d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net › 6960 › ... · Sisto Funeral Home, Inc. 1725 Edison Avenue,...


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Page 1: d2y1pz2y630308.cloudfront.net › 6960 › ... · Sisto Funeral Home, Inc. 1725 Edison Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461 (718) 892-7114 Dr. Peter J. Healy • Dr. Stephen M. Molinaro Family

Rev. Msgr. Thomas Derivan, Pastor�

Rev. Joseph Ligory, Parochial Vicar�

Rev. Edmundo Gomez, Retired, �

Rev. Robert Imbelli, Weekend Associate�

Deacon, John Figueroa�

Mrs. Josephine Fanelli, Principal�

Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Dir. of Religious Education�

Nadia Papayani, Dir. of Music�

RECTORY: 718�892�1900/1901 WEBSITE: www.sttheresachurchbronx.org SCHOOL: 718�792�3688�

FAX: 718�892�1146 E�MAIL: [email protected] � RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 718�792�8434�

Church of St. Theresa�

A Caring Community Reaching Out To One Another in Christ�


Saturday at 5:00pm, �

Sunday at 7:30am, 9:00am(Italian), �

10:30am(Family Mass) 12:15pm , �

1:30PM(Spanish) & 5:00pm�


Monday thru Saturday 8:00am & 9:00am�


Miraculous Medal & St. Theresa �

Novenas after Monday morning Masses�

St. Anthony Novena after Tuesday �

morning Masses.�

Thursday 12 Noon Mass �

& Eucharistic Adoration�

Exposition & Benediction of the �

Blessed Sacrament First Friday 6:00PM �

2855 St. Theresa Avenue, Bronx, New York �


Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm �

and by appointment�


Baptisms take place most Sundays �

after the 1:30pm Mass.�

We ask parents to attend the Baptism �

preparation meeting. Register at the �

Rectory for the meeting. �

The date of the Baptism will be discussed

at the Baptism meeting.�


Call the Rectory at least six months in�

advance of the wedding date to make an �

appointment with parish clergy. �



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“I give you a new commandment, love one another as I have loved you.” Those, dear friends, are the words of our gospel today.�

They are words we have heard many times. It is good for us to remember when and where those words were first said. They were �

pronounced by Our Lord, but when? Was it in a quiet moment, when He was peaceful and at ease? Was it high upon a mountain

where no earthly cares abounded? Quite the opposite. Those words, the commandment to love one another, were first said at the Last

Supper, on the night before Jesus died. Knowing what was ahead, knowing that He faced the Cross, knowing that His apostles would

flee in fear, the Lord Jesus gave them the command to love one another. And remember what else He did at the Last Supper, right �

before He pronounced these words, He took the basin of water and bent down in humility and washed the feet of His apostles, saying, �

“If I your Lord and Master do this for you, so you must do for one another. I have given you an example that so you also must do.” He

showed us what the commandment of love is by obeying the commandment Himself. As St. John says about Jesus at the Last Supper, �

“He loved his own in the world and He loved them to the end.”�

Our retired Pope Benedict XVI beautifully describes this scene of the Last Supper and Jesus’ commandment of love. The Pope

writes, “God is not a remote God, too distant or too great to be bothered with our trifles. God descends and becomes a slave. He �

washes our feet. In this, the entire mystery of Jesus Christ is expressed.” The Pope looks at the scene of Jesus washing His apostles’

feet. He says, “The basin in which He washes us is His love, ready to face death. Only love washes the grime from us and elevates us

to God’s heights. The basin that purifies us is God Himself. His love always cleanses us.” Pope Benedict uses a beautiful image,

when he says, “Jesus is continually on his knees at our feet, carrying out the service of a slave, making us capable of His love.” �

