual is dividedinto nine sections: ( I) "Introduction". (2) "Manage-ment of Clearinghouse Operations," which coversprocessing, budget monitoring, major clearinghousepublications monitoring. record keeping. and sys-tem support groups; (3) "Personnel Management."which includes job descriptions, functional titles.and staff orientation; (4) "User Services." whichcovers extent of serv.ces, recommended materials.and form letters: (5) "Clearinghouse Publications."i.e.. information analysis products (IAPs).nd othermajor publications: (6) "Guidelines for SemiannualReports." which covers management data, the st --tistical report, status report on major clearinshouspublications, involvement with professional organi-zations, and current "cutting edge" topics; (7)"Guidelines for Site Visits to ERIC Clea. ng-houses." which includes preparation by the clear-inghouse for the site visit, conduct of the site visit.and post site visit actions; (8) "Guidelines for theAnnual Review." which includes the presentation ofthe review and review material to government mon-itors; and (9) "Incremental Funding Requests."which covers requirements for submission. formatof the request. business (line item) budget. and per-formance category budget. A list of ERIC-relatedacronyms and samples of various forms used by theERIC clearinghouses are included. (BBM)

ED 281 6% RC 016 208Garnet& Anne EliseMaking a Molehill Out of a Moustain: The Refer-

ence Guide to the Searchable Fields is ERIC.Pub Date-May 87Note-110p.; Master's Thesis. New Mexico State

University.Pub Type- Master Theses (042) - Reports - De-

scriptive (141) - Tests/Questionnaires (160)EDRS Price MFOI/PC05 Phis Postage.Descnptors-Databases. Documentation. Echting,

Evaluation Methods, Formative Evaluation.'Guides. Information Needs, Layout (Publica-tions). 'Material Development. 'Online Search-ing. Online Vendors. Pamphlets. Questionnaires.Technical Writing. *User Needs (Information)

Identifiers -'ERICThis thesis charts the development of a reference

guide to searchable fields in the ERIC online data-base including identifying a target audience, plan-ning and veneration of drafts. testing drafts withexperienced online searchers and students, incorpo-rating suuestions, and preparing and distnbutingthe final version of the guide. The thesis reports thatdraft test results indicated the guide was successfulin introducing and clarifying ERIC'S searchablefields for searchers with moderate online experi-ence: novice searchers needed more informationabout searching strategies than the guide provided.The thesis describes the ERIC database and intro-duces online searcher problems which promptedproduction of the guide. A literature review includesfmdinp about the intended reading audience ofsearchers. background information about and userperceptions of the three major online vendors of theERIC database. and research/ advice about develop-ing a concise and clear reference guide A chapteron methodology describes development of ques-ticinaires to solicit evaluation of the draft fromgroups of moderately experienced and novicesearchers and from other reviewers, patterns whichemerged from the responses. and incorporation ofresponses into the revised guide. f ppendices con-tain copies of draft and final versions of the refer-ence guide, search exerose/questionmures forreviewers, and reviewers' suuested revisions.(LFL)

ED 283 533 IR 052 005McLaughlin. Pamela W.New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM Versions.

ERIC Digest.

ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources.Syracuse, N Y.

Spons Agency-CM= of Educational Researchand Improvement (ED). Washington. DC

Pub Date-May 87Contract-400-85-0001Note-4pAvailable from-ERIC Clearinghouse on Informa-

tion Resources. 030 Huntington Hall. Syracuse.NY 13244-2340.

Pub Type- ERIC Information \ nalysisProducts(ZAPS) (071) - Reports - Evaluative (142)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.Descriptors-Comparative Analysis. 'Computer

Software, Costs, 'Databases, 'Input Output De-vices. 'Optical Data Disks, Summauve Evalua-tion

Identifiers-Bibliographic Data Bases, DIALOGOnDisc ERIC. 'ERIC, ERIC Digests, OCLCSearch CD450, SilverPlatter ERIC. VendorsThis digest reviews three CD-ROM (compact

disc-read only memory) versions of the ERIC (Edu-cational Resources Information Center) databasecurrently being delivered or tested and provides in-formation for comparison. However. no attempt ismade to recommend any one product The advan-tages and disadvantages of the acquisition ofCD-ROM databases are discussed, and the vendoraddress as well as a description of the databasescope and information on software capabilities.hardware requirements. and any notable featuresare provided for the following products: (I) DIA-LOG OnDisc ERIC, produced by DIALOG Infor-mation Services, Inc (2) OCLC Search CD45C for,Iducation, produced by the Online Computer Li-b ary Center, and (3) SilverPlatter ERIC. producedb' SilverPlatter Information. Inc In addition, a ta-ble presents a comparison of the current disc con-tents. archival disc contents, hardware. CD drives.and prices of the three products. (KM)

ED 283 535 IR 052 097Weller. Carolyn R.. Ed. Brondhorst. Ted, Ed.ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1986. An Anno-

tated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1986.

ERIC Processing and Reference Facility. Bethesda,Md

Spons Agency-Office of Educational Researchand Improvement tED), Washington. DC.

Pub Date-Jul 87Contract-300-87-0004Note-89p., For 1985 edition. se: ED 271 125Pub Type- Reference Materials - Bibliographies

(131) ERIC Information AnalysisProducts(ZAPS) (071)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC04 Plus Postage.Descriptors - Abstracts, Annotated Bibliographies.

'Clearinghouses, 'Education. Educational Re-search. Federal Programs, Literature Reviews.'Publications. 'Resource Materials. 'State of theArt Reviews

Identifier; -Educational Information. 'ERICA broad range of education-related topics are ad-

dressed in this annotated bibliography, which pres-ents citations and abstracts for 229 publicationsproduced by the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses in 1986An introduction describes the ERIC system. clea:-inghouse publications, the organization his bibli-ography. and the availability of clearinghousepublications. A statistical summary by year(1968-1986) shows the lumber of publications in-cluded for each clearinghouse in the series of whichthis bibliography is the most recent Document re-sumes are provided from the following clearing-houses: (1) Adult. Career, and VocationalEducation; (2) Counseling and Personnel Services,(3) Raiding and Communication Skills, (4) Educa-tional Management, (5) Handicapped and GiftedChildren. (6) Languages and Linguistics. (7) HigherEducation; (8) Information Resources: (9) JuniorColleges; (10) Elementary and Early Childhood Ed-ucation: (II) Rural Education and Small Schools.(12) Science, Mathematics. and Environmental Ed-ucation; (131 Social Studies/Social Science Educa-tion, (14) Teacher Education, (15) Tests,Measuremtat. and Evaluivion. and (16) Urban Edu-cation. hiclexes for subject, author. and institutionare provided A listing of ERIC Digests. i.e.. shortuser - oriented reference sheets formerly called FactSheets or Short Reports. is also provided for 1986.Also included is ERIC Ready Reference #9, whichprovides information on ERIC Digests, the ERICDigests Online (EDO) database, and how to getconnected to EDO and search it onhae, as well as

a form for ordering ERIC documents from theERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS).(BBM)

ED 284 379 IR 052 046Hallman. Robert F.Is use of Mr. S. Platter avid His Marvelous,

Naln14esnt CD ROM Loser Disc bides forERIC ad PSYCHLIT.

Pub Date (Jul 87)Note-15r,Pub Type Guides General (050)EDRS Pries MIFOI/PC01 Phis Postage.DescriptorsAcademic Libraries, Autoinstruc-

tional Aids, Higher Education, Instructional Ma-terials, Li Instruction, 'Online Searching.'Optical Data Relevance (Information Re-trieval), Search Strategies. User Needs (Informa-tion)

Identifiers-- 'ERIC, 'PSYCHLIT, nPlatter In-formation Inc, University of Missouri Columbia,User TrainingThese instructions are designed to help patrons of

the University of Missouri-Columbia library per-form searches on PSYCHLIT, a CD-ROM (com-pact disc, read only memory) version of the PsychAbstracts database, and a CD-ROM version of theERIC database, both produced by SilverPlatter In-formation Services. Basic information is providedabout the disk contents, use of the work stationfunction keys, viewing and evaluating records, andprinting search results. In addition, a four-part set ofinstructions, "How to Do a Search on the ERIC/ -PSYCHLIT CD-ROM Indexes." provides the fol-lowing information: (I) instructions for performinga practice search using prescribed terms, displayingthe retrieved records, and printing the search re-sults; (2) instructions to enable a user to perform asearch on a topic of his or her choice and to displayand print the results; (3) helpful hints for completinga successild search; and (4) questions and answersabout searching. A checklist of 22 items that a pa-tron-trainee should be made aware of in order to usethe ERIC and PSYCHLIT CD-ROM indexes andfour suggestions for the librarian-trainer is also in-cluded. (KM)

ED 286 522 IR 052 127Moles. Julia M. Caldnyll-Wood. NaomiERIC SilverPlatter: Is It User Friendly?Pub DateJul 87Note-26p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meet-

ing of the American Library Association (SanFrancisco. CA, June 27-July 2, 1987).

Pub Type Opinion Papers (120) Reports -Evaluative (142) Speeches/ Meeting Papers(150)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.DescriptorsComparative Analysis, Computer Lit-

eracy, Education Majors, Evaluation Criteria,Higher Education, Indexes. Intermode Differ-ences. 'Library Instruction, Library Surveys,"Online Searching, 'Optical Disk., ReferenceServices, Use Studies

IdentifiersCurrent Index to Journals in Educa-tion. 'ERIC, Resources in Education. 'SilverPlat-ter Information Inc, Texas A and M University.User PreferencesThis study conducted at Texas A&M University

compares two types of training approaches usingERIC SilverPlatter (ERIC SP). Education studentsreceived either (I) a one hour training session onbasic search commands and strategies, or (2) a fourpage instructional handout that described basicsearch commands. Boolean logic, and special fea-tures with examples. Both groups performedmarches using the system and then completed eval-uation forms that Inquired about academic back-ground, previous computer experieu.e. libraryexperience, and user reactions to ERIC SP. Dataobtained from the 73 users who completed the sur-vey indicated that, while many users will need as-sistance with ERIC SP, the classes are not essentialfor the successful implementation of an ERIC SPservice. The six figures attached to this report in-clude lists of user comments and selected searchtopics as well as copies of the user survey and theinstructional handout. (RP)

ED 286 941 TM 870 608Emma Gonzalez

Informatios about Tests. ERIC Digest.ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests, Measurement, and

Evaluation, Princeton, N J.Spons AgencyNational Inst. of Education (ED),

Washington, DC.

Pub DoteDec 84ContractN I E -400-83-0015Note-4p.; An ERIC Digest published in the

ERIC/TME Update SenaAvailable fromERIC Clearinghouse on Tests.

Measurement, and Evaluation, Educational Test-ing Service. Princeton. NJ 08541-0001 (free).

Pub Type ERIC Information AnalysisProducts(ZAPS) (071)

EDRS Pries MFOI /PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsDatabues, 'Educational resting.

Information Retrieval, 'Information Sources.Research Reports, Search Strategies. 'Test Re-views

IdentifiersERIC. ERIC Digests, Mental Mea-surements Yearbook, Test Collection (Educa-tional Testing Service)Recent emphasis on stricter educational account-

ability measures has resulted in a profusion of edu-cational and psychological tests available in today'smarket. This ERIC Digest has been prepared tomeet educators' needs to find information abouttests quickly and easily. Three resources discussedare the Test Collection database, the Mental Mea-surements Yearbook database, and the ERIC data-base. Three topics are examined: (I) finding testsand other measurement instruments; (2) finding testreviews; and (3) finding studies about a certain test.The Test Collection database can be searched onlinefor tests, using test-related terms as descriptors oridentifiers. The ERIC database can be searched on-line using publication type codes, using test-relatedterms as major descriptors, and by combining publi-cation type code and specific test-related descrip-tors. The Mental Measurements Yearbook databasecan be searched using subject classifications. Testreviews are also available in ERIC. using the de-scriptor "Test Reviews." and in the Mental Mea-surements Yearbook and its monthly updates. Atat can also be searched using its specific name(LMO)

ED 287 480 IR 052 157Mason. Ward S.ERIC as a Disemniaation Agent A Social System

Perspective.Spons AgencyOffice of Educational Research

and Improvement (ED). Washington, DC.Pub DateJun 87Note-22p.Pub Type Reports - Evaluative (142)EDRS Prim - MF01/PC01 Phu Postage.DescriptorsClearinghouses. 'Educational Im-

provement, 'Educational Research. 'InformationDissemination, 'Information Needs, InformationUtilization, 'Planning, Systems Analysis, Tech-nology Transfer, User Needs (Information)

Identifiers ERICThis study examines the conceptual and theoreti-

cal Issues arising from the planned redesign of ERIC(the Educational Resources Information Center)and its potential new roles in the dissemination sys-tem. A three-level definition of the ERIC system isprovided; the goal of making ERIC a comprehen-sive dissemination program is refined to one of mak-ing it a comprehensive information service; and therelationship of ERIC to other parts of a comprehen-sive dissemination system is described. Additionalconsiderations that are discussed include the di-lemma of choosing between indirect and directstrategies of service provision, the question of gen-eralization versus specialization, and the value ofcoopers' ive relationships with other programs, par-ticularly regional laboratories and research centers.Finally, the role of information in educational im-provement is presented from the three perspectivesof technology transfer, renewal, and facilitation. Itis concluded that it is essential that ERIC becomemore firmly grounded in a theory of knowledge use,and that studies of ERIC be used in making designdecisions. The text is supplemented with two fig-ures, and 27 references are provided. (KM)

ED 287 519 IR 052 267Oversight Hearing on OERI (The ERIC System).

Hearing before the Subcommittee on SelectEincetion of the Committee on Educadon endLabor. House of Representatives, One Hun-dredth Congress, That Session.

Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. HouseCommittee on Education and Labor.

Pub Date-30 Jul 87Note-181p.; Serial No. 100-45. For related materi-

als, see "ERIC Redesign. Pavers Issued for PublicComment, 1986 -1987' (ED 278 429).

Available fromSuperintendent of Documents,


ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988 9

Congressional Sales Office. U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington, DC 20402.

Pub Type Legal / Legislative / Reeulatory Materi-als (090)

EDRS Price - MIMI/PC(18 Pleas Postage.Descriptors 'Access to Information. 'Biblio-

graphic Databases, Clearinghouses. "EducationalChange, Federal Programs, Financial Support.Hearings. Information Dissemination. Informa-tion Needs, Information Services, InformationSystems. Program Effectiveness. TechnologicalAdvancement, Users (Information)

IdentifiersCongress 100th. Educational Informa-tion. 'ERICThis oversight hearing was held to review the sta-

tus of the 21-year-old Educational Resources Infor-mation Center (ERIC) program. which isadministered by the Office of Educational Researchand Improvement (OERI) in the U.S. Departmentof Education, and to hear administration proposalsfor the redesign of the ERIC system. This report ofthe hearing begins with an opening statement by theHon. Major R. Owens, chairman of the subcommit-tee, who stressed the importance of the successfulmanagement of information and the need for ade-quate funding for the ERIC system. The report alsoprovides transcripts of statements presented at thehearing and discussion of those statements, as wellas prepared statements and testimony submitted tothe subcommittee. Statements (and prepared state-ments) are included from: (I) Chester E. Finn, As-sistant Secretary for Educational Research andImprovement, U.S. Department of Education; (2)Lynn Barnett, Chair of the ERIC Technical SteeringCommittee; (3) Donald P. Ely, Director of theERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources; (4)Don Erickson. Director of the ERIC Clearinghouseon Handicapped and Gifted Children; (5) LeslieBjorncrantz, curriculum librarian and education bib-liographer at Northwestern University; (6) KennethS. Tollett. distinguished professor of higher educa-tion. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. How-ard Umversi-y; and (7) Charles W Hoover, retiredDirector of ERIC. Additional testimony and pre-pared statements are also included from NatalieFelsher, Montgomery County (Maryland) PublicSchools; Paula Montgomery, Maryland State De-partment of Education; Robert E. Chesley. an edu-cational consultant and former Director of ERIC.and Laurie Garduque, Director of Governmentaland Professional Larson for the American Educa-tional Research Association. (BBM)

ED 288 528McLaughlin. Pamela W

IR 05: 144

Steps is Using ERIC.ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources,

Syracuse, N.Y.Pub DateMay 87Note-4p.Pub Type-- Guides - Classroom - Learner (051)EDRS Price MFOI/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsDatabases, Guidelines. Indexes.

