9365 BSR Gateway Operations

Title page Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway | BCR4.3 Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning 9YZ-05614-0401-REZZA Issue 1 | September 2013 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Use pursuant to applicable agreements Use pursuant to applicable agreements



Transcript of 9365 BSR Gateway Operations

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Title page

Alcatel-Lucent 9365

BSR Gateway | BCR4.3

Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning


Issue 1 | September 2013

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Page 2: 9365 BSR Gateway Operations

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About this document

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................ xvxv

Reason for reissue ....................................................................................................................................................................... xvxv

New in this release ...................................................................................................................................................................... xvxv

Safety information ..................................................................................................................................................................... xvixvi

Intended audience ...................................................................................................................................................................... xvixvi

Conventions used ....................................................................................................................................................................... xvixvi

Related information ................................................................................................................................................................. xviixvii

Document support ................................................................................................................................................................... xviiixviii

Technical support ..................................................................................................................................................................... xviiixviii

How to comment ..................................................................................................................................................................... xviiixviii

Part I: Safety information

1 Safety and general information

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-11-1

Structure of safety statements ............................................................................................................................................... 1-21-2

General safety hazards ............................................................................................................................................................ 1-41-4

Part II: System overview

2 System architecture

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-12-1

Small Cell network architecture .......................................................................................................................................... 2-22-2

BSR Gateway architecture .................................................................................................................................................... 2-92-9

3 Hardware description

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-13-1


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BSR Gateway - Sun Netra X4250

BSR Gateway hardware overview ...................................................................................................................................... 3-23-2

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-43-4

Bono hardware description .................................................................................................................................................... 3-53-5

Malban10 hardware description ........................................................................................................................................ 3-103-10

Part III: Perform OAM&P on BSR Gateway

4 Standard operational procedures

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-14-1

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Check number of Small Cells connected to BSR Gateway ....................................................................................... 4-34-3

Configure security hardening .............................................................................................................................................. 4-44-4

Configure Iuflex ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4-54-5

Configure dual stack ............................................................................................................................................................... 4-64-6

Configure presence API .......................................................................................................................................................... 4-74-7

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway ...................................................................................... 4-84-8

Configure All-in-one Gateway (AIOG) ......................................................................................................................... 4-184-18

Configure shelf management mode on Bono card ..................................................................................................... 4-194-19

Configure DSL Optimization ............................................................................................................................................. 4-204-20

Configure real-time monitoring of backhaul bandwidth .......................................................................................... 4-214-21

Configure network overload avoidance ......................................................................................................................... 4-224-22

Configure Small Cell network support for end-to-end call/subscriber trace .................................................... 4-234-23

Configure extended ACL size for large Small Cell groups ..................................................................................... 4-244-24

Configure active-warm standby BSR Gateway redundancy .................................................................................. 4-254-25

Configure security enhancements via radius support on BSR Gateway ............................................................ 4-264-26

Configure AMR concatenation .......................................................................................................................................... 4-274-27




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Configure DPDK support on BSR Gateway ................................................................................................................ 4-284-28

Configure cell broadcast services in support of CMAS ........................................................................................... 4-294-29

The Wireless Management System

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-304-30

Introduction to the WMS Small Cells ............................................................................................................................. 4-314-31

5 Standard administration procedures

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-15-1

Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-25-2

To enable all levels of traces into stdout .......................................................................................................................... 5-45-4

To enable all levels of traces into a file ............................................................................................................................. 5-55-5

To disable all levels of traces ................................................................................................................................................ 5-65-6

Part IV: Fault management

6 Principles of maintenance

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-16-1

Overall fault management process

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-26-2

Prepare the fault clearance ..................................................................................................................................................... 6-36-3

Find the fault clearance procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 6-56-5

7 Preventive maintenance

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-17-1

General information

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-27-2

Precautions .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-37-3

Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7-47-4




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8 Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-18-1

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-28-2

Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators .......................................................................................................................... 8-38-3

Malban10 indicators ................................................................................................................................................................ 8-78-7

BONO indicators .................................................................................................................................................................... 8-108-10

RTM LED indicators ............................................................................................................................................................. 8-138-13

NBSHMC Board Indicators ............................................................................................................................................... 8-168-16

Alarms and error data

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-198-19

Alarm and error data ............................................................................................................................................................ 8-208-20


Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-218-21

Diagnostic tests ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8-228-22

9 Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-19-1

General information

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-29-2

To attach the antistatic wrist strap ....................................................................................................................................... 9-39-3

To replace a hot-swappable component ............................................................................................................................ 9-59-5

Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability ..................................................................................................... 9-69-6

Unpacking and handling the Malban10 card .................................................................................................................. 9-79-7

Unpacking and handling the Bono card ........................................................................................................................... 9-89-8

Card replacement procedures

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-99-9




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To replace a Malban10 card ................................................................................................................................................ 9-109-10

To replace a Bono card ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-139-13

To replace an RTM ................................................................................................................................................................ 9-169-16

Part V: Configuration management

10 Introduction to Configuration Management

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 10-110-1

Configuration management ................................................................................................................................................ 10-210-2

11 Configuration procedures

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11-111-1

Backup/restore the BSR Gateway .................................................................................................................................... 11-211-2

Upgrade the BSR Gateway ................................................................................................................................................. 11-311-3

Fallback the BSR Gateway to lower version ................................................................................................................ 11-411-4

12 BSR Gateway managed objects

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-112-1

Introduction to managed objects

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-212-2

Managed object overview ................................................................................................................................................... 12-312-3

Managed object description ................................................................................................................................................ 12-412-4

Working with managed objects

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 12-1212-12

To list the objects ................................................................................................................................................................. 12-1312-13

To get object attributes ....................................................................................................................................................... 12-1412-14

To set object attributes ....................................................................................................................................................... 12-1512-15

To lock/unlock an object ................................................................................................................................................... 12-1612-16




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13 Configuration management through WMS Small Cells

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13-113-1

Export the BSR Gateway bulk CM file ........................................................................................................................ 13-213-2

Import the BSR Gateway bulk CM file through WPS Small Cells ..................................................................... 13-413-4

Generate BSR Gateway WPS Small Cells ................................................................................................................... 13-613-6

Upgrade software/software fallback ................................................................................................................................ 13-713-7

Part VI: Performance management

14 Introduction to performance management

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14-114-1

Performance management .................................................................................................................................................. 14-214-2

PM file generation and storage ........................................................................................................................................ 14-414-4

Example of a PM measurement ....................................................................................................................................... 14-514-5

Performance measurement statistics ................................................................................................................................ 14-614-6

File naming convention .................................................................................................................................................... 14-3714-37

To change the granular period of PM file generation ............................................................................................. 14-3914-39

To disable PM file generation ......................................................................................................................................... 14-4114-41

To enable PM file generation ........................................................................................................................................... 14-4214-42

Part VII: Security management

15 BSR Gateway security overview

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15-115-1

OA&M security on BSR Gateway .................................................................................................................................. 15-215-2

16 Manage users and access

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16-116-1

User account administration concepts

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16-216-2




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Role based access control .................................................................................................................................................... 16-416-4

User account administration procedures

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16-616-6

To change the root password .............................................................................................................................................. 16-716-7

To change user password ..................................................................................................................................................... 16-816-8

17 Manage the secure shell

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17-117-1

Secure shell concepts

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17-217-2

Secure shell ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17-317-3

Secure shell keys overview ................................................................................................................................................. 17-517-5

Secure shell passphrase overview .................................................................................................................................... 17-717-7

Secure shell tasks .................................................................................................................................................................... 17-817-8

Secure shell administration tasks

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17-917-9

To generate public/private key pair ............................................................................................................................... 17-1017-10

To send public keys from SSH clients to BSR Gateway ....................................................................................... 17-1217-12

To generate SSH user keys ............................................................................................................................................... 17-1317-13

To verify SSH configuration for all users of BSR Gateway ............................................................................... 17-1517-15

To use the secure shell

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17-1617-16

To start a secure shell session to a BSR Gateway .................................................................................................... 17-1717-17

To start an SFTP session to BSR Gateway ................................................................................................................. 17-1817-18

A Installation procedures

Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................... A-1A-1

To install a Malban10 card ................................................................................................................................................... A-2A-2




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To install a Bono card ............................................................................................................................................................ A-5A-5

To install an RTM .................................................................................................................................................................... A-8A-8






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List of tables

3-1 Bono physical specifications ................................................................................................................................. 3-73-7

3-2 Malban10 physical specifications ..................................................................................................................... 3-113-11

4-1 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> - Parameter details ........................................................................... 4-94-9

4-2 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGbsrPSCforBasicCellId:<instance> - Parameter details

............................................................................................................................................................................ 4-124-124-12

4-3 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGbsrPSCforVirtEnhCellId:<instance> -Parameter details

............................................................................................................................................................................ 4-124-124-12

4-4 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGgsmMacroFrequency:<instance> -Parameter details

............................................................................................................................................................................ 4-134-134-13

4-5 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGumtsMacroFrequency:<instance> -Parameter details

............................................................................................................................................................................ 4-134-134-13

4-6 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGumtsMacroCellId:<instance> - Parameter details ... 4-134-13

4-7 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGgsmMacroCellId::<instance> - Parameter details ... 4-154-15

4-8 MO - /FGW<DN;>/BSG:<instance> - Parameter details ........................................................................ 4-174-17

8-1 Server status and Alarm status indicators ......................................................................................................... 8-68-6

8-2 Description on Malban10 LEDs ........................................................................................................................... 8-78-7

8-3 Description of AMC LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 8-88-8

8-4 Description of AMC LEDs .................................................................................................................................. 8-118-11

8-5 Description of ROETHAA RTM LEDs .......................................................................................................... 8-158-15

8-6 Description of front panel LEDs ....................................................................................................................... 8-168-16

8-7 Active / Standby LED (H1407) truth table .................................................................................................... 8-188-18

8-8 User LEDs truth table ............................................................................................................................................ 8-188-18

14-1 Performance measurement statistics - BSR Gateway ................................................................................ 14-614-6

14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS .................................................................................................. 14-914-9

14-3 Performance measurement statistics - Presence ........................................................................................ 14-1914-19


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14-4 Performance measurement statistics - BVG ............................................................................................... 14-2014-20

14-5 Performance measurement statistics - BPG ................................................................................................ 14-2114-21

14-6 Performance measurement statistics - FGW ............................................................................................... 14-2114-21

14-7 Performance measurement statistics - IuPS ................................................................................................ 14-2414-24

14-8 Performance measurement statistics - SCCP .............................................................................................. 14-2614-26

14-9 Performance measurement statistics - M3UA ............................................................................................ 14-3114-31

14-10 Performance measurement statistics -Iuh .................................................................................................... 14-3314-33

14-11 Performance measurement statistics - AAA ............................................................................................... 14-3514-35

A-1 Malban10 LEDs ........................................................................................................................................................ A-3A-3

A-2 Bono LEDs ................................................................................................................................................................. A-6A-6

List of tables



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List of figures

2-1 Network Architecture ............................................................................................................................................... 2-42-4

3-1 Sun based BSR Gateway ........................................................................................................................................ 3-23-2

3-2 Bono card (with AMC slot) ................................................................................................................................... 3-63-6

3-3 Malban10 card .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-103-10

8-1 Front panel indicators ............................................................................................................................................... 8-38-3

8-2 Rear panel indicators ................................................................................................................................................ 8-48-4

8-3 Status indicator locations ........................................................................................................................................ 8-58-5

8-4 LED Location on HDD AMC ............................................................................................................................... 8-88-8

8-5 LED Location on HDD AMC ............................................................................................................................. 8-118-11

8-6 ROETHAA RTM Front Panel ............................................................................................................................ 8-148-14

8-7 NBSHMC Front Panel .......................................................................................................................................... 8-168-16

13-1 Export BSR Gateway configuration ............................................................................................................... 13-213-2

13-2 Import BSR Gateway configuration ................................................................................................................. 13-413-4


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List of figures



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About this documentAbout this document


The purpose of this document is to:

• Present general and specific safety information that is relevant to operations,

administration, maintenance, and installation.

• Present supporting information about the Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway (BSR

Gateway) system architecture, cabinet layout, and structure.

• Provide the standard operational and administration procedures that a local service

technician can perform on the BSR Gateway.

• Provide the fault and configuration management procedures that a local service

technician can perform on the BSR Gateway.

Reason for reissue

The reissue reasons are:

Issue number Issue date Reason for reissue

1 September 2013 Standard

New in this release

This section details what is new in the Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway Operations,

Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning, 9YZ-05614-0401-REZZA for the

Release BCR4.3

New features

• None

Other changes

• Removed references to BSG CLI.


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Safety information

For your safety, this document contains safety statements. Safety statements are given at

points where risks of damage to personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to

follow the directions in a safety statement may result in serious consequences.

Intended audience

The audience for this document is BSR Gateway maintenance engineers (level 1).

Conventions used

The following conventions are used in this document:

Italicized text • File and directory names

• Emphasized information

• Titles of publications

• A value that the user supplies

graphical user interface text or key


Text that is displayed in a graphical user interface or in

a hardware label

The name of a key on the keyboard

input text Command names and text that the user types or selects

as input to a system

output text Text that a system displays or prints

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Related information

For information on subjects related to the content of this document, see the documents

listed in the following table:

Refer to this document At this location

Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway -

Technical Description,



Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway -

Network Integration,


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless

Management System Small Cells -

FGW Software Upgrade Procedure ,


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless

Management System Small Cells -

User Guide, 9YZ-05614-0623-


Alcatel-Lucent 9952 Wireless

Provisioning System - User Guide for

Small Cells, 9YZ-05134-0004-


Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - BSG

Parameters Reference Guide,


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless

Management System Small Cells -

Fault Management,


Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Backup

and Restore, 9YZ-05614-0012-


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Refer to this document At this location

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature

Activation Procedures,


Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway -

Site Preparation for ATCA Platform,


Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway -

Hardware Installation on ATCA

Platform, 3MN-01125-0404-RJZZA.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - BSR

Gateway Alarms Reference Guide,


Document support

For support in using this or any other Alcatel-Lucent document, contact Alcatel-Lucent at

the following telephone numbers. These numbers apply for document support only. Please

see the section “Technical support” for details about product hardware, software, and

technical support.

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From within the United

States, dial

From outside the United

States, dial

Cellular or VoIP 1-888-582-3688 +1-630-224-2485

Landline – phones lacking the

plus (+) character

1-888-582-3688 origination country exit


(replace the plus sign with

your country's exit code)

See a listing of exit codes.

Technical support

For technical support, contact your local Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the

Alcatel-Lucent Support web site (http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/support/) for contact


How to comment

To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel-

lucent.com/comments/) or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline

([email protected]).

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Part I: Safety information



This section provides general hazard statements relating to BSR Gateway.


Chapter 1, Safety and general information 1-1


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Safety information Overview



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1 1Safety and general




This part provides information on general hazards which may arise in the course of your

work. The safety warnings are not related to specific procedures.


Structure of safety statements 1-2

General safety hazards 1-4


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Structure of safety statements


This topic describes the components of safety statements that appear in this document.

General structure

Safety statements include the following structural elements:

Item Structure element Purpose

1 Safety alert symbol Indicates the potential for personal injury


2 Safety symbol Indicates hazard type (optional)

3 Signal word Indicates the severity of the hazard

4 Hazard type Describes the source of the risk of damage or


5 Safety message Consequences if protective measures fail

6 Avoidance message Protective measures to take to avoid the hazard

7 Identifier The reference ID of the safety statement






Lifting this equipment by yourself can result in injurydue to the size and weight of the equipment.

Always use three people or a lifting device to transportand position this equipment. [ABC123]


Lifting hazard

Safety and general information Structure of safety statements



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Signal words

The signal words identify the hazard severity levels as follows:

Signal word Meaning

DANGER Indicates an extremely hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will

result in death or serious injury.

WARNING Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

death or serious injury.

CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE Indicates a hazardous situation not related to personal injury.

Safety and general information Structure of safety statements



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General safety hazards


Electric-shock hazard

Some parts of all electrical installations are energized. Failure to follow safe work

practices and the safety warnings may lead to bodily injury and property damage.

For this reason, only trained and qualified personnel (electrical workers as defined in

IEC 60215 or EN 60215 + A1 or in the National Electrical Code or in ANSI/NFPA No.

10) may install or service the installation.


Electric-shock hazard

Contact with energized parts can cause serious injury.

At least one other trained person must be in attendance, who can immediately disconnect

the system if necessary.

This second person must be trained in first aid for emergency purposes.


Electric-shock hazard

Contact with energized parts can cause serious personal injury.

Seal off the installation area (warning tape, signs) to prevent untrained or unauthorized

persons from entering.

Follow safe work practices and lockout/tagout procedures.


Electric-shock hazard

There is a danger of electric shock if the grounding system is inadequate.

You must comply with the grounding requirements for the grounding system.

Safety and general information General safety hazards



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ESD hazard

Semiconductor components can be damaged by static discharges.

The following rules must be followed when handling any module containing

semiconductor components:

• Wear conductive or antistatic working clothes (for example, a coat made of 100%


• Wear the grounded wrist strap.

• Wear shoes with conductive soles on a conductive floor surface or conductive work


• Leave the modules in their original packaging until ready for use.

• Make sure there is no difference in potential between yourself, the workplace, and the

packaging before removing, unpacking, or packing a module.

• Hold the module only by the grip without touching the connection pins, tracks, or


• Place modules removed from the equipment on a conductive surface.

• Test or handle the module only with grounded tools on grounded equipment.

• Handle defective modules exactly like new ones to avoid causing further damage.


Flammable-material hazard

Parts in the cabinet may have sharp edges. These can cause cuts and lacerations.

Beware of sharp edges, especially when working on poorly accessible areas inside the



Service-disruption hazard

Tools left in the work area can cause short circuits during operation which can lead to the

destruction of units.

Make sure after finishing your work that no tools, testing equipment, flashlights, and so

on, have been left in or on the equipment.

Safety and general information General safety hazards



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Service-disruption hazard

Restricting the cabinet airflow can cause damage to equipment.

Do not place any item on the cabinet air intake duct.

Safety and general information General safety hazards



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Part II: System overview



This part describes the role of the Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway (BSR Gateway) in

the Small Cell network and the structure of the BSR Gateway.

For further system information, see Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway, Alcatel-Lucent

9365 BSR Gateway - Technical Description, 9YZ-05614-0400-DEZZA.


Chapter 2, System architecture 2-1

Chapter 3, Hardware description 3-1


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System overview Overview



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2 2System architecture



This chapter describes the system architecture and the role of BSR Gateway in the



Small Cell network architecture 2-2

BSR Gateway architecture 2-9


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Small Cell network architecture


3G Small Cells are scaled down, low power, lightweight wireless access base stations that

are located typically within homes, offices and malls. They can be integrated to a home

residential gateway, or in standalone format. These small units are installed by consumers.

The units are locally powered, and are connected to a subscribers fixed broadband (for

example, xDSL, PON, or cable) connection, for backhaul to the operators network. The

aim is to offer improved in-building coverage and dedicated capacity. The end user

connecting to the Small Cells network or the Macro 3G network can do so using any

legacy handset.

Small Cell Solution

The Small Cell Solution is made up of a cluster of Small Cells, the 3G access points

designed for in-building home or enterprise use, and a small set of core network elements

for interconnection between the Small Cells Cluster and the legacy 3G core network.

The Small Cell is simple to install by the end user and automatically configures itself. The

user only has to apply mains power and based on the Small Cell product variant, would

require a functioning DSL line; all other aspects of configuration are automatic. These

automatic actions include:

• Establishing an IP connection from the Small Cell to the Alcatel-Lucent 8950 AAA

(AAA), Alcatel-Lucent Home Device Manager (HDM) and Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR

Gateway (BSR Gateway).

• Authenticating the Small Cell using the EAP-based authentication key or the

certificate-based authentication process.

• Downloading firmware and database configuration file, which contains the RF

parameters, to the Small Cell.

• Using the internal Network Listening function and its measurement reports as a

scanner to learn about the RF environment around the Small Cell.

• Automatically self-optimizing to ensure that the Small Cell provides a high quality

service while not degrading the performance of the surrounding cells in the network.

• Detection of location change based on backhaul or RF environment changes. The

customer and operator sensitive data is held securely on the Small Cells Cluster. The

air interface is encrypted to 3GPP standards. Sensitive data is also encrypted on the

backhaul interface.

The solution provides support for circuit switched voice as well as UMTS packet data and

High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA).

System architecture Small Cell network architecture



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The solution benefits are:

• Improvement of coverage and capacity at lower CAPEX/OPEX

• Low latency

• Easy evolution to mobile IP, IMS, LTE

• Easy implementation

• Improvement of coverage and quality for voice and high speed data on 3G handset

• Cheaper communications, specific home tariff for all communications established at

home or in the office

• Simplification and convenience (single bill, single handset, multiple lines, content


Some of the features supported by the Small Cell Solution are:

• Open access model

• Management of Small Cell groups

• Small Cell to Small Cell mobility

Small Cell Architecture

The Small Cells Cluster is based on a flat IP architecture that collapses many functions of

the traditional UMTS network into a device. It provides both the NodeB and RNC


The Small Cell is built around the following elements:

• A large number of 3G access points (home, enterprise, metro indoor and outdoor).

There are four different products:

– Alcatel-Lucent 9361 Home Cell (Home Cell) - supports 4 users and with an

approximate cell radius of 30 to 60 m.

– Alcatel-Lucent 9362 Enterprise Cell (Enterprise Cell) - supports up to 32 users,

with an approximate cell radius of 100 to 150 m (based on the construction of the

building in which it is located).

– Alcatel-Lucent 9363 Metro Cell Indoor (Metro Cell Indoor) - supports up to 32

users, with an approximate cell radius of 100 to 150 m (based on the construction

of the building in which it is located).

– Alcatel-Lucent 9364 Metro Cell Outdoor (Metro Cell Outdoor) - supports up to 32

users. With the Extended Cell range feature, cell radius up to 2 km can be

achieved (depending on the radio conditions), and UE speed up to 120 km/h is


• A set of cluster network elements to supply gateway functionality and time server


• A set of core network elements for connection to a standard 3G Core Network through

the Iu-CS/Iu-PS interfaces.

System architecture Small Cell network architecture



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• The Small Cell Management System, consisting of:

– Alcatel-Lucent Home Device Manager (HDM)

– Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells (WMS Small


– Alcatel-Lucent 9952 Wireless Provisioning System Small Cells (WPS Small


– File Server (FS)

The following image illustrates the network architecture:

Summary of network elements

The network elements of the Small Cells Cluster are:

Small Cell Gateway (SCGW)

The SCGW is composed of several network elements hosted on different hardware


• Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway (BSR Gateway)

• Security Gateway (SeGW)

Figure 2-1 Network Architecture

System architecture Small Cell network architecture



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• Network Time Protocol Server (NTP Server)

The Small Cells Cluster provides a synchronization mechanism to guarantee that the

clock source is stable to be better than +/- 100 parts per billion. The synchronization

source is an accurate NTP timing solution. All Small Cells in the network derive their

NTP synchronization from the Small Cell - NTP Server (NTP).

• A Service Router (mandatory, can be provided by Alcatel-Lucent or a third party)

• Alcatel-Lucent Iu Protocol Converter (IPC)

BSR Gateway

The BSR Gateway is a mandatory network element in the Small Cells Cluster. The BSR

Gateway is deployed on Sun Netra X4250 and Advanced Telecommunication

Computation Architecture (ATCA) hardware platforms. The BSR Gateway integrates the

previously separate network elements of the BSR Signaling Gateway (BSG), the BSR

Voice Gateway (BVG), and the BSR Packet Gateway (BPG) into one unit, allowing for

the management of these elements within a single data model. In addition, the DNS and

ToD functions are hosted on the BSR Gateway platform.

