900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity...

Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God and one another as we follow Christ who willingly laid down His life for us.” Our Mission PastorFr.MichaelHermes ParochialVicarFr.NathanMiller,LC DeaconMikeMofitt,Ph.D. 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 17, 2018 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 Phone 913 764 0323 • Fax 913 764 1584 • Website www.spcatholic.org facebook.com/spcatholic @spcatholic “All Things to All”

Transcript of 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity...

Page 1: 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God



PastorFr.MichaelHermes ParochialVicarFr.NathanMiller,LC DeaconMikeMof�itt,Ph.D.�

1 1 TH S UNDAY I N O RD I NARY T IME � J U N E 1 7 , 2 0 1 8 �


Phone 913�764�0323 • Fax 913�764�1584 • Website www.spcatholic.org �

facebook.com/spcatholic @spcatholic �

“All Things to All”

Page 2: 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God

Parish Office�Phone�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������913�764�0323�Pastor, Fr. Michael Hermes��������������������������������������������������������ext. 108�� Email�������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�ParochialVicar, Fr. Nathan Miller������������������������������������������ext. 102�� Email����������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�PastoralAssistant, Claudia Ramirez������������������������������������ext. 105�� Email���������������������������������������������������[email protected]�ParishSecretary, Michelle Cabrera���������������������������������������ext. 101�� Email���������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�Accountant, Amy Moritz�������������������������������������������������������������ext. 107�� Email����������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�DirectorofReligiousEducation, Karla Melgar��������������ext. 103� Email���������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�YouthCoordinator, Stacey Rains�������������������������������������������ext. 111� Email������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�DirectorofCommunications, Carol Rawson�������������������ext. 123� Email��������������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�DeafMinistry, Katie Locus���������������������������������(VP) 913�324�5378�� Email����������������������������������������������������������[email protected]�BulletinRequests�����������������������[email protected]�Fax��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������913�764�1584�ParishWebsite�������������������������������������������������������www.spcatholic.org�ArchdiocesanWebsite��������������������������������������������www.archkck.org��

Parish Office Hours�MondaythruFriday��������������������������������������������������9:00 am�5:00 pm�

School Office�Phone�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������913�764�0619�Principal, Mrs. Karla Leibham��������������������������������������������������ext. 116�� Email����������������������������������������������������[email protected]�Fax��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������913�768�6040�Website������������������������������������������������������www.spcatholic.org/school�

ParishDirectory� MassandPenanceSchedule�

Weekly Mass Schedule�Weekend:�Saturday:5:00 pm�at St. James Academy�Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am (Signed), 12:30 pm (Spanish), 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm (Spanish) at St. Paul�Weekday:Monday � Friday 8:00 am�

FirstSaturdayoftheMonth:8:00 am�

DeafMass:2nd Sunday each Month at 2 pm�

HolyDaySchedule: Visit www.spcatholic.org for times and dates of Holy Days of Obligation��

Confessions Schedule�Wednesday: 6�7 pm at St. Paul�Saturday: 3:30�4:30 pm at St. James Academy�Byappointment: Contact Fr. Michael to schedule�

ReceivingtheSacraments�Baptism: Parents are asked to take the required prep class prior to the birth of the child. Godparents are asked to attend this class as well. Please contact the Parish Of<ice to enroll in the class and schedule the Baptism.��

The next Baptism Preparation classes will held in the St. Paul Great Room, next to the Parish Of<ice, on the following dates:�

�� Sunday,June24that1:30p.m.(English)��� Friday,July20that7:00p.m.(Spanish)�

Marriage:Couple is asked to contact the of<ice at least six months prior to the projected date of ceremony to begin the marriage preparation.�Anointing of the Sick: Administered quarterly during the First Saturday morning Mass. If a person is in need of this sacrament at any other time, please notify the Parish Of<ice. The next scheduled anointing will be on Saturday,July7that8:00a.m.�

Please visit our parish website at spcatholic.org/ministries for ministry schedules and information on joining a ministry at St. Paul Parish. There are many wonderful opportunities for our parishioners to become involved and share your time and talents within our community.�


Direc�ons to St. James Academy�24505PrairieStarParkway,Lenexa,KS66227�

The school is one and a half miles west of K�7 on Prairie Star Parkway (95th Street). From Kansas Highway 7 in western Johnson County, Kansas, take the Prairie Star Parkway (95th street) exit. St. James Academy is located one�and�a�half miles west of K�7, on the south side of Prairie Star Parkway. �


We have a Legacy Society for those parishioners and friends of St. Paul who have included either the Parish Endowment Fund, the School Endowment Fund or the Parish Relocation Fund in their estate plans. Please contact Fr. Michael at [email protected] or 913.764.0323 if you would like to be listed in the Legacy Society or if you would like more information on our endowment program and estate planning.�


We invite all those who are new to the area or have not yet registered to visit www.spcatholic.org/Register or stop by the

Parish Of<ice to complete a registration form. New families are invited to our New Member Welcome and Information Reception held on the second Sunday of each month. Please contact the Parish Of<ice with questions at 913.764.0323 and welcome to St. Paul Parish!�

Parish News and Events Direct to Your Inbox�Visit bit.ly/2Bkacux to subscribe to our monthly parish email. To ensure delivery, please add [email protected] to your Safe Senders list.�

NewMemberWelcome�The next new member welcome and information reception will be held Sunday, July 8th. If you are new to the �parish�or�interested in joining St. Paul Catholic Church, please join us from 8:30�10a.m.in the�Great Room next door to the Parish Of<ice. Meet Fr. Michael Hermes and other parish members. For additional information, contact Terry or Phil Punswick at 913.213.9582 or [email protected].�

Monthly Patrio�c Rosary�All are invited to join in praying for our country the 9irstThursdayofeachmonthat7:00p.m.�

Page 3: 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God

La Solemnidad de los Santos Pedro y Pablo�Todos los feligreses y familias de San Pablo estan invitados a una Misa Parroquial alas6:00p.m.elviernes,29dejunio. �Habra un convivio y comida despues de la Misa. Los �Caballeros de Colon cocinaran hamburguesas a la parrilla y hot dogs. � Se pide que las familias traigan lo siguiente para alimentar a 12 �personas:��

� Familiasconapellidosqueempiezanconlaletra…�

� A�L: Ensaladas, Charolas de Vegetales�� M�R: Postre, Fruta�� S�Z: Sabritas�

Platos, cubiertos y bebidas seran proveıdas. Para mas �informacion, llamar a la O<icina de la Parroquia a 913.764.0323 o correo electronico: [email protected].��

Estudio de Fe para Adultos�Las reuniones son los Miércoles a las7:00PMen el Salon Grande que estan al costado de el edi<icio de la o<icina de la parroquia. Todos estan invitados.��

Cursillitas� Reunión de Ultreya�Habra reuniones de Ultreya para los que han vivido un Cursillo. Las reuniones son los Lunes semanalmente a las7:00delatarde. Para mas informacion, se puede comunicar con Marilın Pena al 913.687.6411. ��

Programa de Educación Religiosa�FOTOSDECONFIRMACIÓN�Las fotos estaran listas para que las recoja en la parte posterior de la iglesia el 16 de junio. Si tiene preguntas, �puede comunicarse con Clip Studio con Eloy Parra al 913.397.0520 o al 913.306.1800. ��

INSCRIPCIÓNPARALACATEQUESIS2018�19�Si se perdió la inscripción anticipada en la primavera,�abriremoslainscripciónenlíneael9dejulio. Si necesita �inscribirse en persona, debera realizar una cita con Karla �Melgar, la Directora de la Educacion Religiosa. El tamano de las clases es limitado y la inscripcion se basa en la fecha en que se devuelven los formularios completos. Para la �inscripcion, debera proporcionar el formulario, una copia del Certi<icado de Bautismo y el costo de matrıcula. El proceso de inscripcion no estara completo si no proporciona toda la �informacion.��

�� Las familias nuevas al programa de la catequesis�deben de estar inscritos en la parroquia de San Pablo, traer el Certi<icado de Bautismo del nino si este NO fue bautizado en San Pablo. En caso de que no lo tenga �consigo, debe obtener una copia de la iglesia de bautismo del nino.�

�� Familiasque regresan (Ano 2 o Iniciados) necesitaran volver a inscribir a sus hijos y pagar el ano nuevo.�

Animamos a los padres a ofrecerse como voluntarios para los programas como catequista, ayudante o catequista. �Dependemos de voluntarios para que nuestro programa tenga exito. Capacitacion disponible. Pregunte sobre los detalles al momento de la inscripcion.��

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con Karla Melgar al 913.764.0323 o [email protected].�


Sts. Peter and Paul All�Parish Mass and Picnic �All are invited to an All�Parish Mass on Friday,June29that6:00p.m.to celebrate the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Mass will be followed by a cookout sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 1913 and potluck social for all St. Paul�parishioners. Please bring enough to feed 12 people. Below is a list of what to bring:�

� Familieswithlastnamesbeginningwith…�

� A�L: Salads, Veggie Trays�� M�R: Desserts, Fruit�� S�Z: Chips�

Plates, silverware, condiments & beverages will be provided. For more information, please contact the Parish Of<ice at 913.764.0323 or email: [email protected].��

Altar Server Coordinator Update �Thank you very much to Janelle Hartegan for helping to �organize the altar servers for the English�speaking Masses these past three years.�Janelle did a great job with recruiting, training, scheduling and encouraging the servers. We are grateful for her service to St. Paul! We welcome Crystal �Steinlage, who is taking over as the coordinator of altar �servers for the English Masses at St. Paul. We are looking for 5th grade and older students to serve Mass and help us give glory to God in the Highest. Please contact Crystal by email at [email protected]� if your child would like to serve at Mass.��

Attn: Business Owners and Generous Parishioners! �Tim Nesmith will be working on setting up the advertising sponsorships for our bulletin theweek of June 18th�21st. Please consider advertising in our bulletin. Advertisements can be purchased for a business, family, or a sponsor ad can be purchased supporting worthy causes, community service organizations or even memorials. We need and appreciate your help. If interested or would like more information, please call Tim directly at 785.418.2875. Thank you!��

St. Paul Catholic School Enrollment News�We have room for YOUR children! Our current families have re�enrolled and we now know we have room for more �children! Come visit us and see how we can partner with you to maximize the God�given talents in your child. In particular, Kindergarten and middle school (6th�8th grades) are� milestone years. These years are so important for a child’s future. �In our school, each child is known and loved. We are a family who supports each other. Tuition assistance may also be available. Call 913.764.0619 to schedule a visit. � ��

Sacraments Received�

This past weekend we had the honor of welcoming those who entered into the Catholic faith through the waters of Baptism:�

Emary�Castillo, daughter of Abdon & Maria��

Congratulations to Joseph&AnnaliseTinkeron celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony on June 9th!�

Congratulations to Karina Rodriguez on celebrating her Quinceanera on June 9th!�


Page 4: 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God

Karla’s Korner�Dear Parents and Friends of St. Paul Catholic School,�

The school year has come to a close and I often wonder what children most learned. Was it to complete math problems or read a narrative text? Was it to complete a science experiment or recreate a battle of the Civil War?�Was it to write an essay for the Vocations Essay contest or learn how to conjugate verbs in Latin? I told our students that a doctor wants to know if children are growing and that is easy! Weigh them and measure how tall they have grown! We want to know if �children have grown in their minds and hearts! That is a teacher’s biggest challenge.��

I want to suggest that our St. Paul students had a successful year of learning.�How do we measure that? I hope we see that in our children by their words and actions. Each month, we identi<ied a different virtue that would bring each of us closer to Jesus. None of us completed this school year made “perfect,” but I do believe if we observe St. Paul students, we would see them demonstrating affability, patience, �perseverance, respect, magni<icence, humility, honesty, prayerfulness, kindness, and moderation! Hard to measure, for sure, but worth the effort to challenge each of us to be �better than before. That is what Jesus wants us to do.��

Enthusiastically in Christ,��

[email protected]�www.spcatholic.org/school�





CONFIRMATIONPICTURES�Pictures will be ready to pick up in the back of the church on June16th. If you have any questions, contact Eloy Parra with Clip Studio at 913.397.0520 or 913.306.1800.��

ENROLLMENTFOR2018�19�If youmissed theearly enrollment in thespring,wewillreopen theonlineregistrationon July9th. If you need to enroll in person, you will need to make an appointment with Karla Melgar, Director of Religious Education. Class sizes are limited and enrollment is based on the date that completed forms are returned. For enrollment, you will need to be �registered with the parish, complete the registration form, provide a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certi<icate (only if the certi<icate is not already on�<ile with the of<ice) and pay the tuition fee. The enrollment process will not be complete if you do not provide all of the information.��

�� NewfamiliesinanyReligiousEducationProgrammust submit a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certi<icate. In case you do not have it, a copy must be obtained from the child’s church of baptism.�

�� Returningfamilies(Year 2 or Initiated) will need to enroll

your children again and pay for the new year.��

The cost for the program is as follows: � 1 child: $80.00� 2 children: $135.00 � 3 or more children: $155.00��

In addition, a $40 sacramental fee will be assessed, for any student in Year 2 formation (including First Reconciliation, First Communion, RCIC formation, and Year 2 Con<irmation). This fee covers the cost of additional materials and supplies.��

We encourage parents and guardians to volunteer as a �catechist, aide or substitute catechist. We depend on our �volunteers to make the program successful. Training is �available. Ask about details at the time of enrollment.��

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact �Karla Melgar at 913.764.0323 or [email protected].�MiddleSchoolYouthGroup�Thursdays,5:30�7p.m.�

*New6thgraders(whojustfinished5thgrade)arewelcome!�June 21st� The Story of the Bible�June 28th� Movie Night���

HighSchoolYouthGroup�Mondays,7�8:30p.m.�*NewFreshmen(whojustgraduated8thgrade)arewelcome!�June 18th� Men and Women of Scripture: St. Joseph / Esther�June 25th� Game Night��

SteubenvilleConferenceandCanoeTrip�July20�24,2018�High School teens (incoming freshmen through grads) are �invited to join more than 3,000 teens in Spring<ield, MO, for the Steubenville Mid�America Conference. This is an incredible opportunity to hear amazing Catholic speakers, learn about prayer, and grow in relationship to God. The conference is followed by a 2�day <loat trip on the Niangua River outside of Lebanon, MO. Grow in community with St. Paul teens! If you are interested in learning more, please contact Stacey Rains.�


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)�We are now enrolling children, ages 3�6, in our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Please refer to the ‘Religious Education’ section of this bulletin or contact Karla Melgar at 913.764.0323 ext. 103 for RE class times and details. Space is limited to 12 children.��

To learn more about this unique faith formation for children, you may watch a video at http://www.spcatholic.org/cgs or contact Sabrina Orrison: [email protected] or 913.780.1125.��

CGS is looking for 1�2 individuals to clean the atrium once a week on a Thursday or Friday. This will take only 20�30 minutes and involves cleaning materials and vacuuming. Please contact Sabrina Orrison for details. Thankyou!�

Page 5: 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God

Stewardship of Treasure�


� Envelopes & Plate�������������������������������������������������������������$14,822.00�� Building Maintenance Fund������������������������������������������������$315.00�� Miscellaneous: Votive Candles���������������������������������������������$83.85� Adoration Chapel�����������������������������������������������������������������������$56.00 �� Special Collections:�� � Tuition Assistance������������������������������������������������������$40.00�� Electronic Giving���������������������������������������������������������������$13,222.37�� Mailed Contributions�������������������������������������������������������������$718.00�



yourlap.Forthemeasurewithwhichyoumeasurewillin�returnbemeasuredouttoyou.” (Luke 6:38)�

Thank You for Giving!�Thanks to all who donate through online giving. We also want to thank each and every one of you who give each week in the pews for your continued support. Whether you give online or by the envelope, you are a blessing to our parish and we thank God for you. If you would like to enroll in online giving, please visit spcatholic.weshareonline.org. If you have any questions or would like help setting up your account, please contact Amy Moritz at 913.764.0323 x107.�

Knights of Columbus ��

Council1913Website: www.koc1913.org�4thDegreeWebsite:www.kofc2260.org�


THANK YOU to everyone who made donations to the New Olathe Pregnancy Center via use of the Baby Bottles.��

Council 1913 Membership Meeting will be Monday evening, June 18th, in the Columbus Room. A 1st Degree Ceremony will be held at 6:30 p.m. with meeting to follow.��

UpcomingMeetings&Projects���Saints Peter and Paul Mass and Picnic �� Friday, June 29th�

��Council 1913 Of<icers Meeting �� Monday, July 2nd�

��4th Degree Membership Meeting �� Monday, July 9th�

St. Mary’s Food Kitchen�Many thanks to everyone who helped with the May Food Kitchen. We �continue to be blessed with commodities and other donations that help with the expense of serving this meal. Atthistimeweareinneedofgallonsizecansofcutgreenbeansandfruitcocktail. If you are interested in this Work of Mercy, please contact us and we will visit about how you can participate. The next time we serve at St. Mary's will be Friday, June 22, 2018. Please contact Tom or Sandy, 913.782.3922 or 913.530.4543 for additional information.�

Women of St. Paul�The Women of St. Paul meet on the Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Great Room.�All are welcome to come make a difference in the life of our parish. For more information, please contact Jan Hamilton at 816.520.1724 or visit spcatholic.org/wosp.�

The Women of St. Paul will have a speaker on self defense at their monthly meeting on� June26thstartingat7:00p.m.� in the Great Room, next to the Parish Of<ice.�All ladies of the parish are welcome to�attend this informative meeting.��

For questions or additional information, please contact Jan Hamilton at 816.520.1724.�


�� Vickie Dieterman� Tom & Maria Dujenski

�Suzi Miley�

Young Adult Bible Study�College�aged young men and women are encouraged to attend a weekly Bible Study to learn about how Scripture impacts your life. The meetings are held Thursdays,7:30�9p.m. in the church basement. Pleasenote that therewillnotbeameetingonThursday,July5th. For more information on the Young Adult Bible Study, please contact Stacey Rains at 913.764.0323 or at [email protected].�

Moms of St. Paul�ALL moms of St. Paul Parish with children of all ages are welcome! For details, please visit www.spcatholic.org/moms or contact Monica Frost at [email protected].�

Aquila and Priscilla Young Couples Group �This group is for all St. Paul couples from newlyweds to married for 10 years. We meet on the second Friday of each month for prayer, faith formation and friendship. Babysitting will be provided. Our next meeting will be Friday,July13th,from6�7p.m.inthe Great Room next to the Parish Of9ice. For additional information and to RSVP, please contact Josh and Abby Maher at�[email protected].�

Addi�onal Church Cleaners Needed�Our Lord’s house is in need of cleaners for the 1st� & 4th� weekends of the month.�If your heart is open to assisting with this St. Paul Parish ministry, please call Annmarie Cissell at 816.806.8656.�

Capital Campaign Event � This Thursday!��

Please join Fr. Michael on Thursday, June 21st from�7:00�8:00p.m. in the Great Room next to the Parish Of<ice for an upcoming Capital Campaign Information Event. This event is for all new parishioners, as well as for parishioners who have not yet pledged. Please RSVP to Claudia Ramirez at 913.764.0323 or email [email protected].�


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Blessed Sacrament Chapel�

BlessingsReceived���For God our heavenly Father, for�Father Michael

and Father Nathan�

��For all fathers�

Doyouhaveonehour?Theseareopenhours:�Sunday:12 midnight, 2 am and 9 pm�Monday:8 am needs a prayer partner�

Tuesday:3 am and 3 pm�Wednesday:11 am needs a prayer partner�Thursday:10 am needs a prayer partner�

Saturday: 2 am, 4 am and 10 am�Children’sHolyHalfHour�Friday:10 am�

Notice:Many hours are in need of prayer partners, at least having two people per hour. When an adorer partner cannot make their weekly commitment, then the other prayer partner will be present. If both adorers will be gone a substitute is called. Please consider becoming a prayer partner; you may choose your best day and time.��


6:00 am � Noon� Rosemary Kasten� 913.710.9424�Noon � 6:00 pm� Joyce Harding� 816.289.4436�6:00 pm � Midnight� Janice Cartwright� 913.768.1125�Midnight � 6:00 am� Nancy Cariglio� 913.829.2155�Hispanic Liaison � Arturo Morales� 913.544.6635�Head Coordinator� Barbara Rew� 913.481.1745�

ServeasaLiturgicalMinister�If you would like to assist in one of the Liturgical ministries during Mass, please contact the coordinator of the ministry for more information.�

Lectors:� Tim O’Sullivan� 913.829.0342�


� Janice Cartwright� 913.768.1125�

Servers: � Crystal Steinlage� 913.375.7183�

Ushers:� Bruce Droge� 913.486.4145�

Greeters:� Dale & Jodi Wendlandt � 913.747.9217�

Music:� Joe Heron� 256.616.5133�


Mon.6/18� 8:00 am� Martha Hernandez�

Tues.6/19� 8:00 am� †John O'Brien�

Wed.6/20� 8:00 am� For Respect for All�

Thurs.6/21� 8:00 am� †Lola Nuessen�

Fri.6/22� 8:00 am� †Christopher Bachman�

� 10:00 am� Residents of Azria Health Olathe�

Sat.6/23� 11:00 am� Quinceanera: Cecilia Davila�

� 1:00 pm� Wedding:�� � Ernesto Resendiz & Carmen Salazar �� 5:00 pm� Linda Irwin�

Sun.6/24� 8:00 am� †Cleta Riley�

� 10:00 am� Robert & Sherly Wagner�

� 12:30 pm� People of St. Paul Parish�

� 4:00 pm� For World Peace�

� 6:00 pm� †Anna Campbell�

Jose Andazola� Dennis Bobbitt� Sharon Bruning�Veda Donovan� Andres Fustini�

Opal Meyers�Holle� Pete Leibham�

Mandy Long� Ed Nuessen� Jim O’ Sullivan�Gilberto Palomino�Marlene Rodman� Fernando Romero� Diana Sharon�Donna Velasquez� Dylan Zarate�


Julia Culliss, mother of Brian Culliss�

John O’Brien, husband of Mary Jo O'Brien�

Please help keep the Prayer List updated. Contact the parish ofAice by phone at 913.764.0323 or by email at [email protected] or to add or remove a person from the list.��

The bulletin includes only the names of St. Paul Parishioners as part of our Homebound and Visiting the Sick Ministry. Those outside of the parish in need of prayer may receive support and prayer through our Prayer Chain ministry, however their name will not be listed in the bulletin. Please notify the Parish OfAice if you would like to request prayers for yourself or another due to illness.�


Sunday: Ez 17:22�24/Ps 92:2�3, 13�14, 15�16 [cf. 2a]/2 Cor 5:6�10/

Mk 4:26�34�

Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1�16/Ps 5:2�3ab, 4b�6a, 6b�7 [2b]/Mt 5:38�42�

Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17�29/Ps 51:3�4, 5�6ab, 11 and 16 [3a]/�

Mt 5:43�48�

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6�14/Ps 31:20, 21, 24 [25]/Mt 6:1�6, 16�18�

Thursday: Sir 48:1�14/Ps 97:1�2, 3�4, 5�6, 7 [12a]/Mt 6:7�15�

Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1�4, 9�18, 20/Ps 132:11, 12, 13�14, 17�18 [13]/�

Mt 6:19�23�

Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17�25/Ps 89:4�5, 29�30, 31�32, 33�34 [29a]/�

Mt 6:24�34�

NextSunday: Vigil: Jer 1:4�10/Ps 71:1�2, 3�4, 5�6, 15, 17 [6b]/�

1 Pt 1:8�12/Lk 1:5�17�

Day: Is 49:1�6/Ps 139:1�3, 13�14, 14�15 [14a]/Acts 13:22�26/�

Lk 1:57�66, 80�


HowtoRequestaLowGlutenHost�If you or a member of your family would like to receive a low gluten host, please inform the Sacristan prior to the start of Mass. All those who request a low gluten host must stand in the line for the priest during Holy Communion and inform Father when receiving the Eucharist. Please contact an usher if you need assistance locating the Sacristan or have questions.�


That social networks may work towards that�

inclusiveness which respects other for their differences. �

Page 7: 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God


Community Blood Drive at St. Paul Parish�St. Paul Parish will host a Community Blood Drive on �Monday,July23rd,from3p.m.to7p.m.in the Gymnasium. Please sign up and reserve your spot today! Call the Parish Of<ice at 913.764.0323 or visit www.esavealifenow.org �(use Sponsor Code StPaul). ��

June Greater KC Holy Rosary Rally�Please join us for the June Holy Rosary Rally in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima which will be held Sunday, June17th�from�3p.m.to4:15p.m. at Oratory of Old St. Patrick, 806 Cherry, Kansas City, MO 64106. We will pray the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary followed by �Benediction and the opportunity for attendees to enroll in the Brown Scapular. Visit�www.rosaryrallieskc.org for details.��

Secular Franciscan Order Mee�ng�Is God calling you to walk in the footsteps of St Francis and St. Clare of Assisi? Don’t say “NO” before you say “YES” visit the Secular Franciscans. You are invited to explore the Secular Franciscan Life on Wednesday June 20th at 7:00 p.m. at Prince of Peace in the Marian room. Hear more about living a life in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi by �Fr. Barnabas Eichor, OFM Cap. Members of the Secular �Franciscan Order (OFS), from young adult to senior citizens, are single or married Catholics who work, worship and �socialize in the community where we live. Please RSVP to Charles Gurera at [email protected] or Norma Crevoiserat at 913.782.9677. Get to know us and ask yourself, “Is God�calling me?” ��

Holy Spirit School 2nd Annual Alumni Mass�Calling all Holy Spirit Catholic School Alumni! Join us on �Sunday, June 24th, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Then, join us after Mass for refreshments and a chance to reconnect with other Holy Spirit alumni. If you are unable to attend, please send us your contact information for future events to [email protected]. ��

Na�onal Right to Life Conven�on�

Those interested in learning how to help restore the Sanctity of Life in America are invited to hear medical, legal and �inspirational speakers at the National Right to Life�Convention being held June28th�30that the Sheraton Hotel in Overland Park, KS. For additional questions, contact local hosts Kansans for Life at 913.642.5433 or by email at �[email protected]. See more information and register online at www.NRLconvention.com.�

Family Special Needs Summer Camp�

A summer camp for families who have a child (or children) with special needs will be held Friday,June29thtoSunday,July 1st at Prairie Star Ranch in Williamsburg. Go to www.archkck.org/specialneeds for details or contact Tom Racunas at [email protected] or 913.647.3054.��

Saint Thomas Aquinas Summer Camps�During June and July, Saint Thomas Aquinas High School provides a variety of summer camps for students entering grades K�8.�Registration and further information is available online at�www.stasaints.net/summercmaps.�We look forward to providing a positive camp experience not only for your son or daughter but for their friends as well!�For questions, call 913.319.2416 or email�[email protected].��

Volunteer Needed � Food Drive Store Captain�

Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas is seeking an on�going volunteer to serve as one of our <ive Hy�Vee Store Captains for our monthly food drives. A Store Captain is responsible for picking up a Catholic Charities’ vehicle, setting up at the store, and managing volunteers during the event. The Store Captain is asked to commit to one Saturday a month at our 87th and P<lumm Hy�Vee location. If interested or have any questions, contact Cari Olberding at [email protected] or 913.433.2104.��

Catholic Cemeteries Grounds Keeping Position�

Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Topeka, Kansas is seeking an �individual for a full�time grounds keeping position, hours Monday through Saturday. This position requires heavy �lifting. Must be physically <it and experience operating �construction equipment would be a plus. Must be a fast �learner and <lexible on hours. Interested individuals should contact Kelly Strecker at 620.214.2365 or you may send in a resume to [email protected]. ��

New Roots for Refugees�St. Paul Parish is sponsoring a local Farmers Market everySundaymorning, 8:30 a.m. until noon, throughOctober. Enjoy fresh vegetables while supporting a refugee family sponsored by Catholic Charities.�

Page 8: 900 S. HONEYSUCKLE DRIVE • OLATHE, KANSAS 66061 · “Our Parish purpose is to use our diversity and compassion to inspire, teach, and nurture all to grow in their respect for God