95681420 Think Script Manual


Transcript of 95681420 Think Script Manual

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  • ThinkScript In this document you will find information on the thinkScript language. Using the price data in conjunction with functions, variables, and operators allows you to build up a whole system of your own studies and strategies. Being integrated into various features of the thinkorswim platform, thinkScript can be used for issuing alerts, scanning the market, customizing quotes, and submitting orders automatically. The Getting Started section will help you get acquainted with thinkScript and start writing your first scripts. The Reference section provides you with information on constants, data types, declarations, functions, operators, and reserved words, explaining how to use them when writing scripts with thinkScript. The thinkScript Integration section contains articles demonstrating usage of thinkScript integration features.

  • ThinkScript Getting Started 4

    o Writing Your First Script 5 o Advanced Topics 19

    Reference 35 o Reserved Words 37 o Declarations 68 o Functions 78 o Constants 256 o Data Types 312 o Operators 315

    thinkScript Integration 324 o Conditional Orders 325 o Custom Quotes 327 o Study Alerts 329 o Study Filters 331

  • Getting Started This section contains tutorials that will help you get acquainted with thinkscript and start writing your first scripts. Getting Started

    o Writing Your First Script 5 Defining Plots 5 Defining Variables 6

    Def Variables 7 Rec Variables 8 Rec Enumerations 10

    Using Functions 12 Formatting Plots 13 Adjusting Parameters Using Inputs 16 Accessing Data 17 Using Strategies 18

    o Advanced Topics 19 Concatenating Strings 20 Creating Local Alerts 22 Referencing Data 23

    Referencing Secondary Aggregation 24 Referencing Historical Data 27 Referencing Other Price Type Data 28 Referencing Other Studies 29 Referencing Other Symbol's Data 31 Past Offset 32

    Using Profiles 34

  • o Writing Your First Script This section contains tutorials that will help you write your first thinkscript study or strategy. o Defining Plots In order to visualize data calculated by studies, you can use plots. plot SMA = Average(close, 10); This example script plots a 10 period simple moving average of the Close price. When working with charts, you might need to use several plots. The following example script plots two moving averages of the Close price: the 10 period simple moving average and the 10 period exponential moving average. plot SMA = Average(close, 10); plot EMA = ExpAverage(close, 10); In case you only need one plot and don't need any inputs or intermediate variables, you can use short syntax: Average(close, 10) This example script plots a 10 period simple moving average of the Close price. Note that if you use the short syntax, your script must be a single expression. See also: Reserved Words: plot; Formatting Plots.

  • o Defining Variables Thinkscript provides different types of variables to work with. This section contains tutorials that will teach you to work with these variables. Def Variables 7 Rec Variables 8 Rec Enumerations 10

  • Def Variables The def reserved word defines a variable you'd like to work with. For example, you can define something called MyClosingPrice as: def MyClosingPrice = Close; By using the def reserved word, you can create a variable that can be used in another formula in the study. This let's you construct complex formulas from simpler elements. For example, if you want to divide the range of a stock price by the closing price, you can create a variable for the range: def range = high - low; then create another variable: def percentrange = range / close; Doing it this way lets you re-use variables and gives you the power to combine complex variables in your formulas more easily. By defining a variable such as: def SMA = average(close, 20); You can use that variable sma in your code as part of another calculation. For instance, plot doubleSMA = SMA * 2; plot tripleSMA = SMA * 3;

  • Rec Variables Rec variables are used to store floating point data. Values of such variables are calculated one after another in a chronological manner. When you assign a value to the rec variable you can use its values calculated for the previous bars. If you use data related to the period prior to the beginning of the time period then the rec variable is also calculated for the period. Before the calculation, the rec value is set to 0 for all moments of time. rec x = x[1] + (random() - 0.5); plot RandomWalk = x; Shows random walk. input drop = 5.0; rec x = if close >= (1 - drop / 100) * x[1] then Max(close, x[1]) else close; plot MaxPrice = x; plot Drops = close < (1 - drop / 100) * x[1]; Drops.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ ARROW_UP); In this example the rec variable holds the maximum close value starting from the moment of the last fall. When the price reduces on the defined percentage from the maximum, the maximum value resets. declare lower; rec x = x[1] + x[10] * 0 + 1; plot line = x; This script takes data for the previous 10 bars. Thus, the rec calculation starts 10 bars prior to the beginning of the time period. As a result, the first drawn value of the plot line is 11.

  • declare lower; rec x = x[1] + 1; plot line = x; Similarly, in this example the calculation starts 1 bar prior to the beginning of the time period. This is why the first visible value equals 2. rec x = x[-1] + close; plot data = x; This script refers to data that has not been calculated yet. Thus, it will produce an error. This applies to any calculation of a rec variable which attempts to use its current or future value.

  • Rec Enumerations You can use rec enumeration constructions to create something like a usual rec in thinkScript but with limited possible values. Note that rec enumerations can contain only string values. rec a = {default neutral, up, down}; a = if (close == close[1]) then a.neutral else if (close > close[1]) then a.up else a.down; plot q; switch(a) { case up: q = low; case down: q = high; case neutral: q = close; } The first line of the script is a declaration of a rec enumeration a having neutral, up, and down values. The default keyword indicates the default value of the rec enumeration. If you do not assign a value to a, it will always be equal to its default neutral value . rec a = {default neutral, up, down}; The second line of this script is the assignment statement. Note that a rec enumeration can have only one assignment statement. a = if (close == close[1]) then a.neutral else if (close > close[1]) then a.up else a.down; The third line is just a plot declaration. plot q;

  • The rest of the script is a switch statement having the rec enumeration as a parameter. It is similar to the switch having an input enumeration as a parameter. switch(a) { case up: q = low; case down: q = high; case neutral: q = close; } Note that rec enumerations are independent. This means that you cannot assign the same values to two different enumerations like in the following example. rec a = {q, w, e, default r, t, y}; rec b = {q, w, e, default r, t, y}; rec c = {q, w, e, default r, t, y}; a = a.q; b = a.q; ### error in this line c = a; ### error in this line plot z = 1; Both sides of statements in the enumeration assignment should be of the same type: rec a = {q, w, e, default r, t, y}; rec b = {q, w, e, default r, t, y}; a = a.q; b = b.q; plot z = a[1] == a.q; plot x = a == z; ### error in this line plot y = a != if (1==2) then a else a.q; plot w = if (1==2) then a else a.q != if (1==2) then b else b.q; ### error in this line

  • o Using Functions The thinkScript has a number of functions that can be performed on the price data to generate the desired study or strategy. For example, plot CloseAvg = average(close, 12); displays the average of the last 12 days' closing prices. Each function has required parameters. Average, for example, requires data (open, close, etc.) and length (number of bars). You can specify these parameters in any order. For example, plot SMA = average(data = close, length = 50); and plot SMA = average(length = 50, data = close); will show the same result on the chart.

  • o Formatting Plots The thinkscript contains lots of Look & Feel functions used to format a plot: define a plot type (histogram, line, point, etc.), color, line style and other. Here is the common syntax for that: .(L&F_function_parameters) In order to specify a plot type, use the SetPaintingStrategy function. Note that you can use this function only in combination with Painting Strategy constants. In case this function is not called, then the Line Painting Strategy is used. Note that plots from the following "signal" painting strategy category are drawn above plots from the common category: PaintingStrategy.ARROW_DOWN PaintingStrategy.ARROW_UP PaintingStrategy.POINTS PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_UP PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS PaintingStrategy.DASHES PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL PaintingStrategy.SQUARES PaintingStrategy.TRIANGLES Plots defined first are drawn above plots defined later in the same painting strategy category. declare lower; plot AvgVolume = Average(volume, 7); AvgVolume.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM);

  • In this example the average volume plot is represented by a histogram. In order to define a plot line style and its width use the SetStyle and SetLineWeight functions. This function can only be used in combination with the curve style constants. Line width ranges from 1 to 5 pixels. If this function is not called, then a solid line with 1 pixel width is used. plot SMA = Average(close, 10); SMA.SetStyle(Curve.LONG_DASH); SMA.SetLineWeight(3); You can set plot color with the help of the SetDefaultColor, AssignValueColor, or AssignNormGradientColor functions. SetDefaultColor is used to color the whole plot in a specific color. AssignValueColor is used to color a plot in different colors depending on specified conditions. AssignNormGradientColor is used to color a plot in a gradient color depending on values. In order to specify a color you can: Use Color constants, e.g, Color.RED. Use the Color function to reference named a plot color previously defined using defineColor Use the GetColor function. Use the CreateColor function. Use the TakeValueColor function to reference color for anohter plot

