
Join The Zone!! The rowdiest student section on campus & receive a FREE T-shirt! September 9, 2010 • www.OlympiaMediaGroup.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Get Ready To Dig It, Page 3 Hail To The Victors, Page 4 What A Web We Weave, Page 10 Photo Credit: Danielle Toll


Second Issue

Transcript of 9.9.10

Page 1: 9.9.10

Join The Zone!! The rowdiest student section on campus & receive a FREE T-shirt!

September 9, 2010 • www.OlympiaMediaGroup.comAnn Arbor, Michigan

Get Ready To Dig It, Page 3Hail To The Victors, Page 4What A Web We Weave, Page 10

Photo Credit: Danielle Toll

Page 2: 9.9.10

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Welcometo the

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We SayAs Welcome Week ends, so too does the

luxury of being without responsibilities. The beginning of classes corresponds with a reemergence into real life. We picked our classes last winter, and now we get to shuffl e courses around to create our ideal schedules. New classes may fi ll us with anxiety or excitement, but either way most of us must slightly tone things down now that we must wake up for classes in the morning.

Having said that, we have to remember that we only have four (give or take) years of college and we need to fully appreciate and enjoy our experience. Here are some tips I recommend to aid in this endeavor:

Later classes means later nights- If you often stay out very late, then help yourself out and schedule later classes. This should give you time to get ready, eat, and work out

before class to start your day off right.

Take whatever classes you want. If you’re an engineer take a writing class. If you’re in the business school take an art class. Take any class you want because you may never again have the opportunity .

Don’t work yourself to death and don’t slack off. We are in school to study, but socializing is very important as well. If you spend all of your time in the library you will miss out on a vital lesson that many learn in college, how to enjoy living.

Make time for yourself. College, and specifi cally Greek life, is very social and many fi nd themselves surrounded by people all the time. It is important to set enough time aside to give yourself space and just “do you”.

Never stop meeting new people. This is the easiest time in your life to meet new people, and the most signifi cant because the friends you make in college will last your whole life. Don’t just stick to one crowd; meet people of backgrounds different than your own.

Overall the most important thing is that you are enjoying life and doing what you want to do. Do not live your life for someone else.

“Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.” –Ayn Rand

Casey is a sophomore studying Business and Chemical Engineering. You may reach him at [email protected].


Phi Kappa PsiPublisher

Alex Perlman, Phi Kappa Psi • Matthew Goldstein, Phi Kappa PsiLeann Arcori, Alpha Phi

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www.TheOdysseyOnline.com • 3COMMUNITY SERVICE

This weekend, Elbow fi eld will be fi lled with all breeds of Wolverine – Greek, Non-Greek, athletic, charitable, and in desperate need of a better tan – as Delta Tau Delta kicks off its fi rst annual beach volleyball tournament. This means that all of us have one last opportunity to add a little more sand and sun to the end of our summers. The event, “Delt Dig It” will take place on Friday, September 10th from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Everyone on campus is encouraged to create his or her own team of six and compete for the grand prize of $300 dollars - Hello Zingerman’s fund! Admission fees will be set at $10 per person, or $60 per team.

Not only is the tournament a fun way

to spend the last few days of summer, but all of the proceeds are directed towards the Fraternity’s philanthropy, The Gordie Foundation, a charity promoting alcohol awareness on college campuses. The

organization was founded in honor of Gordon Bailey, a college freshman at the University of Colorado, at Boulder. On September 17, 2004 “Gordie” passed

away from alcohol poisoning after a rush event where he was hazed, and left unattended to after falling asleep while noticeably intoxicated. Rather than caring for Gordie, his new brothers drew all over his body, unaware that he was unconscious, and left him alone for the next ten hours.

The brothers at Delta Tau Delta felt particularly connected to this cause last year, when they participated in unsafe distribution of alcohol. After being placed on sober probation, the house decided to emphasize a newfound importance on each other’s safety. The brothers became devoted to alcohol education on campus and developed a strong bond with the Gordie Foundation.

If you are interested in supporting the cause and purchasing tickets ahead of time, please call the event coordinator Jordan Pollack, at (561)789-9944. Tickets will also be available upon arrival the day of the event. Even if you aren’t planning on playing, we all know how

much fun it is to people watch. So get out and support your friends!