Search Strategies, 'Subject Index Terms, "The-sauri

IdentifiersCurrent Index to Journals in Educa-tion, "ERIC, Resources in EducationDesigned for use in the reading room of the ERIC

Clearinghouse on Information Resources, this set ofthree self-instructional guides provides step-by-stepinstructions for locating information in the ERICsystem The first insttuction sheet explains how touse the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors to identifyappropriate subject headings, or descriptors, for agiven topic. The second and third guides explainhow to use these descriptors to look for informationin the two monthly indexes of ERIC, i.e., CurrentIndex to Journals in Education (CIJE), which cov-ers the periodical literature, and Resources in Edu-cation (RIE), which covers the document literatureThe types of materials that are announced in RIEand CIJE are briefly described, as well as the loca-tion of journals and the ERIC microfiche collectionon the Syracuse University campus. (RP)

IED 288 362 IR 052 298Brandhorst. Ted. Ed.ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EAB), 1976-1987.ER IC Processing and Reference Facility, Bethesoa,

Md.Spons Ater zyEducational Resources Informa-

tion Center (ED), Washington, DC.Pub Date 87

ontract-300-87.0004Nate-4,212p.. Succeeds "ERIC Management

Notes." The EAB is issued monthly or bi-

10 ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988

monthly, depending on available material. Thiscompilation includes issues published dunng the12 -year penod 1976-1987.

Journal CitERIC Administrative Bulletin; v1-11I976 -1987

Pub Type Collected Works - Serials (022)ERIC Information Analysis Products (ZAPS)(071) Reference Materials (130)

EDRS Price - MF40/1PC169 Plus Postage.Descriptors*Clearinghouses, 'Databases, Infor-

mation Discemination, Information Services, *In-formation Systems, Newsletters

IdentifienAERICThe ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EAB) is the

internal "house organ" of the Educational Re-sources Information Center (ERIC), the nationwidebibliographic information system covering the edu-cational literature. ERIC is sponsored by the Officeof Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)within the U.S. Department of Education. The EABis prepared by the ERIC Processing and ReferenceFacility on the basis of material submitted by theERIC Clearinghouses and other components of theERIC system. The EAB is issued every month ortwo, depending on the volume of material available.All EAB articles are reviewed and approved byCentral ERIC before publication. The EAB is dis-tributed solely within the ERIC system (approxi-mately 20 contractors) and is intended as aninternal newsletter or journal of the ERIC systemand a major mans for the decentralized compo-nents of ERIC to communicate and interact withone another. The EAB is also a permanent recordreflecting most of the major events in the life of theERIC system (such as personnel changes, StandingOrder Customer changes, etc.) and providing inpnnted form essential documents (such as ERICpolicy and priority statements, Clearinghouse scopestatement modifications, "ERIC Processing Man-ual" revisions, etc.). Current major categones forannouncements are: Action Items; Network News;Personnel; Clearinghouse Publications; MeetingsParticipated In. All new forms and all major reportscommonly are included as Attachments to EAB is-sues. This compilation consists of 116 issues of theEAB, extending from July 1976 through December1987, a period of 12 years. (WTB)

ED 289 478 IR 012 945Smith. Gary R.Computer-Based Information System Cultivated

To Support a Collage of Education.Pub DateI5 Jan 87Note -19p.; Paper presented at the Annual Confer-

ence of the Michigan Educational Research Asso-ciation (Ann A"bor, MI, January 15. 1987).

Pub Type Reports - Descriptive (141)Speeches /Meeting Papers (150)

EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.DescriptorsComputer Uses in Education, 'Data-

bases, Demography, Employment Statistics,Higher Education, Information Retneval, *Infor-mation Systems, 'Local Area Networks, ProgramEvaluation, School Registration, 'Schools of Edu-cation. *Student Records

IdentifiersERIC, Michigan Professional Person-nel Register. *Wayne State University MIThis brief paper discusses four of the computer

applications explored at Wayne State Universityover the past decade to provide alternative solutionsto problems commonly encountered in teacher edu-cation and in providing support for the classroomteacher. These studies examined only databases thatare available in the public domain; obtained originaldocumentation where possible for each databaseconsidered; and avoided elaborate analyses of datain favor of descriptive statistics. Successes realizedand problems encountered are discussed for each ofthe our databases described (I) a student data filefrom the registration data collected by the univer-sity for all students in the College of Education,which provided the foundation for the college's re-sponse to an accreditation review of all universityprograms it 1986; (2) the Michigan ProfessionalPersonnel Register, an annual census of the state'rpublic school teachers, administrators, and otherprofessionals, which has been used in studies of thecollege and its graduates; (3) the Educational Re-sources Information Center (ERIC), which has beenmounted on a mainframe computer and made avail-able to students at the university; and (4) the devel-opment of a local area network which is to beintegrated into the teaching, research, and servicefunctions of the college. Diagrams of the majorcomponents of the College of Education's com-puter-based information systems and the compo-

nents of the local area network are provided as wellas 27 references. (RP)

ED 290 500 IR 052 272Mac Venn. DonaldUse of ERIC Materials by Certified School Per-

sonnel in Three Educational Service Regions laWest Central Wheels.

Pub Date-87Note-29p.Pub Type Reports - Research (143) Tests/

Questionnaires (160)EDRS Price MFOI/PCO2 Plus Postage.Descriptors 'Databases, Educational Practices,

Indexes, Information Seeking, *Information'Librarians, Online Searching, 'Public

School Teachers, Questiornaires, 'School Per-sonnel, School Surveys, Use Studies

Identifiers 'ERIC,Designed to determine to what extent the Educa-

tional Resources Information Center (ERIC) prod-ucts and services are utilized by certified schoolpersonnel, this study found that, on the average,25.1% of the teachers, librarians, counselors, andadministrators in three educational service regionsin west central Illinois have used Resources in Edu-cation, Current Index to Journals in Education,computer searching, and/or ERIC documents. Aquestionnaire was sent to 2,157 individuals, and thedata are based on the 702 usable responses received(a return rate of 33%). Analyses of the data alsoindicated that: (I) most of the use occurred whilerespondents were graduate students; (2) respon-dents used ERIC materials to improve educationalpractices and for personal research; (3) when jobassignment was related to use of ERIC, counselors,administrators, and librarians reported a higher p'r-centage of use than classroom teachers; (4) years ofservice were generally inversely related to the use ofERIC products; and (5) with one exception, thehigher the degree held, the more the individual hadused ERIC and performed online database search-ing. A brief review of the related literature providesadditional insight into the degree to which ERIC isused and recognized among school personnel, andsome ways to increase awareness of ERIC amongschool personnel are suggested. A copy of the ques-tionnaire is appended and nine references are listed.(CGD)

ED 291 407 IR 052 307Goodwin. Bryon Schroeder. PaulGuide to Sources: Using ERIC on Dialog's On

Disc.Maine Univ., Orono, Raymond H. Fogler LibraryPub DateOct 87Note-3p.Pub Type Guides - Non-Classroom (055)EDRS Pries - MPOI/PC01 Phis Pottage.DescriptorsAcademic Libraries, 'Databases.

Higher Education, 'Information Retrieval. Infor-mation Sources, Library Research, Optical DataDisks, Reference Materials, 'Search Strategies,Users (Information)

Identifiers 'DIALOG OnDisc, 'ERIC. Univer-sity of MaineThis user's guide to conducting a preliminary

search of the ERIC (Educational Resources Infor-mation Center) database on CD-ROM (CompactDisk Read-Only Memory) begins by bnefly describ-ing the types of materials found in ERIC and ex-plains the four steps common to the any computersearch: (I) definition of topic elements and forma-tion of concept groups of related terms; (2) gather.ing of terms of one concept group into a basic set ofrecords; (3) modification of this set by adding newgroups of related terms; and (4) display and printingof results. Computer commands and instructions foreach of these steps are provided to reinforce themenus that appear on the screen during a searchOther useful commands are also briefly described.and students who wish more thorough searches ofERIC and/or access to information in other areasare advised to speak with the reference librarians.(CGD)

ED 295 685 IR 052 409Weller, Carolyn R., Ed Brandhorst, Ted, Ed.ERIC Clearinghouse Palinodes', 1987. An Anna

teed Bibilopmpky of Information AnalysisProdects and Other Major Publications of theERIC aesringhoeses, January-December 1987.

ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Bethesda.Md.

Spons AgencyOffice of Educational Researchand Improvement (ED), Washington, DC

Pub DateApr 88Contract-300-87-0004Note-45p.; For 1986 publications, see ED 283

535Pub Type ERIC Informat on AnalysisProducts

(ZAPS) (071) Reference Materials - Bibliogra-phies (131)

EDRS Price - MFOI/PC04 Plea Postage.DescnptorsAbstracts, Annotated Bibliographies,

*Clearinghouses, *Education, Educational Re-search, Federal Programs, Literature Reviews,*Publications, 'Resource Materials, *State of theArt Reviews

IdentifiersEducational Information, 'ERICA broad range of education-related topics are ad-

dressed in this annotated bibliography, which prin.ents citations and ahstracts for 239 publicationsproduced by the 16 Educational Resources Infor-mation Center (ERIC) Clearinghouses in 1987. Anintroduction describes the ERIC system, clearing-house publications, the organization of this bibliog-raphy, and the availability of clearinghousepublications. A statistical summary by year(1968-1987) shows the number of publications in-cluded for each clearinghouse in the series of whichthis bibliography is the most recent. Document re-sumes are provided from the following clearing-houses: (I) Adult, Career, and VocationalEducation; (2) Counseling and Personnel Services;(3) Reading and Communication Skills; (4) Educa-tional Management; (5) Handicapped and GiftedChildren; (6) Languages and Linguistics, (7) HigherEducation; (8) Information Resources; (9) JuniorColleges; (10) Elementary and Early Childhood Ed-ucation; (II) Rural Education and Small Schools;(12) Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Ed-ucation; (13) Social Studies /Social Science Educa-tion; (14) Teacher Education; (15) Tests,Measur-ment, and Evaluation: and (16) Urban Edu-cation Indexes by subject, author. and institutionare provided The 533 ERIC Digests produced bythe clearinghouses through 1987 are also listed. For-merly called Fact Sheets or Short Reports, theseshort useponented reference sheets are arranged byclearinghouse A directory of ERIC system compo-nents with addresses. telephone numbers. and bnefdescriptions of the clearinghouse scope areas is alsoprovided, as well as a form for ordering microficheor paper copy of ERIC Clearinghouse publicationsfrom the ERIC Document Re,/roduction Service(CGD)

Journal Article Resumesfrom Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)

El 143 290 IR 503 680Schorr. Alan"Education Index" and "Current Index to Journals

In Education": Do We Really Need Both?Pub DateJul 76Journal CitJournal of Academic Librarianship; 2;

3; 135-136DescriptorsComparative Analysis, 'Education,

Indexes, Scholarly JournalsIdentifiers---Current Index to Journals in Educa-

tion, Education IndexThe significance of "Education Index" as a biblio-

graphic tool is questioned, since 95 percent of alleducation journal titles are presently covered by"Current Index to Journals in Education." (M-thor/LS)

El 160 782 IR 504 602Perk. Lawrence J.Secondary Publications in Education: A Study of

DuplicationPub DateMay 77Journal CitCollege and Research Libraries; 38; 3DescriptorsEducation, Indexes, Information

Retrieval, Librarians, Library Materials,Publications, Reference Materials

Two educational indexes' overlap of coverage isstudied in terms of editorial policy, growth, and sizeof coverage, cover-to-cover vs. selective indexing,and the subject orientation of the periodicals con-cerned in order to compare two approaches to thesame discipline. (Author/AP)

EJ 162 646 IR 504 611Knapp. Sara, D. Zych. Marla L.The ERIC Data Base and the Literature of Library

and Information SchwaPub DateSpr 77Journal CitRQ; 16; 3; 209-212DescriptorsAbstracting, Citation Indexes, Col-

lege Libraries, Databases, Indexing, Informa-tion Retrieval, Information Science, Librarians.Library Science, Library Services, ReferenceServices

IdentifiersERICPresented are the results of a study which exam-

ined the scope of the ERIC data base. Reco-.imen-dations include a more explicitly stated policy forselective indexing of data base and indexing p.oce-dures, and also a consideration of indexing, but notabstracting, relevant dissertations. (AP)

EJ 207 331 TM 504 371Smith, Nick LThe Limitations of ERIC In Reviewing Evaluation

Literature.Pub Date-79Journal CitEducational Evaluation and Policy

Analysis; vl nI p67-73 Jan-Feb 1979

Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports -Evaluative (142)

DescriptorsBibliographies. Clearinghouses.Databases, Evaluation, Evaluation Methods.Literature Reviews. Online Systems, ProgramEvaluation, Relevance (Information Petrie val),User Satisfaction (Information)

IdentifiersERICThe utility of the Educational Resources Informa-

tion Center (ERIC) system is criticized, based upon(I) difficulties in computerized retrieval of literatureon evaluation; (2) the fact that few items listed in abibliography on evaluation (RIE: ED 166 244) wereincluded in the ERIC data base. (See also RIE. ED160 664). (GDC)

CEJ 209 286 S 708 710O'Donnell. BernardERIC/RCS Report ERIC at NCTE.Pub DateSep79Available fromReprint: UMIJournal CitEnglish Journal; v68 n6 p101.04 Sep

1979Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Historical

Materials (060)DescriptorsEducational History, English In-

struction, Federal Programs, Information Dis-semination, Information Networks, LanguageArts, Professional Associations, Reading,Speech Communication

IdentifiersERIC Clearinghouse on Reading andCommun Skills, ERIC Clearinghouse on theTeaching of English, Information Analysis Prod-ucts, National Council of Teachers of EnglishTraces the history of the ERIC Clearinghouse at

the National Council of Teachers of English(NCTE) headquarters from 1967 (Clearinghouse onthe Teaching of English) to 1979 (Clearinghouse onReading and Communication Skills). (DD)

IEl 232 726 C 502 255Fruge. AugustA Two-Level System for Scholarly Writings, or, Is

Publishing Necessary?Pub Date-80Available fromReprint: UMIJournal CitJournal of General Education; v3I n4

p265-77 Win 1980Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120)DescriptorsClearinghouses, Computer Oriented

Programs, Information Dissemination, Informa-tion Retrieval, Public Agencies, Publishing In-dustry, Scholarly Journals, ScholarshipExamines alternative publishing modes used by

authors of scholarly manuscripts not acceptable toestablished publishers: service publishing, on de-mand publishing, and ERIC. Proposes a nationalsupplementary library of unpublished materials



which would make manuscripts available upon de-mand Discusses bibliographic control factors andcriteria for distinguishing publishable works fromthose to be entered in the supplementary system(JP)

EJ 268 619 IR 510 476Sharma. V. 1A Cooperative Evaluation of Online Databases in

Relation to Welfare and Corrective Services, andCommunity Development.

Pub DateAug87Journal Cit Online Review, v6 n4 p297-313 Aug

1982Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - Re-

search (143)DescriptorsComparative Analysis, Correctional

Rehabilitation. Cost Effectiveness, Databases.Foreign Countries, Online Systems. ReferenceServices. Relevance (Information Retrieval). Wel-fare Services

IdentifiersAustraliaTen online databases were evaluated for their

scope, extent of coverage. timeliness. degree of rele-vance, and overlap using queries dealing with wel-fare and corrective services Ten tables of statisticalinformation are included. (UD)

EJ 276 821 IR 511 101Atkinson. Steven D. &Ian. Donna R.In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-

bases.Pub DateMar83Available fromReprint. UMIJournal CitOnline; v7 n2 p51-63 Mar 1983Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scnptive (141)DescriptorsCollege Libraries, Databases. Higher

Education, Information Needs. Information Re-trieval, Online Systems, Reference -ervices, Re-search Reports, Search Strategies. StihjectIndex Terms

IdentifiersState University of New York AlbanySuggest strategies for online searching of user re-

quests for research studies on five major data-bases-BICSIS, ERIC, MEDLINE. PsycINFO. andthe National Clearinghouse for Mental Llealth(NCMH). Special research limitations, locating en"-icism or support, proposal for an ideal database, anda study of controlled terms across databases are in-cluded. (EJS)

El 290 178 IR 511 919Robinson. Sheryl B. McCormick ReginaFinding What You Need in ERIC.Pub Date-83Journal Cit School Library Journal: v30 n3 p42.43

Nov 1983Pub Type Reports - Descriptive (141)

12 ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988

DescriptorsDatabases, Information Retneval,Online Systems, Search Strategies

IdentifiersAccess to Information, ERICGeneral information and specific tips for finding

resources in the ERIC database highlight advan-tages and disadvantages of manual searches (whocan perform search, location of ERIC collections,procedures for conducting search) and computersearches (results, cost, turnaround time) Proce-dures for obtaining access to actual copies of ERICdocuments are described. (EJS)

EJ 293 561 IR 512 116Sievert, Mary Ellen Dom, Bert R.Hedp Trimming and the Resurrection of the

Controlled Vocabulary in Online Searching.Pub Date--83Journal CitOnline Review; v7 n6 p489-94 Dec

1983Pub Type Opinion Papers (120)DescriptorsConcept Formation, Information

Retrieval, Online Systems, Relevance (Informa-tion Retrieval), 'Search Strategies, 'Subject In-dex Terms, Thesauri

IdentifieiaThesaurus of ERIC DescnptorsExamines the changing role of controlled vocabu-

lary in the poatcoordinate online search, particu-larly its current role in the formulation of onlinesearch strategies. Effects of controlled vocabularysearching on precision and recall and examples ofconcept "hedges" from the "Thesaurus of ERICDescriptors" are discussed. Nine references arelisted. (EJS)

EJ 296 993 IR 512 284Hibbs, Jack E And OthersHow to Use Online Databases to Perform Trend

Analysis in Research.Pub Date-84Available from UMIJournal CitOnline; v8 n2 p59-64 Mar 1984Pub Type Guides - General (050) Reports -

Descriptive (141)Descnptors---Databases, 'Information Retrieval.

