9 tht Pr th ppltn · 2018. 4. 21. · txt n tht pr fr rdt tdnt. l rvd n nd ldtr rd, ln th nr bt th...


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9Stochastic Processeswith Applications

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Books in the Classics in Applied Mathematics series are monographs and textbooks declared outof print by their original publishers, though they are of continued importance and interest to themathematical community. SIAM publishes this series to ensure that the information presented in thesetexts is not lost to today's students and researchers.


Robert E. O'Malley, Jr., University of Washington

Editorial Board

John Boyd, University of MichiganLeah Edelstein-Keshet, University of British Columbia

William G. Faris, University of Arizona

Nicholas J. Higham, University of Manchester

Peter Hoff, University of Washington

Mark Kot, University of Washington

Peter Olver, University of Minnesota

Philip Protter, Cornell University

Gerhard Wanner, L'Universite de Geneve

Classics in Applied Mathematics

C. C. Lin and L. A. Segel, Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences

Johan G. F. Belinfante and Bernard Kolman, A Survey of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras with Applications andComputational Methods

James M. Ortega, Numerical Analysis: A Second Course

Anthony V. Fiacco and Garth P. McCormick, Nonlinear Programming: Sequential UnconstrainedMinimization Techniques

F. H. Clarke, Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis

George F. Carrier and Carl E. Pearson, Ordinary Differential Equations

Leo Breiman, Probability

R. Bellman and G. M. Wing, An Introduction to Invariant Imbedding

Abraham Berman and Robert J. Plemmons, Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences

Olvi L. Mangasarian, Nonlinear Programming

*Carl Friedrich Gauss, Theory of the Combination of Observations Least Subject to Errors: Part One,Part Two, Supplement. Translated by G. W. Stewart

Richard Bellman, Introduction to Matrix Analysis

U. M. Ascher, R. M. M. Mattheij, and R. D. Russell, Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems forOrdinary Differential Equations

K. E. Brenan, S. L. Campbell, and L. R. Petzold, Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problemsin Differential-Algebraic Equations

Charles L. Lawson and Richard J. Hanson, Solving Least Squares Problems

J. E. Dennis, Jr. and Robert B. Schnabel, Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and NonlinearEquations

Richard E. Barlow and Frank Proschan, Mathematical Theory of Reliability

Cornelius Lanczos, Linear Differential Operators

Richard Bellman, Introduction to Matrix Analysis, Second Edition

Beresford N. Parlett, The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem

Richard Haberman, Mathematical Models: Mechanical Vibrations, Population Dynamics, and Traffic Flow

Peter W. M. John, Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments

Tamer Ba§ar and Geert Jan Olsder, Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory, Second Edition

Emanuel Parzen, Stochastic Processes

*First time in print.

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Classics in Applied Mathematics (continued)

Petar Kokotovic, Hassan K. Khalil, and John O'Reilly, Singular Perturbation Methods in Control: Analysisand Design

Jean Dickinson Gibbons, Ingram Olkin, and Milton Sobel, Selecting and Ordering Populations: A NewStatistical Methodology

James A. Murdock, Perturbations: Theory and Methods

Ivar Ekeland and Roger Temam, Convex Analysis and Variational Problems

Ivar Stakgold, Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics, Volumes I and II

J. M. Ortega and W. C. Rheinboldt, Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables

David Kinderlehrer and Guido Stampacchia, An Introduction to Variational Inequalities and Their Applications

F. Natterer, The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography

Avinash C. Kale and Malcolm Slaney, Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging

R. Wong, Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals

O. Axelsson and V. A. Barker, Finite Element Solution of Boundary Value Problems: Theory and ComputationDavid R. Brillinger, Time Series: Data Analysis and Theory

Joel N. Franklin, Methods of Mathematical Economics: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Fixed-PointTheorems

Philip Hartman, Ordinary Differential Equations, Second Edition

Michael D. Intriligator, Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory

Philippe G. Ciarlet, The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems

Jane K. Cullum and Ralph A. Willoughby, Lanczos Algorithms for Large Symmetric EigenvalueComputations, Vol. I: Theory

M. Vidyasagar, Nonlinear Systems Analysis, Second Edition

Robert Mattheij and Jaap Molenaar, Ordinary Differential Equations in Theory and Practice

Shanti S. Gupta and S. Panchapakesan, Multiple Decision Procedures: Theory and Methodologyof Selecting and Ranking Populations

Eugene L. Allgower and Kurt Georg, Introduction to Numerical Continuation Methods

Leah Edelstein-Keshet, Mathematical Models in Biology

Heinz-Otto Kreiss and Jens Lorenz, Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier-Stokes EquationsJ. L. Hodges, Jr. and E. L. Lehmann, Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics, Second EditionGeorge F. Carrier, Max Krook, and Carl E. Pearson, Functions of a Complex Variable: Theory andTechnique

Friedrich Pukelsheim, Optimal Design of Experiments

Israel Gohberg, Peter Lancaster, and Leiba Rodman, Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with ApplicationsLee A. Segel with G. H. Handelman, Mathematics Applied to Continuum MechanicsRajendra Bhatia, Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues

Barry C. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, and H. N. Nagaraja, A First Course in Order StatisticsCharles A. Desoer and M. Vidyasagar, Feedback Systems: Input-Output Properties

Stephen L. Campbell and Carl D. Meyer, Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations

Alexander Morgan, Solving Polynomial Systems Using Continuation for Engineering and Scientific Problems

I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster, and L. Rodman, Matrix Polynomials

Galen R. Shorack and Jon A. Wellner, Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics

Richard W. Cottle, Jong-Shi Pang, and Richard E. Stone, The Linear Complementarity Problem

Rabi N. Bhattacharya and Edward C. Waymire, Stochastic Processes with ApplicationsRobert J. Adler, The Geometry of Random Fields

Mordecai Avriel, Walter E. Diewert, Siegfried Schaible, and Israel Zang, Generalized ConcavityRabi N. Bhattacharya and R. Ranga Rao, Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions

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F ^Stochastic Processeswith Applications



Rabi N. BhattacharyaUniversity of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona

Edward C. WaymireOregon State University

Corvallis, Oregon

pia m o

Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsPhiladelphia

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Copyright © 2009 by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

This SIAM edition is an unabridged republication of the work first published by JohnWiley & Sons (SEA) Pte. Ltd., 1992.


All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book maybe reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission ofthe publisher. For information, write to the Society for Industrial and AppliedMathematics, 3600 Market Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USA.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bhattacharya, R. N. (Rabindra Nath), 1937-Stochastic processes with applications / Rabi N. Bhattacharya, Edward C. Waymire.

p. cm. -- (Classics in applied mathematics ; 61)Originally published: New York : Wiley, 1990.Includes index.ISBN 978-0-898716-89-4

1. Stochastic processes. I. Waymire, Edward C. II. Title.QA274.B49 2009519.2'3--dc22


S1L2JTL. is a registered trademark.

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To Gouri and Linda,with love

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Preface to the Classics Edition xiii

Preface xv

Sample Course Outline xvii

I Random Walk and Brownian Motion 1

1. What is a Stochastic Process?, 12. The Simple Random Walk, 33. Transience and Recurrence Properties of the Simple Random Walk, 54. First Passage Times for the Simple Random Walk, 85. Multidimensional Random Walks, 116. Canonical Construction of Stochastic Processes, 157. Brownian Motion, 178. The Functional Central Limit Theorem (FCLT), 209. Recurrence Probabilities for Brownian Motion, 24

10. First Passage Time Distributions for Brownian Motion, 2711. The Arcsine Law, 3212. The Brownian Bridge, 3513. Stopping Times and Martingales, 3914. Chapter Application: Fluctuations of Random Walks with Slow Trends

and the Hurst Phenomenon, 53

Exercises, 62Theoretical Complements, 90

II Discrete -Parameter Markov Chains 109

1. Markov Dependence, 1092. Transition Probabilities and the Probability Space, 110


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3. Some Examples, 1134. Stopping Times and the Strong Markov Property, 1175. A Classification of States of a Markov Chain, 1206. Convergence to Steady State for Irreducible and Aperiodic Markov

Processes on Finite Spaces, 1267. Steady-State Distributions for General Finite-State Markov

Processes, 1328. Markov Chains: Transience and Recurrence Properties, 1359. The Law of Large Numbers and Invariant Distributions for Markov

Chains, 13810. The Central Limit Theorem for Markov Chains, 14811. Absorption Probabilities, 15112. One-Dimensional Nearest-Neighbor Gibbs States, 16213. A Markovian Approach to Linear Time Series Models, 16614. Markov Processes Generated by Iterations of I.I.D. Maps, 17415. Chapter Application: Data Compression and Entropy, 184

Exercises, 189Theoretical Complements, 214

III Birth—Death Markov Chains 233

1. Introduction to Birth—Death Chains, 2332. Transience and Recurrence Properties, 2343. Invariant Distributions for Birth—Death Chains, 2384. Calculations of Transition Probabilities by Spectral Methods, 2415. Chapter Application: The Ehrenfest Model of Heat Exchange, 246

Exercises, 252Theoretical Complements, 256

IV Continuous-Parameter Markov Chains 261

1. Introduction to Continuous-Time Markov Chains, 2612. Kolmogorov's Backward and Forward Equations, 2633. Solutions to Kolmogorov's Equations in Exponential Form, 2674. Solutions to Kolmogorov's Equations by Successive Approximation, 2715. Sample Path Analysis and the Strong Markov Property, 2756. The Minimal Process and Explosion, 2887. Some Examples, 2928. Asymptotic Behavior of Continuous-Time Markov Chains, 3039. Calculation of Transition Probabilities by Spectral Methods, 314

10. Absorption Probabilities, 318

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11. Chapter Application: An Interacting System: The Simple SymmetricVoter Model, 324Exercises, 333Theoretical Complements, 349

V Brownian Motion and Diffusions 367

1. Introduction and Definition, 367

2. Kolmogorov's Backward and Forward Equations, Martingales, 371

3. Transformation of the Generator under Relabeling of the State Space, 3814. Diffusions as Limits of Birth—Death Chains, 386

5. Transition Probabilities from the Kolmogorov Equations: Examples, 389

6. Diffusions with Reflecting Boundaries, 3937. Diffusions with Absorbing Boundaries, 402

8. Calculation of Transition Probabilities by Spectral Methods, 4089. Transience and Recurrence of Diffusions, 414

10. Null and Positive Recurrence of Diffusions, 420

11. Stopping Times and the Strong Markov Property, 423

12. Invariant Distributions and the Strong Law of Large Numbers, 432

13. The Central Limit Theorem for Diffusions, 43814. Introduction to Multidimensional Brownian Motion and Diffusions, 441

15. Multidimensional Diffusions under Absorbing Boundary Conditions andCriteria for Transience and Recurrence, 448

16. Reflecting Boundary Conditions for Multidimensional Diffusions, 46017. Chapter Application: G. I. Taylor's Theory of Solute Transport in a

Capillary, 468

Exercises, 475Theoretical Complements, 497

VI Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Optimization 519

1. Finite-Horizon Optimization, 519

2. The Infinite-Horizon Problem, 5253. Optimal Control of Diffusions, 5334. Optimal Stopping and the Secretary Problem, 5425. Chapter Application: Optimality of (S, s) Policies in Inventory

Problems, 549Exercises, 557Theoretical Complements, 559

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VII An Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations 563

1. The Stochastic Integral, 5632. Construction of Diffusions as Solutions of Stochastic Differential

Equations, 5713. It6's Lemma, 5824. Chapter Application: Asymptotics of Singular Diffusions, 591

Exercises, 598Theoretical Complements, 607

0 A Probability and Measure Theory Overview 625

1. Probability Spaces, 6252. Random Variables and Integration, 6273. Limits and Integration, 6314. Product Measures and Independence, Radon—Nikodym Theorem and

Conditional Probability, 6365. Convergence in Distribution in Finite Dimensions, 6436. Classical Laws of Large Numbers, 6467. Classical Central Limit Theorems, 6498. Fourier Series and the Fourier Transform, 653

Author Index 665

Subject Index 667

Errata 673

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Preface to the Classics Edition

The publication of Stochastic Processes with Applications (SPWA) in the SIAMClassic in Applied Mathematics series is a matter of great pleasure for us, and weare deeply appreciative of the efforts and good will that went into it. The book hasbeen out of print for nearly ten years. During this period we received a number ofrequests from instructors for permission to make copies of the book to be used asa text on stochastic processes for graduate students. We also received many kindlaudatory words, along with inquiries about the possibility of bringing out a secondedition, from mathematicians, statisticians, physicists, chemists, geoscientists, andothers from the U.S. and abroad. We hope that the inclusion of a detailed errata is ahelpful addition to the original.

SPWA was a work of love for its authors. As stated in the original preface,the book was intended for use (1) as a graduate-level text for students in diversedisciplines with a reasonable background in probability and analysis, and (2) as areference on stochastic processes for applied mathematicians, scientists, engineers,economists, and others whose work involves the application of probability. It was ourdesire to communicate our sense of excitement for the subject of stochastic processesto a broad community of students and researchers. Although we have often empha-sized substance over form, the presentation is systematic and rigorous. A few proofsare relegated to Theoretical Complements, and appropriate references for proofs areprovided for some additional advanced technical material. The book covers a sub-stantial part of what we considered to be the core of the subject, especially from thepoint of view of applications. Nearly two decades have passed since the publicationof SPWA, but the importance of the subject has only grown. We are very happy tosee that the book's rather unique style of exposition has a place in the broader appliedmathematics literature.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all those col-leagues who over the years have provided us with encouragement and generouswords on this book. Special thanks are due to SIAM editors Bill Faris and SaraMurphy for shepherding SPWA back to print.




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This is a text on stochastic processes for graduate students in science andengineering, including mathematics and statistics. It has become somewhatcommonplace to find growing numbers of students from outside of mathematicsenrolled along with mathematics students in our graduate courses on stochasticprocesses. In this book we seek to address such a mixed audience. For thispurpose, in the main body of the text the theory is developed at a relativelysimple technical level with some emphasis on computation and examples.Sometimes to make a mathematical argument complete, certain of the moretechnical explanations are relegated to the end of the chapter under the labeltheoretical complements. This approach also allows some flexibility ininstruction. A few sample course outlines have been provided to illustrate thepossibilities for designing various types of courses based on this book. Thetheoretical complements also contain some supplementary results and referencesto the literature.

Measure theory is used sparingly and with explanation. The instructor mayexercise control over its emphasis and use depending on the background of themajority of the students in the class. Chapter 0 at the end of the book may beused as a short course in measure theoretical probability for self study. In anycase we suggest that students unfamiliar with measure theory read over the firstfew sections of the chapter early on in the course and look up standard resultsthere from time to time, as they are referred in the text.

Chapter applications, appearing at the end of the chapters, are largely drawnfrom physics, computer science, economics, and engineering. There are manyadditional examples and applications illustrating the theory; they appear in thetext and among the exercises.

Some of the more advanced or difficult exercises are marked by asterisks.Many appear with hints. Some exercises are provided to complete an argumentor statement in the text. Occasionally certain well-known results are only a fewsteps away from the theory developed in the text. Such results are often citedin the exercises, along with an outline of steps, which can be used to completetheir derivation.

Rules of cross-reference in the book are as follows. Theorem m.n, Proposition


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m.n, or Corollary m.n, refers to the nth such assertion in section m of the samechapter. Exercise n, or Example n, refers to the nth Exercise, or nth Example,of the same section. Exercise m.n (Example m.n) refers to Exercise n (Examplen) of a different section m within the same chapter. When referring to a resultor an example in a different chapter, the chapter number is always mentionedalong with the label m.n to locate it within that chapter.

This book took a long time to write. We gratefully acknowledge researchsupport from the National Science Foundation and the Army Research Officeduring this period. Special thanks are due to Wiley editors Beatrice Shube andKate Roach for their encouragement and assistance in seeing this effort through.



Bloomington, Indiana

Corvallis, Oregon

February 1990

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Sample Course OutlinesCOURSE I

Beginning with the Simple Random Walk, this course leads through BrownianMotion and Diffusion. It also contains an introduction to discrete/continuous-parameter Markov Chains and Martingales. More emphasis is placed on concepts,principles, computations, and examples than on complete proofs and technicaldetails.

Chapter 1 Chapter II Chapter III§1-7 (+ Informal Review of Chapter 0, §4) §1-4 §1--3§13 (Up to Proposition 13.5) §5 (By examples) §5

§11 (Example 2)§13

Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI§1-7 (Quick survey §1 §4

by examples) §2 (Give transience/recurrencefrom Proposition 2.5)

§3 (Informal justification ofequation (3.4) only)

§5-7§10§11 (Omit proof of Theorem 11.1)§12-14


The principal topics are the Functional Central Limit Theorem, Martingales,Diffusions, and Stochastic Differential Equations. To complete proofs and forsupplementary material, the theoretical complements are an essential part of thiscourse.

Chapter I Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII§1-4 (Quick survey) §1-3 §4 §1--4§6-10 §6-7§13 §11


COURSE 3This is a course on Markov Chains that also contains an introduction toMartingales. Theoretical complements may he used only sparingly.

Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter VI§1-6 §1-9 §1 §1-11 §1-2§13 §11 §5 §4-5

§12 or 15§13-14


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Random Walk and BrownianMotion


Denoting by X„ the value of a stock at an nth unit of time, one may representits (erratic) evolution by a family of random variables {X0 , X,, ...} indexed bythe discrete-time parameter n E 7L + . The number X, of car accidents in a cityduring the time interval [0, t] gives rise to a collection of random variables

{ X1 : t >, 0} indexed by the continuous-time parameter t. The velocity X. at apoint u in a turbulent wind field provides a family of random variables{X: u e l8 3 } indexed by a multidimensional spatial parameter u. More generallywe make the following definition.

Definition 1.1. Given an index set I, a stochastic process indexed by I is acollection of random variables {X1 : 2 e I} on a probability space (Cl, ., P)taking values in a set S. The set S is called the state space of the process.

In the above, one may take, respectively: (i) I = Z , S = I!; (ii) I = [0, oo),S = Z; (iii) I = l, S = X8 3 . For the most part we shall study stochasticprocesses indexed by a one-dimensional set of real numbers (e.g., time). Herethe natural ordering of numbers coincides with the sense of evolution of theprocess. This order is lost for stochastic processes indexed by a multidimensionalparameter; such processes are usually referred to as random fields. The statespace S will often be a set of real numbers, finite, countable, (i.e., discrete) oruncountable. However, we also allow for the possibility of vector-valuedvariables. As a matter of convenience in notation the index set is often suppressedwhen the context makes it clear. In particular, we often write {X„} in place of{X„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} and {X,} in place of {X,: t >, 0}.

For a stochastic process the values of the random variables corresponding

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to the occurrence of a sample point co e fl constitute a sample realizationof the process. For example, a sample realization of the coin-tossingprocess corresponding to the occurrence of w e f2 is of the form(X0 (aw), X,(co), ... , X„(w), ...). In this case X(w) = 1 or 0 depending onwhether the outcome of the nth toss is a head or a tail. In the general case ofa discrete-time stochastic process with state-space S and index setI = 7L + = {0, 1, 2, ...}, the sample realizations of the process are of the form(X0 (a ), X l (co), ... , X„(w), ...), X(co) e S. In the case of a continuous-parameterstochastic process with state space S and index set I = I{B + = [0, cc), the samplerealizations are functions t —► X(w) e S, w e S2. Sample realizations of astochastic process are also referred to as sample paths (see Figures 1.1 a, b).

In the so-called canonical choice for f) the sample points of f representsample paths. In this way S2 is some set of functions w defined on I takingvalues in S, and the value X,(co) of the process at time t corresponding to theoutcome co E S2 is simply the coordinate projection X,(w) = coy. Canonicalrepresentations of sample points as sample paths will be used often in the text.

Stochastic models are often specified by prescribing the probabilities of eventsthat depend only on the values of the process at finitely many time points. Suchevents are called finite-dimensional events. In such instances the probabilitymeasure P is only specified on a subclass ' of the events contained in a sigmafieldF. Probabilities of more complex events, for example events that depend onthe process at infinitely many time points (infinite-dimensional events), are




Figure 1.1

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frequently calculated in terms of the probabilities of finite-dimensional eventsby passage to a limit.

The ideas contained in this section will be illustrated in the example andin exercises.

Example 1. The sample space S2 for repeated (and unending) tosses of a coinmay be represented by the sequence space consisting of sequences of the formw = (co l , w2 ,. . . , wn , ...) with awn = 1 or co,, = 0. For this choice of 0, the valueof X. corresponding to the occurrence of the sample point w e f is simply thenth coordinate projection of w; i.e., X(w) = w,. Suppose that the probability ofthe occurrence of a head in a single toss is p. Since for any number n of tossesthe results of the first n — 1 tosses have no effect on the odds of the nth toss,the random variables X1 ,. . . , X. are, for each n >, 1, independent. Moreover,each variable has the same (Bernoulli) distribution. These facts are summarizedby saying that {X 1 , X2,. . .} is a sequence of independent and identicallydistributed (i.i.d.) random variables with a common Bernoulli distribution. LetFn denote the event that the specific outcomes E 1 , ... , en occur on the first ntosses respectively. Then

Fn = {X1 =e ,...,Xn =En} = {w a fl: w 1 = s 13 ...,CJn =En }

is a finite-dimensional event. By independence,

P(F,,) = p'"( 1 — p)" - '" (1.1)

where rn is the number of l's among e, . . . , en . Now consider the singletonevent G corresponding to the occurrence of a specific sequence of outcomesc ,e ,...,sn ,... . Then

G = {X l =e ,. . . , Xn = En ,. . .} = {(E1, E2, . . . , en , ...)}

consists of the single outcome a = (E,, e2 , ... , En, ...) in f2. G is aninfinite-dimensional event whose probability is easily determined as follows.Since G c Fn for each n > 1, it follows that

0 < P(G) < P(F,,) = p'"(1 — p)" - '" for each n = 1, 2, .... (1.2)

Now apply a limiting argument to see that, for 0 < p < 1, P(G) = 0. Hence theprobability of every singleton event in S2 is zero.


Think of a particle moving randomly among the integers according to thefollowing rules. At time n = 0 the particle is at the origin. At time n = 1 it

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moves either one unit forward to + I or one unit backward to —1, withrespective probabilities p and q = 1 — p. In the case p = 2, this may beaccomplished by tossing a balanced coin and making the particle move forwardor backward corresponding to the occurrence of a "head" or a "tail",respectively. Similar experiments can be devised for any fractional value of p.We may think of the experiment, in any case, as that of repeatedly tossing acoin that falls "head" with probability p and shows "tail" with probabilityI — p. At time n the particle moves from its present position S„_ 1 by a unitdistance forward or backward depending on the outcome of the nth toss.Suppose that X. denotes the displacement of the particle at the nth step fromits position S„_, at time n — 1. According to these considerations thedisplacement (or increment) process {X.} associated with {S„} is an i.i.d. sequencewith P(X„ = + 1) = p, P(X„ _ —1) = q = 1 — p for each n > 1. The positionprocess {S„} is then given by

S,,:=X i +...+X., S0 =0. (2.1)

Definition 2.1. The stochastic process {S,,: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} is called the simplerandom walk. The related process S = S„ + x, n = 0, 1, 2, ... is called the simplerandom walk starting at x.

The simple random walk is often used by physicists as an approximate modelof the fluctuations in the position of a relatively large solute molecule immersedin a pure fluid. According to Einstein's diffusion theory, the solute moleculegets kicked around by the smaller molecules of the fluid whenever it gets withinthe range of molecular interaction with fluid molecules. Displacements in anyone direction (say, the vertical direction) due to successive collisions are smalland taken to be independent. We shall return to this physical model in Section 7.

One may also think of X,, as a gambler's gain in the nth game of a series ofindependent and stochastically identical games: a negative gain means a loss.Then Sö = x is the gambler's initial capital, and S„ is the capital, positive ornegative, at time n.

The first problem is to calculate the distribution of S. To calculate theprobability of {S; = y}, count the number u of + I's in a path from x to y inn steps. Since n — u is then the number of — l's, one must haveu — (n — u) = y — x, or u = (n + y — x)/2. For this, nand y — x must be botheven or both odd, and ly — xj <, n. Hence


n + y — x pin+Y—x)12q(n—Y+x)/2 if ly — xI < riP(S. =Y)= 2

and y — x, n have the same parity,

0 otherwise. (2.2)

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Let us first consider the manner in which a particle escapes from an interval.Let TY denote the first time that the process starting at x reaches y, i.e.

Ty:= min{n >, 0:S„ = y}. (3.1)

To avoid trivialities, assume 0 <p < 1. For integers c and d with c < d, denote

4(x):= P(T < T' ). (3.2)

In other words, 4(x) is the probability that the particle starting at x reaches dbefore it reaches c. Since in one step the particle moves to x + I with probabilityp, or to x — 1 with probability q, one has

4(x) = po(x + 1) + q4(x — 1) (3.3)

so that

O(x+ 1)—O(x)=-[O(x)—cß(x— 1)], c+ 1 ,<x,<d— 1p

0(c) = 0,(3.4)

q(d) = 1.

Thus, ¢(x) is the solution to the discrete boundary-value problem (3.4). Forp ^ q, Eq. 3.4 yields

x-1 x-1 q Y O(x) = Z [^(y + 1 ) — o(y)] = Z - [O(c + 1) — O(c)]

v=c v=c P

x -'

=0(c+1) Y - =0(c+1)1 1-- (q/P)/p) (3.5)

yc '\P)

To determine 4(c + 1) take x = d in Eq. 3.5 to get

1 =4(d)=4(c+ 1) 1 — (qlP)°- `

1 — q/P


1 — q/Pq(c + 1) = 1 — (glp)d c

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so that

P(Tx<Tx)= 1 —(q/P)x for c<x<d, p q. (3.6)1 — (q/P)d-c

Now let

0/i(x)==P(T, < Tdx). (3.7)

By symmetry (or the same method as above),

P(Tx<Td)= 1—(P/q)d-x for c<x<d,p q. (3.8)1 — (P/q)d-c

Note that O(x) + fr(x) = 1, proving that the particle starting in the interior of[c, d] will eventually reach the boundary (i.e., either c or d) with probability1. Now if c < x, then (Exercise 3)

P({S„} will ever reach c) = P(T,' < oo) = lim i(x)d-+oo

x—•um \9/ ifp 1>2= dam°°—



1, ifp <Z,


q if p>= P (3.9)1, ifp<Z.

By symmetry, or as above,


P({S:} will ever reach d) = P(Td' < oo) = 1' d_x f p > 2 (3.10)


q/ , f p < Z .

Observe that one gets from these calculations the (geometric) distributionfunction for the extremes Mx = sup,, S„ and mx = inf„ S; (Exercise 7).

Note that, by the strong law of large numbers (Chapter 0),

xP S„ = x+S„^p—gasn--•oo =1. (3.11)

n n

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Hence, if p > q, then the random walk drifts to + oo (i.e., S„ -* + co) withprobability 1. In particular, the process is certain to reach d > x if p > q.Similarly, if p < q, then the random walk drifts to - co (i.e., S„ -+ - cc), andstarting at x > c the process is certain to reach c if p < q. In either case, nomatter what the integer y is,

P(Sn = y i.o.) = 0, if p q, (3.12)

where i.o. is shorthand for "infinitely often." For if Sx = y for integersn l < n 2 < • • through a sequence going to infinity, then

x = y -+ 0 as nk -• cc,

nk nk

the probability of which is zero by Eq. 3.11.

Definition 3.1. A state y for which Eq. 3.12 holds is called transient. If allstates are transient then the stochastic process is said to be a transient process.

In the case p = q = 2, according to the boundary-value problem (3.4), thegraph of 4(x) is along the line of constant slope between the points (c, 0) and(d, 1). Thus,


Again we have




P(Tcx <Td)=d-x


c<x<d,p=q =Z

c<,x<d,p=q =2



q5(x) + i(x) = 1. (3.15)

Moreover, in this case, given any initial position x> c,

P({S„} will eventually reach c) = P(Tc < cc)

= lim P({S„} will reach c before it reaches d)

= lim d-x = 1. (3.16)d - mo d - c

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Similarly, whatever the initial position x < d,

P({S.} will eventually reach d) = P(Td < oo)

= lim x—c = 1. (3.17)e-- ao d — c

Thus, no matter where the particle may be initially, it will eventually reach anygiven state y with probability 1. After having reached y for the first time, it willmove to y + 1 or to y — 1. From either of these positions the particle is againbound to reach y with probability 1, and so on. In other words (Exercise 4),

P(S' = y i.o.) = 1, if p = 9 = 2. (3.18)

This argument is discussed again in Example 4.1 of Chapter II.

Definition 3.2. A state y for which Eq. 3.18 holds is called recurrent. If allstates are recurrent, then the stochastic process is called a recurrent process.

Let r^X denote the time of the first return to x,

rl„ := inf{n >, 1: S.' = x} . (3.19)

Then, conditioning on the first step, it will follow (Exercise 6) that

P(f],, < oo) = 2 min(p, q). (3.20)


Consider the random variable 7 := T° representing the first time the simplerandom walk starting at zero reaches the level (state) y. We will calculate thedistribution of Ty by means of an analysis of the sample paths of the simplerandom walk. Let FN ,y = {Ty = N} denote the event that the particle reachesstate y for the first time at the Nth step. Then,

FN.y ={S„iky for n=0,1,...,N-1,SN =y}. (4.1)

Note that "SN = y" means that there are (N + y)/2 plus l's and (N — y)/2minus 1's among XI , X2 , ... , XN (see Eq. 2.1). Therefore, we assume thatIYI <, N and N + y is even. Now there are as many paths leading from (0, 0)to (N, y) as there are ways of choosing (N + y)/2 plus l's among X 1 , X2 , ... , XN ,namely



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Each of these choices has the same probability of occurrence, specificallyp(N+y)/2q(N-r)/z• Thus,

P(FN.Y) = Lp(N+r)rzq(N -v»z (4.2)

where L is the number of paths from (0, 0) to (N, y) that do not touch or crossthe level y prior to time N. To calculate L, consider the complementary numberL of paths that do reach y prior to time N,


L'= N+y —L. (4.3)


First consider the case of y> 0. If a path from (0, 0) to (N, y) has reachedy prior to time N, then either (a) SJY _ 1 = y + 1 (see Figure 4.1a) or(b) SN _ 1 = y — I and the path from (0, 0) to (N — 1, y — 1) has reached y priorto time N — 1 (see Figure 4.1b). The contribution to L from (a) is




We need to calculate the contribution to L from (b).




Figure 4.1

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Proposition 4.1. (A Reflection Principle). Let y > 0. The collection of all pathsfrom (0, 0) to (N — 1, y — 1) that touch or cross the level y prior to time N — 1is in one-to-one correspondence with the collection of all possible paths from(0,0)to (N — 1,y + 1).

Proof. Given a path y from (0, 0) to (N — 1, y + 1), there is a first time r atwhich the path reaches level y. Let y' denote the path which agrees with y upto time T but is thereafter the mirror reflection of y about the level y (see Figure4.2). Then y' is a path from (0, 0) to (N — 1, y — 1) that touches or crosses thelevel y prior to time N — 1. Conversely, a path from (0, 0) to (N — 1, y — 1)that touches or crosses the level y prior to time N — 1 may be reflected to geta path from (0, 0) to (N — 1, y + 1). This reflection transformation establishesthe one-to-one correspondence. n

It now follows from the reflection principle that the contribution to L' from(b) is






L' =2 N+y (4.4)


Therefore, by (4.3), (4.2),



P(T,,=N)= P(FN.y)= N + y — 2 N + y p(N +Y)/2q(N-y)/2




Figure 4.2

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N= IYI N + y p(N+Y)12q(N_Y)1i for N >, y, y + N even, y > 0

N \ 2

(4.5)To calculate P(TT = N) for y < 0, simply relabel H as T and T as H (i.e.,

interchange + 1, — 1). Using this new code, the desired probability is given byreplacing y by —y and interchanging p, q in (4.5), i.e.,


P(Tr = N) = —( + y q(N_Y)/2p(N+Y)/2


Thus, for all integers y 0, one has

NP ( Ty = N) = N + y p(N+y)/2q(x -v)I2 = I p(SN = y) (4.6)


for N = IYI, IYI + 2 , IYI + 4, .... In particular, if p = q = Z, then (4.6) yields


P(Ty = N)= IN N+y ZN for N= IYI,IYI +2,IYI +4,.... (4.7)


However, observe that the expected time to reach y is infinite since by Stirling'sformula, k! = (2irk) 1 / 2Ve - '`( 1 + o(1)) as k -,, oo, the tail of the p.m.f. of Ty is ofthe order of N -3 / 2 as N -• oo (Exercise 10).


The k-dimensional unrestricted simple symmetric random walk describes themotion of a particle moving randomly on the integer lattice 7Lk according tothe following rules. Starting at a site x = (x., ... , x k ) with integer coordinates,the particle moves to a neighboring site in one of the 2k coordinate directionsrandomly selected with probability 1/2k, and so on, independently of previousdisplacements. The displacement at the nth step is a random variable X. whosepossible values are vectors of the form ±e ;, i = 1, ... , k, where the jthcomponent of e; is 1 for j = i and 0 otherwise. X 1 , X 2 ,... are i.i.d. with

P(X„= e ;)=P(X„= —e,) = 1/2k fori= 1,...,k. (5.1)

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The corresponding position process is defined by

Sö=x, S"= x+X 1 +•••+X n , ni1. (5.2)

The case k = 1 is that already treated in the preceding sections with p = q = 2.In particular, for k = 1 we know that the simple symmetric random walk isrecurrent.

Consider the coordinates of X. = (X,.. . , X.). Although X,', and X„ are notindependent, notice that they are uncorrelated for i 0 j. Likewise, it follows thatthe coordinates of the position vector S = (Sn' 1 , ... , S) are uncorrelated.In particular,

ES„ = x,

xi xj if =j

Cov(Sn ' , Sn') = tn, i

(5.3)0, ifi*j.

Therefore the covariance matrix of S. is nI where I is the k x k identity matrix.The problem of describing the recurrence properties of the simple symmetric

random walk in k dimensions is solved by the following theorem of Pö1ya.

Theorem 5.1. [P61ya]. {S„} is recurrent for k = 1, 2 and transient for k ? 3.

Proof. The result has already been obtained for k = 1. In general, let S. = Sno

and write


fn = P(S" = 0 for the first time after time 0 at n), n >, 1. (5.4)

Then we get the convolution equation

nrn = fj r"_ j forn=1,2,...,


ro=1, f0= 0 . (5.5)

Let P(s) and f(s) denote the respective probability generating functions of {rn }and {f,.} defined by

P(s) _ f (s) _ > fn s" (0 < s < 1). (5.6)n =o n =o

The convolution equation (5.5) transforms as

P(s) = 1 + I E .ijrn-js'sn-j = 1 + Z (MW=0

Y rmsm)fjsj = 1 + f(s)f(s). (5.7)n =1j =0 j =0

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r(s) 1 —f(s) (5.8)

The probability of eventual return to the origin is given by


Y:= Y- fn =.f(l)• (5.9)

Note that by the Monotone Convergence Theorem (Chapter 0), P(s) ,, r(1) andf(s) / f(1) as s T 1. If f(1) < 1, then P(l) = (1 — f(1))' < oo. If f(1) = 1,then P(1) = ums , (1 — f(s) = oo. Therefore, y < 1 (i.e., 0 is transient) ifand only if ß:=r(1) < oo.

This criterion is applied to the case k = 2 as follows. Since a return to 0 ispossible at time 2n if and only if the numbers of steps among the 2n in thepositive horizontal and vertical directions equal the respective numbers of stepsin the negative directions,

" (2n)! 1 2n (n2r2n=4 -in =_

j=o j!j!(n — j)!(n — j)! 42" n j

412n nn^ n^I n nj 4

1nn^z . (5.10)\ 2nj=o

The combinatorial identity used to get the last line of (5.10) follows byconsidering the number of ways of selecting samples of size n from a populationof n objects of type 1 and n objects of type 2 (Exercise 2). Apply Stirling'sformula to (5.10) to get r2 = 0(1/n) > c/n for some c > 0. Therefore,ß = P(1) = + oo and so 0 is recurrent in the case k = 2.

In the case k = 3, similar considerations of "coordinate balance" give

rzn = 6—zn (2n)!

(j.m):j+m ,n j!j!m!m!(n —

j — m)!(n —

j — m)!

1 (2n)1 n! 2= 22n n

j+msn 3" j!m!(n —

j — m)!} .(5.11)

Therefore, writing

n! 1pj,m =—

j!m!(n — j — m)! 3n

and noting that these are the probabilities for the trinomial distribution, we have

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1 (2n)= z" (P;.m)

2 (5.12)2 n

is nearly an average of pj , m 's (with respect to the p j , m distribution). In any case,


jmax Pj,m]Pj,m= 2a" ( nn) max Pj.m. (5.13)j,m j,m

The maximum value of pj , m is attained at j and m nearest to n/3 (Exercise 5).Therefore, writing [x] for the integer part of x,

ir2n \ 1 (2n) 1 n.(5.14)

22n n 3" rn i fl, [n],

Apply Stirling's formula to get (see 5.19 below),

r 2n - C2" nn n n3/2 for some C' > 0. (5.15)

In particular,

Er"<oo. (5.16)"

The general case, r2n < ck n -k/2 for k > 3, is left as an exercise (Exercise 1).n

The constants appearing in the estimate (5.15) are easily computed from themonotonicity of the ratio n!/{(2nn)`I 2n"e - "}; whose limit as n -> oo is 1according to Stirling's formula. To see that the ratio is monotonically decreasing,simply observe that

tlog n! = log n! — flog n — n log n + n — log(2n) l i 2

(2nn) 112n"e - "

J .j log j— Z log n}—{n logn—n}—log(2n)"2,-1 )

= j log(j — 1) + log(j) — f " log x dx } + 1 — log(2n) l i z(

U2 2 J^ J(5.17)

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where the integral term may be checked by integration by parts. The point isthat the term defined by

" log(J — 1) + log(j)(5.18)

j =2


provides the inner trapezoidal approximation to the area under the curvey = log x, 1 < x <, n. Thus, in particular, a simple sketch shows

01 J logxdx—T"

is monotonically increasing. So, in addition to the asymptotic value of the ratio,one also has

n! e

1 (2nn) 112 n"e - " < (2n) 1 / z ,n = 1, 2, .... (5.19)


Often a stochastic process is defined on a given probability space as a sequenceof functions of other already constructed random variables. For example, thesimple random walk {S" = Xl + • • • + X"}, So = 0 is defined in terms of thecoin-tossing process {X"} in Section 2. At other times, a probability space isconstructed specifically to define the stochastic process. For example, theprobability space for the coin-tossing process was constructed starting from thespecifications of the probabilities of finite sequences of heads and tails. Thislatter method, called the canonical construction, is elaborated upon in thissection.

Consider the case that the state space is R' (or a subset of it) and theparameter is discrete (n = 1, 2, ...). Take S2 to be the space of all sample paths;i.e., 52:= (ff!)' := R' is the space of all sequences co = (cw l , w 2 ,...) of realnumbers. The appropriate sigmafield .y := R°° is then the smallest sigmafieldcontaining all finite-dimensional sets of the form {w e SZ: w 1 e B I , ... , w e Bk },where B I , ... , Bk are Borel subsets of W. The coordinate functions X" aredefined by X(w) = con.

As in the case of coin tossing, the underlying physical process sometimessuggests a specification of probabilities of finite-dimensional events defined bythe values of the process at time points 1, 2, ... , n for each n >, 1. That is, foreach n > 1 a probability measure P. is prescribed on (R", M"). The problem isthat we require a probability measure P on (f, F) such that P" is the distributionof X1 , ... , X. That is, for all Borel sets B 1 , ... , B",

P(we02:m,EB 1 ,...,Cw"EB")=P"(B 1 x ... x B"). (6.1)

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P(X1 E B 1 , ... , X„ E B„) = P„(B 1 x • .. x B„). (6.2)

Since the events {X 1 c-B 1 ,...,X„EB„,Xn+1 eR'}and {X1 eB 1 ,...,X„EB„}are identical subsets of .^'°°, for there to be a well-defined probability measureP prescribed by (6.1) or (6.2) it is necessary that

PP +1(B, x • • • x B„ x Ili') = Pn (B, x • .. x B„) (6.3)

for all Borel sets B 1 , . .. , B. in 118 1 and n >, 1. Kolmogorov's Existence Theoremasserts that the consistency condition (6.3) is also sufficient for such a probabilitymeasure P to exist and that there is only one such P on (, R) = (12, F)(theoretical complement 1). This holds more generally, for example, when thestate space S is l, a countable set, or any Borel subset of tF . A proof for thesimple case of finite state processes is outlined in Exercise 3.

Example 1. Consider the problem of canonically constructing a sequenceX1 , X2 , ... of i.i.d. random variables having the common (marginal) distributionQ on (111 1 , R 1 ). Take il = IR', F = R', and X. the nth coordinate projectionX(w) = w„, w E S2. Define, for each n >, 1 and all Borel sets B 1 , ... , B,,,

p,, (B 1 x ... x B.) = Q(B 1 ). . . Q(B,,). (6.4)

Since Q(R') = 1, the consistency condition (6.3) follows immediately from thedefinition (6.4). Now one simply invokes the Kolmogorov Existence Theoremto get a probability measure P on (S2, F) such that

P(X1 E B 1 , ... , Xq E Bn) = Q(B1) ... Q(Bn)

= p(X1 EB1) . . .p(X,,EB„). (6.5)

The simple random walk can be constructed within the framework of thecanonical probability space (S2, F, P) constructed for coin tossing, althoughthis is a noncanonical probability space for {S„}. Alternatively, a canonicalconstruction can be made directly for {S„} (Exercise 2(i)). This, on the otherhand, provides a noncanonical probability space for the displacement(coin-tossing) process defined by the differences X. = S. — S„_ 1 , n > 1.

Example 2. The problem is to construct a Gaussian stochastic process havingprescribed means and covariances. Suppose that we are given a sequence ofreal numbers µ i , pa ,... , and an array, a1 , i, j = 1, 2, ... , of real numberssatisfying


Qi; = o;i for all i, j, (6.6)

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(Non-negative Definiteness)

Z 6 ;j x ; xj ^ 0 for all n-tuples (x 1 , ... , x„) in (6.7)i,j= 1

Property (6.7) is the condition that D. = ((Q ;j)), ,; , be a nonnegative definitematrix for each n. Again take ) = R', = :4', and X,, X2 ,. . . the respectivecoordinate projections. For each n >, 1, let P„ be the n-dimensional Gaussiandistribution on (O", ") having mean vector (µ l , . .. , µ„) and covariance matrixD. Since a linear transformation of a Gaussian random vector is also Gaussian,the consistency condition (6.3) can be checked by applying the coordinateprojection mapping (x 1 ..... x„ + ,) -+ (x 1 , ... , x„) from I ”+' to tll” (Exercise 1).

Example 3. Let S be a countable set and let p = ((p)) be a matrix ofnonnegative real numbers such that for each fixed i, p ; ,j is a probabilitydistribution (sums to I over j in S). Let a = (7r i) be a probability distributionon S. By the Kolmogorov Existence Theorem there is a probability distributionP,, on the infinite sequence space = S x S x • • • x S x • • . such thatPP (X0 =10.....X =j) = n 30 pJ0 J1 • • •p where X„ denotes the nthprojection map (Exercise 2(ii)). In this case the process {X„}, having distributionP, is called a Markov chain. These processes are the subject of Chapter II.


Perhaps the simplest way to introduce the continuous-parameter stochasticprocess known as Brownian motion is to view it as the limiting form of anunrestricted random walk. To physically motivate the discussion, suppose asolute particle immersed in a liquid suffers, on the average, f collisions persecond with the molecules of the surrounding liquid. Assume that a collisioncauses a small random displacement of the solute particle that is independentof its present position. Such an assumption can be justified in the case that thesolute particle is much heavier than a molecule of the surrounding liquid. Forsimplicity, consider displacements in one particular direction, say the verticaldirection, and assume that each displacement is either +A or —A withprobabilities p and q = 1 — p, respectively. The particle then performs aone-dimensional random walk with step size A. Assume for the present thatthe vessel is very large so that the random walk initiated far away from theboundary may be considered to be unrestricted. Suppose at time zero the particleis at the position x relative to some origin. At time t > 0 it has sufferedapproximately n = tf independent displacements, say Z 1 , Z2 , ... , Z„. Since fis extremely large (of the order of 10 21 ), if t is of the order of 10 -10 secondthen n is very large. The position of the particle at time t, being x plus the sumof n independent Bernoulli random variables, is, by the central limit theorem,approximately Gaussian with mean x + tf(p — q)0 and variance tf4A 2pq. Tomake the limiting argument firm, let

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p=2+ 2^ o and 0= ^

Here p and a are two fixed numbers, or > 0. Then as f --> cc, the meandisplacement t f (p — q)0 converges to tµ and the variance converges to tae . Inthe limit, then, the position X, of the particle at time t > 0 is Gaussian withprobability density function (in y) given by

_ z

P(t; x, Y) _ (2ita2t)1j2 eXp{—(Y

_ 2QZt tµ) (7.1)

Ifs > 0 then X, + — X, is the sum of displacements during the time interval(t, t + s]. Therefore, by the argument above, X, +s — X, is Gaussian with meansµ and variance sa e , and it is independent of {X,,: 0 < u < t}. In particular, forevery finite set of time points 0 < t l < t 2 < • • • <t, the random variablesX,,, X^ 2 — X,.. . , X XX,,,_, are independent. A stochastic process with thislast property is said to be a process with independent increments. This is thecontinuous-time analogue of random walks. From the physical description ofthe process {X} as representing (a coordinate of) the path of a diffusing soluteparticle, one would expect that the sample paths of the process (i.e., thetrajectories t —* X(w) = w,) may be taken to be continuous. That this is indeedthe case is an important mathematical result originally due to Norbert Wiener.For this reason, Brownian motion is also called the Wiener process. A completedefinition of Brownian motion goes as follows.

Definition 7.1. A Brownian motion with drift µ and diffusion coefficient a 2 isa stochastic process {X,: t 0} having continuous sample paths andindependent Gaussian increments with mean and variance of an incrementXX+s — XX being sp and sa e , respectively. If X0 = x, then this Brownian motionis said to start at x. A Brownian motion with zero drift and diffusion coefficientof 1 is called the standard Brownian motion.

Families of random variables {X} constituting Brownian motions arise inmany different contexts on diverse probability spaces. The canonical model forBrownian motion is given as follows.

1. The sample space S2 := C[0, oo) is the set of all real-valued continuousfunctions on the time interval [0, cc). This is the set of all possibletrajectories (sample paths) of the process.

2. XX (co) := co, is the value of the sample path w at time t.3. S2 is equipped with the smallest sigmafield .y of subsets of S2

containing the class .moo of all finite-dimensional sets of the formF = fce e ): a ; <w,. < b i , i = 1, 2, ... , k}, where a ; <b, are constantsand 0 < t l < t 2 < • • • < t k are a finite set of time points. .F is said to begenerated by .moo.

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4. The existence and uniqueness of a probability measure P x on F, calledthe Wiener measure starting at x, as specified by Definition 7.1 isdetermined by the probability assignments of the form of (7.2) below.

For the set F above, PP(F) can be calculated as follows. Definition (7.1) givesthe joint density of X, Xr2 - X,,, ... , X,, - Xtk _, as that of k independentGaussian random variables with means t 1 p., (t 2 - t1)µ, ... , (tk - tk -1)/2 ,respectively, and variances tIQ 2 , (t2 — t1)a 2 , ... , (tk — tk_ 1 )a 2, respectively.Transforming this (product) joint density, say in variables z 1 , z 2 , ... , by thechange of variables z 1 = YI, z2 = Y2 - Y1' • • • I zk = Yk - Yk-1 and using the factthat the Jacobian of this linear transformation is unity, one obtains

PX (a ; <X11 <b 1 fori= 1,2,...,k)

^ bI ... fbk - I fbk {—(Y1 — X — tA'

201ak I Jak (27rQ2 t l) "2 exp 2v t,

1Y2 — Y1 — (2 — t1)1 1 ) 2 l1 t

(21IU2(t2 — t1))"2exp —

2a2(t2 — t1) 1I J (Yk — Yk-1 — (tk — tk-1)t^) 2

— tk - 1))


^... 2 2 expl(—

2 2(tk — tk - 1)

dYk dYk-I ...

dY1•(27L6 (tk 6


The joint density of X, 1 , X, 2 , ... , X,,, is the integrand in (7.2) and may beexpressed, using (7.1), as

P(t1;x+Y1)P(t2 — t1+Y1 , Y2)"'P(tk — tk-I+Yk-I,Yk)• (7.3)

The probabilities of a number of infinite-dimensional events will be calculatedin Sections 9-13, and in Chapter IV. Some further discussion of mathematicalissues in this connection are presented in Section 8 also. The details of aconstruction of the Brownian motion and its Wiener measure distribution aregiven in the theoretical complements of Section 13.

If {X,(') }, j = 1, 2, ... , k, are k independent standard Brownian motions, thenthe vector-valued process {X,} = {{X; 1) , Xt( 2I, ... , Xr( k))} is called a standardk-dimensional Brownian motion. If {X,} is a standard k-dimensional Brownianmotion, p = (µ (1) , ... , µ (k 1 ) a vector in l, and A a k x k nonsingular matrix,then the vector-valued process {Y, = AX, + tµ} has independent increments, theincrement Y +S - Y, = A(X, +s - X,) + (t + s - t)µ being Gaussian with meanvector su and covariance (or dispersion) matrix sD, where D = AA' and A'denotes the transpose of A. Such a process Y is called a k-dimensional Brownianmotion with drift vector p and diffusion matrix, or dispersion matrix D.

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The argument in Section 7 indicating Brownian motion (with zero driftparameter for simplicity) as the limit of a random walk can be made on thebasis of the classical central limit theorem which applies to every i.i.d. sequenceof increments {Zm} having finite mean and variance. While we can only obtainconvergence of the finite-dimensional distributions by such considerations, muchmore is true. Namely, probabilities of certain infinite-dimensional events willalso converge. The convergence of the full distributions of random walks tothe full distribution of the Brownian motion process is informally explained inthis section. A more detailed and precise discussion is given in the theoreticalcomplements of Sections 8 and 13.

To state this limit theorem somewhat more precisely, consider a sequenceof i.i.d. random variables {Z.} and assume for the present that EZ,„ = 0 andVar Z. = a 2 > 0. Define the random walk

S0= 0 , Sm =Z 1 +•.•+.Zm (m=1,2,...). (8.1)

Define, for each value of the scale parameter n >, 1, the stochastic process

X in) = S[nr] (t i 0), (8.2)V "

where [nt] is the integer part of nt. Figure 8.1 plots the sample path of{X;"^: t >, 0} up to time t = 13/n if the successive displacements take valuesZ 1 =-1, Zz =+1, Z3 =+1, Z4 =+1, Z5 =-1, Z6 =+1, Z7 =+1,Zg = — 1, Zq = + 1, Z10 = + 1, 211 = + 1, Z12 = — 1.

_ 1



4 —4 '-4Vn

3 ^---; •-4'In

? —4—.--1-4Vn


1 1 3 4 5 6 7 i 9 10 11 12 13 tn n n n n n It n n n n n n

IntlEX' ") = 0, VarX^11 = n ~ t,

Cov(Vt., + `v l)= [n] ~ S.

Figure 8.1

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The process {S11 : t >, 0} records the discrete-time random walk{S.: m = 0, 1, 2, ...} on a continuous time scale whose unit is n times that ofthe discrete time unit, i.e., Sm is plotted at time m/n. The process{X} = {(1/\/)S[„f] } also scales distance by measuring distances on a scalewhose unit is f times the unit of measurement used for the random walk.This is a convenient normalization, since

EX ) = 0, Var X}" ) =z[nt]0 2 ta z for large n. (8.3)


In a time interval (t 1 , t 2] the overall "displacement" X — X(° ) is the sum of

a large number [nt z] — [nt,] n(t 2 — t,) of small i.i.d. random variables

1 1

In the case {Z,„} is i.i.d. Bernoulli, this means reducing the step sizes of the

random variables to t1 = 1/,.fn. In a physical application, looking at {X}meansmeans the following.

1. The random walk is observed at times t, < t 2 <t 3 < • • • sufficiently farapart to allow a large number of individual displacements to occur duringeach of the time intervals (t,, t z], (t z , t 3], ... , and

2. Measurements of distance are made on a "macroscopic" scale whose unitof measurement is much larger than the average magnitude of theindividual displacements. The normalizing large parameter n scales timeand n'' z scales space coordinates.

Since the sample paths of {X} have jumps (though small for large n) andare, therefore, discontinuous, it is technically more convenient to linearlyinterpolate the random walk between one jump point and the next, using thesame space—time scales as used for {X°}. The polygonal process {X,( " 1 } isformally defined by

Xt") = SIntl + (nt — [nt]) t 0. (8.4)

In this way, just as for the limiting Brownian motion process, the paths of{X} are continuous. Figure 8.2 plots the path of {X1"°} corresponding to thepath of {X} drawn in Figure 8.1. In a time interval m/n < t < (m + 1)/n, X;" )

is constant at level 1// S„„ while X}" ) changes linearly from l/ f S. at timet=m/n to

I S„, +1 = S"' Z'" + ' at timem + 1

me t =n

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I [n(] Z101j+j

S^ rl + (t — n ) ^n






= 0, VarX^ rn) _ [nt] + 1 (t — [nt]


n n n


Figure 8.2

Thus, in any given interval [0, T] the maximum difference between the twoprocesses {X,(n»} and {X,(° )} does not exceed

c n(T) = max IZII , IZ21 , IZ[nT,+1I

To see that the difference between {X,(n ) } and {X;n )} is negligible for large n,consider the following estimate. For each 6 > 0,

P(en(T) > 6) = 1 — P(e n (T) < (5)

= I —P( IZ^'<(5 for allm= 1,2,...,[nT]+ 1)l V n

= 1 — (P(IZ11 < 5\)) [nT1+1

= 1 — (1 — P(IZ11 > 6.^ n))[nT 1 +l (8.5)

Assuming for simplicity that EIZ 1 1 3 < co, Chebyshev's inequality yields

P(1Z11 > 6^) <, EIZII 3/6 3 n3/2 . Use this in (8.5) to get (Exercise 9)

EIZIr (nTJ+l

P(e (T) > (5) 1 — ( i — (533/2 )

1—exp{— EIZ113T }—► 0 (8.6)63n 1/2

when n is large. Here indicates that the difference between the two sides

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goes to zero. Thus, on any closed and bounded time interval the behaviors of{X,(" )} and {X} are the same in the large-n limit.

Note that given any finite set of time points 0 < t 1 < t 2 < < t, the jointdistribution of (X, X;z ) , .. . , X(" )) converges to the finite-dimensionaldistribution of (XX1 , X, 2 , ... , Xtk ), where {X,} is a Brownian motion with zerodrift and diffusion coefficient a 2 . To see this, note that X, X — Xt"^, ... ,X,(k ) — X() , are independent random variables that by the classical central limittheorem (Chapter 0) converge in distribution to Gaussian random variableswith zero means and variances t1a2 , (t2 — t, )a 2 , ... , (tk — tk_ t )Q 2 . That is tosay, the joint distribution of (X, X ,(" ) — X° , X (") — X ("^ )converges tothat of (X,,, X X, ... , X X,k _,). By a linear transformation, one getsthe desired convergence of finite-dimensional distributions of {X(" )} (and,therefore, of {X^" 1 }) to those of the Brownian motion process {X} (Exercise 1).

Roughly speaking, to establish the full convergence in distribution of {X!" 1 }to Brownian motion, one further looks at a finite set of time points comprisinga fine subdivision of a bounded interval [0, T] and shows that the fluctuationsof the process {X^"^} on [0, T] between successive points of this subdivisionare sufficiently small in probability, a property called the tightness of the process.This control over fluctuations together with the convergence of {X^" 1 } evaluatedat the time points of the subdivision ensures convergence in distribution to acontinuous process whose finite-dimensional distributions are the same as thoseof Brownian motion (see theoretical complements for details). Since there is noprocess other than Brownian motion with continuous sample paths that hasthese limiting finite-dimensional distributions, it follows that the limit must beBrownian motion.

A precise statement of the functional central limit theorem (FCLT) is thefollowing.

Theorem 8.1. (The Functional Central Limit Theorem). Suppose {Z,,,:m = 1, 2, ...} is an i.i.d. sequence with EZ„, = 0 and variance a 2 > 0. Then asn —* cc the stochastic processes {X: t > 0} (or {Xr"°: t >, 0}) converge indistribution to a Brownian motion starting at the origin with zero drift anddiffusion coefficient a 2 .

An important way in which to view the convergence asserted in the FCLTis as follows. First, the sample paths of the polygonal process {X^" 1 } belong tothe Space S = C[O, oo) of all continuous real-valued function on [0, oo), as dothose of the limiting Brownian motion {X}. This space C[O, oo) is a metricspace with a natural notion of convergence of sequences {d" ) }, say, being that"{m (" )} converges to w in C[O, co) as n tends to infinity if and only if{co (" ) (t): a <, t < b} converges uniformly to {w(t): a < t < b} for all closed andbounded intervals [a, b]." Second, the distributions of the processes {X} and{X,} are probability measures P" and P on a certain class F of events of C[0, cc),called Borel subsets, which is generated by and therefore includes all of thefinite-dimensional events. .F includes as well various important infinite-

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dimensional events, e.g., the events {max a , b X > y} and f maxa t b X < x}pertaining to extremes of the process. More generally, if f is a continuousfunction on C[0, oo) then the event { f({X}) < x} is also a Borel subset ofC[0, oo) (Exercise 2). With events of this type in mind, a precise meaning ofconvergence in distribution (or weak convergence) of the probability measuresP. to P on this infinite-dimensional space C[0, oo) is that the probabilitydistributions of the real-valued (one dimensional) random variables f({X;'°})converge (in distribution as described in Chapter 0) to the distribution of f({X1 })for each real-valued continuous function f defined on C[0, cc). Since a numberof important infinite-dimensional events can be expressed in terms of continuousfunctionals of the processes, this makes calculations of probabilities possibleby taking limits; for examples of infinite dimensional events whose probabilitiesdo not converge see Exercise 9.3(iv).

Because the limiting process, namely Brownian motion, is the same for allincrements {Z,„} as above, the limit Theorem 8.1 is also referred to as theInvariance Principle, i.e., invariance with respect to the distribution of theincrement process.

There are two distinct types of applications of Theorem 8.1. In the first typeit is used to calculate probabilities of infinite-dimensional events associated withBrownian motion by studying simple random walks. In the second type it(invariance) is used to calculate asymptotics of a large variety of partial-sumprocesses by studying simple random walks and Brownian motion. Several suchexamples are considered in the next two sections.


The first problem is to calculate, for a Brownian motion {X} with drift Ic = 0and diffusion coefficient Q 2 , starting at x, the probability

P(T < Ta) = P({X' } reaches c before d) (c < x < d), (9.1)


T;:= inf{t >, 0: Xx = y} . (9.2)

Since {B, = (X; — x)/v) is a standard Brownian motion starting at zero,

P(2x < ra) = P({B,} reaches c — x before d —_X (9.3)

a Q

Now consider the i.i.d. Bernoulli sequence {Zm : m = 1, 2, ...} with P(Zm = 1) =P(Zm = — 1) = 2, and the associated random walk So = 0, Sm = Z l + • • • + Z,„(m >, 1). By the FCLT (Theorem 8.1), the polygonal process {X} associatedwith this random walk converges in distribution to {B,}. Hence (theoretical

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complement 2)

c—x d—xlP(i < rd) = lim P ( {i} reaches ------- before ----/)

"- x Q 6

= lim P({S,„} reaches c" before d"), (9.4)"-+00


c"= Lc -x ;],6


d— x n if d" = d —X is an integer,

d =" d—x

d x+ 1 if not.

By relation (3.14) of Section 3, one has

d_ x -- n

aP(rx <t) = l

dim " = lim ----- -- . (9.5)


P(r, <ra) = d—c(c<x<d,µ=0). (9.6)

Similarly, using relation (3.13) of Section 3 instead of (3.14), one gets

P(ta <T') = x_c (c <x<d,p =0). (9.7)

Letting d --* + oo in (9.6) and c —+ — co in (9.7), one has

P(rc < oo) = P({X, } ever reaches c) = I (c < x, p = 0),(9.8)

P(r< < oo) = P({X; } ever reaches d) = 1 (x < d, p = 0).

The relations (9.8) mean that a Brownian motion with zero drift is recurrent,

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just as a simple symmetric random walk was shown to be in Section 3.The next problem is to calculate the corresponding probabilities when the

drift is a nonzero quantity p. Consider, for each large n, the Bernoulli sequence

P(Z,n.n=+1)=Pn=1+ p2 26^ ,

{Z,„ n : m = 1, 2, ...} with1

P(Zm,n= —1)=9 n =---------. µ22

Write Sm , n =Z l , n +— , +Z,„ n for m>,1,So.,,=0.Then,

[nt] µEX (n) = ES1n,1,n = a n tp

^n or (9.9)

Var X^ [nt] Var Z„n — —[nt] ((1 1 µ )Z) t,(n) = 1\n n 7

and a slight modification of the FCLT, with no significant difference in proof,implies that {X;n ) } and, therefore, {X;n°} converges in distribution to a Brownianmotion with drift µ/Q and diffusion coefficient of I that starts at the origin. Let{X'} be a Brownian motion with drift It and diffusion coefficient a 2 starting atx. Then {W = (X, — x)/Q} is a Brownian motion with drift p/a and diffusioncoefficient of! that starts at the origin. Hence, by using relation (3.8) of Section 3,

P(i, <x) = P({X, } reaches c before d)

= Pl{W} reaches c — x before d — x^

Q a

= lim ({Sm , n : m = 0, 1, 2, ...} reaches c n before dn )n-• ro

d=x1 — (ihn /^]n) a f

= lim/ d-x - c=x

1 — (pn/qn) a ✓n a ✓n

µ d=x1 + a n


1—7= um

n-m l^ d—c J1 + a nU n

1— I I

— ; µ^

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exp cd ‚z x µ

exp- 2 A µ^

exp^ (d —c) Ja

2 )j

exp —d— -

1Lv z


P(i' < zcd) = 1 — exp{2(d — x)p/vz }

(c < x < d, p 0). (9.10)1 — exp{2(d — c)p/v 2 }

If relation (3.6) of Section 3 is used instead of (3.8), then

P(Td < T') = 1 — exp{ —2(x — c)µ/a2}

(c <x < d, y 0). (9.11)1 — exp{-2(d — c)µ/a}

Letting d T oo in (9.10), one gets

P(i<<oo)=exp{- 2(x z c)p }

(c < x, p > 0),l o J)) (9.12)

P(r <oo)= 1 (c<x,p<0).

Thus, in this case the extremal random variable min,,, X° is exponentiallydistributed (Exercise 4). Letting c j — oc in (9.11) one obtains

P(trd <oo)=1 (x<d,p>0),(9.13)

P(-rd < oo) = exp{2(d — x)µ/a 2 } (x < d, p < 0).

In particular it follows that max,, o X° is exponentially distribute (Exercise 4).Relations (9.12), (9.13) imply that a Brownian motion with a nonzero drift istransient. This can also be deduced by an appeal to (a continuous time versionof) the strong law of large numbers, just as in (3.11), (3.12) of Section 3(Exercise 1).


We have seen in Section 4, relation (4.7), that for a simple symmetric randomwalk starting at zero, the first passage time 7y to the state y 0 0 has the

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P(7.=N)=IYI N+y 1NY


N=IYI>IYI+2,IYI+4..... (10.1)

Now let r = T° be the first time a standard Brownian motion starting at theorigin reaches z. Let {X^" ) } be the polygonal process corresponding to the simplesymmetric random walk. Considering the first time {X ) } reaches z, one hasby the FLCT (Theorem 8.1) and Eq. 10.1 (Exercise 1),

P(a= > t) = lim P(TZ f ] > [nt])n- X

= lim P(T=,n] = N)n-+m N=(nt]+1


= lim IYI ( N+ y N (Y = [z^])n-+ao N=tnt]+1, N 2



Now according to Stirling's formula, for large integers M, we can write

M! = (21r) 2e -MMnr+2 (1 + SM ) (10.3)

where 8M —► 0 as M —► oo. Since y = [z\], N> [nt], and 2(N ± y) >

{[nt] — I[z/]I}/2, both N and N + y tend to infinity as n —• oo. Therefore,for N + y even,

N e-NNN+#2-NIYI N + y 2 _ N = IYI 2

N 2 (2ir) t N e -(N+Y)12(N + Y)(N+y)/2+Ie

—(N—Y)/2(N — Y l (N-Yu2+#

2 ` 2 J

X (1 + o(1))

(2ir)1I2N312 1+ N I 1— N (1 + o( 1 ))

I (N + Y)/ 2 (N — Y)l2


/2N3/2 (1 + ) 1 — (1 + o( 1 )),N(10.4)

where o(1) denotes a quantity whose magnitude is bounded above by a quantityen(t, z) that depends only on n, t, z and which goes to zero as n —• oo. Also,

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r y (N+ yuz y wN-vuz _ N + Y Y _ Y z IYI3log[

(1 + N) 1 - N 2 N 2N2 +ß(N3)

+N 2 y [N+2N +O \ INI3/]2 3

_ -2N+8(N,y), (10.5)

where IB(N, y)j < n -11 zc(t, z) and c(t, z) is a constant depending only on t andz. Combining (10.4) and (10.5), we have

N(^N N + Y 2-N = n N3I/2 exp 1-


2N}(1 + o( 1 ))2

(= n I N 312 exp1-2N}(1 + 0(1)), (10.6)

where o(1) --, 0 as n -* oo, uniformly for N> [nt], N - [z\] even. Using thisin (10.2), one obtains

( zP(r= > t) = lim rz I N 31 2 expj


n—^ao N> n:J, lN—[z.n) even

Now either [nt] + 1 or [nt] + 2 is a possible value of N. In the first case thesum in (10.7) is over values N = [nt] - I + 2r (r = 1, 2, ...), and in the secondcase over values [nt] + 2r (r = 1, 2, ...). Since the differences in correspondingvalues of N/n are 2/n, one may take N = [nt] + 2r for the purpose of calculating(10.7). Thus,

P(t2 > t) = lim ] + 2 ex ( nz2}fl X) n ([nt] + 2r) 31^ p1 2([nt] + 2r)

_ - Izl lim ^ 1 2 1 exp^-n r1 2 n zz 1-.. = (t + 2r/n)312 2(t + 2r/n)

_ j2r fl

- z2^ Iz l 2 u3/^ exp - 2u du. (10.8)

Now, by the change of variables v = Izi/ f , we get

2 folzP(T= > t) _ v e - " Z/ z dv. (10.9)


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The first passage time distribution for the more general case of Brownianmotion {X1} with zero drift and diffusion coefficient Qz > 0, starting at theorigin, is now obtained by applying (10.9) to the standard Brownian motion{(1/Q)X}. Therefore,

2 f I=IbfP(;> t) _ e-°2/2 dv. (10.10)


The probability density function fQ2(t) of; is obtained from (10.10) as

f 2(t) = Izl e-ZZna=t (t > 0). (10.11)(2nci 2 ) 1/2 t3/2

Note that for large t the tail of the p.d.f. f 2 (t) is of the order of t -3/2 . Therefore,although {X°} will reach z in a finite time with probability 1, the expected timeis infinite (Exercise 11).

Consider now a Brownian motion {X,} with a nonzero drift µ and diffusioncoefficient a 2 that starts at the origin. As in Section 9, the polygonal process{X^n)} corresponding to the simple random walk S,„, n = Z 1 , ß + • • • + Z„,,n ,S0,, = 0, with P(Ztn , n = 1) = p„ = 2 + µ/(2Q\), converges in distribution to{W = Xja}, which is a Brownian motion with drift µ/u and diffusion coefficient1. On the other hand, writing Ty ,n for the first passage time of {S„, n : m = 0, 1, ...}to y, one has, by relation (4.6) of Section 4,

NNP(1 = IY) p(N+v)/2R(N-v)/2N) = N N + y


NIYI N )(N-i-y)12( l(N-Y)l2

N+y 2 - 1+2 —N Ql Q n

FYI µ2 \ N/21

µ y/2 p y/2

= N N + y 1 2 _ N( a2 \1 n 1 + / \

l —2 U n ; )


For y = [w..J] for some given nonzero w, and N = [nt] + 2r for some givent> 0 and all positive integers r, one has

( _N/2 /

I1 1 } ^Jv/z/ l — ^l-y/2

/ \ µz +r J µ Wf/z µ w,,/„/z



\1 + a nI \l Q^)(1 + 0(1))

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= ex2 2 r

tµ ex ^w ex 1l + 0exp{ _ 4}( i — a 2n^ p 26 p 2v ( ())

t/1 2 /LWµz)n]rin

(= exp--2+6

-zn1 +o(1))

ri ( z l roexp — tµ2 + ^W exp —Y-2 + e„J (l + 0(1)) (10.13)

2a Cr l Q

where E„ does not depend on r and goes to zero as n —+ oc, and o(l) representsa term that goes to zero uniformly for all r >, 1 as n --* x. The first passagetime i 2 to z for {X1 } is the same as the first passage time to w = z/a for theprocess {I4'} = {X/a}. It follows from (9.12), (9.13) that if

(i) p. <0 and z > O or(ii) p > 0 and z < 0,

then there is a positive probability that the process { W} will never reach w = z/a(i.e., tZ = co). On the other hand, the sum of the probabilities in (10.12) overN> [nt] only gives the probability that the random walk reaches [w,,/n-] in afinite time greater than [nt]. By the FCLT, (10.6)—(10.8) and (10.12) and (10.13),we have

2P(t < r < co) = IwI exp — tu2 + wµ lim 1zn 2a Q „^^ r _ 1 n(t + 2r/n) 312

wzx exp —

++ e )'^”

2(t 2r/n)

^ tµ2 jJ1 1 f w2_ ^(wI exp — 2a2 + 2 V312 exp — 2v

x [expf—^Zn`„-`I/2


= I I p^ —t1i W/.1

1(2n)i/z w ex

2a a v3/z


x exp{— — (v — t) dv2v 2az

z z= w^ exp ^

1 W/I)1 exp — W — v A,

(2n) l/Za fj ^ v 3 '2 2v 2U2

for w = z/a. (10.14)

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Therefore, for t > 0,

z zPt = 1 i 1ex z -- v dv. 10.15(

) (27r) / Z a o2 v3/2 p 2a2o 2QZ( )

Differentiating this with respect to t (and changing the sign) the probabilitydensity function of r Z is given by

.fa=. (t) = Izl exp(2 2o

^µz z2 — µZ t}nc2 ) l / 2 t3J 2 QZ 2QZ t 2



„(t) _ (2na2)1J2t3n exp{ --1 (z — µt)2 } (t > 0). (10.16)

In particular, letting p(t; 0, y) denote the p.d.f. (7.1) of the distribution of theposition X° at time t, (10.16) can be expressed as (see 4.6)

.%2.u(t) = ICI p(t; 0, Z). (10.17)

As mentioned before, the integral of J 2 ,2(t) is less than 1 if either

(i) p>O,z<Oor(ii) p<0,z>0.

In all other cases, (10.16) is a proper probability density function. By puttingp = 0 in (10.16), one gets (10.11).


Consider a simple symmetric random walk {S,„} starting at zero. The problemis to calculate the distribution of the last visit to zero by So , S,, ... , S. Forthis we first calculate the probability that the number of + l's exceeds thenumber of — l's until time N and with a given positive value of the excess attime N.

Lemma 1. Let a, b be two integers, 0 < a < b. Then

P(S1>0,S2>0,...,S.+b-i> 0,Sa+b=b—a)

b - a[(a+b b — 11 — (a+b— 111^21a+n—(a b b)a+b(2)a+n.


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Proof. Each of the (t b)b) paths from (0, 0) to (a + b, b — a) has probability(2)° +b We seek the number M of those for which S 1 = 1, S2 > 0, S3 > 0, ... ,Sa+b_1 > 0, Sa+b = b — a. Now the paths from (1,1) to (a + b, b — a) that crossor touch zero (the horizontal axis) are in one—one correspondence with thosethat go from (1, — 1) to (a + b, b — a). This correspondence is set up by reflectingeach path of the last type about zero (i.e., about the horizontal time axis) upto the first time after time zero that zero is reached, and leaving the path fromthen on unchanged. The reflected path leads from (1, 1) to (a + b, b — a) andcrosses or touches zero. Conversely, any path leading from (1,1) to(a + b, b — a) that crosses or touches zero, when reflected in the same manner,yields a path from (1, —1) to (a + b, b — a). But the number of all paths from(1, —1) to (a + b, b — a) is simply ("1') since it requires b plus l's and a — 1minus l's among a + b — I steps to go from (1, —1) to (a + b, b — a). Hence

M= (a b+b i 1) — (a+b-1^

since there are altogether (' + 6 1 1 ) paths from (1,1) to (a + b, b — a). Now astraightforward simplification yields

_ a+b b—a

M b )a+b

Lemma 2. For the simple symmetric random walk starting at zero we have,

f'(S154 0,S2^` 0,...,Sz" 0)=P(Sz"=0)_\nn2n. (11.2)

Proof. By symmetry, the leftmost side of (11.2) equals

2P(S I >0,S2 >0,...,S2n >0)

"=2 Z P(S 1 >O,S2 >0,...,SZ"_ 2 >0,Sen =2r)


=2,= [(n

2+r 1 1) — (2n+r/](2)


= 2(2nn 1)\2/ 2n =


n = P(S2" = 0),

where we have adopted the convention that ( 2 2n 1 ) = 0 in writing the middleequality.

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Theorem 11.1. Let I'(' ) = max{ j: 0 ,< j ,< m, Si = 0}. Then

P(F(2n) = 2k) = P(S2k = 0)P(S2n-2k = 0 )

= \2

k /\2/ 2k(fl_k k2

) J2n-2k

(2k)!(2n — 2k)! ( i'\"=

(k!)2 ((n — k)!)2fork =0,1,2,..., n. (11.3)


Proof. By considering the conditional probability given {S2k = 0} one can easilyjustify that

P(r(2n) = 2k) = P(S2k = 0, S2k +1 5 0, Sek + 2 0, ... , Sen * 0)

= P(S2k = 0)P(S I 0, S2 0, ... , S2n-2k 0 )

= P(S2k = 0)P(S2n-2k = 0)•

Theorem 11.1 has the following symmetry relation as a corollary.

P(r'(2 n ) = 2k) = P(17(2 n) = 2n — 2k) for all k = 0,1, ... , n. (11.4)

Theorem 11.2. (The Arc Sine Law). Let {B,} be a standard Brownian motionat zero. Let y = sup{t: 0 < t 5 1, B, = 0}. Then y has the probability densityfunction

1 0<x<l. (11.5)i(x) _ IZ(x(1 — x))112 ,

P(y < x) = .f(y) dy = sin 1 x-. (11.6)fox n

Proof. Let {So = 0, S 1 , S2 , ...} be a simple symmetric random walk. Define{X ' ) } as in (8.4). By the FCLT (Theorem 8.1) one has

P(y '< x) = um P(y (") < x) (0 < x < 1),n— ao


y (" ) = sup{t: 0 '< t '< 1, X = 0} = 1 sup{m: 0 < m <, n, S. = O} = 1 r(" ) .n n

In particular, taking the limit over even integers, it follows that

P(y x) = limP(2n1 r 2n) x I = um P(r(2nj < 2nx),

n- 0, jjj n —ao

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where I'(2n 1 is defined in Theorem 11.1. By Theorem 11.1 and Stirling'sapproximation

lim P(I'(Z " 1 < 2nx) = lim [^1 (2k)!(2n — 2k)! 2_2nn-w n-•. k=o (k!)2 ((n — k)!)z

1-1 (27r) 112e - 2k(2k )zk+ j= lim Y-

112 -k k+})2n-.00 k=o ((2n) e k

(2x)1/2e-2(n-k)(2(n — k))[2cn-k)+#12-2n

x \ ((2n)'1'e-("-k)(n — k)n-k++)2


= lim Y-n-+oo k=o 7i (n — k)


1 Intl 1 1 _ 1x 1= n li k= n k k 112 n o (y( 1 — y)) 1I2 dy

\n^ 1 n//

The following (invariance) corollary follows by applying the FCLT.

Corollary 11.3. Let {Z,, Z 2 , ...} be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables suchthat EZ, = 0, EZ i = 1. Then, defining {X^" 1 } as in (8.4) and y (n 1 as above, one has

lim P(y (n ) x) = 2 sin - ' ^. (11.7)n-^M n

From the arcsine law of the time of the last visit to zero it is also possibleto get the distribution of the length of time in [0, 1] the standard Brownianmotion spends on the positive side of the origin (i.e., an occupation timelaw) again.as an arcsine distribution. This fact is recorded in the followingcorollary (Exercise 2).

Corollary 11.4. Let U = I {t < 1: Bt e IT + }I, where I I denotes Lebesguemeasure and {B1 } is standard Brownian motion starting at 0. Then,

P(U < x) = 2 sin -1 ‚/i (11.8)n


Let {B,} be a standard Brownian motion starting at zero. Since B, — tB l vanishesfor t = 0 and t = 1, the stochastic process {B*} defined by

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B*:=B t —tB,, O'<t'< 1, (12.1)

is called the Brownian bridge or the tied-down Brownian motion.Since {B,} is a Gaussian process with independent increments, it is simple

to check that {B*} is a Gaussian process; i.e., its finite dimensional distributionsare Gaussian. Also,

EB* = 0, (12.2)


Cov(B*, B*) = Cov(B,,, B, 2 ) — t 2 Cov(B,,, B 1 ) — t, Cov(B,,, B 1 )

+ t1t2 Cov(B 1 , B1)

= tl — t2tl — t1t2 + t1t2 = t1(1 — t2), for t i t2. (12.3)

From this one can also write down the joint normal density of (B*, B*, ... , B)for arbitrary 0 < t l < t 2 < • • • < tk < 1 (Exercise 1).

The Brownian bridge arises quite naturally in the asymptotic theory ofstatistics. To explain this application, let us consider a sequence of real-valuedi.i.d. random variables Y1 , Y2,... , having a (common) distribution function F.The nth empirical distribution is the discrete probability distribution on the lineassigning a probability 1/n to each of the n values Y„ Y2 , ... , Y. Thecorresponding distribution function F. is called the (nth) empirical distributionfunction,

1F„(t)=—#{j:1<j<n,Y; <t}, —co<t<00, (12.4)


where # A denotes the cardinality of the set A.Suppose Y Y(2) 1< ... 1< Y„ » is the ordering of the first n observations.

Figure 12.1 illustrates F5 . Note that {F(t): t >, 0} is for each n a stochastic


1 ^--

3 ~ I


O Yti)=Y2 Y(2)=Ys Y{3)=YI Y(4)= Y3 Y(c =Y, t

Figure 12.1

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process. Now for each t the random variable


nF(t) _ Y l (} <() (12.5)j=1

is the sum of n i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables each taking the value I withprobability F(t) = P( t) and the value 0 with probability 1 — F(t). NowE(1 (y . ) ) = F(t) and, for t 1

Cov( 1 (Y; s1,) , 1{Yks:2)) =

to,F(t1)( 1 — F(t2)), ifj = k,


since in the case j = k,

Cov(l{Yj_<ti)' I (YkSt2)) = E(l(YjEt1} 1 (Y^Se2}) — E( 1 (YJ_<tt))E( 1 {yJ ,2})

= F(t1) — F(t1)F(t2) = F(t1)( 1 — F(ti))•

It follows from the central limit theorem that

n 1/2( 1{Yt) — nF(t)) = fn(Fn(t) — F(t))- 1

is asymptotically (as n —> oo) Gaussian with mean zero and varianceF(t)(1 — F(t)). For t l < t 2 < . • • < tk, the multidimensional central limittheorem applied to the i.i.d. sequence of k-dimensional random vectors

( 1 (Y)' 1(Y;st^)' ... , 1 (Y; ,Ikt) shows that (.(Fn(t1) — F(t1)), \/(F,(t2) — F(ti)),

. , f (F,,(tk ) — F(tk ))) is asymptotically (k-dimensional) Gaussian with zeromean and dispersion matrix E = ((a s,)), where

= Cov(I(Y; s,,), 1 {Y; st;)) = F(t,)(1 — F(t;)), for t. < tj . (12.7)

In the special case of observations from the uniform distribution on [0, 1],one has

F(t)=t, O'<t'<1, (12.8)

so that the Finite-dimensional distributions of the stochastic process^(Fn(t) — F(t)) converge to those of the Brownian bridge as n --p cc. As inthe case of the functional central limit theorem (FCLT), probabilities of manyinfinite-dimensional events of interest also converge to those of the Brownianbridge (theoretical complements 1 and 2). The precise statement of such a resultis as follows.

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Proposition 12.1. If Y1 , Y2, ... is an i.i.d. sequence having the uniformdistribution on [0, 1], then the normalized empirical process { f (F„(t) — t):0 < t < 1} converges in distribution to the Brownian bridge as n -+ co.

Let Y1 , Y2,... be an i.i.d. sequence having a (common) distribution functionF that is continuous on the real number line. Note that in the case that F isstrictly increasing on an interval (a, b) with F(a) = 0, F(b) = 1, one has for0<t<1,

P(F(Yk) < t) = P(Yk < F -1 (t)) = F(F -1(t)) = t, (12.9)

so the sequence U1 = F(Y1 ), U2 = F(Y2 ), . .. is i.i.d. uniform on [0, 1]. The sameis true more generally (Exercise 2). Let F„ be the empirical distribution functionof Y1 , ... , Y,,, and G. that of U1 ,. .. , U. Then, since the proportion of Yk 's,1 < k < n, that do not exceed t coincides with the proportion of Uk 's, 1 < k < n,that do not exceed F(t), we have

f [F„(t) — F(t)] = ‚‚/[G„(F(t)) — F(t)], a < t < b. (12.10)

If a = — oo (b = + oo), the index set [a, b] for the process is to exclude a (b).

Since ^(G„(t) — t), 0 < t <, 1, converges in distribution to the Brownian bridge,and since t -+ F(t) is increasing on (a, b), one derives the following extensionof Proposition 12.1.

Proposition 12.2. Let Y1 , Y2 , ... be a sequence of i.i.d. real-valued randomvariables with continuous distribution function F on (a, b) where F(a) = 0,F(b) = 1. Then the normalized empirical process \/(F,,(t) — F(t)), a < t b,converges in distribution to the Gaussian process {Z} :_ {BF() : a <, t < b}, asn -->co.

It also follows from (12.10) that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic defined

by D„ := sup{ JIF„(t) — F(t)I: a < t s b} satisfies

D. = sup "I F(t) — F(t)I = sup ' „ I G(F(t)) — F(t)I = sup ,/ /IG(t) — tl.a_<t5b a5t5b 0-<t<,1


Thus, the distribution of D. is the same (namely that obtained under the uniformdistribution) for all continuous F. This common distribution has been tabulatedfor small and moderately large values of n (see theoretical complement 2). ByProposition 12.2, for large n, the distribution is approximately the same as thatof the statistic defined by (also see theoretical complement 1)

D:= sup (B*I. (12.12)o,t,1

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A calculation of the distribution of D yields (theoretical complement 3 andExercise 4*(iii))

P(D >d) =2 (- 1)k- ie- 2k2d2, d>0. (12.13)k=1

These facts are often used to test the statistical hypothesis that observationsY,, Y2 , ... , Y„ are from a specified distribution with a continuous distributionfunction F. If the observed value, say d, of D„ is so large that the probability(approximated by (12.13) for large n) is very small for a value of Dn as large asor larger than d to occur (under the assumption that Y,, ... , Y„ do come fromF), then the hypothesis is rejected.

In closing, note that by the strong law of large numbers, FF (t) -+ F(t) asn --> cia, with probability 1. From the FCLT, it follows that

sup IF(t) — F(t)I -- 0 in probability as n -• oo. (12.14)- oo < t<

In fact, it is possible to show that the uniform convergence in (12.14) is alsoalmost sure (Exercise 8). This stronger result is known as the Glivenko-Cantellilemma.


An extremely useful concept in probability is that of a stopping time, sometimesalso called a Markov time. Consider a sequence of random variables{X„: n = 0, 1, ...}, defined on some probability space (0, F, P). Stopping timeswith respect to {X„} are defined as follows. Denote by . „ the sigmafieldQ{X .... , X„} comprising all events that depend only on {X0 , X 1 ..... X}.

Definition 13.1. A stopping time r for the process {X„} is a random variabletaking nonnegative integer values, including possibly the value + oo, such that

{t<n}E. „ (n=0,1,...). (13.1)

Observe that (13.1) is equivalent to the condition

{t=n}e5„ (n=0,1,...), (13.2)

since . „ are increasing sigmafields (i.e., . „ c 3y ,,) and r is integer-valued.Informally, (13.1) says that, using r, the decision to stop or not to stop by

time n depends only on the observations X0 , X 1 ,. . . , X.An important example of a stopping time is the first passage time r B to a

(Bore]) set B c R',

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tß := min{n > 0: X„ e B}. (13.3)

If X. does not lie in B for any n, one takes T B = oo. Sometimes the minimumin (13.3) is taken over In >, 1, X. e B} , in which case we call it the first returntime to B, denoted rl B •

A less interesting but useful example of a stopping time is a constant time,

T:= m (13.4)

where m is a fixed positive integer.One may define, for every positive integer r, the rth passage time t B

recursively, by

i2:= min{n > rB -1) : X. E B} (r = 2, ...)(13.5)

rB = TB .

Again, if X. does not lie in B for any n> TB 1) , take ie^ = oo. Also note thatif i8 ) = oo for some r then r( ' ) = oo for all r' r. It is a simple exercise to checkthat each TB' ) is a stopping time (Exercise 1).

The usefulness of the concept of stopping times will now be illustrated by aresult that in gambling language says that in a fair game the gambler has nowinning strategy. To be precise, consider a sequence {X: n = 0, 1, ...} ofindependent random variables, S„ = X0 + X l + • • • + X. Obviously, ifEX„ = 0, n > 1, then ES„ = So for each n. We will now consider an extensionof this property when n is replaced by certain stopping times. Since {X 0 ,. . . , X„}and {So , S 1 , ... , S„} determine each other, stopping times for {S„} are the sameas those for {X„}.

Theorem 13.1. Let r be a stopping time for the process {S„}. If

1. EX„=0forn>,1,EIX0I-EIS0I<oo,2. P(i< cc) =1,

3. EISJ < oo, and4. E(Sm1{T>) --> 0 as m — 00,


ES= ESo . (13.6)

Proof. First assume T < m for some integer m. Then

ES, = E(Sol{L=ol) + E(Sll(T=i^) + ... + E(S m l {s=m) )

= E(Xo 1 (T, )) + E(X, 1(,,)) + ... + E(XJ 1 (T j}) + ... + E(Xm1{rim})

= EXo + E(X1 1 (t , l)) + • • • + E(XJl{t_>j}) + • . • + E(Xml{T,m}). (13.7)

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Now {i > j} = {x <j}` = {r <j— l }` depends only on Xo , X,, ... , Xj -,.Therefore,

E(Xjl(t , i)) = E[ 1 ( >J)E(XJ {X0 .... , X;-i })]

= E[l >_ E(XX)]=0 (j=1,2,...,m), (13.8)

so that (13.7) reduces to

ESL = EXo = ES,. (13.9)

To prove the general result, define

rm := r A m = min{r, m}, (13.10)

and check that rm is a stopping time (Exercise 2). By (13.9),

ES=ES, (m=1,2,...). (13.11)

Since r = zm on the set Jr <, m}, one has

IESI — ESJ = IE(SS — S^m)1 = I E((S5 — Sm) 1 (s>m))I

IE(sl{Y>m))I + IE(Sml{t>m))I. (13.12)

The first term on the right side of the inequality in (13.12) goes to zero asm —> oo, by assumptions (2), (3) (Exercise 3), while the second term goes tozero by assumption (4). 0.

Assumptions (2), (3) ensure that ES, is well defined and finite. Assumption(4) is of a technical nature, but cannot be dispensed with. To demonstrate this,consider a simple symmetric random walk {S n } starting at zero (i.e., So = 0).Write ry for T { ^, ) , the first passage time to the state y, y 0. Then (1), (2), (3)are satisfied. But

ES,Y=y 0. (13.13)

The reason (13.6) does not hold in this case is that assumption (4) is violated(see Exercise 4). If, on the other hand,

r = min{n: S„ = —a or b}, (13.14)

where a and b are positive integers, then P(T < co) = 1. There are various waysof proving this last assertion. A more general result, namely, Proposition 13.4,is proved later in the section to take care of this condition. To check condition(3) of Theorem 13.1, note that ISJ < max{a, b}, so that EISBI < max{a, b}. Also,on the set {tr > m} one has —a <Sm <b and therefore

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I E (Sm l {i >m})I < max {a, b}EI 1 (t>m )I

= max {a, b}P{ r > m} —,. 0 as m — cc. (13.15)

Thus condition (4) is verified. Hence the conclusion (13.6) of Theorem 13.1holds. This means

0 = ES, = — aP(t _ q < T b) + bP(T_a > Ti,)

= —a(1 — P(r_ a > Tb)) + bP(t_ o > tb ), (13.16)

which may be solved for P(T_ a > Tb) to yield

( ) a (13.17)Pz_ a >zb = ,a+b

a result that was obtained by a different method earlier (see Chapter I, Eq. 3.13).To deal with the case EX„ 0, as is the case with the simple asymmetric

random walk, the following corollary to Theorem 13.1 is useful.

Corollary 13.2. (Wald's Equation). Let { Y.: n = 1, 2, ...} be a sequence of i.i.d.random variables with EY„ = µ. Let S„ = Yl + • • • + Y., and let i be a stoppingtime for the process {S„: n = 1, 2, ...} such that

2'. ET < cc,3'. ESLI < oo, and4'. lim,,, IE(Sml {t>m})I = 0.


ES,' = (E-r)µ. (13.18)

Proof. To prove this, simply set X0 = 0, X„ = Y„ — p (n >, 1), andS. = Xi + • • • + XX = S„ — nµ, and apply Theorem 13.1 to get

0 = ESQ = E(ST — iµ) = EST — E(r)u, (13.19)

which yields (13.18). Note that EISBI < EISLI + (Er)I j! < oo, by (2') and (3'). Also

IE(Sm 1 {i >m})I < IE(Sm 1 (r>m})I + EIZi21 {t >m}I

= IE(S;,,1 ( T >m } )I + Iµ1EItI { T >m } I - 0. Z

For an application of Corollary 13.2, consider the case Y„ = + 1 or —1 withprobabilities p and q = I — p, respectively, Z < p < 1. Let r = min{n 1:

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S', = —a or b}, where a, b are positive. Then (13.19) yields

—aP(t - a < TO + bP(T > TO _ (Er)(p — q). (13.20)

From this one gets

Er= (b+a)P(T_a>rb)—a(13.21)

p — R

Making use of the evaluation

1 _(P)a

P(t—a > Tb) _(q'\)a+b'

(Chapter I, Eq. 3.6) one has



a (13.22)P —q—( — P_y

Assumption (2') for this case follows from Proposition 13.4 below, while (3'),(4'), follow exactly as in the case of the simple symmetric random walk (seeEq. 13.15).

In the proof of Theorem 13.1, the only property of the sequence {X„} thatis made use of is the property

E(Xa 1 I {X0 ,X1 ,...,X.})=0 (n= 0,1,2,...). (13.23)

Theorem 13.1 therefore remains valid if assumption (1) is replaced by (13.23),and (2)-(4) hold. No other assumption (such as independence) concerning therandom variables is needed. This motivates the following definition.

Definition 13.2. A sequence {X„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} satisfying (13.23) is called asequence of martingale differences, and the sequence of their partial sums, {S„},is called a martingale.

Note that (13.23) is equivalent to

E(S„ +1 I {So,...,Sn})=S„ (n = 0, 1,2,...), (13.24)

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E(S„+ j I {So,S1,...,S„}) = E(S„ + i I {Xo , Xl , ... , X„})

= E(S„ + X„+ 1 I {Xo , X i ,... , X„})

= S„ + E(X„ + , I {X0 , X 1 .... , X„}) = S„. (13.25)

Conversely, if (13.24) holds for a sequence of random variables {S„:n = 0, 1, 2, ...}, then the sequence {X„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} defined by

X„=S„—S„- i (n=1,2,3,...), Xo=So, (13.26)

satisfies (13.23).Martingales necessarily have constant expected values. Likewise, if {X„} is a

martingale difference sequence, then EX„ = 0 for each n >, 1. Theorem 13.1,Corollary 13.2, and Theorem 13.3 below, assert that this constancy ofexpectations of a martingale continues to hold at appropriate stopping times.

In the gambling setting, the martingale property (13.24), or (13.23), is oftentaken as the definition of a fair game, since whatever be the outcomes of thefirst n plays, the expected net gain at the (n + 1)st play is zero. As an exampleof a strategy for the gambler, suppose that it is decided not to stop until anamount a is lost or an amount b is gained, whichever comes first. Under (13.23)and conditions (2)—(4) of Theorem 13.1, the expected gain at the end of thegame is still zero. This conclusion holds for more general stopping times, asstated in Theorem 13.3 below. Before this result is stated, it would be useful toextend the definition of a martingale somewhat. To motivate this new definition,consider a sequence of i.i.d. random variables { Y„: n = 1, 2, ...} such thatEY„ = 0, EY,, = Var()„) = 1. Then {S„ — n: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} is a martingale,where So is an arbitrary random variable independent of { Y„: n = 1, 2, ...}satisfying ESö < oo.

To see this, form the difference sequence

X„+ 1'=Sn+ 1 — (n + 1)— (S„ — n) = Yn+a +2S„Y„ +i —1 (n = 0, 1,2,...),

_ zXo —So . (13.27)

Then, writing Yo = So ,

E(X„ +aI {Yo ,Y,,Y2 ,...,}„ })

= E(Yn+1 I {Yo , Yl , ... , Y„}) + 2S„E(Y,. { Yo, Yl , ... , Y„}) — 1

= E(Yn +l ) + 2S„E(Yn+1 ) — 1 = 1 + 0— 1 = 0. (13.28)

Since Xo , X1 , X2 , ... , X. are determined by (i.e., are Borel measurablefunctions of) Yo , Y1 , Y2 , ... , Y„, it follows that

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E(Xn+ 1 I {X0, Xl, X2, .... Xn})

= E[E(X i l {Yo , Yi , ... , Y„})I {Xo , X i , X2 .. .. , X„}] = 0, (13.29)

by (13.28). Thus,

E(X„ + 1 I { Yo , Yl , ... , Y„}) = 0 (n = 1, 2, ...) (13.30)

implies that

E(X„ +i 1 {X0 ,X 1 ,...,X„})=0 (n = 1,2,...). (13.31)

In general, however, the converse is not true; namely, (13.31) does not imply(13.30). To understand this better, consider a sequence of random variables{Y„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...}. Suppose that {X„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} is another sequence ofrandom variables such that, for every n, X0 , X 1 , X2,... , X„ can be expressedas functions of Yo , Y1 , Y2 . • • . , Y„. Also assume EXn < oo for all n. The condition(13.31) implies that X, +1 is orthogonal to all square integrable functions ofX0 , X 1 , ... , X„, while (13.30) implies that X„ + , is orthogonal to all squareintegrable functions of Yo , Y1 .....}‚ (Chapter 0, Eq. 4.20). The latter class offunctions is larger than the former class. Property (13.30) is therefore strongerthan property (13.31).

One may express (13.30) as

E(X„ +1 1S )=0 (n=0,1,2,...), (13.32)

where . „:= 6{ Yo , Y1 .....}} is the sigmafield of all events determined by{Yo , Y1 , ... , Y„}. Note that X„ is .f„-measurable, i.e., a Borel-measurablefunction of Yo , ... , Y„. Also, {.} is increasing, .^„ c„ + . This motivates thefollowing more general definition of a martingale.

Definition 13.3. Let {XX } be a sequence of random variables, and {. „} anincreasing sequence of sigmafields such that, for every n, Xo , X 1 , X2 , ... , X.are 3„-measurable. If EJXXj < oo and (13.32) holds for all n, then{X„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} is said to be a sequence of {F }-martingale differences. Thesequence of partial sums {Z„ = X0 + • • . + X„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} is then said tobe a {.F„}-martingale.

Note that a martingale in this sense is also a martingale in the sense of Definition13.2, since (13.30) implies (13.31). In order to state an appropriate generalizationof Theorem 13.1 we need to extend the definition of stopping times given earlier.

Definition 13.4. Let {.: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} be an increasing sequence ofsub-sigmafields of the basic sigmafield F . A random variable r with nonnegativeintegral values, including possibly the value + co, is a {.^„}-stopping time if(13.1) (or, (13.2)) holds for all n.

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Theorem 13.3. Let {X„}, {Z„}, {„} be as in Definition 13.3. Let i be a{.}-stopping time such that

1. P(r<oo)=1,

2. EIZJ < oo, and

3. limm • E(Zml{t>m)) = 0.


EZZ = EZo . (13.33)

The proof of Theorem 13.3 is essentially identical to that of Theorem 13.1(Exercise 6), except that (13.6) becomes

EZL = EZm = EZa (13.34)

which may not be zero.For an application of Theorem 13.3 consider an i.i.d. Bernoulli sequence

{Y„:n= 1,2,...}:

P(Y„ = 1) = P()„ = —1) = i. (13.35)

Let Yo = 0, ^„ = Q{ Yo , Y,, ... , Y„}. Then, by (13.27) and (13.28), the sequenceof random variables

Z„:= S2 — n (n = 0, 1, 2, ...) (13.36)

is a {.F„}-martingale sequence. Here S„ = Yo + • • • + Y„. Let r be the first timethe random walk {S„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} reaches —a orb, where a, b are two givenpositive integers. Then r is a { F„}-stopping time. By Proposition 13.4 below,one has P(r < oo) = 1 and E ' < oo for all k. Moreover,

EIZTI = EISz — rl < ESt + Et <, max{a 2 , b 2 } + Er < oo, (13.37)


EIZm1{t>m}I < E((max {a 2 , b 2 } + m) 1 {t>m))

= (max{a 2 , b2 } + m)P(i > m)

= max{a 2 , b 2 }P(r > m) + mP(r > m). (13.38)

Now P(i > m) --► 0 as m -+ co and, by Chevyshev's inequality,

mP(T > m) <, m Er e —► 0. (13.39)m

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Conditions (1)—(3) of Theorem 13.3 are therefore verified. Hence,

EZ, =EZ 1 = ES;-1= 1 -1=0, (13.40)

i.e., using (13.17),

a2b 2Et=ES, =a 2 P(r_ a <Tb)+ b 2P(t_ a > Tb) = a+b + a6 ab— ab.


By changing the starting position Yo = So = 0 of the random walk toYo = So = x one then gets

ET= (x—c)(d—x), c<x<d, (13.42)

where z = min{n: S.' = c or d}.The next result has been made use of in deriving (13.17), (13.22) and (13.42).

Proposition 13.4. Let {X": n = 1, 2, ...} be an i.i.d. sequence of randomvariables such that P(X" = 0) < 1. Let T be the first escape time of the (general)random walk {S.x •= x + X l + • • • + X": n = 1, 2, ...}, Sö = x, from the interval(—a, b), where a and b are positive numbers. Then P(i < oo) = 1, and themoment generating function 4(z) = Eezt oft is finite in a neighborhood of z = 0.

Proof. There exists an c> 0 such that either P(X" > c) > 0 or P(X" < —c)> 0.Assume first that 6 := P(X" > c) > 0. Define

no = ra+bl + 1, (13.43)Lsi

where [(a + b)/E] is the integer part of (a + b)/E. No matter what the startingposition x E (—a, b) of the random walk may be, if X" > E for alln=1,2,...,n o , then Sö=x+X 1 +•••+X"o >x+noe>x +a+b>,b.Therefore,

P(T<,n o )>P(S„° > b) >,P(X">rforn= 1,2,...,n o )>,6°=6 0 , ( 13.44)

say. Now consider the events

A k ={— a<S„ <b for (k— 1)no <n`kno } (k= 1,2,3,...),(13.45)

A 1 ={—a<Sx < b for 1 <n-<n o }.

By (13.44),

P(A1) = P(i > no ) < I — S o . (13.46)

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P(r > 2no ) = E(I A ,1 A2 ) = E[1A1E(lA2 I {Si, ... , S.X})]. (13.47)


E(I A2 I {S;,...,So})=P(—a <Sö +m <bform= 1,...,n o I{Si,...,S 0 })

=P(—a<So +Xna+l +... +Xno+m <b,

for m = 1, ... , n o l {Si, ... , S p}). (13.48)

Since X 0+1 + + Xnn +m is independent of Si, ... , S„o , the last conditionalprobability may be evaluated as

P(—a<z+Xnn+t + ••• + Xno +m <bform= 1 ,...,no)Z=s„o

=P(—a<z+Xl +•••+Xm <bform=1,...,n o )= = s;o . ( 13.49)

The equality in (13.49) is due to the fact that the distribution of (X 1 , X2 , ... , Xno )

is the same as that of (Xno +l, Xno +z, . .. , X20). Note that Sao E (— a, b) on theset A 1 . Hence the last probability in (13.49) is not larger than 1 — 5 » by (13.46).Therefore, (13.47) yields

P(A 1 n A 2 ) = P(z > 2no ) < E[l A1 (1 — So)] = ( 1 — 80)P(A1) <- (1 — 8 o ) 2 .

(13.50)By recursion it follows that

P(T > kno ) = E(1 42 • IA,,) = E[1A, ... 1A,,- ‚E(lAk {S1, ... , S(k- 1)no })]

E[I A1 ...lAk- ,( 1 — So)] < (1 — b o )P(A 1 n ... n Ak-i)

= (1 — 80)P(r > (k — 1)no ) <, (1 — 5o )(1 — öo)k 1

=(1-8 o )k (k=1,2,...). (13.51)

Since {r = co} c {z > kno} for every k, one has

P(r = co) < (1 — 8o )k for all k, (13.52)

and consequently, P(T = oo) = 0. Finally,

Ee:z = em:P(T = m) < emIZIP(r = m)m =1 m =1

0o kno_ )e'I'IP(-r = m)

k=1 m= (k- 1)no+1

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w oo

e k ^0I=I P(2 > (k — 1)n0) Z e ° (1 — 6)k-1

k=1 k=1

— no^z^ Holz) k-1—log(1 — 6)

= e ((1 — b)e ) < cc for jzj < —. (13.53)k=1 no

One may proceed in an entirely analogous manner assuming P(X,, < —E) > 0.n

An immediate corollary to Proposition 13.4 is that Er k < cc for allk = 1, 2, ... (Exercise 18(i)).

It is easy to check that (Exercise 8), instead of the independence of {Xn}, itis enough to assume that for some e > 0 there is a S > 0 such that

P(XX+ 1 > e l {X 1 , ... , Xn }) >, 8 > 0 for all n,or (13.54)

P(Xn+1 < — EI {X1 ,...,Xn})>,S>0 foralln.

Thus, Proposition 13.4 has the following extension, which is useful in studyingprocesses other than random walks.

Proposition 13.5. The conclusion of Proposition 13.4 holds if, instead of theassumption that {X} is i.i.d., (13.54) holds for a pair of positive numbers s, S.

The next result in this section is Doob's Maximal Inequality. A maximalinequality relates the growth of the maximum of partial sums to the growth ofthe partial sums, and typically shows that the former does not grow much fasterthan the latter.

Theorem 13.6. (Doob's Maximal Inequality). Let {Zo , ... , Zn } be a martingale,MM — max{1Z0 1, ... , JZJ).

(a) For all A > 0,

P(MM , A) E(IZfhI(M.>A ) ) < EIZnj/A. (13.55)

(b) If EZ < co then, for all A > 0,

P(Mn i A) E(ZR 1 (M„>_ A)) < EZn/ 22 , (13.56)


EMn < 4EZ,^, . (13.57)

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Proof. (a) Write .Fk := a{Z0 , ... , Zk}, the sigmafield of events determined byZ0 ,. . . , Z. Consider the events A o '= {IZO I % A}, A k := {IZ;I <A for 0 < j < k,IZkI >, A} (k = 1, ... , n). The events A k are pairwise disjoint and


UA k ={M 2}.0



P(MM > A) _ Y P(A k ). (13.58)k=0

Now I < IZk!/.1 on A k . Using this and the martingale property,

P(Ak) = E(l Ak ) E(lAkIZkl) _ E[ 1A,,IE(Zn I `yk)I] < E[ 1 Ak E(IZfI I "'k)]

(13.59)Since ' A, is .F-measurable, 1 A, E(IZnI I ) = E(I Ak jZn I I . k); and as theexpectation of the conditional expectation of a random variable Z equals EZ(see Chapter 0, Theorem 4.4),

P(Ak) ' A E[E(IAk IZnl _ E( 1 jZnl). (13.60)

Summing over k one arrives at (13.55).(b) The inequality (13.56) follows in the same manner as above, starting with

P(Ak) = E(lAk) Z E( 1 AkZk), (13.61)

and then noting that

E(Zn Ilk) = E(Zk (Zn — Zk)2 — 2Zk(4 — Zk) I .9k)

= E(Zk + (Z — Zk) 2 13k) — 2ZkE(Zn — Zk I Jk)

= E(Zk Ilk) + E((Zn — Zk) Z I.k) i E(Zk I lk). (13.62)


E( 1AkZ^) ? E[ 1 AkE(Zk I . )] = E[E(1 Ak Zk I r k)] = E( 1 AkZk). (13.63)

Now use (13.63) in (13.61) and sum over k to get (13.56).In order to prove (13.57), first express M„ as 2 j'" A dA and interchange the

order of taking expectation and integrating with respect to Lebesgue measure

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(Fubini's Theorem, Chapter 0, Theorem 4.2), to get


EMS = 2 A d2 dP = 2 21(M„,M d i) dPn fom” n o

= 21 2(J 1{MA} dP) dA = 2 f0,0 2P(M„ > A) dA. (13.64)

o n

Now use the first inequality in (13.55) to derive

EM2 < 2 f00

E( 1 (M„,A)IZnl) dA = 2 J IZ„I(J M„ dA) dPo n o /

= 2 fri IZ„IM„ dP = 2E(IZ„I M„) < 2(EZ2)'/ 2 (EMn) 112 , (13.65)

using the Schwarz Inequality. Now divide the extreme left and right sides of(13.65) by (EM„)" 2 to get (13.57). n

A well-known inequality of Kolmogorov follows as a simple consequence of(13.56).

Corollary 13.7. Let X0 , X 1 ,. . . , X„ be independent random variables, EXX = 0for l < j < n, EX j2 < oo for 0 <, j < n. Write S,k := Xo + + Xk , M„:= max{ISkI:0<k<n}. Then for every .?>0,

P(M„>1A)<22 J S„dP z ES. (13.66)IM„>_A)

The main results in this section may all be extended to continuous-parametermartingales. For this purpose, consider a stochastic process {X1 : t > 0} havingright continuous sample paths t —+ X. A stopping time r for {X} is a randomvariable with values in [0, oo], satisfying the property

{T<,t}E.^, forallt>,0, (13.67)

where ;:= r{X: 0 < u < t} is the sigmafield of events that depend only on the("past" of the) process up to time t. As in the discrete-parameter case, firstpassage times to finite sets are stopping times. Write for Bore! sets B c ff8 1 ,

•r B :=min{t>,0:X,eB}, (13.68)

for the first passage time to the set B. If B is a singleton, B = {y}, T, is writtensimply as ry , the first passage time to the state y.

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A stochastic process {Z,} is said to be a {.F}-martingale if

E(Z,1 5;) = Zs (s < t). (13.69)

For a Brownian motion {X} with drift µ, the process {Z, := XX — tµ} is easilyseen to be a martingale with respect to {A}. For this {X,} another example is{Z, :_ (X1 — tµ)2 — ta2 }, where a2 is the diffusion coefficient of {X1 }.

The following is the continuous-parameter analogue of Theorem 13.6(b).

Proposition 13.8. Let {Z1 : t >, 0} be a right continuous square integrable{.^^}-martingale, and let M,:= sup{jZj: 0 < s <, t}. Then

P(M, > ).) < EZ, /2 2 (). > 0) (13.70)


EM, <,4EZ,. (13.71)

Proof. For each n let 0 = t,,n <t 2 ,, < • • • < = t be such that the setsI„:= {tj,„: I j < n} are increasing (i.e., In c I„ + ,) and U 1. is dense in [0, t].Write M1 , n := max{,Z„j: I < j < n}. By (13.56),

P(Mr,, )) EZ`> 2

Letting n j oo, one obtains (13.70) as the sets F„ := {M A,} increase to a setthat contains {M, > Al as n j oo.

Next, from (13.57),

EM2 „ < 4EZ, .

Now use the Monotone Convergence Theorem (Chapter 0, Theorem 3.2), toget (13.71). n

The next result is an analogue of Theorem 13.3.

Proposition 13.9. (Optional Stopping). Let {Z,: t > 0} be a right continuoussquare integrable {. }-martingale, and r a {3}-stopping time such that

(i) P(r < oo) = 1,(ii) EIZ^I < oo, and

(iii) EZ,,,. —* EZt as r —► cc.

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EZi = EZo . (13.72)

Proof. Define, for each positive integer n, the random variables

t": rrr

1 00

k2-" on {(k - 1)2 - " < t < k2 - "} (k = 0, 1, 2, ...)(13.73

) on {i =oo}.

It is simple to check that T ( " ) is a stopping time with respect to the sequence ofsigmafields {.ßk2 -n: k = 0, 1, ...}, as is r (" ) A r for every positive integer r. Since

A r < r, it follows from Theorem 13.3 that

EZT ., A , = EZo . (13.74)

Now '° , T for all n and T ( " ) J, r as n j oc. Therefore, t ( " ) A r j r A r. By theright continuity of t -> Z 1, Z'-, r -> Z, A r .

Also, IZI,,,, r I < Mr := sup{lZtI: 0 < t < r}, and EMr <, (EM; )" 2 < oo by(13.71). Applying Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem (Chapter 0,Theorem 3.4) to (13.74), one gets EZt „ r = EZo . The proof is now complete byassumption (iii). n

One may apply (13.72) exactly as in the case of the simple symmetric randomwalk starting at zero (see (13.16) and (13.17)) to get, in the case it = 0,

P('c_ a > T6):= P({X,} reaches b before - a) = -+b- ---‚


for arbitrary a > 0, b > 0. Similarly, applying (13.72) to {Z, :_ (XX - tp) 2 - ta l l,as in the case of the simple asymmetric random walk (see (13.20)-(13.22), anduse (9.11)),

Cl - exp^_2a2 11(b + a)a

Et _ __ (b + a)P(r_ Q > TO - a = 6 }) -

(13.76)° a6 ^ ( 2ba '

µ (1 - exp{ - (+6Z )N1) µ µ

where {X} is a Brownian motion with a nonzero drift p, starting at zero.


Let { }": n = 1, 2, ...} be a sequence of random variables representing the annualflows into a reservoir over a span of N years. Let S" = Y, + • • • + Y", n >, 1,

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So = 0. Also let YN = N - 'SN . A variety of complicated natural processes (e.g.,sediment deposition, erosion, etc.) constrain the life and capacity of a reservoir.However, a particular design parameter analyzed extensively by hydrologists,based on an idealization in which water usage and natural loss would occur atan annual rate estimated by YN units per year, is the (dimensionless) statisticdefined by

RN MN—mN(14.1)DN DN


MN:=max{S„—nYN:n=0, 1,...,N}_ (14.2)

mN :=min{S„—nYN :n=0, 1,...,N},

DN :=r (Y„ — YN ) Z] IIZ , YN = -'-SN. (14.3)

The hydrologist Harold Edwin Hurst stimulated a tremendous amount ofinterest in the possible behaviors of R N /DN for large values of N. On the basisof data that he analyzed for regions of the Nile River, Hurst published a findingthat his plots of log(RN/DN ) versus log N are linear with slope H : 0.75. WilliamFeller was soon to show this to be an anomaly relative to the standard statisticalframework of i.i.d. flows Yl , ... , Y„ having finite second moment. The preciseform of Feller's analysis is as follows.

Let { Y„} be an i.i.d. sequence with

EY„=d, VarY„=a 2 >0. (14.4)

First consider that, by the central limit theorem, SN = Nd + O(N 1 " 2 ) in the

sense that (SN — Nd)/..N is, for large N, distributed approximately like aGaussian random variable with mean zero and variance 0 2 . If one defines

MN =max{S„—nd:0 n<N},

rN =min{S„—nd:0^n<,N}, (14.5)

RN = MN - rN,

then by the functional central limit theorem (FCLT)

N mN l (M, m), R as N oo, (14.6)Q^N-


N v JN/ Q^N

where denotes convergence in distribution of the sequence on the left to the

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distribution of the random variable(s) on the right. Here

M := max{B,: 0 . t . l } ,

m:=min{B,:0 < t 1}, (14.7)


with {B 1 } a standard Brownian motion starting at zero. It follows that themagnitude of R N is 0(N 112 ). Under these circumstances, therefore, one wouldexpect to find a fluctuation between the maximum and minimum of partialsums, centered around the mean, over a period N to be of the order N 2 . Tosee that this still remains for RN/(./ DN ) in place of R N /(fN o), first notethat, by the strong law of large numbers applied to Y„ and Y„ separately, wehave with probability 1 that YN --• d, and


DN= Yn-YN->EYI-d2= .2 asN -.00. (14.8)N n = 1

Therefore, with probability 1, as N -* oo,

RN RN (14.9)

V '. DN \/'. Q

where "-S" indicates "asymptotic equality" in the sense that the ratio of thetwo sides goes to 1 as N --• oo. This implies that the asymptotic distributionsof the two sides of (14.9) are the same. Next notice that

MN _ ((S„-nd)-n(, -d))max

v,IN o-<n,<N aIN

= max (SiNn`) - [Nt]d - [Nt] (SN - Nd\1

o s t ,1 a\/7

max (B t - tB i ):= M (14.10)ostsi


mN= min (SIN`S [Nt]d - [Nt] (SN d\l

min (B, - tB l ) := m,



^ mN


-^^(M,m). (14.11)a\/ ' aN

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RN RN(14.12)

DN. /7 a..JN

where R is a strictly positive random variable. Once again then, RN /DN , theso-called rescaled adjusted range statistic, is of the order of O(N 1 J 2 ).

The basic problem raised by Hurst is to identify circumstances under whichone may obtain an exponent H > 2. The next major theoretical resultfollowing Feller was again somewhat negative, though quite insightful.Specifically, P. A. P. Moran considered the case of i.i.d. random variablesY1 , Y2 , ... having "fat tails" in their distribution. In this case the re-scaling byDN serves to compensate for the increased fluctuation in RN to the extent thatcancellations occur resulting again in H = Z.

The first positive result was obtained by Mandelbrot and VanNess, whoobtained H > ? under a stationary but strongly dependent model havingmoments of all orders, in fact Gaussian (theoretical complements 1, andtheoretical complements 1.3, Chapter IV). For the present section we willconsider the case of independent but nonstationary flows having finite secondmoments. In particular, it will now be shown that under an appropriately slowtrend superimposed on a sequence of i.i.d. random variables the Hurst effectappears. We will say that the Hurst exponent is H if RN /(DN N") converges indistribution to a nonzero real-valued random variable as N tends to infinity.In particular, this includes the case of convergence in probability to a positiveconstant.

Let {X„} be an i.i.d. sequence with EX„ = d and Var X. = a2 as above, andlet f (n) be an arbitrary real-valued function on the set of positive integers. Weassume that the observations Y„ are of the form

Y. = X„ + f (n). (14.13)

The partial sums of the observations are

S„=Y1 +...+Y„=X 1 +...+X„+f(1)+... +f(n)

= S* + Z f(j), So = 0, (14.14)i = 1


S,*= X1 +•••+X„. (14.15)

Introduce the notation DN for the standard deviation of the X-values{X„: 1 < n < N},

NDN Z = 1 (X„ — XN )2 . ( 14.16)

N „_,

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Then, writing IN = f (n)/N,n=1

N _D ^ : = 1 L. (}'n — Yß, )2

N L=1

1 N 1 N 2 N= N n^l (X„ — XN) 2 + N nZl (f /'(n) — JN) 2 + N nl (f(n) — fN)(Xn — XN)

1 N 2 N=D2 +— I (f(n) — fN)Z +— (f (n) — fv)(X„ — XN). (14.17)

N„= 1 N„=1

Also write

MN = max {S„ — nYN} = max S„* — nXN + Y- (f(j) — fN)},O-<n<N 0-<n5N j=1 )))

_ _ n _mN = min {SS — nYN} = min Sn — nXN + Y- (f (j) — fN )} , (14.18)

O-<n-<N O-<n-<N j=1

RN = MN — MN , RN = max {Sn — nXN} — min {S„ — nXN}.O-<n-<N 05n-<N

For convenience, write

^N(n) : Y- (1(f)— IN)' /IN(0) 0 ,

j =1

(14.19)AN max IN(n) — min PN(n).

O-<n<-N 05n-<N

Observe that

MN max 1N(fl) + max (S„* — nXN ),OSn-<N O^n-<N


mN min I.IN(n) + min (Sn — nXN),O-<n-<N Oän-<N


MN >, max µN(n) + min (S. — nXN ),

OSn-<N O-<n-<N(14.21)

MN - min PN(n) + max {S, — nXN).05n5N

From (14.20) one gets RN < AN + RN, and from (14.21), RN > AN — R. In

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other words,

IR N - ANS < R. (14.22)

Note that in the same manner,

IR N - RNS < AN . (14.23)

It remains to estimate DN and AN .

Lemma 1. If f(n) converges to a finite limit, then DN converges to Q 2 withprobability 1.

Proof. In view of (14.17), it suffices to prove


I (f(n) — fN)2 + ? (f(n) — fN)(X,, — XN) -+ 0 as N -+ oo. (14.24)N„= 1 N

Let be the limit of f(n). Then

1 Z (f(n) - JN)2 = 1 Y (f(n) - a)2 - (f - a) 2 . (14.25)N„=1 N„=1

Now if a sequence g(n) converges to a limit 0, then so do its Caesaro meansN -1 I N g(n). Applying this to the sequences (f(n) - a)2 and f(n), observe that(14.25) goes to zero as N -* oo. Next

1 1, (f(n) — fN)(X,, — XN) = 1 Y, (f(n) — a)(X,, — d) — (IN — a)(XN — d).N , N , 1


The second term on the right clearly tends to zero as N increases. Also, bySchwarz inequality,

1 N 1 N 1/2

( =J

N 1/2

- (f(n)-a)(Xn-d) -< 1 Z (f(n)-^

a)2)(X^ - d)2

N n=1 N n=1

By the strong law of large numbers, N (XX - d)2 -► E (X1 - d)2 = a2

and the Caesaro means N - ' >.rt=1 (f(n) - a)2 go to zero as N -> oo, since(f(n)—a) 2 —,.0asn—*oo. n

From (14.12), (14.22), and Lemma 1 we get the following result.

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Theorem 14.1. If f (n) converges to a finite limit, then for every H > 2,

RN — AN I —p 0 in probability as N —. oo. (14.27)DN NH DN NH

In particular, the Hurst effect with exponent H > Z holds if and only if, forsome positive number c',

l•m N = c'. (14.28)N-' N"

Example 1. Take

f(n)=a+c(n+m)ß (n = 1,2,...), (14.29)

where a, c, m, ß are parameters, with c 0 0, m >, 0. The presence of in indicatesthe starting point of the trend, namely, in units of time before the time n = 0.Since the asymptotics are not affected by the particular value of m, we assumehenceforth that m = 0 without essential loss of generality. For simplicity, alsotake c > 0. The case c < 0 can be treated in the same way.

First let ß < 0. Then f (n) — a, and Theorem 14.1 applies. Recall that

AN = max µN(n) — min PN(n), (14.30)0-<n5N O-<n-<N



1 1N(n) = Y- (f(j) — IN) for 1 < n ,< N,i =1 (14.31)

µN(0) = 0.

Notice that, with m = 0 and c > 0,


µN(n) — pN(n — 1) = c nß — !Jß)(14.32)

is positive for n < (N - ' Ij 1j6)116, and negative or zero otherwise. This showsthat the maximum of ph(n) is attained at n = n 0 given by

1 N 1/ßno = — j jQ 1 (14.33)

where [x] denotes the integer part of x. The minimum value of p(fl) is zero,

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attained at n = 0 and n = N. Thus,

ON = /N(no) = c Y ^kß — 1 E jß) . (14.34)k=1 Ni=i

By a comparison with a Riemann sum approximation to f o xß dx, one obtains

(l +ß)N for ß > —1


YNjl#1 N-'logN forß= —1(14.35)

Ni =1 ; J N N-' jß for ß < —1.j=1

By (14.33) and (14.35),

(1 + ß) - 'I ßN for ß > —1

N/log N for ß = —1no 1IBC^ jß1 N1- forfor ß < —1.l

From (14.34)—(14.36) it follows that

ng Nßcno

\1+ß 1 -^ ß " c1 Ni+fl,

AN — cno (n^ ' log no — N -1 log N) — c log N,X

C Y_ j# = c 2 ,j=1


ß> -1,

ß= —1, (14.37)


Here c l , c 2 are positive constants depending only on ß. Now consider thefollowing cases.

CASE 1: — 2 < ß < 0. In this case Theorem 14.1 applies with H(ß) = 1 + ß > 2.Note that, by Lemma 1, DN — a with probability 1. Therefore,


N' - c' >0 in probability as N —• cc, if — 2 < ß < 0. (14.38)+ß

CASE 2: ß < —Z. Use inequality (14.23), and note from (14.37) thatON = o(N l l 2 ). Dividing both sides of (14.23) by DN N 112 one gets, in probabilityasN --goo,

RN R" R"if ß < — 1 . (14.39)

DN N 1 I 2 DN N 1 I 2 QN1 2 2

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But RN/vN'" Z converges in distribution to R by (14.11). Therefore, the Hurstexponent is H(ß) = Z.

CASE 3: ß = 0. In this case the Y„ are i.i.d. Therefore, as proved at the outset,the Hurst exponent is 2.

CASE 4: ß > 0. In this case Lemma 1 does not apply, but a simple computationyields

DN — c 3 Nß with probability 1 as N —+ oo, if ß>0. (14.40)

Here c 3 is an appropriate positive number. Combining (14.40), (14.37), and(14.22) one gets


4 in probability as N — oo , if ß > 0, (14.41)

where c4 is a positive constant. Therefore, H(ß) = 1.

CASE 5: /i = — . A slightly more delicate argument than used above shows


R 1 j2 max (B 1 — tB, — 2ct(1 — t)), (14.42)DNN ost,i

where {B,} is a standard Brownian motion starting at zero. Thus, H( — Z) = ZIn this case one considers the process {ZN(s)} defined by

ZN(nl —S„ —nYN_ N) forn= l,2,...,N,

V '• DN

and linearly interpolated between n/N and (n + 1)/N. Then {ZN (s)} converges in

distribution to {BS + 2c,(1 — ../s)}, where B'} is the Brownian bridge. In

this case the asymptotic distribution of RN/( DN) is the nondegeneratedistribution of

max B— min B,oss,i osssi

(Exercise 1).The graph of H(ß) versus ß in Figure 14.1 summarizes the results of the

preceding cases 1 through 5.

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Figure 14.1

For purposes of data analysis, note that (14.38) implies

log RN —[loge'+(l +ß) log N] —► 0 if —2 <ß <0. (14.43)

In other words, for large N the plot of log RN/DN against log N should beapproximately linear with slope H = 1 + ß, if — < ß < 0.

Under the i.i.d. model one would expect to find a fluctuation between themaximum and the minimum of partial sums, centered around the sample mean,over a period N to be of the order of N 1 / 2 . One may then try to check theappropriateness of the model, i.e., the presumed i.i.d. nature of the observations,by taking successive (disjoint) blocks of Y. values each of size N, calculatingthe difference between the maximum and minimum of partial sums in eachblock, and seeing whether this difference is of the order of N" 2 . In this regardit is of interest that many other geophysical data sets indicative of climaticpatterns have been reported to exhibit the Hurst effect.


Exercises for Section I.1

1. The following events refer to the coin-tossing model. Determine which of theseevents is finite-dimensional and calculate the probability of each event.

(i) 1 appears for the first time on the 10th toss.(ii) 1 appears for the last time on the 10th toss.(iii) 1 appears on every other toss.(iv) The proportion of 1's stabilizes to a given value r as the number of tosses is

increased without bound.(v) Infinitely many l's occur.

2. For the coin-tossing experiment (Example 1) determine the probability that thefirst head is followed immediately by a tail.

3. Let L. denote the length of the run of 1's starting at the nth toss in the coin-tossingmodel. Calculate the distribution of L.

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Each integer lattice site of Z' is independently colored red or green withprobabilities p and q = 1 - p, respectively. Let Em be the event that the numberof green sites equals the number of red sites in the block of sites of side lengths2m (sites per side) with a corner at the origin. Calculate P(Em i.o.) for d > 3. [Hint:Use the Borel-Cantelli Lemma, Chapter 0, Lemma 6.1.]

5. A die is repeatedly tossed and the number of spots is recorded at each stage. Fixj, 1 _< j < 6, and let p,, be the probability that j occurs among the first n tosses.Calculate p. and the probability that j eventually occurs.

6. (A Fair Coin Simulation) Suppose that you are given a coin for which theprobability of a head is p where 0 < p < 1. At each unit of time toss the coin twiceand at the nth such double toss record:

XX = 1 if a head followed by a tail occurs,X, = -1 if a tail followed by a head occurs,XX = 0 if the outcomes of the double toss coincide.

Let,r=min{n_> 1:X„= 1 or -1}.

(i) Verify that P(t < oo) = 1.(ii) Calculate the distribution of Y = X.

(iii) Calculate Er.

7. Show that the two probability distributions for unending independent tosses of acoin, corresponding to distinct probabilities Pi 0 pZ for a head in a single toss,assign respective total probabilities to mutually disjoint subsets of the coin-tossingsample space S2. [Hint: Consider the density of l's in the various possible sequencesin S2 and use the SLLN (Chapter 0, Theorem 6.1). Such distributions are said tobe mutually singular.]

8. Suppose that M particles can be in each of N possible states s,, S21'.. , sN . Constructa probability space and calculate the distribution of (X„ ... , XN ), where Xi is thenumber of particles in state s ; , for each of the following schemes (i)-(iii).

(i) (Maxwell-Boltzmann) The particles are distinguishable, say labeled m i , . .. , mM ,

and are randomly assigned states in such a way that all possibledistinct assignments are equally likely to occur. (Imagine putting balls(particles) into boxes (states).)

(ii) (Bose-Einstein) The particles are not distinguishable but are randomlyassigned states in such a way that all possible values of the numbers of particlesin the various states are equally likely to occur.

(iii) (Fermi-Dirac) The particles are not distinguishable but are randomlyassigned states in such a way that there can be at most one particle in anyone of the states and all possible values of the numbers of particles in variousstates under the exclusion principle are equally likely to occur.

(iv) For each of the above distributions calculate the asymptotic distribution ofX; as M and N -. oo such that MIN .- where p > 0 is the asymptoticdensity of occupied states.

9. Suppose that the sample paths of {X,} solve the following problem, dX/dt = -ßX,X0 = 1, with probability 1, where ß is a random parameter having a normaldistribution.

(i) Calculate EX,.(ii) Calculate the solution x(t) to the problem with ß replaced by Eß.

(iii) How do EX, and x(t) compare for short times? What about in the long run?

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(iv) Calculate the distribution of the process{X,}.

*10. (i) Show that the sample space S2 = {w = (ah, w2,.. .): w, = I or 0} for repeatedtosses of a coin is uncountable.

(ii) Show that under binary expansion of numbers in the unit interval, the event{w E S2: CO e l , w Z = 8Z , .. , co" = e"}, e i = 0 or 1, is represented by aninterval in [0, 1] of length 1/2.

*11. Suppose that S2 = [0,1] and 9 1 is the Borel sigmafield of [0, 1]. Suppose that P isdefined by the uniform p.d.f. f(x) = 1, x E [0, 1]. Remove the middle one-thirdsegment from [0,1] and let J„ = [0,1/3] and J12 = [2/3,1] be the remaining leftand right segments, respectively. Let 12 = J l , u J12 . Next remove the middleone-third from each of these and let J ill = [0, 1/9] and J112 = [2/9, 3/9] be theremaining left and right segments of Jl ,, and let J121 = [6/9, 7/9] andJ122 = [8/9, 1] be the remaining left and right intervals of J12. Let13 = J111 L) J112 .. J121 v J122. Repeat this process for each of these segments, andso on. At the nth stage, I n is the union of 2" - ' disjoint intervals each of length1/3" - t . In particular, the probability (under f) that a randomly selected pointbelongs to I", i.e., the length of 1", is P(I") = 2" - '/3" - '. The setsI l 12 • • • In ... form a decreasing sequence. The Cantor set isthe limiting set defined by C = n I".

(i) Show that C is in one-to-one correspondence with the interval (0, 1].(ii) Verify that C is a Borel set and calculate P(C).(iii) Construct a continuous c.d.f that does not have a p.d.f. [Hint: Define the

Cantor ternary function F on [0,1] as follows. Let F0 (x) = (2k — 1)/2" for xin the kth interval from the left among those 2" - ' subintervals deleted for thefirst time at the nth stage. Then F0 is well defined and has a continuousextension to a function F on all of [0,1] with F(l) = I and F(0) = 0.]

Exercises for Section I.2

1. Let {X": n 1} be an i.i.d. sequence with EX.' < eo, and define the general randomwalk starting at x by Sö = x, S; = x + X, + • • • + X". Calculate each of the followingnumerical characteristics of the distribution.

(i) ES.'(ii) Var S.'

(iii) COV(Sn, Sm)

2. (A Mechanical Model) Consider the scattering device depicted in Figure Ex.I.2,consisting of regularly spaced scatterers in a triangular array. Balls are successivelydropped from the top, scattered by the pegs and finally caught in the bins alongthe bottom row.(i) Calculate the probabilities that a ball will land in each of the respective bins if

the tree has n levels.(ii) What is the expected number of balls that will fall in each of the bins if N balls

are dropped in succession?

*3. (Dorfman 's Blood Testing Scheme) Prior to World War lithe army made individualtests of blood samples for venereal disease. So N recruits entering a processingstation required N tests. R. Dorfman suggested pooling the blood samples of mindividuals and then testing the pooled sample. If the test is negative then only one

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u u 0 un=5

Figure Ex.I.2

II u

test is needed. If the test of the pool is positive then at least one individual has thedisease and each of the m persons must be retested individually, resulting in thisevent in m + 1 tests. Let X 1 , X2 , ... , XN be an i.i.d. sequence of 0 or 1 valuedrandom variables with p = P(X„ = 1) for n = 1, 2, .... Let the event X. = l} beused to indicate that the nth individual is infected; then the parameter p measuresthe incidence of the disease in the population. Let S. = X, + X2 + • • • + X. denotethe number of infected individuals among the first n individuals tested, So = 0. LetTk denote the number of tests required for the kth group of m individuals tested,k = 1,2,...,[N/m]. Thus, form? 2, Tk = m + I if5,k—Sm(k_ ^0and Tk = I ifSmk — 'Sm(k-,) = 0. The total number of tests (cost) for N individuals tested in groupsof size m each is


CN = Tk+(N—m[N/m]), m? 2.k=1

Find m such that, for given N (large) and p, the expected number of tests per personis minimal. [Hint: Consider the limit as N oo and show that the optimal m, ifone exists, is the integer value of m that minimizes the function

ECN Ic(m)=lim =1+--(1—p)m , m? 2, c(1) = 1.

N -' N in

Analyze the extreme values of the function g(x) = (I/x) — (1 — p)x for x > 0(see D. W. Turner,. F. E. Tidmore, D. M. Young (1988), SIAM Review, 30,pp. 119-122).]

4. Let {S;} be the simple symmetric random walk starting at x and let

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u(n, y) = P(S„ = y). Verify that u(n, y) satisfies the following initial value problem

a^u = 2oyu, u(0, y) = bx,Y>

where is Kronecker's delta and

ö„u(n, y) = u(n + 1, y) — u(n, y),

Vy u(n, y) = u(n, y + Z) — u(n, y — 2)

5. Suppose that {S,.,'"} and {S 2 } are independent (general) random walks whoseincrements (step sizes) have the common distribution {p x : x E Z}. Verify that{T = S — S„2)} is a random walk with step size distribution {px : x e Z} given bya symmetrization of {p,: x e 7L}, i.e. px = XEE 7Z. Express {ps} in terms of{px : xE Z}.

Exercises for Section I.3

1. Write out a complete derivation of (3.3) by conditioning on X,.

2. (i) Write out the symmetry argument for (3.8) using (3.6). [Hint: Look at therandom walk {—S.x: n >, 0}.]

(ii) Verify that (3.6) can be expressed as

sink{y (x — c)}P(Td < Tx) = exp{yp(d — x)} where y,, = ln((q/p)" 2 )

Binh{y,,(d — c)}'

3. Justify the use of limits in (3.9) using the continuity properties (Chapter 0, (1.1),(1.2)) of a probability measure.

4. Verify that P(S.x j4 y for all n >, N) = 0 for each N = 1, 2, ... to establish (3.18).

5. (i) If p < q and x < d, then give the symmetry argument to calculate, using (3.9),the probability that the simple random walk starting at x will eventually reachd in (3.10).

(ii) Verify that (3.10) may be expressed as

P(Ta < oo) = e - ap(d- "^ for some a° >- 0.

6. Let rl, denote the "time of the first return to x" for the simple random walk {S.}starting at x. Show that

P(rl,< < co) = P({S„} eventually returns to x)

= 2 min(p, q).

[Hint: P(nx < cc) = pP(T” i < cc) + qP(T' -' < cc).]

7. Let M - M° := sup, ° S,,, m = m° := inf,,, ° S. be the (possibly infinite) extremestatistics for the simple random walk {S„} starting at 0.

(i) Calculate the distribution function and probability mass function for M in thecase p < q. [Hint: Use (3.10) and consider P(M > t).]

(ii) Do the calculations corresponding to (i) for m when p > q, and for M”, and m'°.

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8. Let {X"} be an arbitrary i.i.d. sequence of integer-valued displacement randomvariables for a general random walk on Z denoted by S" = X t + • • • + X", n >_ 1,and So = 0. Show that the random walk is transient if EX, exists and is noqzero.

Say that an "equalization" occurs at time n in coin tossing if the number of headsacquired by time n coincides with the number of tails. Let E. denote the event thatan equalization occurs at time n.

(i) Show that if p j4 Z then P(E2 ) -r c,r"n -1 / 2 , for some 0< r < 1, as n -• oo.[Hint: Use Stirling's formula: n! — (2rtn)` 12n"e - " as n -. cc; see W. Feller (1968),An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. I, 3rd ed:,pp. 52-54, Wiley, New York.]

(ii) Show that if p = Z then P(E2 ) — c2 n -1 / 2 as n -+ oo.(iii) Calculate P(E„ i.o.) for p 96 2 by application of the Borel-Cantelli Lemma

(Chapter 0, Lemma 6.1) and (i). Discuss why this approach fails for p = 2.(Compare Exercise 1.4.)

(iv) Calculate P(En i.o.) for arbitrary values of p by application of the results of thissection.

10. (A Gambler's Ruin) A gambler plays a game in which it is possible to win a unitamount with probability p or lose a unit amount with probability q at each play.What is the probability that a gambler with an initial capital x playing against aninfinitely rich adversary will eventually go broke (i) if p = q = 2, (ii) if p > z?

11. Suppose that two particles are initially located at integer points x and y, respectively.At each unit of time a particle is selected at random, both being equally likely tobe selected, and is displaced one unit to the right or left with probabilities p and qrespectively. Calculate the probability that the two particles will eventually meet.[Hint: Consider the evolution of the difference between the positions of the twoparticles.]

12. Let {Xn } be a discrete-time stochastic process with state spaces S = Z such thatstate y is transient. Let ZN denote the proportion of time spent in state y among thefirst N time units. Show that lim N -. TN = 0 with probability 1.

13. (Range of Random Walk) Let {S"} be a simple random walk starting at 0 anddefine the Range R. in time n by

R"= #{S0 =0,S i ,...,S"}.

R. represents the number of distinct states visited by the random walk in time 0 to n.(i) Show that E(R„/n) -' ^p — qi as n -* oo. [Hint: Write

R" _ /k where I. = 1, Ik = Ik (S,, • . • , Sk ) is defined byk=0

_ (l ifSk;S;forallj=0,1,...,k-1,

Ik Sl0 otherwise.


Elk = P(Sk - Sk _ 1 ^ 0, Sk - Sk _ 2 ^ 0, ... , Sk 96 0)

=P(S; r0,j= 1,2,...,k) (justify)

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= 1 — P(time of the "first return to 0" _< k)k-1

= 1— Y {P(Tö =J)p + P(To 1 =1)q} —. Ip — ql ask•-+ co. ]j=1

(ii) Verify that R"/n —+ 0 in probability as n —* oo for the symmetric case p = q = Z.[Hint: Use (i) and Chebyshev's (first moment) Inequality. (Chapter 0, (2.16).]For almost sure convergence, see F. Spitzer (1976), Principles of Random Walk,Springer-Verlag, New York.

14. (LLD. Products) Let X,, X2,... be an i.i.d. sequence of nonnegative randomvariables having a nondegenerate distribution with EX, = 1. Define T. = fl. , Xk,n > 1. Show that with probability unity, T. —0 as n --> oo. [Hint: If P(X, = 0) > 0then

P(T" = 0 for all n sufficiently large)

= P(Xk = 0 for some k) = lim (1 — [1 — P(X, = 0)]") = 1.n-.m

For the case P(X1 = 0) = 0, take logarithms and apply Jensen's Inequality (Chapter0, (2.7)) and the SLLN (Chapter 0, Section 0.6) to show log T. --• — 00 a.s. Note thestrict inequality in Jensen's Inequality by nondegeneracy.]

15. Let {S"} be a simple random walk starting at 0. Show the following.(i) If p = Z, then P(S" = 0) diverges.

(ii) If p Z, then =o P(S" = 0) = (1 — 4pq) -112 = Ip — q1'. [Hint: Apply theTaylor series generalization of the Binomial theorem to z"P(Sn = 0) notingthat

C /


(pq)" = (_1)(4pq)n ( 2 I• ]

n \ n

(iii) Give a proof of the transience of 0 using (ii) for p ^ Z. [Hint: Use theBorel—Cantelli Lemma (Chapter 0).]

16. Define the backward difference operator by

VO(x) = O(x) — 0(x — 1).

(i) Show that the boundary-value problem (3.4) can be expressed as

ZagOZ^+µV =0on(c,d) and 4(c)=0, 4i(d)=1,

where u = p — q and a2 = 2p.(ii) Verify that if p = q(µ = 0), then 0 satisfies the following averaging property on

the interior of the interval.

4(x) = [4(x — 1) + 4(x + 1)]/2 for c < x < d.

Such a function ¢ is called a harmonic function.(iii) Show that a harmonic function on [c, d] must take its maximum and its

minimum on the boundary 0 = {c, d}.

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(iv) Verify that if two harmonic functions agree on a, then they must coincide onall of [c, d].

(v) Give an alternate proof of the fact that a symmetric simple random walk startingat x in (c, d) must eventually reach the boundary based on the abovemaximum/minimum principle for harmonic functions. [Hint: Verify that the sumof two harmonic functions is harmonic and use the above ideas to determinethe minimum of the escape probability from [c, d] starting at x, c -< x -< d.]

17. Consider the simple random walk with p -< q starting at 0. Let N; denote the numberof visits to j > 0 that occur prior to the first return to 0. Give an argument thatEN; = (p/q)'. [Hint: The number of excursions to j before returning to 0 has ageometric distribution. Condition on the first displacement.]

Exercises for Section I.4

Let T" denote the time to reach the boundary for a simple random walk {S}starting at x in (c, d). Let p = 2p - 1, a 2 = 2p.

(i) Verify that ET" < oo. [Hint: Take x = 0. Choose N such that P(ISI > d - c).Argue that P(T ° > rN) -< ('-,)', r = 1, 2, ... using the fact that the r sums over(jN - N, jN], j = 1, ... , r, are i.i.d. and distributed as SN.]

(ii) Show that m(x) = ETx solves the boundary value problem

aZ2-V m+pVm= -1,

m(c) = m(d) = 0, Vm(x):= m(x) — m(x — 1).

(iii) Find an analytic expression for the solution to the nonhomogeneous boundaryvalue problem for the case p = 0. [Hint: m(x) = -x 2 is a particular solutionand 1, x solve the homogeneous problem.]

(iv) Repeat (iii) for the case p 96 0. [Hint: m(x) = Iq - p - 'x is a particular solutionand 1, (q/p)" solve the homogeneous problem.]

(v) Describe ETx in the case c = 0 and d -^ oc.

2. Establish the following identities as a consequences of the results of this section.

N 1(i) Y- (NI N +y 2 -N =1 forally#0.

NIIyI•N+yeven 2

(ii) For p > q,

N 1 fort'>0Y J IyIIN

+ 1 p (N+y)lZq (N y)/2 = /p\ vN,IyI N f I for y < 0.

N+ y even 2 \q)

(iii) Give the corresponding results for p < q.

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3. (A Reflection Property) For the simple symmetric random walk {S„} starting at 0show that, for y > 0,

P(max S. > y = 2P(SN -> Y) — P(SN = Y)•n5N

Let S. = X l + • • • + X„, So = 0, and suppose that X1 , X2 , ... are independentrandom variables such that S. — S„ S„ — S 2 , ... have symmetric probabilitydistributions.(i) Show that P(max„, N S. >- y) = 2P(SN y) — P(SN = y) for all y> 0.

(ii) Show that P(max„, N S„ x, SN = y) = P(SN = y) if y x and P(max„ N S„ > x,SN =y)= P(SN =2x—y)ify-<x.

5. (A Gambler's Ruin) A gambler wins or loses 1 unit with probabilities p andq = 1 — p, respectively, at each play of a game. The gambler has an initial capitalof x units and the adversary has an initial capital of d> x units. The game is playedrepeatedly until one of the players is broke.(i) Calculate the probability that the gambler will eventually go broke.

(ii) What is the expected duration of the game?

6. (Bertrand's Classical Ballot Problem) Candidates A and B have probabilities p and1 — p (0 <p < 1) of winning any particular vote. If A scores m votes and B scoresn votes, m > n, then what is the probability that A will maintain a lead throughoutthe process of sequentially counting all m + n votes cast? [Hint: P (out of m + nvotes cast, A scores m votes, B scores n votes, and A maintains a leadthroughout) = P(Tö - n = m + n).]

7. Let {S„} be the simple random walk starting at 0 and let

MN =max{S„:n=0, 1,2,...,N},

mN =min{S„:n=0, 1, 2,...,N}.

(i) Calculate the distribution of MN .(ii) Calculate the distribution of mN .(iii) Calculate the joint distribution of MN and SN . [Hint: Let a > 0, b be integers,

a -> b. Then


P(MN >,a,SN ^b)=P(Ta -<N,SN ->b)= P(Tn =n,SN ^b)n=1


_ Z P(Ta =n,SN —S„,>b—a)

N_ P(Tn =n)P(SN _„>-b—a)


8. What percentage of the particles at y at time N are there for the first time in a dilutesystem of many noninteracting (i.e., independent) particles each undergoing a simplerandom walk starting at the origin?

*9. Suppose that the points of the state space S = 1 are painted blue with probability

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p or green with probability 1 - p, 0 -< p < 1, independently of each other and of asimple random walk {Sn } starting at 0. Let B denote the random set of states (integersites) colored blue and let N(p) denote the amount of time (occupation time) thatthe random walk spends in the set B prior to time n, i.e.,

Nn(P) _ 1B(Sk)•k=0

(i) Show that EN(p) = (n + 1)p. [Hint: EIB (Sk ) = E{E[IB (Sk ) I Sk]}.](ii) Verify that

lim Var{ Nn(p)l - cap for p = Z

l n ) P(I - P)for p z.

1p - 9^

[Hint: Use Exercise 13.15.](iii) For p ^ Z, use (ii), to show Nn(p)/n -+ p in probability as n -+ Go. [Hint: Use

Chebyshev's Inequality.](iv) For p = 1, show NN (p)/n -^ p in probability. [Hint: Show Var(Nn (p)/n) -* 0 as

n—. co.]

10. Apply Stirling's Formula, (k! _ (27rk)'/ Zk ke -k(1 + 0(l)) as k -. 00), to show for thesimple symmetric random walks starting at 0 that

(i) P(T' N)(2rz)1'^z N-3/2 as N -^ oo.

(ii) ETy = co.

Exercises for Section 1.5

I. (i) Complete the proof of P61ya'.s Theorem fork > 3. (See Exercise 5 below.)(ii) Give an alternative proof of transience for k > 3 by an application of the

Borel-Cantelli Lemma Part 1 (Chapter 0, (6.1)). Why cannot Part 2 of thelemma be directly applied to prove recurrence for k = 1, 2?

2. Show that

kO \k/ Z =() ./

[Hint: Consider the number of ways in which n balls can be selected from a boxof n black and n white balls.]

3. (i) Show that for the 2-dimensional simple symmetric random walk, the probabilityof a return to (0, 0) at time 2n is the same as that for two independent walkers,one along the horizontal and the other along the vertical, to be at (0, 0) attime 2n. Also verify this by a geometric argument based on two independent

walkers with step size 1/ f and viewed along the axes rotated by 450

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(ii) Show that relations (5.5) hold for a general random walk on the integer latticein any dimension. Use these to compute, for the simple symmetric randomwalk in dimension two, the probabilities fj that the random walk returns tothe origin at time j for the first time for j = 1, ... , 8. Similarly compute fj indimension three for I < j < 4.

4. (i) Show that the method of Exercise 3(i) above does not hold in k = 3 dimensions.(ii) Show that the motion of three independent simple symmetric random walkers

starting at (0, 0, 0) in 71 3 is transient.

5. Show that the trinomial coefficient

n n !

( j, k, n — j — k j!k!(n—j—k)!

is largest for j, k, n — j — k, closest to n/3. [Hint: Suppose a maximum is attainedfor j = J, k = K. Consider the inequalities of the form

n ^ n

(j, k,n—j—k)_ < (J,K,n—J—K)

when j, k and/or n —

j — k differ from J, K, n — J — K, respectively, by ± 1. Usethis to show In — J — 2KI < 1, in — K — 2JI < 1.]

6. Give a probabilistic interpretation to the relation (see Eq. 5.9) ß = 1/(1 — y). [Hint:Argue that the number of returns to 0 is geometrically distributed with parameter y.]

7. Show that a multidimensional random walk is transient when the (one-step) meandisplacement is nonzero.

8. Calculate the probability that the simple symmetric k-dimensional random walkwill return i.o. to a previously occupied site. [Hint: The conditional probability,given So, ... , S, that S„ + 1 ^ {So , ... , S„} is at most (2k — 1)/2k. Check that

2k-1 '"P(S+1,...,S,+mE{So,...,S„}`5

2k )

for each m >, 1.]

9. (i) Estimate (numerically) the expected number (ß — 1) of returns to the origin.[Hint: Estimate a bound for C in (5.15) and bound (5.16) with a Riemannintegral.]

(ii) Give a numerical estimate of the probability y that the simple random walkin k = 3 dimensions will return to the origin. [Hint: Use (i).]

*10. Calculate the probability that a simple symmetric random walk ink = 3 dimensionswill eventually hit a given line {(ra, rb, rc): r e Z}, where (a, b, c) & (0, 0, 0) is alattice point.

*11. (A Finite Switching Network) Let F = (x 1 , X21... , xk } be a Finite set of k sitesthat can be either "on" (1) or "off" (0). At each instant of time a site is randomlyselected and switched from its current state e to 1 — e. Let S = {0,1 } F ={(e l , ... , ek ): e ; = 0 or 1}. Let X1 , X2 , ... be i.i.d. S-valued random variables with

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P(X" = e ; ) = p ;, i = i,... , k, where e ; e S is defined by e.(j) = b ; ,j, and p, _> 0,I p i = 1. Define a random walk on S, regarded as a group under coordinatewiseaddition mod 2, by


Show that the configuration in which all switches are off is recurrent in the casesk = 1, 2. The general case will follow from the methods and theory of Chapter IIwhen k < oo. The problem when k = cc has an interesting history: see F. Spitzer(1976), Principles of Random Walk, Springer Verlag, New York, and referencestherein.

*12. Use Exercise 11 above and the examples of random walks on Z to arrive at ageneral formulation of the notion of a random walk on a group. Describe a randomwalk on the unit circle in the complex plane as an illustration of your ideas.

13. Let {X"} denote a recurrent random walk on the 1-dimensional integer lattice.Show that

E,(number of visits to x before hitting 0) = + cc, x ^ 0.

[Hint: Translate the problem by x and consider that starting from 0, the numberof visits to 0 before hitting —x is bounded below by the number of visits to 0before leaving the (open) interval centered at 0 of length lxi. Use monotonicity topass to the limit.]

Exercises for Section I.6

1. Let X be an (n + 1)-dimensional Gaussian random vector and A an arbitrary lineartransformation from 11" + ' to I. Show that AX is a Gaussian random vector in 11'.

2. (i) Determine the consistent specification of finite-dimensional distributions for thecanonical construction of the simple random walk.

(ii) Verify Kolmogorov consistency for Example 3.

*3. (A Kolmogorov Extension Theorem: Special Case) This exercise shows the role oftopology in proving what otherwise seems a (purely) measure-theoretical assertionin the simplest case of Kolmogorov's theorem. Let fl = {0, 1 } be the product spaceconsisting of sequences of the form w = (cw„ w 2 ,...) with w i e {0, 1}. Give S2 theproduct topology for the discrete topology on {0, 1}. By Tychonoff's Theorem fromtopology, this makes S compact. Let X" be the nth coordinate projection mappingon S2. Let .y be the Borel sigmafield for ).(i) Show that F coincides with the sigmafield for S2 generated by events of the form

F(E 1 ,.. ,E")={we c2:w 1 =E i for i= 1,2,.. ,n},

for an arbitrarily prescribed sequence E i ..... E" of l's and 0's. [Hint:p(w, n) = J^ ^ Iw" — 7"I/2" metrizes the product topology on S2. Consider theopen balls of radii of the form r = 2 -^' centered at sequences which are 0 fromsome n onward and use separability.]

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(ii) Let {P"} be a consistent family of probability measures, with P" defined on(Ii",."), and such that P. is concentrated on Q, = {0,1 }". Define a set functionfor events of the form F = F(E 1 , ... , e") in (i), by

P(F)=P"({w ; =c,i=1,2,.. ,n}).

Show that there is a unique probability measure P on the sigmafield .^" ofcylinder sets of the form

C={a eft(w,..• .wn )EB},

where B c {0, 1 }", which agrees with this formula for Fe .f", n >_ 1.(iii) Show that F ° := Un 1 .f" is a field of subsets of Q but not a sigmafield.(iv) Show that P is a countably additive measure on F°. [Hint: f) is compact and

the cylinder sets are both open and closed for the product topology on D.](v) Show that P has a unique extension to a probability measure on F. [Hint:

Invoke the Caratheodory Extension Theorem (Chapter 0, Section 1) under (iii),

(iv)•](vi) Show that the above arguments also apply to any finite-state discrete-parameter

stochastic process.

4. Let (S2, F, P) and (S, 2) represent measurable spaces. A function X defined on S2and taking values in S is called measurable if X - `(B) E F for all Be 2', whereX -' (B) = {X E B} _ {w E D: X(o) e B}. This is the meaning of an S-valued randomvariable. The distribution of X is the induced probability measure Q on ,P defined by

Q(B)=P(X - '(B))=P(XEB), BEY.

Let (S2, .F, P) be the canonical model for nonterminating repeated tosses of a coinand X(a) = w", WE n. Show that {X"„ X.1, . ..}, m an arbitrary positive integer,is a measurable function on (S2, F, P) taking values in (S2, F) with the distributionP; i.e., {X,", Xm+ ,, ... , } is a noncanonical model for an infinite sequence of cointossings.

5. Suppose that Di" and D'2 are covariance matrices.

(i) Verify that aD" + ßD21 , a, ß _> 0, is a covariance matrix.(ii) Let {D (" ) = ((a;;'))} be a sequence of covariance matrices (k x k) such that

lima v;j ) = ai; exists. Show that D = ((au )) is a covariance matrix.

*6. Let µ(t) = f ° e"'p(dx) be the Fourier transform of a positive finite measure p.(Chapter 0, (8.46)).

(i) Show that (µ(t, — t.)) is a nonnegative definite matrix for any t, < • • • < tk .

(ii) Show that µ(t) = e - I` 1 if p is the Cauchy distribution.

*7. (Pölya Criterion for Characteristic Functions) Suppose that 4 is a real-valuednonnegative function on (— cc, oo) with 4(—t) = 4(t) and 0(0) = 1. Show that if 0is continuous and convex on [0, cc), then 0 is the Fourier transform (characteristicfunction) of a probability distribution (in particular, for any t, < t 2 < • • • < tk , k >_ 1,((4(t ; — ti))) is nonnegative definite by Exercise 6), via the following steps.

(i) Check that 1 — Its, Its _< 1, t E 68',Y(t) = 0, Itl > 1

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is the characteristic function of the (probability) measure with p.d.f.y(x) = (1 - cos x)/itx 2 , - oo <x < oc. Use the Fourier inversion formula[(8.43), Chapter 0].

(ii) Check that the characteristic function of a convex combination (mixture) ofprobability distributions is the corresponding convex combination ofcharacteristic functions.

(iii) Let 0 < a, < • • • <a be real numbers, p ; >- 0, Y-"•_, p ; = 1. Show thatD(t) = p, y(t/a 1 ) + • • • + p, (t/a^) is a characteristic function. Draw a graphof 0(t) and check that the slope of the segment between a k and ak+Iis -[(pk /ak ) + • • • + (p„/a„)], k = 1, 2, ... , n - 1. Interpret the numbersPi , p, + p 2 , ... , p, + • • • + p„ = I along the vertical axis with reference to thepolygonal graph of ß(t).

(iv) Show that a function 0(t) satisfying Pölya's criterion can be approximated bya function of the form (iii) to arbitrary accuracy. [Hint: Approximate 4(t) bya polygonal path consisting of n segments of decreasing slopes.]

(v) Show that the (pointwise) limit of characteristic functions is a characteristicfunction.

*8. Show that the following define covariance functions for a Gaussian process.

(i) Q.j = e i,J = 0, 1, 2, .. .

(ii) Q;; = min(i, j) = (iii + I il - Ii -JI)/2•[Hint: Use Exercises 6 and 7.]

Exercises for Section I.7

1. Verify that (B,,, ... , B,,,,) has an m-dimensional Gaussian distribution and calculatethe mean and the variance-covariance matrix using the fact that the Brownianmotion has independent Gaussian increments.

2. Let {X,} be a process with stationary and independent increments starting at 0 withEXs < cc for s> 0. Assume EX„ EX, are continuous functions of t.

(i) Show that EX, = mt for some constant m.(ii) Show that Var X, = at for some constant a 2 > 0.(iii) Calculate the limiting distribution of

Y(. ) (X, - mnt)- t

asn-> cc, for t>0,fixed.

3. (i) (Diffusion Limit Scalings) Let X, be a random variable with meanx + t f (p - q)0 and variance t f A 2 pq. Give a direct calculation of p and q = I - pin terms off and A using only the requirements that the mean and variance ofX, - x should stabilize to some limiting values proportional to t as f -. oc andA -+0.

(ii) Verify convergence to the Gaussian distribution for the distribution of (Q//)S1 „, j

as n -* co, where {S„} is the simple random walk with p„ = (p/2 f) + Z, byapplication of Liapunov's CLT (Chapter 0, Corollary 7.3).

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4. Let {X} be a Brownian motion starting at 0 with diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0 andzero drift.(ii) Show that the process has the following scaling property. For each A > 0 the

process {Y} defined by Y, = A - ' t ZXx, is distributed exactly as the process Al.(ii) How does (i) extend to k-dimensional Brownian motion?

5. Let {X} be a stochastic process which has stationary and independent increments.

(i) Show that the distribution of the increments must be infinitely divisible; i.e., foreach integer n, the distribution of X, - X, (s < t) can be expressed as an n-foldconvolution of a probability measure p".

(ii) Suppose that the increment 24 - Xs has the Cauchy distribution with p.d.f.(t - s)/n[(t - s) 2 + x 2] for s < t, x e I8'. Show that the Cauchy process sodescribed is invariant under the rescaling { Y} where Y = A -' Xi, for A > 0; i.e.,{Y,} has the same distribution as {X,}. (This process can be constructed bymethods of theoretical complements 1, 2 to Section IV.1.)

6. Let {X} be a Brownian motion starting at 0 with zero drift and diffusion coefficienta 2 > 0. Define Y,= JXJ,t ?0.

(i) Calculate EY, Var Y,.(ii) Is { Y} a process with independent increments?

7. Let R, = X, where {Xj is a Brownian motion starting at 0 with zero drift anddiffusion coefficient a2 > 0. Calculate the distribution of R.

8. Let {B,} be a standard Brownian motion starting at 0. Define

V" _ - Bo- nie "I

(i) Verify that EV" = 2"'2EIB 1 I.(ii) Show that Var V. = VarIB 1 j.

(iii) Show that with probability one, {B,} is not of bounded variation on 0 -< t -< 1.[Hint: Show that I' + l',>, V", n >- 1, and, using Chebyshev's Inequality,P(V">M)->lasn- ooforanyM>0.]

9. The quadratic variation over [0, t) of a function f on [0, oo) is defined byV(f)= lim. .v"(t,f),where


v"(t,f) _ [f(kt/2") - f((k - 1 )t/2")] zk=1

provided the limit exists.

(i) Show if f is continuous and of bounded variation then V (f) = 0.(ii) Show that Ev"(t, {XX }) - a2t as n -• cc for Brownian motion {X} with

diffusion coefficient a 2 and drift p.(iii) Verify that v"(t, {X,}) -• v et in probability as n -• co.

(*iv) Show that the limit in (iii) holds almost surely. [Hint: Use Borel-CantelliLemma and Chebyshev Inequality.]

10. Let {X} be the k-dimensional Brownian motion with drift lt and diffusion coefficientmatrix D. Calculate the mean of X, and the variance-covariance matrix of X.

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11. Let {X} be any mean zero Gaussian process. Let t, < t 2 < • • • < t".

(i) Show that the characteristic function of (X r ,... .. X,^) is of the form e -44« ) forsome quadratic form Q(E,) = <A4, i>.

(ii) Establish the pair-correlation decomposition formula for block correlations:

0 if n is oddE{X,,X, 2 ...X,} =

* E{X,X, }. • E{X,X, k } if n is even,

where Y* denotes the sum taken over all possible decompositions into all possibledisjoint pairs {t ; , t3 }, ... , {t,,,, t,} obtained from {t,.. ... t"}. [Hint: Use inductionon derivatives of the (multivariate) characteristic function at (0, 0, ... , 0) byfirst observing that c?e -1Q14)/c7 i = —a,e t'2 and c?x ; /a5 t = a ;j, wherex i = Y J a ;j ^t and A = ((a i; )).]

Exercises for Section I.8

1. Construct a matrix representation of the linear transformation on U8'` of theincrements (x,,, x, 2 — x . , x X, k ,) to (x,,, x, z , . , x tk ).-

*2. (i) Show that the functions f: CEO, oo) —• E defined by

f(w) = max w(t), g(co) = min w(t)a<t,n

are continuous for the topology of uniform convergence on bounded intervals.(ii) Show that the set { f({X;"°}) _< x} is a Borel subset of CEO, oo) if f is continuous

on C[0, oo).(iii) Let f: C[0, oo) --* R'` be continuous. Explain how it follows from the definition

of weak convergence on C[0, oo) given after the statement of the FCLT (pages23-24) that the random vectors f({X;"°}) must converge in distribution to f({X })too.

(iv) Show that convergence in distribution on CEO, cc) implies convergence of thefinite-dimensional distributions. Exercise 3 below shows that the converse isnot true in general.

*3. Suppose that for each n = 1, 2, ... , {x"(t), 0 _< t _< 1}, is the deterministic processwhose sample path is the continuous function whose graph is given by Figure Ex.I.8.(i) Show that the finite-dimensional distributions converges to those of the a.s.

identically zero process {z(t)}, i.e., z(t) - 0, 0 S t _< 1.(ii) Check that max,,,,, x(t) does not converge to max o ,,,, z(t) in distribution.

2n n

Figure Ex.I.8

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*4• Give an example to demonstrate that it is not the case that the FCLT givesconvergence of probabilities of all infinite-dimensional events in C[0, x). [Hint:The polygonal process has finite total variation over 0 <_ t z 1 with probability 1.Compare with Exercise 7.8.]

5. Verify that the probability density function p(t; x, y) of the position at time t of theBrownian motion starting at x with drift p and diffusion coefficient a 2 solves theso-called Fokker-Planck equation (for fixed x) given by

ap _ 1 2 02p apat - Zo OYZ - p aY

(i) Check that for fixed y, p also satisfies the adjoint equation

ap , 2 a lp ap— = 2 c7 2 +


ax ax

(ii) Show that p is a symmetric function of x and y if and only if p = 0.(iii) Let c(t, y) = $ co(x)p(t, x, y) dx, where co is a positive bounded initial

concentration smoothly distributed over a finite interval. Verify that c(t, y)solves the Fokker-Planck equation with initial condition c o , i.e.,

ac a2C ac8t =

zag 2 - p—, c(O , Y) = co(y).Y Y

6. (Collective Risk in Actuary Science) Suppose that an insurance company has aninitial reserve (total assets) of X0 > 0 units. Policy holders are charged a (gross)risk premium rate a per unit time and claims are made at an average rate A. Theaverage claim amount is it with variance a 2 . Discuss modeling the risk reserveprocess {X,} as a Brownian motion starting at x with drift coefficient of the forma - p l and diffusion coefficient 2a 2 , on some scale.

7. (Law of Proportionate Effect) A material (e.g., pavement) is subject to a successionof random impacts or loads in the form of positive random variables L,, L 2 , ..(e.g., traffic). It is assumed that the (measure of) material strength T k after the kthimpact is proportional to the strength Tk _, at the preceding stage through theapplied load L k , k = 1, 2, ... , i.e., Tk = L,,T,k _,. Assume an initial strength To - 1as normalization, and that E(log L 1 )2 < co. Describe conditions under which it isappropriate to consider the geometric Brownian motion defined by {exp(pt + a 2 B,)},where {Bj is standard Brownian motion, as a model for the strength process.

8. Let X 1 , X2,,.. be i.i.d. random variables with EX„ = 0, Var X. = a2 > 0. LetS. = X, + • . • + X,,, n >, 1, So = 0. Express the limiting distribution of each of therandom variables defined below in terms of the distribution of the appropriaterandom variable associated with Brownian motion having drift 0 and diffusioncoefficient a 2 > 0.

(i) Fix 0>0, Y. = n -012 max{ISj° : 1 _< k < n}.(ii) Yn = n - 'I'S..

(iii) Y. = n 312 >I Sk . [Hint: Consider the integral of t -- S(n , l, 0 5 t - 1.]

9. (i) Write R n(x) = 1(1 + xfn)" - esj. Show that

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R(x) 1 — 1 — 1 _ r =+

1_ ^xrI xen+

t e^xln n Jj r! (n + 1)!

sup R(x) —*0 as n —' oo (for every c > 0).JxJ Sc

(ii) Use (i) to prove (8.6). [Hint: Use Taylor's theorem for the inequality, andLebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem (Chapter 0, Section 0.3).]

Exercises for Section I.9

1. (i) Use the SLLN to show that the Brownian motion with nonzero drift is transient.(ii) Extend (i) to the k-dimensional Brownian motion with drift.

2. Let X, = X0 + vt, t >, 0, where v is a nonrandom constant-rate parameter and X0

is a random variable.

(i) Calculate the conditional distribution of X,, given XS = x, for s < t.(ii) Show that all states are transient if v 0.

(iii) Calculate the distribution of X, if the initial state is normally distributed withmean µ and variance a 2 .

3. Let {X,} be a Brownian motion starting at 0 with diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0 andzero drift.

(i) Define { }} by Y, = tX,,, for t > 0 and Y0 = 0. Show that { Y} is distributed asBrownian motion starting at 0. [Hint: Use the law of large numbers to provesample path continuity at t = 0.]

(ii) Show that {X,} has infinitely many zeros in every neighborhood of t = 0 withprobability 1.

(iii) Show that the probability that t - X, has a right-hand derivative at t = 0 is zero.(iv) Use (iii) to provide another example to Exercise 8.4.

4. Show that the distribution of min,, 0 X° is exponential if {X,° } is Brownian motionstarting at 0 with drift p > 0. Likewise, calculate the distribution of max,,, X,° whenp<0.

*5. Let {Sn } denote the simple symmetric random walk starting at 0, and let

m= min Sk , M= max Sk , n= 1, 2, ... .OSk<n 05k-'n

Let {B,} denote a standard Brownian motion and let m = min,,,,, B,,M = max, < ,,, B,. Then, by the FCLT, n" t j 2 (mn , Mn , Sn ) converges in distributionto (m, M, B 1 ); for rigorous justification use theoretical complements 1.8, 1.9 notingthat the functional w —+ (min,,,,, co,, max,,,,, w,, w,) is a continuous map of themetric space C[0, 1] into R 3 . For notational convenience, let

Pn(J)=P(Sn=1), Pn(u,v,y)=P(u<in _<MM <v,S.=y),

for integers u, v, y such that u _< 0 _< v, u < v and u _< y _< v. Also let1(a, b) = P(a <Z < b), where Z has the standard normal distribution. The followinguse of the reflection principle is taken from an exercise in P. Billingsley (1968),

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Convergence of Probability Measures, Wiley, New York, p. 86. These results forBrownian motion are also obtained by other methods in Chapter V.

(i) P(u, v, Y) = P,(Y) — n(v, Y) — it(u, Y) + n(v, u, y) + n(u, v, Y) — t(v, u, v, Y) —n(u, v, u, y) + • • • , where for any fixed sequence of nonnegative integers

Y1, Y2, • • • , Yk, y, k, n, zc(y 1 , Y2, ... , Yk, y) denotes the probability that an n-steprandom walk meets y, (at least once), then meets —Y 2 , then meets y 3 , ... ,then meets (-1)k- 'yk , and ends at y.

(11 ) R(Y 1, Y2, ... , Yk, Y) = pn(2Y 1 + 2Y 2 + ... + 2yk - 1 + (-1)k + 1 y) if (-1)k + 'Y > Yk,

n(Y1, Y2, ... , Yk, Y) = Pn(2Y1 + 2Y 2 + ... + 2yk _ (_ 1)k+ l y) if (1)'y -< Yk •[Hint: Use Exercise 4.4(ii), the reflection principle, and induction on k. Reflectthrough (-1)kyk _, the part of the path to the right of the first passage throughthat point following successive passages through y1, — Y2, ... , ( -1 )k-1 Yk-2.]

(iii) p„(u, v, y) _ p„(y + 2k(v — u)) — p„(2v — y + 2k(v — u)).

(iv) For integers, u -< 0 -< v, u <- y 1 < Y2

P(u <m„<v,y l <S,,<Y 2 )

= j P(y, + 2k(v — u) < S. < Y 2 + 2k(v — u)))

— Y P(2v—y 2 +2k(v—u)<S„<2v—y,+2k(v—u)).k=—w

[Hint: Sum over y in (iii).]