Erica Salmirs is a junior studying Economics and Environmental Studies. You may contact her at [email protected].

Get Ready To Dig It!

ERICA SALMIRS"Recruitment"

Page 4: 9.9.10

4 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.comSTORYSTORYSTORYFeature

I march into CVS with a mission. Yanking out a crumbled sheet of loose-leaf and unfolding it to reveal the contents, I begin to scan the aisles for my back-to-school necessity. I bypass the shampoo aisle, breeze past the band-aids and Motrin (items I’m sure I’ll be needing in the coming weeks), and come to a halt at a panel lined from top to bottom with every color imaginable—my own young adult crayon box, if you will. There’s the tickle-me-pink shade, the brick red mishap, and the forest green polish dripping down the side of the bottle. No, no, no. My eyes fi nally rest on a spectrum of yellows from neon

to mustard, and everything in between. I examine a yellow called “Hookup” for a moment, and then, satisfi ed, I drop it in my shopping cart. On to the blues. After a few minutes of comparing, I decide on “Witch’s Blue” and triumphantly head toward the checkout line.

Fast forward two weeks. Now, just days before our fi rst football game of the season, my default hot pink nail polish has been replaced by an alternating pattern of maize and blue. Four long months of summer, and we are all fi nally back to enjoy yet another season of Wolverine football (and Wolverine football pregames).

A heads-up for the freshmen…

You will be waking up at 9am every football Saturday to commence in

pregame festivities.

You will be decked out every Saturday morning from head to toe in maize and

blue. From temporary tattoos, to facepaint, to knee-length socks, to yes- your nail polish (in my two years at Michigan, I’ve only seen the last one apply to girls, but maybe this year a true-blue male

Wolverine will prove me wrong).

You will try to make it to every home game! I’ve been the idiot who forgets her football ticket in her room and has to walk all the way home to get it. And on occasion I’ve been the idiot who then accidentally passes out on the bed.

You will support your Wolverines even if they’re playing like the Detroit Lions.

And you will do as we all do... Start off with the same expectation that we all have at the beginning of every football season: a 12-0 record. Paint your faces and certainly your nails and believe that it will make the difference—I do! GO BLUE!

Samantha Scharmett is a junior studying Communications and French. You may contact her at [email protected].

Hail To The Victors

"You will support your Wolverines even if they’re playing like the Detroit Lions."



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Page 5: 9.9.10

www.TheOdysseyOnline.com • 5FITNESSFITNESSFITNESS

Health &

So you keep telling yourself you will lose those pounds eventually? “I’ll do it later when I am less busy”, is a commonly used excuse. Well listen up, getting in shape now rather than later in life gives you several amazing benefi ts.

1. Pretty much everyone in college likes drinking. The only problem with that is the more you drink, the more of a tolerance you will begin to build up. Pretty soon you will be pre-gaming with a few shots just to get a good buzz. Luckily, if you start exercising and begin to lose weight, you will be able to drink less to get the same effect. It’s a win-win, not only are you able to drink less for the same result, but because you are drinking less you do not consume as many calories; this makes fat loss even easier!

2. Gaining muscle will result from your body burning more calories on a daily basis, thereby allowing you to eat and drink more if you want to. Not that you

are ever going to be like Michael Phelps, but when you burn 12,000 calories a day like he does you can see how a few extra

beers does not matter as much.

3. Last but most importantly, once you get into shape it becomes signifi cantly easier later on in life to get back into shape (both mentally and physically).

Mentally, you will know that you are capable of looking a certain way and have the confi dence to re-attain that fi gure. Physically, your body will be familiar with operating at a certain level of fi tness and your muscle memory will make getting back into form easier.

My suggestion for those serious about losing weight is the following; Pick an area of six weeks sometime this year where you commit yourself to getting in shape. This means drinking at most once a week during this time period, in addition to having sound nutrition and a steady workout regime. Hire a personal trainer if necessary to show you how to safely perform resistance exercises because those are much more

effective than cardio for weight loss. You will notice that if you lose weight cleanly and not by crash dieting, it is easier to keep the weight off and you will feel encouraged to continue a healthier lifestyle.