    Example plot LowerBand = Lowest(low[1], 7); plot UpperBand = Highest(high[1], 7); plot Middle = (LowerBand + UpperBand) / 2;

  • Middle.DefineColor("Highest", Color.RED); Middle.DefineColor("Lowest", CreateColor(250, 150, 25)); LowerBand.SetDefaultColor(GetColor(5)); UpperBand.AssignValueColor(LowerBand.TakeValueColor()); Middle.AssignNormGradientColor(14, Middle.color("Highest"), Middle.color("Lowest")); This example defined two named colors for the Middle plot. The "Highest" color is defined using a constant, "Lowest" is defined using the CreateColor function by defining the RGB components of the color. For the LowerBand the example uses a color from the dynamic color palette. The TakeValueColors function is used to indicate that the UpperBand should be colored in the same color as the LowerBand. The Middle plot will be colored in a gradient depending on 14 last bar values and colors selected for "Highest" and "Lowest". If you want to hide the a plot you can use the hide and setHiding functions. The setHiding function is diffenent from hide because it can hide/show a plot dynamically depending on certain conditions. plot SMA5 = Average(close, 5); plot SMA10 = Average(close, 10); plot SMA15 = Average(close, 15); SMA10.hide(); SMA15.setHiding(getAggregationPeriod() < AggregationPeriod.DAY); In this example the SMA10 plot is hidden by default and the SMA15 is hidden only on intraday charts by default. You can also hide the last plot value bubble and title in the status string with the current plot value using the HideBubble and HideTitle functions. plot PastPrice = close[5]; PastPrice.HideBubble(); PastPrice.HideTitle();

  • o Adjusting Parameters Using Inputs Most studies and strategies are adjustable in terms of length, bounds or levels. You can create an adjustable parameter for your thinkScript study using the input reserved word. An input is like a def that can be adjusted in the Edit Studies and Strategies window. Example input length = 12; input price = close; plot SMA = average(data = price, length = length); Here 12 and close are default values which you can override on the preferences panel the way you adjust any pre-defined studies.

  • o Accessing Data In order to access data from another symbol, data period, or price type in your code, append the name of the symbol in quotes and parentheses to the data type you want to use. Note that you can use the price type data for Forex symbols only. Example plot data = close - close("GOOG"); The code will give you a line that is the difference between the closing price for the symbol that you have in the chart and the closing price for Google (GOOG). For example on accessing another data periods or price types, see the open function desctiption in the Fundamental Functions section.

  • o Using Strategies You can use thinkScript for fine-tuning pre-defined strategies or creating strategies of your own in the TOS Charts charting package. When strategies are drawn on a chart, Buy and Sell triggers appear in response to the conditions defined in the strategy. You can open a performance report by right clicking a signal and choosing "Show Report" from the pop-up menu in order to backtest selected strategies. Note that currently you cannot send real orders using strategies. You can add the following types of orders defined by the corresponding constants using addOrder function: BUY_AUTO BUY_TO_CLOSE SELL_AUTO SELL_TO_CLOSE Note that to be able to close and open positions, you must add strategies with both buying and selling orders. After defining the order type, you should define a condition upon which the strategy should trigger. You can also specify trade price, number of contracts, and color of signals.

    Example addOrder(OrderType.BUY_AUTO, close < 50); addOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, close > 70); This strategy comprises orders of both buying and selling sides. It adds a Buy (Entry) signal when the Close price drops below 50 and a Sell (Exit) trigger when the price exceeds 70.

  • o Advanced Topics This section contains tutorials that will help you write your first thinkscript study or strategy. Here is a list of the tutorials: Concatenating Strings Creating Local Alerts Referencing Data Using Profiles

  • o Concatenating Strings You can concatenate two strings using the concat function. This may be useful when you want to pass the resulting string as a parameter to one of the following functions: AddChartLabel AddVerticalLine alert AddChartBubble Note that the concat function preliminarily converts values of different types to a string. For this reason you can use any numeric values as the function's parameters.

    Example 1 AddVerticalLine(getMonth() getMonth()[1], concat("Open: ", open)); This example draws a vertical line with the open value for the beginning of each month. Example 2 (Concatenating more than two values) input price = close; input threshold = 100; alert(price > threshold, concat("Current price ", concat(price, concat(" is greater than ", threshold))), Alert.TICK); This example defines a local alert that is triggered once a new quotation arrives in case the current price is higher that the specified price. In order to concatenate more than two values the example uses nested concat function calls: concat(value1, concat(value2, value3))

  • Example 3 (Converting numerical value to a string) input isVerbose = yes; AddChartLabel(yes, concat(if isVerbose then "Close: " else "", close)); This example draws a chart label and a note depending on the isVerbose parameter. As you can see from the example, in order to pass a numeric value as a string you need to preliminarily concatenate it with an empty string using the concat function: concat(numerical_value, "")

  • o Creating Local Alerts In thinkscript you have the ability to create local alerts. In general, alerts are signals that are triggered when a condition is satisfied. The common syntax for thinkscript alerts is the following: alert(condition, text, alert type, sound); The condition parameter defines a condition on which you want this alert to be triggered. The text parameter places a specified text next to the alert. The alert type parameter defines a type of the alert. Available alert type values are: Alert.ONCE alert can be triggered only once after adding a study. Alert.BAR alert can be triggered only once per bar. Alert.TICK alert can be triggered after each tick The sound parameter plays a sound when the alert is triggered. Valid sound values are: Sound.Bell Sound.Chimes Sound.Ding Sound.NoSound Sound.Ring

    Example alert(open > 400, concat("Open is greater than 400! Current value is", open), alert.ONCE, Sound.Ring); This example tiggers an alert when the open price becomes higher than 400. The alert is triggered once and it plays the ring sound.

  • o Referencing Data In this section you will find tutorials that describe ways of referencing data in the thinkscript. Here is a list of the tutorials: Referencing Secondary Aggregation 24 Referencing Historical Data 27 Referencing Other Price Type Data 28 Referencing Other Studies 29 Referencing Other Symbol's Data 31 Past Offset 32

  • Referencing Secondary Aggregation In order to access data of a different aggregation period in your code, specify the period parameter using the corresponding Aggregation Period constant. You can also use a pre-defined string value for this purpose: 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, Day, 2 Days, 3 Days, 4 Days, Week, Month, Opt Exp, and . Example plot dailyOpen = open(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY); This code plots daily Open price for the current symbol. plot weeklyClose = close("IBM", period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK); This code plots weekly Close price for IBM. plot yesterdayHigh = High(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1]; This code plots the High price reached on the previous day. All indexers with such price functions use secondary aggregation period until you save it in some variable. Example plot Data = Average(close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY), 10); This code returns a 10 day average of the Close price. However, plot dailyClose = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY); plot Data = Average(dailyClose, 10); will return an average of the Close price calculated for the last ten bars (the aggregation period used in calculation will depend on the current chart settings).

  • Note that two different secondary aggregation periods cannot be used within a single variable. In addition, the secondary aggregation period cannot be less than the primary aggregation period defined by chart settings. Example plot Data = close(period = AggregationPeriod.MONTH) + close(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK); This code will not work on a daily chart. The correct script is: def a = close(period = AggregationPeriod.MONTH); def b = close(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK); plot Data = a + b; Example declare lower; input KPeriod = 10; input DPeriod = 10; input slowing_period = 3; plot FullK = Average((close(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK) - Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), KPeriod)) / (Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), KPeriod) - Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), KPeriod)) * 100, slowing_period); plot FullD = Average(Average((close(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK) - Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), KPeriod)) / (Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), KPeriod) - Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), KPeriod)) * 100, slowing_period), DPeriod);

  • Example shows the Stochastic Full study using weekly price regardless of the current chart aggregation period. See the Stochastic Full for a detailed study description.

  • Referencing Historical Data To access data in the past and in the future, you can use each of the two possible ways. Indexing Positive indexes are used to refer to data in the past and negative indexes to refer to data in the future. For example, close[1] returns the Close price from one bar ago, close[2] returns the Close price 2 bars ago, etc. At the same time, close[-1] returns the Close price 1 bar forward, close[-2] returns the Close price 2 bars forward, etc. Example plot momentum = close - close[5]; The example will plot a line that is the difference between the current Close price and the Close price 5 bars ago. Verbal Syntax Verbal syntax allows using reserved human-readable sentences in the script. For example, close from 2 bars ago returns the Close price from two bars ago, close from 1 bar ago returns the Close price one bar ago, etc. Negative numbers refer to data in the future. For example, close from -1 bar ago returns the Close price one bar forward, low from -2 bars ago returns the Low price two bars forward, etc. Example plot scan = close from 4 bars ago + high from 1 bar ago; The example will plot a line that is the sum of the Close price 5 bars ago and the High price 1 bar ago.