The BSR Gateway supports the following functions:

• BSR Signaling Gateway (BSG):

The BSG is a mandatory network element that mediates signaling between individual

Small Cells and the legacy peer UMTS network elements. The BSG provides Iu-CS

(to 3G-MSC) and Iu-PS (to SGSN) interfaces.

• BSR Voice Gateway (BVG):

The BVG is a functional element in the Small Cell network solution that supports the

user plane for Circuit Switched voice and data. The BVG provides a concentration

function for the Iu-CS user plane packets being carried on IP. It performs port and

address translation to enable routing to and from multiple Small Cells. The BVG is a

logical function which resides on the BSR Gateway product.

The BVG acts as the virtual MSC router for the Small Cell and as the virtual RNC

router for the MSC (IuUP is transparent to the BVG). Traffic passes to the MSC

directly from the BVG, while signaling is handled by the BSG. The BSG and BVG

present a single virtual RNC interface to the MSC representing the entire Small Cells

Cluster. Depending on the number of Small Cells in the cluster, multiple BVGs may

be deployed per Small Cells Cluster.

• BSR Packet Gateway (BPG):

The BPG acts as a concentrator for the internet interface for a Small Cells Cluster,

presenting a single IP address towards the SGSN from a virtual represented by the

BPG. It performs port and address translation to enable routing to and from the

multiple Small Cells. Depending on the number of Small Cells in the cluster, multiple

BPGs may be deployed per Small Cells Cluster.

• DNS/ToD (Time of Day):

System architecture Small Cell network architecture



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Within the network the Small Cell Access Points (Small Cell AP) will use a DNS

function to determine the IP address of the network elements with which it needs to

communicate with. Ideally all Small Cell Access Points and the related gateways in

the solution should derive their clocking reference from the same source. By default,

the operator uses the existing NTP server in the macro core network. Else, the

recommendation is to run the ToD and DNS functions together on the same hardware

platform as the BSR Gateway.

• AAA*:

The AAA* function helps the SeGW to resolve authentication, authorization and IP

configuration of the Small Cell. This function is used if the SeGW used is a

third-party element.

Security Gateway (SeGW)

The SeGW implements the logical functionality of firewalls and IPSec routers in the

Small Cell Solution. It is a mandatory element provided by either Alcatel-Lucent or a

third party.

The functionalities are described below:

• IPSec Gateway:

The IPSec Gateway provides IPSec tunnel endpoints to all Small Cells of the cluster.

IPSec tunnels are set up in coordination with the AAA server. The mapping is Radius

interface for upto 6 clusters.

The following traffic passes through the tunnel between the Small Cells and the


– All signaling traffic to and from the operators network elements

– IuCS user plane packets

– IuPS user plane packets

– OAM traffic to and from the SCMS

• Firewall:

The SeGW acts as a firewall between the Small Cells and the operators network. As a

firewall its purpose is to isolate the operators network from potential harmful traffic.

All signaling traffic between the operator’s network and the managed IP network is

carried in IPSec tunnels and will pass through this firewall.

The IPsec Router terminates the secure tunnel from the Small Cell, which secures traffic

across the untrusted backhaul connection. It includes firewall functionality to protect the

core network of the operator against intrusion and denial of service attacks.

Network Time Server (NTS)

The NTS (also called NTP) provides the timing solution for the Small Cells, to keep the

internal oscillator trained to the correct accuracy. The server transmits NTP packets to

keep the Small Cell synchronized with the network time in accordance to 3GPP


System architecture Small Cell network architecture



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Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM)

The SAM provides OAM functions for the 7750 Service Router (7750 SR).

Service Router-IPOA (IP over ATM)

The IPOA is an optional element in the Small Cell network solution for support of

packet-switched services. The IPOA uses a standard ATM-edge router to perform IP over

ATM encapsulation, to enable a Small Cells Cluster to be connected to an SGSN using

the IuPS over ATM interface. Without this function, the BSG and BPG provide a 3GPP

compliant IuPS over IP interface.

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell Management System (SCMS)

The SCMS performs the management and provides OAM functions to the Small Cell.

The SCMS consists of the following products:

Alcatel-Lucent Home Device Manager (HDM)

The HDM is responsible for Small Cell unit configuration updates, status monitoring,

problem diagnosis and troubleshooting, and upgrade management of firmware.

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells (WMS Small Cells)

This is based on the Wireless Management System. It provides OAM functions for Small

Cell units, IPC, BSR Gateway, NTP Server and AAA. It provides fault management for

the BSR Gateway, IPC, NTP Server, and AAA, Small Cell auto-configuration,

Northbound Interface, performance measurement collection, and storage (option with

Gold SLA).

Alcatel-Lucent 9952 Wireless Provisioning System Small Cells (WPS Small Cells)

The WPS Small Cells is an optional, offline element that allows network administrators to

create and manage Small Cell profiles, using the WPS Small Cells GUI interface. The

WPS Small Cells is also used to provide consistency checks internally within a Small Cell

configuration, and within a broader network data context such as per cluster or per BSR


File Server (FS)

The File Server acts as a limited-intelligence repository for Small Cell software images,

bulkCM files and PM/trace files.

Security Gateway Management System

The Security Gateway Management System provides OAM functions for the SeGW

which provides the IPSec gateway and firewall functions.

System architecture Small Cell network architecture



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Operations Support System (OSS)

The network operator OSS is any OSS owned by the network operator, which can be used

to provision the Small Cell network through the Northbound Interfaces of the

provisioning elements of the Small Cell solution.

System architecture Small Cell network architecture



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BSR Gateway architecture


The Alcatel-Lucent 9365 BSR Gateway (BSR Gateway) enables connections between a

Small Cells Cluster and a traditional GSM/GPRS/UMTS network. This is achieved by

allowing the Small Cells Cluster to appear as a single virtual RNC to the traditional

circuit core/packet core network. The BSR Gateway terminates the signaling and user

plane interfaces to the traditional core network elements and thereby creates the notion of

a single virtual RNC. This virtual RNC represents the Small Cells Cluster as a whole. The

BSR Gateway terminates the network and transport protocol stacks of the standardized

interfaces. Application layer PDUs are decoded, the destination Small Cell is derived

from the contents of the PDU or an existing communication context, and finally the PDU

is forwarded to this Small Cell. The routing algorithm to determine the destination Small

Cell depends on the interface a PDU is arriving at and the PDU type.

TheBSR Gateway in the Small Cell architecture to allow movement between the Small

Cell and UMTS domains. The Small Cell supports CS user traffic and there is signaling

connectivity at the 3G-MSC-to-RNC level in order to handle CS calls. The relevant

signaling traffic to and from the 3G-MSC has to be handled by the Small Cells and the

BSR Gateway has to be able to reformat as needed and route the signaling traffic to and

from the correct Small Cell.

The Small Cell is designed such that there are dedicated BSR Gateways for the user plane

(Brick) and Control Plane (BSG) Functions. The logical functions of the firewalls, IPSec

Router, BVG and BPG are all hosted on a single network element, the Brick. The

signaling translation between the SS7 and BSR IP domains and the concentration function

for the control plane is hosted on a separate network element, the BSG. The Small Cell

merges the above functions supported across different network elements onto a single

product unit called the BSR Gateway. The DNS and TOD network elements are also

hosted on the BSR Gateway platform and have a separate logical interface to the SCMS

for OAM purposes.

The BSR Gateway supports two types of configuration:

• Configuration 1: All-In-One-Gateway (AIOG) configuration, whereby the BVG and

BPG functions are moved from the Brick towards the BSR Gateway. The AIOG

configuration supports the standard Iuh interface and enables the BSR Gateway to lie

on the bearer plane.

System architecture BSR Gateway architecture



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• Configuration 2: Legacy configuration (Classical Gateway configuration), whereby

Brick 1200HS supports BVG and BPG function.

Role of BSR Gateway in the network

The BSR Gateway supports several roles in Small Cell network architecture. The BSR

Gateway provides additional services such as access control of AP, paging optimization,

access control of users.

• Hides the number of Small Cells from GSM/UMTS macro networks

• BSR Gateway appears as RNC for the CS Core Network

• BSR Gateway appears as RNC for the PS Core Network

System architecture BSR Gateway architecture



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• Enables signalling transfer between GSM/UMTS Core and Small Cells

• Message distribution within the Small Cell cluster

• Performs a Network Node Selection Function (NNSF) when IuFlex is used

System architecture BSR Gateway architecture



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System architecture BSR Gateway architecture



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3 3Hardware description



This section describes about hardware components of BSR Gateway deployed on Sun

Netra X4250 and Advanced Telecommunication Computation Architecture (ATCA)



BSR Gateway - Sun Netra X4250 3-2

BSR Gateway hardware overview 3-2

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards 3-4

Bono hardware description 3-5

Malban10 hardware description 3-10


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BSR Gateway - Sun Netra X4250

BSR Gateway hardware overview


The BSR Gateway hardware consists of a carrier grade Sun Netra X4250 server with 8

1GbE ports.

Th BSR Gateway configurations available are:

• Configuration A.1 – Redundant Pair Configuration with AC Power Supplies

• Configuration A.2 – Redundant Pair Configuration with DC Power Supplies

The Sun Netra X4250 server offers the following key features:

• Dual Intel® Xeon® L5408 quad core, 2.13 GHz processors for high-throughput and

energy savings

• High levels of system uptime through the processor and memory reliability-


• A space efficient, rack-optimized form factor 2U chassis. The Sun Netra X4250

Server uses a space-saving 2U high rack mountable enclosure that can be installed

into a wide range of industry standard racks.

Figure 3-1 Sun based BSR Gateway

Hardware description

BSR Gateway - Sun Netra X4250

BSR Gateway hardware overview



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The main features of the BSR Gateway Hardware Platform (Sun Netra X4250) are

summarized below:

Feature Description

Processor Two Intel Xeon L5408 quad-core, 2.13 GHz socketed


Memory Capacity 16GB

Internal Hard Drives One hot-pluggable 146 GB SAS drive with a

DVD-RW drive

Optical media drive • One slot-loading, slimline DVD drive, supporting



Power supplies Two hot-swappable 660W AC or DC power supply

units (PSUs) providing N+1 redundancy

Alarm One Telco alarm

Cooling • Three high-power fans for processor, memory

FB-DIMM, and PCI card cooling

• Three low-power fans for hard drive and

removable media drive cooling

Ethernet ports Four 1-GbE, RJ-45-based, autonegotiating ports (on

two separate controllers)

Additional ports The following ports are located on the rear panel of

the server:

• One RJ-45 serial management port (SER MGT) -

the default connection to system controller

• One 10/100 Mbps Ethernet network management

port (NET MGT) - connection to the system


• One Alarm port - connection to the alarm card

• One VGA port - connection to the host

Remote management On-board Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager


Firmware Firmware comprising:

• ILOM (system management)


Operating systems Red Hat Enterprise Linux

PCI interfaces Four port x 1 GbE PCI-X card

Hardware description

BSR Gateway - Sun Netra X4250

BSR Gateway hardware overview



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ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards



This section describes about the hardware description of Bono and Malban10 cards on the

ATCA V2 shelf.


Bono hardware description 3-5

Malban10 hardware description 3-10

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards




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Bono hardware description


This section describes the physical and functional features of the Bono, including details

on size, power consumption and hardware.

In full configuration, the Bono card gathers the following functions:

• One pilot function based on dual processor, 200 SPECINT-rate-base-2006 target


Note: This value has been measured under following conditions: ICC 11.1 compiler

and SmartHeap9.01-32bit library with Turbo & Hyper-treading options OFF

• Two Intel Xeon processors L5638 Low power SKU (60W TDP) Westmere-EP

Six-Core processors (Design is also compatible to host Nehalem Intel (Xeon L5518)

quad-core processor)

• I/O bridge controller Tylersburg IOH36D

• Up to 64 GB (8x 8 GB LV-DDR3) organized in eight 240-pin DIMMs slots with ECC

registered DIMM in single/dual or quad-rank configuration and up to 1066 MT/s

• 4 GB of embedded flash memory. Capacity can be upgraded to 8 GB or 16 GB

• Two RS232 Front panel access to CPU and Board Management Controller (BMC)

• Two Ethernet 1000-Base-T Front panel access to CPU

• One USB 2.0 Front panel access

Interfacing at RTM level:

• Two USB 2.0 towards the RTM

• One 4xPCI-Express interface toward the RTM supporting Hot-plug

• One 4xPCI-Express interface toward the RTM. This interface is configurable either in

1x4 or in 2x2

• One 4-port Serial Attached SCSI interface toward the RTM

• 8 E1/T1 interfaces to provide connectivity between AMC slot and RTM

• I2C links for card management

• JTAG interface

• Power supply interface

At base level:

• Two Gigabit-Ethernet 1000Base-T to mid-plane in direct access or through embedded

switch according to equipment configuration.

At fabric level:

• Two 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet to mid-plane in direct access or through embedded switch

according to equipment configuration.

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Bono hardware description



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One AMC slot, depending on equipment configuration, that supports the following


• One SAS interface for Hard Drive. The SAS controller is located on the card

• PCI-Express 4 lanes (hot plug)

• 4 Gigabit-Ethernet interfaces

• 8 E1 ports

• Card management interface

Note: The AMC slot must host a filler, if additional features such as data storage are

not required.

The Bono card is also designed to support two alternate subequipped configurations:

• a Bono light variant subequipped without AMC slot, SAS controller, or Ethernet


• a Bono light variant subequipped without Ethernet switch

Bono also provides full connectivity by means of a whole set of I/O interfaces. The I/O

interfaces section provides the list of available I/O interfaces located on the front panel,

the back panel, RTMs, or AMC slots.

Physical characteristics

Bono is designed to meet ATCA standard requirements. The following image shows a

Bono card (equipped with one AMC slot) extracted from the shelf.

Figure 3-2 Bono card (with AMC slot)

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Bono hardware description



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The following table provides the Bono physical specifications:

Table 3-1 Bono physical specifications

Characteristics Malban10

Height 8U/322.25 mm

Depth 280 mm

Pitch 30.48 mm

Input power voltage 36 & 75 VDC (48 VDC nom.)

Power consumption per Malban10 290 W max

Ambient temperature between +5 C and +40 C

Weight 3.0 kg (no AMC) 3.3 kg (with 1 AMC)

Common power supply for two AMCs 50 W max


The Bono card CPU is based on Intel Tylersburg-EP Platform equipped with Tylersburg

IOH36D chipset.

The Bono card can support two types of processor: Nehalem-EP (Xeon® L5518)

processors and Westmere-EP (Xeon® L5638) processors. Only Bono functional variants

with Westmere-EP processors are supported by Alcatel-Lucent. Official commercial

reference is Intel® Xeon® L5638 Processor with 5520 chipset.

Westmere-EP processor provides the following features:

• 32 nm process in 1366-pin LGA package (Flip-Chip Land Grid Array)

• Multicore processor 6 cores/12 threads

• 2.00 GHz processor up to 2.4 GHz with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology which allows

processors to deliver higher speed execution on demand by using available power to

run at a higher frequency

• Low power SKU (maximum 60 W TDP)

• Integrated memory controller with 25.6 GB/S max memory bandwidth, supporting

registered DDR3 memory, single, dual, or quad rank,

– up to 1333MT/s in case of one DDR3 per channel configuration

– up to 1066MT/s in case of 2 DDR3 per channel (channel 0)

Configuration is up to three channels per processor chip, up to two DIMMs for

channel 0 only (one DIMM for channel 1 and 2)

• Point to point link interface based on Intel® Quick Path Interconnect (QPI) up to 5.86

GT/s (Giga Transfert per second)

• 12 MB shared L3 cache memory

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Bono hardware description



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• Core voltage 0.75V to 1.35V

• Tcase 85 C

• Package size 42.5 mm x 45 mm

• Enhanced Intel® SpeedStep technology to enable real-time dynamic switching

between multiple voltage and frequency points to allow trade-offs between power and


• Intel® Execute Disable Bit technology, Intel® 64-bit technology, Intel® Virtualisation

Technology (VT-x) and Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology

• Intel® Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions (AES-NI) Technology and

Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (TXT) for safer computing to enhance the

digital office platform with security capabilities

The CPU platform implements 8 240-pin DIMM slots (4 slots per processor), each slot

supporting Double Data Rate 3 (DDR3) DIMMs with ECC running at up to 1333 MHz

depending on channel configuration, for a maximum memory capacity of 64 GB using

current 8-GB DIMMs. Different sizes of DIMM (Single, Dual, or Quad rank) can be


I/O Interfaces

Bono is equipped with interfaces to communicate with external elements such as shelf,

configuration, and debug tools.

The following table provides details on these external interfaces:

Interfaces Specifications

Back panel • 2 x 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for

communication with the base interface of 2 hub cards.

These interfaces comply with the PICMG 3.0 standard.

These interfaces are used for the control plane.

• 2 x 10 GB-BX4 (XAUI) Ethernet interfaces for the

communication with the fabric interface. These interfaces

comply with the PICMG 3.0 specification. These ports

are also configurable in 1000Base-BX mode.

• One redundant IPMI interface for the connection to the

shelf manager and fully compliant with PICMG 3.0


• One redundant -48 V power supply interface compliant

with the PICMG 3.0 standard.

• 1 JTAG interface, including reserved signal for firmware

upgrade and debug purposes.

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Bono hardware description



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Interfaces Specifications

Front panel • 2 x 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet interfaces (marked GE0

and GE1)

• Debug USB 2.0 (marked USB)

• 2 serial ports (marked CP and CI)

• Push button (marked RST)

RTM For functional applications:

• 1 PCI-Express 4X interface connected to the pilot CPU.

• 1 PCI-Express 4X interface connected to the pilot CPU

with hot-pluggable capacity.

• One I2C interface for the RTM FRU management.

• 12 V power supply and 5 V power supply interfaces.

• 4 SAS ports for hard disk connectivity.One port is

connected between AMC slot and Zone3, three ports are

connected between SAS controller and Zone3 connector.

• 8 E1/T1 ports connected between AMC slot and Zone3


For debug or engineering applications:

• 1 ICE port for disk controller debug.

• 1 RS232 debug port connected to LSI controller.

• 1 JTAG interface, including reserved signal for firmware

upgrade and debug purposes.

• 2 USB 2.0 ports.

AMC slot • One PCI-Express 4X interface connected to the control

CPU with associated synchronization and hot-pluggable


• One I2C interface for the AMC FRU management.

• Two SAS ports for hard-disk connectivity. One port is

connected between AMC slot and Zone3, one port is

connected between AMC slot and SAS controller.

• 8 E1/T1 ports connected between AMC slot and Zone3


• 4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Bono hardware description



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Malban10 hardware description


This section describes the physical and functional features of the Malban10, including

details on size, power consumption and hardware.

A Malban10 card is made up of a CPU which provides computing power and a switching

block for base and fabric switching features.

Malban10 also provides full connectivity by means of a whole set of I/O interfaces. The

I/O interfaces section “I/O Interfaces” (p. 3-8) provides the list of available I/O interfaces

located on the front panel, the back panel, RTMs, or AMC slots.

Physical characteristics

Malban10 is designed to meet ATCA standard requirements. The following image shows

a Malban10 card extracted from the shelf.

Figure 3-3 Malban10 card

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Malban10 hardware description



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The following table provides the Malban10 specifications:

Table 3-2 Malban10 physical specifications

Characteristics Malban10

Height 8U/322.25 mm

Depth 280 mm

Pitch 30.48 mm

Input power voltage 36 & 75 VDC (48 VDC nom.)

Power consumption per Malban10 200 W max

Ambient temperature between +5 C and +40 C

Weight 2.3 kg (no AMC) 2.9 kg (with 2 AMC)

Common power supply for two AMCs 50 W max


The Malban10 CPU is based on a 19 SPECint_rate2006 – 64 bit capable platform.

It has the following technical specifications:

• 2.16 GHz Standard Voltage Intel Merom Dual-Core T7400 processor

• Lindenhurst Chipset (MCH7520 & ESB6300)

• Up to 8 GB of RAM (2 x 4 GB DDR2) in two 240-pin DIMM slots with ECC

• 2 GB of local IDE Disk

I/O Interfaces

Malban10 is equipped with interfaces to communicate with external elements such as

shelf, configuration and debug tools.

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Malban10 hardware description



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The following table provides details on these external interfaces:

Interfaces Specifications

Back panel • 12 x 1000Base-T base interface links

• 1 x 1000Base-T base for redundancy

• 12 x 10GE fabric interface links

• Clock Synchronization interface (Clock1, 2 and 3)

• 10 x Update channels pairs used for synchronization and

inter Hub Board redundancy functionality

• Hardware addressing

• Shelf management system connection (dual I2C links)

• Metallic test (not used in Malban10)

• Ringing Generator (not used in Malban10)

• One redundant –48 V power supply interface

Front panel • 1 x 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet interface (marked


• 4 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet electrical XAUI interfaces

(marked UPF0, UPF1, UPF2, UPB)

• Debug USB (marked USB)

• 1 x 10/100/1000Base-T interface (marked CPU)

• 2 serial ports (marked CP and CI)

• Push button (marked RST)

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Malban10 hardware description



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Interfaces Specifications

RTM • One PCI express X4 link

• One 10GE links from the Base switch

• Two 10GE link from the Fabric switch

• One 10GE link in spare (not connected)

• One command of validation to the IPMC

• Power Control (Enable and Ok) from and to the ISPpac

or the IPMC (via I/O expander I²C)

• Three LED commands from the IPMC

• One handshake input to the IPMC, - SMBbus for

PCI-express devices management from the ICH

• One RS232 interface from LSISAS1064E controller

• Two commands and a status pin-out for the two

“Firmware Hub “ E82802 (Reset, clock and Ready/Busy


• One clock for PCI-express

• Two USB from ESB6300 (ICH)

• 1 command from the FPGA to RTM (Reset command)

• 1 input over-temperature sensor from the payload to


• I2C bus from IPMC module

• One MII bus from Base switch (GE and XG) for remote

control of PHY

• One MII bus from Fabric switch (XG) for remote control

of PHY

• JTAG interface

• Two I/O for the detection and the validation of the RTM

• Power supply (+3.3, +5v, +12v)

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Malban10 hardware description



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Interfaces Specifications

AMC slot For both AMC Line Card connectors

• One PCI express X4 link

• Two SAS/SATA link

• JTAG interface

• Four Telecom clock : TCLKA, TCLKB, TCLKC,


• One Fabric clock: FLCKA

• One 10 Gigabit Ethernet link from the Fabric switch

• Four GE interfaces to AMC#0 and two GE interfaces to

AMC#1 from Base switching plan

• Power supply interface (12V) and Management Power

supply (3V3)

Additional features for HSPP dedicated AMC (AMC#0,

upper Site):

• The 10 Gigabit Ethernet AMC ports (ports 8, 9, 10, 11)

can be used as Gigabit Ethernet ports for ports 8 and 9

Hardware description

ATCA - Bono & Malban10 cards

Malban10 hardware description



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Hardware description Malban10 hardware description



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Hardware description Malban10 hardware description



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Part III: Perform OAM&P on BSR




This part provides descriptive and procedural information required to perform OAM tasks

on the BSR Gateway.


Chapter 4, Standard operational procedures 4-1

Chapter 5, Standard administration procedures 5-1


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Perform OAM&P on BSR Gateway Overview



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4 4Standard operational




This chapter provides descriptive and procedural information associated with standard

operations carried out on the BSR Gateway. The operational procedures described in this

document, relate to those performed locally at the Network Element (NE).