Feel free to email Sean any suggestions for articles or ideas that you would like discussed. Sean is a nationally accredited certifi ed personal trainer through NFPT and has trained everyone from models to housewives to athletes.

Sean Yang is a sophomore in the Ross School of Business studying Finance. You may contact him at [email protected].

Why You Should Get into Shape Sooner Rather Than Later

SEAN YANGSigma Alpha Epsilon

"Gaining muscle will result from your body burning more calories on a daily basis, thereby allowing you to eat and drink more if you want to."

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6 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.comTRADITIONTRADITIONTRADITIONGreek Life













r School’s starting and

Welcome Week is coming to a close. Most of us have lost our voices and obtained many mysterious bruises (except for the one you got falling down Skeeps staircase, we all remember that). You’ve made some new friends and detagged about 400 new and totally incriminating pictures. So what’s next?

Rush. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, you’re aware Rush Season has begun. Everyone’s being way too nice to freshmen, and those of us in houses are getting way too many emails from our rush chairs (love you guys, but no one’s going to read let alone remember what you emailed us after 10pm any day of Welcome Week). Accepting the reality of school and the totally embarrassing

things you did this past week are stressful enough. Adding on top of that the rules, regulations, and competition of rush seems miserable.

The worst part is it’s totally worth it. You’re going lose your voice screaming and feel like you’re speed dating, but there’s a reason freshmen rush year after year. My advice this week goes directly to freshman – Rush. It’s beyond worth it. You see hordes of guys and girls rolling out on South U wearing their letters for a reason. The

process itself is long, but in the end it’s worth every second of the seemingly unnecessary ass kissing.

My experience rushing was atypical.

I had a crew within the fi rst three days of Welcome Week. It was obnoxiously

precious the way the fi ve of us met and fell in love. We went from being complete strangers to best friends in .055 seconds. We each rushed and each decided to join four different sororities – SDT, Sigma Kappa, Kappa, Tri Delt with one fabulous “GDI.” So while I rushed SDT I ended up joining the mythical and now infamous Sigma Kappa Delta Tau (watch out for our upcoming bar crawl down South U).

Freshman: when you’re rushing keep in mind that you don’t have to do whatever your friends do. Pick a fraternity or sorority that feels right for you. I know it sounds cliché but think of this: having friends in different houses means you have access to every mixer, every scene, and every piece of gossip. You become best friends with the new best friends of your best friends – talk about a lot of friends. Our biweekly lunches at Cosi involved dishing the details from everyone’s weekends – particularly informative when you would fi nd a guy you were dating hooked up with a girl in your best friends sorority.

So keep in mind, rushing was one of the best decisions I ever made. I would be nothing without my best friends, who would have been there with or without rush.

Ellie Schiff is a senior studying Political Science & English. You may contact her at [email protected]

kSigma Kappa Delta Tau

" Rush. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, you’re aware Rush Season has begun."

ELLIE SCHIFF"Recruitment"

Page 7: 9.9.10

www.TheOdysseyOnline.com • 7TRADITIONTRADITIONTRADITIONGreek Life

Rush: An individual, recognized by the brothers of a fraternity, as someone who wishes to become a pledge of said fraternity.

Bid: The expressed permission, on behalf of the brothers of said fraternity, to enroll as a pledge.

Pledge: An acting member in the fraternity who earns his place in the brotherhood by displaying specifi c qualities and completing certain tasks. During this process, a pledge will obey the order of the pledge master(s). (This defi nition varies in accordance with each fraternity.)

I remember my very fi rst fraternity-rush experience. I had just walked up Geddes Ave., a steep hill to say the least, to fi nd a bunch of brothers from the AEPi fraternity tossing a football. All of a sudden the ball was tossed my way. A high-fl yer, I really had time to worry about what might

happen if I bobbled it, dropped it, or just plain missed it. These are fraternity guys and I’m the naive freshman who doesn’t know what he’s in for. Thankfully, I caught the ball and received a round of applause from the brothers on the fi eld. My friends and I were then ushered into the fraternity house by the rush chair who then introduced us to the other brothers.