  • Referencing Other Price Type Data In order to access data from another price type in your code, put the priceType parameter with the name of the aggregation period in parentheses to the Fundamentals you want to use. Note that only Forex symbols support different price type data, all other symbols support only data based on the "LAST" price. Example plot ask = close(priceType = "ASK"); plot bid = close(priceType = "BID"); On the "MARK" price type chart for some Forex symbol this code will give you a ask and bid plots.

  • Referencing Other Studies The thinkScript allows you to reference pre-defined studies or defined using the script reserved word in your code. Note that currently you cannot reference user-defined studies. Example 1 (Using the reference reserved word) plot SMA = reference SimpleMovingAvg; The code will plot a simple moving average with the default parameters of that study. For details see the reference reserved word article. Example 2 (Referencing a pre-defined study with given parameters) plot SMA = simplemovingavg(volume, 20); This code will plot the 20 bar moving average of the volume. To see the input parameters of a particular study, click that study in the Edit Studies and Strategies window. You will see available parameters listed in the study properties section. Example 3 (Referencing another plot in the embedded script) script avg { input length = 10; plot SMA = Average(close, length); plot EMA = ExpAverage(close, length); } declare lower; plot SMAOsc = avg(10) - avg(20); plot EMAOsc = avg(10).EMA - avg(20).EMA;

  • The code will produce two moving average oscillators in a separate subgraph. The SMA plot is omitted in the reference because the first study plot is referenced by default. For details see the script reserved word article. Example 4 (Two ways of referencing studies with constant inputs) declare lower; script study { input direction = CrossingDirection.Any; plot a = crosses(close, Average(close, 20), direction); } plot test1 = Study("Above"); plot test2 = Study(CrossingDirection.Below); This script exemplifies two methods of referencing constant inputs of the embedded study. The first plot uses the short syntax ("Above"), while the second one uses the full syntax (CrossingDirection.Below) by specifying the full name of the CrossingDirection constant.

  • Referencing Other Symbol's Data In order to access data from another symbol in your code, append the name of the symbol in quotes and parentheses to the Fundamentals you want to use. Example plot spread = close - close("GOOG"); The code will give you a line that is the difference between the closing price for the symbol that you have in the chart and the closing price for Google (GOOG).

  • Past Offset When referencing historical data, one should mind a feature called past offset. Let us study the following example. plot CloseOffset = close[5]; This example script will plot the Close price five bars prior to the current bar. This calculation mechanism is obvious for bars from the sixth through the last one, but how this plot will be calculated for the first five bars? Past offset is a number of additional bars from the past, necessary for calculating a study. In this very example, past offset is equal to five; it means that calculation will start with the sixth bar using price data obtained from the first five bars. However, if additional historical data is available for the chart you are currently using, it will be used for calculating the plot for the first five bars. When writing a study, you might need to use several different past offsets for expressions in your script. Let us study the following example: declare lower; rec x = x[1] + 1; plot Average11 = Average(close, 11); plot myline = x; In this example, variable x uses past offset equal to 1, while function average uses past offset equal to 10. In thinkScript, the highest past offset overrides lower offsets in the same study, which means that all expressions in a single study will have the same (highest) past offset. In the example script, this offset is equal to 10 and is assigned to both expressions. This is why the myline plot will return 11 for the first bar, not 2 as one might have expected.

  • Note that past offset might affect calculation mechanism of some studies due to setting a single intialization point for all expressions. However, if for some reason you need an independent initialization point for an expression, you can use the compoundValue function: declare lower; rec x = compoundValue(1, x[1]+1, 1); plot ATR = average(TrueRange(high, close, low), 10); plot myline = x; This would explicitly set the value for the myline plot for the first bar, and all the other values of this plot will be calculated corresponding to it.

  • o Using Profiles The TPO, Volume, and Monkey Bars profiles can be created in thinkScript using corresponding Profile functions. You can find the detailed description of these functions in the Profiles section. In order to demonstrate the use of the functions, let's create a TPO profile study (colored blue) that aggregates all chart data on the right expansion. Here is the code: def allchart = 0; profile tpo = timeProfile("startnewprofile" = allchart); tpo.show("color" = Color.BLUE);

  • Reference The reference describes thinkscript elements (functions, constants, declarations, etc.) required to create studies and strategies. The items are distributed alphabetically among the following sections: Constants, Declarations, Functions, and Reserved Words. Each article provides the syntax, description, and an example of use of the selected item. All interrelated thinkscript items are cross-linked to ensure you have the fullest information about the relations inside the thinkscript. Here is the list of the reference sections: Reserved Words 37 Declarations 68 Functions 78 Constants 256 Data Types 312 Operators 315

  • Reference o Reserved Words 37 o Declarations 68 o Functions 78

    Fundamentals 79 Option Related 92 Technical Analysis 104 Mathematical and Trigonometrical 132 Statistical 156 Date and Time 170 Corporate Actions 185 Look and Feel 191 Profiles 220 Others 234

    o Constants 256 Aggregation Period 257 Alert 268 ChartType 269 Color 273 CrossingDirection 283 Curve 285 Double 289 EarningTime 291 FundamentalType 293 OrderType 297 PaintingStrategy 299 PricePerRow 309 Sound 310

    o Data Types 312 o Operators 315

  • o Reserved Words The thinkScript supports a number of simple commands such as for example: declare, plot, and input. These commands control the basic behavior of your thinkScript study. Choose your command from the list: o above Syntax See the crosses reserved word article. Description The above reserved word is used with the crosses operator to test if a value gets higher than another value. o ago Syntax from 1 bar ago from bars ago Description This reserved word is used to specify a time offset in a human-friendly syntax. For more information, see the Referencing Historical Data article.

  • o and Syntax and Description The and logical operator is used to define complex conditions. For a complex condition to be true it is required that each condition from it is true. In order to define the operator you can also use &&. This reserved word is also used to define an interval in the between expression. Example plot InsideBar = high low[1]; InsideBar.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN _POINTS); Draws a dot near each inside price bar. o bar Syntax from 1 bar ago Description This reserved word is used to specify a time offset in a human-friendly syntax. For more information, see the Referencing Historical Data article. Note that bar and bars reserved words can be used interchangeably.

  • o bars Syntax from bars ago Description This reserved word is used to specify a time offset in a human-friendly syntax. For more information, see the Referencing Historical Data article. Note that bar and bars reserved words can be used interchangeably. o below Syntax See the crosses reserved word article. Description The below reserved word is used with the crosses operator to test if a value becomes less than another value. o between Syntax between and Description This reserved word is used in the between logical expression. It tests if the specified parameter is within the range of value1 and value2 (inclusive). The thinkscript also has the between function with a different syntax and usage. Example declare lower; def isIn = close between close[1] * 0.9 and close[1] * 1.1; plot isOut = !isIn; In this example between is used to check whether the current closing price hits the 10% channel of the previous closing price. The isOut plot reflects the opposite condition.

  • o case Syntax See the switch statement. Description The reserved word is used in combination with the switch statement to define a condition.

  • o crosses Syntax crosses above crosses below crosses Description This reserved word is used as a human-readable version of the Crosses function. It tests if value1 gets higher or lower than value2. Example plot Avg = Average(close, 10); plot ArrowUp = close crosses above Avg; plot ArrowDown = close crosses below Avg; plot Cross = close crosses Avg; ArrowUp.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_UP); ArrowDown.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN); Cross.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS); This code plots up arrows indicating the bars at which the Close price gets higher than its 10 period average, and down arrows at which the Close price gets lower than its 10 period average.

  • The same result can be achieved by using the Crosses function: plot Avg = Average(close, 10); plot ArrowUp = Crosses(close, Avg, CrossingDirection.Above); plot ArrowDown = Crosses(close, Avg, CrossingDirection.Below); plot Cross = Crosses(close, Avg, CrossingDirection.Any); ArrowUp.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_UP); ArrowDown.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_ARROW_DOWN); Cross.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS); Example plot Avg = Average(close, 10); plot Cross = close crosses Avg; Cross.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS); This code plots arrows indicating the bars at which the Close price gets higher or lower than its 10 period average. The equivalent code is: plot Avg = Average(close, 10); plot Cross = close crosses above Avg or close crosses below Avg; Cross.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS);

  • o declare Syntax declare Description The declare keyword is a method for telling the chart something basic about the appearance of the study or strategy you are creating. You can find the list of supported declarations in the Declarations section. Example declare lower; plot PriceOsc = Average(close, 9) - Average(close, 18); The example shows how to use one of the most commonly used declations called lower. For other examples on declarations, see the Declarations section.