Online Systems, Search Strategies, Social Sci-ence Research, Statistical Analysis, Trend Anal-ysisExplores technique which may be used to en-

hance research by manipulation of databases to de-termine trends in literature. The online searcher'sftinction supporting research's use of technique isemphasized. An example on the topic of "schooldesegregation" as covered by various databases,particularly ERIC, is included. Five sources aregiven. (EJS)

EJ 305 049 CE 514 813Tauber, Robert T.ERIC Update.Pub Date-84NoteFifth Annual Teaching IssueAvailable from UMIJournal CitVocEd; v59 n5 p48-49 Aug 1984Pub Type-- Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120)DescriptorsDatabases, Educational Research.

Research ToolsIdentifiers Educational Resources Information

CenterDiscusses the usefulness of the Educational Re-

sources Information Center (ERIC) database toclassroom teachers in keeping current in their pro-fession and solving teaching problems. (SK)

EJ 307 108 IR 513 197Fabian°. EmilyTesting 1-2...3...: Additional Flies Available for

Test Information Online.Pub Date-84Available from UMIJournal CitOnline; v8 n5 p59-63,66-71 Sep 1984Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scriptive (141)DescriptorsComparative Analysis, Databases,

Information Retrieval, Online Systems, SearchStrategies, *TestaReviews databases providing information on pub-

lished, standardized and unpublished, non-stan-dardized test instruments: Educational TestinijService File, Men's' Measurements YearbookDatabase, Dissertation Abstracts Online, ERIC,and Psychological Abstracts. Search strategies,search examples, and a summary chart of searchablefields for test usage, evaluation, and selection infor-mation are provided. (EJS)

EJ 312 397 IR 513 685Shorthill. Rachel R.Unexpected Online Sources for Business Informs-

don.Pub Date-85Available from UMIJournal CitOnline; v9 nl p68-78 Jan 1985Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports -

General (140)DescnptorsBusiness, Comparative Analysis.

Databases, Information Retrieval, Interdisci-plinary Approach, Online Systems, ScholarlyJournals, 'Subject Index TermsFour databases-PsycINFO, ERIC, Health Plan-

ning and Administration, Public Affairs Informa-tion Service-were examined to determinepercentage of business journals indexed and degreeof business terminology included in controlled vo-cabulary. Sample searches were compared to samesearch in Management Contents and AB1 /IN-FORM. A list of business journals indexed is ap-pended. (EJS)

EJ 315 649 IR 513 885Selkn. Mary Tauber, RobertSelection Criteria for ERIC: A Survey of Clearing-

house Acquisition Coordinators.Pub Date-84Journal C,. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librar-

ian; v3 n4 p25 -31 Sum 1984Pub Type Journal 'alleles (080) Reports - Re-

search (143)DescriptorsClearinghouses, Comparative Anal-

ysis, Databases, Evaluation Criteria, Media Se-lection, National Surveys, Periodicals.Qualifications, Scholarly Journals

Identifiers 'ERIC. Manuscripts, Resources inEducation, ReviewersResponses to a survey from the acquisition coor-

dinators in 15 of the 16 ERIC clearinghouses indi-cate that the acceptance rate for unsolicitedmanuscripts averages approximately 50 percent.and that academic credentials of their reviewers andtheir selection criteria either parallel or are verysimilar to those of traditional refereed journals. (9references) (EJS)

EJ 315 650 IR 513 886Middleton. Michael R. Di'Ono. AuroraA Comparison of Indexing Consistency and Cover-

age in the AEI, ERIC and APAIS Databases.Pub Date-84Journal CitBehavioral & Social Sciences Librar-

ian; v3 n4 p33-43 Sum 1984Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports Re-

search (143)DescriptorsCitations (References), Comparative

Analysis, Databases, Foreign Countnes, Index-ing, Research Methodology. Subject IndexTerms, Tables (Data)

IdentifiersAustralia. Database Overlap. Index-ing ConsistencyReferences indexed for Australian Education In-

dex (AEI) were sampled and compared where possi-ble with same references indexed for ERIC andAustralian Publr: Affairs Information Service(APAIS) databases. An analysis of coverage of Aus-tralian references reveals indexing consistency fig-ures of 22 percent for ERIC/AEI and 18 percent forAEI / APA1S. Fourteen sources are given. (EJS)

EJ 316 251 CE 515 480Tauber, Robert TERIC: The Information "Genie" for Vocational

Educators.Pub Date-85Journal CitCanadian Vocational Journal, v20 n4

v21 n1 p16-20 Feb-May 1985Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120)Descriptors 'Clearinghouses, Databases, Infor-

mation Networks, Information Retrieval, Infor-mation Sources, Online Systems, ReferenceMaterials, Research Tools, Vocational EducationTeachers

Identifiers- 'Computer Searching, Current Indexto Journals in Education, Educational ResourcesInformation Center, Resources in EducationDescribes the ERIC (Educational Resources In-

formation Center) system, how it is organized, howto gain access to ERIC, how one uses RIE (Re-sources in Education) and CIJE (Current Index toJournals in Education), computer searches of ERIC.who publishes in ERIC. and how to learn moreabout ERIC. A sample ERIC resume is included.(CT)

EJ 318 732 IR 514 142Klausmeter, JaneMICROsearch: The Many Uses of a Downloaded

Database.Pub nate-85Journal atMicrocomputers for Information

Management: An International Journal for Li-brary and Information Services, v2 n1 p25.32 Mar1985

Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-pers (120) Reports - Descriptive (141)

DescriptorsComputer Software, Databases, De-sign, 'Instructional Materials, Microcomputers,Online Searching, Use Studies

IdentifiersApple II, ERIC, ERIC Clearinghouseon Information Resources, M1CROsearchAddresses uses and benefits ERIC receives from

MICROsearch, a program for searching down-loaded portions of the ERIC database on floppydisks. Use of MICROsearch as a reference tool andfor teaching online searching is described, and itslimitations and benefits to the online industry arediscussed (MBR)

EJ 320 462 SP 514 996Tauber. Robert TThe Credibility of ERIC% Resources in Education.Pub Date-85Available from UMIJournal CitJournal of Teacher Education. v36 n3

p50-51 May-Jun 1985Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scriptive (141)DescriptorsDatabases. Educational Research.

Evaluation Criteria, Professional Development.Research Reports, Writing for Publication

IdentifiersERIC, Resources in EducationThe author argues that publication of unsolicited

papers in ERIC's Resources in Education should beassigned at least as much weight by institutions eval-uating faculty contributions as papers ((A recog-nized national and state conferences. Acceptancerates, qualifications of evaluators, and criteria usedby the ERIC clearinghouses are descnbed (MT)

EJ 321 299 IR 514 268Klausmeter. JaneERIC MICROsearch: Searching ERIC on a Mi-

crocomputer,Pub Date-85Journal CitLibrary Software Review, v4 n2

p63-66 Mar-Apr 1985Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scriptive (141)DescriptorsDatabases, Display Systems. Infor-

mation Services. Information Systems. Mi-crocomputers, Online Searching, OnlineSystems. 'Search Strategies

IdentifiersERIC. MICROsearchDescribes microcomputer based !...dn.h system

that provides access to selected portions of theERIC database using a simplified and guided formatand serves as inexpensive tool to teach concepts ofonline searching and information retrieval Gettingstarted, decision and command lines, help instruc-tions, and availability of database disks are covered(EJS)

Killen, . Duia2 l3n26IR 514 299


The National Library's ERIC SDI Service: TheFirst Fifteen Months.

Pub Date-76Journal Cit Australian Academic and Research

Libraries, v7 n2 p93-99 Jun 1976Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scriptive (141)DescriptorsDatabases, Foreign Countries. Info'

minion System? Library Services, Library Sur-veys. National Libraries, Online Searching.Questionnaires, Selective Dissemination of In-formation, User Satisfaction (Information), UseStudies

IdentifiersAustralia, ERIC Library UsersAssesses results of questionnaire survey of 150

users of National Library of Australia's ERIC Selec-tive Dissemination of Information Services estab-lished in 074 Topics covered include useropinions, communication between service and us-ers, Am' ndian material inclusion. retrospectivesearch-.., online searches. other ERIC users, docu-ment back-up, and decentralization of profile for-mulation process (EJS)

EJ 321 328 IR 514 302Jackson. William J.ONTAP -ERIC: A Critical View.Pub Date-8 IJournal CitOnline Review; v5 n4 p335.38 Aug

1981Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports - Evaluative (142)DescnptorsDatabases, Info matron Services, In-

fonurition Systems, Instructional Matenals,Online Searching, Online Systems, Problems,Relevance (Information Retrieval), 'Training

Identifier 'ERIC ONTAP, 'Online Training,Syysstem DesignThis article examines each of four purposes of

ONTAP ERIC, designed by Dialog InformationSystems to provide online training and practice fordatabase searchers and finds only one of them to befulfilled by the file Problems discussed include con-ceptual deficiencies and design faults. Recommen-dations for improvemmt are made. (EJS)

EJ 321 329 IR 514 305Tauber, Robert TThe Credibility of ERIC's RIE Selection Process.Pub Date-85NotePublished by the British Educational Re-

search Association.Journal CitResearch Intelligence; n 18 p5-6 1985Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scriptive (141)DescriptorsClearinghouses, Credibility, 'Data-

bases, Evaluation Criteria Information Services,Information Systems, Qualifications, QualityControl. Selection, Surveys

IdentifiersERIC, Manuscnpts, Resources inEducation, ReviewersReports responses of 15 ERIC Clearinghouses to

three questions concerning the internal mechanicsof evaluating unsolicited manuscnpts for "Re-sources in Education": acceptance rate (averagerate was cited u 50%); academic credentials ofthose who make final evaluation; and selection en-ters. Eight sources are given. (EJS)

EJ 322 295 HE 519 708Barnett, Lynn

ERICMisinddidng Advising Excellence Keeping up with

Pub Date-84Available from UMIJournal CitNACADA Journal; v4 n2 p17-32 Oct

1984Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scnptive (141)DescriptorsAbstracts, Academic Advising,

Computer Onented Programs, EducationalQuality, Higher Education, Information Re-trieval, Literature Reviews. Research Tools,Resource Matenals

Identifiers*Educational Resource InformationCenter (ERIC). ERIC Clearinghouse on HigherEducationRecent academic advising literature. what it cov-

e!". and how advisors can keep up with current is-sues are discussed. Reasons for keeping up, how tokeep up, and current issues are descnbed. andguides to ERIC Clearinghouse and searching inERIC are provided. (MLW)

EJ 322 420 IR 514 300Fine. AugustBeyond Publkainv A System of Scholarly Writing

and Reading.Pub Date-78NotePublished by U'Mity of Toronto Press, Tor-

onto, Canada, MSS 1A6.Journal CitScholarly Publishing; v9 n4 p291-3I I

Jul 1978Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports - Descriptive (141)DescnptotsDatabases, Information Centers. 'In-

formation Dissemination, 'Information Services,Models, *Publishing Industry, Scholarly Journals

IdentifiersERIC, Scholarly WritingDiscusses on-demand publishing as a solution to

the information explosion and cites ERIC, whichspecializes in unpublished matenals, as a model forsuch a solution. Topics covered include role andfunctions of scholarly publishing (selection and dis-semination), fractional publishing, service publish-ing, and scholarly journals. Eleven sou....es aregiven. (EJS)

ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988 13

EJ 322 421 IR 514 304Dna US-Facidnformationssystem ERIC and die

Entwicklung elites Fachinformationuystems Bil-dung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (TheAmerican Subject Information System ERICand the Devi:Mineola of an Information Systemon Education in the German Federal Republic).

Pub Date-82NotePublished by K. G. Saur (Munich, New

York, London, Pans).Journal CitNachrichten fur Dokumentation; v33

n1 p9-I8 Mar 1982LanguageGermanPub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports Descriptive (141)DescriptorsBooks, Clearinghouses, Education,

Foreign Countries, Information Dissemination,Information Networks, Information Services,Information Systems, Instructional Materials.Models

Identifiers*Educational Information, ERIC.West GermanyIn order to further develop West German infor-

mation services for education, it is suggested thatthe ERIC structural model-a coordinating centraloffice and a network of clearinghouses-be devel-oped as a continuation of the existing "Dokumenta-tionsring Padagogik" (DOPAED) documentationservice. (16 references) (EJS)

EJ 322 443 IR 514 380Fox. Nick And OthersThe ERIC Thesaurus: An Analysis.Pub Date-78NotePublished by Institute of Education Library.

University of London.Journal CitEducation Libraries Bulletin: v2I pt3

p14-30 Aut 1978Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports - Descriptive (141)DescriptorsComparative Analysis. Databases.

Design, Layout (Publications). Online Search-ing, Online Systems. Opinion Papers. Problems.Subject Index Terms, Thesaun

IdentifiersERICIncludes description of the Educational Re-

sources Information Center (ERIC), cntical exami-nation of the ERIC Thesaurus' stru, :ore and design.and a discussion of its descnptors, scope notes. mul-tiword terms, coverage, and linguistics. Four onlinesearches are described and search subject treatmentin three other educational thesaun are comparedwith ERIC's treatment. (MBR)EJ 322 444 IR 514 381Greases. Monica A.A Comparative Study of Verbal Subject Data In

Infonaadoa Retrieval Systems in Education.Pub Date-78NotePublished by University of London, Institute

of Education Library (UMI order no. 6975).Journal Cit Education Libranes Bulletin; v21 pt2

p1-19 Sum 1978Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - Re-

search (143)DescriptorsComparative Analysis, Databases,

Differences, Foreign Countnes. International Or-ganizations, Subject Index Terms, Thesaun

IdentifiersBritish National Bibliography, Educa-tion Thesaurus. ERIC, Multilingual Thesaurus,Thesaurus of ERIC DescriptorsExamines the differences between terms used in

four major computenzed information retneval sys-tems in education-Bnttsh National Bibliography(PRECIS); ERIC; European Documentation andInformation System for Education (EUDISED);and the International Bureau of Education (IBE)thesaurus. The possibility of standardizing terminol-ogy across all systems is discussed. (Author /MBR)

EJ 322 445 IR 514 382HounselL Dal And OthersSearching ERIC: A Susan Scale Examination of

the Potential Value of the ERIC Database toEducadonalists in Britain.

Pub Date-77NotePublished by University of London, Institute

of Education Library (UMI order no. 6975).Journal CitEducation Libraries Bulletin; v20 pt3

p1-19 Aut 1977Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports Evaluative (142)DescriptorsCost Effectiveness, Databases, Fea-

sibility Studies, Foreign Countnes, InformationUtilization, Online Searching, Opinions, *Rele-vance (Information Retneval), *User Satisfaction(Information)

IdentifiersERIC. 'Great BntionDescnbes a study of the computer searches per

formed by 14 education specialists on the ERICdatabase. Interviews with users indicate they feltretneved inatenals were relevant, the database pro-vides access to matenals not obtainable throughother sources, and the proportion of irrelevant itemsin the output is not significant (MBR)

EJ 324 108 IR 514 503Summers. Edward G.Microcomputers as a New Technological into.*

don in Education: Growth of the Related JournalLiterature.

Pub Date-85Available fromUMIJournal CitEducational Technology: v25 n8

p5 -14 Aug 1985Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - Re-

search (143)DescnptorsDiffusion (Communication), Educa-

tional Innovation, 'Indexes, Information Sources.Literature Reviews, Media Research, 'Mi-crocomputers, Periodicals, Statistical Analysis,Subject Index Terms

IdentifiersBibliometrics, Bradford Law of Scatter.'Computer Uses in Education, ERIC. 'JournalArticles, Professional LiteratureReports results of a bibliometric analysis of pro-

fessional education journals publishing literature oneducational microco-nputing based on ERIC's Cur-rent Index to Journals in Education (CUE). Cumu-lative statistics on microcomputer articles injournals and general categones of articles as deter-mined by ERIC descriptor usage indicate an infor-mation explosion. (MBR)

EJ 327 367 SP 515 314Tauber. Robert TERIC Its Introduction and Usefulness.Pub Date-85Journal CitJournal of Education for Teaching.

v11 n3 p213 -27 Oct 1983Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scnptive (141)Descnptors Databases, Educational Resources.

