98-365 Instructors Guide Lesson 7

Lesson 1 Lesson 7 Popular Windows Network Services and Applications Learning Objectives Students will learn about: Web Servers Remote Access Remote Administr ation Server Vi rtualization ODN Skills Understand web services 2.2 Understand server virtualization 2.5 Lesson Summary Lecture Notes Tis lesson !ic"s u! were Lesson # le$t o$$ b% discussin& networ" services' includin& web services' terminal services' and server virtualization. Tere$ore' review (uic"l% wat te )nternet is and tat $act tat users access a web !a&e' te% are accessin& te web !a&e $rom a web server. *$ course' tis is a &ood time to discuss te standard web !rotocols' includin& +TT,' +TT,S' -T, and ST, and te !orts tat tese !rotocols use.  /ow tat te students ave a &eneral understandin& o$ te )nternet' introduce icroso$t0 s web server' )nternet )n$ormation Services ))S. Wen users access web sites' te% access $olders. Some o$ tose $olders ma% be located se!aratel% virtual directories so tat te% can be reused b % multi!le websites or accessed $rom a di$$erent server. /e3t' discuss web a!!lications and a!!lication !ools as a metod to isolate one web site $rom anoter website. Te last !art tat deals wit discussin& icroso$t0s web servers includes a discussion o$ securit%. Tere$ore' %ou sould discuss URL autorization rules' available metods o$ autentication' SSL' and di&ital certi$icates. Te ne3t !art o$ te discussion covers !rovidin& -T, services wit ))S. A&ain' review wic !orts -T, users. Te ne3t !art o$ te lesson deals wit Remote Access. Students need to understand te  bene$its tat remote access can o$$er an or&anizati on and te callen&es tat it re!resents. 4o u can ten de$ine a virtual !rivate networ" V,/ and list te di$$erent t%!es o$ tunnelin& ava ilable wit Wi ndows Server 26' includin& ,,T,' L2T,' and SST,. Alon& wit discussin& te encr%!tion tat V,/s o$$er' discuss te di$$erent metods o$ autentication available $or V,/. Lastl%' discuss s!lit tunnelin& wit an em!asis on w% %ou sould not do it. 171



Transcript of 98-365 Instructors Guide Lesson 7

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Lesson 1

Lesson 7

Popular Windows Network Services and Applications

Learning Objectives

Students will learn about:

• Web Servers

• Remote Access

• Remote Administration

• Server Virtualization

ODN Skills

• Understand web services 2.2

• Understand server virtualization 2.5

Lesson Summary Lecture Notes

Tis lesson !ic"s u! were Lesson # le$t o$$ b% discussin& networ" services' includin&web services' terminal services' and server virtualization. Tere$ore' review (uic"l% wat

te )nternet is and tat $act tat users access a web !a&e' te% are accessin& te web !a&e

$rom a web server. *$ course' tis is a &ood time to discuss te standard web !rotocols'

includin& +TT,' +TT,S' -T, and ST, and te !orts tat tese !rotocols use. /ow tat te students ave a &eneral understandin& o$ te )nternet' introduce icroso$t0s

web server' )nternet )n$ormation Services ))S. Wen users access web sites' te% access

$olders. Some o$ tose $olders ma% be located se!aratel% virtual directories so tat te%can be reused b% multi!le websites or accessed $rom a di$$erent server. /e3t' discuss web

a!!lications and a!!lication !ools as a metod to isolate one web site $rom anoter

website. Te last !art tat deals wit discussin& icroso$t0s web servers includes adiscussion o$ securit%. Tere$ore' %ou sould discuss URL autorization rules' available

metods o$ autentication' SSL' and di&ital certi$icates. Te ne3t !art o$ te discussion

covers !rovidin& -T, services wit ))S. A&ain' review wic !orts -T, users.

Te ne3t !art o$ te lesson deals wit Remote Access. Students need to understand te bene$its tat remote access can o$$er an or&anization and te callen&es tat it re!resents.

4ou can ten de$ine a virtual !rivate networ" V,/ and list te di$$erent t%!es o$

tunnelin& available wit Windows Server 26' includin& ,,T,' L2T,' and SST,. Alon&

wit discussin& te encr%!tion tat V,/s o$$er' discuss te di$$erent metods o$autentication available $or V,/. Lastl%' discuss s!lit tunnelin& wit an em!asis on w%

%ou sould not do it.