  • o def Syntax def =; or def ; =; Description Defines a variable you would like to work with. Example def base = Average(close, 12); plot UpperBand = base * 1.1; plot LowerBand = base * 0.9; This example shows a simplified SMAEnvelope study, where the def reserved word is used to define the base. The rational of defining this variable is to avoid double calculations (increase performance) in UppderBand and LowerBand plots, because def variable values are cached (by means of increasing memory usage). You can separate the variable definition from its value assignment as shown in the following example where a variable value is assigned depending on the selected averageType input value. See the Defining Variables section for more details. input averageType = {default SMA, EMA}; def base; switch (averageType) { case SMA: base = Average(close, 12); case EMA: base = ExpAverage(close, 12); } plot UpperBand = base * 1.1; plot LowerBand = base * 0.9;

  • o default Syntax See the enum rec, enum input, and switch statements. Description The default reserved word is used in combination with the enum rec, enum input, and switch statements to specify a default value. o do Syntax def = fold = to with [ = ] [ while ] do ; Description This reserved word defines an action to be performed when calculating the fold function. For more information, see the fold reserved word article. o else Syntax See the if reserved word article. Description The else reserved word is used to specify an additional condition in the if-expression and if-statement.

  • o equals Syntax equals Description The reserved word is used as a logic operator to test equality of values. In order to define this operator you can also use the double equals sign ==. Example plot Doji = open equals close; Doji.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS); The code draws points on bars having the Doji pattern (equal close and open).

  • o fold Syntax def = fold = to with [ = ] [ while ] do ; Description The fold operator allows you to perform iterated calculations similarly to the for loop. It uses variable to store the result of the calculation. The initial value of variable is defined by init; if it is omitted, variable is initialized to zero. The index is iterated from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive) with step 1. At each iteration, expression is calculated and assigned to variable. Value of index and previous value of variable can be used in expression. The value of variable after the last iteration is returned and can be used in assignments and expressions. You can also specify a condition upon violation of which the loop is terminated. Example 1 input n = 10; plot factorial = fold index = 1 to n + 1 with p = 1 do p * index; Calculates the factorial of a number. Example 2 input price = close; input length = 9; plot SMA = (fold n = 0 to length with s do s + getValue(price, n, length - 1)) / length; Calculates the simple moving average using fold. Example 3 plot NextHigh = fold i = 0 to 100 with price = Double.NaN while IsNaN(price) do if getValue(high, -i) > 40 then getValue(high, -i) else Double.NaN; Finds the next High price value greater than 40 among the following 100 bars.

  • o from Syntax from 1 bar ago from bars ago Description This reserved word is used to specify a time offset in a human-friendly syntax. For more information, see the Referencing Historical Data article.

  • o if Syntax (if-expression) plot = if then else ; plot = if then else if then else ; Syntax (if-statement) plot ; if [then] { = ; } else { = ; } plot ; if [then] { = ; } else { if [then] { = ; } else { = ; } } Description As a reserved word, if is used in if-expressions and if-statements to specify a condition. If-expression always calculates both then and else branches, while if-statement calculates either of these, depending on the condition. In thinkScript, there is also if-function having syntax and usage different from those of the reserved word. The if-expression

  • can also be used in other functions such as, for example, AssignValueColor, AssignPriceColor, etc. Note that you can also use the def and rec instead of plot in the syntax provided above. Example input price = close; input long_average = yes; plot SimpleAvg = Average(price, if long_average then 26 else 12); plot ExpAvg; if long_average { ExpAvg = ExpAverage(price, 26); } else { ExpAvg = ExpAverage(price, 12); } In this example, if-expression and if-statement are used to control the length parameter of moving averages.

  • o input Most studies are adjustable in terms of length, bounds, or levels. You can create an adjustable parameter for your thinkScript study using the input reserved word. When defining inputs take the following notes into consideration: Inputs are displayed on the GUI in the same order as they appear in the source code. Inputs titles are always displayed on the GUI in the lowercase. The following two definitions are similar on the GUI. Code snippet 1 input test = "test in lowercase"; Code snippet 2 input TEST = "test in uppercase"; Inputs can't have empty spaces in their definitions. The following code will result in compilation error. input "input name with spaces" = "ERROR"; In order to have titles displayed on the GUI with spaces you can do one of the following: Code snippet 3 input inputNameWithSpaces = "OK"; Code snippet 4 input input_name_with_spaces = "OK"; Find the full list of inputs in the following list: boolean constant enum float integer price string

  • boolean Profile: Studies and Strategies Syntax input =; Description Defines a boolean input. The default value of the input can either be "yes" or "no". Example input useHighLow = yes; plot HighPrice = if useHighLow then Highest(high, 10) else Highest(close, 10); plot LowPrice = if useHighLow then Lowest(low, 10) else Lowest(close, 10); Draws the channel based on the highest and lowest price for the length equal to 10. Whether to use or not the high and low prices instead of the closing price can be defined using the correspondent input, which is set to "yes" by default.

  • constant Profile: Studies and Strategies Syntax input =; Description Defines an input expressed by a constant of particular type. For the full list of supported constants, see the Constants section. Note that color constants cannot be used for input definition. Example input secondaryPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY; plot SecondaryPeriodOpen = open(period = secondaryPeriod); This example script draws the Open price plot with specified aggregation period.

  • enum Profile: Studies and Strategies Syntax input ={default , , ... }; Description Defines an enum input of string values. In order to define the input it is required to: have all values specified in braces; avoid equal values; have one value (not necessarily first) specified with the default reserved word which defines the default value for the input; place a value in double quotes if it contains a space symbol. Example input averageType = {default SMA, EMA, "Wilder's Average"}; plot Avg; switch (averageType) { case SMA: Avg = Average(close, 10); case EMA: Avg = ExpAverage(close, 10); case "Wilder's Average": Avg = WildersAverage(close, 10); } Draws the moving average based on the closing price with length equal to 10. The type of the moving average can be changed using the correspondent input, which is set to "SMA" by default. See other examples on inputs in the Fundamentals section.

  • float Profile: Studies and Strategies Syntax input =; Description Defines a float input. Note that in order to define this input you need to use a fullstop as a delimiter in its default value. Example input percentShift = 10.0; plot UpperBand = close * (1 + percentShift / 100); plot LowerBand = close * (1 - percentShift / 100); Draws the envelope based on the closing price. The percent shift value can be adjusted using the correspondent input, which is set to 10.0 by default. integer Profile: Studies and Strategies Syntax input =; Description Defines an integer input. Example input length = 10; plot SMA = Average(close, length); Draws the SMA using the close price data. The length value can be adjusted using the correspondent input, which is set to 10 by default

  • price Profile: Studies and Strategies Syntax input =; Description Defines a price input. Valid parameters for the price type are: open high low close hl2 hlc3 ohlc4 volume

    Example input price = close; plot EMA = ExpAverage(price, 10); Draws the EMA with the length equal to 10. The type of price data can be adjusted using the correspondent input, which is set to "close" by default.

  • string Profile: Studies and Strategies Syntax input =""; Description Defines a string input. Note that in order to have this input defined you need to specify double quotes in its default value. Example input symbol = "SPX"; plot Comparison = close(symbol); Draws the comparison plot based on the closing price. The symbol for the comparison plot can be adjusted using the correspondent input, which is set to "SPX" by default.

  • o no Syntax no Description The no reserved word is used as a value for the boolean input or as the false condition. In order to define the false condition, you can also use the 0 value. Example plot Price = if no then high else low; Since the condition is always false, the low plot is always displayed. o or Syntax or Description The reserved word is used to define complex conditions. For a complex condition to be true it is required that at least one condition from it is true. Example input NumberOfBars = 3; rec barsUp = if close > close[1] then barsUp[1] + 1 else 0; rec barsDown = if close < close[1] then barsDown[1] + 1 else 0; plot ConsecutiveBars = barsUp >= NumberOfBars or barsDown >= NumberOfBars; ConsecutiveBars.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.BOOLEAN_POINTS); This example highlights bars having the closing price lower than the closing price of the specified number of previous bars with a dot.