BSR Gateway operational procedure 4-3

Check number of Small Cells connected to BSR Gateway 4-3

Configure security hardening 4-4

Configure Iuflex 4-5

Configure dual stack 4-6

Configure presence API 4-7

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway 4-8

Configure All-in-one Gateway (AIOG) 4-18

Configure shelf management mode on Bono card 4-19

Configure DSL Optimization 4-20

Configure real-time monitoring of backhaul bandwidth 4-21

Configure network overload avoidance 4-22

Configure Small Cell network support for end-to-end call/subscriber trace 4-23

Configure extended ACL size for large Small Cell groups 4-24

Configure active-warm standby BSR Gateway redundancy 4-25

Configure security enhancements via radius support on BSR Gateway 4-26

Configure AMR concatenation 4-27


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Configure DPDK support on BSR Gateway 4-28

Configure cell broadcast services in support of CMAS 4-29

The Wireless Management System 4-30

Introduction to the WMS Small Cells 4-31

Standard operational procedures Overview



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BSR Gateway operational procedure

Check number of Small Cells connected to BSR Gateway


This procedure provides instructions to check number of Small Cells connected to the

BSR Gateway.


Perform the following steps to check number of Small Cells connected to the BSR



1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Execute the command cd /opt/bin/ to change the directory location.


3 Execute the command ./BSGConsole.exe at the command prompt.

Note: Ensure that the console is handled with precaution by single user.


4 Execute the command bsg_get_num_bsrs to get the number of Small Cells registered.


[root@localhost bin]# ./BSGConsole.exe

FMG-DBC >> bsg_get_num_bsrs

The BSR Registration Table Size : 5

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Check number of Small Cells connected to BSR Gateway



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Configure security hardening


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the security hardening feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure security hardening



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Configure Iuflex


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the Iuflex feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure Iuflex



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Configure dual stack


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the dual stack feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure dual stack



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Configure presence API


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the presence API feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure presence API



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Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway


This procedure provides instructions to enable/disable 3G macro to Small Cell CS

handover and 2G macro to Small Cell handover feature in the BSR Gateway.

Before you begin

Follow these steps to set parameters through WMS Small Cells.

1. Log in to the WMS Small Cells as the administrator.

2. Navigate to Configuration >>> Object Editor.

3. Locate the appropriate FGW from the drop-down menu.

4. Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig from the list. Set the flag for the following


• hoFromGsmMacroEnabledClosedAccess = True

• hoFromGsmMacroEnabledOpenAccess = True

• hoFromUmtsMacroEnabledClosedAccess = True

• hoFromUmtsMacroEnabledOpenAccess =True

5. Click Set and Apply all changes.

Feature activation procedure

Procedure to configure through WMS Small Cells.


1 Log into WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 Load the exported snapshot from WMS Small Cells to WPS Small Cells, by importing the

snapshot to WPS Small Cells.


3 Navigate to FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/BSG<DN>.


4 In Object creation:create, select MO from the drop-menu and set the value in with id.

Click Create.

• BSGumtsMacroCellId class in case of a macro to Small Cell handover.

• BSGbsrPSCforBas-icCellId class if configuration is basic cellid configuration (closed


Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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• BSGbsrPSCfor-VirtEnhCellId class if configuration is virtual or enhanced cellid


• BSGumtsMacroFrequency class if configuration is enhanced cellid. The similar

configuration has to made in case of GSM to Small Cell handover.

Note: Set the mandatory attributes for the created MOs.


5 Perform Run Checks ... on the network.


6 Export the work order to WMS Small Cells.


7 In the WMS Small Cells, navigate to Configuration >> Sessions Manager >> Create

new Session, to launch the work order.


8 Once the work order is successful, navigate to Summary & Action tab and click

Activation and Launch.


9 Click Set and Apply all changes.

Managed objects involved in feature activation

The following objects are involved for activation of macro to Small Cell handover.

Table 4-1 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> - Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value

hoBackGuardTime Time a Small Cell cannot be

handover target for a UE after

completion of the relocation

(reduction of ping/pong handovers

between macro and Small Cells).




This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 2G Source cell to closed

access Small Cells. If set to True the

feature is enabled.




This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 3G Source cell to closed

access Small Cells. If set to True the

feature is enabled.


Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Table 4-1 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> - Parameter details (continued)

Parameter name Description Default value



This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 2G source cell to open access

Small Cells. If set to True the feature

is enabled.




This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 3G source cell to open access

Small Cells. If set to True the feature

is enabled.


hoBackGuardTime Time a Small Cell cannot be

handover target for a UE after

completion of the relocation

(reduction of ping/pong handovers

between macro and Small Cell cells).


hoRetryGuardTime Time a Small Cell cannot be

handover target for a certain UE

after a relocation attempt.


hoRetryGuardTimeOffset Offset to hoRetryGuardTime, which

will be multiplied with the number

remaining handover targets Small



keepBSRsWithNoMacroCellInfo If the attribute is set to true, Small

Cells with an ACL but without

registered macro cell information are

not removed from the handover

target Small Cell list (effective for

Virtual Cell ID and Enhanced Cell



maxHoTargets Specifies the maximum number of

target Small Cells for incoming

handover from macro cells for a

normal call. If the number of

identified handover targets exceeds

maxHandoverTargets, the handover

request is rejected.


maxHoTargetsEmCall Specifies the maximum number of

target Small Cells for incoming

handover from macro cells for an

emergency call. If the number of

identified handover targets exceeds

maxHandoverTargetsEmCall, the

handover request is rejected.


relocRejectByTargetBSRs This represents the RANAP Cause

value, as per TS 25.413, to set in the

RANAP Relocation Failure message,

for the case of a relocation reject due

to no target Small Cell has accepted

the relocation request.


Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Table 4-1 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> - Parameter details (continued)

Parameter name Description Default value

relocRejectHoDisabled This represents the RANAP Cause

value, as per TS 25.413, to set in the

RANAP Relocation Failure message,

for the case of a relocation reject due

to handover disabled.


relocRejectNoTargetBSR This represents the RANAP Cause

value, as per TS 25.413, to set in the

RANAP Relocation Failure message,

for the case of a relocation reject due

to no target Small Cell found.


relocRejectUnsupportedDomain This represents the RANAP Cause

value, as per TS 25.413, to set in the

RANAP Relocation Failure message,

for the case of a relocation reject due

to unsupported CN domain.


relocRejectUnsupportedParam This represents the RANAP Cause

value, as per TS 25.413, to set in the

RANAP Relocation Failure message,

for the case of a relocation reject due

to unsupported parameters.


relocReqTimer Timer to guard the Relocation

Request Acknowledge message from

the Small Cell.




This attribute applies when

enhanced/virtual Cell ID is used and

for closed access Small Cells with

incoming HO enabled.When this

attribute is set to TRUE, the BSR

Gateway will filter out closed access

Small Cells for which the source cell

ID does not match. When this

attribute is set to FALSE, the BSR

Gateway will consider all Small

Cells with a matching PSC to be

candidates, but those on which the

source cell ID does not match will be

a lower priority candidate.


skipPscCheck If the attribute is set to true and the

PSC-Index received in the Target

Cell Id from the CN is out of range

or the specified PSC in the PSC

mapping table is unvalid, the BSR

Gateway skips the PSC filtering

when the target Small Cell list for

incoming handover is generated

based on the ACL.


sourceAreaCheckEnabled If the attribute is set to true, the

macro LAC/RAC is used for

filtering target Small Cells for

incoming handover.


Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Table 4-1 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> - Parameter details (continued)

Parameter name Description Default value

sourceLoadInfoCheckEnabled If the attribute is set to true, the

Source Cell Id included in the cell

load information of the Relocation

Request message is used for filtering

target Small Cells for incoming



sourceRNCcheckEnabled If the attribute is set to true, the

source RNC ID is used for filtering

target Small Cells for incoming



Table 4-2 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGbsrPSCforBasicCellId:<instance> -

Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value

bsrPSCforBasicCellIdId The list of PSCs used for Basic Cell

Id on incoming handover calls.


bsrPSCforBasicCellIdIndex Index used by BSR Gateway for



bsrPSCforBasicCellIdPsc PSC used for Basic Cell Id for

incoming handover calls. The setting

-1 indicates no PSC mapping.


Table 4-3 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance>

BSGbsrPSCforVirtEnhCellId:<instance> -Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value

bsrPSCforVirtEnhCellIdId The list of PSCs used for Virtual Cell

ID and enhanced Cell ID on

incoming handover calls.


bsrPSCforVirtEnhCellIdIndex Index used by BSR Gateway for



bsrPSCforVirtEnhCellIdPsc PSC used for Basic Cell Id for

incoming handover calls. The setting

-1 indicates no PSC mapping.


bsrPSCforVirtEnhCellIdType Type of the PSCs used for Virtual

Cell ID and Enhanced Cell ID for

incoming handover calls. Open

means that it is for open access with

incoming HO.

Open Access

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Table 4-4 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGgsmMacroFrequency:<instance>

-Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value

gsmMacroFrequencyBCCHARFCN BCCH ARFCNs used by the GSM

macro cell A setting of -1 means no

frequency mapping.


gsmMacroFrequencyBandIndicator Indicator of the GSM band. 900

gsmMacroFrequencyId The instance number. 1

gsmMacroFrequencyIndex Index used by BSR Gateway for



Table 4-5 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGumtsMacroFrequency:<instance>

-Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value

umtsMacroFrequencyARFCN Structure for list of downlink

ARFCNs used by the UMTS macro

cells. A setting of -1 means no

frequency mapping.


umtsMacroFrequencyId The instance number. 1

umtsMacroFrequencyIndex Index used by BSR Gateway for



Table 4-6 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGumtsMacroCellId:<instance> -

Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value

umtsMacroCellIdBit1- umtsMacroCellId-



This bit is to be set with

bsrPSCIDbit and rest of the bits

if any will be zeroes.


















Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Table 4-6 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGumtsMacroCellId:<instance> -

Parameter details (continued)

Parameter name Description Default value



These bits are set with a

combination of bsrPSCIDbit/

virtualCellIDbit in case of

virtualCellid configuration.


































Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Table 4-6 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGumtsMacroCellId:<instance> -

Parameter details (continued)

Parameter name Description Default value



These bits are set with a

combination of bsrPSCIDbit/

frequencyIDbit/ cellIDbit in

case of Enhanced celld






























Table 4-7 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGgsmMacroCellId::<instance> -

Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value


gsmMacroCellIdBit16 (BasicCellid)

This bit is to be set with

bsrPSCIDbit and rest of the bits if

any will be zeroes.


















Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

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Table 4-7 MO - /FGW:<DN>/BSG:<instance> BSGgsmMacroCellId::<instance> -

Parameter details (continued)

Parameter name Description Default value




These bits are set with a combination

of bsrPSCIDbit/ virtualCellIDbit in

case of virtualCellid configuration.



































These bits are set with a combination

of bsrPSCIDbit/ frequencyIDbit/

cellIDbit in case of Enhanced celld





















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BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Managed objects involved in feature deactivation

The following objects are involved for deactivation of macro to Small Cell handover.

Table 4-8 MO - /FGW<DN;>/BSG:<instance> - Parameter details

Parameter name Description Default value



This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 2G Source cell to closed access

Small Cells. If set to True the feature is





This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 3G Source cell to closed access

Small Cells. If set to True the feature is





This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 2G source cell to open access

Small Cells. If set to True the feature is





This flag controls the enabling or

disabling of an incoming handover

from a 3G source cell to open access

Small Cells. If set to True the feature is



Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure macro to Small Cell handover in BSR Gateway



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Configure All-in-one Gateway (AIOG)


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the AIOG feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure All-in-one Gateway (AIOG)



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Configure shelf management mode on Bono card


This procedure provides instructions to enable/disable shelf management mode on the

Bono card.



1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 Navigate to Configuration >>> Object Editor.


3 Locate the appropriate FGW from the drop-down menu.


4 Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1. The attribute shelfManagementMode must be set to



5 Click Set and Apply all changes.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure shelf management mode on Bono card



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Configure DSL Optimization


This procedure provides instructions to enable/disable the DSL Optimization (DSLO)




1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 Navigate to Configuration >>> Object Editor.


3 Locate the appropriate FGW from the drop-down menu.


4 Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1. The attribute rtpMuxEnable must be set to True.


5 Click Set and Apply all changes.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure DSL Optimization



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Configure real-time monitoring of backhaul bandwidth


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the real-time monitoring of backhaul bandwidth feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure real-time monitoring of backhaul bandwidth



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Configure network overload avoidance


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the network overload avoidance feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure network overload avoidance



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Configure Small Cell network support for end-to-end

call/subscriber trace


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the Small Cell network support for end-to-end call/subscriber

trace feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure Small Cell network support for end-to-end

call/subscriber trace



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Configure extended ACL size for large Small Cell groups


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the extended ACL size for large Small Cell groups feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure extended ACL size for large Small Cell groups



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Configure active-warm standby BSR Gateway redundancy


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the active-warm standby BSR Gateway redundancy feature.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure active-warm standby BSR Gateway redundancy



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Configure security enhancements via radius support on BSR



See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to implement the radius interface between the Security Gateway (SeGW) and the

BSR Gateway to enhance the security features of the Small Cell solution.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure security enhancements via radius support on BSR




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Configure AMR concatenation


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the feature AMR concatenation.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure AMR concatenation



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Configure DPDK support on BSR Gateway


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable DPDK support on BSR Gateway.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure DPDK support on BSR Gateway



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Configure cell broadcast services in support of CMAS


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Feature Activation Procedures, 9YZ-05614-0014-

PGZZA to enable/disable the feature Cell broadcast services in support of CMAS.

Standard operational procedures

BSR Gateway operational procedure

Configure cell broadcast services in support of CMAS



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The Wireless Management System



This section introduces the Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small

Cells(WMS Small Cells).


Introduction to the WMS Small Cells 4-31

Standard operational procedures

The Wireless Management System




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Introduction to the WMS Small Cells

WMS Small Cells

The WMS Small Cells provides integrated OAM functions for network elements within

the Small Cells Cluster. It is the primary OAM tool.

The WMS Small Cells provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to access WMS Small

Cells functionality.


The WMS Small Cells GUI support the following functions:

• Fault management

• Performance management

• Configuration management

• Software management

• Inventory management (software)


The following table describes the characteristics of the WMS Small Cells GUI:









element (NE)



that can be


Target IP

address (for

LAN access)




No direct










WMS Small


N/A WMS server • GUI

For more information, see the following WMS Small Cells documents:

• Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - FGW Software

Upgrade Procedure, 9YZ-05614-0626-RJZZA

• Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - User Guide,


Standard operational procedures

The Wireless Management System

Introduction to the WMS Small Cells



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• Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - Configuration

Management, 9YZ-05614-0618-TQZZA

• Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - Fault Management,


Standard operational procedures

The Wireless Management System

Introduction to the WMS Small Cells



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5 5Standard administration




This chapter provides procedural information associated with standard administration

tasks such as trace control carried out on the BSR Gateway.


Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway 5-2

To enable all levels of traces into stdout 5-4

To enable all levels of traces into a file 5-5

To disable all levels of traces 5-6


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Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway



The BSR Gateway provides extensive debugging capabilities. If terminal printing support

is available, debug printing can be enabled using runtime options, to print information

about the data flow through various functions. It also provides options to print the

information into a log file.

The BSR Gateway software can trace function calls. Every function call contains logging

information at its entry which can be mapped to print information about the function

invocation and its exit which can be mapped to end of the function.

This is useful in debugging various issues. Tracing of messages can be enabled or

disabled during run time.

The following types of log levels are supported to debug the issues:

Trace Level Description

Fatal It provides critical information to enable

tracing the application flow through critical


Warning It provides warning messages to trace if

anything went wrong in the application.

Debug It provides the detailed information about the

functions invoked with respect to function

entry and exit and other relevant information

for debugging purposes.

Error It provides the error messages logged during

normal conditions.

Info It provides the information of variables and

parameters values during call flow.

MOClass associated with each Trace Levels are as follows:

Trace Level Controlling MOClass

Fatal TraceControl:1

Warning TraceControl:2

Standard administration procedures

Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway




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Trace Level Controlling MOClass

Debug TraceControl:3

Error TraceControl:4

Info TraceControl:5


To enable all levels of traces into stdout 5-4

To enable all levels of traces into a file 5-5

To disable all levels of traces 5-6

Standard administration procedures

Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway




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To enable all levels of traces into stdout


The purpose of this procedure is to enable the BSR Gateway to write all the logs to the

standard output terminal.



1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as the administrator.


2 Navigate to Configuration >>> Object Editor.


3 Locate the appropriate FGW from the drop-down menu.


4 Select traceLevel and set the attributes.

Type of trace Command

Fatal Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:1 and set the attribute traceStatus=stdoutEnable.

Warning Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:2 and set the attribute traceStatus=stdoutEnable.

Debug Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:3 and set the attribute traceStatus=stdoutEnable .

Error Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:4 and set the attribute traceStatus=stdoutEnable.

Info Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:5 and set the attribute traceStatus=stdoutEnable.


5 Click Set and Apply all changes.

Standard administration procedures

Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway

To enable all levels of traces into stdout



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To enable all levels of traces into a file


The purpose of this procedure to enable the BSR Gateway to write all the logs into the

Log_FMG.log file located in the /opt/log/FMG directory.



1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 Navigate to Configuration >>> Object Editor.


3 Locate the appropriate FGW from the drop-down menu.


4 Select traceLevel and set the attributes.

Type of trace Command

Fatal Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:1 and set the attribute traceStatus=fileEnable.

Warning Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:2 and set the attribute traceStatus=fileEnable.

Debug Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:3 and set the attribute traceStatus=fileEnable.

Error Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:4 and set the attribute traceStatus=fileEnable.

Info Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:5 and set the attribute traceStatus=fileEnable .


5 Click Set and Apply all changes.

Standard administration procedures

Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway

To enable all levels of traces into a file



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To disable all levels of traces


The purpose of this procedure is to disable all levels of logs in the BSR Gateway.

Before you begin

There is no additional information required before you begin this procedure.



1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 Navigate to Configuration >>> Object Editor.


3 Locate the appropriate FGW from the drop-down menu.


4 Select traceLevel and set the attributes.

Type of trace Command

Fatal Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:1 and set the attribute traceStatus=disable.

Warning Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:2 and set the attribute traceStatus=disable.

Debug Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:3 and set the attribute traceStatus=disable.

Error Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:4 and set the attribute traceStatus=disable.

Info Select FGW<DN>/FGWConfig/1/ItfFgw<DN Number>/

TraceControl:5 and set the attribute traceStatus=disable.


5 Click Set and Apply all changes.

Standard administration procedures

Enable/disable traces in the BSR Gateway

To disable all levels of traces



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Standard administration procedures To disable all levels of traces



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Standard administration procedures To disable all levels of traces



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Part IV: Fault management



This part describes fault management concepts and provides the procedures required to

perform fault management on the BSR Gateway.


Chapter 6, Principles of maintenance 6-1

Chapter 7, Preventive maintenance 7-1

Chapter 8, Corrective maintenance—fault localization 8-1

Chapter 9, Corrective maintenance - fault correction 9-1


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Fault management Overview



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6 6Principles of maintenance



This chapter provides information on fault management for BSR Gateway.


Overall fault management process 6-2

Prepare the fault clearance 6-3

Find the fault clearance procedure 6-5


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Overall fault management process



This section describes the procedures which must be followed in BSR Gateway fault

management process.


Prepare the fault clearance 6-3

Find the fault clearance procedure 6-5

Principles of maintenance

Overall fault management process




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Prepare the fault clearance


This section describes the actions that must be taken prior to clearing the fault.

Information from the SCMS operator

You receive the following information from the SCMS operator:

• Information regarding the defective system/unit

This includes:

– Number of BSR Gateway

– Installation site of BSR Gateway

– Installation type and name.

• Fault clearance procedure number

The fault clearance procedure number is shown as the Alarm Id parameter at the


The fault clearance procedures are described in the Operation, Administration and

Maintenance document of the respective network element and sorted alphabetically

according to number (example of a fault clearance procedure number:

• Fault-reporting object

The Entity parameter may provide details on the faulty object, since some faults are

not reported by the faulty object but by another instead. The message path may

provide hints for tracing the location of the fault.

• Alarm type

The Type parameter provides information about the type of the fault, for example,

Configuration incomplete.

• Probable cause

The SCMS operator may already be able to name the possible cause and the affected

unit type with the Probable Cause parameter.

• Severity of the alarm

The Severity parameter could be used to define the order of the fault clearance if

several alarms appear for one faulty object.

• Time and date

The fault report time and date may provide information about the origin of the fault

(TimeStamp parameter). The chronological relationship between sequential faults can

be detected from the time data. Errors which occurred earlier may be primary.

• Procedures for accessing the defective installation

Before traveling to BSR Gateway location, clarify with the network operator how to

gain access to BSR Gateway (keys for buildings, operations rooms, BSR Gateway).

Principles of maintenance

Overall fault management process

Prepare the fault clearance



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To prepare the fault clearance

Perform the following steps to prepare the fault clearance:


1 Gather the required information from the SCMS operator.


2 Gather your equipment together.

This includes:

• Tools

• Test equipment, measurement equipment

• Replacement parts and hardware

• Current version of the documentation


3 Travel to the defective BSR Gateway.


4 Check in with the SCMS operator.

This is necessary in order to let the SCMS operator know to ignore possible break-in

alarms. Note that BSR Gateway always reportsan alarm when the door is opened.


5 Gain access to the object.


6 Open the doors of BSR Gateway.


7 Check the LED s and other indicators on the unit.

If the actual status of the installation does not correspond to the reported fault, discuss

how to proceed with the SCMS operator.


8 Remove BSR Gateway front panels, if necessary.

Principles of maintenance

Overall fault management process

Prepare the fault clearance



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Find the fault clearance procedure

Content of a fault clearance procedure

In each fault clearance procedure, you find the following items:

• The possible cause of the fault

• Units which you take with you to the site

• Steps to perform in order to clear the fault.


Proceed as follows:


1 Look up the fault clearance procedure as specified by the SCMS operator.

Principles of maintenance

Overall fault management process

Find the fault clearance procedure



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Disable faulty objects


To avoid operational disruptions, it might be necessary to disable the faulty object before

you start with the fault clearance.



Service-disruption hazard

This procedure may result in service disruption

It is recommended that you read and are familiar with all of the associated information

before performing this procedure.

Proceed as follows to disable faulty objects:


1 Have the SCMS operator disable the affected object.

Information on which objects must be disabled for the various fault types can be found in

the individual fault clearance procedures.


2 Wait for confirmation from the SCMS operator that the objects have been disabled



3 Perform tests and to turn off or replace units.

Principles of maintenance

Overall fault management process

Disable faulty objects



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Test replaced hardware


After each hardware replacement, proceed as follows:


1 Repeat the test with which you located the faulty unit.

It ensures that the fault clearance was successful.


2 If the fault persists, carry out the next measure suggested in the fault clearance procedure.

Principles of maintenance

Overall fault management process

Test replaced hardware



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Principles of maintenance Test replaced hardware



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7 7Preventive maintenance



Preventive maintenance (also known as proactive maintenance) is the practice of taking

action on automated reports of faults without waiting for a trouble report to be submitted

by one or more customers. It includes the use of performance monitoring impairment data

to detect and correct possible maintenance problems before services become affected.

This chapter provides procedures to perform preventive maintenance.


General information 7-2

Precautions 7-3

Maintenance 7-4


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General information



The purpose of this section is to provide general information on matters relating to

hardware replacement in the BSR Gateway.


Precautions 7-3

Maintenance 7-4

Preventive maintenance

General information




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Environment precautions

Housekeeping recommendations

Follow the given environment housekeeping recommendations at all times:

• Keep liquids away from the cabinets to prevent possible damage from accidental


• Keep the area around the cabinets clean. Airborne dust and dirt can accelerate wear on

media and cause excessive data errors. Wipe dust and dirt off cabinets with a clean,

dry cloth.

