A Basic Guide To Online Reputation Management Step 3

Step 3: What You Can Do About It – “The Best Defense Is A Great Offense” Brought To You By: http://www.ConfidentBrand.com Read The Full Guide Here: http://www.confidentbrand.com/guides/a-basic-guide-to-online- reputation-management


Our Online Reputation Management Guide discusses comprehensive branding strategies and websites to use for brand management/personal branding success!

Transcript of A Basic Guide To Online Reputation Management Step 3

Page 1: A Basic Guide To Online Reputation Management Step 3

Step 3: What You Can Do About It – “The Best Defense Is

A Great Offense”

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Read The Full Guide Here:http://www.confidentbrand.com/guides/a-basic-guide-to-online-reputation-management

Page 2: A Basic Guide To Online Reputation Management Step 3

• You want the people that are searching for your name or for your business name in Google to view website listings where you control the content being displayed, and not some third-party.

• The best thing that you can do in just about any online reputation management campaign is increase the number of “web properties” (websites) that you are in complete control of.

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• You want to essentially publish and syndicate as much “positive” content as you can, and along with using some basic SEO techniques, you will be well on your way to a very proactive ORM campaign.

• Google loves brands.– SO BUILD YOUR BRAND AND DON’T LET


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• Many people just have one or a few “negative/problem” websites that rank in Google and elsewhere.

• The online reputation management “branding” processes suggested in this video and on our Basic Guide will be the most effective, efficient, and least costly “solutions” to your problems.

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• When people hear about a “solution”, they think there is a magic bullet and they simply push a button to achieve their desired results… Not quite. – These branding processes and basic SEO techniques

are VERY far from a magic bullet or magic button to success as they require a bit of time, patience, and work.

• The great thing about these basic strategies is that they will only help your online reputation going forward, so it would be wise to complete some of these processes whether you have current ORM “problems” or not.

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• These techniques will help you control a lot of the top Google search results for searches related to your business or for you as an individual.

• The more “virtual real estate”, or more fittingly, the more “SERP real estate” you control, the more control you have over your online reputation.

• You need to create your own brand signals… AND LOTS OF THEM!

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• Use your business name or your personal name for the “Title” of all these web properties and other brand signals– Also, include your business name or your personal

name mixed throughout the unique material (content) that you decide to “flood” the web with.

• These web properties will become a solid foundation for your future ORM purposes. – They will assist you in “burying” undesirable website

listings many pages deep into the Google index where it is safe to say no one will be viewing them.

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• When embedding images on the web properties that you build, be sure to use applicable image SEO optimization in the HTML code.

• Here is an example:<img src=“Your Image URL” title=“The title of your image

including your business name, or personal name, and relevant keywords, etc” alt=“Description of your image including your business name, or personal name, and relevant keywords” />

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• By using appropriate image code, you will have an even greater chance of appearing in the Google search results and the image search results.

• Google usually loves to rank media high in the search results for search queries based on individuals, brands, businesses, etc.

• By including images you will have an additional opportunity to control high-ranking Google real estate.

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• By answering the Five W’s and the H, you should have a good foundation to build out from when you begin creating and distributing content on various web properties.

Who are you, What do you do, Where do you do it, When do you do it, Why do

you do it, and How do you do it?

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• Content will differ for everyone and every business out there.

• Know the type of positive information that you want to begin distributing on the Internet– Outsource the majority of the content writing to a

skilled freelance writer and outsource the distribution process to different services and freelance providers.

– This will allow you to focus on your own business and/or your own life.

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• You may want to complete these steps yourself if you have the time.

• However, I do not recommend this as you will probably get “burned out” very quickly from all of the tedious writing and repetitive work that goes into developing and distributing online content and media.

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• Your best bet is to write a few thousand words about yourself and/or your business and include other relevant keywords you’ve used in the previous two steps of this guide. – Consider making an outline covering all of your

topics/keywords that you want to discuss so you can give these to freelance content writers.

– Give writers basic topics/keywords to touch on and explain how they relate to you and/or your business, and then give the writer some creative freedoms and you’ll be on your way to having loads of unique content.

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• If you are located in the U.S. you can get a lot of work done for a very affordable cost by outsourcing to SEO workers and companies in the Philippines, India, etc.

• It is at least worth trying these services out as they can save you a ton of time in the long run,– Be sure to hire the best performers and weed out the

poor-performers, just as you would with any real life employees.

– Discuss the strategies mentioned in our guides as a starting point to building a solid foundation for your online reputation management campaign.

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• Do not be afraid to try tons of different freelance companies and workers out.

• Rather than attempting to handle everything yourself or everything “in-house”, it is often just better to refer the work to professionals and get on with your business.

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• In my opinion, the best place to find virtual workers and virtual companies that are experienced in the latest online reputation management and SEO strategies is Odesk.com.– Odesk is great for finding freelance writers

familiar with writing for SEO and ORM purposes.

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• I’d recommend providing your writers basic guides and outlines of material they should be discussing.

• This should help keep your costs down as the more material you can provide the less time the writers will need researching, and thus the jobs should cost you less money in the long run.

• Any marketing material you have – think fliers and mailers, etc – give the Odesk writers that material for content ideas.

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• If you’re an individual, give freelance writers plenty of information about yourself.– Your resume, life experiences, etc. – Give the freelance writers something to work

with, because you are after-all shaping your own image.

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• You don’t want to go through this process only to create an online reputation you’re still not happy with.

• Shape the message and shape the image.

• Put your positives out there and let the writers work their magic by adding in all of your relevant keywords like your business name or your individual name, etc.

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• Another viable alternative to Odesk is a company called Elance.com.

• However, I recommend using Odesk because of their ease-of-use and large selection of reliable freelancers.

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