My advice to you, the rushee, is to ask as many questions as possible. Not only will you get a lot of your questions answered but you will also be displaying your eager interest in the fraternity. When it comes to picking the pledges, the brothers will pick the pledges based upon who they have spent the most time with and who they believe will make for a good brother. If you have hidden talents, let a brother know. If you have uncertainties about the pledge process, let a brother know. If you want to know where the bathroom is, let a brother know. This way, more brothers will recognize your face when it comes

down to sculpting a pledge class.

For the most part, rushing fraternities is a delight. THERE IS ALMOST ALWAYS FREE FOOD. You will learn quickly that free food is key to surviving your college years. Girls dress to impress, put on the fakest smiles you’ve ever seen, and laugh at jokes that are not even funny- all in an effort to be selected. You are the lucky ones. Rush is actually as much fun as you want to make it.

For guys, there is hardly any pressure. The most pressure-fi lled moments are those you spend waiting to get picked up by the brothers and brought to the house

to be told that you have been chosen to be a part of the next pledge class. My roommate rushed the same fraternity as I did, and he was picked up by brothers who then brought him to the house. I spent the next 20-30 minutes nervously pacing my room, hoping that some AEPi brothers would pick me up. Those minutes were torturous but eventually, they arrived. You, the guys, have it pretty easy.

Ben Seidman is a sophomore interested in Global Change. You may reach him at [email protected]

What To Expect During Rush, For The Guys


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Page 8: 9.9.10

EVENTSWelcome Week

Photo Credit: Danielle Toll

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EVENTSWelcome Week

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10 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.comTALK ABOUTTALK ABOUTTALK ABOUTSomething to

I have three letters for you. A-C-B. Strike a nerve for anyone? If you aren’t familiar with the triplet, it refers to a website targeting a college-aged audience; www.collegeacb.com that contains a list of schools throughout the country. You can scroll through, fi nd your own university, and suddenly your computer screen is exploding with the latest gossip topics around campus. Still sound interesting? Well, after a few clicks of your mouse you will soon realize that this isn’t just fellow students sharing information, it is a chat room gone evil.

www.collegeACB.com attacks individuals, sororities, fraternities, couples, and any other living thing within the Greek community through nasty comments that people post (usually anonymously). What may have started as

a friendly discussion web page for Greek houses to connect with one another has rapidly morphed into a form of verbal abuse against many. The comments found on the website range from whose house has the “weirdest” selection of individuals to the “coolest”, to rating girls from hottest to ugliest. The comments are never ending.

Sure, as you dive deeper into the blog you recognize that what people are saying is mean, but are you really

able to understand the true pain they can cause? It’s not until your eyes fi nd your own name, that your anger starts building up inside you. In fact, this very thing happened to myself. Seeing as I was a Freshman, I didn’t understand how people would even know my name let

alone have personal attacks against me. The fi rst thought that came to my mind was, “How had I created an enemy?” One of my top reasons for entering the Greek community was to make friends and apparently I was doing just the opposite. I was absolutely crushed as I read comment after comment stabbing whatever self-confi dence I had left. Eventually, that sadness turned into anger; anger towards the participants of the blog, and anger towards our generation.

Whether the bloggers are students of the American universities or just outsiders, it is a disgrace to our society that technology has been abused in this way. We’ve grown up hearing about online scandals, identity theft, and social network controversies on the news; essentially our lives revolve around the latest gadgets and devices (especially the computer). Facebook and MySpace are taking over the world, and we are falling victim to using their forms of communication, or lack thereof.

I fi nd it so upsetting that people have

resorted to a blog website to get revenge, or whatever it is they intend to stir up with their “cyber attacks.” What ever happened to conversation? What about the good old days when we were taught manners and courtesy? This website provides a cowardly way for someone to vent about their feelings; it’s very rare that you fi nd a name left at the bottom of any post.

What I’ve decided is that I’m not going to let some anonymously typed digs rip me apart. Not everyone has to like me, but I feel bad for the person who has to stoop as low as a blog to try and knock me down. Have a problem with someone? I challenge you to pick up the phone and call them. Let’s turn this generation around and oh, I don’t know, be nice to each other for once! I guess all I have left to say in response to those mean comments is: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Kendall Szczerba is a sophomore studying Pre-Medicine and Spanish. You may contact her at [email protected].