(v) For real numbers u < 0 -< v, u < y 1 < Y2

P(u<m-<M<v,y 1 <B, <Y 2 )

_ ^(y, + 2k(v — u), Y 2 + 2k(v — u))k=—m

— (D(2v — Y 2 + 2k(v — u), 2v — y, + 2k(v — u)).k=—ac

[Hint: Respectively substitute the integers [u / ], —[—u/], [y,^],

— [ --- Y2\/] into (iv) ([ ] denoting the greatest integer function). Use Scheffe'sTheorem (Chapter 0) to justify the interchange of limit with summation over k.]

(vi) P(M < v, y 1 < B, < ky2) = 1 (YI,Y2) — '(2v — y2 , 2v — YI)•

[Hint: Take u = —n — I in (iv) and then pass to the limit.]

(vii) P(u <m -< M < v) _ (-1)kD(u + 2k(v — u), v + 2k(v — u)).k=—m

[Hint: Take y, = U, Y 2 = v in (v).]

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(viii) P(sup^B,j < u) _ (— l )k(D((2k — 1)v, (2k + 1)v).k=—a

[Hint: Take u = —v in (vii).]

Exercises for Section I.10

* 1. (i) Show that (10.2) holds at each point z _< 0 (> 0) of continuity of the distributionfunction for min o , X. (max o <,,, X,). [Hint: These latter functionals arecontinuous.]

(ii) Use (i) and (10.9) to assert (10.2) for all ^.

2. Calculate the probability that a Brownian motion with drift it and diffusion coefficienta2 > 0 starting at x will reach y : x in time t or less.

3. Suppose that solute particles are undergoing Brownian motion in the horizontaldirection in a semi-infinite tube whose left end acts as an absorbing boundary inthe sense that when a particle reaches the left end it is taken out of the flow. Assumethat initially a proportion i(x) dx of the particles are present in the element ofvolume between x and x + dx from the left end, so that f ö b(x) dx = 1. For a givendrift it away from the left end and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0, calculate the fractionof particles eventually absorbed. What if p = 0?

4. Two independent Brownian motions with drift p ; and diffusion coefficient a?, i = 1, 2,are found at time t = 0 at positions x i , i = 1, 2, with x, <x 2 .

(i) Calculate the probability that the two particles will never meet.(ii) Calculate the probability that the particles will meet before time s > 0.

5. (i) Calculate the distribution of the maximum value of the Brownian motionstarting at 0 with drift p and diffusion coefficient a 2 over the time period [0, t].

*(ii) For the case p = 0 give a geometric "reflection" argument that P(max o , s <, Xs >_ y)= 2P(X, _> y). Use (i) to verify this.

6. Calculate the distribution of the minimum value of a Brownian motion starting at0 with drift I and diffusion coefficient a 2 over the time period [0, t].

7. Let {B 1 } be standard Brownian motion starting at 0 and let a, b > 0.

(i) Calculate the probability that —at < B, < bt for all sufficiently large t.(ii) Calculate the probability that {B,} last touches the line v = —at instead of

y = bt. [Hint: Consider the process {Z,} defined by Zo = 0, Z, = tB, I , for t > 0.and Exercise 9.3(i).]

8. Let {(B,(' ) , B 2 )} be a two-dimensional standard Brownian motion starting at (0, 0)(see Section 7). Let ry = inf{t _> 0: B; 2 = y}, y > 0. Calculate the distribution ofBty ) . [Hint: {B} and {B 2 } are independent one-dimensional Brownian motions.Condition on r. Evaluate the integral by substituting u = (x 2 + y 2 )/t.]

9. Let {Br} be a standard Brownian motion starting at 0. Describe the geometricstructure of sample paths for each of the following stochastic processes and calculateEY,.

fY = B 1 if maxo<s ,, Bs < a(i) (Absorption)

1 Y = a if max o , s <, B s >_ a,

where a > 0 is a constant.

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Y=B, ifB,<a(*ii) (Reflection) J Y,=2a—B, if B,>a,

where a > 0 is a constant.

(*iii) (Periodic) Y, = B, — [B,],

where [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x.

10. Let, for a > 0,

.f8(t) = a e 22 ' (t > 0).(2 ir)"2 t 3/2

(i) Verify the convolution property

fa * ff(t) = L +ß(t) for any a, ß > 0.

(ii) Verify that the distribution of; is a stable law with exponent 0 = 2 (index z)in the sense that if Ti , T2 , ... , T. are i.i.d. and distributed as T. thenn -8(T1 + • • • + T.) is distributed as T. (see Eq. 10.2).

(iii) (Scaling property) ; is distributed as z2 z1.

11. Let T. be the first passage time to z for a standard Brownian motion starting at 0with zero drift.

(i) Verify that Ez = is not finite.(ii) Show that Ee = e i✓2 ' ^"', A > 0. [Hint: Tedious integration will

work.](iii) Use Laplace transforms to check that (1/n)z (,J J converges in distribution to

tz as n —> oo.

12. Let {B,} be standard Brownian motion starting at 0. Let s < t. Show that theprobability that {B,} has at least one zero in (s, t) is given by (2/it) cos - '(s/t)`/ 2 .[Hint: Let

p(x) = P({B,} has at least one zero in (s, t) ^ B, = x).

Then for x > 0,

p(x)=P(min B,-<OIB,=x)=P(s,<r,<1

max BOIB,=5,.sr

=P(max BxIBs =0)=P(tx -<t—s).

Likewise for x < 0, p(x) = P(r _ x -< t — s). So the desired probability can be obtainedby calculating

fo,EP(IB,I) = P(x)(-

2e zs ^ 2 dx.


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Exercises for Section 1.11

Throughout this set of exercises {S"} denotes the simple symmetric randomwalk starting at 0.

1. Show the following for r 0.

Irl(i) P(S, ^0,S2 ^0,...,S2n - t # 0 ,S2 = 2r) =


fl + rJ n

(ii) P(r' 2 n ) = 2k, SZn = 2r) _ (2k)( 2n — 2k) Iri 2 -zn

k/J n—k+r/Jn—k

(*iii) Calculate the joint distribution of (y, B 1 ).

2. Let U. = #{k < n: Sk ( or Sk > 0} denote the amount of time spent (by thepolygonal path) on the positive side of the state space during time 0 to n.

(i) Show that

P(UZn = 2k) = P(r,( zn ) = 2k)rz(k(n — k))'

Check k = 0, k = n first. Use mathematical induction on n and considerthe conditional distribution of U2n given the time of the first return to 0. Derivethe last equality of (11.3) for U2 using the induction hypothesis and (11.3).]

(ii) Prove Corollary 11.4 by calculating the distribution of the proportion of timespent above 0 in the limit as n -• oo for the random walk.

(iii) How does one reconcile the facts that U2"/2n++Z as n --* co and P(S" > 0) -+as n -+ ^o? [Hint: Consider the average length of time between returns to zero.]

*3. Let r (" 1 = min{k -< n: Sk = max o , ; , n S; } denote the location of the first absolutemaximum in time 0 to n. Then

{T (n) =k} _ {Sk> 0, Sk> S(,..., S,> Sk_1,Sk>-Sk+1,•. •,Sk>- S n }

fork>- t,{T ( " ( =0}={Sk <-0,1 -<k-<n}.

(i) Show that

p(r(zn^ = 0) = P(z (z" >> = 0) _ (2n



[Hint: Use (10.1) and induction.](ii) Show that

P(T(z") = 2n) = P( ,r (2n+1) = 2n) _ 1(2n\22 - n

[Hint: Consider the dual paths to {Sk : k = 0, 1, ... , n} obtained by reversing theorder of the displacements, S, = S" — S"_,, Sz = (S n — Sn _ 1 ) + (S"_, — Sn_2),

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... , S;, = S". This transformation corresponds to a rotation through 180 degrees.Use (11.2).]

(iii) Show that

P(ia") = 2k) = P(t (2"' = 2k + 1) = 1 (2k)2-2k(2(n - k))2-2i"-k)2\k/ n-k

for k = 1, ... , n in the first case and k = 0, ... , n - 1 in the second. [Hint: Apath of length 2n with a maximum at 2k can be considered in two sections.Apply (i) and (ii) to each section.]


/1 2

(iv) lim P— t I1 -sin - ^, 0<t<1.n it

*4. Let F, UU be as defined in Exercise 2. Define V. = #{k < V" ) : Sk _ , >, 0, Sk _> 0} =UT"). Show that P(VZ" = 2r ( S2. = 0) = 1/(n + 1), r = 0, 1, ... , n. [Hint: Useinduction and Exercise 3(i) to show that P(V2 . = 2r, S 2" = 0) does not depend onr,0_<r_<n.]

Exercises for Section I.12

1. Show that the finite-dimensional distributions of the Brownian bridge are Gaussian.

2. Suppose that F is an arbitrary distribution function (not necessarily continuous).Define an inverse to F as F - '(y) = inf{x: F(x) > y}. Show that if Y is uniform on[0, 1] then X = F - '(Y) has distribution function F.

3. Let {B r } be standard Brownian motion starting at 0 and let B* = B, - tB,, 0 < t <_ 1.

(i) Show that {B*} is independent of B,.(ii) (The Inverse Simulation) Give a construction of standard Brownian motion

from the Brownian bridge. [Hint: Use (i).]

*4. Let {B,} be a standard Brownian motion starting at 0 and let {B*} be the Brownianbridge.

(i) Show that for time points 0 < t, <t 2 < • • • < tk _ 1,

1imP(B,,<x 1,i=1,2,...,k!-s<B, <s)=P(B,*.<x i,i=1,...,k).E—o

Likewise, for conditioning on B, e DE = [0, e) or DE = [-s, 0) the limit isunchanged; for the existence of {B*} as the limit distribution (tightness) ase -* 0, see theoretical complement 3.

(ii) Show that for m* = info ,,,, B*, M* = sup0 ,,, B*, u <0< v,

P(u < m* _< M* _< v) _ exp{-2k2(v - u)2 }k=-m

- exp{-2[v+k(v-u)]2}.

[Hint: Express as a limit of the ratio of probabilities as in (i) and use Exercise9.5(v). Also, 4(x, x + e) = e/(2n) " 2 exp( - x 2 /2) + o(1) as e -+ 0.]

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(iii) Prove

P^sup IB*l<yI=1+2 J (-1)ke - zk 2 y 2 , y>0.

OSt6l / k=1

[Hint: Take u = —v in (ii).]

(iv) P(M* < v) = 1 — e 22 , v > 0. [Hint: Use Exercise 9.5(vi) for the ratio ofprobabilities described in (i).]

5. (Random Walk Bridge) Let {S.} denote the simple symmetric random walk startingat 0.

(i) Calculate P(S,„ = y I S2„ = 0), 0 -< m < 2n.(*ii) Let U2. = # {k 2n: Sk _, 0, Sk > 0}. Calculate P(U2, = r S Z„ = 0). [Hint:

See Exercise 11.4*.]

*6. (Brownian Meander) The Brownian meander {B+ } is defined as the limitingdistribution of the standard Brownian motion {B,} starting at 0, conditional on{m = min,,, I B, > —e} as E —> 0 (see theoretical complement 4 for existence). Letm + = mina ^ B,+ , M + = maxo ,,, , B+ . Prove the following:

(i) P(M -< x, B -< y) = ^ [e-l2kx)2/2 - L'-(2kz+y)2'2] 0 < y x.


[Hint: Express as a limit of ratios of probabilities and use Exercise 9.5(v). AlsoP(m > —e)=(2/tt) 2 +o(1);see Exercise 10.5(ii)notingmin(A)= —max(—A)and symmetry. Justify interchange of limits with the Dominated ConvergenceTheorem (Chapter 0).]

(ii) P(M + < x) = I + 2 Yk I (— 1)k exp{ —(kx) 2/2}. [Hint: Consider (i) withy = x.]

(iii) EM + = (2tt)'t 2 log 2 = 1.7374.... [Hint: Compute f ö P(M + > x) dx from(ii).]

(iv) (Rayleigh Distribution) P(B, < x) = I — e 22 , x > 0. [Hint: Consider (i) inthe limit as x —• oo.]

*7. (Brownian Excursion) The Brownian excursion {B* + } is defined by the limitingdistribution of {B} conditioned on {m* > —s} as d0 (see theoretical complement4 for existence). Let M* = max 0 , 1 B* + . Prove the following:

M(i) P(M* + -< x) = 1 + 2 1 [l — (2kx)2 ] exp{—(2kx) 2 /2}, x > 0.


[Hint: Write P(M* + < x) as the limit of ratios as 0. Multiply numeratorand denominator by s -Z , apply Exercise 4, and use ]'Hospital's rule twice toevaluate the limit term by term. Check that the Dominated ConvergenceTheorem (Chapter 0) can be used to justify limit interchange.]

(ii) EM* + = (n/2)" 22 . [Hint: Note that interchange of (limits) integral with sum in(i) to compute EM* + = 10 P(M* + > x) dx leads to an absurdity, since thevalues of the termwise integrals are zero. Express EM* + as

Q, q)

2 lim Y [(2kx) 2 — l]exp{ —' (2kx) 2 } dxe - 0 k = 1

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and note that for k >- A the integrand is nonnegative on [A, oc ). So Lebesgue'smonotone convergence can be applied to interchange integral with sum overk > 1/(20) to get zero for this. Thus, EM* + is the limit as 0 - 0 of a finitesum over k <i of an integral that can be evaluated (by parts). Note that thisgives a Riemann sum limit for 2J ö exp(- Zx 2 ) dx = (it/2)' 1 2 .]

(iii)(iv/2)'t 2 , if r = 1

r(2(2)li2)-.4(n )lt2 r_ 1 (r), if r = 2, 3

Ir, ... ,

Ii \ 2 /

where C(r) _ ^k , k ' is the Riemann Zeta function (r >, 2). [Hint: The caser = 1 is given in (ii) above.] For the case r >- 2, we have

p*+(r)=r^xr-1(1 - Fö(x))dx=2r ^^^t' '{(2t)2 1}e ^ z n22 dt,

0 k=l k 0

where the interchange of limits is justified for r >- 2 since

1i -I tr - 'I(2t)2 _ lle - an =rz dt < oo, r = 2, 3, ... .

k=1 k ' f,^

In particular, letting Z denote a standard normal random variable,

u*+(r) = 2 - 'r^(r)(2)''2 (n)l/ 2 [EIZI . +I — EIZI'-1]

Consider the two cases whether r is odd or even.

8. Prove the Glivenko-Cantelli Lemma by justifying the following steps.(i) For each t, the event {FF (t) -• F(t)} has probability 1.

(ii) For each t, the event {F(t) -• F(t )} has probability 1.(iii) Let r(y) = inf{t: F(t) -> y}, 0 <y < 1. Then F(z(y) ) y < F(r(y)).(iv) Let

= max {IF„(z(k/m)) - F(r(k/m))I, IF„(t(k/m) - ) - F(i(k/m) - )I}.I km

Then, by considering the cases

TI k m 1 )^i^T^m^, t<1(m)andt>t(1),

check that

sup IF(t) - F(t)I < D, + 1m

m m

(v) C= U U {{F„(t(k/m))+-*F(i(k/m))} u {F„(z(k/m) - )+-* F(z(k/m) - )}m=1k=1

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has probability zero, and for w e C and each m

D;n , n (w)->0 asn- co.

(vi) sup IFF (t, w) - F(t)J -> 0 as n -+ co for we C.I

9. (The Gnedenko-Koroljuk Formula) Let (X 1 ..... X) and (Y1 .....) be twoindependent i.i.d. random samples with continuous distribution functions F and G,respectively. To test the null hypothesis that both samples are from the samepopulation (i.e., F = G), let Fn and G. be the respective empirical distribution functionsand consider the statistic Dn , n = supx jFn (x) - G(x)I. Under the null hypothesis,X 1 ..... X, Y,..... Y„ are 2n i.i.d. random variables with the common distributionF. Verify that under the null hypothesis:

(i) the distribution of Dn.„ does not depend on F and can be explicitly calculatedaccording to the formula

r c2nl*P Dn.n < = P max (Sk In O<ks2n

where {Sk2 nj *: k = 0, 1, 2, ... , 2n} is the simple symmetric random walk bridge(starting at 0 and tied down at k = 2n) as defined in Exercise 5. [Hint: Arrange

X, Y1 ..... Y in increasing order as X(1) < X(2) < • • • < X 2

define the kth displacement of {Sk 2 n )*} by

Sk2nl* — Sk2n`* = + 1 if X(k) E {X,, ... , Xn }and

Skan)* - Skzn),* = - 1 if X(k) E { Y1 , ... , Yn }. ]—

(ii) Find the analytic expression for the probability in (i). [Hint: Consider the eventthat the simple random walk with absorbing boundaries at ±r returns to 0 attime 2n. First condition on the initial displacement.]

(iii) Calculate the large-sample-theory (i.e., asymptotic as n - x) limit distribution

of fn D., n . See Exercise 4(iii).(iv) Show


r'\ n-r/fPl sup (F.(x)- Gn(x))<= 1 ---- r= 1,...,n.n 2n()


[Hint: Only one absorbing barrier occurs in the random walk approach.]

Exercises for Section 1.13

1. Prove that t defined by (13.5) (r = 1, 2, ...) are stopping times.

2. If r is a stopping time and m > 0, prove that r A m := min{r, m} is a stopping time.

3. Prove E(Si l,, > .,) -*0 as m -* oo under assumptions (2) and (3) of Theorem 13 1.

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4. For the simple symmetric random walk, starting at x, show that E{S ,,,1(, ,)} _yP(ry = r) for r _< m.

5. Prove that EZn is independent of n (i.e., constant) for a martingale {Zn ). Show alsothat E(Zn I {Zo , ... , Zk )) = Zk for any n> k.

6. Write out a proof of Theorem 13.3 along the lines of that of Theorem 13.1.

7. Let {Sn } be a simple symmetric random walk with p a (2, 1).

(i) Prove that {(q/p)s ': n = 0, 1, 2, ...} is a martingale.(ii) Let c <x <d be integers, So = x, and T = z, A td := min(t,, rd). Apply Theorem

13.3 to the martingale in (i) and t to compute P({Sn } reaches c before d).

8. Write out a proof of Proposition 13.5 along the lines of that of Proposition 13.4.

9. Under the hypothesis that the pth absolute moments are finite for some p _> 1, derivethe Maximal Inequality P(MM >, A) < EIZnI°/ti" in the context of Theorem 13.6.

10. (Submartingales) Let {Zn : n = 0, 1, 2, ...} be a finite or infinite sequence ofintegrable random variables satisfying E(Zn+ I {Z0 , ...Zn }) > Zn for all n. Such asequence {Zn } is called a submartingale.

(i) Prove that, for any n > k, E(Zn ( {Z0.....4)) >- Z.(ii) Let Mn = max{Zo , ... , Zn }. Prove the maximal inequality P(MM _> A) _< EZ/A 2

for A > 0. [Hint: E(ZkIAk(Zn — Zk)) = E(Z,IAkE(Zn — Zk I {Zo, ... , Zk})) i 0for n>k, where A k :={Z0 <A,...,Zk _ I <A,Zk ->.i}.]

(iii) Extend the result of Exercise 9 to nonnegative submartingales.

11. Let {Zn } be a martingale. If EIZ,,I < oo then prove that IZ,,I° is a submartingale,p >_ 1. [Hint: Use Jensen's or Hölder's Inequality, Chapter 0, (2.7), (2.12).]

12. (An Exponential Martingale) Let {X,: j _> 0} be a sequence of independent randomvariables having finite moment-generating functions 4,(^):= E exp{^XX} for some

96 0. Define Sn := X, + • • • + XX, Zn = exp{^Sn }/fl7 = , q().

(i) Prove that {Zn } is a martingale.(ii) Write M„ = max{S...... Sn}. If > 0, prove that

nP(MM - A) -< exp{ — 11ZA} O;(Z) (Ä >0).

(iii) Write mit = min{S l , ... , Sn }. If < 0, prove

P(mn -< —A) -< exp{ZA} 11 4;(Z) (A > 0).i =1

13. Let {Xn : n >_ 1) be i.i.d. Gaussian with mean zero and variance a 2 > 0. LetSn = X, + • • + Xn, MM = max{S 1 , ... , Sn }. Prove the following for A > 0.

(i) P(MM _> 2) < exp{ —2 2/(2a2n)). [Hint: Use Exercise 12(ii) and an appropriatechoice of .]

(ii) P(max {ISST: 1 < j < n} >_ Aaln) _< 2 exp{ —A 2/2}.

14. Let r ' r 2 be stopping times. Show the following assertions (i)—(v) hold.

(i) z l v r2 '= max(r l , tr z ) is a stopping time.

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(ii) i l A r Z := min(r l , 2 2 ) is a stopping time.(iii) t l + 1 2 is a stopping time.(iv) at,, where a is a positive integer, is a stopping time.(v) If i l < t Z a.s. then it need not be the case that 1 2 — r, is a stopping time.(vi) If r is an even integer-valued stopping time, must zr be a stopping time?

15. (A Doob-Meyer Decomposition)

(i) Let { } } be an arbitrary submartingale (see Exercise 10) with respect tosigmafields , o c ,yl c ,F2 c • • • . Show that there is a unique sequence { V„} suchthat:

(a) 0= VQ _< VI <_ VZ _< ... a.s.(b) V. is .f„ _ I -measurable.(c) {Z„} := { }„ — V„} is a martingale with respect to .. [Hint: Define

V„=V„_ 1 +E{Y„IF 1 }—Y,n> 1.]

(ii) Calculate the {V„}, {Z„} decomposition for Y = S„, where {S„} is the simplesymmetric random walk starting at 0. [Note: A sequence { V„} satisfying (b) iscalled a predictable sequence with respect to {.y}.]

16. Let {S„} be the simple random walk starting at 0. Let {G„} be a predictable sequenceof nonnegative random variables with respect to .f„ = a{X l , ... , X„} = a So , ... , S„},where X. = SS — S,_ 1 (n = 1, 2, ...); i.e., each G. is 9„_ 1 -measurable. Assume eachG. to have finite first moment. Such a sequence {G„} will be ,called a strategy. Define

Wn =Wo+ Y Gk(Sk — Sk-I), nil,k=1

where Wo is an integrable nonnegative random variable independent of {S„}(representing initial capital). Show that regardless of the strategy {G„} we have thefollowing.

(i) If p = Z then { W„} is a martingale.(ii) If p > Z then { W„} is a submartingale.

(iii) If p < Z then {W} is a supermartingale (i.e., EIW„I < cc, E(Wn+1 I f) W„,n=1,2,...).

(iv) Calculate EW„, n > 1, in the case of the so-called double-or-nothing strategydefined by G„ = 2S^ - '1(S=i _ 1j , n >_ 1.

17. Let {S„} be the simple symmetric random walk starting at 0. Let r = inf{n ? 0:S„=2—n}.

(i) Calculate Er from the distribution of t.(ii) Use the martingale stopping theorem to calculate Et.

(*iii) How does this generalize to the cases r = inf{n ? 0: S„ = b — n}, where b isa positive integer? [Hint: Check that n + S. is even for n = 0, 1, 2, ....]

18. (i) Show that if X is a random variable such that g(z) = Ee^x is finite in aneighborhood of z = 0, then EX” < oo for all k = 1, 2.....

(ii) For a Brownian motion {X,} with drift p and diffusion coefficient a 2 , prove thatexp{AX, — Atp — A 2a 2 t/2} (t _> 0) is a martingale.

19. Consider an arbitrary Brownian motion with drift µ and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0.(i) Let m(x) = ET", where Ts is the time to reach the boundary {c, d} starting at

x e [c, d]. Show that m(x) solves the boundary-value problem

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dem dm

zag d2 +µ dz —1, m(c)=m(d)=0.

(ii) Let r(x) = Px (rd < ;) for x e [c, d]. Verify that r(x) solves the boundary valueproblem

2 xz

Z + µ dr = 0, r(c) = 0, r(d) = 1.dx dx

Exercises for Section I.14

1. In the case ß = Z, consider the process {Z,N(s)} defined by

Z (n) S„ —nN Y,vn=1 2 ...‚N

1 \NJ — f i D,

and linearly interpolate between n/N and (n + 1)/N.

(i) Show that {ZN} converges in distribution to BS + 2cs 2 (1 — s 2 ), where{B'} = {B s — sB 1 : 0 < s < 1} is the Brownian Bridge.

(ii) Show that R N/(J/ DN ) converges in distribution to maxo, S,1 B; — mino , s , , B'.

(iii) Show that the asymptotic distribution in (ii) is nondegenerate.


Theoretical Complements to Section I.1

1. Events that can be specified by the values of X, X,, 1 , ... for each value of n (i.e.,events that depend only on the long-run values of the sequences) are called tail events.

Theorem T.1.1. (Kolmogorov Zero-One Law). A tail event for a sequence of

independent random variables has probability either zero or one. 0

Proof. To see this one uses the general measure-theoretic fact that the probabilityof any event A belonging to the sigmafield F = 6{X,, X2, ... , Xn, ...} (generatedby X 1 , X2 ,... , X, ...) can be approximated by events A 1 ..... A n, .. . belonging tothe field of events ,`fo = Un 1 ar{X i ..... X„} in the sense that A. e a{X„ ... , X„} foreach n and P(AAA) -+ 0 as n -+ oo, where A denotes the symmetric difference

AAA„ = (A n A n v (A` n A„). Applying this approximation to a tail event A, oneobtains that since Ac u{X„ +1, X„ +2, ...} for each n, A is independent of each eventA. Thus, 0 = lim... P(AAA„) = 2P(A)P(AC) = 2P(A)(1 — P(A)). The only solutionsto the equation x(1 — x) = 0 are 0 and 1. n

2. Let S. = X l + • • • + X, n 1. Events that depend on the tail of the sums are trivial

(i.e., have probability I or 0) whenever the summands X 1 , X2 , ... are i.i.d. This is a

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consequence of the following more general zero—one law for events that symmetricallydepend on the terms X 1 , X2 , .. . of an i.i.d. sequence of random variables (or vectors).Let ' denote the sigmafield of subsets of I8x' _ {(x,, x 2 , ...): x ; E W} generated byevents depending on finitely many coordinates.

Theorem T.1.2. (Hewitt—Savage Zero—One Law). Let X,, X2 ,. . . bean i.i.d. sequenceof random variables. If an event A = {(X,, X 2 , ...) e B}, where Be , is invariantunder finite permutations (Xi ,, X.....) of terms of the sequence (X,, X2 , ...), thatis, A = {(X, X......) e B} for any finite permutation (i,, i 2 , ...) of (1, 2, ...), thenP(A) = I or 0. ❑

As noted above, the symmetric dependence with respect to {X n } applies, forexample, to tail events for the sums {Sn }.

Proof. To prove the Hewitt—Savage 0-1 law, proceed as in the Kolmogorov 0-1 lawby selecting finite-dimensional approximants to A of the form A n = {(X,, ... , Xn ) e B},B,B. e 4n, such that P(AAA,) - 0 as n —* oo. For each fixed n, let (i,, i Z , ...) be thepermutation (2n, 2n — 1, ... , 1, 2n + I, ...) and define A. = {(X; , ... , X;,) e B}.ThenThen A„ and A n are independent with P(A, n An) = P(A,)P(A,) = (P(A n )) 2 - (P(A)) z

as n —^ co. On the other hand, P(AAÄ,) = P(ALA) —* 0, so that P(A,OÄ n ) — 0 and,in particular, therefore P(A n r Än ) —* P(A) as n —4 co. Thus x = P(A) satisfies x = x 2 .


Theoretical Complements to Section 1.3

1. Theorem T.3.1. If {Xn } is an i.i.d. sequence of integer-valued random variables fora general random walk S. = X, + • + X,,, n >_ 1, So = 0, on Z with 1 - EX, = 0,then {Sn} is recurrent. ❑

Proof. To prove this, first observe that P(S, = 0 i.o.) is 1 or 0 by the Hewitt—Savagezero—one law (theoretical complement 1.2). If X° , P(S n = 0) < oc, then P(S, = 0i.o.) = 0 by the Borel—Cantelli Lemma. If Y_„ , P(S, = 0) is divergent (i.e., theexpected number of visits to 0 is infinite), then we can show that P(Sn = 0 i.o.) = 1as follows. Using independence and the property that the shifted sequenceXk , Xk ,,, ... has the same distribution as X,, X 2 , ... , one has

1 >, P(S, = 0 finitely often) > P(S, = 0, S,„ 0, m> n)

=Z P(Sn =0)P(Sm —S, 540,m>n)

= Y_ P(S„ = 0)P(Sm, 0,m i 1).

Thus, if Z„ P(S, = 0) diverges, then P(S,„ : 0, m >_ 1) = 0 or equivalently P(S m = 0for some m >_ 1) = 1. This may now be extended by induction to get that at least rvisits to 0 is certain for each r = 1, 2, .... One may also use the strong Markovproperty of Chapter II, Section 4, with the time of the rth visit to 0 as the stopping time.

From here the proof rests on showing E n P(S, = 0) is divergent when p = 0.Consider the generating/unction of the sequence P(S, = 0), n = 0, 1, 2, ... , namely,

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g(x):= P(S" = 0)x", Ix) < 1."=o

The problem is to investigate the divergence of g(x) as x -+ 1 - . Note that P(S" = 0)is the 0th-term Fourier coefficient of the characteristic function (Fourier series)

Ee tts" _ P(S" = k) e ttk


1 "P(S

1" = 0) = — Ee"s^ dt = — (p"(t) dt

lac _„ 2n _"

where cp(t) = Ee. It follows that for lxl < 1,

1 N dt

9(x) = 2n " 1 - xtp(t)

Thus, recurrence or transience depends on the divergence or convergence, respectively,of this integral. Now, with p = 0, we have q(t) = 1 - o(Iti) as t -• 0. Thus, for anye > 0 there is a 6 > 0 such that I1 - cp 1 (t)I ltl. I(P2(t)I lti, for Itl _< S, whereq(t) = q 1 (t) + i , 2 (t) has real and imaginary parts q, qi 2 . Now, for 0 < x < 1, notingthat g(x) is real valued,

f n dt f " Re( 1 l dt = f 1 - x(p (t) dt a 1 - xq,(t) dt

J n -- x0(t) - .L \1 - xtP(t)/ J -" I 1 - x^P(t)Iz j I1 - x^V(t)I Z

1 -x(p 1 (t) b 1 -x= dt v

aJ- ( 1 - x(V1(t))2 + x2(t) f-6 (1 - x + xslti) 2 + x2e2t2 d t

> a 1-xdt> a 1-x dt

2(1 - x) 2 + 3x 2r2 t 2 3[(1 -x)2 + e 2 t 2 ]

2 - 1^ ES 1 n=—tan /J-^— asx-' 1.

3e 1 - x 3E

Since e is arbitrary, this completes the argument. n

The above argument is a special case of the so-called Chung-Fuchs recurrencecriterion developed by K. L. Chung and W. H. J. Fuchs (1951), "On the Distributionof Values of Sums of Random Variables," Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., No. 6.

Theoretical Complements to Section I.6

1. The Kolmogorov Extension Theorem holds for more general spaces S than the caseS = R' presented. In general it requires that S be homeomorphic to a complete andseparable metric space. So, for example, it applies whenever S is Rk or a rectangle,

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or when S is a finite or countable set. Assuming some background in analysis, asimple proof of Kolmogorov's theorem (due to Edward Nelson (1959), "RegularProbability Measures on Function Space," Annals of Math., 69, pp. 630-643) in thecase of compact S can be made as follows. Define a linear functional Ion the subspaceof C(S') consisting of continuous functions on S' that depend on finitely manycoordinates, by

l(f)'— L 'I

f(x1 .,..., x!k)pI1....f Pik(dxi^ . . .dx^k)s



f((xl)IE/) = J (xi i , . . . , xik).

By consistency, l is a well-defined linear functional on a subspace of C(S') that, bythe Stone—Weierstrass Theorem of functional analysis, is dense in C(S'); note that S'is compact for the product topology by Tychonoff's Theorem from topology (see H.L. Royden (1968), Real Analysis, 2nd ed., Macmillan, New York, pp. 174, 166). Inparticular, I has a natural extension to C(S') that is linear and continuous. Nowapply the Riesz—Representation Theorem to get a (probability) measure p on (S', .y )such that for any Je C(S'), l(f) = f s t f dp (see Royden, loc. cit., p. 310). To makethe proof in the noncompact but separable and complete case, one can use afundamental (homeomorphic) embedding of S into IJ (see P. Billingsley (1968),Convergence of Probability Measures, Wiley, New York, p. 219); this is a special caseof Urysohn's Theorem in topology (see H. L. Royden, loc. cit., p. 149). Then, bymaking a two-point compactification of R', S can be further embedded in the Hilbertcube [0,1], where the measure p can be obtained as above. Consistency allows oneto restrict p back to S. 0

Theoretical Complements to Section I.7

1. (Brownian Motion and the Inadequacy of Kolmogorov's Extension Theorem) LetS = C[0,1] denote the space of continuous real-valued functions on [0, 1] equippedwith the uniform metric

p(x, y) = max Jx(t) — y(t)I, x, ye C[0, 1].osr<_i

The Borel sigmafield .4 of C[0, 1] for the metric p is the smallest sigmafield of subsetsof C[0, 1] that contains all finite-dimensional events of the form

{xeC{0,1]:a.<x(t ; )_<b ; ,i= 1,.. ,k},

k 1, 0 <... < t, I, a 1 ... .ak' b.,.. ,bk C_R"

The problem of constructing standard Brownian motion (starting at 0) on the timeinterval 0 _< t _< 1 corresponds to constructing a process {X,: 0 <_ t _< 1} havingGaussian finite-dimensional distributions with mean zero and variance—covariancematrix y ;; = min(t i, t.) for the time points 0 _< t o < . • • < tk _< 1, and having a.s.continuous sample paths. One can easily construct a process on the product space

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S2 = tO . 11 (or R10, ' ) ) equipped with the sigmafeld F generated by finite-dimensionalevents of the form {x E 118 10•' ) : a, < x(t 1 ) _< b i , i = 1, ... , k} having the prescribedfinite-dimensional distributions; in particular, consistency in the Kolmogorovextension theorem can be checked by noting that for any time pointst 1 < t 2 < • . • < t k, the matrix y ;j = min(t,, t j), 1 i, j _< k, is symmetric andnonnegative definite, since for any real numbers x l , ... , xk , to = 0,

min(i,j) / k \ 2

^yijXiXj=>Xi Xj ^ (Lr — tr—t) = ttr—tr-1) xi J1 iO.

i,j i,j r=1 r i=r

However, the problem with this construction of a probability space (i2, F, P) for{X,} is that events in F can only depend on specifications of values at countablymany time points. Thus, the subset C[0, 1] of S2 is not measurable; i.e., C[O, 1] 0 F.This dilemma is resolved in the theoretical complement to Section I.13 by showingthat there is a modification of the process {X} that yields a process {B,} with samplepaths in C[O, 1] and having the same finite-dimensional distributions as {X}; i.e.,{B,} is the desired Brownian motion process. The basic idea for this modification isto show that almost all paths q —+ Xq , q e D, where D is a countable dense set of timepoints, are uniformly continuous. With this, one can then define {B,} by the continuousextension of these paths given by

XQ ift=qeDB, _lim Xq if t D.q1t

It is then a simple matter to check that the finite-dimensional distributions of {Xr }carry over to {B,} under this extension. The distribution of {B r } defines the Wienermeasure on C[O, 1]. So, from the point of view of Kolmogorov's (canonical)construction, the main problem remains that of showing a.s. uniform continuity ona countable dense set. A solution is given in theoretical complement 13.1.

2. In general, if {X,: t e i} is a stochastic process with an uncountable index set, forexample I = [0, 1], then the measurability of events that depend on sample paths atuncountably many points t e I can be at issue. This issue goes beyond thefinite-dimensional distributions, and is typically solved by exploiting properties ofthe sample paths of the model. For example, if I is discrete, say I = {0, 1, 2, ...},then the event {sup , X. > x} is the countable union {X„ > x} of measurablesets, which is, therefore, measurable. But, on the other hand, if I is uncountable, say1 = [0, 1], then {sup,., X, > x} is an uncountable union of measurable sets. This ofcourse does not make {sup,,, X,> x} measurable. If, for example, it is known that{XX } has continuous sample paths, however, then, letting T denote the rationals in[0, 1], we have {sup,,, X, > x} = {sup, ET X, > x} = U tET {X> x}. Thus {sup,,, X, > x}is seen to be measurable under these circumstances. While it is not always possibleto construct a stochastic process {X,: t _> 0} having continuous sample paths for agiven consistent specification of finite-dimensional distributions, it is often possibleto construct a model (S2, F, P), {Xr : t 0} with the following property, calledseparability. There is a countable dense subset T of I = [0, oo] and a set D e F withP(D) = 0 such that for each we S1 - D, and each t e i there is a sequence t 1 , t 2 ,... inT (which may depend on w) such that t„ -> t and X(w) -+ X(w) (P. Billingsley (1986),

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Probability and Measure, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, P. 558). In theory, this is enoughsample path regularity to make manageable most such measurability issues connectedwith processes at uncountably many time points. In practice though, one seeks toexplicitly construct models with sufficient sample path regularity that suchconsiderations are often avoidable. The latter is the approach of this text.

Theoretical Complements to Section I.8

1. Let {X;" )}, n = 1, 2, ... and {X,} be stochastic processes whose sample pathsbelong to a metric space S with metric p; for example, S = C[O, 1] withp(aw, ri) = supo , t ,, 1co, — n,j, w, ry E S. Let .4 denote the Borel sigmafield for S. Thedistributions P of {X,} and P. of {X," ) }, respectively, are probability measures on(S, 9). Assume {X;" ) } and {X} are defined on a probability space (S2, .F , Q). Then,

(i) P(B) = Q({w E ): {X,(uo)} E B})(ii) P„ (U aft= Q({ { (m)} E B}), n >- 1.


Convergence in distribution of {X} to {X} has been defined in the text to mean thatthe sequence of real-valued random variables Y:= f({X;" ) }) converges in distributionto Y:= f({X})for each continuous (for the metric p) function f: S - W. However,an equivalent condition is that for each bounded and continuous real-valued functionf: S one has,

lim Ef({X!" )}) = Ef({X,}). (T.8.2)

To see the equivalence, first observe that for any continuous f: S —• R', thefunctions cos(rf) and sin(rf) are, for each r E R', continuous and bounded functionson S. Therefore, assuming that condition (T.8.2) gives the convergence of thecharacteristic functions of the Y. to that of Y for each continuous f on S. In particular,the Y" must converge in distribution to Y. To go the other way, suppose that f: S —• ff8'is continuous and bounded. Assume without loss of generality that 0 <f _< 1. Then,for each N _> 1,

" k-1 /k-1 k) ( N k (k-1 klP < f< -/J , J fdP^ —Pl----< <—/J (T.8.3)

k , N N N s k=1 N N N

Equivalently, by rearranging terms,

N kEj P(f> k N ) — -S jsfdP_<- ky' P^f>k N l ^. (T.8.4)

Likewise, these inequalities hold with P. in place of P. Therefore, by (T.8.4) appliedto P,

x _ 1fdP^N P^f> k N l l

S k=t

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1 j liminf P„ f> k-- I

N k =, N

liminf f dPt

+ N , (T.8.5)„ s

by (T.8.4) applied to P, and the fact that lim Prob(}„ > x) = Prob(Y > x) for allpoints x of continuity of the d.f. of Y implies liminf Prob( Y„ > y) >- Prob(Y > y) forally. Letting N -' gives

J f dP -< liminf J fdP..S n s

The same argument applied to —f gives that

J f dP >- limsup f dP„.s „ is

Thus, in general,

limsup J',

f dP„ < I f dP -< liminf I f dP„ (T.8.6)„ s i s s

which implies

limsup J f dP„ = liminf J f dP„ = J f dP. (T.8.7)s „ s s

This is the desired condition (T.8.2). n

With the above equivalence in mind we make the following general definition.

Definition. A sequence {P„} of probability measures on (S, .4) converges weakly (or indistribution) to a probability measure P on (S, 9) provided that lim„ f s f dP„ = f s f dPfor all bounded and continuous functions f: S -+ U8'.

Weak convergence is sometimes denoted by P„ P as n -+ oo. Other equivalentnotions of convergence in distribution are as follows. The proofs are along the linesof the arguments above. (P. Billingsley (1968), Convergence of Probability Measures,Theorem 9.1, pp. 11-14.)

Theorem T.8.1. (Alexandrov). P, = P as n -. oo if and only if

(i) lim„.^ P„(A) = P(A) for all A e -4 such that P(ÖA) = 0, where öA denotes theboundary of A for the metric p.

(ii) limsup, P„(F) P(F) for all closed sets F c S.(iii) liminf, P,(G) P(G) for all open sets G c S. ❑

2. The convergence of a sequence of probability measures is frequently established byan application of the following theorem due to Prohorov.

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Theorem T.8.2. (Prohorov). Let {PP } be a sequence of probability measures on themetric space S with Bore! sigmafield . If for each r > 0 there is a compact set K E c Ssuch that

P(K) > 1 — a for all n = 1, 2, ... , (T.8.8)

then {P.} has a subsequence weakly convergent to a probability measure Q on (S, °t7).Moreover, if S is complete and separable then the condition (T.8.8) is also necessary. ❑

The condition (T.8.8) is referred to as tightness of the sequence of probability measures{PP }. A proof of sufficiency of the tightness condition in the special case S = 11' isgiven in Chapter 0, Theorem 5.2. For the general result, consult Billingsley, loc. cit.,pp. 37-40. A version of (T.8.8) for processes with continuous paths is computedbelow in Theorem T.8.4.

3. In the case of probability measures {PP } on S = C[0, 1], if the finite-dimensionaldistributions of P. converge to those of P and if the sequence {P n } is tight, then itwill follow from Prohorov's theorem that {PP } converges weakly to P. To checktightness it is useful to have the following characterization of (relatively) compactsubsets of C[0, 1] from real analysis (A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin (1975),Introductory Real Analysis, Dover, New York, p. 102).

Theorem T.8.3. (Arzela-Ascoli). A subset A of functions in C[0, 1] has compactclosure if and only if

(i) sup Iwol < c,..A

(ii) lim sup vw(S) = 0,5-•o w.A

where v(ö) is the oscillation in we C[0,1 ] defined by v w(S) = sup <5Iws — co . D

The condition (ii) refers to the equicontinuity of the functions in A in the sense thatgiven any r > 0 there is a common S > 0 such that for all functions w e A we haveIw, — cw,I < e if It — sI < b. Conditions (i) and (ii) together imply that A is uniformlybounded in the sense that there is a number B for which

IIwII := sup ow,l _< B for all w e A.ose<i

This is because for N sufficiently large we have sup WEA vw(1/N) < I and, therefore,for each 0<t<1


Iw1(< Iw01 + wi,1N — wr-,u Nl _< sup Iwol + N sup v^,(— = B.i =1 weA w.A \N

4. Combining the Prohorov theorem (T.8.2) with the Arzela-Ascoli theorem (T.8.3)gives the following criterion for tightness of probability measures { P„} on S = C[0, 1].

Theorem T.8.4. Let {P„} be a sequence of probability measures on C[0, 1]. Then{P„} is tight if and only if the following two conditions hold.

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(i) For each ry > 0 there is a number B such that

P"({weC[0,1]:1Wo l> B})<ry, n = 1,2,....

(ii) For each e> 0, ry > 0, there is a 0 <(5 < 1 such that

P"({weC[0,1]:v",(b)>_a})_<ry, n>_1. ❑

Proof. If {P"} is tight, then given ry > 0 there is a compact K such that P(K) > 1 — ryfor all n. By the Arzela—Ascoli theorem, if B> supKIWol then

P"({w e C[O, 1]: I(0o l >, B}) 5 P"(K c ) _< 1 — (1 — n) = n.

Also given e > 0 select b > 0 such that sup. EK v.((5) < E. Then

P"({w e C[0,1]: v W(S) >_ ej) < P(KC) < ry for all n _> 1.

The converse goes as follows. Given ry > 0, first select B using (i) such thatP"({w: Iwol < B}) _> 1 — Zry, for n >, 1. Select S, using (ii) such that P({w: vw((5,) < 1/r})1 — for n >, 1. Now take K to be the closure of

1{w: Iwo l < B} n n t co: vw (8,) < ——1r

Then P"(K) > 1 — ry for n > 1, and K is compact by the Arzela—Ascoli theorem. •

The above theorem taken with Prohorov's theorem is a cornerstone of weakconvergence theory in C[O, 1]. If one has proved convergence of the finite-dimensionaldistributions of {X,('°} to {X,} then the distributions of {Xo'} must be tight asprobability measures on III' so that condition (i) is implied. In view of this and theProhorov theorem we have the following necessary and sufficient condition for weakconvergence in C[0,1] based on convergence of the finite-dimensional distributionsand tightness.

Theorem T.8.5. Let {X: 0 < t < 1) and {XX :0 _< t <, 1} be stochastic processes on(S2, .f, P) which have a.s. continuous sample paths and suppose that thefinite-dimensional distributions of {X} converge to those of {X}. Then {X;"°}converges weakly to {X,} if and only if for each F > 0

lim supP( Is-11<'6

sup IX;"^ — Xs" ) I > e^ = 0. ❑6-0 n

Corollary. For the last limit to hold it is sufficient that there be positive numbersa, ß, M such that

EIX;" ) — X" Mit-< MIt — sl' +0 for all s, t, n. ❑

To prove the corollary, let D be the set of all dyadic rationals in [0, 1], i.e., numbersin [0, 1] of the form j/2" for integers j and m. By sample path continuity, the oscillation

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of the process over It - sI <- ö is given by

v„(D, (5) = sup; X;"'l a.s.It - si-<a.

S.t E D

Take 6 = 2 -k+ '. Then, taking suprema over positive integers i, j, n,

v„(D, (5) 2 sup IXiz)-m - Xj2)-k1.j2 - k<i2 - ^<(j+l)2 - k

Now, for j2 -k < i2 - m < (j + 1)2 -k , writing


i2 - m=j2 -k + 1] 2 - m' wherek<m 1 <m 2 < <m,^m,

we have, writing a(p) = Jv=, 2 - ”,

(n) l„I ^`— X - k — X.j2-k+al/+) — Xj2 - k+alµ - J)j



v„(D, (5) < 2 Y sup IX(( +l)2 m - Xnz--I•m=k+1 0-<h-<2'”-1

Let e > 0 and take ö = 2 -k+ so small (i.e., k so large) that ^=k+1 1/m 2 < E/2. Then

P(v„(D, S) > s)k+1

P^ sup IXin+n2-m - Xhz--I > 12^< 0-<h2m-,

V E2'^-1

Y- P IXIh1 1

— X(„) > J .

m=k+1 h=0 m

Now apply Chebyshev's Inequality to get

/ ao 2'” - 1

P(vn(D, (5) > E) m2a EIX(h+1)2-m — Xh2 - "la

m=k+l h=0

x m 2„m2a2mM2 m(l+p) = M

—mßmk+1 mk+12

This bound does not depend on n and goes to zero as S -+ 0 (i.e.,k = log 2 (5 -' + 1 -• + oo) since it is the tail of a convergent series. This proves thecorollary. n

5. (FCLT and a Brownian Motion Construction) As an application of the abovecorollary one can obtain a proof of Donsker's Invariance Principle for i.i.d. summandshaving finite fourth moments. Moreover, since the simple random walk has moments

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of all orders, this approach can also be used to give an alternative rigorous constructionof the Wiener measure based on Prohorov's theorem as the limiting distribution ofrandom walks. (Compare theoretical complement 13.1 for another construction). LetZ 1 , Z2 ,... be i.i.d. random variables on a probability space (S2, y , P) having meanzero, variance one, and finite fourth moment m, = EZ. Define So = 0,S"=Z 1 +• •+Z",n>,1,and

Xtn] = n- IIZStnr] + n - ' ]Z (nt — [nt])Zt,, i +l, 0 <- I -< 1.

We will show that there are positive numbers a, ß and M such that

E^X;" ] — XS" ]^a - Mit —sa l+ ß for 0 < s, t <- 1, n= 1, 2, .... (T.5.1)

By our corollary this will prove tightness of the distributions of the processn = 1, 2, .... This together with the finite-dimensional CLT proves the FCLT underthe assumption of finite fourth moments. One needs to calculate the probabilities offluctuations described in the Arzela—Ascoli theorem more carefully to get the proofunder finite second moments alone.

To establish (T.5.1), take a = 4. First consider the case s = (j/n) < (k/n) = t areat the grid points. Then

E{X;" ) — 1snl} 4 = n -2E{Z^ +1 + ... + Z} 4

k k k k

=n 2 E{Zi,Z„Z,,Z;,}ij+1 i2=j+1 i3=j+1 is=j+1

= fl-2{(k — j)EZ1 + (2)(k 1)(EZ;) 2 1 .

Thus,Thus, in this case,

E{X;'] — XS"]}4 = n-2{(k —j)m4 + 3(k — j)(k —j — 1)}

k zn -2 {(k—j)m4 + 3(k —j)2 } -<(m,+3) — 1

n n

(m4 + 3)It — s1 2 = c l (t — st 2 , where c 1 = m4 + 3.

Next, consider the more general case 0 < s, t -< 1, but for which It — si -> 1/n. Then,for s < t,

[ntl 4E{X;'» — X;" ] } 4 = n Z E ZJ + (nt — [nt])Z[",1+1 — ([ns] — ns)Z]"sl+lt j=(ns]+ 1

[n^] \a

n - 2 3° E( ' Z^) + (nt — [nt])4EZ1",1+ 1=[ns]+I

+ (ns — [ns])4EZ[ns]+1 Jn - 2 3 4{c 1 ([nt] — [ns]) 2 + (nt — [nt]) 2m4 + (ns — [ns])2m4}

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n -2 3ac 1 {([nt] — [ns]) z + (nt — [nt])z + (ns — [ns])Z}

n -2 3 4c i {([nt] — [ns]) + (nt — [nt]) + (ns — [ns])} 2

= n -2 34c 1 {nt — ns + 2(ns — [ns])} 2

n -2 3 ac 1 {nt — ns + 2(nt — ns)} 2

= n -2 3 6c1(nt — ns)2 = 3 6c1(t — s) 2 .

In the above, we used the fact that (a + b + c)4 < 34 (a4 + ba + ca) to get the firstinequality. The analysis of the first (gridpoint) case was then used to get the secondinequality. Finally, if it — sI < 1/n, then either

(a) k_<s<t<k+ l forsome0_<k_<n— 1,or


n n

(b)- s<— k+ 1 k+2


forsome0_<k_<n-1.n n n n

In (a), S1,, = S, so that, since Int — nsl 1,

E{X;") — Xs"'}a = n -2 E{n(t — s)4+ }4 = m4n 2 (t — s)4

= ma(nt — ns) 2 (t — s) 2 -< ma (t

In (b), S — = Zk+ ,, so that


l aE{X^") _ XS"^}a = n Z E Zk +i + nl t —


kZk+i — n(s — -^Zk+I

\ n n )

(n( k+l k+11 la

n -Z E=t1\ t— Zk+z—n s— — JZk+i Jjn n


<24n2(t — k n t a ma+(k+

1— s) ma

= 2an2 ma 1(t — k + 1-^a + I --sk n


)a } a )J)

t — k + I + k + 1 — sl = 2

4n 2m4 (t — s)an n J

= 24m4(nt — ns) 2 (t — s) 2 24m4(t — s) 2 .

Take ß = 1, M = max{24m4 , 3 6 (m4 + 3)} = 3 6 (m4 + 3) for a = 4. n

The FCLT (Theorem 8.1) is stated in the text for convergence in S = C[0, 00),when S has the topology of uniform convergence on compacts. One may take the met-ric to be p(w, co') _ Zk 1 2 -kdk /(1 + dk ), where dk = max{Iw(t) — cu'(t)J: 0 t k}.Since the above arguments apply to [0, k] in place of [0, 1], the assertion of Theorem8.1 follows (under the moment condition m a < oo).

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6. (Measure Determining Classes) Let (S, p) be a metric space, .a(S) its Borel sigmafield.A class l c a(S) is measure-determining if, for any two finite measures u, v,p(C) = v(C) VC e' implies p = v. An example is the class -9 of all closed sets. Tosee this, consider the lambda class .sad of all sets A for which p(A) = v(A). If this classcontains -9 then by the Pi-Lambda Theorem (Chapter 0, Theorem 4.1)a a(s) = .a(S). Similarly, the class (0 of all open sets is measure-determining. Aclass 9 of real-valued bounded Borel measurable functions on S is measure-determiningif ff dp = f f dv Vg e I✓ implies p = v. The class Cb(S) of real-valued boundedcontinuous functions on S is measure-determining. To prove this, it is enough toshow that for each Fe -9 there exists a sequence {f} c Cb(S) such that f" j I F asn I oo. For this, let ha(r) = 1 — nr for 0 _< r < 1/n, ha(r) = 0 for r > 1/n. Then take

f(x) = h"(p(x, F)).

Theoretical Complements to Section I.9

1. If f: C[0, oo) -+ 08' is continuous, then the FCLT provides that the real-valuedrandom variables X. = f({X;" 1}), n > 1, converge in distribution to X = f({X' }).Thus, if one checks by direct computation that the limit F(a) = lima P(X" _< a), orF(a - ) = lima P(X" < a), exists for all a, then F is the d.f. of X. Applying this tof ({Xs}) := max{X5 :0 ,< s ,< t} __ M, we get (10.10), for P(T. > t) = P(M< < z), if z > 0.The case z < 0 is similar.

Joint distributions of several functionals may be similarly obtained by looking atlinear combinations of the functionals. Here is the precise statement.

Theorem T.9.1. If f: C[0, oo) -- l8'` is continuous, say f = (fl , ... , f,,) wheref• : C[0, oo) - III', then the random vectors X. = f({X;" 1}), n >, 1, converge indistribution to X = f({X,}).

Proof. For any r i , ... , rk e R , ^j_ rr f : C[0, co) --• W is continuous so that^j= 1 r; f ({ X}'°}) converges in distribution to jj =1 rt f ({X}) by the FCLT. Therefore,its characteristic function converges to Ee'<'•« 12'"> as n -• oo for each r e W'. Thismeans f({X^"^}) converges in distribution to f({X,}) as asserted. n

2. (Mann-Wald) It is sufficient that f: C[0, cc) -+ t8 be only a.s. continuous withrespect to the limiting distribution for the FCLT to apply, i.e., for the convergenceof f ({X,('°}) in distribution to f({X,}). That is,

Theorem T.9.2. If {X;">} converges in distribution to {Xf} and if P({X,} e Df) = 0,where

Df = {x e C[0, oo): f is discontinuous at x},

then f({X}) converges in distribution to f({XX }). ❑

Proof. This can be proved using Alexandrov's Theorem (T.8.1(ii)), since for anyclosed set F, f - '(F) c f - `(F) = Df v f - `(F), where the overbar denotes the closureof the set. n

In applications it is the requirement that the limit distribution assign probability

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zero to the event DJ that is sometimes nontrivial to check. As an example, consider(9.5) and (9.6). Let F = {rc < z. }. Recall that Q - C[0, oo) is given the topologyof uniform convergence on bounded subintervals of [0, x). Consider an element w e S2that reaches a number less than c before reaching d. It is simple to check that cubelongs to the interior of F. On the other hand, if w belongs to the closure of F, theneither (i) we F, or (ii) w neither reaches c nor d. Thus, if cu e iF, then either (ii)occurs, the probability of which is zero for a Brownian motion since JX,I -i x inprobability, as t -+ oo, or (iii) in the interval [r., z'), w never goes below c. By thestrong Markov property (see Chapter V, Theorem 11.1), the latter event (iii) has thesame probability as that of a Brownian motion, starting at c, never reaching belowc before reaching d. In turn, the last probability is the same as that of a Brownianmotion, starting at 0, never reaching below 0 before reaching d — c. This probabilityis zero, since r = r' converges to zero in probability as z 10 (see Eq. 10.10). Bycombining such arguments with those given in theoretical complement I above, onemay also arrive at (10.15) for Brownian motions with nonzero drifts.

Theoretical Complements to Section 1.12

A proof of Proposition 12.1 for the special case of infinite-dimensional events thatdepend on the empirical process through the functional (w -• supo,,,, Ico,l) used todefine the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic (12.11) is given below. This proof is basedon a trick of M. D. Donsker (1952), "Justification and Extension of Doob's HeuristicApproach to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Theorems," Annals Math. Statist., 23,pp. 277-281, which allows one to apply the FCLT as given in Section 8 (and provedin theoretical complements to Section 1.8 under the assumption of finite fourthmoments).

The key to Donsker's proof is the simple observation that the distribution of theorder statistic (Y i), ... , Y) of n i.i.d. random variables Y, Y2 , ... from the uniformdistribution on [0, 1] can also be obtained as the distribution of the ratios


S, SZ S„

S., S„+ I S„ +I

where Sk = T + • • • + Tk, k > 1, and T1 , T2 , ... is an i.i.d. sequence of (mean 1)exponentially distributed random variables. ❑

Intuitively, if the T are regarded as the successive times between occurrence of somephenomena, then S, is the time to the (n + 1)st occurrence and, in units of S„ + 1 ,

the occurrence times should be randomly distributed because of lack of memory andiridependence properties. A version of this simple fact is given in Chapter IV(Proposition 5.6) for the Poisson process. The calculations are essentially the same,so this is left as an exercise here.

The precise result that we will prove here is as follows. The symbol °= belowdenotes equality in distribution.

Proposition T.12.1. Let Y1 , Y2 , ... be i.i.d. uniform on [0, 1] and let, for each n _> 1,{F(t)} be the corresponding empirical process based on Y1 , ... , Y„. ThenD„ = supo ,,, i JF(t) — tI converges in distribution to sup o ,,, i IB*l as n - oc.

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Proof. In the notation introduced above, we have

D= fn sup iFF(t) - tI = f max I yk) - kO^t51 k5n n

d Sk k n Sk—k kSn+1 — n='nmax -- = max I— --k5n I S^11 n Sn+1 knn

d 'I= sup JX;' — tX; lI + O(n -1 / 2 ), (T.12.1)



Xcnl = S[ ,u1 - [nt]t

and, by the SLLN, n/(Sn+1 ) -^ I a.s. as n -• ao. The result follows from the FCLT,(8.6), and the definition of Brownian bridge. n

This proposition is sufficient for the particular application to the large-sampledistribution given in the text. A precise definition of weak convergence of the scaledempirical distribution function as well as a proof of Proposition 12.1 can be foundin P. Billingsley (1968), Convergence of Probability Measures, Wiley, New York.

2. Tabulations of the distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic can be foundin L. H. Miller (1956), "Table of Percentage Points of Kolmogorov Statistics," J.Amer. Statist. Assoc., 51, pp. 111-121.

3. Let (X I A) denote the conditional distribution of a random variable or stochasticprocess X given an event A. As suggested by Exercise 12.4*, from the convergenceof the finite-dimensional distributions it is possible to obtain the Brownian bridgeas the limiting distribution of ({B,} I 0 < B, _< e) as e -* 0, where {B,} denotes standardBrownian motion on 0 _< t < 1. To make this observation firm, one needs to checktightness of the family {({B,} 0 < B, _< e): e > 0). The following argument is usedby P. Billingsley (1968), Convergence of Probability Measures, Wiley, New York, p. 84.

Let F be any closed subset of C[0, 1]. Then, since sup,,,,, IB* - B 1 1 = IB,^,

P({B t}eFl0<-B, -< e)-<P({B*}e FE I0<B, -<e),

where FE := {w e C[0,1]: dist(o, F) _< a} fordist(w, A):= inf{p(w, y): ye Al, A c C[0, 1].But, starting with finite-dimensional sets and then using the monotone class argument(Chapter 0), one may check that the events {{B*) e FE} and {0 _< B, _< e} areindependent. Therefore, P({B,} e F 0 _< B 1 _< e) _< P({B*} e FE) for any s > 0. SinceF is closed, the events {{B*} e FE} decrease to {{B*} e F) as e - 0, and tightnessfollows from the continuity of the probability measure P and Alexandrov's TheoremT.8.1 (ii).

4. A check of tightness is also required for the Brownian meander and Brownianexcursion as described in Exercises 12.6 and 12.7, respectively. For this, consultR. T. Durrett, D. L. Iglehart, and D. R. Miller (1977), "Weak Convergence toBrownian Meander and Brownian Excursion," Ann. Probab., 5, pp. 117-129. The

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distribution of the extremal functionals outlined in the exercises can also be foundin R. T. Durrett and D. L. Iglehart (1977), "Functionals of Brownian Meander andBrownian Excursion," Ann. Probab., 5, pp. 130-135; K. L. Chung (1976), "Excursionsin Brownian Motion," Ark. Mat., pp. 155-177; D. P. Kennedy (1976), "MaximumBrownian Excursion," J. App!. Probability, 13, 371-376. Durrett, Iglehart and Miller(1977) also show that the * and + commute in the sense that the Brownian excursioncan be obtained either by a meander of the Brownian bridge (as done in Exercise12.7) or as a bridge of the meander (i.e., conditioning the meander in the sense oftheoretical complement 3 above). Brownian meander and Brownian excursion havebeen defined in a variety of other ways in work originating in the late 1940's withPaul Levy; see P. Levy (1965), Processus Stochastiques et Mouvement Brownien,Gauthier-Villars, Paris. The theory was extended and terminology introduced inK. Ito and H. P. McKean, Jr. (1965), Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths,Springer Verlag, New York. The general theory is introduced in D. Williams (1979),Diffusions, Markov Processes, and Martingales, Vol. 1, Wiley, New York. A muchfuller theory is then given in L. C. G. Rogers and D. Williams (1987), Diffusions,Markov Processes, Martingales, Vol. II, Wiley, New York. Approaches from the pointof view of Markov processes (see theoretical complement 11.2, Chapter V) havingnonstationary transition law are possible. Another very useful approach is from thepoint of view of FCLTs for random walks conditioned on a late return to zero; seeW. D. Kaigh (1976), "An Invariance Principle for Random Walk Conditioned by aLate Return to Zero," Ann. Probab., 4(1), pp. 115 -121, and references therein. Aconnection with extreme values of branching processes is described in theoreticalcomplement 11.2, Chapter V.

Theoretical Complements to Section I.13

(Construction of Wiener Measure) Let {X,: t _> 0} be the process having thefinite-dimensional distributions of the standard Brownian motion starting at 0 asconstructed by the Kolmogorov Extension Theorem on the product probability space(D, .y , P). As discussed in theoretical complement 7.1, events pertaining to thebehavior of the process at uncountably many time points (e.g., path continuity) cannotbe represented in this framework. However, we will now see how to modify the modelin such a way as to get around this difficulty.

Let D be the set of nonnegative dyadic rational numbers and letJ",k = [k/2", (k + 1)/2"]. We will use the maximal inequality to check that

°° 1j P max sup Xq - XXI2 "i > n < oo . (T.13.1)

n=1 (0_<k1.2- qeJ,,,,, D

By the Borel-Cantelli lemma we will get from this that with probability 1, for all nsufficiently large,

1max sup IXq - Xkf2 .,I -< -. (T.13.2)

OEk<n2" geJ,,.kn D n

In particular, it will follow that with probability 1, for every t > 0, q - Xq is uniformlycontinuous on D n [0, t]. Thus, almost all sample paths of {Xq : q e D} have a uniqueextension to continuous functions {B,: t _> 0}. That is, letting C = {wu e Q: for each

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t > 0, q - Xq(w) is uniformly continuous on D n [0, t]}, define for w e C,

B,(co) = Xq(W), if t = q e D,(T.13.3)

lim Xq(co), if t 0 D,q—t

where the limit is over dyadic rational q decreasing to t. By construction, {B,: t _> 0}has continuous paths with probability 1. Moreover, for 0 < t, < • • • < t, with prob-ability one, (B,,, .. . , B1 ) = lim" . (Xqc ., ... , Xq ,) for dyadic rational q;" ) , ... , qp" )

decreasing to t,.. ... t k . Also, the random vector (Xgti .... .. Xq^ ,) has the multivariatenormal distribution with mean vector 0 and variance—covariance matrix

= min(t ; , ti), I < i, j < k as a limiting distribution. lt follows from thesetwo facts that this must be the distribution of (B 1 , B,k ). Thus, {B,} is a standardBrownian motion process.

To verify the condition (T.13.1) for the Borel—Cantelli lemma, just note that bythe maximal inequality (see Exercises 4.3, 13.11),

P(max IX,+,a2-- — a) 2P(IX,+a — X11 % a)(s2"ß

24 E(X1+, — X,) 4a


since the increments of {X,} are independent and Gaussian with mean 0. Now sincethe events {max142 .„IX, +1a2 -, — X, a} increase with m, we have, letting m —* oo,

P( sup iXr+qa — X1I > a \ 6S . (T.13.5)o$q$l.q.D J a


1Pl max sup Xq — Xk12 .4 > - Pf

/ sup (Xq — Xk,2"I >

O^kan2"qeJ".knD n k=0 \qeJ",k,D n

6 ( 2 n)2 5

n2" ^ri ^ )4 =—‚6 (T.13.6)

which is summable.

Theoretical Complements to Section 1.14

1. The treatment given in this section follows that in R. N. Bhattacharya, V. K. Gupta,and E. Waymire (1983), "The Hurst Effect Under Trends," J. App!. Probability, 20,pp. 649-662. The research on the Hurst effect is rather extensive. For the other relatedresults mentioned in the text consult the following references:

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W. Feller (1951), "The Asymptotic Distribution of the Range of Sums ofIndependent Random Variables," Ann. Math. Statist., 22, pp. 427-432.

P. A. P. Moran (1964), "On the Range of Cumulative Sums," Ann. Inst. Statist.

Math., 16, pp. 109-112.

B. B. Mandelbrot and J. W. Van Ness (1968), "Fractional Brownian Motions,Fractional Noises and Applications," SIAM Rev., 10, pp. 422-437. Processesof the type considered by Mandelbrot and Van Ness are briefly described intheoretical complement 1.3 to Chapter IV of this book.

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Discrete-Parameter Markov Chains


Consider a discrete-parameter stochastic process {X„}. Think of X0 , X,, ... , X,_,as "the past," X. as "the present," and X +1 , Xi +z , • • . as "the future" of theprocess relative to time n. The law of evolution of a stochastic process is oftenthought of in terms of the conditional distribution of the future given the presentand past states of the process. In the case of a sequence of independent randomvariables or of a simple random walk, for example, this conditional distributiondoes not depend on the past. This important property is expressed byDefinition 1.1.

Definition 1.1. A stochastic process {X0 , X 1 ..... X„, ...} has the Markovproperty if, for each n and m, the conditional distribution of X„ + 1 , .. • , Xn +m

given X0 , X 1 ..... X„ is the same as its conditional distribution given X. alone.A process having the Markov property is called a Markov process. If, in addition,the state space of the process is countable, then a Markov process is called aMarkov chain.

In view of the next proposition, it is actually enough to take m = I in the abovedefinition.

Proposition 1.1. A stochastic process X0 , X,, X2 , .. . has the Markov propertyif and only if for each n the conditional distribution of X„ + , given X0 , X,..... XX

is a function only of X.

Proof. For simplicity, take the state space S to be countable. The necessity ofthe condition is obvious. For sufficiency, observe that


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P(Xn+1 =ill . .. , Xn +m — .lm I Xo = ... , Xn = in)

= P(Xn+t = f1 I Xo = io, .. . , Xn = in)'

P(Xn+z = J2jXo= io,...,Xn=In,Xn+t = J1)...

P(Xn +m=lmIXo = io,...,Xn +m-1 =1m-1)

= P(Xn +1 =J1 I Xn = in)P(Xn +2 =12 I Xn +1 =1 ).

P(Xn +m =1m Xn +m-1 =1m-1). (1.1)

The last equality follows from the hypothesis of the proposition. Thus theconditional distribution of the future as a function of the past and present statesi0 , i 1 , ... , in depends only on the present state i n . This is, therefore, theconditional distribution given Xn = in (Exercise 1). n

A Markov chain {X0 , X1,. . .} is said to have a homogeneous or stationarytransition law if the distribution of Xn +l, ... , Xn +m given Xn = y depends onthe state at time n, namely y, but not on the time n. Otherwise, the transitionlaw is called nonhomogeneous. An i.i.d. sequence {Xn } and its associated randomwalk possess time-homogeneous transition laws, while an independentnonidentically distributed sequence {X} and its associated random walk havenonhomogeneous transitions. Unless otherwise specified, by a Markov process(chain) we shall mean a Markov process (chain) with a homogeneous transitionlaw.

The Markov property as defined above refers to a special type of statisticaldependence among families of random variables indexed by a linearly orderedparameter set. In the case of a continuous parameter process, we have thefollowing analogous definition.

Definition 1.2. A continuous-parameter stochastic process {X,} has theMarkov property if for each s < t, the conditional distribution of X, given{X, u < s} is the same as the conditional distribution of X, given Xs . Such aprocess is called a continuous-parameter Markov process. If, in addition, thestate space is countable, then the process is called a continuous-parameterMarkov chain.


An i.i.d. sequence and a random walk are merely two examples of Markovchains. To define a general Markov chain, it is convenient to introduce a matrixp to describe the probabilities of transition between successive states in theevolution of the process.

Definition 2.1. A transition probability matrix or a stochastic matrix is a square

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matrix p = ((p i3)), where i and] vary over a finite or denumerable set S, satisfying

(i) p i; >, 0 for all i and j,

(ii) YJES pit = I for all i.

The set S is called the state space and its elements are states.

Think of a particle that moves from point to point in the state space accordingto the following scheme. At time n = 0 the particle is set in motion either bystarting it at a fixed state io , called the initial state, or by randomly locating itin the state space according to a probability distribution it on S, called theinitial distribution. In the former case, it is the distribution concentrated at thestate i0 , i.e., n; = 1 if j = io , ire = 0 if j : i0 . In the latter case, the probabilityis 7r ; that at time zero the particle will be found in state i, where 0 < n i < 1 andy i tc i = 1. Given that the, particle is in state i 0 at time n = 0, a random trial isperformed, assigning probability p ;0 to the respective states j' E S. If theoutcome of the trial is the state i l , then the particle moves to state i 1 at timen = 1. A second trial is performed with probabilities p i , j- of states j' E S. If theoutcome of the second trial is i 2 , then the particle moves to state i 2 at timen = 2, and so on.

A typical sample point of this experiment is a sequence of states, say(io , i 1 , i z , ... , in , ...), representing a sample path. The set of all such samplepaths is the sample space S2. The position Xn at time iI is a random variablewhose value is given by Xn = in if the sample path is (i0 , i l , ... , in , ...). Theprecise specification of the probability P,, on Q for the above experiment isgiven by

Pn(XO = l 0, X1 = ii, • , Xn = in) = Mio Pioi1 Pi l i 2.. •p (2.1)

More generally, for finite-dimensional events of the form

A={(X0 ,X 1 ....,Xn )EB}, (2.2)

where B is an arbitrary set of (n + 1)-tuples of elements of S, the probabilityof A is specified by

P,1(A) _ y- iioPioi,...p1 ^. (2.3)(io.i1 ..... ln)EB

By Kolmogorov's existence theorem, P,, extends uniquely as a probabilitymeasure on the smallest sigmafield F containing the class of all events of theform (2.2); see Example 6.3 of Chapter I. This probability space (i), F, Pn )with Xn (CU) = w,, co E S2, is a canonical model for the Markov chain with transitionprobabilities ((p ij)) and initial distribution it (the Markov property is establishedbelow at (2.7)—(2.10)). In the case of a Markov chain starting in state i, thatis, 1t ; = 1, we write Pi in place of P11.

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To specify various joint distributions and conditional distributions associatedwith this Markov chain, it is convenient to use the notation of matrixmultiplication. By definition the (i, j) element of the matrix p 2 is given by

nj ) _ P ik Pkj (2.4)


The elements of the matrix p" are defined recursively by p" = p" - 'p so that the(i, j) element of p" is given by

cn) = cn-1)P Pkj


cn-')> n = 2,3 .... (2.5)ik

kES kcS

It is easily checked by induction on n that the expression for p;n ) is given directlyin terms of the elements of p according to

Pi; ) = Y_ Pü1Pi1i2•..Pin-zln-IPin-li. (2.6)11.....In - l E S

Now let us check the Markov property of this probability model. Using (2.1)and summing over unrestricted coordinates, the joint distribution ofXo , Xn ,, X" 2 , . .. , Xnk , with 0 = no < n l < n2 < • • • < nk, is given by

Pa(X0 = i, Xn l =j, Xn 2 —12' ... , Xnk =ik)

_ Z E . . . I (7r l Pii, Pi, . . . . pin 1 - lj l)(Pi l in i + I Pin, + l in, + Z . . I7/n2 - 1 J2 ) . .

1 2 kY

X (Pik-link-,+1 Pink-,+l ink_I+2...Pink-lik)> (2.7)

where >, is the sum over the rth block of indices i n,_ , + ),i + ' . . . ‚ 1,, , in,(r = 1, 2, . .. , k). The sum Y_ k , keeping indices in all other blocks fixed, yieldsthe factor p^kk Ok -') using (2.6) for the last group of terms. Next sum successivelyover the (k — 1)st, ... , second, and first blocks of factors to get

P (X0 = i, Xn1 =j1, X,2 =J2'• , Xnk =1k) = 7riP) p^nJ2 nl)..

. plkk Ijk 1). (2.8)

Now sum over i e S to get

PE(Xni j1, X2 —121 , Xnk —Jk) = ( ^I Pin1))Pjll.i2 "1) . . .pjkk lik 1). (2.9)

( ics /

Using (2.8) and the elementary definition of conditional probabilities, it nowfollows that the conditional distribution of X„ +m given Xo , X,,. . . , Xn is given by

Pt(Xn+m = J I Xo = i0, Xl = il, .. , Xn— 1 = in — 1, Xn = i)

=p^) ) =P"(Xn+m=j1 Xn =i)

= PP(Xm = .1 1 XO = 1), m i 1 , j E S. (2.10)

Although by Proposition 1.1 the case m = 1 would have been sufficient to prove

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the Markov property, (2.10) justifies the terminology that p'° :_ ((p;; >)) is them-step transition probability matrix. Note that p'° is a stochastic matrix for allm>'1.

The calculation of the distribution of X,„ follows from (2.10). We have,

Pn(Xm=j)=ZPn(Xm=j• X0 =i) =ZPP(X0=i)Pi(Xm=j1 X0 =')i i

_ 7Z.pi;' = (n'pm)., (2.11)

where n' is the transpose of the column vector n, and (n'pt)j is the jth elementof the row vector n'pm.


The transition probabilities for some familiar Markov chains are given in theexamples of this section. Although they are excluded from the generaldevelopment of this chapter, examples of a non-Markov process and a Markovprocess having a nonhomogeneous transition law are both supplied underExample 8 below.

Example 1. (Completely Deterministic Motion). Let the only elements of p,which may be either a finite or denumerable square matrix, be 0's and l's. Thatis, for each state i there exists a state h(i) such that

p ih(i) = 1, pi; = 0 for j 0 h(i) (i n S). (3.1)

This means that if the process is now in state i it must be in state h(i) at thenext instant. In this case, if the initial state X o is known then one knows theentire future. Thus, if X0 = i, then

Xl = h(i),

Xz = h(h(i)) := h (z) (i), ... ,

X" = h(h ( " - 1) (i)) = h (" )(i), ... .

Hence p;;^ = 1 if j = h ( " ) (i) and p;j" ) = 0 if j ^ h ( " )(i). Pseudorandom numbergenerators are of this type (see Exercise 7).

Example 2. (Completely Random Motion or Independence). Let all the rowsof p be identical, i.e., suppose p i , is the same for all i. Write for the common row,

psi =p (ieS,jeS). (3.2)

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In this case, X0 , X1 , X2 ,. . . forms a sequence of independent random variables.The distribution of X0 is it while X 1 ,. . . , X, ... have a common distributiongiven by the probability vector (p j)jcs . If we let it = (p; ),ES, then Xo , X1 , .. .

form a sequence of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) randomvariables. The coin-tossing example is of this kind. There, S = {0,1 } (or {H, T } )

i 1and po=2'Pj =za

Example 3. (Unrestricted Simple Random Walk). Here, S = {0, + 1, ±2, ...}and p = ((p ;j)) is given by

Pi; =P ifj =i +1

=q ifj =i -1

=0 ifjj—iI> 1. (3.3)

where 0 < p < l and q = 1 — p.

Example 4. (Simple Random Walk with Two Reflecting Boundaries). HereS = {c, c + 1, ... , d}, where c and d are integers, c < d. Let

p ;j =p ifj =i +1 andc<i<d

=q ifj =i —I andc<i<d

Pc,c +i = I, Pa,e -i = 1. (3.4)

In this case, if at any point of time the particle finds itself in state c, then atthe next instant of time it moves with probability I to c + 1. Similarly, if it isat d at any point of time it will move to d — I at the next instant. Otherwise(i.e., in the interior of [c, d]), its motion is like that of a simple random walk.

Example S. (Simple Random Walk with Two Absorbing Boundaries). HereS = {c, c + 1, ... , d}, where c and d are integers, c < d. Let

PCC = 1, Pad = 1. (3.5)

For c < i < d, pi; is as defined by (3.3) or (3.4). In this case, once the particlereaches c (or d) it stays there forever.

Example 6. (Unrestricted General Random Walk). Take S = {0, + 1, ± 2, ...}.Let Q be an arbitrary probability distribution on S, i.e.,

(i) Q(i) > 0 for all i E S,

(ii) li€S Q(i) = I.

Define the transition matrix p by

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= Q(j — i), i, j E S. (3.6)

One may think of this Markov chain as a partial-sum process as follows. LetX0 have a distribution n. Let Z 1 , Z2 , ... be a sequence of i.i.d. random variableswith common distribution Q and independent of X o . Then,

X^=X0 +Z 1 +-•-+Z,,, forn>,l, (3.7)

is a Markov chain with the transition probability (3.6). Also note that Example3 is a special case of Example 6, with Q(— l) = q, Q(l) = p, and Q(i) = 0 fori: +1.

Example 7. (Bienayme—Galton—Watson Simple Branching Processes). Particlessuch as neutrons or organisms such as bacteria can generate new particles ororganisms of the same type. The number of particles generated by a singleparticle is a random variable with a probability function f; that is, f (j) is theprobability that a single particle generates j particles, j = 0, 1, 2, .... Supposethat at time n = 0 there are Xo = i particles present. Let Z 1 , Z2 , ... , Zi denotethe numbers of particles generated by the first, second, ... , ith particle,respectively, in the initial set. Then each of Z 1 , ... , Z; has the probabilityfunction f and it is assumed that Z 1 , ... , Z; are independent random variables.The size of the first generation is X 1 = Z 1 + • • • + Z., the total number generatedby the initial set. The X, particles in the first generation will in turn generatea total of X2 particles comprising the second generation in the same manner; thatis, the X, particles generate new particles independently of each other and thenumber generated by each has probability function f. This goes on so long asoffspring occur. Let X. denote the size of the nth generation. Then, using theconvolution notation for distributions of sums of independent random variables,

pti=P(Z1+ ... +Z.=1)_f *i(j), i> 1, j^0,(3.8)

Poo= 1 , poi =0 ifj00.

The last row says that "zero" is an absorbing state, i.e., if at any point of timeX„ = 0, then X. = 0 for all m > n, and extinction occurs.

Example 8. (Pölya Urn Scheme and a Non-Markovian Example). A boxcontains r red balls and b black balls. A ball is randomly selected from the boxand its color is noted. The ball selected together with c 0 balls of the samecolor are then placed back into the box. This process is repeated in successivetrials numbered n = 1, 2,-. . . . Indicate the event that a red ball occurs at thenth trial by XX = 1 and that a black ball occurs at the nth trial by X„ = 0. Astraightforward induction calculation gives for 0 < Yk= 1 ek < n,

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P(X1 = E1,•• .Xn = En)

[r+(s„-1)c][r+(s„-2)c].• r[b+(T„-1)c]••.b (3.9)

[r+b+(n— 1)c][r+b+(n-2)c]...[r+b]


s„= Y_ sk , r„ =n—s„. (3.10)k=1

In the cases„=n(i.e.,c 1 =...=E„=1),

[r + (n — 1) c] • rP(XI = 1, ... X„ = 1) (3.11)


and if s„ = 0 (i.e., e 1 = • • • = E„ = 0) then

[b + (n — 1)c]•.•bP(XI=0,...,Xn =0)= (3.12)

[r+b+(n— 1)c]•••[r+b]

In particular,

P(Xn = E„IXt = ei,...,Xn-1 =E -1)

P(X1 = E1, .. . , X. = £n)

P (X 1 = c1,. ..,X—t = En — t )

_ [r + (s„ — 1)c]•..r[b + (r„ — 1)c]•••b [r + b + (n — 2)c]..•[r + b]

[r + (sn _ 1 — 1)c].• r[b + (tn - 1 — 1)c] •••b [r + b + (n — 1)c]. .[r + b]

[r+s„_Ic]ifE= 1

— r+b+(n— 1)c(3.13)


r+b+ (ii — 1)c

It follows that {X„} is non-Markov unless c = 0 (in which case {X„} is i.i.d.).Note, however, that {X„} does have a distinctive symmetry property reflectedin (3.9). Namely, the joint distribution is a function of s„ = Yk =1 ek only, andis therefore invariant under permutations of e l • • . i,,. Such a stochastic processis called exchangeable (or symmetrically dependent). The Pölya urn model wasoriginally introduced to illustrate a notion of "contagious disease” or "accidentproneness' for actuarial mathematics. Although {X„} is non-Markov for c ^ 0,it is interesting to note that the partial-sum process {S„}, representing theevolution of accumulated numbers of red balls sampled, does have the Markovproperty. From (3.13) one can also get that

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r + CSn _ ,if s = l +s„_,

P(sn= sIS, =s1,•• ,Sn_, =s,)= r+b+(n-1)c

b +(n— S„- 1 ) clfs=s _ i .

r + b + (n — 1)c(3.14)

Observe that the transition law (3.14) depends explicitly on the time point n.In other words, the partial-sum process {S„} is a Markov process with anonhomogeneous transition law. A related continuous-time version of thisMarkov process, again usually called the Pö1ya process is described in Exercise1 of Chapter IV, Section 4.1. An alternative model for contagion is also givenin Example 1 of Chapter IV, Section 4, and that one has a homogeneoustransition law.


One of the most useful general properties of a Markov chain is that the Markovproperty holds even when the "past" is given up to certain types of randomtimes. Indeed, we have tacitly used it in proving that the simple symmetricrandom walk reaches every state infinitely often with probability 1 (seeEq. 3.18 of Chapter 1). These special random times are called stopping timesor (less appropriately) Markov times.

Definition 4.1. Let {},,: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} be a stochastic process having acountable state space and defined on some probability space (S2, 3, P). Arandom variable r defined on this space is said to be a stopping time if

(i) It assumes only nonnegative integer values (including, possibly, +co),and

(ii) For every nonnegative integer m the event {w: r(w) < m} is determinedby Yo , Y1 ,..., Y..

Intuitively, if r is a stopping time, then whether or not to stop by time mcan be decided by observing the stochastic process up to time m. For an example,consider the first time Ty the process { Y„} reaches the state y, defined by

t(co) = inf{n > 0: Y„(co) = y} . (4.1)

If co is such that Y„(w) y whatever be n (i.e., if the process never reaches y),then take ry,(w) = oo. Observe that

{w: r(w) < m} = n

U {co: Y„(w) = y} . (4.2)=O

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Hence zrY is a stopping time. The rth return times r;' ) ofy are defined recursively by

r" )(w) = inf{n 1: Y(w) = y},for r = 2, 3, .... (4.3)

r(w) = inf{n > iy '(w): Y (w) = y},

Once again, the infimum over an empty set is to be taken as oo. Now whetheror not the process has reached (or hit) the state y at least r times by the timem depends entirely on the values of Y1 , ... , Y.. Indeed, {rI m} is preciselythe event that at least r of the variables Y1 , ... , Y,n equal y. Hence ry" is astopping time. On the other hand, if ny denotes the last time the process reachesthe state y, then ?J is not a stopping time; for whether or not i < m cannotin general be determined without observing the entire process {Yn }.

Let S be a countable state space and p a transition probability matrix on S,and let P,, denote the distribution of the Markov process with transitionprobability p and initial distribution n. It will be useful to identify the eventsthat depend on the process up to time n. For this, let S2 denote the set of allsequences w = (i0 , i 1 , i2 , ...) of states, and let Y(w) be the nth coordinate of w(if w = (io , i,, ... , i, ...), then Yn (cw) = in ). Let .fin denote the class of all eventsthat depend only on Yo , YI , ... , Yn . Then the ‚ n form an increasing sequenceof sigmafields of finite-dimensional events. The Markov property says that giventhe "past" Yo , Yi , ... , Y. up to time m, or given .gym, the conditional distributionof the "after-m"stochastic process Y,„ = {(Ym )„ } := {Ym+n . n = 0, 1, ...} is P.In other words, if the process is re-indexed after time m with m + n beingregarded as time n, then this stochastic process is conditionally distributed asa Markov chain having transition probability p and initial state Y..

A WORD ON NOTATION. Many of the conditional distributions do not dependon the initial distribution. So the subscripts on P,^, Pi, etc., are suppressed as amatter of convenience in some calculations.

Suppose now that r is the stopping time. "Given the past up to time t" meansgiven the values oft and Yo , Y1 , ... , YY . By the "after-r"process we now meanthe stochastic process

Yi = {Yt+n :n=0, 1,2,...},

which is well defined only on the set IT < co}.

Theorem 4.1. Every Markov chain { Yn : n = 0, 1, 2, ...} has the strong Markovproperty; that is, for every stopping time i, the conditional distribution of theafter-r process Yt = { Yt+n : n = 0, 1, 2, ...}, given the past up to time i is P..on the set {i < co}.

Proof. Choose and fix a nonnegative integer m and a positive integer k alongwith k time points 0 _< m, < m 2 < • • • < mk, and states io , i l , ... 'im'

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J1,J2, • • • ,Jk• Then,

P(Yt +m l J1 Yt +m 2 =J2, ... , Yt +mk = Jk I T = m, Yo = io , ... , Ym = Im)

= P(Ym+mi = J1 , Ym+mz = J2, .. , Ym+mk — Jk I T = m, Yo = io... , Ym = Im)•

(4.4)Now if the event IT = m} (which is determined by the values of Y,,... , Ym )

is not consistent with the event "Yo = io , ... , Ym = im" then {T = m,Yo = io , • • • , Ym = im } = 0 and the conditioning event is impossible. In thatcase the conditional probability may be defined arbitrarily (or left undefined).However, if IT = m} is consistent with (i.e., implied by) "Yo = io , • • • , Ym =

then{ T= m,Yo =io .....Ym = im}= {Yo =io,•••,Ym =im},and the right sideof (4.4) becomes

P(Ym+mi — 11> Ym+mz =i2' .. , Ym+mk =Jk I YQ = 1 p , ... , Ym = im) • (4.5)

But by the Markov property, (4.5) equals

Pim (Ym i = J1, Ymz =J2, • • • , Ymk = Jk)

= Py,(Ym i = 11, Ym z = J1, Ym z = J2, ... , Ymk =Jk), (4.6)

on the set {T = m}. n

We have considered just "future" events depending on only finitely many(namely k) time points. The general case (applying to infinitely many timepoints) may be obtained by passage to a limit. Note that the equality of (4.4)and (4.5) holds (in case {r = m} {Y0 = io , ... , Ym = im }) for all stochasticprocesses and all events whose (conditional) probabilities may be sought. Theequality between (4.5) and (4.6) is a consequence of the Markov property. Sincethe latter property holds for all future events, so does the corresponding resultfor stopping times T.

Events determined by the past up to time T comprise a sigmafield . , calledthe pre-T sigmafleld. The strong Markov property is often expressed as: theconditional distribution of Y7 given . is PY (on {T < co}). Note that .is the smallest sigmafield containing all events of the form IT = m,

,Ym =im }.

Example 1. In this example let us reconsider the validity of relation (3.18) ofChapter I in light of the strong Markov property. Let d and y be two integers.For the simple symmetric random walk {S: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} starting at x,is an almost surely finite stopping time, for the probability px,, that the randomwalk ever reaches y is I (see Chapter 1, Eqs. 3.16-3.17). Denoting by E, theexpectation with respect to P, we have

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P.(TY < oo) = PX(S + „ = y for some n > 1)Y= EX[P(Sv+„ = y for some n , 1 (4 , So , ... ,SY)]

= EX[PY (S„ = y for some n >, 1)] (since St,,, = y)Y(Strong Markov Property)

= P(S„ = y for some n > 1)

=Py(S, =y— 1,S„=y forsome n>, 1)

+PP (S 1 = y + 1, S„=y for some n>, 1)

=PY (S 1 = y-1)Py(S„=y forsomen> 1IS 1 =y-1)

+PP(S, =y— 1)Py(S„=yforsomen>, 1 IS 1 =y+ 1)

=zPy(S, + ,„=y for some m>,01S, = y — 1)

+ZPy (S l+ ,„=y for some m >,QIS 1 =y+1) (m=n-1)

=ZPy _ 1 (S.=y for some m>,0) +ZPY+ ,(S,„=y for some m,0)(Markov property)

2P r 1,r +2Py +1, —2 +z= 1. (4.7)

Now all the steps in (4.7) remain valid if one replaces Ty l) by i;,' -1) and T;,2) byzy'r and assumes that < oo almost surely. Hence, by induction,P ('”) < oo) = 1 for all positive integers r. This is equivalent to asserting

1 = P.,(T (' ) < oo for all positive integers r)

= PX (S„ = y for infinitely many n). (4.8)

The importance of the strong Markov property will be amply demonstratedin Sections 9-11.


The unrestricted simple random walk {S„} is an example in which any statei E S can be reached from every state j in a finite number of steps with positiveprobability. If p denotes its transition probability matrix, then p2 is the transitionprobability matrix of { Y„} 2_ {SZ„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...}. However, for the Markovchain { Y„}, transitions in a finite number of steps are possible from odd to oddintegers and from even to even, but not otherwise. For {S„} one says that thereis one class of "essential” states and for { Y„} that there are two classes ofessential states.

A different situation occurs when the random walk has two absorbingboundaries on S = {c, c + 1, ... , d — 1, d}. The states c, d can be reached (withpositive probability) from c + 1, ... , d — 1. However, c + 1, ... , d — 1 cannot

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be reached from c or d. In this case c + 1, ... , d - I are called "inessential"

states while {c }, {d} form two classes of essential states.

The term "inessential" refers to states that will not play a role in the long-runbehavior of the process. If a chain has several essential classes, the processrestricted to each class can be analyzed separately.

Definition S.I. Write i --' f and read it as either ` j is accessible from i" or "theprocess can go from i to j" if p;l ) > 0 for some n >, 1.


Pi;)= Y_ P i (5.1)1I.i2....,ln - 1 E.S

i -• j if and only if there exists one chain (i, i,, i 2 , ... , in _ 1 , j) such that

Pul' pi,i2 , . , p,,,_ 1 j are strictly positive.

Definition 5.2. Write i H j and read "i and j communicate" if i -‚ j and j -• i.Say "i is essential" if i -• j implies j -+ i (i.e., if any state j is accessible from i,then i is accessible from that state). We shall let & denote the set of all essentialstates. States that are not essential are called inessential.

Proposition 5.1

(a) For every i there exists (at least one) j such that i --' f.

(b) i -*j,j-•k imply i-• k.

(c) "i essential" implies i <-+ i.

(d) i essential, i --'f imply "f is essential" and i•-'].

(e) On (' the relation "H" is an equivalence relation (i.e., reflexive,symmetric, and transitive).

Proof. (a) For each i, Y- jEs p it = 1. Hence there exists at least one j for whichp i; >0; for this] one has i--• j.

(b) i -* j, j -• k means that there exist m? 1, n >, I such that p;f ) > 0,pik ) > 0. Hence,

(m+n)_ (m) (n)Pik Pu Pik


(m) (n) (m) (n) (m) (n)= Vif P.ik + L. Pa P)k % Pij Pik > 0. (5.2)


Hence, i - k. Note that the first equality is a consequence of the relationpm+n = pm pn

(c) Suppose i is essential. By (a) there exists j such that p ;j > 0. Since i isessential, this implies] --' i, i.e., there exists m >, I such that pj7' 1 > 0. But then

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p lim+1)il

(m) (m) + it) > 0. (5.3)= i- Pu = pif Pi pilpIcs )3E.%

Hence i -• i and, therefore, i 4--* i.(d) Suppose i is essential, i -*j. Then there exist m > 1, n >, 1 such that

p, J ) > 0 and p ) > 0. Hence i j. Now suppose k is any state such that j -> k,i.e., there exists m' >, 1 such that p1') > 0. Then, by (b), i -• k. Since i is essential,one must have k -> i. Together with i --+ j this implies (again by (b)) k -• j.Thus, if any state k is accessible from j, then j is accessible from that state k,proving that j is essential.

(e) If 60 is empty (which is possible, as for example in the case p 1 = 1,i = 0, 1, 2, ...), then, there is nothing to prove. Suppose ' is nonempty. Then:(i) On f the relation "+-•" is reflexive by (c). (ii) If i is essential and i.-.j, then(by (d)) j is essential and, of course, i •-^ j and j H i are equivalent properties.Thus "«->" is symmetric (on ' as well as on S). (iii) If i H j and j *-+ k, then i

- jand j -• k. Hence i -4 k (by (b)). Also, k -• j and j -> i imply k --> i (again by(b)). Hence i H k. This shows that "•-+" is transitive (on 9 as well as on S). •

From the proof of (e) the relation "^-•" is seen to be symmetric and transitiveon all of S (and not merely 9). However, it is not generally true that i i (or,i -• i) for all i e S. In other words, reflexivity may break down on S.

Example 1. (Simple (Unrestricted) Random Walk). S = {0, ± 1, ±2, ...}.Assume, as usual, 0 <P < 1. Then i -+ j for all states i e S, j e S. Hence ' = S.

Example 2. (Simple Random Walk with Two Absorbing Boundaries). HereS = {c, c + 1, ... , d}, 9 = {c, d}. Note that c is not accessible from d, nor is daccessible from c.

Example 3. (Simple Random Walk with Two Reflecting Boundaries). HereS={c,c+ 1,....,d}, and i--*j for all i eSandjeS. Hence f'=S.

Example 4. Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and let

5 515



0 3 0 3 0



O 0 4 0 ä (5.4)

0 3 0 3 013

0 13

0 13

Note that 9 = {2, 4}.In Examples I and 3 above, there is one essential class and there are no

inessential states.

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Definition 5.3. A transition probability matrix p having one essential class andno inessential states is called irreducible.

Now fix attention on S. Distinct subsets of essential states can be identifiedaccording to the following considerations. Let i e.1. Consider the set6'(i) = { j e 6": i --> j}. Then, by (d), i +-] for all j E 6(i). Indeed, if], k e 6"(i), thenj H k (for j --> i, i -• k imply j -+ k; similarly, k -• j). Thus, all members of 6'(i)communicate with each other. Let r e 6, r 6"(i). Then r is not accessible froma state in 6'(i) (for, if j e e'(i) and j -+ r, then i --> j, j -a r will imply i -> r sothat r e 6"(i), a contradiction). Define S(r) = { j E 6',r -+ j}. Then, as before, allstates in c0(r) communicate with each other. Also, no state in 6"(r) is accessiblefrom any state in 6'(i) (for if ! e ó"(r), and j e 6'(i) and j -+ 1, then i -• 1; but r F + 1,so that i -• 1, 1 --> r implying i - r, a contradiction). In this manner, onedecomposes 6" into a number of disjoint classes, each class being a maximal setof communicating states. No member of one class is accessible from any memberof a different class. Also note that if k e 6"(i), then 6"(i) = 6'(k). For if j e 6'(i),then j , i, i -* k imply j --• k; and since j is essential one has k --> j. Hencej e 6"(k). The classes into which of decomposes are called equivalence classes.In the case of the unrestricted simple random walk {S„}, we have6" S = {0, + 1, ±2,. . .}' and all states in 6" communicate with each other;only one equivalence class. While for {X„} = {S2n}, = S consists of two disjointequivalence classes, the odd integers and the even integers.

Our last item of bookkeeping concerns the role of possible cyclic motionswithin an essential class. In the unrestricted simple random walk example, notethat p i,=0 for all i=0,±1,±2,...,butp;2 ) =2pq>0. In fact p;7 1 =0forall odd n, and p;" ) > 0 for all even n. In this case, we say that the period of iis 2. More generally, if i --• i, then the period of i is the greatest common divisorof the integers in the set A = In >, 1: p}. If d = d, is the period of i, thenp;" ) = 0 whenever n is not a multiple of d and d is the largest integer with thisproperty.

Proposition 5.2

(a) If i H j then i and j possess the same period. In particular "period" isconstant on each equivalence class.

(b) Let i e 9' have a period d = d ;. For each j e 6'(i) there exists a uniqueinteger r 1, 0 < rj d - 1, such that p;j ) > 0 implies n = rj (mod d) (i.e.,either n = rj or n = sd + rj for some integer s >, I).

Proof. (a) Clearly,

(a+m+b) (a) (m) (b)P« >P); Pi; P;, (5.5)

for all positive integers a, m, b. Choose a and b such that p;, ) > 0 and pj(b ) > 0.If pj7 1 > 0, then ps_m ) - pj^" )p^•^ ) > 0, and

(a+m+b) > (l ) ( ) (b

.. ) > 0 (a+2m+b) > ) ^^m) ^b) > 0. 5.6P^ P P p.. P(a(• p.• p•. ( )Pu

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Therefore, d (the period of i) divides a + m + b and a + 2m + b, so that itdivides the difference m = (a + 2m + b) — (a + m + b). Hence, the period of idoes not exceed the period of j. By the same argument (since i 4—J is the sameas j •-+ i), the period of j does not exceed the period of i. Hence the period of iequals the period of j.

(b) Choose a such that !°> > 0. If ;'") > 0, ;") > 0, then "' 3 p 1)p)> 0and p;' ? pp;°) > 0. Hence d, the period of i, divides m + a, n + a and,therefore, m — n = m + a — (n + a). Since this is true for all m, n such thatp 1) > 0, p;j> > 0, it means that the difference between any two integers in theset A = {n: p;jn> > 0} is divisible by d. This implies that there exists a uniqueinteger r,, 0 < rj < d — 1, such that n = rj (mod d) for all n e A (i.e., n = sd + r,for some integer s >, 0 where s depends on n). n

It is generally not true that the period of an essential state i ismin{n >, 1: p;; ) > 0}. To see this consider the chain with state space { 1, 2, 3, 4}and transition matrix

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 1 0 '2 2

1 0 0 0

Schematically, only the following one-step transitions are possible.




Thus p;i' = 0, pi 1 > 0 , P11 > 0, etc., and pi"i = 0 for all odd n. The statescommunicate with each other and their common period is 2, althoughmin{n: p;"1 > 0} = 4. Note that min{n > 1: p;° ) > 0} is a multiple of d, since d,divides all n for which p;" ) > 0. Thus, d. <, min{n >, 1: p°> 0}.

Proposition 5.3. Let i E e have period d> 1. Let Cr be the set of j e .9(i) suchthat rj = r, where rr is the remainder term as defined in Proposition 5.2(b). Then

(a) Co , C,, ... , Cd _, are disjoint, U r°=ö C, =(b) If je C„ then pik >0 implies k e C, + ,, where we take r + 1 = 0 if

r = d — 1.

Proof. (a) Follows from Proposition 5.2(b).(b) Suppose j e C, and p;j ) > 0. Then n = sd + r for some s >, 0. Hence, if

p;k > 0 then

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Pik +>> Pi; )Pjk >0, (5.7)

which implies k e Cr+l (since n + I = sd + r + I = r + 1 (mod d)), byProposition 5.2(b). n

Here is what Proposition 5.3 means. Suppose i is an essential state and hasa period d > 1. In one step (i.e., one time unit) the process can go from i E Ca

only to some state in C, (i.e., p 1 > 0 only if j e C 1 ). From states in C,, in onestep the process can go only to states in C 2 . This means that in two steps theprocess can go from i only to states in C2 (i.e., p;» > 0 only if je C2 ), and soon. In d steps the process can go from i only to states in Cd + , = CO3 completingone cycle (of d steps). Again in d + 1 steps the process can go from i only tostates in C 1 , and so on. In general, in sd + r steps the process can go from ionly to states in Cr. Schematically, one has the picture in Figure 5.1 for thecase d = 4 and a fixed state i e Co of period 4.

Example S.S. In the case of the unrestricted simple random walk, the periodis 2 and all states are essential and communicate with each other. Fix i = 0.Then Co = {0, ±2, ±4, ...}, C l = (±1, ±3, ±5, ...}. If we take i to be anyeven integer, then CO3 C l are as above. If, however, we start with i odd, thenCo = {± 1, ±3, ±5, ...}, C, = {0, ±2, ±4, ...}.


iEG,--.jEC j —^kEC,—./EC,—^mEC„—^ •••

Figure 5.1

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As will be demonstrated in this section, if the state space is finite, a completeanalysis of the limiting behavior of p", as n —• oo, may be carried out byelementary methods that also provide sharp rates of convergence to the so-calledsteady-state or invariant distributions. Although later, in Section 9, theasymptotic behavior of general Markov chains is analyzed in detail, includingthe law of large numbers and the central limit theorem for Markov chains thatadmit unique steady-state distributions, the methods of the present section arealso suited for applications to certain more general (nonfinite) state spaces (e.g.,closed and bounded intervals). These latter extensions are outlined in theexercises.

First we consider what happens to the n-step transition law if all states areaccessible from each other in one time step.

Proposition 6.1. Suppose S is finite and p,J > 0 for all i, j. Then there exists aunique probability distribution it = {m1 : j e S} such that

yrc ; p;J =nJ for alljeS (6.1)i


^p;j^—itJ1 (1—Nb)" for all i,jeS, n>,1, (6.2)

where 6 = min{p ;J : i, je S} and N is the number of elements in S. Also, it J >, 6for alljeS and 6<1/N.

Proof. Let M;" ) , m;" ) denote the maximum and the minimum, respectively, ofthe elements {p: i e S} of the jth column of p'. Since p ;J >, 6 andp ;J = 1 — Y- k0 J P ik <- 1 — (N — 1)b for all i, one has

M}' ) —mj 1) <l—(N-1)S-6=I—N5. (6.3)

Fix two states i, i' arbitrarily. Let J = { j e S: p ;J > p; .J}, J' _ { j e S: p ;J ^ p ; •J}.Then,

0 = 1 — 1 = E (p — Pi ,J) = Y_ (P — Pij) + Y_ (Pij — PrJ),J JE)' JE)

so that

I (Pij — PrJ) = — Y_ (p — Pi,j), (6.4)je)' JE

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I (Pij — P) _ y- Pij —jE ✓ jEJ jEJ

= 1 — y Pij — y pi'j 1 — (#J')6 — (#J)6 = I — N. (6.5)jE ✓ ' jE ✓


(n + 1)(n + 1) (n) (n) (n)nj — Pi'j = Pik Pkj — Pi'k Pjk = (Pik — Pi'k)Pjk

k k k

/ (n) (n)\Pik — Pi'k)Pkj + (Pik — Pi'k)Pkj

kcJ kEJ'

(Pik — Pi'k)Mj") + Y- (Pik — Pi'k)mj")k€J k€J'

_ (Mj") — mj"))` y (Pik — Pik)) (1 — NS)(M — min)). (6.6)`keJ

Letting i, i' be such that p(n+l) _ Mj(n+l) p1j = m(n+l) one gets from (6.6),

Min+l) — m5v+l) < (1 — N6)(Mj(" ) — min)). (6.7)

Iteration now yields, using (6.3) as well as (6.7),

M ) — m (1 — N(5)" for n >, 1. (6.8)


M in+ 1) = max (n+ 1) = max I \ P'k Pkj )) < max (Y- p ik j J

M(n)1 = Mcn)P ,

i i k i k

mr 1) =min p^^ +i) = min Y_ P ik Pkj)J min (^ Pikm;") ^ = m;" ) ,i i \ k i k

i.e., Mj(" ) is nonincreasing and m nondecreasing in n. Since M;" ) , mj" ) arebounded above by 1, (6.7) now implies that both sequences have the same limit,say nj . Also, 6<mj(' ) <m<nj <Mj() for all n, so that nj >6 for all jand

m,")—M(n) \p i1)_ 7El\ M(n)— m^n)

which, together with (6.8), implies the desired inequality (6.2).Finally, taking limits on both sides of the identity

Pij +l) _ > P ik )Pkj (6.9)k

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one gets it j = E k Trk Pkj, proving (6.1). Since E j p;^ ) = 1, taking limits, as n --• co,it follows that Y j nj = 1. To prove uniqueness of the probability distributionit satisfying (6.1), let it = f nj : j e S} be a probability distribution satisfyingic'p = it'. Then by iteration it follows that

frj = n;P;j = (it'p)j = (n'pp)j = (n'p 2 )j = ... _ (n'p")j = Y n;P. (6.10)

Taking limits as n —* oo, one gets nj = Y ; n ; ij = nj. Thus, n = n. n

For an irreducible aperiodic Markov chain on a finite state space S there isa positive integer v such that

6':=minp;j ) >0. (6.11)^.j

Applying Proposition 6.1 with p replaced by p" one gets a probabilityit = {rcj : j e S} such that

max — njl < (1 — Na')", n = 1, 2 .... (6.12);.j

Now use the relations

IP(jv+r") — 1Cjl = Pik )(Pkj v)- xj) ) 1< L, Pik )(1 — N(5 ' )" = (1 — Nb ' )" , in i 1,k k

(6.13)to obtain

p8j) — it! < (1 — N8')[ "iv) n = 1, 2, ... , (6.14)

where [x] is the integer part of x. From here one obtains the following corollaryto Proposition 6.1.

Corollary 6.2. Let p be an irreducible and aperiodic transition law on a statespace S having N states. Then there is a unique probability distribution it onS such that

Y_n;p;j =nj foralljeS. (6.15);


Ip!) — ijl < (1 — N6')r"J" ] for all i, je S, (6.16)

for some 6' > 0 and some positive integer v.

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The property (6.15) is important enough to justify a definition.

Definition 6.1. A probability measure it satisfying (6.15) is said to be aninvariant or steady-state distribution for p.

Suppose that it is an invariant distribution for p and let {X n} be the Markovchain with transition law p starting with initial distribution n. It follows fromthe Markov property, using (2.9), that

Pn(Xm = lo, Xm+1 = i l , ... , Xm+n = in) _ (TC ' Pm )i0Pt0t1 Pi 1 i2

.. . Pir 11.

_ lt lo PioiI Pi,(z. . . D)n Iin

= PP (X0 = i0, X1 = i1, • . Xn = in),

(6.17)for any given positive integer n and arbitrary states i0 , i 1 , ... , in e S. In otherwords, the distribution of the process is invariant under time translation; i.e.,{Xn } is a stationary Markov process according to the following definition.

Definition 6.2. A stochastic process { Yn} is called a stationary stochasticprocess if for all n, m

P(YO = i0, Y1 = i1, ... , Y. = in) = P(Ym = lo, Y1 +m = i1 , • . Yn+m = in).

(6.18)Proposition 6.1 or its corollary 6.2 establish the existence and uniqueness

of an invariant initial distribution that makes the process stationary. Moreover,the asymptotic convergence rate (relaxation time) may also be expressed in theform

IPi;) — ir;I < ce - ' (6.19)

for some c, A > 0.Suppose that {Xn } is a stochastic process with state space J = [c, d] and

having the Markov property. Suppose also that the conditional distribution ofXn+ 1 given X. = x has a density p(x, y) that is jointly continuous in (x, y) anddoes not depend on n >, 1. Given X0 = x0 , the (conditional on X0 ) joint densityof X 1 , ... , Xn is given by

J(Xi.....X..IXo=xo)(xl, ... , xn) = P(x0, X1)P(x1, X2) ...P(Xn— 1, xn). (6.20)

If X0 has a density u(x), then the joint density of X0 , . .. , Xn is

Jxo,....X,)(xo, .. . , xn) = µ(x0)P(xo, x1) ...P(xn-1, xn). (6.21)

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Now let

6 = min p(x, y). (6.22)x.y c [c,dj

In a manner analogous to the proof of Proposition 6.1, one can also obtainthe following result (Exercise 9).

Proposition 6.3. If 6 = minx, Y E[C,dlp(x, y) > 0 then there is a continuousprobability density function n(x) such that

f d n(x)p(x, y) dx = n(y) for all y e (c, d) (6.23)


p( )(x, y) — n(y)I '< [1 — 6(d — c)]' '0 for all x, ye (c, d) (6.24)


0 = max { p(x, y) — p(z, y)} . (6.25)x,y, z e [c,dl

Here p ["°(x, y) is the n-step transition probability density function of X" givenXo = x.

Markov processes on general state spaces are discussed further in theoreticalcomplements to this chapter.

Observe that if A = ((a s)) is an N x N matrix with strictly positive entries,then one may readily deduce from Proposition 6.1 that if furthermoreyN , a, = 1. for each i, then the spectral radius of A, i.e., the magnitude of thelargest eigenvalue of A, must be 1. Moreover, 2 = I must be a simple eigenvalue(i.e., multiplicity 1) of A. To see this let z be a (left) eigenvector of Acorresponding to A = 1. Then for t sufficiently large, z + to is also a positiveeigenvector (and normalizable), where it is the invariant distribution (normalizedpositive eigenvector for A = 1) of A. Thus, uniqueness makes z a scalar multipleof n. The following theorem provides an extension of these results to the caseof arbitrary positive matrices A = ((au )), i.e., a1 > 0 for 1 < i, j < N. Use is notmade of this result until Sections 11 and 12, so that it may be skipped on firstreading. At this stage it may be regarded as an application of probability toanalysis.

Theorem 6.4. [Perron—Frobenius]. Let A = ((a ij )) be a positive N x N matrix.

(a) There is a unique eigenvalue Ao of A that has largest magnitude.Moreover, A is positive and has a corresponding positive eigenvector.

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(b) Let x be any nonnegative nonzero vector. Then

v = tim A nAnx (6.26)new

exists and is an eigenvector of A corresponding to A,, unique up to ascalar multiple determined by x, but otherwise independent of x.

Proof. Define A + = {A > 0: Ax >, tix for some nonnegative nonzero vector x};here inequalities are to be interpreted componentwise. Observe that the set A +

is nonempty and bounded above by IIAII :_ JN , J" , a ij. Let Ao be the leastupper bound of A. There is a sequence {2 n : n >, l} in A + with limit Ao asn -+ oc. Let {xn : n >, l} be corresponding nonnegative vectors, normalized sothat hIxIl xi = 1, n >, 1, for which Ax n >, .?n xn . Then, since Ilxnll = 1 ,n = 1, 2, ... , {x n } must have a convergent subsequence, with limit denoted x 0 ,say. Therefore Ax 0 >, 20x 0 and hence A o e A + . In fact, it follows from the leastupper bound property of 2 c that Ax o = 2 0x0 . For otherwise there must be acomponent with strict inequality, say _j 1 a l j x j — 20x 1 = ö > 0, wherex0 = (x 1 ..... xN )', and Ij , akj xj — 2oxk >, 0, k = 2, ... , N. But then takingy = (x 1 + ((5/2), x 2 , ... , xN )' we get Ay > pl oy with strict inequality in eachcomponent. This contradicts the maximality of 2. To prove that if A is anyother eigenvalue then AlJ <, A., let z be an eigenvector corresponding to A anddefine Izl = (Iz1l, • • • , Iz n l). Then Az = Az implies AIzl %JAIIzl. Therefore, bydefinition of 2, we have 1 21 <, 20. To prove part (ii) of the Theorem we canapply Proposition 6.1 to the transition probability matrix

C^P`, 10xi

where x o = (x l , ... , xr,) is a positive eigenvector corresponding to A c,. Inparticular, noting that

(2) — N — N a ik xk akjxj — a(2 )Xj

Puj — Pik Pkj — —k = 1 20x1 AOxk ^O Xk1Xi

and inductively

^n> — ai] xjPij — ^f n >

A xi

the result follows. n

Corollary 6.5. Let A = ((a ij)) be an N x N matrix with positive entries andlet B be the (N — 1) x (N — 1) matrix obtained from A by striking out an ithrow and jth column. Then the spectral radius of B is strictly smaller than thatof A.

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Proof. Let Zoo be the largest positive eigenvalue of B and without loss ofgenerality take B = ((a 1 : i, j = 1, ... , N — 1)). Since, for some positive x,


Y a,jxj = 2ox 1 , i = 1, .. , N, x i > 0,j=1

we have


(Bx)i = a,jxj = 2oxi — a,NXN < 2OX;, 1= 1,. ..,N— 1.j=1

Thus, by the property (6.26) applied to Z oo we must have .loo <2g . n

Corollary 6.6. Let A = ((a ;j)) be a matrix of strictly positive elements and let20 be the positive eigenvalue of maximum magnitude (spectral radius). ThenA 0 is a simple eigenvalue.

Proof. Consider the characteristic polynomial p(A) = det(A — Al). Differen-tiation with respect to A gives p'(2) = —yk=, det(A k — ) I), where Ak is thematrix obtained from A by striking out the kth row and column. By Corollary6.5 we have det(Ak — 1oI) 0, since each A k has smaller spectral radius than).o . Moreover, since each polynomial det(A k — AI) has the same leading term,they all have the same sign at A = A. Thus p'(2 o) 0 0. n

Another formula for the spectral radius is given in Section 14.


In general, the transition law p may admit several essential classes, periodicities,or inessential states. In this section, we consider the asymptotics of p" for suchcases.

First suppose that S is finite and is, under p, a single class of periodic essentialstates of period d> 1. Then the matrix p °, regarded as a (one-step) transitionprobability matrix of the process viewed every d time steps, admits d(equivalence) classes Co , C l , ... , C_ 1 , each of which is aperiodic. Applying(6.16) to Cr and pd (instead of S and p) one gets, writing N, for the number ofelements in Cr ,

^pi;°^ — icj1 '< (1 — Nr Sr)In/vr for i, j a Cr, (7.1)

where nj = limn . p;^°l, v, is the smallest positive integer such that p!y•d> > 0

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for all i, j e C„ and br = min{ pij,d ) : i, j e C,}. Let 6 = min{b,: r = 0, 1, ... , d — l}.Then one has, writing L = min{ N,: 0 < r < d — 1 }, v = max{v,: 0 < r < d — 1 },

piid)—ßj1 <(1 —Lc5)I'I° ) for i, je C, (r=0,1,. ..,d— 1). (7.2)

If i E C, and j c CS with s = r + m (mod d), then one gets, using the facts thatpkjd) = 0 if k is not in Cs , and that Y-kEC. pik ) = 1 ,

^ Pijd+m) — 7Ijl = I I Pik)(Pkjd) —71j )I (I — L5)'" for i e Cr, j E Cs .



Of course,

d+m') = 0 if i e C„ j E Cs , and m' s — r (mod d). (7.4)

Note that {nj : j e Cr} is the unique invariant initial distribution on C r for therestriction of p d to C,.

Now, in view of (7.4),

nd n—I = pit'd+m) if je C„ j E Cs , and m = s — r (mod d). (7.5)—

t=1 no

If r = s then m = 0 and the index of the second sum in (7.5) ranges from 1 ton. By (7.3) one then has

I nd

lim - Y pii) = 7r J. (i, j ES). (7.6)

n—ac n t=1

This implies, on multiplying (7.6) by 1/d,


lim - Pü) _ — (i, j e S). (7.7)n—m nt=1 d

Now observe that it = {nj/d: j e S} is the unique invariant initial distributionof the periodic chain defined by p since

k n1>i, lim - P ik) Pkj

keS d kes n-oo n [=I

n 7C= lim - Y Pi;+ I) = (j e S). (7.8)

n-xnI d

Moreover, if it = {i-cj : j e S} is another invariant distribution, then

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Frj = nkPkj — it] (t = 1, 2, ...), (7.9)kES keS

so that, on averaging over t = 1, ... , n — 1, n,

fj = 1 Y_ Y ^k Pkj = nk ^1 Pk(i

(7.10)na =1 kES keS n=1

The right side converges to Y- k nk (rcj/d) = nj/d, as n —* oc by (7.7). Hencen; = /d.

IfIf the finite state space S consists of b equivalence classes of essential states(b > 1), say 61,, &'z , ... .9b , then the results of the preceding paragraphs maybe applied to each ß, for the restriction of p to ef, separately. Let it denotethe unique invariant initial distribution for the restriction of p to f;. Write n ( ` )

for the probability distribution on S that assigns probability 71j(` ) to states j e 9iand zero probabilities to states not in 4 Then it is easy to check that ^6 = I a ; t" )

is an invariant initial distribution for p, for every b-tuple of nonnegative numbers... , ab satisfying = 1. The probabilistic interpretation of this is

as follows. Suppose by a random mechanism the equivalence class .6 ; is chosenwith probability a i (1 < i < b). If tf, is the class chosen in this manner, thenstart the process with initial distribution n ( ' ) on S. The resulting Markov chain{X„} is a stationary process.

It remains to consider the case in which S has some inessential states. In thenext section it will be shown that if S is finite, then, no matter how the Markovchain starts, after a finite (possibly random) time the process will move onlyamong essential states, so that its asymptotic behavior depends entirely on therestriction of p to the class of essential states. The main results of this sectionmay be summarized as follows.

Theorem 7.1. Suppose S is finite.

(i) If p is a transition probability matrix such that there is only one essentialclass ' of (communicating) states and these states are aperiodic, thenthere exists a unique invariant distribution it such that y j , S n; = 1 and(6.16) holds for all i, j e if.

(ii) If p is such that there is only one essential class of states o' and it isperiodic with period d, then again there exists a unique invariantdistribution it such that ;E , nj = 1 and (7.3), (7.4), (7.7) hold for i, j eand i; =

(iii) If there are b equivalence classes of essential states, then (i), (ii), as thecase may be, apply to each class separately, and every convexcombination of the invariant distributions of these classes (regarded asstate spaces in their own right) is an invariant distribution for p.

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Let {X„} be a Markov chain with countable state space S and transitionprobability law p = ((p ij)). As in the case of random walks, the frequency ofreturns to a state is an important feature of the evolution of the process.

Definition 8.1. A state j is said to be recurrent if

PJ(X„ =j i.o.) = 1, (8.1)

and transient if

PJ(X„ =j i.o.) = 0. (8.2)

Introduce the successive return times to the state j as

t^° } =0, '}=min{n>0:X„=j},(8.3)

r=min{n> T:X„=j} (r= 1,2,...),

with the convention that Tj(' } is infinite if there is no n > for which X„ =j.Write

pj1=Pj(X„=i for some n? 1)=Pj(r;<oo). (8.4)

Using the strong Markov property (Theorem 4.1) we get

Pj(T!') < 00) = Pj(ii' - ' } < oo and Xt,,-„ + = i for some n i 1)

= Ej( 1 {ty- < } PXt,r - u(X„ = i for some n > 1))

= Ej(1,-„ < R,(X„ = i for some n? 1))

= Ej( 1 {t^.- „<x)Pij) = Pj(T,'-n < 00 )P«. (8.5)

Therefore, by iteration,

Pj(T !' ) < cc) = Pj(i{ l } < cc)P' - ' = Pji P - ` (r = 2, 3, ...). (8.6)

In particular, with i =j,

Pj(T(')<cc)=Pjj (r=1,2,3,...). (8.7)


Pj(X„ =j for infinitely many n) = Pj (rj(' } < cc for all r)

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1 i= Jim P

= fPii=1i(T;r^ < oo) (8.8)^

r .. 0 if pii < 1.

Further, write N(j) for the number of visits to the state j by the Markov chain{X„}, and denote its expected value by

G(i,j) = E.N(j). (8.9)

Now by (8.6) and summation by parts (Exercise 1), if i j then


E1N(j) _ Pj(N(j) > r) _ Pr+t ) < op) = Pji (8.10)r=0 r=0 r=0

so that, if i 0 j,

0 if i +* j, i.e., if p ii = 0,

G(i, j) = Pii/(l - pü) if i --, j and p 1,(8.11)00 if i -+ f and pii = 1.

This calculation provides two useful characterizations of recurrence; one is interms of the long-run expected number of returns and the other in terms of theprobability of eventual return.

Proposition 8.1

(a) Every state is either recurrent or transient. A state j is recurrent iff pii = 1iff G(j, j) = oc, and transient if pii < 1 if G(j, j) < oo.

(b) If j is recurrent, j --* i, then i is recurrent, and pi; = p ii = 1. Thus,recurrence (or transience) is a class property. In particular, if all statescommunicate with each other, then either they are all recurrent, or theyare all transient.

(c) Let j be recurrent, and S(j) _ {i e S: j -- i) be the class of states whichcommunicate with j. Let n be a probability distribution on S(j). Then

P,r (X„ visits every state in S(j) i.o.) = 1. (8.12)

Proof. Part (a) follows from (8.8), (8.11). For part (b), suppose j is recurrentand j -► i (i j). Let A r denote the event that the Markov chain visits i betweenthe rth and (r + 1)st visits to state). Then under Pi, A, (r >, 0) are independentevents and have the same probability 6, say. Now 0 > 0. For if 0 = 0, thenPJ(X„ = i for some n >, 1) = Pj((J r>0 A,) = 0, contradicting j -• i. It nowfollows from the second half of the Borel-Cantelli Lemma (Chapter 0, Lemma6.1) that PJ(A. i.o.) = 1. This implies G(j, i) = oo. Interchanging i and j in (8.11)one then obtains p,, = 1. Hence i is recurrent. Also, pi; >_ Pj(A r i.o.) = 1. Bythe same argument, p ii = 1.

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To prove part (c) use part (b) to get

P* (X„ visits i i.o.) = 1] nk P,k (X„ visits i i.o.) = I n,^ = 1. (8.13)k c S(j)k E S(j)


Pn( n {XX visits i i.o.}) = 1.



Note that G(i, i) = 1/(1 — p a ), i.e., replace p, by 1 in (8.10).For the simple random walk with p> Z, one has (see (3.9), (3.10) of

Chapter I),

(1 — 2p) for i > j,G(i, j) _ (q

)'- j

p (8.5)

1/(1-2p) for i<j.

Proposition (8.1) shows that the difference between recurrence and transienceis quite dramatic. If) is recurrent, then PP(N(j) = cc) = 1. If] is transient, notonly is it true that P3(N(j) < oo) = 1, but also E1(N(j)) < oo. Note also thatevery inessential state is transient (Exercise 7).

Example 1. (Random Rounding). A real number x >, 0 is truncated to its(greatest) integer part by the function [x] := max{n E 7L: n < x}. On the otherhand, [x + 0.5] is the value of x rounded-off to the nearest whole number.While both operations are quite common in digital filters, electrical engineershave also found it useful to use random switchings between rounding andtruncation in the hardware design of certain recursive digital multipliers. Inrandom rounding, one applies the function [x + u], where u is randomly selectedfrom [0, 1), to digitize. The objective in such designs is to remove spurious fixedpoints and limit cycles (theoretical complement 8.1).

For the underlying mathematical ideas, first consider the simple one-dimensional digital recursion (with deterministic round-off), x„ + i = [ax„ + 0.5],n = 0, 1, 2, ... , where dal < 1 is a fixed parameter. Note that x o = 0 is alwaysa fixed point; however, there can be others in 71 (depending on a). For example,if a = Z, then x o = 1 is another. Let U 1 , U2 ,... be an i.i.d. sequence of randomvariables uniformly distributed on [0, 1) and consider X, = [aX„ + U, + ,],n >, 0 on the state space 7L. Again X0 = 0 is a fixed point (absorbing state).However, for this case, as will now be shown, X. --> 0 as n —• oo with probability1. To see this, first note that 0 is an essential state and is accessible from anyother state x. That 0 is accessible in the case 0 < a < I goes as follows. Forx > 0, [ax + u] _ [ax] < ax <x if u E [0, 1 — (ax — [ax] )). If x < 0, ax 0 7L,^[ax + u]I = [ax] + II < alx) if ue(1 + ([ax] — ax), 1). In either case, these

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events have positive probability. If ax c 11, then I[ax + u]I = laxl. Since0 is absorbing, all states x ; 0 must, therefore, be inessential, and thus transient.To obtain convergence, simply note that the state space of the process startedat x is finite since, with probability 1, the process remains in the interval[ — Ixl, Ixl]. The finiteness is critical for this argument, as one can readily seeby considering for contrast the case of the simple asymmetric (p > 2) randomwalk on the nonnegative integers with absorbing boundary at 0.

Consider now the k-dimensional problem X n+ 1 = [AX n + Un+ 1 ], n = 0, 1, 2,, where A is a k x k real matrix and {Un} is an i.i.d. sequence of random

vectors uniformly distributed over the k-dimensional cube, [0, 1) k and [ ] isdefined componentwise, i.e., [x] = ([x 1 ], ... , [xk]), x e 11 k It is convenient touse the norm II II defined by Ilx lie := max{Ix,l, • • • , x,j}. The ballB,(0):= {x: Ilxllo < r} (of radius r centered at 0) for this norm is the square ofside length 2r centered at 0. Assume II Ax II o < II x II o, for all x 0 (i.e.,IIAII := sup, , 0 I1AxiI 0 /Ilx11 0 < 1) as our stability condition. Once again we wishto show that Xn —• 0 as n —> oo with probability 1. As in the one-dimensionalcase, 0 is an (absorbing) essential state that is accessible from every other statex because there is a subset N(x) of [0, 1) k having positive volume such that foreach u c N(x), one has II[Ax + u]110 < IIAxllo < Ilxll o . So each state x # 0 isinessential and thus transient. The result follows since the process starting atx e 71k does not escape B 11x1 ^ 0(0), since II[Ax + u]110 < I1Axllo + I < 11x1, + 1and, since II[Ax + u]Il o and Ilx110 are both integers, (I[Ax + u](lo < 11x10

Linear models X n+ , = AXn + En+ ,, with {En } a sequence of i.i.d. randomvectors, are systematically analyzed in Section 13.


The existence of an invariant distribution is intimately connected with thelimiting frequency of returns to recurrent states. For a process in steady stateone expects the equilibrium probability of a state j to coincide with the fractionof time spent on the average by the process in state j. To this effect a majorgoal of this section is to obtain the invariant distribution as a consequence ofa (strong) law of large numbers.

Assume from now on, unless otherwise specified, that S comprises a singleclass of (communicating) recurrent states under pfor the Markov chain {X}.

LetLet f be a real-valued function on S, and define the cumulative sums

Sn = f(Xm) (n = 1, 2, ...). (9.1)m=0

For example, if f (i) = 1 for i = j and f (i) = 0 for i j, then S/(n + 1) is

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the average number of visits to j in time 0 to n. As in Section 8, let t.r denotethe time of the rth visit to state j. Write the contribution to the sum S, fromthe rth block of'time (tr, zr + "] as,

Zj r I I I

Zr = I f^(X,,,) (r=0,1,2,...). (9.2)in =+ I

By the strong Markov property, the conditional distribution of the process{Xtl ,, Xt ..,, + ,, .. , Xrir +n , ...}, given the past up to time r, is PP , which is thedistribution of {X0 , X,, ... , Xn , ...} under X0 =1. Hence, the conditionaldistribution of Zr given the process up to time Tcr' is that ofZo = [(X 1 ) + + f (XT„), given X0 =1. This conditional distribution doesnot change with the values of X0 , X 1 .... , X(= j), rfr'. Hence, Zr isindependent of all events that are determined by the process up to time rfr ) . Inparticular, Zr is independent of Z,, ... , Z r _ . Thus, we have the following result.

Proposition 9.1. The sequence of random variables {Z 1 , Z2 , ...} is i.i.d., nomatter what the initial distribution of {X,,: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} may be.

This decomposition will be referred to as the renewal decomposition. The stronglaw of large numbers now provides that, with probability 1,


lim Z Z= EZ 1 , (9.3)r-+x r 1

providedprovided that EIZ 1 I < oc. In what follows we will make the stronger assumptionthat

T 2,

E I f(Xm)I < oo . (9.4)m = tJ! I ,

Write Nn for the number of visits to state j by time n. Now,

NN =max{r>0:tjr'<n}. (9.5)

Then (see Figure 9.1),

N„ ih 1^

n 1 J( m)

r t „*

m=0 r=1 n+I

For each sample path there are a finite number, t 1, of summands inthe first sum on the right side, except for a set of sample paths having probabilityzero. Therefore,

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S Al)

Tf(i) f(Xn)

x,=r T Tf(j) f(j) f(j) f(j) f(j)

----T-------I— Y-------------T--------------z---f(k)

k T T

0 1 •.. CO tI... i(') C(') + 1 10)... T oi„ ii +l ... T in L N. +I... n n+ I ... T iN.+u...


7...U t I I

ZIA Zi Z, ... ZN"-I Z.N,


Figure 9.1

1 T11)

lim ^ f(Xm) = 0, with probability 1. (9.7)n-.m n m=0

The last sum on the right side of (9.6) has at most r;'"' ) — r(N^ ) summands,this number being the time between the last visit to j by time n and the nextvisit to j. Although this sum depends on n, under the condition (9.4) we stillhave that (Exercise 1)

1 T'" a l l 1 T'N-' 1 1

Y_ .f(X.)I' I If(Xm)^ +0 a.s. as n— co. (9.8)n m=n n m-r"+1


S _ 1 N^ N 1 N^2] Z,+Rn = " — E Z,+R n , (9.9)

n n, 1 n Nn ,= 1

where Rn --* 0 as n --> oo with probability 1 under (9.4). Also, for each samplepath outside a set of probability 0, N N —• oo as n —• oo and therefore by (9.3)(taking limit over a subsequence)

1 N^lim — Y Zr = EZ i (9.10)n_^

if (9.4) holds. Now, replacing f by the constant function f - 1 in (9.10), we have

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lim L_ — _' = E(tj 2) — Ti(9.11)

n—x Nn

assuming that the right side is finite. Since

n — T (N" ) < T(N"+ 1) — T (N,JJ J J

which is negligible compared to Nn as n — oo, one gets (Exercise 2)

tim n = E(T^. 2 ) — r'') (9.12), Nn

Note that the right side, E(r 2) — t'), is the average recurrence time ofj(= Ej tj(' ) ), and the left side is the reciprocal of the asymptotic proportion oftime spent at].

Definition 9.1. A state j is positive recurrent if

E; T;' ) < oo. (9.13)

Combining (9.9)—(9.11) gives the following result. Note that positive recurrenceis a class property (see Theorem 9.4 and Exercise 4).

Theorem 9.2. Suppose j is a positive recurrent state under p and that f is areal-valued function on S such that

E; {If(X1)I + ... + If(X)I} < oo. (9.14)

Then the following are true.

(a) With F3-probability 1,


lim -- Z f(Xm) = E;(.f (X,) + ... + .i(X , ))/E^T; 1) . (9.15)n-aao n m=O

(b) If S comprises a single class of essential states (irreducible) that are allpositive recurrent, then (9.15) holds with probability I regardless of theinitial distribution.

Corollary 9.3. If S consists of a single positive recurrent class under p, thenfor all i, j E S,

1 n

lim - P;;) _ (9.16)n- n m=i Et

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A WORD ON PROOFS. The calculations of limits in the following proofs requirethe use of certain standard results from analysis such as Lebesgue's DominatedConvergence, Fatou's Lemma, and Fubini's theorem. These results are givenin Chapter 0; however, the reader unfamiliar with these theorems may proceedformally through the calculations to gain acquaintance with the statements.

Proof Take f to be the indicator function of the state j,

f(j) Ifor all k ^ j. (9.17)


Then Zr - 1 for all r = 0, 1, 2, ... since there is only one visit to state j in(Tcr) , i(r+1)] Hence, taking expectation on both sides of (9.15) under the initialstate i, one gets (9.16) after interchanging the order of the expectation and thelimit. This is permissible by Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem since(n + I)—' YOf(Xm)I < 1.

It will now be shown that the quantities defined by

i; =(Eji;n ) - ' (jES) (9.18)

constitute an invariant distribution if the states are all positive recurrent andcommunicate with each other. Let us first show that Y- t it = I in this case. Forthis, introduce the random variables

Ti(" ) = # {m e (r (.' ) , i (.' +i)]: Xm = i} (r = 0, 1, 2, ...), (9.19)

i.e., T i(' ) is the amount of time the Markov chain spends in the state i betweenthe rth and (r + 1)th passages to j. The sequence {T: r = 1, 2, ...} is i.i.d. bythe strong Markov property. Write

O (i) = EJ T;' ) . (9.20)


03(i) _ EJ T; 1) = Ej( T}1)) = Ej (tf2 _ r ) = ±-. (9.21)ics 1 l l 7f

Also, taking f to be the indicator function of {i} and replacing j by i in Theorem9.2, one obtains

lim Ir!wit

#{m n:Xm = =h probability 1. (9.22)

n-+ao n

On the other hand, by the strong law of large numbers applied to

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r = 1, 2, ...}, and by (9.12) and (9.18), the limit on the left side also equals

N„V T(r)

nJ IN, T1'lim -h---- = lim " N = n1 Bj (i). (9.23)n-• oc n- x n \r1 n


ni = njOj(i). (9.24)

Adding over i, one has using (9.21),


By Scheffe's Theorem (Theorem 3.7 of Chapter 0) and (9.16),

In- — 71i —+0 as n —^ oo . (9.26)

iES nm =1


1 1— Pam) Pij < TCi — - Y- pj,"• ') --> 0 as n

iES iES n m= 1 iES n m= 1



ni Pi; = lim E - Y Pjl") Pi;iES n-^ iESn m=1

in= hm - Y E p^.m)p ` .

n-^ao n m= 1 iES

1 n (m+l) _= lim Pi; — it; • (9.28)n-'x n m=1

In other words, it is invariant.Finally, let us show that for a positive recurrent chain the probability

distribution it above is the only invariant distribution. For this let it be anotherinvariant distribution. Then

it; = z niPij )

(m = 1, 2, ...). (9.29)iES

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Averaging over m = 1, 2, ... , n, one gets

1n; = Y_ ni — i Pi; (9.30)

ieS n m=1

The right side converges to Y_ i n i n; = nj by Lebesgue's Dominated ConvergenceTheorem. Hence n; = n; .

We have proved above that if all states of S are positive recurrent andcommunicate with each other, then there exists a unique invariant distributiongiven by (9.18). The next problem is to determine what happens if S comprisesa single class of recurrent states that are not positive recurrent.

Definition 9.2. A recurrent state j is said to be null recurrent if

Ej t,' = cc. (9.31)

If j is a null recurrent state and i.—.j, then for the Markov chain having initialstate i the sequence {Z,: r = 1, 2, ...} defined by (9.2) with f - 1 is still an i.i.d.sequence of random variables, but the common mean is infinity. It follows(Exercise 3) that, with Pi-probability 1,

j (N")

llm ' = cc.n^oo Nn

Since n we have

n+llim = cc,n- w Nn

and, therefore,

lim N" = 0 with P- probability 1. (9.32)". te n+l

Since 0 < N" /(n + 1) < 1 for all n, Lebesgue's Dominated ConvergenceTheorem applied to (9.32) yields

Nlim E ; " = 0. (9.33)n-^ n+1


EiNn = Ei(t. 1 (x.., =J)) = Z pi) , (9.34)m=1 m=1

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and (9.33), (9.34) lead to

lim p„) = 0 (9.35)n-.o Il + 1 m=1

if j is null-recurrent and j -+ i (or, equivalently, j H i). In other words, (9.16)holds if S comprises either a single class of positive recurrent states, or a singleclass of null recurrent states.

In the case that j is transient, (8.11) implies that G(i, j) < co, i.e.,


p;; ) <ao.m=0

In particular, therefore,

lmp;; ) = 0 (in S), (9.36)n -.

if j is a transient state.The main results of this section may be summarized as follows.

Theorem 9.4. Assume that all states communicate with each other. Then onehas the following results.

(a) Either all states are recurrent, or all states are transient.

(b) If all states are recurrent, then they are either all positive recurrent, orall null recurrent.

(c) There exists an invariant distribution if and only if all states are positiverecurrent. Moreover, in the positive recurrent case, the invariantdistribution it is unique and is given by

n= (E;i ')) 1 (j E S). (9.37)

(d) In case the states are positive recurrent, no matter what the initialdistribution p, if E,, I f (X 1 )I < cc, then

nhim !- Z f(Xm) = Z nif(i) = Enf(X,) (9.38)

n— c m=1 ieS

with Pµ-probability 1.

Proof. Part (a) follows from Proposition 8.1(a).To prove part (b), assume that j is positive recurrent and let i 0 j. Since

T`r) < r+1) _ T^') , one has ET;' ) < co. Hence (9.23) holds. Also, (9.22) holds

with iv i > 0 if i is positive recurrent, and it = 0 if i is null recurrent (use (9.32)

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in the latter case). Thus (9.24) holds. Now O (i) > 0; for otherwise T = 0 withprobability 1 for all r > 0, implying p ;, = 0, which is ruled out by the assumption.The relation (9.24) implies it > 0, since it > 0 and O (i) > 0. Therefore, all statesare positive recurrent.

For part (c), it has been proved above that there exists a unique invariantprobability distribution it given by (9.35) if all states are positive recurrent.Conversely, suppose it is an invariant probability distribution. We need to showthat all states are positive recurrent. This is done by elimination of otherpossibilities. If the states are transient, then (9.36) holds; using this in (9.29)(or (9.30)) one would get it = 0 for all j, which is a contradiction. Similarly,null recurrence implies, by (9.30) and (9.35), that ii = 0 for all j. Therefore, thestates are all positive recurrent. Part (d) will follow from Theorem 9.2 if:

(i) The hypothesis (9.14) holds whenever

Y iil.f(i)I < oo, (9.39)ics


1(ü) E;Zo = E;(.i(X1) + ... + .i(XT;1)) = —n i f(i). (9.40)tj ics

To verify (i) and (ii), first note that by the definition of

T!=)If(Xm)I = If(i)IT;' (9.41)

m I iES

Since ET;' = O (i) = ni/rr (see Eq. 9.24), taking expectations in (9.41) yields


E( If(Xm)I = E If(i)IT')) = If(i)I"`. (9.42)m=T^ ) +I ies iES 7rj

The last equality follows upon interchanging the orders of summation andexpectation, which by Fubini's theorem is always permissible if the summandsare nonnegative. Therefore (9.14) follows from (9.39). Now as in (9.42),


E;Z0 = EZi = E .i(Xm) = E( , i(i)T;' )m +i lES

_ f(i)ET' ) = 1 f(i) 1 , (9.43)ics I)

where this time the interchange of the orders of summation and expectation isjustified again using Fubini's theorem by finiteness of the double "integral."


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If the assumption that "all states communicate with each other" in Theorem9.4 is dropped, then S can be decomposed into a set . t of inessential states and(disjoint) classes S l , S2 , ... , St of essential states. The transition probabilitymatrix p may be restricted to each one of the classes S..... , S, and theconclusions of Theorem 9.2 will hold individually for each class. If more thanone of these classes is positive recurrent, then more than one invariantdistribution exist, and they are supported on disjoint sets. Since any convexcombination of invariant distributions is again invariant, an infinity of invariantdistributions exist in this case. The following result takes care of the set , ofinessential states in this connection (also see Exercise 4).

Proposition 9.5

(a) If j is inessential then it is transient.

(b) Every invariant distribution assigns zero probability to inessential,transient, and null recurrent states.

Proof. (a) If j is inessential then there exist i E S and m > I such that

P;M ) > 0 and p;; ) = 0 for all n >, 1. (9.44)


PJ(N(j)<c)>Pj(Xm =i, X,^j for n>m)

=pP.(Xn rj for n>0)=p;7' 1 >0. (9.45)

By Proposition 8.1, j is transient, since (9.45) says j is not recurrent.(b) Next use (9.36), (9.35) and (9.30) and argue as in the proof of part (c)

of Theorem 9.2 to conclude that nj = 0 if j is either transient or null recurrent.n

Corollary 9.6. If S is finite, then there exists at least one positive recurrentstate, and therefore at least one invariant distribution n. This invariantdistribution is unique if and only if all positive recurrent states communicate.

Proof. Suppose it possible that all states are either transient or null recurrent.Then

lim — p7° = 0 for all i, j e S. (9.46)n -.^ n + 1 m -p

Since (n + 1) ' I, _ , p;T ) < I for all], and there are only finitely many statesj, by Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem,

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1 1 "lim Pi; ^) = lim Pi;

jes n n+ 1 m=1 nix jes n+ 1 m=o

= lim —1

(m)%^ijn -. x n + 1 m=0 jcs


=tim 1— i 1 =lim n--1 =1. (9.47)(n- + 1 m=o n-x,n+1

But the first term in (9.47) is zero by (9.46). We have reached a contradiction.Thus, there exists at least one positive recurrent state. The rest follows fromTheorem 9.2 and the remark following its proof. •


The same method as used in Section 9 to obtain the law of large numbers maybe used to derive a central limit theorem for S. = Ym =o f(Xm ), where f is areal-valued function on the state space S. Write

= Ef(X0) = 1] it f(i), (10.1)ieS

and assume that, for Z, = L , r fr, + 1 f (Xm ), r = 0, 1, 2, ...

Ej(Z0 - E;Zo ) 2 < co. (10.2)

Now replace f by f = f - µ, and write

_ n _

Sn = Y- .J(X.) = Z (f(Xm) - U),m=0 m=0


Zr = ^ J(X) (r = 0, 1, 2, ...).m =,(i +1

Then by (9.40),

EjZr = (Ejt)En f(Xo) = 0 (r = 0, 1, 2, ...). (10.4)

Thus {Z,: r = 1, 2, ...} is an i.i.d. sequence with mean zero and finite variance

or = EJ . (10.5)

Now apply the classical central limit theorem to this sequence. As r -• cc,(1/^) jk =1 Zk converges in distribution to the Gaussian law with mean zeroand variance U 2 . Now express Sn as in (9.6) with f replaced by f, S" by S,, and

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Zr by Zr, to see that the limiting distribution of (1/^)Sn is the same as thatof (Exercise 1)

1 N,, (Na)112 1 N" (10.6)

7 r i n JNn r=1

We shall need an extension of the central limit theorem that applies to sumsof random numbers of i.i.d. random variables. We can get such a result as anextension of Corollary 7.2 in Chapter 0 as follows.

Proposition 10.1. Let {XX : j >, 1} be i.i.d., EX^ = 0, 0 < a 2 := EX J2 < oc. Let

{v n : n >, l} be a sequence of nonnegative integer-valued random variables withv

lim " = a in probability (10.7)n-•,, n

for some constant a > 0. Then XX/✓v, converges in distribution toN(0, a 2 ).

Proof. Without loss of generality, let a = 1. Write S n := X, + • • + Xn . ChooseF > 0 arbitrarily. Then,

P(IS,•" — Small > c([na])1/2

) < P(Ivn — [na]I s 3 [na])

+ P( max ISm — (n]1 % c([na]) 1J2)(mI — (na1I <L 3 Ina17

(10.8)The first term on the right goes to zero as n —> x, by (10.7). The second termis estimated by Kolmogorov's Maximal Inequality (Chapter 1, Corollary 13.7),as being no more than

{s([na]) 1 J z ) -z (8 3 [na]) = r. (10.9)

This shows that

S—" — Sfna1 —+ 0 in probability. (10.10)


Since S1na1 /([na]) l " 2 converges in distribution to N(0, 1), it follows from (10.10)that so does S"/([na])'/ z . The desired convergence now follows from (10.7).


By Proposition 10.1, N»'2 1 Zr is asymptotically Gaussian with meanzero and variance o z . Since N„/n converges to (Er') ', it follows that theexpression in (10.6) is asymptotically Gaussian with mean zero and variance

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(Ej i5 l) ) -1 0 2 . This is then the asymptotic distribution of n - '/ 25,,. Moreover,defining, as in Chapter I,

Wn(t) = Sin(]


l' (t) = W(t) +I(nt — [nt])X 1+ 1 (t '> 0),


all the finite-dimensional distributions of {W„(t)}, as well as {W(t)}, convergein distribution to those of Brownian motion with zero drift and diffusioncoefficient

D = (Ejij1>)-'Q2 (10.12)

(Exercise 2). In fact, convergence of the full distribution may also be obtainedby consideration of the above renewal argument. The precise form of thefunctional central limit theorem (FCLT) for Markov chains goes as follows (seetheoretical complement 1).

Theorem 10.2. (FCLT). If S is a positive recurrent class of states and if (10.2)holds then, as n -+ oo, l4(I) = (n + 1) -112S„ converges in distribution to aGaussian law with mean zero and variance D given by (10.12) and (10.5).Moreover, the stochastic process {W(t)} (or {W(t)}) converges in distributionto Brownian motion with zero drift and diffusion coefficient D.

Rather than using (10.12), a more convenient way to compute D is sometimesthe following. Write E,^, Var, f , Cov,, for expectation, variance, and covariance,respectively, when the initial distribution is it (the unique invariant distribution).The following computation is straightforward. First write, for any two functionsh, g that are square summable with respect to it,

= Z h(i)g(i)r1 = E,,[h(X0)g(X0)]. (10.13)ics


Var,,((n + 1)-1/2) = E,d f(Xm) J J

Z '(n + 1)(M=O

= E,,

MZ0 1 2(Xm) +2 mm 1 M^ O J (Xm')J (Xm)]'(n + 1)


E,J 2 (Xm)n + 1 m=0

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+ —? I Y E,,[J (Xm , )Erz(f (Xm) I Xr')]n + 1 m=1 m0

= EJ 2(X0) +2

1— Y Y Erz[f (Xm , )(Pm-m

J )(XYr')]n + 1 m=1 m=0

= EJ 2 (X0 ) + —^rn- I

Erz % (X0)(Pm '.j)(X0)]n + 1 m=1 m'=0

=ErzfZ(X0)+2 n m-1

---- Z, _Z <J,Pm-mJ>rzn + 1 m=1 m'=0

=Erzf 2 (X0)+ 2 f, 1 Y-1

k 'Y-Pi I(k=m—m )

n+ m = 1 k= 1 I n(10.14)

Now assume that the limit


y= lim I <f,P kfi rz (10.15)mimeo k=1

exists and is finite. Then it follows from (10.14) that

D = lim Var,,((n + l)_' 2 ) = E,, f 2 (Xo ) + 2y = irj f 2 (j) + 2y. (10.16)n^ o is

Note that

<f, Pkfirz = COVf{.f(X0),f(Xk)}, (10.17)


m m

Y <j Pkj >rz = COV{f(X0),J (Xk)l.k=1 k=1

The condition (10.15) that y exists and is finite is the condition that thecorrelation decays to zero at a sufficiently rapid rate for time points k unitsapart as k , oo.


Suppose that p is a transition probability matrix for a Markov chain {Xn }starting in state i e S. Suppose that j e S is an absorbing state of p, i.e., p 1,Pik = 0 for k # j. Let rj denote the time required to reach j,

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rj = inf{n: X. =j}. (11.1)

To calculate the distribution of ij, consider that

P1(r > m) = Y-* Per, PiIi2... Pi-- ;m , (11.2)

where Y* denotes summation over all m-tuples (i,, i2 , ... , i„) of elements fromS — { j}. Now let p° denote the matrix obtained by deleting the jth row and jthcolumn from p,

p° = ((p ik : i, k E S — { j})). (11.3)

Then, by definition of matrix multiplication, the calculation (11.2) may beexpressed as

Pi(t j > m) _ L P kkm1, (11.4)k

and, therefore,

Pi(tj=m)=ZA<M-11_LPklml 7 Ai. (11.5)k k

Observe that the above idea can be applied to the calculation of the firstpassage time to any state j e S or, for that matter, to any nonempty set A ofstates such that i 0 A. Moreover, it follows from Theorem 6.4 and its corollariesthat the rate of absorption is, therefore, furnished by the spectral radius of p° .This will be amply demonstrated in examples of this section.

Proposition 11.1. Let p be a transition probability matrix for a Markov chain{X„} starting in state i. Let A be a nonempty subset of S, i 0 A. Let

T A = inf{n >, 0: X„ E A}. (11.6)


R(TA-m)=1—Y_Pk^m), m=1,2,..., (11.7)k

where p° is the matrix obtained by deleting the rows and columns of pcorresponding to the states in A.

In general, the matrix p ° is not a proper transition probability matrix since therow sums may be strictly less than 1 upon the removal of certain columns fromp. However, if each of the rows in p corresponding to states j e A is replacedby ej having 1 in the jth place and 0 elsewhere, then the resulting matrix ,say, is a transition probability matrix and

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Pi(TA < m) = 1 — Pik ) (11.8)k¢A

The reason (11.8) holds is that up to the first passage time to the distributionof Markov chains having transition probability matrices p and (starting at i)are the same. In particular,

Pik ) =Pk(m) fori,k0A. (11.9)

In the case that there is more than one state in A, an important problem isto determine the distribution of X,,, starting from i A. Of course, ifP; ('r A < co) < 1 then X, is a defective random variable under Pi, being definedon the set {rA < co} of P;-probability less than 1.


aJ(i):= Pi ({TA < co, XXA =j}) (j E A, i E S). (11.10)

By the Markov property, (conditional on X, in (11.10)),

aj(i)_>P ik ai(k) (jEA,ieS). (11.11)k

Denoting by aj the vector (a(i): i E S), viewed as a column vector, one mayexpress (11.10) as

aj=paj (je A). (11.12)

Alternatively, (11.11) or (11.12) may be replaced by

aj(i) _ E p k aJ(k) for i A,k

(11.13)_ 1 ifi=j

a' (j) 0 if i E A, but i A j(^ E A).

A function (or, vector) a = (a(i): i ES) is said to be p-harmonic on B(c S) if

a(i) = (pa)(i) for i e B. (11.14)

Hence aj is p-harmonic on A` and has the (boundary-)values on A,


1 ifi=j

a' (i) if i e A, i^ j.(11.15)

We have thus proved part (a) of the following proposition.

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Proposition 11.2. Let p be a transition probability matrix and A a nonemptysubset of S.

(a) Then the distribution of Xtq , as defined by (11.10), satisfies (11.13).(b) This is the unique bounded solution if and only if

P; (TA <oo)=1 forallieS. (11.16)

Proof. (b) Let i e A. Then

Pil o = P1 (T A > n)1 P,(T A = cc) as n T oo. (11.17)kEAl

Hence, if (11.16) holds, then

um p;V = 0 for all i, k e A. (11.18)n-. .0

On the other hand,

Pil o =P(TA<n,X^A=k)TPI(TA< cc, XTA=k)=ak(i) (11.19)


PIk ) = b ik for all n, if i e A, k e S.

Now let a be another solution of (11.13), besides a j. Then a satisfies (11.12),which on iteration yields a = p"a. Taking the limit as n j oo, and using (11.18),(11.19), one gets

a(i) = tim a(k) _ ak(i)a(k) = a(i) (11.20)n—w k keA

for all je A`, since a(k) = 0 for k E A\{ j} and a(j) = 1. Hence a; is the uniquesolution of (11.13).

Conversely, if P; (T A < cc) < 1 for some in A`, then the functionh = (h(i): i e S) defined by

h(i):= I — P; (T A < cc) = Pi(TA = 00) (i n S), (11.21)

may be shown to be p-harmonic in A with (boundary-)value zero on A. Theharmonic property is a consequence of the Markov property (Exercise 5),

h(i) = Pi(TA = 00 ) = Y_ PikPk(TA = 00 )k

_ Y_ Pik') _ Y_ P ik h(k) (i E A`). (11.22)k k

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Since P;(tA = 0) = 1 for je A, h(i) = 0 for je A. It follows that both a j andaJ + h satisfy (11.13). Since h r 0, the solution of (11.13) is not unique. •

Example 1. (A Random Replication Model). The simple Wright-Fisher modeloriginated in genetics as a model for the evolution of gene frequencies. Herethe mathematical model will be described in a somewhat different physicalcontext. Consider a collection of 2N individuals, each one of which is either infavor of or against some issue. Let X„ denote the number of individuals in favorof the issue at time n = 0, 1, 2, .... In the evolution, each one of the individualswill randomly re-decide his or her position under the influence of the currentoverall opinion as follows. Let B„ = XX /2N denote the proportion in favor ofthe issue at time n. Then given X0 , X...... X, each of the 2N individuals,independently of the choices of the others, elects to be in favor with probability0,, or against the issue with probability I — 0„. That is,

P(-Y„+1 = k Xo , X,, ... , X„)(2N)

8n(1 — B„)zN - k (11.23)

for k = 0, 1, ... , 2N. So {X„} is a Markov chain with state spaceS = {0, 1, ... , 2N} and one-step transition matrix p = ((p, j )), where

Pik _ (2N^^2N)j(I — )2N-i

i, j = 0, 1, ... , 2N. (11.24)

Notice that {X„} is an aperiodic Markov chain. The "boundary” states {0}and {2N} form closed classes of essential states. The set of states{ 1, 2, ... , 2N — I } constitute an inessential class. The model has a specialconservation property of the form of the following martingale property,

E(X„+1 1 Xo , X 1 ..... X„) = E(X„+1 1 X„) = (2N)2N = X„, (11.25)

for n = 0, 1, 2, .... In particular, therefore,

EX,,, = E{E(X„+, 1 Xo , X t , ... , X„)} = EX„, (11.26)

for n = 0, 1, 2..... However, since S is finite we know that in the long run{X„} is certain to be absorbed in state 0 or 2N, i.e., the population is certainto eventually come to a unanimous opinion, be it pro or con. It is of interest tocalculate the absorption probabilities as well as the rate of absorption. Here,with A = {0, 2N}, one has p = p.

Let a(i) denote the probability of ultimate absorption at j = 0 or at j = 2Nstarting from state i e S. Then,

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a2N(1 ) _ > hika2N(k) for 0< i < 2N,/ k (11.27)

a2N(2N) = 1, a2N(0) = 0,

and ao (i) = 1 — a 2N(i). In view of (11.26) and (11.19) we have

2Ni = E ; X0 = E . X,, _ kp;k) —. 0a 0 (i) + 2Na2N(i) = 2Na2N(i)


for i = 1, ... , 2N — 1. Therefore,

2N() =a i 2N , i =0, 1, 2,...,2N, (11.28)

2N —iao(i) = 2N ' i = 0, 1, 2, ... , 2N. (11.29)

Check also that (11.29) satisfies (11.27).In order to estimate the rate at which fixation of opinion occurs, we shall

calculate the eigenvalues of p(= p here).Let v = (vo , ... , v 2N)' and consider the eigenvalue problem

2NE' p ;j vj =2v i , i =0,1,...,2N. (11.30)


The rth factorial moment of the binomial distribution (p ij : 0 < j < 2N) is

Z j(j — 1)... (j — r + l)pij =(2N)1r(2N)... (2N — r + 1)

(2N — rlj = o j =r j — r

(jJ_r i 2N -j

x 2N) 1 — 2N

_ (_N I r(2N)(2N — 1)...(2N — r + 1),

jj (11.31)for r = 1, 2, ... , 2N. Equation (11.31) contains a transformation between"factorial powers" and "ordinary powers" that deserves to be examined forconnections with (11.30). The "factorial powers" (j)r := j(j — 1)... (j — r + 1)are simply polynomials in the "ordinary powers" and can be expressed as

rj(1 — 1)•••(j — r + 1) _ skjk. (11.32)

k =1

Likewise, "ordinary powers" jr can be expressed as polynomials in the "factorial

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powers" as


J r = Sk(J)k, (11.33)k=0

with the convention (j)0 = 1. Note that Sr' = 1 for all r > 0. The coefficientsSr), {Sk} are commonly referred to as Stirling coefficients of the first and second

kinds, respectively.Now every vector v = (v 0 , ... , v2N)' may be represented as the successive

values of a unique (factorial) polynomial of degree 2N evaluated at 0, 1, . .. , 2N(Exercise 7), i.e.,


ar(j)r forj=0,1,...,2N. (11.34)r=0

According to (11.24), (11.32),

2N 2N 2N 2N !2N\2N /2N) r

pij vj = L- ar Y- pij(J)r — Y- ar t Jr jr = \Y- ar r

S(2Nj =0 r=0 j=0 r=0 (2N) r=0 (2N) n=0

2N /2N

= Y- ar (2N)r S»)(1)n. (11.35)(2N )rn=0 r=n

It is now clear that (11.30) holds if and only if

2N (2N)'7 (11.36)

r n

a, (2N)r S»

In particular, taking n = 2N and noting S' = 1, we see that (11.36) holds if

_ _ (2N )2N (2N) I, \ 1 1.37 )^`'2N (2N)2N + a2N — a2n

and a r = & 2N) , r = 2N — 1,... ‚0, are solved recursively from (11.36). Nexttakea2N 1) — 0 , a2N-11) = 1 and solve for

(2N)2N_ 1 etc.(2N)2N-1'


2r (2N)' = ( 12N)...(1 — r — 1),0 < r < 2N. (11.38)

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Notice that .lo = A l = 1. The next largest eigenvalue is A 2 = 1 — (1/2N). LetV = ((v ij)) be the matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors obtained above.Writing D = diag(a. 0 , A.1, ... , 22 ,), this means

pV = VD, (11.39)


p = VDV -1 , (11.40)

so that

p'° = VDmV -1 . (11.41)

Therefore, writing V' = ((v i ')), we have from (11.8)

2N-1 2N-1 2N 2N 2N-1

Pi(T(o.2N) > m) = Y p,, Y_ Y_ Ak vikU k' _ Y Y_ V ik V k' tik . (11.42)j=1 j=1 k=O k=O j=1

Since the left side of (11.42) must go to zero as m —• oo, the coefficients ofand A; - 1 must be zero. Thus,

2N 2N-1

Pi(T(0.2N) > m) _ Y, Y, Vikv k^^kk=O j=1

_ ^2 Lt ,E1 1 vi2v2i) + kY 1 ,Y1 1 Vik Uk,/ \^ 2/ mJ

— (const.).12 for large m. (11.43)

Example 2. (Bienayme—Galton—Watson Simple Branching Process). A simplebranching process was introduced as Example 3.7. The state X,, of the processat time n represents the total number of offspring in the nth generation of apopulation that evolves by i.i.d. random replications of parent individuals. Ifthe offspring distribution is denoted by f then, as explained in Section 3, theone-step transition probabilities are given by

.f * `(j), ifi>'1,j>'0,

pij = 1 ifi=0,j=0, (11.44)

0 ifi=0,j 0.

According to the values of p i j at the boundary, the state i = 0 is absorbing(permanent extinction). Write p io for the probability that eventually extinctionoccurs given X0 = i. Also write p = p lo . Then p io = p i, since each of the isequences of generations arising from the i initial particles has the same chance

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p of extinction, and the i sequences evolving independently must all be extinctin order that there may be eventual extinction, given X0 = i.

If f(0) = 0, then p = p, o = 0 and extinction is impossible. If f(0) = 1, then

pro % pi- = I and extinction is certain (no matter what Xo is). To avoid theseand other trivialities, we assume (unless otherwise specified)

0<f(0)<1, f(0)+f(1)<1. (11.45)

Introduce the probability generating . function of f:

0(z) _ f(j)z' = f(0) + f(j)zi ( IzI '< 1). (11.46)i=o i = 1

Since a power series can be differentiated term by term within its radius ofconvergence, one has

4 , (z) = — 4)(z) _ Y_ jf(j)zi ' ( Iz1 < 1). (11.47)dz j=1

If the mean y of the number of particles generated by a single particle is finite,i.e., if

µ = Y_ ifU) < oo, (11.48)i =1

then (11.47) holds even for the left-hand derivative at z = 1, i.e.,


Since ç&'(z) > 0 for 0 < z < 1, 0 is strictly increasing. Also, since 4)"(z) (whichexists and is finite for 0 < z < l) satisfies

d zzz O(z) _ j(j — 1)f(j)z' 2 >0 for 0 < z < 1, (11.50)

i =2

the function 0 is strictly convex on [0, 1]. In other words, the line segmentjoining any two points on the curve y = 4)(z) lies strictly above the curve (exceptat the two points joined). Because 0(0) = f(0) >0 and 4)(l) _ f(j) = 1,the graph of ¢ looks like that of Figure 11.1 (curve a or b).

The maximum of ¢'(z) is y, which is attained at z = 1. Hence, in the caseµ > 1, the graph of y = 4)(z) must lie below that of y = z near z = 1 and, because4)(0) = f(0) > 0, must cross the line y = z at a point z o , 0 < zo < 1. Since theslope of the curve y = 4)(z) continuously increases as z increases in (0, 1), z o isthe unique solution of the equation z = 4)(z) that is smaller than 1.

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4(0) = f(0)

U Zo I z

Figure 11.1

In case u <, 1, y = cb(z) must lie strictly above the line y = z, except at z = 1.For if it meets the line y = z at a point z o < 1, then it must go under the linein the immediate vicinity to the right of z o , since its slope falls below that ofthe line (i.e., unity). In order to reach the height 4(l) = 1 (also reached by theline at the same value z = 1) its slope then must exceed 1 somewhere in (zo , 1];this is impossible since 0'(z) < 0'(1) = p < I for all z in [0,1]. Thus, the onlysolution of the equation z = 4(z) is z = 1.

Now observe

P=Pio= P(X1=»X0= 1 )Pjo= ^.f(1)P'=q5 (P), (11.51)

thus if p <, 1, then p = 1 and extinction is certain. On the other hand, supposep> 1. Then p is either zo or 1. We shall now show that p = z o (< 1). For this,consider the quantities

q„'=P(X„=0I Xo = 1)=Piö (n=1,2,...). (11.52)

That is, q„ is the probability that the sequence of generations originating froma single particle is extinct at time n. As n increases, q. j p; for clearly,{X„=0}c{X,,,=0} for all m>,n,so that q„<,qifn<m.Also

lim X„ = 0 = U {X„ = 0} = {extinction occurs).

Now, by independence of the generations originating from different particles,

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P(X„=O1 Xo=j)=q i (J=O, 1,2,...),

q,,+1 =P(X,+1 =01X0 = 1)=P(X I =01X0 = 1)


+ Y- P(X 1 =J,X,+1 =O^Xo= I)j=1


=f(0)+ Z P(X 1 = j I Xo = 1 )P(X„+1 = 0 1X0 = 1, X 1 =J)j=1

_ f(0) + f(J)q,' = O(qn) (n = 1, 2, ...). (11.53)i =1

Since q 1 = f(0) = 4ß(0) < 4(z0 ) = zo (recall that çb(z) is strictly increasing in zfor 0 < z < 1), one has using (11.53) with n = 1, q 2 = o(q 1 ) < O(zo ) = zo , andso on. Hence, q„ <z for all n. Therefore, p = lim n .. q„ < zo . This provesp = zo .

If f(0) + f(1) = 1 and 0 <f(0) < 1, then q5"(z) = 0 for all z, and the graphof 4(z) is the line segment joining (0, f(0)) and (1, 1). Hence, p = I in this case.

Let us now compute the average size of the nth generation. One has

E(a'^+1 I `Yo = 1 ) = Z kPik+l^ _ k(Z PliPik)k=1 k=1 \j=1

_^ ^kP^n1c11—^ ^i(k^1111j Pjk — P1j ` Pjk l

k=1 j=1 J. k=1

O ro

_ p)E(XI I Xo =j)= pi jE(XI 1X0 = 1)j=1 j=1

ao a.

_ Pi;Ju = P 1Pij = µE(X„ I Xo = 1). (11.54)j= 1 j=1

Continuing in this manner, one obtains

E(X,,+ 1 I Xo = 1) = uE(X,, j X0 = 1) = p 2 E(XX- j Xo = 1 )

=...=p"E(X 1 IXo =1)=µn+ 1 . (11.55)

It follows that

E(X,, I X0 =1) =.IP ° . (11.56)

Thus, in the case µ < 1, the expected size of the population at time n decreasesto zero exponentially fast as n -+ co. If µ = 1, then the expected size at time ndoes not depend on n (i.e., it is the same as the initial size). If µ > 1, then theexpected size of the population increases to infinity exponentially fast.

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The notion of a Gibbs distribution has its origins in statistical physics as aprobability distribution with respect to which bulk thermodynamic propertiesof materials in equilibrium can be expressed as expected values (called phaseaverages). The thrust of Gibbs' idea is that a theoretically convenient way inwhich to view materials at the microscopic scale is as a large system composedof randomly distributed but interacting components, such as the positions andmomenta of molecules comprising the material.

To arrive at an appropriate probability distribution for computing large-scaleaverages, Gibbs argued that the probability of a given configuration ofcomponent values in equilibrium should be inversely proportional to anexponential function of the total energy of the configuration. In this way thelowest-energy configurations (ground states) are the most likely (modes) tooccur. Moreover, the additivity of the combined total energy of twononinteracting systems is reflected in the multiplication rule for (exponential)probabilities of independent values for such a specification. It is a tribute tothe genius of Gibbs that this approach leads to the correct thermodynamics atthe bulk material scale. Perhaps because of the great success these ideas haveenjoyed in physics, Gibbs' probability distributions have also been introducedto represent systems having a large number of interacting components in a widevariety of other contexts, ranging from both genetic and automata codes toeconomic and sociological systems.

For purposes of orientation one may think of random values {X„: n e A}(states) from a finite set S distributed over a finite set of sites. The set ofpossible configurations is then represented by the cartesian productS2:_ {w = (6„: n e A) I n --> fin e S. n e A, is a function on Al. For A and Sfinite, S2 is also a finite set and a (free-boundary) Gibbs distribution on S2 canbe described by a probability mass function (p.m.f.) of the form

P(Xn = o, n e A):= Z - ` exp{ —ßU(cw)}, w = (6,,) e S (12.1)

where U(w) is a real-valued function on S2, referred to as total potential energyof configurations as e S2, ß is a positive parameter called inverse temperature, and

Z:= Z exp{—ßU(w)}, (12.2)WE

is the normalization constant, referred to as the partition function.Observe that if P is any probability distribution on a finite set S2 that assigns

strictly positive probability p(w) to each co e S2, then P can trivially be expressedin the form (12.1) with U(w) = — ß - ' log{p(w)}. In physics, however, oneregards the total potential energy as a sum of energies at individual sites plusthe sum of interaction energies between pairs of sites plus the sum of energiesbetween triples, etc., and the probability distribution is specified for varioustypes of such interactions. For example, if U(w) = > fEA q1(6n) for

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co = (o„: n E A) is a sum of single-site energies, higher-order interactions beingzero, then the distribution (12.1) is that of independent components; similarlyfor the case of infinite temperature ((i = 0).

It is both natural and quite important to consider the problem of extendingthe above formulation to the so-called infinite volume setting in which A is acountably infinite set of sites. We will consider this problem here forone-dimensional systems on A = Z consisting of interacting components takingvalues in a finite set S and for which the nonzero interaction energies contributingto U are at most between pairs of nearest-neighbor (i.e., adjacent) integer sites.

Let Q = S1 for a finite set S and let .F be the sigmafield generated byfinite-dimensional cylinder sets of the form

C={w=(a„)efto k =sk forkeA}, (12.3)

where A is a finite subset of Z and Sk e S is specified for each k e A. Althoughit would be enough to consistently prescribe the probabilities for such eventsC, except for the independent case it is not quite obvious how to do this startingwith energy considerations. First consider then the independent case. Forsingle-site energies q 1 (s, n), se S. at the respective sites ne Z, the probabilitiesof cylinder events can be specified according to the formula

P(C) = Zn' exp{ —ß Y_ cp, (sk, k)}, (12.4)l keA J

where ZA appropriately normalizes P for each set of sites A. In the homogeneous(or translation-invariant) case we have cp,(s, n) = cp l (s), s e S, depending on thesite n only through the component values s at n.

