A background to siddhartha

A background to Siddhartha Important Information to understand the text.

Transcript of A background to siddhartha

Page 1: A background to siddhartha

A background to SiddharthaImportant Information to understand the text.

Page 2: A background to siddhartha

Hinduism Religion based on ancient prayers &

hymns called Vedas Strict, practice included: prayers,

sacrifices, pilgrimages, and bathing in sacred rivers

The Upanishads was an ancient text that teaches existence of a universal soul (Individualism)

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People of the Hindu faith Were born into specific social classes

called castes, at the top were Brahman (priests) followed by; nobility, merchants, servants, and at the very bottom, the untouchables

Believed individuals must follow their Karma (fate) through reincarnations until united w/ universal soul

Must understand Maya (illusion of time and space)

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Origin of Buddhism First appeared in 5th century BC Wealthy man with family name of Prince

Siddhartha went on a search for an end to suffering, became known as Gautama Buddha, the enlightened one

Through meditation he was able to reach Nirvana

The map shows the spread of the Buddhist religion

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The Buddhist Religion

Differs from Hinduism by offering a code for living, and the promise of eternal salvation

Nirvana- “nothingness” or escape from the cycle of rebirths

The four noble truths: 1- existing is suffering. 2-

suffering comes from desire. 3- suffering ends when desire ends. 4- the way to end desire is to end the eight-fold path to nirvana:a. right belief b. right resolve c. right speech d. right conduct e. right occupation f. right effort g. right contemplation h. right ecstasy

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Buddhism & the novel Siddhartha

Part one of the novel has four chapters to it, parallel to the four Noble Truths

Part two of the novel has eight chapter, just as the Eight-Fold path to nirvana

Hesse presents Buddhism as a guideline to his novel as well as a starting point to seeking out peace

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Names in the novel ant their meanings Siddhartha –he who attains his goal Govinda –keeper of cows Kamala -lotus blossom Kamaswami –love, owner/master Vasudeva- one who abides in all things Om – this word represents creation,

preservation, and destruction