Higher Education. Information SourcesIdentifiersERIC

All educators need information to make good de-cisions. Surveys of teachers and education majorsreveal that one of the best international databasesavailable, ERIC. is overlooked as an informationsource. The ERIC system is descnbed In detail. andusers are encouraged to become contnbutors. (Au-thor/ MT)

EJ 336 219 IR 515 316Allen. Robert J.The CDiRcOM Services of SilverPlatter Informa-

tion,Pub Date-85Journal CitLibrary Hi Tech; v3 n4 p49-60 1985Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports De.

scnptive (141)DescriptorsComputer Software. Databases.Dis-

play Systems, Information Services. Informa-tion Systems, Man Machine Systems.Microcomputers, 'Online Searching, OnlineSystems. Search Strategies

IdentifiersCompact Digital Discs. Silver PlatterInformation IncThe SilverPlatter system is a complete. stand-

alone system, consisting of an IBM (or compatible)personal computer, compact disc with read-onlymemory (CD-ROM) drive, software. and one ormore databases. Large databases (e.g.. ERIC. Pay-cLIT) will soon be available on the system for "lo-cal" installation in schools. librarms. andpsycluatnsts' offices (EJS)

EJ 344 080 HE 521 439Barnett. Lynn"Operator, Get Me ERIC on the Line,"Pub Date-86Journal CitCampus Activities Programming, v 19

n4 00-53 Oct 1986Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scriptive (141)DescnptorsCollege Students. Computer Liter-

acy, Databases, Educational Research. HigherEducation. Information Dissemination. 'Infor-mation Services. Online Searching. Online Sys-tems. Student Development

IdentifiersERICERIC (Educational Resources Information Cen-

ter). a national database funded by the U S Depart-

14 ERIC Bibliography 1983/1988

ment of Education to collect and analyze literatureon all areas of education and education-relatedfields, is descnbed. Samples of student activities lit-erature found in a search of ERIC are provided,along with a list of database vendors. (MLW)

EJ 344 266 IR 516 028Williams, Martha EDeane Government Databases-An Analysis.Pub Date-86Journal CitOnline Review; v10 n4 p227-36 Aug

1986Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - Re-

search (143)DescriptorsDatabase Producers, Databaaes.

Federal Government, Income, Online Search-ing, Online Vendors, Trend Analysis, Use Stud-ies

IdentifiersERIC, Information Industry, Informa-tion Market Indicators Inc, Market Analysis,MEDLARS. National Technical Information Ser-viceAnalyzes data from quarterly surveys of vendors

to determine revenues and usage of governmentdatabases and identify those receiving high reve-nues and high usage. It is concluded that the currentdecline in their market share is due to increasingnumbers of databases from the private sector ratherthan actual usage. (EM)

EJ 347 579 IR 516 055Loduh, Erica K.Computer Caine: ERIC and the Library Media

Specialist.Pub Date-86Journal CitSchool Library Media Activities

Monthly; v3 n4 p4I.42 Dec 1986Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Guides -

Non-Classroom (055) Reports - Descnptive(141)

DescriptorsAccess to Information. Administra-tors, Databases. Information Needs, LearningResources Centers, Library Role, Media Spe-cialists, Online Searching. School Libraries,Search Strategies, Teachers, User Needs (Infor-mation)

IdentifiersERIC, ERIC Digests OnlineDescnption of how library media specialists can

assist teachers and administrators in retneving use-ful Information by using ERIC highlights its organi-zation, the types of materials available that areespecially usefUl to classroom teachers, and waysthat it can be accessed online. A list of ERIC Clear-inghouses with addresses is included. (EM)

EJ 347 597 IR 516 220Cohen, Elaine Young MargoCost Comparison of Abstracts and Indexes on

Paper, CD-ROM, and Online.Pub Date-86Journal Cit Optical Information Systems, v6 n6

p485-90 Nov-Dec 1986Pub Type Journal Articles 080) Reports - Re-

search (143)DescnptorsAbstracts, Academic Libranes.

Comparative Analysts. Cost Effectiveness.Costs, Higher Education, Indexes, Models.Online Systems, Operating Expenses, OpticalData Disks, Space, Tables (Data), Use Studies

IdentifiersExamples, Pnnted MaterialsDescribes a model enumerating coat factors for

comparing costs for paper, online, and cD-ROMindexes and abstracts. The model is applied tostart-up and annual costs, and to the cost of stonngand providing access to ERIC, Applied Science andFishenes Abstracts, and Excerpts Mediae, based onanticipated academic library usage. (MBR)

El 352 683 HE 522 247Wilson. RobinPlan to Alter Um:ado:a-Research Network Draws

Mixed Review% Lawmakers Seek Further Study.Pub Date-87Journal Cut Chronicle of Higher Education; v33

n32 .7:26 Apr 22 1987Type Journal Articles (080) Reports -

General (140)Descriptors Clearinghouses, Databases, Educa-

tional Research, Federal Government, Govern-ment Role, Higher Education, InformationNetworks, Information Services, Legislators

Identifiers'Department of Education, ERICAn Education Department plan to restructure

ERIC, the government's network of education-re-search clearinghouses, has members of Congressconcerned and they have asked that the plan not be

put Into effect until they can study it further. Thedepartment's plan follows a year-long review ofERIC. (MLW)

EJ 354 372 IR 516 741Steven. MaryEllen Verbeck. AlisonThe Indexing of the Literature of Online Search -

ing: A Comparison of ERIC and LISA.Pub Date-87Journal CuOnline Review; vii n2 p95-104 Apr

1987Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - Re-

se...rch (143)DescriptorsComparative Analysis. Databases.

Indexing, Online Searching Subject IndexTerms

IdentifiersERIC. Library and Information Sci-ence AbstractsP comparison of ERIC and LISA (Library and

Information Science Abstracts) indexing of thethree journals-Online, Online Review, and Data-base-revealed some differences but more similari-ties in number of terms per article and concepts perarticle. A vocabulary which distinguished the fieldof online searching did emerge. (Author/ CM)

EJ 357 016 IR 517 044Sesser, VirginiaERIC through the Ages: Searching for Information

about Specific Age Groups in the ERIC Data-base.

Pub Date-87Journal CitDatabase; v10 n4 p75-82 Aug 1987Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Guides -

Non- Classroom (055)Descnptors--Age Groups. Databases. Indexing,

Online Searching, Search Strategies, Students.Subject Index Terms, Thesaun

IdentifiersER ICDescribes the organization of the descriptors used

in the ERIC database to indicate age. educational.and student levels, and suggests appropnate searchstrategies for the retneval of information on specificage groups. (CLB)

EJ 357 110 IR 517 155Reese. Jean Smiley. RamonaERIC on CDROM: A Comparison of DIALOG

OnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and SilverPlat-ter.

Pub Date-87Available fromU MIJournal CUOnline, v II n5 p42-54 Sep 1987Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Information

Analysis (070) Opinion Papers (120) Re-ports - Evaluative (142)

DescnptorsComparative Analysts, ComputerSoftware, Cost Effectiveness. Evaluation Cnte-na. Information Retrieval. Microcomputers.Online Searching, Optical Data Disks, SearchStrategies, User Satisfaction (Information), UseStudies

IdentifiersDIALOG, ERIC. OCLC, SilverPlatterInformation Inc. Vanderbilt University TNDiscusses the use of optical disk technology in

online searching and ompares three versions of theERIC database currently available on optical disk interms of hardware requirements. ease of installa-tion, scope and cost of the system, search proce-dures, displaying and pnnting results. anddocumentation and user support. (CLB)

EJ 361 296 IR 517 443Brsndhotst. TedDistributing the ERIC Database on Compact Disc

A Case History of Private Sector Involvement inthe Distribution of Public Sector Dots.

Pub Date-87Journal CitGovernment Publications Review;

v14 p541 -57 1987Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports Research (143)Tests /Questionnaires (160)

Descriptors Cost Effectiveness, Databases, In-formation Dissemination, Information Retneval.Online Systems, Online Vendors, Optical DataDisks, Questionnaires, Surveys, Tables (Data)

IdentifiersERIC, Market Research, Private Sec-tor, Product Development, Public Sector. SilverPlatter Information IncDescribes the partnership between the public and

private sectors in developing and marketing theERIC database in CD-ROM format. Particular em-phasis is given to the marketing research and proto-cols of partnership that were developed(Author/CLB)

EJ 361 401 IR 517 553McLaughlin. Pamela WNew Access Points to ERIC: CD-ROM Versions.Pub Date-87Available from--UMIJournal CitEducation Libranes, v12 n3 p73-76

Fall 1987Pub Typc Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports - Descnptive (141)DescriptorsAccess to Information. Comparative

An.iysis, Computer Software Cost Effective-ness. tiatabases. Microcomputers. OnlineSearching, Online Vendors, Optical Data Disks

Identifiers-1'ER ICDescribes and compares three versions of the

ERIC database that are available on optical datadisks: (1) DIALOG OnDisc ERIC; (2) OCLCSearch CD450; and (3) SilverPlatter ERIC Thedatabase contents. software and search commands.hardware requirements, notable features, and costsof each version are discussed. (CLB)

EJ 361 402 IR 517 554Olson, LucieExperiencing CD-ROM ERIC.Pub Date-87Available fromUMIJournal CUEducation Libranes: v12 n3 p77-80

Fall 1987Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-

pers (120) Reports - Evaluative (142)DescnptorsDatabases. Library Services. Menu

Driven Software, Online Searching OpticalData Disks. Screens (Displays). Search Strate-gies. User Needs (Information)

IdentifiersDIALOG OnDuc. ERICBnefly descnbes DIALOG OnDisc and gives an

example of an actual search of the ERIC databaseusing this system The screen displays and searchcommands are used to illustrate the differences be-tween the easy menu search method provided fornovice users and the command search method pro-vided for expenenced users. (CLB)

EJ 363 828 IR 517 770Dunman. SusanERIC: An Essential Online Tool for Educators.Pub Date-88Journal CuElectronic Learning; v7 n4 p45.47 Jan

1988Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opiolon Pa-

pers (120) Reports - Descnptive (141)DescnptorsBibliographic Databases. Cont Effec-

tiveness. Datatase Producers, Educational Re-sources. Information Networks, InformationServices. Online Searching, Online Vendors.Optical Data Disks, Search Strategies

IdentifiersERIC, Gateway SystemsDescribes the Educational Resources Information

Center (ERIC). a national information network inthe field of education Pnnted indexes are explainedas well as online searching of the ERIC databaseOnline searching is emphasized. including .earthstrategies, database vendors, cost considerations.gateway services. and CD-ROM versions (LP W)

E.1 363 846 IR 517 788Hirsch. StevenERIC and ECER.Pub Date-87Journal CuOnline Rev:ew; v11 n5 p315-21 Oct

1987Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Reports - De-

scnptive (141) Reports - Reseal eh (143)DescnptaisBibliographic Databases. Clearing-

houses, Comparative Anal,sis, Exceptional Per-sons, 'Online Searching

Identifiers-1TR IC, ERIC Cleanngnouse on Hand-icapped am; Gifted Child. Exceptional Child Ed-ucation ResourcesDescribes the ERIC system. Cie ERIC Clearing-

house on Handicapped and Gifted Children(ERIC/CE). and the Exceptional Child EducationResources (ECER) database produced byERIC/CE's sponsoring agency. the Council for Ex-ceptional Children Results of a search run on bothdatabases are compared. and ways to avoid duplica-tam of citations are suggested (MES)

EJ 365 043 IR 517 798Duggan, Mary KayA Look at Dialog's First CD-ROM Product.Pub Date-87Journal CitOptical Information Systems. v7 n6

p401.05 Nov-Dec 1987

Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Opinion Pa-pers (120) Reports - Descriptive (141)Speeches /Meeting Papers (150)

Descriptors *Evaluation Criteria, Higher Educa-tion, 'Library Education, Online Searching, On-line Systems, 'Optical Data Disks

Identifiers 'DIALOG On Disc, 'ERICDiscusses reasons for selecting ERIC with the Di-

alog On Disc software for training information pro-fessionals in online searching at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, and analyzes some of the fea-tures of the CD-ROM software. Pros and cons ofonline and On Disc access are summanzed, andthree references are listed. (Author/ MES)

EJ 366 442 IR 517 965Purcell. RoyalFlectrosie ERIC.Pub Date-88Journal CitSmall Computers in Ltbranes, v8 n2

p18-21 Feb 1988Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Guides-

Non-Classroom (055)Descriptors Academic Libraries, Computer Soft-

ware, Higher Education, Microcomputers. 'On-line Searching. Optical Data Disks

Identifiers 'ERIC, 'SilverPlatter Information IncProvides background on ERIC and descnbes how

to search the compact disc version of the ERICdatabase using SilverPlatter. (ME.3)

EJ 370 739 IR 518 233Sabelhaus, LindaCD-ROM Use in as Associatioa Special Library: A

Case Shay.Pub Date-88Available fromUMIJournal CitSpecial Libraries; v79 n2 p148-51 Spr

1988Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Book / Prod-

uct Reviews (072) Reports - Research (143)DescriptorsBibliographic Databases, Compara-

tive Analysis, Cost Effectiveness, Online Search-ing, 'Optical Date Disks, ProfessionalAssociations. Special Libraries

Identifiers 'ERICDescribes the expenences of the American Soci-

ety for Training and Development library with theCD-ROM version of ERIC. The following topicsare discussed: (1) installation of the CD-ROM sys-tem; (2) CD-ROM vs. online searching; (3) cost/ -benefit of CD-ROM; (4) patron response: and (5)future plans. (1 reference) (MES)

El 373 733 IR 518 424Reese. leanA Comparison sad Evaluation of Three CD-ROM

Products.Pub Date-88Available from U MIJournal Cit Optical Information Systems. v8 n3

p123-26 May-Jun 1988Pub Type Journal Articles (080) Book/ Prod-

uct Reviews (072)DescnptorsComputer Software. Computer Soft-

ware Reviews. Microcomputers. 'Online Search-ing, 'Optical Data Disks

Identifiers 'ERICCompares and evaluates three CD-ROM prod-

ucts for the ERIC database: (I) DIALOG OnDISC.(2) OCLC's Search CD450, and (3) SilverPl;The focus is on search capabilities and features ,ireference) (MES)


ERIC Bibliography 1985/1988 1j

AbstractsCost Comparison of Abstracts and Indexes onPaper, CD-ROM. and Online

El 347 597

Academic AdvisingMiuntainnig Advising Excellence: Keeping up withERIC.

El 322 295Academic !libraries

In Praise of Mr. S. Planer and His Marvelous. Mag-nificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index for ERIC andPSYCHLIT.

ED 284 579

Access to InformationComputer Cache: ERIC knd the Library MediaSpecialist.

El 347 579Oversight Hearing on OERI (The ERIC System).Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Educa-tion of the Committee on Education and Labor. Houseof Representatives. One Hundredth Congress. FirstSession.

ED 287 519

Adininkgrative OrganizationLa Base de Donnees ERIC. Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Chou du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Use anda Discussion of the System Model).

ED 258 601

Administrative PolicyAdnunigrative Procedures and Guidelines for ERICClearinghouse Management

ED 280 510

AdmhiistratorsNational Education Practice File. Final Report.Evaluation Report.

ED 250 015

Age GroupsERIC through the Ages: Searching for Informationabout Specific Age Groups in the ERIC Database.

El 357 016

Annotated BibliographiesERIC Clearinghouse Fublications. 1983. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the ERICClearinghouses, January-December 1983.

ED 246 919

Subject Index

ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1984 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the ERICClearinghouses. January-December 1984.

ED 261 711

AustraliaAustralian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors AWord-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Austral anEducational Literature

ED 257 464Automatic Indexing

Online Searching of ERIC: Suggestions for Im-provement from the Special Project.

ED 180 475Bibliographic Data Bases

Indexing and Retrieval in ERIC. The 20th Year.ED 279 346

Bibliographic DatabasesCD-ROM Use in an Association Special Library.A Case Study

El 370 739ERIC and ECER.

El 363 846ERIC: An Essential Online Tbol for Educators.

El 363 828Oversight Hearing on OERI (The ERIC System).Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Edu-cation of the Committee on Education and LaborHouse of Representatives. One Hundredth Con-gress. First Session.

ED 287 519

Bibliographic Retrieval ServicesAt Home with ERIC: Online Searching from YourHome Computer. "After Dark" Edition.

ED 267 099Bibliographic Utilities

At Home with ERIC: Online Searching from YourHome Computer. "After Dark" Edition.

ED 267 099At Home with ERIC: Online Ser -Thing from YourHome Computer. "Knowledge Index" Edition.

ED 267 100

BibliographiesA Comparative Study of Document Retrieval Sys-tems of Nursing Interest.

ED 258 599Business

Unexpected Online Sources for Business Infor-mation

El 312 397


CensorshipThe Department of Education's Limns on Publi-cations Saving Money or Censorship./ SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews

ED 277 393

Citation IndexesThe ERIC INta Base and the Literature of Libraryand Information Science.

El 162 646

Citations (References)A Comparison of Indexing Consistency and Cover-age in the AEI. ERIC and APAIS Databases.

El 315 650

ClearinghousesAdministrative Procedures and Guidelines for ERICClearinghouse Management.

ED 280 510The Credibility of ERIC's RIE Selection Process

El 321 329ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EAB). 1976-1987

ED 288 562ERIC an 1 ECER

El 363 846ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1983. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the ERICClearinghouses, January-December 1983

ED 246 919

ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1984. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the ERICClearinghouses. January-December 1984.