Remember Jesus was teaching us something important at the Last Supper. The Pope describes it, “The Lord calls us to come down, to

learn humility and the courage of goodness, to trust in goodness and persevere in it.” There is love�the love of Jesus washing His

apostles’ feet, the love of Jesus willing to die for us on the Cross, the love of Jesus calling us, in the Pope’s beautiful phrase, to “the

courage of goodness.” That is the love He commands us to have for one another.�

Dear friends, our whole Christian life is an imitation of the love of Jesus which He showed at the Last Supper and which He showed

on the Cross. It is a self�giving love, a forgiving love, a sacrificing love. As I say that, I think of someone who lived that love so well

and so long, our late John Cardinal O’Connor. If anyone lived the commandment to love one another, it was Cardinal O’Connor who

went home to God nineteen years ago. I have his picture displayed in the office in our rectory. He taught us so many lessons. He

taught us that the commandment to love one another means to stand for the truth, to stand for the defense of unborn life, to stand for the

poor, the forgotten, the abandoned of this world. He stood for all of those people. He stood for all of us. He knew the great people of

the world, but he never stopped being a parish priest. You may know that he served as a Navy chaplain for 27 years before becoming

bishop of a diocese. People used to say that, in his chaplain years, whenever someone called him, his answer was, “This is Father

O’Connor. What can I do for you?” For him, love meant action. Love meant establishing the Sisters of Life to promote the rights of

the unborn. Love meant visiting AIDS patients and caring for them. Love meant coming to a priest’s funeral, even though he was �

dying himself. If anyone lived what the Pope calls ‘the courage of goodness,” it was certainly our late cardinal. If anyone taught the

world the commandment to love one another, it was he.�

Let us give thanks today for Cardinal O’Connor and for all the many people in our lives who have taught us the commandment of

love and the courage of goodness. They have been like Jesus to us, bending down, washing our feet, filling us with goodness. Let us

resolve to do the same, each of us. Let us love enough to bend down and serve one another in His name. And every day let us �

remember the blessed commandment He has given us, the commandment that brings us to life eternal, “Love one another as I have

loved you.” �

� � � � � � � � � � � Father Thomas B. Derivan �


During this past year we have been blessed to have Deacon John Figueroa with us on the weekends. We are honored that he was �

assigned to our parish by Cardinal Dolan to assist us in preaching at Sunday Mass, baptizing, administering Holy Communion, and

helping our CCD children on Sunday mornings. It has been a pleasure to have him with us in these final months of preparation for his

priestly ordination. Deacon John will be ordained as a priest this Saturday, May 25th at 9:00AM at St. Patrick’s Cathedral by Cardinal

Dolan. We rejoice with him and with his family and we assure him of our continued prayers as he begins his priestly service of the

people of the Archdiocese of New York.�

The newly ordained Father Figueroa will celebrate his First Mass on Sunday, May 26th at his home parish, Christ the King in �

Yonkers. Then on Sunday, June 2nd he will return to St. Theresa’s to offer the 12:15PM Mass. We invite all to join in this happy �

occasion at the Mass and at the gathering in our school immediately after the Mass.�


Next Thursday, May 30, is Ascension Thursday when Our Lord returned to His Father in heaven. It is a holyday of obligation.�

We will have a change of schedule for the holyday. Cardinal Dolan will be coming to celebrate Mass for the 8th Grade students in the

East Bronx at 10:00AM in our church. This will necessitate a change in our parish Mass schedule.�

Therefore our Ascension Thursday schedule will be as follows:�

� Wednesday, May 29th�7:30PM Mass�

� Thursday, May 30th�8:00AM, NO 9:00AM MASS, 1:00PM Mass (instead of 12 Noon), 7:30PM Mass�

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Our 23rd Annual St. Theresa Italian American Feast will be held this year from Wednesday, June 19 through Sunday, June 23rd. Tell

your family and friends to save the date and make plans for a fun�filled celebration. As in the past, the Feast will have a definite “family

focus” and there will be something for everyone, including the “little ones.”�


Our Feast hours will be:�

� Wednesday, June 19th�5:00PM to 9:30PM�

� Thursday, June 20th�5:00PM to 9:30PM�

� Friday, June 21st�5:00PM to 9:30PM�

� Saturday, June 22nd�2:00PM to 9:30PM�

� Sunday, June 23rd�2:00PM to 9:30PM�

Religious Services�

Each night we will have opening prayer for the Feast at 5:00PM. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we will have Mass and prayers

honoring St. Theresa at 7:00PM. On Saturday our Mass will be at the regular Saturday evening time, 5:00PM (for the Sunday �

obligation). On Sunday, June 23rd, Mass will be at 4:00PM (instead of the regular 5:00PM), followed by our procession through the

streets with the statue of St. Theresa. There will be a Choir concert in the Church immediately following the procession.�

Grand Raffle�

As part of our Feast we will once again hold our Grand Raffle. �

Our prizes are as follows:�

� � First Prize� �$25,000�

� � Second Prize� �$5,000�

� � Third Prize� �$1,000�

Raffle tickets have been mailed to all on our mailing list. If you are not on the Parish mailing list, you may pick up a ticket after Mass

in the church vestibule or at the rectory during the week. Yes they are $100.00 each, but we feel the prizes are worth it and this raffle is

very important to the finances of our parish. Take the raffle tickets to work or a family gathering and get 4 or 5 people to share in the

cost of a ticket. In recent years we have sold about 500 tickets and we hope to do better this year, with your generous help. Fellow �

parishioners will be in front of the Church after all of our weekend Masses selling tickets, accepting your stubs and answering any �

questions you may have. Please do your best to network at least one raffle ticket. We all know that if we try we can get it done.�

Advance Ride Tickets�

We will soon be selling advance ride tickets for our feast at a tremendous discount. These Advance Ride Tickets will soon be available

in the bookstore after the weekend Masses, in the rectory weekdays from 9:00AM to 4:30PM, and on our parish website using a debit or

credit card.�


We invite you to become a Feast volunteer. Our Feast depends on you! Whatever amount of time you can give will be greatly �

appreciated. Fellow parishioners will be outside of church before and after all of the weekend Masses. Volunteer forms are in the �

vestibule of the church. We particularly encourage new volunteers to join us this year, specifically in helping out at the children’s

events in the gym, security, religious article sale, and refreshments.�

Corporate Sponsors�

We welcome businesses to get involved with our Feast as corporate sponsors. A tax deductible donation will get a business or store

advertising and recognition during our Feast. For additional information call the rectory weekdays at 718�892�1900. We are most

grateful to the businesses who have sponsored our Feast and we ask your patronage of them.�

Vendors Welcome�

If you are interested in becoming a vendor for our Feast, please contact the rectory (781�892�1900) for space rental information and

necessary requirements.�

Knitters & Crocheters�

Once again we are reaching out to those that can knit or crochet. We are asking for baby blanket, sweaters, hats, or booties for babies.�

These items will be displayed during our feast and then donated to the Sisters of Life. These items can be dropped off at the rectory

during the week or the raffle table in front of the church before or after the weekend Masses.�

St. Vincent de Paul�

This year we are asking everyone who comes to the Feast to bring canned food to help our Food Pantry, sponsored by the St. Vincent de

Paul Society. They will have a table at the Feast and you may bring you food donations there.�

Invite a Friend�

Over the last 20 years many of our parishioners have had good friends who have moved out of the area. While these people lived in

Pelham Bay they had a strong devotion to St. Theresa. Why not give these people a call and invite them to spend a night at the feast

with you? We are happy to welcome them home!�

Thank You�

We ask all of our parishioners to join us and say thank you to those individuals that own homes or live within the immediate area of our

feast. We realize that at times during the week of our feast those local residents are inconvenienced. We thank them for their �

understanding & patience. We have tried to incorporate their suggestions into our Feast plans for this year. We ask these homeowners

to contact the rectory if they feel that there is any condition that needs to be addressed.�


For more information on our feast please visit our www.sttheresachurchbronx.org/feast. If you would like to find out about being a �

vendor or need any other information, please contact the Rectory at 718�892�1900.�

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MAY 19, 2019�

A goodly number of people will be pulling our their Daily Mass Missal in preparation for the October seventh Memorial Feast of Our