• Observe temperature and humidity limits for all equipment.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) safety

Grounding with strap

Before attempting to isolate or correct problems in the system, be sure that all safety and

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions are followed. Before touching any of the

components in the cabinet, a wrist strap that is attached to the cabinet framework must be

worn. It includes filter doors and covers.

Preventive maintenance

General information




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Record-keeping recommendation

Maintenance and system history is invaluable for diagnosing system problems. It is

therefore a good idea to keep a log to record and track activity that is not automatically

recorded, such as:

• hardware configuration changes

• software configuration changes

• preventive maintenance

• corrective maintenance.

Maintenance logs may be maintained as hand-written records, kept on a personal

computer, or typed in one or more files in the system using a text editor. If these records

are entered in the system however, they may not be backed up automatically. Therefore,

printing hard copies or routinely backing up the file to another location is recommended.


The system file backup is performed as the periodic maintenance of the system.

Fan filters

Depending on the environment, fan filters are replaced every three to six months. If the

server environment is especially dirty, the filter may have to be replaced more frequently.

Power supply air filters

Power supply unit air filters are replaced every three to six months. If the environment is

especially dirty, it has to be replaced more frequently.

Preventive maintenance

General information




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8 8Corrective





Fault localization is the group of tasks that integrate information from a variety of sources

to isolate faults in the BSR Gateway.

The operation, administration, and maintenance procedures described in this document,

relate to the ones performed locally at the Network Element (NE).


Troubleshooting with LEDs 8-2

Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators 8-3

Malban10 indicators 8-7

BONO indicators 8-10

RTM LED indicators 8-13

NBSHMC Board Indicators 8-16

Alarms and error data 8-19

Alarm and error data 8-20

Diagnostics 8-21

Diagnostic tests 8-22


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Troubleshooting with LEDs



This section describes fault detection and diagnosis using the component status indicators

or LEDs at BSR Gateway.


Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators 8-3

Malban10 indicators 8-7

BONO indicators 8-10

RTM LED indicators 8-13

NBSHMC Board Indicators 8-16

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs




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Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators


The Sun Netra X4250 server has LED indicators associated with the server itself and with

various components. The server status indicators are located on the bezel and are repeated

on the back panel. The components with LED indicators to convey server status and

alarm status.

Front panel indicators

The following figure indicates the front panel indicators.


1 Alarm status indicators Top to bottom – Critical LED, Major LED, Minor LED,

User LED

2 System status indicators Left to right – Locator LED button, Service Required

LED, System Activity LED, Power button

3 Removable media In 2 hard drive configurations

Rear panel indicators

The following figure indicates the rear panel indicators.

Figure 8-1 Front panel indicators

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators



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1 Power Supply 0 LEDs Top to bottom – Power OK LED, Service Required LED,

DC Power LED

2 Power Supply 0

3 Power Supply 1 LEDs Top to bottom – Power OK LED, Service Required LED,

DC Power LED

4 Power Supply 1

5 System LEDs Left to right – Locator LED button, Service Required


6 Service Processor Serial

Management Port


7 Service Processor Network

Management Port


8 Gigabit Ethernet Ports Left to right – NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3

9 Alarm Port

10 USB ports Left to right – USB0, USB1

11 VGA port Video

12 Slot 3 PCI-X

13 Slot 0 X8 PCIe (SAS controller)

14 Slot 4 PCI-X full-height, full-width

15 Slot 1 X4 PCIe

16 Slot 5 X8 PCIe full-height, full-width

17 Slot 2 X4 PCIe

Figure 8-2 Rear panel indicators

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators



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Note: The PCI card slots include two PCIe 15W (slots 1 and 2), one PCI-X 15W (slot

3), one PCI-X 25W (slot 4), and one PCIe 25W (slot 5) for a total of 5 PCI slots.

Server status and Alarm status indicators

The following figure shows the status indicators on the front panel of the Sun Netra

X4250 server.


1 User (amber) alarm status indicator 5 Locator LED

2 Minor (amber) alarm status indicator 6 Fault LED

3 Major (red) alarm status indicator 7 Activity LED

4 Critical (red) alarm status indicator 8 Power LED

Figure 8-3 Status indicator locations

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators



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Table 8-1 Server status and Alarm status indicators

Indicator LED Color LED State Indication

Locator White On The server is identified with the super user locator

or ILOM setlocator command.

Off Normal state.

Fault Amber On The server has detected a problem and requires the

attention of service personnel.

Off The server has no detected faults.

Activity Green On The server is powered up and running the Red Hat

Enterprise Linux operating system.

Off Either power is not present or the Red Hat

Enterprise Linux is not running.

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Sun Netra X4250 server LED indicators



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Malban10 indicators


This section describes the LED indicators on the Malban10 front panel as well as the

LEDs on the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) AMC.

Malban10 Front Panel LEDs

The Malban10 front panel includes 4 LEDs, as defined in the ATCA standard.

The following table describes the these LEDs:

Table 8-2 Description on Malban10 LEDs

LED Color State

“Ready for Hot

Swap” Blue LED

(marked H/S or


Blue Hot swap indicator as defined in the ATCA standard.

Shows Malban10 IPMI status.

Steady blue when hot-swap ready.

“Out of Service“

LED 1 (marked

OOS or 1)

Red Blinking when a failure is detected during self-test.

Steady red when an alarm is detected.

LED 2 Green OFF until Malban10 is in M4 status.

Blinking when BIOS is correct.

Steady when OS is ready.

LED 3 Amber Steady as soon as the IPMC module triggers payload



The Malban10 front panel also includes the HDD AMC LEDs.

The following image illustrates the location of the 4 LEDs on the AMC:

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Malban10 indicators



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The following table describes these LEDs

Table 8-3 Description of AMC LEDs

LED Color States Normal

“Ready for Hot

Swap” Blue LED

Blue Hot swap LED driven by the MMC.

Steady blue when hot-swap ready.


LED 1 “Out of


Red LED 1 provides basic feedback about

failures and out-of-service status.

LED 1 is ON if:

• One of the power supplies is under

or over 15% of the nominal value

and the handle switch is closed.

• The temperature of the sensor is

above 70 C.


Figure 8-4 LED Location on HDD AMC

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Malban10 indicators



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Table 8-3 Description of AMC LEDs (continued)

LED Color States Normal

LED 2 Green LED 2 indicates that the module is in


This LED is ON if the supply voltage

value is nominal +/- 15%.


LED 3 Green This LED indicates that the HDD is

being accessed.

ON when the

HDD is being


Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

Malban10 indicators



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BONO indicators


This section describes the LED indicators on BONO front panel as well as the LEDs on

the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) AMC.

BONO Front Panels LEDs

The Bono front panel includes 4 LEDs as defined in the ATCA standard.

The following table describes the these LEDs:

LED Color State

“Ready for Hot

Swap” Blue LED

(marked H/S or B)

Blue Hot swap indicator as defined in the ATCA standard.

Shows Bono IPMI status.

Steady blue when hot-swap ready.

“Out of Service“

LED 1 (marked

OOS or 1)

Red Out of service indicator:

Blinking when a failure is detected during selftest.

Steady red when an alarm is detected.

LED 2 Green OFF until Bono is in M4 status.

Blinking when BIOS is correct.

Steady when OS is ready.

LED 3 Amber Steady as soon as the IPMC module triggers payload


OFF if a power supply error is detected.


The Malban10 front panel also includes the HDD AMC LEDs.

The following image illustrates the location of the 4 LEDs on the AMC:

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

BONO indicators



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The following table describes these LEDs

Table 8-4 Description of AMC LEDs

LED Color States Normal

“Ready for Hot

Swap” Blue LED

Blue Hot swap LED driven by the MMC.

Steady blue when hot-swap ready.


LED 1 “Out of


Red LED 1 provides basic feedback about

failures and out-of-service status.

LED 1 is ON if:

• One of the power supplies is under

or over 15% of the nominal value

and the handle switch is closed.

• The temperature of the sensor is

above 70 C.


Figure 8-5 LED Location on HDD AMC

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

BONO indicators



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Table 8-4 Description of AMC LEDs (continued)

LED Color States Normal

LED 2 Green LED 2 indicates that the module is in


This LED is ON if the supply voltage

value is nominal +/- 15%.


LED 3 Green This LED indicates that the HDD is

being accessed.

ON when the

HDD is being


Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

BONO indicators



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RTM LED indicators


This section provides an overview of the ROETHAA RTM LED indicators. There are

thirteen SFP cages/connectors that allow the use of 1G optical (SM or MM) and

10/100/1000 copper SFP modules to be installed.

The corresponding LEDs are numbered from 0 to 12 starting at the topmost cage.


The following figure shows ROETHAA ports and LEDs on the front panel:

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

RTM LED indicators



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Figure 8-6 ROETHAA RTM Front Panel

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

RTM LED indicators



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The following table describes these LEDs

Table 8-5 Description of ROETHAA RTM LEDs

LED Color States Normal State

H/S Blue LED Blue Hot swap LED

controlled by the

front board IPMC:

Steady blue when

hot-swap ready.


POWER Red / Green Power OK indication:

Red ON while

payload is not

powered ON.

Set to green when

RTM is in service (i.e

power supply OK and

RTM ready to




Link LEDs 0 to 12


Green Ethernet Link status:

Green in case of

established link

OFF otherwise



Traffic LEDs 0 to 12


Yellow Ethernet Link


Yellow when transmit

or receive activity is


OFF if no activity is

detected or no link is




Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

RTM LED indicators



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NBSHMC Board Indicators


This section describes the LED indicators on the ATCAV2 shelf management board,

named NBSHMC, as defined in the ATCAV2 Technical Requirement Specification.

NBSHMC Front Panel

The following figure shows NBSHMC ports and the 7 LEDs visible on the on the front

panel (that is, H1401 to H1407):

Note: Three more LEDs (that is, H0301 to H0303) are placed on the top of the PCB.

The following table describes some of these LEDs:

Table 8-6 Description of front panel LEDs

LED Color State

H1406 Green Power On/Off LED.

When the card is powered on

the LED is turned ON.

Figure 8-7 NBSHMC Front Panel

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

NBSHMC Board Indicators



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Table 8-6 Description of front panel LEDs (continued)

LED Color State

Upper LED H1401 Yellow Fast Ethernet 0 Link Status


LED ON: 100 Mbit Ethernet


LED OFF: 10 Mbit Ethernet


Lower LED H1402 Green Fast Ethernet 0 Link Status


LED ON: Link Rx activity

when blinking

LED OFF: Link down.

Upper LED H1403 Yellow Fast Ethernet 1Link Status


LED ON: 100 Mbit Ethernet


LED OFF: 10 Mbit Ethernet


Lower LED H1404 Green Fast Ethernet 1Link Status


LED ON: Link Rx activity

when blinking

LED OFF: Link down.

H1405 Blue Hot swap indicator and the

HS_LED_BLUE signal

controls this LED

OFF if the NBSHMC is not

ready to be removed/

disconnected from the shelf or

not powered

Blue if the NBSHMC is ready

to be removed/ disconnected

from the shelf

Long-blink if the NBSHMC

is activating itself

Short-blink if deactivation has

been requested

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

NBSHMC Board Indicators



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The Active / Standby LED (H1407) is a bi-color (Red or Green) LED driven by the

ShMM-500 SWS_LED_R and SWS_LED_G signals. The following table describes this


Table 8-7 Active / Standby LED (H1407) truth table


0 0 OFF Unsused

1 0 Red NBSHMC in Active

mode; initiates a


1 1 Yellow Unused

1 0 Green Steady Green if

NBSHMC is in

Active mode

Blinking if NBSHMC

is in Standby mode

Three bi-color LEDs (H0301, H0302, H0303) are implemented for debug purpose. They

are connected to GPIOs of the ShMM-500 and are defined in the following table:

Table 8-8 User LEDs truth table


0 H0301 Red

1 H0301 Green

4 H0302 Green

5 H0302 Red

6 H0303 Red

7 H0303 Green

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Troubleshooting with LEDs

NBSHMC Board Indicators



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Alarms and error data



This section describes how to work with alarms and error logs.


Alarm and error data 8-20

Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Alarms and error data




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Alarm and error data


Error Any abnormal software or hardware condition detected by a BSR Gateway


Fault An error that has been escalated to a fault because it meets the defined criteria for a

fault condition.

Alarm A fault that has been escalated to an alarm because it meets the defined criteria

for an alarm condition.

How alarms are managed

Every alarm condition triggers an alarm event. All alarm conditions that do not meet the

optional filter criteria defined at the SCMS are sent to the SCMS as alarms.

An alarm is active until the fault that caused it is corrected, when the alarm becomes


Alarms and cleared alarms can result in corresponding changes to the managed object

state of the faulty/cleared object and any dependent objects.

ADMC alarms that the SCMS does not acknowledge are stored in the current alarm list.

The alarm state attribute of an object indicates the current status of alarms for the system

resource represented by the object (OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, or CLEARED).

How alarms are defined (error definition data)

All BSR Gateway errors and their associated fault conditions and SCMS alarm

notifications are defined in the MIM (Management Information Model) for BSR

Gateway. This error definition data is used by system components during runtime fault


Corrective maintenance—fault localization

Alarms and error data

Alarm and error data



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This section describes the types of diagnostic tests supported by BSR Gateway and the

procedures required to carry out the tests and record the results.


Diagnostic tests 8-22

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Diagnostic tests


This topic describes the types of diagnostic tests supported by BSR Gateway and the

associated test operations available.

Diagnostic test types

BSR Gateway supports two types of diagnostic tests:

• On-demand diagnostic tests which are initiated by the operator

• Automatic diagnostic tests are run by the various internal units such as power supplies

or alarm cards known as Power On Self Test (POST).


POST automatically occurs on the reset or initialization of a unit. If the test is successful,

the component indicator LED is lit green and the unit continues functioning. However, if

the test is unsuccessful, the component indicator remains unlit, the unit does not function

and an alarm is raised.

On-demand diagnostic tests

On-demand diagnostic test characteristics:

• A diagnostic test is run against a specific instance of a managed object, however, not

all objects support on-demand diagnostics.

• Scheduled tests are not supported. The test is run as soon as the operator issues the


• The state of the object changes automatically from availability to in test when the

test is running. It is cleared when the test completes or if it is canceled.

• A test cannot be canceled once it starts running.

Note: A diagnostic test is run for problem resolution only, if required. It creates a

system overhead which may affect the service.

Corrective maintenance—fault localization


Diagnostic tests



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9 9Corrective maintenance -

fault correction



Correcting faults in the BSR Gateway consists of the following:

• Reviewing the fault localization information that has been gathered

• If possible, using software-based corrective measures, such as initializing various

BSR Gateway components and adjusting configuration parameters

• Replacing hardware maintenance replacement units (MRUs), if considered necessary.

Hardware replacement procedures are generally those that require opening up the BSR

Gateway cabinet. Do not attempt these procedures unless authorized to do so. Many of

these procedures are service-impacting.


General information 9-2

To attach the antistatic wrist strap 9-3

To replace a hot-swappable component 9-5

Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability 9-6

Unpacking and handling the Malban10 card 9-7

Unpacking and handling the Bono card 9-8

Card replacement procedures 9-9

To replace a Malban10 card 9-10

To replace a Bono card 9-13

To replace an RTM 9-16


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General information



The purpose of this section is to provide general information on matters relating to

hardware replacement in the BSR Gateway.


To attach the antistatic wrist strap 9-3

To replace a hot-swappable component 9-5

Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability 9-6

Unpacking and handling the Malban10 card 9-7

Unpacking and handling the Bono card 9-8

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

General information




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To attach the antistatic wrist strap


This procedure describes how to use the antistatic wrist strap and the electrostatic

discharge mat to ensure that equipment is not damaged by electrostatic discharge when

you are removing or replacing components.


To connect yourself to the BSR Gateway with the antistatic strap, use the following



1 Remove the antistatic strap from its holder and unwrap it. One end of the strap has

adhesive, and the other end contains a copper strip.


2 Wrap the adhesive end of the strap around your wrist to attach it.


3 Peel the liner from the copper strip and attach it to a bare metal area on the BSR Gateway


Corrective maintenance - fault correction

General information

To attach the antistatic wrist strap



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Additional information When you work on the BSR Gateway, ensure that you are

standing on the electrostatic discharge mat.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

General information

To attach the antistatic wrist strap



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To replace a hot-swappable component


This describes the process for preparing to replace a hot-swappable component. Hot

swappable components can be replaced without the need to power off the server. That is,

hot swappable components can be replaced while the server is running.


To replace a hot-swappable component:


1 See the information on the card that you are removing for information.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

General information

To replace a hot-swappable component



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Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability


This topic describes the differences between customer replaceable and field replaceable


Customer-replaceable units

Customer-replaceable units (CRUs) are units that may be removed and replaced by

service-provider personnel without technical assistance or special training on the removal

and replacement procedures from Alcatel-Lucent .

Field-replaceable units

Field-replaceable units (FRUs) are units that should be removed and replaced only by:

• Alcatel-Lucent personnel.

• service-provider personnel with technical assistance from Alcatel-Lucent.

• service-provider personnel whom Alcatel-Lucent has trained to remove and replace

the unit.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

General information

Customer-replaceability versus field-replaceability



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Unpacking and handling the Malban10 card


This topic describes the instructions for unpacking and handling the Malban10 card.

Unpacking and handling instructions

Malban10 contains devices that are sensitive to ESD. Ensure that you observe standard

anti-static precautions when changing ROM devices, jumper settings and so on. They can

cause short circuits and damage the batteries or conductive circuits on the card.

Observe the following rules to avoid damaging the card:

• Do not handle the card out of its protective enclosure until you are ready to use it.

• When unpacking and handling the card, wear an ESD wrist strap to prevent static


• Before using any tools, ensure that they have been discharged.

• Handle all sensitive components at an ESD workstation.

• Do not touch the components or contacts on the card. Hold the card by the edges or by

the metal locking tabs.

• If the product contains batteries for RTC or memory backup, ensure that the card is

not placed on conductive surfaces, including anti-static plastics or sponges.

• Do not handle or store system cards near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic,

magnetic, or radioactive fields.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

General information

Unpacking and handling the Malban10 card



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Unpacking and handling the Bono card


This topic describes the instructions for unpacking and handling the Bono card.

Unpacking and handling instructions

Bono contains devices that are sensitive to ESD. Ensure that you observe standard

anti-static precautions when changing ROM devices, jumper settings and so on. They can

cause short circuits and damage the batteries or conductive circuits on the card.

Observe the following rules to avoid damaging the card:

• Do not handle the card out of its protective enclosure until you are ready to use it.

• When unpacking and handling the card, wear an ESD wrist strap to prevent static


• Before using any tools, ensure that they have been discharged.

• Handle all sensitive components at an ESD workstation.

• Do not touch the components or contacts on the card. Hold the card by the edges or by

the metal locking tabs.

• If the product contains batteries for RTC or memory backup, ensure that the card is

not placed on conductive surfaces, including anti-static plastics or sponges.

• Do not handle or store system cards near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic,

magnetic, or radioactive fields.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

General information

Unpacking and handling the Bono card



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Card replacement procedures



This section describes hardware replacement procedures for cards in the ATCA shelf.


To replace a Malban10 card 9-10

To replace a Bono card 9-13

To replace an RTM 9-16

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures




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To replace a Malban10 card


This procedure describes how to replace a Malban10 card.


Hot-surface hazard

The heat sink can get very hot. DO NOT TOUCH THE HEAT SINK WHEN INSTALLING





When replacing a card, carefully respect the following procedure:

• Before extracting the old card, wait until its H/S blue LED is steady.

• After extracting the old card, wait for 20 seconds before you insert the spare one.

If this procedure is not followed (because of operator error or because blue LED does

not stop blinking on old card), the spare card can sometimes stay in “blue LED”

state. In that case, in order to activate it, connect to the ShMC of the chassis and run

the following command :“clia activate board <slot number>”.

Procedure to remove the card

To remove the card, use the following procedure:


1 Disconnect any interfacing cables that may be connected to the card, and mark them to

remember their exact locations.


2 Unscrew the front panel retaining screws.


3 Press on both locking tabs to release the safety hook.

Do not eject the card so they don't go too far.

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Card replacement procedures

To replace a Malban10 card



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4 If the system is ON, the H/S Blue LED starts blinking. Wait until the blue LED is steady

(if the system is managed by ShMC, this is by default). This means that the hot swap

sequence is ready for card removal.

Note: For more information, see Caution section.


5 Move both locking tabs simultaneously to the horizontal position. The card must eject.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace a Malban10 card



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6 Unplug the card from the backplane by pulling both card locking tabs simultaneously.


7 Wait for the card to cool down (approximately 2 minutes).


8 Pull the card out of the slot.


9 Wait for 20 seconds.

Note: For more information, see Caution section.


10 Insert the spare Malban10 card, by using the procedure in “To install a Malban10 card”

(p. A-2).


11 Reconnect all interfacing cables that were previously connected to the card according to

the markings made on the cables when unplugging the card.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace a Malban10 card



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To replace a Bono card


This procedure describes how to replace a Bono card.


Hot-surface hazard

The heat sink can get very hot. DO NOT TOUCH THE HEAT SINK WHEN INSTALLING





When replacing a card, carefully respect the following procedure:

• Before extracting the old card, wait until its H/S blue LED is steady.

• After extracting the old card, wait for 20 seconds before you insert the spare one.

If this procedure is not followed (because of operator error or because blue LED does

not stop blinking on old card), the spare card can sometimes stay in “blue LED”

state. In that case, in order to activate it, connect to the ShMC of the chassis and run

the following command :“clia activate board <slot number>”.

Procedure to remove the card

To remove the card, use the following procedure:


1 Disconnect any interfacing cables that may be connected to the card, and mark them to

remember their exact locations.


2 Unscrew the front panel retaining screws.


3 Press on both locking tabs to release the safety hook.

Do not eject the card so they don't go too far.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace a Bono card



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4 If the system is ON, the H/S Blue LED starts blinking. Wait until the blue LED is steady

(if the system is managed by ShMC, this is by default). This means that the hot swap

sequence is ready for card removal.

Note: For more information, see Caution section.


5 Move both locking tabs simultaneously to the horizontal position. The card must eject.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace a Bono card



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6 Unplug the card from the backplane by pulling both card locking tabs simultaneously.


7 Wait for the card to cool down (approximately 2 minutes).


8 Pull the card out of the slot.


9 Wait for 20 seconds.

Note: For more information, see Caution section.


10 Insert the spare Bono card, by using the procedure in “To install a Bono card” (p. A-5).


11 Reconnect all interfacing cables that were previously connected to the card according to

the markings made on the cables when unplugging the card.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace a Bono card



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To replace an RTM


This procedure describes how to replace a ROETHAA RTM (Rear Transition Module).

The RTM is on the rear side of the Malban card.


Hot-surface hazard

The heat sink can get very hot. DO NOT TOUCH THE HEAT SINK WHEN INSTALLING





Procedure to remove the card

To remove the card, use the following procedure:


1 Disconnect any interfacing cables that may be connected to the RTM, and mark them to

remember their exact locations.


2 Unscrew the front panel retaining screws.


3 Press on both locking tabs to release the safety hook.

Do not eject the card so they don't go too far.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace an RTM



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4 If the system is on, the H/S Blue LED starts blinking. Wait until the blue LED is steady

(if the system is managed by ShMC, this is by default). This means that the hot swap

sequence is ready for card removal.


5 Move both locking tabs simultaneously to the horizontal position. The card ejects.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace an RTM



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6 Unplug the RTM from the backplane by pulling both card locking tabs simultaneously.