ED 261 711

ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1985 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the ERICClearinghouses. January-December 1985.

ED 271 125

ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the ERICClearinghouses. January-December 1986.

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the

18 Clearinghouses

ERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1987.ED 295 685

ERIC. The Information "Genie" for VocationalEducators

EJ 316 251Migrant Education. A Quick Look at ERIC.

ED 259 872Plan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Reviews; Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy.

EJ 352 683Selection Criteria for ERIC. A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators.

EJ 315 649A Two-Level System for Scholarly Writings, or, IsPublishing Necessary?

EJ 232 726

Command LanguageDirect Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

ED 277 388

Comparative AnalysisThe Educational Information System for Ontario.A Guide for Using

ED 168 501

Computer Literacy"Operator, Get Me ERIC on the Line."

EJ 344 080

Computer SearchesA Comparative Study of Document RetrievalSystems of Nursing Interest.

ED 258 199

Computer SearchingERIC- The information "Genie" for VocationalEducators.

EJ 316 251

Computer SoftwareAccessing ERIC with Your Microcomputer.ERIC Digest.

ED 270 100Computer SoftwareAccessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest.

ED 254 209A Comparison and Evaluation of Three CD-ROM Products

EJ 373 753ERIC on CDROM: A Comparison of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and SilverPlat-ter

EJ 357 110MICROsearch: The Many Uses of a DownloadedDatabase.

EJ 318 732New Access Points to ERIC. CD-ROM Versions

EJ 361 401New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM VersionsERIC Digest

ED 283 533

Computer Uses in EducationMicrocomputers as a New Technological Innova-tion in Education Growth of the Related JournalLiterature.

EJ 324 108

ComputersERIC Feasibility Study: A Small Scale Examina-non of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in Britain. Report No. 2.

ED 145 803

Conceptual EquivalencyTerminology of the Social Sciences: The Term"Cognitive Processes" in the Thesauri of TwoDiscipline -Based Information Systems

ED 258 600

Cost EffectivenessThe Department of Education's Limits on Publi-cations: Saving Money or Censorship? SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

ED 277 393New Access Points to ERIC: CD-ROM Versions.

EJ 361 401

CostsCost Comparison of Abstracts and Indexes on Pa-per, CD-ROM. and Online

EJ 347 597

Current Index to Journals in Education"Education Index" and "Current Index to Jour-nals In Education" Do We Really Need Both/

EJ 143 290

DanceSuccessful ERIC Searching for HPRD Pi ofession-als and Students ERIC Digest 18

ED 279 646

Database ProducersERIC. An Essential Online Tool for Educators

EJ 361 828Online Government Databases-An Analysis.

EJ 344 266

DatabasesAccessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest.

ED 254 209At Home with ERIC Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "After Dark" Edit,on.

ED 26/ 099At Home with ERIC: Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion.

ED 267 100A Comparative Evaluation of Online Databases inRelation to Welfare and Corrective Services, andCommunity Development.

EJ 268 619A Comparative Study of Document RetrievalSystems of Nursing Interest

ED 258 599A Comparison of Indexing Consistency and Cov-erage in the AEI, ERIC and APAIS Databases.

EJ 315 650Computer-Based Information System CultivatedTo Support a College of Education.

ED 289 478The Credibility of ERIC's RIE Selection Process.

EJ 321 329Distributing the ERIC Database on CompactDisc A Case History of Private Sector Involve-ment in the Distribution of Public Sector Data

EJ 361 296Distributing the ERIC Database on SilverPlatterCompact Disc-A Brief Case History.

ED 277 394ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EAB), 1976-1987

ED 288 562ERIC for Praomoners. ERIC Digest

ED 270 101ERIC Its Introduction and Usefulness

EJ 327 367ERIC MICROsearch. Searching ERIC on a Mi-crocomputer

EJ 321 299ERIC on Compact Disc (CD-ROM) A CaseStudy

ED 272 170ERIC Online, Offline & Without Line A Sum-mary and a Report on the Staff Interaction Semi-nar [at the Institute of Education Library](Singapore, January 18, 1986)

ED 269 035ERIC The Information "Genie" for VocationalEducators

EJ 316 251ERIC Update.

EJ 305 049Finding Information about Tests. ERIC Digest

ED 286 941Pm:ling What You Need in ERIC

EJ 290 178F:nd'ng What You Need in ERIC ERIC FactSheet No 3.

ED 253 459Give Us an "E" for Educational Dissemination(ERIC, Experimentation, Extension, Equity).

ED 258 593Guide to Sources: Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc.

ED 291 407How to Use Online Databases to Perform TrendAnalysis in Research.

EJ 296 993IFLA General Conference, 1985 Division onSpecial Libraries. Section on Social Science Li-braries and Geography and Map Libraries. Pa-pers.

ED 262 821The importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Health and Physical Educa-


Subject Indexnon Teacher Candidates ERIC Digest #9

ED 277 654The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates ERICDigest #10

ED 277 655Indexing in ERIC

ED 258 595The Indexing of the Literature of Online Search-ing. A Comparison of ERIC and LISA.

EJ 354 372In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-bases.

EJ 276 821La Base de Donnees ERIC Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Chou du Systeme(The ERIC Database. An Evaluation of Its Useand a Discussion of the System Model).

ED 258 601The Limitations of ERIC in Reviewing Evalua-tion Literature.

EJ 207 331MICROsearch-A Project to Extend the ERICDatabase to Microcomputers

ED 258 594Migrant Education: A Quick Look at ERIC.

ED 259 872National Education Practice File. Final ReportEvaluation Report.

ED 250 015The National Library's ERIC SDI Service. TheFirst Fifteen Months

EJ 321 326New Access Points to ERIC CD-ROM Versions.

EJ 361 401New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM VersionsERIC Digest

ED 283 533Online Government Databases-An Analysis

EJ 344 266ONTAP-ERIC. A Critical View

EJ 321 328"Operator, Get Me ERIC on the Line

EJ 344 080Redesigning ERIC A Modern Information Sys-tem for Practicing Educators

ED 271 126Searching ERIC. A Small Scale Examination ofthe Potential Value of the ERIC Database to Edu-cationalists in Britain.

EJ 322 445Successes and Failures with Some Data Bases.

ED 279 310Testing 1 .2..3. Additional Files Available forTest Information Online

EJ 307 108Unexpected Online Sources for Business Informa-tion

EJ 312 397Use of ERIC Materials by Certified School Per-sonnel in Three Educational Service Regions inWest Central Illinois.

ED 290 500

Department of EducationPlan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Reviews, Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy

EJ 352 683

DIALOGAt Home with ERIC Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion

ED 267 100

DIALOG OnDiscExperiencing CD-ROM ERIC

EJ 361 402Guide to Sources Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc

ED 291 407A Look at Dialog's First CD-ROM Product

EJ 365 043

Display SystemsThe CD-ROM Services of SilverPlatter Informa-tion, Inc.

EJ 336 219

DocumentationEducational Documentation: Present and Future.Proceedings of an International Meeting (Flor-ence, Italy, May 31-June 4. 1982)

ED 235 840


Subject Index

EducationAustralian Thesaurus of Education DescnptorsA Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature

ED 257 464"Education Index" and "Current Index to Jour-nals In Education": Do We Really Need Both?

EJ 143 290ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1983 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1983.

ED 246 919ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1984.

ED 261 711ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1985. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1985.

ED 271 125ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of loformation AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1986.

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1987. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1987.

ED 295 685Secondary Publications in Education: A Study ofDuplication

EJ 160 782

Education Index"Education Index" and "Current Index to Jour-nals In Education": Do We Really Need Both?

EJ 143 290

Educational CnangeOversight Hearing on OERI (The ERIC System).Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Edu-cation of the Committee on Education and LaborHouse of Representatives, One Hundredth Con-gress, First Session.

ED 287 519

Educational HistoryERIC/RCS Report: ERIC at NCTE.

EJ 209 286

Educational ImprovementERIC as a Dissemination Agent. A Social SystemPerspective.

ED 287 480

Educational InformationAustralian Thesaurus of Education Descnptors.A Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature.

ED 257 464Das US-Fachinformationssystem ERIC und dieEntwicklung eines Fachinformationssystems Bil-dung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (TheAmerican Subject Information System ERIC andthe Development of an Information System onEducation in the German Federal Republic).

EJ 322 421Redesigning ERIC: A Modem Information Sys-tem for Practicing Educators.

ED 271 126

Educational Information System for On-tario

The Educational Information System for OntarioA Guide for Using.

ED 168 501

Educational MediaThe Department of Education's Limits on Publi-cations: Saving Money or Censorship? SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

ED 277 393

Educational QualityMaintaining Advising Excellence: Keeping upwith ERIC.

EJ 322 295

Educational ResearchA Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center. (Coveringthe Period 1979-1984).

ED 262 784ERIC u a Dissemination Agent A Social SystemPerspective

ED 287 480ERIC Feasibility Study A Small Scale Examina-tion of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in !Mitten. Report No. 2

ED 145 803ERIC Update

EJ 305 049Plan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Reviews; Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy.

EJ 352 683Redesigning ERIC. A Modern Information Sys-tem for Practicing Educators

ED 2,1126Educational Resource Information Center(ERIC)

Maintaining Advising Excellence. Keeping upwith ERIC

EJ 322 295

Educational ResourcesERIC. An Essential Online Tool for Educators

EJ 363 828ERIC. Its Introduction and Usefulness.

EJ 327 367Finding What You Need in ERIC. ERIC FactSheet No. 3.

ED 253 459The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Health and Physical Educa-tion Teacher Candidates. ERIC Digest *9

ED 277 654The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates. ERICDigest *10.

ED 277 655Successful ERIC Searching for H PR D Profession-als and Students ERIC Digest 18.

ED 279 646

Educational Resources Information CenterERIC. The Information "Genie" for VocationalEducators.

ERIC Update.El 316 251

EJ 305 049

Educational TechnologyEducational Documentation: Present and FutureProceedings of an International Meeting (Flor-ence, Italy, May 31 -June 4, 1982).

ED 235 840

Educational TestingFinding Information about Tests. ERIC Digest

ED 286 941

Elementary School TeachersNational Education Practice File.Evaluation Report.

ERICAccessing ERIC withERIC Digest

Final Report

ED 250 015

Your Microcomputer.

ED 254 209ERICAccessing EP IC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Dir. ,..

ED 270 100Administrative Procedures and Guidelines forERIC Clearinghouse Management

ED 280 510At Home with ERIC. Online Searching fromYour Home Computer. "After Dark" Edition.

ED 267 099At Home with ERIC: Online Searching fromYour Home Computer. "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion.

ED 267 100A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center.

ED 169 955A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center (Covenngthe Period 1979-1984).

ED 262 784CD-ROM Use in an Association Special Library:A Case Study.

EJ 370 719A Comparative Study of Verbal Subject Data inInformation Retrieval Systems in Education

E.1 322 444

4 Li


A Companson and Evaluation of Three CD-ROM Products

EJ 373 753Computer Cache ERIC and the Library MediaSpecialist

EJ 347 579The Credibility of ERIC's RIE Selection Process

EJ 321 329Du US-Faclunfoimationssystem ERIC und dieEntwicklung eines Fachinformationssystems Bil-dung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (TheAmencan Subject Information System ERIC andthe Development of an Information System onEducation in the German Federal Republic)

EJ 322 421Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers. Arranged by Geographic Location: Country,State, City

ED 275 329Distributing the ERIC Database on SilverPlatterCompact Disc-A Brief Case History

ED 277 394Electronic ERIC

EJ 366 442Elementary and Secondary Teachers Use ERIC

ED 168 565ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EA 8), 1976-1987

ED 288 562ERIC and ECER

EJ 363 846ERIC. An Essentia Online Tool for Educators.

EJ 363 828ERIC as a Dissemination Agent. A Social SystemPerspective

ED 287 480ERIC Cleannghouse Publications, 1983. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses, January-December 1983.

ED 246 919ERIC Cleannghouse Publications, 1984. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses January-December 1984.

ED 261 711ERIC Cleannghouse Publications, 1985 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses, January-December 1985.

ED 271 125ERIC Cleannghouse Publications, 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses, January-December 1986

ED 283 535ERIC Cleannghouse Publications, 198'. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses, January-December 1987.

ED 295 685ERIC Data Access System (EDAS)

ED 168 504ERIC Feasibility Study. A Small Scale Examina-tion of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in Bntam Report No 2

ED 145 803ERIC for Practitioners. ERIC Digest

ED 270 101ERIC Its Introduction and Usefulness

El 327 367ERIC MICROsearch Searching ERIC on a Mi-crocomputer

EJ 321 299ERIC on Compact Disc (CD-ROM). A CaseStudy

ED 272 170ERIC Online, Offline & Without .me. A Sum-mary and a Report on the Staff Interaction Semi-nar [at the Institute of Education Library](Singapore, January 18, 1986)

ED 269 035ERIC Redesign. Papers Issued for Public Com-ment 1986-1987

ED 278 429ERIC SilverPlatter Is It l:ser Fnendly?

ED 286 522The ERIC Thesaurus: An Analysis.

EJ 322 443ERIC through the Ages Searching for Informa-tion about Specific Age Groups in the ERIC Data-base.

EJ 357 016Expenencing CD-ROM ERIC


El 361 402Feasibility of Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archives through ERIC. Statistical Data.

ED 152 s33Finding What You Need in ERIC.

EJ 290 178Give Us an "E" for Educational Dissemination(ERIC, Experimentation, Extension, Equity)

ED 258 593Guide to Sources: Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc.

ED 291 407Indexing and Retrieval in ERIC: The 20th Year.

ED 279 346Indexing in ERIC.

ED 258 595The Indexing of the Literature of Online Search-ing' A Comparison of ERIC and LISA.

EJ 354 372In Praise of Mr. S Platter and His Marvelous.Magnificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index forERIC and PSYCHLIT.

ED 284 579La Base de Donnees ERIC. Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Chou du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Useand a Discuuion of the System Model).

ED 258 601The Limitations of ERIC in Reviewing Evalua-tion Literature

El 207 331A Look at liialog's First CD-ROM Product.

EJ 365 043Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain: The Refer-ence Guide to the Searchable Fields in ERIC.

ED 281 696MICROsearch-A Project to Extend the ERICDatabase to Microcomputers

ED 258 594MICROsearch: The Many Uses of a Downloadednatabase.

EJ 318 732Migrant Education: A Quick Look at ERIC.

ED 259 872National Education Practice File. Final Report.Evaluation Report.

ED 250 015The National Library's ERIC SDI Service. TheFirst Fifteen Months.

EJ 321 326New Access Points to ERIC CD-ROM Versions.

El 361 401New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM Versions.ERIC Digest.

ED 283 533"Operator. Get Me ERIC on the Line "

El 344 080Oversight Hearing on OERI (The ERIC System).Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Edu-cation of the Committee on Education and LaborHouse of Representatives, One Hundredth Con-gress. First Session.

ED 287 519Plan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Reviews; Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy

EJ 352 683Redesigning ERIC A Modern Information Sys-tem for Practicing Educators

ED 271 126Searchable Fields in ERIC A Computer User'sGuide via BRS, DIALOG. ORBIT.

ED 271 259Searching ERIC: A Small Scale Examination ofthe Potential Value of the ERIC Database to Edu-cationalists in Britain.

EJ 322 445Selection Criteria for ERIC. A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators.

El 315 649Steps in Using ERIC.

ED 288 528Successful ERIC Searching for HPRD Profession-als and Students. ERIC Digest 18.

ED 279 646Survey of Selected ERIC Users-1986.

ED 277 565Use of ERIC Materials by Certified School Per-sonnel in Three Educational Ser/Ice Regions inWest Central Illinois.

ED 290 500

ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education

Maintaining Advising Excellence. Keeping upwith ERIC

EJ 322 295

ERIC Oeisringhouse on Reading and Com-man Skills

ERIC/RCS Report: ERIC at NCTEEl 209 286

ERIC Clearinghouse on Raral EducationSmall School

Migrant Education. A Quick Look at ERIC.

ERIC DigestsED 259 872

The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Health and Phys.cal Educa-tion Teacher Candidates. ERIC Digest *9

ED 277 654The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates. ERICDigest *10.


ED 277 655

El 321 328

EvaluationThe Limitations of ERIC an Reviewing Evalua-tion Literature.

El 207 331

Evaluation CriteriaThe Credibility of ERIC's Resources in Educa-tion.

EJ 320 462The Credibility of ERIC'S RIE Selection Process

El 321 329ERIC on CDROM: A Comparison of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and SilverPlat-ter

EJ 357 lotA Look at Dialog's First CD-ROM Product.

EJ 365 043Selection Criteria for ERIC A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators

EJ 315 649

Exceptional Child Education ResourcesERIC and ECER.

EJ 363 846Feasibility Studies

Feasibility of Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archives through ERIC Statistical Data

ED 152 333

Federal GovernmentOnline Government Databases-An Analysis.

EJ 344 266

Federal ProgramsA Bibliography of Publications about the Educe.mini Resources Information Center.

2D 169 955A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center. (Coveringthe Period 1979-1984).