Lady of the Rosary. In one small paragraph, the Missal provides centuries of history and devotion to this nearly universal and beloved

prayer pf the Rosary.�

The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary was first celebrated on Sunday, October 7, 1573, two years after the victorious Battle of Lepanto

in 1571. In establishing the feast, Pope Gregory XIII attributed victory to the public’s recitation of the Rosary and the Our Lady’s �

intercession. By 1716, Pope Clement XI moved that Feast to the Roman calendar (first Sunday in October) again in thanksgiving for

victory over Islamic invaders.�

Pope Leo XIII increased the Feast’s rank, seeking Our Lady’s intercession in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Pope St. Pius X

transferred the Feast back to its original date, October 7. We know that Our Blessed Lady from earliest times was a powerful �

intercessor with her Son, even as he began his ministry.�

“Do whatever he tells you,” we hear Mary say to the waiters serving a large wedding in Cana of Galilee. She had sought her Son’s

help, telling him simply: “They have no wine.” The hosts had run out of wine � a disaster for a likely two�day wedding reception.�

Jesus, who was also invited along with some of his disciples, did not disappoint his Mother. It was there that he performed his first

miracle, changing water into wine (John 2:1�11).�

Indeed, for some 2,000 years now, Christians have appealed to the Mother of God for intercession with her Son. We had been �

accustomed to 15 decades of the Rosary, celebrating three 5�decade rosaries and their mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious.�

But it would be Pope St. John Paul II who reminded us that the Rosary was and is all about Jesus’ life, ministry and teaching. He saw

those 15 decades as just a beginning, encouraging us to reach into the biblical treasure chest of Mysteries that deepen our love for Jesus,

and using the Rosary as the format, five mysteries at a time. �

St. John Paul noted that he meditated on five events in Jesus’ ministry, that he grouped as “Luminous Mysteries.” He encouraged the

faithful to add these Mysteries to their Rosary Devotion. He believed people could discover many more, and pray them with the �

Rosary. The Luminous Mysteries are: the Baptism of Our Lord, the Wedding Feast of Cana, the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God,

the Transfiguration, and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist.�

Over the centuries, it is clear that the Rosary brings us to a deeper Faith, lessens the attraction to sin, and opens our eyes to the �

mission Jesus holds out to us, in this lifetime and the next.�

Pope Francis frequently speaks to the efficacy of the Rosary, a must on his daily calendar. He includes the Rosary in his nightly hour

of adoration before the Tabernacle. He too speaks to the gentle and powerful intercession of Mary, Mother of the Lord, Queen of the

Holy Rosary. “Queen of the Holy Rosary, bless us as we pray.” �

� � � � � � � � � (From Franciscan Mission Associates)�





Mother of the Redeemer, with great joy we call you blessed.�

In order to carry out His plan of salvation, God the Father chose you before the creation of the world.�

You believed in His love and obeyed His word.�

The Son of God desired you for His Mother when He became man to save the human race.�

You received Him with ready obedience and undivided heart.�

The Holy Spirit loved you as His mystical spouse and filled you with singular gifts.�

You allowed yourself to be led by His hidden and powerful actions.�

In this third Christian Millennium, we entrust to you the Church which acknowledges you and invokes you as Mother.�

To you, Mother of the human family and of the nations, we confidently entrust the whole of humanity, with its hopes and fears.�

Do not let it lack the light of true wisdom.�

Guide its steps in the ways of peace.�

Enable all to meet Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.�

Sustain us, O Virgin Mary, on our journey of faith and obtain for us the grace of eternal salvation.�

O clement, O loving, O sweet Mother of God and our Mother, Mary!�

� � � � � � � � � � � Pope St. John Paul II�

� � �

� �

The St. Anthony Novena is celebrated each Tuesday at 6:00PM.