Now suppose that we have in addition to single-site energies cp, (s), pairwisenearest-neighbor interactions represented by (p 2 (s, n; t, m) for In — ml = 1, s, t e S.For translation invariance of interactions, take cp 2 (s, n; t, m) = q 2 (s, t) ifIn — ml = 1 and 0 otherwise. Now because values inside of A should bedependent on values across boundaries of A it is less straightforward toconsistently write down expressions for P(C) than in (12.4). In fact, in thisconnection it is somewhat more natural to consider a (local) specification ofconditional probabilities of finite-dimensional events of the form C, giveninformation about a configuration outside of A. Take A = {n} and consider aspecification of the conditional probability of C = {X„ = s} given an event ofthe form {Xk = Sk for k e D„ \{n}}, where D„ is a finite set of sites that includesn and the two neighboring sites n — 1 and n + 1, as follows

P(X„= sIXk =sk ,keD\{n})

= Z,,.''„ exp{ — ß[cpi(s) + (P2(s, s„ -1) + (P2(s, sn +i)] }> (12.5)


Zn.n„= Y exp{ — ß[9,(s)+92(s>s,- 1)+42(s,S,, +i)] }. (12.6)scs

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That is, the state at n depends on the given states at sites in D„ \ {n} only throughthe neighboring values at n — 1, n + 1. One would like to know that there isa probability distribution having these conditional probabilities. For theone-dimensional case at hand, we have the following basic result.

Theorem 12.1. Let S be an arbitrary finite set, S2 = S^, and let be thesigmafield of subsets of ) generated by finite-dimensional cylinder sets. Let{Xn } be the coordinate projections on S2. Suppose that P is a probability measureon S with the following properties.

(i) P(C) > 0 for every finite-dimensional cylinder set C e S.(ii) For arbitrary n c- Z let 3(n) = {n — 1, n + 1 } denote the boundary of {n}

in 7L. If f is any S-valued function defined on a finite subset D,, of 7/ thatcontains {n} u ä(n) and if a e S is arbitrary, then the conditionalprobability

P(X„=a Xm = f(m),meD„\{n})

depends only on the values of f on a(n).

(iii) The value of the conditional probability in (ii) is invariant undertranslation by any amount 0 e 7L.

Then P is the distribution of a (unique) stationary (i.e., translation-invariant)Markov chain having strictly positive transition probabilities and, conversely,every stationary Markov chain with strictly positive transition probabilitiessatisfies (i), (ii), and (iii).

Proof. Let

gb,C(a)=P(X„=1 X.- =b,X„+„ =c). (12.7)

The family of conditional probabilities {gb (a)} is referred to as the local structureof the probability distribution. We will prove the converse statement first andalong the way we will calculate the local structure of P in terms of the transitionprobabilities. So assume that P is a stationary Markov chain with strictlypositive transition matrix ((p(a, b): a, b e S)) and marginal distribution(n(a): a E S). Consider cylinder set probabilities given by

P(XX = ao , X„+ = a l , ... , X,,+n = ab) = ir(ao)p(ao, a, ) ... p(ab_ 1, ab). (12.8)

So, in particular, the condition (i) is satisfied; also see (2.9), (2.6), Prop. 6.1.For m and n > I it is a straightforward computation to verify

P(Xo=al X-m=b_„,,...,X_, =b-,,X1 =b1,...,XX =b^)

=P(X0 =ajX- 1 =b-1,X1 =b1)

= p(b-1, a)p(a, bi)/pj2)

(b- i, bi ) = gb— e.b,(a). (12.9)

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Therefore, the condition (ii) holds for P. since condition (iii) also holds becauseP is the distribution of a stationary Markov chain. Next suppose that P is aprobability distribution satisfying (i), (ii), and (iii). We must show that P is thedistribution of a stationary Markov chain. Fix an arbitrary element of S, denotedas 0, say. Let the local structure of P be as defined in (12.7). Observe that foreach b, c E S. g( ) is a probability measure on S. Outlined in Exercise 1 arethe steps required to show that

q(b, a)q(a, c)g(a) =q^z^(b ^) (12.10)


q(b, c) = g0, (b)

(12.11)g9 (0)

andq("+ ' > (b, c) = I q(b, a)q(a, c). (12.12)


An induction argument, as outlined in Exercise 2, can be used to check that

P(`ik+h = ak , 1 < k < r I Xh+ l -" = a, Xh+r+n = b)

= q (" ) (a, a1)q(ai, a2 ). .. q (")(ar b)

(12.13)q (r+ 2n - 1)(Q b)b) >l ,

for h E 7L, a ; , a, b E S. n, r > 1. We would like to conclude that P coincideswith the (uniquely determined) stationary Markov chain having transitionprobabilities ((q(b, c))) defined by normalizing ((q(b, c))) to a transitionprobability matrix according to the special formula

q(b, c)µ(c) 9(b, c)µ(c)4(b,c)= --- _ — (12.14)

Y q(b,a),u(a) Au(b)aES

where p = (µ(a)) is a positive eigenvector of q corresponding to the largest (inmagnitude) eigenvalue ), = Amax of q. Note that q is a strictly positive transitionprobability matrix with unique invariant distribution n, say, and such that(Exercise 3)

9(b, c) = q^") (b, c)µ(c)


Let Q be the probability distribution of this Markov chain. It is enough to

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show that P and Q agree on the cylinder events. Using (12.13) we have for anyn 1,

P(X0 =ao ,...,Xr = ar)

_ P(X-n= a,Xn+r=b)P(X0=a0,...,Xr=arI X - n = a,Xn+r=b)aES bES

_ P(X-n = a, Xn+r = b) q(n) (a , ao)9(ao, a,) ... q(ar-,, ar)q

(n)(a,, b)

aES bESq(r+2n)(a, b)

Y_ Y_ P (X-n = a, Xn+r = b) 4(n) (a , a0)4(a0, a1). . • (a r _ 1, ar)4 (n) (ar , b )

aeS beSq(r +2n)(a, b)

(12.16)Now let n - oo to get by the fundamental convergence result of Proposition6.1 (Exercise 4),

P(X0 = a0 , ... , Xr = a,) = ir(ao)4(ao, a1)...4(ar -i, ar)

=Q(X0 =ao,...,Xr =ar ). (12.17)

Probability distributions on 7L that satisfy (i)-(iii) of Theorem 12.1 are alsoreferred to as one-dimensional Markov random fields (MRF). This definitionhas a natural extension to probability distributions on 7L ° called thed-dimensional Markov random field. For that matter, the important element ofthe definition of a MRF on a countable set A is that A have a graph structure

to accommodate the notion of nearest-neighbor (or adjacent) sites. The resulthere shows that one-dimensional Markov random fields can be locally specifiedand are in fact stationary Markov chains. While existence of a probabilitydistribution satisfying (i)-(iii) can be proved for any dimension d (for finite S),the probability distribution need not be unique. This interesting phenomenonis known as a phase transition. Existence may fail in the case that S is countablyinfinite too (see theoretical complement 1).


The canonical construction of Markov chains on the space of trajectories hasbeen explained in Chapter I, Section 6, using Kolmogorov's Existence Theorem.In the present section and the next, another widely used general method ofconstruction of Markov processes on arbitrary state spaces is illustrated.Markovian models in this form arise naturally in many fields, and they areoften easier to analyze in this noncanonical representation.

Example 1. (The Linear Autoregressive Model of Order One, or the AR(1)Model). Let b be a real number and {En : n > 1} an i.i.d. sequence of real-valued

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random variables defined on some probability space (f), .F, P). Given an initialrandom variable X0 independent of {E„}, define recursively the sequence ofrandom variables {X": n > 0} as follows:

X,, X 1 := bXo + c , Xn+ 1 := bXn +„ (n 0). (13.1)

As X0 , X 1 ... . , Xn are determined by {X0 , s„ .... En }, and E" + , is independentof the latter, one has, for all Bore! sets C,

P(Xn+t E Cl {X0 , X 1 ... .. Xn}) = [P(bx + c,,1 E C)]x=x„

= [P(En+ ^ E C — bx)] =x„ = Q(C — bXn),(13.2)

where Q is the common distribution of the random variables t.• n . Thus {Xn : n >, 0}is a Markov process on the state space S = ER', having the transition probability(of going from x to C in one step)

p(x, C):= Q(C — bx), (13.3)

and initial distribution given by the distribution of X 0 . The analysis of thisMarkov process is, however, facilitated more by its representation (13.1) thanby an analytical study of the asymptotics of n-step transition probabilities. Notethat successive iteration in (13.1) yields

X,=bX0 +E,, X2 =bX,+f 2 =b 2 X0 +he,+c 2 ••(13.4)

XX = bnX0 + bn-' E1 + bn-2 c2 + ... + be„-, + e„ (n % I).

The distribution of Xn is, therefore, the same as that of

Y„ := b"X0 + e, + bs 2 + b 2e 3 + • • . + b""'F (n >, 1). (13.5)

Assume now that

IbI < 1 (13.6)

and lens < c with probability I for some constant c. Then it follows from (13.5)that

Yn —' b"En+^ a.s., (13.7)n=0

regardless of X0 . Let it denote the distribution of the random variable on theright side in (13.7). Then Y. converges in distribution to it as n -, oo (Exercise1). Because the distribution of X. is the same as that of Yn , it follows that X.converges in distribution to n. Therefore, is is the unique invariant distributionfor the Markov process {Xn }, i.e., for p(x, dy) (Exercise 1).

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The assumption that the random variable s, is bounded can be relaxed.Indeed, it suffices to assume

"E1 P(IE I I > cS") < oo for some 6 <---‚ and some c > 0. (13.8)

For (13.8) is equivalent to assuming I P(IE" + 1 I > c8") < co so that, by theBorel—Cantelli Lemma (see Chapter 0, Section 6),

P(IE"+ lI < cS" for all but finitely many n) = 1.

This implies that, with probability 1, Ib "E" +l l < c(Ibj6)" for all but finitely manyn. Since IbI b < 1, the series on the right side of (13.7) is convergent and is thelimit of Y".

It is simple to check that (13.8) holds if I bi < 1 and (Exercise 3)

Eie 1 i' <oo for some r > 0. (13.9)

The conditions (13.6) and (13.8) (or (13.9)) are therefore sufficient for theexistence of a unique invariant probability it and for the convergence of X. indistribution to it.

Next, Example 1 is extended to multidimensional state space.

Example 2. (General Linear Time Series Model). Let {E": n _> 1} be a sequenceof i.i.d. random vectors with values in Rm and common distribution Q, and letB be an m x m matrix with real entries b ;;. Suppose X o is an m-dimensionalrandom vector independent of {E" }. Define recursively the sequence of randomvectors

X0,X 1'= BXn+En +1 (n =0, 1,2,...). (13.10)

As in (13.2), (13.3), {X"} is a Markov process with state space 68'" and transitionprobability

p(x, C):=Q(C — Bx) (for all Borel sets C c Qm). (13.11)

Assume that

IIB"°II < 1 for some positive integer no . ( 13.12)

Recall that the norm of a matrix H is defined by

IIHII:= sup IHxi, (13.13)IXI =1

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where Ixl denotes the Euclidean length of x in LRm. For a positive integer n > n o

write n = jn o + j', where 0 < j' < n o . Then using the fact IIB1B2II IIB1II IIB2IIfor arbitrary m x m matrices B,, B 2 (Exercise 2), one gets

II WI = IIB'"°B' II < IIB"°IVIiB' II < cIIB"°II'> c max {IIB•II:0 < r < n o }.(13.14)

From (13.12) and (13.14) it follows, as in Example 1, that the series Z B"E,converges a.s. in Euclidean norm if (Exercise 3), for some c > 0,

°^ 1" 1 P(i 1 I > cb") < oo for some 6 < II Bn0Il11n0 . (13.15)

Write, in this case,

Y:= E B"sn+l (13.16)n=O

It also follows, as in Example 1 (see Exercise 1), that no matter what the initialdistribution (i.e., the distribution of X 0 ) is, X n converges in distribution to thedistribution it of Y. Therefore, it is the unique invariant distribution for p(x, dy).

For purposes of application it is useful to know that the assumption (13.12)holds if the maximum modulus of eigenvalues of B, also known as the spectralradius r(B) of B, is less than 1. This fact is implied by the following result fromlinear algebra.

Lemma. Let B be an m x m matrix. Then the spectral radius r(B) satisfies

r(B) >, Iii JIB"Il li ". (13.17)n—ai

Proof. Let A,, ... , Am be the eigenvalues of B. This means det(B — Al) =(^ 1 — A)(A2 — A) • * (Am — A), where det is shorthand for determinant and I isthe identity matrix. Let Am have the maximum modulus among the A ;, i.e.,I'ml = r(B). If AlJ > Iiml then B — Al is invertible, since det(B — AI) 0. Indeed,by the definition of the inverse, each element of the inverse of B — Al is apolynomial in A (of degree m — 1 or m — 2) divided by det(B — AI). Therefore,one may write

(B—AI) -1 =(A, —A) -1 ...(Am —A) -] (Bo +ß.B 2 +...+,lm -1 Bm - 1 )

(IAI > kml), (13.18)

where B,(0 < j < m — 1) are m x m matrices that do not involve A. Writingz = 1/A, one may express (13.18) as

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(B — AI)-1 = (_)_m(1 — /^1,)-1.. .(1 — )!mR)-12m-1 j=0


= (-1)mz(l —.l,z) -1 ...(I —.mZ) 1 I zm 1-, Bj



Z Y a,, Zn) -1 Zm-1-jBj (IZI < I2ml-1 ). (13.19)n=0 /-0

On the other hand,

(B — ):I)-1 = —z(I — zB)' = —zk0

1zkBk IZI < . (13.20)= IIBII

To see this, first note that the series on the right is convergent in norm forIzl < 1 /1111, and then check that term-by-term multiplication of the series I z k Bk

by I — zB yields the identity I after all cancellations. In particular, writing b;j'^for the (i, j) element of Bk , the series

X—zY_z kb; (13.21)


converges absolutely for Izl < 1/ B. Since (13.21) is the same as the (i, j) elementof the series (13.19), at least for Izl < I/IIBII, their coefficients coincide (Exercise4) and, therefore, the series in (13.21) is absolutely convergent for Izl < IAm) -'(as (13.19) is).

This implies that, for each e > 0,

I14 I < (I.l m l + E)k for all sufficiently large k. (13.22)

For if (13.22) is violated, one may choose Izl sufficiently close to (but less than)1/I ;m l such that Iz^ k ' )b'>l -- co for a subsequence {k'}, contradicting therequirement that the terms of the convergent series (13.21) must go to zero forIZI < 1/IAmI•

Now IIBk ll < m' 12 max{Ib>I: 1 < i, j < m} (Exercise 2). Since m l/21 —^ 1 as

k --* co, (13.22) implies (13.17). n

Two well-known time series models will now be treated as special cases ofExample 2. These are the pth order autoregressive (or AR(p)) model, and theautoregressive moving-average model ARMA(p, q).

Example 2(a). (AR(p) Model). Let p > 1 be an integer, ßo , ß,, . .. , ßP -, realconstants. Given a sequence of i.i.d. real-valued random variables {rin : n > p},and p other random variables U0, U,..... UP _, independent of {rin }, definerecursively

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Un+p °— 1ßU+1 + iln+p (n >, 0). (13.23)i =0

The sequence { Un } is not in general a Markov process, but the sequence ofp-dimensional random vectors

Xn'=(Un , Un+1 , ... , U„+p-1)' (n 0) (13.24)

is Markovian. Here the prime (') denotes transposition, so X. is to be regardedas a column vector in matrix operations. To prove the Markov property,consider the sequence of p-dimensional i.i.d. random vectors

0 ,ij +p-1Y (n>, 1), (13.25)

and note that

X„+, = BX n + rn+1 (13.26)

where B is the p x p matrix

0 1 0 0 • •

0 0 1 0 •..

B:= .

0 0 0 0 ...

ß0 F'1 N2 1'3 ' •

Hence, arguing as in (13.2), (13.3), or (13.11)state space R. Write

0 0

0 0


0 1

Np - 2 ßp-1

X,; is a Markov process on the

—). 1 0 0 ••• 0 0

0 —) 1 0 ••• 0 0

B—A.(= ... .

0 0 0 0 ••• —^ 1

YO I'1 /32/33 ' * * /'p-2 11 p-1 — a

Expanding det(B — Al) by its last row, and using the fact that the determinantof a matrix in triangular form (i.e., with all zero off-diagonal elements on oneside of the diagonal) is the product of its diagonal elements (Exercise 5), one gets

det(B — AI) = (- 1 )p+1 (ß0 + ß1A + ... + ßp - ,;,p

- 1 — A"). (13.28)

Therefore, the eigenvalues of B are the roots of the equation

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ß0+ß1A+ ... +ßp-I )p-I — A p = 0 . (13.29)

Finally, in view of (13.17), the following proposition holds (see (13.15) andExercise 3).

Proposition 13.1. Suppose that the roots of the polynomial equation (13.29)are all strictly inside the unit circle in the complex plane, and that the commondistribution G of {tl"} satisfies

l G({x e AB I : lxi > cS"}) < oo for some S < ^— (13.30)n Amt

where JAm t is the maximum modulus of the roots of (13.29). Then (i) there existsa unique invariant distribution 71 for the Markov process {X"}, and (ii) nomatter what the initial distribution, X n converges in distribution to it.

Once again it is simple to check that (13.30) holds if G has a finite absolutemoment of some order r > 0 (Exercise 3).

An immediate consequence of Proposition 13.1 is that the time series{ Un : n >, 0} converges in distribution to a steady state n U given, for all Bore!sets C R', by

1t (C):= ir({x E W: x ( ' ) e C}). (13.31)

To see this, simply note that U. is the first coordinate of X, so that X,, convergesto it in distribution implies U. converges to it in distribution.

Example 2(b). (ARMA(p, q) Model). The autoregressive moving-averagemodel of order (p, q), in short ARMA(p, q), is defined by

p — I q

Un+p := Z ßi Un +i + 1 Sj^1n+p—j + rin+p (n 0), (13.32)i =0 j=1

where p, q are positive integers, ß i (0 < i < p — 1) and bj (1 < j < q) are realconstants, {rin : n >, p — q} is an i.i.d. sequence of real-valued random variables,and U. (0 < i <, p — 1) are arbitrary initial random variables independent of{rj"}. Consider the sequence {X"}, {s"} of (p + q)-dimensional vectors

X. _ (Un , , Un+p—I. Iln+p—q+ e In+p-1) , e

(n ? 0), (13.33)$n := (0, 0, . . 0, 1%n + p — 1 , 0, . . , 0 , j,,+,,_ 1 )/

where iln+p-1 occurs as the pth and (p + q)th elements of E.

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X,,+1 = HXn + En+ 1 (n -> 0 ), (13.34)

where H is the (p + q) x (p + q) matrix

b ll . ... b 1 0 . ... 0 0

hnl h d9-1... b 2 d1

0 00 1 0 .. 00H :=

0 00 0 1 ••• 00

0 0 ... 0 0••• 01

0 0 .•• 0 0 ... 00

the first p rows and p columns of H being the matrix B in (13.27).Note that U., ... , UP _ 1 , rl p _ q , ... , q p _, determine X 0, so that X o is

independent of rlp and, therefore, of E,. It follows by induction that X. and E n+ ,

are independent. Hence {Xn } is a Markov process on the state space I8° + Q.

In order to apply the Lemma above, expand det(H —;.I) in terms of theelements of its pth row to get (Exercise 5)

det(H — Al) = det(B — Al)(_2) 9 . ( 13.35)

Therefore, the eigenvalues of H are q zeros and the roots of (13.29). Thus, onehas the following proposition.

Proposition 13.2. Under the hypothesis of Proposition 13.1, the ARMA(p, q)process {X n } has a unique invariant distribution n, and X. converges indistribution to it no matter what the initial distribution is.

As a corollary, the time series { Un } converges in distribution to m given forall Borel sets C c R' by

ii u(C):= rz({x e RP + q: x ( ' ) E C}), (13.36)

no matter what the distribution of (U0 , U„ ... , Up _,) is, provided thehypothesis of Proposition 13.2 is satisfied.

In the case that En is Gaussian, it is simple to check that under the hypothesis(13.12) in Example 2 the random vector V in (13.16) is Gaussian. Therefore, it

is Gaussian, so that the stationary vector-valued process {X n } with initialdistribution it is Gaussian (Exercise 6). In particular, if qn are Gaussian inExample 2(a), and the roots of the polynomial equation (13.29) lie inside theunit circle in the complex plane, then the stationary process {Un}, obtained

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when (U0 , U I , ... , U,,,_ 1 ) have distribution it in Example 2(a), is Gaussian. Asimilar assertion holds for Example 2(b).


The method of construction of Markov processes illustrated for linear timeseries models in Section 13 extends to more general Markov processes. Thepresent section is devoted to the construction and analysis of some nonlinearmodels. Before turning to these models, note that one may regard the process{X„} in Example 13.1 (see (13.1)) to be generated by successive iterations of ani.i.d. sequence of random maps a l , a...... a„, ... defined by

x-->a„x=bx +E„ (n> 1),

{s„: n >, l} being a sequence of i.i.d. real-valued random variables. Each a„ israndom (affine linear) map on the state space R' into itself. The Markovsequence {X} is defined by

X„ = a„ • . a,X() (n > 1), (14.1)

where the initial X0 is a real-valued random variable independent of the sequenceof random maps {a„: n >, 1 }. A similar interpretation holds for the otherexamples of Section 13. Indeed it may be shown, under a very mild conditionon the state space, that every Markov process in discrete time may be representedas (14.1) (see theoretical complement 1). Thus the method of the last sectionand the present one is truly a general device for constructing and analyzingMarkov processes on general state spaces.

Example 1. (Iterations of I.I.D. Increasing Maps). Let the state space be aninterval J, finite or infinite. On some probability space (Q, .F , P) is given asequence of i.i.d. continuous and increasing random maps {a„: n >, l} on J intoitself. This means first of all that for each w E S2, a„(w) is a continuous andincreasing (i.e., nondecreasing) function on J into J. Second, there exists a setI' of continuous increasing functions on J into J such that P(a„ e i') = I forall n; I' has a sigmafield .4(I') generated by sets of the form {y e I': a < yx < b}where a < b and x are arbitrary elements of J, and yx denotes the value of yat x. The maps a„ on Q into I' are measurable, i.e., F„ := {co e S2: a„(w) e D} E Ffor every D e .(r). Also, P(F) is the same for all n. Finally, {a„: n >, 1 } areindependent, i.e., events {a„ e D„} is an independent sequence for every givensequence {D„}

For any finite set of functions y,, Y 2 , ... , yk in I', one defines the composition

Y1Y2' • •Yk in the usual manner. For example, y 1 y 2x = y 1 (y 2x), the value of y 1

at the point y2x.

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For each x e J define the sequence of random variables

X0(x):=x, X,(x):=a„X„ - 1(x) = anan- 1 ... a,x (n > 1). (14.2)

In view of the independence of {a„: n > 1}, {X„: n 0} is a Markov process(Exercise 1) on J, starting at x and having the (one-step) transition probability

p(y, C):= P(a„ y E C) = p({y e F: yy e Cl) (C Borel subset of J), (14.3)

where y is the common distribution of an .

lt will be shown now that the following condition guarantees the existenceof a unique invariant probability it as well as stability, i.e., convergence of X„(x)in distribution to it for every initial state x. Assume

6, := P(X„o (x) '< z 0Vx) >0 and 82 := P(X„o(x) z 0Vx) >0(14.4)

for some zo E J and some integer no .


A,:= sup I P(X,(x) '< z) — P(X,(y) '< z). (14.5)x,y,zcJ

For the existence of a unique invariant probability it and for stability it isenough to show that A,, —> 0 as n —> co. For this implies P(X„(x) < z) converges,uniformly in z e J, to a distribution function (of a probability measure on J).To see this last fact, observe that X„ +m(x) _— a„ + m •a,x has the samedistribution as a„• • a1„ +m • • a„ + ,x, so that

IP(Xn +m(x) < Z) — P(Xn(x) <, z)1

= IP(Xn(Ln +m ... an+lx) <, Z) — P(X„(x) <, z)I < A„,

by comparing the conditional probabilities given a„ +m, ... , an+ 1 first. Thus, ifA„ —+ 0, then the sequence of distribution functions {P(X„(x) < z)} is a Cauchysequence with respect to uniform convergence for z E J. It is simple to checkthat the limiting function of this sequence is a distribution function of aprobability measure is on J (Exercise 2). Further, A. --+ 0 implies that this limitit does not depend on the initial state x, showing that P is the unique invariantprobability (Exercise 13.1).

In order to prove A. --> 0, the first step is to establish, under the assumption(14.4), the inequality

A„o < 6:=max{1 — S„ 1 — ö z }. (14.6)

For this fix x, y E J and first take z < z o . On the set F2 :_ {X„0 (x) >, z0Vx} the

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events {X 0(x) <, z}, {X 0(y) < z} are both empty. Hence, by the secondcondition in (14.4),

IP(Xno(x) < z) — P(Xno (y) < z)I = IE(1{x^o(x)sz) — 1{x,o(Y),z))I P(FZ) = 1 — 6 2 ,(14.7)

since the difference between the two indicator functions in (14.7) is zero on F2 .Similarly, if z > z o then on the set F, :_ {X 0(x) <, z0Vx} the two indicatorfunctions both equal 1, so that their difference vanishes and one gets

IP(X^ o(x) < z) — P(Xno(y) < z)] < P(F) = 1 — 6 1 . (14.8)

Combining (14.7) and (14.8) one gets

IP(Xno(x) < z) — P(Xno(y) <, z)I < 8 (14.9)

for all z zo . But the function on the left is right-continuous in z. Therefore,letting z I z o , (14.9) holds also for z = z o . In other words, (14.6) holds.

Next note that On is monotonically decreasing,

On+i < On. (14.10)


IP(XX+i(x) 5 z) — P(Xn+i(y) 5 z)1

= IP(«n+l...a2a1X' Z) — Man+l ... a20tlY ^ Z)I ^ An,

by comparing the conditional probabilities given a,.The final step in proving O n -^ 0 is to show

An < 8[n/no) (14.11)

where [r] is the integer part of r. In view of (14.10), it is enough to prove

Ojno Sö' (j=1,2,...). (14.12)

Suppose that this is true for some j >, 1. Then,

IP(X(j+l)no(x) < Z) — P(X(j+l)no(.y) < z)I

= IE ( 1 {ai . +uno ...aino +IXjno(x) z) — 1 (au+IWo ...aino + Xjno(Y)Sz) ) I

= IE(l {xjno(x) 2 ( (Itj+1mo ...n 0+1) - '( — aO.zJ) — 1 {Xjno(Y)e(a(j+ llno ...a^no+1) - '( — ao.zJ) )1 '



F3 1 = {a(j + 1)no ...ajno+ lx < zOVx}, F4:= {a(j+1)no ...ajnp +1X s Zpdx}.

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Take z < z o first. Then the inverse image of (—x,:] in (14.13) is empty onF4 , so that the difference between the two indicator functions vanishes on F 4 .On the complement of F,, the inverse image of (— ao, z] under the continuousincreasing map a (j+1)n0 • ' *anno + , is an interval (—oo, Z'] n J, where Z' is arandom variable. Therefore, (14.13) leads to

IP(X(J+I)no(x) < z) — P(X(J+1)no(y) < z)I = JE 1 F ( I lX,lx)SZ'1 — 1 X(v)$l'^)I-


As Fä and Z' are determined by a+,)n o , ... , a;n.+, and the latter areindependent of Xj„„(x), X 0 (y) one gets, by taking conditional expectation given1aU+1)no, ... , ajno+1

IP(X(J+1)no(X) l< z) — P(X(J+1)no(Y) S z)1

IE1 Fgijn0 I _ (1 — 5 2 )A jn0 < b\ino < hJ+ 1 . (14.15)

Similarly, if z > z 0 , the inverse image in (14.13) is J on F3 . Therefore, thedifference between the two indicator functions in (14.13) vanishes on F3 , andone has (14.14), (14.15) with F4 , b 2 replaced by F3 and J,. As (14.12) holds forj = 1 (see (14.6)), the induction is complete and (14.12) holds for allj >, 1. Since6 < 1, it follows that under the hypothesis (14.4), A n —* 0 exponentially fast asn —+ oo and, therefore, there exists a unique invariant probability.

If J is a closed bounded interval [a, b], then the condition (14.4) is essentiallynecessary for stability. To see this, define

Y0(x) = x, }(x):=12. (n(n 1). (14.16)

Then Yn(x) and X(x) have the same distribution. Also,

Y1(a) a, Y2(a) = Y1(a2a) >, Y,(a), .. .

Yn+,(a) = Yn(an+la) i Yn(a),

i.e., the sequence of random variables { Yn (a): n > 0} is increasing. Similarly,n > 0} is decreasing. Let the limits of these two sequences be Y, Y,

respectively. As Yn(a) < Yn (b) for all n, Y < Y If P( Y < Y) > 0, then Y and Ycannot have the same distribution. In other words, Yn (a) (and ; therefore, Xn (a))and Yn(b) (and, therefore, XX(b)) converge in distribution to different limitsit 1 , rr z say. On the other hand, if Y = Y a.s., then these limiting distributionsare the same. Also, Yn (a) < Yn(x) ` Yn (b) for all x, so that Yn (x) converges indistribution to the same limit it, whatever x. Therefore, it is the unique invariantprobability. Assume that is does not assign all its mass at a single point. Thatis, rule out the case that with probability I ally's in I, have a common fixedpoint. Then there exist m < M such that P(Y < m) > 0 and P(Y > M) > 0.There exists no such that P(Yno (b) < m) > 0 and P(Yno(a) > M) > 0. Now anyzo e [m, M] satisfies (14.4).

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As an application of Example 1, consider the following example fromeconomics.

Example 1(a). (A Descriptive Model of Capital Accumulation). Consider aneconomy that has a single producible good. The economy starts with an initialstock X0 = x > 0 of this good which is used to produce an output Y, in period1. The output Y, is not a deterministic function of the input x. In view of therandomness of the state of nature, Y, takes one of the values fr(X) withprobability p, > 0 (1 < r <, N). Here f, are production functions having thefollowing properties:

(i) f, is twice continuously differentiable, f(x) > 0 and f' (x) <0 for allx>0.

(ii) limxlo fr(X) = 0, limXlof;(x) > 1, limit f(x) = 0.

(iii) If r > r', then fr(X) > fr (X) for all x > 0.

The strict concavity of f, in (i) reflects a law of diminishing returns, while (iii)assumes an ordering of the technologies or production functions f„ from theleast productive fi to the most productive fN .

A fraction ß (0 < ß < 1) of the output Yl is consumed, while the rest (1 — ß)Y,is invested for the production in the next period. The total stock X, at handfor investment in period 1 is OXo + (1 — ß)Y1 . Here 0 < I is the rate ofdepreciation of capital used in production. This process continues indefinitely,each time with an independent choice of the production function (f, withprobability pr , 1 <, r < N). Thus, the capital X„ + , at hand in period n + 1satisfies

Xt = 0X„ + ( 1 — ß)q 1(X.) (n 0), (14.17)

where cp„ is the random production function in period n,

P(q'n= fr) =pr (I <r<N),

and the cp„ (n >, 1) are independent. Thus the Markov process {X„(x): n >, 0}on the state space (0, cc) may be represented as

X.(X) = a( ...p(IX,

where, writing

g,(x):= 0x + (1— ß)f,(x), 1 < r < N, (14.18)

one has

P(an=9^)=Pr (I <r <N). (14.19)

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Suppose, in addition to the assumptions already made, that

0+(1—ß)limf;(x)>I (1<r<,N), (14.20)xtO

i.e., limx10 g,(x) > I for all r. As limx —^ g(x) = 0 + (1 — /3) lim x . f(x) = 0 < 1,it follows from the strictly increasing and strict concavity properties of g r thateach gr has a unique fixed point ar (see Figure 14.1)

g,(ar)=a r (I <r<N). (14.21)

Note that by property (iii) of fr, a, < az < • • • < aN . If y >, a,, then9r(Y) % g(a 1 ) % g 1 (a 1 ) = a,, so that X,,(x) >, a, for all n > 0 if x >, a,. Similarly,if y < aN then gr(Y) 9r(aN ) ' 9N(aN) = aN , so that X,,(x) < aN for all n >, 0 ifx < aN . As a consequence, if the initial state x is in [a,, aN], then the process

n >, 0} remains in [a,, aN] forever. In this case, one may takeJ = [a,, aN] to be the effective state space. Also, if x > a, then the nth iterateof g i , namely gin ) (x), decreases as n increases. For if x a,, then g,(x) < x,8121 (x) = g, (g, (x)) < g, (x), etc. The limit of this decreasing sequence is a fixedpoint of g l (Exercise 3) and, therefore, must be a,. Similarly, if x < aN theng(x) increases, as n increases, to a N . In particular,

lim g(aN) = a,, lim g(a 1 ) = aN .n-x n-•y,

Thus, there exists an integer n 0 such that

91no) (aN) < 9 <N 0) (a,). (14.22)


u a,

Figure 14.1

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This means that if z o e [gi"° '(aN), 9 °)(a1)], then

P(X"O (x) <z OVxc[a i ,aN])>P(oc"=g l for I <,n <n o )=pi0 >0,

P(X"o(x) >, z0Vx e [a1, aN]) % P(a„ = gN for 1 < n < n o ) = pn° > 0.

Hence, the condition (1.4.4) of Example I holds, and there exists a uniqueinvariant probability it, if the state space is taken to be [a,, aN].

Next fix the initial state x in (0, a 1 ). Then g(x) increases, as n increases.The limit must be a fixed point and, therefore, a 1 . Since g(a 1 ) > a, forr = 2, ... , N, there exists s > 0 such that g(y) > a l (2 r < N) ifye [a 1 — e, a 1 ]. Now find n E such that g(x) >, a i — e. If T, inf{n > 1:X(x) >_ a,}, then it follows from the above that

P(z i >nE +k)<pi (k^l),

because t, > nE + k implies that the last k among the first n e + k function a"are g 1 . Since p; goes to zero as k —+ oo, it follows from this that i l is a.s. finite.Also XTI (x) < aN as g(y) < gr(aN) gN(aN) = aN (t < r < N) for y <, a 1 , so thatin a single step it is not possible to go from a state less than a 1 to a state largerthan aN . By the strong Markov property, and the result in the precedingparagraph on the existence of a unique invariant distribution and stability on[a l , aN], it follows that XL , + ,(x) converges in distribution to it, as m o0(Exercise 5). From this, one may show that pl"'(x, dy) converges weakly to it(dy)for all x, as n —+ oo, so that it is the unique invariant probability on (0, oo)(Exercise 5).

In the same manner it may be checked that X(x) converges in distributionto it if x > aN . Thus, no matter what the initial state x is, X(x) converges indistribution to n. Therefore, on the state space (0, cc) there exists a uniqueinvariant distribution it (assigning probability 1 to [a,, aN]), and stability holds.In analogy with the case of Markov chains, one may call the set of states{x; 0 < x <a 1 or x > aN } inessential.

The study of the existence of unique invariant probabilities and stability isrelatively simpler for those cases in which the transition probabilities p(x, dy)have a density p(x, y), say, with respect to some reference measure µ(dy) on thestate space. In the case of Markov chains this measure may be taken to be thecounting measure, assigning mass I to each singleton in the state space. For aclass of simple examples with an uncountable state space, let S = Il' and f abounded measurable function on I8', a < f (x) < b. Let {E"} be an i.i.d. sequenceof real-valued random variables whose common distribution has a strictlypositive continuous density cp with respect to Lebesgue measure on 1. Considerthe Markov process

X" +1 := f(X") + E" + , (n > 0), (14.23)

with X0 arbitrary (independent of {E"}). Then the transition probability p(x, dy)

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has the density

p (x, y):= (P(y — .i (x)). (14.24)

Note that

tp(y — f (x)) >, ii(y) for all XE 68, (14.25)


i(y):= min{cp(y — z): a <, z < b} > 0.

Then (see theoretical complement 6.1) it follows that this Markov process hasa unique invariant probability with a density n(y) and that the distribution ofX. converges to it(y) dy, whatever the initial state.

The following example illustrates the dramatic difference between the caseswhen a density exists and when it does not.

Example 2. Let S = [-2,2] and consider the Markov process X„ + , =.f(X) + r„ + , (n > 0), X0 independent of {^„}, where ie„} is an i.i.d. sequencewith values in [-1,1], and

x+l if-2x0,(14.26)

Lx-1 if 0<x^2.

First let E„ be Bernoulli, P(E„ = I) = '' = P(f„ _ — I). Then, with X. - x e (0, 2],

x — 2 with probability ' ,X 1 (x) = Ix with probability i,

and X, (x — 2) has the same distribution as X 1 (x). It follows that

P(X2 (x)=x-2IX,(x)=x)=?=P(X 2 (x)=x— 21X,(x)=x-2),

P(X2 (x) = xI X 1 (x) = x) = z = P(X2 (x) = x X 1 (x) = x — 2).

In other words, X 1 (x) and X2 (x) are independent and have the same two-pointdistribution Its . It follows that { X„(x): n >, I } is i.i.d. with common distributionm. In particular, nx is an invariant initial distribution. If x e [-2,0], then{X„(x): n > l} is i.i.d. with common distribution nx+2, assigning probabilitiesZ and Z to {x + 2} and {x}. Thus, there is an uncountable familyof invariant initial distributions {n r : 0 < x < 1) v {nx+ ,: — I _< x 0}.

On the other hand, suppose s„ is uniform on [— 1, 1], i.e., has the density zon [— 1, 1] and zero outside. Check that (Exercise 6) {X 2 (x): n > l} is an i.i.d.

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sequence whose common distribution does not depend on x and has a density

7r(Y) = 2 4 IYI—2<y<2. (14.27)

Thus, i(y) dy is the unique invariant probability, and stability holds.

The final example deals with absorption probabilities.

Example 3. (Survival Probability of an Economic Agent). Suppose that in aone-good economy the agent starts with an initial stock x. A fixed amountc > 0 is consumed (x > c) and the remainder x — c is invested for production inthe next period. The stock produced in period 1 is X l = t 1 (X0 — c) = E 1 (x — c),where a l is a nonnegative random variable. Again, after consumption, X l — cis invested in production of a stock of E 2 (X 1 — c), provided X l > c. If X l < c,the agent is ruined. In general,

Xo = x, Xn+l = En+1 (Xn — c) (n>0). (14.28)

where {En : fl ? l} is an i.i.d. sequence of nonnegative random variables. Thestate space may be taken to be [0, oo) with absorption at 0. The probability ofsurvival of the economic agent, starting with an initial stock x > c, is

p(x):= P(Xn > c for all n > 01 X0 = x). (14.29)

If S = P(c 1 = 0) > 0, then it is simple to check that P(r n = 0 for somen > 0) = 1 (Exercise 8), so that p(x) = 0 for all x. Therefore, assume

P(e 1 > 0) = 1. (14.30)

From (14.28) one gets, by successive iteration,c

c+ --

Xn+l > C lff Xn > C + C iff Xn - 1 > C + En+l = C + c + - C

En+1 En En 2n n+1

CiffX,=—x>c+ c +--

C C-+•..+ -

EI E1E2 E1E2...sn+1

Hence, on the set {E n > 0 for all n},

{Xn >cforalln}={x>c+ _+ - +•••+ 1 foralln}

l E1 6162 E1gZ...En )` °D 1 l ( 0D 1 x


=jxiC+cF l—j^ ,<--1l n=1 6 I E Z ...E

n ) In=1 E182...En C

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In other words, Ixp(x)=P 1 — x — 1 (14.31)

(n=j E 1 g 2 C,, C

This formula will be used to determine conditions on the common distributionof En under which (1) p(x) = 0, (2) p(x) = 1, (3) p(x) < I (x > c). Suppose firstthat E log E, exists and E log E, < 0. Then, by the Strong Law of LargeNumbers,

1 n— Y log En gElogE l <0,n r= , a.s.

so that log E 1 c 2 • E„ --p — oo a.s., or e,e 2 • En --, 0 a.s. This implies that theinfinite series in (14.31) diverges a.s., that is,

p(x) = 0 for all x, if E log E, < 0. (14.32)

Now by Jensen's Inequality (Chapter 0, Section 2), E log E, < log EE,, withstrict inequality unless E, is degenerate. Therefore, if EE, < 1, or EE, = 1 andr, is nondegenerate, then E log e, < 0. If E, is degenerate and EE 1 = 1, thenP(E 1 = 1) = 1, and the infinite series in (14.31) diverges. Therefore, (14.32)implies

p(x) = 0 for all x, if EE 1 < 1. (14.33)

It is not true, however, that E log E, > 0 implies p(x) = 1 for large x. To seethis and for some different criteria, define

m:=inf{z>0:P(e, <z)>0}. (14.34)

Let us show that

p(x)<1 for allx,ifm<l. (14.35)

For this fix A > 0, however large. Find n o such that

n o >A rfl (I +). (14.36)r

This is possible, as 11 (1 + 1/r 2 ) < exp{j] l/r 2 } < oo. If m < I thenP(E, < I + 1/r 2 ) > 0 for all r >, 1. Hence,

0< P(E r z I + l/r2 for I r n0 )

n0 I n° I nU I nr=1 E1...E

r1(l+) r, E,...gr

\ 1 + 1 /

API >A^^P >A.\r =I E,...0 r=1 E1...Er

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Because A is arbitrary, (14.31) is less than 1 for all x, proving (14.35).One may also show that, if m> 1, then


P(x) _=1


m— 1



(m > 1). (14.37)

To prove this, observe that

1 < °° 1 1n =1 E1...E,, n =1 m m— 1

with probability 1 (if m > 1). Therefore, (14.31) implies the second relation in(14.37). In order to prove the first relation in (14.37), let x < cm/(m — 1) — cSfor some 8 > 0. Then x/c — 1 < 1/(m — 1) — b. Choose n(b) such that

1 a< (14.38)

n(b) m 2

and then choose 8r > 0 (1 <, r <, n(b) — 1) such that

n(S) — 1 1 n(S) — 1 1 ar -1 (m +b i )...(m+8r ) > = 1 mr

-2. (14.39)


(a)-1 1 n(a)-1

0<P(Er<m+Srfor I <r<n(b)— 1)<P("r=1

Y_ >Y E1...Er r.l m

5P1 Y 1 >> 1 —a1 =P(r11r

Y 1 > 1 —SI.\ r ) )r =1 ElE2...Er r =1 m m—

If (5 >0 is small enough, the last probability is smaller than P(I 1/(E, • • • E r) >x/c — 1), provided x/c — 1 < 1/(m — 1), i.e., if x < cm/(m — 1). Thus for suchx one has 1 — p(x) > 0, proving the first relation in (14.37).


The mathematical theory of information storage and retrieval rests largely onfoundations established by Claude Shannon. In the present section we willconsider one aspect of the general theory. We will suppose that "text" is

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constructed from symbols in a finite alphabet S = {a,, a 2 , ... , aM }. The term"text" may be interpreted rather broadly and need not be restricted to the textof ordinary human language; other usages occur in genetic sequences of DNA,computer data storage, music, etc. However, applications to linguistics haveplayed a central role in the historical development as will be discussed below.An encoding algorithm is a transformation in which finite sequences of text arereplaced by sequences of code symbols in such a way that it must be possibleto uniquely reconstruct (decode) the original text from the encoded text. Forsimplicity we shall consider compression codes in which the same alphabet isavailable for code symbols. Any sequence of symbols is referred to as a wordand the number of symbols as its length. A word of length t will be encodedinto a code-word of length s by the encoding algorithm. To compress the textone would use a short code for frequently occurring words and reserve thelonger code-words for the more rarely occurring sequences. It is in thisconnection that the statistical structure of text (i.e., word frequencies) will playan important role. We consider a case in which the symbols occur in sequenceaccording to a Markov chain having a stationary transition law((p,: i j = 1, 2, ... , M)). Shannon has suggested the following scheme forgenerating a Markov approximation to English text. Open a book and selecta letter at random, say T. Next skip a few lines and read until a T is encountered,and select the letter that follows this T (we observed an H in our trial). Nextskip a few more lines, and read until an H is encountered and take the nextletter (we observed an A), and so on to generate a sample of text that shouldbe more closely Markovian than text composed according to the usual rulesof English grammar. Moreover, one expects this to resemble more closely thestructure of the English language than independent samples of randomly selectedsingle letters. Accordingly, one may also consider higher-order Markovapproximations to the structure of English text, for example, by selecting lettersaccording to the two preceding letters. Likewise, as was also done by Shannonand others, one may generate text by using "linguistic words" as the basicalphabetic symbols (see theoretical complement 1 for references). It is ofsignificant historical notice that, in spite of a modern-day widespread utility indiverse physical sciences, Markov himself developed his ideas on dependencewith linguistic applications in mind.

Let X0, X,, ... denote the Markov chain with state space S having thestationary transition law ((p ;j)) and a unique invariant initial distributionn = (n ; ). Then {X„} is a stationary process and the word a = (a, a ;Z ..... a ; )of length t has probability 7c i , p ; ,. ; z • • • p ;, _ .;, of occurring. Suppose that underthe coding transformation the word a = (a ; ,, .... a ;,) is encoded to a word oflength s = c(a ; ...... a ;,). Let

u, = E[c(X,..... X,)]/t. (15.1)

The quantity p, is referred to as the average compression for words of length t.The optimal extent to which a given (statistical) type of text can be compressedby a code is measured by the so-called compression coefßcient defined by

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It = limsup µ,. (15.2)t-.x

The problem for our consideration here is to calculate the compressioncoefficient in terms of the parameters of the given Markov structure of the textand to construct an optimum compression code. We will show that the optimalcompression coefficient is given by

H 17r; H; 7c, L^ p ;^ log Pt1J


15.3log M log M

= ------ log ^ --, ( )

in the sense that the compression coefficient of a code is never smaller thanthis, although there are codes whose coefficient is arbitrarily close to it.

The parameter H; = p, log p ;j is referred to as the entropy of thetransition distribution from state i and is a measure of the information obtainedwhen the Markov chain moves one step ahead out of state i (Exercises 1 and2). The quantity H = Y_ ; zt ; H; is called the entropy of the Markov chain. Observethat, given the transition law of the Markov chain, the optimal compressioncoefficient may easily be computed from (15.3) once the invariant initialdistribution is determined.

For a word a of length t let p,(a) = P((Xo , ... , X, _ ,) = a). Then,

—log P,((Xo, ... , X,-1)) = —log Tt(Xo ) + Y, ( — log Px;.x1. ) = Yo + Z Y


where Y,, Y2 , . .. is a stationary sequence of bounded random variables. By thelaw of large numbers applied to the stationary sequence Y1 , Y2 ,... , we haveby Theorems 9.2 and 9.3 (see Exercise 10.5),

log P,((Xo_- • , X,- 1 )) —* EY, = H (15.5)

as t --+ oo with probability 1 (Exercise 4); i.e., for almost all sample realizations,for large t the probability of the sequence X0 , X,, ... , X,_, is approximatelyexp{ —tH}. The result (15.5) is quite remarkable. It has a natural generalizationthat applies to a large class of stationary processes so long as a law of largenumbers applies (Exercise 4).

An important consequence of (15.5) that will be used below is obtained byconsidering for each t the M` words of length t arranged as x ( , » x ( ,., ... in orderof decreasing probability. For any positive number a < 1, let

Ne (e) = min{N: Y_ p,(a^,^) s}. (15.6)

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Proposition 15.1. For any 0 < g < 1,

log N,(c)lim - - — = H. (15.7)

Proof. Since almost sure convergence implies convergence in probability, itfollows from (15.5) that for arbitrarily small positive numbers y and S,b < max{e, I — s}, for all sufficiently large t we have

C^ log Pt(Xo, ... , X' -' )

H < v)>t

In particular, for all sufficiently large t, say t >, T,

exp{—t(H + y)} < p,(X0 , ... , X,_,) < exp{—t(H — y)}

with probability at least I — ö. Let R, denote the set consisting of all words xof length t such that e - ` (" + }' ) < p 1 (a) < e - ` ( " - ' ). Fix t larger than T. LetSr = {a„ ) , a(2 ... , ;N , (e» }. The sum of the probabilities of the M,(E), say, wordsa of length t in R, that are counted among the N,(e) words in S, equalsYr €s, u R, p,(a) > r —5 by definition of N,(e). Therefore,

M, (s ) e -r(H-vi >, I p,(a) > t — b. (15.8)aeS,' R,

Also, none of the elements of S, has probability less than exp{ —t(H + y)}, sincethe set of all a with p,(a) > exp{ — t(H + y)} contains R, and has total probabilitylarger than I — ö > E. Therefore,

N,(c)c-pur +y) < 1. (15.9)

Taking logarithms, we have

log N,(e)<H+y.


On the other hand, by (15.8),

N,(r)e-^ur-Y) > e — 6. (15.10)

Again taking logarithms and now combining this with (15.9), we get

log N,(E)


Since y and 6 are arbitrarily small the proof is complete. n

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Returning to the problem of calculating the compression coefficient, first letus show that p >, H/log M. Let 6 > 0 and let H' = H — 2b < H. For an arbitrarygiven code, let

J, = {a a is a word of length t and c(a) < tH'/log M}. (15.11)


e`H'M#J < M + M 2 + • • • + MIIH'IIogM] < M(1H'jiogM) { l + 1/M + • • _ ,


since the number of code-words of length k is M k . Now observe that

tH'tµ,=Ec(X1,...,X^)%lo MP{(X„...,X,)eJi}


_ ^H—[1 —P{(X,,...,X,)eJ,}]. (15.13)log M


p = limsup p, > log M

limsup [1 — P{(X,, ... , X,) e J}]. (15.14)

Now observe that for any positive number e < 1, for the probabilityP({(X,, ... , Xr ) e J}) to exceed E requires that N,(E) be smaller than #J,. Inview of (15.12) this means that

N,(E) <—M--exp{t(H — 2b)} (15.15)M-1


log N1(c) < 0(1) + H — 26. (15.16)


Now by Proposition 15.1 for any given t this can hold for at most finitely manyvalues of t. In other words, we must have that the probabilityP({ (X,, ... , X,) e Jr }) tends to 0 in the limit as t grows without bound. Therefore,(15.14) becomes

H' H-26(15.17)

log M log M

and since 6 > 0 is arbitrary we get p >, H/log M as desired.

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To prove the reverse inequality, and therefore (15.3), again let b be anarbitrarily small positive number. We shall construct a code whose compressioncoefficient u does not exceed (H + S)/log M. For arbitrary positive numbers yand e, we have

N1(1 — e) < e^(H+y) = M t(n+y)(Io9m (15.18)

for all sufficiently large t. That is, the number of (relatively) high-probabilitywords of length t, the sum of whose probabilities exceeds I — e, is no greaterthan the number M` (H +y )/ Iog At of words of length t(H + y)/log M. Therefore,there are enough distinct sequences of length t(H + y)/log M to code theNß (1 — e) words "most likely to occur." For the lower-probability words, thesum of whose probabilities does not exceed 1 — (I — e) = t, just code each oneas itself. To ensure uniqueness for decoding, one may put one of the previouslyunused sequences of length t(H + y)/log M in front of each of the self-codedterms. The length c(X0 , X,.... , X,_,) of code-words for such a code is theneither t(H + y)/log M or t + t(H + y)/log M, the latter occurring withprobability at most e. Therefore,

t(H + y) [ t(H + y)l_


t(H +



Ec(X0 , X 1 .... , X1 _ t ) ^ l + t +F

(15.19)g lo g M g

where b = eH + e log M + ey + y. The desired inequality now follows. •


Exercises for Section I1.1

1. Verify that the conditional distribution of X n+ , given Xo , X i , .... Xn is theconditional distribution of X +1 given X. if and only if the conditional distributionof X + givengiven Xo , X 1 , ... , Xn is a (measurable) function of X. alone. [Hint: Useproperties of conditional expectations. Section 0.4.]

2. Show that the simple random walk has the Markov property.

3. Show that every discrete-parameter stochastic process with independent incrementsis a Markov process.

4. Let A, B, C be events with C, B n C having positive probabilities. Verify that thefollowing are equivalent versions of the conditional independence of A and B givenC: P(A n B C) = P(A C)P(B I C) if and only if P(A I B n C) = P(A I C).

5. (i) Let {Xn } be a sequence of random variables with denumerable state space S.Call {Xn } rth order Markov-dependent if

P(Xn +i =JI Xo=io,..., Xn = i. '

= P(Xn+ 1 = j I Xn-r+1 = (n-r+ l+ • • , Xn = in ) for io , .. , i n , j e S, n i r.

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Show that Y. = (XX , X„ + I , ... , X„ + ,._, ), n = 0, 1, 2, ... is a (first-order) Markovchain under these circumstances.

(ii) Let V. = X„ +1 — X„, n = 0, 1, 2, .... Show that if {X„} is a Markov chain, thenso is {(X„, V„)}. [Hint: Consider first {(X X„ + ,)} and then apply a one-to-onetransformation.]

6. Show that a necessary and sufficient condition on the correlations of adiscrete-parameter stationary Gaussian stochastic process {X n } to have a Markovproperty is Cov(X,,, Xn+m ) = a2pi for some a' > 0, 1p,ß < 1, m, n = 0, 1, 2, .... [Astochastic process {X„: n >, 0} is said to be stationary if, for all n, m, the distributionof (Xo, .. , X„) is the same as that of (Xm, Xm+1, • • , Xm+n)•]

7. Let {„} be an i.i.d. sequence of ±1-valued Bernoulli random variables withparameter 0 <p < 1. Define a new stochastic process by XX = (Y„ + Y„_,)/2, forn = 1, 2, .... Show that {X„} does not have the Markov property.

8. Let {S„} denote the simple symmetric random walk starting at the origin and letR„ = ISn I. Show that {R n } is a Markov chain.

9. (Random Walk in Random Scenery) Let { Y„: n e 7L} be a symmetric i.i.d. sequenceof + 1-valued random variables indexed by the set of integers 1. Let {S„}be the simple symmetric random walk on the state space 7l starting at So = 0. Therandom walk {S„} is assumed to be independent of the random scenery {Y„}. Definea new process {X„} by noting down the scenery at each integer site upon arrival inthe course of the walk. That is, X. = Ys„, n = 0, 1, 2, ... .

(i) Calculate EX„. [Hint: X. _ ^m=_„ YmI(s.=mj.](*ii) Show that {X„} is stationary. [See Exercise 6 for a definition of stationarity.](iii) Is {X„} Markovian?(iv) Show that Cov(X„, X„ +m ) — (2m)112m 112 for large even m, and zero for odd

m. (For an analysis of the "long-range dependence” in this example, see H.Kesten and F. Spitzer (1979), "A Limit Theorem Related to a New Class ofSelf-Similar Processes,” Z. Wahr. Verw. Geb., 50, 5-25.)

10. Let {Z„: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} be i.i.d. + I-valued with P(Z„ = 1) = p ^ 2. DefineX„=Z Zn +1 , n=0,1,2,.... Show that for k_<n-1, P(Xn+1 =jIXk =i)=

P(X„ + 1 —j), i.e., X„ + I and Xk are independent for each k = 0, ... , n — 1, n 1. Is{X„} a Markov chain?

Exercises for Section II.2

1. (i) Show that the transition matrix for a sequence of independent integer-valuedrandom variables is characterized by the property that its rows are identical; i.e.,p;f =p; for all i,jeS.

(ii) Under what further condition is the Markov chain an i.i.d. sequence?

2. (i) Let {„} be a Markov chain with a one-step transition matrix p. Suppose thatthe process {Y„} is viewed only at every mth time step (m fixed) and let X. = Y„m ,

for n = 0, 1, 2, .... Show that {X} is a Markov chain with one-step transitionlaw given by pm.

(ii) Suppose {X„} is a Markov chain with transition probability matrix p. Letn l < n 2 < • • • < nk . Prove that

P(X„k _J I X (nk—„k-l)„ 1 = i ^, . . . , Xnk - = `k — O = Pik - IJ

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3. (Random Walks on a Group) Let G be a finite group with group operation denotedby. That is, G is a nonempty set and is a well-defined binary operation for Gsuch that (i) if x, y a G then x p+ y e G; (ii) if x, y, z e G then x (D(v z) = (v J y) ®z;(iii) there is an e E G such that x (D e = e p+ x = x for all x e G; (iv) for each XE Gthere is an element in G, denoted —x, such that x $(—x) = (—_r) +Q x = e. If (1 iscommutative, i.e., x Q+ y = y O+ x for all x, y E G, then G is called abelian. LetX 1 , X2 , ... be i.i.d. random variables taking values in G and having the commonprobability distribution Q(g) = P(X„ = g), g e G.

(i) Show that the random walk on G defined by S„ = X0 Q+ X i Q+ O+ X„, ri _> 0, isa Markov chain and calculate its transition probability matrix. Note that it isnot necessary for G to be abelian for {S„} to be Markov.

(ii) (Top-In Card Shuffles) Construct a model for card shuffling as a Markov chainon a (nonabelian) permutation group on N symbols in which the top card ofthe deck is inserted at a randomly selected location in the deck at each shuffle.

(iii) Calculate the transition probability matrix for N = 3. [Hint: Shuffles are of theform (c1, c2, c• 3) —s (c2. c1, c • 3) or (c2, c3, C1) only.] Also see Exercise 4.5.

An individual with a highly contagious disease enters a population. During eachsubsequent period, either the carrier will infect a new person or be discovered andremoved by public health officials. A carrier is discovered and removed withprobability q = I — p at each unit of time. An unremoved infected individual is sureto infect someone in each time unit. The time evolution of the number of infectedindividuals in the population is assumed to be a Markov chain {X: n = 0, 1, 2, ...}.What are its transition probabilities?

5. The price of a certain commodity varies over the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 units dependingon supply and demand. The price X„ at time n determines the demand D. at time nthrough the relation D. = N — X„, where N is a constant larger than 5. The supplyC. at time n is given by CC = N — 3 + E. where {F„} is an i.i.d. sequence of equallylikely ± 1-valued Bernoulli random variables. Price changes are made according tothe following policy:

X,, +1 —X=+1 if D„—C„>0,

X„ + , —X„= —1 if D„—C„<0,

X„, 1 —X„= 0 if D„—C„=0.

(i) Fix X0 = io . Show that {X„} is a Markov chain with state space S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.(ii) Compute the transition probability matrix of {X„}.

(iii) Calculate the two-step transition probabilities.

6. A reservoir has finite capacity of h units, where h is a positive integer. The dailyinputs are i.i.d. integer-valued random variables {J: n = 1, 2, ...} with the commonp.m.f. {gj = P(J„ = j), j = 0, 1, 2, ...}. One unit of water is released through the damat the end of each day provided that the reservoir is not empty or does not exceedits capacity. If it is empty, there is no release. If it exceeds capacity, then the excesswater is released. Let X. denote the amount of water left in the reservoir on the nthday after release of water. Compute the transition matrix for {X„}.

7. Suppose that at each unit of time each particle located in a fixed region of space hasprobability p, independently of the other particles present, of leaving the region. Also,

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at each unit of time a random number of new particles having Poisson distributionwith parameter ) enter the region independently of the number of particles alreadypresent at time n. Let X. denote the number of particles in the region at time n.Calculate the transition matrix of the Markov chain {X"}.

8. We are given two boxes A and B containing a total of N labeled balls. A ball isselected at random (all selections being equally likely) at time n from among the Nballs and then a box is selected at random. Box A is selected with probability p andB with probability q = I — p independently of the ball selected. The selected ball ismoved to the selected box, unless the ball is already in it. Consider the Markovevolution of the number X. of balls in box A. Calculate its transition matrix.

9. Each cell of a certain organism contains N particles, some of which are of type Aand the others type B. The cell is said to be in state j if it contains exactly j particlesof type A. Daughter cells are formed by cell division as follows: Each particle replicatesitself and a daughter cell inherits N particles chosen at random from the 2j particlesof type A and the 2N — 2j particles of type B present in the parental cell. Calculatethe transition matrix of this Markov chain.

Exercises for Section II.3

1. Let p be the transition matrix for a completely random motion of Example 2. Showthat p" = p for all n.

2. Calculate p;; ) for the unrestricted simple random walk.

3. Let p = ((p i;)) denote the transition matrix for the unrestricted general random walkof Example 6.

(i) Calculate p;t» interms of the increment distribution Q.(ii) Show that p° = Q*"(j — i), where the n-fold convolution is defined recursively by

Q *"(j) _ Q *(" - I)(k)Q(j — k), Q *"' = Q.k

4. Verify each of the following for the Pölya urn model in Example 8.

(i) P(X" = 1) = r/(r + b) for each n = 1, 2, 3, ... .(ii) P(X1 = e1,...,Xn =En)= P(Xi+n=x ,...,X. +h= ),foranyh=0,1,2,...

(*iii) {XX } is a martingale (see Definition 13.2, Chapter I).

5. Describe the motion represented by a Markov chain having transition matrix of thefollowing forms:

1 0(i) = 0 1 ],

0 1

(ii)=[1 0J'

I5 S

(iii) p = s s

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(iv) Use the probabilistic description to write down p" without algebraicallyperforming the matrix multiplications. Generalize these to m-state Markovchains.

(Length of a Queue) Suppose that items arrive at a shop for repair on a daily basisbut that it takes one day to repair each item. New arrivals are put on a waiting listfor repair. Let A. denote the number of arrivals during the nth day. Let X. be thelength of the waiting list at the end of the nth day. Assume that A,, A,, .. . is an i.i.d.nonnegative integer-valued sequence of random variables with a(x) = P(A„ = x),x = 0, 1, 2, .... Assume that A„ + , is independent of Xo , ... , X„ (n _> 0). Calculatethe transition probabilities for {X„}.

7. (Pseudo Random Number Generator) The linear congruential method of generatinginteger values in the range 0 to N — I is to calculate h(x) = (ax + c) mod(N) forsome choice of integer coefficients 0 _< a, c < N and an initial seed value of x.More generally, polynomials with integer coefficients can be used in place of ax + c.Note that these methods cycle after N iterations.

(i) Show that the iterations may be represented by a Markov chain on a circle.(ii) Calculate the transition probabilities in the case N = 5, a = 1, c = 2.(iii) Calculate the transition probabilities in the case h(x) _ (x 2 + 2) mod(5).

[See D. Knuth (1981), The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. lt, 2nd ed.,Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, for extensive treatments.]

(A Renewal Process) A system requires a certain device for its operation that issubject to failure. Inspections for failure are made at regular points in time, so thatan item that fails during the nth period of time between n — 1 and n is replaced attime n by a device of the same type having an independent service life. Let p„ denotethe probability that a device will fail during the nth period of its use. Let X. be theage (in number of periods) of the item in use at time n. A new item is started at timen = 0, and X. = 0 if an item has just been replaced at time n. Calculate the transitionmatrix of the Markov chain {X„}.

Exercises for Section 11.4

A balanced six-sided die is rolled repeatedly. Let Z denote the smallest number ofrolls for the occurrence of all six possible faces. Let Z, = 1, Z ; = smallest number oftosses to obtain the jth new face after j — 1 distinct faces have occurred. ThenZ=Z 1 +•••+Z6 .

(i) Give a direct proof that Z,, ... , Z6 are independent random variables.(ii) Give a proof of (i) using the strong Markov property. [Hint: Define stopping

times t, denoting the first time after rj _, that X. is not among X,, .... XT

where X,, X2 , ... are the respective outcomes on the successive tosses.](iii) Calculate the distributions of Z21 ... , Z6 .

(iv) Calculate EZ and Var Z.

2. Let {S„} denote the two-dimensional simple symmetric random walk on the integerlattice starting at the origin. Define r, = inf{n: IIS„I1 = r}, r = 1, 2, ... , whereII(a, b)JI = (ai + Ibl. Describe the distribution of the process {S,,: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} inthe two cases r = 1 and r = 2.

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3. (Coupon Collector's Problem) A box contains N balls labeled 0, 1, 2, ... , N — 1.Let T - TN be the number of selections (with replacement) required until each ballis sampled at least once. Let T; be the number of selections required to sample jdistinct balls. Show that

(i) T=(T" — T"-a)+(T"-I — T"-2)+ ... +(T2 — T1)+T1,

where T, = 1, T2 — T,..... T + , — T, ... , T" — T"_, are independent geomet-rically distributed with parameters (N — j)/N, respectively.

(ii) Let rj be the number of selections to get ball j. Then r; is geometrically distributed.(iii) P(T > m) [Hint: P(T > m) < I ;"_, P(r; > m)].

(iv) P(T > m) = k^^ (— I)k+l(N)(

Ik —

[Hint: Use inclusion—exclusion on {T> m} = U=L {i; > m}.](v) Let X,, X2 , ... be the respective numbers on the balls selected. Is T a stopping

time for {X„}?

4. Let {Xn } and { }.} be independent Markov chains with common transition probabilitymatrix p and starting in states i and j respectively.

(i) Show that {(X„, Y„)} is a Markov chain on the state space S x S.(ii) Calculate the transition law of {(X n , Y,)}.

(iii) Let T = inf{n: X. = Y.J. Show that T is a stopping time for the process {(Xn , Yc,)}.(iv) Let {Z„} be the process obtained by watching {X n } up until time T and then

switching to { } n } after time T; i.e., Zn = X„, n < T, and Zn = Y., for n > T Showthat {Z„} is a Markov chain and calculate its transition law.

5. (Top-In Card Shuffling) Suppose that a deck of N cards is shuffled by repeatedlytaking the top card and inserting it into the deck at a random location. Let G” bethe (nonabelian) group of permutations on N symbols and let X,, X2 , ... be i.i.d.G”-valued random variables with

P(Xk =<i,i-1,...,1>)=1/N fori= 1,2,...,N,

where (i, i — 1, ... , I> is the permutation in which the ith value moves to i — 1,i — I to i — 2, ... 2 to 1, and 1 to i. Let So be the identity permutation and letS„ = X,. . . X„, where the group operation is being expressed multiplicatively. Let Tdenote the first time the original bottom card arrives at the top and is inserted backinto the deck (cf. Exercise 2.3). Then

(i) T is a stopping time.(ii) T has the additional property that P(T = k, Sk = g) does not depend on g e G”.

[Hint: Show by induction on N that at time T — I the (N — 1)! arrangementsof the cards beneath the top card are equally likely; see Exercise 2.3(iii).]

(iii) Property (ii) is equivalent to P(Sk = g I T = k) = 1/1G5 I; i.e., the deck is mixedat time T. This property is referred to as the strong uniform time property byD. Aldous and P. Diaconis (1986), "Shuffling Cards and Stopping Times,” Amer.Math. Monthly, 93, pp. 333-348, who introduced this example and approach.

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(iv) Show that

maxlP(S„ E A) — Al _< P(T > n) _< NeA I GNI

[Hint: Write


I AI P(T n) + P(S„ e A I T > n)P(T > n) = AlB= + rP(T > n),


0 _< r _< 1. For the rightmost upper bound, compare Exercise 4.3.]

6. Suppose that for a Markov chain {Xn }, p,.,,:= Pr(XX = y for some n >_ 1) = 1. Provethat PX (X, = y for infinitely many n) = 1.

7. (Record Times) Let X 1 , X2 , .. . be an i.i.d. sequence of nonnegative random variableshaving a continuous distribution (so that the probability of a tie is zero). DefineR, = 1, R k = inf{n_> R k _ I + 1:XX >,max(X,,...,XX _ 1 )}, for k=2,3,....

(i) Show that {R„} is a Markov chain and calculate its transition probabilities.[Hint: All ik ! rankings of (X,, X2 , ... , X;k ) are equally likely. Consider the event{R 1 = 1, R 2 = '2, ... , R k = ik } and count the number of rankings of (X l , X2 , ... , X,k )

that correspond to its occurrence.](ii) Let T„ = R +1 — R„. Is {T„} a Markov chain? [Hint: Compute P(T3 = 1 I T2 = 1,

T1 = 1) and P(T3 =I T2 = 1).]

8. (Record Values) Let X,, X2 ,.. . be an i.i.d. sequence of nonnegative randomvariables having a discrete distribution function. Define the record times R 1 = 1,R 2 , R 3 , ... as in Exercise 7. Define the record values by Vk = XRk , k = 1, 2, ... .

(i) Show that each R k is a stopping time for {X. }.

(ii) Show that {1'} is a Markov process and calculate its transition probabilities.(iii) Extend (ii) to the case when the distribution function of Xk is continuous.

Exercises for Section II.5

1. Construct a finite-state Markov chain such that

(i) There is only one inessential state.(ii) The set .' of essential states decomposes into two equivalence classes with periods

d = I and d = 3.

2. (i) Give an example of a transition matrix for which all states are inessential.(ii) Show that if S is finite then there is at least one essential state.

3. Classify all states for p given below into essential and inessential subsets. Decomposethe set of all essential states into equivalence classes of communicating states.

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j 0 0 0 j 0 0

0 0 0; 0 0 2I 1 1 1 1 16 6 6 6 6 6

0 1 0 0 0 1 0

5 0 0 0 3 0 0

0 0 0 6 0 0 6

0 * 0 0 0 3 0

4. Suppose that S comprises a single essential class of aperiodic states. Show that thereis an integer v such that p$ 1 > 0 for all i, j e S by filling in the details of the followingsteps.

(i) For a fixed (i, )), let Bi; _ {v > 1: p;J ) > 0}. Then for each state j, B is closedunder addition.

(ii) (Basic Number Theory Lemma) If B is a set of positive integers having greatestcommon divisor 1 and if B is closed under addition, then there is an integer bsuch that ne B for all n >, b. [Hints:(a) Let G be the smallest additive subgroup of Z that contains B. Then argue

that G = Z since if d is the smallest positive integer in G it will follow thatif n E B, then, since n = qd + r, 0 <, r < d, one obtains r = n — qd E G andhence r = 0, i.e., d divides each n e B and thus d = 1.

(b) If leB,theneachn=l+1+•••+Ie B. If10B,thenby(a), 1 =a—ßfor a, ß E B. Check b = (a + ß) Z + 1 suffices; for if n > (a + ß)2 , then, writingn= q(a +ß)+r, 0<r <a+ß, n= q(a +ß)+r(a—ß)= (q +r)a +(q —r)ß,and in particular n e B since q + r > 0 and q — r > 0 by virtue ofn > (r + 1)(a + ß).]

(iii) For each (i, j) there is an integer b;; such that v >_ b ;; implies v e B.. [Hint:Obtain b from (ii) applied to (i) and then choose k such that p;; 9 > 0. Checkthat b ;; = k + b;; suffices.]

(iv) Check that v = max {b;; : i, j e S} suffices for the statement of the exercise.

5. Classify the states in Exercises 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8 as essential and inessential states.Decompose the essential states into their respective equivalence classes.

6. Let p be the transition matrix on S = {0, 1, 2, 3} defined below.

0 ' 0 '2 2

2 0 Z 0

0 1 0 '2 2

2 0 2 0

Show that S is a single class of essential states of period 2 and calculate p" for all n.

7. Use the strong Markov property to prove that if j is inessential then P,,(X,, =j forinfinitely many n) = 0.

8. Show by induction on N that all states communicate in the Top-In Card Shufflingexample of Exercises 2.3(ii) and 4.5.

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Exercises for Section II.6

1. (i) Check that "deterministic motion going one step to the right" onS = {0, 1, 2, ...} provides a simple example of a homogeneous Markov chainfor which there is no invariant distribution.

(ii) Check that the "static evolution" corresponding to the identity matrix providesa simple example of a 2-state Markov chain with more than one invariantdistribution (see Exercise 3.5(i)).

(iii) Check that "deterministic cyclic motion" of oscillations between states providesa simple example of a 2-state Markov chain having a unique invariantdistribution it that is not the limiting distribution lim,,. P(X„ =1) for anyother initial distribution It : it (see Exercise 3.5(ii)).

(iv) Show by direct calculation for the case of a 2-state Markov chain having strictlypositive transition probabilities that there is a unique invariant distributionthat is the limiting distribution for any initial distribution. Calculate the preciseexponential rate of convergence.

2. Calculate the invariant distribution for Exercise 2.5. Calculate the so-calledequilibrium price of the commodity,

3. Calculate the invariant distribution for Exercise 2.8.

4. Calculate the invariant distribution for Exercise 2.3(ii) (see Exercise 5.8).

5. Suppose that n states a,, a 2 .... , a„ are arranged counterclockwise in a circle. Aparticle jumps one unit in the clockwise direction with probability p, 0 _< p _< 1, orone unit in the counterclockwise direction with probability q = I — p. Calculate theinvariant distribution.

6. (i) (Coupling Bound) If X and Y are arbitrary real-valued random variables andJ an arbitrary interval then show that JP(X e J) — P(Y e J)I < P(X ^ Y).

(ii) (Doeblin's Coupling Method) Let p be an aperiodic irreducible finite-statetransition matrix with invariant distribution n. Let {X„} and { Y„} be independentMarkov chains with transition law p and having respective initial distributionsit and S ;,. Let T denote the first time n that X. =(a) Show P(T < oo) = 1. [Hint: Let v = min{n: p >0 for all i, j e S}. Argue


P(T> kv)5 P(Xkv^ YkvIX(k-i)i# (k-1)v''Xv# Yv) ...

P(X2 ,, ^ Y'2V I X„ ^ YV )P(XV 0 YY ) < (I — Nb 2 )k ,

where 6 = min ; p;j> > 0, N = ISI.](b) Show that {(X„, )„)} is a Markov chain on S x S and T is a stopping time

for this Markov chain.(c) Define {Z„} to be the process obtained by observing { Y„} until it meets {X.}

and then watching {X„} from then on. Show that {Z„} is a Markov chainwith transition law p and invariant initial distribution H.

(d) Show IP(Z„ = j) — P(XX =1)1 _< P(T _> n).(e) Show Ip — P(T >_ n) _< ( 1 —

Nö2)o.iv^ - 1.

Let A = ((a ;J)) be an N x N matrix. Suppose that A is a transition probabilitymatrix with strictly positive entries a ;j .

(i) Show that the spectral radius, i.e., the magnitude of the largest eigenvalue of A,

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must be 1. [Hint: Check first that A is an eigenvalue of A (in the sense Ax = Axhas a nonzero solution x = (x 1 . • x")') if and only if zA = atz has a nonzerosolution z = (z, • • z"); recall that det(B) = det(B') for any N x N matrix B.]

(ii) Show that A = 1 must be a simple eigenvalue of A (i.e., geometric multiplicity1). [Hint: Suppose z is any (left) eigenvector corresponding to A = 1. By theresults of this section there must be an invariant distribution (positiveeigenvector) n. For t sufficiently large z + to is also positive (and normalizable).]

*8. Let A = ((a;j)) be a N x N matrix with positive entries. Show that the spectral radiusis also given by min{.l > 0: Ax < Ax for some positive x}. [Hint: A and its transposeA' have the same eigenvalues (why?) and therefore the same spectral radius. A' isadjoint to A with respect to the usual (dot) inner product in the sense(Ax, y) = (x, A'y) for all x, y, where (u, v) = Z" 1 u 1 v. . Apply the maximal propertyto the spectral radius of A'.]

9. Let p(x, y) be a continuous function on [c, d] x [c, d] with c < d. Assume thatp(x, y) > 0 and J p(x, y) dy = 1. Let S2 denote the space of all sequencesw = (x0 , x 1 ,...) of numbers x ; e [c, d]. Let .yo denote the class of allfinite-dimensional sets A of the form A = {co = (x0 , x,, . ..) e S2: a, <x < b ; ,i = 0,1, ... , n}, where c < a ; < b, < d for each i. Define PP(A) for such a set A by

Px(A) = J"...

fabl ,

P(x,Y1)p(Y1,Y2) ... p(Y"-1,Y")dY" ... dy1 forxe[ao,bo].

Define PP(A) = 0 if x < ao or x > b0 . The Kolmogorov Extension Theorem assuresus that PX has a unique extension to a probability measure defined for all events inthe smallest sigmafield .y of subsets of Q that contains FO . For any nonnegativeintegrable function y with integral 1, define

P(A) = J Px(A)y(X) dx, A e F.

Let X. denote the nth coordinate projection mapping on 52. Then {X"} is said tobe a Markov chain on the state space S = [c, d] with transition density p(x, y) andinitial density y under P. Under P. the process is said to have initial state x.

(i) Prove the Markov property for {X"}; i.e., the conditional distribution of X"+ 1

given X0 ,... , X" is p(X", y) dy.(ii) Compute the distribution of X. under P.(iii) Show that under PY the conditional distribution of X. given X o = xo is

p 1" ) (xo , y) dy, where

p(x,Y)= f p (n - 1) (x, z)p(z, y) dz and p ( ' ) =p.

(iv) Show that if S = inf{p(x, y): x, ye [c, d]} > 0, then

J I P(x, Y) — P(z, Y)I dy < 2[ 1 — b(d — c)]

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by breaking the integral into two terms involving y such that p(x, y) > p(z, y)and those y such that p(x, y) -< p(z, y).

(v) Show that there is a continuous strictly positive function n(y) such that

max {Ip ( " ) (x, y) — m(y)I: c -< x, y -< d} < [1 — b(d — c)]" 'p

where p = max {Ip(x, y) — p(z, y)I: c -< x, y, z -< d} < oo.(vi) Prove that it is an invariant distribution and moreover that under the present

conditions it is unique.(vii) Show that P(X" e (a, b) i.o.) = 1, for any c <a < b < d. [Hint: Show that

Py(X" $ (a, b) for m < n -< M) [1 — b(b — a)]"` - ". Calculate P,(X" (a, b) forall n> m).]

10. (Random Walk on the Circle) Let {X"} be an i.i.d. sequence of random variablestaking values in [0, 1] and having a continuous p.d.f. _f(x). Let {S} be the processon [0, 1) defined by

S"=x+X,+•••+X" mod1,

where x E [0, 1).

(i) Show that {S"} is a Markov chain and calculate its transition density.(ii) Describe the time asymptotic behavior of p ("»(x, y).(iii) Describe the invariant distribution.

11. (The Umbrella Problem) A person who owns r umbrellas distributes them betweenhome and office according to the following routine. If it is raining upon departurefrom either place, an event that has probability p, say, then an umbrella is carriedto the other location if available at the location of departure. If it is not raining,then an umbrella is not carried. Let X. denote the number of available umbrellas atwhatever place the person happens to be departing on the nth trip.(i) Determine the transition probability matrix and the invariant distribution

(equilibrium).(ii) Let 0 < a < 1. How many umbrellas should the person own so that the

probability of getting wet under the equilibrium distribution is at most a againsta climate (p)? What number works against all possible climates for theprobability a?

Exercises for Section I1.7

1. Calculate the invariant distributions for Exercise 2.6.

2. Calculate the invariant distribution for Exercise 5.6.

3. A transition matrix is called doubly-stochastic if its transpose p' is also a transitionmatrix; i.e., if the elements of each column add to 1.

(i) Show that the vector consisting entirely of l's is invariant under p and can benormalized to a probability distribution if S is finite.

(ii) Under what additional conditions is this distribution the unique invariantdistribution?

4. (i) Suppose that it = (a ; ) is an invariant distribution for p. The distribution P,, of

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the process is called time-reversible if it p ij = 7rj pj; for all i, j e S [it is often saidto be time-reversible (with respect to p) as well]. Show that if S is finite and pis doubly stochastic, then the (discrete) uniform distribution makes the processtime-reversible if and only if p is symmetric.

(*ii) Suppose that {X^} is a Markov chain with invariant distribution it and startedin x. Then {X„} is a stationary process and therefore has an extension backwardin time ton = 0, ± 1, ± 2..... [Use Kolmogorov's Extension Theorem.] Definethe time-reversed process by Y„ = X_,. Show that the reversed process {}„} isa Markov chain with 1-step transition probabilities q;j = nj pji /n,.

(iii) Show that under the time-reversibility condition (i), the processes in (ii), { Y„}and {X„}, have the same distribution; i.e., in equilibrium a movie of the evolutionlooks the same statistically whether run forward or backward in time.

(iv) Show that an irreducible Markov chain on a state space S with an invariantinitial distribution it is time-reversible if and only if (Kolmogorov Condition):

Pr, Pi,i 2 • Piki = PukPikik- 1 * • •Pi,i for all i, i 1 , .... ik E S, k >_ 1.

(v) If there is a j e S such that p ij > 0 for all i 0 j in (iv), then for time-reversibilityit is both necessary and sufficient that pij Pik Pki = Pik Pkj Pji for all i, j, k.

5. (Random Walk on a Tree) A tree graph on n vertices v 1 , v2 , ... , v, is a connectedgraph that contains no cycles. [That is, there is given a collection of unordered pairsof distinct vertices (called edges) with the following property: Any two distinct verticesu, v e S are uniquely connected in the sense that there is a unique sequencee l , e2 .... , e„ of edges e ; _ {vk; , v,„,} such that u e e, v e e,,, e i n e i ,, ^ 0,i = 1, ... , n — 1.] The degree v i of the vertex v ; represents the numberof vertices adjacent to v i , where u, v E S are called adjacent if there is an edge {u, v}.By a tree random walk on a given tree graph we mean a Markov chain on the statespace S = {v1, v2.... , v r} that at each time step n changes its state v ; to one of its v i

randomly selected adjacent states, with equal probabilities and independently of itsstates prior to time n.

(i) Explain that such a Markov chain must have a unique invariant distribution.(ii) Calculate the invariant distribution in terms of the vertex degrees v i , i = 1, ... , r.

(iii) Show that the invariant distribution makes the tree random walk time-reversible.

6. Let {X„} be a Markov chain on S and define Y. = (X, X n = 0, 1, 2, ... .

(i) Show that {Y„} is a Markov chain on S' = {(i, j) E S x S: p i , > 0).(ii) Show that if {X„} is irreducible and aperiodic then so is {Y„}.(iii) Show that if {X„} has invariant distribution it = (rz ;) then {}„} has invariant

distribution (n ; p ; ,).

7. Let {X„} be an irreducible Markov chain on a finite state space S. Define a graph Ghaving states of S as vertices with edges joining i and j if and only if either p,j > 0or pj; > 0.

(i) Show that G is connected; i.e., for any two sites i and j there is a path of edgesfrom i to j.

(ii) Show that if {X„} has an invariant distribution it then for any A c S,

Y. E 7ri Pij = /_ Y_ Irj PjlleA jES\A ieA jeS\A

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(i.e., the net probability flux across a cut of S into complementary subsets A, S\Ais in balance).

(iii) Show that if G contains no cycles (i.e., is a tree graph in the sense of Exercise5). then the process is time-reversible started with n.

Exercises for Section 1I.8

1. Verify (8.10) using summation by parts as indicated. [Hint: Let Z be nonnegativeinteger-valued. Then

P(Z>r)= P(Z=n)..=o r=on=r+t

Now interchange the order of summation.]

2. Classify the states in Examples 3.1-3.7 as transient or recurrent.

3. Show that if j is transient and i —*j then - o p (^ ) < co and, in particular, p —*0as n —• oc. [Hint: Represent N(j) as a sum of indicator variables and use (8.11).]

4. Classify the states for the models in Exercises 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 as transient or recurrent.

5. Classify the states for {R„} = {IS,,}, where S. is the simple symmetric random walkstarting at 0 (see Exercise 1.8).

6. Show that inessential states are transient.

7. (A Birth or Collapse Model) Let

1 iPi.^+I =i+1-- '

Pi.o=i+ 1'

i =0, 1,2,....

Determine whether p is transient or recurrent.

8. Solve Exercise 7 when

I iA.o =

i + l 'Pi.;+I = i + 1' i >_ I ' Po.i 1.

9. Let p,, +1 = p, p; , o = q, i = 0, 1, 2, .... Classify the states of S = {0, 1, 2, ...} astransient or recurrent (0 < p < 1, q = 1 — p).

10. Fix i,.j E S. Write

r„=P;(X„=j) = p;; ' (n%1). r0= 1 .

%=P i(X,,,^jform<n,X„=j) (n%1)•

(i) Prove (see (5.5) of Chapter I) that r„ = J]ni=1 f,,r„_ m (n _> 1).(ii) Sum (i) over n to give an alternative proof of (8.11).(iii) Use (i) to indicate how one may compute the distribution of the first visit to

state j (after time zero), starting in state i, in terms of p;PP (n _> 1).

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11. (i) Show that if II • II and II • 110 are any two norms on t, then there are positiveconstants c,, c 2 such that

c1 IIxll -< Ilxllo <- c211x11 for all x e

A norm on t8 k is a nonnegative function x —p II x II on 08 k with the properties that(a) Ilcx11 = Icl Ilxll for c e R , x e ask,

(b) IlxII =0,xel8k,iffx=0,(c) Ix + y11 _< Ilxll + IIYII for all x, ye R'.[Hint: Use compactness of the unit ball in the case of the Euclidean norm,IIXII=(xi+ ... +x)' 12 , x=(x 1 ,...,xk )•]

(ii) Show that the stability condition given in Example 1 implies that X. —. 0 inevery norm.

Exercises for Section II.9

1. Let Y1 , Y2 , ... be i.i.d. random variables.(i) Show that if EIY,•I < oo then {max(Y1 , .... Yn)}/n --* 0 a.s. as n —> cc.

(ii) Verify (9.8) under the assumption (9.4). [Hint: Show that P(IY^I > e i.o.) = 0for every e> 0.]

2. Verify for (9.12) that

nlim — = E(T;2) — t) =

provided Ej(tj(' ) ) < co.


Jim ' = o0n w Nn

Pi—a.s. for a null-recurrent state j such that i#-j.j.

4. Show that positive and null recurrence are class properties.

5. Let {X„} be an irreducible aperiodic positive recurrent Markov chain havingtransition matrix p on a denumerable state space S. Define a transition matrix qon S x S by

= Pik P;i, (i, j), (k, 1) e S x S.

Let {Z„} be a Markov chain on S x S with transition law q. DefineTp = inf{n: Zn e D}, where D = {(i, i): je S} c S x S. Show that if P(i.j) (TD < cc) = Ifor all i, j then for all i, je S, lim,,.,. p;; ) = 7t 1, where {nt} is the unique invariantdistribution. [Hint: Use the coupling method described in Exercise 6.6 for finitestate space.]

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6. (General Birth—Collapse) Let p be a transition probability matrix onS={0,1,2,...} of the form e ;. , + ,=p i ,p,. o =I— p j, i=0,1,2,...,O<p i <1,i >_ 1, Po = 1. Show:

(i) All states are recurrent

k x

iff lim F1 pj = 0 iff I (1 — pj) = oo .

(ii) If all states are recurrent, then positive recurrence holds

iff pj < b .k=1j=1

(iii) Calculate the invariant distribution in the case p j = 1/(j + 2).

7. Let {S"} be the simple symmetric random walk starting at the origin. Definef: Z -^ l8' by f (n) = I if n _> 0 and f (n) = 0 if n < 0. Describe the behavior of[ (So) + ... + f(Sn- 1 )]/n as n -i oo.

8. Calculate the invariant distribution for the Renewal Model of Exercise 3.8, in thecase that p"=pn -1 (1 —p),n=0, 1,2,. . . where 0 <p < 1.

9. (One-Dimensional Nearest-Neighbor Ising Model) The one-dimensional nearest-neighbor Ising model of magnetism consists of a random distribution of + I-valuedrandom variables (spins) at the sites of the integers n = 0, ± 1, ±2, .... The

parameters of the model are the inverse temperature /i = - 1- > 0 where T iskT

temperature and k is a universal constant called Boltzmann s constant, an externalfield parameter H, and an interaction parameter (coupling constant) J. The spinvariables X", n = 0, + 1, ±2, +3, ... , are distributed according to a stochasticprocess on { —1,1 } indexed by Z with the Markov property and having stationarytransition law given by

exp{ßJai + ßHn}

p(X" + ' =nI X" =Q)= 2cosh(ßH+ßJa)

for a, >a e { + 1, — 1}, n = 0, + 1, ±2.... ; by the Markov property is meant thatthe conditional distribution of X" + , given {Xk : k _< n} does not depend on{Xk,k_<n-1}.

(i) Calculate the unique invariant distribution n for p.(ii) Calculate the large-scale magnetization (i.e., ability to pick up nails), defined by

MN =[X_ N + ... +XN]/(2N+1)

in the so-called bulk (thermodynamic) limit as N —+ oo.(iii) Calculate and plot the graph (i.e., magnetic isotherm) of EX0 as a function of

H for fixed temperature. Show that in the limit as H —• 0 + or H — 0 - thebulk magnetization EX, tends to 0; i.e., there is no (zero) residual magnetizationremaining when H is turned off at any temperature.

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(iv) Determine when the process (in equilibrium) is reversible for the invariantdistribution; modify Exercise 7.4 accordingly.

10. Show that if {X„} is an irreducible positive-recurrent Markov chain then thecondition (iv) of Exercise 7.4 is necessary and sufficient for time-reversibility of thestationary process started with distribution it.

*11. An invariant measure for a transition matrix ((p ;j)) is a sequence of nonnegativenumbers (m ; ) such that m ; p;J = mj for all j ES. An invariant measure may ormay not be normalizable to a probability distribution on S.

(i) Let p ; _ ;+ , = p ; and p ; , o = I — p ; for i = 0, 1, 2, .... Show that there is a uniqueinvariant measure (up to multiples) if and only if tim,,. fjk=, Pk = 0; i.e., ifand only if the chain is recurrent, since the product is the probability of noreturn to the origin.

(ii) Show that invariant measures exist for the unrestricted simple random walkbut are not unique in the transient case, and is unique (up to multiples) inthe (null) recurrent case.

(iii) Let Poo = Poi = i and p i , ; _, = p i , ; = 2 - ' -Z , and p ;.;+ , = I — 2 i = 1, 2, 3,.... Show that the probability of not returning to 0 is positive (i.e., transience),

but that there is a unique invariant measure.

12. Let { Y„} be any sequence of random variables having finite second moments andlet y„,„ = Cov(Y„, Y,„), µ„ = EY„, o„ = Var(Y„) = y„„, and p

(i) Verify that —1 <_ p _< 1 for all n and m. [Hint: Use the Schwarz Inequality.](ii) Show that if p„ .,„ _< f(In — ml), where f is a nonnegative function such that

n_ 2 Yk=öf(k)Y n =1 Qk -*0 as n -* oo, then the WLLN holds for {}„}.(iii) Verify that if = po ^„_^ = p(ln — ml) > 0, then it is sufficient that

p(k) -*0 as n -+ oc for the WLLN.(iv) Show that in the case of nonpositive correlations it is sufficient that

n -1 Ik= 1 ak -+0 as n , oo for the WLLN.

13. Let p be the transition probability matrix for the asymmetric random walk onS = {0, 1, 2, ...} with 0 absorbing and p i , ;+ , = p > Z for i _> 1. Explain why forfixed i > 0,

1 ^j e S,


does not converge to the invariant distribution S o ({j}) (as n -- co). How can thisbe modified to get convergence?

14. (Iterated Averaging)

(i) Let a,, a 2 , a 3 be three numbers. Define a 4 = (a, + a 2 + a 3 )/3, a 5 =(a 2 + a 3 + a4 )/3,.... Show that lim,, a„ = (a, + 2a 2 + 3a 3 )/6.

(ii) Let p be an irreducible positive recurrent transition law and let a,, a 2 , ... beany bounded sequence of numbers. Show that

lim Pi! )aj _ ajnt,

where (it) is the invariant distribution of p. Show that the result of (i) is aspecial case.

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Exercises for Section 11.10

1. (i) Let Y1 , Y,, ... be i.i.d. with EY < co. Show that max(Y 1 , ... , Y")/,/n —• 0 a.s.as n —* . [Hint: Show that P(Y.2 > ne i.o.) = 0 for every e > 0.]

(ii) Verify that n - '/ZS" has the same limiting distribution as (10.6).

2. Let {W"(t): t >_ 0} be the path process defined in (10.7). Let t I < t 2 < • • • < t k , k >_ 1,be an arbitrary finite set of time points. Show that (W"(t 1 ), ... , W"(t k )) converges indistribution as n —^ x to the multivariate Gaussian distribution with mean zero andvariance—covariance matrix ((D min{t i , ti })), where D is defined by (10.12).

3. Suppose that {X"} is Markov chain with state space S = { 1, 2, . .. , r} having uniqueinvariant distribution (it; ). Let

N(i)= #{k_<n:Xk =i }, ieS.

Show that

`(N"(1) Na(r)n — 7C 1

— ...

n n

is asymptotically Gaussian with mean 0 and variance—covariance matrix F = ((y, J ))where

= b it — n ; nt + (p) — njmi) + (pj — nt 7Z I ), for 1 -< i, j -< r.k=1 k=1

4. For the one-dimensional nearest-neighbor Ising model of Exercise 9.9 calculate thefollowing:

(i) The pair correlations p,,,, = Cov(X", X,").(ii) The large-scale variance (magnetic susceptibility) parameter Var(X0 ).(iii) Describe the distribution of the fluctuations in the (bulk limit) magnetization

(cf. Exercise 9.9(i)).

5. Let {X"} be a Markov chain on S and define Y = (X", Xri+ 1 ), n = 0, 1, 2..... Letp = ((p,j)) be the transition matrix for {X"}.

(i) Show that { Y"} is a Markov chain on the state space defined byS'_ {(i,j)eS x S:p ij >0}.

(ii) Show that if {XX } is irreducible and aperiodic then so is { }ç"}.(iii) Suppose that {X"} has invariant distribution it = (n i ). Calculate the invariant

distribution of { },}.(iv) Let (i, j) e S' and let T be the number of one-step transitions from i to j by

X0, X"... , X" started with the invariant distribution of (iii). Calculatelim". x (T"/n) and describe the fluctuations about the limit for large n.

6. (Large-Sample Consistency in Statistical Parameter Estimation) Let XX = I or 0according to whether the nth day at a specified location is wet (rain) or dry. Assume{X"} is a two-state Markov chain with parameters ß = P(X" +1 = II X" = 0) andS=P(X 1 =0^X"=1),n=0,1,2,...,0<f<1,0<S<I.Suppose that {X}is in equilibrium with the invariant initial distribution it = (n 1 , no ). Define statisticsbased on the sample X0 , X 1 , ... , X" to estimate /3, it , respectively, by ‚t" = S/(n + 1)

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and ß^" ) = T"/n, where S. = X0 + • • • + X. is the number of wet days and

_ >. k=O l ((Xk.Xk l)=(0.I)) is the number of dry-to-wet transitions. Calculaten(" ) and lim"—. ß^" )

7. Use the result of Exercise 1.5 to describe an extension of the SLLN and the CLT tocertain rth-order dependent Markov chains.

Exercises for Section II.11

1. Let {X"} be a two-state Markov chain on S = {O, 1 } and let T o be the first time{X"} reaches 0. Calculate Pl (zo = n), n _> 1, in terms of the parameters p, o and Poi

2. Let {X"} be a three-state Markov chain on S = {0, 1, 2} where 0, 1, 2 are arrangedcounterclockwise on a circle, and at each time a transition occurs one unit clockwisewith probability p or one unit counterclockwise with probability 1 — p. Let t o denotethe time of the first return to 0. Calculate P(-ro > n), n > 1.

3. Let To denote the first time starting in state 2 that the Markov chain in Exercise5.6 reaches state 0. Calculate P2 (r o > n).

4. Verify that the Markov chains starting at i having transition probabilities p and p,and viewed up to time T A have the same distribution by calculating the probabilitiesof the event {X0 = i, X, = i ...... Xm = ►m , TA =m} under each of p and p.

5. Write out a detailed explanation of (11.22).

6. Explain the calculation of (11.28) and (11.29) as given in the text using earlier resultson the long-term behavior of transition probabilities.

7. (Collocation) Show that there is a unique polynomial p(x) of degree k that takesprescribed (given) values vo , v 1 ..... vk at any prescribed (given) distinct pointsx0 , x,, ... , xk , respectively; such a polynomial is called a collocation polynomial.[Hint: Write down a linear system with the coefficients a o , a,, ... , a k of p(x) as theunknowns. To show the system is nonsingular, view the determinant as a polynomialand identify all of its zeros.]

*8. (Absorption Rates and the Spectral Radius) Let p be a transition probability matrixfor a finite-state Markov chain and let r ; be the time of the first visit to j. Use (11.4)and the results of the Perron—Frobenius Theorem 6.4 and its corollary to show thatexponential rates of convergence (as obtained in (11.43)) can be anticipated moregenerally.

9. Let p be the transition probability matrix on S = {0, ± 1, ±2, ...} defined by


ifi<0,j=0,-1,-2,..., —i +I

1 ifi=0,j=0

0 ifi=0,j960.

(i) Calculate the absorption rate.

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(ii) Show that the mean time to absorption starting at i > 0 is given by =, (i /k).

10. Let {X„} be the simple branching process on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with offspringdistribution { fj}, f j a jfj 1.

(i) Show that all nonzero states in S are transient and that lim„^ P 1 (X„ = k) = 0,k=1,2,....

(ii) Describe the unique invariant probability distribution for {X„}.

II. (i) Suppose that in a certain society each parent has exactly two children, andboth males and females are equally likely to occur. Show that passage of thefamily surname to descendants of males eventually stops.

(ii) Calculate the extinction probability for the male lineage as in (i) if each parenthas exactly three children.

(iii) Prompted by an interest in the survival of family surnames, A. J. Lotka (1939),"Theorie Analytique des Associations Biologiques II,” Actualites Scientifiqueset Industrielles, (N.780), Hermann et Cie, Paris, used data for white males inthe United States in 1920 to estimate the probability function f for thenumber of male children of a white male. He estimated f(0) = 0.4825,f(j)= (0.2126)(0.5893)' - ' (j = 1,2,...).(a) Calculate the mean number of male offspring.(b) Calculate the probability of survival of the family surname if there is only

one male with the given name.(c) What is the survival probability forj males with the given name under this

model.(iv) (Maximal Branching) Consider the following modification of the simple

branching process in which if there are k individuals in the nth generation, andif X,, X 2 , ... , X„,, are independent random variables representing theirrespective numbers of offspring, then the (n + 1)st generation will containZn + , = max{X„ . ,, X z , ... , X„.k } individuals. In terms of the survival of familynames one may assume that only the son providing the largest number ofgrandsons is entitled to inherit the family title in this model (due to J. Lamperti(1970), "Maximal Branching Processes and Long-Range Percolation,” J. Appt.Probability, 7, pp. 89-98).(a) Calculate the transition law for the successive size of the generations when

the offspring distribution function is F(x), x = 0, 1, 2, ... .(b) Consider the case F(x) = 1 — (1/x), x = 1, 2, 3..... Show that

lim P(Z„ + , -< kx I Z„ = k) = e - x - ', x>0.

12. Let f be the offspring distribution function for a simple branching process havingfinite second moment. Let p = > k kf(k), v 2 = E k (k — p) 2f(k). Show that, givenXo = 1,

Var X. = — 1 )/(u — 1) if it # I

g if p = 1.

13. Each of the following distributions below depends on a single parameter. Constructgraphs of the nonextinction probability and the expected sizes of the successivegenerations as a function of the parameter.

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9,(a) _ q(b, a)q(a, c)_ q(b, O)q(O, c)'

a, b, cc S. [Hint: Y_ g(a) = 1, äb, c e S.]a9,(0)



p ifj= 2(i) f(j)= q ifj=0

0 otherwise;

(ii) f(j)=qp', j=0,1,2,...;

(iii) f(j)= -i jj•

14. (Electron Multiplier) A weak current of electrons may be amplified by a deviceconsisting of a series of plates. Each electron, as it strikes a plate, gives rise to arandom number of electrons, which go on to strike the next plate to produce moreelectrons, and so on. Use the simple branching process with a Poisson offspringdistribution for the numbers of electrons produced at successive plates.(i) Calculate the mean and variance in the amplification of a single electron at the

nth plate (see Exercise 12).(ii) Calculate the survival probability of a single electron in an infinite succession

of plates if y = 1.01.

15. (A Generalized Gambler's Ruin) Gamblers 1 and 2 have respective initial capitalsi > 0 and c — i > 0 (whole numbers) of dollars. The gamblers engage in a series offair bets (in whole numbers of dollars) that stops when and only when one of thegamblers goes broke. Let X. denote gambler l's capital at the nth play (n >_ 1),Xo = I. Gambler 1 is allowed to select a different game (to bet) at each play subjectto the condition that it be fair in the sense that E(X„ X^_,) = X,_,, n = 1, 2, ... ,and that the amounts wagered be covered by the current capitals of the respectivegamblers. Assume that gambler l's selection of a game for the (n + 1)st play (n >_ 0)depends only on the current capital X. so that {XX } is a Markov chain with stationarytransition probabilities. Also assume that P(X„ + I = i XX = i) < 1, 0 < i < c,although it may be possible to break even in a play. Calculate the probability thatgambler 1 will eventually go broke. How does this compare to classical gamblersruin (win or lose $1 bets placed on outcomes of fair coin tosses)? [Hint: Check thatac (i) = i/c, 0 < i < c, a0 (i) _ (c — i)/c, 0 < i _< c (uniquely) solves (11.13) using theequation E(X„ X,) = X„_ 1 .]

Exercises for Section II.12

1. (i) Show that for (12.10) it is sufficient to check that

(ii) Use (12.11), (12.12) to show that this condition can be expressed as

9(a) 9e.o(b) 9e.e(0 ) 9e.^(a) a, b, cc S.9n,ß(8 ) g9(0) 9e,e(b) 9e.,,(0)

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(iii) Consider four adjacent sites on Z in states a, ß, a, b, respectively. For notationalconvenience, let [a, ß, a, b] = P(X0 = a, X, = ß, X2 = a, X3 = b). Use thecondition (ii) of Theorem 12.1 to show

[a, ß, a, b] = P(X0 = a, X 2 = a, X3 = b)g".a(ß)

and, therefore,

[a, ß , a, b] _ g(ß)

[a, /3', a, b] g,,,(ß')

(iv) Along the lines of (iii) show that also

[a, ß, a, b] gß (a)

[a, ß, a', b] gß.b(a')

Use the "substitution scheme" of (iii) and (iv) to verify (12.10) by checking (ii).

2. (i) Verify (12.13) for the case n = 1, r = 2. [Hints: Without loss of generality, takeh = 0, and note,

[x, ß, y , b]P(X 1 = ß,X2 = yIXo = a,X3 =h)= --

[a, u, v, b]

and using Exercise 1(iii)—(iv) and (12.10),

[a, u, v, b] _ g(u)g(v) _ 9(a, u)q(u, v)q(v, b)

[a, u', v', b] ga."(u')gr,b(v') q(a, u')q(u', ß)9(v', b)

Sum over u, v E S and then take u' = ß, v' = y.](ii) Complete the proof of (12.13) for n = 1, r 2 by induction and then n >- 2.

3. Verify (12.15).

4. Justify the limiting result in (12.17) as a consequence of Proposition 6.1. [Hint: UseScheffe's Theorem, Chapter 0.]

*5. Take S = {0, 1}, g,,,(1) = µ, g, 0(1) = v. Find the transition matrix q and theinvariant initial distribution for the Markov random field viewed as a Markov chain.

Exercises for Section 11.13

(i) Let {Y": n -> 0} be a sequence of random vectors with values in Il k which convergea.s. to a random vector Y. Show that the distribution Q. of Y. converges weaklyto the distribution Q of Y.

(ii) Let p(x, dy) be a transition probability on the state space S = Rk (i.e., (a) for eachx e S. p(x, dy) is a probability measure on (R", B') and (b) for each B Ex —. p(x, B) is a Borel-measurable function on Rk ). The n-step transitionprobability p ( " ) (x, dy) is defined recursively by

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pcl) (x, dy) = p(x, dy), pcn+1)(x, B) = Jp(y, B)p'n) (x, dy).

sShow that, if p ) " ) (x, dy) converges weakly to the same probability measure it(dy)for all x, and x —* p(x, dy) is weakly continuous (i.e., f s f (y) p(x, dy) is a continuousfunction of x for every bounded continuous function f on S), then n is the uniqueinvariant probability for p(x, dy), i.e., j 13 p(x, B)rc(dx) = n(B) for all Be .VV. [Hint:Let f be bounded and continuous. Then

J dY) -> f .%(Y)7r(dy),

J 1lr(dz). ]

(iii) Extend (i) and (ii) to arbitrary metric space S, and note that it suffices to requireconvergence of n - ' Jm-ö If (Y)pl'")(x, dy) to If (y)ir(y) dy for all boundedcontinuous f on S.

2. (i) Let B 1 , B2 be m x m matrices (with real or complex coefficients). Define IIBII asin (13.13), with the supremum over unit vectors in Il'" or C'°. Show that


(ii) Prove that if B is an m x m matrix then

IIBII < m' 12 max {Ib 1 l: 1 < i,j <, m}.

(iii) If B is an m x m matrix and IIBII is defined to be the supremum over unit vectorsin C'", show that IIB"II >, r"(B). Use this together with (13.17) to prove thatlimllB"II" exists and equals r(B). [Hint: Let A. be an eigenvalue such that12,„1 = r(B). Then there exists x e C'°, (1x11 = 1, such that Bx = Ax.]

3. Suppose E I is a random vector with values in 1.(i) Prove that if b > 1 and c > 0, then

P(Ie 1 I > cb") _< EEIZI — 1, where Z = logI ,I — log c

" =1 log (5

[Hint: P(IZI > n) _ nP(n < IZI < n + 1). ]n =1 n=1

(ii) Show that if (13.15) holds then (13.16) converges. [Hint:

IIS"B"II _< dfl("° B""II 1"f"°) where d = max{8'IIBII': 0 _< r _< n o }. ]

(iii) Show that (13.15) holds, if it holds for some S < 1 /r(B). [Hint: Use the Lemma.]

4. Suppose Y a"z" and 1] b"z" are absolutely convergent and are equal for Izl < r, wherer is some positive number. Show that an = bn for all n. [Hint: Within its radius of

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convergence a power series is infinitely differentiable and may be repeatedlydifferentiated term by term.]

5. (i) Prove that the determinant of an m x m matrix in triangular form equals theproduct of its diagonal elements.

(ii) Check (13.28) and (13.35).

6. (i) Prove that under (13.15), Y in (13.16) is Gaussian if c" are Gaussian. Calculatethe mean vector and the dispersion matrix of Y in terms of those of E".

(ii) Apply (i) to Examples 2(a) and 2(b).

7. (i) In Example I show that Jhi < 1 is necessary for the existence of a unique invariantprobability.

(ii) Show by example that ibI < I is not sufficient for the existence of a unique invariantprobability. [Hint: Find a distribution Q of the noise E" with an appropriatelyheavy tail.]

8. In Example 1, assume EE„ < oo, and write a = EE", X" + , = a + bX" + 0" + „ where= a" — a (n -> 1). The least squares estimates of a, b are äN , b N , which minimize

Yn-ö (XX+ , — a — bX") z with respect to a, b.

(i) Show that aN = Y — 6 N X, bN = I ö ' X" + , (X" — (XX — X )2, whereX= N 1 X", Y= N 1 I i X. [Hint: Reparametrize to write a + bX" _a, + b(X" — X).]

(ii) In the case Ibi < 1, prove that aN —+ a and bN - b a.s. as N —• oo.

9. (i) In Example 2 let m = 2, b„ _ —4, b 12 = 5, b 2 , = —10, b 22 = 3. Assume e, hasa finite absolute second moment. Does there exists a unique invariant probability?

(ii) For the AR(2) or ARMA(2, q) models find a sufficient condition in terms of ß o

and (i, for the existence of a unique invariant probability, assumingthat q" has a finite rth moment for some r > 0.

Exercises for Section II.14

1. Prove that the process {X"(x): n >- 0} defined by (14.2) is a Markov process havingthe transition probability (14.3). Show that this remains true if the initial state x isreplaced by a random variable X. independent of {a"}.

2. Let F"(z):= P(X, -< z), n >- 0, be a sequence of distribution functions of randomvariables X. taking values in an interval J. Prove that if F + ,„(z) — F(z) convergesto zero uniformly for z e J, as n and m go to co, then F(z) converges uniformly (forall z e J) to the distribution function F(z) of a probability measure on J.

3. Let g be a continuous function on a metric space S (with metric p) into itself. If,for some x e S, the iterates g ("^(x) - g(gt" (x)), n >- 1, converge to a point x* E Sas n —* cc, then show that x* is a fixed point of g, i.e., g(x*) = x*.

4. Extend the strong Markov property (Theorem 4.1) to Markov processes {X"} onan interval J (or, on

5. Let r be an a.s. finite stopping time for the Markov process {X"(x): n > 0} definedby (14.2). Assume that X,(x) belongs to an interval J with probability 1 and p ( " ) (y, dz)converges weakly to a probability measure n(dz) on J for all ye J. Assume alsothat p(y, J) = I for all y e J.

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(i) Prove that p (" )(x, dz) converges weakly to n(dz). [Hint: p ( '` ) (x, J) —. I as k --i c0,f f(y)p

(k+r)(x dy) = f ($f(z)p^ .)(y, dz))p (k) (x dy).]

(ii) Assume the hypothesis above for all x e J (with J not depending on x). Provethat it is the unique invariant probability.

6. In Example 2, ifs,, are i.i.d. uniform on [— 1,1], prove that {X 2n (x): n > 1} is i.i.d.with common p.d.f. given by (14.27) if XE [-2, 2].

7. In Example 2, modify f as follows. Let 0 < ö <. Define fo(x):—_f(x) for—2 _< x < —6, and 6 _< x _< 2, and linearly interpolate between (—ö,), so that f,is continuous.

(i) Show that, for x e [6, 1] (or, x c [-1, —b]) {X"(x): n >, 1} is i.i.d. with commondistribution it (or, nx+2).

(ii) For x e (1, 2] (or, [-2, —1)) {X"(x): n >_ 2} is i.i.d. with common distributionix (or, ix +2).

(iii) For x e (-8, 6) {X"(x): n >_ 1} is i.i.d. with common distribution it_ X+ ,.

8. In Example 3, assume P(e 1 = 0) > 0 and prove that P(e,, = 0 for some n >_ 0) = 1.

9. In Example 3, suppose E log s ; > 0.

(i) Prove that E,„ , {1/(E 1 ...e" )} converges a.s. to a (finite) nonnegative randomvariable Z.

(ii) Let d, := inf{z > 0: P(Z < z) > 0}, d 2 == sup{z >- 0: P(Z >- z) > 0}. Show that

=0 if x < c(d, + l ),

p(x) e (0, 1) if c(d, + l) < x < c(d 2 + 1),

=1 if x > c(d 2 + 1).

10. In Example 3, define M := sup{z >_ 0: P(e, > z) > 0}.

(i) Suppose I <M < oo. Then show that p(x) = 0 if x < cM/(M — 1).(ii) If Al _< 1, then show that p(x) = 0 for all x.(iii) Let m be as in (14.34) and M as above. Let d,, d 2 be as defined in Exercise

9(ii). Show that

(a) d, = > m-_

"1 if m > 1, = oo if m 5 1 , and

n =, m — I

(b)d 2 = M - " (=_ifM>1=coifM1).m — I

Exercises for Section I1.15

1. Let 0 < p < I and suppose h(p) represents a measure of uncertainty regarding theoccurrence of an event having probability p. Assume(a) h(i)=0.(b) h(p) is strictly decreasing for 0 < p _< 1.(c) h is continuous on (0, 1].(d)h(pr) = h(p) + h(r), 0 <p < 1,0< r < I.

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Intuitively, condition (d) says that the total uncertainty in the joint occurrence oftwo independent events is the cumulative uncertainty for each of the events. Verifythat h must be of the form h(p) = —c log 2 p where c = h(21) > h(1) = 0 is a positiveconstant. Standardizing, one may take

h(p) = — log2 p.

2. Let f= (f) be a probability distribution on S = { 1, 2, . .. , M}. Define the entropyin f by the "average uncertainty," i.e.,

H(f) = — Z f loge fi (0 log 0:= 0).a=1

(i) Show that H(f) is maximized by the uniform distribution on S.(ii) If g = (g ;) is another probability distribution on S then

H(f) —Y_ Ji 1og 2 gii

with equality if and only if f = g ; for all i E S.

3. Suppose that X is a random variable taking values a 1 ..... a M with respectiveprobabilities p(a, ), ... , p(a M ). Consider an arbitrary binary coding of the respectivesymbols a,, I < i z M, by a string cb(a ; ) = (rI'°, ... , sl,'t) of 0's and l's, such that nostring (eilt, ... , F„11 ) can be obtained from a shorter code (c,°, ... , e„ 1 n ; <_ nj , byadding more terms; such codes will be called admissible. The number n ; of bits iscalled the length of the code-word 4)(a 1 ).

(i) Show that an admissible binary code 0 having respective lengths n ; exists if andonly if


I.i =1

[Hint: Let n 1 .... , nM be positive integers and let

Pk = #{ i:n i =k}, k = 1,2,....

Then it is necessary and sufficient for an admissible code that p, S 2,P2522-2P1.....Pk52k—pl2k 1 —...— Pk -1 2 ,k>, 1 .]

(ii) (Noiseless Coding Theorem) For any admissible binary code 0 of a,..... aM

having respective lengths n 1 ..... M' the average length of code-words cannotbe made smaller than the entropy of the distribution p of a,, ... , a,, i.e.,


n.p(a,) % — Z p(a) log2 p(ai)•i =l i =1

[Hint: Use Exercise 2(ü) with f = p(a ; ), g ; = 2 - " to show


H(p) Y n1p(ai) + log2 ( 2 - "").i =1 k =1

Then apply Exercise 3(i) to get the result.]

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(iii) Show that it is always possible to construct an admissible binary code ofa l , ... , a, such that

MH(p) n1 P(ai) 5 H(p) + 1.

[Hint: Select n, such that

—logt p(a 1 ) _< n ; <, — log2 p(a) + 1 for 1 _< i _< M,

and apply 3(i).](iv) Verify that there is not a more efficient (admissible) encoding (i.e. minimal

average number of bits) of the symbols a,, a 2 , a 3 for the distribution p(al) = z,P(a2) = p(a 3 ) = ä, than the code 0(a 1 ) = (0), 0(a 2 ) = (1, 0), ¢(a 3 ) = ( 1, 1)•

4. (i) Show that Y1 , Y2 , ... in (15.4) satisfies the law of large numbers.(ii) Show that for (15.5) to hold it is sufficient that Yl , YZ , ... satisfy the law of large



Theoretical Complements to Section II.6

1. Let S be an arbitrary state space equipped with a sigmafield .5° of events. Let y(dx)be a sigmafinite measure on (S, 9) and let p(x, y) be a transition probability densitywith respect to p; i.e., p is a nonnegative measurable function on (S x S, .9' x ,9') suchthat for each fixed x, p(x, y) is a p-integrable function of y with total mass 1. Let S2denote the space of all sequences w = (x 0 , x,, ...) of states x i e S. Let .F, denote theclass of all finite-dimensional sets A of the form

A={w=(x 0 ,x l ,...)eftx 1 eB 1,i = 0,1,.. ,n},

where B ; e 9 for each i. Define PP(A) for such a set A, x e B0 , by

Px(A) = L ... P(x,Y1)P(Y1,Y2)...P(yn_1,Y(dyn)...u(dy1) (T.6.1) 9,

for x e S. Define P(A) = 0 if x 0 B0 . The Kolmogorov Extension Theorem assuresus that Px has a unique extension to a probability measure defined for all events inthe smallest sigmafield .F of subsets of S2 that contain S. For any probability measurey on (S, .9"), define

P1(A) = J PX(A)y(dx), A e F. (T.6.2)

Let X. denote the nth coordinate projection mapping on 12. Then {X„} is said to bea Markov chain on the state space S with transition density p(x, y) with respect to pand initial distribution, y under P. The results of Exercise 6.9 can be extended to this

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setting as follows. Suppose that there is a positive integer r and a p-integrable functionp on S such that fs p(x)p(dx) > 0 and p (' ) (x, y) > p(y) for all x, y in S. Then there isa unique invariant distribution it such that

sup p (" » (x, y)p(dy) — it(B) (1 —B

where a = f s p(x) u(dx), n' = [n/r], and the sup is over B e .Y . ❑

Proof. To see this define

M(B) := sup

^ p (" )(u, y)p(dy)


m"(B):= inf if" p (" ) (u, y)p(dy), (T.6.3)


sup {M(B) — m"(B)}.B


= sup Ip (" ) (x, y) — pc" )(z, y)I u(dy) 1.2 , s

(ii) Ifil

pick+ n.>(x, y)p(dy) — p «k+ '(z, y)p(dy)1 ( 1 — e)[Mk.(B) — mk.(B)]

(iii) The probability measure it given by

n(B) = lim J p ( " )(x, y)p(dy) (T.6.4)

is well defined and

s up Ip

(" ) (x, y)p(dy) — it(B) (1 — a)"'. (T.6.5)B


Also, the following facts are simple to check.(iv) it is absolutely continuous with respect to p and therefore by the

Radon—Nykodym Theorem (Chapter 0) has a density rz(y) with respect to p.(v) For Be .9' with 7r(B) > 0, one has Py,(X" e B i.o.) = 1.

2. (Doeblin Condition) A well-known condition ensuring the existence of an invariantdistribution is the following. Suppose there is a finite measure cp and an integer r >_ 1,and > 0, such that p (' )(x, B) < I — r whenever (p(B) _< e. Under this condition thereis a decomposition of the state space as S = U;"_ j Si such that

(i) Each Si is closed in the sense that p(x, S ; ) = I for x e S. (1 i m).(ii) p restricted to Si has a unique invariant distribution rti.

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(iii) - j p (' ) (x, B) -+ zr ; (B) as n -. cc for x e Si .n r =^

Moreover, the convergence is exponentially fast and uniform in x and B.

It is easy to check that the condition of theoretical complement 1 above implies theDoeblin condition with Qp(dx) = p(x)p(dx). The more general connections betweenthe Doeblin condition with the gi(dx) = p(x) p(dx) condition in theoretical complement1 can be found in detail in J. L. Doob (1953), Stochastic Processes, Wiley, New York,pp. 190.

3. (Lengths of Increasing Runs) Here is an example where the more general theoryapplies.

Let X,, X2 , ... be i.i.d. uniform on [0, 1]. Successive increasing runs among thevalues of the sequence X 1 , X2 ,. . . are defined by placing a marker at 0 and then betweenX; and X +1 whenever X; exceeds X +1 , e.g., X0.20, 0.24, 0.6010.5010.30, 0.7010.20... .Let Y. denote the initial (smallest) value in the nth run, and let L. denote the lengthof the nth run, n = 1, 2.... .

(i) { Y,} is a Markov chain on the state space S = [0, 1] with transition density

e' - x ify<xP(x, Y) _

(ii) Applying theoretical complement 1, { Y„} has a unique invariant distribution n.Moreover, it has a density given by n(y) = 2(1 — y), 0 < y < 1.

(iii) The limit in distribution of the length L. as n --+ oo may also be calculated fromthat of { }„}, since


P(L„ m) = P(L m I Y„ = Y)P(Y„ E dY) = J P(Y„ E dY), 0 (m — 1)!

and therefore,

riP(L 0 >, m):= lim P(L„ >_ m) = J ^ 1 — y)1 2(1 — y) dy.

„--W o (m — 1)!

Note from this that

EL. _ P(L. _> m) = 2.m=1

Theoretical Complement to Section 11.8

1. We learned about the random rounding problem from Andreas Weisshaar (1987),"Statistisches Runden in rekursiven, digitalen Systemen 1 und 2,” Diplomarbeit erstelltam Institut für Netzwerk- und Systemtheorie, Universität Stuttgart. The stabilitycondition of Example 8.1 is new, however computer simulations by Weisshaar suggestthat the result is more generally true if the spectral radius is less than 1. However,this is not known rigorously. For additional background on the applications of this

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technique to the design of digital filters, see R. B. Kieburtz, V. B. Lawrance, and K.V. Mina (1977), "Control of Limit Cycles in Recursive Digital Filters by RandomizedQuantization," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-24(6), pp. 291-299, andreferences therein.

Theoretical Complements to Section I1.9

1. The lattice case of Blackwell's Renewal Theorem (theoretical complement 2 below)may be used to replace the large-scale Caesaro type convergence obtained for thetransition probabilities in (9.16) by the stronger elementwise convergence describedas follows.

(i) If j e S is recurrent with period 1, then for any i e S,

lim pi; ) = pj;(E;i; t) ) - `nom

where p0 is the probability P; (i^' ) < cc) (see Eq. 8.4).(ii) If j e S is recurrent with period d> 1, then by regarding p° as a one-step transition


lim p(Jd) = pijd(E;i^ii)- i


To obtain these from the general renewal theory described below, take as thedelay Zo the time to reach j for the first time starting at i. The durations of thesubsequent replacements Z 1 , Z2 , ... represent the lengths of times between returnsto I.

2. (Renewal Theorems) Let Z,, 4,... be independent nonnegative random variablessuch that Z,, 4,.. . are i.i.d. with common (nondegenerate) distribution function F,and Zo has distribution function G. In the customary framework of renewal theory,components subject to failure (e.g. lightbulbs) are instantly replaced upon failure,and Z,, Z2 , ... represent the random durations of the successive replacements. Thedelay random variable Zo represents the length of time remaining in the life of theinitial component with respect to some specified time origin. For example, if theinitial component has age a relative to the placement of the time origin, then onemay take

F(x + a) — F(a)G(x) _

1 — F(a)Let

S. = Zo + Z, + ••• + Zn , n ^> 0, (T.9.1)

and let

N,=inf{n>-O:Sn>t}, t>-0. (T.9.2)

We will use the notation S.0, N° sometimes to identify cases when Zo = 0 a.s. ThenSn is the time of the (n + 1)st renewal and N, counts the number of renewals up to

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and including time t. In the case that Zo = 0 a.s., the stochastic (counting) process{N} - {N°} is called the (ordinary) renewal process. Otherwise {N,} is called a delayedrenewal process.

For simplicity, first restrict attention to the case of the ordinary renewal process.Let u = EZ l < oo. Then 1/µ is called the renewal rate. The interpretation as anaverage rate of renewals is reasonable since

Sx -i \ t \ — (T.9.3)N, N, N,

and N, -- oc as t --* oo, so that by the strong law of large numbers

N, -. 1 a.s. as t - oc. (T.9.4)t p

Since N, is a stopping time for {Sn } (for fixed t >_ 0), it follows from Wald's Equation(Chapter I, Corollary 13.2) that

ESN, = pEN,. (T.9.5)

In fact, the so-called Elementary Renewal Theorem asserts that

EN,1- as t --* Cc. (T.9.6)

t µ

To deduce this from the above, simply observe that pEN, = ESN, > t and therefore

liminf EN,1/


‚- . t p

On the other hand, assuming first that Z. < C a.s. for each n >, 1, where C is apositive constant, gives pEN, < t + C and therefore for this case, limsup,.,(EN,/t)I/p. More generally, since truncations of the Z. at the level C would at most decreasethe S„, and therefore at most increase N, and EN„ this last inequality applied to thetruncated process yields

EN, 1limsup — <- as C -4 co. (T.9.7)

t CP(Z 1 >, C) + fc xF(dx) p

The above limits (T.9.4) and (T.9.6) also hold in the case that p = co, under theconvention that 1 /0o is 0, by the SLLN and (T.9.7). Moreover, these asymptoticscan now be applied to the delayed renewal process to get precisely the same conclusionsfor any given (initial) distribution G of delay.

With the special choice of G = F. defined by


F(x) = 1 I P(Z, > u)du, x 0, (T.9.8)u j0

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the corresponding delayed renewal process N, called the equilibrium renewal process,has the property that

EN(t, t + h] = h/p, for any h, t l 0, (T.9.9)


NI(t,t+h]=N+h—N,N. (T.9.10)

To prove this, define the renewal function m(t) = EN„ t >- 0, for {N1 }. Then for thegeneral (delayed) process we have

m(t) = EN, = P(N, n) = G(t) + P(N, n+l)

= G(t) + f0'

P(N,_„ -> n)F(du) = G(t) + J m(t — u)F(du) 0

= G(t) + m * F(t), (T.9.11)

where * denotes the convolution defined by

m s F(t) = J m(t — s)F(ds). (T.9.12)u

Observe that g(t) = t/p, t -> 0, solves the renewal equation (T.9.11) with G = Fx,;i.e.,

t 1` t — = (1 — F(u)) du + — F(u) du = F(t) + -- J J F(ds) duµ u o µ o N o 0

= F^(t) + 1 J ' J r du F(ds) = Fx (t) + f.'

t — s F(ds). (T.9.13)u o s EP

To finish the proof of (T.9.9), observe that g(t) = m`(t):= EN;, t >- 0, uniquelysolves (T.9.11), with G = F., among functions that are bounded on finite intervals.For if r(t) is another such function, then by iterating we have

r(t) = F(t) +^^ r(t — u)F(du)0

= F(t) + f.' { F^(t — u) + J t u r(t — u — s)F(ds)jF(du)( o

= P(Nj' >- 1) + P(N' -> 2) + f r(t — v)P(S° e dv)

= P(Nf' ^ 1) + P(N, 3 2) + + P(Nf' ? n) + J r(t — v)P(S° e dv).


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r(t) _ P(Nj° 3 n) = m W (t)n =i



r Ir(t - v)IP(S.' E dv) _< sup jr(s)jP(S° <_ t) -. 0 as n oo;o ssr


P(S,°° -< t) = P(N° >_ n) -+ 0 as n -- oo since P(N° >, n) = EN° < cc.n =i

Let d be a positive real number and let Ld = {0, d, 2d, 3d, ...}. The commondistribution F of the durations Z 1 , Z2 , ... is said to be a lattice distribution if thereis a number d > 0 such that P(Z 1 e L a) = 1. The largest such d is called the period of F.

Theorem T.9.1. (Blackwell's Renewal Theorem)

(i) If F is not lattice, then for any h > 0,

EN(t,t+h]= P(t<Sk_<t+h)-^h ast -+oo, (T.9.15)k=1 µ

where N(t, t + h] := N, +k - NN is the number of renewals in time t to t + h.(ii) If F is lattice with period d, then

EN (" ) = P(Sk = nd) - - as n -• oo, (T.9.16)k=^ u


Nc") _lsk=nd) (T.9.17)


is the number of renewals at the time nd. In particular, if P(Z, = 0) = 0, thenEN (" ) is simply the probability of a renewal at time nd. ❑

Note that assuming that the limit exists for each h > 0, the value of the limit in(i), likewise (ii), of Blackwell's theorem can easily be identified from the elementaryrenewal theorem (T.9.6) by noting that cp(h):= lim^.. m EN(t, t + h] must then belinear in h, p(0) = 0, and

q(1)= lim {EN" +, - EN"}

=[{EN, -ENo}+{EN2 -EN,}+•••+{ENn -EN I }]


EN" 1_ (im — = -.

n -.. n µ

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Recently, coupling constructions have been successfully used to prove Blackwell'srenewal theorem. The basic idea, analogous to that outlined in Exercise 6.6 foranother convergence problem, is to watch both the given delayed renewal and anequilibrium renewal with the same renewal distribution F until their renewal timesbegin (approximately) to agree. After sufficient agreement is established, then oneexpects the statistics of the given delayed renewal process to resemble more and morethose of the equilibrium process from that time onwards. The details for this argumentfollow. A somewhat stronger equilibrium property than (T.9.9) will be invoked, butnot verified until Chapter IV.

Proof. To make the coupling idea precise for the case of Blackwell's theorem withµ < oc, let {Z8 : n >- 1} and {Z„: n >- l} denote two independent sequences of renewallifetime random variables with common distribution F, and let Zo and Zo beindependent delays for the two sequences having distributions G and G = F es ,respectively. The tilde () will be used in reference to quantities associated with thelatter (equilibrium) process. Let a > 0 and define,

v(r)=inf{n>0:IS„— for some h}, (T.9.18)

v"(s)=inf{n>,0:IS„—§,jj e. for some n}. (T.9.19)

Suppose we have established that (e-recurrence) P(v(e) < oo) = I (i.e., the coupling willoccur). Since the event {v(e) = n, v(e) = n} is determined by 4, Z 1 , ... , Z„ and

Z;,, the sequence of lifetimes {Z' +k : k >- l} may be replaced by thesequence {Z, +k : k >- 1} without changing the distributions of {S„}, {N}, etc. Then,after such a modification for < h/2, observe with the aid of a simple figure that

N(t+r,t+h—e]1 1S,w—t) -<l (t,t+h]l{s ^SI<N(t—E,I+h+E]1{s,iEi^^


N(t+e,t+h—s]—N(t,t+h]1 {s , (, > , t

=N(t+e,t+h — e]l^s +(N(t+E,t+h—E]—N(t,t+h])l (s„ >g

N(t + s, t + h — E] 1 ^s „ ,, E

N(t, t + h]I (s , (,) ,, I

N(t, t + h]1 Is , II + N(t, t + h]l {s „)(= N(t, t + h])

N(t — E, t + h + E]1 (s , } + N(t, t + h]l {s,,,,,,,

N(t—e,t+h+e]+N(t,t+h]l 5 )>,}. (T.9.21)

Taking expected values and noting the first, fifth, and seventh lines, we have thefollowing coupling inequality,

EN(t+r,t+h—e]—E(N(t,t +h]l is ,. (,,„,)

EN(t, t + h] < EN(t — c, t + h + e] + E(N(t, t + h]1 (5 , > ,). (T.9.22)

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Using (T.9.9),

EN(t+s, t+h — e]= h - 2s and EN(t — E, t+h+e]=h+2e

µ p


EN(t, t + h] — hl < ?E + E(N(t, t + h]l {s ,}). (T.9.23)u

Since A = I Is,()>$} is independent of {ZN, +k: k >, 1}, we have

E(N(t, t + h]1 (s,^ >,^) < EoNh P(SVO > t) = m(h)P(SV(C) > t), (T.9.24)

where Eo denotes expected value for the process Nh under zero-delay. More precisely,because (t, t + h] c (t, SN, + h] and there are no renewals in (t, SN,), we haveN(t, t + h] < inf{k 3 0: ZN, +k > h). In particular, noting (T.9.2), this upper boundby an ordinary (zero-delay) renewal process with renewal distribution F, isindependent of the event A, and furnishes the desired estimate (T.9.24).

Now from (T.9.23) and (T.9.24) we have the estimate

EN(t, t + h] — hl < m(h)P(SV(C) > t) + ?E , (T.9.25)

which is enough, since e> 0 is arbitrary, provided that the initial e-recurrenceassumption, P(v(e) < oo) = 1, can be established. So, the bulk of the proof rests onshowing that the coupling will eventually occur. The probability P(v(c) < cc) can beanalyzed separately for each of the two cases (i) and (ii) of TheoremT.9.1.

First take the lattice case (ii) with lattice spacing (period) d. Note that for e < d,

v(e) = v(0) = inf{n > 0: S" — = 0 for some n}. (T.9.26)

Also, by recurrence of the mean-zero random walk on the integers (theoreticalcomplement 3.1 of Chapter I), we have P(v(0) < co) = 1. Moreover, S, (0) is a.s. afinite integral multiple of d. Taking t = nd and h = d with e = 0, we have

EN (" ) = EN(nd, nd + h] -+ h = d as n - cc. (T.9.27)P p

For case (i), observe by the Hewitt—Savage zero—one law (theoretical complement1.2 of Chapter I) applied to the i.i.d. sequence (Z 1 , Z 1 ), (Z2 , Z2 ), (Z3 , Z3 ), ... , that

P(R" < c i.o. I Zo = z) = 0 or 1,

where R"= min{S,f—S":5;,—S">0,n_>0}=SS,^S —"

Now, the distribution of {SR, +; — t} ; does not depend on t (Exercise 7.5, Chapter

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IV). This, independence of {Z' j} and {S„}, and the fact that {Sk + „ — Sk : n -> 0} doesnot depend on k, make {R,, +k } also have distribution independent of k. Therefore,the probability P(R, < e for some n > k), does not depend on k, and thus

{R„ < e i.o.} = n {R. < e for some n -> k} (T.9.28)I,=0

implies P(R„ < r i.o.) = P(R„ < e for some n >, 0) -< P(v(e) < oo). Now,

J P(R„ < s i.o. = z)P(20 e dz)

= P(R„ < e i.o.) = P(R„ < r for some n)

= J P(R. <e for some n 120 = z)P(20 e dz). (T.9.29)

The proof that P(R„ <e for some n z) > 0 (and therefore is 1) in (T.9.29)follows from a final technical lemma given below on "points of increase" of distributionfunctions of sums of i.i.d. nonlattice positive random variables; a point x is called apoint of increase of a distribution function F if F(b) — F(a) > 0 whenever a < x < b.

Lemma. Let F be a nonlattice distribution function on (0, co). The set E of pointsof increase of the functions F, F* z , F* 3 , . . is "asymptotically dense at co" in thesense that for any t > 0 and x sufficiently large, E n (x, x + e) 96 0, i.e., the interval(x, x + e) meets E for x sufficiently large. 0

The following proof follows that in W. Feller (1971), An Introduction to ProbabilityTheory and Its Applications, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, p. 147.

Proof. Let a, b E E, 0 <a < b, such that b — a < e. Let 1„ = (na, nb]. Fora < n(b — a), the interval 1„ properly contains (na, (n + 1)a), and therefore eachx > a 2/(b — a) belongs to some I., n >, 1. Since E is easily checked to be closed underaddition, the n + 1 points na + k(b — a), k = 0,1, ... , n, belong to E and partitionI. into n subintervals of length b — a < r. Thus each x > a 2/(b — a) is at a distance

(b — a)/2 </2 of E. If for some r > 0, b — a -> e for all a, b e E then F must bea lattice distribution. To see this say, without loss of generality, E -< b — a < 2a forsomea,beE.ThenEnl c {na +k(b—a):k= 0,1,...,n}.Since(n+l)aeEnl„for a < n(b — a), E n I must consist of multiples of (b — a). Thus, if c e E thenc + k(b — a) e /„ n E for n sufficiently large. Thus c is a multiple of (b — a). n

Coupling approaches to the renewal theorem on which the preceding is based canbe found in the papers of H. Thorisson (1987), "A Complete Coupling Proof ofBlackwell's Renewal Theorem," Stoch. Proc. App!., 26, pp. 87-97; K. Athreya, D.McDonald, P. Ney (1978), "Coupling and the Renewal Theorem," Amer. Math.Monthly, 851, pp. 809-814; T. Lindvall (1977), "A Probabilistic Proof of Blackwell'sRenewal Theorem," Ann. Probab., 5, pp. 482-485.

3. (Birkhoff's Ergodic Theorem) Suppose {X: n -> 0} is a stochastic process on(S2, .F, P) with values in (S, ,V). The process {X„} is (strictly) stationary if for everypair of integers m >- 0, r >- 1, the distribution of (X0 , X 1 , ... , X,,) is the same as that

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of (X„ Xl+ „ ... , X. + ,). An equivalent definition is: {X„} is stationary if the distribu-tion µ, say, of X :_ (X0 , X1 , X2 , ...) is the same as that of T'X :_ (X,, X l +„ X2 +„ ...)for all r >, 0. Recall that the distribution of (X„ X, + „ ...) is the probability measureinduced on (St, .9®x) by the map co -+ (X,(w), X1 + ,(w), X2+r(w)....). Here St isthe space of all sequences x = (x 0 , x 1 , x2 , ...) with x i E S for all i, and .5'® is thesmallest sigmafield containing the class of all sets of the form C = {x e St: x i E B, for0 < i _< n} where n 0 and B ; E . ' (0 _< i _< n) are arbitrary. The shift transformationT is defined by Tx:= (x i , x 2 , ...) on St, so that T'x = (x„ XI+„ x2+„ ...).

Denote by I the sigmafield generated by {X: n _> 0}. That is, !✓ is the class of allsets of the form G = X -1 C = {co E Q: X(co) E C}, C E .9'®x• For a set G of this form,write T '6= {w e Q: TX(w) E C) = {(X,, X2 ,. . .) E C) _ {X E T 'Cl. Such a setG is said to be invariant if P(G AT - 'G) = 0, where A denotes the symmetric difference.By iteration it follows that if G = {X e C} is invariant then P(G AT - 'G) = 0 for allr > 0, where T - 'G = {(X„ Xl +„ X2,,. . .) e C}. Let f be a real-valued measurablefunction on (5t , 50®) Then cp(w):= f(X(w)) is W- measurable and, conversely, all1-measurable functions are of this form. Such a function cp = f(X) is invariant iff(X) = f(TX) a.s. Note that G = {X E C) is invariant if and only if 1 G = lc(X) isinvariant. Again, by iteration, if f(X) is invariant then f(X) = f (T'X) a.s. for all r ? 1.

Given any p✓ -measurable real-valued function cp = f(X), the functions (extendedreal-valued)

f(X):= lim n -1 (f(X)+f(TX)+•-•+f(T'X))n -m


f(X):= lim n - '(f(X)+ ... + f(Tn -1 X))nyt

are invariant, and the set {7(X) = f(X)} is invariant.The class 5 of all invariant sets (in 5✓ ) is easily seen to be a sigmafield, which is

called the invariant sigmafield. The invariant sigmafield .1 is said to be trivial ifP(G) = 0 or 1 for every G E J.

Definition T.9.1. The process {X„: n > 0} and the shift transformation T are saidto be ergodic if S is trivial.

The next result is an important generalization of the classical strong law of largenumbers (Chapter 0, Theorem 6.1).

Theorem T.9.2. (Birkhoff's Ergodic Theorem). Let {X: n _> 0) be a stationarysequence on the state space S (having sigmafield .9'). Let f(X) be a real-valued1-measurable function such that Elf(X)( < oc. Then(a) n - ' Y_;=ö f(TX) converges a.s. and in L' to an invariant random variable g(X),

and(b) g(X) = Ef(X) a.s. if S is trivial. ❑

We first need an inequality whose derivation below follows A. M. Garcia (1965),"A Simple Proof of E. Hopf's Maximal Ergodic Theorem,” J. Math. Mech., 14,pp. 381-382. Write

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M„(f):= max{0, f(X),f(X)+ f(TX),...,f(X)+ • • • + f(T" - 'X)},

M(f-T)= max{0, f(TX),f(TX)+f(T 2 X),...,f(TX)+•••+f(T"X)},

M(f):= lim M„(f)= sup M„(f).


Proposition T.9.3. (Maxima! Ergodic Theorem). Under the hypothesis of TheoremT.9.2,

f(X)dP>-0 VGEJ. (T.9.31)fuW 1 01IG

Proof. Note that f(X)+M„(foT)=M^ +1 (f) on the set {MM+ ,(f)>0}. SinceM, + , (f) >, M(f) and {M(f) > 0} c {M„ + , (f) > 0}, it follows that f (X)M(f) — M„(f o T) on {M(f) > 0}. Also, MM (f) -> 0, M^(f o T) -> 0. Therefore,

f(X)dP>- (M^(f)—M^(f°T))dPJ(M„(f)>OV G {M„(f)>OInG

= J O

JM„(f) dP — M„(f o T) dP

J M^(f) dP — J M„(f o T) dPG G

= 0,

where the last equality follows from the invariance of G and the stationarity ofThus, (T.9.31) holds with {M„(f) > 0} in place of {M(f) > 0}. Now let n j cc. •

Now consider the quantities

1 n- 1

A,(f):= max{.f(X), -1(.f(X) + f(TX)), ... , f(T`X) n,_ o

A(f):= tim A„(f)= sup A„(f).new n,(

The following is a consequence of Proposition T.9.3.

Corollary T.9.4. (Ergodic Maximal Inequality). Under the hypothesis of TheoremT.9.1 one has, for every cc If8',

f(X) dP -> cP({A(f ) > c} n G) VG E 5. (T.9.32)f(A(f»c)n G

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Proof. Apply Proposition T.9.3 to the function f - c to get

f(X) dP -> cP({M(f - c) > 0} n G).f(M(f-^»0)nG

But {M„(f - c) > 0} = {A„(f - c) > 0} = {A„(f) > c}, and {M(f - c) > 0} _{A(f)>c}. n

We are now ready to prove Theorem T.9.2, using (T.9.31).

Proof of Theorem T.9.2. Write

I „- ' I^-'7(X):= i-- > f(T'X), f(X):= lim - Y f(T'X),

p_Qn.=o n—,n.=o (T.9.33)

Gc,,(f )'= {f(X) > c, f(X) <d} (c, dc R' )

;Since GG ,d ( f) e 5 and Gc ,d(f) c {A(f) > c}, (T.9.32) leads to

f(X) dP -> cP(GC ,d ( f )). (T.9.34)Ld(f)

Now take -f in place of f and note that (- f) _ - f, ( -f ) _ -fG_ d , _ C(- f) = GC d(f) to get from (T.9.34) the inequality

— f(X)dP _> —dP(GC ,d(f )),fG"d(f)


f(X)dP < dP(Gc ,d(f )). (T.9.35)

Now if c > d, then (T.9.34) and (T.9.35) cannot both be true unless P(G,,d(f )) = 0.Thus, if c > d, then P(GC ,d(f )) = 0. Apply this to all pairs of rationals c > d to getP(f (X) > f(X)) = 0. In other words, (1/n) y;=ö f (T'X) converges a.s. tog(X) := f(X).

To complete the proof of part (a), it is enough to assume f >, 0, sincen - ' jö-1 f + (T'X) -- 7(X) a.s. and n - ' 2]o- 'f(TX) - r(X) a.s., where

f + = max{ f, 0}, - f - = min{ f, 0}. Assume then f > 0. First, by Fatou's Lemmaand stationarity of {X„},

”-'E7(X) < lim E -

1 f(T'(X)) = Ef(X) < oo.

n-ao n r=o

To prove the L'-convergence, it is enough to prove the uniform integrability of thesequence {(1/n)S„(f):n_>1}, where S„(f):=Zö- 'f(T'X). Now since f(X) isnonnegative and integrable, given s > 0 there exists a constant N E such that

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II f (X) — fE(X)II l <r where fE (X) := min{ f (X ), N.J. Then

J 1 S"(f) dP 5 J 1 S"(f — fE) dP + S"(.ff) dPt.S^(f>>a1 n n Ins.,ti)>,1 n

+ N"P({n S"(f) > })

S e + N,Ef(X)/.l. (T.9.36)

It follows that the left side of (T.9.36) goes to zero as .l --p oo, uniformly for all n.

Part (b) is an immediate consequence of part (a). •

Notice that part (a) of Theorem T.9.2 also implies that g(X) = E(f (X) J).Theorem T.9.2 is generally stated for any transformation T on a probability space

(S2, ^, p) satisfying p(T - 'G) = p(G) for all G e ^. Such a transformation is calledmeasure-preserving. If in this case we take X to be the identity map: X(cu) = w, thenparts (a) and (b) hold without any essential change in the proof.

Theoretical Complements to Section 11.10

1. To prove the FCLT for Markov-dependent summands as asserted in Theorem 10.2,first consider

X= + +ZQ^

Since Z i , . are i.i.d. with finite second moment, the FCLT of Chapter I providesthat {X;"°} converges in distribution to standard Brownian motion. The correspondingresult for {W"(t)} follows by an application of the Maximal Inequality to show

sup I X;" — W"E . iJ(t)I - 0 in probability as n -+ cc, (T.10.1)osfsI

where t is the first return time to j.

Theoretical Complements to Section 11.12

There are specifications of local structure that are defined in a natural manner butfor which there are no Gibbs states having the given structure when, for example,A = Z, but S is not finite. As an example, one can take q to be the transition matrixof a (general) random walk on S = Z such that q ;; = q11-1 > 0 for all i, j. In this caseno probability distribution on S^ exists having the local structure furnished by (12.10).For proofs, refer to the papers of F. Spitzer (1974), "Phase Transition in One-Dimensional Nearest-Neighbor Systems," J. Functional Analysis, 20, pp. 240-254;H. Kesten (1975), "Existence and Uniqueness of Countable One-Dimensional MarkovRandom Fields," Ann. Probab., 4, pp. 557-569. The treatment here follows F. Spitzer(1971), "Random Fields and Interacting Particle Systems," MAA Lecture Notes,Washington, D.C.

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Theoretical Complements to Section II.14

(Markov Processes and Iterations of I.I.D. Maps) Let p(x; dy) denote a transitionprobability on a state space (S, 91); that is, (1) for each x e S. p(x; dy) is a probabilitymeasure on (S, 9), and (2) for each B e.9', x --+ p(x; B) is .9'-measurable. We willassume that S is a Borel subset of a complete separable metric space, and .9' its Borelsigmafield M(S). It may be shown that S may be "relabeled" as a Borel subset C of[0, 1], with M(C) as the relabeling of .^(S). (See H. L. Royden (1968), Real Analysis,2nd ed., Macmillan, New York, pp. 326-327). Therefore, without any essential lossof generality, we take S to be a Borel subset of [0, 1]. For each x e S, let F(.)denote the distribution function of p(x; dy): FX (y)1= p(x; S o (—oo, y]). DefineFx ' (t) := inf {y e 11': FF(y) > t}. Let U be a random variable defined on someprobability space (f2, , , P), whose distribution is uniform on (0, 1). Then it issimple to check that P(Fx'(U) _< y) > P(Fx(y) > U) = P(U < FX (y)) = Fx(y), andP(F»'(U) _< y) _< P(FF(y) 3 U) = P(U S FX(y)) = Fx(y). Therefore, P(FX'(U) _< y) _F,(y), that is, the distribution of Fx'(U) is p(x; dy). Now let U,, U2 ,. . . be a sequenceof i.i.d. random variables on (S2, , P), each having the uniform distribution on (0, 1).Let X0 be a random variable with values in S. independent of {U„}. DefineX„ + 1 = f(X, U,, ,) (n > 0), where f(x, u) := Fx '(u). It then follows from the abovethat {X: n >_ 0} is a Markov process having transition probability p(x; dy), and initialdistribution that of X0 .

Of course, this type of representation of a Markov process having a given transitionprobability and a given initial distribution is not unique.

For additional information, see R. M. Blumenthal and H. K. Corson (1972), "OnContinuous Collections of Measures,” Proc. 6th Berkeley Symposium on Math. Stat.and Prob., Vol. 2, pp. 33-40.

2. Example I is essentially due to L. E. Dubins and D. A. Freedman (1966), "InvariantProbabilities for Certain Markov Processes,” Ann. Math. Statist., 37, pp. 837-847.The assumption of continuity of the maps is not needed, as shown in J. A. Yahav(1975), "On a Fixed Point Theorem and Its Stochastic Equivalent," J. App!.Probability, 12, pp. 605-611. An extension to multidimensional state space with anapplication to time series models may be found in R. N. Bhattacharya and O. Lee(1988), "Asymptotics of a Class of Markov Processes Which Are Not in GeneralIrreducible," Ann. Probab., 16, pp. 1333-1347. Example l(a) may be found inL. J. Mirman (1980), "One Sector Economic Growth and Uncertainty: A Survey,"Stochastic Programming (M. A. H. Dempster, ed.), Academic Press, New York.

It is shown in theoretical complement 3 below that the existence of a uniqueinvariant probability implies ergodicity of a stationary Markov process. The SLLNthen follows from Birkhoff's Ergodic Theorem (see Theorem T.9.2). Central limittheorems for normalized partial sums may be derived for appropriate functions onthe state space, by Theorem T.13.3 in the theoretical complements of Chapter V.Also see, Bhattacharya and Lee, loc. cit.

Example 3 is due to M. Majumdar and R. Radner, unpublished manuscript.K. S. Chan and H. Tong (1985), "On the Use of Deterministic Lyapunov Function

for the Ergodicity of Stochastic Difference Equations," Advances in App!. Probability,17, pp. 666-678, consider iterations of i.i.d. piecewise linear maps.

3. (Irreducible Markov Processes) A transition probability p(x; dy) on the state space(S,5°) is said to be co-irreducible with respect to a sigmafinite nonzero measure q if,for each x e S and Be .9' with q(B) > 0, there exists an integer n = n(x, B) such that

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p ("^(x, B) > 0. There is an extensive literature on the asymptotics of cp-irreducibleMarkov processes. We mention in particular, N. Jain and B. Jamison (1967),"Contributions to Doeblin's Theorem of Markov Processes," Z. Wahrscheinlichkeits-theorie und Venn Gebiete, 8, pp. 19-40; S. Orey (1971), Limit Theorems for MarkovChain Transition Probabilities. Van Nostrand, New York; R. L. Tweedie (1975),"Sufficient Conditions for Ergodicity and Recurrence of Markov Chains on a GeneralState Space," Stochastic Process App!., 3, pp. 385-403. Irreducible Markov chainson countable state spaces S are the simplest examples of cp-irreducible processes; herecp is the counting measure, ep(B)'= number of points in B. Some other examples aregiven in theoretical complements to Section 11.6.

There is no general theory that applies if p(x; dy) is not cp-irreducible, for anysigmafinite q. The method of iterated maps provides one approach, when the Markovprocess arises naturally in this manner. A simple example of a nonirreducible p isgiven by Example 2. Another example, in which p admits a unique invariantprobability, is provided by the simple linear model: X"„ = ZX,, + E" + ,, where F" arei.i.d., P(e" = i) = P(F" = — i) = z.

4. (Ergodicity, SLLN, and the Uniqueness of Invariant Probabilities) Suppose{XX : it -> 0} is a stationary Markov process on a state space IS, 9'), having a transitionprobability p(x; dy) and an invariant initial distribution it. We will prove the followingresult: The process {X"} is ergodic if and only if there does not exist an invariantprobability n' that is absolutely continuous with respect to it and different from it.

The crucial step in the proof is to show that every (shift) invariant boundedmeasurable function h(X) is a.s. equal to a random variable g(Xo ) where g is ameasurable function on (S, .9'). Here X= (X0 , X 1 , X2 , . ..), and we let T denote theshift transformation and 5 the (shift) invariant sigmafield (see theoretical complement9.3). Now if h(X) is invariant, h(X) = h(T"X) a.s. for all n > 1. Then, by the Markovproperty, E(h(X) I cr(Xo, ... , XX }) = E(h(T"X) I a{X0, ... , X,,}) = E(h(T"X) 1 6{X"}) =g(X"), where g(x) = E(h(X0 , X„ . ..) I X0 = x). By the Martingale ConvergenceTheorem (see theoretical complement 5.1 to Chapter IV, Theorem T.5.2), applied tothe martingale g(X) = E(h(X) a{Xo , ... , X"}), g(X) converges a.s., and in L', toE(h(X) I a{Xo , X„ ...}) = h(X). But g(X) — h(X) = g(X) — h(T"X) has the samedistribution as g(X0 ) — h(X) for all n > 1. Therefore, g(Xo ) — h(X) = 0 a.s., since thelimit of g(X) — h(X) is zero a.s. In particular, if G e .S then there exists B E . ' suchthat {X0 e B} = G a.s. This implies it(B) = P(X0 e B) = P(G). If {X"} is not ergodic,then there exists G ei such that 0 < P(G) < I and, therefore, 0 < n(B) < 1 for acorresponding set BE .y as above. But the probability measure r1 B defined by:ne(A) = tr(A n B)/n(B), A e.9", is invariant. To see this observe that $ p(x; A)iB(dx) =f B p(x; A)rz(dx)/ic(B) = P(X0 e B, X, e A)/ir(B) = P(X, E B, X, E A)/it(B) (since {Xo e B}is invariant) = P(X0 E A n B)/n(B) (by stationarity) = n(A r B)/tc(B) = tt 8(A). Sincei,(B) = 1 > rz(B), and ttB is absolutely continuous with respect to n, one half of theitalicized statement is proved.

To prove the other half, suppose {X"} is ergodic and n' is also invariant andabsolutely continuous with respect to n. Fix A e Y. By Birkhoff's Ergodic Theorem,and conditioning on X0 , (I/n) Z;=ä p (' ) (x; A) converges to it(A) for all x outside a setof zero it-measure. Now the invariance of n' implies f (1/n) p(')(x; A)zr'(dx) = rz'(A)for all n. Therefore, n'(A) = rz(A). Thus it' = it, completing the proof.

As a very special case, the following strong law of large numbers (SLLN) forMarkov processes on general state spaces is obtained: If p(x; dy) admits a uniqueinvariant probability rr, and {X": n -> 0} is a Markov process with transition probability

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p and initial distribution n, then (1/n) jö - ' f (X,) converges to f f (x)n(dx) a.s. providedthat f If(x)I i(dx) < co. This also implies, by conditioning on X 0 , that this almostsure convergence holds under all initial states x outside a set of zero it-measure.

5. (Ergodic Decomposition of a Compact State Space) Suppose S is a compact metricspace and S = .l(S) its Borel sigmafield. Let p(x; dy) be a transition probability on(S, s(S)) having the Feller property: x -* p(x; dy) is weakly continuous on S intop(S)—the set of all probability measures on (S,.R(S)). Let T* denote the map on9(S) into a(S) defined by: (T*µ)(B) = $ p(x; B)p(dx) (Be f(S)). Then T* is weaklycontinuous. For if probability measures µ^ converge weakly to p then, for everyreal-valued bounded continuous f on S, J f d(T*p") = f (f f (y)p(x; dy))p ^ (dx)converges to f ($ f(y)p(x; dy))p(dx) =If d(T*p), since x -a f f(y)p(x;dy) is continuousby the Feller property of p.

Let us show that under the above hypothesis there exists at least one invariantprobability for p. Fix p e P1(S). Consider the sequence of probability measures

1^ - 'µ^'= T *',u (n _> 1),

n r = o


T *0p = u, T*Iµ = T*p, and T*('"y = T*(T*rp) (r 1).

Since S is compact, by Prohorov's Theorem (see theoretical complement 8.2 of ChapterI), there exists a subsequence {p.} of {p"} such that p". converges weakly to aprobability measure n, say. Then T *p , converges weakly to T *n. On the other hand,

J f dµ^ . - J f d(T *u )I =4 f f dy - ff d(T*" p)) -< (sup{f(x)I: x e S})(2/n') -+ 0,n J

as n' -• oo. Therefore, {p„} and {T*p".} converge to the same limit. In other words,it = T*n, or it is invariant. This also shows that on a compact metric space, and withp having the Feller property, if there exists a unique invariant probability it thenT*p 1_ (1/n) T*'p converges weakly to n, no matter what (the initialdistribution) p is.

Next, consider the set .f = .alp of all invariant probabilities for p. This is a convexand (weakly) compact subset of P1(S). Convexity is obvious. Weak compactness followsfrom the facts (i) q(S) is weakly compact (by Prohorov's Theorem), and (ii) T* iscontinuous for the weak topology on 9(S). For, if u^ e .elf and µ^ converges weaklyto p, then µ^ = T*µ" converges weakly to T*p. Therefore, T*p = p. Also, P1(S) is ametric space (see, e.g., K. R. Parthasarathy (1967), Probability Measures on MetricSpaces, Academic Press, New York, p. 43). It now follows from the Krein-MilmanTheorem (see H. L. Royden (1968), Real Analysis, 2nd ed., Macmillan, New York,p. 207) that di is the closed convex hull of its extreme points. Now if {X ^} is notergodic under an invariant initial distribution n, then, by the construction given intheoretical complement 4 above, there exists B e P(S) such that 0 < n(B) < I andit = it(B)itB + n(B`)iB.,, with nB and iB., mutually singular invariant probabilities. Inother words, the set K, say, of extreme points of d# comprises those it such that {X"}with initial distribution it is ergodic. Every it e .i is a (weak) limit of convexcombinations of the form .1;'°p;" (n -+ cc), where 0 < A;^ ) < 1, .l;'° = 1, µ;'° e K.

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Therefore, the limit it may be expressed uniquely as it = fK pm(dp), where m is aprobability measure on (K, :. (K)). This means, for every real-valued boundedcontinuous f, 1, f drt = Sic (f s f dp)m(dµ).

Theoretical Complements to Section II.15

1. For some of Claude Shannon's applications of information theory to languagestructure, see C. E. Shannon (1951), "Prediction and Entropy of Printed English,"Bell System Tech. J., 30(1), pp. 50-64. The basic ideas originated in C. E. Shannon(1948), "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," Bell System Tech. J., 27,pp. 379-423, 623-656. There are a number of excellent textbooks and referencesdevoted to this and other problems of information theory. A few standard referencesare: C. E. Shannon and W. Weaver (1949), The Mathematical Theory ofCommunications, University of Illinois Press, Urbana; and N. Abramson (1963),Information Theory and Coding. McGraw-Hill, New York.

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Birth—Death Markov Chains


Each of the simple random walk examples described in Section 1.3 has thespecial property that it does not skip states in its evolution. In this vein, weshall study time-homogeneous Markov chains called birth—death chains whosetransition law takes the form

ß; ifj =i +1

S ; ifj =i -1(1.1)

a i ifj =i

0 otherwise,

where a ; + ß, + b ; = 1. In particular, the displacement probabilities may dependon the state in which the process is located.

Example 1. (The Bernoulli—Laplace Model). A simple model to describe themixing of two incompressible liquids in possibly different proportions can beobtained by the following considerations. Consider two containers labeledbox I and box II, respectively, each having N balls. Among the total of 2Nballs, there are 2r red and 2w white balls, I < r < w. At each instant of time,a ball is randomly selected from each of the boxes, and moved to the otherbox. The state at each instant is the number of red balls in box I.

In this example, the state space is S = {O, 1, ... , 2r} and the evolution is aMarkov chain on S with transition probabilities given by

for I i<,2r-1,


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(w+4—i)(2r —i)P1,i+ 1 =

(w + r)2CC.-V-^:)

_ i(2r mal) + .(2r^r(w + r — i) (1.2)P" (2 + r) 2(w + r) 2

i(w — r + i)Pi,i-1 =

(w + r) 2

andw —r

Poo =P2r,2r= w+r


Pol = P2r,2r - 1 = w + r

Just as the simple random walk is the discrete analogue of Brownian motion,the birth—death chains are the discrete analogues of the diffusions studied inChapter V.

Most of this chapter may be read independently of Chapter II.


The long-run behavior of a birth—death chain depends on the nature of its(local) transition probabilities pi,i+1 = ß., p;,i-1 = S i at interior states i as wellas on its transitions at boundaries, when present. In this section a case-by-casecomputation of recurrence properties will be made according to the presenceand types of boundaries.

CASE I. Let {X„} bean unrestricted birth—death chain on S = {O, ±1, ±2, ...} = 7L.The transition probabilities are

1 = ßi, Pi,e-1 = ai, Pi,i = 1 — ßi — Si (2.1)


0<ßi<1, 0<ö,<1, ß.+bl. (2.2)

Let c, d e S, c < d, and write

i(i) = P({X„} reaches c before d I Xo = i) = Pi(T < Td ) (c < i < d), (2.3)

where Tr denotes the first time the chain reaches r. Now,

^(i) = ( 1 — ßi — ó 1)i(i) + ßrçli(i + 1) + S1'(i — 1),

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or equivalently,

ß,(i/i(i + 1) — iji(i)) = b.(iJi(i) — t'(i — 1)) (c + I 5 i <, d — 1). (2.4)

The boundary conditions for Ii are

ci(c)= 1, çli(d)=0. (2.5)

Rewrite (2.4) as

i/i(i + 1) — i(i) = — (ii(i) — — 1)), (2.6)ßi

for (c + I < i < d — 1). Iteration now yields

(x+ 1) — ^i(x) = S/ x bx-l ... b^+l (^(c + 1) — ^i(c)) (2.7)#X #X — 1 #c + l

for c + l < x < d — 1. Summing (2.7) over x = y, y + 1, ... , d — 1, one gets

0(d) — 0(y) = d - 1 Sxbx-1

. :.61

+1 (0(c + 1) — 0(c)). (2.8)ßx=y xl'x-1 ... Nc+l

Let y = c + 1 and use (2.5) to get

d-1 Sxax-1..'Sc+1

0(c + 1) = X=+ 1 NxNx— 1 ' ' ' /'c+ 1

--------- . (2.9)

1 + Sx6..Sc+ 1

x=c+1 Nxßx— 1' .. #C+1

Using this in (2.8) (and using fr(d) = 0, i/i(c) = 1) one gets

d-1 5x5x-1 "'Sc +l

(y)-- = ßxßx- l ß^+ l (c + l <, y < d — 1). (2.10)


d-1 SxSx-1c + 11+ E /^(^ /^

x=c+1 ßxßx-1' ' .Yc+l

Let py, denote the probability that starting at y the process eventually reachesc after time 0, i.e.,

py, = PP(X„ = c for some n? 1). (2.11)

Then (Exercise 1),

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p = lim ^i(y) = 1 if dx x _1_ß+l = 0y^

di x x=c+l !'xl'x— I " ' f'c+ l

< I if axSx-1...6C < x (c < y). (2.12)x=c+1#X#X—l' . 'I'c+l

Since, for c + 1 < 0,

Sxax-1'_c+1 = 0 ac+1 c+2" 'ax

x=c+1 /'xYx-1 ... ßc+l x=[c+1 lac+11'c+2 ... 1'x

+ ac+ISc+2...bo x M2...gx

(2.13)Nc+lßc+2 • *'ßOx 1 F1ß2"'ßx

and a similar equality holds for c + 1 > 0, (2.12) may be stated as

i=lfor ally > c iff Y a—R IS' ax = cc

x=1 ß


1ß2 • 'ß

< I for all y> c if Y x < 00. (2.14)x=1/'1N2"'Nz

By relabeling the states i as — i (i = 0, + 1, ± 2, ...), one gets (Exercise 2)

0pyd = 1 for all y < d iff F ßx ßx+ = 0

x=—oo axax+l"'SO


<1 for all y < d iff Y ßxßx+l' ß- < oo (2.15)x=—m Sxsx+1" 6 0

By the Markov property, conditioning on X I (Exercise 3),

pYY 6ypY - 1.Y + ßp + 1'y + (1 — Sy — /3y ). (2.16)

If both sums in (2.14) and (2.15) diverge, then pY _ l , y = 1, py+l ,y = 1, so that(2.16) implies

pyy = 1, for all y. (2.17)

In other words, all states are recurrent.If one of the sums (2.14) or (2.15) is convergent, say (2.14), then by (2.16)

we get

pyy < 1, y e S. (2.18)

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A state y e S satisfying (2.18) is called a transient state; since (2.18) holds forall y e S, the birth—death chain is transient. Just as in the case of a simpleasymmetric random walk, the strong Markov property may be applied to seethat with probability 1 each state occurs at most finitely often in a transientbirth—death Markov chain.

CASE II. The next case is that of two reflecting boundaries. For this takeS = {0, 1, 2, .. , N } , P00 = 1 — ß0 , POI = ß0' PN.N-1 = 6N' PN.N = 1 — 6N, andPi.j+ 1 = fli, Pi.r-1 = b1, pi,; = 1 — ß. — d ; for I <, i < N -- 1. If one takes c = 0,d = N in (2.3), then fr (y) gives the probability that the process starting at yreaches 0 before reaching N. The probability 4(y), for the process to reach Nbefore 0 starting at y, may be obtained in the same fashion by changing theboundary conditions (2.5) to cß(0) = 0, (N) = I to get that q (y) = I — Ji(y).Alternatively, check that çb(y) - I — ^i(y) satisfies the equation (2.6) (with 0replacing 0) and the boundary conditions (P(0) = 0, 4(N) = 1, and then arguethat such a solution is necessarily unique (Exercise 4). All states are recurrent,by Corollary 9.6 (see Exercise 5 for an alternative proof).

CASE III. For the case of one absorbing boundary, say at 0, takeS = j0, 1, 2, ...1, Poo = 1 , Pi.i+1 = #i, Pi.^-1 = b;, Pi.; = 1 — ß ; — S ; for i > 0;ß ; , 6 i > 0 for i > 0, fl + ö 1 < 1. For c, d e S, the probability Ji(y) is given by(2.10) and the probability p, which is also interpreted as the probability ofeventual absorption starting at y> 0, is given by

d-1 ax ax - l ... bl

Y ß.ß.- 1 . . Ij1pYa =hm — d-1dtv 1 + Sxbx-1_..51

x=1 ßßx-1 ... Y1

= 1 iff 2 a/j lbJ a = oo (for y > 0). (2.19)x=1 ßIß2'''Yx

Whether or not the last series diverges,


...6, > 0 , for all y> 0 (2.20)

PYd 1 — 6 y 6y _ 1 * (6 1 < l , ford > y > 0,(2.21)

Pod=O , foralld>0.

By (2.16) it follows that

pYY < 1 (y > 0). (2.22)

Thus, all nonzero states y are transient.

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CASE IV. As a final illustration of transience—recurrence conditions, take thecase of one reflecting boundary at 0 with S = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} and Poo = I — ßo,Poi =ßo, pi.r+ =ß' =‚ p ;.; = 1 — ß ; — b ; for i > 0; ß1 >O for all i,b ; > 0 for i > 1, ß i + 6 i < 1. Let us now see that all states are recurrent if andonly if the infinite series (2.19) diverges, i.e., if and only if pyo = 1.

First assume that the infinite series in (2.19) diverges, i.e., pyo = I for ally > 0. Then condition on X, to get

Poo = ( 1 — ßo) + ßopio, (2.23)

so that

Poo = 1. (2.24)

Next look at (see Eq. 2.16)

Pu = 6 1Poi + ß1P21 + (1 — 6 1 — ßl). (2.25)

Since P20 = 1 and the process does not skip states, P 22 = 1. Also, pol = 1(Exercise 6). Thus, p ll = I and, proceeding by induction,

p= 1, for each y > 0. (2.26)

On the other hand, if the series in (2.19) converges then p^,o < 1 for all y > 0.In particular, from (2.23), we see Poo < 1. Convergence of the series in (2.19)also gives pr,, < 1 for all c < y by (2.12). Now apply (2.16) to get

p<1, for ally (2.27)

whenever the series in (2.19) converges. That is, the birth—death chain is transient.

The various remaining cases, for example, two absorbing, or one absorbingand one reflecting boundary, are left to the Exercises.


Suppose that there is a probability distribution it on S such that

n'p = n'. (3.1)

Then n'p" = it' for each time n = 1, 2, .... That is, it is invariant under thetransition law p. Note that if {X"} is started with an invariant initialdistribution it then X" has distribution it at each successive time point n.Moreover, {X"} is stationary in the sense that the P,,-distribution of(X0 , X,, ... , X.) is for each m > I invariant under all time shifts, i.e., for all

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Pn(xo = io, ... , Xm — Im) = Pn (Xk = 1p, ... > Xm+k = Im ). (3.2)

For a birth-death process on S = {0, 1, 2, ... , N} with two reflectingboundaries, the invariant distribution it is easily obtained by solving n'p' = n',i.e.,

no(1 — ßo) + ir rbi = ir o(3.3)

7i ifli i +(l — ßi — ai) + mi+Ibi+1 = ni (j = 1,2,...,N— 1),


7[i-ßßi-^ — ni(ßi + Si) + ni+^Sj+1 = 0. (3.4)

The solution, subject to ni 0 for all j and J] i rci = 1, is given by

n — i n (l<j<N),


= (1 + N ßoßt ...ßi—I) 1

7Cp Y_i =1 CS1(52...(SJ

For a birth-death process on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with 0 as a reflectingboundary, the system of equations n'p = n' are

7ro(I —ßo)+n151=ito, (3.6)71i -Ißi -^+it(I—ßi —Si)+7ri +lai +^=j (j>11).

The solution in terms of n o is

7C = ßoß i ...ßi 1 n o (j% 1). (3.7)a 1 a 2 ...Si

In order that this may be a probability distribution one must have

ß0ß1 . .ßJ- 1 < co. (3.8)i =1 6162..•81

In this case one must take


ßß1 .. . ß1 1no =l + . (3.9)

i=1 16 2 ...61 )

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For an unrestricted birth-death process on S = {0, ± 1, ±2,. . .} theequations n' p' = n' are

7rj-1Ni-1 + 1Cj(I — /'j — Uj) + 7Cj+1 bj+1 = 7Cj (j = 0, + 1, ±2,...) (3.10)

which are solved (in terms of n o ) by

ßoßl ... ßj-1Ro (J% 1 ),

7t, — 6162...gj(3.11)

aj+16j+2 • 07r0 (j1< —1).