ED 262 784ERIC/RCS Report: ERIC at NCTE.

EJ 209 286Give Us an "E" for Educational Dissemination(ERIC, Experimentation, Extension, Equity).

ED 258 593Geography

IFLA General Conference, 1985 Division onSpecial Libraries. Section on Social Science Li-braries and Geography and Map Libraries. Pa-pers.

ED 262 821

Government PublicationsIFLA General Conference. 1985 Division onSpecial Libraries. Section on Social Science Li-braries and Geography and Map Libraries. Pa-pers.

ED 262 821

Great foritrinSearching ERIC. A Small Scale Examination ofthe Potential Value of the ERIC Database to Edu-calionalists in Britain.

EJ 322 445

anidesMaking a Molehill Out of a Mountain. The Refer-ence Guide to the Searchable Fields in ERIC

ED 281 696

2 4


Subject Index

Health EducationSuccessful ERIC Searching for HPRD P-ofession-als and Students. ERIC Digest 18

ED 279 646

IllinoisUse of ER IC Materials by Certified School Per-sonnel in Three Educational Service Reruns inWest Central Illinois

El) 290 500

IndexesCost Comparison of Abstracts and Indexes on Pa-per, CD-ROM. and Online

EJ 347 597"Education Index" and "Current Index to Jour.nals In Education" Do We Really Need Both/

EJ 143 290ERIC Online. Offline & Without Lane. A Sum-mary and a Report on the Staff Interaction Semi-nar [at the Institute of Education Library](Singapore, January 18. 1986).

ED 269 035Microcomputers as a New Technological Innova-tion in Education: Growth of the Related JournalLiterature

Steps in Using ERIC

EJ 324 108

ED 288 528

IndexingAustralian Thesaurus of Education DescriptorsA Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature.

ED 257 464A Comparative Study of Document RetrievalSystems of Nursing Interest

ED 238 599A Comparison of Indexing Consistency and Cov-erage in the AEI. ERIC and APAIS Databases.

EJ 315 650The ERIC Data Base and the Literature of Li-brary and Information Science

EJ 162 646ERIC through the Ages: Searching for Informa-tion about Specific Age Groups in the ERIC Data-base

EJ 357 016Indexing and Retrieval in ERIC The 20th Year.

ED 279 346Indexing in ERIC

ED 258 595The Indexing of the Literature of Online Search-ing: A Comparison of ERIC end LISA

EJ 354 372

Indexing ConsistencyA Comparison of Indexing Consistency and Cov-erage in the AEI, ERIC and APAIS Databases

EJ 315 650

Information CentersA Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center

ED 169 955A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center (Covenngthe Period 1979-1984)

ED 262 784Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers. Arranged by Geographic Location: Country,State, City.

ED 275 329

Information DisseminationBeyond Publishing A System of Scholarly Writ-ing and Reading.

EJ 322 420A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center.

ED 169 955A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center. (Coveringthe Period 1979-1984)

ED 262 784The Department of Education's Limits on Publi-cations: Saving Money or Censorship/ SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

ED 277 393Distributing the ERIC Database on CompactDisc. A Case History of Private Sector Involve-ment in the Distribution of Public Sector Data

EJ 361 296


Subject Index

Distributing the ERIC Database on Silver PlatterCompact Disc-A Brief Cue History.

ED 277 394ERIC as a Dissemination Agent. A Social SystemPerspective.

Et.) 287 480ERIC fo Practitioners. ERIC Digest.

ED 270 101ERIC on Compact Disc (CD-ROM) A CaseStudy.

ED 272 170ERIC/RCS Report: ERIC at NCTE.

EJ 209 286ERIC Redesign. Papers Issued for Public Com-ment. 1986-1987

ED 278 429Give Us an "E" for Educational Dissemination(ERIC, Experimentation, Extension, Equity).

ED 258 593Oversight Hearing on OERI (The ERIC System).Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Edu-cation of the Committee on Education and Labor.House of Representatives, One Hundredth Con-gress, First Session.

ED 287 519A Two-Level System for Scholarly Writings, or. IsPublishing Necessary?

EJ 232 726

Information EquityGive Us an "E' for Educational Dissemination(ERIC, Experimentation. Extension, Equity).

ED 258 593

Information NeedsEducational Documentation: Present and FutureProceedings of an International Meetir2 (Flor-ence, Italy, May 3I-June 4, 1982)

ED 235 840ERIC as a Dissemination Agent- A Social SystemPerspective.

ED 287 480ERIC Redesign. Papers Issued for Public Com-ment. 1986-1987

ED 278 429National Education Practice File. Final Report.Evaluation Report

ED 250 015

Information NetworksDu US-Fachinformationssystem ERIC und dieEntwicklung eines Fachinformationuystems 1311-dung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (TheAmerican Subject Information System ERIC andthe Development of an Information System onEducation in the German Federal Republic).

El 322 421Educational Documentation: Present and Future.Proceeding of an International Meeting (Flor-ence. Italy, May 3I-June 4, 1982).

ED 235 840ERIC An Essential Online Tool for Educators.

EJ 363 828ERIC/RCS Report. ERIC at NCTE.

EJ 209 286ERIC: The Information "Genie" for VocationalEducators.

EJ 316 251Feasibility of Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archives through ERIC Statistical Data.

ED 152 333La Base de Donnees ERIC: Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Choix du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Useand a Discussion of the System Model).

ED 258 601Plan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Reviews; Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy.

EJ 352 683

Information ProcessingERIC Data Access System (EDAS).

ED 168 504

Information RetrievalAccessing ERIC with Your Microcomputer.ERIC Digest.

ED 254 209Information RetrievalAccessing ERIC with Your Microcomputer.ERIC Digest.

ED 270 100Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors.A Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature.

ED 257 464

A Comparative Study of Document RetrievalSystems of Nursing Interest

ED 258 599Distributing the ERIC Database on CompactDisc. A Case History of Private Sector Involve-ment in the Distribution of Public Sector Data.

EJ 361 296Distributing the ERIC Database on SilverPlatterCompact Disc-A Brief Cue History.

ED 277 394Elementary sad Secondary Teachers Use ERIC.

ED 168 565The ERIC Data Base and the Literature of Li-brary and Information Science

EJ 162 646Finding Information about Tests. ERIC Digest.

ED 286 941Finding What You Need in ERIC.

EJ 290 178Finding What You Need in ERIC. ERIC FactSheet No. 3

ED 253 439Guide to Sources: Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc.

ED 291 407Hedge Trimming and the Resurrection of theControlled Vocabulary in Online Searching.

EJ 293 561How to Use Online Databases to Perform TrendAnalysis in Research.

EJ 296 993Indexing and Retrieval In ERIC. The 20th Year

ED 279 346Indexing in ERIC.

ED 258 595In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-bases

EJ 276 821MICROsearch-A Project to Extend the ERICDatabase to Microcomputers

ED 258 594Migrant Education. A Quick Look at ERIC.

ED 259 872Online Searching of ERIC. Suggestions for Im-provement from the Special Project.

ED 180 475Successes and Failures with Some Data Bases

ED 279 310Successful ERIC Searching for HPRD Profession-als and Students. ERZ^ Digest 18

ED 279 646Testing i...2. 3 .. Additional Files Available forTest Information Online

EJ 307 108Unexpected Online Sources for Business Informa-tion

EJ 312 397

Information ServicesBeyond Publishing. A System of Scholarly Writ-ing and Reading

EJ 322 420The CD-ROM Services of SilverPlatter Informa-tion. Inc.

EJ 336 219Du US-Fachinformationssystem ERIC und dieEntwicklung eines Fachinformattonssystems 1311-dung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (TheAmerican Subject Information System ERIC andthe Development of an Information System onEducation in the German Federal Republic).

EJ 322 421Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers. Arranged by Geographic Location: Country.State, City.

ED 275 329ERIC Data Access System (EDAS).

ED 168 504Feasibility of Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archives through ERIC. Statistical Data.

ED 152 333The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Health and Physical Educa-tion Teacher Candidates. ERIC Digest *9.

ED 277 654The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates. ERICDigest *10.

ED 277 655Migrant Education. A Quick Look at ERIC.

ED 259 872"Operator, Get Me ERIC on the Line."

EJ 344 080

Intermediaries 21

Plan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Reviews; Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy

EJ 352 683Successes and Failures with Some Data Bases.

ED 279 310Survey of Selected ERIC Users-I986.

ED 277 565

Information SourcesERIC for Practitioners. ERiC Digest.

ED 270 101ERIC Its Introduction and Usefulness

EJ 327 367ERIC The Information "Genie" for VocationalEducators.

EJ 316 251Finding Information about Tests. ERIC Digest.

ED 286 941

Information SystemsThe CD-ROM Services of SilverPlatter Informa-tion, Inc

EJ 336 219Computer-Based Information System CultivatedTo Support a College of Education.

ED 289 478Das US-Fachinformationssystem ERIC und dieEntwicklung eines Fachinformationssystems Bd-dung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (TheAmerican Subject Information System ERIC andthe Development of an Information System onEducation in the German Federal Republic).

EJ 322 421Elementary and Secondary Teachers Use ERIC.

ED 168 565ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EA131, 1976-1987

ED 288 562ERIC Online, Offline & Without Line. A Sum-mary and a Report on the Staff Interaction Semi-nar [at the Institute of Education Library](Singapore. January 18. 1986)

ED 269 035Give Us an "E" for Educational Dissemination(ERIC. Experimentation, Extension, Equity)

ED 258 593La Base de Donnees ERIC. Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Choix du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Useand a Discussion of the System Model)

ED 258 601Online Searching of ERIC Suggestions for Im-provement from the Special Project

ED 180 475Oversight Hearing on OERI (The ERIC System)Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Edu-cation of the Committee on Education and LaborHouse of Representatives. One Hundredth Con-gress, First Session.

ED 287 519Redesigning ERIC A Modern Information Sys-tem for Practicing Educators

ED 271 126Terminology of the Social Sciences: The Term"Cognitive Processes" in the Thesauri of TwoDiscipline-Based Information Systems

ED 258 600

Information UtilizationElementary and Secondary Teachers Use ERIC

ED 168 565Survey of Selected ERIC Users-I986

ED 277 565Use of ERIC Materials by Certified School Per-sonnel in Three Educational Seice Regions inWest Ces,:al Illinois

ED 290 500

Input Output DevicesNew Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM % ersions.ERIC Digest

ED 283 533

Instructional MaterialsMICkOsearch The Many Uses of a DownloadedDatabase

ONTAP-ERIC A Critical ViewEJ 318 732

EJ 321 328

IntermediariesDirect Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language

ED 277 388

22 Intermod,:. Differences Subject IndexIntermode Differences

ERIC Silver Platter: Is It User Friendly?ED 286 522

International Educational ExchangeERIC Feasibility Study. A Small Scale Examina-tion of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in Bntain. Report No. 2.

ED 145 803

Journal ArticlesMicrocomputers u a New Technological Innova-tion in Educat'on: Growth of the Related JournalLiterature.

El 324 108

Learning Resources CentersComputer Cache: ERIC and the Library MediaSpecialist.

EJ 347 579

LegislatorsPlan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Re"iews; Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy.

EJ 352 683

LibrariansUse of ERIC Materials by Certified School Per-smnel in Three Educational ...ervice Regions inWest Central Illinois.

ED 290 500

Library and Information Science AbstractsThe Indexing of the Literature of Online Search-ing A Comparison of ERIC and LISA.

EJ 354 372

Library EducationA Look at Dialog's First CD-ROM Product

EJ 365 043

Library InstructionERIC SilverPlatter Is It User Friendly?

ED 286 522In Praise of Mr. S. Platter and His Marvelous,Magnificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index forERIC and PSYCHLIT.

ED 284 579

Library RoleComputer Cache. ERIC and the Library MediaSpecialist

EJ 347 579

Library ServicesThe ERIC Data Base and the Literature of Li-brary and Information Science

EJ 16i 646The National Library's ERIC SDI Service TheFirst Fifteen Months.

EI 321 326

Library UsersThe National Library's ERIC SDI Service TheFirst Fifteen Months.

EJ 321 326

Linking AgentsGive Us an "E" for Educational Dissemination(ERIC, Experimentation, Extension, Equity)

ED 258 593

Literature ReviewsThe Limitations of ERIC in Reviewing Evalua-tion Literature.

EJ 207 331Maintaining Advising Excellence: Keeping upwith ERIC.

EJ 322 295

Local Area NetworksComputer-Based Information System CultivatedTo Support a College of Education.

ED 289 478

Man Machine SystemsThe CD-ROM Services of SilverPlatter Informa-tion, Inc.

EJ 336 219

ManuscriptsThe Credibility of ERIC's RIE Selection Process.

EJ 321 329

MapsIFLA General Conference, 1985 Division onSpecial Libraries. Section on Social Science Li-braries and Geography and Map Libraries. Pa-pers.

ED 262 821

Market ResearchDistnbuting the ERIC Datibue on Comj....7sDisc: A Case History of Private Sector Ineolve-ment in the Distribution of Public Sector Mts.

El 361 296

Material DevelopmentMaking a Molehill Out of a Mountain The Refer-ence Gwde to the Searchable Fields in ERIC

ED 281 696

Media SelectionSelection Criteria for ERIC. A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators.

El 315 649

Media SpecialistsComputer Cache: ERIC and the Library MetaSpecialist.

EJ 347 579

Menu Driven SoftwareDirect Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

FD 277 388

EJ 361 402

with Your Microcomputer.

Experiencing CD-ROM ERIC

MicrocomputersAccessing ERICERIC Digest

ED 270 100MicrocomputersAccessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest

ED 254 209ERIC MICROsearch. Searching ERIC on Mi-crocomputer

EJ 321 299ERIC on CDROM A Comparison of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and SilverPlat-ter.

El 357 110Microcomputers u a New Technological Innova-tion in Education: Growth of the Related JournalLiterature.

EJ 324 108MICROsearch-A Project to Extend the ERICDatabase to Microcomputers

ED 258 594MICROsearch: The Many Uses of a DownloadedDatabase

EJ 318 732

MICROsearchERIC MICROsearch: Searching eRIC on a Mi-crocomputer

EJ 321 299MICROsearch-A Project to Extend the ERICDatabase to Microcomputers

ED 258 594MICROsearch The Many Uses of a DownloadedDatabase.

EJ 318 732

Migrant EducationMigrant Education A Quick Look at ERIC

ED 259 872

ModelsCost Companion of Abstracts and Indexes on Pa-per, CD-ROM, and Online

EJ 347 597

National Education Practice FileNational Education Practice File Final Report.Evaluation Report.

ED 250 015

National LibrariesThe National Library's ERIC SDI Se vice. TheFirst Fifteen Months.

EJ 321 326

National SurveysSurvey of Selected ERIC Users-1986

ED 277 565

Needs AssessmentERIC Redesign. Papers Issued for Public Com-ment 1986-1987

ED 278 429

NursingA Comparative Study of Document RetrievalSystems of Nursing Interest.

ED 258 599


Online SearchingAccessing ERIC withERIC Digest

At Home with ERICYour Home Computer

At Home with ERICYour Home ComputerLion.

Your Microcomputer

ED 270 100Online Searching from"After Dark" Edition.

ED 267 099Online Searching from

"Knowledge Index" Edi-

ED 267 100The CD-ROM Services of SilverPlatter Informa-tion, Inc

EJ 330 219A Comparison and Evaluation of Three CD-ROM Products.

El 373 753Computer Cache. ERIC and the Library MediaSpecialist

EJ 347 579Direct Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language

ED 277 388Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers. Arranged by Geographic Location: Country,State, City

ED 275 329Electronic ERIC

El 366 442ERIC and ECER.

EJ 363 846ERIC. An Essential Online Tool for Educators.

El 363 828ERIC MICROsearch Searching ERIC ,n a Mi-crocomputer

EJ 321 299ERIC on CDROM A Comparison of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD4i3 and SilverPlat-ter

EJ 357 110ERIC. Online, Offline & Without Line. A Sum-mary and a Report on the Staff Interaction Semi-nar [at the Institute of Education Library)(Singapore, January 18, 1986).

ED 269 035ERIC SilverPlatter. Is It User Friendly?

ED 286 522The ERIC Thesaurus An Analysis.

El 322 443ERIC through the Ages Searching for Informa-tion about F ,ecific Age G-oups in the ERIC Data-base.

EJ 357 016Experiencing CD-ROM ERIC.

EJ 361 402The Indexing of the Literstire of Online Search-ing A Companion of ERle. and LISA

EJ 354 372In Praise of Mr S. Platter and His Marvelous,Magnificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index forERIC and PSYCHLIT

ED 284 579A Look at Dialog's First CD-ROM Product.

EJ 365 043Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain The Refer-ence Guide to the Searchable Fields in ERIC.

ED 281 696MICROsearch The Many Uses of a DownloadedDatabase

El 318 732New Access Points to ERIC CD-ROM Versions.