7 Wait for the card to cool down (approximately two minutes).


8 Pull the RTM out of the slot.


9 Insert the spare RTM, by using the procedure in “To install an RTM” (p. A-8).


10 Reconnect all interfacing cables that were previously connected to the RTM according to

the markings made on the cables when unplugging the RTM.

Corrective maintenance - fault correction

Card replacement procedures

To replace an RTM



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Page 153: 9365 BSR Gateway Operations

Part V: Configuration




This part describes configuration management concepts and provides the procedures

required to perform configuration management tasks on the BSR Gateway.


Chapter 10, Introduction to Configuration Management 10-1

Chapter 11, Configuration procedures 11-1

Chapter 12, BSR Gateway managed objects 12-1

Chapter 13, Configuration management through WMS Small Cells 13-1


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Configuration management Overview



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10 10Introduction to

Configuration Management



This chapter provides an overview of the configuration management concepts and



Configuration management 10-2


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Configuration management


This topic describes the configuration management functions of the BSR Gateway. The

configuration management allows you to monitor the managed objects of the BSR


Configuration management functions

The BSR Gateway supports the following configuration management functions:

• The BSR Gateway provides a provisioning and configuration interface for resources

represented by managed objects.

• The BSR Gateway provides a naming scheme for managed objects that represents the

containment hierarchy. SNMP object ids are not exposed to the SCMS operator.

• The BSR Gateway supports both the dynamic and static configuration types.

The following are the supported configuration types:

– Bulk pre-configuration through SFTP

– Dynamic configuration through SNMP

• The BSR Gateway reports object creation, object deletion, attribute value change

notifications and state change notifications to the Element Management System using

SNMP. It also provides a mechanism to resend unacknowledged attribute value

change notifications on request to the Element Management System.

• The BSR Gateway allows MIB-defined rules to control the creation and deletion of

Managed Objects, propagation of state changes to dependent Managed Objects and

does not allow the maximum or minimum cardinality of Managed Objects to be


• The BSR Gateway allows the MIB definition of the following:

– location, version and redundancy status of BSR Gateway network element

– logical interfaces (for example, IuCS) and their transport network

– physical hardware resources for example, Ethernet Port

– timer values

– BSR Gateway protocol stacks

– IP addresses and ports

– redundant or non-redundant operation

• The BSR Gateway supports the following attribute management rules:

– Read-Only

– Read-Write

– Read-Write-Locked

– Set-on-create

Introduction to Configuration Management Configuration management



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• The BSR Gateway supports the following access mechanisms:


– Bulk CM

Introduction to Configuration Management Configuration management



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Introduction to Configuration Management Configuration management



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11 11Configuration procedures



This chapter provides descriptive and procedural information associated with standard

operations carried out on the BSR Gateway. The operation, administration, and

maintenance procedures described in this section, relate to those performed locally at the

Network Element (NE).


Backup/restore the BSR Gateway 11-2

Upgrade the BSR Gateway 11-3

Fallback the BSR Gateway to lower version 11-4


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Backup/restore the BSR Gateway


See Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - Backup and Restore, 9YZ-05614-0012-REZZA to

backup/restore the BSR Gateway through SCMS.

Configuration procedures Backup/restore the BSR Gateway



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Upgrade the BSR Gateway


See Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - FGW Software

Upgrade Procedure, 9YZ-05614-0626-RJZZA to upgradeBSR Gateway BSR Gateway

application through SCMS.

Configuration procedures Upgrade the BSR Gateway



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Fallback the BSR Gateway to lower version


See Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - FGW Software

Upgrade Procedure, 9YZ-05614-0626-RJZZA to revert the active BSR Gateway to the

lower version.

Configuration procedures Fallback the BSR Gateway to lower version



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12 12BSR Gateway managed




This chapter provides step-by-step procedures for managed object operations for the BSR


The operation, administration, and maintenance procedures described in this document,

relate to those performed locally at the Network Element (NE).


Introduction to managed objects 12-2

Managed object overview 12-3

Managed object description 12-4

Working with managed objects 12-12

To list the objects 12-13

To get object attributes 12-14

To set object attributes 12-15

To lock/unlock an object 12-16


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Introduction to managed objects



This section provides a general overview of BSR Gateway managed objects.


Managed object overview 12-3

Managed object description 12-4

BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects




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Managed object overview


The BSR Gateway is managed by addition, deletion and/or modification of managed

objects. A managed object is an abstract representation of a system resource, and forms

part of a larger collection of objects known as the Management Information Base (MIB).

A MIB defines a specific the BSR Gateway configuration.

How managed objects are created

Some managed objects are created automatically by the system and others are created

manually by the technician.

Objects and managed objects compared

The terms object and managed object have different meanings, although they are often

used interchangeably. A managed object represents a BSR Gateway system resource

which can be managed by a technician through the SCMS management interfaces.

Managed object characteristics

Item Description

Object class Every managed object belongs to a managed object

class. An object is an instance of its object class. The

object class determines the permitted characteristics of

the object and its parent/child relationships to other


Object name A managed object's name comprises its object class

followed by an equals sign (=) and the instance number

of the object.

Object names are concatenated into distinguished names

(DN) to uniquely identify a specific object within BSR

Gateway object tree.

Object attributes Contain configuration data and status information for

BSR Gateway system resource which the managed

object represents.

Object state A subset of object attributes. Indicates the current

operating status of BSR Gateway system resource which

the managed object represents.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object overview



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Managed object description


This topic provides the managed objects created by the BSR Gateway and ATCA. It also

provides the description of the managed objects.

BSR Gateway - managed objects

Managed Object Description Action

FGW BSR Gateway. The logical top

object of the BSR Gateway

MO tree. The DN number of

the BSR Gateway object must

be set to (FGW::clus-

terId*10000 + FGW::fgwId).












AAA Represents the AAA

component of the BSR


AGPSProxy Represents the AGPSProxy

component of the BSR


BladeHardware Represents the physical

BladeHardware box that

contains the BSR Gateway.

Application packages and

other hardware.

BladeHardware cannot be

created or deleted, but is

pre-configured for each

service profile. The

BladeHardware MO

represents the ATCA platform

version of the BSR Gateway.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Managed Object Description Action

BPG Represents the BPG

component of the BSR




BondedLinkGroup Represents the bonding of

Ethernet interfaces into a

single aggregation group.

CsRegion Represents an IuFlex region,

for the CS Core Network. The

region connects to a set of

MSCs that handle the

particular set of LAI value(s).

Presence Represents the data required

for managing the Presence

API function. One Presence

Server and up to 9 Presence

Applications can be defined.

Instance 1 of this MO should

define the Presence Server and

instances 2 to 10 should define

the Presence applications.

AlarmControl Represents the AlarmControl


Each instance of this class

models the operations to be

done on a particular severity

of alarm. BSR Gateway

supports 4 levels of alarm

severity (Critical, Major,

Minor, Info) and there should

be an MO to control each

level of alarm severity. Hence

the cardinality of this class is


The alarmValue attribute of

this class identifies whether

the particular severity that an

instance of AlarmControl

represents needs to be enabled

or suppressed.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Managed Object Description Action

BSG BSR signaling gateway iuCSSignalingTranslation










AVCNBuffer Attribute value change

notification buffer. Object to

store all AVCNs, which are

not yet reported to the SCMS.

FGWControl Represents the FGWControl.

CFLBuffer Current fault list buffer

contains ADAC alarms that

are not cleared and ADMC

alarms for which an inform

acknowledge is not received.

OCDNBuffer The object creation/deletion

notification buffer. Object to

store all OCDNs, which are

not yet reported to the SCMS.

EnterpriseList Represents the data for

defining enterprise groups in

the BSR Gateway. An instance

of this object is created for

each enterprise list.

GenericNatProxy Represents the

GenericNatProxy component

of the BSR Gateway.

Instances of this class

represent the proxy

components which run on the

BSR Gateway. The description

attribute indicates the proxy


BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Managed Object Description Action

DPCRoute Represents the set of SCTP

associations that are to be used

for routing messages towards

a specific DPC (MSC or

SGSN). The associations gets

direct to the MSC or SGSN

through the IPC. In IPC,

several DPCs may use the

same set of associations.

ItfFgw Represents the interface

between BSR Gateway and

SCMS (snmp based).

IuCS Represents the circuit switch


IuPS Represents the packet switch


Iuh Represents the class models

the Iuh interface on the BSR


LegalReq Represents the data required

for managing the Legal

Requisition function.

M3UA Represents the M3UA


PsRegion Represents an IuFlex region,

for the PS Core Network. The

region connects to a set of

SGSNs that handle the a

particular set of RAI value(s).

IPSP Represents the IP signaling

point configuration.

SCTPAssociation An SCTP Association that

connects two IPSP endpoints.

PerformanceControl Represents the


component. The instance of

this class is used to control the

performance measurement.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Managed Object Description Action

SCCP Represents the signaling

connection control part SS7

stack component.

ProcessMonitor Represents the

ProcessMonitor control of the

BSR Gateway.

SCNBuffer State change notification

buffer. Object to store all

outstanding inform requests

containing BSR Gateway state

change notifications, which

are not yet reported to or not

yet acknowledged from the


SubscriberTraceConfig Represents the configuration

for the subscriber trace

function of the BSR Gateway.

SubscriberTrace Represents the

SubscriberTrace component of

the BSR Gateway. An instance

of this MO is created for each

IMSI that requires call tracing.

ServerHardware Represents the physical

ServerHardware box that

contains the BSR Gateway

Application packages and

other hardware.

ServerHardware cannot be

created or deleted, but is

pre-configured in the MIB for

each service profile.

CPUInfo Represents the physical CPU.

CPU Represents the physical CPU

for the blade hardware.

AMCSlot Represents the physical

Advanced Mezzanine Card.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Managed Object Description Action

EthernetIntf Represents the Ethernet ports

on the blade hardware. These

are the Ethernet interfaces

which connect to the Malban

switch in the ATCA chassis.

PhysicalInterfaceB Represents the physical I/P

Interface of the FGW for a

Blade platform.

BiosFlash Represents the physical BIOS

flash memory.

DimmSlot Represents the physical


BonoIntf Represents the interfaces on

the BONO board which do not

carry the BSR Gateway

applications traffic.

PCIEthernetCard Represents the data required

for managing the PCI Ethernet

card on the BSR Gateway.

PCIEthernetPort Represent the ports on the PCI

Ethernet card.

EthernetPort Represents the Ethernet port.

PhysicalInterfaceS Represents the physical I/P

Interface of the BSR Gateway

for a Blade platform.

HardDiskSlot Represents the hard disk slot.

Interface Represents the I/P Interface.

RDimm Represents the physical


PowerSupplySlot Represents the physical power


SLPProxy Represent the SLPProxy

component of the BSR


TraceControl Represents the TraceControl


BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Managed Object Description Action

BSR Represents the data required

as per Small Cell in the BSR

Gateway. An instance of this

object is created for each

Small Cell registered with the

BSR Gateway.

BVG Represents the BVG

component of the BSR




ATCA - managed objects

Managed Object Description

AtcaChassis The is the top-level class from which all shelf

MOs inherit.

AtcaShelf Contains the information for ATCA shelf.

CurrentFaultList Contains the list of current fault.

AtcaAlarmCard Contains the information for ATCA alarm


AtcaNodeSlot Contains the information for ATCA node slot.

AtcaShelfManager Contains the information for ATCA shelf


AtcaShelfManagerCard Contains the information for ATCA shelf

manager card.

AtcaSwitchSlot Contains the information for ATCA switch


AtcaFanTray Contains the information for ATCA fan tray.

PowerModule Contains the information for power module.



Contains the information for ATCA shelf


ShelfManagerIPMBLinkToNodeSlot Contains the information for IPMB Link to


AtcaShelfManagerCPU Contains the information for ATCA shelf

manager CPU.

AtcaShelfManagerEthernetIntf Contains the information for ATCA Switch

BaseEthernet interface.

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Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Managed Object Description

ShelfManagerCardTemperature Contains the information for shelf manager

card temperature.

AtcaSwitchBaseEthernetIntf Contains the information for ATCA Switch

Base Ethernet Interface.

AtcaSwitchBiosFlash Contains the information for ATCA Switch

Bios Flash.

AtcaSwitchCPU Contains the information for ATCA Switch


AtcaSwitchHardDisk Contains the information for ATCA Switch

Hard Disk.

RTM Contains the information for RTM.

SwitchPowerModule Contains the information for switch power


SwitchTemperature Contains the information for switch


For more information on configuration parameters, see

Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell - BSG Parameters Reference Guide, 9YZ-05614-0601-


BSR Gateway managed objects

Introduction to managed objects

Managed object description



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Working with managed objects



This section provides step-by-step procedures relating to managed object operations.


To list the objects 12-13

To get object attributes 12-14

To set object attributes 12-15

To lock/unlock an object 12-16

BSR Gateway managed objects

Working with managed objects




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To list the objects


Use this procedure to list the managed objects and the instance ids using WMS Small



Perform the following steps to list all the managed objects.


1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 From the File menu, click Select Network Layout. On the Layout Selector screen, select

an appropriate FGW.


3 On the Navigator screen, double-click the FGW, it opens the Resource Browser screen.


4 Right-click the FGW icon to view the Equipment Monitor screen.


5 Expand to view the tree-structure of the MOs.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Working with managed objects

To list the objects



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To get object attributes


Use this procedure to read the value of one or more selected attributes of a managed



Perform the following steps to list all the managed objects.


1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 From the Configuration menu, click Object Editor and click Search.


3 In Search panel, select FGW object from Select Root Instance drop-down menu. Click



4 Select FGW object and click Append. It displays the attributes of the objects on the right

pane of the Object Editor.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Working with managed objects

To get object attributes



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To set object attributes


Use this procedure to specify or change the value of managed object attributes using

WMS Small Cells.


Perform the following steps to change or specify attribute values:


1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 From the Configuration menu, click Object Editor and click Search.


3 In Search panel, select FGW object from Select Root Instance drop-down menu. Click



4 Select FGW object and click Append. It displays the attributes of the objects on the right

pane of the Object Editor.


5 Select the attribute, and type some value in Details For and click Set and Apply all

Changes to change the value of the attribute.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Working with managed objects

To set object attributes



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To lock/unlock an object


Use this procedure to unlock a managed object using the WMS Small Cells.


Perform the following steps to unlock a managed object.


1 Log in to the WMS Small Cells as administrator.


2 From the File menu, click Select Network Layout. On the Layout Selector screen, select

an appropriate FGW.


3 On the Navigator screen, double-click the FGW, it opens the Resource Browser screen.


4 Right-click on FGW instance, navigate toConfiguration >> Set NE's OAM Link

Adminsitrative State , it opens Set NE's OAM Link Adminsitrative State Action window.

Click Lock or Unlock the object.

BSR Gateway managed objects

Working with managed objects

To lock/unlock an object



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13 13Configuration

management through WMS

Small Cells



This section provides step-by-step procedures to configure files through WMS Small



Export the BSR Gateway bulk CM file 13-2

Import the BSR Gateway bulk CM file through WPS Small Cells 13-4

Generate BSR Gateway WPS Small Cells 13-6

Upgrade software/software fallback 13-7


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Export the BSR Gateway bulk CM file


This procedure allows you to export the bulk CM configuration from the BSR Gateway to

the WMS Small Cells.


Before you begin, ensure that:

• The WMS Small Cells and the BSR Gateway must be active.

• The SSH is available

• The BSR Gateway_CLI is installed



1 Select BSG in the NSP GUI, right click and then select Configuration -> Launch SSH.

This opens a SSH cut through session.

If unable to launch SSH, error log is created and session gets terminated.


2 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as root user.

Figure 13-1 Export BSR Gateway configuration

Configuration management through WMS Small Cells Export the BSR Gateway bulk CM file



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3 Execute the command cd /opt/bin/ to change the directory location.


4 Execute the command ./BSGCLI.exe to launch the CLI application.


5 Execute the command set {uploadDB=True}; to generate the export file (bulk CM

file (OAM_PreConfig.xml)) in /opt/upload/ directory of the BSR Gateway.


6 After completion, close the BSGCLI application and launch a SFTP session on the WMS

Small Cells server to retrieve the bulkCM config file from the BSR Gateway.

If SFTP session is failed, you cannot retrieve the bulkCM config file from the BSR

Gateway. It display errors on the SFTP terminal and terminates the session.

Configuration management through WMS Small Cells Export the BSR Gateway bulk CM file



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Import the BSR Gateway bulk CM file through WPS Small Cells


This procedure describes to modify the BSR Gateway configuration through the

Alcatel-Lucent 9352 Wireless Provisioning System Small Cells (WPS Small Cells).


Before you begin, ensure that:

• The WMS Small Cells and WPS Small Cells tool are installed in your system.

• The FTP is available to transfer files between WPS Small Cells and WMS Small




1 Select FGW (OAM object) from the WPS Small Cells tree view and click Import

bulkcm file from Operations section.

Note: The operation is available only for FGW MIM version later than V3.0.


2 Select the file from the new Parameter window.

Figure 13-2 Import BSR Gateway configuration

Configuration management through WMS Small Cells Import the BSR Gateway bulk CM file through WPS Small




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3 The WPS Small Cells executes the mediation BulkCM2CMXML.


4 The WPS Small Cells loads the mediated data and replaces the initial snapshot under the

BSGConfig in the Network tab. You can modify the BSGConfig file from the WPS Small


If mediation fails, terminates the session and displays the error in the log window.

Note: It is recommended to run the WPS Small Cells consistency check after import

of the bulkcm file (OAM_PreConfig.xml) to check the consistency of the imported


Configuration management through WMS Small Cells Import the BSR Gateway bulk CM file through WPS Small




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Generate BSR Gateway WPS Small Cells


The purpose of this procedure to describe the steps involved in converting bulk CM file

retrieved from BSR Gateway into the CMXML file.


The WPS Small Cells tool is installed in your system.



1 Select FGW (OAM ) object from the WPS Small Cells tree view and click Generate

CLI batch file from Operations menu.

Note: The operation is available only for BSR Gateway MIM version later than V3.0.


2 A new parameter window appears. Select the file destination and check or uncheck the

Reverse CLI batch file.


3 The WPS Small Cells executes the generation of CMXML to CLI command.


4 The WPS Small Cells writes the file on the destination

If mediation fails, terminates the session and displays the error in the log window.

Note: It is recommended to run the consistency check after making modification in

the WPS Small Cells.

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Upgrade software/software fallback


This topic provides procedures to upgrade/software fallback of the BSR Gateway.


Perform the following steps to upgrade/software fallback.


1 See Alcatel-Lucent 9353 Wireless Management System Small Cells - FGW Software

Upgrade Procedure, 9YZ-05614-0626-RJZZA to perform upgrade/software fallback.

Configuration management through WMS Small Cells Upgrade software/software fallback



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Part VI: Performance




This part describes performance management concepts and provides the procedures

required to perform performance management tasks on BSR Gateway.


Chapter 14, Introduction to performance management 14-1


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Performance management Overview



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14 14Introduction to

performance management



This chapter describes working with performance measurement files in relation to BSR

Gateway and provides step-by-step procedures to collect, display, and store measurement

data files.


Performance management 14-2

PM file generation and storage 14-4

Example of a PM measurement 14-5

Performance measurement statistics 14-6

File naming convention 14-37

To change the granular period of PM file generation 14-39

To disable PM file generation 14-41

To enable PM file generation 14-42


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Performance management


Performance management allows you to collect, store, and transfer performance data

from the Network Elements (NEs). Alcatel-Lucent Small Cell Management System

(SCMS) retrieves the data from the NE using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). The

performance data is then pulled from SCMS by the Network Management System (NMS)

over FTP.

The data is used by the Post Processing System (PPS) to verify the following:

• Grade and quality of service

• Network availability

• Physical and logical network configuration

• Potential problems within the network.


The performance management function provides a remote retrieval system for

performance data related to the normal operations of BSR Gateway. This data is collected

and stored on the NE for a specified amount of time and retrieved at periodic intervals by

the SCMS.

PM files are in 3gpp format which are pulled by SCMS through secure File transfer

protocol for further analysis.

The SCMS does not perform any action on the data collected. It stores this data and

makes it available to an upstream network analysis system for compilation with

performance data from other NEs.

The performance management tasks include:

• Retrieving performance data

• Bundling the retrieved performance management files in CPIO format.

Important! Performance data can consume large amounts of disk space on the NE.

For this reason, BSR Gateway can only store performance data for a maximum of 24

hours. After this time period, the data is overwritten. The SCMS collects the data from

the NE at periodic intervals to ensure that no data is lost.

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Performance management using the SCMS provides the following benefits:

• Efficient data management: The performance data from several NEs can be collected

and packaged for delivery to an upstream analysis system. This data can be retained

for a maximum of 14 days on the SCMS before the data is automatically deleted. This

time period is configurable. The default period is three days.

• Easy data retrieval: The data can also be collected from the NE in an off-peak time.

SCMS ensures that there is no degradation of service due to data collection processes.

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PM file generation and storage


PM files are generated for BSR Gateway and stored in a central location.

Following are the various types of measurements:

• Platform measurements

• Service measurements

• Subscriber measurements.

File generation

At the end of the reporting period, the SCMS generates a file containing measurement


The SCMS instructs the NE to collect PM results. The results are then compressed and

stored in an XML file.

Important! The result files of the same granularity period are archived together.

File collection from BSR Gateway

The generated XML result files are made available for retrieval by the Interface-N

through Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

Important! BSR Gateway stores the PM result files for a maximum of one day in the

/var/pm directory.

Introduction to performance management PM file generation and storage



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Example of a PM measurement



The stages of a PM measurement process are:


1 The measurement collection starts.


2 For every granularity period during the recording interval, the results for the measurement

type are computed using the values that were measured over the previous granularity

period and written to file.


3 For every reporting interval during the recording interval, the result files for the

granularity periods within the reporting period are sent to the EM.


4 The measurement collection ends.

Introduction to performance management Example of a PM measurement



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Performance measurement statistics


This section lists the performance measurement statistics.

Performance measurement statistics

The performance measurement statistics for application are listed in the following table:

Table 14-1 Performance measurement statistics - BSR Gateway

Performance measurement name Description

VS._ue_reg_req_rcvd This measurements provides the number of UE registration

messages received at the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS._ue_dereg_req_rcvd This measurement provides the number of UE

Deregistration messages received at the BSR Gateway

during the collection period.

VS._ue_loc_req_rcvd This measurement provides the number of UE location

requests received at the BSR Gateway during the collection


VS._ue_loc_suc_resp_sent This measurement provides the number of successful UE

location responses sent by the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS._ue_loc_fail_resp_sent This measurement provides the number of failed UE

location responses sent by the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS._ue_del_ind_sent This measurement provides the number of UE delete

indications sent by the BSR Gateway during the collection


VS._ue_rec_update_rcvd This measurement provides the number of UE recovery

updates received at the BSR Gateway during the collection


VS._imsi_dir_msg_dropped This measurement provides the number of UE mobility

messages dropped at the BSR Gateway (due to software

errors and decode failures) during the collection period.

VS._bsr_reg_req_rcvd This measurement provides the number of Small Cell

registration requests received at the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

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Table 14-1 Performance measurement statistics - BSR Gateway (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS._bsr_reg_req_rcvd_active This measurement provides the number of BSR Gateway

Registration requests received at the active Small Cell node

during the collection period.

VS._bsr_reg_req_rcvd_standby This measurement provides the number of BSR Gateway

Registration requests received at the standby Small Cell

node during the collection period.

VS._bsr_reg_req_discarded_active This measurement provides the Number of BSR Gateway

Registration requests discarded at the active Small Cell

node during the collection period.

VS._bsr_reg_req_discarded_standby This measurement provides the Number of BSR Gateway

Registration requests discarded at the Small Cell during the

collection period.