  • o plot Syntax plot =; or plot ; =; Description Renders the data you are working with on the chart. For more information about the reserved word, see the Formatting Plots tutorial. Example plot SMA = Average(close, 12); This example draws a simple moving average study plot. You can separate the plot definition from its value assignment as shown in the following example where a plot value is assigned depending on the selected averageType input value. input averageType = {default SMA, EMA}; plot MA; switch (averageType) { case SMA: MA = Average(close, 12); case EMA: MA = ExpAverage(close, 12); }

  • o profile Syntax profile =; or profile ; =; Description Defines a profile to be displayed on the chart. o rec Syntax rec Description Enables you to reference a historical value of a variable that you are calculating in the study or strategy itself. Rec is short for "recursion". See the Defining Variables section for more details. Example rec C = C[1] + volume; plot CumulativeVolume = C; This example plots the cumulative volume starting from the beginning of the time period.

  • o reference Syntax reference (parameter1=value1,.., parameterN=valueN). Description References a plot from another script. Note that the reference reserved word can be dropped but in this case parenthesis are necessary. Full form: plot MyMACD = reference MACDHistogram; Compressed form: plot MyMACD = MACDHistogram(); The reference reserved work is required to distinguish the VWAP study from the vwap function, MoneyFlow study from the moneyflow function. Calling the vwap function: plot MyVWAP1 = vwap; Referenicing the VWAP study: plot MyVWAP1 = reference VWAP; If the plot name is not defined, study's main plot should be referenced (main is the first declared in the source code). If parameters values are not defined, default values should be used. Inputs' names can be dropped only for ThinkScript studies, because they have fixed order of inputs in the code: Full form: plot MyBB2 = BollingerBandsSMA(price = open, displace = 0, length = 30); Compact form: plot MyBB = BollingerBandsSMA(open, 0, 30);

  • Example The following example references def and rec instead of the plot as shown at the top of the article. def st = ATRTrailingStop().state; AssignPriceColor(if st == 1 then GetColor(1) else if st == 2 then GetColor(0) else Color.CURRENT); def bs = !IsNaN(close) and ATRTrailingStop().BuySignal == yes; def ss = !IsNaN(close) and ATRTrailingStop().SellSignal == yes; AddVerticalLine(bs or ss, if bs then "Buy!" else "Sell!", if bs then GetColor(0) else GetColor(1)); st is the reference to the state enum rec from the ATRTrailingStop study, bs and ss are references to the BuySignal and SellSignal def from the same study.

  • o script Syntax script { ; } Description This reserved word is used to define new scripts you may need to reference later within a certain study or strategy. Example script MyEMA { input data = close; input length = 12; rec EMA = compoundValue(1, 2 / (length + 1) * data + (length - 1) / (length + 1) * EMA[1], Average(data, length)); plot MyEma = EMA; } declare lower; plot Osc = MyEMA(close, 25) - MyEMA(close, 50); This code defines the MyEma script where the first EMA value is calculated as SMA in contrast to the ExpAverage function whose first value is assigned the closing price. The main section of the code creates an oscillator based on the MyEMA difference for different lenghts.

  • o switch Syntax plot ; switch () { case : = ; ... default: = ; } Description The switch statement is used to control the flow of program execution via a multiway branch using the enum rec, and enum input. In the switch statement you either need to define the case with all values from the enum. Or you can use the default statement to define actions for all enums that are not defined using the case. Note that in this approach you cannot use case with equal enums. Example input price = close; input plot_type = {default SMA, "Red EMA", "Green EMA", WMA}; plot Avg; switch (plot_type) { case SMA: Avg = Average(price); case WMA: Avg = wma(price); default: Avg = ExpAverage(price); } Avg.SetDefaultColor( if plot_type == plot_type."Red EMA" then color.RED else if plot_type == plot_type."Green EMA" then color.GREEN else color.BLUE);

  • This example illustrates the usage of the switch reserved word to assign different values to plots. The default keyword must be used unless all possible values of variable are explicitly listed.

  • o then Syntax See the if reserved word article. Description The reserved word is used to specify an action to be performed when the if condition is satisfied. This reserved word is used only in combination with the if statement. o to Syntax def = fold = to with [ = ] [ while ] do ; Description The reserved word is used to define an interval to be used when calculating the fold function. For more information, see the fold reserved word article. o while Syntax def = fold = to with [ = ] [ while ] do ; Description This reserved word defines a condition upon violation of which the loop is terminated when calculating the fold function. For more information, see the fold reserved word article.

  • o with Syntax def = fold = to with [ = ] [ while ] do ; Description The reserved word is used to define an iteration step value in the fold function. For more information, see the fold reserved word article. o yes Syntax yes Description The yes reserved word is used as a value for the boolean input or as the true condition. In order to define the true condition, you can also use 1 or any non-zero number. Example input DisplayPlot = yes; plot Data = close; Data.SetHiding(!DisplayPlot); In this study, DisplayPlot input controls visibility of plot. Its default value is yes.

  • o Declarations Declarations are responsible for basic operations performed with charts such as changing the recalculation mode or setting the minimal chart value to zero. An important difference of declarations from other thinkscript items is that in order to define a declaration you need to use the declare reserved word. The section contains the following declarations: all_for_one hide_on_daily hide_on_intraday lower on_volume once_per_bar real_size upper weak_volume_dependency zerobase

  • o all_for_one Syntax declare all_for_one; Description Keeps the volume value either in all price inputs or in none of them. This function is used to prevent visualizing irrelevant data in case the volume value does not combine with other price input values. Example (Price Envelopes) declare all_for_one; input HighPrice = high; input LowPrice = low; plot UpperBand = Average(HighPrice) * 1.1; plot LowerBand = Average(LowPrice) * 0.9; This example plots the high and low price envelopes at 10 percent above and below for the 12 day simple moving average. If you change the inputs to close and volume, the all_for_one declaration will automatically change the HighPrice and LowPrice inputs to the two volumes because the close and volume in combination lead to irrelevant data. As a result, the two volume values will be plotted. Usage in: SMAEnvelope; StochasticFast; StochasticFull; StochasticSlow.

  • o hide_on_daily Syntax declare hide_on_daily; Description Hides a study on charts with aggregation periods equal to or greater than 1 day. Example declare hide_on_daily; plot SMA = average(close); SMA.AssignValueColor(GetColor(secondsFromTime(0) / 3600)); This study plots SMA of Close price and assigns a different color to the plot each hour. Due to declaration, this study will be hidden on daily charts. o hide_on_intraday Syntax declare hide_on_intraday; Description Hides a study on intraday charts (time charts with aggregation period less than 1 day and tick charts). Example (Implied Volatility) declare hide_on_intraday; declare lower; plot ImpVol = IMP_VOLATILITY(); By definition, data for implied volatility is not available for intraday charts. Therefore, you can use the declaration to automatically hide studies on this type of charts. Usage in: ImpVolatility; OpenInterest.

  • o lower Syntax declare lower; Description Places a study on the lower subgraph. This declaration is used when your study uses values that are considerably lower or higher than price history or volume values. Example (Price Oscillator) declare lower; input price = close; input fastLength = 9; input slowLength = 18; plot PriceOsc = Average(price, fastLength) - Average(price, slowLength); The example plots the difference between the two average values calculated on 9 and 18-bar intervals. The result value is lower compared to the price value. Therefore, it is reasonable to put the plot on the lower subgraph to avoid scaling the main chart. Usage in: Multiple

  • o on_volume Syntax declare on_volume; Description Places a plot on the volume subgraph. General Information By default, the application automatically defines where to place a study. If the study contains volume values and values not related to the base subgraph, then this study is displayed on the volume subgraph, otherwise it is displayed on the base subgraph. However, it may be required to forcibly place the study on the volume subgraph regardless of the values you are using. Example (Volume Accumulation on the Volume Subgraph) declare on_volume; plot VolumeAccumulation = (close - (high + low) / 2) * volume; The code in the example contains both volume and base subgraph related values. In order to place the study on the volume subgraph, the code uses the on_volume declaration. To study an example that uses only non-volume values, see the real_size function article. Usage in: OpenInterest.

  • o once_per_bar Syntax declare once_per_bar; Description Changes the recalculation mode of a study. By default, last study values are recalculated after each tick. If this declaration is applied, the study is forced to recalculate the last values only once per bar. This declaration can be used to reduce CPU usage for studies which do not need to be recalculated per each tick. Example declare once_per_bar; input time = 0930; AddVerticalLine(secondsFromTime(time)[1] < 0 && secondsFromTime(time) >= 0, concat("", time)); This study plots a verical line at the specified time point in EST time zone for each day. Since the time value is fixed, there is no need to recalculate the study after each tick.