EJ 361 401ONTAP-ERIC A Cntical View

EJ 321 328Searchable Fields in ERIC A Computer User'sGuide via BRS. DIALOG, ORBIT

ED 271 259Searching ERIC A Small Scale Examination ofthe Potential Value of the ERIC Database to Edu-cationalists in Britain

EJ 322 445Online Systems

At Home with ERIC Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "After Dark" Edition.

ED 267 099At Home with ERIC. Online Searching fromYour Hon.e Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion.

ED 267 100The CD-ROM Services of SilverPlatter Informa-tion. Inc.

EJ 336 219


Subject Index

A Comparative Evaluation of Onl.ne Databases inRelation to Welfare and Correctivc Services, andCommunity Development.

EJ 268 619Cost Companion of Abstracts and Indexes on Pa-per, CD-ROM, and Online.

EJ 347 597The Educational Information System for Ontario.A Guide for Using

ED 168 501ERIC Data Access System (EDAS).

ED 168 504ERIC MICROsearch: Searching ERIC on a Mi-crocomputer.

EJ 321 299ERIC on Compact Disc (CD-ROM). A CaseStudy

ED 272 170ERIC. The Information "Genie" for VocationalEducators.

EJ 316 251The Limitations of ERIC in Reviewing Evalua-tion Literature.

EJ 207 331National Education Practice File. Final Report.Evaluation Report.

ED 250 015Online Searching of ERIC. Suggestions for Im-provement from the Special Project

ED 180 475"Operator, Get Me ERIC on the Line."

EJ 344 080

Oeline TrainingONTAP-ERIC. A Critical View

El 321 328

Online VendorsAccessing ERIC with Your Microcomputer.ERIC Digest.

ED 270 100Distributing the ERIC Database on CompactDisc: A Case History of Private Sector Involve-ment in the Distribution of Public Sector Data.

EJ 361 296The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates. FRICDigest *10.

ED 277 655Searchable Fields in ERIC. A Computer User'sGuide via BRS, DIALOG. ORBIT

E., 271 259Optical Data Disks

CD-ROM Use in an Association Special Library.A Case Study

El 370 739A Comparison and Evaluation of Three CD-ROM Products

El 373 753Cost Comparison of Aostracts and Indexes on Pa-per, CD-ROM and Online.

El 347 597Distributer.; the ERIC Database on CompactDisc: A Case History of Private Sector Involve-ment it the Distribution of Public Sector Data.

EJ 361 296Distributing the ERIC Database on SilverPlatterCompact Disc-A Brief Case History

ED 277 394Electronic ERIC.

El 366 442ERIC on CDROM A Comparison of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and SilverPlat-ter

EJ 357 110Experiencing CD-ROM ERIC.

361 402Guide to Sources: Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc.

ED 291 407In Praise of Mr. S Platter and His Marvelous,Magnificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index forERIC and PSYCHLIT.

ED 284 579A Look at Dialog's First CD-ROM Product.

EJ 365 043New Access Points to ERIC: CD-ROM Versions.

EJ 361 401New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM Versions.ERIC Digest.

ED 283 533

Relevance (Information Retrieval) 23

Optical DisksERIC on Com,act Disc (CD-ROM) A CaseStudy.

ED 272 170ERIC SilverPlatter: Is It User Friendly?

ED 286 522

PeriodicalsMicrocomputers as a New Technological Innova-tion in Education: Growth of the Related JournalLiterature.

EJ 324 108Secondary Publications in Education: A Study ofDuplication

EJ 160 782

Physical EducationSuccessful ERIC Searching for HPRD Profession-als and Students. ERIC Digest 18.

ED 279 646

Physical Education TeachersThe Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Health and Physical Educa-tion Teacher Candidates. ERIC Digest *9

ED 277 654

PlanningERIC as a Dissemination Agent: A Social SystemPerspective.

ED 287 480

Preservice Teacher EducationThe Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Health and Phy' cal Educa-tion Teacher Candidates. ERIC Digest *9

ED 277 654The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates. ERICDigest * I0

ED 277 655

Printed MaterialsCost Comparison of Abstracts and Indexes on Pa-per, CD-ROM, and Online.

El 347 597Problems

ONTAP-ERIC A Critical ViewEJ 321 328

Product DevelopmentDistributing the ERIC Database on CompactDisc. A Cue History of Private Sector Involve-ment in the Distribution of Public Sector Data.

EJ 361 296Distributing the ERIC Database on SilverPlatterCompact Disc-A ilnef Case History

ED 277 394

Professional AssociationsERIC/RCS Report ERIC at NCTE

El 209 286PSYCHLIT

In Praise of Mr. S Platter and His Marvelous,Magnificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index forERIC and PSYCHLIT

ED 284 579

Public AgenciesThe Department of Education's Limits on Publi-cations. Saving Money or Censorship? SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

ED 277 393Public School Teachers

Elementary and Secondary Teachers Use ERIC.ED 168 565

Use of ERIC Niatenals by Certified School Per-sonnel in Three Educational Service Regions inWest Central Illinois.

ED 290 500Publication and Audio Visual AdvisoryCouncil

The Department of Education's Limits on Publi-cioons: Saving Money or Censorship? SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

ED 277 393

PublicationsERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1983. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, Jar oary-December 1983

ED 246 919


ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1984

ED 261 711ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1985. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1985

ED 271 125ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC C eannghouses. January-December 1986.

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1987

ED 295 685Secondary Publications in Education: A Study ofDuplication

El 160 782Publications Review Board

The Department of Education's Limits on Publi-cations Saving Money or Censorship? SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

ED 277 393Publishing Industry

Beyond Publishing A System of Scholarly Writ-ing and Reading

E.1 322 420A Two-Level System for Scholarly Writings, or. IsPublishing Necessary?

El 232 726Quality Control

The Credibility of ERIC's RIE Selection ProcessEl 321 329

QuestionnairesFeasibility at Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archi,'es through ERIC Statistical Data.

ED 152 333Recreation

Successful ERIC Searching for HPRD Profession-als and Students. ERIC Digest 18

ED 279 646

Reference MaterialsLa Base de Donneet ERIC Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Choi du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Useand a Discussion of the System Model)

ED 258 601Secondary Publications in Education A Stud) ofDuplication

El 160 782Reference Services

A Comparative Evaluation of Online 7:4u.hases inRelation to Welfare and Corie:.,ive Service-. andCommunity Development

El 268 619Director; of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers. Arranged by Geographic Location Country.State. City

ED 275 329The ERIC Data Base and the Literature of Li-brary and Information Science

EJ 162 646

Relevance (Information ketrieval)A Comparative Study of Document RetrievalSystems of Nursing Interest

ED 258 599Direct Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users. Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language

ED 277 388ERIC Feasibility Study A Small Scale Examina-tion of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in Britain. Report No 2.

ED 145 803Hedge Trimming and the Resurrection of theControlled Vocabulary in Online Searching.

El 293 561The Limitations of ERIC in Reviewing Evalua-tion Lneratu.

El 207 331Searching ERIC A Small Scale Examination ofthe Potential Value of the ERIC Database to Edu-cationalists in Britain

EJ 322 445

24 Relevance (Information Retrieval)Research Projects

ERIC for Practitioners. ERIC Digest.ED 270 101

Research ReportsThe Credibility of ERIC's Resources in Educa-tion.

EJ 320 462In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-bases.

El 276 821

Research ToolsElementary and Secondary Tiachers Use ERIC.

ED 168 565Finding What You Need in ERIC. ERIC FactSheet No 3.

ED 25; 459Maintaining Advising Excellence. Keeping upwith ERIC.

EJ 322 295

Resource MaterialsERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1984

ED 261 711ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1985 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses..anuary-December 1985.

ED 271 125ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1986

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1987.

ED 295 685ERIC for Practitioners ERIC Digest.

ED 270 101Maintaining Advising Excellence Keeping upwith ERIC

El 322 295

Resources in EducationThe Credibility of ERIC's Resources in Educa-tion

El 320 462Selection Critena for ERIC A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators.

EJ 315 649

Scholarly Journals"Education Index" and "Cth rent Index to Jour-nals In Education" Do We Really Need Both?

6.1 143 290Selection Critena for ERIC A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators

EJ 315 649Unexpected Online Sources for Business Informa-tion

EJ 312 397

Scholarly WritingBeyond Publishing A System of Scholarly Writ-ing and Reading.

EJ 322 420

scholarshipA Two-Level System for Scholarly Writings, or, IsPublishing Necessary?

EJ 232 726

School PersonnelUse of ERIC Materials by Certified School Per-sonnel in Three Educational Service Regions inWest Central Illinois.

ED 290 500

Schools of EducationComputer-Based Information System CultivatedTo Support a College of Education

ED 289 478

Screens (Displays)Experiencing CD-ROM ERIC

EJ 361 402

Search StrategiesAt Home with ERIC: Online Searching fromYour Home Computer. "After Dark" Edition.

ED 267 099

At Home with ERIC Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion

ED 267 100ERIC MICROsearch Searching 7121C on a Mi-crocomputer

EJ 321 299ERIC through the Ages Searching for Informa-tion about Specific Age Groups in the ERIC Data-base

El 357 016Experiencing CD-ROM ERIC.

El 361 402Guide to Sources. Using ERIC on Dialog's Or,Disc

ED 291 407Hedge Tnmming and the Resurrection of theControlled Vocabulary in Online Searching

El 293 561How to Use Online Databases to Perform TrendAnalysis in Research

El 296 993In Praise of Mr. S Platter and His Marvelous,Magnificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index forERIC and PSYCHLIT.

ED 284 579In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-bases

EJ 276 821MICROsearch-A Project to Extend the ERICDatabase to Microcomputers.

ED 258 594Searchable Fields in ERIC A Computer User'sGuide via BRS, DIALOG, ORBIT

ED 271 259Steps in Using ERIC

ED 288 528Successes and Failures with Some Data Bases

ED 279 310Testing 1 .2 ..3 Additional Files Available forTest Information Online.

EJ 307 108

Secondary School TeachersNational Education Practice File Final ReportEvaluation Report

ED 250 015

Selectis, Dissemination of InformationThe National Library's ERIC SDI Service TheFirst elf!...en Months.

EJ 321 326

SilverPktterDistre,uting rue ERIC Database on SilverPlatterCompact Disc-A Bn Case History

ED 277 394

SilverPlatter Information IncElectronic ERIC

EJ 366 442ERIC SilverPlatter Is It User Friendly/

ED 286 522

Social SciencesIFLA General Conference, 1985 Division onSpecial Libraries Section on Social Science Li-braries and Geography and Map Libraries Pa-pers.

ED 262 821Terminology of the Social Sciences. The Term"Cognitive Processes" in the Thesauri of TwoDiscipline-Based Information Systems

ED 25P 600

Special LibrariesIFLA General Conference, 1985 Division onSpecial Libraries. Section on Social Science Li-braries and Geography and Map Libraries. Pa-pers.

ED 262 821

State of the Art ReviewsERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1983 An An-notated Bibliography If Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1983.

ED 246 919ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1984.

ED 261 711ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1985 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of the


Subject IndexERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1985

ED 271 125ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1986 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1986

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, JanuaryDecember 1987

ED 295 685

Statistical AnalysisFeasibility of Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archives through ERIC Statistical Data.

ED 152 333

Student RecordsComputer-Based Information System CultivatedTo Support a College of Education

ED 289 478

Subject Index TermsAustralian Thesaurus of Education DescriptorsA Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature

ED 257 464A Comparative Study of Verbal Subject Data inInformation Retrieval Systems in Education.

El 322 444A Comparison of Indexing Consistency and Cov-erage in the AEI. ERIC and APAIS Databases

EJ 315 650The ERIC Thesaurus. An Analysis

EJ 322 443ERIC through the Ages. Searching for Informa-tion about Specific Age Groups in the ERIC Data-base

EJ 357 016Hedge Trimming and the Resurrection of theControlled Vocabulary in Online Searching

EJ 293 561Indexing and Retrieval in ERIC. The 20th Year

ED 279 346The Indexing of the Literature of Online Search-ing A Comparison of ERIC and LISA

EJ 354 372In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-bases

E1 276 821Microcomputers as a New Technological Innova-tion in Education. Growth of the Related Journa'Literature.

EJ 324 108Steps in Using ERIC

ED 288 528Terminology of the Social Sciences: The Term"Cognitive Processes" in the Thesauri of TwoDiscipline-Based Information Systems

ED 258 600Unexpected Online Sources for Business Informa-tion

EJ 312 397

Test ReviewsFinding Information about Tests ERIC Digest

ED 286 941

TestsTesting 1 2 3 Additional Files Available forTest Information Online

EJ 307 108

ThesauriA Comparative Study of Verbal Subject Data inInformation Retrieval Systems in Education.

EJ 322 444The ERIC Thesaurus An Analysis

EJ 322 443Indexing and Retrieval in ERIC The 20th Year

ED 279 346Steps in Using ERIC

ED 288 528

TrainingONTAP-ERIC: A Critical View

EJ 321 328

Trend AnalysisHow to Use Online Databases to Perform TrendAnalysis in Research

EJ 296 993Online Government Databases-An Analysis

EJ 344 266


Subject Index

Use StudiesFeasibility of Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archives through ERIC Statistical Data

ED 152 333La Base de Donnees ERIC: Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Choix du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Useand a Discussion of the System Model).

ED 258 601

User Needs (Information)Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain: The Refer-ence Gtude to the Searchable Fields in ERIC.

ED 281 696Survey of Selected ERIC Users -1986

ED 277 565

User Satisfaction (Information)Direct Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

ED 277 388ERIC on CDROM: A Comparison of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and SilverPlat-ter.

EJ 357 110The Limitations of ERIC in Reviewing Evalua-tion Literature.

EJ 207 331The National Library's ERIC SDI Service: TheFirst Fifteen Months.

EJ 321 326Searchirg ERIC: A Small Scale Examination ofthe Potential Value of the ERIC Database to Edu-cationalists in Britain.

EJ 322 445Survey of Selected ERIC Users -1986.

ED 277 565

Users (Information)Direct Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

ED 277 388

Vertical OrganizationTerminology of the Social Sciences: The Term"Cognitive Processes" in the Thesauri of TwoDiscipline-Based Information Systems.

ED 258 600

VocabularyAustralian Thesaurus of Education DescriptorsA Word-Stock for Indexing and Retneving Aus-tralian Educational Literature.

ED 257 464

Wayne State University MIComputer-Based Information System CultivatedTo Support a College of Education.

ED 289 478Successes and Failures with Some Data Bases.

ED 279 310

Writing for PublicationThe Credibility of ERIC's Resources in Educa-tion

El 320 462

Writing for Publication 25

Allen, Robert J.The CD-ROM Services of Silver Platter informa-tion, Inc

EJ 336 219

Atkinson, Steven D.In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-bases.

EJ 276 821

Barnett, LynnIndexing and Retrieval in ERIC The 20th Year

ED 279 34EIndexing in ERIC

ET) 258 595Maintaining Advising Excellence: Keeping upwith ERIC.

EJ 322 295"Operator. Get Me ERIC on the Line."

EJ 344 01;0

BencivealPI, James J.ERIC Redesign Papers Issued for Public Com-ment 1986-1987

ED 278 429

Boyce, Bert R.Hedge Tnmming and the Resurrection of theControlled Vocabulary in Online Searching

EJ 293 561

Brandhorst, TedDistributing the ERIC Database on CompactDisc: A Case History of Pnvate Sector Involve-ment in the Distribution of Public Sector Data.

EJ 361 296Distributing the ERIC Database on S -rPlatterCompact Disc-A Brief Case History

ED 277 394ERIC on Compact Disc (CD-ROM). A CaseStudy

ED 272 170

Brandhorst, Ted, Ed.A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center.

ED 169 955A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center (Coveringthe Period 1979-1984)

ED 262 784Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers. Arranged by Geographic Location: Country.State, City

ED 275 329ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EAB). 1976.1987

ED 298 562ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1983. An An-notated Bibliography of Information Analysis

Author Index

Products and Other Major Publications of theER IC Clearinghouses. January- December 1983

ED 246 919ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses January-December 1984

ED 261 711ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1985 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1985

ED 271 125ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1986 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1986

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1987

ED 295 685

Brown, Dale W.Elementary and Secondary Teachers Use ERIC

ED 168 565

Caldwell-Wood, NaomiERIC SilverPlatter Is It User Friendly9

ED 286 522

Clark, W. BruceMICROsearch-A Project to Extend the ERICDatabase to Microcomputers

ED 258 594

Clay, KatherineERIC for Practitioners ERIC Digest.