* * F'-1

This is a probability distribution if and only if

Y_ bj+1 6j+2 . • . E ß0ß1...ßj-1 < 00, (3.12)

j<-1 Pifli+1 . • .ß-1 j>-1 6 1 2 ...(aj

in which case

7< 1 + aj+lbj+2...S

0 + ßoßl... ßi 1 (3.13)o= /^/^j_' - 1 Yjl'j+l ... ß—I j>-1 6162...(ai

Notice that the convergence of the series in (3.12) implies the divergence ofthe series in (2.14), (2.15). In other words, the existence of an equilibriumdistribution for the chain implies its recurrence. The same remark applies tothe birth-death chain with one or two reflecting boundaries.

Example 1. (Equilibrium for the Bernoulli-Laplace Model). For the Bernoulli-Laplace model described in Section 1, the invariant distribution it =(n ; : i = 0, 1, ... , 2r) is the hypergeometric distribution calculated from (3.5) as

2r 2w

_ ßo ... ßj_ 1 2r(w + r) i -1 (w + r — i)(2r — i) (j X W +r — j

^j S 1 •••bj "o j(2—r+j) j i(w—r +i) 2w+2r


The assertions concerning positive recurrence contained in Theorem 3.1below rely on the material in Section 2.9 and may be omitted on first reading.

Recall from Theorem 9.2(c) of Chapter I that in the case that all statescommunicate with each other, existence of an invariant distribution is equivalentto positive recurrence of all states.

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Theorem 3.1

(a) For a birth-death chain on S = {O, 1, ... , N} with both boundariesreflecting, the states are all positive recurrent and the unique invariantdistribution is given by (3.5).

(b) For a birth-death chain on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with 0 a reflecting boundary,all states are recurrent or transient according as the series

c` 6612

[1J ß 1 N x

diverges or converges. All states are positive recurrent if and only if theseries (3.8) converges. In the case that (3.8) converges, the uniqueinvariant distribution is given by (3.7), (3.9).

(c) For an unrestricted birth-death chain on S = {0, ± 1, ± 2, ...} all statesare transient if and only if at least one of the series in (2.14) and (2.15)is convergent. All states are positive recurrent if and only if (3.12) holds;if (3.12) holds, then the unique invariant distribution is given by (3.11),(3.13).


We will apply the spectral theorem to calculate p", for n = 1, 2, ... , in the casethat p is the transition law for a birth-death chain.

First consider the case of a birth-death chain on S = {0, 1, ... , N} withreflecting boundaries at 0 and N. Then the invariant distribution it is given by(3.5) as

17z 1 = — n o , 71 t = '—^ '-1 71 0 (2 < j < N). (4.1)b l 51...51

It is straightforward to check that

i m.i-1 =m1b1=ni-1ßi-1 = 7Ei-1Pi-1.;, i= 1,2.....N, (4.2)

from which it follows that

7T ; p i; = nj pj„ for all i, j. (4.3)

In the applied sciences the symmetry property (4.3) is often referred to as detailed

balance or time reversibility. Introduce the following inner product (• . )" in thevector space R"+'

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(x, Y)n = Y_ xiYi 7ry x = (x0 , x i , ... , xN)', Y = (Yo, Yi, ... , YNY, (4.4)i =o

so that the "length" IlxiI,, of a vector x is given by

(iOixI 1JZ . (4.5)

With respect to this inner product the linear transformation x —► px is symmetricsince by (4.3) we have


(px, y),, = Pijxj Yiii = PjixjYiitji =0 j =o i=O j=O

Y, UO PjiYiJxj7rji=O

= Z (=O

Y- PijYj)xi 71i = (PY, x). = (x, PY)n. (4.6)i=O

Therefore, by the spectral theorem, p has N + 1 real eigenvalues ao , a l , ... , aN

(not necessarily distinct) and corresponding eigenvectors (0o, 4' , dN, whichare of unit length and mutually orthogonal with respect to (• , • ). Therefore,the linear transformation x --> px has the spectral representation


P= Y_ akEk ,k=0

N (4.7)

x= E ak(4>k, x)aek ,k=O

where Ek denotes orthogonal projection with respect to (• , • ) onto theone-dimensional subspace spanned by 4: Ek x = (4k , x),1 4k . It follows that


p= Z akEk ,k=O

N (4.8)

Pn x = Y- ak(4)k, x)nek•k=0

Letting x = ej denote the vector with 1 in the jth coordinate and zeros elsewhere,one gets

p;7) = ith element of p"ej

N N_ ak( ok, ej),Oki = akOki4kjnj. (4.9)

k=0 k=0

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Without loss of generality, one may take a o = I and 0 o = 1 throughout. Wenow consider two special birth-death chains as examples.

Example 1. (Simple Symmetric Random Walk with Two Reflecting Boundaries)

S={0,1,.. ,N}, p;,;+a=Pj,^-1 =i, for1_<i<N-1,

Pol = 1 =PN ,N-1•

In this case the invariant initial distribution is given by

1 I7Zj =N (1 <j<,N-1), tro =zZN =2N . (4.10)

If a is an eigenvalue of p, then a corresponding eigenvector x = (x o , x 1 , ... , xN )'satisfies the equation

z(xj _ 1 +xj+l )=axj (1<,j<N-1), (4.11)

along with "boundary conditions"

x l = aX0, XN_ 1 = axN. (4.12)

As a trial solution of (4.11) consider x j = 01 for some nonzero 0. Since allvectors of C N+ 1 may be expressed as unique linear combinations of functionsj - exp{ (2rn/N + 1) ji} = 0', with i = (-1) 1 / 2 , one expects to arrive at the rightcombination in this manner. Then (4.11) yields '-z (B' -1 + B' +1 ) = cth , i.e.,

0 2 - 2at + 1 = 0, (4.13)

whose two roots are

B 1 =a+i,,/T-c , 02 =a-ijl-a 2 . (4.14)

The equation (4.11) is linear in x, i.e., if x and y are both solutions of (4.11)then so is ax + by for arbitrary numbers a and b. Therefore, every linearcombination

xj=A(cc)0 +B(a)0z (0<j<N) (4.15)

satisfies (4.11). We now apply the boundary conditions (4.12) to fix A(a), B(a),up to a constant multiplier. Since every scalar multiple of a solution of (4.11)and (4.12) is also a solution, let us fix x o = 1. Note that x o = 0 implies x3 = 0for all j. Letting j = 0 in (4.15), one has

A(a) + B(a) = 1, B(a) = I - A(a). (4.16)

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The first boundary condition, x, = ax, = a, then becomes

A(a)(0 1 — 0 2 ) + 0 2 = a, (4.17)


2A(a)(l — a 2 ) 1 ' 2 i = ( 1 — a 2 )'' 2 i,

i.e., at least for a 1,

A(a) = i, B(a) ='-z . (4.18)

The second boundary condition xN - 1 = axN may then be expressed as

( 1 + 0) = 2 (0; + 0z). (4.19)

Now write 0 1 = e`o, 02 = e - ' O, where 0 is the unique angle in [0, it] such thatcos 4) = a. Note that cosine is strictly decreasing in [0, n] and assumes its entirerange of values [-1, 1] on [0, 7c]. Note also that this is consistent with therequirement sin 4) = 1 — a 2 0. Then (4.19) becomes

cos(N — 1)4) = a cos No = cos 0 cos N4), (4.20)


sin No sin 0 = 0, (4.21)

whose only solutions in [0, it] are

4)=cos (k= 0,1,2,...,N). (4.22)

Thus, there are N + 1 distinct (and, therefore, simple) eigenvalues

ak = cos (k = 0, 1, 2, ... , N), (4.23)

and corresponding eigenvectors x ( '` ) (k = 0, 1, ... , N):

x5 = z(0i+9z)= cos k(j= 0,1,...,N). (4.24)N


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NIIx(Iz =

N -ikn l 1

+(k7rj) 1k1 J nj cosz 2N+Nlyl cosz

N 2N

= 1 N 1 cos2(krrj) = 1 il I + cos(2kirj/N)

N j _ o N N j=0 2

— c1 ifk=0orN(4.25)

t - ifk=1,2,...,N-1.J

Thus, the normalized eigenvectors are

=( 1 , 1 ,•• ,l)', ON=( 1 , -1 ,+1, -- 1,..



(k10kj=^/Lcos (1 <k<N-1).

( 26)

Now use (4.9), (4.23), and (4.26) to get, for 0 < i, j < N,

N(n)— E nPij — 4«k ki kj 7lj


N-1= rrj + 2rzj y- cos ( k cos kni cos(

k7rj + (-1)rcj . (4.27)

k=1 \ Nj N N

Thus, for 1 <j,<N-1,0,<i,<N,

1 2

N N ^ l (N I) .. N) () Np !j 1 — + — COS"(

N)—COS COS } _ 1 n+j —i _


For 0<i<N,

1 IN 1 (— ^— (— ) 1Po = — + — COS"t— COS —J + 1 "— I

2N N k\

= t N N/


For 0<i<N,

1 1 N -' /k\ ki 1P,N — + — Z COs — cos ( --- I COS — + (— 1)n+N i (4.28)

2N N k = 1 N N N 2N

Note that when n and j — i have the same parity, say n = 2m and j — i iseven, then

Cp;;"' 1 — I = 4 Lcos( —I I


cos( I[] + o(1)] (4.29)

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as m - co. This establishes the precise rate of exponential convergence to thesteady state. One may express this as

u m (p;]'" ) — ^^ez n' A _ cosh cos ^, (4.30)

where A = log a, (see (4.23)).

Example 2. (Simple Symmetric Random Walk with One Reflecting Boundary)

i_S = 0, 1, 2, ... Poi = 1 and Pi,k -1 = 2 = Pij+ i

for all i > 1. Note that p;!) is the same as in the case of a random walk withtwo reflecting boundaries 0 and N, provided N > n + i, since the random walkcannot reach N in n steps (or fewer) starting from i if N > n + i. Hence for alli, j, n, p is obtained by taking the limit in (4.28) as N —. oc, i.e.,

p = 2 fo, cos"(nO) cos(iirO) cos( jn6) dO

2 "_ —I cos"(0) cos(iO) cos( JO) dO (j 1> 1, i >1 0), (4.31)

l oR

p p) = 1 cos(0) cos(iO) dO (i i 0).ir o

An alternative calculation of (4.31) can be made by first noting that thecondition (4.3) is valid for the sequence of weights {rr;} given in (4.1) withito = 1. This provides an inner product (sequence) space on which p is boundedself-adjoint linear transformation. The spectral theory extends to such settingsas well.

An example in which the birth—death parameters are state-space dependent(i.e., nonconstant) is given in the chapter application.


The Ehrenfest model illustrates the process of heat exchange between two bodiesthat are in contact and insulated from the outside. The temperatures are assumedto change in steps of one unit and are represented by the numbers of balls intwo boxes. The two boxes are marked I and II and there are 2d balls labeled1, 2, ... , 2d. Initially some of these balls are in box I and the remainder in boxII. At each step a ball is chosen at random (i.e., with equal probabilities amongball numbers 1, 2, ... , 2d) and moved from its box to the other box. If there

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are i balls in box I, then there are 2d — i balls in box II. Thus there is no overallheat loss or gain. Let X. denote the number of balls in box I after the nth trial.Then {X„: n = 0, 1, ...} is a Markov chain with state space S = {0, 1, 2, ... , 2d}and transition probabilities

Pu.,- = 2d ' Pi,c+1 =1 — -d , for i = 1,2,... , 2d — 1,

(5.1)Poi- 1 , P2d,24-1= 1 ,

P ij = 0, otherwise.

This is a birth-death chain with two reflecting boundaries at 0 and 2d. Thetransition probabilities are such that the mean change in temperature, in boxI, say, at each step is propostional to the negative of the existing temperaturegradient, or temperature difference, between the two bodies. We will first seethat the model yields Newton's law of cooling at the level of the evolution ofthe averages. Assume that initially there are i balls in box I. Let Y„ = X„ — d,the excess of the number of balls in box I over d. Writing e„ = E j(Y„), theexpected value of Y„ given X0 = i, one has

e„=E,(X„—d)=E,[X„- —d+(X„—X„-,)]

/2d —x_, Xi _ 1

=E,(X„_1 — d)+E;(X„ — X„ 1)=e„-1+Er2d 2d )

e„ -i


1 \= e„- 1 + Ei d = e„-, — d = 1 — ^ e„ - 1.

Note that in evaluating E i (X„ — X„ _ 1 ) we first calculated the conditionalexpectation of X„ — X„-, given Xn _ 1 and then took the expectation ofthis conditional mean. Now, by successive applications of the relatione„ = (1 —

e„=(1 —!)„eo = (1 —!) „E i(X0 —d) =(i —d)(1 —!)„. (5.2)

Suppose in the physical model the frequency of transitions is r per second. Thenin time t there are n = tT transitions. Write v = —log[(l — (1/d))]T. Then

e„ = (i — d)e - °`, (5.3)

which is Newton's law of cooling.The equilibrium distribution for the Ehrenfest model is easily seen, using (3.5),

to be

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_ (2d) 2 _ a y j=0, 1,...,2d. (5.4)

That is, it = (ij : j e S) is binomial with parameters 2d, z. Note that d =is the (constant) mean temperature under equilibrium in (5.3).

The physicists P. and T. Ehrenfest in 1907, and later Smoluchowski in 1916,used this model in order to explain an apparent paradox that at the turn ofthe century threatened to wreck Boltzmann's kinetic theory of matter. In thekinetic theory, heat exchange is a random process, while in thermodynamics itis an orderly irreversible progression toward equilibrium. In the present context,thermodynamic equilibrium would be achieved when the temperatures of thetwo bodies became equal, or at least approximately or macroscopically equal.But if one uses a kinetic model such as the one described above, from the statei = d of thermodynamical equilibrium the system will eventually pass to a stateof extreme disequilibrium (e.g., i = 0) owing to recurrence. This would contradictirreversibility of thermodynamics. However, one of the main objectives of kinetictheory was to explain thermodynamics, a largely phenomenologicalmacroscopic-scale theory, starting from the molecular theory of matter.

Historically it was Poincare who first showed that statistical-mechanicalsystems have the recurrence property (theoretical complement 2). A scientiestnamed Zermelo then forcefully argued that recurrence contradictedirreversibility.

Although Boltzmann rightly maintained that the time required by the randomprocess to pass from the equilibrium state to a state of macroscopicnonequilibrium would be so large as to be of no physical significance, hisreasoning did not convince other physicists. The Ehrenfests and Smoluchowskifinally resolved the dispute by demonstrating how large the passage time maybe from i = d to i = 0 in the present model.

Let us now present in detail a method of calculating the mean first passagetime m ; = E 1 To , where To = inf {n > 0: X„ = 0} . Since the method is applicableto general birth—death chains, consider a state space S = {0, 1, 2, ... , N} anda reflecting chain with parameters ß; , S ; = 1 — ß, such that 0 < ß, < 1 for1 <i<,N— l andßo =SN = 1. Then,

m; =1+ ßm 1 +5 1 mi _ 1 (1<i<N-1),(5.5)

m0=0, mN = 1 + mN_1.

Relabel the states by i —► u, so that u ; is increasing with i,

u 0 =0, u l = 1, (5.6)

and, for all x e S,

4'(x) __ Px ({ X„} reaches 0 before N) = u" — u" (5.7)UN - UO

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In other words, in this new scale the probability of reaching the relabeledboundary u = 0, before UN, starting from ux (inside), is proportional to thedistance from the boundary UN. This scale is called the natural scale. Thedifference equations (5.5) when written in this scale assume a simple form, aswill presently be shown. First let us determine ux from (5.6) and (5.7) and thedifference equation

'(x)=ßx '(x+1)+ 5 x (i(x-1), 0<x< N,(5.8)

tf(x) = 1, i(N) = 0,

which may also be expressed as

^i(x+l)—^i(x)= 6X[^i(x)—^i(x-1)], 0<x<N,(5.9)

ß/i(0) = 1, /i(N)=0.

Equations (5.6), (5.7), and (5.9) yield

ux+1 — ux= --- (ux — ux -i)x

a 1 S Z .. _ S,a2...xa a a (ui —uo)= a

ß(1<x<N-1), (5.10)


x 61o2" . (5 i

ux+1 = 1 +i^ ßiß2 ...ßi (1 x<N — 1). (5.11)

Now write

m(u) - mx . (5.12)

Then (5.5) becomes

[m(ui+i) — m(ur)]ßr — [m(ui) — m(ui- )]5 = —1 (1 <, i < N — 1),(5.13)

m(u0)=m(0)=0, m(uN )—m(uN - 1 )= 1.

One may rewrite this, using (5.10), as

m(u1 + 1 ) — m(ui) — m(ui) — m(u1 -1 ) _ ßoß1 .

1(1 < i < N — 1)

ui +l — Ui ui — Ui -1 6162.. •4j

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or, summing over i = x, x + 1, ... , N — 1 and using the last boundarycondition in (5.13), one has

1 m(u) — m(u- 1 ) _ 1 ßß_—

(1 x N — 1).UN — UN-1 Ux — Ux-1 i=x 6162...(Si

(5.14)Relations (5.10) and (5.14) lead to

m \Ux ) — m(Ux -1) = Yx/'x+l l'N-1 + Y 1 F'x Ni -1i (1 x < N — 1).Sxax+l

...6N-1 i =x (Sx...Sißi l

(5.15)The factor ß ; /ß i is introduced in the last summands to take care of the summandcorresponding to i = x (this summand is actually 1/S x). Sum (5.15) overx = 1, 2, ... , y to finally get, using m(u0) = 0,

m(UO _ Y_ ßxfßx+1 ...%jN-1 +

Ll ßx

...ßi 1ßt (1 < y < N — 1).

x=1 Sx 6x+I * * ' SN-1 x=1 i =x 6X... 6 ßi

(5.16)In particular, for the Ehrenfest model one gets

m =m(ud)=(2d—x)••.2.1 + U- 1 (2d—x)•••(2d —i)

° x= 1x(x+1)...(2d-1) x=1 i =x x(x+1)...i(2d —i)

= (2d — x)!(x — 1)! d 2d1 (2d — x)!(x — 1)!

x=1 (2d — 1)! x=1 i =x (2d — i)!i!

= 2d 22d(1 +Q)). (5.17)

Next let us calculate

m i =_ Ei T4 (0<i<d), (5.18)


Td= inf{n >0:Xd}. (5.19)

Writing m(u i) = Ph i , one obtains the same equations as (5.13) for 1 < i < d — 1,and boundary conditions

in(uo ) = 1 + ►n(u 1 ), m(u) = 0. (5.20)

As before, summing the equations over i = 1, 2, ... , x,

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m(ux+l) - m(ux) tn(ul) - tn(uo) x ßoß1 ... ß_-I

ux+I — Ux U1 — UQ i =1 6 1 62...^i

_ -1- Y o1...—' (5.21)_ 1 6 1 6 2 ...6.

where ß0 = 1. Therefore,


m(u ) - m(u) _ - ' z x - Y r+ I x x+ I (5 22)x+, x ß,ßz ßx i 1 ß, ßx6x+I '

which, on summing over x = 1, 3, ... , d - 1 and using (5.20), leads to

-m(u0) _ -1 - d-a 6152 .gx - d - i x 5;+ , ...g

xbx+l . (5.23)x=1 PlP2 . • .Px x=1 i =1 Pf ... ßxbx+l

For the present example this gives

d-1 x! d-I x ((x + 1)x• •(i + 2)(i + 1)m° l+ X = I

(2d-1)•••(2d-x) + x=i; (2d_i)...(2d_x)(x+1))

< 1 +d-1 x! + d-I 2d x x x -i

x=1 (2d- 1)•••(2d-x) x = 1 2d-x 1= 2d-x

d-1 x! d-I 2d,1+Y- -+Ix = I (2d - 1)...(2d - x) x = I 2(d - x)

1 dIl xl+ + d(log d + 1). (5.24)x= I (2d - 1) • • • (2d - x)

Since the sum in the last expression goes to zero as d -• oo,

mo <d+dlogd+0(1), asd -* oo. (5.25)

For d = 10 000 balls and rate of transition one ball per second, it follows that

mo < 102 215 seconds < 29 hours,


and = 10 years.

It takes only about a day on the average for the system to reach equilibrium froma state farthest from equilibrium, but takes an average time inconceivably large,even compared to cosmological scales, for the system to go back to that statefrom equilibrium.

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The original calculations by the Ehrenfests concerned the mean recurrencetimes. Using Theorem 9.2(c) of Chapter II it is possible to get these resultsquite simply as follows. Let t;' = min{n ? 1: X„ = i}. Then, the mean recurrencetime of the state i is

Et' 1 = i!(2d — i)! 22d (5.27)it 2d!

For d = 10 000 one gets, using Stirling's approximation for the second estimate,

Eozoi » — 220000 Edtä'^ ^_ l00,.Jr. (5.28)

Thus, within time scales over which applications of thermodynamics makesense, one would not observe a passage from equilibrium to a (macroscopic)nonequilibrium state. Although Boltzmann did not live to see it, this vindicationof his theory ended a rather spirited debate on its validity and contributed inno small measure to its eventual acceptance by physicists.

The spectral representation for p can be obtained by precisely the same stepsas those outlined in Exercise 4.3. The 2d eigenvalues that one obtains are givenby aj =j/d, j = ±1,±2,..., ±d.


Exercises for Section III.1

(Artificial Intelligence) The amplitudes of pure noise in a signal- detection devicehas p.d.f. fo(x), while the amplitude is distributed as f l (x) when a signal is presentwith the noise. A detection procedure is designed as follows. Select a threshold value00 = r8 for .integer r. If the first amplitude observed, X 1 , is larger than the initialthreshold value 0, then decide that the signal is present. Otherwise decide that thesignal is absent. Suppose that a signal is being sent with probability p = Z and thatupon making a decision the observer learns whether or not the decision was correct.The observer keeps the same threshold value if the decision is correct, but if thedecision was incorrect the threshold is increased or decreased by an amount Sdepending on the type of error committed. The rule governing the learning processof the observer is then

0.11 = ©n + U{1(O,.)(X.„ —0)—S]

where S. is 1 or 0 depending on whether a signal is sent or not. The signal transmissionprocesses {S„} and {X„} are i.i.d.(i) Show that the threshold adjustment process {0„} is a birth—death Markov chain

and identify the state space.(ii) Calculate the transition probabilities.

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2. Suppose that balls labeled 1, ... , N are initially distributed between two boxes labeledI and II. The state of the system represents the number of balls in box I. Determinethe one-step transition probabilities for each of the following rules of motion in thestate space.

(i) At each time step a ball is randomly (uniformly) selected from the numbers1, 2, ... , N. Independently of the ball selected, box I or II is selected withrespective probabilities p, and P2 = t — p,. The ball selected is placed in thebox selected.

(ii) At each time step a ball is randomly (uniformly) selected from the numbers inbox I with probability p, or from those in II with probability P2 = 1 — p,. Abox is then selected with respective probabilities in proportion to current boxsizes. The ball selected is placed in the box selected.

(iii) At each time step a ball is randomly (uniformly) selected from the numbers inbox I with probability proportional to the current size of I or from those in IIwith the complementary probability. A box is also selected with probabilities inproportion to current box size. The ball selected is placed in the box selected.

Exercises for Section 111.2

1. Let A d be the set {w: X0 (co) = y, {Xn (w): n >_ 0} reaches c before d}, where y > c.Show that A d j A = {cw: X0 (cu) = y, {XX (cu): n _> O} ever reaches c}.

2. Prove (2.15) by using (2.14) and looking at {—Xn : n >_ 0}.

3. Prove (2.4), (2.16), and (2.23) by conditioning on X, and using the Markov property.

4. Suppose that cp(i)(c _< i _< d) satisfy the equations (2.4) and the boundary conditionsq(c) = 0, cp(d) = 1. Prove that such a cp is unique.

5. Consider a birth—death chain on S = {0, 1, ... , N } with both boundaries reflecting.

(i) Prove that P(T >_ mN) _< (I — S N 5N _ I ...6, )m if i > j, and < (1 — ßo/i t ..ßN _, )mif i < f. Here T = inf {n 1: Xn =j}.

(ii) Use (i) to prove that p ;, = P;(Tt < x) = I for all i, j.

6. Consider a birth—death chain on S = {0, 1, ...} with 0 reflecting. Argue as in Exercise5 to show that p 1 = I for all y.

7. Consider a birth—death chain on S = {0, I, ... , N} with 0, N absorbing. Calculate

lim n ' p;T', for all i, j.nix m=1

8. Let 0 be a reflecting boundary for a birth—death chain on S = {... , —3, —2, —1, 0}.Derive the necessary and sufficient condition for recurrence.

9. If 0 is absorbing, and N reflecting, for a birth—death chain on S = {0, 1, ... , N},then show that 0 is recurrent and all other states are transient.

10. Let p be the transition probability matrix of a birth—death chain on S = {0, 1, 2, ...}with

ß.= 2(j +21 ) Si 2 (j+ 1),

j= 0.1,2,....

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(i) Are the states transient or recurrent?(ii) Compute the probability of reaching c before d, c < d, starting from state i,


11. Suppose p is the transition matrix of a birth—death chain on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} suchthat ßo = 1, ß, < S; for j = 1, 2, .... Show that all states must be recurrent.

Exercises for Section III.3

1. Let {X„} be the asymmetric simple random walk on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with ßj = p < 2,1, 2,... and (partial) reflection at 0 with

(i) Calculate the invariant initial distribution it.(ii) Calculate EX„ as a function of p < Z.

2. (A Birth—Death Queue) During each unit of time either 0 or I customer arrives forservice and joins a single line. The probability of one customer arriving is 2, and nocustomer arrives with probability 1 — 2. Also during each unit of time, independentlyof new arrivals, a single service is completed with probability p or continues into thenext period with probability 1 — p. Let X. be the total number of customers (waitingin line or being serviced) at the nth unit of time.

(i) Show that {X„} is a birth—death chain on S = {0, 1, 2, ...}.(ii) Discuss transience, recurrence, positive-recurrence.

(iii) Calculate the invariant initial distribution when A < p.(iv) Calculate EX„ when A < p, where it is the invariant initial distribution.

3. Calculate the invariant distribution for Exercise 1.2(i) where

N —iN p l , ifj =i +1,

i(N —i)N P 1 + N p2 , ifj=i,i=0,1 ' ..., N,Pij=

iN P2' ifj=i -1,

0, otherwise.

Discuss the situation for Exercise 2(ii) and (iii).

4. (Time Reversal) Let {X„} be a (stationary) irreducible birth—death chain with in-variant initial distribution n. Show that P„(X„ = j I X„ + i = i) = Pn(X„+ 1 = j I X. = i).

Exercises for Section III.4

1. Calculate p for the birth—death queue of Exercise 3.2.

2. Let T be a self-adjoint linear transformation on a finite-dimensional inner productspace V. Show(i) All eigenvalues of T must be real.

(ii) Eigenvectors of T associated with distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal.

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3. Calculate the transition probabilities p" for n >, 1 by the spectral method in the caseof Exercise 1.2(i) and p, = p 2 = Z according to the following steps.

(i) Consider the eigenvalue problem for the transpose p'. Write out differenceequations for p'x = ax.

(ii) Replace the system of equations in (i) by the infinite system

1 1 N —i 1 i +2

2- x0+ ---

2N X I = ax0, 2N Xi + - xi+) +

2N x^+2 = ax;+„


i = 0, 1, 2, .... Show that if for some a there is a nonzero solutionx = (x0 , x,, x2' ...)' of this infinite system with XN+l = 0, then a must be aneigenvalue of p' with corresponding eigenvector (x o , x,, ... , xN )'. [Hint: Showthat XN+ , = 0 implies x i = 0 for all i -> N + 1.]

(iii) Introduce the generating function q(z) = Z^° ° x ; z` for the infinite system in (ii).Note that for the desired solutions satisfying X N+ , = 0, q(z) will be a polynomialof degree _< N. Show that

N(2a — 1 — z)q ' (Z) =

1 — ZZq(Z), q(0) = xo.

[Hint: Multiply both sides of the second equation in (ii) by z' and sum overi >-0.]

(iv) Show that (iii) has the unique solution

(P(Z) = X0( 1 — z)NI' -a)(I + Z)Na

(v) Show that for aj = j/N, j = 0, 1, ... , N, cp(z) is a polynomial of degree N andtherefore, by (ii) and (iii), a j = j/N, j = 0, 1, ... , N, are the eigenvalues of p' and,therefore, of p.

(vi) Show that the eigenvector x (' ) = (xö ) , ... , xN ) )' corresponding to aj = j/N isgiven with xo') = 1, by xk ) = coefficient of z' in (1 — z)" - '(1 + z) .

(vii) Write B for the matrix with columns x^ 0) , .. , x (N) . Then,

(B') - ' diag(aö, • . , aN)B ,


n(B') ' — B diag

n o

(IX'0) lirz°...

' IIX IN) IIa2)

and the (invariant) distribution it is binomial with p = 2, N; see Exercise 1.2(i).[Hint: Use the definitions of eigenvectors and matrix multiplication to write(p')"B = B diag(cc .... , aN). Multiply both sides by B' and take the transposeto get the spectral representation of p". Note that the columns of (B') - ' are theeigenvectors of p since p(B') - ' = (B') - ` diag(a o , ... , aN). To compute (B') - 'use orthogonality of the eigenvectors with respect to (• , • )" to first writeB' diag(a °, ... ,.N)B = diag(llx (0) jjn, • • • , IIx (N) 11n). The formula for (B') - 'follows.]

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4. (Relaxation and Correlation Length) Let p be the transition matrix for a finite statestationary birth—death chain {Xn } on S = {0, 1, ... , N} with reflecting boundaries at0 and N. Show that

sup {Corr,,( f(Xn ), g(X0 ))} = e z i°.1.9


Corrn(.i(X.), 9(X0)) = En{[f(Xn) — Ef(XX)][g(X0) — Eg(Xo)]}

(Varnf(Xn)) 2 (Var,^ g(X0)) 1J2

A l is the largest nontrivial (i.e., ^ 1) eigenvalue of p, and the supremum is overreal-valued functions f and g on S. The parameter r = 1/x. 1 is called the relaxationtime or correlation length in applications. [Hint: Use the self-adjointness of p (i.e.,time-reversibility) with respect to (• , • ),, to obtain an orthonormal basis {cp"} ofeigenvectors of p. Check equality in the case f = g = cp l is the eigenvectorcorresponding to A 1 . Restrict attention to f and g such that En f = En g = 0 andii IIn = 119 11,, = 1, and expand as

f =Y_(f (M. (P., g=Y_(g ,qin)np .n n

Use the inequality ab _< (a' + b 2 )/2 to show (Corr, ( f (X.), g(Xo ))I < e -z".]

5. (i) (Simple Random Walk with Periodic Boundary) States 0, 1, 2, ... , N — 1 arearranged clockwise in a circle. A transition occurs either one unit clockwise orone unit counterclockwise with respective probabilities p and q = 1 — p. Showthat

1 N-1N r_o 1

where 0 = e(znptN is an Nth root of unity (all Nth roots of unity being1,0,0 2 ,...,0N-1 ).

(*ii) (General Random Walk with Periodic Boundary) Suppose that for thearrangement in (i), a transition k units clockwise (equivalently, N — k unitscounterclockwise) occurs with probability p k , k = 0,1, ... , N — 1. Show that

N—I N—I(n) = 1 0rU'k) I Br5 "

Pjk — — P,N r=o s=o

where 0 = e (2"' is an Nth root of unity.


Theoretical Complements to Section III.5

1. Conservative dynamical systems consisting of one or many degrees of freedom(components, particles) are often represented by one-parameter families of

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transformations {T,} acting on points x = (x,, ... , x") of [I8" (position—momentumphase space). The transformations are obtained from the differential equations(Newton's Law) that govern the evolution started at arbitrary states x e (18"; i.e., Txis the state at time t when initially the state is To x = x, x e ti". The mathematicaltheory described below applies to phenomena where the physics provide a law ofevolution of the form

aT, x— f(T,x), t > 0,

at (T.5.1)


such that f = (f,, ... , f") . I^" — R" uniquely determines the solution at all timest >0for each initial state x by (T.5.1).

Example 1. Consider a mass m on a spring initially displaced to a location x,(relative to rest position at x, = 0) and with initial momentum x 2 . Then Hooke'slaw provides the force (acting along the gradient of the potential curve U(x 1 ) = Zkx, ),according to which f(x) - (f,(x), f2 (x)) _ ((1/m)x 2 , —kx,), where k > 0 is the springconstant. In particular, it follows that T r x = xA(t), where

cos(yt) —my sin(yt) kA(t)= 1 t_>0, where y= > 0.

--sin(yt) cos(yt)my

Notice that areas (2-dimensional phase-space volume) are preserved under T, sincedet A(t) = 1. The motion is obviously periodic in this case.

Example 2. A standard model in statistical mechanics is that of a system having k(generalized) position coordinates q l , ... , q, and k corresponding (generalized)momentum coordinates p l , ... , Pk . The law of evolution is usually cast in Hamiltonianform:

dq;_aH dp;_'

OHi =1,...,k, (T.5.2)

dt ap ; ' dt aq;

where H - ll(q,, . .. , qk, p,, ... , Pk) is the Hamiltonian function representing thetotal energy (kinetic energy plus potential energy) of the system. Example I is of thisform with k = 1, H(q, p) = p 2/2m + kg 2 . Writing n = 2k, x, = q,, ... , X k = qk>Xk+ 1 = Pi, • • • , X2k = Pk, this is also of the form (T.5.1) with

/ OH OH OH aHf(x) _ (fl (x), .....

p 2k(x)) _ — , ... , -- (T.5.3)

GXk+ 1 aX2, ax, OXk

Observe that for H sufficiently smooth, the flow in phase space is generallyincompressible. That is,

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div f(x) - trace^af 1 of — r a / aFl 1 + a (_OH)]


i =1 ax; i 1 LOx1\aXk+t/I axk +i ax1

= 0 for all x. (T.5.4)

Liouville first noticed the important fact that incompressibility gives the volumepreserving property of the flow in phase space.

Lionville Theorem T.5.1. Suppose that f(x) in (T.5.1) is such that div f(x) = 0 forall x. Then for each bounded (measurable) set D c R', IT DI = IDI for all t > 0, whereI • I denotes n-dimensional volume (Lebesgue measure). ❑

Proof. By the uniqueness condition stated at the outset we have T, +h = T,Th for allt, h > 0. So, by the change of variable formula,

ITs+hDI = f11,D


l dx. \ ax )

To calculate the Jacobian, first note from (T.5.1) that

aThx I+ af= h+O(h2) as h—•0.ax ax

But, expanding the determinant and collecting terms, one sees for any matrix M that

det(I + hM) = 1 + h trace(M) + 0(h 2 ) as h —• 0.

Thus, since trace(af/ax) = div f(x) = 0,

det( Ox ) = 1 + O(h 2 ) as h —p 0.ax

It follows that for each t >_ 0

IT,+h DI = IT,DI + O(h 2 ) as h —+ 0,


dt IT,DI = 0 and ITODI = IDI,

i.e., t —* ITDI is constant with constant value L. n

2. Liouville's theorem becomes especially interesting when considered along side thefollowing theorem of Poincare.

Poincare's Recurrence Theorem T.5.2. Let T be any volume preserving continuousone-to-one mapping of a bounded (measurable) region D c 1' onto itself. Then foreach neighborhood A of any point x in D and every n, however large there is a subsetB of A having positive volume such that for all ye B T'y E A for somer _> n. ❑

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Proof: Consider A, T", T - 2"A, .... Then there are distinct times i, j such thatIT -."A n T'01 ^ 0; for otherwise

Ipl >- Ü T - i"a,1 = I I -i"AI = Z JAI = +oo.i =o i =a i =o

It follows that

IO n T - "li - 'IAI ^ 0.

Take B=AnT - "'i - 'IA,r= nil — ii. n

3. S. Chandrasekhar (1943), "Stochastic Problems in Physics and Astronomy", Reviewsin Modern Physics, 15, 1-89, contains a discussion of Boltzmann and Zermello'sclassical analysis together with other applications of Markov chains to physics. Morecomplete references on alternative derivations as well as the computation of the meanrecurrence time of a state can be found in M. Kac (1947), "Random Walk and theTheory of Brownian Motion", American Mathematical Monthly, 54, 369-391; alsosee E. Waymire (1982), "Mixing and Cooling from a Probabilistic Point of View",SIAM Review, 24, 73-75.

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Continuous-Parameter MarkovChains


Suppose that {X,: t O} is a continuous-parameter stochastic process with afinite or denumerably infinite state space S. Just as in the discrete-parametercase, the Markov property here also refers to the property that the conditionaldistribution of the future, given past and present states of the process, does notdepend on the past. In terms of finite-dimensional events, the Markov propertyrequires that for arbitrary time points 0 < so < s, < ... < s <S <1< t, < . .<t and states i0• .. , ik , i, j, j,, ... , j„ in S

P(X,=j,X„ l = jt,...,X,.=jfl Xso =io,...,X„=ik ,Xs =i)

=P(X,=J , X, i =11 , ...,X1„=J.IXs =i). (1.1)

In other words, for any sequence of time points 0 <, t o < t, < ... , the discreteparameter process Yo := X, 0 , Y, := Xr ..... is a Markov chain as described inChapter II. The conditional probabilities p, J(s, t) = P(X1 = j I Xs = i), 0 < s < t,are collectively referred to as the transition probability law for the process. Inthe case p ;j(s, t) is a function of t — s, the transition law is calledtime-homogeneous, and we write p,1(s, t) = p,j (t — s).

Simple examples of continuous-parameter Markov chains are thecontinuous-time random walks, or processes with independent increments oncountable state space. Some others are described in the examples below.

Example 1. (The Poisson Process). The Poisson process with intensity functionp is a process with state space S = {0, 1, 2, ...} having independent incrementsdistributed as


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(f:P(u)du )^ (

P(X,—XX =j)= exp— p(u)duI, (1.2)

for j = 0, 1, 2, ... , s < t, where p(u), u > 0, is a continuous nonnegativefunction. Just as with the simple random walk in Chapter II, the Markovproperty for the Poisson process is a consequence of the independent incrementsproperty (Exercise 2). Moreover,

P.1(s,t)=P(Xr=j1 X, = i)

P(X' = j, Xs = i)= P(X5=I)

P(Xt — Xs=j — i)P(X5 =i)= P(XS=I)

l expj — J p(u) du) for j i(J — i )! \

(1.3)0 ifj<i.

In the case that p(u) _ A (constant) for each u >, 0,

[2(t — s))' - ' e 2(i s)

Pi;(s,t)=(j —i)! . (1.4)

0, 3> ,

is a function p ;;(t — s) of s and t through t — s; i.e., the transition law istime-homogeneous. In this case the process is referred to as the Poisson processwith parameter 2.

Example 2. (The Compound Poisson Process). Let {N} be a Poisson processwith parameter A > 0 starting at 0, and let Y,, Y2 ,... be i.i.d. integer-valuedrandom variables, independent of the process {N}, having a commonprobability mass function f. The process {X,} is defined by

N t

x= E Y„, (1.5)n=o

where Yo is independent of the process {NN} and of Y1 , Y2.... . The stochasticprocess {XX } is called a Compound Poisson Process. The process has independentincrements and is therefore Markovian (Exercise 4). As a consequence of theindependence of increments,

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p i,(s,t)=P(X,=jI X5 =i)= P(X,—XX =j—i XX =i)

=P(X,—XS =j —i). (1.6)


p,J(s,t)=E{P(X,—XS=j— i N,—NS )}



i) ^2(t — S)]k

( 1 . 7 )_ Y f (j — k^ e=

where f *k is the k-fold convolution of f with f *0 (0) = 1. In particular, {X,}has a time-homogeneous transition law. The continuous-time simple randomwalk is defined as the special case with f( + 1) = P(Yn = + 1) = p,f(—l)=P(Y,,= — l)=q,O<p,q<, l,p+q= 1.

Another popular continuous-parameter Markov chain with nonhomogeneoustransition law, the Pölya process is provided in Exercise 6 of the next sectionas a limiting approximation to the (nonhomogeneous) discrete-parameterpartial sum process in Example 3.8, Chapter II. However, unless statedotherwise, we shall generally restrict our attention to the study of Markovchains with a time-homogeneous transition law.


We continue to denote the finite or denumerable state space by S. To constructa Markov process in discrete time (i.e., to find all possible joint distributions)it was enough to specify a one-step transition matrix p along with an initialdistribution n. In the continuous-parameter case, on the other hand, thespecification of a single transition matrix p(t o ) = ((p i;(t0 ))), where p 11(to ) givesthe probability that the process will be in state j at time t o if it is initially atstate i, together with an initial distribution n, is not adequate. For a single timepoint t o , p(to ) together with it will merely specify joint distributions ofX0 , X,o , X2 ,0 , . .. , XX ,o, ... ; for example,

Pn(X0 = i0, X, 0 = i1, ... , Xn,0 = in) = iti0pioi,(t0)pi1iz(t0)...pi^,-1in(t0). (2.1)

Here p(to ) takes the place of p, and t o is treated as the unit of time. Events thatdepend on the process at time points that are not multiples of t o are excluded.Likewise, specifying transition matrices p(t o ), p(t, ), ... , p(t) for an arbitraryfinite set of time points to , t,, ... , t, will not be enough.

On the other hand, if one specifies all transition matrices p(t) of atime-homogeneous Markov chain for values of t in a time interval 0 < t <, to

for some t o > 0, then, regardless of how small t o > 0 may be, all other transitionprobabilities may be constructed from these. To understand this basic fact, first

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assume transition matrices p(t) to be given for all t > 0, together with an initialdistribution n. Then for any finite set of time points 0 < t l < t 2 < • • • < t,,, thejoint distribution of X0 , X,,, ... , X given by

Pn(XO = i0+ X1 i = i 1 , Xr2 = i2. • , Xt -i = i n - 1 , X,„ = in)

= 1tioPi0i,(t1)Pi1i2(t2 _ t1) ... Pi,,-( t,, — t,, –I). (2.2)

Specializing to n i = 1, t = t, t 2 = t + s, it follows that

Pi(X1 =j, X1 k) = Pi;(t)P;k(s),


Pi(XI +s = k) = p(t + s). (2.3)

But {Xt +s = k} is the countable union U JEs {X, =1' Xt +s = k} of pairwisedisjoint events. Therefore,

Pi(XI +s = k) = Y P;(XX =j, Xt +s = k). (2.4)JEs

The relations (2.3) and (2.4) provide the Chapman—Kolmogorov equations,namely,

pik(t + s) _ E pi;(t)pJk (s) (i, k E S; s > 0, t > 0), (2.5),jEs

which may also be expressed in matrix notation by the following so-calledsemigroup property

p(t + s) = p(t)p(s) (s > 0, t > 0). (2.6)

Therefore, the transition matrices p(t) cannot be chosen arbitrarily. They mustbe so chosen as to satisfy the Chapman—Kolmogorov equations.

It turns out that (2.5) is the only restriction required for consistency in thesense of prescribing finite-dimensional distributions as in Section 6, Chapter I.To see this, take an arbitrary initial distribution it and time points0 < t t < t 2 < t 3 . For arbitrary states i0 , i l , i2 , i3 , one has from (2.2) that

P-(X0 = i0, Xti = i1 , X,2 = 12, X3 = 1 3)

_ "ioPioi1(t1)P2(t2 — t1)Pi2t3(t3 — t2), (2.7)

as well as

Pn(XO = i0 , X,, = i1 , Xt3 = i3) _ it OPiOiJ (t1)Pi1i3(t3 — t1). (2.8)

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But consistency requires that (2.8) be obtained from (2.7) by summing over i 2 .This sum is

Y— 7C top10 (tl)Pt,i2(t2 — tl)P1213(t3 — t2)ii

= nio p0 1 (t1)Y-Pi 1 i 2 (t2 — t1)Pi 2 i 3 (t3 — t 2 ). (2.9)i2

By the Chapman—Kolmogorov equations (2.5), with t = t 2 — t,, s = t 3 — t Z ,

one has

Z PiIi2(t2 — t1)Pi2i3(t3 — t2) = Pi 1 ,3(t3 — t1 ),iZ

showing that the right sides of (2.8) and (2.9) are indeed equal. Thus, if (2.5)holds, then (2.2) defines joint distributions consistently, i.e., the joint distributionat any finite set of points as specified by (2.2) equals the probability obtainedby summing successive probabilities of a joint distribution (like (2.2)) involvinga larger set of time points, over states belonging to the additional time points.

Suppose now that p(t) is given for 0 < t < t o , for some t o > 0, and thetransition probability matrices satisfy (2.6). Since any t > t o may be expresseduniquely as t = rto + s, where r is a positive integer and 0 < s < t o , by (2.6)we have

p(t) = p(rto + s) = p(to )p((r — 1)t 0 + s)

= p 2 (to)p((r — 2)to + s) = ... = pr(t)p(s ) •

Thus, it is enough to specify p(t) on any interval 0 < t < to, however smallt o > 0 may be. In fact, we will see that under certain further conditions p(t) isdetermined by its values for infinitesimal times; i.e., in the limit as t o —• 0.

From now on we shall assume that

lim p(t) = 5 ;j , (2.10)rlo

where Kronecker's delta is given by 6 ij = 1 if i = j, 5 = 0 if i : j. This conditionis very reasonable in most circumstances. Namely, it requires that withprobability 1, the process spends a positive (but variable) amount of time inthe initial state i before moving to a different state j. The relations (2.10) arealso expressed as

lim p(t) = I, (2.11)tlo

where I is the identity matrix, with 1's along the diagonal and 0's elsewhere.

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We shall also write,

p(o)=I. (2.12)

Then (2.11) expresses the fact that p(t), 0 < t < oc, is (componentwise)continuous at t = 0 as a function of t. It may actually be shown that owing tothe rich additional structure reflected in (2.6), continuity implies that p(t) is infact differentiable in t, i.e., p(t) = d(p;;(t))/dt exist for all pairs (i, j) of states,and alit > 0. At t = 0, of course, "derivative" refers to the right-hand derivative.In particular, the parameters q ;j given by

q^; = lim Pij(t) — p(0) = lim

p(t) — S `' , (2.13)

tlo t elo t

are well defined. Instead of proving differentiability from continuity for transitionprobabilities, which is nontrivial, we shall assume from now on that p ;;(t) has afinite derivativefor all (i, j) as part of the required structure. Also, we shall write

Q = ((qi;)), (2.14)

for q i; defined in (2.13). The quantities q ;; are referred to as the infinitesimaltransition rates and Q the (formal) infinitesimal generator. Note that (2.13) maybe expressed equivalently as

p 1 (At) = S i; + q, At + o(At) as At —. 0. (2.15)

Suppose for the time being that S is finite. Since the derivative of a finitesum equals the sum of the derivatives, it follows by differentiating both sidesof (2.5) with respect to t and setting t = 0 that

Pik(s) = p' (0)Pfk(s) _ qij Pik(s), i, k e S, (2.16)jes JE$

or, in matrix notation after relabeling s as t in (2.16) for notational convenience,

p'(t) = QP(t) (t 0). (2.17)

The system of equations (2.16) or (2.17) is called Kolmogorov's backwardequations.

One may also differentiate both sides of (2.5) with respect to s and then sets = 0 to get Kolmogorov's forward equations for a finite state space S,

Pik(t) = E p (t)q^k , i, k E S, (2.18)JES

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or, in matrix notation,

P'(t) = p(t)Q. (2.19)

Since p ij(t) are transition probabilities,

p 13 (t) = I for all i e S. (2.20),%ES

Differentiating (2.20) term by term and setting t = 0,

Y 9i; = 0. (2.21)jES

Note that

qij:= piß(0) > 0 for i ^ j,(2.22)

9ii'= p(0) 0,

in view of the fact p iJ (t) 0 = pij(0) for i 0 j, and pii(t) < 1 = p i;(0).In the general case of a countable state space S, the term-by-term

differentiation used to derive Kolmogorov's equations may not always bejustified. Conditions are given in the next two sections for the validity of theseequations for transition probabilities on denumerable state spaces. However,regardless of whether or not the differential equations are valid for giventransition probabilities p(t), we shall refer to the equations in general asKolmogorov's backward and forward equations, respectively.

Example 1. (Compound Poisson). From (1.7),

co ^ktk

p 1 (t) = I f*k(j — i) 1 e -at

k=o k•

= s ;;e + f(j — i)a.te ^' + o (t),


and = pii(0) = 1f(j — i),

4ü = pii(0) = —2(1 — .f(0 )).

t j0,

as t j 0. (2.23)



We saw in Section 2 that if p(t) is a transition probability law on a finite statespace S with Q = p'(0), then p satisfies Kolmogorov's backward equation

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p(t) _ > gikPkj(t), i, j e S, t 0, (3.1)k

and Kolmogorov's forward equation

p(t) _ Y_ Pik(t)gkj , i, j ES, t 0, (3.2)k

where Q = ((qij)) satisfies the conditions in (2.21) and (2.22).The important problem is, however, to construct transition probabilities p(t)

having prescribed infinitesimal transition rates Q = ((q1)) satisfying

qij > 0 for i : j, q 11 0,(3.3)

= L. qij•j

In the case that S is finite it is known from the theory of ordinary differentialequations that, subject to the initial condition p(0) = I, the unique solution to(3.1) is given by

p(t) = e, t ? 0, (3.4)

where the matrix e`Q is defined by

e= I (tQ)n = I + Y t Q". (3.5)n =o n. n=1 n.

Example 1. Consider the case S = {0, 1} for a general two-state Markov chainwith rates

— qoo = q01 = ß, —q11 = q10 = 6. (3.6)

Then, observing that Q 2 = — (ß + 5)Q and iterating, we have

Q" = (- 1)" - '(ß + S)" - ' Q, for n = 1, 2, .... (3.7)


p(t)= e`Q=I —R I (e-r(ß+b)— 1)Q

_ 1 S + ße-(B+a)' ß — ße cß+air

ß+b S — Se - ß+Se-

It is also simple, however, to solve the (forward) equations directly in this case(Exercise 3).

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In the case that S is countably infinite, results analogous to those for thefinite case can be obtained under the following fairly restrictive condition,

A := sup Iql < oo . (3.9)

In view of (3.3) the condition (3.9) is equivalent to

sup Igjjl < c. (3.10)i

The solution p(t) is still given by (3.4), i.e., for each j e S,

tz t"p1j(t) = ; + tq ;j + t2 q (2) + ... + t n q (n) + ... (3.11)

for all i e S. For, by (3.9) and induction (Exercise 1), we have

Iq (n ) i < A(2A)" - ', for i, j e S, n >, 1, (3.12)

so that the series on the right in (3.11) converges to a function r;j(t), say,absolutely for all t. By term-by-term differentiation of this series for r(t), whichis an analytic function of t, one verifies that r. (t) satisfies the Kolmogorovbackward equation and the correct initial condition. Uniqueness under (3.9)follows by the same estimates typically used in the finite case (Exercise 2).

To verify the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations (2.6), note that

2 m

p(t +s)=e (z+s'Q=I+(t+s)Q+ t2^s^ Q 2 + ... .^^^

= LI+tQ+t?Q2+... _}. tm Qm +...l2! m! J

2 n

x I+sQ+s—Qz+... +S_Qn+..2! n!= e`QesQ = p(t)p(s). (3.13)

The third equality is a consequence of the identity

Y tm Qm S " Qn — tmS"Qr . (t + S)r `fi

r • ( )3.14m+n=r m! n! (m+n=r m!n!^r!

Also, the functions H1 (t) := Y JES p. (t) satisfy

Hi(t) = Z p(t) = 1 gi,Pki(t) = gi,HH(t) (t 0),jES j€S kES kES

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with initial conditions H 1 (0) = E IES b i; = 1 (i e S). Since HH(t):= 1 (for all t > 0,all i e S) clearly satisfy these equations, one has H,(t) = 1 for all t by uniquenessof such solutions. Thus, the solutions (3.11) have been shown to satisfy allconditions for being transition probabilities except for nonnegativity (Exercise5). Nonnegativity will also follow as a consequence of a more general methodof construction of solutions given in the next section. When it applies, theexponential form (3.4) (equivalently, (3.11)) is especially suitable for calculationsof transition probabilities by spectral methods as will be seen in Section 9.

Example 2. (Poisson Process). The Poisson process with parameter 2 > 0 wasintroduced in Example 1.1. Alternatively, the process may be regarded as aMarkov process on the state space S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with prescribed infinitesimaltransition rates of the form

q ij =2, forj =i +1, i= 0,1,2,...

q=—A, i =0,1,2,... (3.15)

q 1 = 0, otherwise.

By induction it will follow that

n n+j —i n(-1) ^l, if0<j—inn(n) _ — (3.16)

0, otherwise.

Therefore, the exponential formula (3.4) [(3.11)] gives for j i, t > 0,

/ t2!)ijlt) = (S ij + tqi; + Cji^ + .. .

t ;—i+k oo tj—i+k i + k

qk= (j — i +k)! k=O(j —i +k)!\ j —i l

= (2t }' 1 (—At)k = (2ty-` e-a: (3.17)(j — 1 )!k=o k! (j —i)!


pij(t) = 0 for j < i. (3.18)

Thus, the transition probabilities coincide with those given in Example 1.

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For the general problem of constructing transition probabilities ((p ;;(t))) havinga prescribed set of infinitesimal transition rates given by Q = ((q1)), where

—q i1 = y q ;j , q ;j >0 for i j, (4.1)1^I

the method of successive approximations will be used in this section. The mainresult provides a solution to the backward equations

p(t) _ Z gikPk;(t), i, j E S (4.2)k

under the initial condition

p 11(0)=5 1j , i,jeS. (4.3)

The precise statement of this result is the following.

Theorem 4.1. Given any Q satisfying (4.1) there exists a smallest nonnegativesolution p(t) of the backward equations (4.2) satisfying (4.3). This solutionsatisfies

X p 1 (t) < 1 for all i ES, all t >, 0. (4.4)jES

In case equality holds in (4.4) for all i e S and t > 0, there does not exist anyother nonnegative solution of (4.2) that satisfies (4.3) and (4.4).

Proof. Write n, ; = — q ;; (i e S). Multiplying both sides of the backward equations(4.2) by the "integrating factor" e zis one obtains

e A "sPLk(s) = e Ais y gI,Ptk(s),jCs


dds (ePik(s)) = A;e

li"PIk(S) + e r ' s ga;P;k(s) = y elisq„PJk(s)•

JE$ j :i

On integration between 0 and t one has, remembering that p,(0) = S ;k ,


e AirPik(t) = Sjk + e gIJPjk(s) ds ,jo o

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Pik(t) = Sike a,' + f` e -aiu-s)gijpjk(s) ds (t ^ 0; i, k E S). (4.5)

j #i o

Reversing the steps shows that (4.2) together with (4.3) follow from (4.5). Thus(4.2) and (4.3) are equivalent to the system of integral equations (4.5). To solvethe system (4.5) start with the first approximation

Pik° = Sike A'` (i, k e S, t ) 0) (4.6)

and compute successive approximations, recursively, by

p(t) _ 6 ike -Ail + Y_ e -x<«-s^gij p(k i ) (s ) ds (n 3 1). (4.7)j0i Jo

Since q;j 0 for i j, it is clear that p;k ^(t) > p;k ^(t). It then follows from (4.7)by induction that p;k + '(t) p(t) for all n , 0. Thus, p ;k (t) = lim n -. p(t)exists. Taking limits on both sides of (4.7) yields

Pik(t) = 6ike-Ail + e-a'(t-S)gijPjk(s) ds. (4.8)j96 i JO

Hence, p ik(t) satisfy (4.5). Also, P k(t) - p;° (t) >, 0. Further, >kes Pik »(t) 1 forall t > 0 and all i. Assuming, as induction hypothesis, that >kES Pik '^(t) 1

for all t >, 0 and all i, it follows from (4.7) that

J '

p(t) = e -xis + Y e-zju-s>qij(

keS^ pk -1)(S))ds

kES j #i 0 l

e -x;' + dsjoi o

= et + tie-A;' fo

ells ds = e-x;' + A i e - ' = 1.

Hence, Ekcs p(t) < 1 for all n, all t >, 0, and the same must be true for

I Pikt) = lim X pik ) (t)•kES nj ro kES

We now show that p(t) is the smallest nonnegative solution of (4.5). Supposep(t) is any other nonnegative solution. Then obviously p ;k(t) ^ 6 ike = p»(t)

for all i, k, t. Assuming, as induction hypothesis, p ik (t) > p;k 1 (t) for all i, k e S.t > 0, it follows from the fact that p ;k(t) satisfies (4.5) that

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> S e—x;t + e x;a s^ cn-1) s s / .pik(t) > ik qjkij p ( ) d = p tikt )joi Jo

Hence, p ik (t) p(t) for all n 0 and, therefore, pikt) 15 k (t) for all i, k e Sand all t >, 0. The last assertion of the theorem is almost obvious. For if equalityholds in (4.4) for p(t), for all i and all t >, 0, and p(t) is another transitionprobability matrix, then, by the above p ik (t) ^ p ;k (t) for all i, k, and t >, 0. Ifstrict inequality holds for some t = t o and i = io then summing over k one gets

Y- Pik( O) > E Pik(0) = I,kES kE$

contradicting the hypothesis that p(t o ) is a transition probability matrix. •

Note that we have not proved that p(t) satisfies the Chapman-Kolmogorovequation (2.6). This may be proved by using Laplace transforms (Exercise 6).It is also the case that the forward equations (2.18) (or (2.19)) always hold forthe minimal solution p(t) (Exercise 5).

In the case that (3.9) holds, i.e., the bounded rates condition, there is onlyone solution satisfying the backward equations and the initial conditions and,therefore, p;k(t) is given by exponential representation on the right side of (3.11).Of course, the solution may be unique even otherwise. We will come back tothis question and the probabilistic implications of nonuniqueness in the nextsection.

Finally, the upshot of all this is that the Markov process is under certaincircumstances specified by an initial distribution it and a matrix Q, satisfying(4.1). In any case, the minimal solution always exists, although the total massmay be less than 1.

Example 1. Another simple model of "contagion" or "accident proneness" foractuarial mathematics, this one having a homogeneous transition law, isobtained as follows. Suppose that the probability of an accident in t to t + Atis (v + Ar) At + o(At) given that r accidents have occurred previous to time t,for v,). > 0. We have a pure birth process on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} havinginfinitesimal parameters q ;; = —(v + i),), q i , i+ , = v + i2, q ;k = 0 if k < i or ifk> i + 1. The forward equations yield

p(t) _ —(v + nA)po„(t) + (v + (n — 1 )A)po,-1(t),

p 0 (t) = — vpoo(t) (n 1).(4.9)


poo(t) =(4.10)

p01 (t) _ —(v + A)poI(t) + vpoo(t) _ —(v + A)poI(t) + ve "`

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This equation can be solved with the aid of an integrating factor as follows.Let g(t) = e ( v + z tpol (t). Then (4.10) may be expressed as

dg(t) = vez,

dt '


g(t) =g(0)+ Jve zu du= J vez"du=V(ezt - 1).0 0


Poi(t) = e-(V+zng(t) = V (e -^^ _ e -cV+z)t) _ V — e - z'). (4.11)


p2(t) = —(v + 22)P02(t) + (v + A)Poi(t)

_ —(v + 22)p02 (t) + (v + 2) -v e - "`(1 — e -zt ). (4.12)

Therefore, as in (4.10) and (4.11),

p02 (t) = e cv+zztt[J r e

(v+zz)" (v 2 )v e"(1 — e z") du]0

= e-(v+2)t [1'(%' + ^1) J` (ezz" — ezu) du]

^ o

= e-cv+2t [''("_+z) A) e2zr — 1 — e zt 1

,1 221 2

— v(v + 2) [e - vt — 2e -(v+z)t + e - w+zz)t]


— v(v + 2) e_vt[1 — e - zt]z

22 2

Assume, as induction hypothesis, that

Po"(t)= v(v + 2) .. .(v + (n — 1)^) e_vr[1 —

n! A"


Pö."+i(t) = —(v + (n + 1 )2 )p0,"+1(t) + (v + n2)P0"(t),

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Po,"+ 1 (t) = e—cv+("+1)z)r J e(v+("+1)z)u(v + n.1 )po"(u) du0

`= v(v + 2) ••(v+n2) i)z),


ec"+i)z"[1 — e z"]"du. (4.13)n!^"

Now, setting x = e za,

r ` 1 e" 1 \ 1



— e-z°]" du = - J x"( i --) dx = - (x — 1)" dxJo i x/ 2

1 (x — 1)"+1 e ,.^ 1 (e z^ — 1)"+1

= L n+1 ] 1 n+l


v(v + A)... (v + n2) vt z^ "+ ipo+i(t) _

(n + l)!2'e (1 — e) (4.14)


Let Q = ((q ij)) be transition rates satisfying (4.1) and such that thecorresponding Kolmogorov backward equation admits a unique (transitionprobability semigroup) solution p(t) = ((p ;j(t))). Given an initial distribution iton S there is a Markov process {X1 } with transition probabilities p(t), t 0,and initial distribution it having right-continuous sample paths. Indeed, theprocess {X1 } may be constructed as coordinate projections on the space S2 ofright-continuous step functions on [0, oo) with values in S (theoreticalcomplement 5.3).

Our purpose in the present section is to analyze the probabilistic nature ofthe process {X,}. First we consider the distribution of the time spent in theinitial state.

Proposition 5.1. Let the Markov chain {X,: 0 < t < cc} have the initial statei and let To = inf{t > 0: X, 0- i}. Then To has an exponential distribution withparameter —q ;;. In the case q ;; = 0, the degeneracy of the exponentialdistribution can be interpreted to mean that i is an absorbing state, i.e.,P1 (TO =oo)=1.

Proof. Choose and fix t > 0. For each integer n > 1 define the finite-dimensionalevent

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A„={X(m/2 n )t =iform=0,l,...,2n}.

The events A. are decreasing as n increases and

A = linl A:= fl A„n-00 n=1

= {X„ = i for all u in [0, t] which is a binary rational multiple of t}

={To >t}.

To see why the last equality holds, first note that{ To > t} = {X„ = i for all uin [0, t]} c A. On the other hand, since the sample paths are step functions, ifa sample path is not in {To > t} then there occurs a jump to state j, differentfrom i, at some time to (0 < to < t). The case to = t may be excluded, since itis not in A. Because each sample path is a right-continuous step function, thereis a time point t 1 > t o such that X. =j for t o < u < t 1 . Since there is some uof the form u = (m/2n)t < t in every nondegenerate interval, it follows thatX„ = j for some u of the form u = (m/2n)t < t; this implies that this sample pathis not in A. and, hence, not in A. Therefore, {To > t} A. Now note by (2.2)

r Z°

P1 (To > t) = Pi(A) = lim F(A) = 11n Lp„(2„nt x n 1 o0

t 1 = l qiiim 1 + 2 + o^2 )

]2” = e`q , (5.1)„ „

nt o0

proving that To is exponentially distributed with parameter —q ii . If q 1, = 0, theabove calculation shows that P;(To > t) = e° = 1 for all t > 0. HenceP(T0=oo)=1. n

The following random times are basic to the description of the evolution ofcontinuous time Markov chains.

T o =O, r 1 =inf{t>0:X, Xo }, r„=inf{t>tn _ 1 :X1 0-X,, 1 },(5.2)

To=t1, Tn=Tn+1—Tn forn^ 1.

Thus, To is the holding time in the initial state, T1 is the holding time in thestate to which the process jumps first time, and so on. Generally, T. is theholding time in the state to which the process jumps at its nth transition.

As usual, P; denotes the distribution of the process {X1 } under Xo = i. Asmight be guessed, given the past up to and including time To , the process evolvesfrom time To onwards as the original Markov process would with initial stateX.0. More generally, given the sample path of the process up to time

= To + T1 + • • • + Tn _ 1 , the conditional distribution of {Xz, + ,: t > 0} is Ps , , ,depends only on the (present) state X, and on nothing else in the past.

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Although this seems intuitively clear from the Markov property, the time To isnot a constant, as in the Markov property, but a random variable.

The italicized statement above is a case of an extension of the Markovproperty known as the strong Markov property. To state this property weintroduce a class of random times called stopping times or Markov times. Astopping time r is a random time, i.e., a random variable with values in [0, 00],with the property that for every fixed time s, the occurrence or nonoccurrenceof the event {i <, s} can be determined by a knowledge of {X: 0 < u <, s}. Forexample, if one cannot decide whether or not the event IT < 10} has happenedby observing only {X,,: 0 < u <, 10}, then r is not a stopping time. The randomvariables i l = To , r 2 = To + T1 ..... t„ are stopping times, but T1 , To + TZ arenot (Exercise 1).

Proposition 5.2. On the set {co e Si: r(w) < 00}, the conditional distribution of{X^ + ,: t >, 0} given the past up to time r is P, if r is a stopping time.

Stated another way, Proposition 5.2 says that on IT < co}, given the past ofthe process {X,} up to time r, the future is (conditionally) distributed as theMarkov chain starting at X, and having the same transition probabilities asthose of {X1 }. This is the strong Markov property. The proof of Proposition 5.3in the case that r is discrete is similar to that already given in Section 4, ChapterII. The proof in the general case follows by approximating t by discrete stoppingtimes. For a detailed proof see Theorem 11.1 in Chapter V.

The strong Markov property will now be used to obtain a vivid probabilisticdescription of the Markov chain {X,}. For this, let us write

k..=0 ^r = —qj„if q1j : 0 ,

= q" for i J (5.3)

=1 and k;;=0 for i j if q ;; =0.

Proposition 5.3. If the initial state is i, and q ;; 0 then To and XT,, areindependent and the distribution of XT0 is given by

P^(XTO =j) = kr;, j e S. (5.4)

Proof. For s, A > 0, and j i observe that

P1(s<T0 s+A,X5+n=J)

P; (X„ =i for 0<u<s, Xs+o=j)

=P;(X„= i for 0<u <s)P;(XS+o =jI X„ =i for 0<u<s)

= P;(To > s)p1j(A) = ev,

sp 1 (A). (5.5)

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Dividing the first and last expressions of (5.5) by i and letting 0. 0 one getsthe joint density-mass function of To and XTp at s and j, respectively (Exercise 2),

iTo.xTO (s , j) = ev1spij(0) = ev "sgij = 21e-xs qij , (5.6)—

where 2 i = — q ;i .

Now use Propositions 5.1 and 5.3 and the strong Markov property to checkthe following computation.

Pio(TO - SO , XTo = il , T1 ' S17 XtI = 12, ... , Tn - Sn, X, = in+l)


= Pio(TI ' S1, Xti = l2, ... , Tn ' Sng Xt.^ = in+l I TO = S, XTo = i 1)^ios=0

x e - liosk ;oi , dsso

=1 (T <1 S1 i XTo = i2, ... , Tn—I < sn , Xs. = in+1)2ioe—^ioskioi, ds


so \_Aioe—xios ds)kio`, Rie—itsdS)ki,i2

:=o (fs"=0X Pie(TO'S2, XTo= 13,...,Tn-2'Sn,Xtn_2 =in+J

_ ... = f f ,life zt/

,s ds)( f k,ji . + , I . (5.7)j=0 j=0

Note thatn

fl = PiØ (Y1 = il, Y2 = i2, ... , Yn+1 = in+1) ,j=0

where {Y.: m = 0, 1, ...} is a discrete-parameter Markov chain with initial stateio and transition matrix K = ((kij)), while

n sjft 1i,e-xi;s ds

j=0 s=0

is the joint distribution function of n + 1 independent exponential randomvariables with parameters ^. io , A i ,.... , 2 i.. We have, therefore, proved thefollowing.

Theorem 5.4

(a) Let {X1 } be a Markov chain having the infinitesimal generator Q andinitial state io . Then {Yn := XT,: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} is a discrete parameter

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Markov chain having the transition probability matrix K = ((k 1 )) givenby (5.3). Also, conditionally given {Y„}, the holding times To , T1 , T2 ,.. .

are independent exponentially distributed random variables withparameters A ;0 ,.?il ,'liV ...

(b) Conversely, suppose { Y„} is a discrete-parameter Markov chain havingtransition probability matrix K and initial state i0 , and for each sequenceof states i0 , i1, '2, ... , let To , T1 , T2 , ... , be a sequence of independentexponentially distributed random variables with parametersrespectively. Assume also that the sequences {To , T,, T2 , .. .}, correspondingto all distinct sequences of states, comprise an independent family. Define

X, =Yo , 0<t<To ,(5.8)

X, =Yk+1 for To +Tl +•••+Tk <t<To +Ti +•••+Tk+l .

Then the process {XX : t >, 0} so constructed is Markovian with initialstate io and infinitesimal generator Q.

Part (b) of Theorem 5.4 provides a noncanonical construction of a Markovchain with the transition rates given by Q = ((q ;i )).

By randomizing over the initial state, one easily extends the theorem to anarbitrary initial distribution n.

The content of the system of integral equations (4.5) is now easy tounderstand. Let us write (4.5) as

p<<(t) = 8‚e-t + Y_ A i e - xiskü pü (t — s) ds. (5.9)i0i o

If j 0 i, then k;i pi,(t — s) is the conditional probability, given To = s, that XTo =

and in an additional time t — s the process will be in state 1. Adding over allj 0 i, and then multiplying by the density of To and integrating, one gets forthe case l 0 i,

p 1 (t) = P;(X, = 1) = Z f',

Pi(XTo = j, X, = l I Tp = s)A e -x :s dsj#t

_ Y fo, li e — lisk ;i pi,(t — s) ds. (5.10)


If 1 = i, an extra term, namely, e -zi` must be added as the probability that nojump occurs in the time interval (0, t].

Example 1. (Homogeneous Poisson Process). As an immediate consequence ofTheorem 5.4 we get the following corollary.

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Corollary 5.5. For a homogeneous Poisson process with parameter A thesuccessive holding times are i.i.d. exponential with parameter A.

An interesting and useful property of the holding times of a Poisson processconcerns the conditional distribution of the successive arrival times in the periodfrom 0 to t given the number of arrivals in [0, t].

Proposition 5.6. Let To , To + T1 , ... , To + T1 + + i,... ‚denote succes-sive arrival times of the Poisson process { Y} with parameter A. Then theconditional distribution of (To , To + T1 , ... , To + T1 + • • • + T,_ 1 ) given

{ X1 — Xo = k} is the same as that of k increasingly ordered independent randomvariables each having the uniform distribution on (0, t].

Proof. Let Uo , U,,... , Uk _ 1 be k i.i.d. random variables each uniformlydistributed on (0, t]. Let U(o) be the smallest of Uo , U 1 , ... , U1 the nextsmallest, etc., so that with probability one U(o) < U(1) < ... < UUk _ 1 ^. Sinceeach realization of (U(0) , U(1) , ... , Usk _ 1 ^) corresponds to k! permutations of(Uo , U1 ,. . . , Uk _ 1 ), each with the same density 1/t 1', the joint density of(U(o), U41), ... , U(k-n) is given by

k!k!if 0 < so <S 1 < • < S_ 1 <_ t

g(so> ... > sk -1) _ (5.11)0 otherwise.

Now, by Corollary 5.5, To , T1 , ... , Tk are i.i.d. with joint density given by


2k+1 exp —A x ; if x ; >0 for all i,

f (xo, x1, ... ‚x)=

0 `-o otherwise.(5.12)

Since the Jacobian of the transformation

(xo, xl, ... , xk) --► (x0, xo + xl, ... , xo + xl + • • • + xk)

is 1, the joint density of To , To + T1 , ... , To + T1 + • • • + Tk is given by

f1(t0, t1, ... , tk ) = 2k+le—Irk for 0 < to < t 1 < t 2 < ... < tk . (5.13)

The density of the conditional distribution of To , To + T1 ..... To + T1 + • • • + Tk

given {To +TI +•••+Tk - l ,<t<TO +TI +•••+ Tk} is

2k+l e —tsk

P(To +TI +•••+Tk - l *t<TO +T1 +•••+Tk )(5.14)

if0<so <s l <••• <sk andsk _ 1 <t<sk ,

0 otherwise.

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But the denominator in (5.14) equals P(Y, = k), where Y, = X, — X0 . Therefore,

^k+le-dsk Ak!e Th ASk

(At)k e xttk

e .fz(so, s / , ... , SO = k! (5.15)

if 0 <so< s 1 < • • • < sk and sk _ 1 1< t < S,

0 otherwise.

Integrating this over S k we get the conditional density of To , To + T1 , ...T0 +TI + ... +Tk - 1 given {Y=k}as

(2) k!t ke - xt

J3(s0+S1.. . Sk-1) =


e -ASk ds k! e -zt = k'k

_ e - xt tk tk

(5.16)if0<s0<S 1 < . <sk_1 Wit,


Thus, as asserted, f3 is the same as g. n

Example 2. (Continuous-Parameter Markov Branching Process). This is thecontinuous-parameter version of the Bienayme-Galton-Watson branchingprocess discussed in Chapter II. It is another basic random replication schemethat is used to describe processes ranging from the growth of populations tothe branching of river networks. Consider a population of X0 = io >, 1 particlesat time 0. Each particle, independently of the others, waits an exponentiallydistributed length of time with parameter A > 0 and then splits into a randomnumber k of particles with probability fk (independently of the waiting time),where fk > 0, fo >0,0 < fo + f1 < 1, 1k ofk = 1. The progeny continue tosplit according to this same process. Let X t denote the number of particlespresent at time t. An equivalent description of the process {X t } is as follows.Since the minimum of io i.i.d. exponential random variables with parameter2 > 0 is exponential with parameter i o2, the holding time To in state i o isexponential with parameter io2. At time To the initial population of X0 = io

particles becomes a population of XTo = j io — 1 particles with probabilityfj - ;o+ 1 . If io = 0, then Xt = 0 for all t >, 0. In view of the lack of memoryproperty of the i.i.d. exponentially distributed splitting times of the particlesand their progeny, the holding time T1 to the next transition given {XTo =1' To }(j >, 1) is exponential with parameter 2 j = jA (Exercise 13). Thus, {Xt } may bedescribed as a continuous-parameter Markov chain with state spaceS = {0, 1, 2, ...} with absorbing state at 0 and having infinitesimal transitionrates that can be calculated as follows. First note that the probability of k ofi particles splitting within time h > 0 is

( )(e _y_k(l — e -z'')k = O(h k ) = o(h) for i 3 k >, 2.

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p(h) = e''xn + .fi \1

/[J n 2e-ase-zln-SI ds](e -.tn) i-1 + 0 (h 2 )


= 1 - iA,(1 - fl )h + o(h) as h --> 0. (5.17)

Likewise, for j > i + 1,

pii(h) _ ()ii-r+i LJ h fi e -zee -u- +i^acn s^ ds]

(e xn)i-1 + o (h)0

=if; - i + ,2h+o(h) ash->0. (5.18)

For] = i - 1, we have

pt.j-i(h) = (i)fo[f Jha:lxn) + o (h)

= ilfoh + o(h) ash-•0. (5.19)

Therefore, the transition rates are given by

iifj -i +II jai-1, i^1, j0i,

q i; = 0, i =0, j>,0 or j<i-1, i,l, (5.20)

-12(1-f1 ), i =j'> 1.

The branching evolution is characteristically multiplicative and as such clearlydoes not possess (additive) independent increments. The branching mechanismis distinctively displayed in terms of the probability-generating functions of the(minimal) transition probabilities by the following considerations. Let

Go9((r) _ E p 1 (t)r, i = 0, 1, 2, .... (5.21)


Since each of the i initial particles, independently of the others, has produceda random number of progeny at time t with distribution (p lj(t): j = 0, 1, ...),the distribution of the total progeny of the i initial particles at time t is thei-fold convolution (p(t): j = 0, 1, 2, ...). Therefore,

9,(` ß (r) = (9,(' )(r)), i = 0, 1, 2, .... (5.22)

The Chapman-Kolmogorov equations for the branching evolution take the(transformed) form

9^+s(r) = g^ 1)(9s"(r)), (5.23)

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pij(t + s)r' = Y, Y, P ik(t)pkj(s)rl

j=0 j=0 k

_ P^k(t)(gs"(r))k = 9i`'(gs"(r)).k

Fix i > 0 and consider the discrete parameter stochastic process {X.} definedby

n=0,1,2,.... (5.24)

The process {X„} is clearly a discrete-parameter Markov chain. In fact, from(5.24) one can see that {X^} has stationary transition probabilities j3 p ij(r).This makes {X„} a discrete parameter Bienayme—Galton—Watson branchingprocess with offspring distribution f, = p lj = p(r).

Observe that the event that {X,} eventually becomes extinct is equivalent tothe event that {XX } eventually becomes extinct. It follows from the resultobtained in Example 11.2 of Chapter II for the discrete parameter case thatthe probability p of eventual extinction of an initial single particle is the smallestnonnegative (fixed-point) r of the equation

9i' > (r) = r. (5.25)

In particular, observe that this root cannot depend on t > 0. One may thereforeexpect to be able to compute p from the generating function of the infinitesimaltransition rates. Define

h" )(r) _ Y, gijri = —fir + (5.26)j=0 j=0

Proposition 5.7. The extinction probability p for the continuous-parameterbranching process is the smallest nonnegative root of the equation

h«(r) = 0.

Moreover, if 0 j fi <, I then p = 1.

Proof. Observe that the Kolmogorov backward equation for the (minimal)branching evolution transforms as follows.

age (r) aPij(t)_ r _ 91kPkj(t)ri

8t. j 8t j k

_ I glkgik1 (r) = Y glk(gi i) (r))k .k k

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ag, 1 ) (r)

= h n (9 1 (r)), (5.27)at


g0 (r) _ pij(0 )rj = r. (5.28)j=0

In particular, since g, l)(p) = p for all t > 0, it follows that p must satisfy

h (ll(p) = ag,(' ) (p) = 0. (5.29)


Since h (l ^(0)=2f0 >0,h" 1(l)=Zj o q 1j =0,and

d2V l(r)dr2 =A I j(j-1)fjrj i 0, 0<r<1,


it follows that 0 ) (r) can have at most one zero in the open interval 0 < r < 1.If^^ o jf<I then

d h" )(r) _— J+ Y 2j fr'rj i


is nonpositive for all 0 < r < 1. Thus p = 1 in this case. n

As a corollary it follows that since A appears as a simple positive factor in(5.26), the extinction probability is the smallest nonnegative fixed point of theprobability-generating function of the offspring distribution {f3}. In particular,therefore, extinction is completely determined by the embedded discreteparameter Markov chain {Y„}. In particular, if > j jfj > 1, then p < 1 (seeExample 11.2 of Chapter II).

Example 3. (Continuous-Parameter Binary Branching or Birth—Death). TheBienayme—Galton—Walton binary branching Markov process {X} is a simplebirth—death process on {0, 1, 2, ...} with X 0 = 1, absorption at 0, having linearbirth—death rates q11 + 1 = q ; , ; _ 1 = i2/2, i >, 1, and having right continuoussample paths a.s. Define

L:= inf{t > 0:X=0}, (5.30)

M,==#{O<s<t:X,—X,=-1}. (5.31)

Imagine a binary tree graph emanating from a single root vertex (see Figure5.1) such that starting from a single root particle (vertex), a particle lives for

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Figure 5.1

an exponentially distributed duration with mean A -1 and then either splits intotwo particles or terminates with equal probabilities and independently of theholding times. Each new particle is again independently subjected to the samerules of evolution as its predecessors. Then L represents the time to extinctionof this process, and M, is the total number of deaths by time t. According toProposition 5.7, L is finite with probability 1. In particular, M L, represents thenumber of degree-one vertices in the tree (excluding the root). In the contextof random flow networks, such vertices represent sources, and the extreme valuestatistic L is the main channel length. We will consider the problem of computingthe (conditional) mean of L given ML = n. The process {(X1 , M,)} is a Markovprocess on Z + x Z + having rates A = ((a, j )), where

Zile, j = i + (1, 0) = (il + 1, i2)

'i i i_, j= i +(-1,1)=(i1-1, i 2 +1)_(5.32)

—i.?, j = i

0, otherwise.

Justification of the use of the forward equations below is deferred to Section8 (Example 8.2, Exercise 8.14).

Lemma. Let g(t, u, v) = E {uX tvM }, 0 < u, v < 1, t >, 0. Then,

C i (u — C2 ) + C2 (C 1 — u)eI'^(c,-C2)1

g(t, u, v) = — u — C2 ) (u — C e=z(c,=czi,_ _, (5.33)

( z) — ( i)

where C i = C 1 (v) = 1 — (1 — v)" 2 , C2 = C2 (v) = 1 + (1 — v)i"2

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Proof. It follows from Kolmogorov's forward equation that for i o = (1, 0),

a x^ M^ ;i izEso {u v } = E ;o u v a(xM,),(il.iz)at th'i2)

= E10 {2AX,ux,+ '^ + ZAX1 ux,-1 VM ^ +1 — AX,ux`vM`}

= Z2u2 au

E;o {u xtvMt } + ZAv 3u au

— Au au

E;o {ux`vM `}


Therefore, one has

a g(t, u, v) = A (u 2 + v — 2u) u g(t, u, v) (5.35)

with the initial condition,

g(0, u, v) = U. (5.36)

Letting y(t) be the characteristic curve defined by

Y'(t) _ —A (y 2 (t) — 2y(t) + v) _ —A (y(t) — CO)(Y(t) — C2),

with C, - C,(v) and C2 - C2 (v) as defined in the statement of the lemma, (5.35)and (5.36) take the form

dt g(t, y(t), v) = 0, g(0 , Y(0 ), v) = Y(0 )•

These are easily integrated to get (5.33). n

From the lemma it follows that

vnP(ML = n) = lim g(t, 1, v) = 1 — (1 — v) l " 2 = (z)(_ 1)n+'vnn=1 n=1 \n

0 < v < 1. (5.37)

In particular, the classic formula of Cayley for the distribution of ML followsas (see also Exercise 11)



2 1

n2-zn+1 n=1,2.....

(5.38)Thus, by the Stirling formula one has,

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P(ML =n)— 1—n -3 / 2 asn-->oo. (5.39)2f

The lemma provides a way to compute the conditional moments as follows:

EL I ML = n} = r J " tr - 'P(L>tJML =n)dt (5.40)0


P(L> t,ML =n) — P(ML =n)—P(L <t,ML =n)P(L>t1 ML=n)= P(ML = n) P(ML = n)


P(ML =n)

Now, letting

hn=P(ML=n)E(Ln ML =n), n> 1, (5.42)

we have for 0 < v < 1, using (5.33), (5.37), (5.40) and (5.41),

hn vn = r J tr -1 {(1 —(1 — v)112 ) — g(t, 0, v)} dtn1 0

= r°°

fC C C C e 1A(c,-c


^r tr-1 C _ 1 z — z 1

dt1 C2 C 1a(c,o z— e -C2)u


(C2_r-1JC 1 — Cl)e#M(cl-CZ)`^r t dt. (5.43)

C2 C ie Ix(c1-C2)12 —

Expanding the integrand as a geometric series, one obtains


(v) = r CI(C2 — C2) tr-1 e(n+1)z(c1 cz)t dt

C2 Jo n (CC21)

irr (C2 — C l


r+1 y (C


= i\nn—r


" S r— le—s ds

r ln=1

= 2 r (1 — v)_ 1)/2 (Clinn-r. (5.44)n=1 C2J

In the case r = 1,

h(v) _ — 2 log 1 — C1(v) _ — 2 log

2(1 — v) 1/2

(5.45)A C2(v) a. 1 + (1 — V)112

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To invert h(v) in the case r = 1, consider that vh'(v) is the generating functionof {nh"}. Thus, differentiating one gets that

vh'(v) =.i 1 (1 — v) -1 [1 —(I — v) i 2] _). i {( 1 — v) - i —(1 — v) -i'2}

(5.46)and, therefore, after expanding (1 -- v) - ' and (1 — v) - `/ z in a Taylor seriesabout v = 0 and equating coefficients in the left and rightmost expansions in(5.46), it follows that

nP(ML =n)E(LIML =n)=2 ' 1+ (_ 2)(_1)" t . ( 5.47)

In particular, using (5.39) and Stirling's formula, it follows that

E(n - '' z)LI ML =n)' 2, as n—•oc. (5.48)

The asymptotic behavior of higher moments E({n - " 2 ):L }' I ML = n), r >, 2, mayalso be determined from (5.44) (theoretical complement 4). Moreover, it maybe shown that as n —> oo, the conditional distribution of n -112 AL given ML = nhas a limiting distribution that coincides with the distribution of the maximumof a (suitably scaled) Brownian excursion process as described in Exercise 12.7,Chapter I (see theoretical complement 4).


The Markov process with infinitesimal generator Q as constructed in Theorem5.4 is called the minimal process with infinitesimal generator Q because it givesthe process only up to the time

T0 +T1 +T2 +•••= . (6.1)n =o

The time (is called the explosion time.What we have shown in general is that every Markov chain with infinitesimal

generator Q and initial distribution is is given, up to the explosion time, by theprocess {X1} described in Theorem 5.4. If ( = oo with probability 1, then theminimal process is the only one with infinitesimal generator Q and we haveuniqueness. In the case P;(( = co) < 1, i.e., if explosion does take place withpositive probability, then there are various ways of continuing the minimalprocess for t ( so as to preserve the Markov property and the backwardequations (2.16) for the continued process {X1 }. One such way is to fix anarbitrary probability distribution 4 on S and let X, = j with probability i/ii(j e S). For t > ( the continued process then evolves as a new (minimal) process

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with initial j and infinitesimal generator Q until a second explosion occurs, atwhich time {X,} is assigned a state according to 4r independently of theassignment at the time of the first explosion C, and so on. The transitionprobabilities p ;k(t), say, of {X,} clearly satisfy (5.9), the integral version of thebackward equations (2.16), since the derivation (5.10) is based on conditioningwith respect to To , which is surely less than S, and on the Markov property.Unfortunately, the forward equations (2.19) do not hold for p, since theconditioning in the corresponding integral equations is with respect to the finaljump before time t and one or more explosions may have already occurred bytime t.

We have already shown in Section 3 that if {q ;; : i c S} is bounded, thebackward equations have a unique solution. This solution p. (t) gives rise to aunique Markov process. Therefore we have the following elementary criterionfor nonexplosion.

Proposition 6.1. If sup,Es ) (= sup,jq ;il = sup ; ,j Jq ;^^) is finite, then P = cc) = 1for all i e S, and the minimal process having infinitesimal generator Q and anarbitrary initial distribution is the only Markov process with infinitesimalgenerator Q.

Definition 6.1. A Markov process {X} for which P;(C = oo) = I for all je Sis called conservative or nonexplosive.

Compound Poisson processes are conservative as may be checked from

/' / (^te ll (A t)

^J*„v1—I)_ i e-i,`J

^)„ *n(j _ i)jes n=O JES n• n=O n• jES

e-x^(^.t)„= 1. (6 . 2 )n=O n!

Example 1. (Pure Birth Process). A pure birth process has state spaceS = {0, 1, 2, ...}, and its generator Q has elements q ;i = — A i , q ; , ;+ I = ^.,, q,; = 0for j > i + I or j < i, i e S. Note that this has the same degenerate (i.e.,completely deterministic) embedded spatial transition matrix as the Poissonprocess. However, the parameters Al i of the exponential holding times are notassumed to be equal (spatially constant) here.

Fix an initial state i. Then the embedded chain { }„: n = 0, 1, ...} has onlyone possible realization, namely, Y„ = n + i (n > 0). Therefore, the holding timesTo , T1 ,... , are (unconditionally) independent and exponentially distributedwith parameters 2, A i+ ,, ... , Consider the explosion time

=To +T1 +•••= Tm.m=0

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First assume

°° 1Y, —=00. (6.3)

n=0 ^n

For s > 0, consider

4(s)=E1e- =Ee -'16rm= Eie-ST„,m=0

= ri m +i = H 1

mj=O'm +i + S „=O 1 + S/Am +i

Choose and fix s> 0. Then,

log 4(s) _ — E 1og 1 + S — E s/'lm

m=0 ^m +i MW=0 1 + S/Am+l

°° 1_ —s = —oo, (6.4)

m=0 1m+i + S

since log(1 + x) >, x/(1 + x) for x 0 (Exercise 1). Hence log 0(s) = — oc, i.e.,(k(s) = 0. This is possible only if P i(C = oc) = 1 since e > 0 whenever ( < oo.Thus if (6.3) holds, then explosion is impossible.

Next suppose that

Z 1 <0. (6.5)n=0 ^n


1 m 1E(= = —<0o.

m=0 1m +i n =i in

This implies P;(( = oo) = 0, i.e., Pi(C < oo) = 1. In other words, if (6.5) holds,then explosion is certain.

In the case of explosion, the minimal process {X,: 0 < t <} can be continuedto a conservative Markov process on the time interval 0 <, t < oc in a varietyof ways. For illustration consider the continuation {X 1 } of an explosive purebirth process {X } obtained by an instantaneous jump to state 0 at time t = C,after which it evolves as a minimal process starting at 0 until the time of thesecond explosion, and so on. Let Pij(t) denote the transition probabilities for{X}. Likewise, Pi denotes the distribution of {X} given Xo = I. Consider, for

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simplicity, poo(t). One has


Poo(t)=Po(X,= 0)_ 1 P0 (X,=0,N,=n) (6.6)


where N, is the number of explosions by time t. Since the event {X, = 0, N, = 0}is the event that the minimal process holds at zero until time t,

Po(^': = 0, N, = 0) = p00(t) = e-x°'. (6.7)

More generally, the event {X, = 0, N, = n} occurs if and only if the nth explosionoccurs at some time prior to t and the minimal process remains at 0 from thistime until t. Let fo denote the probability density function of the first explosiontime ( for the process {X,} starting at 0. Since the times between successiveexplosions are i.i.d. with p.d.f. fo , the p.d.f. of the nth explosion time is givenby the n-fold convolution ft". Therefore,

Po(X, = 0, N, = n) = J t poo(t — s)f *n (s) ds. (6.8)0

Using (6.7) and (6.8) in (6.6) we get

Poo(t)= e "` 1 + J e f 0 (s) ds] . (6.9)n=1 0

Differentiating (6.9) gives

Pöo(t) = —)OPoo(t) + Y f"(t). (6.10)n=1

In particular, (6.10) shows that the forward equation does not hold for ß(t).Since the time of the first explosion starting at 0 is the holding time at 0

plus the remaining time for explosion starting at state 1, we have by the strongMarkov property,

fo=e^*.fi (6.11)

where f1 is the p.d.f. of the first explosion time starting in state 1 and e Ao is theexponential p.d.f. with parameter A0 . Therefore,


.f ö"(t) _ e * .fi * f " (t). (6.12)n=1 n=1

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exo(t) = Aoe-z°' = 2opo0(t), (6.13)

we can write (6.12) as

L f Ön (t) = A0 L Poo * fl * f o*<n Z)(t)

n =1 n=1

e oo r

_ 20 .fi(s)poo(t — s) ds + A0 .fi*.fön(s)poo(t — s) dso n =i o

= A0P10(t)• (6.14)

Now (6.10) takes the form

P'00(t) = —A000(t) + A0ß10(t). (6.15)

Equation (6.15) is the (0, 0) term in the backward equation for (t). As remarkedearlier (Exercise 2) the backward equations hold for all terms

Another method of constructing a conservative process from an explosiveminimal process is to adjoin a new state A to S and define X, = A for t > l;.Then A is an absorbing state and the transition probabilities are

p;1(t) for i, je S

o(t) —keS

1 — > P Ik (t) for i E S, j = AA(6.16)I

1 fori=j=A

0 fori= A,jES.

It is simple to check that (6.16) defines a transition probability (Exercise 3) andsatisfies the backward as well as the forward equations for i, je S (Exercise 3).


Example 1. (The Compound Poisson Process). The state space for {Xr} isS = {0, ± 1, ±2, ...}. Let f be a given probability mass function on S withf(0) < 1, and let A > 0. Define the Q-matrix by

A.= —9 11 =A.(l —f(0)),•

k —_ 2ii f(j—i) ifji.(7.1)


' A 1 — f(0)



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Since the A, do not depend on i, it follows from Theorem 5.1 that the embeddedchain {1',}, corresponding to the transition matrix K and some initialdistribution, is independent of the i.i.d. exponentially distributed sequence ofholding times { To , T,, .. .}. Also, { Yn } is a random walk that may be representedas Yo =Xo ,Y1 =X0 +Z 1 ,Y2 =X0 +Z 1 +Z2 ,...,Yn =Xo +Z 1 +Z2 +•.•

+ Z .... , where {Z 1 , Z2 ..... Zn , ...} is a sequence of i.i.d. random variableswith common probability function f, independent of X0 . It follows from thisdescription that the transition probabilities are given as follows.

Let A = 2(1 — f (0)). Then,

p 1 (t) _ Pi (n transitions occur in (0, t], and X, = j)n=0

ro+ Y- P,(TO +T1 +... +T- ,1<t<T0 +T1 + .. +T.,Yn =A


=S;je -x`+ R(To+Ti +... +Tn- i<T<To+Ti +...+Tn)n=1

x PA. =j)

=bi,e -kt+ e -xt -- f *n(j —i)n =1 n!


n o

t)n f *n (j — i),

= n.(7.2)

with the convention that f * o (k) = ókø .

The rates given in (7.1) are the same as those that are obtained in (2.24).

Example 2. (The Yule Linear Growth Process). This process is sometimes usedas a model for the growth of bacteria, the fission of neutrons, and other randomreplication processes. It is a special case of Example 2 in Section 5 withfo = 0,f2 = 1. However, to keep this example self-contained, consider asituation in which there are initially i members of a population, each splittinginto two identical particles after an exponentially distributed amount of timehaving parameter A and independently of the others. Let X X denote the size ofthe population at time t. Then {Xj is a Markov process on S = { 1, 2, ...}(Exercise 1), whose transition rates can be calculated explicitly as follows.

p,1(h) = (e -xn)1 = e -stn = I — i1h + o(h). (7.3)


(i)[Jh isz— i 1 —

p1± 1(h) = Ac e ds] [e ] = i2h + o(h) (7.4)o

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and forj>i+2,

0 <, p 1 (h) < (1 — e -»-1 = o(h). (7.5)

In particular, therefore, the infinitesimal rates are given by

=—iA, q i , i+1 =IA, A i; =0 ifj>i+Iorifj<i. (7.6)

Note that this makes {X} a pure birth process. Since

1 c1 1 ° 1

n 1 An n1 nA 2n =1 n

it follows from Example 6.1 that the process is conservative. We will use thebackward equations to compute p ; k (t) for all i, k. We have

p k(t) = 0 for k < i (indeed, p ik(t) = 0),

p1(t) = —iApei(t), (7.7)

pik(t) = — iAp1k(t) + iApi +l,k(t) (k >, i + 1).


p11(t) = e -Ail = e -'A' (i = 1, 2, ...).

Substituting this into the last equation of (7.7) (with k = i + 1), one gets

pi.j +1(t) _ —i2p +1(t) + iAe " + nx'. (7.8)

Multiplying both sides by e` ' one gets

d (e"'pi.i +I(t)) = iAe' A`p1,1+1(t) + e tpi.1+1(t)

= i2ee At = iAe21



epi,r+l(t) = iAe - ds + e` Ap1+l(0) = 1(1 — et)fo


pi,i +1(t) = ie - `»( 1 — e -At). (7.9)

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Substituting this into (7.7) with k = i + 2, one gets

p+2(t) _ — i2R,;+z(t) + i?,[(i + 1)e-(r+1 t(1 — e

which as above, on multiplying both sides by eU`, yields

t. tp; +2(t) = e - ` -` f

oi^.(i + 1)e - '(1 — e) ds

= i(i + 1)e`i t[(1 — e -z') + z (e -22' — 1)]

li(i + 1 )= e i.Afo — e -AT. (7.10)2

By induction (a basis for which is laid out in (7.9)-(7.10)), one may prove(Exercise 2)

Fik(t)=i(i+ 1). ..(k—

e'(1 —e - l`)'` -; fork>i. (7.11)(k —i)!

Example 3. (N-Server Queues). Think of arrivals of customers as a Poissonprocess with parameter a. There are N servers. Let X, denote the number ofcustomers being served or waiting at time t. A customer arriving at time t isimmediately served if XX is less than N. On the other hand, if X, exceeds orequals N, then the customer must stand in a queue and await a turn. Assumethat the service time for each customer, counted from the moment of arrivalat a free counter until the moment of departure from the counter, is exponentiallydistributed with parameter ß, and assume that the service times for the differentcustomers are independent. The process {X,} is Markovian (Exercise 4). Theinfinitesimal conditions may be found as follows. The state space isS = {0, 1, 2, ...} and the infinitesimal probabilities are given by

p1 (h) = le

e-ahe-iph + O(h2 ) if 0 < i < N,

-ahe-N(1h + O(h2 ) if i > N,

p1,ß+3(h) =e - ahahe - `ah + O(h 2 ) if 0 <' i '< N,ehe - Nah + 0(h 2 ) if I> N,


^e - ah i(1 — e -ah) e -u-'inh + O(h 2 ) if I '< i '< N, ahe N(1 — e - uh )e -(N - ' )ah + O(h 2 ) if i> N,

p(h) = O(h 2 ) if ji — jj > 1.

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q=-(a+iß) if0<i^N, q ;; =-(a+Nß) ifi>N;

= a if i >, 0; (7.12)

=iß if1<,i N, q ; _,=Nß ifi>N.

It is difficult to calculate explicitly the transition probabilities by either ofthe methods of the two preceding examples. In the next example, we considerthe case of infinitely many servers and zero waiting time for mathematicalconvenience. The N-server queue is a special case of the continuous-parameterbirth-death Markov process to be analyzed in Example 1 of Section 8.

Example 4. (Queues with Infinitely Many Servers). In the physical model, X,denotes the number of customers being served at time t. Suppose that thenumber Y of arrivals of customers is a Poisson process with parameter a. Eachcustomer is upon arrival immediately attended to by a server, the service timebeing an exponential random variable with parameter ß. The service times ofdifferent customers are independent. Suppose that initially there are Xo = icustomers who are being served. Because of the "lack of memory" property ofthe exponential distribution, the remaining service times for these i customersare still independent exponential random variables with parameter ß. Of the icustomers served at time zero, let Z, be the number of those who remain at thecounters (being served) at time t. Then Z, is a binomial random variable withparameters i and e - ß`. During the time interval (0, t], however, there will beY new arrivals. Suppose W of them remain at the counters at time t. ThenX, = Z, + W. Of course, Z, and W are independent random variables. Todetermine the distribution of X, given X0 = i, we therefore need to computethe distribution of W, given Y, = k. Given that there are k arrivals in a Poissonprocess in (0, t], the k arrival times, say r 1 , r l + T2i , ... , i, + z 2 + • • • + Tk ,may be thought of as k independent observations U 1 , U2 ,. . . , U theuniform distribution on (0, t] arranged in increasing order of magnitude (seeProposition 5.6). Since the probability that an individual who arrives at timeu will not leave the counter by time t is e - ß (` - , the probability that a randomarrival in (0, t] will not leave by time t is

-1 e etr u^ du = 1 - e ß'

(7.13)t o ß`

Therefore, the conditional distribution of W given Y = k is binomial with

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parameters k and (1 — eßt )/ßt. Unconditionally, then,

P(W = j) = > P(Y = k)P(W = i 1 Y = k)k=j

= kJ e at (k^k \%/\

1 !'t R`1

1 _ Qtk J)J^ ßt \

e' 1 — Cot J °° (at)k


Qt k- jj! ßt k=J (k —J)! ßt

e t 1—e ß` J_ _ (at) ea([I - ( 1 - e R )lat)j! \ßt I

= e'>" - e -ß )( [('x/ß)( 1 — e


- ß`)]J (j >, 0). (7.14)j!

In other words, W, is Poisson with parameter (a/ß)(1 — e - ß`). Since Z, is binomial,it follows from (7.14) that

p ik(t)=P(X,=kI Xo = i) =P(Z,+W =kIXo =i)min(i,k) i [(a/ /1 )(1 — e - ßr)]k-r

= !e-ßt )r(1 — e - Rt)i - re - ^a^Q)u -e-B') [(c /ß)(l

r t (k—r)!

mik )

= e -cawR1-e 01 (1 — e ß`)`C(a/ß)(1 — e-a`)]ki!, _

1 ar = o r!(i — r)!(k — r)!


x [eß` + e - ß` — 2] - r for k = 0,1, .... (7.15)

From (7.15) one can directly check the infinitesimal conditionsq, i = —( + iß) for i l 0,q11 1 = a and q i., I = iß for i 1, qo , l = a. However,it is simpler to use the probabilistic description to arrive at these. For example,p i(h) is the sum of the probabilities of the events that there are no arrivals in(0, h] and none of the Xo = i customers leaves during (0, h], or one customerarrives in (0, h] and one of i + 1 customers leaves during (0, h], etc. Therefore,

p r (h) = e-ah(e-hh)i + 0(h 2 ). (7.16)

More generally, since the chance of two or more occurrences in a small intervalof length h is 0(h 2 ), one has

p(h) = e-(a+`ßu' + 0(h 2 ) = 1 — (a + iß)h + 0 (h 2 ),h

p+1(h) = ae-aye-P(h-5) ds)e - 'ßh + 0 (h 2 )\\ o

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h= e -Bh-ißh ae-c'-v)s ds + O(h2) = e-u+i)ühah + O(h

2 )0

= ah — a(i + 1)ßh 2 + O(h 2 ) = ah + O(h2),(7.17)

pj,j_1(h) = (e- «h)i(1 — e - 9h)e - c" - ')ßh

= i(1 — ah)ßh(1 — (i — 1)ßh) + 0(h 2 ) = ißh + 0(h 2 )


= 1im P<<(h) — I _ — (a + iß),hlo h


qi,i+i(h) = lim P^,^+i(h) — 0 = aqj,1-1 = iß.

hlo h

For completeness one needs to argue that {X,} is a Markov process. Forthis note that X 4 isis a function of

(i) Xs and the additional service times up to time s + t required by the X.,customers present at time s, and

(ii) the numbers and times of arrivals of those customers arriving during(s, s + t] and their service times.

But the latter (i.e., (ii)) are stochastically independent of {X: 0 < u < s} sinceYs+, — Ys is independent of Y. for 0 <, u < s, and the service times of all customersare independent of each other as well as of the process {Y,,: u > 0}. Also, theconditional distribution of the additional service times of the Xs customers whoare being served at time s, given {X, 0 < u < s} (or, for that matter, given{ } u , 0 < u < s}, as well as the service times of all these arrivals in [0, s] alreadyspent in [0, s]) is still that of XS i.i.d. exponential random variables each havingparameter ß ("lack of memory" property). Hence P(Xs+ , = k ( X.: 0 <, u < s) _

P(Xs+, = k I X.J.

Example 5. (Monte Carlo Approaches to the Telegrapher's Equation). MonteCarlo methods broadly refer to numerical approximations based on averagesof simulations of suitably designed random processes. Modern-day computingspeed and precision make the random-number generator an important tool fornumerical calculations. The results and methods of Chapter I indicate howdiscrete time and space Monte Carlo numerical solutions to initial andboundary-value problems associated with the heat equation (or diffusionequation)

au a2u au=D+c-

at ax2 ax

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might be obtained from density profiles computed from simulated randomwalks. A connection between general linear parabolic (diffusion) partialdifferential equations and discrete space and/or time Markov birth—death chainsis described in Section 4 of Chapter V.

In the present example we will consider a probabilistic approach to a specialhyperbolic (wave) equation known as the telegrapher's equation. Namely,

ßaz i

t 2 —v2+ 2a-=0, (7.19)

with the initial conditions of the form u(x, 0) = (p(x) and (0u/at)J, =0 = 0 for asuitable initial profile cp(x). The telegrapher's equation arises in connection withthe spatiotemporal evolution of both the voltage and the charge density inone-dimensional electrical transmission lines. In this framework the coefficientsß, a, and v 2 are all nonnegative real numbers; in terms of the physical parametersß/v 2 = LC and 2a/v 2 = RC, where R is the electrical resistance, L is theinductance, and C is the capacitance (see Exercise 9). However, these quantitiesplay no particular role in the probabilistic derivation.

After dividing through by ß > 0 and adjusting the other parametersaccordingly, we may take ß = 1. Partition the state space as a one-dimensionallattice of sites spaced A > 0 units apart and partition time into units of0, r, 2r, 3r, ... , with A = vr. A particle is started at x = 0 and in the first unitof time r moves with speed v > 0, with some probability ic + in the positivedirection to A(= vT), or moves with probability zr - = 1 — ir + in the negativedirection at speed v to —A. Subsequently, at each successive time step theparticle will continue to travel at the rate v but at each time step, independentlyof the previous choice(s), may choose to reverse its previous direction withprobability p = ar. Notice that, given the initial velocity, the time step untilthe particle makes a reversal in direction is geometrically distributed with mean1/p = 1/ar and variance q/p2 = (1 — ar)/(ar) 2 . The reversal mechanism providesa kind of stochastic oscillation in the motion.

The position process {S„} is represented in terms of successive displacementsby

S0=0, Sn =X 1 +X2 +••.+Xn , nil, (7.20)

where {X„} is a two-state Markov chain with initial distributionP(X, = A) = n + = I — P(X I = —A) and homogeneous one-step transition lawdetermined by

f'(X„+^=A^X„_A)=P(Xn +^_ — A^X„_ —A)=1—p, n?1.(7.21)

Let us now consider the average profile after n time steps and viewed fromthe position of the particles initially moving to the right, starting from the initial

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position m0. Let

u + (na, m0) = E(cp(m0 + S„) I Xl = 0), (7.22)

and let

u-(nT, m0) = E(çp(m0 + S„) 1 X l = -A). (7.23)

Note that the conditional distribution of {S„} given X, = -A coincides withthe conditional distribution of { - S„} given X l = A. Therefore,

u - (nt, m0) = E(cp(mA - S^) I X l = 0). (7.24)

Conditioning on X2 in (7.22) we can write

u + (ni, mEt) = E(E(cp(m0 + S„) XZ) j Xl = 0)

=E(gq(m0- S, -i +A)^X, =

(mO+S„-1 + 0)I Xt = 0 )( 1 - p)

= u - ((n - 1)i, (m + 1)0)t + u + ((n - 1)t, (m + 1)4)(1 - ar).(7.25)

Conditioning likewise in (7.23) gives

u - (nr, mA) = u + ((n - 1)r, (m - 1)A)ar + u - ((n - 1)i, (m - 1)A)(1 - OCT).(7.26)

Note that taking n + = n - = Z, u(nT, mA):= Ecp(m0 + S„) = Z(u + + u - ). Wenow have the first-order equations for u + and u - given by

u + (nT, x) - u + ((n - l)z, x) u + ((n - 1)T, x + vr) - u + ((n - 1)r, x)

i T

- au+((n - 1)T, x + vr) + au - ((n - 1)i, x + vT),


u - (nr, x) - u - ((n - 1)i, x) u - ((n - 1)i, x - vT) - u - ((n - 1)i, x)

r z

- au - ((n - 1)i, x - vT) + au + ((n - 1)r, x - v-c),(7.28)

where x = mA, A = vi. In the limit as i -> 0, A = vt -- 0, n, m -+ oo such thatx = mA, t = nT, these equations go over to

au = v a — au + au - , (7.29)


au = — v ax - au - + au + . (7.30)

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Let, for the solutions u + , u to these equations,

u + +u - u+-u-u=—- and w= (7.31)

By combining (7.29) and (7.30) we get the so-called transmission line equationsfor u and w,

au aw

^t = v -- ,(7.32)

aw = V au - 2aw. (7.33)

at ax

Now w can be eliminated by differentiating (7.32) with respect to t and (7.33)with respect to x and combining the equations. This results in the telegrapher'sequation for u. The initial conditions can also be checked by passage to the limit.

The natural Monte Carlo simulation for solving the telegrapher's equationsuggested by the above analysis is to start a large number of noninteractingparticles in motion according to the above scheme, say half of them startingto the right and the other half going to the left initially. One then approximatesu(t, x), t = nt, x = m0, by the arithmetic mean N -1 Yk= , cp(x + Sr), whereN is the number of particles. However, there is a practical issue that makes theapproach unfeasible. Namely, for a small time-space grid, the probability p = caof a reversal will also be very small; the smaller the grid size the larger themean time to reversal and its variance. This means that an extremely largenumber of particle evolutions will have to be simulated in order to keep thefluctuations in the average down. Mark Kac first suggested that for this problemit is possible, and more practical, to use continuous-time simulations. The ideais to consider directly the time to velocity reversal. In the above scheme thistime is TN2, where N, the number of time steps until reversal, is geometricallydistributed with parameter p = ar. In the limit as T -+ 0 the time thereforeconverges in distribution to the exponential distribution with parameter a. Soit at least seems reasonable to consider the continuous-parameter positionprocess { Y} defined by the motion of a particle that, starting from the origin,travels at a rate v for an exponentially distributed length of time, reverses itsdirection, and then travels again for an (independent) exponentially distributedlength of time at the speed v before again reversing its direction, and so on.The Poisson process of reversal times can be accurately simulated.

To make the above ideas firm, let {N,} be the continuous-parameter Poissonprocess with parameter a. Let be a + 1-valued random variable independentof {N} with P(e = 1) = Z. The velocity process is the two-state Markov process{ V,} defined by

V,,=us(-1)v, t>,0. (7.34)

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The position process, starting from x, is therefore given by

Y,=x+ J t Vds=x+vs E (—l)' , ds. (7.35)0 0

Although {Y} is not a Markov process, the joint evolution {(Y„ V)} of positionand velocity is a Markov process, as is the velocity process { V} alone. This isseen as follows.

P(a<Y +S <,b,1' =w1 {Y,:0<u<t},{V:O-<u<r})

=PI\a^Y+ J S V +t dz<b,V, +s =wl{Yo =x),1V,:0<u<t})

o J=P(a YSb,V=w Yo=y,Vo=^=Yw=v. (7.36)

One expects from the earlier considerations that the solution to thetelegrapher's equation with the prescribed initial conditions is given by

u(t, x) = Ecp(x + Y)

= 1 E[

(x+v E(-1)N°ds)+cp^x—v J^(-1)'-ds)]. (7.37) 0

To verify that (7.37) indeed solves the problem for a reasonably large classof initial profiles, let f(x, w) = cp(x), for w = v, — v. Define

g(t,x,w)=E{f(Y,V) V0 =w,Y0 =x}=Tf(x, w). (7.38)

Let g(t, x) = g(t, x, v), and g - (t, x) = g(t, x, —v). Since {(Y, V)} is a Markovprocess, g satisfies the backward equation

a9 = Ag(t, x, w) = w ag + a[g(t, x, — w) — g(t, x, w)]. (7.39)

In order to check that the infinitesimal generator A is of this form, let x , f(x, w)be, for w = v and w = — v, a bounded twice-differentiable function with boundedderivatives. Then, as s ,^ 0,

9(s,x,x)=E(i(I:,V)1 I'o=x, Vo=w)

= E[

f(x, Vs) + (Y5 — x) af(X, ys) Yo = x, Vo = w] o(s)

_ (f(x, w)e - "^ + ase-"f(x, —w) + o(s)) J

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I x+E((-x)-



Yo=x, vo=wl+o(s)\\ Gx

= f(x, w) - as(.f (x, w) - f(x, - w))

öf(x, w) S


_ f(x, w) + as(.f (x, — w) —1(x, w))

Öf (x ' w) S -„,+ w Ox J (e + o(i)) dr + o(s)


i?f (x, w)= f(x, w) + as(f (x, - w) - f(x, w)) + w

3x s + o(s). (7.40)

Taking w = v and w = - v in (7.39), we get the two first-order equations (7.29)

and (7.30) satisfied by g + and g - , from which the corresponding transmissionline equations and then the telegrapher's equation follow from (7.39) in thesame way as before.


Let {X} be a Markov chain on a countable state space S having a transitionprobability matrix p(t), t > 0.

As in the case of discrete time, write i -• j if p 13(t) > 0 for some t > 0. Statesi and j communicate, denoted i -* j, if i -• j and j -* i. Say "i is essential" if i -• jimplies j --- i for all j, otherwise say "i is inessential." The following analog ofProposition 5.1 of Chapter II is proved in exactly the same manner, replacingp7° , p, etc., by p ;j(t), p;; (s), etc. Let denote the set of all essential states.

Proposition 8.1

(a) For every i there exists at least one j such that i -• j.(b) Ifi-->j,j-.k then i-•k.

(c) If i is essential then i H I.(d) If i is essential and i - j then "j is essential" and i .-+ j.(e) On 41 the relation "+-." is an equivalence relation, i.e., reflexive,

symmetric, and transitive.

By (e) of Proposition 8.1, & decomposes into disjoint equivalence classes ofstates such that members of a class communicate with each other. If i and jbelong to different classes then i +-* j, j -i- I.

A significant departure from the discrete-parameter case is that states in

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continuous parameter chains are not periodic. More precisely, one has thefollowing proposition.

Proposition 8.2

(a) For each state i, p, (t) > 0 for all t > 0.

(b) For each pair i, j of distinct states, either p 1 (t) = 0 for all t > 0 orp ij(t)>0 for all t>0.

Proof. (a) If there is a positive to > 0 such that p 1 (t0 ) = 0, then since

CP14 ( n» n—

= Puu( tn)

Pi^( tn)

... P«^ tn^ < P«(to),


to = 0n)

for all positive integers n. Taking the limit as n --' oo, one gets by continuitythat lim„ p;; (to/n) = 0, which is a contradiction to continuity at t = 0 andthe requirement p(0) = 1.

(b) Let i, j be two distinct states. Suppose t o is a positive number such thatp, (to ) = 0. Since p i,(to ) > p ;; (to — s)p ;,(s) for all s, 0 < s < t o , and sincep ;i (to — s) > 0 it follows that p. s(s) = 0 for all s <, t o . Then q i; = p(0) = 0, and

= 0. It follows from (5.4) that P;(XTo = j) = 0. This implies that k; • ; = 0 forevery j' such that k uj' > 0. For, if k ;j. > 0 and kj .j > 0, then no matter how smallt is (t > 0), one has, denoting by {}n : n = 0, 1, 2, ...} the embedded discreteparameter Markov chain,

P.;(t) P(XTo =j', XTo+T1 = j , To+Ti _<t<To +T1 +T2 )

=Pi(Y1=j',Y2=j,To+T1 <t<To +Ti +T2 )

kip krj fff ,, dt ; dt;. dt; > 0+r; 5«r,+tj +r;)

ifA >0. (8.1)

If ),j = 0 then, given Y2 = j, T2 = oo with probability 1. Thus, the triple integralmay be replaced by

JJ 2te - xiti+ ,t;tr dt ; dtv > 0.

This contradicts "p 1 (s) = 0 for all s < to .” Thus, k;» = 0. In this manner onemay prove that k;j ) = 0 for all n. This implies p 1 (t) = 0 for all t. n

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A state i is recurrent if

P;(sup{t>0:X,= i}=oo)=1. (8.2)

A state i is transient if

P,(sup{t>,0:X, =i} <Co)= 1. (8.3)

Define the time of first return to i by

rj i = inf{t >, TO : X, = i }. (8.4)

Also denote by p i; the probability

pü = P(^1i < cc). (8.5)

Thus, if j 0 i, then p ;j is the probability that the particle starting at i will evervisit j. Note that p ;; is the probability that the particle will ever return to i afterhaving visited another state.

Theorem 8.3

(a) A state i is recurrent or transient for {X} according as i is recurrent ortransient for the embedded discrete parameter chain { }"} havingtransition matrix K.

(b) i is recurrent if and only if p i; = 1.(c) Recurrence (or transience) is a class property.

Proof. (a) Suppose i is recurrent. This clearly implies that P1 (Y" = i for infinitelymany integers n) = 1. Conversely, suppose i is a recurrent state of thediscrete-parameter embedded chain { }"}. Let

>7 ; =z=inf{t>, To : X, = i}, T;"=inf{t> X^ =i}, (8.6)

for r = 2, 3, ... , denote the times of successive returns to state I. Under Pi therandom variables r; 11 , r; 2 > — . , T;'^ — (' -1) are i.i.d. and positive. Hence,the nth partial sum t;" ) converges to oo with probability 1 as n --^ cc (Exercise 1).Therefore (8.2) holds.

If i is transient for {X,}, then i cannot be recurrent for { }"} since this wouldimply i is recurrent for {X}. This implies that i is transient for { }"}, since, fora discrete-parameter chain a state is either recurrent or transient.

(b) Since transitions occur only at times To , To + T,, To + T, + T2 , ... , itfollows that

p;j=P;(Y"=j for some n 1). (8.7)

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In other words, the p ;; defined by (8.51 for {X) are the same as those definedfor the embedded discrete-parameter chain. Hence, (b) follows from (a) andProposition 8.1 of Chapter II.

(c) i is recurrent and i i--> j for {XX } implies "i is recurrent and i -J for { Y„},"

which implies that j is recurrent for { Y„}, which, in turn, implies thatj is recurrentfor {X}. n

A state i is positive recurrent if

.:=E< oo . (8.8)

Note that if (8.8) holds then p ;; = 1. Therefore, positive recurrence impliesrecurrence.

If a recurrent state i is such that E ; ri ; = oo, it is called null recurrent.Suppose that S is a single essential class of positive recurrent states, under

p(t). By the strong law of large numbers one has with probability 1,


Y ,,fr' +1) — = (i)t i

T (r)r' = 1lim — = lira = E(r;Z) - r; l) ) = E ; T; 1) . (8.9)r-+ao r r

Similarly, if f is a real-valued function on S such that

JE; (' T 1S )

f (XS) ds < oo , (8.10)0

then applying the strong law of large numbers to the i.i.d. sequence


Zr = f(XS)ds (r = 1,2,...), (8.11)

it follows that, with probability 1,

1 r

urn- Zr , = E ; J f(XS ) ds. (8.12)r.00 rr'=1 0

Writing v, = number of visits to state i during (0, t], one has

1 (' ` 1 (' T" 1 °^ 1 `- J f(Xs) ds = - J .f (Xs) ds + - Zr + .f (Xs) ds. (8.13)t 0 t 0 t r l=1 t

The first and third terms on the right-hand side of (8.13) go to zero as t -• 00with probability 1 (Exercise 2). By (8.9), (v, /t) -+ (E 1) ) -1 with probability 1as t -+ oo. Therefore we have the following theorem.

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Theorem 8.4. Suppose S comprises a single essential class of positive recurrentstates. If f satisfies (8.10) for some i, then with probability 1,

( t L(11

lim 1 ds=(E;T;'1) `E; f(X,)ds, (8.14)—. t J O

regardless of the initial distribution.

The following analog of Theorem 9.2 of Chapter II may be proved in exactlythe same manner using Theorem 8.4.

Corollary 8.5. Suppose S consists of a single positive recurrent class underp(t). Then:

(a) For all i, j e S

lim 1 p,.(s) ds = (Et''. (8.15)t_.0t 0

(b) The transition probability p(t) admits a unique invariant initialdistribution it given by

7r, = (E; 25 1 ^) -1 , j E S.

(c) If (8.10) holds, then the limit in (8.14) also equals ER f (Xo ) = Y j nj f (j).

To state the analog of Theorem 10.2 of Chapter II, write f(j) = f(j) — En f (Xo )and

1 CTI -WT(t) = f (Xs ) ds (t >, 0). (8.16)

"T foT

Theorem 8.6. Assume, in addition to the hypothesis of Theorem 8.4, that

t^ 1 zQ 2 .= E; f (XS) ds) < oo . (8.17)


Then, as T -+ oo, the stochastic process {WT(t): t >, 0} converges in distributionto Brownian motion with drift zero and diffusion coefficient

b 2 = (Ej rj' ) ) - 'Q Z . (8.18)

A complete analog of Theorem 9.4 of Chapter II follows from Theorems 8.3,8.4, Corollary 8.5, if one observes that in the case S comprises a single

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communicating class, the Markov chain {X,} is positive recurrent if and onlyif it admits an invariant probability distribution. The "only if" part of the laststatement follows from Corollary 8.5(b). For the sufficiency see Exercise 12.

In order to find an invariant probability n, one may try to differentiate theright side of the equation n'p(t) = n' to get

n'Q=0. (8.19)

A sufficient condition for the validity of term-by-term differentiation is givenin Exercise 11.

Example 1. (Birth-Death Process with One Reflecting Boundary)

S = {0, 1, 2, ...}, 901 = 2, q00 = —20;

= 8 iß , ,, ql,1+1 = ß1 2 i, qt1 = —2 k (i > 1).

Here ß ; , 8 i > 0 and ß ; + b l = 1. By Theorem 8.3 and Section 2 of Chapter III,we know that this Markov chain is recurrent if and only if

x= big2...bx = co. (8.20)

l#1N2* Yx

Also, the equations (8.19) become

—no20 + it1A1S1 = 0,(8.21)

— ni Ai + ni+it5i+1Ai+1 = 0 for j >, 1.

Solving these successively in terms of n o one gets, with ß o = 1,

__ -o ir _ (AO^ ß0ßiß2' for j2.2. 8.221 b o ' '— l S S S

o J ( )1 1 1 2'

For the chain to be positive recurrent requires ni < co, i.e.,

ß0ßiß2 ßi-1 < oo. (8.23)i

(AO) S1S2...Si

If this holds, take

n 1..ß

i -i 1 (8.24)o = ( »=1 (20) ßoß'ß2 . 3162... ai

in (8.22) to get the unique invariant initial distribution. Thus, the necessary and

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sufficient conditions for positive recurrence (or for the existence of a steady state)are (8.20) and (8.23).

The N-server queue described in Example 7.3 is a continuous-parameterbirth-death chain on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with infinitesimal rate parameters givenby (7.12). In particular, the process has a reflecting boundary at zero so thatthe criterion for recurrence and positive recurrence apply. The series (8.20)diverges or converges according to the divergence or convergence of

6 1 6 2 ' * = - ß(2ß) ... [(N — 1 )ß](Nß)Y-N+1

Y=N ßlß2... ß y y=N aY


- l yI ( aß Iy (8.25)

Thus, the process is recurrent if and only if ß > a/N. Similarly, the series (8.23)converges or diverges according as the following series converges or diverges,

4 ßiß2 ... ßv i = i ay-i

y ! y N+Y=N Ay 6162 Y=N

ß N.N 1 a + Nß


k))(a+Nß)-I. (8.26)

Thus, the process is positive recurrent if and only ifß> a/N. It is null recurrentif and only (fß = a/N. In the case ß> a/N, the invariant initial distribution isgiven by

= 1 _1 a'( 1_-_

^ 1 ß (a + ß) itoit .

j! ß (a +jß) ito (for 2 j N),

_ a 'NN 1

7r' Nß N! (a + Nß) 710 (j > N), (8.27)

—1+ N 1

(II)i 1+ 1_ a 'NN



;^j! ß (a +Jß) ;_ (a + Nß) Nßj N(

Example 2. (Birth-Death Process with One Absorbing Boundary). Here

S={0,1,2,...}, —q1;=A.;>0 fori_>l, q00=0,

q1.j + 1 = ß1 2 ; and q1.1-1 = b i A 1 for i > 1,


0<ßi<1 and ß;+b;=1 fori>,l.

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Thus, koo = 1, k i; = 0 if i >, 1, k ;.;+ , = ß ;, k_, = 6, for i >, 1. The embeddeddiscrete-parameter chain is a birth-death chain with absorption at 0. Therefore,"0" is an absorbing state for {X,}, and it is the only absorbing state. Given twostates c and d with c < d, let /i(x) denote the probability that {X} reaches cbefore it reaches d starting from x. Note that this probability is the same for{X,} as it is for the embedded chain {}„}. Therefore by Eq. 2.10 of Chapter III,

d_1 6c +lac 2 ... 5y

^(x) = a-1-x ß^+ißß+z

...ßy(c + 1 < x < d — 1). (8.28)


ac+1&+z by+

Nc+lße+z . ley)

Letting d --s oo, one gets


v=X ^+^ß^+z.. ß

ypxc = Px({X,} ever reaches c) = lim.

d-11 for x > c.

a.^ 6c+iSc+i... 8v

1 + 1v=c +i ßc+ißc+z ... ßy)

(8.29)Thus, for x > 0, px, = I and, more generally, px, = 1 for x > c, if and only if

v= 6 1 6 2 ... by = cc. (8.30)

i ßißz ... ßv

But if pxo = 1 for all x > 0 then Px(( = cc) = 1 for all x > 0, since the holdingtime at 0 is infinite. So there is no explosion if (8.30) holds. If the series in(8.30) is convergent, then p so < 1 for x> 0, and px, < I for x > c. However,this does not necessarily mean explosion. For example, let ßx = p, 6x = 1 — pfor x>0 with 2<p<1, also take Ax =2>0 for all x>0,g 00 =0. Then byProposition 6.1, the process is conservative and, therefore, nonexplosive.

Example 3. (Chemical Reaction Kinetics). The study of the time evolution ofmolecular concentrations that undergo chemical reactions is known as chemicalreaction kinetics. The interest in reaction kinetics is not limited to chemistry.Ecologists and biologists are interested in the development of populations ofvarious organic species that are involved in "reactions" through predation,births, deaths, immigration, emigration, etc.

The simplest view of chemical reactions is as an evolution that takes placethrough a succession of stages called elementary reactions. For example,2A + B -+ C is the notation used by chemists to denote an elementary reactionin which two molecules of A react with a molecule of B to produce a moleculeof C. The notation A -* B + C represents the dissociation of a molecule of Ainto molecules of types B and C. The reaction A -s B represents a transformation

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of a molecule of A into a molecule of B (for example, as a result of radioactiveemissions). The term molecularity is used to refer to the number of reactantmolecules involved in a given elementary reaction. So, A — ► B is calleduni-molecular while A + B --* C is bi-molecular. Double arrows are used todenote reversible reactions. For example A . B signifies that either the reactionA --. B or the reverse reaction B -- ► A may occur at an elementary reaction stage.

As an illustration, consider a chemical solution that undergoes elementaryreactions of the form C + A . C + B where C denotes a catalyst whoseconcentration is held constant. For example, if the concentration of C is largerelative to the concentrations of A and B then, although C does react with Aand B, the relative variation in its concentration is so small that it may beviewed as constant. In describing the evolution of such a process, it is convenientto disregard the concentrations of substances that are constant throughout theevolution. So we are left with the reversible unimolecular reaction A # B. LetX, denote the number of molecules (concentration) of A at time t in a volumeof substance held constant. The total number N of molecules A and B is constantthroughout the reaction process. The state space of the process {X1 } isS={O,1,2,...,N}.

The holding time in state i represents the time required for an elementaryreaction (either A --• B or B —^ A) to occur when there are i molecules of speciesA (and N — i of species B). The transition (jump) from state i to state i — 1corresponds to the reaction A --* B by one of the A molecules with the catalystand the transition from i to i + 1 corresponds to the reverse reaction. Let usassume that {X} is a time-homogeneous Markov process such that each moleculeof A has probability rA At + o(At) of reacting with the catalyst in time At toproduce a molecule of B (as At —• 0). Suppose also that the reverse reactionhas probability rB At + o(At) as At —^ 0. In addition, suppose that theprobability of occurrence of more than one elementary reaction in time At hasorder o(At). This makes {X} a continuous parameter (Ehrenfest type)birth—death chain on S = {0, 1, 2, ... , N} with two reflecting boundaries ati = 0 and i = N and having the infinitesimal transition rates q ;; given by

ß2=(N—i)rß forj= i +1,0<,i^N-1

52 =irA forj =i -1, 1 <,i^N9.; (8.31)

—)_ —[irA +(N—i)r8] forj=i 3 O<i<N

0 otherwise.

Observe that uni-molecularity is reflected in the birth—death propertyp.1(At) = o(At) as At — 0 for I j — i! > 1. In case of higher-order molecularities,for example, 2A + C —+ B, the concentration of A would skip states. Also noticethat the conservation of mass is obtained in the boundary conditions.

It follows from an application of Corollary 8.5 that there is a unique invariantinitial distribution it that is also the limiting distribution regardless of the initialstate. In fact, one may obtain it algebraically from the equation n'Q = d.

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However, it is difficult to explicitly solve the Kolmogorov equations (2.17) and(2.19) for the distribution at finite t > 0. By considerations of the evolution ofthe generating functions of the distribution under (2.17) or (2.19), one mayobtain moments and other useful information at times t < oo, when thecoefficients are, as in the present case and in the branching case of Example 3in Section 5, (affine) linear in the state variable j.

The generating function of X X given X. = i, is


W;(z, t) = E;(z ") _ Y_ z'pri(t) (8.32)j=o

so that, differentiating both sides with respect to t, using (2.19), and regardingX --^ zx as a function of X for fixed z,

U at ' t)E1(zx`) = E,( qx,,;z')

= Ej( 1 ti,x<<N-1)[rAXtzx1-1 + (N — X,)razx l +i — (rA X, + (N — XX)rs)zx`]

+ 1 txo} [NrB Z — NrB] + 1 (x,=N)[rAXrzx ' -' — NrAZ N])

= rAEi(Xtzxt-1 ) + NrB E,(zx t + ^) — rB E ; (X,zx1 +i ) — rAEj(Xtzx `)

— NrB E(zx`) + rB E(X zx°)

= rA z` (z, t) + Nrezcp,(z, t) — z2r8 Viz (z, t) — rAz 0z ' (z, t)

— NrB 9 i(z, t) + rz U4,1

(z, t). (8.33)az

Collecting similar terms in the last expression, one gets

a `P^at t) _ (1 — z)(rB Z + rA ) a^az't) — NrB (1 — z)^p;(z, t). (8.34)

This is aJrst-order partial differential equation subject to the "initial condition"

^p ; (z, 0) = E.zx0 = z`. (8.35)

A standard method of solving this equation is by Lagrange's method ofcharacteristics. This method simply recognizes that (8.34) in essence says thatthe directional derivative

C -t — (1 — z)(rB Z + rA) äZ)wl(z, t) _ —NrB(1 - z)4,1(z, t).

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Introduce a real parameter 0 and in the (z, t) plane define the (family of)parametric curve(s) 0 —+ (z(0), t(0)), by

dz(9)--(1 — z)(rB Z + rA),

dt(B) = 1. (8.36)

dO dO

Now note that along such a curve the above directional derivative is none otherthan d[cp ; (z(0), t(6))]/d8, so that one has

d^P^(z(8), t(8 )) = —NrB (1 — z)gqr(z(0 ), t(0)),


whose general solution is

cp ; (z(0), t(0)) = exp{ —NrB J (1 — z(0)) d9 + d} , (8.38)

where d is a constant of integration. Now the solution of (8.36) is

t(8) = 0, z(0) _ —r" + rA + rB (1 + cee) i. (8.39)

rB rB

Different values of c give rise to different curves of this parametric family. Eachpoint (z, t) in the planar region {(z, t): —1 < z < 1, t > 0} lies on one and onlyone curve of this family. Thus, if we fix (z, t), then this point corresponds to cobtained by solving for c and 0 with t(0) = t, z(0) = z in (8.39). That is,

0 = t' c=e_(rA+rH)l rA arB/\z+ra/

— 1 J . (8.40)

Next note that, by (8.36),

—((1—z)d9=^ dz = l log(z+ rA), (8.41)

J rB z + rA re \ rB

so that

q, (z(0), t(0)) = d'(z + r'')N , (8.42)rB/

where d' is to be obtained from the initial condition

cp,(z(0), t(0)) = cp,(z(0), 0) = z`(0). (8.43)

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d' = zi(0)(z(0) + rA^ N = z(0) r " + rB)-N(l + c) -N

rB rB

_1_rA+rA+ rB (1 +c)-J(rA +rB)-N(l+c)-N(8.44)rB rB rB

c being given by (8.40). Thus, writing c(t, z) for c in (8.40),


t) =[(1 + c(t, z))' rA B rB rBJ ^rA

B rß) (1 + c(t, Z))Z + rB/


From (8.45) and (8.40), by appropriate differentiation, one may calculate E.XX

and Var; X. Moreover, as t —► oo, c(t, z) -+ 0. Hence,

lye qi(z, t) = (_

a rB


+ )N, (8.46)


which shows that, no matter what the initial state i may be, as t - cc, thelimiting distribution of XX is binomial with parameters N and p = rB/(r,, + rß ).


We are interested here in the computation of e`Q, where Q is an(m + 1) x (m + 1) matrix with eigenvalues a° , a l , ... , am, possibly withrepetitions, and corresponding eigenvectors

X00 XOm

X0 = , ..., X.

xm0 Xmm

which are linearly independent. Let

X00 X01 ... XOm

B = (XOXI ... xm) = X. X11 .. Xlm (9.1)

XmO Xml ... xmm

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QB = (a0X0a1x1 ...«mXm) ,

Q Z B = Q(«oXO«1X1 ... «mx.) _ (000X^IX1Xl ...«mXm), ... ,

Q B = («px0a1X1 ... ptm X. )

Hence0o t o ao to

tQ ' n n ne B= —Q ) B = —(OXOGL'1X1...oc"X.)

n=o n. n=o n.

= (et^wxoetatx1...eta'X,) = B diag(et^o, . .. , et"'). (9.2)


e tao

etas 0e`Q=B 0B-1. (9.3)

Example 1. (Birth-Death Process with Reflecting Boundaries). Let

S = {0,1,2,...,N}, 900= —)o, qol =

= — 'N' qN,N— 1 = AN 9i,i+ 1 = NiAi , q1,_1 = ( 1 — ß)A, = SiAi

with 0 <ß, < 1 for 1 < i < N — 1. The invariant distribution n, which existsand is unique, satisfies n'p(t) = n'. Differentiation at t = 0 yields

n'Q=0, (9.4)or, in detail,

—noAo + rz 1 A 1 5 1 = 0,

ni-lßj-itij-1 — "jAj + nj +1Sj+1^j+1 =0, for 1 < j < N — 1, (9.5)

nN-1YN-1AN-1 — nNAN = O.

The solution is unique and given by

Aozt 1 = ial 1co ,

0 ßn2 — (ir1A1 — no2o) =

1 — Aolno = (—^O) 1 no,

aZ^z 622 61 J ^2 6162

it s = 1 (n2A2 — n1ß121) = __ ( P!'ßo — A0ß 1 ' no = Ao ß1ß2 no63A3 3'3 (5 1 62 b1 ^.3 61/52(53

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7Tj _ Ao ß1ß2"'ß;-1 no for 2<,j<N-1,ki 12" S;


A0 ß1A2 . ßN-1(9.6)7rN = 'rN-1 = 7r0.

AN AN S 1 6 2 ... (SN-1

Since Y it, = 1, one gets

=[i +o + Ao Nl

...ßj _ 1 1. (9.7)o

A1S1 j=2 Aj ö1... 5J

In (9.5) we have used the convention S N = 1. Now observe that Q is a symmetriclinear transformation with respect to the inner product defined by


(x, y)n = Z xiyi 1r;. (9.8)i =o

That is,

(Qx, y), = (x, QY), . (9.9)

To show this, note that bjAjnj = ßj - l Aj _ i nj - 1 , so that


(Qx, Y)n = ( - 20X0 + 20X1)Y0it0 + Y (bjAjX;-1 — 2;X; + ß;A;Xj+l)Yjlrj;= 1

+ (ANXN -1 — ANXN)YNltN


—1OX0Y0it0 — ANXNYNiN + Y_ 6jAjxj — lY;"jj=1

N-1 N-1

— 1jxjyjij +


_ — A:XoY0it0 — ANXNYNiN — I Ajxj Y; 7r;j=1


+ + (9.10)j= 1 j=1

which is symmetric in x and y. Hence Q has N + 1 real eigenvaluesaN possibly with repetitions, and corresponding mutually orthogonal

eigenvectors x0 , x 1 , ... , XN of unit length. By orthogonality of the eigenvectorswith respect to (•,•)n ,



(xis xk), = [r XjiXjkitj = 6ik. (9.11)j=0

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B' diag(no , ... , 7z N )B = I. (9.12)


B -1 = B' diag(no , ... '1N ). (9.13)

Using (9.12) in (9.3) we get

P(t) = etQ = B diag(etao ... , et )B' diag(n o , ... , itN ). (9.14)

From (9.14) we have


pij(t) = y- xik e takxjk 7Cj . (9.15)k=0

As a special case consider the continuous-parameter simple symmetric randomwalk given by

20 = 2 l= =AN = 1 and ß i = z=8 ; forl<i N-1.

If a is an eigenvalue of Q, then a corresponding eigenvector y satisfies theequations

— Yj+2Yj +i =ayj (1 <j(N— 1),(9.16)

— Yo + Yi = aYo' YN-1 — YN = aYN•

One may check that the eigenvalues ao , ... , aN are given by

knak =cos N 1 (k=0, 1,2,...,N), (9.17)

and the corresponding eigenvectors x 0 , ... , xN are

x o =(1,1,...,1)',

xjk = f cos(k1L11


xN= (1,-1,1,...)',

1 <k<N-1, 0<j<N.(9.18)

A systematic method for calculating these eigenvalues and eigenvectors isgiven in Example 4.1 of Chapter III. The eigenvectors here are the same asthere, but the eigenvalues differ by 1 because the matrices differ by an identity

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matrix. Also from (9.6),

itO—itN 2N, 7rj=N

for I <,j<,N— 1.

Hence, by (9.15),


pi(t) _ Y e(cos(krz/N)-1)tx.kxjki,


N-1_ 7Tj 1 + e('os("l')-1)'2 cos(

k?ril cos(k^r^l + e - zt0(i,j) (9.19)k=1 N \NJ

where 0(i, j) = X IN XjN = +1 or —1 according as I j — i( is even or odd. Notethat p,j(t) converges to it, exponentially fast as t — oo.


Suppose that PR is the distribution of a continuous-parameter Markov chain{X1} starting at i c- S and having homogeneous transition probabilitiesp(t) = ((p ;j(t))) with corresponding infinitesimal rates furnished by Q = p'(0).For a nonempty set A of states, let Q denote the matrix obtained from Q byreplacing all rows corresponding to states in A by zeros. Let P, denote thedistribution of the process {Xj so transformed.

For an initial state i A, all states belonging to A are absorbing states underPi . Moreover, in view of Theorem 5.4, the distributions under Pi and P, of theprocess {Xt : 0 - t < iA }, where

'c A =inf{t>0:X,EA} (10.1)

is the first passage time to A, must coincide. Therefore, absorption probabilitiesstarting from i 0 A can be calculated directly in terms of the transitionprobabilities under the transformed distribution P, as follows.

Proposition 10.1. Let p(t) and $(t) denote the transition probabilities for thedistributions PI and P; generated by Q and Q, respectively. Then, for i 0 A,

PP(rA > t) = Y_ Pij(t). (10.2)jO A

Proof. Let { Y„} be the discrete-parameter Markov chain starting in state i underP, obtained in accordance with Theorem 5.4 and let To , Tl , T2,... denote thecorresponding exponentially distributed holding times. Writing

vA =inf{n>,0: Y„eA}, (10.3)

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we have

P;(t G TA < 00) _ Z Z* P;(Y° = 1, Yl = il, , Ym_1 - im_ 1, Ym - j, VA - m,m=1

T0+ ..+Tm - 1 >t)

= L ^* kü k. ,G(t; 2, ; , ... > i ^), (10.4)m=1

where Z* denotes summation over all m-tuples (i 1 , ... , i.-,,j) of statesi l , i2, .. . 'L- 1 E S\A , je A, and G(t; .?;, 2, ... .l ; is the probability thata sum of m independent exponentially distributed variables with parameters).„ A i , ... , ). i exceeds the value t; recall that A,, = —g,,. The correspondingprobability under P, is obtained on replacing k ii ,k i ,i k ; , ;z • • byiii k; 6 • • . L ;m _ ,; and G by G.

Now the transition probabilities for the discrete-parameter Markov chainscorresponding to Q and Q are the same for all sequences of states in*.Therefore, for such sequences G(t;1 i ,, ... , ;m _,) = G(t; 2, .. , J ; ), and

Pi(TA > t) = Pi(TA > t) _ Y_ ß 1 (t).j0 A

Observe that since

p, k(t)=0 for all lEA,keS\A, (10.5)

the backward equations for p ;;(t), with i, je S\A, take the form

p° '(t) = Q° P° (t), (10.6)

where p ° and Q° are obtained from p and Q by deleting all rows and columnscorresponding to states in the set A.

Example 1. (Biomolecular Fixation). The surface of a bacterium is assumed toconsist of molecular sites that are susceptible to invasion by foreign molecules.Molecules of a particular composition, termed acceptable, will be permanentlyaffixed to a site upon arrival, to the exclusion of further attachments by othermolecules. Molecules that do not possess the acceptable composition remain atthe site for some positive length of time but are eventually rejected. The problemhere is to analyze the rate at which fixation occurs.

Suppose that foreign molecules arrive at a fixed site according to theoccurrences of a Poisson process with parameter A > 0. A proportion a > 0 ofthe molecules that arrive at the site are acceptable. Other "unacceptable"molecules remain at the site for an exponentially distributed length of time withparameter ß > 0. The calculation of the distribution of the length of time untilfixation occurs is an absorption probability problem.

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At any particular time t, the site is in one of three possible states a, b, or c, say,depending on whether the site is (a) occupied by an acceptable molecule,(b) occupied by an unacceptable molecule, or (c) unoccupied. The evolution ofstates at the given site is, according to the above assumptions, a continuous-timeMarkov chain {X} with state space S = {a, b, c} starting at c and havinginfinitesimal rates given by

a b c

a 0 0 0

Q = b 0 —ß ß . (10.7)

c 2 (1 — a)A —A

According to Proposition 10.1, the distribution of the first passage time za tofixation (a) is given by

Pc(T., > t) = P° (t) + P ä(t), (10.8)

where by (10.6), p° (t) is determined by

p° '(t) = Q° P°(t), P° (0) = I, (10.9)


b c

Q° c[(1 — a)A ßA]. (10.10)

Q° has distinct eigenvalues r,, r2 given by the zeros of the characteristicpolynomial

det(Q° — rI) = r 2 + (A + ß)r + aßA. (10.11)

In particular,

rl = —!(A + ß) + z(A 2 + 2(1 — 2)ßA + ßZ)ß/ 2, (


rz = —(A + ß) — i(22 + 2(1 — 2a)ßi + ß2)"2. (10.13)

Two corresponding linearly independent eigenvectors are

x =[r,

1 x2

(10.14)1 +ßi ß ri+ß

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Linear independence is easily checked since

detB=det[ r, ß

ß 1 = ß(r2 — r 1 ) 0. (10.15)+ß r2 +ß

The solution to the system (10.9) is given as in Section 9 by

p° (t) = eQ°` = B diag(etr e ,r,)B- i

_ I ß{(r2 + ß)e r — (r1 + ß)er2(}/22{er2t — erlt}

ß(r2 — r1) (rl + ß)(r2 + ß){e" — e r2l } ß{(r2 +


— (rl + ß)e r'I}J(10.16)

Therefore, from (10.16) and (10.8) we obtain

Pc (za > t) = r I ^r2 (1 + r^er'` — r i (1 + 2) r 2`]. (10.17)

The average rate of molecular fixation is given by

^D rlr2 +ß(rr2) a)Erna = Pc(Ta > t) dt = -- --

, —+ ß+

_A(1 -

-. (10.18)o ßr1 r2 xßA

Example 2. (Continuous-Parameter Markov Branching). Let {X} be thecontinuous-parameter Markov branching process defined in Example 5.2. Thegenerator Q = ((q 1 )) is given by

iAfi -i +1 , j0i,j =i— 1,i+1,...,i'> 1,

q^i= — i).(1 — f1), =J 1, (10.19)

0, i =0,j,>0ori,> l,j<i— 1.

The probability p of eventual extinction for an initial single particle wascalculated in Section 5. Let

h(s) = h" (s) =gis . (10.20)

Assume that the offspring distribution {f} has finite second moment with meanµ < 1. Then h'(1) <0 and h"(1) < oo. In particular it follows from Proposition5.7 that p = 1. We will exploit the special Markov branching structure tocompute the tail probability P,(t {0} > t) for large values of t under theseassumptions. Let

K i =h'(1)=2(Et-1)<0, K2=h„(1)=2 1 j(j-1)fj <co. (10.21)i =1

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We have,

Pl(Tto) > t} =p(t) = I — P1.0(t) = 1 — gi"(0 ), (10.22)i=1

where g 1 (r) _ ° , p l ,j(t)rJ. As in the proof of Proposition 5.7 at (5.27), theKolmogorov backward equation for branching transforms according to

a cis r9r O

= h(g,' (r)), (10.23)at

with g(r) = r. Thus, for each t > 0, 0 < r < 1,

(rg'' ) dsJ h(s) = t. (10.24)



h(1) = 0 and h(s) = h'(1)(s — 1) + (s)(s — 1) 2 for s <, 1,

where (1 - ) = h"(1) < cc. Thus, under the assumptions for (10.21),

1 _ 1 _ 1

h(s) K,(s — 1) + z^(S)(s — 1) 2 (s)(s — 1)K 1 (S-1) 1+

2K 1

^(s)(s — l )

= 1 1 — 2K1 = 1 + qO(s), (10.25)K(S — 1) 1 + ^(s)(s — 1) K,(s — 1)2K 1


c(s)((s)= 2K,

I+ ^(s)(s - 1 )2K 1

In particular, note that

1 1—(s)

h(S) K I (s — 1)

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is bounded for 0 < s < 1. Define for 0 < x < 1,

H(x)_ — 1 — 1h(s) K 1 (s — 1)

ds + log(1 — x). (10.26)K 1

Then H'(x) = 1/h(x) > 0 for 0 < x < I and (10.24) may be expressed as

H(g,( 1 (r))—H(r)=t, 0,<r<1, t>0. (10.27)

Since H is strictly increasing on [0, 1), this can be solved to get

g, l ^(r)=H - '(t+H(r)), 0<r<1, t>,0. (10.28)

Now, from (10.26), we have for x —• 1 - ,

H(x) = _J t cp(s) ds + 1 log(1 — x)x K1

1_ 1 1 x ^p(s) ds (1 — x) + log(1 — x)

x 1

= —(1 )(1 — x) + 0(1 — x) + - log(1 — x)K 1

= K2 (1 — x) + 1 log(1 — x) + o(1 — x). (10.29)2K1 K1

Equivalently, solving this for log(1 — x) we have

log(1 — x) = K 1 H(x) — K2 (1 — x) + o(1 — x). (10.30)2K 1

Therefore, for x — 1 - ,

1 — x = e"iH(x)e-O"2I2"jxl-x)(1 + o(1 — x))

= e1 1 — (1 — x) + 0(1 _x)). (10.31)2K1

Now, by (10.22), (10.28), and (10.31) we have for t —• oo, y,:=H - 1 (t + H(0)),

Pl (T (o^ > t) = 1 — g'(0) = 1 — H - '(t + H(0)) = 1 — y,

K= e"Jecv^) 1 — (1(1 — YI) + o(1 — Yj)^ , (10.32)t

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where y, = H - '(t + H(0)) - 1 as t --^ oo is used in applying (10.31). Thus,

Pl(T{o} > t) = eKlcr+ 11 t 0»(1 —2k (1 — Yt) + o(1 — Y))i

= eKiteK1 (°)(1 —2K1 (1 — g; 1) (0)) + 0(1 — gß 1)(0)))

— ce 1 ' - µ )` as t -+ oo, (10.33)


—K1 = 2(1 —µ)>0, c=e'Ieto>>0.

By consideration of the p.g.f. k(z, t) of the conditional distribution of X, given{X, > 0, X0 = 1}, one may obtain the existence of a nondegenerate limitdistribution in the limit as t --^ oo having p.g.f. of the form (Exercise 4*),

Z dsk(z, co) := tim k(z, t) = 1 — exp K l (10.34)

roo o h(s)


Although their interpretations vary, the voter model was independentlyintroduced by P. Clifford and A. Sudbury and by R. Holley and T. Liggett. Ineither case, one considers a distribution of + l's at the point of the d-dimensionalinteger lattice Zd at time t = 0. In the demographic interpretation one imaginesthe sites of Z' as the locations of a species of one of the two types, + 1 or —1.In the course of time, the type of species occupying a particular site can changeowing to invasion by the opposition. The invasion is by occupants of neighboringsites and occurs at a rate proportional to the number of neighboring sitesmaintained by the opposing species. In the sociopolitical version, the values+ 1 represent opposing opinions (pro or con) held by occupants of locationsindexed by 7L'4 . As time evolves, a voter may change opinion on the issue. Therate at which the voters' position on the issue changes is proportional to thenumber of neighbors who hold the opposing opinion. This model is also relatedto a tumor-growth model introduced by T. Williams and R. Bjerknes, which,in fact, is now often referred to as the biased voter model. If one assumes themechanism for cell division to be the same for abnormal as for normal cells inthe Williams-Bjerknes model (i.e., no "carcinogenic advantage" in their model),then one obtains the voter model discussed here (see theoretical complements4 for reference). While mathematical methods and theories for this and themore general models of this type are relatively recent, quite a bit can be learnedabout the voter model by applying some of the basic results of this chapter.

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A sample configuration of ± 1-values is represented by points a = ( an : n E 7L° )in the (uncountable) product space S = (1, — I )". The evolution ofconfigurations for the voter model will be defined by a Markov process in S.The desired transition rates are such that in time t to t + At, the configurationmay change from a, by a flip at some site m, to the configuration 6 ( m ) , whereQ;,m ) = —an if n = m and 4m ) = an otherwise. This occurs, with probabilityC m (a) At + o(At), where cm(a) is the number of neighbors n of m such thatan 54 a,,; two sites that differ by one unit in one (and only one) of the coordinatedirections are defined to be neighbors. More complicated changes involving aflip at two or more sites are to occur with probability o(At) as At -- 0.

It is instructive to look closely at the flip-rates for the one-dimensional case.For a configuration a E S a flip at site to occurs at unit rate c m (a) = I if theneighboring sites m — I and m + I have opposite values (opinions); i.e.,

u._ lam+ 1 = — 1. If, on the other hand, the values at m — 1 and m + I agreemutually, but disagree with the value at m, then the flip-rate (probability) atin is proportionately increased to cm(a) = 2. If both neighboring values agreemutually as well as with the value at ni, then the flip-rate mechanism is turnedoff, cm(a) = 0. Thus there is a local tendency toward consensus within the system.Observe that cm(a) may be expressed as a local averaging via

cm(6 ) = I — 2am(am-I + am+1 ). (11.1)

More generally, in d dimensions the rates cm (a) may be expressed likewise as

cm (a) = d(I — am Y_ hmn"n Jnt/ d /

=2d I Pmn' (11.2)In: o. # amt

where p = (( pm,,)) is the transition probability matrix on 7L° of the simplesymmetric random walk on Z°, i.e.,

1if m and n are neighbors,

2d'Pm,, =

0, otherwise.

This helps explain the terminology simple symmetric voter model.The first issue one must contend with is the existence of a Markov evolution

{a(t): t >, 0} on the uncountable state space S having the prescribed infinitesimaltransition rates. In general this itself can be a mathematically nontrivial matterwhen it comes to describing infinite interacting systems. However, for the specialflip rates desired for the voter model, a relatively simple graphical constructionof the process is possible; called the percolation construction because of the"fluid flow" interpretation described below.

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Spacem n

... (+) (-) (-) (+) (-) ... (ao(o))

Figure 11.1

Consider a space-time diagram of V x [0, oo) in which a "vertical timeaxis" is located at each site m n 7L°, and imagine the points of Z" as being laidout along a "horizontal axis"; see Figure 11.1. The basic idea is this. Imagineeach vertical time axis as a wire that transports negative charge (opinion)upward from the (initially) negatively charged sites m such that a m(0) = -1.For a certain random length of time (wire), the voter opinion at m will coincidewith that of Qm(0), but then this influence will be blocked, and the voter willreceive the opinion of a randomly selected neighbor. Place a S at the blockagetime, and draw an arrow from the wire at the randomly selected site to thewire at m at this location of the blockage. S stands for "death of influence from(directly) below." If the neighbor is conducting negative flow from some pointbelow to this time, then it will be transferred across the arrow and up. So, whilethe source of influence at m might have changed, the opinion has not. However,if the selected neighbor is not conducting negative flow by this time, then aportion of the wire at m above this time will be given positive charge (opinion).Likewise, at certain times positive (plus) portions of the wire at a site canbecome negatively charged by the occurrence of an arrow from a randomlyselected neighbor conducting negative flow across the arrow. This "space-time"flow of influence being qualitatively correct, it is now a matter of selecting thedistribution of occurrence times of 8's and arrows with the Markov propertyof the evolution in mind. The specification of the average density of occurrencesof 6's and arrows will then furnish the rate-parameter values.

Let {Nm(t): t >, 0}, m E 71d, be independent Poisson processes with intensity2d. The construction of a Poisson process having right-continuous unit jumpsample functions is equivalent to the construction of a sequence {7,,(k): k > 1}of i.i.d. exponential inter-arrival times (see Section 5). The construction ofcountably many independent versions is made possible by Kolmogorov'sexistence theorem (theoretical complement 6.1 of Chapter!). Let {U m(k): km e Z', be independent i.i.d. sequences and independent of the processes

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{Nm (t)}, m E Z, where P(Um (k) = n) = pmn. At the kth occurrence time

rm (k):= Tm(1) + • • • + Tm (k) of the Poisson process at m e Zd, a neighboringsite of m, represented by Um(k), is randomly selected. One may also considerindependent Poisson processes {Nmn (t): t >, 0}, m, n e Zd, with respectivelyintensity parameters 2dpmn representing those (Poisson) times at m when theneighboring site n is picked. Notice that 2dpmn is either 1 or 0 according towhether m and n are neighbors or not.

At the kth event time i = rm (k) of the process {Nm(t)}, let n = Um (k) be thecorresponding neighbor selected. Place an arrow from (n, t) to (m, r), and attachthe symbol S to the point (m, r) at the arrowhead. For a given initialconfiguration a(0) _ (° m (0)), define a flow to be initiated at the sites m suchthat am (0) = —1. The flow passes vertically until blocked by the occurrence ofa S above, and also passes horizontally across arrows in the direction of thearrows and is stopped at the occurrence of a b from moving upward. Theconfiguration at time t is defined by

6n(t) = —1 if the (negative) flow reaches (n, t) from some initial point (m, 0)

= +1 otherwise. (11.3)

More precisely, the flow is defined to reach (n, t) from (m, 0) if there are times0= to <r 1 <•••<zk+1 =t and sites m= n0 ,n 1 ,...,nk =n such that anarrow occurs from (n ; _ 1 , T i ) to (n ;, t ; ) and there are no b's along the half-openvertical intervals (excluding lower end points) joining (n„ t i) to (n„ i ),i = 1, ... , k. In this case (n, t) and (m, 0) are said to be connected by acontinuous-time nearest-neighbor percolation.

The transition from am (t—) = — Ito am (t) = +1 occurs if and only if t =is an event time of the process {Nmn (t)} for some n such that an(t—) _ +1.Therefore the flipping rate from —1 to + I is

1 2dPmn( 1 + an )/2 = d( 1 — am Y_ Pmnan)

= cm(a) for am= —1.

The transition from am (t —) = + 1 to Qm (t) = — 1 occurs if and only if t = T isan event time of the process {Nmn (t)} for some n such that an (t —) _ —1.Therefore the flipping rate from + 1 to —1 is

2dpmn( 1 — Qn)/2 = d(l — am Y_ Pmnan) , for am = + 1.n

This (noncanonical) construction provides the existence of a Markov processwith the desired infinitesimal rates. To check the Markov property, it is enoughto consider the distribution of an(t + s) for some finitely many sites n e Z", andfixed s, t >, 0, conditionally given the (entire) configurations a(u), u < t. Workingbackwards through the space—time diagram from a., (t + s), ... , an, (t + s), note

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that the value Q,(t + s) must coincide with Qm,(t) for some m i e Z", where m ;

depends only on a(u), u >, t, but not on a(u), u < t. In the case of Figure 11.1the history of v„(t + s) given a(u), u < t, shows that the voter at n at time t + sis copying the voter at m at time t (see theoretical complement 1).

The two configurations a + and a - representing total consensus, a o = + 1and a. _ -1 for all n, are absorbing. In particular this makes each probabilitydistribution of the form pöQ . + ( 1 - p)Sa -, for 0 < p < 1, an invariantequilibrium distribution for the system. To understand conditions under whichit is also possible to have other equilibrium distributions of persistentdisagreement requires some further analysis.

Probability distribution on S are defined for events belonging to the sigmafieldF generated by events in S that depend on the values of configurations atfinitely many sites. The state space S has a natural metric space structure forwhich F coincides with its Bore! sigmafield (theoretical complement 2).Moreover, S is a compact metric space with this metric (theoretical complement2). Consequently, any collection of probability measures on (S, .) is necessarilytight (theoretical complement 8.2 of Chapter I). This is quite significant sinceit implies that convergence in distribution (weak convergence) coincides withconvergence offinite-dimensional distributions in this setting. Special advantageis taken of this fact in the use of a method of finite-dimensional (multivariate)moments to study the long-run behavior of the distribution of the system.

Let f be a real-valued function on S that depends on a fixed set of finitelymany coordinates of configurations a e S. Then f must be bounded. Definelinear operators T 1 , (t >, 0), for such functions f by

T,f(a)=E.f(a(t)), aeS. (11.4)


T,f(a) — .f (a) = Ea{.f (d'(t)) — .%(a)}_Y_ {f() — f(a)}an(a)l +O(t), (11.5)m

uniformly as t -• 0 + . Accordingly, for functions f on S depending on finitelymany coordinates we have for t > 0, a E S,`_ (a) = T,(Af)(a) = EQ {Af(a(t))}, (11.6)


where, for such functions f,

Af(a) = lim T` f(a) — f(a)

t- a + t

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= lim EQ { f (a(t )) — f (a)}

r-0 1

= L. { (a 1m, ) — J (a)}Cm(J). (11.7)m

Let tt be an arbitrary initial probability distribution on (S, S) and let µ,denote the corresponding distribution of a(t) with po = µ. The (spatial) blockcorrelations of the distribution p, over the finite set of sites D = {n 1 , ... , n,},say, are the multivariate moments of a (t), ... , .r (t) defined by

(pµ (t, D) = Eµ { Qn (t) x ... X a(t)}. (11.8)

Using standard inclusion—exclusion calculations, one can verify that a probabilitydistribution on (S, .y) is uniquely determined by its block correlations. Letcp0 (t, D) = cp sa (t, D). Applying equation (11.6) to the function f (a) := Qn , xx a, a e S, we get an equation describing the evolution of the blockcorrelations of the distributions as follows:

tpe (t, D) = j^ l

Öt Ea kn Q( ) (t) — kfl 6k(t) Cm(a(t))

_ —2E6{ [ii ak(t) ] Cm(a(t))SmED k€D

_ 2d Z E,, j l fl ak (t)]L 1 — am(t) I Pmn an( t )J}meD t keD n

_ —2dIDI cp e(t, D) + 2d 1 pmn q (t, (D\{m})A{n}), (11.9)meD n

where A is symmetric difference, A AB := A n BC u AC n B, A, B c Z', and IDSis cardinality of D. Taking expected values, we get from (11.9) that

acpµ (t, D) — —2dIDjcpµ (t, D) + 2d [' / t, /D m 0 J nat mED n

_ Y E {cpµ (t, (D\{m})A{n}) — (p µ (t, D)}2pmn . (11.10)m€D n

As a warm-up to the equations (11.10) take D = {m} and suppose that p isan invariant (equilibrium) distribution. Then Ep Cm = cp,,(0, {m}) is a harmonic

.function for the random walk; i.e., the left-hand side of (11.10) is zero so thatthe equations show that q, has the averaging property (harmonicity)

ßpµ (0, {m}) _ Y_ q,(0, {n})pmn . (11.11)n

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Now, for the simple symmetric random walk on 7L° , one can show that the onlybounded solutions to (11.11) are constants (theoretical complement 3).Therefore, the distribution of a m under the invariant equilibrium distributionis independent of m in this case. From here out we will restrict our considerationto the long-time behavior of various translation invariant initial distributions,with say,

EN7m=2p-1, 0<p<l, fEZ d . (11.12)

In particular, we will consider what happens in the long run when voters initiallyare, independently, + 1 or —1 with probabilities p, 1 — p, respectively.

The equation (11.9) or (11.10) suggests consideration of the followingfinite-particle system. A particle is initially placed at each site of the finite setDo = D. Each of these particles then undergoes a continuous-time random walkaccording to p = ((pm )) with exponential holding times with parameter 2d,independently of the others until two particles meet. If two of the particles meet,then they are mutually annihilated. Let D, denote the collection of sites occupiedby particles at time t > 0. The evolution of the stochastic process {D,} takesplace in the (denumerable) state space S = q(d) consisting of all finite subsetsof Z'. The empty set is absorbing for the process. If D, : 0 then in time t tot + At a change to (D,\{m })i{n}, for some me D, and ne Z', occurs withprobability 2dpmn At + o(At) as At --* 0+. Other types of changes in theconfiguration have probability o(At) as At --^ 0+.

Now consider that for fixed a e S we have by (11.9) that

09.(t, D) = p * ^VQ(t, )(D), (11.13)at

together with

(p.(0, D) = [1 am , (11.14)mED

where for D E _V (d) ,

A*f(D) = Y I { f((D\{m})A{n}) — f(D)}2dpmn , (11.15)meD n

for bounded real-valued functions f on £ (d) . Since A* is the infinitesimalgenerator for T f (D) = ED f (D,), t >, 0, D e 2 (d) , the annihilating random walk,the solution to (11.13), (11.14) is given by

(PQ(t, D) = ED(a(0, D1) = ED I H Qm } . (11.16)m e D, )))

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The representation (11.16) is known as the duality equation and is the basis forthe proof of the following major result.

Theorem 11.1. Let p = ((p m„)) be the transition probability matrix of the simplesymmetric random walk on 7L° associated with the simple symmetric votermodel on 7L° . For an initial probability distribution µ satisfying (11.12) we havethe following:

(a) If d < 2, then p, converges in distribution to pöQ+ + (1 - p)S,, _ as t -* oo.

(b) If d >, 3, then for each p e (0, 1) there is a distinct translation-invariantequilibrium distribution v°° ) on (S, .F ), which is not a mixture of 6Q+

and Sa _, such that E,,,p,vm = 2p - 1. Moreover, if the initial distributionIt is that of independent ± 1-valued Bernoulli random variables withprobability parameter determined by (11.12), then µ, converges indistribution to v° 0) as t -+ co.

Proof. To prove (a) first consider that

Ep m (t) = cpµ (t, {m}) = fS

^p.(t, {m })µ(da)

_ J ESml [ fl T k] 1t(da)

Y_ Pmk(t)E j,Uk = 2p - I for all t >, 0, (11.17)k

where pmk (t) is the transition law for the continuous-time random walk. Alsofor distinct sites n and m in 7L" we have

q (t, {n, m}) = Pp(0m(t) = ø(t)) — Pj (Om(t) # cr (t))

= I - 2Pµ (am(t) : a, (t)). (11.18)

Therefore, it is enough to show that cp(t, {n, m}) -• 1 as t -> oo to prove (a).Now since the difference of the two independent simple symmetric randomwalks starting at • m and n evolves as a (symmetrized) continuous-parametersimple symmetric random walk, it follows from the recurrence when d < 2, that

0 a.s. as t --> oo; i.e., the particles will eventually meet. Using the dualityrelation and the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem we have, therefore,

lim cp µ (t, {n, m}) = lim J E{f,m) L fl (Tk}µ(dß) = 1. (11.19)s keD^

To prove (b), on the other hand, take for It the Bernoulli product distribution

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of independent values subject to (11.12) and consider the duality relation

yl,(t, D) = E1, ED H 6m} = ED{

Et fl amt = ED fl EN aml meD, meD1 J meDt

= ED(2p — 1)ID , I, (11.20)

where 1D1 1 denotes the cardinality of D1 . Now since JD I is a.s. nonincreasing, thelimit, denoted FDJ, exists a.s. and is positive with nonzero probability bytransience. The limit distribution v (P ) is defined through its block correlationaccordingly. That is,

fs{ [ am}vc")(da) = E D(2p — 1)ID. 1 . meD

Certainly it follows that v (p» is translation-invariant and, being a time-asymptoticdistribution of the evolution, one expects it to be invariant under the (further)evolution. More precisely, for any (bounded) continuous real-valued functionf on S we have by the Chapman—Kolmogorov equations (semigroup property)that

fSf(i1)v(di) = fS J f(rl)p(t; a, dil)vcP )(da) s

= lim fsf ( 11)p(t; a, dq)g,(da), (11.22)

s-. s

since for fixed (continuous) f and t > 0, the (bounded) functiona --• $s f (rl)p(t; a, dq) is continuous (theoretical complement) and, as notedearlier, by compactness of S µ s converges to v(da) in distribution (i.e., weakconvergence) as s --* oo. Now, from (11.22) and the Chapman—Kolmogorovequations again, one has

J f(t)v(di) = lim J .f(il)µ,+s(drl) = J f(rl)v (a)(dii). (11.23)s s_^ s s

Thus, since the integrals of continuous functions on S with respect to thedistributions v(drl) and v (1»(dq) coincide, the two measures must be the same(see theoretical complement 8.6 of Chapter I). n

The property that, for each bounded continuous function f on S. the functiona —* EQ f (a(t)) = f s f (rl) p(t; a, dq) is also a bounded continuous function, iscalled the Feller property. As illustrated in the above proof (Eq. 11.22), thisproperty is essential for confirming one's intuition about invariance propertiesof long-time limits under weak convergence. The other important role played

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by topology in the above was in the use of compactness to, in fact, get weakconvergence from finite-dimensional calculations.


Exercises for Section IV.1

1. Show that in order to establish the Markov property it is enough to check Eq. 1.1for only one "future" time point t, for arbitrary t > s.

2. Show that a continuous-parameter process with independent increments has theMarkov property. Show also that such a process has a homogeneous transition lawif and only if, for every h > 0, the distribution of X, +h — X, is the same for all t _> 0.

3. Show that, given a Poisson process {X} as in Example 1 with f ö p(u) du = cc, thereexists an increasing transformation cp: [0, oo) —+ [0, cc) such that the process

X,,,,} is homogeneous with parameter). = 1.

4. Prove that the compound Poisson process (Example 2) has independent increments.

5. Consider a compound Poisson process {X,} with state space U8' and an arbitraryjump distribution p(dx) on (f8'.

(ii) Show that {X} is a Markov process and compute its transition probabilityp(t; x, B)'= P(X, E B I X0 = x).

(ii) Compute the characteristic function of X,.

6. (Doubly Stochastic Poisson or Cox Process) Suppose that the parameter A (meanrate) of a homogeneous Poisson process {X} is random with distributionp(dA) = f(A) d). on (0, ro). In other words, conditionally given A = ) o , {X} is aPoisson process with parameter A 0 .

(i) Show that {X} is not a process with independent increments.(ii) Show that {X,} is (generally) not a Markov process.

(iii) Compute the distribution of X, for arbitrary but fixed t > 0.(iv) Compute Cov(X.,, X,).

7. Generalize Exercise 6 to compound Poisson processes.

8. The lifetimes of elements of a certain type are independent and exponentiallydistributed with parameter a > 0. At time t = 0 there are X0 = n living elementspresent. Let X, denote the number alive at time t. Show that {X,} is a Markovprocess and calculate its transition probabilities.

9. Let {X,: t _> 0} be a process starting at x with (stationary) independent increments,and EX, < cc. Assuming EX, and EX are continuous, prove the following.

(i) EX, = mt + x, Var X, = a 2 t for some constants m and a 2 .(ii) (X, — mt)/../ converges in distribution to the Gaussian distribution with mean

0 and variance a', as t —^ co.