  • o real_size Syntax declare real_size; Description Forces a study to use axis of either base subgraph or volume subgraph. Note that the axis of the volume subgraph can be used in case you use only volume values in your study. General Information Studies always use the axis of the subgraph where you plot them except for the following two cases when the native plot axis are used:

    Study that is created for a separate subgraph (using the lower declaration) is moved to the base or volume subgraph using the On base subgraph check box; Study that is placed on the base subgraph by default is forcibly moved to the volume subgraph (using the on_volume declaration). For the described two cases it may be required to use the axis of the volume or base subgraph, instead of the native plot axis.

    Example declare real_size; declare on_volume; declare hide_on_intraday; plot Data = open_interest(); In the code above, in order to use the axis of the volume subgraph, you specify the real_size declaration. Usage in: OpenInterest; ProbabilityOfExpiringCone.

  • o upper Syntax declare upper; Description Enables you to place a study either on the base subgraph or on the volume subgraph. Note that a study is placed on the volume subgraph in case only volume values are used in the study. This declaration is applied by default to all studies not containing the lower and on_volume declarations. Example (Price Oscillator) declare upper; input price = close; input length = 9; plot AvgWtd = wma(price, length); In this example, the upper declaration places the weighted moving average plot on the main chart.

  • o weak_volume_dependency Syntax declare weak_volume_dependency; Description Places a study on the volume subgraph when at least one volume value is used. Example (Keltner Channels) declare weak_volume_dependency; input factor = 1.5; input length = 20; input price = close; def shift = factor * AvgTrueRange(high, close, low, length); def average = Average(price, length); plot Avg = average; plot Upper_Band = average + shift; plot Lower_Band = average - shift; Consider you are analyzing data that contains both volume and base subgraph related values using the code provided above. You want to display the plot on the base subgraph except for cases when you use at least one volume value. For the latter case, you would like to use the volume subgraph. In order to implement the logics, you use the weak_volume_declaration. If you use the close price input in the code, the study will be displayed on the base subgraph. If you use the volume price input, then there is a weak volume dependency and the study will be displayed on the volume subgraph. Usage in: KeltnerChannels; STARCBands.

  • o zerobase Syntax declare zerobase; Description Sets the minimal value on a study axis to zero if there are no negative values in the study. Example (Price Oscillator) declare zerobase; declare lower; plot Vol = Volume; In this example, the Vol plot contains no negative values. It is reasonable to set the minimum value on the study axis to zero using the zerobase declaration. Usage in: AwesomeOscillator; SpectrumBars; Volume; VolumeAvg.

  • o Functions Similar to functions in programming languages, each thinkscript function receives input parameters and produces a result. In thinkscript the parameters can be specified in any order. For example plot SMA = average(data = close, length = 50) and plot SMA = average(length = 50, data = close) produce the same result. All the functions are spread among the following sections: Fundamentals 79 Option Related 92 Technical Analysis 104 Mathematical and Trigonometrical 132 Statistical 156 Date and Time 170 Corporate Actions 185 Look and Feel 191 Profiles 220 Others 234

  • o Fundamentals Trading analysis tightly relates to close, open, low, or high values. The thinkscript contains functions to work with these values. In addition, there are functions to work with data such as implied volatility, open interest, volume weighted average, and volume. All of them are collected in this section. Here is the full list: ask bid close high hl2 hlc3 imp_volatility low ohlc4 open open_interest volume vwap

  • ask Syntax ask Description Returns current value of ask price for current symbol. This function is only available in thinkScript integration features: Custom Quotes, Study Alerts, and Conditional Orders. Example plot spread = ask - bid; AssignBackgroundColor(if spread < 0.05 then Color.GREEN else if spread < 0.25 then Color.YELLOW else Color.RED); This example script is used as a custom quote. It calculates a bid-ask spread and assigns different colors according to its value. Note that you cannot reference historical data using this function, e.g. ask[1] is an invalid expression.

  • bid Syntax bid Description Returns current value of bid price for current symbol. This function is only available in thinkScript integration features: Custom Quotes, Study Alerts, and Conditional Orders. Example plot "Diff, %" = round(100 * ((bid + ask) / 2 - close) / close, 2); AssignBackgroundColor(if "Diff, %" > 0 then Color.UPTICK else if "Diff, %" < 0 then Color.DOWNTICK else Color.GRAY); This example script is used as a custom quote. It calculates percentage difference between mark and last prices and assigns colors according to its sign. Note that you cannot reference historical data using this function, e.g. bid[1] is an invalid expression.

  • close Syntax close(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the Close price for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example declare lower; input symbol = {default "IBM", "GOOG/3", "(2*IBM - GOOG/6 + GE)/2"} ; plot PriceClose = close(symbol); Draws the close plot of either IBM, GOOG divided by three, or a composite price consisting of IBM, GOOG, and GE. Each of the symbols can be selected in the Edit Studies dialog. Usage in: AdvanceDecline; Alpha2; AlphaJensen; Beta; Beta2; Correlation; CumulativeVolumeIndex; DailyHighLow; McClellanOscillator; McClellanSummationIndex; PairCorrelation; PairRatio; PersonsPivots; RelativeStrength; Spreads; WoodiesPivots.

  • high Syntax high(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the High price for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example declare lower; input symbol = "IBM"; plot PriceHigh = high(symbol); This example script plots High price for IBM. Usage in: DailyHighLow; PersonsPivots; WoodiesPivots.

  • hl2 Syntax hl2(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: "" Description Returns (High + Low)/2. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Example declare lower; input symbol = "IBM"; input period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK; plot MedianPrice = hl2(symbol, period); This example script plots weekly median price for IBM.

  • hlc3 Syntax hlc3(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the typical price (arithmetical mean of High, Low, and Close price values) for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only) Example plot TypicalPrice = hlc3; This example script draws the typical price plot.

  • imp_volatility Syntax imp_volatility(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the implied volatility for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example declare lower; plot ImpliedVolatility = imp_volatility(); Draws the implied volatility plot for the current symbol. Usage in: ImpVolatility.

  • low Syntax low(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the Low price for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example plot LowDaily = low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY); plot LowWeekly = low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK); plot LowMonthly = low(period = AggregationPeriod.MONTH); This example script draws daily, weekly, and monthly Low price plots for the current symbol. Usage in: DailyHighLow; PersonsPivots; WoodiesPivots.

  • ohlc4 Syntax ohlc4(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the (Open + High + Low + Close)/4 value for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Example plot OHLCMean = ohlc4; This example script plots the arithmetical mean of Open, High, Low and Close price values.

  • open Syntax open(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the Open price for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example input symbol = "EUR/USD"; input period = AggregationPeriod.MONTH; input price_type = {default "LAST", "BID", "ASK", "MARK"}; plot Data = open(symbol, period, price_type); This example script plots daily Open price plot for EUR/USD with LAST price type. Usage in: DailyOpen; WoodiesPivots.

  • open_interest Syntax open_interest(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the open interest value for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example declare lower; plot OpenInterest = open_interest(); This example script draws the open interest plot for the current symbol. Usage in: OpenInterest.

  • volume Syntax volume(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the volume value for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example declare lower; input divider = 1000000; plot VolumeDivided = volume / divider; VolumeDivided.SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy. HISTOGRAM); This example script plots the histogram of volume value divided by a specified number. By default, the divider is equal to 1000000.

  • vwap Syntax vwap(String symbol, Any period, String priceType); Default values: symbol: "" period: "" priceType: ""

    Description Returns the volume weighted average price value for the specific symbol, aggregation period and price type. You can use both Aggregation Period constants and pre-defined string values (e.g. Day, 2 Days, Week, Month, etc.) as valid parameters for the aggregation period. The full list of the pre-defined string values can be found in the Referencing Secondary Aggregation article. Valid parameters for the price type are: LAST MARK, ASK, BID (for Forex symbols only)

    Example plot DailyVWAP = vwap(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY); plot WeeklyVWAP = vwap(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK); plot MonthlyVWAP = vwap(period = AggregationPeriod.MONTH); This example script plots daily, weekly, and monthly VolumeWeightedAveragePrice values for the current symbol.