This consists of prayers to St. Anthony and Benediction of the

Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come as we ask for the �

intercession of St. Anthony for ourselves, our families and our

parish. You will have the opportunity to venerate the relic of �

St. Anthony after the Novena.�


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What an enormous responsibility the Lord gives us today! He tells us that the world will recognize the disciples of Jesus by the way

they love one another. Love in other words, is the Christian’s identity card, the only valid “document” identifying us as Christians. It is

the only valid document. If this card expires and is not constantly renewed, we stop being witnesses of the Master. So I ask you: Do

you wish to say yes to Jesus’ invitation to be his disciples? Do you wish to be his faithful friends? The true friends of Jesus stand out

essentially by the genuine love; not some “pie in the sky” love; no, it is a genuine love that shines forth in their way of life. Love is

always shown in real actions. Those who are not real and genuine and who speak of love are like characters is a soap opera, some fake

love story. Do you want to experience his love? Let us learn from him, for his words are a school of life, a school where we learn to

love. This is a task which we must engage in every day: to learn how to love.�

Before all else, love is beautiful, it is the path to happiness. But it is not an easy path. It is demanding and it requires effort. Think,

for example, of when we receive a gift. It makes us happy, but receiving a gift means that someone generous has invested time and

effort; by their gift they also give us a bit of themselves, a sacrifice they have made. To love means to give, not only something �

material, but also something of one’s self: one’s own time, one’s friendship, one’s own abilities.�

Love is a responsibility, but a noble responsibility which is life�long; it is a daily task for those who can achieve great dreams! Love

is nurtured by trust, respect and forgiveness. Love does not happen because we talk about it, but when we live it: it is not a sweet poem

to study and memorize, but is a life choice to put into practice! How can we grow in love? The secret, once again, is the Lord: Jesus

gives us himself in the Mass, he offers us forgives and peace in Confession. There we learn to receive his love, to make it ours and to

give it to the world. And when loving seems hard, when it is difficult to say no to something wrong, look up at Jesus on the cross, �

embrace the cross and don’t ever let go of his hand. He will point you ever higher, and pick you up whenever you fall. Throughout life

we will fall many times, because we are sinners, we are weak. But there is always the hand of God who picks us ap, who raises us up.

Jesus wants us to be up on our feet! Think of the beautiful word Jesus said to the paralytic: “Arise!” God has created us to be on our

feet. To have the courage to pick oneself up, to allow oneself to be raised up by Jesus. And his hand is often given through the hand of

a friend, through the hand of one’s parents, through the hand of those who accompany us throughout life. Jesus himself is present in

them. So arise! God wants us up on our feet, ever on our feet!�

� � � � � � � � � � � Homily, April 24, 2016�

The legacy of Madeleine Sophie Barat can be found in the more than 100 schools operated by her Society of the Sacred Heart, �

institutions known for the quality of the education made available to the young.�

Sophie herself received an extensive education, thanks to her brother Louis, 11 years older and her godfather at baptism. Himself a

seminarian, Louis decided that his younger sister would likewise learn Latin, Greek, history, physics and mathematics�always without

interruption and with a minimum of companionship. By age 15, she had received a thorough exposure to the Bible, the teachings of the

Fathers of the Church and theology. Despite the strict schedule Louis imposed, young Sophie thrived and developed a genuine love of


Meanwhile, this was the time of the French Revolution and of the suppression of Christian schools. The education of the young,

particularly young girls, was in a troubled state. Sophie, who had discerned a call to the religious life, was persuaded to become a

teacher. She founded the Society of the Sacred Heart, which focused on schools for the poor as well as boarding schools for young

women of means. Today, co�ed Sacred Heart schools also can be found, along with schools exclusively for boys.�

In 1826, her Society of the Sacred Heart received formal papal approval. By then she had served as superior at a number of convents.

In 1865, she was stricken with paralysis; she died that year on the feast of the Ascension.�

Madeleine Sophie Barat was canonized in 1925.�

Madeleine Sophie Barat lived in turbulent times. She was only 10 when the Reign of Terror began. In the wake of the French �

Revolution, rich and poor both suffered before some semblance of normality returned to France. Born to some degree of privilege, �

Sophie received a good education. It grieved her that the same opportunity was being denied to other young girls, and she devoted �

herself to educating them, whether poor or well�to�do. We who live in an affluent country can follow her example by helping to ensure

to others the blessings we have enjoyed. �



This weekend at all of our Masses, Tony Felicissimo will be

speaking on behalf of the Advocates of Life and their “Bottles

for Babies” campaign to help their pro�life programs. �

The Advocates of Life also have an information booth at our

Feast. We encourage your help to them. Bottles may be brought

to the sacristy or the rectory by June 2.�


We thank all who have made their pledges for the Renew

and Rebuild Campaign for needed repairs in our church,

such as the kneelers which will soon be replaced. For your

convenience, a pledge form is found in today’s bulletin.�


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SATURDAY MAY 18, 2019�

5:00PM� Sal Greco� � � �

SUNDAY MAY 19, 2019�

7:30AM� Parishioners of St. Theresa� � �

9:00AM� Msgr. Neil Graham� � � �

10:30AM� Marilyn Taibi�� �

12:15PM� Fr. Ralph Curcio� � � � �

1:30PM� Rafael Ortiz� � � � �

5:00PM� Crisia Esposito� � � � �

MONDAY MAY 20, 2019�

8:00AM� Sy Reznitsky� � � � �

9:00AM� Edward Otterstedt� � � �

TUESDAY MAY 21, 2019�

8:00AM� Michael DeGennaro� �

9:00AM� Paul Censani� �


8:00AM� Clino & Henry DiRusso & Pasquale Chiodi�

9:00AM� Grazio & Mary Zerafa� � � �

THURSDAY MAY 23, 2019�

8:00AM� Albert Morra� � � � �

9:00AM� Ralph Bockino� � � � �

12NOON� Raphael Rodriguez� � �

FRIDAY MAY 24, 2019�

8:00AM� Dorothy Ferrante� � �

9:00AM� Fr. Tom D’Angelo� � � �

SATURDAY MAY 25, 2019�

8:00AM� Dennis & Mary Russo� � � � �

9:00AM� Luke Turrisi� �

5:00PM� Sylvester & Marie Zottola� � � �

SUNDAY MAY 26, 2019�

7:30AM� Parishioners of St. Theresa� �

9:00AM� Assunta & Luigi Miniaci� � �

10:30AM� Sylvester Zottola� � � � �

12:15PM� Anna & Daniele Riccardi� � � �

1:30PM� Anibal Lopez� � � � �

5:00PM� Hilda Maldonado� � � �

� �











All new or unregistered parishioners are asked to please register

by phone or in person at the Rectory or fill out the information

below. Many items of importance will be mailed home in the

course of the year.�







III Joseph Camaj & Saranda Zherka�



STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) is

a comprehensive one month summer program, July 1�26th, for

rising 7th and 8th grade girls. The program reinforces math,

reading and English language skills, as well as classes in art,

dance, robotics, coding and sports. A great way to spend the

summer, make new friends, and progress academically. �

Program fee: $750.00, includes daily lunch catered by Posto 22,

course materials and 2 T�shirts.�

For more information contact Tracy Keelin, [email protected]

or 718�882�2882 Ext.122. �

Additional information is available on website: www.scahs.org.�


Phyllis Amitrano, Maryann Cale Bannan, Eileen Buckley, �

Nancy Cardone, Elaine Reiss Cina, Joseph Cina, �

Phyllis Caruso, Pasqua Del Prete, Marie DiPolo, Thomas Egan,

Frank Ferrara, Rita Ferrara, Daley Gribbon, Ita Griffin, �

Sean Howell, William Keenan, Sal Lanza, Frank Maiorana, �

Maryann Maiorana, Diane Martino, Joe Martino, �

Theresa Martino, Patrick & Jimmy McCoy, �

Isabelle O’Brien, Frank Oricco, Marie Petillo, Joseph Pisano,

Marie Russillo, Camille Siciliano, Mario Simeone, Toni Spahr, �

Florence Valentine, Dean Valentine, Nicholas Vasti, �

Frank Vertullo, Irene Vesely.�

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Visit our two convenient locations:3151 Westchester Ave.

Mon-Sat 7am-10pmSunday 7am-9pm

2722 E. Tremont Ave.Mon-Sat 7am-9pmSunday 7am-8pm


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