10. (i) Show that the sum of a finite number of independent real-valued stochasticprocesses, each having independent increments is also a process withindependent increments.

(ii) Let {N,(' ) } (i = 1, 2, ... , k) be independent Poisson processes with mean

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parameter A ; (i = 1, 2, ... , k). If c„ C 2 ..... C, are arbitrary distinct positiveconstants, show that { c ; N} is a compound Poisson process and computeits jump distribution and the (Poisson) mean rate of occurrences.

(*iii) Prove that every compound Poisson process is a limit in distribution ofsuperpositions of independent Poisson processes as described in (ii). [Hint:Compute the characteristic function of respective increments.]

Exercises for Section IV.2

1. Check the Kolmogorov consistency condition for P,, defined by Eq. 2.2, assumingthe Chapman—Kolmogorov condition (2.5).

2. There are n identical components in a system that operate independently. When acomponent fails, it undergoes repair, and after repair is placed back into the system.Assume that for a component the operating times between successive failures arei.i.d. exponential with mean 1/A, and that these are independent of the successiverepair times, which are i.i.d. exponential with mean 1/µ. The state of the system isthe number of components in operation. Determine the infinitesimal generator ofthis Markov process.

3. For the process {X,} in Exercise 1.8, give the corresponding infinitesimal generatorand Kolmogorov's backward and forward equations.

4. Let {X,} be a birth—death process on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with q + , = iß, q ; , ; _, = i5,i >,0, where ß,b>0,q ;; =0iflj—it>1,q o ,=0.Let

m(t) = EX,, s ; (t) = E.X..

(i) Use the foward equation to show m(t) _ (ß — S)m ; (t), m ; (0) = i.(ii) Show m ; (t) =

(iii) Show s(t) = 2(ß — b)s ; (t) + (ß + S)m ; (t).(iv) Show that

+ ß + (1 — e ^e_ 1)] if ß 8

sr(t)=i(i + 2ßt), if ß = b.

(v) Calculate Var ; X,.

*5. Consider a compound Poisson process {X,} on III' with an arbitrary jump distributionp(dx).

(i) For a given bounded continuous function f on II' compute

u(t, x)'= E(f(X,) 1 Xo = x),

and show that

at u(t, x) = —Au(t, x) + .i J u(t, x + y)µ(dy) = A J (u(t, x + y) — u(t, x))µ(dy).

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(ii) Show that the limit of the last expression is

lim d u(t ' x) = (Qf)(x),, lo at

where Q is the integral operator (Qf)(x) _ ) f (f (x + y) — f (x)) p(d y).(iii) Write the (backward) equation (i) above for u(t, x) in terms of Q.

6. Let { Y} be a nonhomogeneous Markov chain with transition probabilitiespü(s, t) = P(Y = j ( YS = i), continuous for 0 _< s _< t, with p ;i (s, s) = b,i, i, j e S, andsuch that

P.i(s' t ) — a +ilim = 91;(s)NS t—s

exists and is finite for each s.

(i) Show that the Chapman—Kolmogorov equations take the form,

Pk(, t) _ p^;(s, r)P;k (r, t), s < r < t.

(ii) For finite S show that the backward and forward equations, respectively, takethe forms below:

(backward) ap`as' t) = —Z 9ii(s)Pik(s, t),i

aP,k(S, t)(forward) — dt _ P,;(s, t)9;k(t)•


7. Consider a collection of particles that act independently in giving rise to succeedinggenerations of particles. Suppose that each particle, from the time it appears, waitsa random length of time having an exponential distribution with parameter ), andthen either splits into two particles with probability p or disappears with probabilityq = I — p. Find the generator of this Markov process on the state spaceS = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}, the state being the number of particles present.

8. In Exercise 7 above, suppose that new particles immigrate into the system(independently of particles present) at random times that form a Poisson processwith parameter y, and then give rise to succeeding generations as described inExercise 7. Compute the generator of this Markov process.

*9. Let {XJ be a Markov process with state space an arbitrary measurable space (S, .9').Let B(S) be the space of (Sorel-measurable) bounded real-valued functions on Swith the uniform norm, 111 11 = supxeslf(x)I, JE B(S). Then (B(S), II • II) is a Banachspace. Define T, f(x) = E x f (X,), t >_ 0, x e S, for Je B(S). Also, for Je B(S) suchthat lim, . o . {(T, f — f)/t} exists in (B(S), II • II ), say that f belongs to the domain ofQ and define Qf = lim,. o ,{(T,f — f)/t}. Show that if the domain of Q is all ofB(S), then Q must be a bounded linear operator on (B(S), II • II); i.e., Q is continuous

on (B(S), II • II). [Hint: T, f(x) = f(x) + J T,Qf (x) ds, t > 0, XE S, Je B(S). Applythe closed graph theorem from functional analysis.]

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10. (Continuous-Parameter Pölya Process) Fix r> 0 and consider a box containingr = r(r) red balls and b = b(T) black balls. Every r units of time a ball is randomlyselected, its color is noted, and together with c = c(z) balls of the same color it isplaced in the box. Let S„ T denote the number of red balls sampled by the time nr,n = 0, 1, 2, ... , So = 0. As in Eq. 3.14 of Chapter II, {S„,} is a discrete-parameternonhomogeneous Markov chain with one-step transition probabilities

pj.;(nr, (n + 1)T) = I - pj.^+i(nr, (n + 1)r),


r + cip,.;+ (nt,(n+1)a)=P(S^, +nz =i +1 S,, =i)=

'i= 0,1,...

r + b + nc

Let p = p(r) = r/(r + b), y = y(r) = c/(r + b), t = nz. Then the probability of atransition from i to i + 1 in time t to + t is given by



Note that p = r/(r + b) is the probability of selecting a red ball at the nth trial andnp = (p/z)t is the expected number of red balls sampled by time t = nr, i.e., p/i isthe mean sampling rate of red balls. Suppose that p/T = p(r)/r -+ 1 and

= Y(i)/t -. y o > 0 as t - 0.

(i) For fixed r > 0, use a combinatorial argument to show that the distribution ofS,, is given by


n) b(b+c)•••(b+(n - j)c - c) r(r+c). (r +jc - c)

j (b+r)(b+r+c) •(b+r+nc-c)

(ii) Show that in the limit as r -+ 0, the distribution in (i) converges to

f(t) = t'(1 + yot)-t-'((j - I)Yo + 1 ) .. . (2Yo + 1 )(Yo + 1)

, = 0,1, 2, ... ,j•

which is a negative binomial p.m.f.(iii) Show that

jf (t) = t and (j - t) Z Tf(t) = Yot 2 + t.3=o 3=o

(iv) The continuous-parameter Pölya process is often defined as a nonhomogeneous(pure birth) Markov chain { Y,} starting at 0 on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with transitionprobabilities denoted by P(Y =j I Y = i) = p ;;(s, t), j, i = 0, 1, 2, ... , 0 _< s <_ t,and satisfying

p,;(t, t + At) = + q 1 (t) At + o(At) as At - 0,

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where+ iyo

qi,i+,(t) = l = — q«(t), q 1 (t) = 0, j : i, i + 1 .l + ty o

Check that P(S(„ + , ) L = j I S1, = i) = p;t(t, t + t) + o(T)as r —. 0, n -+ oo, t = nt.

Exercises for Section IV.3

1. Prove the inequality (3.12).

2. Prove that the solution p(t) = exp{tQ} is the unique bounded solution ofKolmogorov's backward (as well as forward) equations, under the hypothesis (3.9).

3. Solve the forward equations directly in Example 1.

4. Solve the Kolmogorov equations for a Markov process with three states andinfinitesimal generator

—A a 0

Q= 0 —µ µ

0 00

where .?, p are positive.

5. Let Q = ((q ij)) such that sup 1 Ig 1 I < co. Show that all elements of eQ` are nonnegativefor all t >- 0 if q, -> 0 for i 0 j. [Hint: Consider


r;j(t)= S,j +q ;; t +q;j 1 t + • • •2!

for small t > 0, and use the fact that the product of matrices with all entriesnonnegative has itself all entries nonnegative together with the propertyeto = (e(>Q)'.]

6. Each organism of a system, independently of the others, lives for an exponentiallydistributed time with parameter A and is then replaced by two replicas thatindependently undergo the same replication process. Let X, denote the total numberof organisms at time t. Show that the bounded rates condition is not satisfied for thegenerator Q of {X,}.

7. Calculate the transition probabilities for Exercise 2.2 in the case n = 2

8. In radioactive transformations an unstable atom randomly disintegrates to an unstableatom of a new chemical and physical structure. Successive atomic states in the chainare labeled 0, 1, 2, ... , N. Atoms in state i are transformed to state i + 1,0 -< i < Nat the rate q i , ; + i = .1 1 , where AN = 0. Calculate the distribution of the state at time tof an atom initially in state 0.

Exercises for Section IV.4

1. Calculate the successive approximations p(t) in the case of the (homogeneous)Poisson process with parameter A > 0.

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2. Write out the third iterate (of Eq. 4.7) p;» for the case S = {l, 2, 3}, q,, i = —A,q1,2 = A q22 = —µ‚ qz.3 = µ, q3.3 = — y, q 32 = y, q•; = 0 otherwise for i, j e S.

3. (A Pure Death Process) Let S = {0, 1, 2, ...} and let q_ = 6 > 0, q ;; _ —S, i > 1,= 0, otherwise.

(i) Calculate p;;(t), t 0 using successive approximations.(ii) Calculate E.X, and Var ; X.

4. Calculate approximations p 2 (t) for Exercises 2.7 and 2.8.

5. Show that the minimal solution p(t) also satisfies the forward equation. [Hint:Consider the integral version.]

6. Show that the minimal solution p(t), t > 0, is a semigroup (i.e., that it satisfies theChapman—Kolmogorov equations) by the following procedure.

(i) Let f be a continuous bounded function on [0, oo) with Laplace transform

f(v) = f"'

e - °f(t) dt.

Define F(s, t) = f(s + t), s, t _> 0, and let

F(v, µ) = J $ e`°F(s, t) ds dt (µ > 0, v > 0)0

be the bivariate Laplace transform of F. Show that P satisfies the resolventequation:

F(v, µ) _ — i(v) — ^(µ)

v ^ .V—/1

[Hint: Write u = s + t, v = —s + t, 0 <_ u < oo, —u < v < u, in the integraldefining F.]

(ii) Let p(v) = ((‚(v))) denote the matrix of transformed entries of the minimalsolution. Show that p(s + t) = p(s)p(t), s, t >, 0 if and only if

_ p(v) — p(µ) = p(µ)p(v), vu.v—p

(iii) Show that the backward and forward equations (see also Exercise 5) transform,respectively, as

[B]: vp(v) = I + Qp(v),

[F]: v(v) = I + P(v)Q•

(iv) Use the backward equation to show

µp(v) = A + Q(v)

for A = I + (p — v)p(v). Use nonnegativity of p(v) and A for p> v, to show by

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induction, using (4.7), that p(v) > ß(" ) (p)A for n = 0, 1, 2, ... , and therefore

P(v) > P(,u)A = p(µ) + (p - v)P(µ)P(v), p> v.

(v) Use [F] to prove the reverse inequality and hence (ii). [Hint: Checkr(v) = p(p) + (u - v)p(p)p(v) solves [F] and use minimality.]

7. Compute p ;k (t) for all i, k in Example 1.

Exercises for Section IV.5

1. Show that the holding time T" (n > 1) is not a stopping time.

2. Let A(A), B(A), B(0) denote the events Is < To <_ s + A), {XX+o =j}, {XT" -J},respectively.(i) Prove that P; (A(A) n B(A) n B`(0)) = o(A) and P (A(A) n BC(A) n B(0)) = o(A)

as A 10 (for i 0 j). [Hint: Apply the strong Markov property with respect to To

in order to show P; (s < To < To + T, _< s + A) = o(A).](ii) Use (i) to derive (5.6) from (5.5).

3. Let U 1 , U21... , U" be i.i.d. uniform on [0, t], and order them as U(l) < U(2) <<U. Define D; =U(,,-U^_, ) (j=1,2,...,n+1)with U(Q) =0, U(" + , ) =t.

(i) Show that the joint distribution of D,..... D" + , is the same as the conditionaldistribution of n + 1 i.i.d. exponential random variables Y,, Y2 , ... , Y" + ,, givenY1 +...+.Y" +1 =t.

(ii) Show that Dk has p.d.f. given by n(1 - x)" - ', 0 < x < 1, k = 1, ... , n + 1.

4. Derive an extension of Proposition 5.6 for a nonhomogeneous Poisson process withintensity function p(t) (see Example 1.1).

5. Suppose that a pure birth process on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} has infinitesimal parameters

qkk = - ^`k•(i) If Zö Ak ' = oo and 1ö ‚-2 < co, then show that the variance of

= To + T, + • • • + T _, (the time to reach n, starting from 0) goes to a finitelimit as n - oo. Use Kolmogorov's zero-one law (see theoretical complements1.1, Chapter I) to show that as n -+ oc, z" - .ik ' converges (for all samplepaths, outside a set of probability zero) to a finite random variable ry.

(ii) If ak 1 = cc = ^ö ak Z , but _p 1k 3 < oo, show that


I )/40 ' Ak 2)

is asymptotically (as n -* co) Gaussian with mean 0 and variance 1. [Hint: UseLiapounov's central limit theorem, Chapter 0.]

6. Messages arrive at a telegraph office according to a Poisson process with mean rateof occurrence of 4 messages per hour.(i) What is the probability that no message will have arrived during the morning

hours (8 to 12)?(ii) What is the distribution of the time at which the second afternoon message arrives?

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7. Let {X,} and {Y} be independent Poisson processes with parameters 2 and prespectively. Show that the probability of n occurrences of {Y,} within the timeinterval from the first to the (r + 1)st occurrence of {X,} is given by

Cn r-1 1)(—p A + pJ \.A + p)• n = 0, 1,2


, ... .

8. Let {X} be a Poisson process with parameter A > 0. Let To denote the time of thefirst arrival.

(i) Let N = XZTo — XT,, and calculate Cov(N, To ).(ii) Calculate the (conditional) expected value of the time To + • • • + T,_, of the

rth arrival given X, = n > r.

9. Suppose that two colonies, I and 2, start as single units and independently undergogrowth by pure birth processes with rates ß„ ß2 , respectively. Calculate the expectedsize of colony 1 at the time when the first offspring is produced in colony 2.

10. Consider a pure—death process with rates —q ;; = q 1 _ 1 = 2>0, i >_ 1, q•; = 0otherwise.

(i) Calculate p(t).(ii) If initially there are n, particles of type 1 and n 2 particles of type 2 that

independently undergo pure death at rates S,, 5, respectively, calculate theexpected number of type 1 particles at the time of extinction of the type 2 particles.

11. Let {N,} be a homogeneous Poisson process with parameter 2>0. DefineX, _ (-1)^ `, t 0. Show that {X,} is a Markov process and compute its transitionprobabilities.

12. Consider all rooted binary tree graphs having n sources (i.e., degree-one verticesexcluding the root). Call any edge incident to a source vertex an external edge andcall the others internal (see Fig. Ex.IV.5). [By a rooted tree is meant a tree graphin which a vertex is singled out as the root. Other graph-theory terminology isdescribed in Exercise 7.5 of Chapter II.]





Figure Ex. IV.5

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(i) Show that a rooted binary tree with n sources has n external edges and n — tinternal edges, n _> 1. In particular, the total number of edges is 2n — 1, whichis also the total number of vertices excluding the root.

(ii) Show that the following code establishes a one-to-one correspondence betweenthe collection of all rooted binary tree graphs and the collection of all simplepolygonal paths from (0, 0) to (2n — 1, — 1) in steps of + I that do not touchor cross the line y = —1 prior to x = 2n — 1. Starting with the edge incidentto the root, traverse the tree along the leftmost path until reaching the leftmostsource. Then follow back until reaching a junction leading to the next leftmostsource, and so on, recording, on the first (and only on the first) traverse of anedge, + if it is internal and — if it is external. The path 2n — I long of (+ )sand (—)s furnishes the coding of the tree in the form of a "random walk


(iii) Use (ii) and the reflection principle (Section 4, Chapter I) to calculate thedistribution of ML in Example 3.

(iv) Let g(x) = ExMI denote the probability-generating function of ML . Use therecursive structure of the tree to establish the quadratic equationg(x) = Zx + ?g 2 (x).

(v) Use (iv) to give another derivation of the distribution of ML .

13. Show that the holding time in state j for Example 2 is exponentially distributedwith parameter i t = jA (I? 1).

Exercises for Section IV.6

I. Show that (I + x) log(1 + x) _> x for all x >_ 0.

2. Show that (i) the backward equation holds for p 1 (t), and (ii) {‚(t): t > 0} aretransition probabilities.

3. Show that {p(t): t > 0} are transition probabilities on S v {A} satisfying thebackward and forward equations.

4. (i) Consider an initial mass of size x o that grows (deterministically) to a size x, attime t at a rate that is dependent upon size; say, x; = f (x,), t >_ 0. Give an exampleof a growth-rate function f (x), x 0, such that the mass will grow without boundwithin a finite time > 0, i.e., lim,_, x, = co. [Hint: Consider a case in whicheach "element" of mass grows at a rate proportional to the total mass, so thatthe total mass itself grows at a rate proportional to the mass squared.]

(ii) Let X, denote the number of reactions that have occurred on or before time t ina chain reaction process. Suppose that {X} is a pure birth process starting at 0.Show that the expected number of reactions that occur in a finite time interval[0, t] need not be finite.

(A Bus Stop Problem) A passenger regularly travels from home to office either bybus or by walking. The travel time by walking is a constant t w , whereas the traveltime by bus from the stop to work is a random variable, independent of the busarrival time, with a continuous distribution having mean tb < t w. Buses arriverandomly at the home stop according to a Poisson process with intensity parameter2. The passenger uses the following strategy to decide whether to walk or ride. If thebus arrives within c time units, then ride the bus; if the wait reaches c, then walk.Determine (optimality) conditions on c that minimize the average travel time in terms

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of tb , t„„ A. [Note: The solutions c = 0 (always walk), c = cc (always ride) arepermitted.]

6. Consider a single telephone line that is either free (state 0) or busy (state 1). Supposeincoming calls form a Poisson process with a mean rate (intensity) A per minute. Thesuccessive durations of calls are i.i.d. exponential random variables with parameterp (mean duration of a call being p - ' minutes), independent of the Poisson processof incoming calls. If a call arrives at a time when the line is busy, the call is simply lost.(i) Give the corresponding prescription of Kolmogorov's backward and forward

equations for the state of the line.(ii) Solve the forward equation.

Exercises for Section IV.7

1. Show that the process {X} described noncanonically in Example 2 is a Markovprocess.

2. Prove Eq. 7.11.

3. Let {X,} be the Yule linear growth process of Example 2. Show that

(i) EXX = ie".(ii) Var, X, = ie(el` - 1) = 2ie 3 II2 sinh(lAt).

4. Show that the N-server queue process {X} is a Markov process.

*5. (Renewal Age Process) Let Ti , T2 ,... be an i.i.d. sequence of positive randomvariables with a continuous (lifetime) distribution function F. Let S o = 0,S„=T1 +T2 +•••+T,,,n> 1,andforA 0 =O,definefort>0,theageattimetby A,:= t - max{Sk : Sk _< t, k >_ 0}. Then {a + A,} is the process starting at a >_ 0.

(i) Show that {A,} has the Markov property: i.e., for arbitrary time points0 -< so <S 1 < • • • <S <s < t < t, < • • • < t n , the conditional distribution ofA, A,,, .. , A A so , .. , A sk , A S does not depend on A so, .. , A sk .

(ii) The failure rate (also called hazard rate or force of mortality) for the objectsbeing renewed is defined by h(t) = f(t)/[l - F(t)], where f is the p.d.f. (assumedto exist) of F. For continuously differentiable functions g having boundedderivatives show, for a _> 0,

g(Ar) - g(a) dgQg(a): lim Ep = h(a){g(0) - g(a)} + —> a -> 0.,- o t da

(iii) Show that µ(a) = Z -1 exp{ - J$ h(u) du}, a >_ 0, where Z is the normalizationconstant, solves f o u(a)Qg(a) da = 0. In particular, show that p is the densityof an invariant probability for {A,}.

(iv) Show (i) holds also for the residual lifetime { SN, - t}, where N, = inf{n >_ 0:S> t}. For ET, < oc, show that ff (t) = (1 - F(t))/ET„ t >, 0, is the densityof an invariant probability. [The above has an interesting generalization by

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F. Spitzer (1986), "A Multidimensional Renewal Theorem," in Probability,Statistical Mechanics, and Number Theory, Advances in MathematicsSupplementary Studies, Vol. 9 (G. C. Rota, ed.), pp. 147-155.]

6. (Thinned Poisson) Let {tn } be the sequence of occurrence times for a Poissonprocess {N} with parameter 2. Let {r„} be an i.i.d. sequence, independent of thePoisson process, of Bernoulli 0-1-valued random variables such that P(E, = 0) = p,0 <p < 1. Define the thinned process by


It `_ li0.1)(e tn), t > 0, Vo = 0,n =o

where {N, = max {n: in < t}} is the Poisson counting process. Show that {}} is aPoisson process with intensity parameter (1 - p)2.

7. (i) (Vibrating String) For Example 5, check that in the (deterministic) casep = ar = 0, u(x, t) = 2{cp(x + vt) + cp(x - vt)}. In particular, that u(x, t) solves

—=v2-[Z x2 , u(x, 0) = cP(x), aunt t) =0 at t = 0.

(ii) Check that there is a randomization of time represented by a nonnegativenondecreasing stochastic process { T,} such that

u(x, t) = z{Ecp(x + vT,) + Ecp(x - vT)}.

[Hint: Simply consider (7.37).]

8. (Diffusion limit) Check that in the limit a -. co, v - oo, 2a /V 2 = D - ' > 0, thediffusion equation

äu au

at = D 3x2'

is consistent with the telegrapher's equation.

9. The flow of electricity through a coaxial cable is typically described by thetelegrapher's equation (7.19) or (7.32), (7.33), where u(x, t) represents the(instantaneous) voltage and w(x, t) the current at a distance x from the sending endof the cable. The parameters a, /3, and v 2 can be interpreted in terms of the electricalproperties of the cable as outlined in this exercise. If one ignores leakage (conductancedue to inadequate insulation), then the circuit diagram for the segment of cablefrom x to x + Ax may be depicted as in Figure Ex.IV.7 below.

Here the parameters R, L, and C are the resistance, inductance, and capacitanceper unit length. These parameters are defined in accordance with certain physicalprinciples. For example, Ohm's law says that the ratio of the voltage drop across aresistor to the current through the resistor is a constant (called the resistance) givenhere by R'Ax. Thus, the voltage drop across the resistor is R Ax w(x, t). Likewi.>e,

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R4x Lex

❑ (x. t) I J -L cex u(x +/X. t)

Figure Ex. IV.7

when there is a change in the flow of current aw/at in an inductor then there is acorresponding voltage drop of L Ax Ow/Ot. According to Kirchhoff's second law, thesum of potential drops (as measured by a voltmeter) around a closed loop in anelectric network is zero. Thus, for Ax small, one has

u(x + Ax, t) - u(x, t) + R Ax w(x, t) + L Ax a` = 0.

The nature of a capacitor is such that the ratio of the charge stored to the voltagedrop is the capacitance C Ax. Thus, the capacitor current, being the time rate ofchange of charge, is given by C Ax au/at. According to Kirchhoff's first law, the sumof the currents flowing toward any point in an electrical network is zero (i.e., chargeis conserved). Thus, for Ax small, one has

auw(x+ Ax, t)—w(x,t) +CAx—=0.


(i) Use the above to complete the derivation of the transmission line equations andthe telegrapher's equation (for twice-continuously differentiable functions) andgive the corresponding electrical interpretation of the parameters a, ß, and v 2 .

(ii) In the case when leakage is present there is an additional parameter (loss factor)G, called the conductance per unit length, such that the leakage current isproportional to the voltage G Ax u(x, t). In this case the term G Ax u(x, t) isadded to the left-hand side in Kirchhoff's first law and one sees that the voltageand current satisfy transmission line equations of exactly the same general forms.Show that precisely the same equation is satisfied by both voltage and current.

10. In Example 4, suppose that the service time distribution is arbitrary, with distributionfunction F. Determine the distribution of W,.

Exercises for Section IV.8

1. Let Z; (i >, 1) be a sequence of i.i.d. nonnegative random variables, P(Z, > 0) > 0.Prove that Y"_, Z; -* oo almost surely.

2. Prove that the first and third terms on the right side of Eq. 8.13 go to zero (almostsurely) as t -+ oo, provided (8.10) holds.

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3. When is a compound Poisson process (i) a pure birth process, (ii) a birth—deathprocess? Write down q1, k ;j in these cases.

4. Let {X,} be a birth—death chain, and let c <x <d be three states.

(i) Compute Px({X,} reaches c before d) in terms of the infinitesimal rates (i.e.,

ß„ bi).

(ii) Calculate p PX({X,} ever reaches c) in the case {X} is nonexplosive. Brieflycomment on what may happen in the case that explosion may occur with positivePs-probability.

5. Given a birth—death chain {X}:

(i) Derive a difference equation for m(x):= EX(a) where i is the first time {X }reaches c or d (c 5 x d).

(ii) For the special case qzs = — A., ß, = hx = i (c <x < d), compute m(x).(*iii) Compute m(x) for general birth—death chains.

6. Let p(t) = ((p, (t))) be transition probabilities for a Markov chain on a finite statespace S. Adapt Proposition 6.1 of Chapter II to show that lim,— m p. (t) exists forall i, Je S, and the convergence is exponentially fast. [Hint: Fix t > 0 and considerthe discrete-parameter one-step transition probability matrix q = ((p ;,(t))). Thenq" = ((p ;,(nt)), n = 0, 1, 2, .... Use the semigroup property to show that lim"^ q;jl'(exists) does not depend on t > 0.]

7. Suppose that {X,} is irreducible and positive-recurrent. Let {}"} be the embeddeddiscrete-parameter Markov chain with transition matrix K. Let a be the invariantdistribution for {X,} such that n' Q = 0. Calculate the invariant distribution for { Y"}.

8. Let {X} be a positive-recurrent birth—death process on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} withbirth—death rates ß ; a ; and b ; A ; respectively. Show that


where it is the invariant initial distribution.

9. Consider the N-server queue under the invariant initial distribution (8.27).

(i) Show that the expected number of customers waiting to be served (excludingthose being served) is given by

(IP( ^)) rco , where p = Nß (< 1)iN'

is referred to as the traffic intensity parameter; i.e., the mean number ofarrivals within the average service time ß - '/N.

(ii) Show that the average length of time a customer must wait for service is


N(1 — p) 2ßN!Ito .

(iii) A particular hospital ward receives patients according to a Poisson process atan average rate of a = 2 per day. The average length of stay is 5 days. Assumingthe length of stay to be exponentially distributed, how many beds are necessary

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in order to achieve an equilibrium distribution for the total number of patientsadmitted and waiting admission? What will be the average waiting time foradmission?

10. Let {X= } be the continuous-parameter Markov (binary) branching process withoffspring distribution f(0) = (5,f(2) = ß, ß + 8 = 1, and parameter A.

(i) Show that {X,} is a birth—death process with linear rates.(ii) Let gt =_ g;' )(r):=Z ; P;(X, = j)rt denote the p.g.f. of the P;-distribution of X,.

Show that the forward equations transform as

age° _ _ ag^'>at =[ß(r

z r)+b(1—r)] r , Q=Q1ß, S=2S.

(iii) Solve the equation for g.

11. Suppose that {X,} has transition probabilities p 1 (t) and infinitesimal transition ratesgiven by Q = ((q)). Suppose that it is a probability distribution satisfying zt'Q = 0.If E ; A ; n i < oo, where 2 ; = —q ;; , then show that it is an invariant initial distribution.[Hint: Differentiation of >' nip(t) term by term is allowed.]

12. If S comprises a single communicating class and it is an invariant probability, thenall states are positive recurrent. [Hint: Consider the discrete time chain X,, n >_ 0.Use Theorem 9.4 of Chapter II. Note that q defined by (8.4) is smaller than thesecond passage time to state i for the discrete parameter chain.]

13. Show that positive recurrence is a class property. [Hint: Use arguments analogousto those used in the discrete-time case.]

14. Verify the forward equations for Example 5.3. [Hint: Use Exercise 4.5 and Example8.2.]

Exercises for Section IV.9

1. Calculate the spectral representation of the transition probabilities p 1 (t) for thecontinuous-parameter simple symmetric random walk on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} with onereflecting boundary at 0. [Hint: Use (9.19).]

2. (Time Reversibility) Let {X,} be an irreducible positive recurrent Markov chain withinvariant initial distribution it.

(i) Show that {X} is a stationary process; i.e., for any h > 0, 0 < t i < t2 < • • < tk

(X,,..... X,k ) and (X,,,,, . .. , X, k „,) have the same distribution.(ii) Show that {X,} is time-reversible, in the sense that for any 0 _< t i < t 2 < • • • < t j, < T

(X,,, . .. , X,k ) and (XT _ tk , ... , XT _,,) have the same distribution, if and only if

n ; p;j(t) = rrt pt;(t) for all i, j e S, t _> 0.

This last property is sometimes referred to as time-reversibility of n.(iii) Show that {X} is time-reversible if and only if n ; qi; = rc;q;; for all i, j e S.(iv) Show that {X,} is time-reversible if and only if the discrete-parameter embedded

chain is time-reversible; see Exercise 7.4 of Chapter II.(v) Show that the chemical reaction kinetics example is time-reversible under the

invariant initial distribution.

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3. (Relaxation and Maximal Correlation) Let {X,} bean irreducible finite-state Markovchain on S with transition probabilities p(t) = ((p;j(t))), t >, 0, and infinitesimal ratesQ = ((q i3 )). Let it be the unique invariant distribution and assume the distributionto be time-reversible as defined in Exercise 2(ii) above. Define the maximal correlationby p(t) = sup f , 9 Corr( f (XX ), g(Xo)), where the supremum is over all real-valuedfunctions f, g on S and

Corrn(.f(X,), g(Xo)) = E{[J(X,) — E,.f(X^)][g(XO) — Eg(XO)]}

{ Varr f (Xi )} "2 {Var,, g(Xo)} It 2

Show that

p(t)=e2,ß t>_0

where A, < 0 is the largest nontrivial eigenvalue of Q. The parameter y = —1/),, iscalled the relaxation time or correlation length parameter in this context. [Hint: Forf, g such that E rt f = ER g = 0, 1II f II,, = IIII R = i Corr rt ( f (X,), g(Xo )) = (p(t)f, g),. Sothere is an orthonormal basis {(p„} of eigenvectors of p(t). Since

p(t) = eQr _ _ Qktkk^ k!

the eigenvalues of p(t) are of the form e`^' where A. are eigenvalues of Q. Takef = g = cp, to get <p(t)f, g>, = e` and, for the general case (centered and scaled),expand f and g in terms of {q,}, i.e., f = J„ (f, cp„)n cp,,, g = E„ (g, to showICorrn ( f (X,), g(X0 ))l _< e. Use the simple inequality ab _< (a 2 + b 2 )/2.]

4. Let {X,} be an irreducible positive recurrent finite-state Markov chain with initialdistribution p. Let ltj(t) = PI (X, = j), je S, and let it denote the invariant initialdistribution. Also let Q = ((q,j)) be the matrix of infinitesimal rates for {X}. Show that

dµ (t)(i) ' = {µ(t)q1 — p (t)q 1 }, t >' 0, j e S,

dt tes

z(0)=p, j e S.

(ii) Suppose that it is a time-reversible invariant distribution and define

Yjj = _

n1g1j njgj,

(possibly infinite). Show that

dpj(t) _ 1 ilk\t) — 14j(t) j e S.dt keS Yjk Ttk Itj )'

Consider an electrical network in which the states of S are the nodes, and yjk isthe resistance in a wire connectingj and k. Suppose also that each nodej carriesa capacitance rrj. Then these equations are Kirchhoffs equations for the spread

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of an initial "electrical charge" µ ;(0) = p,, j ES, with time (see also Exercise 7.9).The potential energy stored in the capacitors at the nodes at time t, when theinitial distribution is µ(0) = t, is given by

U(t) = U(t(t)) = — - Y (ul(t))^

z2 ieS n%

One expects that as time progresses energy will be dissipated as heat in the wires.(iii) Show that if p 96 it, then U is strictly decreasing as a function of time.(iv) Calculate U(p(t)) for the two-state (flip-flop) Example 3.1 in the cases t(0) = 6 ( ,^,

i =0,1.

5. As in Exercise 4 above, let {X1 } be an irreducible positive recurrent finite-state Markovchain with initial distribution it. Let µ;(t) = PI (XZ = j), je S, and let it denote theinvariant initial distribution. Let h be a strictly concave function on [0, x) and definethe h-entropy of the distribution at time t by

H(t) = H(µ(t)) h t >- 0.,%e$ '\ 1j

(i) Show for µ 0 n, H(t) is strictly increasing as a function of t andlim 1 ^^ H(p(t)) = H(n).

(ii) Statistical entropy is defined by taking h(x) _ —x log x in (i). CalculateH(p(t)) for the two-state (flip-flop) Example 3.1 when t(0) = S (;r , i = 0, 1.

Exercises for Section IV.10

1. Calculate the distribution G(t; 2, A ; , ... , A i ) appearing in Eq. 10.4. [Hint: Applythe partial fractions decomposition to the characteristic function of the sum.]

2. Calculate the distribution of the time until absorption at j = 0 for the pure deathprocess on S = {0, 1, 2, ...} starting at i, with infinitesimal rates q 1 = ib if j = i — 1,i >, 1, q i1 = —i8, q 11 = 0 otherwise. What is the average time to absorption?

3. A zero-seeking particle in state i > 0 waits for an exponentially distributed time withparameter a. and then jumps to a position uniformly distributed over0, 1, 2, ... , i — 1. If in state i < 0, it holds for an exponential time with parameter2 and then jumps to a position uniformly distributed over i + 1, i + 2, ... , —1, 0.Once in state 0 it stays there. Calculate the average time to reach zero, starting instate i.

*4. (i) Under the conditions stated in Example 2, show that conditioned on non-extinction at time t, X, has a limit distribution as t -- oc with p.g.f. given byEq. 10.34. [Hint: Check that Zj o P,(X, =j I r(o) > t)r may be expressed as{g,(' ) (r) — g,(' ß (0)}/( 1 — g"(Ø)). Apply (10.28) to get

H(t + H(r)) — H - '(t + H(0))

1 — H"'(t + H(0))

which by (10.31) is, asymptotically as t -+ oc, given by I — exp{x l (H(r) — H(0))} x(1 + 0(1)). Finally, apply (10.26).]

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(ii) Determine the precise form of the distribution of the limit in the binary case

.r2=p<9=.%,p+9= 1 .


Theoretical Complements to Section IV.I

(Independent Increments and Infinite Divisibility) A probability measure Q on(R', ') is called infinitely divisible if for each n >_ 1, Q can be factored as an n-foldconvolution of a probability distribution Q. on (R' , . iJ), i.e., Q = Q, * • • • * Q. (n-fold ),n >_ 1. Familiar examples are the Normal, Gamma, Poisson and Cauchy distributions,as well as the first passage time distribution of the Brownian motion (Chapter 1).A basic property of infinitely divisible distributions is that the characteristic functionQ() = f eQ(dx), 5 e R', is never zero. To see this, observe that by considering

cP(5) = IQ 2 (^)I if necessary, one may assume to be given a real nonnegativecharacteristic function which, for any n _> 1, factors into an n-fold product of realnonnegative characteristic functions q,, (of some probability distributions µ n , say).Since q(0) = 1 and cp is continuous, there is an interval [ —i, r] on which cp(5) isstrictly positive. Now, taking the unique version of log cp(^) which makes - log cp(5)continuous and log cp(0) = 0, log <p(S) = n log cp„(f) and, expanding the log,log (p(^) = n log{ 1 — [1 — cV^(^)]} = —n[1 — cP^(5)] — n[1 — 4)J^)] 2/2 — .... In par-ticular, one sees that n[I — cp„(] is a bounded sequence for e [—r, r]. But, also

n[1 — cPn( 25)] = nI

I — J e 2 lb,(dx)J = n J (I — e 2 ),u,(dx)u'

= n J [I — cos(2^x)]p„(dx) = 2n J [I — cos 2 (^x)](dx)a

4nJ [I — cos(,x)]µ„(dx) = 4n[1 — cpJ )].^'

So, the sequence n[ 1 — cp„(2' )]k is bounded on [—r, r]. This means that each cp„(s ),and therefore, cp(^) must be nonzero on [—Zr, Zr]. In particular, there could be nolargest such r and this proves p has no real zeros.

If {X,} is a stochastic process with state space S c R' having stationary independentincrements, then for any s < t, the distribution of X, — X, is clearly infinitely divisiblesince for each integer n _> 1,

X, — XS= Z (X,—X, 1 )• t k =s+(t—s)^ k=0,1,.. ,n.k=1 n

Conversely, given an infinitely divisible distribution Q there is a family of probabilitymeasures Q„ t > 0, such that Q, = Q and Q, * Q s = Q, + ,,, obtained, for example,though their respective characteristic functions by taking cp,(^) = (cp(^))':_exp{t log cp, ( )}, since cp, (S) ^ 0, for H' Thus one obtains a consistent specificationof the finite-dimensional distributions of a stochastic process {X,} having stationaryindependent increments starting at 0 such that X, — X, has distribution Q, _„ 0 _< s< t.

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The process {X,} with stationary independent increments is a Markov process onR' starting at 0 having stationary transition probabilities given by

p(t;x,B)=P(X,+sEB1 Xs=x)=Q,(B — x), t>0, BE.c',

where B — x :_ {y — x: ye B} is a translate of B.

2. (Levy—Khinchine Representation) The Brownian motion process and the compoundPoisson process are simple examples of processes having stationary independentincrements. While the Brownian motion is the only one of these that is a.s. continuous,both are continuous in probability (called stochastic continuity). That is, for any to >' 0,X, —• X 0 in probability as t —+ to since (i) for the Brownian motion, a.s. convergenceimplies convergence in probability and (ii) for the compound Poisson process,P(IX, — X,I > e) < I — e -z^` = 0Qt — sI) for e > 0. Although the sample paths ofthe Poisson and compound Poisson processes have jump discontinuities, stochasticcontinuity means that there are no fixed discontinuities.

Stochastic processes {X} and {Y} defined on the same probability space andhaving the same index set are said to be stochastically equivalent if P(X, = Y) = 1for each t. Stochastically equivalent processes must have the same finite-dimensionaldistributions. As an application of the fundamental theorem on the sample pathregularity of stochastically continuous submartingales given in theoretical complement5.2, it will follow that a stochastically continuous process {X,} with independentincrements is equivalent to a stochastic process {Y} having the property that almost allof its sample paths are right-continuous and have left-hand limits at each t, i.e., haveat most jump discontinuities of the first kind. Moreover, the process {Y,} is unique inthe sense that if { Y;} is any other such process, then P(Y, = Y, for every t) = 1. Withoutloss of generality we may assume the given process {X} with stationary independentincrements to have jump discontinuities of the first kind. Such a process is called a(homogeneous) Levy process. The prefix homogeneous refers only to stationarity ofthe increments.

Theorem T.1.1. If {X,} is a (nondegenerate) homogeneous Levy process having a.s.continuous sample paths, then {XX} must be Brownian motion. ❑

Proof. Let s < t. By sample path continuity, for any e> 0 there is a number6 = S(c)> 0 such that

P(IX„ — X I <e whenever lu — VI <5, s < u, v _< t) > 1 — e.

Let {E"} be a sequence of positive numbers decreasing to zero and partition (s, t] intosubintervals s = tö / < t;" ) < ... < tk",) = t of lengths less than b" = b(e,,). Then

k„ k„X,—X9 = E (XX,1—X1 )__ E X;" I

where X'> . .. , Xk^) are independent (triangular array). Observe that the truncatedrandom variables

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are also independent and . , —+ X, — X, in probability as n —* oo since

k„P(X, — XS =R)>> I — e".

The result now follows by an application of the Lindeberg CLT (Chapter 0,Theorem 7.1). n

Within this same context, the other extreme is represented by the following.

Theorem T.1.2. Let {XX } be a homogeneous Levy process almost all of whose samplepaths are step functions with unit jumps. Then {X,} is a Poisson process. 0

The proof of Theorem T.1.2 will be based on the following basic coupling lemma.

Lemma. (Coupling Bound). Let X and Y be arbitrary random variables. Then forany (Borel) set B,

P(X e B) — P(Ye B)I -< P(X ^ Y).

Proof. First consider the case P(X e B) > P(Y e B). Then

0-<P(XeB)--P(XeB,YeB)=P(XeB,Y0B)-<P(X ^ Y).

The argument applies symmetrically to the other case. n

The coupling lemma can be used to get the following Poisson approximationswhich, while important in their own right, will be used in the proof of Theorem 1.1.2.

Lemma. (Poisson Approximations). Let Y1 , ... , Y" be independent Bernoulli0-1-valued random variables with p ; = P(Y• = 1), i = 1, ... , n. Then for any ). > 0and J^{0,1,2....},

(i) P(1 Y E J) — Fo„(J)H 1 p; ;

(ii) P^ ^ Y E J) — Fx(J) S ^ — P,^ + (max P,) P;,


FF(J) _ e-^ p" _ p..m E./ m• i =1

Proof. Let Q be an arbitrary (discrete) probability distribution on {0, 1, 2, ...} withp.m.f. q ; = Q( {i}), i = 0, 1, 2, ... . A simulation random variable having distributionQ based on the value of a random variable U uniformly distributed over (0, 1] (i.e.,

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a function of U) can be defined by

X = Q(U), (T.1.1)

where Q(x) e {O, 1, 2, ...} is uniquely defined for each 0 < x < I by the conditionthat (an empty sum being zero)

Qt:) -1 Q(x)q; . (T.1.2)

j=0 j=0

Clearly, X = Q(U) so constructed has distribution Q since

P(Q(U) =i) =P qj<U^ 9; =q;•

Now let U1 , U2,..., UU be i.i.d. uniform over (0, 1] and let G, - G F; = F,, bethe Bernoulli and Poisson distributions with parameter p ; , respectively, i = 1, ... , n.That is,

G,({1})=p ; = 1 —G; ({0}), F;({k})=p` e - P', k=0,1,2,....k!

Then, by the coupling lemma, letting p„ _ ^i= 1 p ; and letting indicate thecorresponding "simulation" function as defined above, we have

P(i Y €) — Fp.(J) P(Y Ö1 (U1 ) 6 1 F,(U,)) (T.1.3)

since the distribution of the sum of independent Poisson random variables withparameters p,,... , p„ is Poisson with parameter E" =1 p ; . Now from (T.1.3) we get


— FP (J) ^ P^ U {G,(U; )

P((U; ) F;(U1 )). (T.1.4)

Now, for fixed i, observe from Figure TC.IV.1 that

P(G;(U;) ^ F;(U,)) = (e-v1 — (I — p;)) + (1 — e-a'(1 + p;)) 5 p? (T.1.5)

.- {G; (U; ) = 0} -• 1 «-- {G ; (U; ) = I}

0 1 — pi e-n, (1 + p;)e-P' 1

I ' {‚(U,) = 0) I - {F; (U; ) = 1) - I f-- { F; (U,) > 1) --•

Figure TC.IV.1

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since 1 — e - °i -< p,. Thus, (T.1.4) and (T.1.5) prove (i). To derive the estimate (ii),let i > 0 be arbitrary and use the triangle inequality to write

PI `^t Y Ei) — FA(J)I 5 IP(^

1 Y Ei) — FP„(J) + IF,,(J) — Fz(J)I


< p? + IF(J) — FA(J)I

max pi pi + IFF.(J) — FA(J)I. (T.1.6)15i^n i =1

To complete the proof, we simply need to show

IF(J) — FA(J)I 1—

For this, first suppose p" = _, p ; > land let Z„ ZZ be independent Poisson randomvariables with parameters a and Y"_ , p i — A. Again use the coupling bound lemmato bound the last term in (T.1.6) by

P(Z1 ^ Z 1 + Zz) = P(Z2 ^ 0) = 1 — exp[ —

(iZ pi — i)] -< .l — pi. (T.1.7)t i =1

The symmetrical argument works for Y" =1 p ; < A also. n

Proof of Theorem T.1.2. It is enough to show that for each t > 0, X, has a Poissondistribution with EX, = At for some A > 0. Partition (0, t] into n intervals of the form(t i _,, t i], i = 1, ... , n having equal lengths A = t/n. Let A> = {X,, — X1 l} andSS _ Y"-_, IÄ"? (the number of time intervals with at least one jump occurrence). LetD denote the shortest distance between jumps in the path Xs, 0 < s -< t. ThenP(X, 0 S") -< P(0 < D < t/n) —+ 0 as n --, oo, since {X, 0 Sn } implies that there is atleast one interval containing two or more jumps.

Now, by the Poisson approximation lemma (ii), taking J = {m}, we have

P(S" = m) — — e -x' \ Inp" — Al + (npn)zwhere pn = pin) _ P(A^nl)

,m! n

i = 1, ... , n, and A > 0 is arbitrary. Thus, using the triangle inequality and thecoupling bound lemma,

P(XX = m)-- e - xS IP(X, =m )—P(Sn=m )I + P(Sn=m ) --- e -zlm! m!

P(X, 0 Sn) + Inpn — AI + npn

=o( 1 )+Inpn — Al+np^. (T.1.8)

The proof will be completed by determining A such that np" — Al —• 0, at least along

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a subsequence of {np"}. For then we also have np„ = np"P(A) — 0 as n —> oo. But,since P(X, = 0) = P(n"=, A;'°') = (1 — p")", it follows that P(X, = 0) > 0; forotherwise P(A;" ) ) = 1 for each i and therefore X, > n for all n, which is not possibleunder the assumed sample path regularity. Therefore np, _< —n log(1 — p") =—log P(X, = 0) for all n. Since {np"} is a bounded sequence of positive numbers,there is at least one limit point A > 0. This provides the desired A. •

The remarkable fact which we wish to record here (with a sketch of the proof andexamples) is that every (homogeneous) Levy process may be represented as sum of a(possibly degenerate) Brownian motion and a limit of independent superpositions ofcompound Poisson processes with varying jump sizes. Observe that if the sample pathsof {X,} are step function of a fixed jump size y 0 0, then {y 1 X1 } is a Poisson processby Theorem 1.1.2. The idea is that by removing (subtracting) the jumps of varioussizes from {XX} one arrives at an independent homogeneous Levy process withcontinuous sample paths. According to Theorem T.1.1, therefore, this is a Brownianmotion process. More precisely, let {X,} be a homogeneous Levy process and letS = [0, T) x !J' for fixed T> 0. Let a(S) be the Borel sigmafield of S, and letR + (S) = {A e g(S): p(A, [0, T) x {0}) > 0}, where p(A, B) = inf{Jx — yl: x e A, ye B}.The space—time jump set of {X,} is defined by

J=J(w)={(t,y)eS:y=X,(ow)—X,-(cw) 0,0<t < T},

for w e S2. Define a random counting measure v on a(S) by

v(A) = v(uw, A) = # A n J(w), WED,S2, A e l(S).

For fixed we S2, v is a measure on the sigmafield a(S), and for each A e P4(S), v(A)is a random variable (i.e., w --+ v(cw, A) is measurable). Moreover, for fixed A a P4(S),the process v(A n [0, t] x U8'), t _> 0, is a Poisson process. To prove this, take A anopen subset of S and show that the process is a Levy process with unit jump stepfunction sample paths and apply Theorem 1.1.2.

Define µ(A) = Ev(A) for A e .4 + (S). Then visa measure on P4(S); countableadditivity can be proved from countable additivity of v by Lebesgue's Monotoneconvergence theorem. Now observe that for each fixed B E .(OR' \ {0} ), the set functionµ(C) = v(C x B) is translation invariant on .4([0, T)). Therefore, v(C x B) is amultiple (dependent on B) of the Lebesgue measure ICJ of C, i.e., v(C x B) = K(B)ICI,where K(B) is the multiplying factor. Notice now that since p is a measure, K must alsobe a measure on .P(R' \ {0} ). Define

v,(B) = v([0, t] x B), B e P4(18' \ {0}).

Since there are at most a finite number of jumps in [0, t] of size 1/n or larger,{uv^> Ii "i yv,(dy) is well-defined. However, in general, its limit may not exist pathwise.By appropriate centering, a limit may be shown to exist in L 2 . Finally, one mayprove that this process built up from jumps is independent of the Brownian motioncomponent. In this way one obtains the following.

Theorem T.1.3. Let {X,} be a homogeneous Levy process. Then there is a standardBrownian motion {B,} independent of {v,(B): Be .4(IV \ {0}), 0 < t < T} such that

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X, = mt + /CT B 1 + f ' fYv1(dY) — 1 +ty z K(dY)}

in distribution, where me R', Q 2 -> 0, and for fixed Be .ß(U8' \{0}), v 1 (B) is a Poissonprocess in t.

Corollary. A probability distribution Q on I' is infinitely divisible if and only if thecharacteristic function Q() = f u eQ(dx), e W, can be represented as

Q() =exp{ imt — 2tz + t J [e`Y _ l_ +yvZJ K(dY) j

for some me I8', a 2 >, 0, where K is a nonnegative measure on I8'.

Example 1. K = 0. Then {X,} is Brownian motion with drift m and diffusioncoefficient a Z .

Example 2

r = lim y z K(dy)e10 IYI>s 1 + y

exists. Then,

X, = (m + r)t + 6 2 B, + 5 yv,(dy).

In this case

Ee'4x, =exp{it(m+r)^—t Z +t J [e'^Y - 1]K(dy)}.l -. JJJ

Example 3. Ifm+r= 0, a 2 = 0, then

X, = lim f(IYI>e)

yv,(dy) and Ee° = exp{lim t J (e'4Y — 1)K(dy)e10 (((sly (IYI>el )))

Example4. IfA=K(t')<oo,m+r=0,a 2 =0, then

X, = J Yv,(dy), Ee`4xl

, = exp{2.t J (e'SY — 1 ) 2-1 K(dY)}.

An important special class of (nondegenerate) homogeneous Levy processes {X1 } havethe following basic scaling property: For each A > 0, there is a positive constant c x > 0such that {cAX,u} and {X,} have the same distribution. These are the Levy stableprocesses. In view of the Levy—Khinchine formula we have the following theorem.

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Theorem T.1.4. If {X,} is a homogeneous Levy stable process, then

Ee'^x ' = e"t'° or e - "`^2 or exp{(—at + i jßlt)1 del

for some a>0,ßeW,0<0<2.Observe that in the first case X, = m, t >_ 0, is a.s. constant and c A = ‚.° = 1. In

the second case {X1} is Brownian motion with zero drift and c z = .1 -1 . In the thirdcase we have cz = A - `t e and examples are the Cauchy process (0 = 1) and thefirst-passage-time process for Brownian motion (0 = Z).

Thorough treatments of processes with independent increments may be found inK. Ito (1984), Lectures on Stochastic Processes, Tata Institute of FundamentalResearch, distributed by Springer-Verlag, New York, and in I. I. Gikhman andA. V. Skorokhod (1969), Introduction to the Theory of Random Processes,W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia. The coupling arguments follow T. C. Brown (1984),"Poisson Approximations and the Definition of the Poisson Process," Amer. Math.Monthly, 91, pp. 116-123.

3. (Fractional Brownian Motion and Self-Similarity) The scaling property (orself-similarity) of Levy processes was extended to more general processes (includingdiffusions) in a classic paper by John Lamperti (1962), "Semistable StochasticProcesses," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 104, pp. 62-78. Lamperti used the termsemistable to describe the class of processes {X,} with the property that for each 1 > 0there is a positive scale coefficient c z and a location parameter bz such that {c A XA, + bx }and {X} have the same distribution. The defining property is often referred to assimple scaling or self-similarity. Stochastic processes with this property are ofsubstantial current interest in many branches of mathematics and the physical sciences(see references below as well as references therein). One family of such processes ofsome notoriety is the class of fractional Brownian motions defined as follows. Let0 <ß < I be a fixed parameter and define, for each s, t >_ 0,

Pß(s, t) _ {IsI 2 + ItI ZQ — Is — tI 2R}/2. (T.1.9)

Then pß is a positive-definite symmetric function. To see this, one need only checkthat there is a family of square-integrable functions y ß(t, •) on the real-number linesuch that for each s and t, pp(s, t) may be represented as an L 2 inner product

<Yß(s, • ), Yp(t, • )), namely,

YQ(t , x) = It — xlQ - 't 2 sign(t — x) + IxIß - 't z sign(x). (T.1.10)

One may then check the positive-definiteness using the bilinearity of the inner product;see, for example, M. Ossiander and E. Waymire (1989), "On Certain Positive DefiniteKernels," Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 107, 487-492.

The fractional Brownian motion {Zr} with exponent ß may now be most simplydefined as a mean-zero Gaussian process starting at 0 such that Z S and Z, havecovariance given by pß(s, t). This class of processes was studied by Benoit Mandelbrotand others in connection with the Hurst effect problem of Section 1.14; seeB. Mandelbrot (1982), The Fractal Geometry of Nature, Freeman, San Francisco (andreferences therein) and J. Feder (1988), Fractals, Plenum Press, New York.

Additional reference: M. Taqqu (1986), "A Bibliographical Guide to Self-SimilarProcesses and Long Range Dependence," in Dependence in Statistics and Probability(E. Eberlein, M. Taqqu, eds.), Birkhäuser, Boston.

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Theoretical Complements to Section IV.5

(The Uperossing Inequality and (Sub) Martin gale Convergence) A fundamentalproperty of monotone sequences of real numbers is that boundedness of the sequenceimplies the existence of a limit. An analogous property of submartingales also holdsas will be developed below.

Consider a sequence {Z.} of real-valued random variables and sigmafields.F1 c .F2 c • • . , such that Z. is . -measurable. Let a < b be an arbitrary pair of realnumbers. An uperossing of the interval (a, b) by {Z„} is a passage to a value equalto or exceeding b from an earlier value equal to or below a. It is convenient to lookat the corresponding process {X:= (Z^ — a) + }, where (Z„ — a) + = max{(Z„ — a), 0}.The uperossings of (a, b) by {Z„} are the uperossings of (0, b — a) by {X„}. The succes-sive uperossing times >a 2k (k = 1, 2, ...) of {X} are defined by q l := inf{n _> I: X„ = 0},11 2 := inf{n >_ q: X„ _> b — a}, ?1 2k+1 := inf{n q2k: Xn = 0 } , rl2k+2'= inf{n 3 12k+1:X„ > b — a}. Then the rlk are {5„}-stopping times. Fix a positive integer N and defineT k `= rlk A N = min{ry k , N},•k = 1, 2..... Then the z k are stopping times. Also, T k - Nfor k > [N/2] (the integer part of N/2) so that X XN for k > [N/2].

Let UN - UN (a, b) denote the number of uperossings of (a, b) of {Zn } by time N.

That is,UN(a, b) := sup{k > 1: q 2k _< N} , (T.5.1)

with the convention that the supremum over an empty set is 0. Thus UN is also thenumber of uperossings of (0, b — a) by {X} in time N.

Since X XN fork > [N/2], one may write (setting t 0 = 1)

IN121 [N/'2 1

XN — X1 = Y- (XT2k-1 — XT2k-2 ) + L^ (XT2k — Xr2k - 1 )• (T.5.2)k=1 k=1

To relate (T.5.2) to the number UN , let v denote the largest k such that ryk _< N, i.e.,v is the last time _< N for an uperossing or a downcrossing. Notice that UN = [v/2].Ifvis even, then XT2k — XT2k-, >b — a if 2k<v , and =XN —XN =0if2k>v.Nowsuppose v is odd. Then XT2k — XT2k _ 1 >_ b — a if 2k — I < v, and = 0 if 2k — I > v, and

= XT2k — 0 _> 0 if 2k — I = v. Hence in every case


(Xr2k — XT2k - 1 ) >- [v/2](b — a) = UN(b — a). (T.5.3)k= 1

As a consequence,[N/21

XN — X1 >- Y- (XT2k - 1 — XT2k - 2 ) + (b — a)UN . (T.5.4)k=1

Observe that (T.5.4) is true for an arbitrary sequence of random variables (or realnumbers) {Z}. Assume now that {Z„} is a {.f„}-submartingale. Then {X„} is a{.F„}-submartingale by convexity. One may show, using the method of proof ofTheorem 13.3 of Chapter I, that {X Tk : k >_ l} is a submartingale. Hence EXincreasing in k, so that

E[ [N121 Y- (XT2k-I — XT2k-2 )] _> 0 .k=1

Applying this to (T.5.2) one obtains the following.

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Proposition T.5.1. (Uperossing Inequality). Let {Z„} be a {S}-submartingale. Foreach pair a <b the expected number of uperossings of (a, b) by Z,, ... , ZN satisfiesthe inequality

EUN(a, b) E(ZN — a) + — E(Z, — a) + EIZNI + Ial (T.5.5)

b—a b—a

As an important consequence of this result we get the following theorem.

Theorem T.5.2. (Submartingale Convergence Theorem). Let {Z„} be a submartingalesuch that EIZ„I is bounded. Then {Z„} converges a.s. to an integrable randomvariable Z. ❑

Proof. Let U(a, b) denote the total number of uperossings of (a, b) by {Zn }. ThenUN (a, b) j U(a, b) as N I oo. Therefore, by the Monotone Convergence Theorem(Chapter 0)

EIZNI + lalEU(a, b) = lim EUN (a, b) _< sup < co . (T.5.6)

N1 N b — a

In particular, U(a, b) < cc almost surely, so that

P(liminf Zn <a < b < limsup Zn ) = 0. (T.5.7)

Since this holds for every pair a, b = a + 1/m with a rational and m a positive integer,and the set of all such pairs is countable, one must have liminf Z. = limsup Z. almostsurely. If lim Z. is not finite with probability 1, IZ,I —* oo with positive probabilityso that E limlZ„I = co. Then, by Fatou's Lemma (Chapter 0), lim EIZ„I = 00, whichcontradicts the hypothesis of the theorem. The integrability of IZJ follows fromFatou's Lemma. n

Corollary. A nonnegative martingale {Z„} converges almost surely to a finite limitZ. Also, EZ, < EZ,.

Proof. For a nonnegative martingale {Zn }, IZn l = Z. and therefore, sup EIZ„I =sup EZ„ = EZ, < oo. By Fatou's Lemma (Chapter 0), EZ^ = E(lim Z„) S lim EZ, =EZ,. n

Convergence properties of supermartingales {X„} are obtained from thesubmartingale results applied to { — X.J.

2. (Martingales and Sample Path Regularity) The control over fluctuations availablethrough Doob's Inequality (Section 1.13) and the Uperossing Inequality (theoreticalcomplement 1) for (sub/super) martingales make it possible to find versions of suchprocesses with very regular sample path behavior. In this connection the martingaleproperty is of fundamental importance for the construction of models of stochasticprocesses having manageable sample path properties (cf. theoretical complements 1.1and 5.3). The basic result is the following. Recall the meaning of continuity inprobability from theoretical complement 1.2.

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Theorem T.5.3. Let {X} be a submartingale or supermartingale with respect to anincreasing family of sigmafields {.}. Suppose that {X,} is continuous in probabilityat each t _> 0. Then there is a process {X,} such that:

(i) (Stochastic Equivalence) {X,} is equivalent to {X} in the sense thatP(X, = = l for each t _> 0.

(ii) (Sample Path Regularity) With probability I the sample paths of {Xt} arebounded on compact intervals a _< t < b, (a, b >_ 0), and are right-continuous andhave left-hand limits at each t > 0. ❑

Proof: Fix T> 0 and let Q T denote the set of rational numbers in [0, T]. WriteQ T = U ^ , R", where each R. is a finite subset of [0, T] and T a R, c R 2 c • • • . ByDoob's Maximal Inequality (Section 1.13) we have

P( max (X,I > AlEIS rl n= 1,2 ... .

tE R, j


P( suP JX,I > n^ lim P(max JX t j > A) <_ EIX7 TItEQT "-•IX: (.Rn


In particular, the paths of {X,: t a Q T } are bounded with probability 1. Let (c, d) beany interval in R and let U (T)(c, d) denote the number of uperossings of (c, d) by theprocess {X,: t e Q T }. Then U (T) (c, d) is the limit of the number U (" ) (c, d) of uperossingsof (c, d) by { X,: t E R"} as n -* co. By the uperossing inequality (theoretical complement1), one has

EIXTI + j cjEU 1" ) (c, d)


Since, the Ul" ) (c, d) are nondecreasing with n, it follows that U (T) (c, d) is a.s. finite.Taking unions over all (c, d), with c, d rational, it follows that with probability one{X,: t a Q 7_} has only finitely many uperossings of any interval. In particular, therefore,left- and right-hand limits must exist at each t < T a.s. To construct a right-continuousversion of {X,}, define X, = lim5.., ;.SEQT X, fort < T. That {X,} is in fact stochasticallyequivalent to {X1 } now follows from continuity in probability; i.e., X, = lims-,. X, = X,since a.s. limits and limits in probability must a.s. coincide. Since T is arbitrary, theproof is complete. n

3. (Markov Processes and Sample Path Regularity) The martingale regularity theoremof theoretical complement 2 can be applied to the problem of constructing Markovprocesses with regular sample path properties.

Theorem T.5.4. Let {X,: t _> 0} be a Markov process with a compact metric statespace S and transition probability function

p(t;X,B)=P(Xt+s eBIXs =x), xES, s,t->0, BE.^(S),

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such that

(i) (Uniform Stochastic Continuity) For each e 0, p(t; x, BE(x)) = o(1) as t -* 0 +

uniformly for x e S, where BE(x) is the ball centered at x of radius e > 0.(ii) (Feller Property) For each (bounded) continuous function f, the function

x -+ f s f(y)p(t; x, dy) = Ex f (Xr) is continuous. Then there is a version {X,} of{X,} a.s. having right continuous sample paths with left-hand limits at each t.


Proof. It is enough to prove that {X,} a.s. has left- and right-hand limits at each t,for then {X,} can be modified as X, = lims .,+ XS which by stochastic continuity willprovide a version of {X,}. It is not hard to check stochastic continuity from (i) and(ii). Let f E C(S) be an arbitrary continuous function on S. Consider the semigroup{ T} acting on C(S) by T, f (x) = Ex f (X,), x e S, t _> 0. For A > 0, write

R x f (x) = f.' e - 'Tf (x) ds, X E S;

R x (A > 0) is called the resolvent (Laplace transform) of the semigroup {T}. A basicproperty of the resolvent is that AR, behaves like the identity operator on C(S) forA large in the sense that

Ml— 1Rf II := sup 11(x) — ARJ.f(x)I = sup IJe '2 (f(x) — T.f(x)) ds0 lxeS xes

f ^ e -»2IIf — Tf II ds = f e - `Ilf — Tx-lTII dt. (T.5.8)o 0

For each z > 0, by the properties (i) and (ii), Ill - Tx- lTII - 0 as A - oo, and theintegrand is bounded by 2e - TII f II since II 7;f II _< Ill II for any t >_ 0. By Lebesgue'sDominated Convergence Theorem (Chapter 0) it follows that III f - 2R x f II - 0 asA -+ oo; i.e., ARJf - f uniformly on S as d --> oo. With this property of the resolventin mind, consider the process { Y} defined by

1', = e -,"Rj(X,), t >, 0, (T.5.9)

where f e C(S) is fixed but arbitrary nonnegative function on S. Then {Y,} is asupermartingale with respect to ^, = a{X,: s 5 t}, t > 0, since EI YI < 00, Y, is.-measurable, one has T f (x) >, 0 (x e S. t >_ 0), and

E{Y 1.^}:=e - zn +e>E{R f(X )^.3z}=e-xetF ThR ,t f


rt+h r ^ r+h r h

= e -at f mJ 0

e-.0 f



e -xis+ntT,+hf(X$) ds = e.- zr e -,"T.f(X,) ds


e'Tf(X,)ds=Y. (T.5.10)

Applying the martingale regularity result of Theorem T.5.3, we obtain a version { Y}of { Y} whose sample paths are a.s. right continuous with left-hand limits at each t.

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Thus, the same is true for {)e^'Y} _ {AR xf(X,)}. Since J.R Af -+ f uniformly as ;. -+ x,

the process { f(X,)} must, therefore, a.s. have left and right-hand limits at each t. Thesame will be true for any f E C(S) since one can write f = f ' - f - with f + andf - continuous nonnegative functions on S. So we have that for each f e C(S), { f (X,)}

is a process whose left- and right-hand limits exist at each t (with probability 1). Asremarked at the outset, it will be enough to argue that this means that the process{X,} will a.s. have left- and right-hand limits. This is where compactness of S entersthe argument. Since S is a compact metric space, it has a countable dense subset{x„}. The functions f„: S --• 68' defined by f(x) = p(x, x), XE S, are continuous forthe metric p, and separate points of S in the sense that if x y, then for some n,f(X) ^ f,(y). In view of the above, for each n, { f,(X,)} is a process whose left- andright-hand limits exist at each t with probability 1. Thus, the countable union ofevents of probability 0 having probability 0, it follows that, with probability 1, forall n the left- and right-hand limits exist at each t for { f„(X,)}. But this means thatwith probability one the left- and right-hand limits exist at each t for {X} since thefn 's separate points; i.e., if either limit, say left, fails to exist at some t', then, bycompactness of S, the sample path t -+ X, must have at least two distinct limit pointsas t --> t' - , contradicting the corresponding property for all the processes { f„(X,)},n=1,2,.... n

In the case that S is locally compact, one may adjoin a point at infinity, denotedA( S), to S. The topology of the one point compactification on S = S v {A} definesa neighborhood system for A by complements of compact subsets of S. Let . !(S) bethe sigmafield generated by {, {A}}. The transition probability function p(t; x, B),(t >, 0, XE S. Be s(S)) is extended to p"(t; x, B) (t >, 0, XE S. B e 4(S)) by making Aan absorbing state; i.e., p(t; A, B) = I if and only if Ac B, Be 4, otherwisep(t; A, B) = 0. If the conditions of Theorem T.5.4 are fulfilled for p, then one obtainsa regular process {X,} with state space S. Defining

ro =inf{t>0;X,=A},

the basic Theorem T.5.4 provides a process {X,: t < ro} with state space S whosesample paths are right continuous with left-hand limits at each t < r e . A detailedtreatment of this case can be found in K. L. Chung (1982), Lectures from MarkovProcesses to Brownian Motion, Springer-Verlag, New York.

While the one-point compactification is natural on analytic grounds, it is notalways probabilistically natural, since in general a given process may escape the statespace in a variety of manners. For example, in the case of birth-death processes withstate space S = Z one may want to consider escapes through the positive integers asdistinct from escapes through the negative integers. These matters are beyond thepresent scope.

4. (Tauberian Theorem) According to (5.44), in the case r >- 2 the generating functionh(v) can be expressed in the form

h(v) - (1 - v) K((1 - v) - ') as v -* 1 - , (T.5.12)

where p >- 0 and K(x) is a slowly varying function as x -+ oo; that is, K(tx)/K(t) --* 1as t -• oo for each x > 0. Examples of slowly varying functions at infinity are constants,various powers of Ilog xl, and the coefficient appearing in (5.44) as a function ofx = (1 - v) - '. In the case r = 1, the generating function vh'(v) for {nh„} is also of

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this form asymptotically with p = 1. Likewise, in the case of (5.37) one can differentiateto get that the generating function of {(n + I)P(ML = n + 1)} is asymptotically of theform Z(1 — v) - '' 2 as v -• 1.

Let d(v) be the generating function for a sequence {a„} of nonnegative real numbersand suppose


ä(v) = I ak vk , (T.5.13)k=0

converges for 0 < v < 1. The Tauberian theorem provides the asymptotic growth ofthe sums as


Y ak — (1/pl'(p))nP as n -+ co, (T.5.14)k=0

from that of ä(v) of the form

ä(v) — (1 — v) - oK((l — v) - ') as v -. 1 - (T.5.15)

as in (T.5.12). Under additional regularity (e.g., monotonicity) of the terms {a„} it isoften possible to deduce the asymptotic behavior of the terms (i.e., differenced sums)from this as

a. — (1/I'(p))n° - ' as n -• oo. (T.5.16)

An especially simple proof can be found in W. Feller (1971), An Introduction toProbability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. II, Wiley, New York, pp. 442-447.

Using the Tauberian theorem one can compute the asymptotic form of the rthmoments (r > 1) of An - ' 12 L given ML = n as n -. oo. In fact, one obtains that for r > 1,

E{»n - 'I2L I ML = n} — (2/)'p* + (r) as n - oo, (T.5.17)

where y* + (r) is the rth moment of the maximum of the Brownian excursion processgiven in Exercise 12.8(iii) of Chapter I. Moreover, in view of the last equation in thehint following that exercise, one can check that the moments µ*+(r) uniquelydetermine the distribution function by checking that the moment-generating functionwith these coefficients has an infinite radius of convergence. From this one obtainsconvergence in distribution to that of the maximum of a (appropriately scaled)Brownian excursion. This result, which was motivated by considerations of the mainchannel length as an extreme value of a river network, can be found in V. K. Gupta,O. Mesa and E. Waymire (1990), "Tree Dependent Extreme Values: The ExponentialCase,” J. Appl. Probability, in press. A more comprehensive treatment of this problemis given by R. Durrett, H. Kesten and E. Waymire (1989), "Random Heights ofWeighted Trees," MSI Report, Cornell University, Ithaca. Problems of this type alsooccur in the analysis of tree search algorithms in computer science (see P. Flajoletand A. M. Odlyzko (1982), "The Average Height of Binary Trees and Other SimpleTrees," J. Comput. System Sci., 25, pp. 171-213).

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Theoretical Complements to Section IV.1I

1. A (noncanonical) probability space for the voter model is furnished by the graphicalpercolation construction. This approach was created by T. E. Harris (1978), "AdditiveSet-Valued Markov Processes and Percolation Methods," Ann. Probab., 6, pp.355-378. To construct Q, first, for each m e Z', n belonging to the boundaryset 0(m) of nearest neighbors to m, let f2 m , n denote the collection of right-continuousnondecreasing unit jump stepfunctions cnm.n (t), t >, 0, such that Wm(t) --* co as t -+ x.By the term "step function," it is implied that there are at most finitely many jumpsin any bounded interval (nonexplosive). Let Pm ,, be the (canonical) Poissonprobability distribution on (S2m.n• m.n) with intensity 1, where Sm.n is the sigmafieldgenerated by events of the form {w E Qm : co(t) s k}, t > 0, k = 0, 1,2,.... Define(1 ',Y', P') as the product probability space S2' = 11 ' = H ' 11 m.n,where the products fj are over m E 1d, n e 3(m). To get 52, remove from Q' any

= ((Wm,n(t): t % 0): m E Z', n E 3(m)) such that two or more wm , n(t) have a jumpat the same time t. Then f(= S2 n #') and P are obtained by the correspondingrestriction to S2 (and measure-theoretical completion). The percolation flow structurecan now be defined on (S2, , P) as in the text, but sample pointwise for each

w = ((wm.n(t): t 0): m E 1 d , ne 3(n)) e 0. For a given initial configuration 1I E S letD = D(q) :_ {m E 7L° : 'im = -1 }. A sample path of the process started at '1. denoteda D(" ) (t, w) _ (a^°" ) (t, co): n E 71"), t > 0, co e S2, is given in terms of the percolation flowon w by

I if the flow on as reaches (n, t) from some (m, 0), m E D,

1 +1 otherwise. (T.11.1)

The Markov property follows from the following basic property of the construction:

D( ) D^Q UI9I^S.CU %iQ ^ (t + s, w) = (t, Us w), (T.11.2)

where, for co E 0 as above, U,: S2 --+ Q, is given by

U,(co) = ((Wm , n (t + s): t >- 0): me 7L ° , ne 3(n)). (T.11.3)

The Markov property follows from (T.11.2) as a consequence of the invariance of Punder the map U,: S2 -• 0 for each s; this is easily checked for the Poisson distributionwith constant intensity and, because of independence, it is enough.

2. The distribution of the process {a(t)} started at it E S = { - 1, 1}'" is the inducedprobability measure P" on (S, .) defined by

P(B) = P({6D(1) (t)} E B), Be.. (T.11.4)

A metric for S, which gives it the so-called product space topology, is defined by

kJ. —= -- 21ni _._...



where uni _ I(n l , ... , nd )I := max(1n 1 1, ... , Indl). Note that this metric is possible largelybecause of the denumerability of 7L° . In any case, this makes the fact that, (i) ' is

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the Bore! sigmafield and (ii) S is compact, rather straightforward exercises for thismetric (topology). Compactness is in fact true for arbitrary products of compactspaces under the product topology, but this is a much deeper result (called TychonoffsTheorem).

To prove the Feller property, it is sufficient to consider continuity of the mappingsof the form a —' PQ (v„(t) = —1, ne F) at tt e S, for, fixed t >0 and finite sets F c V.Inclusion—exclusion principles can then be used to get the continuity of a -+ P0 (B)for all finite-dimensional sets B e F. The rest will follow from compactness (tightness).

For simplicity, first consider the map a —* PP (a (t) _ —1), for F = {n}. Openneighborhoods of t) e S are provided by sets of the form,

RA(1l) = {a e S: Qm = hm for all me A}, (T.11.6)

where A is a finite subset of 7L", say

A={m=(m i ,...,md)e7L° :Im ;j<r}, r>0. (T.11.7)

Now, in view of the simple percolation structure for the voter model, regardless ofthe initial configuration il, one has

Qn^^ )(t) = Qm(n,t)(0) a.s., (T.11.8)

where m(n, t) is some (random) site, which does not depend on the initial configuration,obtained by following backwards through the percolation diagram down and againstthe direction of arrows. Thus, if {r k } is a sequence of configurations in fl that convergesto il in the metric p as k — oo, then o (t) —• vä,,,,, t)(t) a.s. as k —+ oo. Thus, byLebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem (Chapter 0), one has

1 — 2Pnk (Qfl(t) _ —1) = Ea 11k.")(t) = 1 — 2Pn (Qn(t) _ —1).

Thus, P,), (a„(t) = —1) —+ Pq (v„(t) = —1) as k —• co.

3. A real-valued function cp(m), m e ZL", such that for each m e Z",

I /

2d ^ EYm)

4 (n) = q (m), (T.11.9)

where 0(m) denotes the set of nearest neighbors of m, is said to be harmonic (withrespect to the discrete Laplacian on 7Ld). Note that (T.11.9) may be expressed as

(p(ZO ) = Em cp(Z,) = Em rp(Zk ), k>_ 1, (T.11.10)

where {Zk } is the simple symmetric random walk starting at Z o = m.

Theorem T.11.1. (Boundedness Principle). Let (p be a real-valued bounded harmonicfunction on 7L° . Then cp is a constant function. ❑

Proof. Suppose that {(Zk, ZZ)} is a coupling of two copies of {Zk }; i.e., a Markovchain on S x S such that the marginal processes {Zk} and {Z'} are each Markov

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chains on S with the same transition law as {Z}. Then, if r = inf{k >, 1: Zk = Zk} < o0

a.s. one may define Z; = Zk for all k > -r without disrupting the property that theprocess {(Z;, Zk)} is a coupling of {Zk }. With this as the case, by the boundednessof cp and (T.11.10), one obtains

Ig(n) — 9(m)I = IEnp(Zk) — Emco(Zk)I = I E(n.m){q (Zk) — p(Zk) }I

E(n,m)Iq(Zk) — w(Zk)I , 2BP(n.m)(Zk 0 Zk)

= 2BP(n.ml(z > k), (T.l 1.11)

where B = sup.J(p(x)I. Letting k —+ oc it would then follow that q(n) = p(m). Thesuccess of this approach rests on the construction of a coupling {(Z, Zk)} with r < 00

a.s.; such a coupling is called a successful coupling.

The independent coupling is the simplest to try. To see how it works, take d = 1and let {Z} and {Z} be independent simple symmetric random walks on Z startingat n, m, n — m even. Then {(Zk, Zk)} is a successful coupling since {Zk — Zk} is easilychecked to be a recurrent random walk using the results of Chapters II and IV ortheoretical complement to Section 3 of Chapter 1. This would also work for d = 2,

but it fails for d _> 3 owing to transience. In any case, here is another coupling thatis easily checked to be successful for any d. Let {(Z, Zk)} be the Markov chain on7L° x Zd starting at (n, m) and having the stationary one-step transition probabilitiesfurnished by the following rules of motion. At each time, first select a (common)coordinate axis at random (each having probability 1 /d). From (n, m) such that thecoordinates of n, m differ along the selected axis, independently select ± directions(each having probability i) along the selected axis for displacements of the componentsn, m. If, on the other hand, the coordinates of n, m agree along the selected axis, thenrandomly select a common ± direction along the axis for displacement of bothcomponents n, m. Then the process {(Zk, Zk)} with this transition law is a coupling.That it is successful for all (n, m), whose coordinates all have the same parity, followsfrom the recurrence of the simple symmetric random walk on 1 1 , since it guaranteeswith probability 1 that each of the d coordinates will eventually line up. Thus, oneobtains cp(n) = cp(m) for all n, m whose coordinates are each of the same parity. Thisis enough by (T.11.9) and the maximum principle for harmonic functions describedbelow. •

The following two results provide fundamental properties of harmonic functionsgiven on a suitable domain D. Their proofs are obtained by iterating the averagingproperty out to the boundary, just as in the one-dimensional case of Exercise 3.16,Chapter 1. First some preliminaries about the domain. We require that D = D° u 33D,

where D° , CD are finite, disjoint subsets of Zd such that

(i) 3(n) c D for each n e D ° , where 3(n) denotes the set of nearest neighbors of n;(ii) ä(m) n D° 0 Q for each me OD;(iii) for each n, me D there is a path of respective nearest neighbors n„ n 2 , ... , nk

in D° such that n, e 0(n), nk e 0(m).

Theorem T:11.2. (Maximum Principle). A real-valued function cp on a domain D, as

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defined above, that is harmonic on D ° , i.e.,

p(m) _ — m (P(n), m e D ° ,2d neB(ml

takes its maximum and minimum values on D. ❑

In particular, it follows from the maximum principle that if cp also takes an extremevalue on D° , then it must be constant on D° . This can be used to complete the proofof Theorem T. 11.1 by suitably constructing a domain D with any of the 2 d coordinateparities on D ° and öD desired.

Theorem T.11.3. (Uniqueness Principle). If cp, and Q 2 are harmonic functions on D,as defined in Theorem T.11.2, and if q, 1 = cp 2 on OD, then gyp, = c0 2 on D. ❑

Proof. To prove the uniqueness principle, simply note that q - 42 is harmonic withzero boundary values and hence, by the Maximum Principle, zero extreme values.


The coupling described in Theorem T.11.1 can be found in T. Liggett (1985),Interacting Particle Systems, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 67-69, together withanother coupling to prove the boundedness principle (Choquet-Deny theorem) forthe more general case of an irreducible random walk on V.

4. Additional references: The voter model was first considered in the papers by P. Cliffordand A. Sudbury (1973), "A Model for Spatial Conflict," Biometrika, 60, pp. 581-588,and independently by R. Holley and T. M. Liggett (1975), "Ergodic Theoremsfor Weakly Interacting Infinite Systems and the Voter Model," Ann. Probab., 3,pp. 643-663. The approach in section 11 essentially follows F. Spitzer (1981), "InfiniteSystems with Locally Interacting Components," Ann. Probab., 9, 349-364. Theso-called biased voter (tumor-growth) model originated in T. Williams and R. Bjerknes(1972), "Stochastic Model for Abnormal Clone Spread Through Epithelial BasalLayer," Nature, 236, pp. 19-21.

Much of the modern interest in the mathematical theory of infinite systems ofinteracting components from the point of view of continuous-time Markov evolutionswas inspired by the fundamental papers of Frank Spitzer (1970), "Interaction ofMarkov Processes," Advances in Math., 5, pp. 246-290, and by R. L. Dobrushin(1971), "Markov Processes With a Large Number of Locally InteractingComponents," Problems Inform. Transmission, 7, pp. 149-164, 235-241. Since thenseveral books and monographs have been written on the subject, the mostcomprehensive being that of T. Liggett (1985), loc. cit. Other modern books andmonographs on the subject are those of F. Spitzer (1971), Random Fields andInteracting Particle Systems, MAA, Summer Seminar Notes; D. Griffeath (1979),Additive and Cancellative Interacting Particle Systems, Lecture Notes in Math.,No. 724, Springer-Verlag, New York; R. Kindermann and J. L. Snell (1980), MarkovRandom Fields and Their Applications, Contemporary Mathematics Series, Vol. 1,AMS, Providence, RI; R. Durrett (1988), Lecture Notes on Particle Systems andPercolation, Wadsworth, Brooks/Cole, San Francisco.

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Brownian Motion and Diffusions


One-dimensional unrestricted diffusions are Markov processes in continuous timewith state space S = (a, b), — oo < a <b < oo, having continuous sample paths.The simplest example is Brownian motion {Y1 } with drift coefficient u anddiffusion coefficient a2 :> 0 introduced in Chapter I as a limit of simple randomwalks. In this case, S = (—cc, cc). The transition probability distributionp(t; x, dy) of Ys+ , given Ys = x has a density given by

1 Ip(i; x, y) _ e -2Q cv- x -gt)2. (1.1)

(2tto 2 t) i / 2

Because { Y} has independent increments, the Markov property follows directly.Notice that (1.1) does not depend on s; i.e., {Y} is a time-homogeneous Markovprocess. As before, by a Markov process we mean one having atime-homogeneous tranition law unless stated otherwise.

One may imagine a Markov process {X,} that has continuous sample pathsbut that is not a proc,ss with independent increments. Suppose that, givenXs = x, for (infnitesimJl) small times t, the displacement Xs +, — Xs = Xs+, — xhas mean and variance approximately tp(x) and ta 2 (x), respectively. Here p(x)and a 2 (x) are function;; of the state of x, and not constants as in the case of{Y1 }. The distinction between { Y} and {X,} is analogous to that between asimple random walk and a birth-death chain. More precisely, suppose

E;X3 + , — Xs X., = x) = tp(x) + o(t),

E((X XX+, — XS) 2 I X = x) = ta 2 (x) + o(t), (1.2)

E(I);s +1— Xsl' I XS = x) = o(t),

hold, as t j 0, for every x e S. 367

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Note that (1.2) holds for Brownian motions (Exercise 1). A more generalformulation of the existence of infinitesimal mean and variance parameters,which does not require the existence of finite moments, is the following. Forevery c > 0 assume that

E((X5+, — XS) 1 {Ixa.,-xsl_<E} j XS = x) = tµ(x) + o(t),

E((X.+: — )S)21IIX.,,-xslsE} X = x) = ta2 (x) + o(t), (1.2),


hold as t j 0.It is a simple exercise to show that (1.2) implies (1.2)' (Exercise 2). However,

there are many Markov processes with continuous sample paths for which (1.2)'hold, but not (1.2).

Example 1. (One-to-One Functions of Brownian Motion). Let {B 1} be astandard one-dimensional Brownian motion and cp a twice continuouslydifferentiable strictly increasing function of (—cc, oo) onto (a, b). Then{Xj :_ {cp(B,)} is a time-homogeneous Markov process with continuous samplepaths. Take p(x) = e' 3 . Now check that EIX^I = cc for all t > 0, so that (1.2)does not hold. On the other hand, (1.2)' does hold (as explained more generallyin Section 3).

Definition 1.1. A Markov process {X} on the state space S = (a, b) is said tobe a diffusion with drift coefficient µ(x) and diffusion coefficient v2 (x) > 0, if

(i) it has continuous sample paths, and(ii) relations (1.2)' hold for all x.

If the transition probability distribution p(t; x, dy) has a density p(t; x, y),

then, for (Borel) subsets B of S,

p(t; x, B) = J p(t; x, y) dy. (1.3)e

It is known that a strictly positive and continuous density exists under theCondition (1.1) below, in the case S = (— co, oo) (see theoretical complement1). Since any open interval (a, b) can be transformed into (— oo, oo) by a strictlyincreasing smooth map, Condition (1.1) may be applied to S = (a, b) aftertransformation (see Section 3).

Below, a(x) denotes either the positive square root of a 2 (x) for all x or thenegative square root for all x.

Condition (1.1). The functions µ(x), a(x) are continuously differentiable, withbounded derivatives on S = (— oo, oo). Also, a” exists and is continuous, and

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a 2 (x) > 0 for all x. If S = (a, b), then assume the above conditions for therelabeled process under some smooth and strictly increasing transformationonto (— oo, co ).

Although the results presented in this chapter are true under (1.2)', in orderto make the calculations less technical we will assume (1.2). It turns out thatCondition (1.1) guarantees (1.2). From the Markov property the joint densityof X,,, X, 2 , ... , X, for 0 < t l < t 2 < . • • < t„ is given by the product

p(tl;x,Yi)p(t2 — t1;Yi,Y2)"'p(tn — tn-1;Y,ß-1,Yn)• Therefore, for an initialdistribution n,


.. p(tl;x,Y) ... p(t„ — t^-1;Yn-1,Yn)dy ...dy e n(dx). (1.4)fs e, JB,,As usual P,, denotes the distribution of the process {X} for the initial distributionrt. In the case it = S.. we write PX in place of P6 . Likewise, E• EX are thecorresponding expectations.

Example 2. (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process). Let V, denote the random velocityof a large solute molecule immersed in a liquid at rest. For simplicity, let Vdenote the vertical component of the velocity. The solute molecule is subjectto two forces: gravity and friction. It turns out that the gravitational force isnegligible compared to the frictional force exerted on the solute molecule bythe liquid. The frictional force is directed oppositely to the direction of motionand is proportional to the velocity in magnitude. In the absence of statisticalfluctuations, one would therefore have m(dV,/dt) = —ßV„ where m is the massof the solute molecule and ß is the constant of proportionality known as thecoefficient of friction. However, this frictional force —ßV may be thought ofas the mean of a large number of random molecular collisions. Assuming thatthe central limit theorem applies to the superposition of displacements due toa large number of such collisions, the change in momentum m dV over a timeinterval (t, t + dt) is approximately Gaussian, provided dt is such that the meannumber of collisions during (t, t + dt) is large. The mean and variance of thisGaussian distribution are both proportional to the number of collisions, i.e.,to dt. Therefore, one may take the (local) mean of V to be —(ß/m) V, dt andthe (local) variance to be a 2 dt.

E(V +d, — V I V = V) = — (ß/m)V dt + o(dt),(1.5)

E((V +d, — V) 2 V = V) = a 2 dt + o(dt).

Therefore, a reasonable model for the velocity process is a diffusion with drift(—ß/m)V and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0, called the Ornstein-Uhlenbeckprocess.

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An important problem is to determine the transition probabilities fordiffusions having given drift and diffusion coefficients. Various approaches tothis problem will be developed in this chapter, but in the meantime for theOrnstein-Uhlenbeck process we can check that the transition function given by

p(t; x, y) = [nw 2ß -1 m(1 — exp{-2ßm"'t})] - 'I 2 exp — ßm 1(y — x _ßm^ 't)2a2 (1 —e )

(t > 0, — oo < x, y < oo), (1.6)

furnishes the solution. In other words, given V = x, L' Gaussian with meanxe -ß'" ` and variance ZQ 2 (1 — e_ 2ß'°``)ß -1m. From this one may check (1.5)directly.

Example 3. (A Nonhomogeneous Diffusion). Suppose {X} is a diffusion withdrift µ(x) and diffusion coefficient a 2 (x). Let f be a continuous function on[0, co). Define

Z, =X,+ fof(u)du, t30. (1.7)

Then, since f is a deterministic function, the process {Z 1 } inherits the Markovproperty from {XX}. Moreover, {Z} has continuous sample paths. Now,

E{Z5+ ,—Z3 1Z(

,=z}=E{Xs+,—XXIX„=z— £ f(u)du}+ f "+ t f (u) duo s

=µ^z— J f(u)du)t+f(s)t+o(t). (1.8)0


E{(Z+t—ZS) 2 lZ3=z}=Ej(Xs+1—X.,) 2 X.,=z— Jf (u)du}l o



duf(u) ) +o(t)


= a 2 (z — J S f(u) du)t + o(t). (1.9)0


E{IZs+, — Zs 1 3 Z., = z} = o(t). (1.10)

In this case {Z} is referred to as a diffusion with (nonhomogeneous) drift and

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diffusion coefficients, respectively, given by

µ(s, z) =p\z — J du) + f(s),


v 2 (s, z) = a 2 (z —

Js f (u) du I .\ o

Note that if {X,} is a Brownian motion with drift µ and diffusion coefficienta 2 , and if f (t) := v is constant, then {Z,} is Brownian motion with drift µ + vand diffusion coefficient o 2 .

A rigorous construction of unrestricted diffusions by the method of stochasticdifferential equations is given in Chapter VII. An alternative method, similarto that of Chapter IV, Sections 3 and 4, is to solve Kolmogorov's backwardor forward equations for the transition probability density. The latter is thenused to construct probability measures P,, Px on the space of all continuousfunctions on [0, oo). The Kolmogorov equations, derived in the next section,may be solved by the methods of partial differential equations (PDE) (seetheoretical complement 1). Although the general PDE solution is not derivedin this book, the method is illustrated by two examples in Section 5. A thirdmethod of construction of diffusions is based on approximation by birth—deathchains. This method is outlined in Section 4.

Diffusions with boundary conditions are constructed from unrestricted onesin Sections 6 and 7 by a probabilistic method. The PDE method, based oneigenfunction expansions, is described and illustrated in Section 8.

The aim of the present chapter is to provide a systematic development ofsome of the most important aspects of diffusions. Computational expressionsand examples are emphasized. The development proceeds in a manner analogousto that pursued in previous chapters, and, as before, there is a focus on large-timebehavior.


In Section 2 of Chapter IV, Kolmogorov's equations were derived forcontinuous-parameter Markov chains. The backward equations for diffusionsare derived in Subsection 2.1 below, together with an important connectionbetween Markov processes and martingales. The forward, or Fokker—Planck,equation is obtained in Subsection 2.2. Although the latter plays a less importantmathematical role in the study of diffusions, it arises more naturally than thebackward equation in physical applications.

2.1 The Backward Equation and Martingales

Suppose {X} is a Markov process on a metric space S, having right-continuoussample paths and a transition probability p(t; x, dy). Continuous-parameter

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Markov chains on countable state spaces and diffusions on S = (a, b) areexamples of such processes. On the set B(S) of all real-valued, bounded, Borelmeasurable function f on S define the transition operator

(Ttf)(x):= E(f(X) ( Xo = x) = ff (y)p(t; x, dy), (t > 0). (2.1)

Then T, is a bounded linear operator on B(S) when the latter is given the supnorm defined by

il f II := sup{II(Y)I : Y e S} . (2.2)

Indeed T, is a contraction, i.e., IITrf II < IIfit for all f E B(S). For,

I(T,.f)(x)I 5 J I.f (Y)I P(t;, x, dy) < II f 1I . (2.3)

The family of transition operators {T,: t > 0} has the semigroup property,

Ts+, = TSTt, (2.4)

where the right side denotes the composition of two maps. This relation followsfrom

(Ts+,.f )(x) = E(f(Xs+,)1 Xo = x) = E[E(.f(X5+^) J XS) 1 Xo = x]

= E[(T,f)(X.,) Xo = x] = T.,(T1.f)(x). (2.5)

The relation (2.4) also implies that the transition operators commute,

TT, = TA T,. (2.6)

As discussed in Section 2 of Chapter IV for the case of continuous-parameterMarkov chains, the semigroup relation (2.4) implies that the behavior of T,near t = 0 completely determines the semigroup. Observe also that iff e Cs(S), the set of all real bounded continuous functions on S, then(T j)(x) - E(f (XX) I X0 = x) —+ f (x) as t j 0, by the right continuity of thesample paths. It then turns out, as in Chapter IV, that the derivative (operator)of the function t --+ T, at t = 0 determines {T,: t > 0} (see theoreticalcomplement 3).

Definition 2.1. The infinitesimal generator A of {T 1 : t > 0}, or of the Markovprocess {X1 }, is the linear operator A defined by

(A.f)(x) = lim (Ts i)(x) — i(x) > (2.7)

s i o S

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for all f e B(S) such that the right side converges to some function uniformlyin x. The class of all such f comprises the domain ^A c?f A.

In order to determine A explicitly in the case of a diffusion {X,}, let f be abounded twice continuously differentiable function. Fix x e S, and a ä > 0,however small. Find r > 0 such that I f"(x) — f"(y)I < b for all y such thatly — xl < e. Write

(T,f)(x) = E(.f(X,)I(lx,-xp,E) I Xo = x) + E(f(XX)Itlx,-xl>E} I Xo = x). (2.8)

Now by a Taylor expansion of f(X1 ) around x,

E(.f (XX) 1 nx, -x1 Xo = x) = E[{ f(x) + (X — x).f'(x) + z(X, — x) 2 f „(x)

+ 2(XI — x) 2(f" (^,) — f ,, (x))} 1 11x xl Vie} I Xo = x],(2.9)

where ^, lies between x and X. By the first two relations in (1.2)', the expectationsof the first three terms on the right add up to

f(x) + tj,(x)f , (x) + tza 2 (x)f"(x) + 0(t), (t 0). (2.10)

The expectation of the remainder term in (2.9) is less than

— x) 2 lilx^ x^sEt 1 Xo = x) = 8Q2 (x)t + o(t), (t j0). (2.11)

The relations (2.8)-(2.11) lead to

um (Tj)(x) - f(x) _ {u(x)f'(x) + z6 2 (x)f "(x)}( l o t

-562 (x) + liro Ilfll E(1 X x). (2.12)2 1 (fix,—xl>el o(lo t

The Firn on the right is zero by the last relation in (1.2)'. As >0 is arbitraryit now follows that

Firn (T^.1)(x)-

.l (x) = µ(x)1 '(x) + ia 2 (x)f "(x). (2.13)rlo t

Does the above computation prove that a bounded twice continuouslydifferentiable f belongs to -9A ? Not quite, for the limit (2.13) has not beenshown to be uniform in x. There are three sources of nonuniformity. One isthat the o(t) terms in (1.2)' need not be uniform in x. The second is that the o(t)term in (2.10) may not be uniform in x, even if those in (1.2)' are; for µ(x)f'(x),Q 2 (x)f"(x) may not be bounded. The third source of nonuniformity arises from

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the fact that given b > 0 there may not exist an e independent of x such thatI f() — f(x)I <5 for all x, y satisfying Ix — yI < e. The third source is removedby requiring that f" be uniformly continuous. Assume p(x)f'(x), r 2 (x)f "(x)are bounded to take care of the second. The first source is intrinsic. One examplewhere the errors in (1.2)' are o(t) uniformly in x, is a Brownian motion (Exercise4). In the case the Brownian motion has a zero drift, the second source isremoved if f" is bounded. Thus, for a Brownian motion with zero drift, everybounded f having a uniformly continuous and bounded f" is in 9A . Indeed,it may be shown that 27A comprises precisely this class of functions. Similarly,if the Brownian motion has a nonzero drift, then f e .9A if f, f ', f " are allbounded and f" is uniformly continuous (Exercise 4). In general one may ensureuniformity of o(t) in (1.2)' by restricting to a compact subset of S. Thus, alltwice continuously differentiable f, vanishing outside a closed and boundedsubinterval of S, belong to 9A . We have sketched a proof of the following result(see theoretical complements 1, 3 and Exercise 3.12 of Chapter VII).

Proposition 2.1. Let {X} be a diffusion on S = (a, b). Then, all twicecontinuously differentiable f, vanishing outside a closed bounded subintervalof S, belong to -9A , and for such f

(Af )(x) = u(x).f'(x) + ?v 2(x)f"(x). (2.14)

In what follows, the symbol A will stand, in the case of a diffusion {X}, forthe second-order differential operator (2.14), and it will be applied to alltwice-differentiable f, whether or not such an f is in _9A •

Turning to the derivation of the backward equation, note that the argumentsleading to (2.13) hold for all bounded f that are twice continuouslydifferentiable. If the function x -+ (T,f )(x) is bounded and twice continuouslydifferentiable, then applying (2.13) to this function one gets

t (T, f)(x) = A(T, f)(x), (t > 0, x e S). (2.15)

This is Kolmogorov's backward equation for the function (t, x) —• (T, f)(x)(t > 0, x e S). It will be shown below that if f E.9,, then T, f e Q. The followingproposition establishes this fact for general Markov processes.

Proposition 2.2. Let {T,} be the family of transition operators for a Markovprocess on a metric space S. If f E 22A then the backward equation (2.15) holds.

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Proof. If f e -9A then using (2.6) and (2.3),

TS(T,f) —T^f —T(A.f) = T,(Ts is .i —Af


Tsf — f — Af 0 ass j0, (2.16)

which shows that T, f e _9A and, therefore, by the definition of A, (2.15) holds.n

The relation (2.16) also shows that

A(T,f) = T 1 (Af), (2.17)

i.e., T, and A commute on .9A • This fact is made use of in the proof of thefollowing important result.

Theorem 2.3. Let {X} be a right-continuous Markov process on a metric spaceS, and f E -9A . Assume that s —> (A f)(XS) is right-continuous for all samplepaths. Then the process {Z1 }, where

Z,'= f(X,) — J r (Af)(X„) ds (t > 0 ), (2.18)0

is a {.yt }-martingale, with ^ == Q{X: 0 < u <, t}.

Proof. The assumption of right continuity of s —• (A f)(X.,) ensures theintegrability and .F,-measurability of the integral in (2.18) (theoreticalcomplement 2). Now

E(Zs+, I Js) = E(.f(Xs+,) 1 `ys ) — Jo (Af)(XX) du — E fS+t (A.f )(X.) du 1 5;

= (T,.f)(X,) — J o

(Af )(Xu) du — E \Jo (A.f )(XS )„ du I .ys) , (2.19)

where XS is the after-s or shifted process (X) = XS+ „ (u > 0). By the Markovproperty,

E £ (A.f)(XS )„ du 1 5s J =


Ex £ (A.f)(X^.) du]X=x,.

LJ o (EXA.f )(X.) du].=x.

= L J P T. (Af)(x) dul (2.20)o X-xs

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interchanging the order of integration with respect to Lebesgue measure andtaking expectation for the second equality (Fubini's Theorem, Section 4 ofChapter 0). Now replace the last integrand T„(Af) by A(T„ f) (see (2.17)) to get

E\Jo(Af)(Xs )udul ysl —JoA(Tuf)(XS) du. (2.21)

Substituting (2.21) in (2.19) obtain

E(Zs+: 1 5s) = (T^f)(XS) — J A(Tf)(X) du — fo (A.f )(X„) du. (2.22)


By the backward equation (2.15), which holds by Proposition 2.2, and thefundamental theorem of calculus,

(T,f)(XS) = f(X5) + J r a (T,f)(X.,) du = f(X) + fo, A(T,.f)(XS)du. (2.23)o au

Use this in (2.22) to derive the desired result,

E(Zs+J .gis) = .f(XS) — J s (A.f )(X.) du = Z. n0

Combining Theorem 2.3 and Proposition 2.1, the following corollary isimmediate.

Corollary 2.4. If Condition (1.1) holds for a diffusion {X,}, then for every twicecontinuously differentiable f vanishing outside a compact subset of S, theprocess {Z} in (2.18) is a {.F,}-martingale.

It will be shown in Section 3 of Chapter VII by direct probabilistic argumentsthat {Z} is a {.F}-martingale for a much wider class of twice-differentiablefunctions f than prescribed by the corollary. As a simple example, take {X,}to be a Brownian motion with drift p and diffusion coefficient 6 Z . Then

A=2o.2 aZ2+p d

.dx dx

If one takes f(x) = x in (2.18), then Zt = XX — tp (t >, 0), which is a martingale,even though f is unbounded. In the case p = 0, one may take f (x) = x 2 to getZ, = Xt — ta2 (t >, 0), which is also a martingale. Still, one can do a lot underthe assumption of Corollary 2.4. One application is the following.

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Proposition 2.5. Let {X,} be a diffusion on S = (a, b), whose coefficients satisfyCondition (1.1). Let [c, d] c (a, b). Then


(' ' 2µ(y )exp — J - d> dz

Px({X,} reaches c before d) = ` o?(y)--) , c < x <, d.


d exp^— f Z 2u(y) dy1 dzJ^ a 2 (y) )))

(2.24)Proof. Define a twice continuously differentiable function f that equals theright side of (2.24) for c < x < d, and vanishes outside [c — s, d + c] c (a, b)for some s > 0. This is always possible as f" is continuous at c, d (Exercise 3).By Corollary 2.4,

Z,:= f(X,) — fo(A.f)(X,) ds (t 3 0 ), (2.25)

is a {.F,}-martingale. Define the {}-stopping time (see Chapter I (13.68)),

z = inf{t > 0: X, = c or d}. (2.26)

Let x E (c, d). By the optional stopping result Proposition 13.9 of Chapter I

Ex Zt = Ex Zo . (2.27)

But Zo = f(X0) - f(x) under PX , so that E.,Z0 is the right side of (2.24). Nowcheck that Af(x) = 0 for c <x < d, so that (Af)(XS) = 0 for 0 < s <t ifx e (c, d). Therefore,

Z= f(X) = {f(c) = 1 on {XT = c},

(2.28)f(d) = 0 on {X, = d},

so that EZL is simply the left side of (2.24). n

As in Section 9 of Chapter I and Section 2 of Chapter III, one may derivecriteria for transience and recurrence based on Corollary 2.4. This will bepursued later in Sections 4, 9, and 14. The martingale method will be morefully explored in Chapter VII.

2.2 The Fokker—Planck Equation

Consider a diffusion {X,} on S = (a, b) whose coefficients satisfy Condition (1.1).Let p(t; x, y) be the transition probability density of {X,}. Letting f = l 8 in

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(2.5) leads to


SB+ t;x,y)dy =J I

\J p(t;zydy)ps;xz) dz


t; z, y)p(s; x, z) dz) dy, (2.29)a s //

for all Borel sets B c S. This implies the so-called Chapman—Kolmogorovequation

p(s + t; x, y) = J p(t; z, y)p(s; x, z) dz = (T3.f )(x), (2.30)s

where f (z) := p(t; z, y). A somewhat informal derivation of the backwardequation for p may be based on (2.13) and (2.30) as follows. Suppose one mayapply the computation (2.13) to the function f in (2.30). Then

(Af)(x) = lim (Tsf)(x) — i(x) . (2.31)

slo s

But the right side equals äp(t; x, y)/öt, and the left side is Ap(t; x, y). Therefore,

ap(t; x, y) _ aP(t; x, y + s

) 1 2

(x) a2P(t; x, y)

at p(x) ax i axe(2.32)

which is the desired backward equation for p.In applications to physical sciences the equation of greater interest is

Kolmogorov's forward equation or the Fokker—Planck equation governing theprobability density function of X, when X0 has an arbitrary initial distributionit. Suppose for simplicity that it has a density g. Then the density of X, is given by

(T*g)(y):= f b

g(x)p(t; x, y) dx. (2.33)a

The operator T* transforms a probability density g into another probabilitydensity. More generally, it transforms any integrable g into an integrablefunction T*g. It is adjoint (transpose) to T, in the sense that

<T *g,.f > := J (T7g)(y)f(y) dy = fs g(x)(T:f)(x) dx = <g, T,f>. (2.34)s

Here <u, v> = f u(x)v(x) dx. If f is twice continuously differentiable and vanishesoutside a compact subset of S, then one may differentiate with respect to t in

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(2.34) and interchange the orders of integration and differentiation to get, using(2.17),

`a T*9,.i) _ (T t f)= <g, T1A.J>

= <T9, A.f > = f (T *9)(Y)(Af)(Y) dy. (2.35)

Now, assuming that f, h are both twice continuously differentiable and that fvanishes outside a finite interval, integration by parts yields

<h, Af> = fs

h(Y)[p(Y).f'(Y) + 1 2 (Y).f"(Y)] dY



— Js L(.u(Y)h(Y)) + (2a2(Y)h(Y)) f(Y) dy = <A * h,.f >, (2.36)

where A* is the formal adjoint of A defined by

d i

(A*h)(y ) _ — (,u(Y)h(Y)) + dyZ (ia2 (Y)h(Y)). (2.37)dy

Applying (2.36) in (2.35), with T*g in place of h, one gets

aat T

*g,.i = <A*T *9, f >. (2.38)

Since (2.38) holds for sufficiently many functions f, all infinitely differentiablefunctions vanishing outside some closed, bounded interval contained in S forinstance, we get (Exercise 1),

öt (T*9)(Y) = A * (T*9)(Y)• (2.39)

That is,

I ä2

Js at

g(x) dx

— J L — ay (µ(Y)P(t; x, Y)) 2 aye (62 (Y)P(t; x, Y)) 9(x) dx.s


Since (2.40) holds for sufficiently many functions g, all twice continuouslydifferentiable functions vanishing outside a closed bounded interval containedin S for instance, we get Kolmogorov's forward equation for the transition

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probability density p ( Exercise 1),

ap(t; x, y) — ö ä2

ät—ôy (h(y)p(t; x, y)) + ay2 (icr2 (y)p(t; x, y)), (t > 0). (2.41)

For a physical interpretation of the forward equation (2.41), consider a diluteconcentration of solute molecules diffusing along one direction in a possiblynonhomogeneous fluid. An individual molecule's position, say in the x-direction,is a Markov process with drift u(x) and diffusion coefficient a 2 (x). Given aninitial concentration c o (x), the concentration c(t, x) at x at time t is given by

c(t, x) = fsco(z)p(t; z, x) dz, (2.42)

where p(t; z, x) is the transition probability density of the position process ofan individual solute molecule. Therefore, c(t, x) satisfies Kolmogorov's forwardequation

ac(t, x)A*c(t, x) ax J(t, x), (2.43)

with J given by

J(t, x) _ — ä [1 2 (x)c(t, x)) + µ(x)c(t, x)]. (2.44)

The Kolmogorov forward equation is also referred to as the Fokker—Planckequation in this context. Now the increase in the amount of solute in a smallregion [x, x + Ax] during a small time interval [t, t + At] is approximately

öc(t, x) At Ax. (2.45)


On the other hand, if v(t, x) denotes the velocity of the solute at x at time t,moving as a continuum, then a fluid column of length approximately v(t, x) Atflows into the region at x during [t, t + At]. Hence the amount of solute thatflows into the region at x during [t, t + At] is approximately v(t, x)c(t, x) At,while the amount passing out at x + Ax during [t, t + At] is approximatelyv(t, x + Ax)c(t, x + Ax) At. Therefore, the increase in the amount of solute in[x, x + Ax] during [t, t + At] is approximately

[v(t, x)c(t, x) — v(t, x + Ax)c(t, x + Ax)] At. (2.46)

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Equating (2.45) and (2.46) and dividing by At Ax, one gets


öt x) äx (v(t, x)c(t, x)). (2.47)

Equation (2.47) is generally referred to as the equation of continuity or theequation of mass conservation. The quantity v(t, x)c(t, x) is called the flux ofthe solute, which is seen to be the rate per unit time at which the solute passesout at x (at time t) in the positive x-direction. In the present case, therefore,the flux is given by (2.44).


In many applications the state space of the diffusion of interest is a finite or asemi-infinite open interval. For example, in an economic model the quantityof interest, say price, demand, supply, etc., is typically nonnegative; in a geneticmodel the gene frequency is a proportion in the interval (0, 1). It is often thecase that the end points or boundaries of the state space in such models cannotbe reached from the interior. In other words, owing to some built-in mechanismthe boundaries are inaccessible. A simple way to understand these processes isto think of them as strictly monotone functions of diffusions on S = R 1 . Let

d 2 d

A=162(x)dx2+µ(x)x (3.1)

be the generator of a diffusion on S = (—co, oo). That is to say, we considera diffusion with coefficients µ(x), a 2 (x). Let 0 be a continuous one-to-one mapof S onto S = (a, b), where — oo < a <b < oo. It is simple to check that if {X1 }is a diffusion on S, {Z,} :_ {^i(X,)} is a Markov process on S having continuoussample paths (Exercise 1.3). If 0 is smooth, then {Z 1 } is a diffusion whose driftand diffusion coefficients are given by Proposition 3.1 below.

First we need a lemma.

Lemma. If {X} is a diffusion satisfying (1.2)' for all c> 0, then for every r> 2one has

E(IX , — XX = x) = o(t) as t10, (3.2)

for all e'>0.

Proof. Let r> 2, E' > 0 be given. Fix 0 > 0. We will show that the left side of(3.2) is less than 6t for all sufficiently small t. For this, write

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(5= (0/(2 r 2 (x))) 1 " (r -2) . Then the left side of (3.2) is no more than

E(IXS+1 — Xsl'lnx.+t—xsl,a) ( XS = x)+ E(IXs+r — X

r 1 (Ixs+t — xsls^xs.t—xsl>S) Xs = x)

S' 2 (1 X., — X521(1 xsi,ts) 1 XX = x) + E 'rP(IX., — XJ > (5 XS = x)

l 2o'2 (x) (o2(x)t + o(t)) + (e')ro(t) = 0 t + o(t). (3.3)

The last inequality uses the fact that (1.2)' holds for all e > 0. Now the termo(t) is smaller than Ot/2 for all sufficiently small t. n

Proposition 3.1. Let {X} be a diffusion on S = (c, d) having drift and diffusioncoefficients µ(x), Q 2 (x), respectively. If 0 is a three times continuouslydifferentiable function on (c, d) onto (a, b) such that 0' is either strictly positiveor strictly negative, then {Z, :_ ¢(XX )} is a diffusion on (a, b) whose drift i(•)and diffusion coefficient Q 2 (.) are given by

A(z) = 4) ' (4 + i4) (4) 1(z))a2(4,-1(z)), z E (a, b). (3.4)

&2 (Z) _ (4' 1 (0 -1 (Z)))2 2 (4 -1 (Z))'

Proof. By a Taylor expansion,

Za+, — Z., = 0(Xs+r) — 0(X.,)

= (X,+' — X.)^'(XS) + 1 (Xs +, — X:)24)"(X5) + 3{ (Xs +, — XS)34"(Z),2!

(3.5)where lies between Xs and XS+ ,. Fix s > 0, z e (a, b). There exist positiveconstants (5 1 (),5 2 (c) such that 0 - ' maps the interval [z — e, z + s] onto[4 -1 (z) — (5 1 (e), ¢ - '(z) + 62(s)]• Write x = 4 - '(z), and let Sm = min{8 1 (s), 6 2 (8)},SM = max{81(c), 62(8)}. Then

1 ({Zs+t-zlbE) = 1(x-61(E)sX,+t,x+bz(E))1(3.6)

1 (Ixa+t-xlsam) 1 {IZ.+t-zI e} 1 {IX,+t-xlsöM)'


E((Xs — X.,) 1 {Iza+t-zl,E) 1 Zs = z) = E((X„, — x)ltl+t-IE) I X, = x)

= E((X5+, — x ) l (Ixa+t — xl) 1 XX = x )

+ E((Xs — x ) l (Ix.+t—xl>b,,.,iz,+t—zl5e) I Xs =(3.7)

In view of the last inequality in (3.6), the last expectation is bounded in

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magnitude by

SMP(IXs+a — xI > CS m I XX = x),

which is of the order o(t) as t j 0, by the last relation in (1.2)'. Also, by the firstrelation in (1.2)',

E((Xs+t — Xs)ltIxs+t-xl,am) I Xs = x) = µ(x)t + o(t).


E((XX+r — XS)l(Iz. ZIsE) 1 Z , = z) = u(x)t + o(t). (3.8)

In the same manner, one has

E((X5+1 — Xs)21 (1z,+t—zsl,E) 1 Zs = z) = E((Xs+r — Xs)21 (Ixs-,—xaI o,,,} I Xs = x)

+ O(SMP(I Xs+r — xl > bm I Xs = x)

= 0 2 (x)t + o(t). (3.9)

Also, by the Lemma above,

E(IXs+r — Xs1 3 1o,,,

(^)Ilnzs.,—z,I,E) ( ZS = z)

cE(IXX+r — Xsl 31 {Ix,,,-x,I_<oM} I Xs = x) = o(t). (3.10)

Using (3.8)-(3.10), and (3.5), one gets

E((Zs+r — Zs)ltlzs,, zsI E) Zs = z) = O'(x),U(x)t + ir 2 (x)O ,, (x)t + 0(t), (3.11)

so that the drift coefficient of {Z r } is

(^ (z))(ß 1 (z)) + 1a 2 (4 1 (z))ß (4 1 (z))•

In order to compute the diffusion coefficient of {Z}, square both sides of(3.5) to get

E((Z5+r — Zs)21 {Izs.t_ZsI e) 1 Zs = z)

= (t'(x)) 2 E((X5+r — Xs)21 uz,.,-zal,E) I XS = x) + R r , (3.12)

where each summand in R, is bounded by a term of the form

cE(IX3+, — Xsl'lnz,+-z,IsE)1 Xs = x)

5 cE(IXs+r — XSI l(lxa.-xa1^aM) XS = x),

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where r> 2. Hence by the Lemma above R, = o(t) and we get, using (3.9) in(3.12),

E((Z„, — ZS) 21 {IZ ,,-zal-<E) 1 ZS = z) = (4'(x)) 2 o 2 (x)t + o(t). (3.13)


P(IZs+r — Zj>cIZs=z)<P(IX5+, — Asl> 6.1X.,=x)= 0 (t), (3.14)

by the last condition in (1.2)'. n

Example 1. (Geometric Brownian Motion). Let S = (—cc, cc), S = (0, cc),4(x) = e". If A is given by (3.1), then the coefficients of A are

µ(z) = zµ(log z) + Zza 2 (log z),(0<z<oo). (3.15)

v2 (z) = z2 Q2 (log z),

In particular, a Brownian motion with drift µ and diffusion coefficient 0 2

becomes, under the transformation x --> ex, a diffusion with state spaceS = (0, oo) and generator

Ä ZßZ ZZ dz2 + ( + 2 f z dz . (3.16)

In other words, the mean rate of growth as well as the mean rate of fluctuationin growth at z is proportional to the size z. Note that one has

Z, = ex'. (3.17)

But {X} may be represented as XX = X0 + tp + cB^, t >, 0, where {B1} is astandard one-dimensional Brownian motion starting at zero and independentof X0 . Then (3.17) becomes

Z, = Zoe`µ °', Zo = exo. (3.18)

The process {Z} is sometimes referred to as the geometric Brownian motion.

Example 2. (Geometric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process). The Ornstein-Uhlenbeckprocess with generator (see Example 1.2)

A Zoe dx z — Yx dx' (—cc < x < co), (3.19)


is transformed by the transformation x -+ e" into a diffusion on (0, oo) with

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d2 f z i d 0<z<oo . (3.20)Ä = ?Q Z Z Z dz2 - \yz log z - 2 °z /% dz , ( )

Example 3. S = (- co, oo), S = (0, 1), 4(x) = ex/(ex + 1). For this case, firsttransform by x - ex, then by y - y/(1 + y). Thus, one needs to apply thetransformation y(y): y -• y/(1 + y) to the operator with coefficients (3.15). Sincethe inverse of y is y '(z) = z/(1 - z), one may use (3.15) to obtain thetransformed operator (Exercise 1)

A = Zz 2 (1 - z) 2 7 2(

log —Z— dz

1 -z dz'

z z(1 - z) z+ z(1 - z)µ log-----) +-- — a 2 log ---

1-z 2 1-z

- z 2 (1 - z)Q2 (los _--)]

r z d 2= Zz(1 - z) Lz(1 - z)a2 log ---

1 - zj dzZ

+ { 2j( log z I + (1 - 2z)ß 2 1`

log z jjj

I} ] , 0< z <1. (3.21)l 1 — z/ 1 — z dz

In particular, a Brownian motion is transformed into a diffusion on (0, 1) withgenerator

rÄ = zz(1 - z) Lz(1 - z)a 2 dz2 + (2µ + (1- 2z)Q 2 ) d , 0< z <1, (3.22)

and an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is transformed into a diffusion on (0, 1)with generator

Ä = Zz(1 - z) z(1 - z)a 2 dz - 2y log z - - (1 - 2z)a2 d

dz 2 1 - z dz

0<z<1. (3.23)

Example 4. Let S = (-oo, oo), S = (0, oo), 4(x) = e"'. If

d zA —_iQZ_

z dx2

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zÄ = Z62 (9z2 (log z)4"3) dz

z + Za2z{6(log z)" + 9(log z)413}

dz . (3.24)

In this example the transformed process

Z,=e', t>,0 (3.25)

(where {X,} is a Brownian motion) does not have a finite first moment (Exercise 2).


We now show how one may arrive at diffusions as limits of discrete-parameterbirth—death chains with decreasing step size and increasing frequencies. Becausethe underlying Markov chains do not in general have independent increments,the limiting diffusions will not have this property either. Indeed, the Brownianmotions are the only Markov processes with continuous sample paths that haveindependent increments (see Theorem T.1.1 of Chapter IV).

Suppose we are given two real-valued functions µ(x), a2 (x) on 6R' _ (— oo, 00)that satisfy Condition (1.1). Throughout this section, also assume thatµ(x), v2 (x) are bounded and write

Qö = sup Q2 (x). (4.1)x

Consider a discrete-parameter birth—death chain on S = {0, ±A, ±2A, ...}with step size A > 0, having transition probabilities p ;; of going from iA to JAin one step given by,

QZ (ie)E^t(ie)E U2(ie)8 1z(iA)E= a;o^ ;= 2A2

_ 2e^o> := 2e2 + 2A

(4.2)1 —

a z (i0)e = 1 —

cep — a^e^Pu ez ß< <=

with the parameter given by

A2Az . (4.3)Uo

Note that under Condition (1.1) and boundedness of p(x), vz (x), the quantitiesß, 5, and I — ß;°) — a;° ) are nonnegative for sufficiently small A. We shalllet e be the actual time in between two successive transitions. Note that, given

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that the process is at x = iA, the mean displacement in a single step in time e is

A /3i(°) - A bi(°) = p(iA)e = fi(x)e. (4.4)

Hence, the instantaneous rate of mean displacement per unit time, when theprocess is at x, is u(x). Also, the mean squared displacement in a single step is

A 2 ß + (- A)2 8;°) = r 2 (iA)c = Q Z (x)E. (4.5)

Therefore, a 2 (x) is the instantaneous rate of mean squared displacement perunit time.

Conversely, in order that (4.4), (4.5) may hold one must have the birth-deathparameters (4.2) (Exercise 1). The choice (4.3) of c guarantees the nonnegativityof the transition probabilities p ;; , p;.; _,, pi,;+l.

Just as the simple random walk approximates Brownian motion under properscaling of states and time, the above birth-death chain approximates thediffusion with coefficients µ(x) and u'(x). Indeed, the approximation ofBrownian motion by simple random walk described in Section 8 of Chapter Ifollows as a special case of the following result, which we state without proof(see theoretical complement 1). Below [r] is the integer part of r.

Theorem 4.1. Let { Y: n = 0, 1, 2, ...} be a discrete-parameter birth-deathchain on S = {0, ±A, ±2&. with one-step transition probabilities (4.2) andwith Yo) = [x o/0]A where x0 is a fixed number. Define the stochastic process

{X} := { Yt°e 1 } (t >, 0). (4.6)

Then, as A j 0, {X} converges in distribution to a diffusion {X} with driftµ(x) and diffusion coefficient 6 2 (x), starting at x0 .

As a consequence of Theorem 4.1 it follows that for any bounded continuousfunction f we have

lim E{.f(X(°) ) I Xö ) = [^]Aj = Ez.f(X,). (4.7)A-^

By (2.15), in the case of a smooth initial function f, the function u(t, x):= E x f (XX )solves the initial value problem

iau _ Z ^2(x) a Z + p(x) au , lim u(t, x) _ f (x). (4.8)

ac ax ax ,1 o

The expectation on the left side of (4.7) may be expressed as

u (A) (n, i)'= >f(jA)P (4.9)

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where n = [t/s], i = [x/A], and p;; ) are the n-step transition probabilities. It isilluminating to check that the function (n, i) u (°)(n, i) satisfies a differenceequation that is a discretized version of the differential equation (4.8). To seethis, note that


+ i) = PiiPci ) +P).i +i pi+i.;+pa,i - iPi"-) i,;(n) _ ce) c") (e) (") (o) (")= ( 1 — ß) at )P); + ßt Pt+i,i + bI PI -i,;

(n) (A) (") (n) (D) (n) — (n)= P); + i (Pt +i.; — P.;) — bt (Pt; Pi- i,;), (4.10)


P( — P ( __ µ(iA) (") (") (") — (")20 {(P . + i,; — Pi;) + (P,; p) -i,;)}

1 Q2 (iA) (")2 (") + (") 4.11+ 2 A2 (P( +i,; — pi(; PI -i,;) ( )

Summing over j one gets a corresponding equation for u ( °)(n, i).As Ab 0 the state space S = {0, ±A, ±2A,. . .} approximates l = (— oo, oo),

provided we think of the state jA as representing an interval of width A aroundjA. Accordingly, think of spreading the probability p;j ) over this interval. Thus,one introduces the approximate density y -- p (°) (t; x, y) at time t = ne for statesx = iA, y =jA, by

p(e)(ns; iA, jA) := h-. (4.12)

By dividing both sides of (4.11) by A, one then arrives at the difference equation

(P (e)((n + 1)s; iA, jA) — p (e)(ne; iA,jA))/E

= µ(iA)(P (n) (ns; (i + 1)A, jA) — p (e) (ne; (i — 1)A, jA))/2A

+ ia 2 (iA)(P (e)(ns; (i + 1)A, jA) — 2p (A) (nc; iA,jA)

+ p (e) (ne; (i — 1)A, jA))/AZ. (4.13)

This is a difference-equation version of the partial differential equation


y) = k(x)

op(; x, y) + Za2(x) a 2P(t; x, y)at ax i

for t > 0, — oo < x, y < oo, (4.14)

at grid points (t, x, y) = (ne, iA, jA).Thus, the transition probability density p(t; x, y) of the diffusion {X} may

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be approximately computed by computing p. The latter computation onlyinvolves raising a matrix to the nth power, a fairly standard computationaltask. In addition, Theorem 4.1 may be used to derive the probability i/i(x) that{X,} reaches c before d, starting at x E (c, d), by taking the limit, as A J 0, ofthe corresponding probability for the approximating birth—death chain {Y;,e) }.In other words (see Section 2 of Chapter III, relation (2.10)),

j-1 Sce)S(e)r r -1

r=to0(x) = leim ^e^

1 L ßie^r =i +1 r


ß(s) 1

g^e> (4.15)+1



i' =[

x], i=[


= [ ]. (4.16)

The limit in (4.15) is (Exercise 2)

JY1 exp —f rA

(2µ(Y)/a 2 (Y)) dY jrip c

1L/(X) = hm -

eio I + ^Y1 exp (. — J re (2li(Y)/a 2 (Y)) dYr =i +t c



exp I _JZ (2µ(Y)/Q 2 (Y)) d


y} dz

Z (4.17)

J exp{ — J (2µ(Y)/a 2 (Y)) dy} dzc c )))

which confirms the computation (2.24) given in Section 2. This leads to necessaryand sufficient conditions for transience and recurrence of diffusions (Exercise3). This is analogous to the derivation of the corresponding probabilities forBrownian motion given in Section 9 of Chapter I.

Alternative derivations of (4.17) are given in Section 9 (see Eq. 9.23 andExercise 9.2), in addition to Section 2 (Eq. 2.24).


Under Condition (1.1) the Kolmogorov equations uniquely determine thetransition probabilities. However, solutions are generally not obtainable inclosed form, although numerical methods based on the scheme described in

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Section 4 sometimes provide practical approximations. Two examples for whichthe solutions can be obtained explicitly from the Kolmogorov equations aloneare given here.

Example 1. (Brownian Motion). Brownian motion is a diffusion with constantdrift and diffusion coefficients. First assume that the drift is zero. Let the diffusioncoefficient be a2 . Then the forward, or Fokker-Planck, equation for p(t; x, y) is

ap(tat a, Y) = 2a2 a ZP(; 2 , Y)( t > 0, — co < x < oc, — oo < y < co ). (5.1)


Let the Fourier transform of p(t; x, y) as a function of y be denoted by

P(t; x, ) = J e 14yp(t; x, y) dy. (5.2)

Then (5.1) becomes

öt 2 Q2ß'(5.3)



öt (e) 0, (5.4)

whose general solution is

p(t; x, ) = c(x, l;)exp{—?a2 2 t}. (5.5)

Now p is the characteristic function of the distribution of X, given X 0 = x, andas t 10 this distribution converges to the distribution of X0 that is degenerateat x. Therefore,

c(x, Z) = lim p(t; x, Z) = E(e` X°) = e`x, (5.6)tjo

and we obtain

^(t; x, l;) = exp {il x — a2 2 t}. (5.7)

But the right side is the characteristic function of the normal distribution with

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mean x and variance tv 2 . Therefore,

sP(t; x,Y) _ (2na2t)"2 exp{-

(y _

X)(t > 0, -cc < x, y < oo). (5.8)

The transition probability density of a Brownian motion with nonzero driftmay be obtained in the same manner as above (Exercise 1).

Example 2. (The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process). S = (- oo, cc), u(x) = - yx,a 2 (x) := v 2 > 0. Here y is a (positive) constant. Fix an initial state x. As afunction of t and y, p(t; x, y) satisfies the forward equation

P z ZPat 2 öy 2

+ y - (YP(t; X, Y))-

Let p be the Fourier transform of p as a function of y,

ß(t; Z) = e'4YP(t; x, y) dy. JThen, upon integration by parts,

GY/ (t; ) = J -^ e aY (t; x, y) dy

i^e'4vp(t; x, y) dy = -iß,

GY^ I (t; Z) = e1 ap(t ; x, Y) dY = - iZ J e`' ap dy

/ _ m aY ay

_ (_ iZ) 2 J ep(t; x, Y) dY =

CY y ) ^(t; ) = J ey aP(t;

, Y) = i a J p e ^ y !y dY

1 ö 1 d öp(t; )(ap

ay^ i ö ( -1 P) _ -P - a

Here we have assumed that y(ap/ay), a lp/ay e are integrable and go to zero asjyj - cc. Taking Fourier transforms on both sides of (5.9) one has

aß(t; ) =-2 ^ 2P+yP+y( - P - aß)=




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öp(t; 23ß^ 2 ^ Zp. (5.12)


Thus, we have reduced the second-order partial differential equation (5.9) tothe first-order equation (5.12). The left side of (5.12) is the directional derivativeof p along the vector (1, y^) in the (t, )-plane. Let a(t) = d exp{yt}. Then (5.12)yields

dt p(t; a(t)) = --- a 2 (t)p(t; a(t)) (5.13)


p(t; a(t)) = c(x, d) exp - -- fo, a2 (s) ds }

l )))

= c(x , d) exp ^ — a4dz (e2Yt _ l)}.Y

For arbitrary t and one may choose d = ^e - Y`, so that a(t) = ^, and get

ß(t; ) = c(x, ^e - '")exp{ —42 X 2 (1 — e -2 ji)} (5.14)l 4y

t j 0, one then has

,im ß(t; Z) = c(x, Z). (5.15):10

On the other hand, as t 10, p(t; c) converges to the Fourier transform of 5,which is exp{i^x}. Thus, c(x, ) = exp{i^x} for every real , so that

(t; ) = exp{ ixe - y` — 4 (1 — e -Z Y`) Z }, (5.16)Y

which is the Fourier transform of a Gaussian density with mean xe - y` andvariance (o 2/2y)(1 — e -2 yt). Therefore,

p(t; x, y) = (2 )^ii (2y (1 — e -ZY`)) I/2 exp{ a 2 (1 — e e 2y1)2}


Note that the above derivation does not require that y be a positive parameter.However, observe that if y = ß/m > 0 then letting t --+ oo in (5.16) we obtain

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the characteristic function of the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and varianceQ 2/2y = mc 2/2ß (the Maxwell—Boltzmann velocity distribution). It follows that

it(v) (__Zy-1)1/2 exp{ — yv z/6z }, —cc < v < oo,

is the p.d.f. of the invariant initial distribution of the process. With it as theinitial distribution, { V} is a stationary Gaussian process. The stationarity maybe viewed as an "equilibrium" status in which energy exchanges between theparticle and the fluid by thermal agitation and viscous dissipation have reacheda balance (on the average). Observe that the average kinetic energy is given byE, ( mV,) = (m 2/4ß)Q 2 •


So far we have considered unrestricted diffusions on S = (— oo, oo), or on openintervals. End points of the state space of a diffusion that cannot be reachedfrom the interior are said to be inaccessible. In this section and the next welook at diffusions restricted to subintervals of S with one or more end pointsaccessible from the interior. In order to continue the process after it reaches aboundary point, one must specify some boundary behavior, or boundarycondition, consistent with the requirement that the process be Markovian. Onesuch boundary condition, known as the reflecting boundary condition or theNeumann boundary condition, is discussed in this section. Subsection 6.2 maybe read independently of Subsection 6.1.

6.1 Reflecting Diffusions as Limits of Birth—Death Chains

As an aid to intuition let us first see, in the spirit of Section 4, how a reflectingdiffusion on S = [0, oo) may be viewed as a limit of reflecting birth—deathchains. Let it(x) and a 2 (x) satisfy Condition (1.1) on [0, oo) and let µ(x) bebounded. For sufficiently small A > 0 one may consider a discrete-parameterbirth—death chain on S = {0, A, 2A,. . .} with one-step transition probabilities

,e) = u'(i0)e p(iA)aß^

2AZ +=


Stns — a 2 (iA) e u(iA)E= ö 2A2 — 2A(i 1), (6.1)

CrZAEP^^ = 1 — (ßi + b) = 1 — (i )

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(Al a2(0)E ii(0)E (0) 62(0)E µ(0 )E—Poi = ßo 202 + 2e Poo = 1 — —ßo 1 — 2ez — 2e . (6.2)

Exactly as in Section 4, the backward difference equations (4.11) or (4.13)are obtained for i >, 1, j > 0. These are the discretized difference equations for

aP(t; ,

Y) = u(x) aP( äx Y) + ZU2(x) a 2P(t; x, Y)

t>0, x>0, Y>0.z(6.3)

The backward boundary condition for the diffusion is obtained in the limit asA J, 0 from the corresponding equations for the chain for i = 0, j >, 0,

Po.i+ 11 — Poi Pi] + Poo Po_ (a'(0)f: µ(0)s)(") — a2 (0)E - 11 (0)El(n

) 2A 2 + 2A p '' + 1\ 1 2A z 2A )Poi (J 0),

or,Pö;+ i)E Pö; _ 2Q0) (Pi; — Pö;) + 2D) (P(' — Pö;) (j > 0). (6.4)

In the notation of (4.12) this leads to,

p((n + 1)E; 0, jA) — p (°)(m; 0, j0)A = 2e)

( P(°)(nw; A, JA) — p (°)(w; 0, jA))

+ µ(0) (p(°)(nc; A, j0) — p (°) (ns; 0, JA))A.

(6.5)Fix y >, 0, t > 0. For n = [t/E], j = [y/0], the left side of (6.5) is approximately

0(aP(t; x, Y)

).=at O'

while the right side is approximately

1az(0) öP(t; x, Y) 01p(0) aP(t; x, Y)z ax x_o z ax


Letting A j 0, one has

ap(t; x, Y) = 0, (t > 0, y > 0). (6.6)ox x=0

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The equations (6.3) and (6.6), together with an initial condition p(0; x,.) = 6 x

determine a transition probability density of a Markov process on [0, co) havingcontinuous sample paths and satisfying the infinitesimal conditions (1.2) on theinterior (0, oc). This Markov process is called the diffusion on [0, co) withreflecting boundary at 0 and drift and diffusion coefficients µ(x), a 2 (x). Theequations (6.3) and (6.6) are called the Kolmogorov backward equation andbackward boundary condition, respectively, for this diffusion. This particularboundary condition (6.6) is also known as a Neumann boundary condition. Theprecise nature of the approximation of the reflecting diffusion by thecorresponding reflecting birth—death chain is the same as described inTheorem 4.1.

6.2 Sample Path Construction of Reflecting Diffusions

Independently of the above heuristic considerations, we shall give in the rest ofthis section complete probabilistic descriptions of diffusions reflecting at oneor two boundary points, with a treatment of the periodic boundary along theway. The general method described here is sometimes called the method ofimages.

ONE-POINT BOUNDARY CASE. (Diffusion on S = [0, c0) with "0" as a ReflectingBoundary). First we consider a special case for which the probabilisticdescription of "reflection" is simple. Let µ(x), v 2 (x) be defined on S = [0, cc)and satisfy Condition (1.1) on S. Assume also that

µ(0) = 0. (6.7)

Now extend the coefficients p(.), a 2 (.) on R' by setting

µ( — x) = — u(x), Q2 (— x) = Q 2 (x), (x > 0). (6.8)

Although /1(.), a'(.) so obtained may no longer be twice-differentiable on R',they are Lipschitzian, and this suffices for the construction of a diffusion withthese coefficients (Chapter VII).

Theorem 6.1. Let {X} denote a diffusion on FR' with the extended coefficients,u(.), a2 (.) defined above. Then {1X11} is a Markov process on the state spaceS = [0, cc), whose transition probability density q(t; x, y) is given by

q(t; x, y) = p(t; x, y) + p(t; x, — y) (x, ye [0, cc)), (6.9)

where p(t; x, y) is the transition probability density of {X}. Further, q satisfiesthe backward equation

aq(t; x, y) 12 a 2q äq

+ p(x)ax (t > 0; x > 0, y % 0 ), (6.10)

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and the backward boundary condition

aq(t; x, y) I =0ax x=0

(t>0;y>,0). (6.11)

Proof. First note that the two Markov processes {X} and {—X} on R' havethe same drift and diffusion coefficients (use Proposition 3.1, or see Exercise1). Therefore, they have the same transition probability density function p, sothat the conditional density p(t; x, y) of XX at y given X0 = x is the same as theconditional density of —X, at y given —X0 = x; but the latter is the conditionaldensity of X, at —y, given X0 = —x. Hence,

p(t; x, y) = p(t; —x, —y). (6.12)

In order to show that { Y := I X^I } is a Markov process on S = [0, cc), consideran arbitrary real-valued bounded (Borel measurable or continuous) function gon [0, oo), and write h(x) = g(Ixl). Then, as usual, writing Px for the distributionof {X1} starting at x and Ex for the corresponding expectations, one has forEx(g()s+,) I {Y„ 0 < u < s}),

Ex(g(IX5+,I) I {IXuI: 0 s u s})

= Ex[E(g(IXs+,I) I {X„: 0 u s}) I {IXXI: 0 u 5 s}]

= Ex[E(h(XS+ ,) {X: 0 u s}) {IX„I: 0 u s}]

Ex[(J m h(y)p(t; x', y) dy) I {IXXI: 0 ,< u ,< s}]m x'=xs

= Ex g(z)(p(t; x', z) + p(t; x', —z)) dz {IX„I: 0 < u <, s}]0 x' =Xs

= Ex [\J 00 g(z)(p(t; x', z) + p(t; —x', z)) dz J - 8 {IXXI: 0 ‹ u < s}1o / x—x

= EX[J g(z)q(t; IXXI, z) dz I {IX„I: 0 < u ‹ s}]0

=J g(z)q(t; I X31, z) dz, (6.13)0


q(t; x, y) = p(t; x, y) + p(t; —x, y). (6.14)

This proves {IX,I} is a time-homogeneous Markov process with transitionprobability density q. By differentiating both sides of (6.9) with respect to t,

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and making use of the backward equation for p, one arrives at (6.10). Sincethe right side of (6.14) is an even differentiable function of x, (6.11) follows.


Definition 6.1. A Markov process on S = [a, oo) that has continuous samplepaths and whose transition probability density satisfies equations (6.10), (6.11),with 0 replaced by a, is called a reflecting diffusion on [a, oo) having drift anddiffusion coefficients u(x), a 2 (x). The point a is then called a reflecting boundarypoint.

Note that in this definition µ(0) is not required to be zero. It is possible to givea description of such a general diffusion with a reflecting boundary, similar tothat given in Theorem 6.1 for the case µ(0) = 0 (see theoretical complement 1).

Example 1. Consider a reflecting diffusion on S = [0, oo) with u(-):= 0,v 2 (x):= a 2 > 0. This is called the reflecting Brownian motion on [0, x). Itstransition probability density is, by (6.9) or (6.14),

(y _ x 2 2

q(t; x, Y) _ (2n02t) - ^i z exp — x) + exp — (y)2Q t

(t>0;x,y>,0). (6.15)

Example 2. Consider the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (Example 5.2) {X 1 } onW with µ(x) _ —yx, a 2 (•) := a 2 > 0. By Theorem 6.1, {IXtI} is the reflectingdiffusion on S = [0, co ), with transition probability density (see (5.17) and (6.9))

yl z

q(t; x, y) _ ? (1 — e -2yt)

-viz[exp a

z (1 — e -2 y t )

ç_ y(y_+_xe)2 1+ exp a

z (1 — e-2yi)>

(t>0;x,y>,0). (6.16)

By arguments similar to those given in Section 2, we shall now derive theforward equation for a reflecting diffusion on [a, cc). By considering twicecontinuously differentiable functions f, g vanishing outside a finite interval, andg vanishing in a neighborhood of a as well, one derives the forward equationexactly as in (2.33)-(2.41) (Exercise 6),

l p(t; x, Y) ä2 a(ia (Y)P(t; x, Y)) — - (µ(Y)P(t; x, Y)),


(t>0;x>,a,y>a). (6.17)

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To derive the forward boundary condition, differentiate both sides of thefollowing equation with respect to t,

1 = J p(t; x, y) dy, (6.18)to-I

to obtain, using (6.17),

(' ap(t; x, y) r a a0 = J dY = J — — f^(Y)P + a (ia2 (Y)P) dY

tQ 00 ^ at t.'.) ay \ ay

= µ(a)p(t; x, a) — \ Y (zo 2 (Y)P(t; x, Y)))y = a

Hence the forward boundary condition is

Oy (io2 (Y)P(t; x, Y))y =a — µ(a)p(t; x, a) = 0. (6.19)

PERIODIC BOUNDARY CASE. (Diffusions on a Circle: Periodic BoundaryConditions). Let µ(• ), a'(.) be defined on R' and satisfy Condition (1.1). Assumethat both are periodic functions of period d.

Theorem 6.2. Let {X} be a diffusion on l' with periodic coefficients µ(• ), 2(.)as above. Define

{Z,} := {XX(mod d)} . (6.20)

Then {Z} is a Markov process on [0, d) whose transition probability densityfunction q(t; z, z') is given by

q(t; z, z') _ Z p(t; z, z' + md) (t > 0; z, z' e [0, d)) (6.21)m=—m

where p(t; x, y) is the transition probability density function of {X}.

ProofProof. Let f be a real-valued bounded continuous function on [0, d] withf(0) = f (d ). Let g be the periodic extension of f on Q^' defined byg(x + md) = f (x) for x e [0, d] and m = 0, ± 1, +2, .... We need to prove

E[f(Z3+)1 {Z: 0 < u < s}] = [Jdf(zr)q(t; z, z')

dz'] . (6.22)0 2 -Z

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Now, since f(Z) = g(X,), and {X} is Markovian,

E[f (ZS +,) 1 {X: 0 < u < s}] = E[g(X5+,) 1 {X: 0 < u < s}]

=g(y)p(t; x, y) dY] s[II z— x

Lm +l}d

9(Y)P(t; x, Y) dY(6 .23)m=—m LLL d x =x,,

But the periodicity of z(•) and a'(•) implies that the Markov processes Aland {X, — md} have the same drift and diffusion coefficients (Proposition 3.1or Exercise 2) and, therefore, the same transition probability densities. Thismeans

p(t;x+md,y+md)=p(t;x,y) (t>O;x,ye[0,d);m=0,+1,±2,...).(6.24)

Using (6.24) in (6.23), and using the fact that g(md + z') = f(z') for z E [0, d),one gets

E[ f (ZS+ ,) I {X: 0 u < s}] = J d g(md + z') p(t; Xs , and + z')m = —ao 0


= f(z') p(t; X5 , and + z') dz'.(6.25)0 m = —ao

Since Zs = X5(mod d), there exists a unique integer m o = m0 (X3) such thatXs = mod + Z. Then

p(t; XS , and + z') = p(t; m od + Z5, and + z') = p(t; ZS, (m — m 0 )d + z'),

by (6.24). Hence (6.25) reduces to (taking m' = m — m 0 )

E[f(Z ±,) I {X: 0 - u < s}] = fod

.f (z') p(t; ZS, m'd + z') dz

= J d f (z')q(t; Zs , z') dz'. (6.26)0

The desired relation (6.22) is obtained by taking conditional expectations ofextreme left and right sides of (6.26) with respect to {Z: 0 < u < s}, noting that{Z: 0 < u < s} is determined by {X: 0 < u < s} (i.e., a{Z: 0 < u < s} cQ{X:O'<u<s}). n

Since 0(mod d) = 0 = d(mod d), the state space of {Z} may be regarded as

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the compact set [0, d] with 0 and d identified. Actually, the state space is bestthought of as a circle of circumference d, with z as the arc length measuredcounterclockwise along the circle starting from a fixed point on the circle. Itmay also be identified with the unit circle by zE-.exp{i2irz/d}.

Definition 6.5. Let {XX } be a diffusion on O' with periodic drift and diffusioncoefficients with period d. Then the Markov process {Z} := {X,(mod d)}, iscalled a diffusion on [0, d) with periodic boundary or a diffusion on the circle.

Example 3. Let {Xj be a diffusion on 0V with drift and diffusion coefficientsµ and a 2 > 0. Then {Z, := X1(mod 2it)} is the circular Brownian motion, so namedsince Z, can be identified with e`Z'. The transition probability density of thisdiffusion is

q(t; z, z') _ m-

(2ja2t)-ßi2 expl (2mn + z' — z — tµ)21 2a2t (6.27)=m

Underlying the proofs of Theorems 6.1 and 6.2 is an important principlethat may be stated as follows (Exercise 5 and theoretical complement 2).

Proposition 6.3. (A General Principle). Suppose {X,} is a Markov process onS having transition operators T, t > 0. Let q be an arbitrary (measurable)function on S. Then {q(XX )} is a Markov process on S':= q(S) if T ' (f o 4,) is afunction of (p, for every bounded (measurable) f on S'.

TWO-POINT BOUNDARY CASE. (Diffusions on S = [0, 1] with "0" and "1"Reflecting). To illustrate the ideas for the general case, let us first see how toobtain a probabilistic construction of a Brownian motion on [0, 1] with zerodrift, and both boundary points 0,1 reflecting. This leads to another applicationof the above general principle 6.3 in the following example.

Example 4. Let {X} be an unrestricted Brownian motion with zero drift,starting at x e [0, 1]. Define Z,(' ) := X,(mod 2). By Theorem 6.2, {Z} is adiffusion on [0, 2] (with "0" and "2" identified). Hence {Z, 2 ':= Z,( " — 1} is adiffusion on [-1, 1] whose transition probability density is (see (6.27))

( (2m+z'—z) 2 1q(2)(t; z, z') _ Y (2nQ2t) 1/2 expt—

Jjfor —1 < z', z ,< 1.

,,,_ _ 2a2t(6.28)

In particular,

q(2)(t; z, z') = q (2) (t; —z, —z'). (6.29)

It now follows, exactly as in the proof of Theorem 6.1, that {Z r } = { cp(Zt( z) )} :_{jZt( 2) I} is a Markov process on [0, 1]. For, if f is a continuous function on

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[0, 1] then

E[f(Z,) I Zö' = z] = E[f(IZ; Z ^I) Z0 = z]

= I f (I z'I)q(t; z, z') dz'1

= f 0 f(Iz'I)q ( ^ 1 (t;z,z') dz' + J f(Iz'I)q(2(t;z z') dz'0


= f(Iz'I)(q` 2 (t; z, —z') + q (2 (t; z, z')) dz'0


= f(lz'I)(q (2> (t; — z, z') + q (2 (t;z, z')) dz' (by (6.29 ))0

=f(Iz'I)q(t; Izl, z') dz', say, (6.30)fowhich is a function of q(z) = IzI. Hence, {Z,} is a Markov process on [0, 1]whose transition probability density is

q(t; x, y) = q (2 (t; — x, y) + q(2 (t; x, y)

_ (2na2t) li2[exp{ —(2m

+ y — x)Zl + exp{ —

(2m + y + x)?^J

m= — co 2QZt j l 2a2t

forx,ye[0,l]. (6.31)

Note that

öq(t; x, y) aq( 2 )( t; — x, Y) a9 (2) (t; x, y)at — at + at

m= —ao at (p(t; —x, 2m + y) + p(t; x, 2m + y)), (6.32)

where p(t; x, y) is the transition probability density of a Brownian motion withzero drift and diffusion coefficient 6 2 . Hence

aq(t; x,y

) Z_ 1- a9t>Y), (xE(0, 1 )>YE[0 , 1 ]). (6.33)


Also, the first equality in (6.31) shows that

anti- x_ v1=0, (yE[0,1]). (6.34)

UA 1x=0

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Since q (2) (t; —x, y) + q (2) (t; x, y) is symmetric about x = 1 (see (6.21)) one has

aq(t; x, y) = 0 (y E [0 , 1 ]). (6.35)3x x=1

Thus, q satisfies Kolmogorov's backward equation (6.33), and backwardboundary conditions (6.34), (6.35).

In precisely the same manner as in Example 4, we may arrive at a moregeneral result. In order to state it, consider µ(• ), Q 2 (•) satisfying Condition (1.1)on [0, 1]. Assume

µ(0) = 0 = µ(1). (6.36)

Extend p(.), a 2 (.) to (— oo, oo) as follows. First set

p(—x) = —µ(x), u2 (—x) = r 2 (x) for x e [0, 1] (6.37)

and then set

p(x+2m)=µ(x), a 2(x+2m)=v 2 (x) forxe[-1,1],


Theorem 6.4. Let «•)' a2 (.) be extended as above, and let {XX } be a diffusionon S = (—oo, oo) having these coefficients. Define {Z'} __ {X,(mod 2)}, and{ZZ } _= {IZ,( 1 " — 1I}. Then {Z^} is a diffusion with coefficients p(.) and Q 2 (.) on[0, 1], and reflecting boundary points 0, 1.

The condition (6.36) guarantees continuity of the extended coefficients.However, if the given t(.) on [0, 1] does not satisfy this condition, one maymodify y(x) at x = 0 and x = 1 as in (6.36). Although this makes z(.)discontinuous, Theorem 6.4 may be shown to go through (see theoreticalcomplements 1 and 2).


Diffusions with absorbing boundaries are rather simple to describe. Upon arrivalat a boundary point (state) the process is to remain in that state for all timesthereafter. In particular this entails jumps in the transition probabilitydistribution at absorbing states.

7.1 One-Point Boundary Case (Diffusions on S = [a, oo) with Absorption at a)

Let p(• ), a'(.) be defined on S and satisfy Condition (1.1). Extend µ(• ), a'(• )on all of W in some (arbitrary) manner such that Condition (1.1) holds on II'

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for this extension. Let {X} denote a diffusion on ER' having these coefficients,and starting at x e [a, oo). Define a new stochastic process {X= } by


X, if t < Ta(7.1)

a=X^. ift>,Ta ,

where 'ca is the first passage time to a defined by

ra := inf{t >, 0: X` = a}. (7.2)

Note that 'c a - i a ({X,}) is a function of the process {X}.

Theorem 7.1. The process {X,} is a time-homogeneous Markov process.

Proof. Let B be a Borel subset of (a, oo). Then

P(XS+ ,EB, and Ta 's {X:0-<u<s})=0. (7.3)

On the other hand, introducing the shifted process {(X) := X5+ ,: t > 0} andusing the Markov property of {X,} one gets, on the set {Ta > s},

P(Xs+ ,EB,ta >s1 {X:0‹u<s})

= P(Xs+1 e B, Ta > s, and Ta > S + t {X: 0 1 u <1 s})

= 1 {ta , $} P((XS ), e B, and 'ra(XS ) > t I {Xu : 0 <- u -< s})

= 1 {^a, ‚)P(X, e B, and Ta > t I {Xo = Y})I , =xs

= 1 {ra>S}P(X, e B {X0 = Y})I=x,. (7.4)

For the second equality in (7.4), we have used the fact that if Ta > s thenTa = s + Ta(X, ), being the first passage time to a for X. Also, (T a > s}is determined by {X: 0 < u < s}, so that 1{ßa>s} may be taken outside theconditional probability. Combining (7.3) and (7.4) one gets, for B c (a, oo),

P(Xs+ ,eBI {XX :0<u<s})=P(X,eBI{X0 =Y})I v=xs 1 (=a>s)

= P(X, e B {Xo = y})I v=2= l ira>s ^

= P(XI e B I {Xo = Y})I v=g,• (7.5)

The second equality holds, since ra > s implies Xs = Xs (and, always, Xo = Xo ).The last equality holds, since T. < s implies X3 = a, so that for B contained in(a, co), P(X e B I {Xo = y})I y=x, = 0. Now the sigmafield Q{X: 0 < u < s} iscontained in v{X: 0 < u < s}, since X„ is determined by {X: 0 < v < u}. HenceP(Xs+ e B {X: 0 < u < s}) may be obtained by taking the conditionalexpectation of the left side of (7.5), given {X:0 < u < s}. But the last expression

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in (7.5) is already a function of Xs . Hence

P(X,,, e B I {X,,: 0< u 5 s}) = P(Ä', E B I Xo = y)I v =g.. (7.6)

For B = {a}, (7.6) may be checked by taking B = (a, oo), and bycomplementation. This establishes the Markov property of {X,}. •

Definition 7.1. The Markov process {XJ is called a diffusion on [a, cc) havingdrift and diffusion coefficients u(• ), a 2 (• ), and an absorbing boundary at a.

The transition probability p(t; x, dy) of {Xj is given by

p(t; x, B) := P(X^ e B I {X° = x})

(P(XX e B, and tQ > t I {X° = x}) if B c (a, oo)(7 7)

S(P(TQ '<tI{X° =x}) ifB={a}.

In particular, the transition probability distribution will have a jump (positiveprobability) at the boundary point {a} if a is accessible.

Let p(t; x, y) denote the transition probability density of {X}. Since, forBc(a, cc) and x>a,

p(t;x,B)=P(X1 EB,and to >t1 {X° =x})

P(XX e B I {X° = x}) = p(t; x, B), (B c (a, oo)), (7.8)

P(t; x, dy) is given by a density p° (t; x, y), say, on (a, co) with p° (t; x, y) < p(t; x, y)(for x > a, y > a) (Exercise 1). One may then rewrite (7.7) as

IffB p°(t;x,y)dy

P(t; x B) = P(TQ t)

ifBc(a, cc) and x>a,


where P. denotes the distribution of {X} starting at x.Thus for the analytical determination of p(t; x, dy) one needs to find the

density p°(t; x, y) and the function (t, x) -^ Px(ra < t) for x > a. It is shown inSection 15 that p° (t; x, y) satisfies the same backward equation as does p(t; x, y)(also see Exercise 2).

ap° (t; x, y) = I 2 0Zp° ap0öt Za (x) axz + µ(x) Ox

and the Dirichlet boundary condition

(t>0;x>a,y>a), (7.10)

lim p° (t; x, y) = 0. (7.11)xlo

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Indeed, (7.11) may be derived from the relation (see (7.9))

P° (t; x, Y) dY = Px (Ta > t), (x > a, t > 0), (7.12)

noting that as x j a the probability on the right side goes to zero. If one assumesthat p° (t; x, y) has a limit as x j a, then this limit must be zero.

By the same method as used in the derivation of (6.17) it will follow (Exercise3) that p° satisfies the forward equation

aP°(t;x,Y) = aZ (i6Z (Y)P° ) — a (µ(Y)P° ), (t > 0; x > a,Y > a), (7.13)öt ay2 aY

and the forward boundary condition

lim p°(t; x, y) = 0, (t > 0; x > a). (7.14)y1a

For a Brownian motion on [0, co) with an absorbing boundary zero, p ° iscalculated in Section 8 analytically. A purely probabilistic derivation of p ° issketched in Exercises 11.5, 11.6, and 11.11.

7.2 Two-Point Boundary Case (Diffusions on S = [a, b] with Two AbsorbingBoundary Points a, b)

Let U(• ), i 2 (•) be defined on [a, b]. Extend these to J' in any manner suchthat Condition (1.1) is satisfied. Let {X,} be a diffusion on R' having theseextended coefficients, starting at a point in [a, b]. Define the stopped process{X,} by,


ift ^i,

where T is the first passage time to the boundary,

r:= inf{t>,0:X,=aor X,=b}. (7.16)

Virtually the same proof as given for Theorem 7.1 applies to show that {X t }is a Markov process on [a, b].

Definition 7.2. The process {X,} in (7.15) is called a diffusion on [a, b] withcoefficients i(.), a'(•) and with two absorbing boundaries a, b.

Once again, the transition probability p(t; x, dy) of {X} is given by a density

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p° (t; x, y) when restricted to the interior (a, b),

p(t; x, B) = J p °(t; x, y) dy (t > 0; a <x < b, B c (a, b)). (7.17)a

This density has total mass less than 1,

J P° (t; x, y) dy = PX(r > t), (t > 0; x e (a, b)), (7.18)(a,b)

where Ps is the distribution of {X}. Also, by the same argument as in theone-point boundary case,

lim p°(t; x, y) = 0, (7.19)Y1a

lim p° (t; x, y) = 0; (t > 0; x e (a, b)). (7.20)YIb

Unlike the one-point boundary case, however, p ° does not completelydetermine p(t; x, dy) in the present case. For this, one also needs to calculatethe probabilities

P(t; x, {a}) °= Px(r < t, Xi = a), P(t; x, {b}) := Px(i ,< t, XL = b). (7.21)

In order to calculate these probabilities, let A denote the event that thediffusion {X,}, starting at x, reaches a before reaching b, and let DD be the eventthat by time t the process does not reach either a or b but eventually reachesa before b. Then DD c A and

P(t; x, {a}) = Px(A\D,) = P(A) — Px(DD) = ‚ 1i(x) — P(D), (7.22)

where (/i(x) is the probability that starting at x the diffusion {X,} reaches abefore b. Conditioning on XX, one gets for t > 0, a <x < b,

PP(DD) = f(a,b)

PX(D, 1 X, = y)P° (t; x, y) dy = f(a.b)

i(y)P°(t; x, y) dy. (7.23)

Substituting (7.22) in (7.23) yields

p(t; x, {a}) = ^i(x) — J ^i(y)p° (t; x, y) dy, (t > 0, a < x < b). (7.24)(a,b)

Therefore we have the following result.

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Proposition 7.2. Let µ(x) and a2 (x) satisfy Condition (1.1) on (—oo, oo). LetS = [a, b], for some a < b. Then the probability p(t; x, {a}) is given by

P(t; x, {a}) = /i(x) — J 6 ^i(Y)p°(t; x, y) dy (t > 0, a <x < b), (7.25)0

where '(y) = PY (X, = a), Py being the distribution of the unrestricted process{X,} starting at y.

The function çli(x) in Proposition 7.2 is given by (2.24) as well as (4.17). Itis also calculated in Section 8, where it is shown that tJi(x) can be obtained asthe solution to a boundary-value problem that is the continuous (or, differentialequation) analog of the discrete (or difference equation) boundary-valueproblem (Chapter III, Eqs. 2.4-2.5) for the birth—death process. It is given by

f.' exp < — JaZ ^Z(Y) dy } dz

rJi(x) _ ))) (a < x <, b). (7.26)

f —f." dy2µ(y)


1J dz O (Y)


p(t; x, {b}) = Px(r < t) — p(t; x, {a}) = 1 — f(a,b)

p°(t; x, y) dy — p(t; x, {a}).

(7.27)For the case of a Brownian motion on [a, b] with both boundary points

a, b absorbing, calculations of p°(t; x, y), /i(x) based on eigenfunctionexpansions and (7.26) are given in Section 8. A purely probabilistic calculationis sketched in Exercises 11.5, 11.6, and 11.10.

7.3 Mixed Two-Point Boundary Case (One Absorbing Boundary Point andOne Reflecting)

Let {X} be a diffusion on [a, oo) with a reflecting boundary a, having drift anddiffusion coefficients t(•), a 2 (.). For b > a, define



X, if t < zb,(7.28)

b ift>T,.

If {X,} starts at x e [a, b], then {1,} is a Markov process on [a, b], starting atx, which is called a diffusion on [a, b] having coefficients p(•), a 2 (• ), and areflecting boundary point a and an absorbing boundary point b.

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Consider an arbitrary diffusion on an interval S with drift µ(x) and diffusioncoefficient a 2 (x). If an end point is accessible then choose either a Neumann(reflecting) or a Dirichlet (absorbing) boundary condition. Let S ° denote theinterior of S. Define the function

n(x) = 2a exp{I(x° , x)} , x e S, (8.1)a2 (x)

where a is an arbitrary positive constant, x 0 is an arbitrarily chosen state, and

1(x0 , x) := x 2µ(z)

dz (8.2)xo a 2 (Z)

Notice that n(x) is proportional to the limiting measure obtained from Eq. 4.1of Chapter III, in the diffusion limit of birth—death chains with the parametersgiven by (4.2) of the present chapter.

Consider the space LZ (S, it) of real-valued functions on S that are squareintegrable with respect to the density n. Let f, g be twice continuouslydifferentiable functions that satisfy the backward Neumann or Dirichietboundary condition(s) imposed at the boundary point(s), and that vanishoutside a finite interval. Then, upon integration by parts, one obtains thefollowing property for A (Exercise 1)

<Af, g>, = < f, Agin, (8.3)


Af(x) = za 2 (x)f"(x) + p(x)f'(x), x E S° , (8.4)

and the inner product < , >,, is defined by

<f h> = fS

f(x)h(x)n(x) dx. (8.5)

In view of the symmetry of A reflected in (8.3), one may expect that there is aspectral representation of the transition probability analogous to that fordiscrete state spaces (see Section 4 of Chapter III and Section 9 of Chapter IV).That this is indeed the case will be illustrated in forthcoming examples of thissection (also see theoretical complement 2).

Consider the case in which S is a closed and bounded interval. The ideabehind this method is that if i is an eigenfunction of A (including boundary

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conditions) corresponding to an eigenvalue a, i.e.,

A>y = a>G (8.6)

then u(t, x) = e /i(x) solves the backward equation

^u = eai/i(x) = eAi(x) = Au(t, x) (8.7)^t

and u satisfies the boundary conditions. Likewise, if u(t, x) is a superposition(linear combination) of such functions then the same will be true. Supposethat the set of eigenvalues (counting multiplicities) is countable, say10 , a,, a 2 , . .. with corresponding eigenfunctions Mi o , 0 l , . .. of unit length, i.e.,

II0.II = <., .> 112 = 1. It is simple to check that eigenfunctions correspondingto distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal with respect to the inner product (8.5)(Exercise 2). Also if there are more than one linearly independent eigenfunctionsfor a single eigenvalue, then these can be orthogonalized by the Gram—Schmidtprocedure (Exercise 2). So , ... can be taken to be orthonormal. If theset of finite linear combinations of the eigenfunctions is dense in LZ (S, it), thenthe eigenfunctions are said to be complete. In this case each f E LZ (S, n) has aFourier expansion of the form

J = Y_ <fi'Yn>nWn. (8.8)n=0

Consider the superposition defined by

u(t, x) = E e"^`<f, ' >, i (x). (8.9)n=0

Then u satisfies the backward equation and the boundary condition(s) togetherwith the initial condition

u(0, x) = f(x). (8.10)

However, the function

T^f(x) = EXf(X,) = I .f(y)p(t; x, dy) (8.11)Js

also satisfies the same backward equation, boundary condition and initialcondition. So if there is uniqueness for a sufficiently large class of initial functionsf (see theoretical complement 2) then we get

T,f(x) = u(t, x), (8.12)

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which means

fs f(Y)p(t; x, dy) = fs f(Y)(Z e""'^„(x)^n(Y))it(Y) dy. (8.13) =O

In such cases, therefore, p(t; x, dy) has a density p(t; x, y) and it is given by

p(t; x, y) _Zea"'^n(x)^n(Y)n(Y)


In the present section this method of computation of transition probabilitiesis illustrated in the case that µ(x) and o 2 (x) are constants.

In Examples I and 2 below, y = 0 and o 2 (x) - •z > 0, so that n(x) is aconstant that may be taken to be 1.

Explicit computations of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are possible only invery special cases. There are, however, effective numerical procedures for theirapproximate computation.

Example 1. (Brownian Motion on [0, d] with Two Reflecting Boundaries). Inthis case, S = [0, d], and Kolmogorov's backward equation for the transitionprobability density function p(t; x, y) is


öt zoz ax(t > 0, 0 < x < d; y e S), (8.15)

with the backward boundary condition

apt =0 (t > 0; ye S). (8.16)äx x=o,a

We seek eigenvalues a of A and corresponding eigenfunctions 0. That is,consider solutions of

?oz^„(x) = ai(x), (8.17)

ßi'(0) = '(d) = 0. (8.18)

Check that the functions

x8.19^im (x) = bm cos mit ^ l (m=0,1,2,...), (8.19 )

satisfy (8.17), (8.18), with a given by

mz ir2a z—,„ 2d2 (m=0,1,2,...). (8.20)

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Now the function (8.1) is here it(x) = 1. Since

J l z dx=d, J cost(—J dx =2,0 0

the normalizing constant bm is given by

brn = \jI (m ? 1); bo d

To see whether (8.19) and (8.20) provide all the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions,one needs to check the completeness of {di m : m = 0, 1, 2, ...} in L2 ([0, d], n).This may be done by using Fourier series (Exercise 10). Thus,

p(t; x, y) = L ea"t II/m(x)frm(y)


1 2 1 anmmirx

d m,

m7ryz z z_ — + exp —

2dz t cos cos ( X)

d d

(t >0,0<x,y <d). (8.23)

Notice that

1lim p(t; x, y) = d , (8.24)

the convergence being exponentially fast, uniformly with respect to x, y. Thus,as t —* oo, the distribution of the process at time t converges to the uniformdistribution on [0, d]. In particular, this limiting distribution provides theinvariant initial distribution for the process.

Example 2. (Brownian Motion with One Reflecting Boundary). Let S = [0, oo),µ(x) - 0, a 2 (x) - a z > 0. We seek the transition density p that satisfies

ap = a

2 a lpfort>0, x >0, y:0,

at 2 äxZ

ap=0 fort>0, y>,O.

ax I X =o





This diffusion is the limiting form of that in Example 1 as d j oo. Letting d j oo

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in (8.23) one has

1 (— oznz(m/d)2 1 ^—

m^y^p(t; x, y) = lim - exp 1 t)t cos cos

d r^d m 2 d \=-m d°° ( toz iz u zl

= exp{ — cos(zrxu) cos(nyu) du2-X 1. )

Zzz= 1 exp - ta

2 .[cos(n(x + y)u) + cos(n(x - y)u)] du

_ 2^ I (e + e ) ex{ _p t62 z1 dZ ( _ nu)

,J-^ l I

= lz ^1z (ex { _ (x + Z )Z } + ex

(x Z )Z) /(2ntor) p ( 2tv ) p 2tQ

(t>0,0<x,y<oo). (8.26)

The last equality in (8.26) follows from Fourier inversion and the fact thatexp{ — ta2^2/2} is the characteristic function of the normal distribution withmean zero and variance to e .

Example 3. (Diffusion on S = [0, d] with Constant Coefficients and TwoAbsorbing Boundaries). Here S = [0, d], and the transition probability has adensity p(t; x, y) on 0 < x, y < d that satisfies the backward equation


a^ 2a +µax,(t>0,0<x<d;0<y<d), (8.27)

the backward boundary conditions

Jim p(t; x, y) = 0, lim p(t; x, y) = 0, (8.28)x10 xjd

for t > 0, 0 <y < d. Check that the functions

yx In=I1m(x) = bm exp -- z sin d (m = 1, 2, ...) (8.29)

are eigenfunctions corresponding to eigenvalues

mzn2^2 µ 2

« = a. 2d2 2a2 , (m = 1, 2, ...). (8.30)

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Since the function in (8.1) is in this case given by

{ 2px } 8.31n(x) = exp„J

)) (O ^ x ^ d), ( )J

the normalizing constants are

2bm = (m=1,2,...). (8.32)


The eigenfunction expansion of p is therefore

Wp(t; x, y) = Z eam'IJm(x)Im(Y)ir(Y)


_ 2 exp(µ(Y0- x)} expt — ia-ij

t expj —m22daZt^z l 2d2m=1

x sin( mdx) sin^mdy^ (t > 0,0 < x, y < d). (8.33)

It remains to calculate

p(t; x, {0}) = PX(XX = 0), p(t; x, {d}) = PX(X, = d), 0 < x < d. (8.34)

Note that

p(t; x, {0}) + p(t; x, {d}) = 1 — J p(t; x, y) dy(0d)

= 1 — 2 exp1 — Q2c

mm^I a

m exp{ — 2 2td^l si (mix

n( ^

l \(8.35)where



am = exp " sin y)dy. (8.36)

Thus, it is enough to determine p(t; x, {0}); the function p(t; x, {d}) is thendetermined from (8.35). From (7.25) we get

p(t; x, {0}) = +1(x) — J 0(y)p(t; x, y) dy (8.37)(0 d)

where i/i(x) = Px({X,} reaches 0 before d). From the calculations of (9.6) in

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Chapter I we have

x ifµ=0

^ (x) = — exp{2µ(d — x)/a2}(8.38)

ifµ 0.1 — exp{2dµ/6 2 }

Substituting (8.33), (8.38) in (8.37) yields p(t; x, {0}).

Example 4. (Diffusion on S = [0, oo) with Constant Coefficients µ, o 2 > 0;Zero an Absorbing Boundary). The transition density function p(t; x, y) forx, y e (0, oo) is obtained as a limit of (8.33) as d T oo. That is,

JµIY — x) _ µ2tn2o2tu2


p(t; x, y) = 2 exp l 2^z exp — 2 sin(irxu) sin(ityu) du



tµ( a2 x) 2Q Z1 J exp{ --2 } sin(Zx) sin(ZY) dZ

o ))

_ exp p(y—

x) — /

22t) J exp{ — ort z .2 i l )


x [cos(^(x — y)) — cos(^(x + y))] d^

z= 1 exp µ(Y — x) _ /it ) e-i^cx-ri _ e -14cx+Y)) e -a2 ,4 2J2 dZ

2ir Qz 2QZ

( µ(y — x) µ 2 t ) 1= exp { —

l Q z 2vz (2na 2 t) 1 / 2

x exp —exp —(x — y) z (x + y)z

(8.39)2o 2 t 2vzt

Integration of (8.39) with respect to y over (0, oo) yields p(t; x, {0}`), whichis the probability that, starting from x, the first passage time to zero is greaterthan t.

Examples 3 and 4 yield the distributions of the maximum and the minimumand the joint distribution of the maximum, minimum and the state at timet of a diffusion with constant coefficients over the time period [0, t](Exercises 4-6).


Let {X': t 0} be a diffusion on an interval S, with drift and diffusioncoefficients µ(x) and a 2 (x), starting at x. Let [c, d] c S, c < d, and let

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O(x) = P({XI } reaches c before d), c < x < d. (9.1)

Assume, as always, that Condition (1.1) holds. Criteria for transience andrecurrence of diffusions may be derived from the computation of i/i(x) given inSection 4 (see Eq. (4.17)). A different method of computation based on solvinga differential equation governing ifr is given in this section; recall Chapter III,Eqs. 2.4, 2.5 in the case of the birth—death chain for the analogous discreteproblem. The present method is similar to that of Proposition 2.5, but doesnot make use of martingales. It does, however, use the fact derived in Exercise3.5, namely,

Px ( max IX, — xI > s/ = o(h) as h j 0 for every s > 0.