What A Web We Weavea friendly discussion web page for Greek houses to connect with one another has rapidly morphed into a form of verbal abuse against many. The comments found on the website range from whose house has the “weirdest” selection of individuals to the “coolest”, to rating girls from hottest to ugliest. The comments are never ending.


Page 11: 9.9.10

www.TheOdysseyOnline.com • 11CAREER

It is advised, almost upon entering college, to begin looking for summer internships. We have heard everything from “internships give you something valuable to do with your summer,” to “they are essential in order to get a leg up in the corporate world.” The thing is, the advice nowadays steers students towards taking the fi rst internship offered to them and away from spending more time and effort searching for one that is paid. My question is: is an unpaid internship really worth it, or are you better off searching for that rare paid one?

Last winter I agreed to be a summer intern at a non-profi t company in

Tübingen, Germany. My only criteria when searching for an internship was that

it had to be in Germany. So, when I found CDS, the organization that helped me fi nd placement abroad, it was a dream come true.

Against the advice of my dad and in accordance with the advice of my CDS counselor, I jumped at the fi rst position offered to me- which happened to be unpaid. I was excited solely for the opportunity to spend my summer abroad, and

didn’t really focus on anything fi nancially outside of the amount of money it was going to take to fund the plane tickets and everyday living expenses during my stay. This means that I didn’t really take into

consideration what would happen after my summer in Germany was fi nished.

This is where I stand now: post-internship and penniless. Don’t get me wrong my time abroad was amazing. I met a lot of great people, experienced a lot of unique and exciting experiences, and gained greater insights into the corporate world as well as a greater appreciation for all things that comprise the word “American.” Yet, I just wish that there were a little something of

monetary value in my back pocket to show for it. After all, the Jay-Z/Eminem concert is coming up, and those tickets are not cheap.

So, which would you choose: the priceless experience or the experience of not being able to pay the price of anything new without the fi nancial support of your parents? I have been given the privilege to undergo not only a priceless but also an unforgettable experience and don’t regret my decision for one second. Next summer, though, I might take my dad’s advice into a little more account and spend more time searching for an internship that is paid. This way by the end of next summer, I will not only have exciting stories but also some extra cash.

Danielle Lumetta is a sophomore studying German and interested in Informatics. You may contact her at [email protected].

Summer Internships, Overrated?


So, which would you choose: the priceless experience or the experience of not being able to pay the price of anything new without the fi nancial support of your parents?

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12 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.com


KYLIE KAGEN"Recruitment"

"As a southern girl, I fi nd fewer things more amusing than people who insist on quoting “Chicken Fried” on their facebook statuses on any given weekend."

Alright, so we’ve all dealt with this at some point. You’ve got that one friend who simply refuses to stop reminding you that at one time or another, he/she was up to date with modern pop culture by incessantly quoting ridiculous lines, catch phrases, noises etc…from a menagerie of sources. It was funny the fi rst time, moderately humorous the next few, and absolutely heinous by the twentieth. Today, the over-quoting disease has quickly become an epidemic, claiming many in its wake. The complete list is quite lengthy, of course, but the following three overused bits have proven to grate on my nerves, just a bit deeper than the rest.

1. “Chaaaaarlie! That really hurt!”

Oh. My. God. You know you feel bad for any human being cursed to have the name “Charlie.” As for the rest of his life, some ass-hat is bound to greet him in the voice of that little British boy made famous by jamming his fi nger into his baby brother’s mouth. For the record, that video isn’t even that funny. Over 223 million views – really?

2. “Chicken Fried” by Zac Brown Band

As a southern girl, I fi nd fewer things more amusing than people who insist on quoting “Chicken Fried”

on their facebook statuses on any given weekend. This song is about a country boy who just loves his “chicken fried, a cold beer on a Friday night, a pair of jeans that fi t just right, and the radio up,” It's

not about you yankee bred frat boys (or even worse, yankee bred sorority girls). I respect the love for weekend, but give it a rest. Watch the music video and let me know if you still feel like you can relate to

those drawn out lyrics.