VS._bsr_reg_req_discarded This measurement provides the number of Small Cell

registration requests discarded at the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

VS._ue_payload_sent This measurement provides the number of STRMGR PDUs

with UE Directory payload sent by the BSR Gateway

during the collection period.

VS._ue_payload_received This measurement provides the number of STRMGR PDUs

with UE Directory payload received at the BSR Gateway

during the collection period.

VS._control_pdu_received This measurement provides the number of STRMGR

Control PDUs received at the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS._control_pdu_discarded This measurement provides the number of STRMGR

Control PDUs discarded at the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS._user_pdu_sent This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR User

PDUs sent by the BSR Gateway during the collection


VS._ranap_payload_sent This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR PDUs

with RANAP payload sent by the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS._ranap_payload_received This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR PDUs

with RANAP payload received at the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

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Table 14-1 Performance measurement statistics - BSR Gateway (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS._ranap_payload_discarded This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR PDUs

with RANAP payload discarded at the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

VS._ue_payload_discarded This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR PDUs

with UE Directory payload discarded at the BSR Gateway

during the collection period.

VS._tsucc_redirect_procedure This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR

Control PDUs with REDIRECT command received at the

BSR Gateway during the collection period.

VS._tredirect_procedure This measurement provides the Number of

STRMGR-Redirect Requests received from the BSR

Gateway during the collection period.

VS.num_imsi_dir_entries This measurement provides the number of IMSI Directory

entries at the end of each measurement period. Note that

this is not necessarily the number of UEs on the system, the

value of the timer impacts this counter.

VS.MaxNumSCCPConn This counter provides the maximum number of SCCP

connection setup in BSR Gateway.

VS.TotRegisteredBSRs This measurement provides the number of registered Small

Cells identified at the end of each measurement period.

VS.bsr_assoc_active This measurement provides number of BSR Gateway

association to Active Node.

VS.bsr_assoc_standby This measurement provides number of BSR Gateway

association to Standby Node.



This measurement provides the maximum percentage of

port range usage on NAT bindings at the end of the

measurement period.



This measurement provides the NAT proxy id of maximum

percentage of port range usage at the end of the

measurement period.

VS.CS_call_attempt This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests from BSR Gateway.

VS.CS_call_fail_overload This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed whenever the BSR Gateway hits the

overload condition and cannot handle calls.

VS.PS_call_attempt This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests from Small Cell.

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Table 14-1 Performance measurement statistics - BSR Gateway (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.PS_call_fail_overload This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed whenever the BSR Gateway hits the

overload condition and cannot handle calls.

VS.CS_call_fail_noiu_available_iuflex This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed due to no available Iu.

VS._num_batch_paging_msg This measurement provides the number of Batch paging

sent to Small Cell cluster.

VS.NumABWmeasurements This measurement provides the number of ABW

measurements over the measurement period.

VS.NumABWmeasurementProbes This measurement provides the total number of ABW

measurement probes received by the BSR Gateway over the

measurement period.

VS.VarianceCompleteABWmeasurements This measurement provides the variance of the mean

inter-probe period measurements made by the BSR

Gateway over the measurement period.

VS.NumURNTIDirectory This measurements provides the number of entries in the

U-RNTI directory.

VS.NumSourceHNBQuery This measurements provides the number of HNBAP Source

HNB Query received.

VS.NumSourceHNBQueryResultEmpty This measurements provides the number of HNBAP Source

HNB Query Results sent containing an empty list of source

BSR Gateway candidates.

VS.NumSourceHNBQueryResultMultipleHNB This counter is incremented when BSR Gateway HNBAP

Source HNB Query Results sent containing 2 or more

source HNB candidates.

The performance measurement statistics for IuCS are listed in the following table:

Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS

Performance measurement name Description

VS._ranap_payload_received This measurement provides the number of STRMGR

PDUs with RANAP payload (CS Domain) received at the

Small Cell during the collection period.

VS._ranap_payload_sent This measurement provides the number of STRMGR

PDUs with RANAP Payload (CS Domain) sent by the

FGW during the collection period.

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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS._treleases_bsr This measurement provides the number of Normal releases

sent to the Small Cell during the collection period.

VS._tabnormal_releases_bsr This measurement provides the number of Abnormal

releases sent to the BSR Gateway during the collection


VS._treleases_msc This measurement provides the number of releases sent to

the MSC during the collection period.



This measurement provides the number of Unsupported

Connectionless RANAP messages received from the MSC

during the collection period.

VS._tranap_connless_msg_rcvd_frm_msc This measurement provides the number of Connectionless

RANAP messages received from the MSC during the

collection period

VS._iucs_tactive_calls_bsr_avg This measurement provides the number of Average Active

CS calls Initiated from the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS._iucs _tactive_calls_bsr_max This measurement provides the number of Maximum

Active CS calls Initiated from the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

VS._iucs_tactive_calls_msc_avg This measurement provides the number of Average Active

CS calls Initiated from the MSC during the collection


VS._iucs_tactive_calls_msc_max This measurement provides the number of Maximum

active CS calls Initiated from the MSC during the

collection period.

VS._tranap_calls_bsr This measurement provides the number of calls initiated

from the &BSR-short; during the collection period.

VS._tranap_calls_msc This measurement provides the number of calls initiated

from the MSC during the collection period.

VS._tmscpause_rcvd This measurement provides the number of MSC Point

Code inaccessible indications received at the Small Cell

during the collection period.

VS._tmscresume_rcvd This measurement provides the number of MSC Point

Code accessible indications received at the Small Cell

during the collection period.

VS._tabnormal_releases_msc This measurement provides the number of Abnormal

releases sent to the MSC during the collection period.

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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS._tunexpected_ranapmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the number of unexpected

RANAP messages received from STRMGR during the

collection period.

VS._tunsupported_ranapmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the number of unsupported

RANAP messages received from STRMGR during the

collection period.

VS._tunexpected_sccpmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the number of unexpected

SCCP messages received from the MSC during the

collection period.

VS._tunsupported_sccpmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the number of unsupported

SCCP messages received from the MSC during the

collection period.



This measurement provides the number of Unsupported

Connection Oriented RANAP messages received from the

3G-MSC during the collection period.

VS._tranap_connless_msg_sent_to_msc This measurement provides the number of Connectionless

RANAP messages sent to the MSC during the collection


VS._tranap_reset_msg_rcvd_frm_msc This measurement provides the number of RANAP Reset

messages received from the MSC during the collection


VS._tranap_reset_msg_sent_to_msc This measurement provides the number of RANAP Reset

messages Sent to the MSC during the collection period.

VS._tranap_reset_resource_rcvd_frm_msc This measurement provides the number of RANAP Reset

Resource messages received from the MSC during the

collection period.

VS._tranap_paging_rcvd_frm_msc This measurement provides the number of RANAP

PAGING messages received from the MSC during the

collection period.

VS.ssOGRx This counter provides the number of subsystem out of

service grant received at the Small Cell during the

collection period.

VS.ssOGDenied This counter provides the number of subsystem out of

service request denied.

VS.ssAllRx This counter provides the number of subsystem allowed


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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which target a closed access.

VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_1target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests for calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target a single closed access


VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_2target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target two closed access BSR


VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_3target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target three closed access BSR


VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_4target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target four closed access BSR


VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_5target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the FGW and which target five or more closed access BSR


VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_rep This measurement provides the number of repeat hand

over requests from CS calls on the 2G Macro network

received by the BSR Gateway and which target more than

one closed access Small Cell.

VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_success This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from CS calls on the 2G Macro network received

by the BSR Gateway to a closed access Small Cell which


VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_fail_rel_not_sup This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to relocation parameters

that were not supported in the Target BSR Gateway for a

closed access BSR Gateway.

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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.ggsmbsrcsho_clsacc_fail_no_bsr This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to no BSR Gateway match

being found.

VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_fail_max_tar This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the number of identified

targets exceeding the maximum number allowed for closed

access BSR Gateways.

VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_fail_guard_time This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the guard timer

preventing relocation to a closed access BSR Gateway.

VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_fail_no_bsr_res This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to there being no BSR

Gateway resources available for closed access BSR


VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_fail_no_reloc_single This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected for a single target closed access BSR Gateway.

VS.gsmbsrcsho_clsacc_fail_no_reloc_other This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected and other targets were available for closed access

BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which target a closed access BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_1target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests for calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target a single closed access

BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_2target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target two closed access BSR


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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_3target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target three closed access BSR


VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_4target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Celland which target four closed access BSR


VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_5target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target five or more closed access

BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_rep This measurement provides the number of repeat handover

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target more than one closed

access BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_success This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell to a closed access BSR Gateway which


VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_fail_rel_not_sup This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to relocation parameters

that were not supported in the Target BSR Gateway for a

closed access BSR.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_fail_no_bsr This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to no BSR Gateway match

being found.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_fail_max_tar This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the number of identified

targets exceeding the maximum number allowed for closed

access BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_fail_guard_time This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the guard timer

preventing relocation to a closed access BSR Gateway.

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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_fail_no_bsr_res This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to there being no BSR

resources available for closed access BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_fail_no_reloc_single This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected for a single target closed access BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_clsacc_fail_no_reloc_other This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected and other targets were available for closed access

BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_fail_pscs_req This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to a request for PS + CS

handover to a BSR Gateway.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which target a open access BSR Gateway.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_1target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests for calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target a single open access BSR


VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_2target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target two open access BSR


VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_3target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target three open access BSR


VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_4target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Celland which target four open access BSRs.

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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_5target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target five or more open access

BSR Gateways.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_rep This measurement provides the number of repeat handover

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target more than one open access

BSR Gateway.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_success This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell to a open access BSR Gateway which


VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_fail_rel_not_sup This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to relocation parameters

that were not supported in the Target BSR Gateway for a

open access BSR Gateway.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_bsr This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to no BSR Gateway match

being found.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_fail_max_rel This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the number of

relocation requests exceeding the maximum number

allowed for open access BSR Gateways.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_fail_guard_time This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the guard timer

preventing relocation to a open access BSR Gateway.

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_bsr_res This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to there being no BSR

Gateway resources available for open access BSR


VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_reloc_single This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected for a single target open access BSR Gateway.

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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.gsmbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_reloc_other This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 2G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected and other targets were available for open access

BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_1target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which target a open access BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_2target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target two open access BSR


VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_3target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target three open access BSR


VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_4target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target four open access BSR


VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_5target This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target five or more open access

BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_rep This measurement provides the number of repeat handover

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell and which target more than one open access

BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_success This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell to a open access BSR Gateway which


VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_fail_rel_not_sup This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to relocation parameters

that were not supported in the Target BSR Gateway for a

open access BSR Gateway.

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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_bsr This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to no BSR Gateway match

being found.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_fail_max_rel This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the number of

relocation requests exceeding the maximum number

allowed for open access BSR Gateways.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_fail_guard_time This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to the guard timer

preventing relocation to a open access BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_bsr_res This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due to there being no BSR

Gateway resources available for open access BSR


VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_reloc_single This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected for a single target open access BSR Gateway.

VS.umtsbsrho_opnacc_fail_no_reloc_other This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests from calls on the 3G Macro network received by

the Small Cell which failed due no UE relocation being

detected and other targets were available for open access

BSR Gateways.

VS.CS_call_fail_msc_cref This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests refused by the Core Network or by the Small

Cell’s SIGTRAN layer due to time-outs.



This counter is increment when a call setup fails due to the

Destination Unreachable error because the SCTP

association is down.



This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed due to Destination Unreachable error

because of SCCP Subsystem Congestion Remote


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Table 14-2 Performance measurement statistics - IuCS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.CS_call_fail_destunavil_sccp_ssp This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed due to Destination Unreachable error

because of SCCP subsystem prohibited.

VS.CS_call_fail_overload This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed whenever the Small Cell hits the overload

condition and cannot handle calls.

RAB.AttEstabCS.Conv This measurement provides the total number of requested

RABs in establishment attempts for CS conversational

Non Emergency.

RAB.AttEstabCS.ConvEmrg This measurement provides the total number of requested

RABs in establishment attempts for CS conversational


The performance measurement statistics for Presence are listed in the following table:

Table 14-3 Performance measurement statistics - Presence

Performance measurement name Description

VS.num_init_sip_pub_reqs This measurement provides the number SIP publish

requests of type Initial that are sent by the BSR Gateway

to the presence server.

VS.num_mod_sip_pub_reqs This measurement provides the number of SIP publish

requests of type Modify that are sent by the BSR Gateway

to the presence server.

VS.num_refr_sip_pub_reqs This measurement provides the number of SIP publish

requests of type Refresh that are sent by the BSR Gateway

to the presence server.

VS.num_rem_sip_pub_reqs This measurement provides the number of SIP publish

requests of type remove that are sent by the BSR Gateway

to the presence server.

VS.num_suc_sip_resps This measurement provides the number of successful SIP

Publish responses received at the BSR Gateway from the

presence server.

The performance measurement statistics for BVG are listed in the following table:

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Table 14-4 Performance measurement statistics - BVG

Performance measurement name Description

VS.BVG_DPATReq This counter provides the number of BVG DPAT binding


VS.BVG_DPATSuccResp This counter provides the number of BVG DPAT successful

binding response.

VS.TotalULBVGPkts This counter provides the number of uplink BVG packets.

VS.BVG_DPATRespRejFeatureUnsupp This counters provides the number of unsuccessful BVG

DPAT binding response.

VS.TotalULBVGBytes This counter provides the number of uplink BVG bytes


VS.TotalDLCSPreMuxdPkts This counter provides the number of DL CS user plane

packets (received from one or more MSCs) that have been

multiplexed into RTPmux packets by the BVG. It counts

the number of CS RTP packets that were received by the


VS.TotalDLCSMuxdPkts This counter provides the number of RTPmux packets that

have been sent by the BVG to the multifarious BSR's that

have DPAT bindings that require AMR Frame


VS.TotalDLBVGPkts This counter provides the number of downlink BVG


VS.TotalDLBVGBytes This counter is incremented with the packets size including

IP+UDP, whenever a BVG packets is received from the


VS.TotalULCSMuxdPkts Whenever BSR Gateway receives an RTPmux packet from

a Small Cell, the RTPmux packet is demultiplexed into CS

user plane RTP packets. The number of demuxed user plane

packets is incremented on this counter.

VS.TotalULRTPMuxPkts This counter provides the number of RTPmux packets that

have been received from the Small Cells by the BSR


VS.MeanUECallDurationBVG This counter provides the mean call duration of BVG

context in the BSR Gateway.

VS.MaxNumBVGBindings This counter provides the maximum number of user plane

bindingson BVG.

The performance measurement statistics for BPG are listed in the following table:

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Table 14-5 Performance measurement statistics - BPG

Performance measurement name Description

VS.BPG_DPATReq This counter provides the number of BPG DPAT binding


VS.TotalULBPGPkts This counter provides the number of uplink BPG packets.

VS.TotalULBPGBytes This counter provides the number of uplink BPG byte sent.

VS.BPG_DPATSuccResp This counter provides the number of BPG DPAT

successful binding response.

VS.TotalDLBPGPkts This counter provides the number of downlink BPG


VS.TotalDLBPGBytes This counter is incremented with the packets size

including IP+UDP, whenever a BPG packet is received

from the SGSN.

VS.MaxNumBPGBindings This counter provides the maximum number of user plane

bindings on BPG.

The performance measurement statistics for FGW are listed in the following table:

Table 14-6 Performance measurement statistics - FGW

VS.CPU.PO.P1C1 The processor occupancy for Processor 1, Core 1 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.CPU.PO.P1C2 The processor occupancy for Processor 1, Core 2 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.CPU.PO.P1C3 The processor occupancy for Processor 1, Core 3 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.CPU.PO.P1C4 The processor occupancy for Processor 1, Core 4 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.CPU.PO.P2C1 The processor occupancy for Processor 2, Core 1 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.CPU.PO.P2C2 The processor occupancy for Processor 2, Core 2 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.CPU.PO.P2C3 The processor occupancy for Processor 2, Core 3 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.CPU.PO.P2C4 The processor occupancy for Processor 2, Core 4 of the FGW

active node over the granularity period.

VS.Tot.Used.Mem The system memory usage as a percentage for the FGW active

node over the granularity period.

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Table 14-6 Performance measurement statistics - FGW (continued)

VS.Trace.PST.Num This counter records the maximum number of parallel subscriber

traces running on the FGW.



This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on




This counter provides the number of received IP packets on Eth1.



This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on




This counter provides the number of received IP packets on Eth2.



This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on




This counter provides the number of received IP packets on Eth3



This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on




This counter provides the number of received IP packets on




This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on




This counter provides the number of received IP packets on




This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on




This counter provides the number of received IP packets on




This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on




This counter provides the number of received IP packets on




This counter provides the number of transmitted IP packets on


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Table 14-6 Performance measurement statistics - FGW (continued)



This counter provides the number of received bytes on Eth0.

VS. TotalTranNode1Eth0Bytes

VS. TotalTranNode2Eth0Bytes

This counter provides the number of transmitted bytes on Eth0.



This counter provides the number of received bytes on Eth1.

VS. TotalTranNode1Eth1Bytes

VS. TotalTranNode2Eth1Bytes

This counter provides the number of transmitted bytes on Eth1.



This counter provides the number of received bytes on Eth2.

VS. TotalTranNode1Eth2Bytes

VS. TotalTranNode2Eth2Bytes

This counter provides the number of transmitted bytes on Eth2.

VS. TotalTranNode1Eth3Bytes

VS. TotalTranNode2Eth3Bytes

This counter provides the number of transmitted bytes packets on




This counter provides the number of received bytes on PCIEth4.



This counter provides the number of transmitted bytes on




This counter provides the number of received bytes on PCIEth5.



This counter provides the number of Transmitted bytes on




This counter provides the number of received bytes on PCIEth6.



This counter provides the number of transmitted bytes on




This counter provides the number of received bytes on PCIEth7.



This counter provides the number of transmitted bytes on


The performance measurement statistics for IuPS are listed in the following table:

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Table 14-7 Performance measurement statistics - IuPS

Performance measurement name Description

VS._iups_payload_received This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR

PDUs with RANAP payload (PS domain) received at the

BSR Gateway during the collection period.

VS._iups_payload_sent This measurement provides the Number of STRMGR

PDUs with RANAP payload (PS Domain) sent by the BSR

Gateway during the collection period.

VS._treleases_bsr This measurement provides the number of normal releases

sent to the Small Cell during the collecion period.

VS._tabnormal_releases_bsr This measurement provides the number of abnormal

releases sent to the Small Cell during the collection period.

VS._treleases_sgsn This measurement provides the number of releases sent to

the SGSN during the collection period.



This measurement provides the Number of Unsupported

Connectionless RANAP messages received from the

SGSN during the collection period.

VS._tranap_connless_msg_rcvd_frm_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of Connectionless

RANAP messages received from the SGSN during the

collection period.

VS._tranap_calls_bsr This measurement provides the Number of calls initiated

from the Small Cell during the collection period.

VS._iups_tactive_calls_bsr_avg This measurement provides the Number of Active PS calls

Initiated from the BSR during the collection period.

VS._iups_tactive_calls_bsr_max This measurement provides the Number of Maximum PS

Active calls Initiated from the BSR during the collection


VS._iups_tactive_calls_sgsn_avg This measurement provides the Number of Average Active

PS calls Initiated from the SGSN during the collection


VS._tranap_calls_bsr This measurement provides the Number of calls initiated

from the BSR during the collection period.

VS._tranap_calls_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of calls initiated

from the SGSN during the collection period.

VS._tsgsnpause_rcvd This measurement provides the number of SGSN Point

Code inaccessible indications received during the

collection period.

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Table 14-7 Performance measurement statistics - IuPS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS._tsgsnresume_rcvd This measurement provides the number of SGSN Point

Code accessible indications received during the collection


VS._tabnormal_releases_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of Abnormal

releases sent to the SGSN during the collection period.

VS._tunexpected_ranapmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the Number of unexpected

RANAP messages received from STRMGR during the

collection period.

VS._tunsupported_ranapmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the Number of unsupported

RANAP messages received from STRMGR during the

collection period.

VS._tunexpected_sccpmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the Number of unexpected

SCCP messages received from the SGSN during the

collection period.

VS._tunsupported_sccpmsg_rcvd This measurement provides the Number of unsupported

SCCP messages received from the SGSN during the

collection period.



This measurement provides the Number of Unsupported

Connection Oriented RANAP messages received from the

SGSN during the collection period.

VS._tranap_connless_msg_sent_to_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of Connectionless

RANAP messages sent to the SGSN during the collection


VS._tranap_reset_msg_rcvd_frm_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of RANAP Reset

messages received from the SGSN during the collection


VS._tranap_reset_msg_sent_to_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of RANAP Reset

messages Sent to the SGSN during the collection period.

VS._tranap_reset_resource_rcvd_frm_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of RANAP Reset

Resource messages received from the SGSN during the

collection period.

VS._tranap_paging_rcvd_frm_sgsn This measurement provides the Number of RANAP

PAGING messages received from the SGSN during the

collection period.

VS.ssOGRx This counter provides the number of Subsystem out of

service grant received at the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

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Table 14-7 Performance measurement statistics - IuPS (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.ssOGDenied This counter provides the number of Subsystem out of

service request denied.

VS.ssAllRx This counter provides the number of Subsystem allowed


VS.umtsbsrho_fail_ps_req This measurement provides the number of relocation

requests received by the BSR Gateway which failed due to

a request for PS handover.

VS.PS_call_fail_sgsn_cref This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests refused by the SGSN or by the BSR Gateway's

SIGTRAN layer due to timeouts.



This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed due to Destination Unreachable error

because the SCTP association is down.



This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed due to Destination Unreachable error

because of SCCP Subsystem Congestion Remote


VS.PS_call_fail_destunavil_sccp_ssp This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed due to Destination Unreachable error

because of SCCP Subsystem Prohibited.

VS.PS_call_fail_overload This measurement provides the number of call setup

requests failed whenever the BSR Gateway hits the

overload condition and cannot handle calls.

The performance measurement statistics for SCCP are listed in the following table:

Table 14-8 Performance measurement statistics - SCCP

Performance measurement name Description

VS.ssOOSReqGr This counter provides the number of

Subsystem OOS request granted.

VS.ssOOSReqDn This counter provides the number of

Subsystem OOS request denied.

VS.ssProhStart This counter provides the number of Start of

local subsystem prohibited.

VS.ssProhStop This counter provides the number of Stop of

local subsystem prohibited.

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Table 14-8 Performance measurement statistics - SCCP (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.msgTxBSS This counter provides the number of Messages

sent to backup subsystem.

VS.msgTxC0 This counter provides the number of Total class

0 messages sent by the user.

VS.msgTxC1 This counter provides the number of Total class

1 messages sent by the user.

VS.msgRxC0 This counter provides the number of Total class

0 messages received for the user.

VS.msgRxC1 This counter provides the number of Total class

1 messages received for the user.

VS.dt1MsgRx This counter provides the number of Total DT1

messages received for the user.

VS.dt1MsgTx This counter provides the number of Total DT1

messages sent by the user.

VS.dt2MsgRX This counter provides the number of Total DT2

messages received for the user.

VS.dt2MsgTx This counter provides the number of Total DT2

messages sent by the user.

VS.edMsgRx This counter provides the number of Total ED

messages received for the user.

VS.edMsgTx This counter provides the number of Total ED

messages sent by the user.

VS.rfNTASN This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - No translation for address of such


VS.rfNTSA This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - No translation for this specific


VS.rfNetFail This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - Network failure (point code


VS.rfNetCong This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - Network congestion.

VS.rfSsnFail This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - Subsystem failure.

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Table 14-8 Performance measurement statistics - SCCP (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.rfSsnCong This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - Subsystem congestion.

VS.rfUnequip This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - Unequipped user.