Assume that this last fact holds.

Proposition 9.1. i/i is the solution to the two-point boundary-value problem:

za 2 (x)r/i"(x) + µ(x)ç/i'(x) = 0 for c <x < d,(9.2)

i(c) = 1, '(d)=0.

Proof. Let i denote the first passage to the set {c, d} with two elements. Theevent

{i > h} - {c < min{X: 0 < u < h} < max{X: O <, u < h} <d}

is determined by {X,,: 0 <, u < h}. Therefore, by the Markov property,

Px(r>h,X,=c)=Ex[P('r>h,X,=c1 {X:0<,u s h})]

=Ex[P(r>h,(X,; )T =c1{X.:0<u s h})]

= Ex[ 1 {T>h)P((Xti )T' = c {X: 0 u h})]

= Ex(l{r>h}/(Xh))• (9.3)

Here X,; is the shifted process {(X,; ),} := {X,, ,: t >, 0} and tr' = inf{t: (X,) = c}(= T — h on {r> h}). Now extend the function i/i(x) over x <c and x > dsmoothly so as to vanish outside a compact set in S. Denote this extendedfunction also by ay. Then (9.3) may be expressed as

P.('r > h, X^ = c) = ExÜ0 (Xh) — EX(l(T,n)(J(Xh))

= JI (y)p(h; x, y) dy + o(h), as h j 0. (9.4)s

The remainder term in (9.4) is o(h) by the third condition in (1.2)'. Actually,

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one needs the stronger property that PX(maxos5shlX5 — xj > E) = o(h) (seeExercise 3.5). For the same reason,

Px(r<h,X,=c)<Px(t<h)=o(h), ashj0. (9.5)

By (9.4) and (9.5)

i/i(x) = Px (r > h, XL = c) + Px(r < h, XL = c)

= (Th, /I)(x) + o(h), as h j 0. (9.6)


lim (Th/)(x) — /i(x) = 0. (9.7)hlo h

But the limit on the left is (Ai/i)(x) = Za2 (x)^/i"(x) + p(x)/i'(x) (see Section 2).n

In order to solve the two-point boundary-value problem (9.2), write

I(x,z):= J - 2,u(y) dy (x,zES), (9.8)x a2 (y)

with the usual convention that 1(z, x) _ —I(x, z). Fix an arbitrary x 0 E S, anddefine the scale function

s(x) = s(xo ; x).= J x exp{-1(x0 , z)} dz, (x e S), (9.9)xo

and the speed function

m(x) - m(xo ; x):= J x 2 exp{I(x 0 , z)} dz, (x E S). (9.10)xa a2 (z )

In terms of these two functions, the differential operator

=d2 d

A 26 2 (x) dx2 + µ(x) —x (9.11)

takes the simple form

= d d


dm(x) ds(x)

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In other words, for every twice-differentiable function f on S (Exercise 1)

(Af)(x) = d (df (x)




where, by the chain rule,

df(x) — df(x) dx _ 1 df(x) — 1 )

ds(x) dx ds(x) s'(x) f (x) ' dm(x) m'(x)f (x). (9.14

The differential equation in (9.2) may now be expressed as

d (9.15)

dm(x) ds(x)

which yields

do(x) = c l , O(x) = c l s(x) + c 2 .


The boundary conditions in (9.2) now yield,

c l

s(d)—s(c)1---) c2 = —c i s(d) =


s(d)= — (C. (9.17))

Use these constants in (9.16) to get

O(x) = s(d) — s(x) = s(d;x,) — s(x;x0)(9.18)

s(d)—s(c) s(d;x,)—s(c;x,)

Taking x o = c and noting that s(c; c) = 0, one has

J d exp{ — I(c, z)} dz

'(x) = fd (9.19)

exp{-1(c, z)} dzc

The relation (9.18) justifies the scale function nomenclature for the function s.When distance is measured in this scale, i.e., when s(y) — s(x) is regarded asthe distance between x and y (x < y), then the probability of reaching c befored starting at x is proportional to the distance s(d) — s(x) between x and d. Thisis a property of Brownian motion, for which s(x; 0) = x (also see Eq. 9.6,Chapter 1). In particular, starting from the middle of an interval in this scale,

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the probability of reaching the left end point before the right end point is Z,the same as that of reaching the right end point first.

It follows from (9.18) (Exercise 2) that


e-i<<,:^ dz

X reaches d before cs(x)—s(c)

cp{x)'= Px{{ })_ _

s(d) — s(c) d e_'' dz

. (9.20)


Of course, (9.20) may be proved directly in the same way as (9.18).Next write

px, = Px({X} ever reaches y}), (x, y e S). (9.21)

Then the following results hold.

Proposition 9.2. Let S = (a, b). Fix x 0 e S arbitrarily.

(a) If

s(a) = s(xo ; a) = —cc,, (9.22)

then p, = 1 for all y > x. If s(x o ; a) is finite, then

x exp{ —1(x0 , z)} dzs(x) — s(a) a

PxY =s(Y) — s(a) = (y > x). (9.23)

exp{ —1(x 0 , z)} dzf.y


s(xo ; b) = oc, (9.24)

then p, = 1 for all y < x. If s(x o ; b) is finite, then

exp{-1(xo , z)} dzs(b) — s(x) fX'= (y < x). (9.25)

pxY — s(b) — s(y)f b exp{ —1(xo , z)} dz 'J Y

Proof. (a) If y> x then px^, is obtained from (9.20) by letting d = y, and c J. a.(b) If y < x, then use (9.18) with c = y, and let d lb. n

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Definition 9.1. A state y is recurrent if pxy = 1 for all x E S such that pvx > 0,and is transient otherwise. If all states in S are recurrent, then the diffusionis said to be recurrent.

The following corollary is a useful consequence of Proposition 9.2.

Corollary 9.3. A diffusion on S = (a, b) with coefficients µ(x), r 2 (x) is recurrentif and only if s(a) = —cc and s(b) = oo.

If S has one or two boundary points, then pxv is given by the followingproposition. The modifications of the above to get these conditions are left toexercises.

Proposition 9.4

(a) Suppose S = [a, b) and a is reflecting. Then the diffusion is recurrent ifand only if s(b) = oo. If, on the other hand, s(b) < oo then one has p 1for y > x and

b exp{-1(x0 , z)} dz

Pxv =s(b)—s(x) =

y<x. (9.26)s(b) — s(y)

fyb exp{ — I(xo ,z)} dz

(b) Suppose S = [a, b) and a is absorbing. Then the only recurrent state isa and

s(x) — s(a)

s(y) — s(a)

Pxy = I


s(b) — s(y)


ifs(b)=oo and 0,<y<x,

if s(b) < oc and 0 ,< y ,< x.


(c) Suppose S = [a, b] with both boundaries reflecting. Then p xy = I for allx, y E S. and the diffusion is recurrent.

(d) Suppose S = [a, b] with a absorbing and b reflecting. Then the onlyrecurrent state is a, pxy = 1 for y < x, and

s(x) — s(a),

y > x. (9.28)Pxv

= s(y) — s(a)

(e) Suppose S = [a, b] with both boundaries absorbing. Then all states,

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other than a and b, are transient and one has

s(b) — s(x)a y x<b,

s(b) — s(y)(9.29)Pxy =

s(x) — s(a)a<x<y^b.

s(y) — s(a)


As in the case of Markov chains, the existence of an invariant initial distributionfor a diffusion is equivalent to its positive recurrence. The present section isdevoted to the derivation of a criterion for positive recurrence.

For a diffusion {X} let ty denote the first passage time to a state y defined by

ry = inf{t >, 0: X, = y}, (10.1)

with the usual convention that ty (uw) = oo for those sample points w for whichX,(oo) does not equal y for any t (i.e., if the set on the right side of (10.1) isempty). If c < d are two states, then write

z:=inf{t^0:X(c,d)} =r.A rd , (10.2)

where A denotes the minimum, i.e., S A t = min(s, t). Then i is the first timethe process is at c or d, provided X. e [c, d].

Let us now calculate the mean escape time M(x) of a diffusion from aninterval (c, d),

M(x):= Ex T, (10.3)

Note that M(x) = 0 if x (c, d). Here [c, d] c S. Now denoting by Xti theshifted process {(Xh ),:= Xk+( : t > 0}, one has

T = h + r(X,;) on the set {T > h}, (10.4)

since i(X,;) = z({(X,; ),}) is precisely the additional time needed by the process{X1}, after time h, to escape from (c, d). Because 1{,>k} is determined by (i.e.,measurable with respect to) {X: 0 < u < h}, it follows by the Markov propertythat

Ex(1{s>k)T(Xj )) = Ex[1{T >k)E(i(Xn ) {X: 0 s u h})] = Ex( 1 {z>k}(Eyt)y =x ti )

= EX(l{r>k)M(Xk )) = EX(M(Xh)) — Ex(1 {t,k)M(Xh)). (10.5)

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By (10.4) and (10.5), for x e (c, d),

M(x) = Ex t = hPP (i > h) + EX(M(Xh)) — EX(I{isn)M(Xh)) + Ez(r l{ hl)

= h + EX(M(Xh)) — hP(r < h) — EX(l(T<h)M(Xh)) + EX(rlltsh))

= h + EX (M(Xh )) + o(h), (h 10). (10.6)

The last relation in (10.6) clearly follows if EX (I (Z h} M(Xh )) = o(h), as h J 0; aproof of which is sketched in Exercise 1. Now (10.6) leads to

lim 1- {(Th M)(x) — M(x)} _ —1, (10.7)Noh

i.e., (AM)(x) = —1 for x e (c, d). Therefore the following result is proved.

Proposition 10.1. The mean escape time M(x) from (c, d) satisfies

Zv z (x)M"(x) + u(x)M'(x) = —1, c < x < d,(10.8)

M(c) = M(d) = 0.

In order to solve the two-point boundary-value problem (10.8), express thedifferential equation as (see Section 9)

d dM(x) —1, (10.9)

dm(x) ds(x)

whose general solution is given by

dM(x) = —m(x) + c 1 , M(x) = c,s(x) — f

cx m(y) ds(y) + c 2 . (10.10)


From the boundary conditions in (10.8) it follows that

^ d m(y) ds(y)

c ' s(d) — s(c) 'cz = —c,s(c). (10.11)

Substituting this in (10.10), one gets

S(C; X) d z

M(x) = m(c; y)s'(c; y) dy — m(c; y)s'(c; y) dys(c; d) f f

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e-rt^.:^ dzd y_

J^2(z) eic'.Z) dz]e_'. dY

e-,cc,=) dz < <

— ^ x y 2

^ LJG 6 2 e'' dz e -

`c'.y ) dY (c < x < d). (10.12)

Equation (10.9) justifies the nomenclature speed measure given to m. For supposethe diffusion is in natural scale, i.e., that it has been relabeled so that s(x) = x.Then (10.9) may be expressed as

M"(x) = —m'(x). (10.13)

If m l , m2 are two speed measures and Ml , M2 the corresponding expected timesto escape from (c, d), then m' (x) > m'' (x) for all x implies M1 (x) >, M(x) forall x (Exercise 8). Thus, the larger m' is, the slower is the speed of escape. Fora Brownian motion with zero drift and diffusion coefficient a 2 , the speed measureis m(x) = (2/a l )x (with x o = 0) and m'(x) = 2/a 2 .

Suppose the state space S has an inaccessible right end point b. Write tc A Td

for min{z,, td}, the first passage time to {c, d}, so that

M(x) = Ex(; A id ), c < x < d. (10.14)

By letting d T b in (10.14), one obtains Ex; provided

1im rd = oo with probability 1, (10.15)dlb

which is what inaccessibility of b means. It may be shown that (10.15) holds,in particular, if s(b) = oo (Exercise 2). In this case, E x ; is finite if and only if(Exercise 3)

b 2m(b) := m(xo; b) = e`cx° M dz < cc. (10.16)

It now follows from the first equality in (10.12) that (Exercise 3)

Ex; = J (m(b) — m(y)) ds(y), x > c. (10.17)C

Proceeding in the same manner, it follows (Exercise 4) that if S has aninaccessible lower end point a and s(a) = — oo, then Ex id < oo (x < d) if and

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only if

2 X°2—m(a):_ —m(x o ; a):= —

e`cX°.z) dz - e-(z,x°) dz < oc .f.a. a2(Z) a a ' W(10.18)

Then (Exercise 4)

EX rd = id (m(y) — m(a)) ds(y), x < d. (10.19)

Finiteness (with probability 1) of the passage time ty under every initial stateis the meaning of recurrence of a diffusion. A stronger property is the finitenessof their expectations.

Definition 10.1. A diffusion on S is positive recurrent if Ery < co for all x, y c S.A recurrent diffusion that is not positive recurrent is null recurrent.

The positive recurrence of a diffusion implies its recurrence, although theconverse is not true.

The following result has been proved above.

Proposition 10.2. Suppose S = (a, b). Then the diffusion is positive recurrent,if and only if

s(a) = —cc, m(a)> —co, (10.20)


s(b) = +oo, rn(b) < oo. (10.21)

For intervals S having boundary points one may prove the following result.The modifications that give this result are left to exercises.

Proposition 10.3

(a) Suppose S = [a, b) with a a reflecting boundary. Then the diffusion ispositive recurrent if and only if s(b) = cc and m(b) < oo.

(b) Suppose S = [a, b] with a and b reflecting boundaries. Then the diffusionis positive recurrent.


Take Q to be the set of all possible. paths, i.e., the set of all continuous functionsaw on the time interval [0, co) into the interval S (state space). In this case X,

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is the value of the trajectory (function) at time t, X1 (w) = w,. The sigmafield Fis the smallest sigmafield that includes all finite-dimensional events of the form{X^. e B, for I < i ,< n}, where 0 .< t 1 <t 2 < • • • <t, and B 1 , .... B„ aresubintervals of the state space S. The probabilities of such finite-dimensionalevents are specified by the transition probability p(t; x, dy) of the diffusion andan initial distribution it (see Eq. 1.4). This determines P on all of .F .

Let .. denote the sigmafield of events determined by finite-dimensional eventsof the form {X1 , e BL for I <, i < n} with t, <, t for all i. Thus, f, = a{Xs : 0 < s < t}

is the class of events determined by the sample path or trajectory of the diffusionup to time t.

Definition 11.1. A random variable r on the probability space (f', F) withvalues in [0, oo] is a stopping time or a Markov time if, for every t ? 0,

This says that, for a stopping time i, whether or not to stop by time t isdetermined by the sample path or trajectory up to time t. Check that constant

times T - to are stopping times. The first passage times t y, ; A Td are importantexamples of stopping times (Exercise 1). By the "past up to time t" we meanthe pre-T sigmafield of events .FT defined by

Wit -=v{XIAt: t ^ 0}. (11.1)

The stochastic process {X} :_ {X,,, } is referred to as the process stopped at r.

Events in .fit depend only on the process stopped at i. The stopped processcontains no further information about the process {X1} beyond the time T.

An alternative description of the pre-T sigmafield, which is often useful inchecking whether a particular event belongs to it, is as follows,

5t ={Fe. :Fn{z<t}e. ,for all t>,0}. (11.2)

For example, using this it is simple to check that

{T<oo}eWit. (11.3)

The proof of the equivalence of (11.1) and (11.2) is a little long and is omitted(see theoretical complement 1). For our purposes in this section, we take (11.2)as the definition of .yt .

It follows from (11.1) or (11.2) that if i is the constant time r - to, then.; =^

As intuition would suggest, if t, and r 2 are two stopping times such thatr 2 then

F cßi2 . (11.4)

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For, if A e 34 ,, then

An {T Z -t} =(An{T 1 <t})n(A - {r 1 <t}n{r 2 >t})`. (11.5)

Since A n {z, < t} E .F, and {z 2 > t} _ {T Z < t}` E .y„ the set on the right sideof (11.5) is in .F,. Hence A e.yr2 .

Another important property of stopping times is that, if i 1 and r 2 are stoppingtimes, then r, A i 2 - min{r,, i 2 } is also a stopping time. This is intuitivelyclear and simple to prove (Exercise 2). It follows from (11.4) thatc—

A5b Ft

cz C 9 n ^`tz

Finite-dimensional events in J1t are those that depend only on finitely manycoordinates of the stopped process, i.e., events of the form

G={(X( I ni,...,X,..,,)EB} (11.6)

where B is a Borel subset of Sm := S x S x • .. x S (m-fold). Similarly, afinite-dimensional -measurable function is of the form

f(Xt l ^i,...,XI-AT) (11.7)

where f is a Borel-measurable function on S'°. For example, one may take fto be a continuous function on S .

More generally, one may consider an arbitrary measurable set F of pathsand let G be the event that the stopped process lies in F,

G = [{Xt „ T } E F] (Fey). (11.8)

The sigmafield . is precisely this class of sets G. The Markov property holds ifthe "past" and "future" are defined relative to stopping times, and not merelyconstant times. For this the past relative to a stopping time T is taken to bethe pre-T sigmafield information contained in the stopped process {X,,, T}. Thefuture relative to to r is the after-T process Xt = {(XT )1 } obtained by viewing{X,} from time t = r onwards, for r < oo. That is,

(XT ),(w) = XZ( )+ ,(cv), t 0, on {w: T(w) < }. (11.9)

Since the after-T process is defined only on the set {r < oo}, events based onit are subsets of {r < co}. The after-i sigmafield on IT < cc} comprises sets ofthe form

H={Xt eF}n{r<oo}, (FE.). (11.10)

Finite-dimensional events and functions measurable with respect to thissigmafield of subsets on {T < cc} may be defined as in (11.6) and (11.7) withX,,, 1 replaced by X

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Theorem 11.1. (Strong Markov Property). Let i be a stopping time. On{i < oo}, the conditional distribution of X, given the past up to the time i isthe same as the distribution of the diffusion {X} starting at X. In other words,the conditional distribution is Px on {x < co}.

Proof. First assume that i has countably many values ordered as0 s s l < s2 < • . Consider a finite-dimensional function of the after-r processof the form

h(X,,,, X^+r2, ... , {t < oo}, (11.11)

where h is a bounded continuous real-valued function on S' and0<'t1 <t2 <.•. <t,.Itisenough to prove

E[h(X,,,I, . .. , XT+r,)1{T<,}I ] _ (Ey h(X , > tc))y=x.1{t<^}. (11.12)

If (11.12) holds, then for every bounded .Ft measurable function Z we have

E(Zh(X, + , ... , X+.) 1 <) = E(E[Zh(XX+ts> ... , Xt+t.) 1 {=< .'t1)

= E(ZE[h(XX+> . .. , X'+t) 1 {t<'} t.^^)

= E(Z[Eh(Xt,, . .. , Xj.)]y=x, 1 ( <})•


Conversely, if the equality between the first and last terms in (11.13) holds forall bounded measurable functions Z of the stopped process, then (11.12) holds.Indeed, to verify (11.12) it is enough to check (11.13) for finite-dimensionalfunctions Z of the form (11.7), where f is bounded and continuous on S'°(Exercise 3). Now

E(.f (XT„ t,, . .. , XT„ t,)h(Xt+t,, ... , XT+t,) 1 {^=s;})

= E(f(XX; t>> ... , X ... , X+)1{==s;})

= E(E[(f(XS;At> ... X ;nt„)h(X• . 41 , . .. , X. tß) 1 =}) I s;^)

= E(f(XS . .. , Xs ; ,, t)lt==5;}E[h(XS; +t> .. . , Xs+) ^^) (11.14)

since XSJA t ,, ... , X,, A „ are determined by {Xs : 0 < s <, s;}, i.e., are measurablewith respect to sJ ; also,

{'c=si} = {a <si} n {z <si - t } c Efs' -

By the Markov property, the last expression in (11.14) equals

E(.f(XS; A , . .. , X,, tß,) 1 {==s,}[Ey h(Xt,, ... , Xt:})],,=x, j )

= E(f(XTA‚ > • . • , X,,, l„,)l{t=s;}[Ey, h(Xt;, ... , X„)]Y=x.).

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E (J (X A r t , . . . , XLA !)h(X+ti, . . , XT+Ir) {T=S;})

= E(f(XrAt XL ,m) 1 }L=S;}[E,h(Xt.l , X})^=x). (11.15)

Summing (11.15) over j one gets

E(f(XL„ t,, .. . , X, A IM)h(XZ+t^, .. , XL+t.) 1 IT<^})

= E(f(X„,,, ... , XZA,)[Eyh(Xrs, ... , Xt.)]Y=x,1{T<.}). (11.16)

This completes the proof in the case r has countably many valueso s 1 < S 2 < •••.

The case of more general r may be dealt with by approximating it by stoppingtimes assuming countably many values. Specifically, for each positive integer ndefine

1L if j=0,1,2,...

Z n = (11.17)0o if r = oo .


^Tn = jn 1

< <2n t j2 J_ f t \ 2nJ'f T J 2n }

{;t}= U fTn = nRE r for allt >,0.j:j/2"-<t )))

Therefore, Tn is a stopping time for each n and in (w) j i(w) as n oo for eachw e Q. Also, .F, c 3 (11.4). Let f, h be bounded continuous functions onS°', S', respectively. Define

q,(Y) = E^,h(X, ; , ... , X1: ). (11.18)


PP(Y) = J 9(Yi )p(ti;Y,Yi)dYi, (11.19)

where g(y 1 ) = E[h(X,,,, ... , Xt;) I X so that g is bounded. Sincey —• p(t I ; y, y,) is continuous, cp is continuous (see Exercise 4 and theoreticalcomplement 1). Applying (11.16) to T = r n one has

E(.f(XT"At>> • . • > Xz"A tm)h(X+t;, ... , XT"+:ß) 1 {t"<W})

E(f(X,n,, .. . , XL"Atm)4(X,)11Tn<QO}). (11.20)

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Since f, h, cp are continuous, {Xt} has continuous sample paths, and T. j i asn -+ oo, Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem may be used on both sidesof (11.20) to get

E(f (XL A t ,, . . . , XL lm)h(X + 1 , . . . , X ,.)1< cob)

= E(f(X,,,, . .. , Xt„,)q (X) 1 (T<O)). (11.21)

This establishes (11.13), and therefore (11.12). n

Examples 1, 2, 3 below illustrate the importance of Theorem 11.1 in typicalcomputations. In all these examples {X} is a one-dimensional Brownian motionwith zero drift.

Example 1. (Probability of Reaching One Boundary Point Before Another). Let{Xj be a one-dimensional Brownian motion with zero drift and diffusioncoefficient Q z > 0. Let c <d be two numbers and define

i(x) = Px({X} reaches c before d), (c < x ` d). (11.22)

Fix x E (c, d) and It > 0 such that [x — h, x + h] c (c, d). Writer = Tx _ h A 'rx+n,i.e., r is the first time {X} reaches x — h or x + h. Then Px(i < oo) = 1, since

Px(i>t)<PP(x—h<X,<x+h)= 1 fx+nexp^_(y_X)Zl dy

(27CV2t)l^Z x_h2o2t J}

_ 1 f ,41,7✓' ( z2 1

(2^ )I ^ Z _ exp{ — 2 dz -*0 as t -+ cc. (11.23)


si(x) = PX({X1} reaches c before d) = Px({(Xz ),} reaches c before d)

= Ex(P({(Xi ),} reaches c before d I {X,,, ^; t '> 0})). (11.24)

The strong Markov property now gives that

O(x) = EX(iIi(XL)) (11.25)

so that by symmetry of the normal distribution,

t^i(x)=1i(x—h)PP(XL =x—h)+t/(x+h)PP (XT =x+h)

=ay(x—h)Z+fi(x+h)2. (11.26)

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(t (x+h)— f(x))—(^(x)—^i(x—h))=0. (11.27)

Dividing the second-order difference equation (11.27) by h 2 and letting h j 0,we get

."=0, 1'(c) = 1, i(d)=0. (11.28)




which is a special case of (2.24), or (4.17) or (9.18); see also Eq. 9.6 of Chapter I.Now, by (11.23) and (11.29),

P x({X,} reaches d before c) = 1 — ^i(x) = x c (11.30)d—c

for c < x <, d. It follows, on letting d T cc in (11.29) and c. — oo in (11.30) that

P.(r < cc) = 1 for all x, y. (11.31)

Example 2. (Independent Increments of the First Passage Time Process). Let{X,} be as in Example 1, with X o = 0 with probability 1. Fix 0 <a <b < cc.By Theorem 11.1 the conditional distribution of the after-Ta process X ä giventhe past up to time T a is PX a = Pa , since XTa = a on {Ta < oo }, and Po (T; < cc) = 1by (11.31). Thus {XfA } and {Xia+ ,} are independent stochastic process and thedistribution of X ä under P0 is Pa . That is, X7 :_ (X),} has the samedistribution as that of a Brownian motion starting at a.

Also, starting from 0, the state b can be reached only after a has been reached.Hence, with Po-probability 1,

Tb = Ta + inf{t i 0: X b} = Ta + Tb(Xio), (11.32)

where T b(X) is the first hitting time of b by the after-T a process X. Since thislast hitting time depends only on the after-Ta process, it is independent of T a

which is measurable with respect to .F. Hence Tb — Ta - Tb(X o) and Ta areindependent, and the distribution of Tb — Ta under P0 is the distribution of T b

under Pa . This last distribution is the same as the distribution of T b _ a underP0 . For, if {X1 } is a Brownian motion starting at a then {X, — a} is a Brownianmotion starting at zero; and if Tb is the first passage time of {X,} to b then itis also the first passage time of {XX — a} to b — a.

If 0 < a, <a 2 < ... <a are arbitrary, then the above arguments applied

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Figure 11.1

to Ta. _ , shows that Tan — Tan _ , is independent of {ta , : 1 < i < n — 1} and itsdistribution (under Po ) is the same as the distribution of ia„_ a , under P0 . Wehave arrived at the following proposition.

Proposition 11.2. Under P0 , the stochastic process {Ta : 0 < a < o} is a processwith independent increments. Moreover, the increments are homogeneous, i.e.,the distribution of Tb — to is the same as that of Td — ; if d — c = b — a; bothdistributions being the same as the distribution of rb _ a under P0 .

Example 3. (Distribution of the First Passage Time). Let {XX} be aone-dimensional Brownian motion with zero drift and diffusion coefficienta 2 > 0, X0 = 0 with probability 1. Fix a > 0. Let { Y} be the same as {X} upto time and then the reflection of {X} about the level a after time to (seeFigure 11.1 above). That is,


XX for t < TQ,



X =2a—X, fort ->Ta.11.33)

Thus, Y ä = { YTa+'} = a + (a — Xä). Now the process a — X ä is independentof the past up to time r 0 , and has the same distribution as X ä — a, namely,that of a Brownian motion starting at zero. Therefore, Y ä - a + (a — X) isindependent of the past up to time 'r a and has the same distribution as that ofa + (X ä — a) = X. We have arrived at the following result.

Proposition 11.3. (The Reflection Principle). The distribution of {Y} is thesame as that of {X,}.

Now for x e a one has (see Figure 11.1 above)

Po(X, ,> x) = Po (X1 ,> x, va ,< t) = Po(Y ,< 2a — x, ia(Y) ,< t), (11.34)

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where t0(Y) is the first passage time to a of { }}. Note that ra(Y) = ra . ByProposition 11.3, the extreme right side of (11.34) equals Po (X1 < 2a — x, za <- t).Hence,

Po (X,>, x)= Po (X,<2a — x,za <t) =Po (X,<2a — x,M, >a), (11.35)

where M1 = max{Xs : 0 < s < t }. Setting x = a in (11.35) one gets

P0 (X, > a) = P0 (X, < a, M, >, a) = P0 (M, >, a) — P0(M, >, a, X, > a)

= PO(M, > a) — PO (X, > a) (11.36)

since {X1 > a} c {M1 > a}. Thus,

PO (M, > a) = 2P0 (X, > a). (11.37)


2 1c0PO(ta < t) = P0 (M, % a) _ e - YZI(2a2t) dy

(2ita2t)I 2 a

2(2)1/2 e - = 212 dz. (11.38)

Thus, the probability density function (p.d.f.) of Ta is given by

fa(t) = u(27r)1/2 t- 3/2e a2 /(2ort) 0 < t < co. (11.39)

The p.d.f. of MM is obtained by differentiating the first integral in (11.38) withrespect to a, namely,

9,(a) = 2 e - a2/(2,,2f) = 2Q1 a I , —cc <a < oo , (11.40)( 27ra 2 t) 1J2 \a

j tJ

where cp is the standard normal density, (p(z) = (2 7 ) 112 exp{ —z 2/2 }.Changing variables x —► y = 2a — x in (11.35) yields the joint distribution

of (X1 , M1),

PO (X, <, y, MM a) = Po(X, >, 2a — y)

F l= e =/2 dz, —co <ya, a0.- ➢)/(a lt) (2ir )

(11.41)Differentiating successively with respect to y and a, one gets the joint p.d.f. of

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(X1 , MM ) as

h r (y a) = 2(2a — y) j2a —

ya 3 t 312\ t7\/ /

22 2a—y(2a—y) co< ,<a, 0,<a<oo .

g Q'exp'—

yt 3 / 2 p 2Q2t (11.42)


In this section it is shown that the existence of an invariant probability isequivalent to positive recurrence. In addition, a computation of the invariantdensity is provided.

First, an important consequence of the strong Markov property (Theorem11.1) is the following result.

Proposition 12.1. If the diffusion is recurrent, x, y e S (x < y) and f is areal-valued (measurable) function on S, then the sequence of random variables




Z,= f(X)ds (r= 1,2,...) (12.1)n2r

is i.i.d., where

rl 1 = inf{t>,0:X,=x}, r12,= inf{t >r12r- :Xr =Y},(12.2)

12, +1 =inf{t 11 2r :XX =x} (r=1,2,...).

Proof. By the strong Markov property, the conditional distribution of Z, giventhe past up to time 11 2, is the same as the distribution of j2 f (Xs) ds with initialstate y. This last distribution does not change with the sample point w, andtherefore Z, is independent of the past up to time q 2,. In particular, Zr is

independent of Z 1 , ZZ , ... , Z,_ 1 . n

The main result may now be derived.

Theorem 12.2. Suppose that the diffusion is positive recurrent on S = ( a, b).

(a) Then there exists a unique invariant distribution n(dx).(b) For every real-valued f such that

fs Lf(x)In(dx) < oo, (12.3)

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the strong law of large numbers holds, i.e., with probability 1,

t fslim 1 f(X.,) ds = f(x)n(dx), (12.4)r_X t o

no matter what the initial distribution may be.

(c) If the end points a, b, of S are inaccessible or reflecting, then the invariantprobability has a density ic(x), which is the unique normalized integrablesolution of A*7c(x) = 0, i.e.,

21 d 2 (a 2 (x)rc(x)) —

dx (µ(x)n(x)) = 0 for x e S, (12.5)

or simply of

2 dx (U2(X)n(x)) — µ(x)ac(x) = 0. (12.6)

Indeed, the invariant measure is the normalized speed measure,

ir(x) = m (x) (12.7)m(b) — m(a)

Proof. Positive recurrence implies E5 (rl 2r — r12._2) = EY ri 2 < oc. Hence, by theclassical strong law of large numbers,


(flr' — 12(r -1))X12r - r' 1—

—* Ey112 (12.8)r r

with Pr-probability 1, as r --• oo. Let f be a bounded real-valued (measurable)function on S. Then applying the strong law to the sequence Z,(r = 0, 1, 2, ... ; ri o = 0) in (12.1) one gets

lim 1 Z Zr -1 = EYZ0 = E,f, "' f(X,) ds. (12.9)r — ^ r r'= 1

As in Section 9 of Chapter II (or Section 8 of Chapter IV), one has (Exercise 1)

lim 1 f f(XS) ds = lim f f( X ) ds, (12.10)r—c, fl2r 0 t —ao t 0

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for every f such that

EI J n2 I f(X,)I ds < oo . (12.11)0

Combining (12.8)—(12.10), one gets

nZlim 1 fo f(XX)ds= Et I f(X5) ds, (12.12)r-• m t Ey'12 0

for all f satisfying (12.11). In the special case f = 1 8 with B a Borel subset ofS, (12.12) becomes

rlim 1 1 8(X3) ds = ir(B) (12.13)t- r tfo


2n(B)'= 1 EY 1 B(XS) ds. (12.14)



Thus, (12.13) says that the limiting proportion of time the process spends in aset B equals the expected amount of time it spends in B during a single cyclerelative to (i.e., divided by) the mean length of the cycle. It is simple to checkfrom (12.14) that n is a probability measure on S (Exercise 2). Also, iff = a1ß , where a l , a2 , ... , a„ are real numbers and B 1 , B 2i ... , B„ arepairwise disjoint (Borel) subsets of S, then

1 E5 f(Xs) ds = 1 Y a ^rl: 18 r (X.) ds

E5,12 0

E 2 i= 1 0

_ a i n J f(x)ic(dx).(B ;) =

The equality

n= ('

EY ^z E2 o f(X„) ds = J s f(x)ir(dx) (12.15)

may now be extended to all f satisfying (12.11) (Exercise 2). Combining (12.12)and (12.15), one has

r fslim 1 f(X5) ds = f(x)n(dx) (12.16)r- ,O t 0

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with Pr-probability 1, for all f satisfying (12.11). Taking expectations in (12.16)for bounded f one gets, by arguments used in Section 9 of Chapter II,

lim J t By f (X,) ds = J f (x)n(dx) (12.17)t-. t o s

for all y. Writing

(T5f)(Y) = Ej(XS) = f(z)p(s; Y, z) dz, (12.18)fsone may express (12.17) as

(' tlim 1 J (TS f )(y) ds = f (x)n(dx) (12.19)r - .0 t o s

for all y E S. But the left side also equals, for any given h> 0,

1t+h 1 t 1 (' tlim (Ts f)(y) ds = lim — (Ts+hf)(Y) ds = lim — (TT,, f))(y) dst-^co t h r^oo t o t- x, t J O

= J (Th f)(x)n(dx)• (12.20)

The last equality follows from (12.19) applied to the function Th f. It followsfrom (12.19) and (12.20) that, at least for all bounded (measurable) f, one has

JI (Thf )(x)n(dx) = fsf(x)n(dx) (h > 0). (12.21)


Specializing this to f = 1 B one has (T h f)(x) = p(h; x, B), so that (12.21) yields

PP(Xh E B) = E,P(Xh e B 1 Xo ) = J p(h; x, B)n(dx)s

= Jf 1 B(x)rc(dx) = J x(dx) = T(B) = P,,(Xo e B), (12.22)s s

proving that it is an invariant probability. The proof of parts (a), (b) of Theorem12.2 is now complete, excepting for uniqueness. Uniqueness may be proved inthe same manner as in Section 6 of Chapter II (Exercise 3).

In order to prove (c), first note that n(x) given by (12.7) is a probabilitydensity function (p.d.f.) which satisfies (12.6) and, therefore, (12.5). To prove

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its invariance one needs to check (see (12.14)), for n given by (12.7),

EzE1 Ex .f(X:) ds = .f(z)n(z) dz = (b))dm((ä ) (12.23)

-YIl s i s

where f is an arbitrary bounded measurable function on S, and a, b, are theend points of S. But, as in the proof of (10.17) and (10.18) (Exercise 4)

Ex f T-f(X,) ds = t y f Z .f'u^).dm(ul ds(z),

0 Jz a(12.24)

Y bEx

f .f(X,) ds = J J .f(u) dm(u) ds(z).o

Hence, by the strong Markov property,

EJ n2 f(X)ds= E! £' f (Xs) ds + Ex J tY .f (XS) ds0 0

r y /(' 6 \ 6

= I ( J f (u) dm(u) I ds(z) = s(x; y) f(u) dm(u). (12.25)J X \ n / a

In particular, taking f - 1,

E y '7 2 = s(x; y)(m(b) — m(a)). (12.26)

Dividing (12.25) by (12.26); one arrives at (12.23). n

The following alternative argument is instructive, and may be justified underappropriate assumptions on the transition probability density p(t; x, y) (Exercise5). By the backward equation (2.15) and integration by parts one has, for thefunction ir(x) given by (12.7),


f ätp(t; x, y) 7r(x) dx =

ap(t , y) m(x) dx = (Ax p(t; x, y))rti(x) dx

s s fs

Jp(t; x, y)(A*rc)(x) dx = 0, (t > 0). (12.27)s

Since fs p(t; x, y)rc(x) dx is the p.d.f. of X, when the initial p.d.f. is ir(x), it followsfrom (12.27) that the distribution of X, does not change for t > 0; but X, —► Xo

a.s. as t 10, so that X, converges in distribution to ir(x) dx. Therefore, X, hasp.d.f. n(x) for every t > 0.

Example 1. (Price Adjustment in a Two-Commodity Model). The excess

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demand function a(x) = (z t (x), z 2 (x)) of two commodities is a function of prices

x = (xl, x2) E A:= 1 (x1, x2): xl > 0,x2 > 0,x1 + x2 = 1}

such that Walras' law holds, namely,

x,z i (x) + x z z 2 (x) = 0, x c- A. (12.28)

In view of (12.28) one may concentrate on the behavior of just one excessdemand, say z l (x). Price adjustments in a market usually depend on excessdemands. Since x 2 = 1 — x 1 , one may consider the price X1 (t) of the firstcommodity as a diffusion on (0, 1) with a drift function determined by the excessdemand z l at this price. For example, take the generator of such a diffusion tobe of the form

2 O dz ,O d= 6 2 x + x d (0 <x<1), (12.29)Ä 1 dx2 dx

so that the mean rate of change in price is proportional to the excess demand.The drift function z 1 (x) satisfies

lim z l (x) = co, lim z i (x) = —ace. (12.30)XIO xii

This says that if the price of commodity I is very low (high) its demand is veryhigh (low), so the price will tend to go up (down) fast at the mean rate z,. Also,assume that there is a constant rö > 0 such that

Q z (x) , Qö. (12.31)

Then the boundaries 0 and I become inaccessible. Indeed, it is easy to checkin this case that s(0) = —co, s(1) = oo, and that the diffusion on S = (0, 1) ispositive recurrent and, therefore, 0 and 1 cannot be reached from S (Exercise6). There is, therefore, a unique steady-state or equilibrium distributionit(dx) = iv(x) dx, and, no matter where the system starts, the distribution ofX 1 (t) will approach this steady-state distribution as t co (see theoreticalcomplement 1).

Example 2. (Stochastic Changes in the Size of an Industry). By the "size" ofa competitive industry is meant its productive capacity. The profit level f(y)for a given size y is the rate of additional return (profit) per unit of increase inthe industry size from its present size y. The law of diminishing return requiresthat f'(y) <0 for all y. There is a "normal" profit level p. When the currentlevel f falls below p, firms tend to drop out or reduce their individual capacities.If the current profit level f is higher than p, then the productive capacity of

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the industry is increased owing either to the appearance of new firms or toexpansions in existing firms. In a deterministic dynamic model one mightconsider the industry size y, to be governed by an equation of the form

dy = g(.f(Y1) — P), (12.32)dt

where g is assumed to be sign preserving. That is,

g(u) (> 0 if u > 0(12.33)

<0 ifu<0.

The deterministic equilibrium is the value y* such that f(y*) = P. We assumef(0) > p > f (co ). In a stochastic dynamic model one may take the industrysize Y at time t to be a diffusion on S = (0, oo) with drift

µ(y) = g(f(Y) — P)' 0 <y < cc, (12.34)

and a diffusion coefficient ö2 (y) that represents the (time) rate of local fluctuation(variance) when the process is at y. If one assumes

Q2 (Y) > Qö > 0, lim g(f(Y) — P) < 0,Y-M (12.35)


then the process { Y} is positive recurrent (and, in particular, 0 and o0 areinaccessible) (Exercise 7). The strict sign-preserving property (12.33) is notneeded for this. The stochastic steady-state distribution is approached as timeincreases, no matter how the process starts. This distribution is sometimesreferred to as the stochastic equilibrium.


Consider a positive recurrent diffusion on an interval S. The following theoremmay be proved in much that same way as described in Section 10 of ChapterII (Exercise 1).

Let y e S, and define ri g as in (12.2).

Theorem 13.1. Let f be a real-valued (measurable) function on the state spaceS of a positive recurrent diffusion, satisfying

J f 2 (x)n(x) dx < cc, b2:= Ey ( J '12 (f(X,) — E,j) ds^ Z < co, (13.1)s \ o

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where ir(dx) = 7r(x) dx is the invariant probability. Then as t --• oo,

1 'J (f(X) — Enf) ds (13.2)o

converges in distribution to a Gaussian law with mean zero and variance2/(E, 2 ), whatever the initial distribution.

In order to use Theorem 13.1, one must be able to express the varianceparameter in terms of the drift and diffusion coefficients. A derivation of suchan expression will be given now.

Assume E,j = 0 (i.e., replace f by f — E rz f ). Under the initial distributionn the variance of (13.2) is given by

Var>< Jf(X) ds = E( J f(X.,) ds) = 1 En J J f(X)f(X5 , ) ds' dso t o t o 0

Jr r r s

_ ? En f(X)f(X)ds' ds = ? En(f(XX•).f(X5))o o o 0

_ ? J J S E><[f(X5•)E(f(X,) 1 X5.)] ds' dst o oo2 r (' s

= - JE ,r(.f(Xs•)(TS-s•.f)(Xs )) ds' ds. (13.3)ot o


E,c(.f(Xs.)(T5 - 5.f)(X„•))= fs.f(x)(TS-s-f)(x)n(x)dx. (13.4)

Therefore, (13.3) may be expressed as

1 r 2 r sVarn oJ f (XS) ds = fs ( t fo I (Ts

s f)(x) ds' ds)f (x)n(x) dx

2 r

s t (I (T„ f)(x) du) ds] f(x)n(x) dx. (13.5)0

Assume that the limit

h(x) = lim ^^ (T„f)(x) du (13.6)s—. 0

exists in L2 (S, it) (see remark following proof of Theorem T.13.4, page 515).

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lim 1 .' ot SJ (T„ f)(x) duds = h(x), (13.7)

1—. t o

and one has, using (13.5) and (13.7),

lim Var,, 1 f(X5) ds = 2f h(x)f(x)n(x) dx. (13.8)1--^ f o s

Let us show that the function h satisfies the equation

Ah(x) = —f (x), (13.9)

where A is the infinitesimal generator of the diffusion, i.e.,

A = Zo2(x) - + µ(x) d ,(13.10)

together with boundary conditions if S has a boundary. For this, note that, by(13.6), for > 0,

TE h(x) = lim J S (TE T„f)(x) du = lim J S (TE+ . f)(x) dus-^ o

= lim Is

+E (T„f)(x) dv = lim J S (T„ f)(x) dvS e

= lim J S (Tj)(x) dv — J (T^f)(x) dv = h(x) — J (T^f)(x) dv.s'^^ o 0 0



(TEh)(x) — h(x) 1 E

Ah(x) = lim = —um-- (T„ f)(x) dv = — (To f)(x) = — f (x).ej0 E sf.0 E 0

(13.12)These calculations provide the following result.

Proposition 13.2. The variance of the limiting Gaussian distribution inTheorem (13.1) is given by

2<f, h> := 2 fsf(x)h(x)n(x) dx (13.13)

where h is a solution to (13.9) in LZ (S, n).

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It may be shown that if there exists a function h in LZ (S, it) satisfying (13.9)for a given f in LZ (S, it) with Ej = 0, then such an h is unique up to theaddition of a constant (see theoretical complement 4).

The condition Enf = 0 ensures that in this case the expression (13.13) doesnot change if a constant is added to h. Also note that, in order that (13.9) mayadmit a solution h, one must have Ejf = 0. This is seen by integrating bothsides of (13.9) with respect to it(x) dx and reducing the first integral byintegration by parts. That is,


Ah(x)it(x) dx = fsh(x)(A*n(x)) dx


(x)[Z(u'(x)n(x))" — (p(x)n(x))'] dx = 0, (13.14)s

using (12.5).


A k-dimensional standard Brownian motion with initial state x = (x ( ' ) , x (2), ... , x)is the process {B, = (B, .. . , B"): t 0} where {B, }, 1 < i < k, are kindependent one-dimensional Brownian motions starting at x ( '° (1 < i < k). Itis easily seen to be Markovian and the conditional density of B + givengiven{Bh: 0 < u < s} is a Gaussian (k-dimensional) density with mean vector Bs andvariance—covariance matrix tl where I is the (k x k) identity matrix. Thetransition density function is


p(t; x, y) = 1 ^/2 k exp — 1 ^ (y ( — x" ) ) 2

[(2nt) ] 2t ; = 1

Ik I ex { _ (Y ( ` ) — x(`))

?^(2nt) 1 / 2 p 2t


x = (x" ...,x (k) ), Y = (Y"),...,y(k)). (14.1)

As in the one-dimensional case, the Markov property also follows from the factthat {B: t > 0} is a (vector-valued) process with independent increments. It isstraightforward to check that p satisfies the backward equation

kap_1 ^ a 2p(14.2)

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as well as the forward equation

ap - 1 k 02p (14.3)öt 2 a=1 (ay (I)) 2 •

A Brownian motion {X, = (X,(' ) , . .. , X,(k))} with drift vector p = (µ (1), ... , µ (k))

and diffusion matrix D = ((d ;;)), is defined by

X,=x0 +tµ+o'B,, (14.4)

where Xa = x0 = (xol) , ... , xö )) is the initial state, a is a k x k matrix satisfying66' = D , and B, = (B,. . . , Bt(k)) is a standard Brownian motion with initialstate "zero" (vector). For each t > 0, aB, is a nonsingular linear transformationof a Gaussian vector B, whose mean (vector) is zero and variance-covariancematrix tI. Therefore, aB, is a Gaussian random vector with mean vector zeroand variance-covariance matrix atic' = talä = tD = ((td;;)). Therefore, X, isGaussian with mean x 0 + ttt and variance-covariance matrix tD. SinceX, +S - X, = st + a(B, , - B,), {X,} is a process with independent increments(and is, therefore, Markovian) having a transition density function

1p(t; x, y) -

((21rt)'/ 2 )k(det D)" 2

( 1 k k

x expS -- Y I d''(y(`) - x ( ` ) - tµ(°)(yc;) - xci) - tµ(i))

` 2t;=ii=1

(x,yeRk;t>,0). (14.5)

Here ((d")) = D -i* . This transition probability density satisfies the backwardand forward equations (Exercise 3)

a 1 k kd"2 ;^ j=1





=rat ax ( ` ) axu)axe;)

(14.6)a __t 1 dl3 a2P - IC

u ;;) aPöt 2;=1;=i

ayu)ax c;) ;=1 ay (j)•

More generally, we have the following.

Definition 14.1. A k-dimensional diffusion with (nonconstant) drift bectorµ(x) = (p" l)(x), .... p (k)(x)) and (nonconstant) diffusion matrix D(x) = ((d;;(x)))is a Markov process whose transition density function p(t; x, y) satisfies the

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Kolmogorov equations

aP1 k Y_ I d,i(x) ax ^

a axct^ +

1Y µ (x) ax ^,^ ,

öt 2, =1 i=1

aP __ 1 k a 2 (dj;(Y)P) — 3(f^(`^(Y)P)


öt 2i=11=1 äyu° =1 ay <<^

Such a p may be shown to exist and be unique under the assumptions:

1. ((d i3(y))) is, for each y, a positive definite matrix.

2. d(y) is, for each pair (i, j), twice continuously differentiable.

3• µ ( ` ) (y) is, for each i, continuously differentiable.

4• lµ (O(y)) does not go to infinity faster than lyl, and Id ;;(y)I does not go toinfinity faster than Iy1 2 .

An alternative definition of a multidimensional diffusion may be given byrequiring that the appropriate analog of (1.2)' holds (Exercise 2). The statespace may be taken to be a suitably "regular" open subset of Ilk , e.g., a rectangle,a ball, l{Bk \ {0}, etc.

Once p is given, the joint distribution of the stochastic process at any finiteset of time points is assigned in the usual manner, e.g., given X 0 = x0 ,

P(t1; x0, x1)P(t2 — t1; x1, x 2 )...P(tn — to -1; xn - 1 , x )

is the joint density of (X,,, X, ... , Xj where 0 < t 1 < t 2 < • • • < t,. Thesample paths may also be taken to be continuous (vector-valued functions oft).

An alternative method of constructing the diffusion is to solve Itb's stochasticdifferential equations:

dX, = µ(X,) dt + a(X,) dB^, X0 = x, (14.8)

where {B,: t >, 0} is a standard Brownian motion. The equations (14.8) (thereare k equations corresponding to the k components of the vector X,) may beroughly interpreted as follows: Given {X: 0 < u <, t}, the conditional distributionof the increment dX, = X, +d, — X, is approximately Gaussian with mean µ(X,) dtand variance—covariance matrix D(X) dt. We will study the Ito calculus in detailin Chapter VII.

The operatork


A:= 1 d,i(x) a2 + Y j(x) a (14.9)

2 • öx^`^ öxci^ axti)^.i =1 r=1

is called the (infinitesimal) generator of the diffusion on Rk with drift p(•) anddiffusion matrix D(.).

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It is sometimes possible to reduce the state space by transformation frommultidimensional to one dimensional while still preserving the Markov property.Such reductions often facilitate computation of certain probabilities. Of course,if cp is a one-to-one measurable transformation then p(x) may be thought ofonly as a relabeling of x, and the Markov property is preserved, since knowingcp(X„), 0 < u < s, is equivalent to knowing X,,, 0 < u < s. In particular, if cp isa one-to-one twice continuously differentiable map of Il" onto an open subsetS of IIIW', then the Markov process {Y,:= (p(X,)} is also a diffusion whose driftand diffusion coefficients may be expressed in terms of those of {X,} in a manneranalogous to that in Proposition 3.2 (Exercise 2). The Ito calculus of ChapterVII provides another method for calculating the coefficients of the transformeddiffusion (Exercise 3).

We are here interested, however, in transformations that are not one-to-oneand, in fact, reduce the dimension of the state space.

Example 1. (The Bessel Process or the Radial Brownian Motion). Let {B,} bea k-dimensional standard Brownian motion, k> 1. Let



O(x) = Ixl ==J5" (x)21 ^ 2 R,:= q(B,) = IB,I

Let us show that {R} is a Markov process on the state space g= [0, co).Let f be an arbitrary real-valued, bounded measurable function on S. Write

g(x) = (f o ip)(x) = f (IxI). Using the Markov property of {B,} one has

E[.f (R,+s) I {R,,: 0 u s}] = E[E(f (R1+S) I {B,,: 0 s u s}) I {R: 0 u s}]

= E[E(g(B, +S) I {B: 0 u s}) I {R: 0 u s}]

= E[(T,g)(B5) I {R: 0 u <, s}], (14.10)

where {T r} is the semigroup of transition operators associated with {B,}, i.e.,

(T,g)(x) = fRg((y))p(t; x, y) dy


=2f i(IYI)(2^ct) k^2 eXp _ ly 2ax l dy. (14.11)


To reduce the last integral, change to polar coordinates. That is, first integrateover the surface of the sphere {lyl = r} with respect to the normalized surfacearea measure da, and then integrate out r after multiplying the integrand by

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the surface area uw k rk- ' of {lyl = r}. Since


IY - x1 2 = Iy1 2 + IXI 2 - 2 Y xy,

ffl ylex { IY —xl Z ^ da = ex {_Ix12+IYI?1

=r} p 2t p 2t J

x flI ZI

exp lx l•IYI wu )zc` ) }da i (z) (14.12)=1} t i=1 )))

where w = x/Ixl, z = Y/IYI• Note that E;`=1 w ( zW is the cosine of the anglebetween the unit vectors w and z, and its distribution under da l does not dependon the particular unit vector w. In particular, one may replace w by (1, 0, ... , 0).Hence,

Jilyl .y exp{—I Y 2rxl 2 l dar __ exp{ Ix122t r2^ f

il=1 =^^ exp ^\— )z(1)} dalI zJ

exp1 x 1 2 + r I h(

rlxl )

(14.13)2t t

where (Exercise 9)



e °"(1 — uz)(k - zu2 duh(v):= e °Z ` da, _ '1 (14.14)

=11 J 1 (1 — uz)(k-2)I2 du


(T1g)(x) = (2mt) - ki2wk e - I=I 212 i f(r ) e -.=I2(h(rjx ll rk-I dr = G(t, Ixl),

J o ` t )(14.15)

say. Using (14.15) in (14.10) one gets the desired Markov property of {R 1 },

E[.i(R, +s) I {R: 0 < u 5 s}] = E[ i(t, IX5I) I {R u : 0 < u < s}] ='(t, Rs).(14.16)

Further, it follows from (14.15) that the transition probability density functionof {R 1 } is

z z l9(t; r, r') = (21rt)-ki2wk exp _ r 2 r lh^rt l,k ^. (14.17)

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Write the semigroup of transition operators for {R,} as {T r }. Then,

(Trf)(r) = (T9)(X )Ilxi=. _'(t, r),

a a _ a I=

1 k a 2 (T,g)(X)Iat (Tjf)(r) = at 0(t, r) at (Tr9)(X) 2 iI (ax (i))Z

1 k a2,(t, IxI) I 1 1 r (2^(t, r) aixI l2 i = 1 ax , z,=, 2 i =, ax ar ax / Ix,.,

1" a2 i= [ax(i)

(aI1/(tr) x«)"1 ar IXI Ixl=r

__ 1 '` a 2^(t, r) (x(1))2 + a^(t r) 1 (x (i) )2

2 i [ Or r2a r (r — r 3 )llxl=r

= 1 a 2^i(t, r) + k — 1 a, (t, r) = 1 a 2 (T 1 f)(r) + k — 1 a(T^ f)(r)2 ar e 2r ar 2 ar e 2r ar


Thus, the transformed Markov process has as its infinitesimal generator theBessel operator

zAr.— 1 d + k— 1 d (14.19)2 dr2 2r dr

It will be shown later that the state space of {R,} may be restricted to (0, cc),so that (k — 1)/2r in (14.19) is defined.

It may be noted that not only is {R,} Markovian, its distribution under P,,is Q 4,(. ) ; where P. is the distribution of the Brownian motion {X,} when X 0 = x,and Q, that of {R} when R o = r. This is easily checked by looking at the jointdistribution, under Px , of (R,., ... , R) by successive conditioning with respectto {X: 0 '< U

i =n-1,n-2,...,1 (0<tI <t 2 <•••<t„).

Let us make use of the above reduction to calculate the probability (forgiven 0<c<d<cc)

Px ({X1 } reaches aB(a:c) before aB(a:d)), (14.20)

for c < Ix — al < d. Here B(a:r) = {z E Rk : Iz — al <r} is the k-dimensional ballof radius r and center a, and OB(a:r) = {Iz — al = r} is its boundary (surface).By translation, (14.20) is the same as

Px _ a ({X t} reaches aB(O:c) before aB(O:d)), (14.21)

for c<Ix—al<d.

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In turn, (14.21) equals

Px _ a ({R r } reaches c before d) = Q1 21 ({)ç} reaches c before d), (14.22)

where { Y} is the canonical one-dimensional diffusion (i.e., the coordinateprocess) on S = [0, oo), having the same distribution as {R, }. From (2.24) (or,(4.17), or (9.19)), the last probability is given by


e - ' ,'I dr

0(Ix — al) _ ^ "


d H ^ (14.23) e -'..) dr

where, with µ(y) = (k — 1)/2y, Q 2 (y) = 1 (see (14.19)),

I(c,r)— Jar Q Z (y) dy= ^^rk y Idy= log(C)k-

^ '(14.24)

so that

logd—loglx — alifk =2,

logd —lagt (

c k 2 -2`14.25)

^G(Ix — al) _ Ix — alJ —


dc k-2 if k > 2,

(k -)

for c<Ix—al<d.Further, letting dl oo in (14.25) (and (14.21)), one arrives at

Px ( {X 1 } ever reaches äB(a:c)) = 1 k_2If k 2

(c < Ix — al).

cx ifk>2,a (14.26)

In other words, a two-dimensional Brownian motion is recurrent, whilehigher-dimensional Brownian motions are transient (Exercises 5 and 6). Fork = 2, given any ball, {X,} will reach it (with probability 1) no matter whereit starts. For k > 2, there is a positive probability that {X,} will never reach aball if it starts from a point outside. Recall that an analogous result is true formultidimensional simple symmetric random walks (see Section 5 of Chapter I).

In one respect, however, multidimensional random walks on integer latticesdiffer from multidimensional Brownian motions. In the former case, in view of

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the countability of the state space, the random walk reaches every state withpositive probability. This is not true for multidimensional Brownian motions.Indeed, by letting c 10 in (14.25) one gets for 0< jx — aj < d,

P,,({X,} reaches a before 3B(a:d)) = 0. (14.27)

Letting d t co in (14.27) it follows that

PX ({X,} ever reaches a) = 0 (0 < x — al). (14.28)

In particular, taking a = 0, one gets

Q,({Y} ever reaches 0) = 0, (0 <r < cc). (14.29)

In view of (14.29), zero is said to be an inaccessible boundary for the Besselprocess. The state space of the Bessel process may, therefore, be restricted toS = (0, 00).

Observe that the Markov property of {cp(X,):= JX^^ = Rj in Example 1follows from the fact that T, transforms (bounded measurable) functions of q(x)into function of cp(x). This is a general property, as may be seen from the steps(14.10), (14.11), (14.15), and (14.16). In most cases, however, it is difficult, ifnot impossible, to calculate T, g, since the transition probability cannot becomputed explicitly. A simple check for the process {q (X,)} to be Markov isfurnished by the following.

Proposition 14.1

(a) If A transforms functions of q(x) into functions of cp(x) then {cp(X,)} isa Markov process.

(b) If P. denotes the distribution of {X} when X 0 = x and Q„ that of {cp(X,)}

when gp(X o ) = u, then the P. distribution of {cp(X,)} is Q 4, .

This statement needs some qualification, since not all bounded measurablefunctions are in the domain (of definition) of A (see theoretical complement 1).


Consider a diffusion {X,} on U8'` with drift coefficients y ( ' )(•) and diffusioncoefficients d ; j(.) as described in Section 13. Let G be a proper open subset ofIlk with a "smooth" boundary 0G (see theoretical complement 1), e.g.,G = H":= {x e U8' k : x° ) > 0), G = B(O:a)== {x e Il k : lxi <a). Note that EH" =

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{x E ll : x^' ) = 0}, aB(O:a) = {x E R: jxl = a}. One may "restrict" the diffusionto G - G u r7G in various ways, by prescribing what the diffusion must do onreaching the boundary öG starting from the interior of G, consistent with theMarkov property and the continuity of sample paths. The two most commonprescriptions are (i) absorption and (ii) reflection. This section is devoted toabsorption.

In the case of absorption the new process {X,} is defined in terms of theoriginal unrestricted process {X,} (which is assumed to start in S = G u c G) by

= ( 15.1) if t < i o ,

15.1)` X ift>r

where t a, G is the first passage time to äG, also called the first hitting time of G,defined by

T,G = inf{t >- 0: X, e 2G} . (15.2)

As always, Tay = oo if {X,} never hits G.

Definition 15.1. The process {X} defined by (15.1) is called a diffusion onG = G u OG with absorption on G.

The Markov property of {JZ,} follows from calculations that are almost thesame as carried out for Theorem 7.1 (Exercise 1). Its transition probability isgiven by

p(t;x,B) = P(X t eBIX ° =x)

P(X ( EB,T2G >tjX ° =x) ifBcG,(15.3)

P(ioc <, t,X, c-BIX ° =x) ifBcöG.

Now {Xj has a transition probability density, say, p(t; x, y), and

P (X,EB,tac >t1X ° =x)<,P(X,EB1X° =x)= J p(t;x,y)dy =0, (15.4)s

if B c G has Lebesgue measure zero. Hence, the measure B -+ P(t; x, B) on theBorel sigmafield of G has a density, say p° (t; x, y) (which vanishes outside G),so that (15.3) may be expressed as

J p° (t; x, y) dy, B c G, x e G,

p(t; x, B) = B (15.5)PX(zaG<t,X uG c-B) , Bc2G, xeG,

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where P. denotes the distribution of the unrestricted process starting at x. Ifx e OG, then of course p(t; x, B) = 1 B(x) for all t > 0.

Example 1. (Brownian Motion on a Half-Space with Absorption). Let p ( (•) = p i ,d;;(.) = Q?8 i;, where the µ;, r > 0 are constants. Let {X, = (X;'", .. , X)} bean unrestricted Brownian motion with these coefficients, starting at some x E H k .First consider the case k = 1. For this case the state space is S = [0, x), whoseboundary is {0}. Example 8.4 provides the density p ° = p°, say, given by

p°(t;u^(V— u) — p

It }(2u, v) = exp{ 2 ma^t)-vizz )))1

x exp (v — u)z

— exp _ (v — u)2

11(15.6)2Q, t 2v; t

for t>0,u> 0,v>0.As a special case for µ l = 0 one has

P°(t; u, v) = P1(t; u, v) — P,(t; u, —v) (15.7)

for t > 0, u > 0, v > 0, where p l is the transition probability density of anunrestricted one-dimensional Brownian motion with drift zero and diffusioncoefficient ai.

Also, for the case k = 1, one has öG = {0}, so that X 0

P„(iaG < t and Xt ,G = 0) = P„(T,G 1< t), (15.8)

which is the distribution of the first passage time to zero of a one-dimensionalBrownian motion starting at u. By relation (10.15) in Section 10 of Chapter I,we have

PP(Tac '< t) = fo,fq,u,(s; u) ds (15.9)


z.%1,µ1(s; u) = u(2^ols3) iiz exp _

(u —sµß )



for u > 0.For k> 1, the (k — 1)-dimensional Brownian motion {(X 2 ,. . . , X;k) )} is

independent of {X1 1)} and, therefore, of the first passage time

iac = inf{t > 0: X(' = 0}. (15.11)

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Therefore, for every interval I, c (0, cc) and every Borel subset C of l " ' itfollows that

p(t; x, 1i x C) = Px( {X;' ) C 1 1 , (X} z) , ... , X{ k) ) E C} n {zaG > t })

= P( {X{ i) E 1 i } n {TOG > t} Xo' ) = x^' ) )

x P((X; Z) , .. , Xt(k)) E C Xo) = xci) for 2 <, j <, k)

= f p',(t' x(') v)

dv/ J flp'(t;x°i) va)) dv1z)...dv (k),

x ( ' ) > 0, (15.12)

where p° is given by (15.6) and pj is the transition probability density of anunrestricted one-dimensional Brownian motion with drift p and diffusioncoefficient o; namely,

p,(t; u, v) = (2iroj t) 'i 2 I _ (v= u — tµ; )z } , (u, v c l '). (15.13)2Q;t

Hence, for x, y e H k ,


p° (t; x, Y) = p°(t; x(') y( )) fl p;(t; x , (15.14)i=z

Consider a Borel set B c öG. Then B = {0} x C for some Borel subset C ofRk - I and, for x e G,

P(t; x, B) = Px ( {r c -< t} n {X {0} x C })

=Px({(X,...,Xtk,)EC }n {TOG 1<t})

= J Px((Xs2), , Xsk) ) E C} I Tc'G = s)Jai.N,(s; x11)) ds

= fol


J f pJ(s; x^i)vci)) dv' z ' . .. dv^k)).ral, µ1 (s;x UU) )ds. (15.15)

c ^

The last equality holds owing to the independence of 'OG and the (k — 1)-dimensional Brownian motion {(Xt( z) , ... , X;k))}. Letting t -+ oo in (15.15) onearrives at the Pr-distribution ifr (x, dy) of X reG * Let y' = (0, y (2) , . .. , y (k) ) C ÖG. Itfollows from (15.15) that the distribution /i(x, dy) has a density '(x', y') withrespect to Lebesgue measure on 3G = {0} x k -1 , given by

V/(x, y') = fo"o

f6 2 ' ,,(s; x ( ' )) fl p (s, x ti) yti)) ds (y' E OG; x e H k). (15.16) i=z

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For the special case y j = 0, a? = a 2 for I < i < k, we have

i(x, Y) = J x(')(2i a2)-kizs-(k+z)iz exp{—L

^(x(r))2 + I (y(i) — xci))2]} ds0 2Q2s z J

x (1) 2kt2 IJ t(krz)- 1e-^ dt

(2n)k/2 I (x (1))2 + [' (y(l) — x (i))21 k/2 °

L [2, J— r(k/2) x(1) (15.17)

irk/2 Ix — (0 , Y ' )I k

The second equality in (15.17) is the result of the change of variables

s — t = [(x (1))2 + Y_ (y — x (j) )21'2a 2s.L z J

It is interesting to note that, for k = 2, (15.17) is the Cauchy distribution.

The explicit calculations carried out for the example above are not possiblefor general diffusions, or for more general domains G. One may, however, derivethe linear second-order equations whose solutions are p° (t; x, dy). The functionp°(t; x, y) satisfies Kolmogorov's backward equation (see theoretical complement 2)

x, y) _ k d.. x a2p°(t; x, y) + '` (^) x aP° (t; x, Y) __ A oat 2 j "O ax (O ax(,) F^ O ax( ,) P ,

(t>0,x,yEG), (15.18)

and the backward boundary condition

lim p °(t; x, y) = 0 (t > 0, ye G). (15.19)x-a 3G.x G

Relations (15.18)—(15.19) may be checked directly for Example 1.Finally, for B c öG using the same argument as used in Section 7, (see

(7.22)—(7.24)) one gets, writing i for TOG,

P(t; x, B) = PX (X, e B) = P,^(T t, Xt e B)

=PX (i<00,X,eB)—Px(i>t,X,aB)

= PX (r < oo and X = e B)

—EX[PX ({T>t}n{X t aB} {X,,:0<u<t})]

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=Px(t< cc and X t cB)

— Ex[Ex( 1 (t>) 1 (xtX,^EB} 1 {X:0 -< u < t })]

= Px (r < oo, X^ E B) — Ex [1 ( ^ > ,} Py (i < oc, X , E B)y = x,]

= ^i(x; B) — B)p° (t; x, y) dy (t > 0, x c G), (15.20)


i4'(x, B):= Px (r < oc, X e B), (B c 1G). (15.21)

Since p° (t; x, y) is determined by (15.18) and (15.19) (along with the initialcondition lim, 10 p° (t; x, y) dy = Sx for x E G), it remains to determine fir. Now,for fixed x, the hitting distribution O(x; dy) on äG is determined by the collectionof functions

p1 (x) '= faf(y)Ü^(x; dy) = Ex(f(X^) 1 (^<^}) (x E G),


for arbitrary bounded continuous f on 13 G. Let us show that

Al f(x) =0 (xEG),

lim tG f(x) = f(a) (a c 1G).(15.23)

x —a

Drop the subscript f and assume for simplicity that O(x) can be extendedto a twice-differentiable function i on Q that belongs to the domain of A, theinfinitesimal generator of the unrestricted diffusion {X1 } (theoretical complement4). Then, for x E G, assuming PP(rac < t) = o(t) as t j0, (see Exercise 14.10),proceed as in the proof of Proposition 9.1 to get, writing r for 'OG

T1c(x) = Ex(^(X1)) = Ex( 1 (t> /(X,)) + Ex( 1 (Tsri/(XO)

= Ex( 1 ( V>t } ^4(XJ) + o(t) = Ex( 1 (t>,)Ex,(f(X^)l(t<)) + o(t)

= Ex( 1 (c>t}E(J (X (X,')) {Xu: 0 < u < t })) + O(t)

(by the Markov property)

= Ex(1(r>,)f(Xt(X,-))1(t(Xn+)<w)) + O(t)

Ex( 1 {L >ti./ (XTlit<mi) + °(t)

x [X = X V(x ,- ) and {r < oo} = {c{X ) < o0 on {i > t }]

= Ex(f(X^) 1 1,<l) + o(t) [PP(r < t) = o(t)]

= '(x) + o(t) = i(x) + o(t) (x E G, t > 0). (15.24)

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A(x) = At (x) = lim T^i(x) — >y(x) = 0 (x e G), (15.25)

1 1 0 t

establishing the first relation in (15.23). The second relation in (15.23), namely,continuity at the boundary, may also be established under broad assumptions(theoretical complement 2).

If G is bounded and aG smooth then the so-called Dirichlet problem (15.23),for a given continuous f specified on ÖG, can be shown to have a unique solutionby the so-called maximum principle (see theoretical complement 3). A proof ofthis principle is sketched in Exercises 10-12 for the case A = A is the Laplacian

I' 02A = (15.26)ca> 2 '

The Maximum Principle. Let u be a continuous function on G = G u 3G,where G is a bounded, connected, open set, such that Au = 0 on G. Then uattains its maximum and minimum on äG, and not on G, unless it is a constant.

To prove uniqueness of the solution of (15.23), suppose i2 are twosolutions. Let u = rG 1 — ßi 2 , whose value on öG is zero. Now apply the maximumprinciple to u.

We briefly illustrate these ideas by an example.

Example 2. (Brownian Motion on a Ball with Absorption at the Boundary).Take p (.)=0, d,;(.)=a 2 8 ;; for 1<i,j,<k. Let G={xell ; Ix! <a},äG = {Ixj = a} for some a > 0. The case k = 1 is dealt with in Example 8.3, indetail. Let us consider k> 1. The hitting distribution i/i(x; dy), i.e., thePs-distribution of X L , c is called the harmonic measure on öG. Its density fi(x, y)with respect to the surface area measure s(dy) on öG (or the arc length measurein the case k = 2) is the Poisson kernel,

a 2 — Ix1 2

i(x; Y) =(IYI = a), (15.27)cokalx — yl k

where wk is the surface area of the unit sphere (Exercise 7). The solution to(15.23) is

_ 2


a 2

IX1 t^y^

(Y) s(dy). (15.28)o =o} IX

It is left as an exercise (Exercise 11) to check that x --► t4 (x, y) satisfies Ai/i = 0in G for each x e OG, where A is the Laplacian (15.26). One may then differentiateunder the integral sign to prove Abi f = 0 in G. The checks that

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SOG i/i(x; y)s(dy) = 1 for each x e G, and that i(x, y) dy converges weakly toö 0(dy) as x —4 yo E öG are left to Exercise 11.

Let us now turn to transience and recurrence of unrestricted multidimensionaldiffusions {X 1 }.

Now, according to the probabilistic representation (15.22) of the solution tothe Dirichlet problem (15.23), the probability

O(x):= PX ({X,} reaches OB(0; c) before aB(0; d)), (0 < c < lxl < d),(15.29)

is the solution toA(i(x) = 0 for 0 < c < ixi < d,

1 if lyi = c, (15.30)lim(x)= 1

x — y ,«^x^<a 0 if lYl = d.

To see this take G in (15.22) and (15.23) to be the annulus G = {c < lxl <d},and f to be 1 on {ixi = c}, and 0 on {lxl = d}. Recall that the analog (9.2) to(15.30) was solved in Section 9 to compute i,/i for the derivation of criteria fortransience and recurrence of one-dimensional diffusions. In the case ofmultidimensional Brownian motion, (15.30) reduces to a two-point boundaryvalue problem, such as (9.2), in a single variable r = lxi. This equation wassolved in Section 14 to derive criteria for transience and recurrence of multi-dimensional Brownian motion. Unfortunately, for general multidimensionaldiffusions the Dirichlet problem (15.30) cannot be solved explicitly. It is possible,however, to use a multidimensional analog of Corollary 2.4 to derive lowerand upper bounds for the probability i. Notice that the arguments sketchedin Section 2 remain valid for multidimensional diffusions and, hence, Corollary2.4 is valid with S = Ilk . Such a generalization is also derived in Chapter VII,Corollary 3.2, by the method of stochastic differential equations.

In order to derive lower and upper bounds for ', some notation is needed.Let F be a given real-valued twice continuously differentiable function on (0, oo).Consider the radial function

f(x):= F(Ixl) (Ixl > 0). (15.31)

Straightforward differentiations yield (also see (14.18))

ö x(')öx(^)f(x) = IXI F'(ixl),

öz (x(`))2 „ 1 - (x ( ' ) )2\(ax(i)2 f(x) _ ^ xI2 F (IXI) + IXI

IXI3 F (IXI), (15.32)

3(2) x(i)xU) x(i)x(1)

ax(i) 2x(,) = 1x12 F°(Ixi) — 1x13 F'(Ixl), (1 i).

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Also write,

d..(x)x ( ' )x° )

d(x):= Y '' ixt2

B(x):= trace of D(x) _ d;;(x),

C(x):=2 x° p °(x),I

(15.33)B(x) + C(x)

ß(r) := max d(x)— 1,Ixl =r

ßO — B(x) + C(x)r min— —1,Ixl_r d(x)

a(r):= max d(x), a(r):= min d(x).Ixl =r Ixl =r

Finally define, for some c > 0,

1(r):= f r ß(u) du, I(r):=

fcr O du. (15.34)

Jc u u

Using (15.33) it is simple to check that

2Af = d(x)F"(Ixl) + B(x) — d(x) + C(x) F'(Ixl). (15.35)x

Proposition 15.1. Under conditions (1)-(4) in Section 14, the function 0 in(15.29) satisfies


exp{ — I(u)} dufX1

f d

exp{ - 1(u)} du

Proof. Let


exp{—I(u)} du

('äJ exp{ — I(u)} du

(c <, jxI < d)(15.36)

J r exp{ -1(u)} du

F(r):= ( ' d

J exp{ —1(u)} du.f(x):= F(Ixi) (c < Ix! < d). (15.37)

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Then F'(r) >0 and F"(r) + F'(r)ß(r)/r = 0, for r > c. Hence by (15.35) and thedefinition of ß, writing r = jxl,

A x i(Y)A F'(r)ß(r)f <, max c F"(r) + -- = 0, (15.38)d(x) I,1=• d(y) r

so that

Af(x) < 0 for all c < jxi <, d. (15.39)

Now extend f to a twice continuously differentiable function on all of l thatvanishes outside a compact set (Exercise 15). Denote this extension also by f.By the extension of Corollary 2.4 to S = 11" mentioned above,

Z, :=f(X,)— J Af(X S )ds (t '>0) (15.40)0

is a martingale. By optional stopping (see Proposition 13.9 of Chapter I andExercise 21),

EXZ, = E.Zo = f(x), (15.41)


i = TOG(o ;d) A TäG(o ;d). (15.42)

In other words, using (15.39),

E,,.f(X^) =f(x) + Ex J Af(X.,) ds < f(x) (c < Ixl < d). (15.43)0

On the other hand, f (X t) is 1 if {X} reaches äB(0; d) before OB(0; c), and is 0otherwise. Therefore, (15.43) becomes

Px ( {X,} reaches OB(0; d) before öB(0; c)) < f (x). (15.44)

Subtracting both sides from 1, the first inequality in (15.36) is obtained. Forthe second inequality in (15.36), replace ß by ß in the definition of f in (15.37)to get A f (x) >, 0, and Ex f (X r) >, f (x). n

The following corollary is immediate on letting d T o0 in (15.36). Write

pc(x):=Px ({X,} eventually reaches äB(0; c)). (15.45)

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Corollary 15.2. If the conditions (1)-(4) of Section 14 hold, then for all x,Ixt > C,

p(x) = 1 if j^ exp{-1(u)} du = co, (15.46)

p(x) < 1 if fc ,0

exp{-1(u)} du < oo. (15.47)

Note that the convergence or divergence of the integrals in (15.46), (15.47)does not depend on the value of c (Exercise 16).

Theorem 15.3 below says that the divergence of the integral in (15.46) impliesrecurrence, while the convergence of the integral in (15.47) implies transience.First we must define more precisely transience and recurrence formultidimensional diffusions. Since "point recurrence" cannot be expected tohold in multidimensions, as is illustrated for the case of Brownian motion in(14.28), the definition of recurrence on l8 k has to be modified (in the same wayas for Brownian motion).

Definition 15.2. A diffusion on R' (k > 1) is said to be recurrent if for everypair x0y

PX(IX, - yl <, e for some t) = 1 (15.48)

for all e > 0. A diffusion is transient if

Px (IX^I-► coast-► co) =1 (15.49)

for all x.

Theorem 15.3. Assume that the conditions (1)-(4) in Section 14 hold.

(a) If J° e_ 1 = oo for some c > 0, then the diffusion is recurrent.(b) If J e - `-(") du < oo for some c> 0, then the diffusion is transient.

Proof. (a) Fix x0 , y (xo y) and c > 0. Let d > max{1x01, lyl + s}. Choose c,0 < c < d, such that {Ixl = c} is disjoint from B(y; e). Define the stopping times

T 1 := inf{t ? 0: IX^I = d}, T2:= inf{t >, r 1 : IXI = c},(15.50)

i2n+1 = inf{t - r 2n : IX 1I = d}, T2 , := inf{t ,> zzn- 1: IX:I = c}.

Now the function x -• PX (IX,I = d for some t > 0), (x) < d, is the solution tothe Dirichlet problem (15.23) with G = B(0; d), and boundary function f - 1on {Ixl = d}. But i(x) - 1 is a solution to this Dirichlet problem. By the

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uniqueness of the solution,

Px (IX,I = d for some t >, 0) = I for Ixl < d. (15.51)

This means

PX(TI < cc) = 1, (Ixl < d). (15.52)

As r 2 is the first hitting time of {Ixl = c} by the after-z process X , it followsfrom (15.52), the strong Markov property, and (15.46), that

Px(r2 < 00 ) = 1, (Ixl < d). (15.53)

It now follows by induction that

PX (t„<oo) =1, forlxl<d, n >,1. (15.54)

Now define the events

A,,:= { {X,} does not reach äB(y; s) during (ten, r21]} (n > 1). (15.55)


Pxo(A,, I = EX0(i(X^2^)), (15.56)


O(x) = P.(A t )• (15.57)

But iIi(x) is the solution to the Dirichlet problem

Ai(x) = 0 for x e G := B(y; d) — B(y; e),

1 if Izl = d, (15.58)lim i(x)=x—Z 0 if z e OB(y; e).

By the maximum principle, 0 < O(x) < 1 for x e G; in particular,

1 — 60 :=max >/i(x) < 1. (15.59)IxI =c

Therefore, from (15.56),

P..(A, I ^sz.)'< (I — 60) (n >, 1). (15.60)

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Hence, (Exercise 17)

P 0 ({ X,} does not reach ÖB(y; E)) < P, 0(A I n • . • n A„) < (1 — 8 0)” for all n,(15.61)

which implies (15.48), with x = x 0 .

(b) The proof is analogous to the proof of the transience of Brownian motionfor k >, 3, as sketched in Exercise 14.5 and Exercise 18. n


The probabilistic construction of reflecting diffusions is not quite as simple asthat of absorbing diffusions. Let us begin with an example.

Example 1. (Reflecting Brownian Motion on a Half-Space). Take S =Hk uäHk = R,where

Hk = {X E Rk ; X (1) >O}, 3H k = {X E Pk ; x (1) = 0}.

First consider the case k = 1. This is dealt with in detail in Subsection 6.2,Example 1. In this case a reflecting Brownian motion {X,} with zero drift anddiffusion coefficient a 2 > 0 is given by

Y = All (16.1)

where {X} is a one-dimensional (unrestricted) Brownian motion with zero driftand diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0. The transition probability density of {X1 } isgiven by

g1(t;x,y)= p1(t;x,y)+p1(t;x, — y) (x,y% 0 ), (16.2)

where p l (t; x, y) is the transition probability density of {B,},

x Zp, (t; x, y) = (2na2t)_ 1/2 exp _

2Q(y — 2

t ) (X, y e W). (16.3)

Fork > 1, consider k independent Brownian motions {Xli)}, I < j k, eachhaving drift zero and diffusion coefficient a 2 . Then {Y t ;= (IX'(' ) I, Xe ) , ... , X;k) )}is a Brownian motion in Hk := {x e Ilk ; x ( ' ) > 0} = Hk u 3Hk with normalreflection at the boundary {x e ff; x (1) = 0} = öHk . Its transition probabilitydensity function q is given by

kq(t; x, y) = qi(t; x('), y ( ' ) ) ri pi(t; x(i), ye) ),

j =2 (16.4)

(X = (x(1), ... , x (k) ), y = (.y(1)ß ... , y (k) ) E Hk).

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This transition density satisfies Kolmogorov's backward equation

at = i62A.q(t; x, y), (t > 0; XE Hk , ye Hk), (16.5)

k a2

where=j ax

and the backward boundary condition

aq(t; x, y)--

=0, (t >0;xEaHk,yEHk). (16.6)

_ The following extension of Theorem 6.1 provides a class of diffusions onHk with normal reflection at the boundary.

Suppose that drift coefficients p (x), I < i < k, and diffusion coefficientsd(x) are prescribed on '1k the assumptions (1)—(4) in Section 14.Assume also that

p1l) (x) =0, d 1 (x) =0 (2<j<k;xeöHk). (16.7)

For x = (xU'>, .. , x (k) ) write

x = ( — x (1 1 x 121 x ). (16.8)

Now extend the coefficients /1(1)(.), d ;;(•) on all of 11" by setting, on (Hk )`,

JU (^)(x ) = _p(l)(X), U(j)(x) = /1(i)(X) (2 <j < k),

d„(x) = d, ^(x), d,;x = —d 1 ; (z) (2 < j < k), (16.9)

d.;(x) = d 1 () (2 < i, j < k).

Proposition 16.1. Let {X,} be a diffusion on Rk with coefficients µ^l^( ) d. (. )defined on 11” and satisfying (16.7), (16.9). Then the process

{Y := (IX ,( ' ) j, X(k))}

is a Markov process on Hk , whose transition probability density function q isgiven by

q(t; x, y) = p(t; x, y) + p(t; x, y)

= p(t; x, y) + p(t; z, y), (x, y e Rk ), (16.10)

where p is the transition probability density of {X, }.

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Proof. Bya change of variables, the Markov process {X,: (— .. , X;k) )}has the transition probability density p given by

p(t; x, y) = p(t; z, y). (16.11)

Therefore p satisfies the backward equation

aP(t; x, y) ap(t; X, Y)

at = at

1 k k

_ I dj;(X)(a1ajp(t; X, y) + µ ( ` ) (X)(a^p)(t; X, y), (16.12)2 i.i=1 !=1

where a ; p denotes differentiation of p with respect to the ith backwardcoordinate. Now

(a1 p)(t; X, Y) = — (a1 p)(t, x, y),

(a;p)(t; X, Y) = (a; P)(t; x, y), (2 < j 5 k),

(aip)(t; X> Y) _ (a1P)(t; x, y), (16.13)

(ataip)(t; X, Y) _ — (2 ,a;P)(t; x, y), (2 j <, k),

(ei a;p)(t; X, Y) _ (ei a;p)(t; x, y), (2 5 i, j < k).

It follows from (16.7), (16.9), (16.12), and (16.13) that {X} and {X t} havethe same drift and diffusion coefficients and, therefore, the same transitionprobability density, i.e.,

p(t; x, y) = p(t; x, y). (16.14)

It now follows, as in the proof of Theorem 6.1, that

{Y := (IX(1)J , X(2) X(k))}

l t'- t , , t

is a Markov process whose transition probability density is given byp(t; x, y) + p(t; x, y). The second equality in (16.10) is obtained using (16.14).


The backward equation for p leads, by (16.10), to the backward equation for q,

k 2 k

a^ = 1 d(x) ax(^ ax(;) + ^ µ(ß)(x) (x E Hk ; t > 0). (16.15)

The second equation in (16.10), together with the assumption that p(t; x, y) is

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differentiable in x, implies the backward boundary condition

aq(t;x, y)=0 (t > 0; xEaHk ,yEHk ). (16.16)

Definition 16.1. A Markov process on the state space Hk that has continuoussample paths and whose transition density q satisfies (16.15), (16.16) is calleda reflecting diffusion on Hk with drift coefficients µ ( ` 1 (x) and diffusion coefficientsd(x).

It may be shown that the first requirement in (16.7), namely,

µ ( ' ) (x)=0 forxeäHk , (16.17)

is really not needed for the validity of Proposition 16.1. The condition (16.17)ensures that the extended drift coefficients in (16.9) are continuous. If it doesnot hold, extend the coefficients as in (16.9) and modify µ(')(•) on OHk by settingit zero there. Although the extended µ ( 'I(•) is no longer continuous, it is stillpossible to define a diffusion having these coefficients and Proposition 16.1 goesthrough (theoretical complement 1).

The second requirement in (16.7), i.e., the condition

d 1 (x)=0 for x e aHk , 2 < j < k, (16.18)

is of a different nature. The next proposition shows that the failure of (16.18)means that the direction of reflection is no longer normal to the boundary.

First consider a one-dimensional reflecting Brownian motion on [0, co) withmean drift it 'I and diffusion coefficient 1. It may be constructed by the methoddescribed in the proof of Proposition 16.1, after setting the drift —p"I on(— oo, 0) and modifying the drift at 0 to have the value zero as described above(also see Section 6). Let q l denote the transition density of this reflectingBrownian motion. Let p j denote the transition probability density of aone-dimensional Brownian motion (on R) with drift and diffusioncoefficient 1,2 < j < k, i.e.,

x— t ^2p;(t; x,y):_(2nt)

- " 2 exp —(y 2t

µ ) . (16.19)



q(t; x, y) := qi(t; x«I ye>) []

pj ( c; x° ye>), (x, y E Hk), (16.20)I = 2

is the transition probability density of a Markov process on Hk satisfying the

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backward equation

kaq(t; x, y) 1 a 2 9 µ^;, aqat = 2 ; _ , (ax<<>)2 +

and the backward boundary condition

(t>0; xEHk,yEHk ), (16.21)


ax"= forxeaHk, (t>O;yeHk ). (16.22)


This Markov process will be referred to as a reflecting Brownian motion on Hk

having drift µ := (µ('), ... , µ (k)) and diffusion matrix I (or, diffusion coefficientsb ;, (1 i,j<k)).

To construct a reflecting Brownian motion on an arbitrary half-space andhaving (constant, but) arbitrary drift and diffusion coefficients, first denote byH the half-space

H=Hy:={xeRk;y•x>0}, (16.23)

where y = (y„ .... y,) is a unit vector in Q, and y • x := I y ; x 1° is the Euclideaninner product. The interior of H is H:= {y • x > 0} and its boundary isaH := {y• x = 0}. Let t = (µ (1) , ... , µ (k)) be an arbitrary vector in R" andD := ((d 1 )) an arbitrary k x k positive definite matrix. We write, for everyreal-valued differentiable function f (on l or H), grad f for the gradient of f, i.e.,


= 3f(x)

, ... , of (x) (16.24)ax(1) ax(k)

Also write D" 2 for the positive definite matrix such that D 1 / 2 D 1 / 2 = D, andD 1/2 for its inverse.

Proposition 16.2. On the half-space H = fly there exists a Markov process{Z,} with continuous sample paths whose transition probability density rsatisfies the Kolmogorov backward equation

ar(t; z, w) 1 k 02r k ^^^ ar

at = 2 ;, 1d,+ az(;) +

1 =1 b`

(t > 0; zeH,wef), (16.25)and the backward boundary condition

(Dy)•(grad r)(t; z, w) = 0 (t > 0; z e OH, w E H). (16.26)

Further, {Z,} has the representation

Z, := D' 120Y, (16.27)

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where 0 is an orthogonal transformation such that 0' maps D" 2y/ID" 2 yJ intoe:= (1, 0, ... ‚0), and {Y} is a reflecting Brownian motion on Hk having driftvector v:= (D 112 O) - 't and diffusion matrix I.

Proof. Let {Y,} denote a reflecting Brownian motion on the half-space Hk and0 an orthogonal matrix as described. Then {Z, }, defined by (16.27), is a Markovprocess on the state space H (Exercise 3). Let q, r denote the transitionprobability densities of {Y, }, {Z,}, respectively. Then, writing T:= D 112 0,

r(t; z, w) = (det D 112 ) 'q(t; T - 'z T - 'w). (16.28)

Since whenever {B,} is a standard Brownian motion, {TB,} is a Brownianmotion with dispersion matrix TT' = D, one may easily guess that r satisfiesthe backward equation (16.25). To verify (16.25) by direct computation, usethe fact that,

aq(t; x, y) k= e + v ( ` ) aq 16.29

at — 2 xq ;^1 ax(`)( )

and that, for every real-valued twice-differentiable function f on W' the followingstandard rules on the differentiation of composite functions apply (Exercise 4):

T' grad(f o T - ') = (grad f) o T - ',(16.30)

TT'(((aja;f) ° T - I )) = (((ai a;)(f ° T -' )))

This is used with f as the function x —• q(t; x, T -1 w), for fixed t and T - 'w, toarrive at (16.25) using (16.28) and (16.29).

The boundary condition aq/ax^`> - (e•grad q) = 0 on OHk becomes, usingthe first relation in (16.30),

e•(T' grad r)(t; z, w) = 0 (z E aH - {y•z = 0}). (16.31)

Recall that O' D 1 / 2y = IDYI e, and T = D 1120, to express (16.31) as

(D). (grad r)(t; z, w) = 0 if z e OH. (16.32)n

Since a diffusion on Hk with spatially varying drift coefficients and constantdiffusion matrix I may be constructed by the method of Proposition 16.1, thepreceding result may be proved with {Y,} taken as such a diffusion. This leadsto a Markov process (diffusion) on H whose transition probability density r

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satisfies the backward equation

ar(t; z, w) 1 k 32r k ( ar

at 2 ,, ^ d" as<<^ az (ü + µi)

(z) az^i) (16.33)

and the backward boundary condition (16.26).To extend the preceding construction to a spatially dependent dispersion

matrix D(x) that does not satisfy (16.18), involves some difficulty, which canin general be resolved only locally; constructions on local pieces must be puttogether to come up with the desired diffusion on H (theoretical complement 2).

In order to define reflecting diffusions on more general domains, we considerdomains of the form

G:= {x e Ulk ; cp(x) >, 0}, (16.34)

where cp is a real-valued continuously differentiable function on R such thatgrad q is bounded away from zero on the boundary, i.e., for some c > 0,

(gradq(x)i>c>0 forxe aG:_{x:Q(x)=0}. (16.35)

Write G:= {p(x) > 0}. Let D(x):= ((d; (x))), and u ( ' )(x) (1 < i < k) satisfy theassumptions (1)—(4) of Section 14, on G.

Definition 16.2. Let {X,} be a Markov process on the state space G in (16.34)that has continuous sample paths and a transition probability density qsatisfying the Kolmogorov backward equation

k 2 kag(t; x, y) = Aq := 1 Z d,j (x) a g + 1 u^i^(x) aq ,at 2 i .j = 1 ax(`) ax (j> i = 1 ax(f)

(t>0;xeG,ye G), (16.36)

and the backward boundary condition

D(x)(grad (p)(x)•grad q = 0 (t > 0; x e aG, y e G). (16.37)

Then {X,} is called a reflecting diffusion on G having drift coefficients p ( O(• )and diffusion coefficients d(.) (1 < i,j < k). The vector D(x)(grad cp)(x) atx e aG (or any nonzero multiple of it), is said to be conormal to the boundaryat x. The reflection of {X,} is said to be in the direction of the conormal to theboundary.

Note that, according to standard terminology, (grad p)(x) is normal to theboundary of G at x a aG.

So far we have considered domains (16.37) with q(x) = x^l ) . Now letp(x) = 1 — 1x1 2 , so that G =_ {x e IRk: lxi < 1} is the closed unit ball.

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Example 2. The reflecting standard Brownian motion {X,} on the unit ballB(0:1) = {x e R': Ixl < 1} has a transition probability density p satisfying thebackward equation

ap(t; x, Y) = iat

!A p(t; x, Y) (t > 0; IXI < 1 , IY1 , 1), (16.38)

and the boundary condition

y- —0) ap(t; x, Y) = 0 (t > 0; Ixl = 1, IYI < 1). (16.39)ax ( ' )

It is useful to note that the radial motion {R,:= IX,I} is a Markov processon [0, 1]. This follows from the fact that the Laplacian A. transforms radialfunctions into radial functions (Proposition 14.1) and the boundary conditionis radial in nature. Indeed, if f is a twice continuously differentiable functionon [0, 1] and g(x) = f(Ixl), then g is a twice continuously differentiable radialfunction on 9(0:1) and the function

7 g(x)°= Exg(X,) = Exf(IXI), (16.40)

is the solution to the initial-value problem

au(t, x) — ZAXu(t, x), (t > 0; Ixl < 1),



x(i' au(t,

x) = 0, (Ixl = 1), (16.41)

lim u(t, x) = f(Ixl), (Ixl < 1 ).to

Let v(t, r) be the unique solution to

av(t, r) 1 az v k — 1 av= ----- + -------

at tare 2r ar' (t>0;0 r<1),

av(t, r) -- 0, (t > 0; r = 1), (16.42)


limv(t,r)= f(r), (0<r<1).tlo

It is not difficult to check that the function v(t, Ixl) satisfies (16.41) (Exercise5). By uniqueness of the solution to (16.41) it follows that u(t, x) _— v(t, Ixl).

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Thus, the transition operators T, transform radial functions to radial functions.Hence, by Proposition 14.1, {R,} is a Markov process on [0, 1] whoseinfinitesimal generator is

1d2 k-1 dA,:=--+ —,

2 drz 2r dr

with boundary condition d/dr = 0 at r = 1. Recall (see Eq. 14.29, Section 14)that 0 is an inaccessible boundary for {R,}. Hence, a reflecting boundarycondition attached to the accessible boundary r = 1 suffices to specify theMarkov process {R,}.


In a classic study (see theoretical complement 1), G. I. Taylor showed thatwhen a solute in dilute concentration is injected into a liquid flowing with asteady slow velocity through an infinite straight capillary of uniform circularcross section, the concentration along the capillary becomes Gaussian as timeincreases. Such results have diverse applications. Taylor himself used his theory,along with some meticulous experiments, to determine molecular diffusioncoefficients for various substances. Another application is to determine the rateat which a chemical injected into the bloodstream propagates.

Let a denote the radius of the circular cross-section of the capillary whoseinterior G and boundary öG are given by

G = {y = (y (l) , y'): — oc < yc^, < z, ly'l <a},(17.1)

öG = {y: ly'I = a}, (y' = (Y (2) , y (3) )).

Let c(t; y) denote the solute concentration at a point y at time t. The velocityof the liquid is along the capillary length (i.e., in the yU ) direction) and is given,as the solution of a linearized Navier—Stokes equation governing a steadynonturbulent flow, by

^zF(y') = u0 ( i — --i . (17.2)


The parameter U0 is the maximum velocity, attained at the center of thecapillary.

As in Einstein's theory of Brownian motion, a solute particle injected at apoint x = (x', x (2) , x (3)) E G is locally like a three-dimensional Brownianmotion with drift (F(x'), 0, 0) and diffusion matrix D OI, where Do is the moleculardiffusion coefficient of the solute (relative to the liquid in the capillary), and I

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is the 3 x 3 identity matrix. When this solute particle reaches the boundary clG,it is reflected. In other words, the location {X, = (X; ", X;^^, X^ 3 ^) = (X^' ) , X,)}of the solute particle is a reflecting diffusion on G = G u öG having driftµ(x) = (F(x'), 0, 0) and diffusion matrix D.I. Therefore, its transition probabilitydensity p(t; x, y) satisfies Kolmogorov's backward equation,

^p = Ap'= zDoAXp + F(x') ap (x = (x" ) , x'), x' = (x^2> x^ 3^)), (17.3)Öt G'x(1)

where A is the Laplacian Z ; ö 2/(äx) 2 . The backward boundary condition isthat of normal reflection (see (16.37) with cp(x) = a 2 — Ix'1 2 ),

x« ) üp +x ( ' ) bp i =n(x)•gradp =0 (xcäG,t>0;ye6). (17.4)öx öx

Here, n(x) = (0, x') is the normal (of length a) at the boundary pointx = (x", x').

The Fokker—Planck or forward equation may now be shown, by argumentsentirely analogous to those given in Sections 2 and 6, to be

= 2D0Arp — --- (F(y')p) (ye G, t > 0). (17.5)

The forward boundary condition is the no-flux condition (see Section 2)

y (2) 2) +y=n(y)•grad p =0 (ycäG,t>0). (17.6)

By using the divergence theorem, which is a multidimensional analog ofintegration by parts, it is simple to check, in the manner of Sections 2 and 6,that (17.5) and (17.6) are indeed the forward (or, adjoint) conditions. Givenan initial solute concentration distribution c o (dx), the solute concentrationc(t; y) at y at time t is then given by

c(t; y) = p(t; x, y)co(dx) (17.7)J G

and it satisfies the Fokker—Planck equations (17.5) and (17.6).Since (a) the diffusion matrix is D O I, (b) the drift velocity is along the x' -axis

andand depends only on x^ 2 ^, x^ 3 ^, and (c) the boundary condition only involvesx (2) , x (3), it should be at least intuitively clear that {X,} has the followingrepresentation:

1. {X := (X 2 , X 3 )} is a two-dimensional, reflecting Brownian motion on

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the disc Ba := {ly'I <, a} with diffusion matrix D 0I', where I' is the 2 x 2identity matrix.

2. X,(' ) = Xo' + f ä F(X) ds + Do B„ where {B1} is a one-dimensional

standard Brownian motion independent of {X;} and Xo l ". (17.8)

A proof of this representation is given toward the end of this section.Now the transition probability density p' of the process {X,'} is related top by

p'(t; x', Y') = p(t; x, y) dyt i) . (17.9)

By the Markov property of {XI}, the integral on the right does not involve xi ".Now the disc Ba = {ly'I <, a} is compact and p'(t; x', y') is positive andcontinuous in x', y' e BQ for each t > 0. It follows, as in Proposition 6.3 ofChapter II, that for some positive constants c 1 , c 2 , one has

max Ip'(t; x', y') — y(Y')I < c l e - `2 ` (t > 0), (17.10)X , ,y'EBa

where y(y') is the unique invariant probability for p'. Let us check that y(y') isthe uniform density,

y(Y') = nag (IY'I < a). (17.11)

It is enough to show that

p'(t; x', y')y(x') dx' = 0. (17.12)atfjjy'j'_^a)

But p' satisfies the backward equation

p = iDOAX• p' (Ix'! < a), (17.13)at

along with the boundary condition

xt2) aP + xts) ap = 0 (Ix') = a). (17.14)ax ax

Interchanging the order of differentiation and integration on the left side of(17.12), and using (17.13) and (17.14) and the divergence theorem, (17.12) isestablished. In other words, the adjoint operator, which in this symmetric caseis the same as the infinitesimal generator, annihilates constants.

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As a consequence of (17.10), the concentration c(t; y) gets uniformized, orbecomes constant, in the y'-plane. That is,

(t; Y,) := J ^ c(t; y) dy ( ' ) —' cö'= (fa co(dx))'7za2 (17.15)


exponentially fast as t —> oo. Of much greater interest, however, is the asymptoticbehavior of the concentration in the y ( ' )-direction, i.e., of

e(t; y )) := fj c(t; y) dy' = J _co(dx)I p(t; x, y) dy'I. (17 .16)

Iy'l a) G IJy'^ a)

The study of the asymptotics of c(t; y ( ") is further simplified by the fact thatthe radial process {R,:= IX,'1} is Markovian. This is a consequence of the factsthat (1) the backward operator ZD.A.. of {X;} transforms all smooth radialfunctions on the disc Bo into radial functions and (2) the boundary condition(17.12) is radial, asserting that the derivative in the radial direction at theboundary vanishes (see Proposition 14.1). Hence {R,'} is a diffusion on [0, a]whose transition probability density is

q(t; r, r') :=.

p'(t; X', Y')sr(dY) (Ix'l = r), (17.17)iI9'I_r)

where s,•(dy') is the arc length measure on the circle {Iy'I = r' }. The infinitesimalgenerator of {R;} is given by the backward operator

_ (d 2 1 dl

AR A dr 2 + r drJ'0 < r < a (17.18)

and the backward reflecting boundary condition

dl = 0. (17.19)dr r = a

One may arrive at (17.18) and (17.19) from (17.17), (17.13), and (17.14), as inExample 2 of Section 16 (see Eq. 16.42 for k = 2). It follows from (17.10),(17.11), and (17.17) that {R,'} has the unique invariant density

2rir(r) = z , 0 <, r <, a, (17.20)

aand that

2rmax q(t; r, r') — r 27cac 1 e - `2t (t > 0). (17.2)

o,r.rsa a

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For convenience, write

f(r) = 1 — r2 (O < r < a). (17.22)

Then F(y') = Uo f (ly'l)•Now by the central limit theorem (Theorem 13.1, Exercise 13.2. Also see

theoretical complement 13.3) it follows that, as n —• oo,

Z= n'12 fo,",

(f(R;) — En.f) ds —' N(0, 2 t), (17.23)

where the convergence in (17.23) is in distribution, and

Ej =f0a

f(r)ir(r) dr = J (1 — r? (2r dr = 1 . (17.24) o aZ/ \a 2 2

The variance parameter u 2 of the limiting Gaussian is given by (Proposition13.2, Exercise 13.2)

QZ =2 f0'a (f (r) — En f)h(r)n(r) dr (17.25)

where h is a function in LZ([O, a], n) satisfying

ARh(r) _ — (f (r) — E,rf) _ 2 — 1 . (17.26)

Such an h is unique up to the addition of a constant, and is given by


h(r) 8D az — 2r2 + c3 (17.27)


where c 3 is an arbitrary constant, which may be taken to be zero in carryingout the integration in (17.25). One then gets


48 0

Finally, since {B} and {X,'} in (17.8) are independent it follows that, as n —► 00,

Y:= n - ' 1' Z (X — ZUont) --* N(0, Dt) (17.29)

in distribution. Herea2U2

D 48D + Do , (17.30)


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is the large scale or effective dispersion along the capillary axis. Equations (17.29)and (17.30) represent Taylor's main result as completed by R. Aris (theoreticalcomplement 1). The effective dispersion D is larger than the molecular diffusioncoefficient Do and grows quadratically with velocity.

Actually, the functional central limit theorem holds, i.e., { Y} converges indistribution to a Brownian motion with zero drift and variance parameter D.

Also, for each t > 0, the convergence in (17.29) is much stronger than indistribution. Indeed, since the distribution of Y,(" is the convolution of those

of Z,(" ) and Brownian motion B, (see (17.8(ii))), Y,(" ) has a density thatconverges to the density of N(0, Dt) as n --> oo. Hence, by Scheffe's theorem(Section 3 of Chapter 0), the density of Y," ) converges to that of N(0, Dt) inthe L' -norm. Since the distribution of X,(' ) has the density c(t;•)/Co , whereCo := $,3 co (dx) is the total amount of solute present, the density of Y^' ° is given by

z --> n" 2c(nt; n'/ Z Z + 2Uont)/C0 . (17.31)

One therefore has, writing E =

I E-l^(E -z t; E -i z + zU0E -2 t) —

(2nCt)ii2 exp{ - 2dz-+0 as v J, 0.


Another way of expressing (17.32) is by changing variables z' _ E - 'z, t' = E -z t.Then (17.32) becomes

^c(t ; z + zU°t)(2^Dt')^^z

exp^ ---

dz' -+0 ast'I oo. (17.33)ll 2Dt'}

From a practical point of view, (17.33) says that at time t' much larger thanthe relaxation time over which the error in (17.10) becomes negligible, theconcentration along the capillary axis becomes Gaussian. The center of massof the solute moves with a velocity ZU 0 along the capillary axis, with a dispersionD per unit of time. The relaxation time in (17.10) is 1/c 2 , and —c2 is estimatedby the first (i.e., closest to zero) nonzero eigenvalue of ZD o i X . on the disc Ba

with the no-flux, or Neumann, boundary condition.It remains to give a proof of the representation (17.8). First, let us show that

{X, = (X; 1 ", X;)} as defined by (17.8) is a time-homogeneous Markov process.Fix s, t positive, and let the initial state be x o = (xö'I, xo'). Write

X ;+)S = x + 1 5 F((X; + )„) du + Do (B,+s — B,), (17.34)0

where X; + is the after-t process {(X )":= X, + : u >, 0}. Let g be a boundedmeasurable function on G. Since {B,,: 0 <, u < t}, {X;,: 0 < u ` t} determine

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{X.: 0 < u < tl,

E[g(X1+s) I {Xv : 0 < u , t}]

= E[E(g(X, +S) {B:0 u,< t}, {X: 0,< u<, t}) ^ {X: 0,< u,< t}]. (17.35)


Sg(X1+5) = 9(X}' , + fo F((X; + )u)du+ (B1+s—B1), X;+s). (17.36)

Since B,+s — Bt is independent of the conditioning variables and of X;'> andX; +, the inner conditional expectation on the right in (17.35) may be expressed as

foE(h(s, (X, ) + F((X;+)„))du, X +s {B: 0 < u < t}, {X: 0 < u < t}


h(s, v, z') = Eg(v + Ji (B, — B,), z'). (17.38)

To evaluate (17.37) use the facts that (1) X,(' ) is determined by the conditioningvariables, (2) {X;} is independent of {B,}, so that the conditional distributionof X given {B,,: 0 < u < t}, {X: 0 < u < t}, is the same as that given{XÜ: 0 < u < t}. Then (17.37) becomes

(E(h(s, y + Jo F((X)u) du, X;+S) I {X: 0 < u < t})).. (17.39)

But {X;} is a time-homogeneous Markov process. Therefore, (17.39) becomes

(h1(s, y, X;))Y =xil , = hl(s, Xi l) , X;), (17.40)

where h l is some function on [0, ao) x G. The expression (17.40) is alreadydetermined by {X 0 : 0 < u < t}. Therefore, the outer conditional expectation in(17.35) is the same as (17.40), completing the proof that {X 1} is atime-homogeneous Markov process.

Observe next that by Proposition 14.1, if {Z, :_ (Z,'', Z,')} is a Markov processon G whose transition probability density satisfies the Kolmogorov equations(17.3) and (17.4), then {Z,'} is a Markov process on the disc Bo whose transitionprobability density satisfies the Kolmogorov equations (17.13) and (17.14).Since the latter are also satisfied by {X;}, (17.8(i)) is established. It is enoughthen to identify the conditional probability density of X;'^, given X o = x, withthat of Z; 1) , given Zo = x. Let g be a smooth bounded function on R', and letg denote the function on G defined by g(x) = g(xU )). Then, denoting by EX

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expectation given X 0 = x,

(Tt9)(X)'= E.O(Xr) = E,,g(X). (17.41)

By (17.8), as t j 0 one has by a Taylor expansion,

(Tr9)(x) = g(xci)) + g'(xU))Ex(J F(X) ds + Do B`)0r 2

+ Zg"(x ( ' ) )E. F(X) ds + Do B, + o(t)0

= g(x1) + g '(xU))F(x ') + zg"(x" ) )Dot + o(t) (17.42)

where g', g" are the first and second derivatives of g. It follows that

(ata T,9(x) I = F(x')g'(x") + ZDo g"(x" i ^). (17.43) / t _ o

But the right side is Ag, where A is as in (17.3). Therefore, the infinitesimalgenerator of {X,} agrees with that of {Z I} for functions depending only on thefirst coordinate. In particular, the backward equation for T, g becomes


T,g(x) = AT,g(x), (17.44)

so that, by the uniqueness of the solution to the initial-value problem,E.g(X) _ (T,g)(x) = E(g(Z{' ) ) I Zo = x). Thus, the conditional distributionof Xf ", given X 0 = x, is the same as that of Z,1 1) , given Zo = x. This completesthe proof of (17.8).

It may be noted that, although kinetic theoretic arguments given earlierprovide a justification for the validity of the Fokker—Planck equations (17.5)and (17.6) (with c(t; y) replacing p(t; x, y)), they are not needed for the analysisof the asymptotics of c(t; y) carried out above. We have simply given aprobabilistic proof, using the central limit theorem for Markov processes, ofan important analytical result.


Exercises for Section V.1

Check (1.2) for(i) a Brownian motion with drift p and diffusion coefficient a Z > 0, and(ii) the Ornstein—Uhlenbeck process.

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2. Show that if (1.2) holds then so does (1.2)' for every e > 0.

3. Suppose that {X,} is a Markov process on S = (a, b), and (p is a continuous strictlymonotone function on (a, b) onto (c, d).

(i) Prove that {ç(XX)} is a Markov process.(ii) Compute the transition probability density for the process {X,:=exp{B,}} in

Example 1.

4. Consider the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck velocity process { Y,} starting at Vo = v. Lety = ß/m (Example 2).

(i) Show that

azCov(V, I;+) = — (1 - e - ' 7 )e - Y5 , s > 0.


(ii) Calculate the limit of the transition probability density p(t; x, y) in (1.6), ast--. oo,if(a)y<0,or(b)y>0.

(iii) Define the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck position process by X, = x + f o V. ds, t -> 0.

(a) Show that {X} is a Gaussian process.(b) Show EX, = x + vy '(1 - e Y`).(c) Show

z z zVarX,=a t-3v +v 4e-rr-1e-zyr

Y z 2 Y' 2Y z Y Y

(d) Show

zCOV(Xs, Xs+t - Xs) = (1 - e)(1 - e) 2 .


(iv) Explain why {X,} is not a Markov process.(v) Write y = ßm 'and let az = ya for some aö > 0. Use (iii) to show that as

y -+ co the process {XX} converges to a Brownian motion with zero drift anddiffusion coefficient a.

5. In Example 3, take {X,} to be an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and f(t) = ct (c ^ 0).Compute the transition probability density of {Z, = X, + ct}.

6. Let v e R', v 0 0, be an arbitrary (nonrandom) constant. Define a deterministicmotion by XX = X0 + vt, t > 0, i.e., randomness only in the initial distribution of X 0 .Show that {X,} is a Markov process having continuous sample paths and satisfying(1.2) but with oz = 0. Does the transition probability distribution have a density?

Exercises for Section V.2

1. If fa f(x)h l (x) dx = J f(x)h z (x) dx for all twice continuously differentiable functionsf vanishing outside some closed, bounded subinterval of (a, b), then prove thath l (x) = h 2 (x) outside a set of Lebesgue measure zero.

2. Show that the derivations of (2.13) and of the backward equation (2.15) do notrequire the assumption of the existence of a density of the transition probability.

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3. Let f be a twice continuously differentiable function on [c, d]. Show that given &> 0there exists a twice-differentiable g on l' such that g = f on [c, d] and g vanishesoutside [c - e, d + J.

4. (i) Show that (1.2) in Section 1 holds uniformly for all x in the following cases:(a) U(x) =0,a 2 (x) =a 2 .(b) u(x) = µ, a 2 (x) = a 2

(ii) Show that, for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, PP (IX, - xI > r) = o(t) does nothold uniformly in x.

5. Let p(t; x, y) be the transition probability density of a diffusion on V8' and A a realnumber. Write q(t; x, y) exp{ - At} p(t; x, y).

(i) Show that q satisfies the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation (2.2), and thebackward and forward equations

at = µ(x) — + Za2(x) — -



aq - a (u(y)q) + a2 (za 2 (y)q) - Aq.at ay äy

(ii) (Initial-Value Problem) Let f be a bounded continuous function and defineT, f := f f(y)q(t; x, y) dy. Show that the function u(t, x):= (T, f)(x) solves theinitial-value problem

au au z

—=p(x)t-x +za2(x)axz-Au (xEf8',t>0),


lim u(t, x) = f(x).rlo

(iii) (Killing at a Constant Rate) Let {X,} be a diffusion with transition probabilitydensity p, and an exponentially distributed random variable independent of{X,} and having parameter A. Then q may be interpreted as the (defective)transition probability density of the process {X,} killed at time . Morespecifically, show that the function u in (ii) may be represented as

E(f(X,) 1 (Z>l) 1 Xo = x).

(iv) (Killing) Let ).(x) be a continuous, nonnegative function on R'. Define theoperators T, acting on bounded continuous functions f, by

(T,f)(x)'= E(.i(X,) expS - J t A(X,) dsl I Xo = x)l o

where {X} is a diffusion on W. Show that the operators T, have the semigroupproperty, and that u(t, x):= (T, f)(x) solves the initial-value problem in (ii) withA =

(v) Note that (T, f)(x) is finite (indeed, T, f is bounded if f is bounded), if A(x) >_ 0.One may also express T, f as

(T1./ )(x) = E(.f(X,) 1 (4,X >> n),

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where conditionally given the sample path {X s : s >_ 0}, the killing time ^ (X, E hasthe (nonhomogeneous) exponential distribution

P(i;^x, } > t {Xs : s > 0}) = exp t— £ 2(XS) ds } . )

The killing times ^ fx. ) may take the value + co with positive probability. If {X,}is defined on a probability space of trajectories (52,,.F 1 , P,), then show that byenlarging the space appropriately one may define both {X,} and on acommon probability space (52,.x, P). [Hint: First construct the product space(Q 2 , .Fz , Pz ) for an independent family of random variables { } indexed by theset S2, of all trajectories co,. That is, 0 2 = X w En, Icu,, where lo = [0, oo]for all w l E Q. Then take the product space (S2 = X S 2Z, = 1 OO Wiz,P = P1 X P2).]

(vi) (Feynman—Kac Formula) If A(x) is bounded below and continuous, and notnecessarily nonnegative, show that T, f given in (iv) is well defined, defines asemigroup, and solves the initial-value problem (ii) with A = A(x).

(Adjoint Diffusions) Let p(t; x, y) denote the transition probability density of adiffusion on F1' with coefficients satisfying Condition (1.1). In addition, assume that


2dxz(o2(x))—d µ(x)=0, (xeR').

(i) Show that P(t; x, y):= p(t; y, x) is a transition probability density of a diffusionon F1' and compute its drift and diffusion coefficients. What is the forward equationfor p?

(ii) (Time Reversibility) Let {X,} and {Y} be diffusions with transition probabilitydensities p and p" as above, with Xo =_ x, Yo = y. Prove that for arbitrary timepoints 0 < t, < • • • < t,, < t the conditional p.d.f. of (X,,, X,,, ... , X,„) givenX, = y, evaluated at (x,, x 2 ..... x„), is the same as the conditional p.d.f. of(Y,„, Y,, .. , Y) given Y, = x, evaluated at (x,,, x„_,, .. , x,). Thus, thesample path of one process over any finite time period cannot be distinguishedprobabilistically from that of the other with the direction of time reversed.

7. (Sources and Sinks) Consider the Fokker—Planck equation with a source (or sink)term h(t, y),

öc(t, ö a2

a t(u(Y)c(t, Y)) + —i (ia z (Y)c(t, y)). + h(t, y),Y

where h(t, y) is a bounded continuous function of t and y, and f Ih(t, x)Ip(t; x, y) dx < oo.One may interpret h(t, y) (in case h _> 0) as the rate at which new solute particles arecreated at y at time t, providing an additional source for the change in concentrationwith time other than the flux. The contribution of the initial concentration c o to theconcentration at y at time t is

c, (t, Y)'= co(x)p(t; x, Y) dx.J

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The contribution due to the h(s, x) Ax As new particles created in the region[x, x + ix] during the time [s, s + As] is h(s, x)p(t — s; x, y) As Ax (0 _< s < t).Integrating, the overall contribution from this to the concentration at y at time t is

c 2 (t, y) = f.' J h(s, x)p(t — s; x, y) dx ds. gal

(i) (Duhamel's Principle) Show that c, satisfies the homogeneous Fokker—Planckequation with h = 0 and initial concentration c o , while c 2 satisfies thenonhomogeneous Fokker—Planck equation above with initial concentration zero.Hence c := c, + c 2 solves the nonhomogeneous Fokker—Planck equation abovewith initial concentration c o . Assume here that c o(x) is integrable, and

lim J h(t — s, x)p(s; x, y) ds = h(t, x).ajo PU

Show that this last condition is satisfied, for example, under the hypothesis ofExercise 6. *Can you make use of Exercise 5 to verify it more generally?

(ii) Apply (i) to the case µ(x), a z (x), h(t, x) are constants.(iii) Solve the corresponding initial-value problem for the backward equation.

Exercises for Section V.31. Derive (3.21) using (3.15) and Proposition 3.1.

2. Show that the process {Z,} of Example 4 does not have a finite first moment.

3. By a change of variables directly derive the backward equation satisfied by thetransition probability density p of {Z,} := {4p(X,)}, using the corresponding equationfor p. From this read off the drift and diffusion coefficients of {Z, }.

4. (Natural Scale for Diffusions) For given drift and diffusion coefficientsp(.), a'(.) >0 on S = (a, 6), define

1(x z):= ^ 2,u (Y ) dY

x 62 (y)

with the usual convention !(z, x) _ —1(x, z) for z < x. Fix an arbitrary xo e S, anddefine the scale function

s(x)= J exp{ —1(x0 , z)} dz,x°

again following the convention fx° = —J° for x < xo . If {X,} is a diffusion on Swith coefficients p(•) a2(.), find the drift and diffusion coefficients of {s(X,)} (seeSection 9 for a justification of the nomenclature).

5. Use Corollary 2.4 to prove that the following stronger version of the last relation

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in (1.2)' holds: for each x e 11' and each c> 0,

P.( max IX,-xl>E^=o(h) ashj0.o<t<n

[Hint: Let f be twice continuously differentiable, such that (a) f (y) = 2 for Ix — yj > 1,(b) 1 <, f (y) <- 2 for Iy — xl > e, (c) f (y) = Iy — xl'/E 3 for ly — xl e. Then

P.( max JX,—xl>s)^P, max f(X,)>-1^

Px ^ max tf (X,) — J t Af(X,) ds}ost-<h 0 2

if h is chosen so small that max{IAf (y)I: ye 11'} -< 1/2h. By the maximal inequality(see Chapter I, Theorem 13.6), the last probability is less than

EXI f(Xh) — f.'

Af (XS) ds) <- 2Ex f 2 (Xh) + O(h 2 ).

Now show that

EXf 2(Xh) 4PX(IXh — xl > e) + Ex IX'^ — xI3

I(lXh_XI F) = o(h),

by (1.2)' and the lemma in Section 3.

6. Show that the geometric Brownian motion {X,} is a process with independent ratios(X,,/X,a), ... , (X,.jX,), for 0 = to < t l < • • • < t,,, k >, 2. In particular, at anytime scale, tk — kA, k = 0, 1, 2, ... , the values X,,,, X,, ... satisfy the law ofproportionate effect: X,,, = Lk (A)X„k, k = 0, 1, 2, ... , where L 0 (0), L 1 (i), ... arei.i.d. (load factors) positive random variables.

7. Let {B(t)} be a standard Brownian motion starting at 0. Let V, = e - 'aB(e 21 ), t > 0.Show that { Y,} is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Note continuity of sample pathsfrom {B(t)}.

Exercises for Section V.4

1. Show that (4.4), (4.5) are solved by (4.2).

2. Derive (4.17).

3. (i) Using (4.17) derive the probability pX, that, starting at x, {X,} ever reaches c.(ii) Find a necessary and sufficient condition for {X 1} to be recurrent.

4. Apply the criterion in Exercise 3(ii) to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. What ify—ß/m> 0?

5. (i) Using the results of Section 3 of Chapter III, give an informal derivation of anecessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a unique invariantprobability distribution for {X,} (i.e., of p(t; x, y) dy).

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(ii) Compute this invariant density.(iii) Show that the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process { V} has a unique invariant

distribution and compute this distribution (called the Maxwell-Boltzmann:velocity distribution).

(iv) Show that under the invariant (Maxwell-Boltzmann) distribution,

a zCov,(V, , V +,) = 2- e - 'S, s > 0.


(v) Calculate the average kinetic energy E(mV )of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particleunder the invariant initial distribution.

(vi) According to Bochner's Theorem (Chapter 0, Section 8), one can check thatp(s) = Cov,,(V„ V + ,) in (iv) is the Fourier transform of a measure It (spectraldistribution). Calculate p.

6. Briefly indicate how the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process may be viewed as a limit ofthe Ehrenfest model (see Section 5 of Chapter I11) as the number of balls d goes toinfinity.

7. Let

= J p^-I 2ti(1) y^s (x) ex d dzE. xo a 2 (Y)

be the so-called scale function on S = (a, b), where x o is some point in S. If {X} isa diffusion on S with coefficients p(• ), a 2 (• ), then show that the diffusion { Y, := s(X,)}

on S = (s(a), s(b)) has the property

P({Y,} reaches c before dl Yo = y) =a —y , c y_<d.

8. Derive the forward equation

ap(t ; x, y) ä ^2

at= -^ (µ(Y)P(t; x, y)) + (ia2(Y)P(t; X, y)),^y yz

(t >0, -cc < x, y < oo), along the lines of the derivation of the backward equation(4.14) given in this section. [Hint: p" +t = pap .]

9. (Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocities) A monatomic gas consists of a large number N(- 1023 ) molecules of identical masses m each. Label the velocity of the ith moleculeby v, _ (v31 _ 2 , v3; 1 , v3;), for i = 1, 2, ... , N. To say that the gas is an ideal gasmeans that molecular interactions are ignored. In particular, the only energyrepresented in an ideal monatomic gas is the translational kinetic energy of individualmolecular motions. The total energy is therefore


T = T(v1, v2, ... , U3N) _ 'zmv; = zm IIvIIi, for v = (v1.... , V3N) E R 3N ,j=1

where IlvlI2:=^;=Ni vj. Define equilibrium for a gas in a closed system of energy E

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to mean that the velocities are (purely random) uniformly distributed over the energysurface S given by the surface of the 3N-dimensional ball of radius R = (2E/m)" 2 , i.e.,

f (VI,

3N 2ES = v2, • , V3N)• Y_ Jv _

i =1 m

One may also define temperature in proportion to E.

(i) Show that the distribution of the jth component of velocity is given by

P(a <v < b) _ J

b [l — (x/R)2](3N- 3)/2 dx/^ R [1 — (x/R)2](3N- 3)12 dx.a R

(ii) Calculate the limiting distribution as N —+ oo and E —+ cc such that the averageenergy per particle EIN (density) stabilizes to > 0.

(iii) How do the above calculations change when the 1 2-norm 1 2 defined above isreplaced by the 1p norm defined by jIvIIP'= v, where p >_ 1 is fixed?(This interesting generalization was brought to our attention by ProfessorSvetlozar T. Rachev.)

Exercises for Section V.5

1. Extend the argument given in Example 1 to compute the transition probability densityof a Brownian motion with drift p and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0.

2. Use the method of Example 2 to compute the transition probability density of adiffusion with drift u(x) = —yx — g and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0.

3. (i) Use Kolmogorov's backward equation and the Fourier transform to solve theinitial-value problem

öu ( x ) Z^= =za axe+µöx


lim u(t, x) = f (x),rlo

where f is a bounded and continuous function on (—oo, oo).(ii) Use (i) to compute the transition probability density of a Brownian motion.

4. In Exercise 3 take the initial-value problem to be the one corresponding to theOrnstein—Uhlenbeck process.

Exercises for Section V.6

1. Use (1.2)' to show that the diffusions { Y, := — X,} and {X} have the same drift anddiffusion coefficients, if (6.7), (6.8) hold.

2. Use (1.2)' to show that the diffusions {Y:= X, — md} (m = 0, ± 1, ...) have the samedrift and diffusion coefficients, provided u(•) and v 2 (•) are periodic with period d.

3. Express the transition probability density of the Markov process {Z 1 } in Theorem6.4 in terms of that of {X,}.

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4. Using the construction of reflecting diffusions on [0, oo), [0, 1], construct reflectingdiffusions on [a, oo), (— co, a], [a, b] for arbitrary a < b. What are the analogs of(6.7), (6.8) and (6.36)- (6.38) in these cases? Express the transition probabilitydensities for these reflecting diffusions in terms of appropriate unrestricted diffusions.

5. Suppose that cp is a measurable map on an interval S onto an interval S'. Supposethat {X} is a Markov process having a homogeneous transition probability p. IfT,(f o ^p)(x) := E[ f ((p(X,)) I X0 = x] is a function v1(t, p(x)) of qp(x), for everyreal-valued bounded measurable function f on S. then prove that { Y, := cp(X,)} is ahomogeneous Markov process on S'.

6. Give a derivation of the forward equation (6.17).

7. Prove that the transition probability density q(t; x, y) of {Z} in Theorem 6.4 satisfies

(aq/ax)x -1 = 0.

8. (i) Assume that p(t; x, y) >0 for all t > 0, and x, y e (— oo, oo) for every diffusionwhose drift and diffusion coefficients satisfy Condition (1.1). Prove that theMarkov process {Z,} on the circle in Theorem 6.2 has a unique invariantprobability m(y) dy, and that the transition probability density q(t; x, y) of {Z,}converges to m(y) in the sense that

J jq(t;x,y) — m(y)ldy -+ 0ast-+oo,s

the convergence being exponentially fast and uniform in x.(ii) Compute m(y). [Hint: Differentiate $ T, f (x)m(x) dx = Sf(x)m(x) dx with respect

to t, to get J), (A f)(x)m(x) dx = 0 for all twice-differentiable f on S with compactsupport, so that A *m = 0.]

9. Derive the forward boundary conditions for a reflecting diffusion on [0, 1].

10. Suppose (a) {X} and { —X,} have the same transition probability density, and(b) { 1 + X} and { l — X,} have the same transition probability density. Show thatthe drift and diffusion coefficients of {X} must be periodic with period 2.

Exercises for Section V.7

1. Use the Radon-Nikodym Theorem (Section 4 of Chapter 0) to prove the existenceof a nonnegative function y -+ p° (t; x, y) such that f, p°(t; x, y) dy = p(t; x, B) forevery Borel subset B of (a, oo). Show that p° (t; x, y) _< p(t; x, y) where p is thetransition probability density of the unrestricted process {X, }.

2. Let T, (t > 0) be the semigroup of transition operators for the Markov process {Xjin Theorem 7.1, i.e.,

(T,f)(x) = Exf(Xr) = f(y)P(t; x, dy)fla,

for all bounded continuous f on [a, oo).

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(i) If f(a) = 0, show that

(a) (T^f)(x) = f(a.m) f(Y)P°(t; x, Y) dY (x > a),

(b) (T, f)(x) -+ 0 as x j a. [Hint: Use (7.11).](ii) Use (i) to show that T° (t > 0), defined by

(T°.f )(x);= f(a,

f(Y)P°(t; x, y) dY, )

is a semigroup of operators on the class C of all bounded continuous functionson [a, oo) vanishing at a. Thus T° is the restriction of T, to C (and T°C c C).

(iii) Let A ° denote the infinitesimal generator of T°, i.e., the restriction of theinfinitesimal generator of T, to C. Give at least a rough argument to show that(7.10) holds (along with (7.11)).

3. Derive (7.13) and (7.14).

4. (Method of Images) Consider the drift and diffusion coefficients p(.), a 2 (•) definedon [0, oo). Assume u(0) = 0. Extend p(.), a 2 (•) to 01' as in (6.8) by setting,u(—x) = —µ(x), a'(—x) = a 2 (x) for x > 0. Let p° denote the (defective) transitionprobability density on [0, oo) (extended by continuity to 0) defined by (7.9). Let pdenote the transition probability density for a diffusion on R' having the extendedcoefficients above. Show that

P° (t; x, y) = p(t; x, y) — p(t; x, — y)

= p(t; x, y) — p(t; —x, y), (t > 0; x, y >- 0).

[Hint: Show that p° satisfies the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation (2.30) onS = [0, oo), the backward equation (7.10), the boundary condition (7.11), and theinitial condition p° (t; x, y) dy -* 5(dy) as t j 0 (i.e., (T° f)(x) -• f (x) as t j 0 for everybounded continuous function f on [0, oo) vanishing at 0). Then appeal to theuniqueness of such a solution (see theoretical complements 2.3, 8.1). An alternativeprobabilistic derivation is given in Exercise 11.11.]

5. (Method of Images) Let u(.), a2 (.) be drift and diffusion coefficients defined on[0, d] with p(0) = µ(d) = 0, as in (6.36). Extend p(.), a2(.) to R' as in (6.37) and(6.38) (with d in place of 1). Let p denote the transition probability density of adiffusion on W having these extended coefficients. Define

q(t; x, y):= I p(t; x, y + 2md), —d < x, y < d,m=—m

P ° (t; x, Y)'= q(t; x, Y) — q(t; x, — y), 0 5 x, y < d.

(i) Prove that p° is the density component of the transition probability of the diffusionon [0, d] absorbed at the boundary {0, d}. [Hint: Check (2.30). (7.10), and (7.11)on [0, d], as well as the initial condition: (T° f)(x) -+ f (x) as t 10 for everycontinuous f on [0, d] with f(0) = f(d) = 0.]

(ii) For the special case j(.) = 0, a 2(.) = a 2 compute p°.

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6. (Duhamel's Principle)

(i) (Nonhomogeneous Equation) Solve the initial-boundary-value problem

a öu tazu

atu(t, x) = u(x)

-x + za2(x) c3x2 + h(t, x), (t > 0, a <x < b);

lim u(t, x) = 0, lim u(t, x) = 0, (t > 0, a -< x -< b);xja zTb

tim u(t,x)= f(x), (a -<x-<b),(40

where h is a bounded continuous function on [0, cc) x [a, b], and f is a boundedcontinuous function on [a, b] vanishing at a, b. [Hint: Let p° be as in (7.17).Define

u0(t, x)'= f.'

J h(s, y)p° (t — s; x, y) dy, ui(t; x) = ft f(y)p° (t; x, v) dy. [a,b] a,b]

Check that u ° satisfies the nonhomogeneous equation and the given boundaryconditions, but has zero initial value. Then check that u, satisfies thehomogeneous differential equation (i.e., with h = 0), the given boundary andinitial conditions.]

(ii) (Nonzero Constant Boundary Values) Solve the initial-boundary-value problem


u(t, x) = u(t, x), (t > 0; a <x < b);at axz

lim u(t, x) = a, lim u(t, x) = ß;:la xTb

lim u(t, x) = f(x),t; o

where f is a bounded continuous function on [a, b] with 1(a) = a, f (b) = ß.[Hint: Let u ° (x) satisfy the differential equation and the boundary conditions.Find u,(t, x) which satisfies the differential equation, zero boundary conditions,and the initial condition: lim a ° u, (t, x) = f (x) — u°(x). Then consideru° (x) + u,(t, x).]

(iii) (Time Dependent Boundary Values) In (ii) take a = a(t), ß = ß(t) where a(t), ß(t)are continuous differentiable functions on [0, x). [Hint: Let u ° ( t, x):=a(t) + ((ß(t) — a(t))/(b — a))(x — a). Find u,(t, x) solving the nonhomogeneousequation:

au, 1 2 a u 1 _ au0_= Q _(3t z öx z at

with zero boundary conditions and initial condition lim, ] ° u, (t, x) =.f(x) — uo(0, x)•]

7. (Maximum Principle)

(i) Let u(t, x) be twice-differentiable with respect to x and once with respect to t on

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(0, T] x (a, b), continuous on [0, T] x [a, b], and satisfy (au/at) — Au <0 on(0, T] x (a, b), where A = o2 (x) d2/dx 2 + p(x) d/dx, with a 2 (x) > 0. Show thatthe maximum value of u is attained either (a) initially, i.e., at a point (0, x o ), or(b) at a point (t, a) or (t, b) for some t e (0, T]. [Hint: Suppose not. Let themaximum value be attained at a point (t o , x0 ) with 0 < to _< T, and x o e (a, b).Then (Au)(to , xo ) _< 0, so that (öu/öt)(t o , xo ) < 0. But this means u(t, x o ) > u(to , xo )for some t < to].

(ii) Extend (i) to the case au/at — Au < 0. [Hint: Let 0 be a continuous function on[a, b] satisfying AB = 1. For each r > 0, consider u,(t, u) = u(t, x) + eO(x).]

(iii) Let u(x) be twice-differentiable on (a, b), continuous on [a, b] and satisfy(Au)(x) > 0 for a <x < b. Show that the maximum value of u is attained atx = a or x = b. [Hint: First assume Au > 0; if the maximum value is attainedat xo e (a, b), then Au(x o ) < 0.]

(iv) Prove that the solutions to the initial-boundary-value problems in Exercise 6are unique.

Exercises for Section V.8

1. Prove that (8.3) holds under Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions at the endpoints of a finite interval S.

2. Prove that(i) if a is an eigenvalue of A (with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions at

the end points of S), then a _< 0;(ii) if a,, a 2 are two distinct eigenvalues and ei l , 0 2 corresponding eigenfunctions,

then Ali, and i' 2 are orthogonal, i.e., <i/i,, i/i 2 > = 0;(iii) if 0,, 0 2 are linearly independent, then 4,, ¢ 2 — («,, 02>/II¢1Il 2 )O, are

orthogonal; if 0 1 , 0 2 , ... , 0, are linearly independent, and ¢,, ... , Ok _, areorthogonal to each other, then 0„ ... , ¢k_ 1, ¢k — (Z,-i «;l 4,k) /11c6;• II 2 )4, .are orthogonal.

3. Assume that the nonzero eigenvalues of A are bounded away from zero (seetheoretical complement 2).

(i) In the case of two reflecting boundaries prove that

,im p(t; x, Y) = m(Y) (x, Y e [0 , d])

where m(y) is the normalization of n(y) in (8.1). Show that this convergence isexponentially fast, uniformly in x, y.

(ii) Prove that m(y) dy is the unique invariant probability for p.(iii) Prove (ii) without the assumption concerning eigenvalues.

4. By a change of scale in Example 3 compute the transition probability of a Brownianmotion on [a, b] with both boundaries absorbing.

5. Use Example 4, and a change of scale, to find(i) the distribution of the minimum m, of a Brownian motion {X,} over the time

interval [0, t];(ii) the distribution of the maximum M, of {X s} over [0, t];(iii) the joint distribution of (X„ m,).

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6. Use Example 3, and change of scale, to compute the joint distribution of (X„ m, M,),using the notation of Exercise 5 above.

7. For a Brownian motion with drift p and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0, compute thep.d.f. of T„ A rb when X0 = x and a <x < b.

8. Establish the identities

z ' Z[ ( - (2md +y -x) Z l ( (2md +Y +x)'


2t) Lexp

jl 3 + exp

Sl )7Jm = _ x 2azt 2621


= +

2 ex

p ^ - - -- m-->cos cos

\ix/ \-- - z - —


(2na 2 t) - '/ 2 Lexp{-(2md + y —Y^ - exp^-(2md +

y + x)

-^12a 2 1 ) 2a2t

2 a2 rr 2 m21 rzyx,

_-- Z exp - sin (rnnx)- dsi

mn - (0 x, y d).

d m = 1 2d2 d

Use these to derive Jacobi's identity for the theta . function,

°^ 1 1 (il©(z):= exp{ -nm 2z} _— exp{ -nmz /z} _ --O`\z/f (z > 0).

m - m _ ^z m s, ^Z

[Hint: Compare (8.23) with (6.31), and (8.33) with Exercise 7.5(ii).]

9. (Hermite Polynomials and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process) Consider the generatorA = ' d 2/dx 2 - x d/dx on the state space W.

(i) Prove that A is symmetric on an appropriate dense subspace of L2 (!8', e - x 2 dx).(ii) Check that A has eigenfunctions H"(x)'= ( -1)" exp{x 2 }(d"/dx") exp{ -x 2 }, the

so-called Hermite polynomials, with corresponding eigenvalues n = 0, 1, 2, ... .(iii) Give some justification for the expansion

x t

p(t; x, y) = e 2 Z c"e "'H"(x)H"(y), c"'=

10. According to the theory of Fourier series, the functions cos nx (n = 0, 1, 2, ...),sin nx (n = 1, 2, ...) form a complete orthogonal system in L2 [-n, 7r]. Use this toprove the following:

(i) The functions cos nx (n = 0, 1, 2, ...) form a complete orthogonal sequence inL2 [0, it]. [Hint: Let f E L2 [0, n]. Make an even extension of f to [ -n, n], andshow that this f may be expanded in L2[-n, it] in terms ofcos nx (n = 0, 1, ...).]

(ii) The functions sin x (n = 1, 2, ...) form a complete orthogonal sequence inL2 [0, it]. [Hint: Extend f to [-it, n] bysetting,f( -x) = - f(x)forx e [ -n, 0).]

Exercises for Section V.9

1. Check (9.13).

2. Derive (9.20) by solving the appropriate two-point boundary-value problem.

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3. Suppose S = [a, b) and a is reflecting. Show that the diffusion is recurrent if and onlyif s(b) = cc. If, on the other hand, s(b) < oo then one has ps,. = 1 for y> x and

J n exp{ — I(x o , z)} dzs(b) — s(x) _ x

Pxr = Sib) — s(Y) s ----, y < x.

exp{ — I(x o , z)} dz

[Hint: For y > x, assume the fact that the transition probability density p(t; x, y)is strictly positive and continuous in x, y for each t> 0, to show thatb := min{P= (X o y): a -< z -< y} > 0 for t o > 0.]

4. Suppose S = [a, b) and a is absorbing. Then show that no state, other than a, isrecurrent and that

s(x) —s(a)ifa<x^y,

s(y) — s(a)

Pxy = I ifs(b)=oo,anda<-y<x,

s(b) — s(x)ifs(b)< cc, and a<y-<x.

s(b) — s(y)

5. Suppose S = [a, b] with both boundaries reflecting. Then show that p x,, = 1 for allx, y E S. and the diffusion is recurrent.

6. Apply Corollary 9.3 and Exercise 3 to decide which of the following diffusions arerecurrent and which are transient:

(i) S=(—ac,00),µ(x)=p960,a z (x)=a 2 >0;(ii) S=(— cc, cc),p(x)=0,a 2 (x)=az >0;

(iii) S = (—cc, cc), µ(x) = —ßx, a 2 (x) = a 2 >0 (consider separately, ß>0, ß < 0);(iv) S = [0, cc), p(x) - p, a 2 (x) = a 2 > 0, 0 reflecting (consider separately the cases

P< 0 ,P= 0,u>0);(v) S=(0,1),u(x)--* oo as x10,p(x)-+ —oo asxji,a 2 (x)>a 2 >0 for all x.

7. Suppose S = [a, b] with a absorbing and b reflecting. Show that all states but aare transient, p xy = 1 for y < x, and

s(x) — s(a)Pxv = s(y) — s(a), Y > x.

8. Suppose S = [a, b] with both boundaries absorbing. Show that all states, other thana and b, are transient and


s(b) — s(y)Pzy =

s(x) — s(a)a<xyb.


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9. Let [c, d] c S. Solve the two-point boundary-value problem: A f (x) = 0 for c <x < d,lima 1 , f (x) = a, limX1 d f (x) = ß, where a, ß are given numbers. Show that the solutionequals aPP(r< < rd ) + ßPx(ra < t a ).

Exercises for Section V.10

1. (i) Assuming that the transition probability density p(t; x, y) is positive andcontinuous in x, y for each t > 0, show that M(x), defined by (10.3), is boundedon [c, d]. [Hint: Use Proposition 13.5 of Chapter I.]

(ii) Let T be as in (10.2), x e (c, d). Assume that

Px(max (XX —xj>a/

=o(h) ash10,0 <t-1h

for every e > 0 (this is proved in Exercise 3.5). Show that EX(1,,, h } M(Xh )) = o(h)as h l 0. Check the assumption in the case of constant coefficients.

2. Show that (10.15) holds if s(b) = oo.

3. Assume s(b) = oc.

(i) Show that (10.16) is necessary and sufficient for finiteness of Ex r, (c < x).(ii) Prove (10.17), under the assumption (10.16).

4. Suppose s(a) = —cc.

(i) Prove that, for x < d, E,td < cc if and only if (10.18) holds.(ii) Derive (10.19).

5. (i) Suppose S = [a, b) with a a reflecting boundary. Show that the diffusion is positiverecurrent if and only if s(b) = oo and m(b) < co. [Hint: Assume that the transitionprobability density p(t; x, y) is positive and continuous in x, y for each t > 0, andproceed as in Exercise 9.3, or use Proposition 13.5 of Chapter I.] Show that(10.19) holds in case of positive recurrence.

(ii) Suppose S = [a, b] with a and b reflecting boundaries. Show that the diffusionis positive recurrent. Show that (10.17) and (10.19) hold.

6. Apply Proposition 10.2 and Exercise 5 above (as well as Exercise 9.6) to classify thediffusions in Exercise 9.6 into transient, null recurrent and positive recurrent ones.

7. Let [c, d] c S. Solve the two-point boundary-value problem Af (x) = —g(x) forc <x < d, lim, 1 c f (x) = a, limx 1 d f (x) = ß, where g is a given bounded measurable(or, continuous) function on [c, d] and a, ß are given constants. Show that the solutionrepresents

n za

Ex g(X,) ds + aPa(t< < t,.) + ßPx(Td < t,)•


8. Show that, under natural scale (i.e., s(x) = x), m'1 (x) >_ m'2 (x) for all x impliesM I (x) -> M2 (x) for all x.

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Exercises for Section V.11

1. Prove that t, r, A rd are stopping times, by showing that they are measurable withrespect to . O ' t^ A Zd' respectively.

2. Prove that T 1 A 1 2 is a stopping time, if z and t Z are.

3. (i) Suppose that

E(Zh(XX+t,, . .. ' Xi+,,)lfr<^)) = E(Z[E, h(X ;, .... X,;%=x.11=<^))

for all Z of the form (11.7), m being arbitrary and f bounded continuous. Provethat (11.12) holds. [Hint: Use (a) the fact that bounded continuous functionson S"' are dense in O(S', y) where u is any probability measure, (b) Dynkin'sPi-Lambda Theorem (Section 4 of Chapter 0).]

(ii) Prove that if (11.12) holds for arbitrary finite sets t, < t2 < ... < t; and boundedcontinuous h, then the conditional distribution of X, given .F, is Px , on theset {r < co}.

4. Prove that q(y) in (11.18) is continuous for every bounded continuous h on S', ifx —• p(t; x, dy) is weakly continuous (see Section 5 of Chapter 0, for the definitionof weak convergence). This weak continuity, also called the (weak) Feller property,is proved in Section 3 of Chapter VII.

5. Let {XX } be a Brownian motion with drift p and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0, startingat x.

(i) Prove that the conditional distribution of {X; 0 _< u <_ t}, given X, does notdepend on p. [Hint: Look at finite-dimensional conditional distributions.]

(ii) Use (i) and (11.42) to compute the joint p.d.f. of (X„ M,), whereMM = max{X,,: 0 < u < t}.

(iii) Use (ii) to compute the distributions of (a) M, and (b) r a (a > x).(iv) Check that the conditional distribution in (i), given X, = y, is the same as the

distribution of the process

{_o_ (y—x))+x:Ou<'t1 1

where { }.: u >, 0} is a Brownian motion with zero drift and diffusion coefficienta2 , starting at zero.

6. Assume the result of Example 8.3, for the case p = 0. Show how you can use Exercise5(i) to derive the joint distribution of (Xe , m, M,) where {X,), M, are as in Exercise5(i), (ii), and m, = min{X: 0 _< u _< t}.

7. Let {X} be a Brownian motion with drift zero and diffusion coefficient az > 0,starting at x. Let t =; A rd , where c <x < d. Show that the after-r process X, isnot independent of the pre-t sigmafield.

8. Let {X} be a Brownian motion with drift p > 0 and diffusion coefficient a 2 > 0,starting at zero.

(i) Prove that {zQ : a - 0} is a process with independent and homogeneousincrements.

(ii) Find the distribution of r q .(iii) What can you say concerning (i), (ii), if p < 0?

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9. Show that the proof of the strong Markov property (Theorem 11.1) essentiallyapplies (indeed, more simply) to the countable state space case (see Section 5 ofChapter IV).

10. (i) Use Exercise 5(ii) to derive the transition probability density (component) ofa Brownian motion on (— oo, 0] with absorption at 0.

(ii) Derive the corresponding transition density on [0, co) with absorption at 0.(iii) Use Exercise 6 to derive the transition probability density (component) of a

Brownian motion on [0, 1] with absorption at both ends.

11. (Method of Images) Consider the drift and diffusion coefficient g(.), c 2 (•) definedon (— oo, 0]. Assume p(0) = 0. Extend p(.)‚o 2 (.) to R' as in (6.8) by settingµ( —x) = —g(x), Q2 (— x) = a2 (x) for x < 0. Let {X,} be a diffusion on R' with thesecoefficients, starting at x < 0, and let z o denote the first passage time to 0. Let { Y,}be the process defined by

_ X,for t < T o

Y — X, for >, t o .

(i) Show that {Y,} has the same distribution as(ii) Show that Px(M, -> 0) = 2P,,(X, > 0), where M, := max{Xs : 0 -< s -< t}. [Hint:

Show that (11.34)— (11.36) hold with 0 replaced by x and a replaced by 0.](iii) Show that Px (XX -< y, t o > t) = PX (X, >, —y) for ally < 0. [Hint: Use the analog

of (11.35).](iv) Deduce from (iii) that

P.(X,<y,so >t)= Ps(X,<y)—PX(X,>, —y) forallx<0,y-<0.

(v) Derive the analog of (iv) for a diffusion on [0, co).

Exercises for Section V.12

1. Use the strong Markov property to prove (12.10) assuming that the diffusion isrecurrent and that (12.11) holds.

2. Assume that the diffusion is positive recurrent.(i) Prove that (12.14) defines a probability measure n(dx), i.e., prove countable

additivity. [Hint: Use Monotone Convergence Theorem.](ii) Prove (12.15) for all f satisfying (12.11).

3. Prove the uniqueness of the invariant probability in Theorem 12.2.

4. (i) Prove (12.24).(ii) Use the strong Markov property to prove (12.25).

5. Under what assumptions on p (and op/at) can you justify the equalities in (12.27)?

6. (i) Prove that the diffusion in Example I is positive recurrent.(ii) Let — oo <a <b < oo, and suppose that a diffusion on (a, b) is recurrent. Prove

that it cannot reach either a or b with positive probability. [Hint: The time toreach {a, b} is larger than ri z , (see (12.2)) for every r.]

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7. Prove that the diffusion in Example 2 is positive recurrent under the assumptions(12.35).

Find the invariant distributions of the following diffusions:(i) S = (—cc, oo), µ(x) = —ßx (ß < 0), o 2 (x) = a2 •

(ii) S = (0, 1], µ(x) = (k — 1)/x (k > 1), a 2 (x) = a 2 "1" a reflecting boundary.(iii) S = [0, CO), µ(x) _ —ßx (ß > 0), a2 (x) = a 2 , "0" is a reflecting boundary.

Exercises for Section V.13

1. Give a proof of Theorem 13.1 similar to the proof of Proposition .10.1 in Chapter II.(Also, see the proof of Proposition 12.1.)

2. Consider a diffusion {X1 } on S = (0, 1], with "1" a reflecting boundary and coefficientsµ(x) = (k — 1)/x (k > 1), v 2 (x) - a 2 . Apply Theorem 13.1 to compute the asymptoticdistribution of

t-l/2 J t (f(XS)—Ej)ds as tj oo,0

where f (x) = 1 — x 2 . What is En f ? [Hint: Remember the boundary condition for A.]

Exercises for Section V.14

Let {Xt(' 1 } (i = 1, 2, ... , k) be k independent diffusions on R 1 with drift coefficientsu ( ' ) (•) and diffusion coefficients a().).

(i) Show that {X 1 := (X,( ", .. , X;k))} is a Markov process on 18 k , and express itstransition probability density in terms of those of {X}' ) }. [Hint: Look atP({Xs+ , e R} n F), where R is a k-dimensional rectangle (a,, b,) x • • • x (ak , bk ),and F = F, n F2 n • . n Fk with F; determined by {X'°: 0 < u < s} (1 < i < k).]

(ii) Show that the transition probability density p(t; x, y) of {X,} satisfiesKolmogorov's backward and forward equations

k a 2äp 1 kZ Q , (x) a p + Y- µu ^(x'°) äpat = ax<i, z ax(i,'

ap I2

Z (ay


Z (U?(y Ii ')p) — e^ ay^,^ (f^(Y' ° )p)•at = i=,

(iii) Let p(x) = —yx, D(x) = a 2 I, with y > 0, a 2 > 0. Write down its transitionprobability density p(t; x, y), and check that it satisfies the Kolmogorovequations. Show p(t; x, y) converges to a Gaussian density as t —• cc, and deducethat the diffusion has a unique invariant distribution.

2. Write down the analogs of (1.2), (1.2)' for a multidimensional diffusion.

3. (i) Show that a k-dimensional Brownian motion with drift p = (p". .. , p" k") anddiffusion matrix D = ((d ;;)) is a process with independent increments, and thatits transition probability density p(t; x, y) satisfies Kolmogorov's equations(14.6).

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(ii) More generally, let cp be a one-to-one twice continuously differentiable map onR' onto an open subset of R k . If {X} is a diffusion on Rk with generator A givenby (14.9), compute the generator of {Y,:= cp(X,)}.

4. Check that the proof of Theorem 11.1 (Strong Markov property) remains unchangedif the state space is taken to be It" or a subset of I".

5. Let {B,} be a k -dimensional standard Brownian motion, k >_ 3, starting at someXE Rk .

(i) Let d> jxl. Prove that P(B,I > d for all sufficiently large t) = 1. [Hint: Fix d, > d.

(a) P({B,} ever reaches {z: IzI = d, }) = 1, by the recurrence of one-dimensionalBrownian motions.

(b) Write

r, := inf{t > 0: IB,l = d,},

r, :=inf{t> r,: B,l = d}, t 2n +1 '=inf{t >'r 2n :IB,l = d, }

z 2n := inf{t > T 2i _,: IB,l = d}.

By the strong Markov property and (14.26), P(r 2" < oo) = (d/d,)(k-2 >", andP(T2 1 < oo I TZ" < (Xo) = 1.

(c) By (b), P(T Z" = oo for some n) = 1.](ii) From (i) conclude that

P(IB,I-+coast-+ cc) =1.

6. Let {B,} be a two-dimensional standard Brownian motion. Let B = {z: Iz - z 0 1with zo and E > 0 arbitrary. Prove that

P(sup{t >_0:B,EB} = oo) = 1.

7. Let {X,} be a k -dimensional diffusion with periodic drift and diffusion coefficients,the period being d > 0 in each coordinate. Write Z;' ) := X;'°(mod d), Z,(Z (I) , Z'1k) )t t

(i) Use Proposition 14.1 to show that {Z,} is a Markov process on the torusT = [0, d)"—which may be regarded as a Cartesian product of k circles.

(ii) Assuming that the transition probability density p(t; x, y) of {X,} is continuousand positive for all t > 0, x, y, prove that the transition probability q(t; z, z') dz'of {Z,} admits a unique invariant probability n(z') dz' and that

max jq(t; z, z') - ir(z')l _< [I - bdk]ttt -1 0z.z'e T

where [t] is the integer part of t, b'= min{q(1;z, z'): z, z' e T} and

0= max{q(l;y,z')—q(l;z,z'):y,z,z'c-T}.

[Hint: Recall Exercise 6.9 of Chapter 11.]

8. Let {X,} be a k -dimensional diffusion, k >_ 2.

(i) Use Proposition 14.1 and computations such as (14.18) to find a necessary and

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sufficient condition (in terms of the coefficients of {X,}) for {R,:= IX,I} to be aMarkov process. Compute the generator of {R,} if this condition is met.

(ii) Assume that the sufficient condition in (i) is satisfied. Find necessary and sufficientconditions for {X} to be (a) recurrent, (b) transient.

9. Derive (14.14).

10. (i) Sketch an argument, similar to that in Section 2, to show that Corollary 2.4holds for diffusions on 11" (under conditions (1)—(4) following Definition 14.1).

(ii) Use (i) to prove

Px (max IX,—xl>e^=o(h) as h10.O_<tSh

[Hint: See Exercise 3.5.]

Exercises for Section V.15

1. Prove that the process {X,} defined by (15.1) is Markovian and has the transitionprobability (15.3). [Hint: Mimic the proof of Theorem 7.1.]

2. Specialize (15.23) to the case k = 1 to compute Px({X} reaches c before d), where{X} is a one-dimensional diffusion and c 5 x <_ d. Check that this agrees with (9.19).

3. Apply (15.23) to compute Px({B} reaches 3B(O:c) before aB(O:d)) where {B,} is ak-dimensional standard Brownian motion, k > 1, OB(O:r) = {y E l: IYI = r}, andc < Ixl _< d. Check that this computation agrees with (14.23).

4. Use Exercise 14.8(i) and (15.23) to compute

Px({X,} reaches äB(O:c) before öB(O:d)), c 5 Ixl _< d,

for a k-dimensional diffusion (k > 1) {X,} such that the radial process {R,:= IX,I} isMarkovian.

5. Consider a standard k-dimensional Brownian motion (k > 1) on G = {x E Rk : 0for 1 <, i 5 k} with absorption at the boundary.

(i) Compute p° (t; x, y) for t> 0; x, ye G).(ii) Compute the distribution of rac , if the process starts at x e G.

*(iii) Compute the hitting (or, harmonic) measure i/i(x, dy) on äG, for x e G. (1'(x, dy)is the Pr-distribution of X t G ).

*(iv) Compute the transition probability P(t; x, B) for x e G, B G.

6. Do the analog of Exercise 5 for G = {x e I: 0 _< x ( '° _< 1 for 1 < i _< k}.

7. Prove (15.27).

8. For G in Example I and Exercises 5 and 6, show that P P (T OG > t) = o(t) as t 10 ifx e G.

9. Show that the function Ji f in (15.28) satisfies (15.23) with

k 02

A = ZA(A := „^ zi =1 (ax )

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10. Let G be an open subset of Oak . A Borel measurable function u on G, which isbounded on compacts, is said to have the mean value property in G ifu(x) = fsk-, u(x + rO) do, for all x and r > 0 such that the closure of the ball B(x:r)with center x and radius r is contained in G. Here S" - ' is the unit sphere {lyj = l}and dO denotes integration with respect to the uniform (i.e., rotation invariant)distribution on Sk- '.

(i) Let {B,} be a standard Brownian motion on V (k > 1) and cp a bounded Borelmeasurable function on 3G. Suppose Px(i?c < cc) = 1 for all x c G, where P.denotes the distribution of {B,} starting at x. Show that u(x):= E x cp(B,,,G ) hasthe mean value property in G. [Hint: u(x) = Ex u(B,,,A ) if {y: ly - xl -< r} c G,by the Strong Markov property. Next note that the Po-distribution of {B,} isthe same as that of {OB,} for every orthogonal transformation 0.]

(ii) Show that if u has the mean value property in G, then u is infinitely differentiable.[Hint: Fix x c- G. Let B(x:2r) c G, and let 0 be an infinitely differentiableradially symmetric p.d.f. vanishing outside B(O:r). Let ü.= u on B(x:2r) andzero outside. Show that u = ü * i/i on B(x:r)].

(iii) Show that if u has the mean value property in G, then it is harmonic in G, i.e.,Au = 0 in G. [Hint:


u(x) = u(y) + Y- (xW`W - y (0) au (Y) + 2 Z (xu) - y 'n)(xu> - yÜn) öxO öxu> (Y)

+ O(p 3 ),

where p = Ix - yl. Integrate with respect to the uniform distribution on{x: Ix - yj = p }. Show that the integral of the first sum is zero, that of thesecond sum is (p2/2k)Au(y) and that of the remainder is 0(p 3 ), so that(p 2/2k)Au(y) + O(p 3 ) is zero for small p.]

(iv) Show that a harmonic function in G has the mean value property. [Hint: Usethe divergence theorem.]

11. Check that

(i) the function i/i f in (15.28) is harmonic,

(ii)fIGO(x; y)s(dy) = I for x E 3G, and

(iii) i(i(x, y)s(dy) converges weakly to b y .(dy) as x -^ yo E 3G.

12. (Maximum Principle) Let u be harmonic in a connected open set G c 1&k . Showthat u cannot attain its infimum or supremum in G, unless u is constant in G. [Hint:Use the mean value property.]

13. (Dirichlet Problem) Let G be a bounded, connected, open subset of R. Given acontinuous function q' on OG, show, using Exercises 10 and 12, that

(i) u(x):= E,e q (B) is a solution of the Dirichlet problem

Au(x) = 0 for x e G, u(x) = 43(x) for x e 3G,

and(ii) if u is continuous at the boundary, i.e., u(y) = lim u(x) as x(e G) - y e 0G, then

this solution is unique in the class of solutions which are continuous on G.

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14. (Poisson's Equation) Let G be as in Exercise 13. Give at least an informal proof,akin to that of (15.25), that


u(x):= E x g(X,) ds + Ex cp(X T ,G )


satisfies Poisson's equation

2Au(x) = —g(x) for x e G, u(x) = 47(x) for x e OG.

Here g, cp are given continuous functions on G and OG, respectively. Assuming u iscontinuous at the boundary, show that this solution of Poisson's equation is uniquein the class of all continuous solutions on G.

15. Extend the function F in (15.37) to a twice continuously differentiable function on[0, co) vanishing outside [c 1 , d 1 ], where 0 < c, < c < d <d 1 . Show that thecorresponding extension of f (in (15.37)) is twice continuously differentiable on (f8'`and vanishes outside a compact set.

16. Prove that

(i)f c° exp{ — I(u)} du diverges for some c >0 if and only if it diverges for all c > 0;(ii) ° exp{ — I (u)} du converges for some c > 0 if and only if it converges for all c > 0.

17. Prove (15.61) using (15.60).

18. Write out the details of the proof of Theorem 15.3(b). [Hint: Follow the steps ofExercise 14.5(i), replacing step (a) by (15.52) with d replaced by d i .]

19. Consider the translation x —* x + z (for a given z), and the diffusion {Y, := X, + z}.

(i) Write down the drift and diffusion coefficients of {Y,}.(ii) Show that {X,} is recurrent (or transient) if and only if {Y,} is recurrent

(transient).(iii) Write down (15.46) and (15.47) for {Y}, in terms of the coefficients µ")(• ), d. (. ).

20. Let {X,} be a diffusion on l. Assume that(a) ((d;;(x))) __ a 2 I, where a 2 > 0 and I is the k x k identity matrix, and(b)E;`_ I x ( 'Ip''°(x + z) -< —S for Ixt >, M, where z e l8k , 5>0, M >0 are given.

Apply Theorem 15.3 (and Exercise 19) to decide whether the diffusion is recurrentor transient.

21. For a diffusion having a positive and continuous (in x, y) transition density p(t; x, y)(t > 0), prove that the P,-distribution of T OB(O . d) has a finite m.g.f. in a neighborhoodof zero, if xl < d.

Exercises for Section V.16

1. Compute the transition probability density of a standard Brownian motion onG = {x e 08 k : x ( '° >, 0 for 1 < i < k} with (normal) reflection at the boundary (k > 1).

2. (i) Compute the transition probability density q of a standard Brownian motion onG = {x e ll : 0 < x ( ` ) -< 1 for 1 -< i -< k} with (normal) reflection at the boundary.

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(ii) Prove that

max q((t; x, y) — lI -< c i e - `z', (t > 0),x,yEri

for some positive constants c,, c 2 .

3. Prove that {Z,} defined by (16.27) is a Markov process on H = {x e 11": y•x > 0}.

4. Check (16.30).

5. Check that the function v(t, jxj) given by the solution of (16.42) (with r = jxl) satisfies(16.41).


Theoretical Complements to Section V.1

1. A construction of diffusions on S = R' by the method of stochastic differentialequations is given in Chapter VII (Theorem 2.2), under the assumption that g(• ), r(.)are Lipschitzian. If it is also assumed that a(x) is nonzero for all x, then it followsfrom K. Ito and H. P. McKean, Jr. (1965), Diffusion Processes and Their SamplePaths, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 149-158, that the transition probabilityp(t; x, dy) has a positive density p(t; x, y) for t > 0, which is once continuouslydifferentiable in t and twice in x. Most of the main results of Chapter V have beenproved without assuming existence of a smooth transition probability density. Itoand McKean, loc. cit., contains a comprehensive account of one-dimensionaldiffusions.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.2

1. For the Markov semigroup {T,} defined by (2.1) in the case p(t; x, dy) is the transitionprobability of a diffusion {X }, it may be shown that every twice continuouslydifferentiable function f vanishing outside a compact subset of the state space belongsto 9,,. A proof of this is sketched in Exercise 3.12 of Chapter VII. As a consequence,by Theorem 2.3, f (X,) — $ö Af (Xs) ds is a martingale. More generally, it is provedin Chapter VII, Corollary 3.2, that this martingale property holds for every twicecontinuously differentiable f such that f, f', f" are bounded. Many importantproperties of diffusions may be deduced from this martingale property (see Sections3, 4 of Chapter VII).

2. (Progressive Measurability) The assumption of right continuity of t —• X,(w) forevery w e Q in Theorem 2.3 ensures that {X,} is progressively measurable with respectto {.y, }; that is, for each t > 0 the map (s, w) —+ X(w) on [0, t] x S2 into S is measurablewith respect to the product sigmafield _4([0, t]) © SF, (on [0, t] x S2) and the Borelsigmafield .a(S) on S. Before turning to the proof, note that as a consequence of theprogressive measurability of {X} the integral f p Af (Xj ds is well defined, is.y,-measurable and has a finite expectation, by Fubini's Theorem.

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Lemma 1. Let (S2, .y) be a measurable space. Suppose S is a metric space ands --+ X(s, w) is right continuous on [0, oo) into S, for every aw e Q. Let {.y,} be anincreasing family of sub-sigmafields of .f such that X, is .F, measurable for everyt _> 0. Then {X,} is progressively measurable with respect to {. ~r }. ❑

Proof. Fix t > 0. Let f be a real-valued bounded continuous function on S. Considerthe function (s, cw) -* f (XX (w)) on [0, t] x fI. Define


gn(s, w) _ f(X2-^r(w)) 1 [0.2--r](s) + f(X12-nr(w))lu+-1)2 r,i2-"r](S). (T.2.1)

As each summand in (T.2.1) is the product of an S measurable function of w and a([0, t])-measurable function of s, g„ is _4([0, t]) ®.-measurable. Also, for each

(s, co) e [0, t] x f, g„(s, w) -+ f (X$(co)). Therefore, (s, w) , f (X3(o))) is R([0, t]) Qx .-measurable. Since the indicator function of a closed set F c S may be expressed asa pointwise limit of continuous functions, it follows that (s, w) -• 1 F(Xs(w)) is_4([0, t]) ©.0;-measurable. Finally, c' == {B e p1(S): (s, co) -• 1 8(XS(w)) is ‚([0, t]) Qmeasurable on [0, t] x fl} equals s(S), by Dynkin's Pi-Lambda Theorem. n

Another significant consequence of progressive measurability is the following result,which makes the statement of the strong Markov property of continuous-parameterMarkov processes complete (see Chapter IV, Proposition 5.2; Chapter V, Theorem11.1; and Exercise 11.9).

Lemma 2. Under the hypothesis of Lemma 1, (a) every {.^,}-stopping time r is.-measurable, where 5=== {A e F: A n {i _< t} e .F, Vt > 0}, and (b) X,1 (T< . ) isSFB measurable. ❑

Proof. The first part is obvious. For part (b), fix t > 0. On the set 52, := {r < t}, XT

is the composition of the maps (i) a -• (tr(w), w) (on f2, into [0, t] x S2,) and (ii)(s, w) •--> X5(w) (on [0, t] x Qr into S).

Let n __ {A n St,: Ac . Nr} = (Ac 3: A c i2 r}, be the trace of the sigmafleld .Fr

on 52,. If r e [0, t] and Ac .y, ( n, one has

{west,: (r(w),o)e[0, r] x A} = r} n Ac

Thus the map (i) is measurable with respect to In (on the domain St,) and,1([0, t] ® (on the range [0, t] x S2 r ).

Next, the map (s, w) -+ XS(w) is measurable with respect to .q([0, t]) O .yr (on[0, t] x f2) and .a(S) (on S), in view of the progressive measurability of {X5}. Since[0, t] x Q, e ([0, t]) ® F,, and the restriction of a measurable function to ameasurable set is measurable with respect to the trace sigmafield, the map (ii) ise([0, t]) © SFJ,,-measurable. Hence w -. XT(m[(W) is . I n,-measurable on R.Therefore, for every B e a(S),

(we S2: XX(W)(cw) e B} n Q, - {co E f',: X,[m) (w) e B) e S. n

3. (Semigroup Theory and Feller's Construction of One-Dimensional Diffusions) In aseries of articles in the 1950s, beginning with "The Parabolic Differential Equation

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and the Associated Semigroups of Transformations," Ann. Math., 55 (1952), pp.468-519, W. Feller constructed all nonsingular Markov processes on an interval Shaving continuous sample paths. Nonsingularity here means that, starting from anypoint in the interior of S, the process can move to the right, as well as to the leftwith positive probability. If S = (a, b), and a, b cannot be reached from the interior,then such a process is completely characterized by a strictly increasing continuousscale function s(x) and a strictly increasing right-continuous speed function m(x). Therole of s(x) is the determination of the probability 4(x) of reaching d before c,starting from x, where a <c <x < d < b (for all c, x, d), by the relation4(x) = (s(x) — s(c))/(s(d) — s(c)). Then the speed function determines the expectedtime M(x) of reaching c or d, starting from x, by the relation


d d Mx 1, c<x<d, M(c)=M(d) =0.

dm(x) ds(x) ( )

The infinitesimal generator of this process is A = (d/dm(x))(d/ds(x)). It may be notedthat, given the functions 0, M, the scale function s(.) is determined up to an additiveconstant, and the speed function m(•) is determined up to the addition of an affinelinear function of s(. ). One may, therefore, fix x0 e (a, b) and let s(x0 ) = 0, m(x0 ) = 0.A necessary and sufficient condition that the boundary point a cannot be reached,that is for the inaccessibility of a, is

f.X0 m(x)ds(x)= —co, (T.2.2)

and that for the inaccessibility of b is

J b m(x) ds(x) = co. (T.2.3)xo

For the class of diffusions considered in this book (see (9.9), (9.10), (9.13)),

s(x)= Jx

exp{—I(xo , z)} dz, m(x) = fX,0

z z) exp{I(x o , z)} dz,xp

1 (xo, z) = r 2µ(Y) dY

,J xo U 2 (Y)

If any boundary point is accessible, a boundary condition has to be specified at thatpoint, in order to indicate what the Markov process does on reaching this point.This is discussed in theoretical complement 7.1. A very readable account of thischaracterization of nonsingular Markov processes on S having continuous samplepaths is given in D. Freedman (1971), Brownian Motion and Diffusion, Holden-Day,San Francisco, pp. 102-138. See Theorem T.3.1 of Chapter VII for (T.2.2), (T.2.3).

The second, and more important, part of Feller's theory is the construction ofMarkov processes on S. given a pair of scale and speed functions s and m. This iscarried out by the method of semigroups. The rest of this subsection is devoted to adescription of this method.

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In general semigroup theory one considers a family of bounded linear operators{T,: t > 0} on a Banach space B with norm II - II, satisfying T, +s = T,T,. It will beassumed that IIT, f — f II —0 as t j 0, for every fe ll. Since the set Bo of all f e Bfor which this convergence holds is itself a Banach space, i.e., a closed linear subsetof B, this assumption simply means the restrict of T, to B 0 .