3. Quotes from Borat

A bit of advice to the chronic Borat quote victim: regurgitating “I like sex – is nice!” in your very best Kazakhstanian accent says very little outside the following: A) You’ve seen Borat. B) You have little to no concept as to what is genuinely funny/attractive C) You’re probably being serious, hence, you’re sort of a huge tool. Very nice!

While the list truly could extend over several pages, those are my top three picks for the lines that you’d pay money never to hear again. Let’s all just hope that one day, our over-quoting friends will overcome their terrible affl ictions so that we may fi nally rest our weary ears.

Kylie Kagen is a sophmore studying Communications. You may contact her at [email protected]

Say It Again...I Dare You. (3 Things You Should Stop Quoting)

Page 13: 9.9.10

www.TheOdysseyOnline.com • 13ENTERTAINMENT

After a nice long relaxing summer, nothing sounds better than heading back to school and getting back into the swing of our crazy social lives. In my opinion,

and I’m sure the majority of people would agree, it is not the frat parties and bar nights that get us so hyped up for school in the fall, but the giant football pre-

parties! Every football Saturday, you can hear the music blaring through the air and the frat boys already out on their porches ready to go. Girls living in a sorority get the “privilege” of getting woken up by the frat that they are pre-party partners with screaming through the house as early as seven a.m. It is a good excuse to get up extremely early to start drinking for the game. Football game pre-parties at Michigan are not even just about getting to the game later, they are an actual party in themselves. Although I personally believe there is nothing better than a Michigan football game (hopefully this is a good season!), some people don’t even end up making it to the game because the pre-parties are so fun. They don't stop just because the game starts!

Both boys and girls get decked out in all their Michigan apparel, ranging from plain Michigan t-shirts to their frat and sorority apparel and accessories. It is not uncommon to see people rocking maize

and blue striped overalls, neon fanny packs and

per sona l i zed blue and yellow Nike dunks. The beauty of going to a school with such a strong football reputation is that people are looking for every chance to show their school spirit. Although there is only one Maize Out this year, this is an added opportunity for the entire student section to show up in all yellow and maize.

The fi rst game is against University of Connecticut, and hopefully our football team shows up for the occasion. I know I have been anxiously awaiting the football Saturday when we can get up at the crack of dawn to start our pre-party. Everyone in greek life will be standing out of the crowd due to the fact that there is a mandatory shirt that all frats and sororities have to wear to promote greek life! I cannot wait to wander around the streets of Ann Arbor stopping by at all the different pre-parties, and I’m sure I’ll see you all there!

Dana Narens is a sophomore studying Communications and English. You may contact her at [email protected]

Football Saturdays Are Back

"I have been anxiously awaiting the football Saturday when we can get up at the crack of dawn to start our pre-party. "

DANA NARENS"Recruitment"

Page 14: 9.9.10

14 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.com

ENTERTAINMENT This week our Wolverines head down to South Bend, IN to take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. First year coach Brian Kelly will lead the rebuilding efforts for the Fighting Irish, while Rich Rodriguez continues to look for the spark to help the Wolverines get back to their winning tradition. Michigan and Notre Dame feature two of the most winningest football programs in history (with Michigan leading the way of course). With an incredible fi nish to last year’s game in Ann Arbor, look for another exciting game this year. This rivalry goes back to 1887 with Michigan leading the series 21-15-1. The two

teams have signed a contract extension that will continue the series until 2031. Looking forward, the game in 2011 will be the fi rst ever night game at Michigan Stadium.

This year focuses once again on the battle for the starting quarterback position, with Denard Robinson working diligently and

improving his throwing game this spring. Tate Forcier was the fi rst true freshman ever to hold the starting position on opening day last season and seems to be in competition once again. Forcier was a clutch performer in last season’s fi nal second win, with a touchdown pass and eleven seconds remaining. Look for the Notre Dame game to be an integral part in the quarterback competition.

Next week, the Wolverines return home to take on the University of Massachusetts.

Laura Raines is a sophomore studying Communications. You may contact her at [email protected].

Michigan Football Preview Week 2:

LAURA RAINES"Recruitment"

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www.TheOdysseyOnline.com • 15ENTERTAINMENT

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16 • www.TheOdysseyOnline.comCOMMUNITY SERVICE