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Lesson 1

Since man% or&anizations could be lar&e or s!read out' %ou ma% ave a need to connect

to a server remotel%. Tere$ore' %ou will be discussin& Remote 8es"to! Services. 4ou

sould em!asize tat be$ore Windows Server 26 R2' Remote 8es"to! Services was"nown as Terminal Services. 4ou sould also com!are and contrast Remote 8es"to!

9onnections and Remote Assistance. 4ou sould demonstrate usin& Remote 8es"to!

9onnections to connect to anoter com!uter.Te last !art o$ te lesson is server virtualization wit an em!asis on +%!er7V. *$course' %ou sould start out wit a discussion o$ wat a virtual macine is and ow it is

used b% di$$erent or&anizations. Wen discussin& +%!er7V' %ou sould cover te s%stem

re(uirements' includin& #7bit Windows' #7bit !rocessors and ;)*S tat su!!ortvirtualization and +ardware 8ata <3ecution ,revention 8<,. /e3t' discuss ow to

create virtual macines and te $iles tat ma"e u! a virtual macine and ow sna!sots

are used wit virtual macines. Te last !art o$ te discussion covers mana&in& virtualnetwor"s and networ" cards.

!ey "erms

Application = A &rou!in& o$ content on a Web site tat is de$ined at te root level or in ase!arate $older tat as s!eci$ic !ro!erties' suc as te a!!lication !ool in wic te

a!!lication runs and te !ermissions tat are &ranted on te $older.

application pool = A set o$ resources a wor"er !rocess or a set o$ wor"er !rocesses

used b% a Web site or a!!lication tat de$ines te memor% boundaries $or te Web site.

digital certi#icate = A electronic document tat can contain an encr%!tion "e% to encr%!tdata.

$ile "rans#er Protocol %$"P& = A standard networ" !rotocol used to trans$er a $ile $rom

one ost to anoter over a T9,>),7based networ".

'yper"e(t )arkup Language %'")L& = Te !redominant mar"u! lan&ua&e

inter!reted b% browsers $or web !a&es.

*ypervisor = Te com!onent tat is installed between te ardware and te o!eratin&s%stem and is te main com!onent tat mana&es te virtual com!uters.

+nternet +n#ormation Services %++S& = icroso$t0s web server.

p*ysical,to,virtual %P-.& conversion = A !rocess tat allows %ou to convert a !%sical

com!uter to a virtual com!uter.

/emote Assistance = Tecnolo&% used to connect and interact wit a user0s session on

anoter com!uter.

/emote Desktop Services = -ormerl% "nown as Terminal Services' tis is a icroso$t

Windows com!onent tat allows a user to access a!!lications and data on a remote

com!uter over a networ".

Secure Sockets Layer %SSL& = A su!!lemental !rotocol used wit +TT, to secure tra$$icwit a di&ital certi$icate.


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Lesson 1

Simple )ail "rans#er Protocol %S)"P& = A !rotocol used to trans$er emails over te


snaps*ot = A !oint7in7time ima&e o$ a virtual macine tat %ou can return to.

virtual directory = A director% used in a Web site tat corres!onds to a !%sical

director% elsewere on te server' on anoter server' or on a Web site.virtual mac*ine = Tecnolo&% tat allows %ou to run multi!le o!eratin& s%stems

concurrentl% on a sin&le macine' wic allows se!aration o$ services wile "ee!in& cost

to a minimum.

virtual private network %.PN& = Tecnolo&% tat lin"s two com!uters trou& a wide7area networ" suc as te )nternet. To "ee! te connection secure' te data sent between

te two com!uters is enca!sulated and encr%!ted.

web server = A server tat !rovides web !a&es to clients usin& T9, !ort 6.

World Wide Web %WWW& = A s%stem o$ interlin"ed %!erte3t documents "nown as

Web !a&es tat can be viewed wit a Web browser suc as )nternet <3!lorer 


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Lesson 1

Lesson 7Lesson 7

Popular Windows Network

Services and Applications

Knowledge Assessment

Fill in the Blank

0omplete t*e #ollowing sentences by writing t*e correct word or words in

t*e blanks provided1

1. Te World Wide Web is a s%stem o$ interlin"ed %!erte3t documents"nown as web !a&es tat are browsed wit a web browser.

2. Te !redominant mar"u! lan&ua&e $or web !a&es is 'yper"e(t )arkupLagnuage.

?. icroso$t0s web server is "nown as +nternet +n#ormation Server %++S&.