  • o Option Related This section contains functions to work with options. Here is the full list: delta gamma getDaysToExpiration getStrike getUnderlyingSymbol isEuropean isOptionable isPut optionPrice rho theta vega

  • delta Syntax delta(IDataHolder Underlying Price, IDataHolder Volatility); Default values: Underlying Price: close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) Volatility: imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol())

    Description Calculates the delta option greek. Example declare lower; def epsilon = 0.01 * close(getUnderlyingSymbol()); plot approxDelta = (optionPrice(underlyingPrice = close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) + epsilon) - optionPrice()) / epsilon; plot Delta = delta(); This example illustrates the approximate calculation of delta by dividing a change in the theoretical option price by a change in the underlying symbol price. Usage in: OptionDelta.

  • gamma Syntax gamma(IDataHolder Underlying Price, IDataHolder Volatility); Default values: Underlying Price: close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) Volatility: imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol())

    Description Calculates the gamma option greek. Example def shift = 0.1*close(getUnderlyingSymbol()); plot theoreticalprice = optionPrice(underlyingPrice = close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) + shift); plot firstorder = optionPrice() + shift * delta(); plot secondorder = firstorder + shift*shift/2 * gamma(); This example illustrates the use of the gamma function to calculate changes in the theoretical option price when the underlying symbol price changes significantly. While the expression using delta is only a rough estimate of the resulting price, taking gamma into account results in much better approximation. Usage in: OptionGamma.

  • getDaysToExpiration Syntax getDaysToExpiration(); Description Returns the number of days till the expiration of the current option. Example declare hide_on_intraday; input weeks = 4; AddChartBubble( getDaysToExpiration() == 7 * weeks + 1, high, concat("Weeks till expiration: ", weeks), color.YELLOW, yes ); AddChartBubble( getDaysToExpiration() == 1, high, "Expiration Friday", color.RED, yes ); This script shows two bubbles on the option chart: the red one indicating the Expiration Friday and the yellow one indicating a bar four weeks prior to the Expiration Friday.

  • getStrike Syntax getStrike(); Description Returns the strike price for the current option. Example input strike_price_interval = 5; input steps = 1; plot OtherPrice = optionPrice(getStrike() + steps * strike_price_interval); This example plots the theoretical price of an option with a different strike. getUnderlyingSymbol Syntax getUnderlyingSymbol(); Description Returns the underlying symbol for the current option. Example AddChartLabel(yes, concat(concat(getSymbolPart(), " is an option for "), getUnderlyingSymbol())); This script adds a chart label showing the underlying symbol for the current option.

  • isEuropean Syntax isEuropean(); Description Returns true if the current option is European, false if American. Example AddChartLabel(yes, concat(concat("This is ", if isEuropean() then "a European" else "an American"), " style option.")); For option symbols, this example displays a label informing whether it is an American or a European style option. isOptionable Syntax isOptionable(); Description Returns true if the current symbol is optionable, false - otherwise. Example AddChartLabel(isOptionable(), concat("IV: ", concat(imp_volatility() * 100, "%"))); Displays a label for optionable symbols showing the implied volatility in percentage.

  • isPut Syntax isPut(); Description Returns true if the current option is PUT, false if CALL. Example plot Opposite = optionPrice(isPut = !isPut()); This example plots theoretical price of an option with the same underlying, strike price, and expiration but the opposite right.

  • optionPrice Syntax optionPrice(IDataHolder strike, IDataHolder isPut, IDataHolder daysToExpiration, IDataHolder underlyingPrice, IDataHolder Volatility, double isEuropean, double yield, double interestRate); Default values: strike: getStrike() isPut: isPut() daysToExpiration: getDaysToExpiration() underlyingPrice: close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) Volatility: imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol()) isEuropean: isEuropean() yield: getYield() interestRate: getInterestRate()

    Description Calculates the theoretical option price. By default, this function uses implied volatility averaged over different options for the underlying, so the returned result is approximate. Example input underlying = "ORCL"; input strike = 21.0; input expiration_date = 20101220; input is_put = no; input interest_rate = 0.06; input yield = 0.0; input is_european = no; plot TheoOptPrice = optionPrice(strike, is_put, daysTillDate(expiration_date), close(underlying), imp_volatility(underlying), is_european, yield, interest_rate);

  • This script plots the theoretical price of Oracle December 2010 call option with $21 strike and interest rate of 6%. Usage in: TheoreticalOptionPrice. rho Syntax rho(IDataHolder Underlying Price, IDataHolder Volatility); Default values: Underlying Price: close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) Volatility: imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol())

    Description Calculates the rho option greek. Example declare lower; def epsilon = 0.0001; plot approxRho = (optionPrice(interestRate = getInterestRate() + epsilon) - optionPrice()) / epsilon / 100; plot Rho = rho(); This example illustrates the approximate calculation of rho by dividing a change in the theoretical option price by a change in the risk-free interest rate. Usage in: OptionRho.

  • theta Syntax theta(IDataHolder Underlying Price, IDataHolder Volatility); Default values: Underlying Price: close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) Volatility: imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol())

    Description Calculates the theta option greek. Example declare lower; plot approxTheta = (optionPrice() - optionPrice(daysToExpiration = getDaysToExpiration() + 1)); plot Theta = theta(); This example illustrates the approximate calculation of theta by finding a change in the theoretical option price produced by increasing the time to expiration by one day. Usage in: OptionTheta.

  • vega Syntax vega(IDataHolder Underlying Price, IDataHolder Volatility); Default values: Underlying Price: close(getUnderlyingSymbol()) Volatility: imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol())

    Description Calculates the vega option greek. Example declare lower; def epsilon = 0.01 * imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol()); plot approxVega = (optionPrice(Volatility = imp_volatility(getUnderlyingSymbol()) + epsilon) - optionPrice()) / epsilon / 100; plot Vega = vega(); This example illustrates the approximate calculation of vega by dividing a change in the theoretical option price by a change in implied volatility of the underlying. Usage in: OptionVega.

  • o Technical Analysis Functions featured in the adjacent sections relate to analysis indirectly. For example, the look and feel functions help you paint a chart to achieve better visualization, fundamentals provide functions to work with data and so on. However, these functions cannot solve direct technical analysis tasks. Technical analysis functions address this task. Here is the full list of the functions: AccumDist Average AvgTrueRange BodyHeight Ema2 ExpAverage FastKCustom GetMaxValueOffset GetMinValueOffset Highest HighestAll HighestWeighted IsAscending IsDescending IsDoji IsLongBlack IsLongWhite Lowest LowestAll LowestWeighted MidBodyVal moneyflow TrueRange Ulcer WildersAverage wma

  • AccumDist Syntax AccumDist(IDataHolder high, IDataHolder close, IDataHolder low, IDataHolder open, IDataHolder volume); Description Returns the Accumulation/Distribution value. General Information Some studies, for example the AccDist, use the simplified formula to calculate the Accumulation/Distribution. The formula does not contain open prices. Example script AccumDistTS { input high = high; input close = close; input low = low; input open = open; input volume = volume; plot AccumDistTS = TotalSum(if high - low > 0 then (close - open) / (high - low) * volume else 0); } declare lower; plot AccumDist1 = AccumDist(high, close, low, open, volume); plot AccumDist2 = AccumDistTS(high, close, low, open, volume); The example calculates the Accumulation/Distribution with the help of the AccumDist and AccumDistTS functions. The AccumDistTS function is implemented using the thinkScript and the AccumDist is a regular built-in function. Both the functions provide equal results that are represented by a single plot. Usage in: AccumDistPrVol; ChaikinOsc.

  • Average Syntax Average(IDataHolder data, int length); Default values: length: 12

    Description Returns the average value of a set of data for the last length bars. If the length of the data set is not specified, the default value is used. See the following example to learn how the average is calculated. Example 1 script AverageTS { input data = close; input length = 12; plot AverageTS = sum(data, length) / length; } input price = close; input length = 12; plot SMA1 = Average(price, length); plot SMA2 = AverageTS(price, length); The example plots an average value using the thinkScript implementation called AverageTS and the built-in function. Since both the implementations produce the same result the plots coincide with each other forming a single curve. Example 2 plot SMA = average(close, 20); The example displays the moving average for the last 20 closing prices. Usage in: Multiple

  • AvgTrueRange Syntax AvgTrueRange(IDataHolder high, IDataHolder close, IDataHolder low, int length); Default values: length: 12

    Description Returns the average of the TrueRange function. General Information Some studies (e.g. ATRWilder) use Wilder's smoothing instead of simple moving average to calculate the TrueRange average. Example 1 script AvgTrueRangeTS { input high = high; input close = close; input low = low; input length = 15; plot AvgTrueRangeTS = Average(TrueRange(high, close, low), length); } input length = 14; plot AvgTrueRange1 = AvgTrueRange(high, close, low, length); plot AvgTrueRange2 = AvgTrueRangeTS(high, close, low, length); The code provides two approaches to calculate and plot the average of the true range. The first approach is implemented through the built-in AvgTrueRange function. The second approach uses a manual implementation. The results of the approaches are equal which means that both the calculations result in equal plots that coincide with each other.