VS.rfHopViolate This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - Hop counter violation.

VS.synError This counter provides the number of Syntax


VS.rfUnknown This counter provides the number of Routing

failure - Reason unknown.

VS.ssCongRx This counter provides the number of

SCCP/Subsystem congested messages


VS.ssProhRx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem prohibited messages received.

VS.uDataTx This counter provides the number of Unit data


VS.uDataSrvTx This counter provides the number of Unit data

service sent.

VS.uDataRx This counter provides the number of Unit data


VS.uDataSrvRx This counter provides the number of Unit data

service received.

VS.xuDataTx This counter provides the number of Extended

unit data sent.

VS.xuDataSrvTx This counter provides the number of Extended

unit data service sent.

VS.xuDataRx This counter provides the number of Extended

unit data received.

VS.xuDataSrvTx This counter provides the number of Extended

unit data service received.

VS.luDataTx This counter provides the number of Long unit

data sent.

VS.luDataSrvTx This counter provides the number of Long unit

data service sent.

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Table 14-8 Performance measurement statistics - SCCP (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.luDataRx This counter provides the number of Long unit

data received.

VS.luDataSrvRx This counter provides the number of Long unit

data service received.

VS.msgHand This counter provides the number of Total

messages handled.

VS.msgLoc This counter provides the number of Total

messages intended for local subsystems.

VS.gttReq This counter provides the number of Messages

requiring global address translation.

VS.segErr This counter provides the number of

segmentation errors - Message too large for


VS.segErrFail This counter provides the number of

segmentation errors - Segmentation failed

(case of LUDT segmentation at interworking


VS.reassemErr This counter provides the number of

reassembly errors - Segment out of sequence

(including duplicate segment and non-first

segment received).

VS.reassemErrTimExp This counter provides the number of

reassembly errors due to reassembly timer


VS.reassemErrNoSpc This counter provides the number of

reassembly errors due to no space for


VS.crTx This counter provides the number of CR

messages sent to MTP plus ISDN-UP

embedded CRs.

VS.crRx This counter provides the number of CR

messages received from MTP plus ISDN-UP

embedded CRs.

VS.crefTx This counter provides the number of CREF

messages sent by the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

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Table 14-8 Performance measurement statistics - SCCP (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.crefRx This counter provides the number of CREF

messages received at the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

VS.rsrTX This counter is incremented when BSR

Gateway (SCCP) sends Reset Request (for

SCCP connection) towards CN.

VS.rsrRX This counter provides the number of RSR

messages received at the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

VS.errTx This counter provides the number of ERR

messages sent by the BSR Gateway during the

collection period.

VS.errRx This counter provides the number of ERR

messages received at the BSR Gateway during

the collection period.

VS.rlsCmpFail This counter provides the number of Release

Complete Supervision failures.

VS.TiarExpiry This counter provides the number of times the

timer expired

VS.prvInitReset This counter provides the number of provider

initiated resets.

VS.prvInitRel This counter provides the number of provider

initiated releases.

VS.rfInvInsRtReq This counter provides the number of routing

failure in invalid INS routing req.

VS.rfInvIsniRtReq This counter provides the number of routing

failure in invalid ISNI routing req.

VS.rfIsniConRtFl This counter provides the number of failure in

ISNI constrained routing.

VS.rfRedIsniRtReq This counter provides the number of failure

due to redundant ISNI routing req.

VS.rfUnIsniId This counter provides the number of failure in

ISNI identification of network.

VS.ssAllTx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem allowed transmitted.

Introduction to performance management Performance measurement statistics



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Table 14-8 Performance measurement statistics - SCCP (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.ssOutGTx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem OOS grant transmitted.

VS.ssOutRTx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem OOS request transmitted.

VS.ssProhTx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem prohibited transmitted.

VS.ssStatTx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem status test transmitted

VS.ssCongTx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem congested transmitted.

VS.ssAllRx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem allowed received.

VS.ssOutGRx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem OOS grant received.

VS.ssOutRRx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem OOS request received.

VS.ssStatRx This counter provides the number of

Subsystem status test received.

The performance measurement statistics for M3UA are listed in the following table:

Table 14-9 Performance measurement statistics - M3UA

Performance measurement name Description

VS.data This counter provides the number of M3UA

data messages received at the BSR Gateway.

VS.duna This counter provides the number of M3UA

Destination Unavailable messages received at

the BSR Gateway.

VS.dava This counter provides the number of M3UA

Destination Available messages received at the

BSR Gateway.

VS.daud This counter provides the number of M3UA

Destination Audit messages.

VS.scon This counter provides the number of M3UA

Congestion messages received at the BSR


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Table 14-9 Performance measurement statistics - M3UA (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.dupu This counter provides the number of M3UA

Destination User Part Unavailable messages

received at the BSR Gateway.

VS.aspUp This counter provides the number of M3UA

ASPUP messages received at the BSR


VS.aspDn This counter provides the number of M3UA

ASPDN messages received at the BSR


VS.aspAc This counter provides the number of M3UA

ASPAC messages received at the BSR

Gateway during the collection period.

VS.aspIa This counter provides the number of M3UA

ASPIA messages received at the BSR

Gateway during the collection period.

VS.hBeat This counter provides the number of M3UA

Heartbeat messages received at the BSR

Gateway during the collection period.

VS.err This counter provides the number of M3UA

Error messages received at the BSR Gateway

during the collection period.

VS.notify This counter provides the number of M3UA

Notify messages received at the BSR Gateway

during the collection period.

VS.dropNoRoute This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because no route found.

VS.dropPcUnavail This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because DPC not available.

VS.dropPcCong This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because DPC congestion level higher

than message priority.

VS.dropNoAspAvail This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because no ASP is available.

VS.dropNoSgAvail This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because no SG is available.

VS.dropNoNSapAvail This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because no NSAP is available.

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Table 14-9 Performance measurement statistics - M3UA (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.dropLoadShFail This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because load-sharing algorithm failed.

VS.dropMmhFail This counter provides the number of PDUs

dropped because M3UA message handler


VS.dataQCong This counter provides the number of PDUs

queued in an ASP or SG congestion queue.

VS.dataQAsPend This counter provides the number of PDUs

queued in an AS-pending queue.

The performance measurement statistics for Iuh are listed in the following table:

Table 14-10 Performance measurement statistics -Iuh

Performance measurement name Description

VS.NumHNBAPHNBRegReqReceived This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Register Request messages received over Iuh


VS.NumHNBAPHNBDeregReqReceived This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Deregister Request messages received over Iuh


VS.NumHNBAPUERegReqReceived This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Register Request messages received over Iuh


VS.NumHNBAPUEDeregReqReceived This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Deregister Request messages received over Iuh


VS.NumHNBAPErrIndReceived This counter provides the number of HNBAP Error

Indication messages received over Iuh interface.

VS.NumHNBAPHNBRegAccSent This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Register Accept messages sent over Iuh interface.

VS.NumHNBAPHNBRegRejParamMismatch This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over the Iuh when the reject is due to the fact that

parameters provided by the HNB in the Register

Request were incorrect.

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Table 14-10 Performance measurement statistics -Iuh (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.NumHNBAPHNBRegRejUnspecified This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over the Iuh when the reject is due to an Unspecified


VS.NumHNBAPUERegAccSent This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Register Accept messages sent over Iuh interface.

VS.NumHNBAPHNBDeregReqSent This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Deregister Request messages sent over Iuh interface.

VS.NumHNBAPHNBRegRejUnauthLoc This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over the Iuh when the reject is due to the fact that the

HNB attempted to register from an unauthorized


VS.NumHNBAPHNBRegRejUnauthHNB This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over the Iuh when the reject is due to the fact that an

unauthorised HNB attempted to register with the BSR


VS.NumHNBAPHNBRegRejOverload This counter provides the number of HNBAP HNB

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over the Iuh when the reject is due to the fact that the

BSR Gateway is overloaded.

VS.NumHNBAPUEDeregReqSent This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Deregister Request messages sent over Iuh interface.

VS.NumHNBAPErrIndSent This counter provides the number of HNBAP Error

Indication messages sent over Iuh interface.

VS.NumHNBAPUERegRejInvUEId This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over this particular interface when the reject is

because the UE provided an invalid identity.

VS.NumHNBAPUERegRejUENotAllowed This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over this particular interface when the reject is

because the UE is not allowed to access the HNB on

which it is trying to register.

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Table 14-10 Performance measurement statistics -Iuh (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.NumHNBAPUERegRejHNBNotReg This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over this particular interface when the reject is

because the UE is trying to register with the BSR

Gateway from an HNB that has not previously

registered with the BSR Gateway.

VS.NumHNBAPUERegRejUnspecified This counter provides the number of HNBAP UE

Register Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway

over this particular interface when the reject is due to

an unspecified reason.

The performance measurement statistics for AAA are listed in the following table:

Table 14-11 Performance measurement statistics - AAA

Performance measurement name Description

VS.NumAccReqDigCert This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Request messages received by the BSR

Gateway from SeGW for Digital Certificate Based

Small Cell.

VS.NumAccReqEAP This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Request messages received by the BSR

Gateway from SeGW for EAP Based Small Cell.

VS.NumAccAccDigCert This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Accept messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for Digital Certificate Based Small Cell.

VS.NumAccAccEAP This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Accept messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for EAP Based Small Cell.

VS.NumAccRej_DigCertAuthFailure This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for Digital Certificate Based Small Cell due to

mismatched Message-Authenticator value.

VS.NumAccRej_EAPAuthFailure This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for Digital Certificate Based Small Cell due to

mismatched Message-Authenticator value.

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Table 14-11 Performance measurement statistics - AAA (continued)

Performance measurement name Description

VS.NumAccRej_DigCertBSRNotConfig This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for Digital Certificate Based Small Cell due to

not finding a suitable Small Cell to serve.

VS.NumAccRej_EAPBSRNotConfig This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for EAP Based Small Cell due to not finding a

suitable Small Cell to serve.

VS.NumAccRej_DigCertIPPoolExh This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for Digital Certificate Based Small Cell due to

not finding a suitable VPN IP Address to configure the

Small Cell.

VS.NumAccRej_EAPIPPoolExh This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Access-Reject messages sent by the BSR Gateway to

SeGW for EAP Based Small Cell due to not finding a

suitable VPN IP Address to configure the Small Cell.

VS.NumAccntReq This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Accounting-Request messages received by the BSR

Gateway from SeGW.

VS.NumAccntResp This counter provides the number of RADIUS

Accounting-Response messages sent by the BSR

Gateway to SeGW.

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File naming convention

File naming convention

PM data is saved in files that are named according to a convention that identifies the

originating network element and the measurement capture interval. The file naming

convention for performance management (PM) result is:



See the following sections for a description of the fields in PM filename.

File type supported by BSR Gateway

The following table describes the value of the Type parameter.

Format/Value Format/Value description

A This value represents that the file contains data for a

single NE with a single granularity.

By default, the files are in A format.

Start date/End date

These parameters indicate the start and end dates of the granularity period, respectively.

The format of this parameter is YYYYMMDD.

The following table describes the various values of these parameters:

Format/Value Format/Value description

YYYY This format represents the year in a four-digit notation.

MM This format represents the month in a two-digit notation.

Valid values are: 1 to 12.

DD This format represents the day of the month in a two-digit

notation. Valid values are: 1 to 31.

Start time/End time

These parameters indicate the start time and the end time (GMT) of the granularity

period, respectively. The format of this parameter is HHMM.

Introduction to performance management File naming convention



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The following table describes the various values of these parameters:

Format/Value Format/Value description

HH This format represents the hour of the day in a two-digit

notation. This is based on a 24-hour clock that ranges

from 00 to 23.

MM This format represents the minutes in a two-digit notation.

Valid values are from 00 to 55, in five-minute increments.

Date and time values for 'A' file type

The following table gives the date and time values for the 'A' file type:

For Type StartDate StartTime EndDate EndTime

A Date on

which the


period began

Time at which



period began

Not applicable Time at which the

granularity period


UniqueID (Itf-N DN)

Each performance data file is generated with a UniqueID. This UniqueID is the

distinguished name of the NE that produced the PM file.


The RC parameter is the running count, and is used only when the file name is not unique

and all other parameters within the file name are identical to another file. This value is

appended to the end of the file name and has a starting value of one (1).

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To change the granular period of PM file generation


The purpose of this procedure is to change the granular period of PM file generation.

Before you begin

By default, root is allowed to execute the commands.

Access permissions are controlled by CLI_Config.xml in the following section

• <CLIUser name = loginname

command = all/>

• <CLIUser name = root

command = all/>


Perform the following steps to change the granular period of PM file generation from

fifteen minutes to thirty minutes:


1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Execute the command cd /opt/bin/ to change the directory location.


3 Execute the command ./BSGCLI.exe to launch the CLI application.


4 Execute the following commands on the BSG CLI :

CLI >> cd /FGW:<DN Number>/ItfFgw:1/PerformanceControl:1;"

Waiting for OAM response ...

CD command response from OAM:cd COMMAND SUCCESS

CLI >> get {granularPeriod};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Get command response from OAM:


CLI >> set {granularPeriod=thirtyMinutes};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Set command response from OAM: SET COMMAND SUCCESS

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CLI >> get {granularPeriod};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Get command response from OAM:


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To disable PM file generation


The purpose of this procedure is to disable the PM file generation.



1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Execute the command cd /opt/bin/ to change the directory location.


3 Execute the command ./BSGCLI.exe to launch the CLI application.


4 Execute the following commands on the BSG CLI :

CLI >> cd /FGW:<DN Number>/ItfFgw:1/PerformanceControl:1;"

Waiting for OAM response ...

CD command response from OAM:cd COMMAND SUCCESS

CLI >> get {performanceStatus};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Get command response from OAM:


CLI >> set {performanceStatus=disable};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Set command response from OAM: SET COMMAND SUCCESS

CLI >> get {performanceStatus};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Get command response from OAM:


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To enable PM file generation


The purpose of this procedure is to enable PM file generation.



1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Execute the command cd /opt/bin/ to change the directory location.


3 Execute the command ./BSGCLI.exe to launch the CLI application.


4 Execute the following commands on the BSG CLI :

CLI >> cd /FGW:<DN Number>/ItfFgw:1/PerformanceControl:1;"

Waiting for OAM response ...

CD command response from OAM:cd COMMAND SUCCESS

CLI >> get {performanceStatus};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Get command response from OAM:


CLI >> set {performanceStatus=enable};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Set command response from OAM: SET COMMAND SUCCESS

CLI >> get {performanceStatus};

Waiting for OAM response ...

Get command response from OAM:


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Part VII: Security management



This part provides the procedures required to perform security management tasks on BSR



Chapter 15, BSR Gateway security overview 15-1

Chapter 16, Manage users and access 16-1

Chapter 17, Manage the secure shell 17-1


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Security management Overview



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15 15BSR Gateway security




This chapter provides an overview of the security features on the BSR Gateway and

provides guidelines to maintain a secure environment.


OA&M security on BSR Gateway 15-2


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OA&M security on BSR Gateway


This topic describes the security features in the BSR Gateway that protect operations,

administration, and maintenance (OA&M ) traffic. The security features consist of two

parts: access security and security protocols.

Access security

The following features help protect BSR Gateway from unauthorized access:

Feature Purpose

Role based access control (RBAC ) Ensures that each user performs only those

tasks that are allowed by their role, and tracks

user access.

Restricted root login The RBAC feature reduces the need for root

access from the console. OA&M tasks that

require root access are performed by logging

in as an actual user and then assuming an

RBAC role.

Security protocols

The following security protocols are used:

Protocol Purpose

Secure Shell (SSH ) SSH is a software solution for unsafe network

commands such as rlogin, rsh, rcp, and telnet.

SSH is implemented on the interface between

the BSR Gateway and remote PCs,


Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP ) SFTP is used to copy files, such as backup

files, performance management files, and log

files between the BSR Gateway and remote

PCs, workstations.

BSR Gateway security overview OA&M security on BSR Gateway



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16 16Manage users and access



This chapter describes user administration concepts and provides user administration



User account administration concepts 16-2

Role based access control 16-4

User account administration procedures 16-6

To change the root password 16-7

To change user password 16-8


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User account administration concepts



This section describes the concepts of user accounts.

Changing account information

To maintain security of the system, password changes, user account additions, user

account deletions, and aging of user accounts must be performed.

User account password requirements

The following are requirements for constructing passwords when using the passwd


• Each password must be eight characters long. If a password contains more than eight

characters, the 9th

and subsequent characters are ignored.

• Each password must contain at least two alphabetic characters and at least one

numeric or special character.

Unused account management

User accounts that have not been accessed within a configurable timeout period (30 to

360 days) can be automatically disabled. It is possible to enable this capability for a

specific user account or for all accounts.

Online assistance

The user account management utilities used in the following procedures are also

documented in online manual pages.

For details, enter the following command at the UNIX shell:

man <utility>

where <utility> is a user account management command.

The following user account management commands are valid:

• useradd (add a user account)

• usermod (modify some of the user account properties)

• userdel (delete a user account)

• logins (display user account data)

Manage users and access

User account administration concepts




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• listusers (display user account data)

• passwd (change a user user account password).


Role based access control 16-4

Manage users and access

User account administration concepts




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Role based access control


This topic describes role-based access control (RBAC), a security feature for controlling

access to tasks that would normally be restricted to superusers.


In conventional UNIX systems, the root user (also referred to as superuser ) is

all-powerful, with the ability to read and write to any file and execute any command.

RBAC uses the security principle of least privilege, that is, no user must be given more

privilege than necessary to perform their job. RBAC allows for a separation of the root

capabilities and assigns them to special user accounts that are called roles. Roles can be

assigned to specific individuals, according to their job needs.

Using RBAC guidelines, users log in as themselves and assume roles that enable them to

run a restricted set of commands.

The RBAC model introduces the following elements to BSR Gateway operating system:

• Privileged application – An application that can override system controls and check

for specific user IDs (UIDs), group IDs (GIDs), or authorizations.

• Role – A special identity for running privileged applications that can be assumed by

assigned users only.

• Authorization – A permission that can be assigned to a role or user (or embedded in a

rights profile) for performing a class of actions that are otherwise prohibited by the

security policy.

• Rights profile – A collection of overrides that can be assigned to a role or user. A

rights profile can consist of authorizations, commands with setuid or setgid

permissions (referred to as security attributes), and other rights profiles.


In RBAC, users are assigned to roles. Roles acquire their capabilities from rights profiles

and authorizations. Authorizations are generally assigned to the rights profiles with which

they are logically associated but can be assigned directly to roles.

A role is a special type of user account from which you can run privileged applications.

Roles are created in the same general manner as user accounts, with a home directory,

groups, password, and so on. The capabilities of a role are a function of the rights profiles

and authorizations that are assigned to it. When a user assumes a role, the attributes of the

role replace all user attributes.

Manage users and access

User account administration concepts

Role based access control



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All users who can assume the same role have the same role home directory, operate in the

same environment, and have access to the same files. Users can assume roles from the

command line by running su - <role> where <role> is the role name. Users can also

assume a role when they access the console window.

Users cannot log in directly to a role. Users must log into their user account first. A user

cannot assume a role directly from another role. A user’s real UID can always be audited.

It is possible for more than one user to be assigned to a role at the same time.

Important! A user cannot change the password while assigned to a role. The user

must exit from the assigned role first.


An authorization is a discrete right that can be granted to a role or user. RBAC -compliant

applications can check authorizations for a user before granting access to the application

or to specific operations within it.

Manage users and access

User account administration concepts

Role based access control



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User account administration procedures



This section provides user account administration procedures.


To change the root password 16-7

To change user password 16-8

Manage users and access

User account administration procedures




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To change the root password

When to use

Perform this procedure when it is necessary to change or modify the root password.

Before you begin

You must have root login and password.


Important! The following procedure changes the root password.

Perform the following steps to change the root password:


1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Enter the following command: passwd

Result: The following output is generated:

Changing password for root

New password:


3 Enter the new password.

Result: The characters that you type are hidden from view.

The following output is generated:

Re-enter new password:


4 Re-enter the new password to commit it to the system.


passwd: password successfully changed for root

Manage users and access

User account administration procedures

To change the root password



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To change user password

When to use

Use this procedure to change your password.

Before you begin

The user account must exist.


Perform the following steps to change your user password:


1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.

When prompted for your password, enter your current password.



If... Then...

You are logging into this account for the first


You are prompted to change your password.

You are logging into this account for the

second or subsequent time

At the command prompt, enter passwd


You are prompted to change your



3 At the prompt, enter your new password.

Result: A prompt to re-enter your new password is displayed.


4 At the prompt, re-enter your new password.

Result: Your password is changed.

Manage users and access

User account administration procedures

To change user password



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17 17Manage the secure shell



The secure shell (SSH ) protocol is used to communicate between the BSR Gateway and

remote PC s. This chapter provides an overview of SSH and how it is implemented on the

BSR Gateway. It also provides SSH administration procedures.


Secure shell concepts 17-2

Secure shell 17-3

Secure shell keys overview 17-5

Secure shell passphrase overview 17-7

Secure shell tasks 17-8

Secure shell administration tasks 17-9

To generate public/private key pair 17-10

To send public keys from SSH clients to BSR Gateway 17-12

To generate SSH user keys 17-13

To verify SSH configuration for all users of BSR Gateway 17-15

To use the secure shell 17-16

To start a secure shell session to a BSR Gateway 17-17

To start an SFTP session to BSR Gateway 17-18


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Secure shell concepts



This section provides a general overview of the Secure Shell (SSH) and how SSH is

implemented on the BSR Gateway.


Secure shell 17-3

Secure shell keys overview 17-5

Secure shell passphrase overview 17-7

Secure shell tasks 17-8

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell concepts




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Secure shell

SSH overview

Secure Shell (SSH) is a software solution for unsafe network commands such as rlogin,

rsh, rcp, and telnet. SSH software is not actually a shell, but a protocol that provides an

encrypted channel to run a shell on a remote computer.

The following are the SSH provided functions:

• Authentication of users who log into the network. The SSH uses a system of public

and private keys and passphrases as digital proof of user identity.

• Data encryption using a variety of encryption methods.

• Data integrity. SSH guarantees that data arrives at a destination unaltered.

Client server architecture

SSH is based on a client server architecture:

• The server program accepts or rejects incoming requests for connection to the system.

• Users must install and run client programs on their systems to make requests of the

SSH server, such as login or copy file requests.

A system may contain either client or server software, or both client and server software.

SSH commands

The following are the SSH commands:

Command Description

ssh Start a secure Shell communication session to

a remote host

scp Secure copy program: copy files using Secure

Shell protocol

sftp Secure File Transfer Protocol: transfer files

between machines using Secure Shell protocol

slogin Secure login: log into another system using

Secure Shell protocol

SSH implementation on BSR Gateway

The SSH server software is installed and activated on the BSR Gateway during initial

software installation. New host public and private keys are provided for administration

purposes during first-time activation.

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell concepts

Secure shell



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SSH persistence

The SSH is automatically enabled after a software update, retrofit, or system

initialization. All public and private keys, passphrases, and user selected encryption

methods are persisted.

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell concepts

Secure shell



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Secure shell keys overview


This topic provides an overview of Secure Shell (SSH ) keys and helps you identify all of

the SSH servers to which your public keys need to be copied.

SSH client and server

SSH is based on a client server architecture:

• The server program accepts or rejects incoming requests for connection to the system.

• Users must install and run client programs on their systems to make requests of the

SSH server, such as login or copy file requests.

SSH on BSR Gateway

SSH client and server software is installed on the BSR Gateway and on the client

software during software installation and configuration.

You are responsible for setting up SSH on other systems connected to the network

elements, or remote PCs and work stations.