. )n ))S' a virtual directory is a director% used in a Web site tat corres!ondsto a !%sical director% elsewere on te server' on anoter server' or on aWeb site.

5. +TT,S uses !ort 223.

#. 4156 is te most widel% used di&ital certi$icate.

@. icroso$t0s newest virtual macine tecnolo&% is 'yper,..

6. A snaps*ot is a !oint in time ima&e o$ a virtual macine tat %ou can return


. 4ou t%!icall% use remote desktop to remotel% connect and mana&e aserver' wic allows %ou to run !ro&rams directl% on te des"to!.

1. /emoteApp is a s!ecial mode o$ Remote 8es"to! Services tat allows %outo run an a!!lication in its own window.

Multiple Choice

0ircle t*e letter t*at corresponds to t*e best answer1

1. Wic !rotocol is used to trans$er $iles between com!utersB

a. 8/S

 b. +TT,

c1 $"P

d. Telnet

2. Wic !ort does ST, useB

a. 21

b1 -5


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Lesson 1

c. 6

d. ?

?. Wic !ort does +TT, useB

a. 21

 b. 25

c1 86

d. ?

. An CCCCCCCCCCC de$ines a set o$ resources used b% a Web site ora!!lication tat de$ines te memor% boundaries o$ a Web site.

a. Virtual director%

 b. Root director%

c1 Application pool

d. ,ort $orwarder 

5. Wic autentication sends username and !assword tat is not encr%!tedB

a. Anon%mousb1 9asic aut*entication

c. 8i&est autentication

d. Windows autentication

#. Wen con$i&urin& V,/' L2T, uses CCCCCC $or encr%!tion.

a. SST,

 b. ,,T,

c. ,<

d1 +PSec

@. Wic autentication metod used wit V,/ clients can be used witretinal scan and $in&er!rint identi$icationsB

a. ,A,

 b. 9+A,

c. S79+A,v2

d1 :AP,)S,0'APv-

6. ;% usin& CCCCCCCCCCCCC tecnolo&%' %ou can run multi!le o!eratin&s%stems concurrentl% on one macine.

a1 .irtual mac*ine

 b. Virtual director%

c. Terminal server 

d. Remote access

. A$ter %ou create a virtual server in +%!er7V and install te o!eratin&s%stem' %ou ten need to install CCCCCCCCCCCCC so tat te virtual servercan run more e$$icientl%.

a. VWare client tools

 b. Remote 8es"to! tools

c1 +ntegration Services Setup


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Lesson 1

d. ,2V 8is" tools

1. Wic !rotocol is used to send out emailB

a. ,*,2

 b. )A,

c. +TT,

d1 S)"P

True / False

0ircle " i# t*e statement is true or $ i# t*e statement is #alse1

T $ 1. Wen t%!in& in a URL tat does not s!eci$% a director%' %our browser will alwa%s return a error.

" - 2. )$ %ou are usin& ;asic Autentication' %ou sould use di&italcerti$icates to encr%!t.

T $ ?. To co!% a di&ital certi$icate tat includes te !ublic and !rivate "e% !air' use 9SR.

T $ . Toda%' ,TT, is te recommended V,/ tunnelin& !rotocol.

T $ 5. Te .vd $ile olds te virtual macine con$i&uration in$ormation.

Competency Assessment

Scenario 7!" Allowing #ork $rom %ome

4ou Dust started wor"in& as a s%stem administrator $or te Acme 9or!oration. 4ourcom!an% decides tat as a bene$it to its em!lo%ees' some em!lo%ees can wor" $rom ome

one da% a wee". <3!lain wat can %ou do to el! ma"e tis a!!en' wat "e% tecnolo&%

%ou would use' and ow would %ou con$i&ure it.