It follows from the semigroup property that {T,: t > 0} is determined by{T,: 0 < t <e} for every s > 0. Indeed, the semigroup is determined by its infinitesimalgenerator A:= (d/dt)T o . To be precise, let -9 = _9x denote the set of all f e B suchthat (T, f — f )/t converges in norm to some g e B, as t j 0. For f e -9, define Af tobe lim(TI f — f )/t as t 10. We will also assume that IIT,II _< 1, i.e., {T} is a contractionsemigroup. This is not a serious restriction since, given an arbitrary semigroup {T,},the semigroup exp{ —ct}T, (t > 0) defines a contraction semigroup if c > logjjT, II.For f e 9A ,

II (T, +sf — Tf)/s—T,Af II _ II(T3f—f)/s—Af II --+0

as s j 0. Therefore, T, f e 3x for all t > 0 if f e -q,^, and in this case AT, f = T, A f.That is, T, and A commute on Q. By an argument entirely analogous to that usedfor proving the fundamental theorem of calculus,

T,f—f= J ' ( T,f)ds= E ATJds= J ' T.Afds., ds o 0

In particular, the function t —. T, f on (0, oo) solves the initial-value problem: forf e 1,A , solve

u(t) = Au(t) (t > 0), tim u(t) = f.t Flo

The solution t --+ T, f is also unique. To see this, let u(t) be a solution. Fix t> 0 andconsider the function s --+ T,_ S u(s) (0 _< s 5 t). Now,

dsTu(s) = lim h{(T, h u(s + h) — T1 _ s u(s + h)) + (T1 _ g u(s + h) — T,_.u(s))}



=lim 1 (—,TS,Au(s+h)ds' +T,_ 5

du (s )

h l o h _s_a ds

= —T,_ s Au(s) + T,_,Au(s) = 0.

Hence T,_ s u(s) is independent of s so that setting in turn s = 0, t, we get T,u(0) = u(t),that is, T, f = u(t).

When is an operator A defined on a linear subspace Q of B an infinitesimalgenerator of a contraction semigroup {T,}? The answer is contained in the importantHille— Yosida Theorem: Suppose 1x is dense in B. Then A is the infinitesimal generatorof a contraction semigroup on B if and only if, for each . > 0, A — A is one-to-one (on

9A ) and onto B with II(A — A) - ' II < 1/2. A simple proof of this theorem for the caseB = C[a, b], the set of all continuous functions on (a, b) with finite limits at a andb, and for closed linear subspaces of C[a, b], may be found in P. Mandl (1968),

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Analytical Treatment o/' One-Dimensional Markov Processes, Springer- Verlag,New York, pp. 2-5. It may be noted that if A is a bounded operator on B, thenT, = exp{tA} (see Section 3 of Chapter IV). But the differential operatorA = (d/dm(x))(d/ds(x)) is unbounded on C[a, b].

Consider the case B = C0 (a, b), the set of all continuous functions on (a, b) havinglimit zero at a and b. C0 (a, b) is given the supnorm. Let A = (d/dm(x))(d/ds(x)) with^A comprising the set of all f e B = C0 (a, h) such that Af e B. Suppose A, i7 A satisfythe hypothesis of the Hille-Yosida Theorem, and {T,} the corresponding contractionsemigroup. It is simple to check that (i: - A) - 'f equals g= J/ e - '°T, f dt, for each2 > 0; that is, . - A)g = f. Suppose that the resolvent operator (;. - A) - ' is positive;if f >_ 0 then (1 - A) 'f >_ 0. Then, by the uniqueness theorem for Laplace transforms,T, f > 0 if f >_ 0. In this case f -^ T, f(x) is a positive bounded linear functional onC0 (a, b). Therefore, by the Riesz Representation Theorem (see H. L. Royden (1968),Real Analysis, 2nd ed., Macmillan, New York, pp. 310-11), there exists a finitemeasure p(t; x, dy) on S = (a, b) such that T, f(x) = $ f(y)p(t; x, dy) for everyf e C0 (a, b). In view of the contraction property, p(t; x, S) < 1.

In order to verify the hypothesis of the Hille-Yosida Theorem in the case a, b areinaccessible, construct for each A. > 0 two positive solutions u„ u 2 of (A - A)u = 0,u, increasing and u 2 decreasing. Then define the symmetric Green's functionG,A(x, y) = W - 'u,(x)u z (y) for a <x _< y < b, extended to x > y by symmetry. Herethe Wronskian W given by W 1= u 2 (x) du, (x)/ds(x) - u l (x) du2 (x)/ds(x) is independentof x. For Ja C0 (a, b) the function g(x) = Gx f(x):= J G,(x, y)f(y) dm(y) is the uniquesolution in C0 (a, b) of (A - A)g = f. In other words, G. = (A - A) - '. The positivityof (A - A) - ' follows from that of G A(x, y). Also, one may directly check that G.1 - 1/2.This implies p(t; x, (a, b)) = 1. For details of this, and for the proof that a Markovprocess on S = (a, b) with this transition probability may be constructed on the spaceC([0, oo ): S) of continuous trajectories, see Mandl (1968), loc. cit., pp. 14-17,21-38.

4. For a diffusion on S = (a, b), consider the semigroup {T} in (2.1). Under Condition(1.1), it is easy to check on integration by parts that the infinitesimal generator A isself-adjoint on LZ (S, n(y) dy), where ir(y) dy is the speed measure whose distributionfunction is the speed function (see Eq. 8.1). That is,

J Af(Y)g(Y)n(Y) dy = ff(y)Ag(y)7r(y)dy

for all twice continuously differentiable f, g vanishing outside compacts. It followsthat T, is self-adjoint and, therefore, the transition probability densityq(t; x, y):= p(t; x, y)/n(y) with respect to n(y) dy is symmetric in x and y. That is,q(t; x, y) = q(t; y, x). Since p satisfies the backward equation cap/c?t = A ' p, it followsthat so does q: cq/ät = A x q. By symmetry of q it now follows that 3q/ät = A y q. HereAq, A y q denote the application of A to x -. q(t; x, y) and y -^ q(t: x, y) respectively.The equation tq/at = A y q easily reduces to cep/lit = A*p, as given in (2.41). Fordetails see Ito and McKean (1965), loc. cit., pp. 149-158.

For more general treatments of the relations between Markov processes andsemigroup theory, see E. B. Dynkin (1965), Markov Processes, Vol. 1, Springer- Verlag,New York, and S. N. Ethier and T. G. Kurtz (1986), Markov Processes:Characterization and Convergence, Wiley, New York.

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Theoretical Complements to Section V.4

1. Theorem 4.1 is a special case of a more general result on the approximation ofdiffusions by discrete-parameter Markov chains, as may be found in D. W. Stroockand S. R. S. Varadhan (1979), Multidimensional Diffusions, Springer-Verlag, NewYork, Theorem 11.2.3.

From the point of view of numerical analysis, (4.13) is the discretized, ordifference-equation, version of the backward equation (4.14), and is usually solvedby matrix methods.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.5

1. The general PDE (partial differential equations) method for solving the Kolmogorovequations, or second-order parabolic equations, may be found in A. Friedman (1964),Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. Inparticular, the existence of a smooth positive fundamental solution, or transitiondensity, is proved there.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.6

1. Suppose two Borel-measurable function p(• ), a'(•) > 0 are given on S = (a, b) suchthat (i) j(.) is bounded on compact subsets of S, (ii) a 2(.) is bounded away fromzero and infinity on compact subsets of S, and (iii) a and b are inaccessible (seetheoretical complement 2.1 above). Then Feller's construction provides a Markovprocess on S having continuous sample paths, with a scale function s(.) and speedfunction m(.) expressed as functions of p(• ), a'(.) as described in theoreticalcomplement 2.1. Hence continuity of p(•) is not needed for this construction.

2. The general principle Proposition 6.3 is very useful in proving that certain functions{Q(XX )} of Markov processes {X} are also Markov. But how does one find suchfunctions? It turns out that in all the cases considered in this book the function q0 isa maximal invariant of a group of transformations G under which the transitionprobability is invariant. Here invariance of the transition probability meansp(t; gx, g(B)) = p(t; x, B) for all t > 0, x e S. g e G, B Borel subset of the metric spaceS. A function cp is said to be a maximal invariant if (i) cp(gx) = cp(x) for all g e G,x e S, and (ii) every measurable invariant function is a (measurable) function of (p.For each x e S the orbit of x (under G) is the set o(x):= {gx: g e G}. Each invariantfunction is constant on orbits. Let S' be a metric space and cp a measurable functionon S onto S' such that (i)' pp is constant on orbits, and (ii)' cp(x) # q(y) if o(x) 96 o(y).In other words <p(x) is a relabeling of o(x) and S' may be thought of as (relabelingof) the space of orbits. Then it is simple to see that rp is a maximal invariant.

Proposition. If qp is a maximal invariant, then {cp(XX )} is Markov.

Proof. Taking the conditional expectation first with respect to a{Xu : u <, s} and thenwith respect to a{cp(X„): u < s),

P(<a(X, +1) e B' I c{q (XX): u s}) = E(p(t; X„ (p 1 (B')) I a{co(X4): u s}).

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But, by property (i) above,

p(t; x, tV - '(B')) = p(t; g - 'x, g - '(r) - '(B'))) = p(t; g - 'x, (W ° g) '(B'))

= p(t; g 'x, qP - '(B')),

since (p ° g = (p by invariance of (p. In other words, the function x -, p(t; x, (p '(B'))is invariant. By (ii) it is therefore a function q(t; cp(x), B'), say, of 'p. Thus

E(p(t; X, q - '(B')) a{w(X„): u -< s}) = E(q(t; p(XX), B') a{ p(XX): u < s })

= q(t; go(xs), B'). n

It has been pointed out to us by J. K. Ghosh that the idea underlying theproposition also occurs in the context of sequential analysis in statistics. See W. J. Hall,R. A. Wijsman, and J. K. Ghosh (1965), "The Relationship Between Sufficiency andInvariance with Applications in Sequential Analysis, Ann. Math. Statist., 36,pp. 575-614. Also see theoretical complement 16.3.

A maximal invariant of the reflection group G = {e, —e} (ex := x, —ex := —x) is(p(x) = Jx ( . Thus, {IX,l} is Markov if {X} and { —X,} have the same transitionprobability, i.e., if p(t; —x, —B) = p(t; x, B). The group G of transformations on 68'generated by reflections around 0 and 1 (i.e., by g ox = —x, g l x = g 1 (1 + x — 1) _1 — x + I = 2 — x) is infinite, and

o (x)={x + 2m : m = 0 , ±1,±2,...}u {— x +2m:m= 0,±1,...}.

Thus, if p(t; —x, —B) = p(t; x, B) and p(t; x, B) = p(t; x + 2, B + 2), then {Z,} inTheorem 6.4 is Markov, since a maximal invariant is cp(x) = jx(mod 2) — 11.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.7

1. It is shown in Example 14.1, that the so-called radial Brownian motion {IB,^} is adiffusion on S = [0, co), such that "0” is inaccessible (from the interior of S). On theother hand, if the process starts at "0", it instantaneously enters the interior (0, cc)and stays there forever. Thus, although the diffusion may be restricted to the statespace (0, oo), "0" may also be included in the state space. The only other way ofincluding "0" in the state space is to make "0" an absorbing boundary, if the processis to have the Markov property and continuous sample paths. The nonabsorbingboundary point "0" in this case is called an entrance boundary. In general, aninaccessible lower boundary a is an entrance boundary if

v= Jxp

s(x)dm(x)> —cc.a

Similarly, an upper inaccessible boundary b is entrance if

v° :=J 6 s(x)dm(x) < cc.xo

See Ito and McKean (1965), loc. cit., p. 108.Suppose a boundary point is accessible, but the process starting at this boundary

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point cannot enter the interior; that is, no boundary condition other than absorptionis consistent with the requirement that the process be Markovian and have continuoussample paths. Then the boundary is said to be an exit boundary.

In general, an accessible lower boundary a is exit if va = — oc, and an accessibleupper boundary h is exit if u b = co. For details see Ito and McKean, loc. cit., p. 108.An example of a lower exit boundary is S = [0, oc ), µ(x) = ax, a 2 (x) = ßx with ß > 0,which occurs as a model of growth of an isolated population (see S. Karlin and H.M. Taylor (1981), A Second Course in Stochastic Processes, Academic Press,New York, p. 239).

If one allows jump discontinuities at a boundary point, then the diffusion onreaching the boundary (or, starting from it) may stay at this point for a randomholding time before jumping to another state. The holding time distribution isnecessarily exponential (see Chapter IV, Proposition 5.1), with a parameter 6 > 0,while the jump distribution y(dy) is arbitrary. The successive holding times at thisboundary are i.i.d. and are independent of the successive jump positions, the latterbeing also i.i.d. See Mandl (1968), loc. cit., pp. 39, 47, 66-69.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.8

(Semigroups under Boundary Conditions) Let S = [a, b], p(. ) and a(. ) differentiable,and a 2 (x) > 0 for all x e S. If Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions areprescribed at a, b, then the Hille-Yosida theorem may be used to construct acontraction semigroup {T,} generated by A on B:= C[a, b], or C0 (a, b). As indicatedin theoretical complement 2.3 above, there exists a transition probability, with totalmass _< 1, such that Tj(x) = f f (y)p(t; x, dy) for all f c B. To give an indication howthe hypothesis of the Hille-Yosida Theorem is verified, consider Dirichlet boundaryconditions. That is, let B = C0 (a, b), -9A the set of all Je B such thatAf := (d/dm(x))(d/ds(x))f(x) is in B. Fix A > 0, and let u„ u 2 be the solutions of(it — A)u = 0 with u i (a) = 0, ui(a) = 1, u 2 (b) = 0, ui(b) = — 1. By the existence anduniqueness theorem for linear ordinary differential equations, these solutions existand are unique. Define the Green's function G A(x, y) = W - `u 1 (x)u 2 (y) for x <, y, andextend it symmetrically to x > y, with W as the Wronskian (see theoreticalcomplement 2.3). It is not difficult to check that for every f e B the functionGA f (x):= f GA(x, y)f (y) dm(y) is the unique element in B satisfying (2 — A)G A f = f.Since GA is positive and (Gx 1)(x) may be shown directly to be less than I for all x,the verification is complete, and we have a transition probability p(t; x, dy) withp(t; x, S) < 1.

In the case of Neumann, or reflecting, boundary conditions at a, b, take B = C[a, b]and 9,^ = the set of all f in B such that Af e B and f'(a) = 0 = f'(b). Then (.? — A)may be expressed as (A — A) - 'f = Gz f + I I (f)u, + ! 2 (f )u 2 , where u I , u 2 , GA are asabove, and 1 1 (f),1 2 (f) are bounded linear functionals of f determined so thatg== (2 — A) 'f satisfies the boundary conditions g'(a) = 0 = g'(b). The hypothesis ofthe Hille-Yosida Theorem may be directly verified now. Since constant functionsbelong to Ö,^ and (A — A)(1/2) = 1, it follows that

(A—A) -t 1 = 1/2, and p(t;x,[a,b])= I.

We have given a brief outline above of Feller's construction of diffusions underDirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Complete details may be found in

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Mandl (1968), loc. cit., Chapter II. The direct probabilistic constructions given inthe text (see Sections 6 and 7) do not make use of this theory.

2. (Eigenfunction Expansions) For a justification of the eigenfunction expansiondescribed in Section 8, consider first {T,} on C0 (a, b) under Dirichlet boundaryconditions. Extend T, to L2 ([a, b], a(y) dy = dm(y)). Now n(y) dy is an invariantmeasure. For

dt fT1f(Y)n(Y) dy = J ATf(Y)h(Y) dy = J Tf(Y)A *7z(Y) dy = 0,

so that

J T,f(Y)n(Y) dy = ff(y)ir(y)dy for f e C.(a, b).

From this it is easily shown that {T,} is a contraction semigroup on L2 , whoseinfinitesimal generator is the extension of A to the set of all f e C0 (a, b) such thatAf e LZ([a, b], m(y) dy). We denote this extension also by A and note that A isself adjoint. Fix A > 0. Then (2 — A) - ' is compact and self-adjoint on L2 . Indeed,(.? — A) - ' is the integral operator G., and it follows from a well-known theorem ofRiesz (see F. Riesz (1955), Functional Analysis, F. Ungar Publishing Co., New York,Chapter VI) that (A — A) - ' is a compact self-adjoint operator whose eigenvaluesp„(2) are positive and converge to zero as n —^ oo, and that the correspondingnormalized eigenfunctions 0. comprise a complete orthonormal sequence in L2 . Asa consequence, the eigenvalues of A are ;:= = A — '(2) < 0, with thecorresponding eigenfunctions i/i,,.

Under Neumann boundary conditions, it follows from the representation(A — A) - 'f = Gx f + 1,(f )u 1 + 12 (f )u 2 that (A — A) - ' is again a compact self-adjointoperator on L2 . The eigenvalues a„ of A are nonnegative, with 0 as one of them sinceAl = 0. Again the normalized eigenfunctions comprise a complete orthonormal set.

The uniqueness of the solution to the initial-value problem, under any of theseboundary conditions, follows from the uniqueness result proved in theoreticalcomplement 2.1 above. Another proof may be based on the maximum principle forparabolic equations (see Exercise 7.7).

Theoretical Complements to Section V.11

1. A proof that the pre -i sigmafield as defined by (11.2) is the same as the one generatedby the stopped process {Xt ,,,: t _> 0} is given in Stroock and Varadhan (1979), loc.

cit., p. 33.The continuity of the function cp(y) in (11.18) depends only on the fact that

x — p(t; x, dy) is weakly continuous. This fact, referred to as the Feller property, isproved in Section 3 of Chapter VII, for diffusions on H'. More generally, as describedin theoretical complements to Sections 2, 7, 8, Feller's construction implies that T, fis bounded and continuous if f is.

2. The Brownian meander and Brownian excursion processes considered in Exercises12.6, 12.7 of Chapter I and theoretical complements to Section 12 of Chapter I andSection 5 of Chapter IV may also be defined as continuous-parameter Markov

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processes having continuous sample paths but nonhomogeneous transitionprobabilities. In fact, let {B,} denote a standard Brownian motion, and leta. = sup{t _< 1: B, = 0}, p = inf{t >_ 1: B, = 0}. Consider the stochastic processesdefined by

(meander): B; :_ X8 (1 _ x+ ,^(1 — A)_1/ 2 , 0 _< t _< 1, (T.11.1)

(excursion): B*+ :_ JB (1 _,)x+ ,PI(p — A) 1 / 2 , 0 < t < 1. (T.11.2)

Then in B. Belkin (1972), "An Invariance Principle for Conditioned Random WalkAttracted to a Stable Law," Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Geb., 21,pp. 45-64, it is shown that the meander process defined by (T.11.1) is acontinuous-parameter Markov process starting at 0 with transition probabilities givenby the following densities


p(00 t, Y) = 2t - 3 / 2y exp{ — 2t}^ i -t(0 , Y), 0 S t — 1, y > 0,

p + (s, x; t, Y) = {(P1-s(Y — x) — cp,-s(Y + x)} D 1 ^(0, y)

0 < s < t 1, x, y > 0,ca l _,(0, x)'


p (z) = (2zru) iiz exp{ —2u}'

and ^.(a, b) = J b q(z)dz.( a

Likewise, for the case of the excursion process defined by (T.11.2), one obtains acontinuous-parameter Markov process with nonhomogeneous transition law withthe following density (see Ito and McKean (1965), loc. cit., p. 76):

p* + (0, 0; t, y) = 2y 2 (21rt 3 (1 — t)3 ) - '/ 2 exp{—y 2/2t(1 — t)}, 0 < t -< 1, y > 0,

(1 — s) 3 / 2 y exp{ —y2 /2(1 — t) }P*+ (s, x; t, y) = {q,-(y — x) — (P'-s(Y + x)}

(1 — t) 312 x exp{ —x 2 /2(1 — s)}'

0<s<t<1, x,y>0.

The equivalence of these processes with those of the same name defined intheoretical complements to Section I.12 is the subject of the paper by R. T. Durrett,D. L. Iglehart, and D. R. Miller (1977), "Weak Convergence to Brownian Meanderand Brownian Excursion," Ann. Probab., 5, pp. 117-129.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.12

1. Consider a positive recurrent diffusion on an interval S, having a transition probabilityp(t; x, dy) and an invariant initial distribution n. We will use a coupling argument toshow that fl p(t; x, dy) — rc(dy)jI := sup{ p(t; x, B) — n(B)I: B e _4(S)} -. 0 as t -• oc.For this, let {X1}, {Y} be two independent diffusions having transition probability pand with X0 - x, and Yo having distribution n. Let i= inf{t >, 0: X, = Y}. If one

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can show that r < oo a.s., then the process {Z} defined by

(X, for t <r,Z,:= (T.12.1)

Y, for t _> 'r,has, by the strong Markov property for the two-dimensional Markov process{(X, ) ,)}, the same distribution as {X, }. In this case,

Ip(t; x, B) — rt(B)i = IP(X, E B) — P(} e B)I = IP(Z, E B) — P(Y E B)I

_<P(Z,0Y)=P(r>t) --+0 ast--*oc.

In order to prove r < oo a.s., it is enough to prove that the process {(X„ Y,)}reaches every rectangle [a, b] x [c, d] (a < b, c < d) almost surely. For the processmust then go across the diagonal {(u, v): u = v} a.s. Let cp(u, v) denote the probabilitythat a pair of such independent diffusions starting at (u, v) ever reach the rectangle[a, b] x [c, d]. Note that it x it is an invariant initial distribution for thetwo-dimensional diffusion, and let {(U, V)} denote such a diffusion having the initialdistribution it x it. Let a denote the probability that the latter ever reaches[a, b] x [c, d]. Also write D„ := {(U„ V) e [a, b] x [c, d] for some t > n}, andF.:= {(U„ V,) e [a, b] x [c, d] for some t _< n}. Then a = P(D„) + P(F„ n D.c). But, bystationarity, P(D„) = a. Therefore, P(F, n D„) = 0. By the Markov property,

P(F„ n Dc) = E'[IF.,( 1 — ro(U,,, V'))] = E(P(F„ I (U,, V'))(l — qp(U,,, l' )).

Now we may use the positivity of the transition probability density to show easilythat P(F, U„ = u, V. = v) > 0 for almost all pairs (u, v) (with respect to Lebesguemeasure on S x S). Therefore, I — (p(u, v) = 0 for almost every pair (u, v). By usingthe continuity of x —• p(t; x, y) it is now shown that (u, v) —* c,(u, v) is continuous,so that cp(u, v) = I for all (u, v). This proves that r < oo a.s.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.13

1. (Martingale Central Limit Theorem) Although a proof of the central limit theorem(Theorem 13.1) for positive recurrent one-dimensional diffusions may be patternedafter the corresponding proof for Markov chains without any essential change, theproof does not work for Markov processes on general state spaces andmultidimensional diffusions. The reason for this failure is that point recurrence maynot hold. That is, even for Markov processes having a unique invariant distribution,there may not be any point in the state space to which the process returns (infinitelyoften) with probability 1. A more general approach that applies to all ergodic Markovprocesses is via martingales. First, let us prove a general martingale central limittheorem. Central limit theorems for Markov processes will then be derived from it.

Let {Xk ,,,: 1 < k < k„} be, for each n >, 1, a square integrable martingale difference

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sequence, with respect to an increasing family of sigmafields { yk : 0 -< k <- kn}. Write


22 p-- 2 = 2E(X

Ik,n '^k—I,n)> Sk.n 62.,

i =1

I'k(i)'— E(Xl,n1(IXj.nI>c) I `fJ — l.n ) >(T.13.1)

Mn =max{ak n ;1 <, kkn

Sn,kn' — YL Xin.j=1

The following result is due to B. M. Brown (1977), "Martingale Central LimitTheorems," Ann. Math. Statist., 42, pp. 59-66.

Theorem T.13.1. (Martingale CLT). Assume that, as n -+ oo, (i) skn n -• 1 inprobability, and (ii) L k ,,() -, 0 in probability, for every E > 0. Then Sn kn convergesin distribution to N(0, 1). ❑

Proof. Consider the conditional characteristic functions

(Pk,n( )'=E(exp { i Xk,n} I'^k—1,n ), (fielt'). (T.13.2)

It would be enough to show that

(a) E (exp{i Sn.kn}'1 j 4k.)) = 1,

provided If in <Pk,n(')) -1 1 -< 5(^), a constant, and


(b) pk , n () -+ exp{ — X 2/2} in probability.

Indeed, if J([ <p k ,n(^)) - 'I -< b(^), then (a), (b) imply

E ex i S — ex Z 2 = ex 2/2 E exp{iZSf ,kn } E exp{i_Sn ,k „}P{ n.kn } p{ — / }I = P{ —

} exp{ — Z2/2} 1 1 4'k.,,()

Sexp{—Z2/2}Elexp{ 1

— 1 I .0.

—Z /2} f (Pk.n(Z)


Now part (a) follows by taking successive conditional expectations given .yk-1,n(k = kn , kn — 1, ... ,1), if (JJ ())-' is integrable. Note that the martingaledifference property is not needed for this. It turns out, however, that in general(f cannot be bounded away from zero. Our first task is then to replace Xk,nby new martingale differences Yk ,n for which this integrability does hold, and whosesum has the same asymptotic distribution as S., kn . To construct 1, first use

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assumption (ii) to check that M. -+ 0 in probability. Therefore, there exists anonrandom sequence 8„ j 0 such that

P(M„>_S„)-+0 asn-pco. (T.13.4)

Similarly, there exists, for each e > 0, a nonrandom sequence O„(E) j 0 such that

P(Lk (e) >_ O„(E)) -+ 0 as n - co. (T.13.5)

Consider the events

A k „(s):= {Qk,„ < Lk.„ < O„(E) , se.,, < 2 }, (1 _< k _< Q. (T.13.6)

Then A k ,„(e) is yk _ 1 -measurable. Therefore, Yk.„ defined by

Y Xk.n 1 Ak ^(c) (T.13.7)

has zero conditional expectation, given Although Yk ,„ depends on e, we willsuppress this dependence for notational convenience. Note also that


P(Yk.n = Xk.n for 1 -< k < kn) >- Pn Ak,n(E)k=1

= P(M, < bn> Lk n(e) < ®(e) , S,.k^ < 2) - 1. (T.13.8)

We will use the notation (T.13.1 -2) with a prime (') to denote the correspondingquantities for {Yk.n}. For example, using the fact E(Yk,„ I Fk.-I.n) = 0 and a Taylorexpansion,

z \l (^ \

^kn() — ^ 1 2 QkZn)

i E LexP(i Yk.n } — ( 1 + t(; Yk,n + (1 2) Yk.n1 k-1•"J^\\\ 1

= E L — 2 Yk•„ (l — u)(exp{iu^Yk } — 1) du I ^k_ 1• „JIfol

< II3 z / c-E 2 6k 'n + S Z E(Yk.n ll^Yt.^^>e} ^-ln)


II akZ , + 2 E(Xk.n 1 Urk."I>E1 j Ak- l.n)• (T.13.9)

Fix E W. Since M; < b„, 0 1 — ( 2/2) 2. - 1 (I _< k _< k„) for all large n.Therefore, using (T.13.6, 9),

j ^ x —11 ^k.n(S) f ^ 1 — ZS- Qk n^ k f//_ kY_ — 1 1"2 2 1J

2 ak,n

ISI 3E + 2e), (T.13.10)

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(l — çc) — exp{— 22 Sk _

( 1 — 2 vk2„J — exp{— ^2 ak?„ }

(T.13.11)8 8 4


( ^2 Sa

1 j (Pk.n(^) — exp1 — 2 Sn.k„ 1 1 3E +X 2 0„(E) + 4 8n . (T.13.12)

Moreover, (T.13.12) implies

Ifl wk.n( )1 >- exp {— 22 S k„} — I I'E +X 20„(E) + 4a ö„


exp{ —^ 2 } — I^I 3 E — 0 20„(ß) + 4 Sn (T.13.13)

By choosing E sufficiently small, one has for all sufficiently large n (depending on E),Ifl gqk.n(^)I bounded away from zero (uniformly in n). Therefore, (a) holds for {Yk , n },for all sufficiently small E (and all sufficiently large n, depending on E). By usingrelations as in (T.13.3) and the inequalities (T.13.12, 13) and the fact that s„ k. - 1in probability, we get

2lira E exp{i^S k„} — exp --n^m 2

exp{ — 2 } li m E (exp{— Z2}) — (11 (Pk.n() I )I

5 exl

p{ — } exp12^(exp{ — Z } — I I'E)

I Inn EIf ^Pk.n(^) — e 212 1 ((( n -^ x


( ^2

exP 1 — 2 — ii') (T.13.14)


_ z2 l}urn E exp{i S„,k,} — exp — S—

n- W 2 )

Jim E exp{iS„ k^} — E exp{iS k„}I + lim IE exp{iS} — exp{(

--n-+ao .—. l 2

( 2 2

= 0 + li m I E exp{iS;, k„} — exp{ — } < (expf— 2 } — II'E

J 1 (T. 13.15)

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The extreme right side of (T.13.15) goes to zero as e j 0, while the extreme left doesnot depend on e. n

Condition (ii) of the theorem is called the conditional Lindeberg condition. Foradditional information on martingale central limit theorems, see P. G. Hall andC. C. Heyde (1980), Martingale Limit Theory and Its Applications, Academic Press,New York.

One may deduce from this theorem a result of P. Billingsley (1961), "TheLindeberg-Levy Theorem for Martingales," Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 12, pp. 788-792,and I. A. Ibragimov (1963), "A Central Limit Theorem for a Class of DependentRandom Variables," Theor. Probability Appl., 8, pp. 83-89, stated below.

Theorem T.13.2. Let {X„: n _> 0} be a stationary ergodic sequence of squareintegrable martingale differences. Then Z„/^:= (X 1 + • • + X„)/\ converges indistribution to N(0, a 2 ), where a2 = EX. ❑

Proof. It is convenient to construct a doubly stationary sequence

X_,, XO, X, ... .X„,...

such that {X„: n _> 0} has the same distribution as {X„: n >_ 0} has. This can beaccomplished by setting for each m, the finite-dimensional distribution of any mconsecutive terms of the sequence {X„: n e Z) to be the same as the distribution of(X0 ..... X„, _ , ). Since this specification satisfies Kolmogorov's consistencyrequirements, the construction is complete on the canonical space 081 . To simplifynotation we shall write X„, instead of X„, for this process.

If a2 = 0, then X„ = 0 almost surely, and the desired conclusion holds trivially.Assume a 2 > 0.

First, let us show that {X„} so extended is a {3} -martingale difference sequence,where ^„ := a {X; : —co <f _< n }. We need to show that, for each fixed n > 0,E(Xn +l I `;n) = 0, i.e.,

E(1 A X„ + ,) = 0 for all A e .fF„. (T.13.16)

Suppose A is a finite-dimensional event in , say A e a{ X„ _ j : 0 _< j _< m }. Note thatthe (joint) distribution of (X„_„„ ... , X„, X ,) is the same as that of any in + 2consecutive terms of the sequence {X„: n >_ 0}, e.g., (X0 , X,, ... , X„, + ,). Therefore,(T.13.16) becomes, for such a choice of A, E(I A X„, + ,) = 0, for all A E a{Xo , ... , X„,},which is clearly true by the martingale difference property of {X„: n >, 0}. Now considerthe class 'K„ of sets A in f„ such that E(1,, X„.+1 ) = 0. It is simple to check that '6'„ isa sigmafield and since''„ = a{X„ - t : 0 s j _< m} for all m ? 0 one has 16„ _ „.

Next define a := E(X, I -,) (na 1). Then {a: n _> 0} is a stationary ergodicsequence, and EQ,., = a' > 0. In particular, sn/n = cr ,/n -+ a2 a.s., wheres„ = am. Observe that s,, - co almost surely. Write Xk,„:=Xk/fn,k„ = n. Then at,, = at/n, and s.2 = s /n - a 2 a.s., so that condition (i) of TheoremT.13.1 is checked, assuming a 2 = I without loss of generality. It remains tocheck the conditional Lindeberg condition (ii). But L„,„(e) is nonnegative, andEL„ . „(F) = E(XI l (1X ,^ >E ;_n I ) -+ 0. Therefore, L„,„(e) --* 0 in probability. n

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2. We now apply Theorem 1.13.2 to Markov processes. Let {X n : n _> 0} be a Markovprocess on a state space S (with sigmafield .'), having a transition probability p(x; dy).Assume that p(x; dy) admits an invariant probability it and that under this initialinvariant distribution the stationary process {Xn : n >, 0} is ergodic.

Assume X0 has distribution n. Consider a real-valued function f on S such thatEf Z (Xo ) < oo. Write f'(x) = f (x) -1 where f = f f dit. Write T for the transitionoperator, (Tg)(x):= I g(y)p(x; dy). Then (Tmf')(x) _ (Tmf )(x) -7 for all m >, 0. Also,Ef'(X0) = 0. Suppose the series hn(x) ^_ Iö (Tmf')(x) converges in L2 (S, n) to h, i.e.

f (h. - h)' d7z -* 0 asn-•co. (T.13.17)

This is true, e.g., for all f in case S is finite. In the case (T.13.17) holds, h satisfies

h(x) - (Th)(x) = f'(x), or (I - T)h = f', (T.13.18)

i.e., f' belongs to the range of I - T regarded as an operator on LZ (S,., iv). Now itis simple to check that

h(Xn ) - (Th)(Xn _ 1 ) (n _> I) (T.13.19)

is a martingale difference sequence. It is also stationary and ergodic. Write


Zn °= (h(X,) - (Th)(Xm-, )). (T.13.20)m=1

Then, by Theorem T.13.2, Z,/ f converges in distribution to N(0, a2 ), where

a2 = E(h(XI) - (Th)(X0)) 2 = Eh 2 (X,) + E(Th) 2 (X0) - 2E[(Th)(X0)h(X1)].(T.13.21)

Since E[h(X 1 ) I {X0}] = (Th)(X0 ), we have E[(Th)(Xo )h(X I )] = E(Th) 2 (X0 ), so that(T.13.21) reduces to

a2 = Eh2 (XI) - E(Th) 2 (Xo) = J h2 do - J (Th) 2 dn. (T.13.22)

Also, by (T.13.18),

n n-1

Zn = (h(Xm) - (Th)(Xm-1)) _ (h(X,) - (Th)(Xm)) + h(X) - h(X0)m=1

n—I_ r' f'(Xm ) + h(X) - h(Xo ). (T.13.23)



E[h(Xn) - h(X0))/ n]Z ?(Eh2(X0) + Eh 2 (X0)) = 4 $h 2 dir -. 0,n n

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1 " 1 1 1— 1 f'(Xm) =Z — — (h(X") — h(X0)), (T.13.24)

m =o In f

it follows that the left side converges in distribution to N(0, a 2 ) as n —* Co. We havearrived at a result of M. 1. Gordin and B. A. Lifsic (1978), "The Central LimitTheorem for Stationary Ergodic Markov Processes," Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 19,pp. 392-393.

Theorem T.13.3. (CLT for Discrete-Parameter Markov Processes). Assume p(x, dy)admits an invariant probability n and, under the initial distribution n, {X"} is ergodic.Assume also that f' := f — f is in the range of I — T. Then

-- Z (f (Xm ) — r) N(0,0. 2 ) as n —• oo , (T.13.25)jn m=0

where the convergence is in distribution, and Q 2 is given by (T.13.22). ❑

Some applications of this theorem in the context of processes such as consideredin Sections 13, 14 of Chapter II may be found in R. N. Bhattacharya and O. Lee(1988), "Asymptotics of a Class of Markov Processes Which Are Not In GeneralIrreducible," Ann. Probab., 16, pp. 1333-1347, and "Ergodicity and Central LimitTheorems for a Class of Markov Processes," J. Multivariate Analysis, 27, pp. 80-90.

3. For continuous-parameter Markov processes such as diffusions, the following theoremapplies (see R. N. Bhattacharya (1982), "On the Functional Central Limit Theoremand the Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Markov Processes," Z. Wahrscheinlichkeits-theorie und Verw. Geb., 60, pp. 185-201).

Theorem T.13.4. (CLT for Continuous-Parameter Markov Processes). Let {X} be astationary ergodic Markov process on a metric space S, having right-continuoussample paths. Let n denote the (stationary) distribution of X„ and A the infinitesimalgenerator of the process on LZ (S,it). If f belongs to the range of A, thent -1 / 2 f o f (X,) ds converges in distribution to N(0, a 2 ), with a Z = — 2<f, g>

—2 f f(x)g(x)ir(dx), where g e -9A and Ag = f. ❑

Proof. It follows from Theorem 2.3 that

Z" = g(X) — J Ag(XX) ds = g(X) — J f(X) ds (n = 1, 2,...)0 o

is a square integrable martingale. By hypothesis, Z" — Z" _ 1 (n >, 1), is a stationaryergodic sequence of martingale differences. Therefore, Theorem T.13.2 applies and

converges in distribution to N(0, a'), where a2 = E(Z 1 — Z0 )2 , i.e.,

a z = EIg(X,) — g(X0 ) — J 1 Ag(XS) dsj 2 . (T.13.26)0

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E(n- ` 12g(Xn)) 2 = n - 'Eg2 (X,) -p 0 as n- oc.


+n-1/2 fo" f (XS)ds -^ N(0, a 2 ).

Also, for each positive integer n, {Zk/n - Z(k-1)/n• 1 < k < n} are stationary martingaledifferences, so that


Q2 = E(ZI — 4) 2 = E E(Zk/n — Z(k— 1)/n) 2 = nE(Z11n — 4)2k=1

/n 2

= nE g(XI1n) - g(Xo) - Ag(X,) dsfo,

I/n z

= nE(g(X I/n) - g(Xo ))2 + nE^ Äg(Xs) ds0


- 2nE (g(XI/n) - g(X0)) Ag(XX) ds . (T.13.27)fo,


nE(g(X11n) - g(Xo)) 2 = n[Eg 2 (XI/n) + Eg 2 (Xo ) - 2 Eg(X11n)g(Xo)]

= n[

2Eg 2 (Xo) - 2 J g(x)TI/ng(x)it(dx)]

(^(' 1/n

= n[

2Eg2 (Xo ) - 2 J g(x) g(x) + TSÄg(x) ds n(dx)


J0, /n= - 2n g(x)T,Ag(x) ds ir(dx) --o -2 g(x)Ag(x)rr(dx),

(T.13.28)as n - oo, since T,Äg -. Äg in L2 (S, n) as s j 0. Also,

1 2 1 fol/"('

E(Äg)2 (Xo)I/n

(E lJn

Äg(XS) ds I-< E(! (Äg(Xs))2ds) _ - J dso / n n o

= 12 E(Ag)2 (X0). (T.13.29)n

Applying (T.13.28, 29), the product term on the extreme right side of (T.13.27) isseen to go to zero. Therefore, a2 = - 2<g, f > + o(1) as n -+ oo, which impliesa2 = - 2<g, f >. This proves the result for the sequence t = n. But if

Mn:=max{n - 1/2 J k I f(X,)I ds: 1 5 k-< n},ll k l )

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P(M„ > E) Y P(n -1j2 fk- If(XS)I ds > E 1= nP(f 1 If(X5)I ds > Ef) , 0

k=1 t / 0 /

as n —p since

G0' If(X)Ids) . n /

In order to check that f — f belongs to the range of A it is enough to show that—$0 Ts(f — f)(x) ds converges in LZ (S, it) as t —• oo. For if the convergence is to afunction g in L2 , then


— (Tag — g)(x) = h TS(.% — .%)(x) ds —' (f —

in L2 as h 10. In other words, Äg = f —7 Now,

J Ta(f — f)(x) ds = I f J f(y )(p(s; x, dy) — n(dy)) ds. (T.13.26)0 o s

Therefore, one simple sufficient condition that f — f belongs to the range of Ä forevery f e LZ(S, n) is

sup{Ip(s; x, B) — n(B)I: Be a(S), x E S} —• 0

exponentially fast as s --• oo. This is, for example, the case with the reflectingr-dimensional Brownian motion on the disc {1x1 2 _< a 2 ), k> 1.

An alternative renewal approach may be found in R. N. Bhattacharya andS. Ramasubramanian (1982), "Recurrence and Ergodicity of Diffusions," J.Multivariate Analysis, 12, pp. 95-122.

4. It is shown in Bhattacharya (1982), loc. cit., that ergodicity of the Markov process{X,} under the stationary initial distribution n is equivalent to the null space of Abeing the space of constants.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.14

1. To state Proposition 14.1 more precisely, suppose {X,} is a Markov process on ametric space S having an infinitesimal generator A on a domain -, and transitionoperators T, on the Banach space Cb (S) of all real-valued bounded continuousfunctions f on S, with the sup norm II.f I). Let cp be a continuous function on S ontoa metric space S'. Let be a class of real-valued, bounded and continuous functions gon S' having the following two properties:

(i) If g e g✓ then g o ( A' and A(g o q) = h o cp for some bounded continuous hon S';

(ii) 9 is a determining class for probability measures on (S', M(S')), that is, if µ, v aretwo probability measures such that $ g dp = J g dv for all g e then p = v.

Then {tp(X,)} is a Markov process on S'.

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To see this consider the subspace B of C,(S) comprising all functions g o gyp, g inthe closure of the linear span of 2(f) of W✓ . Then B is a Banach space, and A is thegenerator of a semigroup on B by the Hille-Yosida Theorem and property (i). Thisimplies in particular that T, maps lB into itself, so that T,(g o 4,) is of the form h, o cpfor some bounded continuous h, on S'. Since 5✓ is a determining class, it follows thatT,(g o cp) is of the form h, o cp for every bounded measurable g on S'. Therefore,Proposition 6.3 applies, showing that {q (X,)} is a Markov process on S'.

Theoretical Complements to Section V.15

1. The Markov property of {X,} as defined by (15.1) does not require any assumptionon (G. But for the continuity at the boundary of x - T, g(x) := E. g(X) for boundedcontinuous g on G, or of the solution /i f of the Dirichlet problem (15.23) for continuousbounded f on (G, some "smoothness" of aG is needed. The minimal such requirementis that every point b of äG be regular, that is, for every t > 0, Px (td0 > t) -+ 0 asx -• b, x e G. Here Tai is as in (15.2). A simple sufficient condition for the regularityof b is that it be Poincare point, that is, there exists a truncated cone contained in68'`\G with vertex at b. For the case of a standard Brownian motion on R', simpleproofs of these facts may be found in E. B. Dynkin, and A. A. Yushkevich (1969),Markov Processes: Theorems and Problems, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 51-62.

Analytical proofs for general diffusions may be found in D. Gilbarg andN. S. Trudinger (1977), Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order,Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 196, for the Dirichlet problem, and A. Friedman(1964), Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type, Prentice-Hall, EnglewoodCliffs.

2. Let f be a bounded continuous function that vanishes outside G. DefineT°f(x):= E(f(X ( )1 wc „ ) ( X° = x). If b is a regular boundary point then as x -+ b(x e G), T° f (x) -+ 0. In other words, T°C° c C° , where Co is the class of all boundedcontinuous functions on G vanishing at the boundary. If f is a twice continuouslydifferentiable function in C o with compact support then one may show that f e ^ö,^o,the domain of the infinitesimal generator A ° of the semigroup {T°}, and that(A°f )(x) _ (Af)(x) for all x e G. For this one needs the estimate P,(TeG <- t) -• 0as t --+ 0, uniformly for all x in the support of f (see Exercise 3.11 of Chapter VII).Also see (15.24), (15.25), as well as Exercise 3.12 of Chapter VII.

As indicated in Section 7 following (7.12), if aG is assumed regular and p° (t; x, y)has a limit as x approaches äG, then this limit must be zero. For the existence of asmooth p° continuous on G, and vanishing on 3G, see A. Friedman, loc. cit., p. 82.

3. (Maximum Principle for Elliptic Equations) Suppose first that Au(x) > 0 for all x e G,where G is a bounded open set. Let us show that the maximum of u cannot beattained in the interior. For if it did at x 0 e G, then ((3u/öx''')x0 = 0, 1 < i _< k, andB:= ((ö 2 u/(3x (') dx (j) )),ro is negative semidefinite. This implies that the eigenvalues ofCB are all real nonpositive, where C:= ((d(x ° )). For if ) is an eigenvalue of CB,then CBz = Az for some nonzero z e C k and, using the inner product < , > on C”,0 _< <CBz, Bz> = <Az, Bz> _ A<z, Bz>. Therefore, A _< 0. It follows now that

d;;(x° )(öz u/öx ( '° (3 )x0 = trace of CB is <, 0. Therefore, Au(x 0 ) < 0, contradictingAu(x0 ) > 0.

Now consider u such that Au(x) _> 0 for all x e G. For > 0 consider the functionu,(x):= u(x) + e exp{yx^' )}. Then Au(x) = Au(x) + E[Zd l ,(x)y z + µ"(x)y] exp{yx"^}.

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Choose y sufficiently large that the expression within square brackets is strictly positivefor all x e G. Then Au(x) > 0 for x e G, for all t > 0. Applying the conclusion of thepreceding paragraph conclude that the maximum of u t is attained on l G, say at x^.Since öG is compact, choosing a convergent subsequence of x L as E j 0 through asequence, it follows that the maximum of u is attained on EG.

Finally, if Au(x) = 0 for all x e G, then applying the above result to both u and—u one gets: u attains its maximum and minimum on c?G. Note that for the aboveproof it is enough to require that µ ( '°(x), d;j(x), I _< i, j < k, are continuous on G,and d 4 (x) > 0 on G for some i. Under the additional hypothesis that ((d ;;(x))) ispositive definite on G, one can prove the strong maximum principle: Suppose G is abounded and connected open set. 1f Au(x) = 0 for all x e G, and u is continuous on G,

then u cannot attain its maximum or minimum in G , unless u is constant.The probabilistic argument for the strong maximum principle is illuminating.

Under the conditions (1)—(4) of Section 14 it may be shown that the support of theprobability measure P. is the set of all continuous functions on [0, ou) into R', startingat x (see theoretical complements to Section Vll.3). Therefore, for any ball B x, thePr-distribution i(x; dy) of X i 8 has support i)B. Now suppose u is continuous on Gand Au(x) = 0 for all x e G. Suppose u(x 0 ) = maxju(x): x e G} for some xo e G. Thenfor every closed ball Be = ;x: Ix — x 0 ) _< e} c G, the strong Markov property yields:u(x o ) = E..u(X,,,,,,), in view of the representation (15.22). (Also see Exercise 3.14 ofChapter VII ). That is,

u(xo) = J u(y)^e(xo; dy), (T.15,1)

where 0,(x o ; dy) is the PX -distribution of X. Since u is continuous on iB and theprobability measure 0,(x0 ; dy) has the full support (,B,, the right side is strictly smallerthan the maximum value of u on BE , namely u(x o ), unless u(y) = u(x0 ) for all y e i B^.

By letting E vary, this constancy extends to the maximal closed ball with center x 0

contained in G. By connectedness of G, the proof is completed.

4. Let G be a bounded open set such that there exists a twice continuously differentiablereal-valued function cp on R'` such that G = {x: ep(x) < e}, (G = ix: q(x) = c;, forsome c e 18. Assume also that grad cpi is bounded away from zero on iG. If u is atwice continuously differentiable function in G such that u, i u/<,x 4 ' ) , i 2 u/i)xW i^x^' 4

(I _< i, j < k) have continuous extensions to G, then there exists a twice continuouslydifferentiable function q on 9 with compact support such that q = u on G (seeGilbarg and Trudinger, loc. cit., p. 130).

Theoretical Complements to Section V.16

1. D. W. Stroock and S. R. S. Varadhan (1979), Multidimensional Diffusions,Springer- Verlag, New York, Chapter 10, have constructed diffusions on R'` under theassumptions (i) ((d(x))) is continuous and positive definite, (ii) jl ( '°(x) (I s i _< k) areBorel-measurable and bounded on compacts, and (iii) an appropriate condition fornonexplosion holds. These conditions apply under our assumptions in Section 16.

2. The present method of constructing reflecting diffusions in one and multidimensionsmay be found in M. Friedlin (1985), Functional Integration and Partial Differential

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Equations, Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 86, 87, and in R. N.Bhattacharya and E. C. Waymire (1989), "An Extension of the Classical Method ofImages for the Construction of Reflecting Diffusions," Proceedings of the R. C. BoseSymposium on Probability, Statistics and Design of Experiments (ed. R. R. Bahadur,J. K. Ghosh, K. Sen), Eka Press, Calcutta.

3. The transformation g(x) = x (see (16.9)) generates a group of transformationsG = {go, g} with go as the identity. A maximal invariant under G isq (x) = (Ix" > I, x (2), .. , x (k)). By the proposition in theoretical complement 6.2, {(X,)}is Markov if p(t; z, y) = p(t; x, y). The transition density of the unrestricted diffusion{Xi} in Proposition 16.1 has this invariance property. As further applications of theproposition, consider the following examples.

Example 1. (Radial Diffusions). Let {X} be a diffusion on ll ' with drift s(.), anddiffusion matrix ((d1 (. ))). If I d;j(x)xl' )x'j) and 2 E x ( ' )µ (i) (x) + E d 1(x) are radialfunctions (i.e., functions of Ix»), then {IX,I} is a Markov process. This follows fromthe fact that if f is a smooth radial function then Af is also radial (see (15.35), andtheoretical complement 14.1). The underlying group G in this case is the group ofall orthogonal matrices.

Example 2. (Diffusions on the Torus). Let {X 1 } be a diffusion on Ft" such that µ 1 ` ) (x)and dij(x) are invariant under the group G generated by translations by a set of klinearly independent vectors ^,,, 4 2 , ... , 4k . In other words,

µ(i)(X + mr r^ _ p (x), dij(x + I mr4r)

= dij(x) (1 < i..% <, k),1 1

for all x and all k-tuples of integers (m 1 , M21. .. , mk ). Now express x (uniquely) asS,(x) r, and let 8,(x) = 5r(x)(mod 1) e [0, 1), 1 -< r -< k. Then the maximal

invariant under G is rp(x):= ($ 1 (x), ... , &(x)), and {cp(X,)} is a Markov process onthe torus [0,1)k .

Theoretical Complements to Section V.17

1. Taylor's article appeared in G. I. Taylor (1953), "Dispersion of Soluble Matter in aSolvent Flowing Through a Tube," Proc. Roy. Soc. Ser. A, 219, pp. 186-203. It wasshown there that asymptotically for large U0, D — a 2 Uö/48D0 . The explicitcomputation (17.30) was given by R. Aris (1956), "On the Dispersion of a Solute ina Fluid Flowing Through a Tube," Proc. Roy. Soc. Ser. A, 235, pp. 67-77, using themethod of moments and eigenfunction expansions.

The treatment of the Taylor—Aris theory given in this section follows R. N.Bhattacharya and V. K. Gupta (1984), "On the Taylor—Aris Theory of SoluteTransport in a Capillary," SIAM J. App!. Math., 44, 33-39.

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Dynamic Programming andStochastic Optimization


Consider a finite set S, called the state space, a finite set A, called the actionspace, and, for each pair (x, a) e S x A, a probability function p(y; x, a) on S:

p(y; x, a) 0, p(y; x, a) = 1. (1.1)yes

The function p(y; x, a) denotes the probability that the state in the next periodwill be y, given that the present state is x and an action a has been taken.

A policy (or, a feasible policy) is a sequence of functions (fo , f,, .. .) definedas follows. fo is a function on S into A. If the state in period k = 0 is x0 thenan action f0 (x 0 ) = ao is taken. Given the state x0 and the action ao = fo(xo),the state in period k = I is x, with probability p(x,; x0,f0 (x0 )). Now fl is afunction on S x A x S into A. Given the triple xo , fo (xo ), x,, an action.f1(x0,f0(x0), x 1 ) = a l is taken. Given x0 , a o and the state x i and action a l , theprobability that the state in period k = 2 is x 2 is p(x 2 ; x,, a,). Similarly, f2 isa function on S x A x S x A x S into A; given x o , ao , x i , a l , x 2 an actiona 2 = f2 (x o , ao, x 1 , a 1 , x 2 ) is taken. Given all the states and actions up to periodk = 2 (namely x0, ao = .fo(xo), xi, ai = fi(xo, ao, x1), x2, a 2 = .f2(x0, ao, xi, ai , x2)),the probability that a state x 3 occurs during period k = 3 is p(x 3 ; x2 , a 2 ), andso on. In general, a policy is a sequence of functions { fk : k = 0, 1, 2, ...} suchthat fk is a function on (S x A)' x S into A (k = 1, 2, ...), with fo a functionon S into A. The sequence may be finite { fk : k = 0, 1, ... , N}, called thefinite-horizon case, or it, may be infinite, the infinite-horizon case.

Consider first the case of a finite horizon. Given a policy f = ( fo, f1, .. •N + 1 random variables X0 , X,,. .. , XN are defined, Xk being the state at time


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k. The initial state X0 may be either fixed or randomly chosen according to aprobability in o = {n 0(x): x e S}. Given Xo = x0 , the conditional probabilitydistribution of X l is given by

P(X1 = xl X0 = x0) = P(x1; x0,.fo(xo)). (1.2)

Given X0 = x0 , Xl = x 1 , the conditional probability distribution of X2 is givenby

P(X2 = x2 I X0 = x0 , X1 = x1) = P(x2; x1, al), al = f1(xo,f0(x0) , x1).(1.3)

In general, given X. = x0, Xl = x1, • • • ‚ Xk -1 = Xk _ 1' the conditional distributionof Xk is given by

P(Xk = Xk I XO = X0, Xl = X1, ... , Xk- I = xk- 1) = P(xk; Xk- 1, ak- 1), (1.4)

where the actions ak are defined recursively by

ak = fk(xo , a0, x1, al, ... , Xk-1r ak-1 , xk) (k = 1, 2, ... ‚ N),(1.5)

a0 = f0(xo)•

The joint distribution of X0 , X1 , ... , Xk is then given by

10.k(XO, X1, ... , Xk):= P(X0 = X0, X1 = xl, ... , Xk = Xk)

_ iro(x0) Ptx1>x0 , ao)P(X2=x1 , a,) . .. P(Xk;Xk-1>ak-1) ,

(k = 1,2,...,N) (1.6)

with the states a0 , a 1 , ... defined by (1.5). Expectations with respect to nö,Nwill be denoted by En o .

The kth period reward function is a real-valued function gk on S x A suchthat if the state at time k is Xk and the action at time k is ak , then a rewardgk(xk , ak) accrues. The total expected return for a policy f is given by


Jao — Eaa Z gk(Xk, ak), (1.7)k=0

where ak denotes the (random) action at time k determined by the statesX0 , X 1 , ... ‚ X,,_ 1 according to (1.5). In case no = SX write Jx for J 0 .

Let F denote the set of all policies. The object is to find an optimal policy,i.e., a policy f* = (f ö, ... , f N) such that

J 110 J` o for all f e F, (1.8)

for all initial distributions no.

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In view of the fact that the probability of transition to a state x k+ , in periodk + I depends only on the state Xk and action a k in period k, it is plausible thatthe search for an optimal policy may be confined to the class of policiesf = (fo , fl , . .. 'f) such that the action a k depends only on the state x k in periodk. In other words, fk is a function on S into A (k = 0, 1, ... , N). Such policiesare called Markovian. The reason for this nomenclature is the followingproposition.

Proposition 1.1. If f = ( f,, fl , . .. , fN ) is a Markovian policy, then X0 , X,,... , XN is a Markov chain (which is, in general, time-inhomogeneous).

Proof. By (1.6) one has

P(XO = x0, X, = x,, ... , XN = xN)

= lr0(x0)P(x,; xo,fO(xO))P(x2; x1,Jl(x,)) .. . P(xN; xN—I , fN-1(xN -1))

= 71o(xo)P1(xl; xo)P2(x2; x1) ... PN(xN; xN -1), (1.9)


Pk (xk; xk 1) = P (xk; xk l , fk — 1(xk — 1)) • ( 1.10)

Hence X0 , X 1 , ... , XN forms a finite Markov chain with successive one-steptransition probabilities P,, P2, ... , PN. n

Let us show that a Markovian optimal policy exists. For each y E S pick anelement f N(y) (perhaps not unique) of A such that

max 9 , (Y, a) = 9N(Y,fN(Y)). (1.11)aEA


hN(Y) = 9N(Y9fN(Y))• (1.12)

Next, for each y E S find an element f N - 1 (y) of A such that

max [9N -1(Y> a) + I hN(z)P(z; Y, a)JaEA 2E$

= 9N -1(Y,f -1(Y)) + X hN(z)P(z;Y,.IN -1(Y)) = hN -1(Y), (1.13)ZES

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say. In general, let f k be a function (on S into A) such that

max L9k(Y, a) + I hk+ l(z)P(z; Y, a)J = 9k(Y, f (Y)) + Y hk+ 1 (z)p(z; Y, fk (Y))aeA ZES ZES

=hk(Y), (k= N— 1,N-2,...,0)(1.14)

say, obtained successively (i.e., by backward recursion) starting from (1.11) and(1.12).

Theorem 1.2. The Markovian policy f* (f 0* f i . .. , f N) is optimal.

Proof. Fix an initial distribution n o . Let f = (fo , f1 , . .. , fN ) be any given policy.Define the policies

k {' {'

f^ = (fo'f . .. .. . >fN) (k = 1,... , N),

f(0) = f*(1.15)

We will show that

Jn o < Jf 'ö' (k = 0, 1, 2, ... , N). (1.16)

First note that the joint distribution of Xo , X 1 , ... , Xk is the same under fand under f(k) (i.e., nö,k = it). In particular,

k-1 k-1

ERO 9k'(Xk,, ak.) = E o ' Z gk •(Xk ., ak .). (1.17)k'=0 k'=0


Erto{9N(XN , aN) I XO = X0, X1 = X 1 , . .. , XN = XN]

= 9N(XN, aN) ' 9N(XNr f *I \\= hN(XN)

= Eao ' 19N(XNr aN) I XO = x0, ... , XN = XN]. (1.18)

Since nö.N = nö N, averaging over xo , x 1 , . .. , XN , one gets

En09N(XN , aN) <, Erto'9N(XN, aN). (1.19)

Together with (1.17) with k = N, this proves (1.16) for k = N. To prove (1.16)for k = N — 1, note that

Es,C9N-1(XN-1, aN-1) + 9N(XN, aN) I Xo = xo, . .. , XN-1 = XN-1]

= 9N-1(XN-1 , aN-1)+ Y- 9N(z,aN(Z))P(Z;XN-1,aN-1) (1.20)zes

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where aN _ 1 , aN (z) are defined by (1.5) with xN replaced by z. By (1.12) and(1.13), the right side of (1.20) does not exceed

hN-1(xN -1) = En0 'I [gN-1(XN - 1'aN -1) +gN(XN,aN)

XO = x0 > • - ' , XN 1 = xN - 1] • ( 1.21)

Since nö.N 1 = nö N 1, it follows by averaging over x0 , x 1 , ... , X_ 1 that

Eno(9N_,(XN -1 , aN -1) + 9N(XN, aN)) <, Erzo 11(9N-1(XN -1 , aN -1) + 9N(XN, aN))•(1.22)

Together with (1.17) for k = N — 1, (1.22) yields (1.16) for k = N — 1.To complete the proof we use backward induction. Assume that


Eno . 9k'(Xk„ ak') I XO = XO, • • • , Xk +l = Xk+I hk+11/ (1.23)ll•23)k'=k+1

for all x 0 ,x 1 ,...,xk + , eS and

N IEnä`" (X. .) IX —h (x ) (1.24)9k' k>a k k+l = x k+l — k+l k+lk'=k+1

for all Xk+ 1 e S. Then


Eno E gk,(Xk., ak ') X0 = x0 , ... , Xk = xkk'=k


= gk(xk, ak) + Ea o Eao Y_ 9k'(Xk', ak ,) I X0 ,.. . , Xk +1k'=k+1

XO = X0 , X i = x 1 , ... , Xk = xk1

gk(xk , ak) + Eno[hk+ 1(Xk+ 1) I XO = X0, . .. , Xk = Xk]

= 9k(xk , ak) + hk+1(z)p(z; Xk, ak) < hk(xk)• (1.25)=ES

The first inequality in (1.25) follows from (1.23), while the last inequality followsfrom (1.14). Hence (1.23) holds for k. Also,

hk(xk) = gk(xk, f (xk)) + 1] hk+ I (z)p(z; xk, f (xk))=ES

= Eno '[gk(Xk , ak) + hk+ 1(Xk +1) I Xk = Xk]


En o [gk(Xk, ak) + Y_ gk'(Xk', ak') I Xk = Xk (1.26)k'=k +I

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where the last equality follows from the facts that:

(i) conditional distributions of (Xk+ 1, , XN) given Xk+ 1 are the sameunder nö N and nä N ", and

(ii) one has


7[p 1 Rp /E E gk'lXk'^ ak') I Xk+l Xkk'=k+1


— 110 1 nolE E E gk'(Xk'^ ak') ( Xk^ Xk+l Xk[k'=k+l


=to gk'(Xk,, a k•) Xk . (1.27)k'=k+1

Hence, (1.24) holds with k + 1 replaced by k, and the induction argument iscomplete, so that (1.23), (1.24) hold for all k = 0,1, ... , N — 1. Thus, one has


%no = Eao y- gk'(Xk' , ak)k'=0

k-1 N lE><o gk'(Xk,, ak') + E 0 gk'(Xk', ak') Ik'=0 k'=k

k-1 r N

= E><o(^ 9k'(Xk', Qk•)) + Erzp(EL 9k (Xk s Qk) Xk])k'=0 / k'=k


Ett0 Y gk'(Xk'^ ak') + EROhk(Xk)k'=0

k-1(Ikl r (Ikl

= Eno : gk'(Xk', ak') + Eao hk(Xk)k'=0

N(Ikl (Ikl= En o gk'(Xk., Qk.) = Jnp . (1.28)


Letting k = 0, the desired result is obtained. n

Exactly the same proof works for the more general result below (Exercise 3).

Theorem 1.3. Assume S is countable, A compact metric, and the rewardfunctions a —p gk(x, a) are bounded and continuous for each x a S. Thenf* =(f ,f .•••..f*)isoptimal.

There are several useful extensions of the problem of optimization over afinite horizon considered in this section.

First, the set of all possible actions when in state x may depend on x. Denote

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this set by A r (x e S). In this case one simply maximizes over a e A y in(1.11)—(1.14) (Exercises 1, 2).

Secondly, instead of maximizing (rewards), one could minimize (costs). Inall the results above, max is then replaced by min, and inequality signs getreversed (Exercise I ).

One may often derive existence of optimal policies when S is a continuum,g k are unbounded, and A is noncompact, if certain special structures areguaranteed. For example, if S, A are intervals (finite or infinite) and the functions

a —' gk(x, a), gk(x, a) + J hk+ 1(z)p(dz; x, a) (0 < k < N — 1)

have unique maxima in A, then all the results carry over. Here (i) p(dz; x, a)

is, for each pair (x, a), a probability measure on (the Borel sigmafield of) S, (ii)

hk +1(z) is integrable with respect to p(dz; x, a), and its integral is a continuousfunction of (x, a). See Section 5 for an interesting example.

Finally, the rewards gk (0 <, k < N) may depend on the state and action inperiod k, and the state in period k + 1. This may be reduced to the standardcase considered in this section. Suppose gk(x, a, x') is the reward in period k ifthe state and action in period k are x, a, and the state in period k + I is x'.Then define

gk(x, a) := I gk(x, a, z)p(z; x, a). (1.29)

Then for each policy f,


E rzo g(X , ak, Xk + 1) = Erzo E(gk(xk, ak, Xk+ 1) I X0, • • • , Xk)k=0 k=0


= Eno Y_ gk(Xk, a k ). (1.30)k=0

Thus, the maximization of the first expression in (1.30) is equivalent to that ofthe last (see Exercise 2).


As in Section 1, consider finite state and action spaces S, A, unless otherwisespecified. Assume that

sup Igk (x, a)I) < oo . (2.1)k=0 xOS.aEA

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An important example in which (2.1) is satisfied is the case of discountedrewards gk (x, a) = 8 kgo (x, a) for some discount factor S, 0 < b < 1. Those whoare interested primarily in this special case may go directly to the dynamicprogramming principle (appearing after (2.13)) and Theorem 2.2.

In view of (2.1), given any E > 0 there exists an integer N E such that

I gk(xk, ak) — j, gk(Xk, ak) < 2( 2.2)k k

for all sequences {xk} in S and {ak} in A. Let (f o*`, f ; `, ... , f) be anoptimal Markovian policy over the finite horizon {0, 1, 2, ... , NE}, andf*` = (f", f iE, ...) with f = f NE for all k> N. Then f*` is a Markovianpolicy that is E-optimal over the infinite horizon, i.e., given any policy f one has

'ino r °= Eno L gk(Xk, ak) = Eao L ( 1 gk(Xk , ak)) + E 0 ((k=N,+

Z gk(Xk, ak))k=0 k=0 1

N^ E ao

i Eno k^ gk(Xk, ak)J — 2 i E^^ ( = O

=gk(Xk, ak )) _c=J o _c. (2.3)

By Cantor's diagonal procedure, one may find a sequence S„ j.0 and asequence of functions { f,*a"} from S into A (k = 0, 1, 2, ...) such that(Exercise 1)

lim f "(x) = f(x) for all k = 0, 1, 2, ... , and for all x e S, (2.4)n + ao

for some sequence of functions f,*. Since S and A are finite, (2.4) implies thatf,*, b^(x) = f k (x) for all sufficiently large n. From this it follows that given anyinteger N there exists n(N) such that


Eao^ gk(Xkr ak)) = EIto gk(Xk, ak)) for n > n(N). (2.5)\k=0 \k=0

In particular, for fixed E > 0, (2.5) holds for N = NE . In view of this and (2.2),one has for all n > n(N).

• s N` E•aJEäo k^ gk(Xk, ak)

1) —

E2 = E


(k N'^ gk(Xk, ak)) — 2 i J

,n o — E. (2.6)

Now apply (2.3) to this to get J`,ö > Jn0 — S„ — E for all n > n(N), and then letn — cc to obtain

JRO ? J,` 0 — E.

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Since this is true for all e, it follows that

Jrzö ? J,` o for all f e F. (2.7)

In other words, f* is an optimal Markovian policy.We have thus proved the following result.

Theorem 2.1. Under the hypothesis (2.1), there exists an optimal Markovianpolicy.

We now consider a special case of Theorem 2.1, the case of discounted dynamic

programming. Assume that

gk(x, a) = b kgo(x, a) (k = 0, 1, 2, ...), (2.8)

where g o is a given real-valued function on S x A, and S is a constant satisfying

0 < 5 <l. (2.9)

A Markovian policy f = (f0 , fl , ...) is said to be stationary if fk = fo for allk. It will be shown now that for the reward (2.8) there exists a stationary optimalpolicy.

Let f* _ (f o*, f i , ...) be an optimal Markovian policy in this case (whichexists by Theorem 2.1). Write Ez for E 0 and J,, for J 0 in the case n({x}) = 1.Then,

JI = Ex bkgo(Xk, ak)k=0

= 90(x, iö(x)) + SEzE ^ (5kg0(xk +1, ak+l) 1 X'J)k=0

= 9o(x, iö(x)) + 8 J^'P(z; x,.fö(x)), (2.10)

where f«" = (f ,*, f z, ...). Since f* is optimal, one has

Jf'" < J1

` for all z e S. (2.11)


J go(x,fö(x)) + a JZ^P(z; x, iö(x)) = Jx` (2.12)zes

where f* (1) = (f *, f *, fi , f *....)• But f* is optimal. Therefore, one must have

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equality in (2.12). Similarly, one shows successively that

f in) = 101 -11 (n = 1, 2, ...), f*(0) = f* (2.13)


f*(n-1):_ (fo,JO, ... IJo,flIf2l ...),

with fo appearing in the first n positions. By (2.2) it follows that the stationarypolicy f* = ( f * ,f *, f *' • • • 'f, ...) is optimal. We shall denote it by f*. Thisproves the first part of Theorem 2.2 below. The dynamic programming equation(2.14) below may be derived by letting k T oo in (1.14) with gk (x, a) = S k (x, a).However, an alternative derivation of Theorem 2.2 is given below.

Let us describe first the so-called dynamic programming principle. Supposethere exists a stationary optimal policy f* = ( f *, f *, ...) in the case ofdiscounted rewards (2.8) with the discount factor S satisfying (2.9). Let J, := Jz'denote the optimal reward, starting at state x. Fix x e S and a e A. Consider aMarkovian policy f' = (fo , f *, f *, . ..) for which f0(x) = a, while the optimalpolicy is used from the next period onward. Since the conditional distributionof {Xk : k > 1}, given X1 under f' is the same as that under f*,

J' go(x, a) + EX LEök(j b kgo(Xk,.f *(xk)) X, /] = go(x, a) + SEX'JxI


= go(x, a) + b 1] J2p(z; x, a).Z E.S

The optimal reward Jx must equal the maximum of Jz over all choices off0 (x) = a E A. Thus, one arrives at the dynamic programming equation (2.14).

Theorem 2.2. Let go be bounded and 0 < 6 < 1. Then for the discountedrewards (2.8) there exists a stationary optimal policy f* = (f *, f *, ...). Thispolicy satisfies the dynamic programming equation, or the Bellman equation, foreach x e S, namely

JX+ = max { 9o(x, a) + b J f*p(z; x, a)} . (2.14)aES ( zcs

Conversely, if a stationary Markovian policy f* satisfies (2.14) for all x e S,then it is optimal.

Proof. Denote by B(S) the set of all real-valued functions on S. For each

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function f on S into A, define the maps T, Tf : B(S) --- B(S) by

(TfJ)(x) = 90(x,.f(x)) + 6 1 J(z)p(z; x,f(x)),ZES


(TJ)(x) = max { 9o (x, a) + 6 1 J(z)p(z; x, a) } (x ES, J e B(S)).aEA (( ZES ))

For all J, J' E B(S) one has

II T}J — TfJ'll = max ITT J(x) — TJ J'(x)I = 6 max I Y (J(z) — J'(z))p(z; x,.f(x))XES XES ZES

1<SIIJ — J'll, (2.16)

where II I denotes "sup norm", IIgII := max {lg(x)I: x E S}. Turning to T, fixJe B(S). Let the maximum in (2.15) be attained at a point f (x) (x es). Then,

(TJ)(x) = (T1 J)(x). (2.17)

Also, note that for all J' E B(S) one has

(TJ')(x) > (TfJ')(x) (x e S). (2.18)

Combining (2.17) and (2.18), one gets, for all J',

(TJ)(x) — (TJ')(x) = (TfJ)(x) — (TJ')(x) <, (TfJ)(x) — T1 J'(x). (2.19)

By (2.16) and (2.19),

sup [(TJ)(x) — (TJ')(x)] < sup [(TJJ)(x) — (TfJ')(x)] < 611 J — J'. (2.20)xeS XES

This inequality being true for all J, J' e B(S), one gets (interchanging the rolesof J and J'),

IITJ — TJ'jI <6IIJ—J'II. (2.21)

Thus, T is a (uniformly strict) contraction on the space B(S). Therefore, it hasa unique fixed point J*; i.e., TJ* = J* (Exercise 2),

J*(x) = max { 9o (x, a) + b 1 J*(z)p(z; x, a) } . (2.22)aE`i l ZES )

Let a = f *(x) maximize the right side of (2.22) (x e S). Then,

J* (x) = 9o(x,f * (x)) + b Z J * (z)p(z; x,.f * (x)) = Tf.J *(x). (2.23)ZES

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Now let f be an arbitrary policy. In view of (2.22) one has, for all k = 0, 1, 2....(and all x),

J*(Xk) i g0(Xk, ak) + SE ' (J* (Xk+1) 1 {Xk, ak}). (2.24)

Multiplying both sides by 8 k and taking expectations one gets

S kE f J* (Xk) i BkExgo(Xk, ak) + 6k+IExJ*(Xk+l). (2.25)

Summing (2.24) over k = 0, 1, 2,... and canceling common terms from bothsides it follows that

WJ* (x) i h kß f g0(Xk, ak) = J. (2.26)


Now note that one has equality in (2.24)-(2.26) if f = f = (f *, f *, f *, ...)(see (2.23)). Hence f* is optimal. This proves that there exists a stationaryoptimal policy f* satisfying (2.14). Conversely, if (2.14) holds (i.e., (2.22) and(2.23) hold) then (2.24)-(2.26) (with equalities in case f = f*) show that f* isoptimal. n

For the map T defined in (2.15), (T N O)(x) is the N-stage optimal rewardfunction for the discounted case, as may be seen from (1.11)-(1.14) and Theorem1.2. Hence J*(x) = lim N -.(TN0)(x) is the optimal reward function in theinfinite-horizon case. The contraction property of T shows that T"'J(x)converges to the optimal reward function, no matter what J is.

The proof of Theorem 2.2 extends word for word to the following moregeneral case.

Theorem 2.3. Let S be countable, A a compact metric, g o bounded, anda -+ go (x, a) continuous for each x. Then the conclusions of Theorem 2.2 hold.

Further extensions are indicated in the theoretical complements.

Example. Let S = 7L, the set of all integers, A = [a, 1 — a] with 0 < a <‚ and

p(x + 1;x,a) = a, p(x — 1; x,a) = 1 — a for x 0 0,

a a (2.27)p(0;0,a)= 1 —a, p( 1 ; 0,a)=2, p(-1;0,a)= 2 .

Take gk (x, a) = b k^p(x) (0 < b < 1), where co is bounded and even (i.e.,cp(x) = gyp(—x)), and cp(jxl) decreases as lxi increases. Then the hypothesis ofTheorem 2.3 is satisfied. Under a stationary policy f = (f, f, . ..) the stochastic

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process {Xk } is a birth-death chain on 7 with transition probabilities

ßx ' = P(Xk+1 = X + 1 I Xk = X) = f(x) ,

5x := P(Xk+ 1 =x— 1 I Xk = X) = 1 —f(x) (X 0),

YO'= P(Xk +1 = 1 I Xk = 0) _ ÖO = P(Xk +l = — l I Xk = O) = f(0) ,


1 — ßo — SO = P(Xk +l = O I Xk = O) = I — f(0). (2.28)

Since the maximum of cp is at zero, and q(ix ) decreases as lxi increases, oneexpects the maximum (discounted) reward to be attained by a policyf* = (f* , f*,.. .) which assigns the highest possible probability to move in thedirection of zero. In other words, an optimal policy is perhaps given by

1 —a ifx<0,

f *(x) = a if x > 0, (2.29)

a ifx =0.

Let us check that f* is indeed optimal. To simplify notation, write Ex forE. Assume, as an induction hypothesis, that the following order relations hold.

(i) Ex (p(Xk ) > Ex+ 1 p(Xk) for all x > 0,

(ii) Ex 9(Xk ) Ex+ ,cp(Xk ) for all x —1, (2.30)

(iii) Ex cp(Xk) = E_ x cp(XX ) for all x.

Clearly, (2.30) holds for k = 0 in view of the assumptions on q. Suppose it holdsfor some k. Then for x > I one has, by (i),

Exgp(Xk +l) = (1 — a)Ex-1(P(Xk) + aEx+1p(Xk) (1 — a)Ex(P(Xk) + aEx+2(P(Xk)

= Ex+14(Xk +l), (x > 1). (2.31)

Similarly, using (ii),

Exq , (Xk +1) < Ex+1gq(Xk), (x'< —1). (2.32)

Also, (iii) is trivially true for all k if x = 0. For x > 0 one has, by (iii),

EX^P(Xk +l) = (1 — a)Ex-1gq(Xk) + aEx+1(P(Xk)

= (1 — a)E- x +1gq(Xk) + aE_x-1ç(Xk) = E -x(P(Xk +l). (2.33)

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Finally, using (2.31)-(2.33),

/ a aEogo(Xk+l) = ( 1 — a)EO(p(Xk) + 2 E-Igq(Xk) + 2 E1(P(



_ (1 — a)Eo^P(Xk) + aEI(P(Xk)

(1 — a)Eo^P(Xk) + aE2(P(Xk) = EIp(Xk+l). (2.34)

By (2.31) and (2.34), the relation (2.30(i)) holds with k replaced by k + 1. By(2.32), (2.30(ii)) holds for k + 1; in view of (2.33), (2.30(iii)) holds for k + 1.Hence the relations (2.30) hold for all k >, 0. To complete the proof that f* isoptimal, let us now show that the expected discounted reward Jx under f' givenby


Jx := I, 6kE.(V(Xk) (2.35)k=0

satisfies the dynamic programming equation (2.14). That is, one needs to show

ix =cp(x)+6max[(1 —a)JJ _ I +aJx+t ] (x00),aEA


J0 =rp(0)+6max[

(1 —a)Jo +2J_ I +aJ, ] .

Now, by (2.30(i)),

Jx_I'>Jx+I forx>,l,

so that, assigning the largest possible weight to the larger quantity J._ I ,

max [(1 — a)Jx _ 1 + aJx+l] = (1 — a)Jx _ 1 + aJ+l, (x >, 1). (2.37)aeA

But Jx satisfies the equation

aoJx = q (x) + b bk-'Exp(Xk)


(P(x) + (5 ak-1 [(1 — a)Ex-l^(Xk-1) + aEx+l9(Xk-1)]k=I

= q(x) + S[(1 — a)Js _ I + aJx+1], (x ? 1). (2.38)

Hence, Jx satisfies (2.36) for x >, 1. In exactly the same way one shows, using(2.30(ii)), that J. satisfies (2.36) for x < —1. Finally, since J-, = J 1 by (2.30(iii)),

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and .J0 ?J1 (= J_ 1),


(1 —a)Jo +2J_, +-J 1 ]= (1 —a)Jo +2J_, + --J,, (2.39)2acA

assigning the largest possible weight to J0 for the last equality. The proof of(2.36), and therefore of the optimality of f*, is now complete.

In general, even for the infinite-horizon discounted case, it is difficult tocompute explicitly optimal policies and optimal rewards. The approximationsT"0, and the corresponding N-period optimal policy given by backwardrecursion (1.11)—(1.14), are therefore useful.


Let G be an open set c l, and consider the problem of minimizing the expectedpenalty EX f (X.. (; ) on reaching the boundary 0G, starting from a point x outsideof G= G v 1G. Here {X,} is a diffusion on Fk" \ G, with absorption at 1G. Thefunction f is a continuous bounded function on 1G. If f = I on 1G, the problemis to minimize the probability of ever reaching 13G. As usual TG denotes thefirst time to reach the boundary 1G.

The drift vector µ(x, c) and diffusion matrix D(x, c) of the diffusion arespecified. The control variable c, which may depend on the present state x,takes values in some compact set C c 18m • The function c(.) (on W'\G into C)so chosen is called a control, or a feedback control. The class of allowable, orfeasible, controls may vary. For example, it may be the class of all measurablefunctions, the class of all continuous functions, the class of all continuouslydifferentiable functions, etc.

Let us give a heuristic derivation of the dynamic programming equation, bymeans of the so-called dynamic programming principle. Write Ex for theexpectation when the diffusion has coefficients i(., c), D(., c) with c constant,and xis the initial state. If c(. ) is a control (function), this expectation is denotedEX^ -) , the diffusion having drift and diffusion coefficients µ(y, c(y)), D(y, c(y)).Write

Je(x) '= Ex i(X r ^), J` (•) (x) °= EX( ' )f (Xr.•G), J(x)t= inf J(x), (3.1)c(-

where the infimum is over the class of all feasible controls. Suppose there existsan optimal control c*(.). Consider the following small perturbation c l (•) fromthe optimal policy. c l (.) takes the constant value c for an initial period [0, t],after which it switches to the optimal control c*(. ). This control is of coursetime-dependent and not feasible under our description above. But one mayactually allow time-dependent controls in the present development (theoretical

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complement 1). One has, by the Markov property,

J" ( ' )(x) = EXJ(X,) + o(t), as t .j 0. (3.2)

Note that if after time t the state is X, e Ilk \ G, then the conditional expectationof f (Xt G) is J(X,), as the optimal control c*(.) is now in effect. Also, theprobability that t -> 'rOG is o(t) for x e Il k \ G (see Exercise 1 for an indicationof this). As J" ( ' )(x) > J(x), one gets

EJ(X 1 ) — J(x) > o(t), as t j 0. (3.3)

But the left side is TIJ(x) — J(x), where {T',} is the semigroup of transitionoperators generated by


A` : 2 d" (x ' c) öx^'^axu^ + Y pl'>(x, c) aa (3.4)

with absorbing boundary condition on 8G. Hence, dividing both sides of (3.3)by t and letting t f, 0, one gets

A,J(x) >, 0. (3.5)

By minimizing the left side of (3.3) with respect to c, one expects an equalityin (3.3) and, therefore, in (3.5); i.e., the dynamic programming equation is

inf A,J(x) = 0 for XE R'\G, J(x) = f(x) for x E 8G. (3.6)cec

We will illustrate the use of this rigorously in Example 1 below. Before thisis undertaken, a simple proposition in the case k = 1, f - 1, directly shows howto minimize the expected penalty when the diffusion coefficient is fixed. Letp° )(•) (i = 1, 2) be two drift functions, Q 2 (.) > 0 a diffusion coefficient specifiedon (0, oo), satisfying appropriate smoothness conditions. Let i/i°(z) denote theprobability that a diffusion with coefficients p (O(• ), 6 2 (.) reaches 0 beforereaching d, starting at z. Here d > 0 is a fixed number.

It is intuitively clear that, for the same diffusion coefficient a 2(.), larger thedrift tc(.) better the chance of staying away from zero. Here is a proof.

Proposition 3.1. Consider two diffusions on [0, oo ), with absorption at 0,having a common diffusion coefficient a'(•) but different drifts p(•) (i = 1, 2)satisfying p ( '>(z)'< j 2 ^(z) for every z > 0. Then /i 2 (z) 1(z) for all z > 0.

Proof. By relation (9.19) in Chapter V,



a (— fu 2µct_(y)

} 40, —fo"

211()(y)^i^`^(z) exp{ du exp dy du. (3.7)(

o a2(y) a2(y)

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^(z):= y`I(z ) — pti^(z), i (z) °=µt' (z) + srl(z),

and let F(r; z) denote the probability of reaching 0 before d starting at z, for adiffusion with drift coefficient µE ( • ) and diffusion coefficient o2(.). It isstraightforward to check (Exercise 2) that

F(a; z) = /it i ^(z)(1 — ey(z)) + O(s 2 ) as e —• 0, (3.8)


a ^ µ ti ^ (Y) rl(Y) ° pta^(Y)y(z):= f exp 2 2 dy 22 dy du exp — 2 z dy du.J o 6 (Y) 0 6 (Y) I 0 6 (Y}z (3.9)

Since rl(z) >, 0 for all z, it follows that

y(z) >0 (3.10)

unless µt' ) (.) = µt 2) (• ). Therefore, barring the case of identical drifts, one has

de F(e; z) _ —^itn(z)Y(z) < 0. (3.11)e=0

Hence, F(c; z) is strictly decreasing in e in a neighborhood of a = 0, say on[0, eo ). Since one can continue beyond so , by replacing µt l) (•) by j(.), thesupremum of all such eo is oo. In particular, one can take e = 1. n

Example 1. (Survival Under Uncertainty). Consider first the followingdiscrete-time model, in which h denotes the length of time between successiveperiods. Let Z, denote an agent's capital at time t. His capital at time t + h isgiven by

Zo =z >0,(3.12)

Z, =exp{W +n }(Z,—ah), (t = nh; n=0,1,...)

where a is a positive constant and { W h : n = 1, 2, ...} is a sequence of i.i.d.Gaussian random variables with mean mh and variance vh. The constant adenotes a fixed consumption rate per unit of time, so that Z, — ah is the amountavailable for investment in the next period. The random exponential termrepresents the uncertain rate of return. For the Markov process {Zn h }, it is easy

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to check (Exercise 3) that

E(Z, +h ( Z,) = exp{mh + Zvh}(Z, — ah),

E(Zt+ ^, I Z,) = exp{2mh + 2vh}(Z1 — ah)',

E(Z, + „—Z,IZ,)=[(m+2v)Z,—a]h+o(h), (3.13)

E((Zj+h — Z,) 2 ( Z,) = vZI h + o(h),

E(IZ,+n — Z t 1 3 Zr )=o(h), as h j0.

Therefore, one may, in the limit as h j 0, model Z, by a diffusion with drift t(.)and diffusion coefficient Q 2 (.) given by

p(z) = (m + -v)z — a, a2(z) = vz 2 . (3.14)

The state space of this diffusion should be taken to be [0, cc), since negativecapital is not allowed. One takes "0" as an absorbing state, which when reachedindicates the agent's economic ruin.

In the discrete-time model, suppose that the agent is free to choose (m, v)for the next period depending on the capital in the current period. This choiceis restricted to a set C x (0, cc). In the diffusion approximation, thisamounts to a choice of drift and diffusion coefficients,

µ(z) = (m(z) + iv(z))z — a, o2(z) = v(z)z 2 , (3.15)

such that(m(z), v(z)) E C for every z e (0, co). (3.16)

The object is to choose m(z), v(z) in such a way as to minimize the probabilityof ruin. The following assumptions on C are needed:

(i) 0 < v * := inf{v: (m, v)€ C} < v* := sup{v: (m, v) E C} < oo,

(ii) f (v) _= sup{m: (m, v) e C} < co, and (f (v), v) E C for each v e [v * , v*] ,

(iii) v -+ f(v) is twice continuously differentiable and concave on (v * , v*),

(iv) lim l ^,, f'(v) = cc, Iim t v. f'(v) = — cc. (3.17)

First fix a d > 0. Suppose that the agent wants to quit while ahead, i.e., whena capital d is reached. The goal is to maximize the probability of reaching dbefore 0. This is equivalent to minimizing the probability O(z) of reaching 0before d, starting at z.

It follows from Proposition 3.1 that an optimal choice of (m(z), v(z)) shouldbe of the form

(m(z) = f(v(z)), v(z))- (3.18)

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The problem of optimization has now been reduced to a choice of v(z). Thedynamic programming equation for this choice is contained in the followingproposition. To state it define, for each constant v E [v* , v*], the infinitesimalgenerator A„ by

(A,g)(z):= zvz 2g"(z) + {(f(v) + zv)z — a}g'(z). (3.19)

For a given measurable function v(.) on (0, cc) into [v * , v *] define theinfinitesimal generator A v( . ) by

(A V( . ) g)(z)-= zv(z)z 2 g"(z) + {(f(v(z)) + 1v(z))z — a}g'(z). (3.20)

Fix d > 0. Let /i,, ( . ) (z) denote the probability that a diffusion having generatorA, ( . ) , starting at z e [0, d], reaches 0 before d. For simplicity consider v(.) tobe differentiable, although the arguments are valid for all measurable v(.) (seetheoretical complement 2). Write

^ (z):= inf i , ( . ) (z). (3.21)

Proposition 3.2. Assume the hypothesis (3.17) on C. Then the dynamicprogramming equation

min A,,O(z) =0 for0<z<d; lim^i(z) =1, lim^i(z) =0,V E I V,R . V * 1 Z10 _ t d

(3.22)has a solution that is the minimal probability of ruin . For each z E (0, d)there exists a unique 6(z) E [v * , v*] such that the minimum is attained at v = v(z).The function v is strictly decreasing on (0, cc) and is optimal.

Proof. In the case v * = v*, Proposition 3.1 already provides the optimumchoice. We therefore assume v * < v*. Let çli(z) be a twice continuouslydifferentiable function satisfying (3.22), and v(•) a (measurable) function suchthat the minimum in (3.22) is attained at v = v(z). Then,

A f (z) = 0 for 0 < z < d; lim s(z) = 1, lim ii(z) = 0. (3.23)Z10 zta

Then (see (3.20)),

z 2 r(z) _ —17(z)

{(f(v(z)) + iv(z))z — a}'(z). (3.24)

Using this in (3.22), one gets

min [ —v{(f(v(z)) + zv(z))z — a}/v(z) + (f(v) + zv)z — a]^i'(z) = 0. (3.25)VE IV..V ;j

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It follows from (3.23), since its solution is unique (Exercise 7.7(iii), (iv) of ChapterV), that i(z) is the probability of reaching zero before d, starting at z, for thediffusion generated by A, ( . ) . In particular, i'(z) < 0. One may actually explicitlycalculate i'(z) from (9.19) in Chapter V. Therefore, to determine v(z) we findthe critical point(s) of the expression within the square brackets in (3.25) bysetting its derivative equal to zero. This leads to

(i(v(z)) + Zv(z))z — a = (i (v) + z)z, (3.26)v(z)


.f(v(z)) — v(z)f'(v) = az

Since this must hold for v = v(z), the equation to solve is

f(v) — vf'(v) = a. (3.27)z

As the derivative of the left side is — v f "(v) > 0, the left side increases from— oo to + co as v increases from v* to v*. Therefore, for each z > 0 there existsa unique solution of (3.27), say v = v(z) e (v * , v*). Since the right side of (3.27)decreases as z increases, it follows that the function v(•) is strictly decreasing.

It remains to show that cui is minimal. For this, consider an arbitrary(measurable) choice v(.). It follows from (3.22) that

(A V( . ) I4')(z) >, 0 for all z e (0, d). (3.28)

Since (A V( . ) ct' V( . ) )(z) = 0 and >/i and ^i v( .^ satisfy the same boundary conditions,letting u(z):= ii(z) — 0,,. ß (z), one gets

(A, ( . ) u)(z) > 0 for all z e (0, d), lim u(z) = 0, lim u(z) = 0. (3.29)zj0 zld

By the maximum principle (see Exercise 7.7(iii) of Chapter V) it follows thatu(z) <, 0 for all z, i.e.,

^i(z) < 0'(

.)(z) for all z E [0, d]. (3.30)


It is important to note that the optimal choice

µ(Y)'= (f( ►'(Y)) + z'(y))y — a, i(y), (3.31)

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J(x) = EX o

= E fo,`

= E J

` o

^e -a 5sr(XS , c) ds + EXr )

e - ßsr(X,, c) ds + EX^'Ie `

e -Qsr(Xs, c(XS)) ds

-sie r r(X^ +s•, c(Xr +s•)) ds'f"'o

e - ßsr(X s , c) ds + e - Q`ExJ(X,)


does not depend on d. Therefore, with this choice one also minimizes theprobability pZo of ever reaching 0, starting from z. For this, simply let d j oo inthe inequality

(.(.)(z) <' 1l ((z). (3.32)

An example of a C satisfying (3.17) is the following set bounded by the linesv = vo ± ß, and a semi-elliptical cap (bounding m away from + co),

C ={(m,v):vo—ß^v'<vo+ß,m-mo+a^l—(v v0)2 1 / 2


Here a, ß,vo are positive constants, v o > ß, and mo is an arbitrary constant.Next consider the problem of maximizing the expected discounted reward

J(x) ;= E c( ' ) e ßsr(XS, c(XS)) ds, (3.34)0

where the state space of the diffusion {X 1 } is an open set G c W. The diffusionhas drift µ(y, c(y)) and diffusion matrix D(y, c(y)); r(y, c) is the reward ratewhen in state y and an action c belonging to a compact set C c 11" is taken,and ß> 0 is the discount rate.

The given functions ph i) (y, c) (1 < i < k) are appropriately smooth on G x C,as are d(y, c) (1 < i, j < k), and D(y, c) is positive definite. Once again, the setof feasible controls c(.) may vary. For example, it may be the class of allcontinuously differentiable functions on G into C. The function r(y, c) iscontinuous and bounded on G x C.

If, under some feasible control c(. ), the diffusion {X,} can reach öG withpositive probability, then in (3.34) the upper limit of integration should bereplaced by rO G • Let

J(x):= sup J`O(x). (3.35)a.)

In order to derive the dynamic programming equation informally, let c*(.) bean optimal control. Consider a control c 1 (.) which, starting at x, takes theaction c initially over the period [0, t] and from then on uses the optimal controlc*(. ). Then, as in the derivation of (3.2), (3.3),

= t(r(x, c)) + o(t) + e -ß`T,J(x) < J(x),

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(1 —en') J(x) > r(x, c) + e-ß'

T,J(x) — J(x) + o(1). (3.36)

t t

Letting t l 0 in (3.36) one arrives at

ßJ(x) > r(x, c) + A c J(x). (3.37)

One expects equality if the right side of (3.37) (or (3.36)) is maximized withrespect to c, leading to the dynamic programming equation

ßJ(x) = sup {r(x, c) + A,J(x)). (3.38)Cec

In the example below, k = 1.

Example 2. The state space is G = (0, oo). Let c denote the consumption rateof an economic agent, i.e., the "fraction" of stock consumed per unit time. Theutility, or reward rate, is

r(x, c) = (cx)1


where y is a constant, 0 < y < 1. The stock X, corresponding to a constantcontrol c is a diffusion with drift and diffusion coefficients

µ(x, c) = Sx — cx, o 2 (x, c) = v 2x 2 , (3.40)

where 6 > 1 is a given constant representing growth rate of capital, while c isthe depletion rate due to consumption. For any given feasible control c(•) onereplaces c by c(x) in (3.40), giving rise to a corresponding diffusion {X1 }. It issimple to check that such a diffusion never reaches the boundary (Exercise 4).

The dynamic programming equation (3.38) becomes

ßJ(x) = max — x' + zQ 2x 2J"(x) + (Sx — cx)J'(x) ? . (3.41)CE[0,1] y

Let us for the moment assume that the maximum in (3.41) is attained in theinterior so that, differentiating the expression within braces with respect to cone gets

cY-'xY = xJ'(x),or,

c*(x) = 1 (J'(x))' icy -1) . (3.42)x

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Since the function within braces in (3.41) is strictly concave it follows that (3.42)is the unique maximum, provided it lies in (0, 1). Substituting (3.42) in (3.41)one gets

262x2)„(.x) + SxJ'(x) — \

I — Y/


— ßJ(x) = 0. (3.43)Y/

Try the "trial solution”J(x) = dxv. (3.44)

Then (3.43) becomes, as x 1 is a factor in (3.43),

a 2 dy(v — I) + döy — (1 — I I (dv)rrw -1) — ßd = 0, (3.45)vl


1 1 —y 1-vd = -- - (3.46)

v ß + .a 2 v(l — y) — ay

Hence, from (3.42), (3.44), and (3.46),

c* := c* (x) = (yd) ii^ 1 v^ = ß +±

7 2 Y( 1=r ) — SY . (3.47)

I —y

Thus c*(x) is independent of x. Of course one needs to assume here that thisconstant is positive, since a zero value leads to the minimum expected discountedreward zero. Hence,

ß + a 2 y(1 — y) — by > 0. (3.48)

For feasibility, one must also require that c* < 1; i.e., if the expression on theextreme right in (3.47) is greater than 1, then the maximum in (3.41) isattained always at c* = 1 (Exercise 5). Therefore,

c* = max {1, d' }, (3.49)

where d' is the extreme right side of (3.47). We have arrived at the following.

Proposition 3.3. Assume 6 > land (3.48). Then the control c*(•) = min{ 1, d'}is optimal in the class of all continuously differentiable controls.

Proof. It has been shown above that c*(. ) is the unique solution to the dynamicprogramming equation (3.38) with J = J`* . Let c(•) be any continuouslydifferentiable control. Then it is simple to check (see Exercise 6) that

ßJ` ( )(x) = r(x, c(x)) + Ac( - ) jc(. '(x). (3.50)

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Using (3.38) with J = J one then has for the function

h(x) := J(x) — J` ( ' )(x), (3.51)

the inequality

ßh(x) = r(x, c*) + A,.J(x) — {r(x, c(x)) + AC( . ) J` ( ' ) (x)}

r(x, c(x)) + AC( . ) J(x) — {r(x, c(x)) + AC( . ) J` ( ' )(x)} = AC( . ) h(x), (3.52)


g(x) := (ß — A C( . ) )h(x) >, 0. (3.53)

Since the nonnegative function

hi(x):= EX )(J e ßsg(XS)ds), (3.54)


satisfies the equation (Exercise 6)

(ß — A«.^)h1(x) = g(x), (3.55)

one has, assuming uniqueness of the solution to (3.55) (see theoretical

complement 3), h(x) = h l (x). Therefore, h(x) >, 0. n

Under the optimal policy c* the growth of the capital (or stock) X, is thatof a diffusion on (0, co) with drift and diffusion coefficients

µ(x):= (ö — c*)x, u'(x):= u 2 x2 . (3.56)

By a change of variables (see Example 3.1 of Chapter V), the process{ Y := log X} is a Brownian motion on O' with drift 6 — c* — ZQ Z and diffusioncoefficient a'. Thus, {X,} is a geometric Brownian motion.


On a probability space (S2, .`, P) an increasing sequence {.: n >, 0} of sub-sigmafields of are given. For example, one may have 3„ = a{Xo , X1 , ... , X„},where {X„} is a sequence of random variables. Also given are real-valuedintegrable random variables {Y,,: n > 0}, Y„ being .-measurable. The objectiveis to find a {}-stopping time r,*„ that minimizes EYT in the class ✓ , of all{.y„}-stopping times T < m. One may think of Y„ as the loss incurred by stoppingat time n, and m as the maximum number of observations allowed.

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This problem is solved by backward recursion in much the same way as thefinite-horizon dynamic programming problem was solved in Section 1.

We first give a somewhat heuristic derivation of rm. If S = . . . ‚. , X„}(n >, 0), and X0 , X 1 ,. . . , Xm _ 1 have been observed, then by stopping at timem — 1 the loss incurred would be Ym _ 1 . On the other hand, if one decided tocontinue sampling then the loss would be Ym . But Ym is not known yet, sinceXm has not been observed at the time the decision is made to stop or not tostop sampling. The (conditional) expected value of Ym , given X0, ... , Xm_1,must then be compared to Ym _ 1 . In other words, rm is given, on the set{im >,m— l}, by

2* _Im — 1 if Ym_1 < E(Ym I °Fm-1 ), (4.1 )m m if Ym -1 > E(Ym I `gym -1)•

As a consequence of such a stopping rule, one's expected loss, given{X0 ,...,Xm — I },is

Vm _, :=min{Ym _ 1 , E(Ym I `gym -1)} on {t, >, m — 1 }. (4.2)

Similarly, suppose one has already observed Xo , X1 , ... , Xm _ 2 (so thatr m — 2). Then one should continue sampling only if Ym _ 2 is greater thanthe conditional expectation (given {X0 , . .. , Xm _ 2 }) of the loss that would resultfrom continued sampling. That is,

T m — 2 if Ym -2 < E(Vm -1 I .m-2), (4.3)m> m — I if Ym -2 > E( Vm -t I'Fm -2) on {Tm i m — 2 }.

The conditional expected loss, given {Xo , ... , Xm _ 2 }, is then

Vm - 2 :=min{Ym _ 2 , E(Vm -1 I'm -2)} on {t„, i m — 2 }. (4.4)

Proceeding backward in this manner one finally arrives at

0 if Yo ` E(V1 I .Fo),(4.5)

m >1 ifYo>E(Vil^o) on{t0} =52.

The conditional expectation of the loss, given .moo , is then

Vo := min{ Yo , E(V1 )} . (4.6)

More precisely, V, are defined by backward recursion,

Vm :=Ym , Vj:=min{Y^,E(Vj 1 I.3j)} (j = m-1,m-2,...,0), (4.7)

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and the stopping time Tm is defined by

r:= min{ j: 0 < j < m, }, = Vj}. (4.8)

Although the optimality of im is intuitively clear, a formal proof is worthwhile.First we need the following extension of the Optional Stopping Theorem(Chapter I, Theorem 13.3). A sequence {S S : j >, 0} is an {.9j}-submartingale ifE(SS I .Fj _,) > SS _ 1 a.s. for all j >, 1.

Theorem 4.1. (Optional Stopping Theorem for Submartingales). Let {S; : j > 0}be an {.}-submartingale, r a stopping time such that (i) P(r < cc) = 1, (ii)E^SZC < oc, and (iii) limn . E(S,„l {t>m) ) = 0. Then

EST >, ESo ,

with equality in the case {SS} is a {3}-martingale.

Proof. The proof is almost the same as that of Theorem 13.1 of Chapter I ifwe write XX := SS — SJ _ 1 (j >, 1), X0 = Sp, and note that E(XX I .9j _ 1 ) 0 andaccordingly change (13.8) of Chapter Ito

E(Xjlj)) = E[ 1 {r j)E(Xj ( . _ 1)] % 0 ,

and replace the equalities in (13.9) and (13.11) by the corresponding inequalities.n

The main theorem of this section may be proved now. Theorem 4.1 is neededfor the proof of part (c), and we use it only for r <, m.

Theorem 4.2. (a) The sequence {l': 0 < j < m} is an {$ ;}-submartingale.(b) The sequence { Vrm „ j : 0 <, j < m} is an {S%}-martingale. (c) One has

E(Y,) > E(V0 ) VT E $„ E(Y.) = E(VO ). (4.9)

That is, r is optimal in the class ✓,,,.

Proof (a) By (4.7), V < E( +1

(b) Let Z be an arbitrary F;-measurable bounded real-valued randomvariable. We need to prove (see Chapter 0, relation (4.14))

E(ZVV.Ai)=E(ZV.A(J +i)) (0<j'<m— 1). (4.10)

For this, write

E(ZV,. ,i) = E(ZV,. , j 1 (,,J;) + E(ZVL,AJl1, >J))

= E(Zl' A j I (rm , j) ) + E(ZVV l st,, > J) ). (4.11)

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But, on {tm >j}, Vj = E(VJ+ , I S). Also, {rm >j} E Ft . Therefore,

E(ZVjl {t., >i}) = E(Zllr.,>J}E(V; +i I ,;))

= E(ZV, + , i{T ,>i)) = E(ZV^n,A(J+1)l1t,,>i}). (4.12)

Using (4.12) in (4.11) one gets (4.10), since zm A j = A (j + 1) on {r j }.(c) Let r E .9,,. Since YY >, V^ for all j (see (4.7)), one has Yt , V. By (4.7),

Theorem 4.1, and the submartingale property of {Vj} it now follows that

E(Y,) >, E(VT ) > E(V0 ). (4.13)

This gives the first relation in (4.9). The second relation in (4.9) follows by themartingale property of { Vtm „ J} (and Theorem 4.1). Note YL^, = V^.,. n

In the minimization of EYt over .9 , Y„ need not be .-measurable. In suchcases one may replace Y„ by E( Y„ .) = U„, say, and note that, for every t C-

m m m

E(Y) _ I E(Y.iItT=1)) = I E[E(Yi 1 J^=jJ I j)] = Z_ E[ 1 1t=r)UJ) = EUt .J= 0 l=0 J=0

Hence the minimization of EYE reduces to the minimization of EUr over .%,,,.Also, instead of minimization one could as easily maximize EYT over .9,„.

Simply replace min by max in (4.7), and replace ">," by "<," in (4.9). This isthe case in the following example, in which the indexing of the random variablesand sigmafields starts at j = I (instead of j = 0).

Example 1. (The Secretary Problem or the Search for the Best). Let m> 1labels carrying m distinct numbers be in a box. A person takes out one labelat a time at random, observes the number on it and sets it aside before thenext draw. This continues until he stops after the rth draw. The objective is tomaximize the probability that this rth number is the maximum M in the box.Thus, if Wj = 1 or 0 according as the jth number X; drawn is the maximum ornot, one would like to maximize EW over the class ✓ of all stopping timesr(<, m) relative to the sigmafields .Fj := a{X I , ... , X3}, I <, j '< m.

Define the .F; -measurable random variables

Y`=E(WiI.Fi)=P(XX=MI ). (4.14)

If XX is the maximum, say Ml, among X 1 ,. . . , XX , then the condition probability(given X,, ... , XX) that it is the maximum in the whole box is j/m; if X3 < MM

then of course this conditional probability is zero. Therefore,

jY = m l(x;=Mj1' (4.15)

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Also, for every z e .9 , as explained above,

m m m

EYT = E(Y;lt i}) _ E[E(Wi I X1) 1 1 , =i}] _ E[E( 1 tt=i} 14 I $5)]=1 i =1 i =1

m_ E(I t== Wj) = E.


Hence the maximum of EWt over 9-m is also the maximum of EYt over ✓m . Inorder to use Theorem 4.2 with min replaced by max in (4.7) and ">" replacedby "<," in (4.9), we need to calculate Vj (1 < j < m). Now Vm = Ym and (seeEq. 4.15)

E(YmI' m-1 )= m P(Xm=MmI^m 1 )= 1 (Mm =M).

m m

Since (m — 1)/m > 1/m, it then follows that

J 1 m-1 1Vm -i °=max {Ym-1 , E(Ym I ^m-1) } = 1 {X Mm -i) + m 1 {X--i<M.,,- }


E( , I ^m 2) = m-1

P(Xm-1 = Mm-1 (gym-z) + 1— P(Xm - 1 < Mm-1 m-z)m m

m— 1 1 lm-2 m-2 1 1_ +— _ I +m m-1 mm-1 m (m-2 m-1


To evaluate

Vm-2'=max {Ym-2,E(Vm-1 m-2)}

note that if (m _2)_1 + (m — 1)' < 1 then (see Eqs. 4.14 and 4.16)

m-2 m-2(


1 1m zV = m 1txm-2M.-z}

m + m — 1 ltxm-2<n^m :} (4.17)

so that a calculation akin to (4.16) yields

E(m-3 1 1 1

V Im z m 3)= m m-3+m-2+m-1

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Assume, as a backward induction hypothesis, that

1 1 1J (4.18 )m j j+l m —I

for some j such that

a:= - + 1 + ... + 1 1. (4.19)

j j+1 m-1


V; •= max{ Y, E(V;+ 1 F;)} = max {m 1(x; =M; ) ' m ai}

I1 {x;=M;} + m= aj1jx;<M;},

and, since P(X; = M; 35- 1 ) = 1/j, it follows that

j-1 1 1 1 J-1E(Vj I. j -^)= +-+...+ = a;-^•

m j-1 j m-1 m

The induction is complete, i.e., (4.18) holds for all j >j', where

j*:=max{j:l <j<m,a; > 1 }. (4.20)

In other words, one gets

E(V 1 )=1-a for j* <, j < m . (4.21)m


V;. = max{, E(1'. 1 ;.)} = L a*, (4.22)m

since a;. > 1. In particular, V;. is nonrandom, which implies



which in turn leads to

j*V;• -^ = max {Y;.- 1 , E(Vi. I-)} = a;..


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Continuing in this manner one gets

V ; = L a;. for 1 < j < j*. (4.23)m

The optimal stopping rule is then given by (see Eq. 4.8)

i * _ min{ j:j>,j*+ 1,X; =M;}, if X; = M; for some j>,j*+1, (4.24)

m, if X; 9kM; forallj>,j*+1.

For, if j <j" then Yt < E(V;+ 1 Iy; ) = ( j*/m)a;.. On the other hand, if j >j'then aj < 1 so that (i) Y > E(Vj+1 ;) = ( j/m)aj on {XX = MM} and (ii)0= Y < E(V 1 I .yj) on {X, < M}.

SimplySimply stated, the optimal stopping rule is to draw j* observations and thencontinue sampling until an observation larger than all the preceding shows up(and if this does not happen, stop after the last observation has been drawn).The maximal probability of stopping at the maximum value is then

11 1E(V1 ) Vi m

- -+ j*+ 1 +...+m-1


Finally, note that, as m —► oo,

1 1 1a*=—+ +•••+ z1, (4.26)

' j* j* + 1 m — 1

where the difference between the two sides of the relation "z" goes to zero.This follows since j* must go to infinity (as the series (1/j) diverges and j*is defined by (4.20)) and a;. > 1, a;. + l < 1. Now,

l m 1 1 1a =,. iI . — dx = — log(j*/m). (4.27)m* J/m ,*/m

Combining (4.26) and (4.27) one gets

j*—logt .: 1, - « e ', (4.28)

m m

where the ratio of the two sides of "—" goes to one, as m --+ oo. Thus,

lim —=e, lim E(V1 )=e. (4.29)m- J m m-+co

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Suppose a company has an amount x of a commodity on stock at the beginningof a period. The problem is to determine the amount a of additional stock thatshould be ordered to meet a random demand W at the end of this period. Thecost of ordering a units is

if a = 0,(5.1)

K +ca ifa>0,

where K >, 0 is the reorder cost and c > 0 is the cost per unit. There is a holdingcost h > 0 per unit of stock left unsold, and a depletion cost d > 0 per unit ofunmet demand. Thus the expected total cost is

I(x, a):='(a) + L(x + a), (5.2)


L(y):= E(h max {0, y — W} + d max{0, W — y }). (5.3)

In this model x may be negative, but a > 0. The objective is to find, for eachx, the value a = f *(x) that minimizes (5.2).


EW<co, d >c>0, h >0. (5.4)

Consider the function G on R ,

G(y):= cy + L(y). (5.5)


G(x)—cx ifa =0,1 (x, a) = (5.6)

JG(x + a) + K — cx ifa>0.

Minimizing I(x, a) over a >, 0 is equivalent to minimizing I(x, a) + cx overa>,O,oroverx +a>,x. But


G(x) if a = 0,I(x, a) + cx = (5.7)+a)+K ifa>0.

Thus, the optimum a = f *(x) equals y*(x) — x, where y = y*(x) minimizes the

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function (on [x, oo))

G(Y; x) {G(x) if y = x,

G(y) + K if y> x,(5.8)

over y > x.Now the function y - L(y) is convex, since the functions y -+ max{0, y - w},

max{0, w - y} are convex for each w. Therefore, G(y) is convex. Clearly, G(y)goes to 0o as y -> oo. Also, for y < 0, G(y) > cy + djyl. Hence G(y) -+ oo asy -. - oo, as d > c > 0. Thus, G(y) has a minimum at y = S. say. Let s < S besuch that

G(s) = K + G(S). (5.9)

If K = 0, one may take s = S. If K > 0 then such ans < S exists, since G(y) --> o0

as y -- - oo and G is continuous. Observe also that G decreases on (- cc, S]and increases on (S, cc), by convexity. Therefore, for XE (-cc, s],G(x) > G(s) = K + G(S), and the minimum of G in (5.8) is attained aty = y*(x) = S. On the other hand, for x E (s, S],

G(x)<,G(s)=K+G(S)<K+G(y) for all y>x.

Therefore, y*(x) = x for XE (s, S]. Finally, if x e (S, oo) then G(x) < G(y) forall y > x, since G is increasing on (S, oc). Hence y*(x) = x for x E (S, oo).

Since f *(x) = y*(x) - x, we have proved the following.

Proposition 5.1. Assume (5.4). There exist two numbers s <, S such that theoptimal policy is to order

f*(x) _ S-x ifx<s,(5.10)to ifx>s.

The minimum cost function is

I(x) := I(x, f *(x)) = (g(f *(x)) + L(x + f *(x))

K+G(S)-cx ifx.s,(5.11)

G(x)-cx ifx>s.

Instead of fixed costs per unit for holding and depletion, one may assumethat L(y) is given by

L(y):= E(H(max{0, y - W}) + D(max{0, W - y})). (5.12)

Here H and D are convex and increasing on [0, co), H(0) = 0 = D(0). The

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assumption (5.4) may now be relaxed to

L(y) < oo for all y, lim (cx + L(x)) > K + cS + L(S), (5.13)X - - -

where S is a point where G is minimum.Next consider an (N + 1)-period dynamic inventory problem. If the initial

stock is x = X0 (state) and a = a0 units (action) are ordered, then the expectedtotal cost in period 0 is

g0 (x, a):= E(4'(a) + h max{0, x + a — W1 } + d max {0, W1 — x — a}) = I(x, a).(5.14)

We denote by W1 , W2 ,.. . , W^ i.i.d. random demands arising at the end ofperiods 0, 1, . .. , N — 1. Assumption (5.4) is still in force with W a genericrandom variable having the same distribution as the W. The state X 1 in periodI is given by X 1 = x + a — W1 = X0 + a o — W1 and in general

Xk = Xk- l + ak-, — Wk (5.15)

where Xk - 1 is the state in period k — 1, and a k _ is the action taken in thatperiod. Thus, the transition probability law p(dz; x, a) is the distribution ofx + z — W. The conditional expectation of the cost for period k, given Xk _, = x,ak -1 =a, is

gk(x, a)'= 5 k l(x, a) (k = 0, 1, ... , N), (5.16)

where ö is the discount factor, 0 < 6 < oo. The objective is to minimize the total(N + 1)-period expected discounted cost


JX °= EX ak I (Xk, ak), (5.17)k=0

over all policies f = (f, f', ... 'f).By Theorem 1.2 (changing max to min), an optimal policy is

f = (f ö, f *, ... , f N), which is Markovian and is given by backward recursion(see Eqs. 1.11 - 1.14). In other words, f N is given by (5.10),

fN(X)= S—x ifX<S,

(5.18)0 ifx>S,

and f (0 < k < N — 1) are given recursively by (1.14). Let us determine f N _i.For this one minimizes

gN_ 1(x, a) + EhN(x + a — W), (5.19)

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where 8N,- 1 is given by (5.16) and hN,(x) is the minimum of g,(x, a) = S"I(x, a),i.e., (see Eq. 5.11)

hN(x) = Ö NI(x).

Thus, (5.19) becomes

6' -1 [I(x,a)+6EI(x+a—W)], (5.20)

and its minimization is equivalent to that of

IN _ l (x,a):=I(x,a)+6E1(x+a— W). (5.21)


GN -1(Y) °= cy + L(y) + 6E1(y•— W). (5.22)

Then (see the analogous relations (5.5)-(5.8)),

I N - i (x, a) + cx = fG,-,(xGN -i(x) if a = 0,

(5.23)+a)+K ifa>0.

Hence, the minimization of IN _ 1 (x, a) over a >, 0 is equivalent to theminimization of the function (on [x, oo)),

GN -l(X) ify=x,GN -,(Y; x) _ (5.24)

tGN-1(Y) + K ify>x,

over y >, x. The corresponding points f _ 1 (x), yN _ 1 (x), where these minimaare achieved, are related by

J N -1 \x) = YN-I(X) - X. (5.25)

The main difficulty in extending the one-period argument here is that thefunction GN - 1 is not in general convex, since I is not in general convex. Indeed(see (5.11)), to the left of the point s it is linear with a slope —c, while theright-hand derivative at s is G'(s) — c < —c since G'(s) <0 if K > 0. One caneasily check now that I is not convex, if K > 0.

It may be shown, however, that GN _ I is K-convex in the following sense.

Definition 5.1. Let K >, 0. A function g on an interval.! is said to be K-convexif, for all y l < Y2 <J'3 in

K + 9(Y3) 9(Y2) + Ya — Y2

(9(Y2) — 9(Y1)). (5.26)Y2 — Yi

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Thus 0-convexity is the same as convexity, and a convex function is K-convexfor all K > 0.

We will show a little later that

(i) GN _ 1 is K-convex on V^ 1 ,

(ii) GN -1(Y) -* cc as IYI --> oo.

Assuming (i), (ii), we now prove the existence of two numbers SN _ I SN _ 1

such that


SN -1 ifx,SN -1 (5.27)YN 1(X)'- 1f X > SN-1+

minimizes GN _ 1 (y; x) over the interval [x, cc). For this let SN _ 1 be a pointwhere GN _ , attains its minimum value, and let SN _ 1 be the smallest number

SN _ 1 such that

GN-I(SN-1) = K + GN-1(SN -1)- (5.28)

Such a number SN _, exists, since GN _ 1 is continuous and GN _ I (x) -• co asx-* -cc.

Now GN _ 1 is decreasing on (-cc ; SN - I ]. To see this, let y, < Y2 < SN _ 1 andapply (5.26) with y, =

SN -1 — Y2 /K + GN- I (SN- 1) > G_1(y2) + -- (


GN- I (Y2) — GN- 1 (YI )). (5.29)

Y2 — YI

Also, GN _ I (y2 ) > K + GN _ 1 (SN _ 1 ), since Y 2 <5N- , and (5.28) holds for thesmallest possible 5N _ 1 • Using this in (5.29), one gets

/K + GN-1 (SN-1 ) > K + GN-I(SN -1) + ----- -- /(GN-I(Y2) — GN-1(Y1)) ,

Y2 — Y1

so that GN _ I (y2) < GN _ I (y l ). Therefore, if x -< sN _ 1, then GN _ , (x) > GN _ I (SN) _GN_ 1 (SN_ 1 ) + K and,forally> x , GN_1(y;x)=GN_1(y)+K^GN_1(SN_I) +K.Hence, the minimum of 6N -,(-; x) on [x, oo) is attained at y = 5N-1' provingthe first half of (5.27). In order to prove the second half of (5.27) it is enoughto show that

GN-I(x)<GN - I(Y) +K =GN-I(Y;x) ifSN - I ^x<y. (5.30)

If S N _ I <x 1< SN _ I then by (5.28) and K-convexity,

GN-I(sN-1) = K + GN-1(SN -1) i GN-1(x) + SN--1 x (GN -,(x) — GN-1(sN -1)) ,

X — SN -1

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SN -1 — SN-1 SN-1 —SN-1 /GN-1(SN-1) > GN -l(x),

X — SN- 1 X — SN _ 1

i.e., GN_l(x) <- GN-I(SN-1) = GN-1(SN-1) + K < GN_1(y) + K for all y. Since(5.30) clearly holds for x = s N _ 1 , it remains to prove it in the case S N _ 1 <x < y.By K-convexity one has

/ x /K + GN -1(Y) i GN -1(x) + (

/ GN-1(


x) — GN-,(SN-1))•X — SN-1

Thus (5.30) is proved, establishing the second half of (5.27).Finally, let us show that GN _ 1 is K-convex. Recall (see Eqs. 5.22, 5.5) that

G_ 1 (y) = G(y) + SE1(y — W)


Since the function G is convex (i.e., 0-convex), it is enough to prove that I isK-convex. For it is easy to check from the definition, on taking expectations,that the K-convexity of I implies that of y --+ EI (y — W). It is also easy toshow that if J1 is K 1 -convex, J2 is K 2-convex for some K 1 >, 0, K 2 > 0, thenS 1 J1 + S 2J2 is (a 1 K 1 + 5 2 K 2 )-convex for all S 0, 6 2 >, 0. For positive S itnow follows from (5.31) that GN _ 1 is K-convex if I is K-convex. Recall thedefinition of I (see Eq. 5.11),

K+G(S)—cx ifx<s,

1 (x) __ (5.32) ifx>s. ( )

We want to show

K + 1(x 3 ) > 1(x 2 ) + X3 — X2 (1(x 2 ) — 1(x 1 )) for all x 1 <x 2 <x 3 . (5.33)x2 — x1

If x 3 -< s, then linearity of I in (— oo, s] implies convexity and, therefore,K-convexity in (— co, s]. Similarly, if x 1 > s, (5.33) is trivially true sinceG(x) — cx is convex, and, therefore, K-convex. Consider then x 1 <s <x 3 .Distinguish two cases.

CASE I. x 1 <s <x 2 . In this case (5.33) is equivalent to

K+G(x 3 )— cx 3 >G(x 2 )— cx 2 + X3—X2 (G(x 2 )— cx 2 — K—G(S)+cx 1 ).x2 — X1

(5.34)Canceling cx ; (i = 1, 2, 3) from both sides and recalling that K + G(S) = G(s),

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(5.34) becomes equivalent to

K + G(x 3 ) >, G(x 2 ) + X3 — X2 (G(x 2 ) — G(s)). (5.35)x 2 — x 1

If G(x 2 ) >, G(s), then the right side of (5.35) is no more than

G(x2) + X3 — X2

(G(x2) — G(s)),x2 — s

which is no more than G(x 3 ) by convexity of G. Hence (5.35) holds. SupposeG(x 2 ) < G(s). The left side of (5.35) is no less than K + G(S) = G(s), and (5.35)will be proved if it holds with the left side replaced by G(s), i.e., if

G(s) > G(x 2 ) + x3 — x2 (G(x 2 ) — G(s)). (5.36)x 2 — x 1

By simple algebra, (5.36) is equivalent to G(s) >, G(x 2 ), which has been assumedto be the case.

CASE 1I. x 1 < x 2 - s < x 3 . In this case (5.33) is equivalent to

K + G(x3) — cx3 > K + G(S) — cx2 + x3 — X2

( — cx2 + cx l )x2 — x 1

= K + G(S) — cx 3 ,

which is obviously true.Thus, I is K-convex, so that GN _, is K-convex, and the proof of (5.27) is

complete.The minimum value of (5.19), or (5.20), is


where (see Eqs. 5.23, 5.25, 5.27)

K +GN _,(SN _,)—cx ifx sN _ 1 ,Ix -,(x) = min IN -,(x, a) _ (5.38)a>- 0 G,^_,(x)—cx ifx>sN_1.

The equation for the determination of f_2 is then (see Eq. 1.14)

min [6N-21(x, a) + 6N- 'EIN _ ,(x + a — W)]a ?o

= 6N-2 min [I(x, a) + 6EIN _ I (x + a — W)]. (5.39)n3o

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This problem is mathematically equivalent to the one just considered since(5.32) and (5.38) are of the same structure, except for the fact that G is convexand G, -1 is K-convex. But only K-convexity of G was used in the proof ofK-convexity of I(x). Proceeding iteratively, we arrive at the following.

Proposition 5.2. Assume (5.4). Then there exists an optimal Markovian policyf* _ (f ö, ... , f *) of the (S, s) type for the (N + 1)-period dynamic inventorymodel, i.e., there exist Sk < Sk (k = 0, 1, . .. , N) such that during period k it isoptimal to order Sk — x if the stock x is < s k , and to order nothing if x > Sk.Also sk <Sk for all kifK>0, and sk =Sk ifK=0.

Finally, consider the infinite-horizon problem of minimizing, for a given b,0<8<1,

XJx := Ex b k l (Xk, ak), (5.40)


over the class of all (measurable) policies f = (fo , f1 , ...). Write this infimum as

Jx := inf JX. (5.41)

To show that Jx is finite, consider the policy f° := (0, 0, ...), i.e., the stationarypolicy that orders zero in every period. It is straightforward to check that

EX°1(Xk , ak ) < (h + d)Ex°(IXk-l) + Wk ) = (h + d)(EX°IXk-11 + EW), (5.42)

where { Wk } is an i.i.d. sequence, Wk having the same distribution as W consideredbefore. Also, for each k, Wk is independent of X0 ,. .. , Xk _ , . Now,

EX° IXkI = Ex° IXk_ I — Wkl < EW + Ez° IXk _ 11,

and iterating one gets

Es°I XkI <, kEW + Ixl. (5.43)

Substituting (5.43) in (5.42), (5.40) one gets

(h + d)EW (h + d)IxlJX + <co. (5.44)

(1 — S) 2 1 S

Hence Jx < oo. The dynamic programming equation (2.14) becomes

Jx = min {I(x, a) + 6E(Jx+a _ w )}. (5.45)a^0

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We will assume K = 0. Now the (N + 1 )-period optimal costs (T"0)(x) areincreasing with N. Since these costs are convex, the limit J. is also easily seento be convex and, in particular, continuous. It follows that the convergence of

I(x, a) + SE(T "0)(x + a — W) (5.46)

to the expression within braces in (5.45) with J = J. is uniform on compactsubsets of x and a, at least if W is bounded,

P(0. W'< M) = I for some M < oo. (5.47)

The dynamic programming equation, therefore, holds for J,x . This also impliesthat the convex function

G(y)L=G(y) + BEJY _ W = cy + L(y) + 5EJJ _ W (5.48)

goes to infinity as yl —• oo. Thus, by the same argument as above, an optimalpolicy exists with S = s. We have the following.

Proposition 5.3. Assume (5.4) and (5.47). Let K = 0, 0 < S < 1.

(a) Then the dynamic programming equation (5.45) holds for the minimumcost J. in the infinite-horizon discounted dynamic programming problem.

(b) There exists a stationary optimal policy f* = ( f *, f *,_...) such thata = f *(x) minimizes the right-hand side of (5.45) with Jx = J, and f*

is given by

_f *(x)

S—x ifx'<S,

0 if x > S.

Here S is the point where the function (5.48) attains its minimum.


Exercises for Section VIA

Consider the following inventory control problem. Let the possible amounts of acommodity that a business can stock be 0, 1, 2 (states). In each period k = 0, 1, 2(N = 2) the stock is replenished by ordering 0, 1, or 2 units (actions), but not morethan 2 units can be stored. There is a random demand that arises at the end of eachperiod, demands over different periods being independent of each other and identicallydistributed. The possible values of demand are 0, 1, 2, which occur with probabilities0.2, 0.5, and 0.3, respectively. Thus the transition probability p(z; x, a) is thedistribution of max {0, z + a — W} A 2, where W is the random demand. Find anoptimal policy to minimize the total expected cost if in each period the cost is thesum of (a) the cost of ordering a units at the rate of $1 per unit, (b) the cost of storing

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the excess supply max{0, x + a — W} at the rate of $1 per unit, and (c) a penalty of$1 per unit for excess demand max{0, W — x — a}.

2. (Taxicab Operation) The area of operation of a cab driver comprises three towns,Ti, T2 , T3 (states). To get a fare, the driver may follow one of three courses (actions):pull over and wait for a radio call (a 1 ), go to the nearest taxi stand and wait in line(a 2 ), or go on cruising until hailed by a passenger (a 3 ). The action a, is not availableif the driver is in town T,, as there is no radio service in this town. There is a knownprobability p(T; ; Ti , a,) that the next trip will be to town T;, if the cab is in town T•and follows the course of action a,. The corresponding reward is g(T, ak , T).(i) Write down the backward recursion relations for maximizing the total expected

reward over a finite horizon.(ii) Find the optimal policy for the case N = 2, if the transition probabilities and

rewards are as follows:

State Action Probability of Reward if trip istransition to state to state

T1 T2 T3 TI T2 T3

Ti a2 2 0 2 2 0 4



14 4 2 4

T2 ali4


14 2 2 4

a 2 14


12 2 4 2



14 2 2 2

T3 a, t 14 12 4 4 2az



14 2 2 2



12 2 4 2

3. Prove Theorem 1.3 along the lines of the proof of Theorem 1.2.

Exercises for Section VI.2

1, Suppose S = {x,, x z , ...} is countable and A is a compact metric space. For eachE e (0, b) let {f: k = 0,1, ...} be a sequence of functions on S into A.

(i) Show that there exists a sequence E, j 0 such that f 0-(x l ) converges to somepoint fö(x l ), say, in A. [Hint: A is a compact metric space.]

(ii) Show that there exists a subsequence {E,,, 2 : n = 1, 2, ...} of {E„ : n = 1, 2, ...}such that f ö 2 (x z ) converges to some point f(x2) in A.

(iii) Having constructed {E 1 : n = 1, 2, ...} in this manner find a subsequencen = 1, 2, ...} of {: n = 1, 2, ...} such that f " (x;+ ,) converges to

some point f ö(x;+ , ), say.(iv) Define S;p = E.,,, and show that f ö^•°(xj) - f ö(xj) for allj = 1, 2, ... , as n — co.(v) Use (i)—(iv) to find a subsequence {8,.,: n >, 1} of {8 0} such that fa^•'(x)

converges to f (x), say, for every x e S, as n —+ oo.(vi) Proceeding in this manner find a subsequence { ° . k + 1 : n l} c {8,,, k : n > l}

such that f k^ k(x) -- f k (x), say, for every x e S.

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(vii) Let 6, := 8 . Show that f k"(x) - f (x) for every k >_ 0 and every x e S, asn -* oo.

2. Let the elements of a finite set S be labeled 1, 2, ... , m.

(i) Show that the set B(S) of all real-valued functions on S may be identified with 1m,

and the "sup norm" on B(S) corresponds to the norm Ixl := max {Ix°' ) I: I _< i <_ m}on p'".

(ii) Let T be a (strict) contraction on S, i.e., IITf — Tg <6111 — gll for some6 e [0, 1). Show that this may be viewed as a contraction, also denoted T, on68",i.e.,ITx—TyI Ix — yl.

(iii) Show that T"O converges to a point, say x*, in S. [Hint: {TO: n >_ l} is aCauchy sequence in l8'".]

(iv) Show that Tx* = x*.(v) Show that T"y x* whatever be ye p'". [Hint: If 7'x* = x *, Ty* = y*, then

x* = y*•]

3. Write out the dynamic programming equation for the optimal infinite-horizondiscounted reward version of part (i) of the taxicab operation problem described inExample 1.2.

4. (i) Prove Theorem 2.3.(ii) Under the hypothesis of Theorem 2.3 show that (T"O)(x) is the N -stage optimal

reward, where T is defined by (2.15).

Exercises for Section VI.3

1. Suppose {X} is a diffusion on Oa k \G with absorption at OG, starting at x äG. Givean argument analogous to that given in Exercise 3.5 of Chapter V to prove thatP:(taG _< t) = o(t), as t f, 0.

2. Check (3.8).

3. Check (3.13).

4. Show that the probability that the diffusion with coefficients (3.40), with c replacedby c(x) (continuously differentiable) ever reaches 0, starting at x > 0, is zero.

5. Suppose that the expression on the extreme right in (3.47) is greater than or equalto 1, then the maximum in (3.41) is attained at c* = 1. [Hint: c = 0 gives a minimum,and the function is strictly concave on [0, 1].]

6. Suppose {X,} is a diffusion on (a, b) with infinitesimal generator A = 262 (x) d 2/dx 2 +µ(x) d/dx. Let f be in the domain of A, i.e., (T, f — ,r)/t -* Af as t j 0. Prove that thefunction g(x):= Ex f ö e - ßs(Ts f )(x) ds satisfies the resolvent equation: (/3 — A)g(x) _f(x). [Hint: (T,g)(x) = e°`9(x) — efl' fo e -vs(Tsf)(x) ds.]


Theoretical Complements to Section VI.I

1. (Extensions to More General State Spaces: Finite-Horizon Case) Let S be a completeseparable metric space, A a compact metric space, g,,, (0 _< k _< N) continuous

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real-valued functions on S x A, p(dz; z, a) weakly continuous on S x A into f(S),where e(S) is the set of all probability measures on the Borel sigmafield of S. Thenthe maxima in (1.11), (1.13), and (1.14) are attained, and the maximal functions hk

are continuous on S. Since there may not be a unique point in A where (1.14) ismaximized, one needs to use a measurable selection theorem to obtain measurablefunctions f N, f N_ 1 , ... , f ö on S into A in order to define a Markovian policyf* _ (f ö, f *, ... , f N). A proof of the existence of measurable selections may be foundin A. Maitra (1968), "Discounted Dynamic Programming on Compact MetricSpaces," Sankhyä, Ser. A, 30, pp. 211-216. The proof of optimality remainsunchanged.

The above assumptions can be further relaxed. Assume (A):

1. S is a nonempty Borel subset of a complete separable metric space.

2. A is a nonempty compact metric space.3. gk (k = 0, 1, .. . , N) are bounded upper semicontinuous real-valued functions on

S x A.4. p(dz; x, a) is weakly continuous on S x A into f(S).

Under (A) the following hold:

(i) hN (x) 2= SUPQEA gs,(x, a) is attained (i.e., h N (x) = gN (x, aN(x)) for some aN (x) e A)and is upper semicontinuous on S.

(ii) Given that hk +l is upper semicontinuous on S:(a) The function (x, a) —. f hk+ 1(z)p(dz; x, a) is upper semicontinuous on S x A.(b) h k (x) = suq, EA {gk(x, a) + $ hk+ ,(z)p(dz; x, a)} is upper semicontinuous on S

(and the supremum is attained).(c) There is a Borel-measurable function f k on S into A such that

h&(x) = gk(x,fk(x)) + f hk+ 1(z)p(dz;x,f k(x)).

See, Maitra, loc. cit., for this generalization.Therefore, Proposition 1.1 and Theorem 1.2 go over under (A).

Theoretical Complements to Section VI.2

1. (Infinite-Horizon Discounted Problem) Consider the assumption (A'): Conditions(A) above, with (3) replaced by (3)': go is bounded and upper semicontinuous on S x A.

Theorem 2.2 holds under (A'). The proof goes over word for word if one takesB(S) to be the set of all real-valued bounded Borel measurable functions on S.

2. (Semi-Markov Models) All the results of Sections 1 and 2 have extensions tosemi-Markov models, which include, as special cases, the discrete-time models ofSections 1 and 2, as well as continuous-time jump Markov-type models. In order todescribe this extension let (1) the state space S be a Borel subset of a completeseparable metric space, (2) the action space A be compact metric; (3) a reward rater(x, a) be given, which is bounded and upper semicontinuous on S x A. (4) In addition,one is given the holding time distribution y(du; x, a) in state x when an action a istaken, and the probability distribution of transition p(dz; x, a) to a new state z from

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the present state x when an action a is taken; (x, a) -* y(du; x, a) and(x, a) - p(dz; x, a) are assumed to be weakly continuous.

A policy f is a sequence of functions f = (fo , f„ f2 , ...), where fo is a measurablefunction on S into A, f, is a measurable function on S x A x S into A, ... , fk is ameasurable function on (S x A)k x S into A. Given such a policy and an initial statex, an action f0 (x) is taken. Then the process remains in state x for a random timeTo having distribution y(du; x, f0 (x)). At the end of this time, the state changes to X,with distribution p(dz; x, fo(x)). Then an action a, = f1 (x, fo (x), X,) is taken. Theprocess remains in state X, for a random time T, having distribution y(du; X 1 , a s ),conditionally given X,. At the end of this period the state changes to X 2 havingdistribution p(dz; X,, a, ), conditionally given X 1 . This goes on indefinitely. Theexpected discounted reward under the policy is

Jx := EX I e - ß`r(Y, a,) dt0

where ß > 0 is the discount rate, Y is the state at time t, and a, is the action at timet. A policy f is (semi-)Markov if, for all k >- 1, f, depends only on the last coordinateamong its arguments, i.e., if fk is a function on S into A. Under such a policy, thestochastic process { },: t >- 0} is semi-Markov. In other words, although the embeddedprocess {Xk : k >- 0} is (nonhomogeneous) Markov having transition probabilityp(dz; x, fk _,(x)) at the kth step, and the holding times To, T,, ... are conditionallyindependent given {Xk : k >- 0}, the latter (conditional) distributions y(du; x, fk (x)) arenot in general exponential. Hence, { Y: t >- 0} is not Markov in general. A policyf =_ f ( °° ) is said to be stationary if it is (semi-)Markov and if fk = f for all k, wheref is a fixed Borel-measurable function on S into A. Under a mild additional assumptionthat (5) 6,(x, a):= f exp{ —ßu}y(du; x, a} is bounded away from 1, it may be shownthat the optimal discounted reward J, is the unique upper semicontinuous solution tothe dynamic programming equation

J. = max fr(x, a)T B(x, a) + SQ(x, a) J

Jz P(dz; x, a) }a

Here TQ(x, a):= (1 — Sß(X, a))/ß. In addition, there exists a Borel-measurable functionf * on S into A such that a = f *(x) maximizes the right side above. For each such f*the stationary policy f* is optimal. For details and references to the literature, seeR. N. Bhattacharya and M. Majumdar (1989), "Controlled Semi-Markov Models:The Discounted Case," J. Statist. Plan. Inference, 21, pp. 365-381. The followinglists only a few of the significant earlier works on the subject. R. Howard (1960),Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.;D. Blackwell (1965), "Discounted Dynamic Programming," Ann. Math. Statist., 36,pp. 226-235; A. Maitra (1968), loc. cit.; S. M. Ross (1970), "Average CostSemi-Markov Decision Processes," J. Appl. Probability, 7, pp. 656-659.

The dynamic programming equations of this chapter (for example, (2.14))originated in Bellman's pioneering work. See R. Bellman (1957), DynamicProgramming, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

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Theoretical Complements to Section VI.3

1. The policies that are shown in this section to be optimal in the class of all stationaryfeasible policies are actually optimal in a much larger class of policies, namely, theclass of all nonanticipative feasible policies, which may depend on the entire past.For details, see W. H. Fleming and R. W. Rishel (1975), Deterministic and StochasticOptimal Control, Springer-Verlag, New York, Chapters V and VI. Apart from sometechnical measurability problems, the ideas involved in this extension of the class offeasible policies are similar to those already considered in Sections 1 and 2.

2. Feller's construction of one-dimensional diffusions (see theoretical complement 2.3to Chapter V) allows discontinuous drift and diffusion coefficients. Hence, in Example1 one may allow all measurable functions v with values in [v s , v*]. This example isdue to M. Majumdar and R. Radner (1990), "Linear Models of Economic Survivalunder Production Uncertainty," Working Paper 427, Dept. Econ., Cornell University.Example 2 is a one-dimensional specialization of a result of R. C. Merton (1971),"Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model," J.Economic Theory, 3, pp. 373-413.

3. The uniqueness of the solution to (3.55) is a little difficult to check, since r(x, c) isunbounded as a function of x. One way to circumvent this problem is to fix T> 0and consider the problem of maximizing the discounted reward over the finite horizon[0, T]. This is carried out in Fleming and Rishel, loc. cit., pp. 160, 161. One maythen let T —* oo.

Theoretical Complement to Section VIA

1. A readable account of the general theory of optimal stopping rules in discrete timemay be found in Y. S. Chow, H. Robbins, and D. Siegmund (1971), Great Expectations:The Theory of Optimal Stopping, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.

Theoretical Complement to Section YES

The chapter application is based on H. Scarf (1960), "The Optimality of (S, s) Policiesin the Dynamic Inventory Problem," Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences,Stanford University Press, Stanford, pp. 96-202.

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An Introduction to StochasticDifferential Equations


A diffusion {X,} on R' may be thought of as a Markov process that is locallylike a Brownian motion. That is, in some sense the following relation holds,

dX, = µ(X,) dt + a(X,) dB„ (1.1)

where /1(.), a(.) are given functions on ll ', and {B,} is a standardone-dimensional Brownian motion. In other words, conditionally given{X5 : 0 < s < t}, in a small time interval (t, t + dt] the displacementdx, := X, +d, — X, is approximately the Gaussian random variable u(X,) dt +

— B,), having mean µ(X,) dt and variance 62 (X,) dt. Observe,however, that (1.1) cannot be regarded as an ordinary differential equation suchas dX,/dt = µ(X,) + o (X,) dB,/dt. For, outside a set of probability 0, a Brownianpath is nowhere differentiable (Exercise 1; or see Exercises 7.8, 9.3 of Chapter I).The precise sense in which (1.1) is true, and may be solved to construct adiffusion with coefficients p(•), a 2 (.), is described in this section and the next.

The present section is devoted to the definition of the integral version of (1.1):

X,=x+£m(Xx)ds +5 a(X)dB. (1.2)0 0

The first integral is an ordinary Riemann integral, which is defined if t(.) iscontinuous and s —• Xs is continuous. But the second integral cannot be definedas a Riemann—Stieltjes integral, as the Brownian paths are of unboundedvariation on [0, t] for every t > 0 (Exercise 1). On the other hand, for a constant


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function o(x) - a, the second integral has the obvious meaning as a(B, — Bo ),so that (1.2) becomes

X,=x +£u(X,)ds+a(B,—B o ). (1.3)0

It turns out that (1.3) may be solved, more or less by Picard's well-knownmethod of iteration for ordinary differential equations, if µ(x) is Lipschitzian(Exercise 2). This definition of the (stochastic) integral with respect to theBrownian increments dB, easily extends to the case of an integrand that is astep function. In order that {X} may have the Markov property, it is necessaryto restrict attention to step functions that do not anticipate the futute. Thismotivates the following development.

Let (S2, F, P) be a probability space on which a standard one-dimensionalBrownian motion {B,: t > 0} is defined. Suppose { : t >, 0} is an increasingfamily of sub-sigmafields of F such that

(i) B. is 3-measurable (s >, 0),(1.4)

(ii) {B, — Bs : t >, s} is independent of (events in) .;s (s > 0).

For example, one may take .y, = a {B.,: 0 < s < t}. This is the smallest .01, onemay take in view of (i). Often it is important to take larger A. As an example,let SZ = a[{Bs : 0 < s < t}, {Zz : A E A}], where {Z2 : A E A} is a family of randomvariables independent of {B,: t >, 0}. For technical convenience, also assumethat .F„ F are P-complete, i.e., if N e .y, and P(N) = 0, then all subsets of Nare in Wit : this can easily be ensured (theoretical complement 1).

Next fix two time points 0 <, a < ß < oc. A real-valued stochastic process{ f (t): a < t < ß} is said to be a nonanticipative step functional on [a, ß] if thereexists a finite set of time points to = a < t, < • • • < t,„ = ß and random variablesf (0 < i < m) such that

(i) f is .F,,-measurable (0 < i < m),

(ii) f (t) = f for t, < t < t ; + , (O <, i < m — 1), f (ß) = f,.(1.5)

Definition 1.1. The stochastic integral, or the Ito integral, of the nonanticipativestep functional f = { f(t): a < t < ß} in (1.5) is the stochastic process

I ` f(s) dBs := f(to)(B, — B10 ) ° .f(a)(B, — Ba ) for t E [a, t,],


f(ti- 1 )(B,. — B,; ) + i(t1)(B, — B1,) for t e (ti, ti+ ],


(a<t<ß). (1.6)

Observe that the Riemann-type sum (1.6) is obtained by taking the value ofthe integrand at the left endpoint of a time interval (t,_,, ti]. As a consequence,

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for each t E [a, ß] the Ito integral ca f(s) dB., is .9i measurable, i.e., it isnonanticipative. Some other important properties of this integral are containedin the proposition below.

Proposition 1.1

(a) If f is a nonanticipative step functional on [a, ß], then t —^ f f(s) dB, iscontinuous for every w n S2; it is also additive, i.e.,

f "

'f(u)dB„+ j f(u)dB„= J " f(u)dB., (a<'s<t<'ß). (1.7) s a

(b) If f, g are nonanticipative step functionals on [a, ß], then

J (f(s) + g(s)) dB5 = J f(s) dB,, + g(s) dB,,. (1.8)a a a

(c) Suppose f is a nonanticipative step functional on [a, ß] such that

E J R f 2 (t) dB, = J ß (Ef 2 (t)) dt < oo. (1.9)a a

Then {$f(s) dB 5 : a < t ß} is a square integrable {S,}-martingale, i.e.,

E(JrI f(u)dB )= f , f (u) dB. (a'<s<t<ß). (1.10)

a a


E (f f(s)dB,)2I J' E (Ja f2(s)dsl.Fa) (1.11)


c 2 r

Ef (s) dB5 = 0, E f (s) dBs = E f 2 (s) ds, (a < t < ß)f«' a a


Proof. (a), (b) follow from Definition 1.1.(c) Let f be given by (1.5). As Jä f(u) dB„ is . -measurable, it follows from

(1.7) that

sE f(u)dB,,I 5 = f(u)dB.+E f(u)dB„I. S). (1.13)

a a s

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Now, by (1.6), if t1 _ 1 <S ` t1 and t, < t < t ;+ 1 , then

J f(u) dB„ = f(s)(B1, — Bs) +.f(t;)(B,; ., — Bt ; )

+ ... +f(ti- 1 )(B,, — Bt,-,)+.f(t,)(B, — B,,). (1.14)

Observe that, for s' < t', B,. — B5 . is independent of.. (property (1.4(ii)), so that

E(B,.—B5.l.ys .) =0 (s' <t'). (1.15)

Applying this to (1.14),

E(f(s)(B,, — B3) 2s) = f(s)E(B,, — B:I gis) = 0 ,

E(f(tj)(Br j ^, — B,) I ) = E[E(f(t;)(B,,. — B,,)1 . J ) 1 2s](116)

=E[f(t;)E(B t,,, — B,IJ,,)I.gis] = 0,...,

E(.f (tt)(B, — Bra) j . ) = E[.f (tt)E(B, — B, 1 gis)] = 0.



( J t f(u)dB„I.F,) =0 (s <t). (1.17)s /

From this and (1.7), the martingale property (1.10) follows. In order to prove(1.11), first let t e [a, t 1 ]. Then

E (f f(s) dBs J z I yaJ = E(.f Z (a)(B, — Ba)2 I ^`a) = .% 2 (a)E((B, — Ba) 2 I Via)a /

=f2(a)(t—a)=E(Jaf 2(s) ds ), (1.18)

by independence of .tea and B, — Ba . If t e (t ; , t i ,,] then, by (1.6),

E((J f (S) dB5) 2= E[{ 1 (tJ-1)(Bt^ — Bti-t) + f (ti)(Bt — B11 )1 2 I Via] .

l (1.19)Now the contribution of the product terms in (1.19) is zero. For, if j < k, then

E[f(ti-i)(B, — Br,-1 )f(tk-1)(Btk - Btk-1 ) I Via]

=E[E(... tk- ,)1$Z27

E[f(t1-1)(B,i — Bri-1)f(tk-I)E(Btk - B lk - Si;tk -1 ) 19Q]

= 0. (1.20)

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Therefore, (1.19) reduces to

E[(J f(s) dBs) z I'^«J = E(.%z(tj-1)(Eti — Btj 1 )2 Via)

« / j=1

+ E(f 2 (ti)(B, — By) 2 1 Via)

= E[J Z(tj- 1)E((13ti — B 1 )2 ti_t) `tea]j=1

+ E[f 2(ti)E((B, — B.) 2 I `^'ti) I Via]


= E(J 2 (tj-1)(tj — tj-1) ) + E(f 2(ti)(t — ti) Via)j=1

= E (t — tj_ t_ + (t — t /' tj

=E(J t f 2 (s)dsI F. (1.21)

The relations (1.12) are immediate consequences of (1.17) and (1.21). n

The next task is to extend the definition of the stochastic integral to a largerclass of functionals, by approximating these by step functionals.

Definition 1.2. A right-continuous stochastic process f = { f(t): a < t < ß},such that f (t) is .-measurable, is said to be a nonanticipative functional on[a, ß]. Such an f is said to belong to .#[a, ß] if

RE f 2 (t)dt < co. (1.22)


If f e .#[a, ß] for all ß > a, then f is said to belong to .#[‚ cc).

Proposition 1.2. Let f E ß]. Then there exists a sequence { f,} ofnonanticipative step functionals belonging to i!'[a, ß] such that


E (f„(t)—f(t)) 2 dt-^0 asn --goo. (1.23)a

Proof. Extend f(t) to (— oo, oo) by setting it zero outside [a, ß]. For > 0write g(t) := f (t — s). Let i be a symmetric, continuous, nonnegative (non-random) function that vanishes outside (-1, 1) and satisfies f 1_ 1 i1i(x) dx = I.Write Ii e(x) %= ‚1i(x/s)/E. Then /0, vanishes outside (—s, E) and satisries

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f -E he(x) dx = 1. Now define gE'= g E * k// s, i.e.,

g(t) = J

E 9E(t — x)TE(x) dx = Jf(t — i. — x)'YE(x) dxE

= J ^ f(y)^E(y — t + E) dy (y = t — e — x). (1.24)I 2E

Note that, for each w e S2, the Fourier transform of gE is

9 E( ) = 7E(S) YE( ) = e ' f ( )Y ( ),

so that, by the Plancherel identity (Chapter 0, Eq. 8.45),

° 1IgE(t) — f(t)I Z dt = 2>z

19 10) — f(^)I z d^

1 °°= 2^ I.f(^)I2Ie1E(^) — lj 2 )d^. (1.25)

The last integrand is bounded by 21 f(^)I 2 . Since

E J d f ( )I 2 d dP = 2n J J f 2 (t) dt dPn ^

J I.fn

= 2nE J [

I f 2 (t) dt < co, (1.26)a.ß1

it follows, by Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem, that

E J I gE(t) — f (t)I 2 dt --> 0 as s—• 0. (1.27)

This proves that there exists a sequence {g„} of continuous nonanticipativefunctionals in t[a, ß] such that

eE (g„(s) — f (s))2 ds --> 0. (1.28)

It is now enough to prove that if g is a continuous element of ß], thenthere exists a sequence {h„} of nonanticipative step functionals in .A'[a, ß] suchthat

vE f (h„(s) —g(s)) 2 ds --+0. (1.29)

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For this, first assume that g is also bounded, jgj < M. Define

h„(t)=gI a+ k (ß—a/)I ifa+k<t<a +kt (ß—a),(0<k<n—I),

n n n

h(ß) = g(ß).

Use Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem to prove (1.29). If g isunbounded, then apply (1.29) with g replaced by its truncation gM , which agreeswith g on {t c [a, ß]: jg(t)l M} and equals —M on the set {g(t) < —M} andM on {g(t) > M}. Note that gm _ (g A M) v (—M) is a continuous andbounded element of #[a, ß], and apply Lebesgue's Dominated ConvergenceTheorem to get

B (gM (s)—g(s)) 2 ds—*0 asM--0x. n2

We are now ready to define the stochastic integral of an arbitrary elementfin &[a, ß]. Given such an f, let { f„} be a sequence of step functionals satisfying(1.23). For each pair of positive integers n, m, the stochastic integral

fä (fn — fm)(s) dB 3 ( t < ß) is a square integrable martingale, by Proposition1.1(c). Therefore, by the Maximal Inequality (see Chapter!, Eq. 13.56) and thesecond relation in (1.12), for all c > 0,

P(M, > 8 ) E(.fn(s) — fm (S)) 2 ds/E 2 , (1.30)Q



' (fjs) — fm (s))dBs :a'<t<4. (1.31)

Choose an increasing sequence {n k } of positive integers such that the right sideof (1.30) is less than 1/k 2 for r = 1/k 2 , if n, m > nk . Denote by A the set

A :_ {cw e S2: M„ k „ k „(w) <, 1/k 2 for all sufficiently large k} . (1.32)

By the Borei—Cantelli Lemma (Section 6 of Chapter 0), P(A) = 1. Now on Athe series > k M„k „k+ , < oo. Thus, given any 6 > 0 there exists a positive integerk(5) (depending on co E A) such that

>1 < Vj,lik(b).k3k(b)

In other words, on the set A the sequence { f,, f,k (s) dB,: a < t < ß} is Cauchy

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in the supremum distance (1.31). Therefore, Ja f", (s) dB, (a < t < ß) convergesuniformly to a continuous function, outside a set of probability zero.

Definition 1.3. For f e ß], the uniform limit of f f"k (s) dB5 (a < t < ß)on A as constructed above is called the stochastic integral, or the Ito integral,of f, and is denoted by f,, f (s) dB, (a < t < ß). It will be assumed thatt -+ $f(s) dB 5 is continuous for all w e S2, with an arbitrary specification onA`. If f e M[a, co ), then such a continuous version exists for f ä f (s) dBs on theinfinite interval [a, cc).

It should be noted that the Ito integral of f is well defined up to a null set.For if {f}, {g"} are two sequences of nonanticipative step functionals bothsatisfying (1.23), then

E (f"(s) — g"(s)) 2 ds —► 0. (1.33)

If { f"k }, {g,"k} are subsequences of {f}, {g"} such that f f"k (s) dBs andJa g(s) dB3 both converge uniformly to some processes {Y,}, {Z,}, respectively,outside a set of zero probability, then

E f ß (1 — Z)2 ds tim E (fnk (S) — 9mk (S)) 2 ds = 0,a k- a

by (1.33) and Fatou's Lemma (Section 3 of Chapter 0). As { YS}, {Z3} are a.s.continuous, one must have Ys = Z., for a < s < ß, outside a P-null set.

Note also that $f(s) dB, is .` ,-measurable for a < t <, ß, f e -#[a, ß]. Thefollowing generalization of Proposition 1.1 is almost immediate.

Theorem 1.3. Properties (a)—(c) of Proposition 1.1 hold if f (and g) e W[a, ß].

Proof. This follows from the corresponding properties of the approximatingstep functionals { f"k}, on taking limits. n

Example. Let f (s) = BS . Then f e 4'[a, cc). Fix t > 0. Define f(t) = B, and

f"(s):= Br2 -„1 if r2 -"t<,s<(r +1)2 -"t (0<r<2" -1).

Then, writing Br," ‚= Br2 -

2 " -1 1 2 " - 1

J fn(s) dB3 = B,,,(B,.+t,n — B,,,),") _ (Br+1,n — Br,n) 2 —'B0 + 2Bt0 r=0 2 r=0

—zt — ZBö + ZB, a.s. (as n --> oo). (1.34)

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The last convergence follows from an application of the Borel-Cantelli Lemma(Exercise 4). Hence,

J t

B5 dB5 = —(B-B)—t. (1.35)0

Notice that a formal application of ordinary calculus would yieldJ ö Bs dB., = 2(B, — Bö). Also, if one replaced the values of f at the left endpoints of the subintervals by those at the right end points, then one would get,in place of the first sum in (1.34),

z^ -i 1 z^ -i( i z z

Br+l,n(Br+l,n — Br,n) _ — tBr+l,n — Br,n)z + -1 (B —B0)ß

r=0 2 r=0

which converges a.s. to Zt + Z(B2 — Bö).Observe finally that the stochastic integral in (1.2) is well defined if } s(X S )}

belongs to .A'[0, cc). In the next section, it is shown that there exists a uniquecontinuous nonanticipative solution of (1.2) if u(•) and a(.) are Lipschitzianand, in particular, {6(X5 )} e .H[0, cc).


In the last section, a precise meaning was given to the stochastic differentialequation (1.1) in terms of its integral version (1.2). The present section is devotedto the solution of (1.1) (or (1.2)).

2.1 Construction of One-Dimensional Diffusions

Let u(x) and v(x) be two real-valued functions on R' that are Lipschitzian,i.e., there exists a constant M > 0 such that

Iµ(x) — i (Y)I <' Mix — YI, 1Q(x) — Q(Y)I '< Mix — YI , Vx, y. (2.1)

The first order of business is to show that equation (1.1) is valid as a stochasticintegral equation in the sense of Ito, i.e.,

Xt = X« + Jt µ(Xs) ds + J t a(XS) dB5, (t ^ a). (2.2)0 a

Theorem 2.2. Suppose p(•), a(.) satisfy (2.1). Then, for each 3-measurablesquare integrable random variable X, there exists a unique (except on a set ofzero probability) continuous nonanticipative functional {Xt : t >, a} belongingto .‚i [a, oo) that satisfies (2.2).

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Proof. We prove "existence" by the method of iterations. Fix T> a. Let

X,1°):= V <, t < T. (2.3)

Define, recursively,

f ' ,u(X(")) f t

XI(" +i) ;= Xa + ds + o(X) dB,, a t T. (2.4)a a

For example,

Xi l) = Xa + µ(Xa)(t — a) + u(Xa)(B, — Ba),

Xi2) = Xa + f.'

lz([X« + u(XX)(s — a) + Q(Xa)(BS — Ba)]) ds(2.5)

+ J ([Xa + p(XX)(s — a) + u(Xa)(B., — B2)]) dB,, a t <, T.

Note that, for each n, a < t < T} is a continuous nonanticipativefunctional on [a, T]. Also,

r2(X^"+ 1 ) _ X =") )2 If.t

(µ(Xs"))_u(Xs"— i))) ds +I(Q(Xs" ) )—o(XSn -1) )) dB a

t 2

2 (j (k(X")) — /2(XS" -1) )) ds


+ 21j t (ff(Xr"r) — u(Xsn -1 ))) dBs) 2 , (n > 1). (2.6)\JJ a


D := E(max (Xs" ) — Xs" 1) )2) (2.7)aSs^t

Taking expectations of the maximum in (2.6), over 0 < t < T, and using (2.1)we get

T 2D r" +

T1) 2EM2 X(") — X (" - ' ) dsI s s


+ 2E max (f.'

(Q(Xs" ) ) — Q(Xs" 1) )) dBs 1 2 . (2.8)aSI-<T /

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EI J T IXs"t — XS" 'It ds) < (T — a)E J T

(Xsn) — Xsn 1))2 ds

a J a

T(T — a) DS"t ds. (2.9)


Also, by the Maximal Inequality (Chapter I, Theorem 13.6) and Theorem 1.3(see the second relation in (1.12)),

E max (f,'

(r(Xs"°) — 6{X s" '?}) dBS2T

4E1 J T (v(XS")

) — v(Xsn 1)}) dB) = 4J E(a (Xsn^) _ (XSn 1)))2 ds

4M2 E E(Xs"t — Xs" - ' 1)zds 4M z J T DS"° ds. (2.10) a

Using (2.9) and (2.10) in (2.8), obtain

TDT +II \ (2M

2 (T — a) + 8M 2 ) J Ds"I ds = c l J T Ds"I ds (n > 1), (2.11)a a

say. An analogous, but simpler, calculation gives

DTI < 2(T — a) 2 Ep 2 (Xa) + 8(T — a)E i 2 (X«) = c 2 , (2.12)

where c z is a finite positive number (Exercise 1). It follows from (2.11), (2.12),and induction that

D("") ^ c z (T — a)"ci

(n0). (2.13)n.

By Chebyshev's Inequality,

PI max ^Xtn+'1 — Xt"Ij > 2 - ") < 2znc

2(T —



Since the right side is summable in n, it follows from the Borel-Cantelli Lemmathat

P( max IX,(" + 't — X;"Il > 2 for infinitely many n) = 0. (2.15)a-<t -<T

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Let N denote the set within parentheses in (2.15). Outside N, the series

X^o) + Xtn +l) — X ,("1 = um X (")r ( t t )— tn=0 n-+m

converges absolutely, uniformly for a < t < T, to a nonanticipative functional{Xt : a < t < T}, say. Since each X;") is continuous and the convergence isuniform, the limit is continuous. Also, by Fatou's Lemma,

J T E(X;" ) — Xt )2 dt < tim f ,

T E(X;" ) — X;'" ) ) 2 dt. (2.16)a m - 00

By the triangle inequality for L2-norms, and (2.13), if m > n then

T1/2 m / T 1/2

(j E(X e

n) — Xm))2 dt^\ 1 E(X[r I) — Xir))2 dt)r=n+1 t\ a

m o0(D


T))"2 \ (DT))112 > 0, (2.1 7 )rn+1 rn+1

as n —• w (Exercise 2). Therefore, {Xt : a < t < T} is in #[a, T], and

/' T

JE(X(" ) —Xt ) 2 dt —+0, asn--roo. (2.18)


To prove that X, satisfies (2.2), note that

max ! t µ(Xs" ) ) ds + I t o(Xs" ) ) dBs — f«' µ(X,) ds — J 1 o(XS) dB5

T JJ a Ja a

T fa'

M J IXS" ) — Xs 1 ds + max (Q(XS" ) ) — u(XX)) dBs . (2.19)a a,tsT

The first term on the right side goes to zero, as proved above. For the secondterm, use the Maximal Inequality (Chapter I, Theorem 13.6) to get


max I f.'

(a(Xs" )) — a(X2)) dB, > 1 J < k2 E J T (v(Xs" ) ) — ^(X)) 2 dsa5t5T k/ a

k2 \ -=

Y (D) ) (2.20)r n+1

Since the last expression in (2.20) is summable in n (Exercise 2), it follows fromthe Borel—CanteIli Lemma that max{jsa (o(XS" ) ) — a(X5)) dBsj: a < t < ß} < 1/k

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for all sufficiently large n, outside a set Nk of zero probability. LetNo := U {Nk : 1 < k < co}. Then No has zero probability and, outside No , thesecond term on the right side of (2.19) goes to zero. Thus, the right side of (2.4)converges uniformly on [a, T] to the right side of (2.2) as n —+ cc, outside a setof zero probability. Since X 1 converges to XX uniformly on [a, T] outside aset of zero probability, (2.2) holds on [a, T] outside a set of zero probability.

It remains to prove the uniqueness to the solution to (2.2). Let { Y,: a < t < T}be another solution. Then, write 49 E(max{(X3 — YI: a , s'< t})2 and use(2.7)—(2.11) with cp, in place of D, X, in place of X;" ) and Y in place of X;" - ' ) ,to get


(PT < cl q ds. (2.21)

Since t —+ cp, is nondecreasing, iteration of (2.21) leads, just as in (2.12), (2.13), to

c 2 (T — a)"C1PP T ^ --'.0 asn —*oo. (2.22)


Hence, (p T = 0, i.e., X, = Y on [a, T] outside a set of zero probability. •

The next result identifies the stochastic process {X,: t >, 0} solving (2.2), inthe case a = 0, as a diffusion with drift u(. ), diffusion coefficient a 2 (•), andinitial distribution as the distribution of the given random variable X0 .

Theorem 2.2. Assume (2.1). For each x E El let {X: t > 0} denote the uniquecontinuous solution in .ßl[0, oo) of Itö's integral equation

X f = x + p(Xs) ds + i 1 u(Xs) dB5 (t > 0). (2.23)fo, ,10

Then {X'} is a diffusion on R' with drift j(.) and diffusion coefficient a 2 (. ),starting at x.

Proof. By the additivity of the Riemann and stochastic integrals,

t f ' u(Xx)X; = Xs + p(X„) du + dB, (t '> s). (2.24)S 5

Consider also the equation, for z e R',

X, = z + J u(X„) du + J a(X)dB, (t >' s). (2.25)S S

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Let us write the solution to (2.25) (in . #[s, co)) as 6(s, t; z, Bs), whereBs:= {B„ — Bs : s < u < t }. It may be seen from the successive approximationscheme (2.3)—(2.5) that 6(s, t; z, B.,) is measurable in (z, B.,) (theoreticalcomplement 1). As {X„: u > s} is a continuous stochastic process in ✓#[s, co)and is, by (2.24), a solution to (2.25) with z = Xs, it follows from the uniquenessof this solution that

X; = 8(s, t; Xs, B), (t >, s). (2.26)

Since Xs is .-measurable and S and Bs are independent, (2.26) implies (seeSection 4 of Chapter 0, part (b) of the theorem on Independence and ConditionalExpectation) that the conditional distribution of X1 given .Fs is the distribution of6(s, t; z, BS), say q(s, t; z, dy), evaluated at z = X. Since o {X„: 0 < u < s}the Markov property is proved. To prove homogeneity of this Markov process,notice that for every h > 0, the solution 8(s + h, t + h; z, Bs+;,) of

X,+h = z + l',h+n +h

µ(X„) du + J a(X„) dB, (t >, s) (2.27) s+n

has the same distribution as that of (2.25). This fact is verified by noting thatthe successive approximations (2.3)—(2.5) yield the same functions in the twocases except that, in the case of (2.27), B., is replaced by Bs+,^,. But B, and B +

havehave the same distribution, so that q(s + h, t + h; z, dy) = q(s, t; z, dy). Thisproves homogeneity.

To prove that {X} is a diffusion in the sense of (1.2) or (1.2)' of ChapterV, assume for the sake of simplicity that µ(•) and o 2 (. ) are bounded (see Exercise7 for the general case). Then

E(X' — x) = E J r u(X s) ds + E a(Xs) dBs = E J r µ(X5) ds0 0 o

= tµ(x) + J t E(lc(Xs) — µ(x)) ds = tp(x) + o(t), (2.28)0

since Ej(XS) — µ(x) —• 0 as s J. 0. Next,

E(Xx — x)2 = E(J r µ(X;)ds)


+E(fot a(Xs)dB5)

o /

+ 2EL(J o µ(X5)

ds)(J o a(X) dB.,)]

= 0 (t 2 ) + J Ea2 (X) ds + 0(t) = 0(t) as t j 0. (2.29)0

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For, by the Schwarz Inequality,

E[(J o µ(Xs) ds)(o a(XS) dB.


[E(fo µ(X s) ds I 2]1/2[E(f o

a(X) dB))2] 2

(' c /1/z

= O(t)[ J E2(XS)ds] = O(t)O(t" 2 ) = 0(t) as t j 0,0

leading to

E(X, — x) 2 = J o z (X,,) ds + o(t) as t j 0. (2.30)

Now, as in (2.28),

J Ea 2(XS) ds = a 2 (x) dx + E(a 2 (X;) — a 2 (x)) ds0 0 0J

= ta 2 (x) + 0(t) as t j 0. (2.31)

The last condition (1.2)' of Chapter V is checked in Section 3, Corollary 3.5.n

2.2 Construction of Multidimensional Diffusions

In order to construct multidimensional diffusions by the method of Ito it isnecessary to define stochastic integrals for vector-valued integrands with respectto the increments of a multidimensional Brownian motion. This turns out tobe rather straightforward.

Let {B, = (B;' 1 , ... , B, )} be a standard k-dimensional Brownian motion.Assume (1.4) for {B,}. Define a vector-valued stochastic process

f = {f(t) = (f">(t), ... , .f (k)(t)): a z t < ß}

to be a nonanticipative step functional on [a, ß] if (1.5) holds for some finite setof time points t o = a < t, < • • • <t,, = ß and some random vectors f ;

(0 < i < m) with values in W'.

Definition 2.1. The stochastic integral, or the Ito integral of a nonanticipativestep functional f on [a, ß] is defined by

f(to) • (B, — B oo ) for t e [a, t,],

Y f(t ; _,) (B r ,— B, ; )+f(tr )•(B,—B 1 ,) forte(t.,t. +i ]•j=1


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Here • (dot) denotes euclidean inner product,

f(s) (B, — BS ) _ f ( ` ) (s)(B,(' ) — Bs' ) ). (2.33)

It follows from this definition that the stochastic integral (2.32) is the sumof k one-dimensional stochastic integrals,


J f(s)•dBs = f m`m(s) dB(` ) . (2.34)a i=1

Parts (a), (b) of Proposition 1.1 extend immediately. In order to extend part(c) assume, as in (1.9),

J ß E^f(u)1 2 du - 1 J ß E(f ^`^(u))2 du < cc. (2.35)t1 a

The square integrability and the martingale property of the stochastic integralfollow from those of each of its k summands in (2.34). Similarly, one has

E(Je f(s)•dBs I = 0. (2.36)a 111

It remains to prove the analog of (1.11), namely,

E\(Ja f(u) dB

") 2 ja) = E j' If(u)I 2 du ^). (2.37)

In view of (1.11) applied to $ä f" 1 (u) dB, (1 <, i < k), it is enough to prove thatthe product terms vanish, i.e.,

EL( of «n(u) dB(')Xf" fv1(u) dB) = 0 for i J. (2.38)


To see this, note that, for s < s' < u < u',

E[ f ``' (s)(Bs° — Bs') ) f(.;)(u)(Buj) — B(>>) I •Fa]

= E[E(... .mau) I . ] = E[.f (n (s)(Bs` ) — Bsn)f u)(u )E(B/) — Bü;) I .F„) I .Fa] = 0.(2.39)

Also, by the indepencence of .Fs and {Bs . — Bs : s' s}, and by the independence

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of {B{°} and {Bl'l} for i j,

E[ f <<1 (s)(B — BS` ) ).i ci) (s)(BS') — Bu) ) ^ ^]

= E[E(. ..1 .ys) 1 Ja] = E[f ( `'(s).f u 1 (s){E((B (,) — Bs° )(BSP — B u> ) 1 ^)} ( tea]= 0.

Thus, Proposition 1.1 is fully extended to k-dimension. For the extension tomore general nonanticipative functionals, consider the following analog ofDefinition 1.2.

Definition 2.2.. If f = {f(t) = (f ß' 1 (t), ... , f(m)Ø)) a < t < ß} is a right-continuousstochastic process with values in (for some m) such that f(t) is F,-measurablefor all t e [a, ß], then f is called a nonanticipative functional on [a, ß] with valuesin fl8m. If, in addition,

E J R If(t)j 2 dt < oo, (2.40)

then f is said to belong to .WW[a, ß]. If f e W[a, ß] for all ß> a, then f belongsto ./H[a, o)).

For f e di[, ß] with values in R'` one may apply the results in Section Itoeach of the k components f;, f (u) dBu° (1 <, i < k) to extend Proposition 1.2to k-dimension and to define the stochastic integral f ä f(u) dB. for ak-dimensional f e ^[a ß]. The following extension of Theorem 1.3 is nowimmediate.

Theorem 2.3. Suppose f e . &{x, ß] with values in l8k . Then

(a) t —• J r f(u) dB„ is continuous and additive; also

(b)t J f(u) dB: a < t <, ß} is a square integrable {,F }-martingale and

E \\^af(u)

dBu) 1 3a/ = E f If(u)I 2 du . f . (2.41)

The final task is to construct multidimensional diffusions. For this letµß°(x), a i;(x) (1 < i, j < k) be real-valued Lipschitzian functions on W. Then,writing, a(x) for the k x k matrix ((ujj(x))),

I t(x) — t(y) I '< Mx — YI, Ia(x) — a(Y)II '< Mix — YI, (x, ye(2.42)

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for some positive constant M. Here II II denotes the matrix norm,IIDII := sup{IDzI: z e I8k}.