  • Usage in: ATRTrailingStop; KeltnerChannels; LBR_PaintBars; VoltyExpanCloseLX.

  • BodyHeight Syntax BodyHeight(); Description Returns the height of the candlestick body. It is equal to the absolute value of the difference between the open and close values. Sample

    Example declare lower; input length = 12; plot AverageBodyHeight = Average(BodyHeight(), length); This script plots the 12 period average body height on the lower subgraph. Usage in: AdvanceBlock; BeltHold; ConcealingBabySwallow; Deliberation; EveningStar; FallingThreeMethods; Hammer; HangingMan; Harami; HighPriceGappingPlay; HomingPigeon; IdenticalThreeCrows; InNeck; InvertedHammer; Kicking; LongLeggedDoji; LowPriceGappingPlay; Marubozu; MatHold; MatchingLow; MeetingLines; MorningStar; OnNeck; RisingThreeMethods; SeparatingLines; ShootingStar; SideBySideWhiteLines; StickSandwich; ThreeStarsInTheSouth; UniqueThreeRiverBottom.

  • Ema2 initialization, so adding more initialization data by increasing additionalBars input has little impact on the study. Syntax Ema2(IDataHolder data, int prefetch, double smoothing factor, int First Bar); Default values: prefetch: 0 First Bar: 0

    Description Returns the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of data with smoothing factor. The prefetch parameter controls the number of historical data points used to initialize EMA for the first bar. The First Bar parameter is deprecated and should not be used. Example input additionalBars = 0; plot ExpAvg = Ema2(close, additionalBars, 0.2); The code plots the exponential average of a security Close price with a smoothing factor of 0.2. Note that studies using ema2 fetch a necessary number of additional bars for correct

  • ExpAverage Syntax ExpAverage(IDataHolder data, int length); Default values: length: 12

    Description Returns the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of data with length. Example input price = close; input length = 12; plot ExpAvg = ExpAverage(price, length); The example plots an exponential moving average of a security's Close price. Usage in: ATRTrailingStop; BalanceOfMarketPower; BollingerBandsEMA; ChaikinOsc; ChaikinOscillator; DEMA; DisparityIndex; DisplacedEMA; DoubleSmoothedStochastics; EMAEnvelope; ElderRay; ElderRayBearPower; ElderRayBullPower; ForceIndex; KeltnerChannels; KlingerOscillator; MACD; MassIndex; MovAvgExpRibbon; MovAvgExponential; MovAvgTwoLines; MovingAvgCrossover; PolarizedFractalEfficiency; PriceAverageCrossover; PriceZoneOscillator; PriceZoneOscillatorLE; PriceZoneOscillatorLX; PriceZoneOscillatorSE; PriceZoneOscillatorSX; RSI_EMA; RangeIndicator; RelativeMomentumIndex; RelativeVolatilityIndex; ReverseEngineeringRSI; StochasticFull; StochasticMomentumIndex; TEMA; TRIX; TrendPeriods; TrueStrengthIndex; VolumeFlowIndicator; VolumeWeightedMACD; VolumeZoneOscillator; WoodiesCCI.

  • FastKCustom Syntax FastKCustom(IDataHolder data, int length); Default values: length: 14

    Description Returns values from 0 through 100 depending on a price. If the price is the lowest for the last length bars then 0 is returned. If the price is the highest for the last length bars then 100 is returned. The function is calculated according to the following algorithm: FastKCustom = if highest(close, 12) - lowest(close, 12) > 0 then (close - lowest(close, 12)) / (highest(close, 12) - lowest(close, 12))*100 else 0 Example declare lower; input colorNormLength = 14; plot Price = close; def abs = AbsValue(Price); def normVal = FastKCustom(abs, colorNormLength); Price.AssignValueColor( CreateColor(255, 2.55 * normVal, 0) ); The example plots the EMA using the manual thinkScript implementation and the built-in function. The resulting plots coincide forming a single curve. The FastKCustom function is used to assign a normVal value to each bar depending on its price. Zero value is assigned if the current closing price is the lowest on the last 14 bars, 100 is assigned if the current closing price is the highest on the last 14 bars. The normVal is used in the AssignValueColor function to paint a plot with colors ranging from red (255, 0,0) to yellow (255, 255, 0). The green component of the color varies depending on the current value of normVal.

  • GetMaxValueOffset Syntax GetMaxValueOffset(IDataHolder data, int length); Default values: length: 25

    Description Returns the offset of the highest value of data for the last length bars. Example declare lower; input length = 25; def upIndex = GetMaxValueOffset(high, length); def downIndex = GetMinValueOffset(low, length); plot AroonUp = (length - upIndex) * 100.0 / length; plot AroonDown = (length - downIndex) * 100.0 / length; The example calculates the Aroon Indicator. The GetMaxValueOffset is used to calculate the upIndex variable that defines the number of bars appeared starting from the maximum value for the last length bars. When drawing the AroonUp, the upIndex is recorded as a percentage from the overall number of length bars. Usage in: AroonIndicator; AroonOscillator; LookUpHighest.

  • GetMinValueOffset Syntax GetMinValueOffset(IDataHolder data, int length); Default values: length: 25

    Description Returns the offset of the lowest value of data for the last length bars. Example declare lower; input length = 25; def upIndex = GetMaxValueOffset(high, length); def downIndex = GetMinValueOffset(low, length); plot AroonOsc = (downIndex - upIndex) * 100.0 / length; The example calculates the Aroon Oscillator. The GetMinValueOffset is used to calculate the downIndex variable that defines the number of bars appeared starting from the minimum value for the last length bars. Then the downIndex value and the upIndex values are used to draw the resulting AroonOsc plot. Usage in: AroonIndicator; AroonOscillator; LookUpLowest.

  • Highest Syntax Highest(IDataHolder data, int length); Default values: length: 12

    Description Returns the highest value of data for the last length bars. Example input length = 20; plot LowerBand = Lowest(low[1], length); plot UpperBand = Highest(high[1], length); plot MiddleBand = (LowerBand + UpperBand) / 2; The plots in the example illustrate the Donchian Channels system where the Lower Band and the Upper Band are calculated as the minimum low and maximum high for the previous length bars. Note that the low and high for the current bar are left out of account. In order to implement this approach the [1] index is applied to the corresponding parameters. Usage in: BollingerBandwidth; DailyHighLow; DemandIndex; FisherTransform; HighPriceGappingPlay; Ichimoku; KeyRevLX; LBR_PaintBars; LowPriceGappingPlay; PercentR; PriceChannel; RangeIndicator; StochasticFull; StochasticMomentumIndex; VerticalHorizontalFilter; WilliamsPercentR.

  • HighestAll Syntax HighestAll(IDataHolder data); Description Returns the highest value of data for all bars in the chart. Example input price = close; plot MiddleLR = InertiaAll(price); def dist = HighestAll(AbsValue(MiddleLR - price)); plot UpperLR = MiddleLR + dist; plot LowerLR = MiddleLR - dist; The code draws a regression channel where the highest and the lowest borders are defined with the help of the maximum deviation between the price and regression line. The deviation is calculated for all bars using the HighestAll function. Usage in: DarvasBox; LinearRegCh100; LinearRegCh50; LinearRegChVar; MajorGannLevels; SemiCupFormation; ZigZagPercent; ZigZagSign.

  • HighestWeighted Syntax HighestWeighted(IDataHolder data, int length, IDataHolder coefficient); Default values: length: 14

    Description Returns the highest value of data weighted with the coefficient for the last length bars. Example declare lower; input price1 = close; input price2 = open; def delta = price2 - price1; plot HWBuiltin = HighestWeighted(price1, 3, delta); plot HW = Max(Max(price1, price1[1] + delta), price1[2] + 2 * delta); This example shows how the HighestWeighted is constructed by taking maximum of several values. The two plots coincide. Usage in: ProjectionBands; ProjectionOscillator.

  • IsAscending Syntax IsAscending(IDataHolder value, int length); Default values: length: 3

    Description Tests if the trend is ascending by calculating the average slope coefficient of trendlines whose start points are MidBodyVal for a specified number of bars and end points are value for current bar. If the slope is