90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond Maguire Chris Perks We Are EXCITED to teach you this bonus training! 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Growth watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Transcript of 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Page 1: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

We Are EXCITED to teach you this bonus training!

90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Growth

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 2: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Bonus Training: 4 Critical Factors for Success…

The critical rules for growing your business.

If you only take one thing away today, let it be THIS

Chris is excited to share with you the 4 CRITICAL FACTORS for successthat you can take away from today and IMPLEMENT

Let me handover to Chris - Fast Growth Specialist

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 3: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

The 3 Golden Rules for Growth Marketing…

Is your new website working for you?

it has almost nothing to do with getting a new website or investing in the latest social media gimmick or printing yet another brochure

…or writing blog after blog.




watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 4: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

The 3 Golden Rules for Growth Marketing…

Who are you dealing with for your marketing?

most businesses don't have the MONEY for brand-building CREATIVE agencies

most businesses still try to FOLLOW the advice that’s laid down by the agencies and the industry EXPERTS

you’re DEALING with the SEO guy or the social media guy, or the ad sales guy, maybe even a LOCAL agency

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 5: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

The 4 Critical Factors…

Follow these 4 simple steps - this is your foundation.

1. More of the right people need to know about you

2. More of those people need to come to you and express an interest

3. Your actions once they get in touch need to position you as the only game in town

4. People don’t buy right away in many cases, so you need to be prepared to follow up in a proven predictable way.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 6: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

I’m Going to Show You How to…

You will learn and understand these 4 steps.

1. EFFECTIVELY reach more of your audience

2. GET more PROSPECTS to get in touch with you, even if you haven't generated many leads in the past

3. GET more CUSTOMERS to say yes and spend money with you

4. FOLLOW up like a PRO, and know exactly what to say and when

5. I WILL show you how you can get your hands on some ADDITIONAL tools,templates and training

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 7: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

1. How to Effectively Reach More People…

Are you talking to the right person?

Why is this IMPORTANT

FOCUS your efforts on attracting ONLY IDEAL CLIENTS

UNDERSTAND what your CLIENTS need, andSPEAK to them in a language they UNDERSTAND

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 8: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

1. How to Effectively Reach More People…

I really need more of who!

What CUSTOMERS do you want MORE of?

What is the COMMON theme they all have?


watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 9: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

2. Get In Touch With Me Now …

We all rely on lead flow and pipeline in our business.

Lead flow and pipeline is the LIFE BLOOD of any business

If you had a constant influx of LEADS would you sleep better at night

Would you be more selective and maybe INCREASE your prices

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 10: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

2. Get In Touch With Me Now …

Think of each business relationship, like date night.

Think of this RELATIONSHIP as if it were a FIRST DATE

Could you PRODUCE something that goes someway to helping them or solving THEIR PROBLEM

You can then FOLLOW this up, knowing they have a NEED

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 11: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

3. Get More Customers to Say Yes…

Deals put food on the table, not leads.

LEADS don’t put food on the table

Most LEADS are not converted into DEALS and end up costing your business MONEY

By offering them your PRODUCTS and SERVICES you are helping your CUSTOMERS

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 12: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

3. Get More Customers to Say Yes…

Talk to your customer in many different ways.

Turn up like NO ONE else

SHOCK, SURPRISE and DELIGHT them from the beginning

Don’t RELY on ONE media or IMPERSONAL media

Make a really COMPELLING offer at the RIGHT time.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 13: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

4. Follow Up Like a Pro …

Your prospects needs are changing all of the time.

70% of SALES are made after the 8th CONTACT

We are programmed to say NO

Your PROSPECTS are a constant moving target and their NEEDS CHANGE all of the time

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 14: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

4. Follow Up Like a Pro …

You need intense follow up in a short space of time.

Have a structured FOLLOW UP PROCESS

Follow up in MULTIPLE media with multiple TONES of voice

Regular on going relationship building

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 15: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Sounds Like a Lot of Work …

Do you really understand what you need to do?

• You need to have a deep understanding of your customer• You need to create lead generation magnets• You need a good understanding of persuasive copywriting techniques• You need to create dozens of marketing materials and assets• Dealing with web guys, copywriters and designers is expensive• Do you have the time, knowledge or confidence to write your own sales

material• The thought of creating follow up campaigns sounds like a massive pain• You don’t understand strategically how all of these bits fit together or what to

do when?

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 16: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Use our best client identification toolkit to identify who your ideal prospect is, the one that is most likely to buy

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 17: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Use our fill in the blank lead generation magnet template. As an easy way to collect more leads from every marketing asset you have.

Including the 15+ lead generation asset templates and final artwork files we will give to you.

Any business can use at least three of these assets and they cost ZERO to implement.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 18: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Use our landing page templates to avoid hundreds or even thousands of pounds with expensive web designers.

Nothing to do but fill in the blanks. No coding or expert knowledge needed.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 19: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Use our “influence box” tactics to blow the minds of your prospects and position yourself as the only logical choice for them to deal with.

Including the 7 step conversion checklist that your competitors could only dream of owning.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 20: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Deliver them a copy fo your own authored book.

That’s right well show you how to write your own book in 30 days without having to type a word!

Talk about a credibility booster!

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 21: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Use our fill in the blank copy canvas to create an offer that will instantly resonate with your audience

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 22: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Take our 4 email and 3 letter templates, fill in the blanks with follow up with your lead for 30 days on auto pilot.

You don’t have to think about it you just have to copy and paste.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 23: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Keep in touch with your leads, prospects and customers with our 12 month newsletter templates.

All pre filled with interesting relevant content. Word documents ready to add your bits to and send out.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 24: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

We also show you how to increase your prices and make more margin per customer even in highly competitive markets.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 25: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Along with some valuable mindset training to help you get into and stay in the mindset of explosive growth!

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar

Page 26: 90 Day Growth Toolkit: 4 Critical Factors for Explosive Business Growth

Osmond MaguireChris Perks

Introducing the 90 Day Growth Toolkit …

The 90 Day Growth Toolkit is proven to succeed?

Thank You!

It has been an absolute pleasure talking with you and I hope to see you on the inside when you join the 90 Day Growth Toolkit family.

watch our webinar at http://90daygrowthtoolkit.com/webinar