"*e primary tec*nology you will need to use is to .PN1 "*ere#ore; you will need to

install a remote access server on a computer running Windows Server -6681 <ou

s*ould con#igure L-"P wit* +PSec #or t*e best security1 <ou will t*en *ave to

con#igure t*e client computers to access t*e remote access server1 +n addition;

depending on t*e applications t*at t*e user needs to access; *e will use t*e

applications on *is laptop computer or *e will *ave to use remote desktop to access

servers or client computers wit*in t*e organi=ation1

Scenario 7&" 'solating Ser(er Applications

4ou ave two networ" a!!licationsEa networ" accountin& a!!lication and a networ" +R a!!licationEtat are not !rocessor un&r%. ;ot o$ tese a!!lications must be "e!t

totall% isolated' and bot will access a centralized database server. Wat do %ourecommendB

Some advantages o# using virtual servers include isolating server applications and

utili=ing computer resource more e##iciently1 "*ere#ore; you s*ould use create two

virtual servers on a single p*ysical server1 Alt*oug* t*e applications will access a


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Lesson 1

centrali=ed database server; t*e applications t*emselves will run on t*e individual

servers; keeping t*em totally isolated1

)ro$iciency Assessment

Scenario 7*" Create a #e+ Site1. )nstall ))S.

2. 9reate a Web site tat res!onds to contoso.com and

www.contoso.com usin& !ort 6 tat !oints to


?. Add an entr% in te ost $ile tat !oints contoso.com to te ),

address o$ %our server.

. 9reate a $older called virtual in te c:Finet!ub $older.

5. 9reate a virtual director% tat !oints to c:Finet!ubFvirtual.

#. 9reate an a!!lication !ool called contoso.@. 9an&e te contoso Web site to use te contoso a!!lication !ool.

No answer is needed1 "*is can be demonstrated1

"o install ++S>

?1 0lick Start; point to Administrative "ools; and t*en

click Server )anager1

-1 +n /oles Summary; click Add /oles1

31 @se t*e Add /oles Wi=ard to add t*e web server role1

21 "o open ++S )anager; click t*e Start button1 "*en select

All programs; select Administrative "ools; and click

+nternet +n#ormation Services %++S& )anager1

"o create additional Web sites>

?1 Open ++S )anager1

-1 +n t*e 0onnections pane; rig*t,click t*e Sites node in

t*e tree and t*en click Add Web Site1

31 +n t*e Add Web Site dialog bo(; type a #riendly name

#or your Web site in t*e Web site name bo(1

21 0lick Select i# you want to select a di##erentapplication pool t*an t*e one listed in t*e Application

Pool bo(1 +n t*e Select Application Pool dialog bo(;

select an application pool #rom t*e Application Pool

list and t*en click O!1

51 51 +n t*e P*ysical pat* bo(; type t*e p*ysical pat* o#

t*e Web sites #older; or click t*e browse button %1 1 1&

to navigate to t*e #ile system to #ind t*e #older1


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Lesson 1

B1 +# t*e p*ysical pat* t*at you entered in Step 5 is to a

remote s*are; click 0onnect to speci#y credentials t*at

*ave permission to access t*e pat*1 +# you do not use

speci#ic credentials; select t*e Application user %pass,

t*ru aut*entication& option in t*e 0onnect As dialog

bo(171 Select t*e protocol #or t*e Web site #rom t*e "ype list1

81 "*e de#ault value in t*e +P address bo( is All

@nassigned1 +# you must speci#y a static +P address #or

t*e Web site; type t*e +P address in t*e +P address


1 "ype a port number in t*e Port te(t bo(1

?61 Optionally; type a *ost *eader name #or t*e Web site

in t*e 'ost 'eader bo(1

??1 +# you do not *ave to make any c*anges to t*e site;and you want t*e Web site to be immediately

available; select t*e Start Web site immediately c*eck 


?-1 0lick O!1

Scenario 7," -sing .emote esktop

1. a"e sure remote des"to! is enabled on %our com!uter.

2. 9onnect to anoter windows com!uter usin& Remote 8es"to!.

No answer is needed1 "*is can be demonstrated1

"o make sure remote desktop is enabled; click t*e Start button;

rig*t,click 0omputer; and select Properties1 Select /emote settings1

)ake sure t*at one o# t*e Allow connections options is selected under

/emote Desktop and click O!1

"o connect to anot*er computer; click t*e Start button; click

All Programs; select Accessories; and t*en select /emote Desktop

0onnection1 "ype t*e name or +P address o# t*e *ost you want to

connect to and click t*e 0onnect button1