Public key authentication

Public key authentication is an alternative means to identify yourself to a login server,

instead of typing a password. Public key authentication is more secure than password

authentication, but more difficult to set up.

In order to communicate with an SSH server, a key pair must be generated on the SSH

client. The key pair consists of a public key, which all other computers are allowed to

know, and a private key, which is known only to the SSH client. The private key

generates signatures, and any computer that has your public key can verify that a

particular signature is genuine.

When you generate a key pair on your computer, you must copy the public key to each

SSH server to which you intend to log in. Then when you log into the server, and the

server asks you to prove who you are, your private key generates a signature. The server

uses your public key to verify that signature and allows you to log in.

Key types

The following are the two basic SSH key types:

• Rivest Shamir and Adleman (RSA ) encryption algorithm

• Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA ) encryption method.

BSR Gateway uses the RSA key.

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell concepts

Secure shell keys overview



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Generating and sending keys for other systems connected to BSR Gateway

For other computers that connect to BSR Gateway, such as remote PCs or work stations,

you must install an SSH client and generate public and private keys on the computer so

that you can communicate with the network element. After you generate keys, you must

manually copy the public key from each client to each server that you want to

communicate with.

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell concepts

Secure shell keys overview



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Secure shell passphrase overview


This topic provides an overview of Secure Shell (SSH ) passphrase and explains the

difference between a passphrase and a password.

Purpose of the passphrase

When SSH public and private keys are generated, a passphrase must be created to encrypt

the key on disk. The private file is readable only by your account, and the contents are

protected by your passphrase. You cannot use the private key without first entering the


Generating a passphrase on BSR Gateway

On BSR Gateway, default passphrases are set during software installation. You can obtain

the passphrases from your system administrator. You can optionally change your

passphrase at any time.

Generating a passphrase on the remote system

If you are installing SSH client software on a remote PC or workstation, you need to set

your passphrase when you generate public and private keys. You can optionally change

your passphrase at any time.

Difference between password and passphrase

A passphrase is used to access your key files and is different from your login password,

which is used to access a system. Unlike passwords, passphrases can contain spaces and

punctuation and have no character limit. Your passphrase must be between 10 and 15

characters in length.

Putting your passphrase in memory

If you are using SSH to communicate with multiple components in one session, you can

put your passphrase in memory and avoid having to enter the passphrase each time you

log into a component.

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell concepts

Secure shell passphrase overview



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Secure shell tasks

Required SSH administration tasks

The administrator must perform the following tasks for each user who is allowed to

connect to the BSR Gateway:

• Generate public and private keys on the SCMS and remote PCs that need access to

BSR Gateway.

• Send public keys from all SSH clients that need to communicate with the SSH server

to BSR Gateway and place the keys on BSR Gateway. Either do this manually or use

procedure“To send public keys from SSH clients to BSR Gateway” (p. 17-12).

Optional SSH administration tasks

SSH public and private keys are automatically configured for the default users when they

are added to the system during system installation of BSR Gateway.

The following optional SSH task can be performed by system administrators after system


• Regenerate user public and private keys.

SSH tasks for users connecting to the network element from a remote system

Users who connect to BSR Gateway from a remote system can perform the following


• “To start a secure shell session to a BSR Gateway” (p. 17-17)

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell concepts

Secure shell tasks



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Secure shell administration tasks



This section provides required administration procedures to configure the Secure Shell



To generate public/private key pair 17-10

To send public keys from SSH clients to BSR Gateway 17-12

To generate SSH user keys 17-13

To verify SSH configuration for all users of BSR Gateway 17-15

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell administration tasks




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To generate public/private key pair


Use this procedure to:

• Generate a host public & private RSA key pair on BSR Gateway.

• Delete a valid user’s public keys from the authorized_keys file.

When to use

Use this procedure if you need to regenerate or delete the SSH host RSA key pair.

Important! Regenerate SSH/IPSec keys only if there is a security vulnerability or if

the administrator detects that the system is being hacked. It is recommended that

regeneration is carried out by either the security administrator or a user who has

primary administrative rights.

Related information

For an overview of SSH, see “Secure shell” (p. 17-3).

Before you begin

Ensure the following:

• Secure Shell (SSH) is activated.

Required information

• The SSH passphrase is required.


Perform the following steps to regenerate a host public & private RSA key pair on BSR



1 Enter the following command to generate the key:

ssh –keygen –b 2048 –t rsa –f id_rsa


• 2048 is the number of bytes of key

• id_rsa is the file name in which key needs to be generated

Result: You receive a prompt to enter the passphrase.


2 Enter the passphrase as follows:

Enter passphrase : <ssh_passphrase>

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Secure shell administration tasks

To generate public/private key pair



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Re-Enter the same passphrase: <ssh_passphrase>

Result: This would result in the creation of public and private keys named as id_rsa

and id_rsa.pub.

• id_rsa → private key

• id_rsa.pub → public key

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell administration tasks

To generate public/private key pair



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To send public keys from SSH clients to BSR Gateway

When to use

Use this procedure to send public keys from an SSH client that needs to communicate

with the SSH server on BSR Gateway and place the keys on BSR Gateway.

Important! Communication between an BSR Gateway and SCMS takes place

automatically. Only in case of failure of the automation process, the manual process

of placing the keys is required.

Before you begin

This procedure is performed from a remote PC. You need the following:

• Your login and password for the remote PC.

• Your passphrase.


Perform the following steps to send public keys from SSH clients to BSR Gateway:


1 Establish an SSH connection on BSR Gateway.


2 Transfer the client SSH keys file to BSR Gateway using SFTP, or manually using a CD or

secured e-mail.


3 Install the SSH user key on the BSR Gateway. For information on how to do this, see “To

generate SSH user keys” (p. 17-13).

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell administration tasks

To send public keys from SSH clients to BSR Gateway



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To generate SSH user keys


Use this procedure to generate an SSH user key on BSR Gateway.

Related information

For an overview of SSH, see“Secure shell” (p. 17-3).

Before you begin

Ensure the following:

1. Secure Shell (SSH) is activated in the SCMS.

Required information

You need the following:

• Your SSH passphrase.

• The name of the user account for which the key is to be installed.

• The path of the key to be installed.

• The user directory into which you install the key (if you are installing the key into a

specific directory).


Perform the following steps to install an SSH user key on BSR Gateway:


1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Execute the following command to generate the public and private keys for the root user:

ssh –keygen –b 2048 –t rsa –f id_rsa

where: 2048 is the number of bytes of key and id_rsa is the file name in which key

needs to be generated.

Result: You are prompted to enter the passphrase:

Enter Passphrase:

Re-enter Passphrase:


3 Enter the passphrase.

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell administration tasks

To generate SSH user keys



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Result: The pubic key (id_rsa.pub ) and private key (id_rsa ) are generated for the

root user.


4 Place the generated public key under the /root/.ssh/ directory as authorized_keys2:

cat id_rsa.pub >/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2


5 Create a soft link of the key to /.ssh/ directory to avoid the authorized key corruption:

ln –s /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2 /.ssh/authorized_keys


6 Ensure that following lines are configured in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file as follows:

Protocol 2

RhostsRSAAuthentication yes

PasswordAuthentication no

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

AllowTcpForwarding yes

X11Forwarding yes

UsePrivilegeSeparation no

Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server


7 Execute the command service sshd restart to restart the server.

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Secure shell administration tasks

To generate SSH user keys



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To verify SSH configuration for all users of BSR Gateway

Verify SSH configuration for <username> user on SCMS

Execute the following commands to verify the SSH configurations for the <username>

user, when trying to connect from the SCMS to the BSR Gateway :

1. For <username> user:

ssh <username>@<BSG_OAM_IP>

When the above commands allow you to log in from the SCMS to the BSR Gateway

without asking for password authentication, you can be assured that the SSH setup

between the SCMS and the BSR Gateway is correct.

Verify SSH configuration for <username> user on BSR Gateway

Execute either of the following commands to verify the SSH configuration when trying to

connect as the <username> user from the BSR Gateway to the SCMS :

• ssh <username>@<FMS_IP_address>

When the commands allow you to log in from the SCMS to the BSR Gateway without

asking for password authentication, you can be assured that the SSH setup between the

SCMS and the BSR Gateway is correct.

Manage the secure shell

Secure shell administration tasks

To verify SSH configuration for all users of BSR Gateway



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To use the secure shell



This chapter provides procedures to help you get started using SSH on the BSR Gateway.


To start a secure shell session to a BSR Gateway 17-17

To start an SFTP session to BSR Gateway 17-18

Manage the secure shell

To use the secure shell




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To start a secure shell session to a BSR Gateway

Related information

For a list of user roles and privileges, additional information about the SSH protocol and

when to use an SSH session, see “Secure shell” (p. 17-3).

Before you begin

Ensure the following:

• The public key must be provided to BSR Gateway OAM software administrator.

• For any file transfer operations like software download or files upload/download

using BSR Gateway CLI, the public key of swdownload is installed.

• BSR Gateway OAM software on BSR Gateway is active and running in normal mode.

• You know the IP address and subnet mask of BSR Gateway OAM software resides.


Perform the following steps to start an SSH session to an BSR Gateway:


1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Enter the command ssh <IP address>.

Result: If first time you have logged into BSR Gateway, a message is displayed to

warn you that your key is not in the registry. This warning is normal for a first-time

login attempt. Type yes to continue.


3 At the login prompt, enter your user name and password.

Result: The SSH session is started.

Manage the secure shell

To use the secure shell

To start a secure shell session to a BSR Gateway



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To start an SFTP session to BSR Gateway

When to use

Use this procedure to establish an interactive Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP )

session to the command line interface (CLI) of an OAM on an BSR Gateway.

Related information

For a list of user roles and privileges, additional information about the SSH protocol and

when to use an SSH session, see “Secure shell” (p. 17-3).

Before you begin

Ensure the following:

• You have command line access permissions in order to log into a secure shell.

• Your SSH public key is in the following file: <userhome>/.ssh/authorized_keys.

where <userhome> is the name of the home directory of the user.

• You have the public IP address (VC IP address) for the OAM to which you wish to

log in.


Perform the following steps to start an SFTP session:


1 Log in to BSR Gateway as admin and then as the root user.


2 Enter the command sftp <IP address>.

Result: If first time you have logged into BSR Gateway, a message is displayed. This

warning is normal for a first-time login attempt. Type yes to continue.


3 At the login prompt, enter your login name and password.

Result: The SFTP session is started.

Manage the secure shell

To use the secure shell

To start an SFTP session to BSR Gateway



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Appendix A: Installation




This appendix describes the procedures to install the cards in the ATCA shelf.


To install a Malban10 card A-2

To install a Bono card A-5

To install an RTM A-8


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To install a Malban10 card


This procedure describes how to install a Malban10 card.

Before you begin

Before you begin, ensure the following:

• The safety requirements in “Unpacking and handling the Malban10 card” (p. 9-7) are


• The shelf manager function is operating normally.

• Malban10 has been configured for operation in accordance with application

requirements. For information on how to configure the Malban10 card, see


Procedure to install Malban10 in the system:

To remove the card, use the following procedure:


1 Unpack the card according to the instructions in “Unpacking and handling the Malban10

card” (p. 9-7) and place it on the guide rails of its slot.


2 Place the two locking tabs in the horizontal position making sure the hook does not

prevent insertion of the card.


3 Simultaneously press both parts of each locking tab and insert the card until it makes

contact with the backplane connectors.

Installation procedures To install a Malban10 card



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4 Move the upper locking tab downwards and the lower locking tab upwards to secure the

card in place. The following picture shows the hook which is inserted into the shelf.


5 Check the states of the front-panel LEDs on the Malban10 card:

Table A-1 Malban10 LEDs

LED Color Operating State

“Ready for Hot Swap”

Blue LED

OFF Malban10 is operational

“Out of Service”

LED 1 (red)

OFF Self-test OK

LED 2 Green Blinking during initialization,

then steady when OS ready.

For this LED to turn green,

you need to have an OS

loaded on the card either from

an OS server or by a

pre-loaded disk.

Installation procedures To install a Malban10 card



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Table A-1 Malban10 LEDs (continued)

LED Color Operating State

LED 3 Amber IPMC module triggers the

payload power-on.

If the LED states do not comply with the above table within five minutes, see “ Malban10

indicators” (p. 8-7).


6 If the Malban10 card is configured with AMCs, check the states of the front-panel LEDs

on the AMCs. The states of the AMC front-panel LEDs are provided in “ Malban10

indicators” (p. 8-7).


7 Tighten the front-panel retaining screws.

The Malban10 is now ready for operation.

Installation procedures To install a Malban10 card



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To install a Bono card


This procedure describes how to install a Bono card.

Before you begin

Before you begin, ensure the following:

• The safety requirements in “Unpacking and handling the Bono card” (p. 9-8) are


• The shelf manager function is operating normally.

• Bono has been configured for operation in accordance with application requirements.

Procedure to install the Bono card in the system:

To install the card, use the following procedure:


1 Unpack the card according to the instructions in “Unpacking and handling the Bono card”

(p. 9-8) and place it on the guide rails of its slot.


2 Place the two locking tabs in the horizontal position making sure the hook does not

prevent insertion of the card.


3 Simultaneously press both parts of each locking tab and insert the card until it makes

contact with the backplane connectors.

Installation procedures To install a Bono card



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Note: Forcing the card onto the backplane can damage the connectors. Secure the card

in place using the locking tabs.


4 Move the upper locking tab downwards and the lower locking tab upwards to secure the

card in place. The following figure shows the hook which is inserted into the shelf.


5 Check the states of the front-panel LEDs on the Bono card:

Table A-2 Bono LEDs

LED Color Operating State

“Ready for Hot Swap”

Blue LED

OFF Bono is operational

“Out of Service”

LED 1 (red)

OFF Self-test OK

Installation procedures To install a Bono card



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Table A-2 Bono LEDs (continued)

LED Color Operating State

LED 2 Green Blinking during initialization,

then steady when OS ready.

For this LED to turn green,

you must have an OS loaded

on the card either from an OS

server or by a pre-loaded disk.

LED 3 Amber IPMC module triggers the

payload power-on.

If the LED states do not comply with the above table within five minutes, see “BONO

indicators” (p. 8-10).


6 If the Bono card is configured with AMCs, check the states of the front-panel LEDs on

the AMCs. The states of the AMC front-panel LEDs are provided in “BONO indicators”

(p. 8-10).


7 Tighten the front-panel retaining screws.

Result: Bono is now ready for operation.

Installation procedures To install a Bono card



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To install an RTM


This procedure describes how to install a Rear Transition Module (RTM).

Before you begin

Before you begin, ensure the following:

• The safety requirements in “Unpacking and handling the Malban10 card” (p. 9-7) are


• The shelf manager function is operating normally.

• The corresponding front card must be in blue LED state.

Procedure to install the RTM

To install the RTM, use the following procedure:


1 Unpack the card according to the instructions in “Unpacking and handling the Malban10

card” (p. 9-7) and place it on the guide rails of its slot.


2 Place the two locking tabs in the horizontal position making sure the hook does not

prevent insertion of the card.


3 Simultaneously press both parts of each locking tab and insert the card until it makes

contact with the backplane connectors.

Installation procedures To install an RTM



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Note: Forcing the card onto the backplane can damage the connectors. Secure the card

in place using the locking tabs.


4 Move the upper locking tab downwards and the lower locking tab upwards to secure the

RTM in place. The following figure shows the hook which is inserted into the shelf.


5 The front-panel blue LED on the RTM card must be on.

In order to activate the RTM, initiate a power-off / power-on sequence on the front card as

follows :

• Press both locking tabs of the lower handle to release the safety hook and move it


• If the system is on, the H/S blue LED starts blinking. Wait until the blue LED is


• Move the handle backward, keeping pressed together the two parts of the locking


• Release the locking tabs to get the safety hook inserted. The blue LED must be off.

Installation procedures To install an RTM



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6 Check the states of the front panel LEDs on the RTM. Ensure that the status of each LED

is as described in “RTM LED indicators” (p. 8-13). The blue LED must be off.


7 Tighten the front-panel retaining screws.

Result: The RTM is now ready for operation.

Installation procedures To install an RTM



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Third Generation Mobile Switching Center

The central element in a circuit switched core network.

Its functions are:

• Call management

• Subscriber administration

• Circuit switched voice and data services

• The collection of billing information.



Access Link Control Application Protocol

The AAL2 signaling protocol specified in ITU-T Q.2630.1 for dynamic setup of AAL2



Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture

Hardware specifications for communications equipment defined by PCIMG.



BSR Signaling Gateway


BSR Voice Gateway



Commercial BSG


Command Line Interface


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Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol


Distinguished Names


Destination Point Code



Enhanced Circuit Breaker Unit

A hardware unit that provides paired sets of circuit breakers. It distributes power to the

subsystems in the cabinet.


Encoding Scheme


Electrostatic Discharge



Gateway GPRS Support Node

The network element that provides the gateway to other packet switched networks. Its main

function is to route data packets between the core network and these other packet networks.

Other functions include:

• User data screening

• Session management

• Maintenance of billing information regarding usage of external packet switched networks.


General Packet Radio Service

A packet-based wireless communication service that provides data rates from 56 up to 114 Kbps

and continuous connection to the Internet for mobile phone and computer users. The higher data

rates allow users to take part in video conferences and interact with multimedia Web sites and

similar applications using mobile handheld devices as well as notebook computers.


Global Title


GPRS Tunneling Protocol




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Global Title Translation



Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning



Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Iu Protocol Converter


Internet Protocol Security, a standards-based method of providing privacy, integrity, and

authenticity to information transferred across IP (Internet Protocol) networks, where IPSec

provides IP network-layer encryption.


International Standards Organization


Interface — Circuit Switched


Interface — Packet Switched



Local Maintenance Terminal, a terminal or interface that can be used to enter commands to a

network element. The LMT is normally co-located with the network element.



MTP3 User Adaptation


Mobile Application Part


MAP Provider


Mobile Country Code




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Main Maintenance Terminal


Message Transfer Part



Nature of Address Indicator


New Equipment Building Standards

A set of standards that specify criteria for operator safety, protection of property, and operational

continuity, for telecommunications equipment. The standards cover physical, electrical and

grounding requirements.


Network to Network Interface


Network Service Access Point Identifier



Originating Point Code



Peripheral Component Interconnect


Peripheral Component Interconnect Express



Quadruple Circuit Exchange



Remote Authentication Dial In User Service


Radio Access Network Application Part

UMTS standard protocol support for signaling between the IPC and the core network over the Iu





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Radio Network Controller



Signaling Connection Control Part

One of the five functional levels of the Signaling System 7 (SS7) network communication

protocol. The SCCP routes SS7 messages between network elements.


Small Cell Management System


Stream Control Transmission Protocol


Serving GPRS Support Node

The central network element in a packet switched network.

Its functions are as follows:

• Provision of packet services for mobile users

• Session and mobility management

• Subscriber database management

• Collection of billing information.


Service Information Octet


Signaling Point Code


Signaling System No.7

A five-level protocol for communication between network hardware and software elements.

The SS7 protocol defines the following:

• The common channel signaling (CCS) that is required to manage and control a complex

digital network

• The rules under which network elements exchange:

– call-signaling information

– database queries and responses

– operations, administration, and maintenance (OA&M) messages.


Service Specific Coordination Function




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SCCP Subsystem Prohibited Message


SAAL Signaling Transport Converter


Synchronous Transport Mode


Signaling Transfer Point



User Equipment

A combined transmitter and receiver used by the subscriber. It includes devices such as cellular

telephones, computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs).


Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, a third-generation (3G) broadband, packet-based

transmission of text, digitized voice, video, and multimedia at data rates up to 2 megabits per

second (Mbps) that offers a consistent set of services to mobile computer and phone users no

matter where in the world they are located.


Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network


Radio interface between the UTRAN and the User Equipment.



Virtual Channel Identifier


Virtual Path Identifier



GPRS Support Nodes (SGSN/GGSN)




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A AAA, 2-4

administration of user account,


Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service

Aware Manager, 2-7

Alcatel-Lucent Iu Protocol

Converter, 2-4

authorization, 16-4

autolockout, 15-2


B Bono card

install a Bono card, A-5

replace a Bono card, 9-13


See: BSR Packet Gateway


See: BSR Gateway

BSR Gateway, 2-4

backup and restore, 11-2

hardware components, 3-2

software fallback, 11-4

software upgrade, 11-3

BSR Packet Gateway, 2-4

BSR Voice Gateway, 2-4


See: BSR Voice Gateway


C check number of Small Cells

connected to BSR Gateway, 4-3

configuration management, 10-2

through WMS Small Cells,



D diagnostic tests, 8-22

disable faulty objects, 6-6

document support, xviii


F fault clearance procedure, 6-5

fault localization, 8-1

fault management, IV-1

alarm, 8-20

alarm and error log, 8-20

error, 8-20

fault, 8-20

File Server, 2-7


See: File Server


G generate

performance measurement

files, 14-4


H hardware description

ATCA, 3-1

Sun Netra X4250, 3-1

hazard statements, 1-1

general safety hazards, 1-4

safety and general information,


HDM, 2-7


I indicators

BONO, 8-10

LED indicators, 8-3, 8-7, 8-10,

8-13, 8-16

Malban10, 8-7

RTM, 8-13

Shelf Management Board, 8-16

Sun Netra X4250 server, 8-3


See: Alcatel-Lucent Iu Protocol


IPsec router, 2-4


L log and file administration, 5-2


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M maintenance

air filters, 7-4

logs, 7-4

power supply, 7-4

principles, 6-1

tasks, 7-4

Malban10 card

install a Malban10 card, A-2

replace a Malban10 card, 9-10

manage users and access, 16-1

managed object

operations, 12-12

overview, 12-3


N NE types, 14-4

NTP Server, 2-4


O Operations Support System, 2-7


See: Operations Support



P password

age, 15-2

authentication rules, 15-2

change roots, 16-7

change user, 16-8

passwords, 16-4

performance management

benefits, 14-2

overview, 14-2, 14-37

tasks, 14-2

performance measurement files

generation, 14-4

links information, 14-4

types of NEs, 14-4

phone numbers

for document support, xviii

PM file generation

change granular period, 14-39

disable, 14-41

enable, 14-42

PM measurement

example, 14-5

statistics, 14-6


electrostatic discharge, 7-3

environment, 7-3

prepare the fault clearance, 6-3

preventive maintenance, 7-1

privileged application, 16-4


See: rights profile


R RBAC, 15-2

See: role based access control


hot-swappable component, 9-5

replaced hardware, 6-7

restricted root login, 15-2

result files

generation, 14-4

storage, 14-4

rights profile, 16-4

role, 17-17, 17-18

role based access control, 16-4

roles, 16-4


install an RTM, A-8

replace an RTM, 9-16


S safety

attach the antistatic wrist strap,



See: Service Aware Manager


See: Small Cell Management


secure FTP, 15-2

secure shell

generate public/private key

pair, 17-10

generate user keys, 17-13

keys, 17-5

log into network element,

17-17, 17-18

overview, 17-3

passphrase, 17-7

private key, 17-10

public key, 17-10, 17-12

send public keys from SSH

clients to BSR Gateway,


start, 17-17

tasks, 17-8

verify configuration, 17-15

security log, 15-2

SFTP, 15-2

start, 17-18

Small Cell, 2-4




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Small Cell Management System,


Small Cell network

architecture, 2-2

SSH, 15-2

See: secure shell session

See: secure shell session

standard operational procedures,



performance measurement

files, 14-4

system architecture, 2-1

system harden, 15-2


T trace control, 5-2


disable, 5-6

enable all levels, 5-5

enable into stdout, 5-4

troubleshooting, 8-2


U unused user accounts, 15-2

users, 16-4


W WMS Small Cells, 2-7, 4-31

WPS Small Cells, 2-7




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