ED 270 101National Education Practice File. Final ReportEvaluation Report

ED 250 015

Cohen, ElaineCost Comparison of Abstracts and Indexes on Pa-w. CD-ROM. and Online

EJ 347 597

Davis, James E.National Education Practice File Final ReportEvaluation Report

ED 250 015

Di'Orio, AuroraA Comparison of Indexing Consistency and Cov-erage in the AEI. ERIC and APAIS Databases

EJ 315 650



Dolan, Donna R.In Search of Research Studies in Online Data-bases

EJ 276 821

Duggan, Mary KayA Look at Dialog's First cn-Rnm Product

EJ 365 043

Dunman, SusanERIC An Essential Online Tool for Educators

EJ 363 828

Eustace, Joanna, Ed.Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers Arranged by Geographic Location Country.State. City

ED 275 329

Fabiano, EmilyTesting 1 2. 3 Additional Files Available forTest Information Online

EJ 307 108

Findlay, Margaret A.Australian Thesaurus of Education De ,,..riptorsA Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature

ED 257 464

Fox, NickThe ERIC Thesaurus An Analysts

EJ 322 443

Fruge, AugustBeyond Publishing A Syst -i of Scholarly Writ-ing and Reading

EJ 322 420A Two-Level System for Scholarly Writings. or, IsPublishing Necessary9

EJ 232 726

Garnett, Anne EliseMakings Molehill Out of a Mountain The Refer-ence Guide to the Searchable Fields in ERIC.

ED 281 696

Garnett, Anne, Comp.Searchable Fields in ERIC. A Computer Uspr'sGuide via BRS. DIALOG, ORBIT

ED 271 259

Gonzalez-Stupp, EmmaAt Home with ERIC Online Searching from(our Home Computer "After Dark" Edition

ED 267 099At Home with ERIC Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion

ED 267 100

28 Goodwin, Bryan

Goodwin, BryanGuide to Sources Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc.

ED 291 407

Greaves, Monica A.A Comparative Study of Verbal Subject Data inInformation Retrieval Systems in Education.

EJ 322 444

Guthrie, James W.Redesigning ERIC: A Modem Information Sys-tem for Practicing Educators.

ED 271 126

Hibbs, Jack E.How to Use Online Databases to Perform TrendAnalysis in Research.

EJ 296 993

Hill, Assents, Comp.Searchable Fields in ERIC A Computer User'sGuide via BRS, DIALOG, ORBIT.

ED 271 259

Hirsch, StevenERIC and ECER.

EJ 363 846

Ho, Soo WangERIC: Online, Offline & Without Line. A a-mary and a Report on the Staff Interaction li-ner fat the Institute of Education Library](Singapore, January 18, 1986).

ED 269 035

Hounsell, DalERIC Feasibility Study. A Small Scale Examina-tion of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in Britain. Report No. 2.

ED 145 803Searching ERIC: A Small Scale Examination ofthe Potential Value of the ERIC Database to Edu-cationalists in Bntain

EJ 322 445

Howe, Robert W.Survey of Selecmd ERIC Users-1986.

ED 277 565

Huffman, Robert F.In Praise of Mr S. Platter and His Marvelous.Magnificent CD ROM Laser Disc Index forERIC and PSYCHLIT.

Jackson, William J.ONTAP-ERIC: A Cntical View

ED 284 579

EJ 321 328

Killen. DianaThe National Lib-ary's ERIC SDI Service. TheFirst Fifteen Months.

EJ 321 326Klausmeier, RUN

ERIC MICROsearch Searching ERIC on a Mi-crocomputer.

EJ 321 299MICROsearch: The Many Uses of a DownloadedDatabase

EJ 318 732

Klausmeier, Jane A.Accessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest

ED 270 100Accessing ERIC with Your Microcomputer.ERIC Digest.

ED 254 209

Knapp, Sara, D.The ERIC Data Base and the Literature of Li-brary and Information Science

EJ 162 646

Lavender, G. B.Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors.A Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature

ED 257 464Lodish, Erica K.

Computer Cache ERIC and the Library MediaSpecialist.

EJ 347 579MacVean, Donald S.

Use of ERIC Matenah by Certified School Per-sonnel in Three Educational Service Regions inWest Central Illinois.

ED 290 500

Malrieu, DeniseLa Base de Donnces ERIC Evaluation de SonUtilisation et Discussion des Choix du Systeme(The ERIC Database: An Evaluation of Its Useand a Discussion of the System Model)

ED 258 601

Markey, KarenOnline Searching of ERIC Suggestiens for Im-provement from the Special Project

ED 180 475

Mason, Ward S.ERIC ass Dissemination Agent: A Social SystemPerspective.

ED 287 480

McCormick, ReginaFinding What You Need in ERIC

EJ 290 178

McLaughlin, Pamela W.New Access Points to ERIC. CD-ROM Versions

EJ 361 401New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM VersionsERIC Digest.

Steps in Using ERICED 283 533

ED 288 528

Middleton, Michael R.A Companson of Indexing Consistency di.4 Cov-erage in the AEI, ERIC and APAIS Databases

EJ 315 650

O'Donnell, BernardERIC/RCS Report ERIC at NCTE

EJ 209 286

Olson, LucieExperiencing CD-ROM ERIC

EJ 361 402

Paisley, WilliamGive Us an "E" for Educational Dissemination(ERIC. Expenmentation, Extension, Equity)

ED 258 593

Perk, Lawrence J.Secondary Publications in Education A Study ofDuplication

EJ 160 782

Purcell, RoyalElectronic ERIC

Rao, Pal V.ERIC Data Access System (EDAS)

EJ 366 442

ED 168 504

Reese, JeanA Companson and Evaluation of Three CD-ROM Products

b, 373 753ERIC on CDROM A Companson of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and SilverPlat-ter

EJ 357 110

Rholes, Julia M.ERIC SilverPlatter Is It User Fnendly9

ED 286 522

Rios, Betty Rose D.Migrant Education: A Quick Look at ERIC

ED 259 872

Robinson, Sheryl B.Finding What You Need in ERIC

EJ 290 178

Saba, Virginia Kathleen JosephA Comparative Study of Document RetnevalSystems of Nursing Interest.

ED 258 599

Sabelhaus, LindaCD-ROM Use in an Association Special LibraryA Case Study.

EJ 370 739

Sahli, Marilyn SueTerminology of the Social Sciences. The Term"Cognitive Processes" in the Thesaun of TwoDiscipline-Based Information Systems.

ED 258 600

Schorr, Alan"Education Index" and "Current Index to Jour-nals In Education" Do We Really Need Both?

EJ 143 290

Author Index

Schroeder, PaulGuide to Sources Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc

ED 291 407

Seiser, VirginiaERIC through the Ages Searching for Informa-tion about Specific Af,e Groups in the ERIC Data-base

EJ 357 016

Sellen, MarySelection Cntena for ERIC A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators.

EJ 315 649

Sharma, V. S.A Comparative Evaluation of Online Databases inRelation to Welfare and Corrective Services, andCommunity Development.

EJ 268 619

Shorthill, Rachel R.Unexpected Online Sources for Business Informa-tion

EJ 312 397

Sievert, MaryEllenHedge Tnmming and the Resurrection of theControlled Vocabulary in Online Searching

EJ 293 561The Indexing of the Literature of Online Search-ing A Companson of ERIC and LISA.

EJ 354 372

Slawsky, Dorothy A., Ed.A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center

ED 169 955

Smith, Gary R.Computer-Based Information System CultivatedTo Support a College of Education

ED 289 478Successes and Failures with Some Data Bases.

ED 279 310

Smith, Nick L.The Limitations of ERIC in Reviewing Evalua-tion Literature.

El 207 331

Steffey, RamonaERIC on CDROM A Companson of DIALOGOnDisc, OCLC's Search CD450 and Silverriat-ter

EJ 357 110

Ste rt, TrishIs. signing ERIC. A Modern Information Sys-tem for Practicing Educators

ED 271 126

Stupp, Emma GonzalezFinding Information about Tests ERIC Digest

ED 286 941

Sullivan, Michael V.Direct Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

ED 277 388

Summers, Edward G.Microcomputers as a New Technological Innova-tion in Education. Growth of the Related JournalLiterature

EJ 324 108

Tauber, RobertSelection Critena for ERIC A Survey of Clear-inghouse Acquisition Coordinators

EJ 315 649

Tauber, Robert T.The Credibility of ERIC's Resources in Educa-tion

EJ 320 462The Credibility of ERIC's RIE Selection Process

EJ 321 329ERIC Its Introduction and Usefulnes,

EJ 327 367ERIC The Information "Genie" for VocationalEducators.

ERIC UpdateEJ 316 251

EJ 305 049

Tessier, Judith A.Feasibility of Maintaining ana Providing Access

Author Index Zych, Maria L. 29to Data Archives through ERIC. Statistical Data.

ED 152 333

Verbeck, AlisonThe Indexing of the Literature of Online Search-ing. A Comparison of ERIC and LISA

EJ 354 372

Weller, Carolyn R., Ed.ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1983 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1983

ED 246 919ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1984

ED 261 711ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1985 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1985

ED 271 125ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalystsProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1986

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1987

ED 295 685

Wildemuth, Barbara M.At Home with ERIC: Online Searching fromYour Home Computer. "After Dark" Edition

ED 267 099At Home with ERIC: Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion.

ED 267 100

Williams, Martha E.Online Government Databases-An Analysis

EJ 344 266

Wilson, RobinPlan to Alter Education-Research NetworkDraws Mixed Reviews: Lawmakers Seek FurtherStudy.

EJ 352 683

Young, MargoCost Companson of Abstracts and Indexes on Pa-:er, CD-ROM, and Online

EJ 347 597

Zych, Maria L.The ERIC Data Base and the Literature of Li-brary and Information Science

EJ 162 646

Australian Council for Educational Re-search, Hawthorn.

Australian Thesaurus of Education Descnptors.A Word-Stock for Indexing and Retrieving Aus-tralian Educational Literature

ED 257 464Australian Education Council, Canberra.

Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors.A Word-Stock for Indexing and Retneving Aus-tralian Educational Literature.

ED 251 464Biblioteca di Documentazione Pedagogics,Florence (Italy).

Educational Documentation: Present and Future.Proceedings of an International Meeting (Flor-ence, Italy, May 31-June 4, 1982)

ED 235 840British Library, London (England). Re-search and Development Dept.

ERIC Feasibility Study: A Small Scale Examina-tion of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in Bntain. Report No. 2.

ED 145 803

Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C.House Committee on Education and La-bor.

Oversight Heanng on OERI (The ERIC System).Hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Edu-cation of the Committee on Education and LaborHouse of Representatives, One Hundredth Con-gress, First Session.

ED 287 519Congress of the U. S., Washington, D. C.House Committee on Government Opera-tions.

The Department of Education's Limits on Publi-cations: Saving Money or Censorship? SixtiethReport by the Committee on Government Opera-tions together with Dissenting and SupplementalViews.

ED 277 393

Council of ERIC Directors.Survey of Selected ERIC Users-1986.

ED 277 565

Council on Library Resources, Inc., Wash-ington, D.C.

Direct Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users: Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

ED 277 388

Institution Index

Department of Education, Washington,DC.

ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1985 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses, January-December 1985

ED 271 125Redesigning ERIC. A Modern Information Sys-tem rJr Practicing Educators.

ED 271 126Educational Resources Information Center(ED/NIE), Washington, DC.

A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center. (Coveringthe Penod 1979-1984).

ED 262 784Educational Resources Information Center(ED), Washington, DC.

Administrative Procedures and Guidelines forERIC Clearinghouse Management

ED 280 510Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers. Arranged by Geographic Location Country.State, City.

ED 275 329ERIC Administrative Bulletin (EA B), 1976-1987

ED 288 562ERIC Redesign. Papers Issued for Public Com-ment. 1986-1987

ED 278 429ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathe-matics, and Environmental Education, Co-lumbus, Ohio.

Survey of Selected ERIC Users-1986.ED 277 565

ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Stud-ies/Social Science Education, Boulder,Colo.

Finding What You Need in ERIC ERIC FactSheet No 3.

ED 253 459

ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education,Washington, D.C.

Indexing and Retneval in ERIC: The 20th YearED 279 346

ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Re-sources, Syracuse, N.Y.

Accessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest.

ED 254 209


Accessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest

ED 270 WOERIC Mr Practitioners ERIC Digest.

ED 270 101New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM VersionsERIC Digest.

ED 283 533Steps in Using ERIC

ED 288 528ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Educationand Small Schools, Las Cruces, N. Mex.

Migrant Education. A Quick Look at ERIC.ED 259 872

Searchable Fields in ERIC A Computer User'sGuide via BRS. DIALOG. ORBIT

ED 271 259ERIC Clearinghouse on Teacher Educa-tion, Washington, D.C.

The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Certer for Health and Physical Educa-tion Teacher Candidates ERIC Digest #9

ED 277 654The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates ERICDigest it 10

ED 277 655Successful ERIC Searching for HPRD Profession-als and Students ERIC Digest 18.

ED 279 646ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests, Measure-ment, and Evaluation, Princeton, N.J.

At Home with ERIC. Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "After Dark" Edition

ED 267 099At Home with ERIC Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion

267 100non

Finding Information about Tests ERIC DigestED 286 941

ERIC Processing and Reference Facility,Bethesda, Md.

A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center.

ED 169 955A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resoinces Information Center (C ,eringthe Penod 1979-1984)

ED 262 784Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers Arranged by Geographic Location: Country,State. City

ED 275 329


31 ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Institution IndexERIC Administrative Bulletin (EAB), 1976-1987

ED 288 562ERIC Cleannghouse ^ublicanons, 1983. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses, January-December 1983.

ED 246 919ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1984. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannjthouses. January-December 1984.

ED 261 711ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1985. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1985.

ED 271 125ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1986.

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1987.

ED 295 685

International Federation of Library Asso-ciations, The Hague (Netherlands).

IFLA General Conference, 1985. Division onSpecial Libraries. Section on Social Science Li-braries and Geography and Map Libraries. Pa-pers.

FD 262 821

Lancaster Univ. (England). Centre for Ed-ucational Research and Development.

ERIC Ft...0day Study: A Small Scale Examina-tion of the Potential Value of the ERIC Data Baseto Educationalists in Britain. Report No 2

ED 145 803

Maine Univ., Orono, Raymond H. FoglerLibrary.

Guide to Sources: Using ERIC on Dialog's OnDisc

ED 291 407

National Inst. of Education (DHEW),Washington, D.C.

A Bibliography of Publications about the Educa-tional Resources Information Center.

ED 169 955Elementary and Secondary Teachers Use ERIC

ED 168 565

National Inst. r? Education (ED), Wash-ington, DC.

Accessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest

ED 254 209At Home with ERIC Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "After Dark" Edition

ED 167 099At Home with ERIC. Online Searching fromYour Home Computer "Knowledge Index" Edi-tion

ED 267 100ERIC Cleannghouse Publications, 1983 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses. January-December 1983

ED 246 919ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1984 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1984.

ED 261 711Finding Information about Tests ERIC Digest

ED 286 941Finding What You Need in ERIC. ERIC FactSheet No. 3

ED 253 459Migrant Education: A Quick Look at ERIC.

ED 259 872National Education Practice File. Final ReportEvaluation Report

ED 250 015

Office of Educational Research and Im-provement (ED), Washington, DC.

Accessing ERIC with Your MicrocomputerERIC Digest.

ED 270 100

Administrative Procedures and Guidelines forERIC Cleannghouse Management.

ED 280 510Directory of ERIC Information Service Provid-ers Arranged by Geographic Location: Country.State, City

ED 275 329ERIC as a Dissemination Agent. A Sor..11 SystemPerspective.

ED 287 460ERIC Cleannghouse Publications, 1986. An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses, January-December 1986

ED 283 535ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, 1987 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Cleannghouses, January-December 1987

ED 295 685ERIC for Practitioners ERIC Digest.

ED 270 101ERIC Redesign Papers Issued for Public Com-ment. 1986-1987.

ED 278 429The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Health and Physical Educa-tion Teacher Candidates. ERIC Digest #9

ED 277 654The Importance of the Educational Resources In-formation Center for Teacher Candidates ERICDigest #10.

ED 277 655Indexing and Retneval in ERIC The 20th Year

ED 279 346New Access Points to ERIC-CD-ROM VersionsERIC Digest.

ED 283 533Searchable Fields in ERIC. A Computer User'sGuide via FIRS. DIALOG. ORBIT

ED 271 259Successful ERIC Sersching for HPRD Profession-als and Students ERIC Digest 18

ED 279 646Survey of Selected ERIC Users-1986.

ED 277 565

Ontario Dept. of Education, Toronto.The Educational Information System for OntarioA Guide for Using.

ED 168 501

Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education,Toronto.

The Educational Information System for Oman°A Guide for Using.

ED 168 501

ORI, Inc., Bethesda, Md. InformationSystems Div.

ERIC Clearinghouse Publications. 1983 An An-notated Bibliography of Information AnalysisProducts and Other Major Publications of theERIC Clearinghouses. January-December 1983

ED 246 919

San Mateo County Office of Education,Redwood City, CA.

National Education Practice File Final ReportEvaluation Report

ED 250 015

Stanford Univ., Calif. Libraries.Direct Access to Bibliographic Databases byEnd-Users. Menu Facilitation versus NativeCommand Language.

ED 277 388

Syracuse Univ., N.Y. ERIC Clearinghouseon Information Resources.

Elemz.ntary and Secondary Teachers Use ERICED 168 565

Feasibility of Maintaining and Providing Accessto Data Archives through ERIC. Statistical Data

ED 152 333Online Searching of ERIC Suggestions for Im-provement from the Special Projer'

ED 180 475




1 i



ED 395