Consider the vector stochastic integral equation,

' tX, = Xa + J µ(Xs) ds + J a(X5) dB5, (t s), (2.43)a a

which is shorthand for the system of k equations

X;'' = X + p °(X,) ds + a ; (X5 )•dBs , ( 1 < i < k). (2.44)a a

Here ø,(x) is the k-dimensional vector, (6 i1 (x), ... , v ;k(x)). The proofs of thefollowing theorems are entirely analogous to those of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2(Exercises 4 and 5). Basically, one only needs to write

IXE+ ,(t) — X(t)l 2 instead of (Xa+ 1 (t) — X„(t)) 2 ,

r 2 /(' r \ 2

J a (jt(X„(s)) — µ(X„ _ 1 (s))) ds in place of (J a (µ(X„(s)) — µ(X„ _ ds)1 (s))) ds I

Ila(Xn(s)) — a(Xn- i(s))II 2 for (6(Xn (ss)) — Q(X _ (s))2 , etc.

Theorem 2.4. Suppose p(• ), a(.) satisfy (2.42). Then, for each -measurablesquare integrable random vector X8, there exists a unique (up to a P-null set)continuous element {X,: t > a} of #[a, oo) such that (2.43) holds.

Theorem 2.5. Suppose µ(• ), a(.) satisfy (2.42), and let {X'; t > 0) denote theunique (up to a P-null set) continuous nonanticipative functional in .t[0, co)satisfying Itö's integral equation

X, s) ds + J r 6(X8 ) dB5 , ( t >- 0). (2.45)f', 0Then {X'} is a diffusion on R' with drift t(•) and diffusion matrix a(•)6'(• ),a'(.) being the transpose i(.).

It may be noted that in Theorems 2.4 and 2.5 it is not assumed that a(x) ispositive definite. The positive definiteness guarantees the existence of a densityfor the transition probability and its smoothness (see theoretical complement5.1 of Chapter V), but is not needed for the Markov property.

Example. Let k = 1, µ(x) = — yx, 6(x) = a. Then the successive approximations

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X,(" ) (see Eqs. 2.3-2.5) are given by (assuming B 0 = 0)

X'( o) - X0,

X; ') = Xp + J — yXo ds + 6B, = X0 (I — ty) + uB r ,J o

X; 2) = X0 + J r — y{X0 (I — sy) + QBS } ds + aB ,0

t i ,z\ r

}—= I —ty+ )Xp—yQ B,ds+aB„2!J 0

X1 3) = Xp +C l

S2y2Xp —y (I — Sy + y62,---^


fo Bu du + QB S ^ dS + 6B,p

I= I — ty+ t2

2 2 3 31---- IX0 +, 2 6 fo,

s (J' zB„ duds—y6

0J Bs ds+a'B,

/ 0

ty+2 2 3 3

-2i —t3! ^Xp+,, a(' r

Bs ds+aB, ds)B„du—yß fo,(f.'o

= 1 — ty+ --

t22 t3 „3, - - ---'-)X0+,r 2 (J

2 ! 3 J( ' r

(t—u)B„du— Bsds+aB,.o 0


Assume, as an induction hypothesis,

(M "=

(—ty)Mn-1 fr(t—SBs ds + 6B,. (2.47)

)m - I

a•," ) = Y -- )X0 + Y- (—Y)r"60 mI m1 0 (n1 — I)!

Now use (2.4) to check that (2.47) holds for n + 1, replacing n. Therefore, (2.47)holds for all n. But as n — co, the right side converges (for every w e S2) to

e -ryX0 — ya f r e-vlr-S^B5 ds + QB,. (2.48)J o

Hence, Xr equals (2.48). In particular, with Xp = x,

X, = e-"x — t7 £ r e-''u-s)B5 ds + aB r . (2.49)0

As a special case, for y > 0, a 0- 0, (2.49) gives a representation of anOrnstein—Uhlenbeck process as a functional of a Brownian motion.

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Brownian paths s - B, have finite quadratic variation on every finite timeinterval [0, t] in the sense that

x -1

max Ji (B(m+l)2-nt - Bm2-nt) 2 - N2 - "t -+0 a.s. as n -• cc. (3.1)16N52" m =0

This is easily checked by recognizing that the expression ZN ,,, , say, within theabsolute signs is, for each n, a martingale (1 < N < 2"), so that the MaximalInequality (Chapter I, Eq. 13.56) may be used to prove (3.1) (Exercise 1). Noticethat the quadratic variation of {B5} over an interval equals the length of theinterval. A consequence of (3.1) is a curious and extremely important "chainrule" for the stochastic calculus, called Itö's Lemma. The present section isdevoted to a derivation of this chain rule and some applications.

For an intuitive understanding of this chain rule, consider a nonanticipativefunctional of the form

Y(t) = Y(0) + J " f(s) ds + fo

g(s) dB5 , (3.2)0

where f, g E ✓l'[0, T], and Y(0) is .-measurable and square integrable. Onemay express (3.2) in the differential form

dY(t) = f(t)dt + g(t)dB,. (3.3)

Suppose that cp is a real-valued twice continuously differentiable function onll , say with bounded derivatives gyp', cp". Then Itö's Lemma says

dq (Y(t)) = q'( Y(t)) dY(t) + zip " (Y(t))g 2 (t) dt

_ {qp'(Y(t)) .f(t) + iqp"(Y(t))g 2 (t))} dt + gp'(Y(t))g(t) dB,. (3.4)

In other words,

(P(Y(t)) = (P(Y(0)) + E {(P'(Y(s))f(s) + -1 "(Y(s))g2 (s)} ds + J 9 '(Y(s))g(s) dB5 .


(3.5)Observe that a formal application of ordinary calculus would give

dcp(Y(t)) = q'(Y(t)) d Y(t) = cp'(Y(t))f(t) dt + tp'(Y(t))g(t) dB,. (3.6)

The extra term Zip"(Y(t))g2 (t) dt appearing in (3.4) arises because

(dY(t))2 = g2 (t)(dB,)2 + o(dt) = g 2 (t) dt + o(dt).

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Since the term g 2 (t) dt cannot be neglected in computing the differential dcp(Y(t)),

one must expand cp(Y(t + dt)) around Y(t) in a Taylor expansion including thesecond derivative of cp.

The same argument as above applied to a function p(t, y) on [0, T] x (f8 1 ,such that cp o := öcp/öt, q,', cp" are continuous and bounded, leads to

dcp(t, Y(t)) = {(p o (t, Y(t)) + cp'(t, Y(t))f(t) + jqp'(t, Y(t))g 2 (t)} dt

+ cp'(t, Y(t))g(t) dB,. (3.7)

To state an extension to multidimensions, let cp(t, y) be a function on[0, T] x Ihm that is once continuously differentiable in t and twice in y. Write

a0(P(t, Y) __ a0t, Y)

7r(P(t, y)'= a Y) (1 < r < m). (3.8)at

Let {B,} be a k-dimensional standard Brownian motion satisfying conditions(1.4(i), (ii)) (with B s replaced by B S ). Suppose Y(t) is a vector of m processes ofthe form

Y(t) = (Y (I) (t), . . . , Y Im' \t)),

y (r) (t) = y()(Ø) + foI fr( grOs) ds + J s • dB (1 r m).


s ^^ o

Here fr,. 'fm are real-valued and g 1 , ... , gm vector-valued (with values inff8'k ) nonanticipative functionals belonging to . &[0, T]. Also Y (' )(0) are.äo-measurable square integrable random variables. One may express (3.9) inthe differential form

dY (r ) (t) = fr(t) dt + g,(t).dB, (1 <, r v m). (3.10)

Itö's lemma says,

dQ(t, Y(t)) = U o(p(t , Y(t)) + ar(p(t, Y(t))f(t)l r=1

1+ — arar. (t, Y(t))(gr(t) . r (t)) dt

2 ! ISr.r'-<m


+ I ar (p(t, Y(t))gr(t).dB,. (3.11)r

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In order to arrive at this, write

dcp(t, Y(t)) = (p(t + dt, Y(t + dt)) — (p(t, Y(t)) = ^p(t + dt, Y(t + dt))

— (p(t, Y(t + dt)) + qp(t, Y(t + dt)) — qo(t, Y(t))

= Ö0 (p(t, Y(t)) dt + ar (p(t, Y(t)) dY ( r ) (t)r=1

+ 1 Orar'gP(t,Y(t))dy(r)(t)dY(r')(t). (3.12)2 ! 1 r,r' S m

In Newtonian calculus, of course, the contribution of the last sum to thedifferential would be zero. But there is one term in the product dY (r)(t) dY (r' )(t)which is of the order dt and, therefore, must be retained in computing thestochastic differential. This term is (see Eq. 3.10)

(gr(t)•dB1)(gr•(t)•dB) _ (^ 9("(t) dB)Xj=Y 9(t)\t - 1 1


_ ga 1 (t)9:` 1 (t)(dB,(° ) 2 + E 9( t)(t)9(' ) (t)dB(` ) dBf;> .f=1 i#j

(3.13)Now as seen above (see Eq. 3.1) the first sum in (3.13) equals


19r` ) (t)9:` ) (t))

dt = gr(t)•gr (t) dr. (3.14)

To show that the contribution of the second term in (3.13) tocp(t, Y(t)) — cp(0, Y(0)) over any interval [0, t] is zero note that, for i j,


= Y 9:` )(m 2 - "t)grj) (m 2-"t)(B(m+l)Y ^t - Bmt 2 ^t)(Bm) +1)2 - ^t - Bm2 ^t),


I <N<2", (3.15)

is a martingale. This is true as the conditional expectation of each summand,given all the preceding, is zero. Therefore, as in (3.1),

max JZN , —► 0 a.s. as n -+ oo . (3.16)1 <N<,2"


g;°(t)g;P(t) dB 1 dB 1 = 0 (i ^ j). (3.17)ti

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Using (3.14), (3.17) in (3.12), Itö's lemma (3.11) is obtained. A more elaborateargument is given in theoretical complement 3.1. For ease of reference, here isa statement of Itö's Lemma.

Theorem 3.1. (Itö's Lemma). Assume f1 .... , f„„ g 1 , ... , g,,, belong to.ßl[0, T], y (r )(0) (1 < r < m) .moo-measurable and square integrable. Let cp(t, y)

be a real-valued function on [0, T] x 1m which is once continuouslydifferentiable in t and twice in y. Assume that

E fOT (0r 4P(s, Y(s)) 2 Igr(s)I 2 ds < oo, (I < r <, m), (3.18)

i.e., ör cpgr e .A"[0, T] (1 <, r < m). Then (3.11) holds, i.e.,

(P(t, Y(t)) — w(s, Y(s)) = J IOo(P(u , Y(u)) + Y_ Or^(U, Y(U))fr (U)r= 1

+ 1 1 arar'(p(u, Y(u))gr(u)•gr.(u) I du2. 1 5 r.r' <- m

m t

+ Z 0r cp(u, Y(u))gr (u) • dB„ (0 <, s < t < T).r=1 s


Applying Itö's Lemma to the diffusion Y(t) = X, (t >, 0) constructed inSection 2, the following corollary is obtained immediately.

Corollary 3.2. Let {X t } be a diffusion given by the solution to the stochasticdifferential equation (2.43), with a = 0 and tt(• ), 6(•) Lipschitzian. Assumecp(t, y) satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1 with m = k, and (3.18) replaced by

E fOT (arcP)2(u, Xu)I6r (Xu)I2du < oo, (1 < r < k).

(a) Then one has the relation

9(t, X,) = cp(s, X S) + 5{Oo (u, X„) + (Atp)(u, X„)} dus

k t

+ örcp(u, X„)6r(X„)•dB. (s < t < T), (3.20)r=1 s

where ar(x) is the rth row vector of a(x), and A is the differential operator

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(14.9) of Chapter V with D(x) = a(x)a'(x),

(A(P)(u, x)'= drr'(X)arar'(v(u, x) + Z µ (r ) (X)ar(v(u, x),

2 1-<r,r'Sk r=1(3.21)

((drr'(X)))'^ O(X)O'(X).

(b) In particular, if 00(p, Orr • cp are bounded then

Z, := w(t, XJ — J

^ {ao(p(u, X.) + (A(p)(u, X.)} du (0 , t , T),0

(3.22)is a {.^,}-martingale.

Note that part (b) is an immediate consequence of part (a), since Z, — Zs

equals the stochastic integral in (3.20), whose conditional expectation, given.gis, is zero.

Corollary 3.2 generalizes Corollary 2.4 of Chapter V to a wider class offunctions and to multidimension. Therefore, one may provide derivations ofPropositions 2.5 and 15.1 of Chapter V, as well as criteria for transience andrecurrence based on them, using Itö's Lemma instead of Corollary 2.4 of ChapterV. The next result similarly provides a criterion for positive recurrence. Recallthe notation (see Eqs. 15.33 and 15.34 of Chapter V)

D(x) _ ((d;;(x))):= 6(x)a'(x), d(x):= Y djj(x)x t')xci)/jxj2 ,


B(x):= > d„(x), C(x):=2 x ( ` )JUY )(x),

B(x) + C(x) B(x) + C(x)(r) := max — 1, ß(r) min — 1, (3.23 )

Ixl =r d(x) 1xl =r d(x)

&(r):= max d(x),Ixl =r

I(r) := f r ß(u) du,

J^ u

a(r)r= min d(x),Ixl_r

1(r) := f

ß(u) du, u

where c> 0 is a given constant. Also note that (see Eq. 15.35 of Chapter V)for every F that is twice differentiable on (0, oo), Acp for cp(x):= F(IxI) is given by

B(x) + C(x)—d(x)2 (Aq, )(x) = (d(x))F

„(Ixl) + IxlF (Ixl) (Ixt > 0). (3.24)

Proposition 3.3. Let t(.), 6(•) be Lipschitzian, and ß(x) nonsingular for all x.

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Suppose that, for some c > 0,

J 1 exp{1(u)} du < ooa(u)

E(t B(O:ro) ( X o = x) < cc (Ixj > ro > 0),


t B(O : r) := inf{t 0: 1X^l = r} . (3.27)

Proof. First note that if (3.25) holds for some c> 0 then it holds for all c > 0(Exercise 2). Let c = ro > 0. Define

F(r) := f"0

exp{ —1(u)} J acv)exp{I(v)} dv J du, (r >, ro ) (3.28) u


q(x) = F(Ixl), Ixi ro . (3.29)

Note that F'(r) > 0 and F"(r) + (ß(r)/r)F'(r) _ —1/a(r) for r > r0 . Hence, by(3.24),

2(A4)(x) < — d(x)/a((x)) < —1 forIxI >, r0 . (3.30)

Fix x such that Ixi > r0 . By Corollary 3.2(b), and optional stopping (Proposition13.9 of Chapter 1; also see Exercises 3, 4),

EZgN = EZo = q(x) = F(Ixl) (3.31)

where Z, is as in (3.22) with cp(t, y) = q(y) and cpo (t, y) = 0, and r1 N is the{.}-stopping time

?J N := inf{t >, O:IX; I = ro or N}, (r0 < IxI < N). (3.32)

Using (3.30) in (3.31) the following inequality is obtained,

2EF(IXnN I) — 2F(Ixl) = E J nN 2(Acp)(X9) ds —E(11,). (3.33)


Now the first relation in (3.25) implies that T (O:,o) < oo a.s. (see Corollary 15.2of Chapter V. or Exercise 5). Therefore, rJN --+ t,,B(a:ro) a.s. as N -* co, so that





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(3.33) yields

E('tae(O:ro) 1 Xo = x) < 2F(Ixl). (3.34)n

As in the one-dimensional case (see Section 12 of Chapter V), it may beshown that (3.26) implies the existence of a unique invariant distribution of thediffusion (theoretical complement 5).

As a second application of Itö's Lemma, let us obtain an estimate of thefourth moment of a stochastic integral.

Proposition 3.4. Let f = {(fi (t), ... , fk(t)): 0 < t < T} be a nonanticipativefunctional on [0, T] satisfying

EJT f 4(t) dt < oo (i = 1, ... , k). (3.35)



f(t)•dB,4 < 9k 3 T Jy ^Eff.

'T{Ef 4(t)} dt. (3.36) 1=1 0

Proof. Since f(t) • dB, = Z _, f (t) dB}` ) ,


f(t)•dB,f4 =k4E) 1 j f Tf(t)dBi^>)4\\\ki=io


k 4E k .f (t) dB/4 = k 3 Y E \J T(f0T f

1 (t) dB,(')


Hence, it is enough to prove

T 4 T

E( g(t) dB) {Eg4 (t)} dt (3.38)0 0

for a real-valued nonanticipative functional g satisfying

E g4(t) dt < oo. (3.39)f0T

First suppose g is a bounded nonanticipative step functional. Then by an explicitcomputation (Exercise 6) the nonanticipative functional s -a (f ö g(u) dB.) 3 g(s)belongs to AY[0, T]. One may then apply Itö's Lemma (see Eq. 3.5, or Eq.

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3.20 with k = 1) to q (y) = y 4 and Y(t) = f o g(s) dB5 to get

( fo g(s) dBs/ 4 6 fo

\Jo g(u) dB„ I Z g 2 (s) ds + 4 fo

(10 9(u) dBu


3g(s) dBs>

0<t<T. (3.40)

Taking expectations,

J, E \J o g(s) dB, 4 =6 f

o Ej \Jo g(u) dB„ 1 zg 2 (s)} ds. (3.41)

This shows, in particular, that J, is absolutely continuous with a densitysatisfying

(' z )4^1/2

dtv = 6E I(f0 g(u) dB„) g2(t)} 6 E(o g(u) dB„ {Eg4(t)}^^2

= 6J 2 {Eg4 (t)}'/ 2 . (3.42)

Therefore, unless J, = 0 (which implies JS = 0 for 0 < s < t),


Z J1 viz — 5 3{Eg4 (t)}'/ 2 ,dt dt


JI'' < 3 J t {Eg4 (s)} l / 2 ds, J, '< 9t J t (Eg4 (s)) ds.0 0

This proves (3.38) for bounded nonanticipative step functionals. For the caseof an arbitrary nonanticipative functional g satisfying (3.39), observe that sucha g belongs to ./l[0, T]. Following the proof of Proposition 1.2, there exists asequence of bounded step functionals g„ that converge almost surely to g andfor which


9(s) dB, --• g(s) dB5 a.s. (i = 1, 2),f'T 0E (gn(s) — g z (S)) Z ds —> 0.fOT

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By Fatou's Lemma,

(' T \ 4 4 T

E J g(t) dB r ! -< lim E g„(t) dB,^ 9T lim E g, (t) dto / n-'m (foT n- J o


= 9TE f g4 (t) dt. n0

As a corollary, the property (1.2) of {X, } in Section 1 of Chapter V follows.

Corollary 3.5. Let {X} be a diffusion with drift coefficient p(•) and diffusioncoefficient a 2 (.), both Lipschitzian and bounded. Then, for every E > 0,

P(X" — xl > E) = 0(t) as t j 0. (3.43)

Proof. By Chebyshev's Inequality,

P(IXI — xl) < E(Xx — x)4 .E

But if u(.) and a(.) are both bounded by c, then


r a

E(Xl — x)4 = EI µ(Xs) ds + o (Xs) dBs


23{E(Joµ(Xs) ds)4 + E (Joi(Xs) dBs)


8 {(ct)4 + 9t2 C4 } = 0(t 2 ) = 0(t) as t j 0. n

For another application of Itö's Lemma (see Eq. 3.19), let

Y(t) != Xl — X = x — y + J r (µ(Xs) — µ(X5 )) ds + J r (a(XS) — a(XS )) dBs,0 0

(3.44)and cp(z) = Iz1 2 , to get

Ixe — xs I Z = IX — y1 2 + J r {2(x5 — xs) . (µ(X5 ) — µ(Xs ))0


+ I rr(Xs) — ar(X5)i2} dsr=1

+ J 2(X — Xs) • (a(Xs) — ß(XS )) dB s. (3.45)0

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Note that, since X, X; E ßl[0, oo) and p(•) and o(.) are Lipschitzian, theexpectation of the stochastic integral is zero, so that

EIX, — Xfl 2 = Ix — y1 2 + J' 2E(Xs — Xs) . (µ(Xs) — µ(Xs ))o f

+ 1 Et(X) - 6r(XS )I 2 ( ds. (3.46)r=1

In particular, the left side is an absolutely continuous function of t with a density

dt EIX — Xfl 2 2MEIXt — Xf l 2 + kM 2 EIX, — Xfl 2 . (3.47)

Integrate (3.47) to obtain

EIX' — X, l 2 < Ix — y12e(2M+kM2),. (3.48)

As a consequence, the diffusion has the Feller property: If y --^ x, then p(t; y, dz)converges weakly to p(t; x, dz) for every t >, 0. To deduce this property, notethat (3.48) implies that, for every bounded Lipschitzian function h on R' withIh(z) — h(z')I < cjz — z'J,

IEh(XT) — Eh(X^ )I = IE(h(XT) — h(X^ ))I cEjX — X; c(EIX; — X; X 2 )'/ 2

clx — yIe(M+kM2/2)t y 0 as y —• x. (3.49)

Now apply Theorem 5.1 of Chapter 0. To state the Feller property anotherway, write T, for the transition operator

(T,f)(x) = Ef(X,) = ff (y)p(t; x, dy). (3.50)

The Feller property says that if f is bounded and continuous, so is T 1 J'.A number of other applications of Itö's Lemma are sketched in the Exercises.


A significant advantage of the theory of stochastic differential equations overother methods of construction of diffusions lies in its ability to construct andanalyze with relative ease those diffusions whose diffusion matricesD(x):= u(x)a'(x) are singular. Such diffusions are known as singular, ordegenerate, diffusions. Observe that in Section 2 the only assumption made on

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the coefficients is that they are Lipschitzian. As we shall see in this section, thestochastic integral representation (2.45) and Itö's Lemma are effective tools inanalyzing the asymptotic behavior of these diffusions. Notice, on the otherhand, that the method of Section 15 of Chapter V (also see Section 3 of thepresent chapter) does not work for analyzing transience, recurrence, etc., asquantities such as ß(r) may not be finite.

Singular diffusions arise in many different contexts. Suppose that the velocityV, of a particle satisfies the stochastic differential equation

dV, = µ0(V,) dt + a 0 ' (V1) dB', (4.1)

where {B} is a standard three-dimensional Brownian motion. The positionY, of the particle satisfies

dY, = V, dt. (4.2)

The process {X, := (V1 , Y,)} is then a six-dimensional singular diffusion governedby the stochastic differential equation

dX, = µ(X,) dt + a(X,) dB,, (4.3)


c ' ^FL(x) = (µo(v), v)', 6(x) _ 0 v) 0_I'

writing x = (v, y) and 0 for a 3 x 3 null matrix. Here {B,} is a six-dimensionalstandard Brownian motion whose first three coordinates comprise {B,("}. Often,as in the case of the Ornstein—Uhlenbeck process (see Example 1.2 in ChapterV, and Exercise 14.1(iii) of Chapter V), the velocity process has a uniqueinvariant distribution. The position process, being an integral of velocity, isusually asymptotically Gaussian by an application of the central limit theorem.Thus, the asymptotic properties of X, = (V„ Y,) may in this case be deducedfrom those of the nonsingular diffusion {V,}. On the other hand, there are manyproblems arising in applications in which the analysis is not as straightforward.One may think of a deterministic process U, = (Ut", U^ 21 ) governed by a systemof ordinary differential equations dU, = µ(U1 ) dt, having a unique fixed pointu* such that U, --+ u* as t --• co, no matter what the initial value U0 may be.Suppose now that a noise is superimposed that affects only the secondcomponent Ue 2) directly. The perturbed system X, = (X; 11, XI 21 ) may then begoverned by an equation of the form (4.3) with

6(x) -

(0 0

0( (x)^

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where a&(x) is nonsingular. The following result may be thought to deal withthis kind of phenomenon, although 6(x) need not be singular. For its statement,use the notation

°(x), J(x)°_ ((J1i(x))). (4.4)

Theorem 4.1. Let i(.), 6(•) be Lipschitzian on ll ,

Il(x) — a(y)II '< )olx — yl for all x, ye UBk. (4.5)

Assume that, for all x, the eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix 2(J(x) + J'(x))are all less than or equal to —A 1 < 0, where k2ö < 22 1 . Then there exists aunique invariant distribution ir(dz) for the diffusion, and p(t; x, dz) convergesweakly to n(dy) as t , cc, for every x e W.

Proof. The first step is to show that, for some x, the family { p(t; x, dy): t >, 0}is tight, i.e., given E > 0 there exists CE < oo such that

p(t; x, {y: IYI > c E}) <, e (t >, 0). (4.6)

It will then follow (see Chapter 0, Theorem 5.1) that there exist t„ —^ cc and aprobability measure it, perhaps depending on x, such that


p(t.; x, dy) i rc(dy) as n --+ oo. (4.7)

We will actually prove that

sup EIXfI Z < oo, (4.8)t>'0

where {X'} is the solution to (4.3) with X 0 = x. Clearly, (4.6) follows from (4.7)by means of Chebyshev's Inequality,

p(t; x, {lyl > c}) = P(I X I > c) i EIX^ I 2 .c

In order to prove (4.8), apply It6's Lemma (see Eq. 3.20) to the function^(y) = Iy1 2 to get

t (' t

IXxI 2 = IXI2 + 5 (Acp)(XS)ds + . ö,(p(X7)a,(Xs)•dB5. (4.9)0 r= 1 0

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Now check that


(Agq)(Y) = 2y it(Y) + X I(y)I 2 = 2Y'µ(Y) + tr(a(Y)a' (Y)), (4.10)

where tr D denotes the trace of D, i.e., the sum of the diagonal elements of D.Now, by a one-term Taylor expansion,

iµ (r)(Y) — µ (r )(0) = y • grad j(By) dB,


µ(y) — µ(0 ) = J 1 y'J(Oy)dO, (4.11)0

y •µ(Y) = Y - (µ(Y) — µ(0)) + Y'µ(0) = fo1 (Y'J(Oy)Y) dO + y•µ(0).


Y'J(OY)Y = Y'J'(OY)Y = zY'(J(OY) + J'(OY))Y 5 — A,jy 2 . (4.12)

Using this in (4.11),

2Y'µ(Y) < —2 1 y 2 + 2 (I t(0 )I)IYI. (4.13)


tr(a(Y) 6 '(Y)) = tr{(ß(Y) — a(0))(a(Y) — 6 (0))' + a(0)(u(Y) — ß(0))'

+ (a(y) — 6(0))6'(0) + a(0)ä (0)} . (4.14)

Since every element of a matrix is bounded by its norm, the trace of a k x kmatrix is no more than k times its norm. Therefore, (4.14) leads to

tr(ß(Y)a'(Y)) < kAöjy( 2 + 2kIG(0)IA0IYl + kIa(0)I2 . (4.15)

Substituting (4.13) and (4.15) into (4.10), and using the fact that Il < 6 1Y1 2 + 1/5for all 6 > 0, there exist 6, > 0, 6 2 > 0, such that 2), 1 — kt — 6 1 > 0 and

(AqP)(Y) —(2A — k^0 — b^)IYI 2 + b 2 • (4.16)

Now take expectations in (4.9) to get

EIX^ I 2 = IXI Z + EE(Agp(XS)) ds. (4.17)

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In arriving at (4.17), use the facts (i) IAq (y)I < cjy1 2 + c' for some c, c' positive,so that f o EIA(p(Xs)I ds < oo, and (ii) the integrand of the stochastic integral in(4.9) is in .t[0, cc). Now (4.17) implies that t --> EIX, I Z is absolutely continuouswith a density satisfying, by (4.16),

dt EIXx 1 2 = EAW(X') — kA 2 — 6 1)EjXx 1 2 + 6 2 . (4.18)

In other words, writing 6' .= 22 1 — k2ö — 6 1 > 0, 8(t) = EIX9 2 ,

dt (ea `0(t)) - 6 2 e b `,


0(t) -< {0(0) + (ö 2 /8')(ea ` — 1)}e - a` <, Ix1 2 e - a' 1 + 6 2 /S'.

This proves (4.8) and therefore (4.6) for all x.The next task is to prove that the limit in (4.7) does not depend on x. For

this it is enough to show

lim EIX, — XT I 2 = 0 `dx, ye IF8'`. (4.20)

For, if (4.7) holds for some x, and (4.20) holds for this x and all y then forevery Lipschitzian and bounded f, writing t for t,,,

Ef(XT) — ff (z) n(dz) < IEf(Xfl — Ef(Xx )I + Ef(X,) — ff(z)7r(dz)

,<cEIX; — X;I +Ef(X,) — ff(z)n(dz)

c(EIXt — X11 2 ) 1 / 2 + ^Ef(X;) — Jf(z)(dz)^ . 0 ,

as to — oo. It follows (Chapter 0, Theorem 5.1) that if (4.7) holds, then

p(tn; y, dz) —' n(dz) Vy C Rk . (4.21)

To prove (4.20), proceed as in the first step, replacing X; by

rZ,:= X, — X; =x — y+ J t f(s) ds + J y(s) dBs , (4.22)0 0


f(s) °= µ(Xs) — µ(Xs) = J 1 (XS — X5)'J(XS + 0(Xs — Xs )) d0 ,o (4.23)

Y(s)'= aND — a(XS )

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Letting Y, = Z, and p(z) = Iz1 2 in It6's Lemma (see Eqs. 3.44-3.46), obtain

EIZ t I 2 = Ix - y1 2 + E J {2Z5 . f(s) + tr y(s)y'(s)} ds. (4.24)

But, by (4.23) and the fact that z'J(w)z < —A l lz1 2 for all w, z (see Eq. 4.12),

ZS •fs = J 1 Z;J(X., + OZ5)Zs dO —A I IZs12. (4.25)0


IIY(s)Y'(s)II II7(s)II IIY'(s)II A2 '7 2 ,

so that

tr y(s)y'(s) S k20IZsj 2 . (4.26)

Using (4.25) and (4.26) in (4.24), obtain

dt EIZ` I 2 = E{2Z,•f(t) + tr y(t)y'(t)}

—(2A 1 — k2ö)EIZ,I 2 , (EIZOI 2 = Ix — y1 2 ). (4.28)

Hence (4.20) holds and, therefore, the limit in (4.21) is independent of y e Il k

(i.e., the limit in (4.7) is independent of x).The final step is to show that (4.21) implies that n is the unique invariant

probability. Let T, denote the transition operator for the diffusion (see Eq.3.50). Then for every bounded continuous function f, (4.21) implies

(T,J)(Y) --..i := ff (z)it(dz). (4.29)

By Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem, applied to the sequence{T,. f } and the measure p(t; x, dy),

T,(T,.,f)(x) = J (TtJ)(Y)P(t; x, dy) TJ = .f. (4.30)

But T, f is a bounded continuous function, by the Feller property (see end ofSection 3). Therefore, applying (4.29) to T, f,

T,,(T,.f)(x) -' J (T^f)(z)n(dz). (4.31)

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As T,(T,,, f) = T,^(T, f) = T, +t^ f, the limits in (4.30) and (4.31) coincide,

J (T, f )(z)zr(dz) = J f (z)mc(dz), (4.32)

i.e., if X0 has distribution it, then Ef(X,) = Ef(X0 ) for all t > 0. In otherwords, it is an invariant (initial) distribution. To prove uniqueness, let n' beany invariant probability. Then for all bounded continuous f,

J (T„ f)(z)n'(dz) = ff(z)ir'(dz) Vn. (4.33)

But, by (4.29), the left side converges to 7. Therefore,

f - ff(z)ir(dz) = ff(z)7r'(dz), (4.34)

implying it' = n. U

Consider next linear stochastic differential equations of the form

dX, = CX, dt + a dB, (4.35)

where C and a are constant k x k matrices. This is a continuous-time analogof the difference equation (13.10) of Chapter II for linear time series models.It is simple to check that (Exercise 1)

tXX:= e``x + e (`"s )c v dBQs (4.36)

is a solution to (4.35) with initial state x. By uniqueness, it is the solution withX o = x. Observe that, being a limit of linear combinations of Gaussians, X, isGaussian with mean vector exp{tC}x and dispersion matrix (Exercise 2)

L(t) = Eeta-s)co dBs e(r-s)'6 dBs = £ e('-s)c66^e('-s)' ds

0 0 0

= 5 eae du. (4.37)0

Suppose that the real parts of the eigenvalues A.....2, ß , say, of C arenegative. This does not necessarily imply that the eigenvalues of C + C are allnegative (Exercise 3). Therefore, Theorem 4.1 does not quite apply. But, writing

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[t] for the integer part of t and B = exp{C },

Ile`c I < Ile t"c Ii Ile" -(""II < IIB 1t'II max{ Ilesc ii: 0 < s < 1} -+ 0 (4.38)

exponentially fast, as t -+ oo, by the Lemma in Section 13 of Chapter II. Forthe eigenvalues of B are exp{A ;} (1 < i < k), all smaller than I in modulus. Itfollows from the exponential convergence (4.38) that exp{tC}x -► 0 as t -• oo,and the integral in (4.37) converges to

E := J e°c aae"c du. (4.39)0

The following result has, therefore, been proved.

Proposition 4.2. The diffusion governed by (4.35) has a unique invariantdistribution if all the eigenvalues of C have negative real parts. The invariantdistribution is Gaussian with zero mean vector and dispersion matrix E givenby (4.39).

Under the hypothesis of Proposition 4.2, the diffusion governed by (4.35)may be thought of as the multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.


Exercises for Section VII.1

1. Let s = t 0 ,,, < t l , n < • • • < tk.,n = t be, for each n, a partition of the interval [s, t],such that S n := max {t ;+ ,, n - tin : 0 i 5 kn - 1} -+0 as n -• oo.

(i) Prove that


sn :_ (B,3 a n — Btn) 2i=0

converges to t - s in probability as n --> oc. [Hint: E(sn - (t - s))2 -+ 0.](ii) Prove that

J B,, i l.n — B, ,I —* 00


in probability as n --> oo. [Hint: yn -> s',/maxJB,,,,, n — B, i.n^.](iii) Let it denote an arbitrary subdivision s = to < t l < • • <t,,, = t of [s, t]. Prove

that the supremum of y(ir) B,,, — B, 3 1 over all partitions n is 00 for allBrownian paths, outside a set of zero probability. [Hint: Choose a subsequencein (ii) such that yn --* co a.s.]

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(iv) Prove that, outside a set of zero probability, the Brownian paths are of unboundedvariation over every finite interval [a, b], a < b. [Hint: Use (iii) for every interval[a, b] with rational end points.]

(v) Use (iv) to prove that, outside a set of zero probability, the Brownian paths arenowhere differentiable on (0, oo). [Hint: If f is differentiable at x, then thereexists an interval [x — h, x + h] such that If() — f (z)I < ( 2 I f '(x)l + i) iy — zIVy, z e [x — h, x + h], so that f is of variation less than (21f'(x)l + 1)2h on[x— h,x+h).]

2. Consider the stochastic integral equation (1.3) with p(•) Lipschitzian, (µ(x) — le(y)iMix — yt. Solve this equation by the method of successive approximations, with thenth approximation X;" ) given by

X}">=x+ J (y(" - '>) ds+a(B,— Bo ) (n>1), X;° 1 =x.0

[Hint: For each t > 0 write b"(t) := max {IXS" ) — XS" - "1.0 -< s < t}. Fix T> 0. Then

T (' Tr„ -1

S"(T)-<M S"_ i (s)ds-<M 2 J f S"_ 2 (s)dsdt"_,0 0 0


fo t„-, (' tz

M" ... J 6,(s)dsdt 2 ..•dt"_, < M "B I (T)T" - '(n — 1)!o o

Hence, E" c5(T) converges to a finite limit, which implies the uniform convergenceof {X:0 5 s T} to a finite and continuous limit {XS: 0 s T}.]

3. Suppose f", Ja £[a, ß] and E f Q (f"(s) — f (s))2 ds -• 0 as n + co.(i) Prove that

r r l

U"'= max f(s)dB — f(s)dB. : 0Ja ))J

in probability.(ii) If { Y(t): a t ß} is a stochastic process with continuous sample paths and

f Q f(s) dBs --* Y(t) in probability for all t e [a, ß], then prove that


4. Prove the convergence in (1.34).

5. Let f (t) (t o < t < t,) be a nonrandom continuously differentiable function. Prove that

J f(s) dBa = f(t1)B1 — f(t 0 )B10 — B,sf'(s) ds.to ro

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Exercises for Section VII.2

I. If h is a Lipschitzian function on Il' and Xis a square integrable random variable,then prove that Eh 2 (X) < oo. [Hint:look at h(X) - h(0).]

2. Let DT's be as in the proof of Theorem 2.1. Prove that the sum ^^° " +1 (D) 2

occurringoccurring in (2.17) goes to zero as n - oo. [Hint: Use Stirling's approximation (10.3)in Chapter I.]

3. Assume the hypothesis of Theorem 2.1, with a = 0.

(ii) Prove that

E(X, - X0 ) 2 -< 4M 2 (t + 1) fo,

E(XS - X0 ) 2 ds + 4t 2 Ep 2 (X0 ) + 4tEa 2 (Xo

(ii) Write D, E(max{(XS - X0 ) 2 :0 s t }), 0 t , T. Deduce from (i) that

(a) D, <, dl fo Ds ds + d2 , where d, = 4M 2 (T + 1), d 2 = 4T(TEp2 (X0 ) + Ea 2 (X0

(b) DT < d 2 e° ' T .

4. Write out a proof of Theorem 2.4 by extending step by step the proof of Theorem 2.1.

5. Write out a proof of Theorem 2.5 along the lines of that of Theorem 2.2.

6. Consider the Gaussian diffusion {X} given by (2.49).

(i) Show that EX, = e - `Yx.(ii) Compute Cov(Xl , X+,,).

(iii) For the case y > 0, a 96 0, prove that there exists a unique invariant probabilitydistribution, and specify this distribution.

7. (i) Prove (2.28), (2.30), and (2.31) under the assumption (2.1).(ii) Write out a corresponding proof for the multidimensional case.

Exercises for Section VII.3

(i) Prove (3.1). [Hint: For each n, the finite sequence (B(,+,^r ,v - Brii2 - „)2 - 2 - "t

(m = 0, 1, ... , 2" - 1) is i.i.d. with mean zero and variance 2(4 - ")t 2 . Use (13.56)of Chapter I to estimate

1P max ZN ,"I > --

and then apply the Borel-Cantelli Lemma.](ii) Prove (3.16).

2. Let t(• ), a(•) be Lipschitzian and a(x) nonsingular for all x.(i) Show that if

J exp{ -I(u)} du = oo for some c > 0,

then the same holds for all c > 0.

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(ii) Show that if

^^ ä '(u) exp{1(u)} du < co for some c > 0,

then the same holds for all c > 0.

3. Let p(• ), a(•) be Lipschitzian and d, 1 (x)= i1(x)l 2 > 0 for all x. Prove that Et < oo,where r := inf{t ? 0: XI = d} and lxi < d. [Hint: For a sufficiently large c, the

function cp(x):= —exp{cx" ) } in {Ixi d} (extended suitably) satisfies A(x) < 0 in{lxs <_ d}. Let —6:= max{Acp(x): x d}. Apply It6's Lemma to cP and optional

stopping (Proposition 13.9 of Chapter 1) with stopping time t A n to getE(r A n) _< (2/6) max{1gp(x)I: jxl < d}. Now let n j oo.]

4. Let F be the twice continuously differentiable function on [ro , N], 0 < ro < N < oo,defined by (3.28). Find a twice continuously differentiable extension of F on [0, oo)that vanishes outside [ro — e, N + t:], where E > 0 is chosen so that ro — s > 0. Showthat cp(x):= F(Ixl) is twice continuously differentiable on l, vanishing outside acompact set. Apply It6's Lemma to cp to derive (3.31).

5. Let

F(r):= J r exp{ —1(u))} du, c -< r -< d,

where /(u) is defined by (3.23).

(i) Define cp(x):= F(IxI) for c < jxJ _< d and obtain a twice continuouslydifferentiable extension of cp vanishing outside a compact.

(ii) For the function tp in (i) check that Agp(x) ` 0 for c 5 lxi < d, and use It6'sLemma to derive a lower bound for P(r(, e(o:r) < =ae(o:d)), where raa(v:.)'=inf{t >_ 0:IX;i = r}.

(iii) Use (ii) to prove that

P(iaBio:ro) < 00) = I for lxi > ro ,



^ exp{ —1(u)} du = ca for some c> 0.

(iv) Use an argument similar to that outlined in (i)—(iii) to prove that

P(zae(o:. o) < oo) < 1 if J m exp{-1(u)} du < oo.

6. Suppose that g(•) is a real-valued, bounded, nonanticipative step functional on[0, T]. Prove that

t 3

t —. (fo g(u) dB„ g(t) belongs to .'H[0, T]

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[Hint: Use (1.6), with g in place of f, to get E{(fö g(u) dB„)6g2 (t)} S ct' for anappropriate constant c.]

7. Let {X} be a diffusion on 68 1 having Lipschitzian coefficients µ(• ), v(• ), witho 2 (x) > 0 for all x.

(i) Use Itö's Lemma to compute (a) i/i(x):= P({X^ } reaches c before d), c < x < d;(b) p P({X; } ever reaches c), x > c; (c) pxd t= P( {Xf } ever reaches d), x < d.[Hint: Consider p(y):= f' exp{ —1(c, r)} dr for c -< y -< d, where 1(c, r):_

f C (2u(z)/a2 (z)) dz.](ii) Compute (a) ET, A Td, where T,:= inf{t _> 0: Xx = r}, and c < x < d; (b) Etc

(x > c); (c) ETd (x <d). [Hint: Let cp be the solution of Acp(y) _ —1 for c <y < d,cp(c) = p(d) = 0; use Ito's Lemma.]

8. (i) Let m be a positive integer, and g a nonanticipative functional on [0, T] suchthat E f o g2m(t) dt < oo. Prove that

T 2m E/ g(t)dB,) < (2m — 1)mTm-I f

0T Eg2m(t)dt.


[Hint: For bounded nonanticipative step functionals g, use Ito's Lemma to get

t \ 2m t (' s)


Jt 1= E(g(s) dBs ) m(2m — 1) E (J g(u) dB„ g 2 (s) ds,o / o o

so that

(' r 2m - 2

dJ, = m(2m — I )E (J g(u) dB,) g 2 (t)dt o

2m (2m -2)/2m

m(2m — 1)E1(fo

g(u) dB.) (Eg2m(t))I /m

(by Hölder's Inequality).](ii) Extend (i) to multidimension, i.e., for nonanticipative functionals f =

{(f,(t), ... , fk (t)): 0 < t < T} satisfying E J01 f 2m(t) dt < oo (1 _< i _< k), provethat

E(1 T f(t)•dB,/ < k 2m - I(2m — 1)mTm-I Y E Jf0T

f 2m(t) dt.J o

9. (L°-Maximal Inequalities)(i) Let {Z.: n = 0,1, ...} be an {}-martingale, such that EIZ nI° < oo for all n

and for some p > 1. Prove that

Pt max IZmI> ^/ < ,i -FEjZn^ p VA > 0.\I m n

[Hint: Note that {IZnj°} is a submartingale, and see Exercise 13.10 of Chapter I.]

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(ii) Assume the hypothesis of (i) for some p > 1. Prove that

E^max IZnI ° I ` (P/(P — 1))PEIZ"I°.


[Hint: Write M"'= max{IZ,I: 0 _< m _< n}. Then

AP(M" A) _ j IZnI 1M , dP ,Ja

by (13.55) of Chapter I. Therefore,

(' M m

EMn = E(p J »'' dA = p AP - 'P(M" >- A) d i (by Fubini)0 o

m (' M^

p J('

Ap-2 ^ IZnI1,.^,,, dPl dA = P J IZ4I^ Al-2 d), dPo \ / \ o

_ (PI (P — 1 )) IZnl M^ -' dPJa

(p/(p — 1))(EMP) (p - ' )1P(EIZI ')" (by Hölder's Inequality) .]

(iii) Let {Z,: t > 0} be a continuous-parameter {.F,}-martingale, having a.s.continuous sample paths. If EIZ,IP < oo for all t ? 0, and for some p > 1, thenshow that

P( max IZ,I >,) <- A. -°EIZTI ° VA> 0,o<t,T

and, if p> 1, show that

Ej max IZ,Ij < (p/(p — 1))PEIZ T Ip.0<t<T

10. (i) In addition to the hypothesis of Theorem 2.1 assume that EX'" < co, wherem is a positive integer. Prove that for 0 _< t — a < 1,

/ / / (2m)1 u2m

IIX[ — Xall2m -< c1(m, M) (t — IX)Il^lXa)112m + (t — a)1J211Q(Xa)112m\m 2mj J

= c l (m, M)tp(t — 0),

say. Here II.112. is the Le m-norm for random variables, and c l (m, M) dependsonly on m and M. [Hint: Write S;"°:= sup{E(XS"' — s t}. Usethe triangle inequality for II 2m' and Exercise 8(i), to show that

(a) I(Xt ' — Xa Ii2m <- q (t — a), (((1))1/2m < (t — a)e

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(b) afn) < 22m-1M2m {(t — IX)2m-1 + (2m — 1)m (t — a)m -1 } 6(gn-1j ds


for n>2.Observe that

II Xt — X12,,,((S(n))1/2m

n=1 /

(ii) Deduce from (i) that sup„,.,,, EX” < oo for all t > a.(iii) Extend (i), (ii) to multidimension.

11. (i) Use the result in 10(i) to prove, for every e > 0, that P(IX,, — xl >, s) = o(t), ast j 0, (a) uniformly for all x in a bounded interval, if p(.), a(.) are Lipschitzian,and (b) uniformly for all x in 08' if p(. )' a(•) are bounded as well as Lipschitzian.

(ii) Extend (i) to multidimension.(iii) Let t(.), a(.) be Lipschitzian. Prove that

P( max IXs — xl >_ e f = o(t) as t 10,o5s5r I

uniformly for every bounded set of x's. Show that the convergence is uniformfor all x e IFk if t(. ), a(•) are bounded as well as Lipschitzian. [Hint:

PI max IX'r — xl > e/ < P \J t

lµ(X")I ds % E/ \ Ifos ()

dBI —

s ^ S + P max a Xa a ^ -oss,t o 2 Os: 2

='1 + 12,

say. To estimate I l note that Ip(XS)I < 1µ(z)1 + MIX' — xl, and use Chebyshev'sInequality for the fourth moment and Exercise 10(iii). To estimate /2 use Exercise9(iii) with p = 4, Proposition 3.4 (or Exercise 8(ii) with m = 2) and Exercise10(iii).]

12. (The Semigroup {T,}) Let p(-), a(•) be Lipschitzian.(i) Show that IITtf — f II -+ 0 as t j 0, for every real-valued Lipschitzian f on 08k

vanishing outside a bounded set. Here II • II denotes the "sup norm." [Hint: UseExercise 10.]

(ii) Let f be a real-valued twice continuously differentiable function on 08'`.(a) If Af and gradf are polynomially bounded (i.e., IAf(x)I < c l (1 + Ixlm'),

(grad f(x)l c2 (1 + Ixlm'), show that T, f (x) -+ f(x) as t j 0, uniformly onevery bounded set of x's.

(b) If Af is bounded and grad f polynomially bounded, show thatIITtf — f II -+ 0. [Hint: Use Itö's Lemma.]

(iii) (Infinitesimal Generator) Let -9 denote the set of all real-valued boundedcontinuous functions f on Rk such that Ilt - '(T,f — f) — gII -^ 0 as t 10, forsome bounded continuous g (i.e., g = ((d/dt)T rf), = o , where the convergence ofthe difference quotient to the derivative is uniform on R"). Write g = Af forsuch f, and call A the infinitesimal generator of {T,}, and -9 the domain of A.Show that every twice continuously differentiable f, which vanishes outsidesome bounded set, belongs to -9 and that for such f, Af = Af where A is given

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by (3.21). [Hint: Suppose f(x) = 0 for Ixl > N. For each E > 0 and x E

ITJ(x) — f(x) — tAf(x)i -< tO(Af:c) + 2tIIAf IIPI max IXs — xl\o<s<<

where ©(h:) = sup{th(y) — h(z)I: y, z E R", ly ... zl < a}. As r j0. O(Af :s) --p 0,and for each e > 0,

P( max IXS — xi _> e 0 as t j 0osssr /

uniformly for all x in Ne r_ {y: II _< N + F} (see Exercise I I (iii)). For x E NE,

IT,f(x) — f(x) — tA.f(x)I = E Af(X,)ds tIIAfIIP(fo

where z':= inf{t >_ 0: IX, I = N}. But P(r" <, t) < sup{P(r'' <_ t): lyl = N + F},

by the strong Markov property applied to the stopping time t:= inf{t >_ 0:IX, I = N + f}. Now

t) max IXs—yl>,e^=o(t) astj0,o,s,l

uniformly for all y satisfying lyl = N + e.](iv) Let f be a real-valued, bounded, twice continuously differentiable function on

If8'k such that gradf is polynomially bounded, Af is uniformly continuous, andAf(x) —+ 0 as Ixl —• oo . Show that f E -9. [Hint: Extend the argument in (iii).]

(v) (Local Property of A) Suppose f, g E _ are such that f(y) = g(y) in aneighborhood B(x:e) — XI <a} of x. Then Af(x) = Ag(x). [Hint:T, f(x) — T,g(x) = o(t) as t j 0, by Exercise 11(iii).]

13. (Initial-Value Problem) Let t(). a(•) be Lipschitzian. Adopt the notation ofExercise 12.

(i) If f E -9, then T, f E for all t _> 0, and ÄT, f = T,Äf. [Hint:

h(Th(Tf) — T1f)=Ti(Ttih —f ) ^T,Af

in "sup norm," since T,g 11911 for all bounded measurable g.](ii) (Existence of a Solution) Let f satisfy the hypothesis of Exercise 12(iv). Show

that the function u(t, x):= T, f (x) satisfies Kolmogorov's backward equation

au(t, x) = Au(t, x

and the initial condition

u(t, x) —• f(x) as t j 0, uniformly on (I^'`.

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If, in addition, u(t, x) is twice continuously differentiable in x, for > 0, thenAu(t, x) = Au(t, x). [Hint: The first part is a restatement of (i). For the secondpart use Exercise 12(iii), (v).]

(iii) (Uniqueness) Suppose v(t, x) is continuous on {t -> 0, x e H"), once continuouslydifferentiable in t > 0 and twice continuously differentiable in x e H'", andsatisfies

av(t,x)=Av(t,x) (t >0,xEH"),


lim v(t, x) = f(x) (x e R'),rio

where f is continuous and polynomially bounded. If Av(t, x) and 1grad v(t, x)j =^(a/axW . .. , a/ax"k")v(t, x)I are polynomially bounded uniformly for everycompact set of time points in (0, eo), then v(t, x) = u(t, x):= Ef (X^ ). [Hint: Foreach t > 0, use Itö's Lemma to the function w(s, x) = v(t — s, x) to get


Ev(e, X^_ E) — v(t, x) = E {—vo (r, X) + Av(r, X r )} dr = 0,E

where v0 (t, y)'= (av/at)(t, y). Let e 10.]

14. (Dirichlet Problem) Let G be a bounded open subset of H". Assume that A(• ), «(.)are Lipschitzian and that, for some i, d(x)1= (x)I 2 > 0 for x e G. Suppose v is atwice continuously differentiable function on G, continuous on G, satisfying

Av(x) _ —g(x) (x e G),

v(x)=f(x) (x e bG),

where f and g are (given) continuous functions on aG and G, respectively. Assumethat v can be extended to a twice continuously differentiable function on H'". Then

v(x) = E f (X7) + E.1

T g(X,) ds (x e G),0

where r'= inf{t >, 0: X; e aG}. [Hint: v can be taken to be twice continuouslydifferentiable on Hk with compact support. Apply Itd's Lemma to {v(X,)}, and thenuse the Optional Stopping Theorem (Proposition 13.9, Chapter I). Also see Exercise3.]

15. (Feynman—Kac Formula) Let p(.), 6(•) be Lipschitzian. Suppose u(t, x) is acontinuous function on [0, oo) x H", once continuously differentiable in t for t > 0,and twice continuously differentiable in x on H", satisfying

au(t, x)

at= Au(t, x) + V(x)u(t, x) (t > 0, x E H"), u(0, x) = f(x),

where f is a polynomially bounded continuous function on H k, and V isa continuousfunction on H k that is bounded above. If grad u(t, x) and Au(t, x) are polynomially

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bounded in x uniformly for every compact set oft in (0, oo), then

u(t,x)= E(f(X,)exp {f.'

V(XS)ds}) (t>,0,xcR'`). J

[Hint: For each t > 0, apply Itö's Lemma to

1'(s) = (Y1(s), Y2(s)) = (

X,., J V(X) ds') and w(s, y) = u(t — s, Y1),0

where y = (y 1 , y2 ).]

Exercises for Section VII.4

1. (i) Use the method of successive approximation to show that (4.36) is the solutionto (4.35).

(ii) Use Itö's Lemma to check that (4.36) solves (4.35).

2. Check that (4.37) is the dispersion matrix of the solution {X'} of the linear stochasticdifferential equation (4.35).

3. (i) Let C be a k x k matrix such that C + C' is negative definite (i.e., the eigenvaluesof C + C' are all negative). Prove that the real parts of all eigenvalues of C arenegative.

(ii) Give an example of a 2 x 2 matrix C whose eigenvalues have negative real parts,but C + C' is not negative definite.

4. In (4.35) let C = —cI where c > 0 and I is the k x k identity matrix. Compute thedispersion matrices E(t), E explicitly in this case, and show that they are singular ifand only if a is singular.


Theoretical Complements to Section VII.1

1. (P- Completion of Sigmafields) Let (0, .F , P) be a probability space, a

subsigmafield of .. The P-completion ' of is the sigmafield {G u N: G eN c M e such that P(M) = 0}. The proof of Lemma I of theoretical complementV.1.1 shows that if .3, is P-complete for all t _> 0 then the stochastic process{f(t): t >_ 0} is progressively measurable provided (1) f(t) is ,y,-measurable for all t,and (2) t —+ f(t) is almost surely right-continuous. Several times in Section 1 we haveconstructed processes { f(t)} that have continuous sample paths almost surely, andwhich have the property that f(t) is .F- measurable. These are nonanticipative in viewof the fact that, is P-complete.

2. (Extension of the Ito Integral to the Class .[a, /f]) Notice that the Itö integral (1.6)is well defined for all nonanticipative step functionals, and not merely those that arein #[a, ß]. It turns out that the stochastic integral of a right-continuousnonanticipative functional { f(t): a _< t _< fl} exists as an almost surely continuous

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limit of those of an appropriate sequence of step functionals, provided

Pf 2 (s) ds < oo a.s. (T.1.1)

J a

The class of all nonanticipative right-continuous functionals { f (t): a < t < ß}satisfying (T.1.1) is denoted by 2[a, ß]. Given an f E .^[a, ß] define, for each positiveinteger n,

cwA(t; n) {:=: J f 2 (s)ds<n} I f,,(t)=.i(t)lAU ; ")•l a

Then f" E ✓#[a, ß]. Write

A":= w: j f 2 (t, w) dt <n)

- A(ß; n).a JJJ

If m > n then on A. we have fm(t, co) = f"(t, w) for a <, t _< ß. It follows that

J " fm (s) dB, = J fn(s) dB, for a _< t _< ß, for almost all w E A".a a

To see this, consider g, h E ✓H[a, ß] such that g(t, w) = h(t, w) for a _< t _< ß,we A e F. If g, h are step functionals, then it follows from the definition (1.6) of thestochastic integral that

r rJ g(s) dB s = ^ h(s) dBs fora _< t < ß, for all w E A.a a

In the general case, let g", h" be nonanticipative step functionals such that

jg"(s) dB, --• j g(s) dB,, j h"(s) dB, —> h(s) dB, for a _< t _< ß, a.s.

a ,l a ,J a a

Without loss of generality one may take, for each n, the same partition{t ; (n): 0 < i < N"} of [a, ß] for both g", h". Modify h", if necessary, so thath"(tf"°, co) = g"(t;", w) for we {h(s) = g(s) for a _< s _< t," ) } (0 _< i <_ N"). Then


h"(s) dB, = g"(s) dB, for a _< t _< ß, if w E A,a

so that, in the limit,

J h(s) dB5 = g(s) dB,,a a

Thus, we get

J r fm(s) dB. = J tf"(s) dB,a a

a _< t < ß, almost everywhere on A.

a _< t < ß, almost everywhere on A".

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lim f '

fm(s) dB, = f,(s) dB,m-t Js a < t -< ß, almost everywhere on A.

A stochastic process that equals 1'. fn (s) dB, a.s. on A. (n >- 1) will be called the Itointegral off and denoted by Ja f (s) dB,. Since P(A) —. I in view of (T.1.1), on thecomplement of U a A„ the process may be defined arbitrarily.

The proof of Proposition 1.2 may be adapted for f e Y[a, (f] to show that (see(1.25) and the definition of h. after (1.29)) there exists a sequence of nonanticipativestep functionals h„ such that

E (h„(s) — f(s)) 2 ds —* 0 in probability.

From this one may show that f Q h a (s) dB, converges in probability to S f(s) dB,. Forthis we first derive the inequality

(' ß ß c.

P^ J f (s) dB, > e^ P( j f2(5)dS -> c + z (T.1.3)a a r,

for all c > 0, e > 0. To see this define

g(t) = f(t) 1 A(t; )-

Since g e . #{, ß], and f(t) = g(t) for -< t /3 on the set { Ja f 2 (s) ds <c}, it followsthat

P (I Jaß.i(s) dB E) P(J ß f 2 (s) ds > c) +

P(I JQß g(s) dB, > r

P \J ßf 2(s) ds c^ + E\Jaß g(s) dB :)/F 2

PI J ß f 2 (s) ds c) + (E ßE J g2(s) ds)/2ß c

P f2(s) ds > c + EZ



Applying (T.1.3) to h —f one gets, taking c = e 3 ,

lim (J: ha(S) dB, — J ß f(s) dB, >

which is the desired result. Properties (a), (b) of Proposition 1.1 hold for f E ^P[a, ß].

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Theoretical Complements to Section VII.2

1. (The Markov Property of {X1 }) Consider the equation (2.25). Let 5s , denote theP-completion of the sigmafield a{B" — Bs : s < u -< t }. The successive approximations(2.3)— (2.5), with a = s, X,, = z, may be shown to be measurable with respect to

(U8 1 ) Qx X5 . To see this, note that (z, u, w) --+ X." )(w) is measurable on(R' x [s, t] x f2,.(l 1 ) Q.1([s, t]) Qx 9,,,) for every t > s. Also, if (z, u, u0) --* X »(w)is measurable with respect to this product sigmafield, then so is the right side of (2.4).This is easily checked by expressing the time integral as a limit of Riemann sums,and the stochastic integral as a limit of stochastic integrals of nonanticipative (withrespect to { 9✓ : u -> s}) step functionals. It then follows that the almost sure limit X,of X;" ) (as n - oo) is measurable as a function of (z, w) (with respect to the sigmafield

f(H 1 ) px (g R' x i)). Write the solution of (2.25) as cp(s, t; z). ThenX; = (p(s, t; XS ), by (2.24) and the uniqueness of the solution of (2.25) with z = X.Since X. is S measurable, and is independent of 15 ,, it follows that for every boundedBorel measurable function g on R', E(g(X;) I ) _ [Ey(rp(s, t; z))]z=Xt (see Section4 of Chapter 0, Theorem on Independence and Conditional Expectation). This provesthe Markov property of {X, }. The multidimensional case is entirely analogous.

2. (Nonhomogeneous Diffusions) Suppose that we are given functions p ( '°(t, x), 6(t, x)on [0, oo) x Hk into H'. Write µ(t, x) for the vector whose ith component isµ^' ) (t, x), a(t, x) for the k x k matrix whose (i, j) element is Q(t, x). Given s > 0, wewould like to solve the stochastic differential equation

dX, = µ(X„ t) dt + a(X„ t) dB, (t >, s), XS = Z, (T.2.1)

where Z is `ks measurable, EIZI 2 < oc. It is not difficult to extend the proofs ofTheorems 2,1, 2.2 (also see Theorems 2.4, 2.5) to prove the following result.

Theorem T.2.1. Assume

1µ(t, x) — µ(s, Y)I 5 M(Jx — yl + It — sI),(T.2.2)

Ila(t, x) — a(s, Y)II M(Ix — yI + It — sl),

for some constant M.(a) Then for every . -measurable k-dimensional square integrable Z there exists a

unique nonanticipative continuous solution {X,: t ^ s} in .&[s, oo) of

X,=Z+ J u)du+ J f a(X,u)dB" (t s). (T.2.3)S 5

(b) Let {X;•": t ? s} denote the solution of (T.2.3) with Z = x E H". Then it is a(possibly nonhomogeneous) Markov process with (initial) state x at time s andtransition probability

p(s', t; z, B) = P(X,'•z E B) (s -< s' t). (T.2.4)

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Theoretical Complements for Section VII.3

1. (Itb's Lemma) To prove Theorem 3.1, assume first that f„ g, are nonanticipativestep functionals. The general case follows by approximating f,, g, by step functionalsand taking limits in probability.

Fix s < t (0 -< s < t -< T). In view of the additivity of the (Riemann and stochastic)integrals, it is enough to consider the case f,(s') = f,(s), g,(s') = g,(s) for s -< s' t.Let tö ) = s < t(" ) < • • • < tN,), = t be a sequence of partitions such that

S":=max{t+1—t;"):=0-<i<-N"-1}--^0 as n oc.

WriteNn - 1

(t, Y(t)) — P(s, Y(s)) =[(t1, Y(t )) — (P(ti"', Y(tt)fli =o

N n - 1

+ [^(t;"), Y(t'? l )) — q(ti" ) Y(t1" ) ))] . (Ti 1)i =o

The first sum on the right may be expressed as

Nn - i

(tl — t l" 1 ){öoq(t , (ti+l))+R';} (T.3.2)i


IRn .'I 5 max{Iaoq(u, Y(ti+ )) — aoq(u', Y(t i+ l ))I: t u u' ti+, } -a 0

uniformly in i (for each w), as n , because co op is uniformly continuous on[s, t] x { Y(u, w): s -< u -< t}. Hence, (T.3.2) converges, for all w, to

Jo'= J l d0 (u, Y(u)) du. (T.3.3)

By a Taylor expansion, the second sum on the right in (T.3.1) may be expressed as

Nn - 1 m

(Ylrl(ti+l) — Y (ry (tlnl)) 0, q(tin) Y(tlnl))

i =0 r=1

I Nn -I

+ > ( ) — Y l.l (tl" )))(Y`"'(t'+) — y


2 ! t^r,r'Sm i =o

X l ar ar' q ( t n) Y(t'n))) + Rrr).n.i}, (T.3.4)

where R, — 0 uniformly in i (for each w), because (u, y) ---r ö,. 3, cp(u, y) andt -a Y(t) are continuous. Using (3.9) the first sum in (T.3.4) is expressed as

m Nn-1 J {'

Y- Y- l( 1 i ") — tinl )f,(s) + g,(s)' (Bt(, — Bilnl)}urq(tin) Y(t))r=1 i =0 l

—' Jt 1 `_ ^J lf.(u)a.^P(u, 1'(u)) du + J 1 a,(P(u, Y(u))g.(u)•dB"],

.=t s

in probability, (T.3.5)

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since ä,cp is continuous and (see Exercise 1.3)

N„-1 f 4" (' I

(0 (p(t("1 Y(ti"^)) — 3 p(u, Y(u)))g,(s)•dB„ = J h"(u)•dB,,,

1=0 " s

say, where $ Jh,.,(u)j du -+ 0 a.s. It remains to find the limiting value of the secondsum in (T.3.4) (excluding the remainder). For this, write

N„-1(Y'( t l+ l) — Y .

(t"))(Y'(t +1) — Y (.' )(tln) ))a.a. w(ti"' y(t;n '))


_ { (t + l — t )f (s) + g.(s) • (B,j", , — B11 0}i0

X l(t(+l — t1n))✓, (s) + g; (s)• (B11,. — Btlnl)}ä,är•(p(ti'° Y(t'"1)). (T.3.6)

By (3.1), (3.15) and (3.16), (T.3.6) converges a.s. (for a suitable sequence of partitions)to

N -1 k k

um 9(s)(B^f;, — B.)}{ g (s)(B) — B ) a.ö: ^P(t}" 1 , Y(ti''))j =1 i=1


9:1(s)9r1(s) (Bri'. — B^i^ ) Z a.a; W (ti " 1 Y(ti" 1))j=1 1=0

k N„-1

= L^ 9r11(S)gr^)(s) llm Z (ti +l — tinl)a,a,. (ti ") , Y(ti "1 ))

j=1 i=0

= J12'= Y f,' g,'j) (U)gr(j'(U)O,ar'(P(U,Y(u))du. (T.3.7)j =1

The proof is completed by adding J0 , J11 , and J12 . n

It may be noted that the proof goes through for f„ g, e £[0, T], I -< r -< k, cp(t, y)twice continuously differentiable in y and once in t.

2. (Explosion) Assume that µ(• ), 6(•) are locally Lipschitzian, that is, (2.42) holds for^xl < n, jyj < n, with M = Mn , where Mn may go to infinity as n —• co. One may stillconstruct a diffusion on Rk satisfying (2.43) up to an explosion time C. For this, let{X': t >- 0} be the solution of (2.43) with globally Lipschitzian coefficients i,,(•), c()satisfying

µn(Y) = µ(Y) and a(y) = 6 (Y) for jyj -< n. (T.3.8)

We may, for example, let µ"(y) = p(ny/Iyl) and v"(y) = a(ny/Iyj) for lyl > n, so that(2.42) holds for all x, y with M = M. Let us show that, if (xl -< n,

X' m(w) = X;.,,(aw) for 0 -< t < Cn (co) (m >- n) (T.3.9)

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outside a set of zero probability, where

inf{t > 0: IX, „I = n } . (T.3.10)

To prove (T.3.9), first note that if m >- n then µ(y) = µ„(y) and a,,,(y) = a„(y) forII -< n, so that

µm(X,,,,) = µ„(X,.,,) and «„(X;,,,) = a„(Xf „) for 0 -< t < S„(w). (T.3.1 I

It follows from (T.3.1 1) (see the argument in theoretical complement I.2) that

f p.(X,.,,) ds + a,X) dB = µ„(X) ds + ß„(X;. ,,) dB for 0 -< t < S„J o Jo Jo JO

(T.3.12)almost surely. Therefore, a.s.,

Xi m — X^ n = fo' [I►m(X.;m) — P^,(Xs,)] ds + [6m(X.;.m) — am(X,.^)] dBu Jo

for 0 -< t < S„. (T.3.13)

This implies

cP(t):= E(IXi — Xi„J 2 I >,) 2tMm J (s) ds + 2M' w(s) ds0

= 2Mm(t + 1) q(s) ds. (T.3.14)J o

By iteration (see (2.21) and (2.22)), q(t) = 0. In other words, on {^„ > t}, X; „, =a.s., for each t > 0. Since t --, X; ,,,, X,.,, are continuous, it follows that, outside a setof probability 0, X,.„, = Xs,, for 0 -< s < S„, m -> n. In particular, C. j a.s. to (theexplosion time) 1;, say, as n j co, and

X; (w) = lim X” „(w), t < (w), (T.13.15)nom

exists a.s., and has a.s. continuous sample paths on [0, S(cw)). If P(C < co) > 0, thenwe say that explosion occurs. In this case one may continue {X'} fort -> S(w) by setting

X; (co) _ "co”, t (co), (T.13.16)

where "co" is a new state, usually taken to be the point at infinity in the one-pointcompactification of 11" (see H. L. Royden (1963), Real Analysis, 2nd ed., Macmillan,New York, p. 168). Using the Markov property of {X} for each n, it is not difficultto show that {X': t >- 0} defined by (T.13.15) and (T.13.16) is a Markov process on08'` u {"cc"}, called the minimal dillusion generated by

1 ,( )0 2 r;

2u^A =

d x 3x^^i fix' + µ (X) (izri'

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If k = 1 one often takes, instead of (T.13.16),

—00 for t >-C(w)on(lim X, =—oo^,

Xt _ \ (T.3.17)

+ oo for t >- ^(w) on (um X; = + oo f .T -' J

Write C = r_. on {lim,^. X, = —co}, C = r + on {lim,^. X, = +oo}. WriteT,:= inf{t >, 0: X; = z }.

Theorem T.3.1. (Feller's Test for Explosion). Let k = 1 and I(z) := f o (2µ(z')/a2 (z')) dz'.Then

(a) P(r + ^ < oo) = 0 if J exp{- 1(y) } L^ y (exp{1(z)}/v2 (z)) dzI dy =oo,0 0

(b) P(r-. < oo) = 0 if J o exp' — 1(y)} If o (exp{I(z)}/a2 (z)) dz] dy = oo.y

Proof. (a) Assuming that the integral on the right in (a) diverges we will constructa nonnegative, increasing and twice continuously differentiable function (p on [0, cc)such that (i) Agq(y) < p(y) for all y and (ii) 4p(y) -+ oo as y -^ oo. Granting theexistence of such a function cp for the moment (and extending it to a twice continuouslydifferentiable function on (-0o,0]), apply Itö's Lemma to the functioncp(t, y) := exp{ — t}(p(y) to get, for all x > 0,

n TO A I

Eq (t„ A T o n t, X '^ Tp ,,,) — q (x) = E (—exp{ — s })[cp(Xs) — AQp(Xs )] ds0


This means q(x) >, Ecp(;rn A To A t, X A To „ j, so that

Q(x) >, e - `^p(n)P(r < ro A t).

Letting n -+ o0 one has, for all t >, 0,

P(r + , < ro A t) < e`cp(x) )im cp - '(n) = 0. (T.3.18)n-•m

Thus, P(T +« < t, To = oo) = 0, for all t >- 0, so that P(t + ^ < oo, -ro = oo) = 0. But onthe set {tto < co}, r + > io by definition of r +m . Therefore, P(r +W t, ro < oo) = 0.This implies P(r + . < oo) = 0. It remains to construct cp. Let p0(z) = I (z ? 0) anddefine, recursively,

q(z) = 2 f.

^exp{- 1(y)}Ifoy

exp{ 1 (z')}con-i(z ) dz,ldy (z ^ 0; n >- 1).

62 (z') J(T.3.19)

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Then (p, >- 0, q(z) j as z j, and


(£ ex[f ex6{((zl )}

cp„(z) 2 p{-!(Y)} z dz' d3, (n -> 0). (T.3.20) 0

To prove (T.3.20), note that it holds for n = 0 and that „(z) -< cp„_,(z)^p,(z) (n -> 1).

Now use induction on n. It follows from (T.3.20) that the series q (z):= „= o y^„(z)converges uniformly on compacts. Also, it is simple to check that A(P„(z) = cP„_,(z)for all n >_ 1, so that A may be applied term by term to yield AQQ(z) = (P(z) (z -> 0).By assumption, p 1 (z) --' -) as z -+ rc,. Therefore, cp(z) -* x as z - o. Next assumethat the series on the right in (a) converges. Again, applying Itö's Lemma torp(t, y):=exp{-t}cp(y), we get

Xq(x) = EcP(r„ A T o A t , TnA ToA

cp(n)P(i„ < to A t) + q (0)P(r o -< t„ A t) + e - `cp(n)P(t < z„ A x)

= cp(n){P(t„ -< To A t) + e - `P(i„ A T o > t)}. (T.3.21)

Letting t -* oc we get

9(x) -< p(n){P(r„ < To, T o < cc) + P(i„ < r x , To = cc)} < w(n)P(i„ < cc),

so that

P(z, < cc) -> 9 (x)/q (oo) > 0.

The proof of (b) is essentially analogous. n

REMARK. It should be noted that P(T + , < oo) > 0 means +co is accessible. Fordiffusions on S = (a, b) with a and/or b finite, the criterion of accessibility mentionedin theoretical complement V.2.3 may be derived in exactly the same manner.

In multidimension (k > 1) the following criteria may be derived. We use thenotation (3.23) for the following statement.

Theorem T.3.2. (Has'tninskii's Test for Explosion).

(a) P(S < oo) = 0 if J x e i^•^(J

f exp{/(u)} du) dr = cc,

` x(u)

(b) P(? < oo) > 0 if J e-t(r)(I exp{I(u)}

du dr < co. [I], a(u)

Proof. (a) Assume that the right side of (a) diverges. Fix r o e [0, xl). Define thefollowing functions on (ro , cc),

^Ao(v) = 1, ^P„(v) = J e ^t.^ I I exp{ (u)}r0=i(u) du) dr. (T.3.22)

„ „ x(u)

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Then the radial functions q(y)on (r0 _< IyI < oo) satisfy: A(y) _< ^p„_ I(IYI)• Now,as in the proof of Theorem T.3.1, apply Itö's Lemma to the function

<P(t, y)'= exp{ - t }gPQYI), where cp(IYI) _ n=0

extended to all of R'` as a twice continuously differentiable function. Then, writingtR := inf {t >_ 0: IXXI = R },

E(p(t,o /\ tR A t, X,' TRn,) <- 9(Ixl),


e-'w(R)P(tR ^ t ro A t) (IX), P(ZR t,a A t) e' w(IXI)


Letting R -• co, we get P(^ _< t,o A t) = 0 for all t _> 0. It follows that P(S < co) = 0.(b) This follows by replacing upper bars by lower bars in the definition (T.3.22)

and noting that for the resulting functions, Acp„(IYI) % (V„- i(IYI)• The rest of the prooffollows the proof of the second half of part (a) of Theorem T.3. 1. n

Theorem T.3.1 is due to W. Feller (1952), "The Parabolic Differential Equationsand the Associated Semigroups of Transformations,” Ann. of Math., 55, pp. 468-519.Theorem T.3.2 is due to R. Z. Has'minskii (1960), "Ergodic Properties of RecurrentDiffusion Processes and Stabilization of the Solution of the Cauchy Problem forParabolic Equations,” Theor. Probability Appl., 5, pp. 196-214.

3. (Cameron-Martin-Girsanov Theorem) Let ), a(.) be Lipschitzian, a(•) nonsingularand a - ' (•) Lipschitzian. Let {X'} be the solution of

X; = x + j a(X)dB (t -> 0). (T.3.23)J o


exp { ` 1J


J 6- '(XII)R(XS )•dB3. - 2 la -t (Xs:)P(X -, )I Z ds'

3 5

(0`s<t<oo). (T.3.24)

By Itö's Lemma,

dZ^.: = Z,..6 - '(X')p(X^ )•dB„


Z"= I + J Z0 • a — '(XS)g(Xs)•dBs . (T.3.25)0

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One may show, using Exercises 3.8, 3.10, that the integrand in (T.3.25) is in ✓1I[0, ox).Hence {Z°•'} is a nonnegative {3}-martingale and EZ' = 1. Define the set function

Q on U,,o ^F, by

Q(A)= E(1 A Z") = fA

Z°•" dP, A e .f,. (T.3.26)

Note that if A e ,y, then A e .,, for all t' > t, and

E(I A Z) = E[1AE(Zo.x I ^)] = E(l A Z°.x)

Hence Q is a well-defined nonnegative and countably additive set function on thefield U,, o F,. It therefore has a unique extension to the smallest sigmafield 9containing U,, o .y,. Also, Q(S1) = E(Z°') = 1. Thus, Q is a probability measure on(f2, F). On (Q .y,), Q is absolutely continuous with respect to P. with aRadon—Nikodym derivative Zr'.

We will show that, under Q, {X} is a diffusion with drift µ(•) and diffusion matrixa( )'( ), starting at x. Denote by EQ and E, expectations under Q and P, respectively.Let g be an arbitrary real-valued bounded Borel measurable function on Il k . Then

E(9(X'„)Z°+,1 gis) = Zo.x

'(t, X., ), (T.3.27)


i(t, Y):= E(g(XY )Z o .r). (T.3.28)

Therefore, for every real bounded F,-measurable h,

EQ(hg(Xs+^)) = E(hZ°.xi(t, XS)) = EQ(h+i(t, Xs)), (T.3.29)

which proves the desired Markov property. Finally, for all twice continuouslydifferentiable g with compart support, It6's Lemma yields, with f = a`tt,

d(g(X, )Zo,.) = (Aog)(X' )Zo” dt + Z°.' (grad 9)(X: ). ø(X; ) dBt

+ g(X,)Z,o•'"f(X, )•dB, + Z°•"(grad g)(Xµ(X, ) dt

= (Ag)(X, )Z°" dt + Z°•"(grad g)(X,) + g(X, )f (X, )) • dB„ (T.3.30)

where, writing d(y)t= (a(y)a'(y)),

1 82g(Y) ^;^ agAog(Y) = 2 1] oy^^i ayu^' Ag(Y)'= Aog(Y) + µ (Y) _ .) . (T.3.31)

Taking expectations in (T.3.30) we get

EQ g(X;) — g(x) = f EQ Ag(Xs) ds. (T.3.32)Jo

Dividing by t and letting t j 0, it follows that the infinitesimal generator of theQ-distribution of {X;) is A. We have thus proved the following result.

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Theorem T.3.3. (Cameron-Martin-Girsanov Theorem). Suppose i(•), a(.), a ' ( )are Lipschitzian, {X'} the nonanticipative solution of (T.3.23).

(a) Then for every t ? 0, the probability measure Q defined by (T.3.26) is absolutelycontinuous with respect to P on (fl, . ), with the Radon-Nikodym derivative Z o •"

(b) Under Q, {X} is a diffusion with drift it(•) and diffusion matrix a(.)«'(•). ❑

An immediate corollary is the following result. Let .4, denote the sigmafield onS2':= C([0, oo): P) generated by the coordinate projections co' -• a, 0 <_ s _< t. Let9 = a(U,, o ,4,). Denote by P") the distribution (on (0', ga')) of a diffusion with driftµ;(.) and diffusion matrix ((d; j(• ))) = a(•)a(• )', starting at x (i = 1, 2).

Corollary T.3.4. Suppose µ;(•) (i = 1, 2), a(. ), a ' (•) are Lipschitzian. Then, forevery t > 0, P;;2 ^ is absolutely continuous with respect to P» on (Q', V,). ❑

The preceding results extend easily to nonhomogeneous diffusions on 1. Recallthe notation of Theorem T.2.1, and define

exp{Jt a'(s, Xo.=)µ(s, Xo. :),d% - 1 r^ ^a-'(s Xo.X)µ(s, Xo,x)^2 ds}.

0 2 J o jjj(T.3.33)

Theorem T.3.5

(a) Suppose (t, y) -. µ(t, y), a(t, y), a - '(t, y) are Lipschitzian. Let {X°•'} denote thenonanticipative solution of

Xo•" = x + fo, a(s, X o •') dBs , (T.3.34)

and Q a probability measure on (S2, a(U,, o S)) defined by

Q(A) = E(1 g Z°•"), A e.. (T.3.35)

Then Q is absolutely continuous with respect to P on (S2, y,), with aRadon-Nikodym derivative Zo"

(b) Suppose (t, (y)) -+ µ ; (t, y) (i = 1, 2), a(t, y), a" 1 (t, y) are Lipschitzian. Let Pö!x

(i = 1, 2) denote the distribution (on (C([0, oo): R'), .4)) of a diffusion with driftµ;() and diffusion matrix a( ‚. )a'( ). Then Pö ; is absolutely continuous withrespect to Po'; on .4. ❑

The assumption that µ, a, a - ' be Lipschitzian may be relaxed to theassumption that these may be locally Lipschitzian and that the diffusions, withand without the drift p, be nonexplosive. This may be established byapproximating µ, a by µ„, a„ as in (T.3.8), and then letting n -. oo.

R. H. Cameron and W. T. Martin (1944), "Transformation of Wiener IntegralsUnder Translations,” Ann. of Math., 45, pp. 386-396, proved the above resultsfor the case a(•) = I. These were generalized by I. V. Girsanov (1960), "OnTransforming a Class of Stochastic Processes by Absolutely ContinuousSubstitution of Measures," Theor. Probability Appl., 5, pp. 314-330.

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4. (The Support Theorem and the Maximum Principle) We want to establish thefollowing result. The notation is the same as in the statement of Corollary T.3.4.

Theorem T.3.6. (The Support Theorem). Let p.), a( ), a 1 ( ) be Lipschitzian. Thenthe support of the distribution P. (of a diffusion with drift It(.) and diffusion matrix( )a'( )) is C {w' e C([0, cc): 01"): w'(0) = x}. ❑

Proof. It is enough to show that all sufficiently smooth functions in C. are in thesupport of P. Let t —* u(t) = (u,(t), ... , uk (t)) be a twice continuously differentiablefunction in C. Let > 0, T> 0 be given. Define a continuously differentiable (in t)function c(t) _ (c 1 (t), ... , ck (t)) that vanishes for t > 2T and such that c.(t) = (d/dt)u ; (t),

1 _< i <_ k, t T. Consider the diffusion {X°•'} that is the solution of

X°•x = x + J ') dBs (t -> 0). (T.3.36)0 0

c(s) ds + J a(X

In view of Theorem T.3.5, it is enough to show

P^IX° — x — Jc(s) ds < e for all t e [0, T]) > 0. (T.3.37)

In turn, (T.3.37) follows if we can find a Lipschitzian vector field b(•) such that thesolution {Y,} of

r r

Y, = x + c(s) ds + b(Y,) ds + 6(Y s ) dB, (t -> 0) (T.3.38)f.' 0


P(IYr — x — J c(s) ds < e for all t E [0, T]) > 0. (T.3.39)0

But (T.3.39) will follow if one may find b(•) such that

E(•rOB(x: ,) ) > T, where TöB( , ) := inf { t > 0: I Y, — x — f.

' c(s) dsI-> e } . )

The following lemma shows that such a b(•) exists. n

Lemma. Let a(•) be nonsingular and Lipschitzian. Then, for every e > 0,

sup Er fl(, E) = co, (T.3.40)

where the supremum is over the class of all Lipschitzian vector fields b(.). ❑

Proof. Without loss of generality, take x = 0. (This amounts to a translation of thecoefficients by x.) Write Z, = Y, — f ö c(s) ds. For any given pair t() - b(. ), y(.)

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defineZa)ZW ('

d(t, z):= d;i(z + c(s) ds) Z B(t, z) _ Y dii (z + J c(s) ds) f., IZI ot. t

C(t, z) = 2 + c(s) dso

B(t, z) + C(t, z)3=' sup — 1, a(r):= sup d(t, z).

f30.Izl=r d(t, z) t >-o.Izl =r

Similarly ß(r), a(r) are defined by replacing "sup" by "inf" in the last two expressions.Finally, let

I(r):= f rß(u) du !(r):_ I r ß(u) duo U J a U

where a is an arbitrary positive constant. Note that {Z,} is a (nonhomogeneous)diffusion on 11" whose drift coefficient is b (t , z) = b(z + ,(o c(s) ds), and whose diffusionmatrix is D(t, z) := a(t, z)ß'(t, z) where a(t, z) = a(z + f o c(s) ds). The infinitesimalgenerator of this diffusion is denoted A.

Now check thatlimß(r)>k -1. (T.3.41)•10


F(r) = f,8(f,"a ( v )1 exp{u

v )))

— J ß(, dll } dv) du. (T.3.42)« v

Using (T.3.41) it is simple to check that F(r) is finite for 0 < r s. Also, for r > 0,

F'(r) = — Er 1 exp^— J r ß(U)

J))dv' } dv < 0,

a(v) ^ v'(1.3.43 )

F"(r) _ —«- —r) ßYr)

Define q(z) = F(IzI). By (3.24) and (T.3.43) it follows that

2A t rp(z) >- —1 for 0< IzI < s.

Therefore, by Itb's Lemma applied to cp(Z,) (and using the fact that cp = 0 on öB(O:e)),

0 — 4?(0) 3 — ZEiaBto:E),

so that

ETaB(o:,) -> 2q(0) = 2F(0), 0 -< IzI -< a. (T.3.44)

Choose b(z) _ —Mz (M > 0). Then it is simple to check that as M —r oo, F(0) — oo.n

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Corollary T.3.7. (Maximum Principle for Elliptic Equations). Suppose It(.) and a(• )are locally Lipschitzian and r(.) nonsingular. Let A be as in (T.3.31). Let G be abounded, connected, open set, and u(•) a continuous function on G, twice continuouslydifferentiable in G, such that Au(x) = 0 for all x e G. Then u(.) cannot attain itsmaximum or minimum in G, unless u is constant on G. 0

Proof. If possible, let x o e G be such that u(x) _< u(x o ) for all x e G. Let 6 > 0 besuch that B(x 0 :2 5) c G. Let cp be a bounded, twice continuously differentiable functionon H" with bounded first and second derivatives, satisfying q0(x) = u(x) on B(xo :b).

Let {X,} be a diffusion with coefficients µ(• ), a(• ), starting at x 0 . Apply It6's Lemmato get

Eg7(X8,0 ai) =

or, denoting by it the distribution of X,ß, b .,

u(y)rt(dy) = u(x o ). (T.3.45)feB(xo :j)

But u(y) _< u(xo ) for all ye aB(x0 :6). If u(yo) < u(xo ) for some yo E 3B(x0 :S) then, bythe continuity of u, there is a neighborhood of y o on 3B(x 0 :S) in which u(y) < u(xo ).But Theorem T.3.6 implies that iv assigns positive probability to this neighborhood,which would imply that the left side of (T.3.45) is smaller than its right side. Thusu(y) = u(x o ) on 3B(x0 :8). By letting 6 vary, it follows that u is constant on everyopen ball B contained in G centered at x o . Let D = {y e G: u(y) = u(x o )}. For eachy e D there exists, by the same argument as above, an open ball centered at y onwhich u equals u(x o ). Thus D is open. But D is also closed (in G), since u is continuous.By connectedness of G, D = G. n

D. W. Stroock and S. R. S. Varadhan (1970), "On the Support of DiffusionProcesses with Applications to the Strong Maximum Principle," Proc. Sixth BerkeleySymp. on Math. Statist. and Probability, Vol. III, pp. 333-360, contains much morethan the results described above.

5. (Positive Recurrence and the Existence of a Unique Invariant Probability) Considera positive recurrent diffusion {X} on Rk . Fix two positive numbers r, < rz . Define

ry e :=inf{t 0: X') = r 1 }, riz;:=inf{t z; _ ' : IX,) = rz },(T.3.46)

x7zr +i =inf{ t->ri zi : ^X,^ =r 1 } (i 1).

The random variables q ; are a.s. finite. By the strong Markov property {Xn z,: i > 1}is a Markov chain on the state space 0B(O:r 1 ) = {)yl = r l }, having a (one-step)transition probability

ni(y, B):= P(X"7:,.•, E B nz:-. )xt=r = J H,(z, B)H2(y, dz),{iii =.zi (T.3.47)

()yj = r 1 , B E .1(ÖB(O: r, )),

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where .yn, is the pre-q sigmafield, and H; (y, dz) is the distribution of X ß(0 ., t therandom point where {X;} hits OB(0:r; ) at the time of its first passage to aB(O:r; ).

Now for all z,, z2 e OB(O:r, ), H2 (z,, dy), H2 (z2 ,dy) are absolutely continuous withrespect to each other and there exists a positive constant c (independent of z,, z2 )such that

dH2(z1, dy) >_ c (jz; = r l for i = 1, 2). (T.3.48)dH2(z2, dy)

This is essentially Harnack's inequality (see D. Gilbarg and N. S. Trudinger (1977),Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order, Springer-Verlag, New York,p. 189). It follows from (T.3.47) and (T.3.48) that

dn1(Y, dz)

dn1(Y1, dz) >c (Y, Yi e öB(O:r l )). (T.3.49)

This implies (see theoretical complements II.6) that there exists a unique invariantprobability µ l for the Markov chain {X112 , : i > l} and the n-step transitionprobability n(y, B) converges exponentially fast to µ 1 (B) as n -^ oo, uniformly forall y e 3B(O: r,) and all BE .(0B(0: r, )).

Now let {X1} be the above diffusion with initial distribution µ,, so that{Xn2 : i > 1} is a stationary process, as is the process


Z1(f)= Jf(XS)ds (i 1),n2i- 1

where f is a real-valued bounded Borel-measurable function on 118'`.

Lemma. The tail sigmafield of {Z ; (f ): i > 1} is trivial. ❑

Proof. Let A e ✓ := n,,,, o{Z;(f ): i >, n}—the tail sigmafield, and Bev{Zi (f ):I _< i _< n} c ,Fn2 „ 1 , (the pre-n Z „ + , sigmafield of {X,}). For every positive integer m,A belongs to the after-,j2( ,,,)+i process X,1z m and, therefore, may be expressedas {Xnzi m „ e A n +m} a.s., for some Borel set A„ +m of C([0, oo): 11"). By the strongMarkov property,

P(A j na^.m^. ) = E(In„,m(X +

.I) I ^ ?2I.'+m,.,)

_ (Px(A n+m ))x = xa21,,.^1.I — ^n+m( Xnzi^«)s

say. Hence,

P(A I . n2^* I ) = E( (P„+m (Xmt„.m1 +^ ) ^ ^nTh,,) = (J +zmx, dz)/

x = X,2,, i

But n,mt(x, B) -+ µ 1 (B) as m -+ oo, uniformly for all x and B. Therefore

P(A I m* ,) - J cp„ +m(z)µ,(dz) --. 0 a.s. as m -• cc. (T.3.50)

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^^n+mlZ)t^l(dZ) = E(n+m(X,1,_ = P(A).

Therefore, (T.3.50) implies, for every Be

P(B nA)—P(B)P(A)—^0 asm --•oo. (T.3.51)

But the left side of (T.3.51) does not depend on m. Therefore, P(B n A) = P(B)P(A).I-fence a{Z ; (f ): I < i _< n} and the tail sigmafield % are independent for every n _> 1.This implies that .i is independent of a{Z; (f ): i _> 1 }. In particular, ✓ is independentof itself, so that P(A) = P(A n A) = P(A)P(A). Thus, P(A) = 0 or 1. n

Using the above lemma and the Ergodic Theorem (theoretical complements II.9),instead of the classical strong law of large numbers, we may show, as in Section 9of Chapter 1I, or Section 12 of Chapter V, that

. 1( as. 1lim -- .i(X S) ds --' --- ---- E f(Xs ) ds = .i(X)m(dX) > (T.3.52)Jr -. > t 0 E(3 — tie) i,, 1

say, where in is the probability measure on (H', k ) with m(B) equal to the averageamount of time the process {X S } spends in the set B during a cycle [72+ 92n+3].It follows from (T.3.52) that in is the unique invariant probability for the diffusion.

The criterion (3.25) (Proposition 3.3) for positive recurrence is due to R. Z.Has'minskii (1960), "Ergodic Properties of Recurrent Diffusion Processes andStabilization of the Solution to the Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Equations," Theor.Probability App!., 5, pp. 196-214. A proof and some extensions may be found in R.N. Bhattacharya (1978), "Criteria for Recurrence and Existence of Invariant Measuresfor Multidimensional Diffusions," Ann. Probab., 6, pp. 541-553; Correction Note(1980), Ann. Probab., 8. The proof in the last article does not require Harnack'sinequality.

Theoretical Complements to Section VII.4

1. Theorem 4.1 and Proposition 4.2 are special cases of more general results containedin G. Basak (1989), "Stability and Functional Central Limit Theorems for DegenerateDiffusions,)) Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University.

Two comprehensive accounts of the theory of stochastic differential equations areN. Ikeda and S. Watanabe (1981), Stochastic Differentia! Equations and DiffusionProcesses, North-Holland, Amsterdam, and I. Karatzas and S. E. Shreve (1988),Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus, Springer- Verlag, New York.

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A Probability and Measure TheoryOverview


Underlying the mathematical description of random variables and events is the notionof a probability space ((2, F, P). The sample space 1 is a nonempty set that representsthe collection of all possible outcomes of an experiment. The elements of 12 are calledsample points. The sigmafield F is a collection of subsets of Q that includes the emptyset 0 (the "impossible event') as well as the set n (the "sure event") and is closed underthe set operations of complements and finite or denumerable unions and intersections.The elements of F are called measurable events, or simply events. The probability measureP is an assignment of probabilities to events (sets) in F that is subject to theconditions that (i) 0 < P(F) _< 1, for each Fe F, (ii) P(0) = 0, P(12) = 1, and(iii) "(Ui F; ) = Z ; P(F;) for any finite or denumerable sequence of mutually exclusive(pairwise disjoint) events F;, i = 1, 2, ... , belonging to F. The closure properties of Fensure that the usual applications of set operations in representing events do not leadto nonmeasurable events for which no (consistent) assignment of probability is possible.

The required countable additivity property (iii) gives probabilities a sufficiently richstructure for doing calculations and approximations involving limits. Two immediateconsequences of (iii) are the following so-called continuity properties: if A, c A 2 cis a nondecreasing sequence of events in .y then, thinking of Ute° , A n as the "limitingevent" for such sequences,

P^ U An)= ^

lim P(An).n-I

To prove this, disjointify {A n} by Bn = A. — A_ 1 , n >_ 1, A 0 = 0, and apply (iii) toU = , B. = U^ , A n . By considering complements, one gets for decreasing measurable


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events A, A 2 • • • that

Pj (l Ant =

tim P(A,). (1.2)\n—, n

While (1.1) holds for all countably additive set functions u (in place of P) onF, finite or not, (1.2) does not in general hold if p(A n ) is not finite for at least some n(onwards).

If S2 is a finite or denumerable set, then probabilities are defined for all subsets F of(I once they are specified for singletons, so F is the collection of all subsets of S2. Thus,if f is a probability mass function (p.m.f.) for singletons, i.e., f (w) >_ 0 for all con S2 andy. f(co) = 1, then one may define P(F) = y.EF f(cw). The function P so defined on theclass of all subsets of Q is countably additive, i.e., P satisfies (iii). So (Q, F, P) is easilyseen to be a probability space. In this case the probability measure P is determined bythe probabilities of singletons {co}.

In the case f) is not finite or denumerable, e.g., when Q is the real line or the spaceof all infinite sequences of 0's and l's, then the above formulation is no longer possiblein general. Instead, for example in the case S2 = I8', one is often given a piecewisecontinuous probability density function (p.d.f.) f, i.e., f is nonnegative, integrable, andf f (x) dx = 1. For an interval I = (a, b) or (b, cc), —cc < a <b _< oo, one then assignsthe probability P(I) = ff(x) dx, by a Riemann integral. This set function P may beextended to the class' comprising all finite unions F = U ; I; of pairwise disjoint intervalsI; by setting P(F) = Z t P(I). The class' is afield, i.e., 0 and S2 belong to' and it isclosed under complements and finite intersection (and therefore finite unions). But, sinceW is not a sigmafield, usual sequentially applied operations on events may lead to eventsoutside of for which probabilities have not been defined. But a theorem from measuretheory, the Caratheodory Extension Theorem, asserts that there is a unique countablyadditive extension of P from a field to the smallest sigmafield that contains W. In thecase of f above, this sigmafield is called the Borel sigmafield .fi t on 11' and its sets arecalled Borel sets of R'. In general, such an extension of P to the power set sigmafield,that is the collection of all subsets of II', is not possible. The same considerations applyto all measures (i.e., countably additive nonnegative set functions p defined on a sigmafieldwith p(Q) = 0), whether the measure of 0 is 1 or not. The measure p = m, which isdefined first for each interval I as the length of the interval, and then extended uniquelyto ,4', is called the Lebesgue measure on R. Similarly, one defines the Lebesgue measureon R'k (k >_ 2) whose Borel sigmafield . is the smallest sigmafield that contains allk-dimensional rectangles I = I, x IZ x • • • x 1,, with I; a one-dimensional rectangle(interval) of the previous type. The Lebesgue measure of a rectangle is the product ofthe lengths of its sides, i.e., its volume. Lebesgue measure on 11" has the property thatthe space can be decomposed into a countable union of measurable sets of finite Lebesguemeasure; such measures are said to be sigma finite. All measures referred to in this bookare sigma-finite.

The extension of a measure p from a field W, as provided by the CaratheodoryExtension Theorem stated above, is unique and may be expressed by the formula

p(F) = inf E p(C,) (F e F), (1.3)

where the summation is over a finite collection C,, C2 , ... of sets in' whose unioncontains F and the infimum is over all such collections.

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As suggested by the construction of measures on it outlined above, starting fromtheir specifications on a class of rectangles, if two measures µ, and U 2 on a sigmafield

agree on a subclass .9t c ,F closed under finite intersections and ) E .sd, then theyagree on the smallest sigmafield, denoted a(d), that contains .4. The sigmafield a(d)is called the sigmafield generated by d. On a metric space S the sigmafield M = a(S)generated by the class of all open sets is called the Borel sigmafield.

In case a probability measure P is given on M k , by specifying a p.d.f. f on I, forexample, one defines the (cumulative) distribution function (c.d.f.) F associated with P as

F(x)=P({(Y1,.. .,Yk)ER k :y;<xifor I <i <,k}), x=(x 1 ,...,xjEI8k . (1.4)

It is simple to show, using the continuity (additivity) properties of P that F isright-continuous and coordinatewise nondecreasing. By the usual inclusion—exclusionprocedure one may compute probabilities of rectangles (a,, b,] x • • • x (ah , bk] in termsof the distribution function.


A real-valued function X defined on Q is a random variable provided that events of theform {X E I} := {co E S: X(cu) E I} are in F for all intervals l; i.e., X is a measurablefunction on S with respect to .f . This definition makes it possible to assign probabilitiesto events {X E I}. A similar definition can be made for k-dimensional vector-valuedrandom variables by taking I to be an arbitrary open rectangle in ll. From this definitionit follows that if X is a random variable then the event {X E B} E.y for every Borel setB. The distribution of X is the probability measure Q on (lt, -4k ) given by

Q(B) = P(X E B), B E .A k . (2.1)

Often one writes Px for Q. We sometimes write Q(dx) = f(x) dx to signify that thedistribution of X has p.d.f. f with respect to Lebesgue measure.

Suppose that (S2, ,y , p) is an arbitrary measure space and g is a real-valued functionon S2 that is measurable with respect to .^. For the simplest case, suppose that g takeson only finitely many distinct nonzero values y t , Y 2 ..... yk on the respective setsA,, A 21 ... , A k ; such a function g is called a simple function. In the case is a probabilitymeasure, simple functions are discrete random variables. If µ(A ; ) is finite for each i _> 1then the Lebesgue integral of g is defined as the sum of the values of g weighted by thep-measures of the sets on which it takes its values. That is,

Jg dp'= Z y, µ(Ar), (2.2)


where A ; = {w E Q: g(w) = y;}, i = 1, 2, ... , k. If g is a bounded nonnegative measurablefunction on S2, then it is possible to approximate g by a sequence of simple functions

n = 1, 2, ... , where g" has values i/2" on A(n) = {w: i/2" _< g(w) < (i + 1)/2"),respectively, for i = 1, 2, ... , k" = N 2" with N so large that g(w) < N for all w. If eachA 1 (n) has finite measure, then fn g" dp is a nondecreasing sequence of numbers whoselimit therefore exists but may be infinite. In the case that the limit exists and is finite,g is said to be integrable and its Lebesgue integral is the limiting value. In the case that

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g is an unbounded nonnegative measurable function, first approximate g byg(w) = min{g(w), N — 1 }, N = 1, 2, .... Then each gN is a bounded nonnegativemeasurable function. If each gr, is integrable, then the sequence f n g,, dp is anondecreasing sequence of numbers. If the limit of this sequence is finite, then g isintegrable and its integral is the limiting value. Finally, if g is an arbitrary measurablefunction then write g = g — g as a difference of nonnegative measurable functions,where g + (w) = g(w) on A + _ {weft g(w) > O} and g + (w) = 0 on A - = {w e n: g(w) <O},and g(w) = 0 on A + and g(w) = —g(w) on A. If each of g + and g - is integrable,then g is integrable and its integral is the difference of the two integrals. A basic simpleproperty of the integral is linearity. If f, g are integrable and c, d are reals, then cf + dgis integrable and In (cf + dg) dp = c Jn f dp + d $n g dµ.

In the case y = P is a probability measure, the integral of g is called the expectedvalue of g. The notation for the expected value (integral) takes various forms, e.g.,EX = f n X dP = J0 X(cw)P(dw). Sometimes the domain of integration is omitted, andone simply writes f X dP for f n X dP. In addition, one may apply a change of variableco —+ X(w) from S2 to 11' to obtain the integral with respect to the distribution Q of Xon R' given by

EX = J xQ(dx).u^

More generally, if^p is a measurable function on R' and q (X) integrable, then

Erp(X) = J cp(X) dP = J rp(x)Q(dx). (2.3)n ^a^

To verify the change-of-variable formula (2.3) one begins with simple functions (p andproceeds by limits as described after the definition (2.2).

Estimates and bounds on expected values and other integrals are often obtained byapplications of the basic inequalities for integrals summarized below. Let (S2, °^ , p) bean arbitrary measure space and let f and g be integrable functions defined on S2. Aproperty is said to hold almost everywhere (a.e.) or almost surely (a.s.) if the set ofpoints where it fails has p-measure zero. Then, it is simple to check from the definitionof the integral that we have the following.

Proposition 2.1. (Domination Inequality). If f _< g p-a.e. then

J f dµ < in g dl^ (2.4)n

A real-valued differentiable function (p defined on an interval I whose graph issupported below by its tangent lines is called convex function, e.g., qi(x) = ex, x e 18',(p(x) = x°, x > 0 (p > 1). In other words, a differentiable cp is convex on I if

4,(y) -> 4,(x) + m(x)(y — x) (x, y e 1), (2.5)

where m(x) = 4,'(x). The function cy is strictly convex if the inequality in (2.5) is strictexcept when x = y. For twice continuously differentiable functions this means a positivesecond derivative. Observe that if rp is convex on I, and X and 4(X) have finite expec-

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tations, then letting y = X, x = EX in (2.5) we have q(X) ? m(EX)(X — EX) + (p(EX).

Therefore, using the above domination inequality (2.6) and linearity of the integral, wehave

Ecp(X) >- m(EX)E(X — EX) + Ecp(EX) = cp(EX ). (2.6)

This inequality is strict if (p is strictly convex and X is not degenerate. More generally,convexity means that for any x 0 ye I, (p(tx + (1 — t)y) _< up(x) + (1 — t)q (y),

0 < t < 1; likewise strict convexity means strict inequality here. One may show that (2.5)still holds if m(x) is taken to be the right-hand derivative of tp at x. The general inequality(2.6) may then be stated as follows.

Proposition 2.2. (Jensen's Inequality). If cp is a convex function on the interval I andif X is a random variable taking its values in 1, then

(p(EX) _< Etp(X) (2.7)

provided that the indicated expected values exist. Moreover, if q is strictly convex, thenequality holds if and only if the distribution of X is concentrated at a point (degenerate).

From Jensen's inequality we see that if X is a random variable with finite pth absolutemoment then for 0 < r < p, writing IXI = (IXI')'/", we get EIXI° >_ (EIXI')°l'. That is,taking the pth root,

(EIXI')' 1 ' -< (EIXI")' ' (0 < r < p). (2.8)

In particular, all moments of lower order than p also exist. The inequality (2.8) is knownas Liapounov's Inequality.

The next inequality is the Hölder Inequality, which can also be viewed as a convexitytype inequality as follows. Let p > 1, q > I and let f and g be functions such that If I °and Igl are both p-integrable. If p and q are conjugate in the sense I/p + 1/q = 1, thenusing convexity of the function ex we obtain

IfI - I9I = e nrvuoglllP+tt/vuogl919 < 1 e l-91f1" + I e l-919IQ = I IfI' + 1 191 9 .P q P q


Now define the L°-norm by

1 1IfIIgI - If1 1 +- I9I 9 . ( 2.9)

P q

IlflI '=( Ifl d1) . ( 2.10)

Replacing f and g by f/IlfII,, and g/Ilgll q , respectively, we have upon integration that

f Ifgj dy 1 J Ifl ° dµ IJ1919dut 1

— 5 +--_—+—= 1. (2.11)II.fIIpII9II qP (IifII P)' q (11911 9 )4 P q

Thus, we have proved the following.

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Proposition 2.3. (Hölder Inequality). If I f" and Ig1 4 are integrable, where 1 <p < oo,1/p + 1/q = 1, then fg is integrable and

JJfIgIq dyJ (2.12)

The case p = 2 (and therefore q = 2) is called the Cauchy—Schwarz Inequality, or theSchwarz Inequality. The first inequality in (2.12) is a consequence of the DominationInequality, since fg _< I fgl and —fg <, IfgI.

The next convexity-type inequality furnishes a triangle inequality for the If-norm(P31).

Proposition 2.4. (Minkowski Inequality). If I f Ip and Igle are µ-integrable where1 < p < co, then

if If+glp dµ}l/p <If .fIIPdul


+{J IgI"dµ}

'ip. (2.13)

To prove (2.13) first notice that since,

If + glp _< (IJ I + IgI)p < (2 max(If I, Igl))p _< 2p (I f I p + IgI"), (2.14)

the integrability of If + glp follows from that of If Ip and Igle. Let q = p/(p — 1) be theconjugate to p, i.e., 1/q + 1/p = 1, barring the trivial case p = 1. Then,

f If+glpdu _< f (IfI +IgI)pdp. (2.15)

The trick is to write

J (I.f I + IgI)p dµ = f I.f I(If I + Igl)p- ' du + J IgI(If I + II)p- ' du

Now we can apply Hölder's inequality to get, since qp — q = p,

J (IfI + IgI)p dµ < IIflip\J

[(IfI + II)p-I]9dµ)1/q

+ II8II (J

[(Ifl + II)p- I]4dp Elle

_ (Ilf Ilp + II IIp) (III + IgI)p


Dividing by (f (If I + Igl)p)' Iq and again using conjugacy 1 — 1/q = 1/p gives the desiredinequality by taking (1 /p)th roots in (2.15), i.e., Ilf + gllp < IlfII + IlgII .

Finally, if X is a random variable on a probability space (f2, .., P) then one hasChebyshev's Inequality

P(IXI 3 e) _ p EIXIP (s > 0, p> 0), (2.16)E

which follows from EIXI" >, E(lIIxI,E}IXI P ) >_ e"P(IXI > e).

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A sequence of measurable functions { ff : n >- I} on a measure space (S2, Y, p) is said toconverge in measure (or in probability in case p is a probability) to f if, for every e > 0,

p({Ifn —fi>E})-+0 asn -+oo. (3.1)

A sequence { fn} is said to converge almost everywhere (abbreviated a.e.) to f, if

u({fn— i})=0. (3.2)

If g is a probability measure, and (3.2) holds, one says that (f} converges almost sure/i'

(a.s.) to f.

A sequence { f,} is said to be Cauchy in measure if, for every E > 0,

Alf.—LI >E})-0 asn, in--^ co. (3.3)

Given such a sequence, one may find an increasing sequence of positive integers{nk : k >- 1} such that

u({I/nk — .ink . (> ('z)k }) < (z)k (k = 1, 2, ...). (3.4)

The sets B,:= U°= {If . — fnk , l > 2 -k } form a decreasing sequence converging to

B:= {If — fnk „I > 2 - for infinitely many integers k}. Now p(B,) -< 2"+'. Therefore,u(B) = 0. Since B = {1 fn, — f,,, s 2 for all sufficiently large k}, on B` the sequence{ f,,,: k >- l} converges to a function f. Therefore, { fnk } converges to f a.e. Further, forany r>0 and all m,

u({Ifn—fI>E})Vu({Ifn—fnml>2})+11({Ifnm—.fl>2}). (3.5)

The first term on the right goes to zero as n and n m go to infinity. Also,

1 1 Jn.^ — J I > 21 CBm if 2—m+1 < 2

As p(Bm ) -+ 0 as m -+ oc, so does the second term on the right in (3.5). Therefore,{ fn : n -> l} converges to fin measure. Conversely, if {f,,} converges to f in measure then,for every E > 0,

— f > E}) < µ({l f — .fl > 2}) + p({IJJ — f > 2}) --> 0

as n, m --• x. That is, {f,,} is Cauchy in measure. We have proved parts (a), (b) of thefollowing result.

Proposition 3.1. Let (1 , .y, p) be a measure space on which is defined a sequence { !„}of measurable functions.

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(a) If { f„} converges in measure to f then If.) is Cauchy in measure and there existsa subsequence { f,k : k >- l} which converges a.e. to f

(b) If {f} is Cauchy in measure then there exists f such that {f} converges to f inmeasure.

(c) If µ is finite and { f,} converges to f a.e., then {f} converges to f in measure.

Part (c) follows from the relations

u({Ifm—fI>E})<µ(U {ifm—fI>E } -+ 0asn -goo. (3.6)m=n

Note that the sets A, say, within parentheses on the right side are decreasing toA := {I f, — f I > s for infinitely many m}. As remarked in Section 1, following (1.2), theconvergence of µ(A m ) to u(A) holds because µ(A m ) is finite for all m.

The first important result on interchanging the order of limit and integration is thefollowing.

Theorem 3.2. (The Monotone Convergence Theorem). If { f} is an increasing sequenceof nonnegative measurable functions on a measure space (S2, .y , p), then

I^m J f.du= ffdl^, (3.7)

where f = lim„ f,.

Proof. If {f) is a sequence of simple functions then (3.7) is simply the definition of$ f dp. In the general case, for each n let { f k : k >- l} be an increasing sequence of non-negative simple functions converging a.e. to f, (ask --* x). Then gk := max{ fn k : 1 -< n -< k}(k >, 1) is an increasing sequence of simple functions and, for k >- n,

J k (3.8)

as f„,k -< f, < f, for I -< n < k. By the Domination Inequality

ff,, dp , J gk dp <- ffk dµ. (3.9)

By taking limits in (3.8) as k -. oo one gets


where g = lim k gk • By taking limits in (3.10) as n - oo, one gets f < g , f, that is, g = f.Now, by the definition of the integral, on taking limits in (3.9) as k -^ oo one gets

f f„du< J gdµ= J fdµSlim J fkdµ. (3.11)k

Taking limits, as n -. co, in (3.11) one gets (3.7). n

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A useful consequence of the Monotone Convergence Theorem is the followingtheorem.

Theorem 3.3. (Fatou's Lemma). If { f,} is a sequence of nonnegative integrable functions,then

J (liminf f,) dit -< liminf J f„ dµ. (3.12)

Proof. Write g„:= inf{ fk : k -> n}, g:= liminf f,. Then 0 g„ 1g. Therefore, by theMonotone Convergence Theorem, f g„ dp --+ ( g dµ. But g„ f„ so that $ g„ dp $ ff dpfor all n. Therefore,

J g dµ = lim J g„ dµ = liminf J g„ dp -< liminf J f„ dp. n

The final result on the interchange of limits and integration is as follows.

Theorem 3.4. (Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem). Let { bebe a sequence ofmeasurable functions on a measure space (S2, F, p) such that

(i) f„ -^ f a.e. or in measure, and

(ii) ILl -< g for all n, where $ g dp < oo. Then

f If. - f I dp ^ 0 asn--•oc. (3.13)

In particular, $ f„ dµ -• $ f dp.

Proof. Assume f, -+ f a.e. By Fatou's Lemma applied to the sequences {g + f,}, {g - f„}one gets $ f dµ < liminf $ f„ du and $ f dµ -> limsup $ f„ dµ. Therefore, lim $ f„ dp = $ f dµ.To derive (3.13), apply the above result to the sequence {If. - f I}, noting thatIf,,—fI <2g.

Now assume { f,} converges to fin measure. By Proposition 3.1, for every subsequence{ f,.} of {f,} there exists a further subsequence { f,,,: k >- 1) such that { f,k} convergesa.e. to f. By the above, $ f k dp -• $ f dp as k -* oo. Since the limit is the same for allsubsequences, the proof is complete. n

We now turn to the L"-spaces. Consider the set of all measurable functions f on ameasure space (S2, .F, u) such that I I fl dp < co, where p is a given number in [1, oo).For each such f, consider the class of all g such that f = g a.e. Since the relation "f = ga.e." is an equivalence relation (i.e., it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive), the set ofall such f splits into disjoint equivalence classes. The set of all these equivalence classesis denoted L"(S), F, p) or L°(S2, p) or simply L° if the underlying measure space is obvious.It is customary and less cumbersome to write f e L°, rather than {equivalence class off} e U. For Je L°, the L°-norm II f lI is defined by (2.10). By Minkowskii's inequality(2.13), If is a linear space. That is, f, g e L° implies cf + dg e If for all reals c, d. Also,under the L'-norm, If is a normed linear space. This means (i) III f ii,, 0 for all f e L° ,with equality if and only if f = 0 (a.e.); (ii) Ilcf II D = Icl II f II P for every real c, every f e L°;

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and (iii) the triangle inequality II f + gll, < II f II P + g11, holds for all f, g e L° (by (2.13)).The space L" is also complete, i.e., if fn e L' (n > 1) is a Cauchy sequence (i.e.,II.% — .fmll P -* 0 as n, m -. oo), then there exists f in L° such that II fn — f II P - 0. Forthis last important fact, note first that Ilfn — fmllP - 0 easily implies that { fn } is Cauchyin measure and therefore, by Proposition 3.1, converges to some f in measure. As aconsequence, {h f"} converges to I f I° in measure. It then follows by Fatou's Lemmaapplied to {I ff} that f I f I ° dp < oo, i.e., f e U. Applying Fatou's Lemma to the sequence{If — fml p: in >_ n} one gets

J I.in — f I ° dp <_ liminf J I.fn — .lml° dp. (3.14)m

But S Ifn — fmi' dµ = (11L — fmllp)". Therefore, the right side goes to zero as n -^ oo,proving that II f — f II,, -• 0. A complete normed linear space is called a Banach space.Thus, the LP-spaces are Banach spaces (1 < p < oo). Ifµ is a probability measure (moregenerally, a finite measure), then p < p' implies L" c La', in view of Liapounov's inequality(2.8). This is not true if µ(Sl) = cc.

When does a sequence {f} in L° converge to some Je LP in L"-norm? Clearly, {f,,}must converge to f in measure. A useful sufficient condition is provided by Lebesgue'sDominated Convergence Theorem if one assumes that the dominating function g is inR. For then IL — f I° -* 0 in measure, and IL — f IP <, 2"(/c,"+ I f(") (see Eq. 2.14)

2° + 'Igl" = h, say, so that the conditions of the theorem apply to {If — f I°}.If p is a probability measure, then one may obtain a necessary and sufficient condition

for L°-convergence. For this purpose, define a sequence of random variables {X n} on aprobability space (S2, F, P) to be uniformly integrable if

sup J IXnI dP -. 0 as A -• co. (3.15)n

One then has the following.

Theorem 3.5. (L'-Convergence Criterion). Let (S2, F , P) be a probability space, and{Xn } a sequence of integrable random variables. Then X. converges in L' to somerandom variable X if and only if (i) XX -, X in probability, and (ii) {Xn} is uniformlyintegrable.

Proof. (Sufficiency). Under the hypotheses (i), (ii), given e > 0 one has for all n,

f IX.I dP <_ J IXnldP+A_<E +1(e) (3.16)

if A(e) is sufficiently large. In particular, { f IX,,I dP} is a bounded sequence. Then, byFatou's Lemma, f IXI dP < co. Now


IXn—XIdP< fflX.j_>Al2)

IXX—XIdP+ fflX,j<Al2jX,-Xj>_A)

IXn — XIdP

^ fjX^J>_Al21 I XnI dP + f jX.J^_.1/2)

I X I dP

+ I X,—XIdP. (3.17)fjjX.J ^Aj2.jX.-Xj1_A)

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Now, given e > 0, choose 2(E) > 0 such that the first and second terms of the last sumare less than e for A = 2(e) (use hypothesis (ii)). With this value of A, the third term goesto zero, as n -.• eo, by Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem. Hence

limsup J JX„ — X 1 dP -< 2e.n- W (Ix„-XPA( )1

But, again by the Dominated Convergence Theorem,

limsup f IX.-XI<,(t )^

IX„ — XI dP = 0.„-'m

(Necessity). If X. —+ X in L', clearly X. —• X in probability. Also,

IX„I dP - J ix„ — X^ dP + JXj dPJ {Ix^l%zt ilx.,l x)

f IXX — X^dP + ffjXj>-k2)

JXidP +

JX^dP. fjjXj<ZJZ.IX,,-XI zz,


The first term of the last sum goes to zero, as n - co, by hypothesis. For each A > 0the third term goes to zero by the Dominated Convergence Theorem, as n —+ oo. Thesame convergence theorem implies that the second term goes to zero as A —. cc. Therefore,given e > 0 there exists 2(E), n(e), such that

sup fJX„j dP -< e if 1 2(a). (3.19)"'>"(E)lx„I%x1

Since a finite sequence {X: 1 < n < n(e)} of integrable random variables is alwaysuniformly integrable, it follows that {XX } is uniformly integrable. n

A corollary is the following version. As always, p >, 1.

Theorem 3.6. (L°-Convergence Criterion). Let (S2,.y, P) be a probability space, andXX e if (n 1). Then X. — X in L° if and only if (i) XX —• X in probability, and (ii){IX„i} is uniformly integrable.

Proof. Apply the above result to the sequence {IXX — XI°}. For sufficiency, note, as in(3.16), that (i), (ii) imply Xe L°, and then argue as in (3.17) that the uniform integrabilityof {jXI°} implies that of {IX„ — XI"}. The proof of necessity is analogous to (3.18) and(3.19), using (2.14). n

It is simple to check by a Chebyshev-type inequality (see Eq. 2.16) that if {EIX„V }is a bounded sequence for some p' > p, then {IX„I"} is uniformly integrable.

There is one important case where convergence a.e. implies C-convergence. This isas follows.

Theorem 3.7. (Scheffe's Theorem). Let (S), .°^ , p) be a measure space. Let f,(n >- 1),fbe p.d.f.'s with respect to p, i.e., f,,, f are nonnegative, and Sf dp = 1 for all n, If dp = 1.If f„ converges a.e. to f, then f„ —. fin L'.

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Proof: Recall that for every real-valued function g on SI, one has

g = g + — g - , II = g + + g - , where g + = max {g, 0 }, g - = —min {g, 0}.

One has

f (f — fn) dl^ = 0 = $(f — fn) } dµ — f (f — fn) du,

so that

J (f — f„) dP = J (f — fn)+ dµ, J If — f^l dµ = 2 f (.1 — .%)+ dµ. (3.20)

Now 0 _< (f — f,) + _< f, and (f — f,) + -+ 0 a.e. as n —* oo. Therefore, by (3.20) andLebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem,

f If_f.1 dµ = 2 f (f — .ff) + du —•0 asn—>oo. n

Among the L"-spaces the space Lz - Lz (O, .F , p) has a particularly rich structure. Itis a Hilbert space. That is, it is a Banach space with an inner product < , > defined by

<f,g>°= f fgdu (f,geL2 ). (3.21)

The inner product is bilinear, i.e., linear in each argument, and the Lz -norm is given by

If II = <.f,f>' rz (3.22)

and the Schwarz Inequality may be expressed as

I< 1, 9 >I 11f 112119112. (3.23)


If (S,, .,, µ, ), (S2,'2 , P2) are two measure spaces, then the product space (S, .9', p)is a measure space where (i) S is the Cartesian product S 1 x S2 ; (ii) .50 = .9' g .'z

is the smallest sigmafeld containing the class R of all measurable rectangles,x B2 : B, e .So,, Bz e Soz ); and (iii) p is the product measure P, x µ z on .9'

determined by the requirement

p(B, x B.) = p1(B1)pz(B2) (B 1 E5",, B2 e.9 ). (4.1)

As the intersection of two measurable rectangles is a measurable rectangle, 9 is closed

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under finite intersections. Then the class' of all finite disjoint unions of sets in .4 is afield. By finite additivity and (4.1), p extends to' as a countably additive set function.Finally, Caratheodory's Extension Theorem extends p uniquely to a measure on9 = e('), the smallest sigmafield containing '.

For each Ba 5°, every x-section B(x ,., := {y: (x, y) E B} is in $o,. This is clearly truefor measurable rectangles F = B, x B 2 . The class .01 of all sets in So for which theassertion is true is a 2-class (or, a lambda class). That is, (i) S e 2, (ii) A, Be 2, andA c B imply B\A E 2, and (iii) A„(n l) e 2, A„ IA imply Ac Y. We state withoutproof the following useful result from which the measurable-sections property assertedabove for all Be .9' follows.

Theorem 4.1. (Dynkin's Pi-Lambda Theorem).' Suppose a class .4 is closed under finiteintersections, a class d is a lambda class, and R c .4. Then a(s) c .W, where a(s) isthe smallest sigmafield containing -4.

In view of the measurable-section property, for each B e 9 one may define thefunctions x —" p 2 (B(X ,.,), y -a p,(B). These are measurable functions on (S,,.',µ,)and (SZ, 52, P2), respectively, and one has

µ(B) = J A2(B(X .,)p, (dx) = f1 2

p,(Bc..vi)P2(dy) (B E 2). (4.2)

This last assertion holds for B = B, x B 2 e , by (4.2) and the relations

µ2(B1,)) = P 2 (B2 )l B ,(x), ‚(B()) = p,(B,)1 8,(y). The proof is now completed for allB e .9° by the Pi-Lambda Theorem. It follows that if f(x, y) is a simple function on(S, .9', p), then for each x e S, the function y —. f(x, y) on (S2 . Sot , µ 2 ) is measurable,and for each y e S2 the function x —* f(x, y) on (S,,50,,µ,) is measurable. Further forall such f

J/d = J \Js=

.f(x,Y)P2(dY) IPi(dx) = Js ' ( f, ^ f (x,Y)p,(dx)J F^2(dy). (4.3)

By the usual approximation of measurable functions by simple functions one arrivesat the following theorem.

Theorem 4.2. (Fubini's Theorem). (a) If f is integrable on the product space

(Si x S2, `° OO`°2 , 9, x P2) = (S, 5, p), then

(i) x - fsz f(x, y)p2 (dy) is measurable and integrable on (S,, So,, p,).

(ii) y - fs , f(x, y)p,(dx) is measurable and integrable on (S2, 9'Z, P2).(iii) One has the equalities (4.3).

(b) If f is nonnegative measurable on (S, .9', p) then (4.3) holds, whether the integralsare finite or not.

The concept of a product space extends to an arbitrary but finite number ofcomponents (S ; ,., µ;) (1 < i _< k). In this case S = S, x S 2 x • .. x Sk , .° = 9, Ox .9 OO. • • (9 is the smallest sigmafield containing the class . of all measurable rectangles

' P. Billingsley (1986), Probability and Measure, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York. p. 36.

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B = B 1 x B2 x • • • x Bk (B ; e 1 -< i -< k). The sigmafield .9' is called the productsigmafield, while p = u, x • .. x Pk is the product measure determined by

µ(B 1 x Bz x •.. x Bk) = p1(B1)µ2(B2) ... uk(Bk) (4.4)

for elements in A. Fubini's theorem extends in a straightforward manner, integratingf first with respect to one coordinate keeping the k — 1 others fixed, then integratingthe resulting function of the other variables with respect to a second coordinate keepingthe remaining k — 2 fixed, and so on until the function of a single variable is integratedwith respect to the last and remaining coordinate. The order in which the variables areintegrated is immaterial, the final result equals Js f dµ.

Product probabilities arise as joint distributions of independent random variables.Let (S2, F, P) be a probability space on which are defined measurable functions X;

(1 -< i < k), with X, taking values in S;, which is endowed with a sigmafield So (1 < i < k).The measurable functions (or random variables) X,, X2.... , X„ are said to beindependent if

P(X, EB 1i X2 EB2 ,...,Xk EBk )= P(X1 eB1) ... P(XkEBk)

for all B I eYl ,...,Bk e4k . (4.5)

In other words the (joint) distribution of (X1 ,. . . , Xk ) is a product measure. If f• is anintegrable function on (S; , .9 7, p i) (1 < i -< k), then the function

f: (xt, x2.... , Xk) -- .r1(x 1)f2(x2). .. fk(xk)

is integrable on (S, .9', p), and one has

J fd (4.6)


E(fl f(X1)) = fl (Efi(X1)). (4.7)

A sequence {X„} of random variables is said to be independent if every finitesubcollection is. Two sigmaftelds FI , .y2 are independent if P(F1 n F2 ) = P(F1 )P(F2 ) forall Fl E .fi , F2 e .F2 . Two families of random variables {Xx : A E A 1 ) and { Yx : A E A 2 } areindependent of each other if o{X5 : A E A t ) and r{YY : A E A Z } are independent. Here6{Xd: A E Al is the smallest sigmafield with respect to which all the Xx are measurable.

Events A 1 , A 2 , ... , A k are independent if the corresponding indicator functions1 4 1 A 2 , ... ,1,,, are independent. This is equivalent to requiring P(B l n B2 n • • • n Bk ) _P(B 1 )P(B2 )• • •P(Bk ) for all choices B l , ... , Bk with B ; = A ; or A.

Before turning to Kolmogorov's definition of conditional probabilities, it is necessaryto state an important result from measure theory. To motivate it, let (S2, F, p) be ameasure space and let f be an integrable function on it. Then the set function v defined by

v(F) := fF f dµ (F e .^), (4.8)

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is a countable additive set function, or a signed measure, on .F with the property

v(F) = 0 if µ(F) = 0. (4.9)

A signed measure v on F is said to be absolutely continuous with respect to µ, denotedv «,u, if (4.9) holds. The theorem below says that, conversely, v « p implies the existenceof an f such that (4.8) holds, if p, v are sigmajinite. A countably additive set function vis sigmafinite if there exist B. (n > 1) such that (i) U,,, 1 B„ = S2, (ii) Jv(B„)I < oo for all n.All measures in this book are assumed to be sigmaflnite.

Theorem 4.3. (Radon—Nikodym Theorem). 2 Let (S2, F, p) be a measure space. If afinite signed measure v on F is absolutely continuous with respect to p then there existsan a.e. unique integrable function f, called the Radon—Nikodym derivative of v withrespect to µ, such that v has the representation (4.8).

Next, the conditional probability P(A B), of an event A given another event B, isdefined in classical probability as

P(A I B)._ P(A n B)(4.10)


provided P(B) > 0. To introduce Kolmogorov's extension of this classical notion, let(S2, ,F, P) be a probability space and {B„} a countable partition of S2 by sets B. in F.Let -9 denote the sigmafield generated by this partition, Q = a{B„}. That is, -9 comprisesall countable disjoint unions of sets in {B„}. Given an event A e .F, one defines P(Athe conditional probability of A given Q, by the s-measurable random variable

P(A 19)(oß)._ P(A n B.)

for w e B,,, (4.11)P(B„)

if P(B„) > 0, and an arbitrary constant c,,, say, if P(B„) = 0. Check that

J P(A I-9) dP = P(A n D) for all Dc -9. (4.12)D

If X is a random variable, E!XJ < oo, then one defines E(X (.9), the conditionalexpectation of X given -9, as the 9i-measurable random variable

E(X I f)(w):= IX dP for we B,,, if P(B„) > 0,P(B,,) JB,

=c^ forcoeB,,,ifP(B„)=0, (4.13)

where c„ are arbitrarily chosen constants (e.g., c„ = 0 for all n). From (4.13) one easilyverifies the equality

E(X 9) dP = J XdP for all D e ^. (4.14)D D

Note that P(A I -9) = E(1 A I D), so that (4.12) is a special case of (4.14).

2 P. Billingsley (1986), loc. cit., p. 443.

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One may express (4.14) by saying that E(X -9) is a 9-measurable random variablewhose integral over each D E -9 equals the integral of X over D. By taking D = B. in(4.14), on the other hand, one derives (4.13). Thus, the italicized statement above maybe taken to be the definition of E(X -9). This is Kolmogorov's definition of E(X I -9),which, however, holds for any subsigmafield -9 of F, whether generated by a countablepartition or not. To see that a 9-measurable function E(X -9) satisfying (4.14) existsand is unique, no matter what sigmafield .9 c F is given, consider the set function vdefined on 9 by

v(D)_ X dP (D E 9). (4.15)D

Then v(D) = 0 if P(D) = 0. Consider the restriction of P to .9. Then one has v « P on9. By the Radon-Nikodym Theorem, there exists a unique (up to a P-null set)9-measurable function, denoted E(X 9), such that (4.14) holds.

The simple interpretation of E(X 1 -9) in (4.13) as the average of X on each memberof the partition generating .9 is lost in this abstract definition for more general sigmafields9. But the italicized definition of E(X -9) above still retains the intuitive idea that giventhe information embodied in -9, the reassessed (or conditional) probability of A, orexpectation of X, must depend only on this information, i.e., must be 9-measurable,and must give the correct probabilities, or expectations, when integrated over events in -9.

Here is a list of some of the commonly used properties of conditional expectations.

Theorem 4.4. (Basic Properties of Conditional Expectations). Let (S2, F, P) be aprobability space, -9 a subsigmafield of F.

(a) If X is 9-measurable and integrable then E(X -9) = X.

(b) (Linearity) If X, Y are integrable and c, d constants, then E(cX + dYI -9)cE(X -9) + dE(YI -9).

(c) (Order) If X, Y are integrable and X <_ Y a.s., then E(X -9) _< E(YI 9) a.s.

(d) If Y and X Y are integrable, and X is 9-measurable then E(X Y -9) = XE(Y 9).

(e) (Successive Smoothing) If 9 is a subsigmafield ofF, 5 c -9, and X is integrable,then E(X ) = E[E(X 1 -9) ] = E[E(X 19)1 -9].

(f) (Convergence) Let {X„} be a sequence of random variables such that, for all n,Z where Z is integrable. If XX - X a.s., then E(X, I -9) -• E(X19) a.s. and

in V.

All the properties (a) -(f) are fairly straightforward consequences of the definition ofconditional expectations, and are therefore not proved here. The interplay betweenconditional expectations and independence is described by the following result.

Theorem 4.5. (Independence and Conditional Expectation). Let (S2, F, P) be aprobability space and 9 a subsigmafield of F. Then the following hold.

(a) If X is integrable, and a{X} and -9 are independent, then E(X -9) = EX.(b) Suppose X and Y are measurable maps on (Q, .F) into (S,, .9,) and (S2, Y2),

respectively. Let rp be a real-valued measurable function on (S, x S2, . ©.9? ),and cp(X, Y) integrable. Assume X and Y are independent, i.e., v{X} and o- { Y}are independent. Then,

E(q (X, Y) I a{Y }) = [Etp(X, y)]r =r. (4.16)

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(c) Let X, Y, Z be measurable maps on (0, .Y-, P) into (S,, S/). (SZ , .9 ), and (S 3 , ./ ),respectively. Let co be a real-valued measurable function on (S,, .9, ). Assumecp(X) is integrable, and a{X} and a{ Y} both independent of a{Z}. Then, writingQ{Y, Z} for the smallest sigmafield c .} with respect to which both Y and Z aremeasurable, one has

E(tp(X))I at Y,Z})=E(cp(X)I a{ Y}). (4.17)

Proof. (a) EX is a constant and, therefore, -measurable. Also, relation (4.14) holdswith EX in place of E(X I -9) by independence.

(b) Let Px , P,. denote the distributions of X and Y, respectively. Then the productprobability Px x P. on (S, x S2 , ®.VZ ) is the (joint) distribution of (X, Y). LetD E cr{ Y}. This means there exists BE ./ such that D = {w eft Y(co) E B}By the change-of-variables formula and Fubini's Theorem,

J <P(X, Y) dP = J la(Y)(fl(X, Y) dP = f11

la(Y)(P(x, Y)^'x(da)Pr(dY)n x s z

= L IB(Y)(Js (P(x, v)Px(dx) I Pr(dY) = J Sz 1 s(Y)(E(➢ (X, Y))P1(dv)

J== J le(Y(w))(E(P(X, y)) y =Y(,) dP(w) = J 1 D(W)(Ew(X, y)) y =Y() dP(w)

n a

I (E<V(X,Y))y=rdP.D

Also, [Ecp(X, y)],,=,. is o{Y}-measurable.(c) Let D, E a{Y}, D2 E a{Z}. Then there exist B, e'9 , B 2 e V, such that

D, = Y - '(B,), D2 = Z - '(B 2 ). With D = D, n D2 one has

fD rP(X)dP= J 1 D,ID z rP(X)dP= J 1 e,(Y) 1 ,,(Z)p(X)dP

S2 o

= E(I B,(Y)W(X))E( 1 ,,(Z)) = E(la j (Y)ç(X))P(Z E B 2 )

= P(Z e B 2 )E[E(1 B ,(Y)gp(X) I a{Y})] = P(Z e B 2 )E(1(Y)E(cp(X) rr{Y})]

= E(1 B2 (Z)1 e (Y)E(W(X)I o{ Y})) = E(1 0 ,1 D ,E(gp(X)I o{ Y}))

= E(tp(X)I a{Y})dP.Din Di

Thus, the desired relation (of the type) (4.14) holds for sets D = D, n D2 e at Y, Z}. Theclass :/,1 of all such sets is closed under finite intersection. Also, the class d of all setsD e at Y, Z} for which f D q(X) dP = f D E(cp(X) ( at Y}) dP holds is a lambda class.Therefore, by Dynkin's Pi-Lambda Theorem, a(4) c d. But = at Y, Z}. n

There is an extension of Jensen's inequality (2.7) for conditional expectations that isuseful.

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Proposition 4.6. (Conditional Jensen 's Inequality). Let cp be a convex function on aninterval J. If X is an integrable random variable such that P(X e J) = 1, and cp(X) isintegrable, then

E[gp(X) 19] >, Qp(E(X I .9)). (4.18)

Proof. In (2.5) take y = X, x = E(X 1 -9), to get

rp(X) >, cp(E(X 1 .9)) + m(E(X I .9))(X — E(X 1 .9)).

Now take conditional expectations, given -9, on both sides. n

As an immediate corollary to (4.18) it follows that the operation of taking conditionalexpectation is a contraction on LF(i2, .F, P). That is, if X e L° for some p >, 1, then

IIE(X 1 .9)IIp s 11X11 p . (4.19)

If Xe L2, then in fact E(X I .9) is the orthogonal projection of X ontoLZ (fl, -9, P) c L2 (S2, F, P). For if Y is an arbitrary element of L2(,.9, P), then

E(X — Y)2 = E(X — E(X .9) + E(X I -9) — Y)2 = E(X — E(X

+ E(E(X I -9) — Y)2 + 2E[(E(X .9) — Y)(X — E(X I .9))].

The last term on the right side vanishes, on first taking conditional expectation given(see Basic Property (e)). Hence, for all Ye L2 (12, .9, P),

E(X — Y)2 = E(X — E(X I .9))2 + E(E(X 11) — Y)2 E(X — E(X ( .9 ))Z. (4.20)

Note that X has the orthogonal decomposition: X = E(X (9) + (X — E(X .9)).Finally, the classical notion of conditional probability as a reassessed probability

measure may be recovered under fairly general conditions. The technical difficulty liesin the fact that for every given pairwise disjoint sequence of events {A n } one may assertthe equality P(U A„ .9)(cu) _ E P(A„ I .9)(m) for all w outside a P-null set (BasicProperties (b), (f)). Since in general there are uncountably many such sequences, theremay not exist any choice of versions of P(A ^) for all A e F such that for each w,outside a set of zero probability, A -+ P(A 1 .9)(cw) is a probability measure on F. Whensuch a choice is possible, the corresponding family {P(A .9): A e f} is called a regularconditional probability. The problem becomes somewhat simpler if one does not ask fora conditional probability measure on F, but on a smaller sigmafield. For example, onemay consider the sigmafield I = {Y - '(B): B e.9'} where Y is a measurable function on((1, F, P) into (S, .9'). A function (w, B) -+ Qw(B -9) on S2 x .9' into [0, 1] is said to be aconditional distribution of Ygiven -9 if (i) for each Be .50 , Q W(B 1 -9) = P({Ye B) .9)(cw) _-E(I B (Y) .9)(w), for all w outside a P-null set, and (ii) for each to e S2, B —4 Q^,(B I -9) isa probability measure on (S, .9'). Note that (i), (ii) say that there is a regular conditionalprobability on 9✓ .

If there exists a conditional distribution Q,,(B -9) of Y given .9, then it is simple tocheck that

E(W(Y) 19)(w) _ j

Q(y)Q(dy 19) a.s. (4.21)s

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for every measurable cp on (S, 9) such that co(Y) is integrable. Conditional distributionsdo exist if S is a (Borel subset of a) complete separable metric space and 5' its Borelsigmafeld.

In this book we often write E(Z {Xx : Ac A}) in place of E(Z 6{X,: A c A}) forsimplicity.


A sequence of probability measures {Pn : n = 1, 2, ...} on (W, I') is said to convergeweakly to a probability measure P (on R') if

lim 41(x) dPP (x) = J 41(x) dP(x) (5.1)n^. oar ^aI

holds for all bounded continuous functions 0 on W. It is actually sufficient to verify(5.1) for those continuous functions 0 that vanish outside some finite interval. For suppose(5.1) holds for all such functions. Let 0 be an arbitrary bounded continuous function,l41(x)i -< c for all x. For notational convenience write {x e W: lxi >- N} = {jxI >, N}, etc.Given s > 0 there exists N such that P({ixi >- N}) < e/2c. Let 6N,, O be as in Figure5.1(a), (b). Then,

lim Pn ( {Ixt ` N + 1}) >, lim J Ox (x) dP(x) = J ©N (x) dP(x)

P({ixi <, N}) > 1--- ,2c

so that

limPP(ixi>N+1})_-1— lim Pn({ixi-<N+1})< c . (5.2)n-» w n-• m

Hence, writing 0, = 416''N and noting that 0 = Q^s, on {ixi -< N + 1} and that on{IxI > N + 1} one has f r(x)I < c, we have

lim I^ ¢ dP,, — 0 dPI <- lim I JI 0x dP„ — I dPn-. I$ pi n-m ßäi ,t

+ lim (cPP ({jxj > N + 1}) + cP({IxI > N + 1}))n-.m

= lim cP ({IxI > N + 1}) + cP({Ixi > N + 1}))n-^m

E 8<C-+C-=E.

2c 2c

Since e> 0 is arbitrary, J, 0 dPn —. }°a , ¢ dP, and the proof of the italicized statementabove is complete. Let us now show that it is enough to verify (5.1) for every infinitely

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Figure 5.1

differentiable function that vanishes outside a finite interval. For each e > 0 define thefunction

PE(x) = d(E) expj —(1 — x2/e2)}for ^xj < E,

= 0 l for IxI >- e, (5.3)

where d(e) is so chosen as to make f p,(x) dx = 1. One may check that p,(x) is infinitelydifferentiable in x. Now let 0 be a continuous function that vanishes outside a finite interval.Then ¢ is uniformly continuous and, therefore, b(s) = sup{1cß(x) — ¢(y)j: x — y^ -< e) -+ 0as e j 0. Define

(x) = 0 * P(X)J O(x — y)PE(y) dy, (5.4)e

and note that, since 4(x) is an average over values of 4 within the interval (x — e, x + s),fr/(x) — ¢(x)I <- S(e) for all E. Hence,

^ J 0 dP„ — J OE dP„I '< ö(e) for all n, I J 0 dP — J 4 dPI -< b(E),

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J dP_ f 0dPH J 0dPn— J ¢`dP„ + J 4 dPP — J O`dPt8 n u o8 „

+IL O'dP- J çbdP

2ö(r) + I J O` dP. — J O` dP • 26(E) as n cc--. .u ul

Since S(e) -+ 0 as e --* 0 it follows that f R , ¢ dPn -* f a ^ 0 dP, as claimed.Next let Fn , F be the distribution functions of P, P. respectively (n = 1, 2, ...). We

want to show that if {PP : n = 1, 2, ...} converges weakly to P. then FF (x) -. F(x) asn -+ oo for all points of continuity x of F. For this, fix a point of continuity x 0 of F.Given e > 0 there exists 'j(e) > 0 such that IF(x) - F(x o )I < r for Ix - x 0 1 _< ry(c). Letii. (x) = I for x _< x 0 , = 0 for x > x0 + rt(e), and /i. (x) be linearly interpolated forxo <x <x0 + ry(e). Similarly, define /i, (x) = I for x < x0 - q(e), ' (x) = 0 for xand linearly interpolated in the interval (x0 - ry(e), xo ). Then, using (5.1),

lim F(x0 ) <- lim J c+(X)dPn(X) = J (x)dP(x) <- F(xo + ?I(e)) < F(x0 ) + F,n-+m n-+m

(5.5)lim F(x0 ) lim J (x) dPP(x) = J ^E dP(x) >- F(xo - q(F)) > F(xo ) - e.n-+m n-^w

Since r > 0 is arbitrary, lim n^ FF(xo ) <_ F(xo ) _< lim n ^ F(xo ), showing thatF(x0 ) -+ F(xo ) as n - co. One may show that the converse is also true. That is, ifFF(x) --* F(x) at all points of continuity of a distribution function (d.f.) F, then{Pn : n = 1, 2, ...} converges weakly to P. For this take a continuous function f thatvanishes outside [a, b] where a, h are points of continuity of F. One may divide [a, b]into a finite number of small subintervals whose end points are all points of continuityof F, and approximate f by a step function constant over each subinterval. The integralof this step function with respect to P. converges to that with respect to P. All the aboveresults easily extend to multidimensions and we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1. Let P 1 , P2 .... , P be probability measures on ff8". The following areequivalent statements.

(a) {Pn : n = 1, 2, ...} converge weakly to P.(b) Eq. 5.1 holds for all infinitely differentiable functions vanishing outside a bounded

set.(c) F(x) -* F(x) as n -* oo, for every point of continuity x of F.

Often the probability measures P. (n _> 1) arise as distributions of given randomvariables X. (n _> 1). In this situation, if {Pn } converges weakly to P. one says {X n }converges in distribution, or in law, to P.

It is simple to check that if X} converges in probability to a random variable X, then{Xn } converges in distribution to the distribution of X.

In general, if {Fn } is a sequence of distribution functions of probability measures P.that converges to a right-continuous, nondecreasing function F at all points of continuity

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x of F(x), it need not be the case that F(x) is the distribution function of a probabilitymeasure. While there will be a positive measure p such that F(x) = p(— oo, x], x e R',it can happen that u(R') < 1; for example, if P. = b„, i.e., P„({n }) = 1,F„(x) = 0, x <nand F„(x) = 1 for x _> n, then F = 0. Situations such as this are described by theexpression, "probability mass has escaped to infinity.” A property that prevents thisfrom happening for a sequence {P„} is the so-called tightness criterion. Namely, a family{PP } of probability measures on R' (with d.f.'s {F„}), is said to be tight if for each e > 0there is an interval (a, b] in R' such that P„((a, b]) = F(b) — FF (a) > I — E for each n >_ I.

It is clear that if a sequence of probability measures on R' (or R") converges weaklyto a probability measure P, then {P„} is tight. Conversely, one has the following result.

Theorem 5.2. Suppose a sequence of probability measures {P„} on R' is tight. Then ithas a subsequence converging weakly to a probability measure P.

Proof. Let F„ be the d.f. of P.. Let {r 1 , r2, ...} be an enumeration of the rationals. Since{F„(r l )} is bounded, there exists a subsequence {n,} (i.e., {1 f ,2,.....n,,...}) of thepositive integers such that F„,(r,) is convergent. Since {F,,(r2 )} is bounded, there existsa subsequence {n 2 } of {n 1 } such that F„ 2 (r2 ) is convergent. Then {F,,(r; )} (i = 1, 2)converges. Continue in this manner. Consider the "diagonal” sequence 1 1 , 22 , ... , kk, ... .

Then {F„,(r;)} converges, as n —• oo, for every i, as {n,,: n >_ i} is a subsequence of{n ; : n > 1 }. Let us write n„ = n'. Define

G(r):=lim F,, (r; ) (i = 1, 2, ...),(5.6)

F(x):= inf{G(r; ): r> x} (x

Then F is a nondecreasing and right-continuous function on R', 0 < F < 1. Let x bea point of continuity of F. Let x' < y' <x < y” < x" with y', y" rational. Then

F(x') _< G(y') = lim F„.(y') <, lim Ff .(x) < lim F,,(x) < lim F.,(y") = G(y") _< F(x").

Now let x' x, x" j x, and use continuity of F at x to deduce

lim F..(x) = F(x). (5.7)

It remains to prove that F is the d.f. of a probability measure. By tightness of {P„} (and,therefore, of {P,,.}), given e > 0, there exist x F , yE such that F,,(x,) <‚ F„(y,) > I — s.Let xE, y£ be points of continuity of F such that xE <x and y> yE. Then

F(x,) = lim F,,(x) < e, F(y) = lim F,,.(y') I — E.

This shows lim, I _. F(x) = 0, lim, 1 , F(x) = 1. n

A similar proof applies to P,,, P on Rk .


Theorem 6.1. (Strong Law of Large Numbers). Let {X„} be a sequence of pairwiseindependent and identically distributed random variables defined on a probability space

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(SZ, y, P). If EIX,j < oo then with probability I,

lim X' + _+ Xn = EX,. (6.1)

n w n

The proof we present here is due to Etemadi. 3 It is based on Part I of the followingBorel-Cantelli Lemmas. Part 2 is also important and it is cited here for completeness.However, it is not used in Etemadi's proof of the SLLN.

Lemma 6.1. (Bore/-Cantelli). Let {A n } be any sequence of events in 3.Part 1. If J t P(A,) < co then

P(A, i.o.):= P( '=In U A k) = 0.


Part 2. If A 1 , A 2 , ... are independent events and if P(A,) diverges thenP(A, i.o.) = 1.

Proof. For Part I observe that the sequence of events B. = U= A k , n = 1, 2, ... , isa decreasing sequence. Therefore, we have by the continuity property (1.2),

m m \ x mP n U A kt = lim P^ U A k) -< lim Z P(A k ) = 0.

nk=n n-m k=n n^z k=n

For Part 2 note that

P({A n i.o.}`) = P^ U n Ak) = lim P( ñ Ak j = lim P(Ak).n=1 k=n n-^ac k=n J n—x k=n

Butw m

P(Ak) = lim (1 — P(Ak))k


lim exp{— P(A k )} = 0. nm-^m k=n

Without loss of generality we may assume for the proof of the SLLN that the randomvariables X. are nonnegative, since otherwise we can write X. = X„ — X,, whereX„ = max(X,, 0) and X, = —min(X,, 0) are both nonnegative random variables, andthen the result in the nonnegative case yields that

S 1 1 n= ark _ _ z Xkn n k=, n k=,

converges to EX, — EX 1- = EX, with probability 1.

' N. Etemadi (1983), `On the Laws of Large Numbers for Nonnegative Random Variables," J.Multivariate Analysis, 13, pp. 187-193.

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Truncate the variables X. by Y„ = X„1 . Then Y. has moments of all orders. LetT„ = Zk =1 Yk and consider the sequence {T„} on the "fast” time scale T. = [a"], for afixed a > 1, where brackets [ ] denote the integer part. Let e > 0. Then by Chebyshev'sInequality and pairwise independence,

^I T — ET >

Var(T) 1 T^ 1 T^^^ `^ zP

z=^ = zz VarYk ^ Z EYkT„ E T„ E T„ k= 1 E rn k=1

2 2= 22 S E{Xk l (xk 5k1} = 2'Z E{X1 1(X, sk)}E T„ k=l E in k=1

1 t^ 1Zz E{X 1 ltx„t^^} = 2 T„E{X i lix, s^^(}. (6.2)c T„ k=1 e T„


P \I T” — ETr^I > e^ Z E{Xi l(x, s^"1} = 2 +2, 1(x„^^(I. (6.3)

Tn n=1 E Tn En=1 Tn

Let x > 0 and let N = minn >- 1: T. -> x }. Then a" >- x and, since y < 2[y] for any y >- 1,

Z 1 l(:st^l= Z 1 -<2 « "= 2 a - " =k« k,n=l Tn in>-x Tn n3N a—! x

where k = 2/(a — 1). Therefore,

°° 1 kforX,>0.

n=1 in Xl



^nET=" I>e)<k Et 2 <co. (6.4)

By the Borel—Cantelli Lemma (Part 1), taking a union over positive rational values ofe, with probability 1, (TL^ — ET^ )/Tn —^ 0 as n -4 oo. Therefore,

T EX, (6.5)Tn

lim ET lim EYE" = EX,.n_ao Tn n^ro



P(XX Y") = Z P(X1 > n) -< P(X1 > u) du = EX, < o0

n=1 n=1 O

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we get by another application of the Borel-Cantelli Lemma that, with probability 1,

S. T. -. 0 as n -+ oo. (6.6)


Therefore, the previous results about {T} give for {Sn } that

S"-SEX, as n-* (6.7)rn

with probability 1. If v n < k < t,, 1 then, since X. >_ 0,

Zn Sty Sk Zn +l Sr—I(6.8)

Tn+1 in k to Tn+l

But rn+l/in -* a, so that now we get with probability 1,

1 Sk Sk- EX, -< liminf - -< limsup - -< aEX, . (6.9)a k k k k

Take the intersection of all such events for rational a > 1 to get lim k - d, Sk /k = EX, withprobability 1. This is the Strong Law of Large Numbers (SLLN). n

The above proof of the SLLN is really quite remarkable, as the following observationsshow. First, pairwise independence is only used to make sure that the positive and negativeparts of X, and their truncations, remain pairwise uncorrelated for the calculation ofthe variance of Tk as the sum of the variances. Observe that if the random variables areall of the same sign, say nonnegative, and bounded, then it suffices to require that theymerely be uncorrelated for the same proof to go through. However, this means that, ifthe random variables are bounded, then it suffices that they be uncorrelated to get theSLLN; for one may simply add a sufficiently large constant to make them all positive.Thus, we have the following.

Corollary 6.2. If X 1 , X2,... , is a sequence of mean zero uncorrelated random variablesthat are uniformly bounded, then with probability 1,

X, +.••+Xn— *0 asn -*oo.



In view of the great importance of the central limit theorem (CLT) we shall give a generalbut self-contained version due to Lindeberg. This version is applicable to non-identicallydistributed summands.

Theorem 7.1. (Lindeberg's CLT). For each n, let X,,,,. .. , Xk^ n be independent random

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variables satisfying

( k"

EXj.n = 0 , al.n'— (EX^ n)1/Z CO, an = 1 , (7.1)j=1

and, for each E > 0,


(Lindeberg condition) lim Z E(X; jjjxj "I,E}) = 0 . (7.2)n—W j=1

Then ^J^ 1 X in distribution to the standard normal law N(0, 1).

Proof. Let {Zj : j _> 1} be a sequence of i.i.d. N(0, 1) random variables, independent of{X: I < j Q. Write

Z ,, ;=a j.n Zj (1 <j < kn), (7.3)

so that EZ 0 = EX EZj n = a j n = EX J n . Define

m k"

Um,n := Y_ X, ,, + I Zj,n (I < m _< kn — 1),j=1 j=m+1


j=1 j=1

Vm.n `= Um.n — Xm n (1 < m < kn ).

Let f be a real-valued function on I8' such that ff', f ", f " are bounded. Recall thefollowing version of the Taylor expansion, which is easy to check by integration by parts,

h 2

f(x + h) = f(x)+hf'(x) + h f"(x)+h 2 (1 — 6){f"(x + Oh) — f"(x)}dO2! 0

(x,hE R'). (7.5)

Taking x = V,,,, h = X,,, in (7.5), one gets

EJ (Umn) = E' f( V,. + Xm.n) = EJ ( Vmn) + E (Xm.nf ' ( vmn)) + I'E(Xm.nf " ( V, )) + E(Rmn),


Xm.n J 1 (1 — 6){f " ( Vm n + ©x,) — f"( V)} d8. (7.7)

As Xm , n and Vm , n are independent, and EX,,,,, = 0, EX,,, = of,,,, (7.6) reduces to

Ef(Um,n) = E.f(I'm.n) + ^2.n Ef"(ym.n) + E(R m , n ). (7.8)

Also Um_ l.n = Vm,n + Z., n, and Vm.n and Zm.n are independent. Therefore, exactly as

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above one gets, using EZ,,,, = 0, EZm,n = Qm,n

Ef(Um- t.n) = Ef(Vm,n) + -^.n Ef'(Vm,n) + E(R^n.n), (7.9)


R = Zm J 1 (1 — O){ f „(V. „ + ©Zm ) — .f"(Vm,„)} dB. (7.10)


IEf(Umn) — Ef(U,-i.n)I -< EIRm,nI + EIR;n.nl (1 -< m -< Q. (7.11)

Now, given an arbitrary e > 0,

EIRm,nI = E(IRm.nl l{Ix,,.,.l>el) + E(IRm.nI1Ux.,,.„ISc))

E [ xm.n1llXm.^1>El f.

'(1 — 0 ) 2 11f"Il^o do]

+ E[

X 2 ,.IllX.^..,I5c1 J ' (1 — O)IXm,nl IIJ "Il do J0

Ilf"IIwE(Xr2n,. 1 tlx . I>s} ) + 2EQm,n 11 f " II . (7.12)

We have used the notation 11911 := sup{Ig(x)I: x e W}. By (7.1), (7.2), and (7.12),

lim EIRm,„I 28IIf'"II .m=1

As > 0 is arbitrary,k„

tim Z EIR m.„I = 0. (7.13)m=1


EIRl s E[zm.„ J(1 — 9)Ilf"'1 Zm,nl de] _ ?II f"'II^EIzm.„1 3 = ?Ilf",IIWam.nEIZ1i 3

cam„c^ max am , n l am (7.14)1 <m-k„ /

where c = Z IIf"ILEIZ1I3. Now, for each S > 0,

am.n = E(xm.n 1 11x., ,d>al) + E(Xm.n 1 lIX,,, ,I ös) -< E (xm.n 1 llx.^..,1 >ö)) + 5 2 ,

which implies that

k„max am,„ K E(Xm.„ltlxm.>aI) + Sz.

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Therefore, by (7.2),

max a,,,,, -- 0 as n -- oo. (7.15)i 5mbk

From (7.14) and (7.15) one gets

k„I EIR; ,j < c max am n -^ 0 as n — cc. (7.16)


Combining (7.13) and (7.16), one finally gets

/ k„ /

IEf(Uk,,,n) — Ef(Uo.n)I Z (EIRm.nl + EIRin.nl) -a 0 as n c0. (7.17)m=1

But Uo , n is a standard normal random variable. Hence,


Ef Y- x) f(y)(2n)-lie exp{—Zy 2 } dy -+ 0 as n -+ oo. Jj= 1

By Theorem 5.1, the proof is complete. n

It has been shown by Feller 4 that in the presence of the uniform asymptotic negligibilitycondition (7.15), the Lindeberg condition is also necessary for the CLT to hold.

Corollary 7.2. (The Classical CLT). Let {Xj : j -> 1} be i.i.d. EXj = p, 0 < a2 :=Var Xj < oo. Then Y 7 =1 (Xj — )/(i/) converges in distribution to N(0, 1).

Proof. Let Xi ,, = (Xj — µ)/(a^), kn = n, and apply Theorem 7.1. n

Corollary 7.3. (Liapounov's CLT). For each n let X1,n, X2,n, . .. , Xn k„ be kn independentrandom variables such that

k„ kI EXj,n = u, I Var Xi ,, = Q Z > 0,

j= 1j=l


(Liapounov condition) lim Z EIXj , n — EXj ,n 1 2+ ' = 0 (7.18)n-. j=l

for some 6 > 0. Then Xi,, converges in distribution to the Gaussian law with meanp and variance a Z .

Proof. By normalizing one may assume, without loss of generality, that


EXj ,n =0, Z EX; n = 1.j=1

4 P. Billingsley (1986), loc. cit., p. 373.

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It then remains to show that the hypothesis of the corollary implies the Lindebergcondition (7.2). This is true since, for every E > 0,

k„ k„ IX. Iz+a( i ,.n

E X;.^ltlx;..,l>tl) Z E Ea 0, (7.19)1 J=1

as n - oo, by (7.18). n

Observe that the most crucial property of the normal distribution used in the proofof Theorem 7.1 is that the sum of independent normal random variables is normal. Inother words, the normal distribution is infinitely divisible. In fact, the normal distributionN(0, 1) may be realized as the distribution of the sum of independent normal randomvariables having zero means and variances Q? for any arbitrarily specified set ofnonnegative numbers or? adding up to 1. Another well-known infinitely divisibledistribution is the Poisson distribution.

The following multidimensional version of Corollary 7.2 may be proved along thelines of the proof of Theorem 7.1.

Theorem 7.4. (Multivariate Classical CLT). Let {Xn : n = 1, 2, ...} be a sequence ofi.i.d. random vectors with values in l. Let EX I = p and assume that the dispersionmatrix (i.e., variance-covariance matrix) D of X I is nonsingular. Then as n -+ 00,n - '^ 2 (X I + • • • + X. — nit) converges in distribution to the Gaussian probabilitymeasure with mean zero and dispersion matrix D.


Consider a real- or complex-valued periodic function on the real line. By changing thescale, if necessary, one may take the period to be 2n. Is it possible to represent f as asuperposition of the periodic functions ("waves") cos nx, sin nx of frequency n(n = 0, 1, 2, ...)? The Weierstrass approximation theorem (Theorem 8.1) says that everycontinuous periodic function f of period 2n is the limit (in the sense of uniform convergenceof functions) of a sequence of trigonometric polynomials, i.e., functions of the form

T TY cn e"s = c0 + (an cos nx + b n sin nx).

n=-T n=1

The theory of Fourier series says, among other things, that with the weaker notion ofL2 -convergence the approximation holds for a wider class of functions, namely for allsquare integrable functions f on [—it, n]; here square integrability means that I f I z ismeasurable and that J"_,, f (x)1 2 dx < oc. This class of functions is denoted by L2 [ — rr, n].The successive coefficients c n for this approximation are the so-called Fourier coefficients:

1 "c n = -- f(x)edx (n=0,±1,±2,...). (8.1)


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The functions exp{inx} (n = 0, + 1, ±2, ...) form an orthonormal set:

1e1nxe-"""dx =0 forn0m,2it _ n

=1 for n = m, (8.2)

so that the Fourier series off written formally, without regard to convergence for thetime being, as

XY cneinx (8.3)

is a representation of f as a superposition of orthogonal components. To make mattersprecise we first prove the following theorem.

Theorem 8.1. Let f be a continuous periodic function of period 2n. Then, given ö > 0,there exists a trigonometric polynomial Y„"= - N do exp{inx} such that


sup f (x) — do exp{inx} <5.XE[ä, n=—N

Proof. For each positive integer N, introduce the Fejer kernel

kN (x) := j (i — 1nj ) exp{inx}. (8.4)n = _ N N + 1

This may also be expressed as

(N + 1)kN (x) _ exp{i( j — k)x} = I exp{ijx}I z = lexp^i(N + 1)x} — l 2

o,j.ksN i=o exp{ix} — 1

_ 2{l — (cos(N + 1)x} _ sm {Z(N + 1)x} 2

2(1 — cos x) sin Zx )(8.5)

The first equality in (8.5) follows from th^fact that there are N + 1 — (ni pairs (j, k)such thatj — k = n. It follows from (8.5) that kN is a positive continuous periodic functionwith period 2n. Also, kN is a p.d.f. on [ —n, iv], as follows from (8.4) on integration. Forevery e> 0 it follows from (8.5) that kN(x) goes to zero uniformly on [ —n, —e] u [E, n]so that

kN(x) dx -. 0 as N -^ co . (8.6)[ - a. - e]v [c.n]

In other words, kN (x) dx converges weakly to 5 0 (dx), the point mass at 0, as N -* oo.Consider now the approximation fN of f defined by

fN(x)'= f - .rz .f(y)kN(x — y)dy = y 1 1 — Inl Jc„ exp{inx}, (8.7) n= _N \\\ N +ll

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where c" is the nth Fourier coefficient of f. By changing variables and using the periodicityof f and k N , one may express fN as

.fN(x) = fn f(x — y)kN(y) dy.rz

Therefore, writing M = sup{I f (x)I: Xe l}, and SE = sup{If (y) — f(y')I: I y — y'I <c},one has

nIf(x) — .fN(X)I - $f(x — y) — f(x)I kN(y) dy -< 2M J kN(y) dy + SE .

R [-R.-E]V [E.f[]


It now follows from (8.6) that f — fN converges to zero uniformly as N -+ oo. Nowwrite do = (1 — Inj/(N + 1))cn . n

The next task is to establish the convergence of the Fourier series (8.3) to f in L2 .For this note that for every square integrable f and all positive integers N,

1 rz(f(x)_ i C" e'nx e dx = c, — Cm = 0 (m = 0, ±1.... .±N). (8.9)

27[ - n -N

Therefore, if one defines the norm (or "length") of a function g in L2 [—iv, rz] by

rz i2

Ilg11 = (—I lg(x)j' dx = JIgll2, (8.10)rz

then, writing 2 for the complex conjugate of z,


0 - I f(x) — c"einx I = 1 f rz (f(x) — ^ c"e•nx )( f( x ) — [^ C"e -inx 1 dx

_N 21 _ rz \ -N -N J

1rz^ J IJ (x)12 dx — L (

27C f rzrzeinx f(x) dx + 2^ J= 2 e"' f(x) dx — cn ,,

-n -N \ -n -aJ 7

N N p



11 2 —


[^ Cn Cn = IIJ I1 2 — ICnI2. (0.11.)N -N

This shows that II f (x) — > N_ N c" exp{inx} 11 2 decreases as N increases and that

N 2lim f(x) — Y- cne`"x = 11 f 112 — Y- Ic n I 2 . (8.12)N- . -N

To prove that the right side of (8.12) vanishes, first assume that f is continuous andf(—it) = f(n). Given e> 0 there exists, by Theorem 8.1, a trigonometric polynomialZNOyo dn e i"x such that


max f(x) — Y- de"' <e.< E.x -No

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This implies

1 n No 2f(x) — de"" dx < F 2 . (8.13)

2r j,, -No

But, by (8.9), f(x) — J] N-No c„ exp{inx} is orthogonal to exp{imx} (m = 0, ± 1, ... , ±No )so that

rz No 21 fNo No 2

1 /'( x ) — drze "x dx = f(x) — So crzeinx + (cn — dn )e nx l dx7C .J No 27t n _ No - No

1 n No 2= f(x) — cneinx^ dx

27r ., _No

1 rz No 2

+(c„ — d rz )e inx dx. (8.14)27r ,, -No

Hence, by (8.13) and (8.14),

o2 2

27[ f rz I f (x) — No cn e inx l dx < e 2 , lim f(x) — c„etnx \ e 2 . (8.15)-rz -No Nam -N

Since f > 0 is arbitrary, it follows that


lim f(x) — crze inx = 0, (8.16)N-- -N

and, by (8.12),

II.f ll 2 = Y_ Ic„1 2 . (8.17)This completes the proof of convergence for continuous periodic f. Now it may be

shown that given a square integrable f and e > 0, there exists a continuous periodic gsuch that II f — gll < E/2. Also, letting Z d. exp{inx}, X c„ exp{inx} be the Fourier seriesof ,g, f, respectively, there exists N t such that

N,g(x) — d„ exp{inx} II < -


Hence (see (8.14))

f(x) — Y c,einx \ f(x) — dneirzx If — gII + I g(x) — due"-N, -N, -N,

E E< 2 + 2 =E. (8.18)

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Since F >0 is arbitrary and Il f(x) — I N-N cne' n `II Z decreases to II f 2 — ^ x x. Icnlz asNI oo (see Eq. 8.12), one has

N x

llm f(x) — CnPinx =0, Ilf 11 2 = c12 (8.19)

N-^ x^ - N - x

Thus, we have proved the first part of the following theorem.

Theorem 8.2

(a) For every f in L2 [—n, n], the Fourier series of f converges to f in L2 -norm, and

the identity li f II = IcnI2)"2 holds for its Fourier coefficients c n .

(b) If (i) f is differentiable, (ii) f(—n) = f(n), and (iii) f' is square integrable, thenthe Fourier series of f also converges uniformly to f on [—n, n].

Proof. To prove part (b), let f be as specified. Let Y_ c n exp{inx} be the Fourier seriesof f, and Y c;,' ) exp{inx} that of f'. Then

cnl) = 2?[ Jn f' (lx)e-"' dx = 2n

f (x)e inxln

+ Zn Jn /'(x)e-inx dx = 0 + incn = incn .

a J rz rzJ(8.20)

Since f' is square integrable,

S Incnl' = Z Ic;,"I Z < cc. (8.21)

Therefore, by the Cauchy—Schwarz Inequality,

1 1 \h/2/

Icnl = Icol + n^o Inl Inc,I <_ Icol + z Incnl2 < oo. (8.22)n#on/ \n#O

But this means that Y c n exp{inx} is uniformly absolutely convergent, since

max I E cn exp{inx} I _< E Icn l —*0 as N —• cc.x InI>N I,,I>N

Since the continuous functions Y N_ N cn exp{inx} converge uniformly (as N —> co) tocn exp{inx}, the latter must be a continuous function, say h. Uniform convergence

to h also implies convergence in norm to h. Since Y"' N cn exp{inx} also converges innorm to f, f(x) = h(x) for all x. For if the two continuous functions f and h are notidentically equal, then

J f(x)—g(x)l 2 dx>0. n

For a finite measure (or a finite signed measure) p on the circle [—n, n) (identifying

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-n and n), the nth Fourier coefficient of p is defined by


c„ = — exp{ -inx}p(dx) (n = 0, ± 1, ...). (8.23)2n [n)

If p has a density f, then (8.23) is the same as the nth Fourier coefficient of f given by (8.1).

Proposition 8.3. A finite measure µ on the circle is determined by its Fourier coefficients.

Proof. Approximate the measure p(dx) by g(x) dx, where

rz ng N(x):= kN(x - y)p(dy) = ^ (1 - l

N N+ 1^c„ exp{inx}, (8.24)

_ rz

with c„ defined by (8.23). For every continuous periodic function h (i.e., for everycontinuous function on the circle),

fth(x)gN(x) dx

= 5 (ft - x,.) h(x)k,(x - y) dx)P(dy). (8.25)

As N -+ oo, the probability measure kN(x - y) dx = kN (y - x) dx on the circle convergesweakly to by (dx). Hence, the inner integral on the right side of (8.25) converges to h(y).Since the inner integral is bounded by sup{Ih(y)l: ye W}, Lebesgue's DominatedConvergence Theorem implies that

lim f,-x,n)

h(x)gN(x) dx = J h(y)p(dy). (8.26)N - [-rz.rz)

This means that p is determined by {gN : N > 1} The latter in turn are determined by {c),



We are now ready to answer an important question: When is a given sequence{c: n = 0, + 1, ...}, the sequence of Fourier coefficients of a finite measure on the circle?

A sequence of complex numbers {c: n = 0, + 1, ±2,.. .) is said to be positive definiteif for any finite sequence of complex numbers {zj : 1 < j < N), one has

Y- cj - k zj zk i 0. (8.27)1 j.k5N

Theorem 8.4. (Herglotz's Theorem). {c: n = 0, ± 1, ...} is the sequence of Fouriercoefficients of a probability measure on the circle if and only if it is positive definite,and co = 1.

Proof. (Necessity). If p is a probability measure on the circle, and {zj : 1 -< j -< N} a

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given finite sequence of complex numbers, then

Ci_kZJZk = 1 E zjik J exp{—i( j — k)x}µ(dx)1j,kN 21t 1-<j.kSN [-a.n)

(' N N

_ Irz J ^E zj exp{ — iix})(Z zk exp{ikx})µ(dx)1 1

(' N Z= 1 J

zj exp{ —ijk} j (dx) >- 0. (8.28)


c0= J p(dx) = 1.(Sufficiency). Take zj = exp{i(j — 1)x}, j = 1, 2, . .. , N + 1 in (8.27) to get

gN(x):= 1 cj _ k exp{i(j — k)x} >, 0. (8.29)N + 1 0-<j,k<N

Again, as there are N + 1 — Inj pairs (j, k) such that j — k = n (—N _< n _< N), (8.29)becomes

0 -< 9N (X) _'

1 —N +

j exp{inx}c. (8.30)1 /

In particular,

1gN(x)dx = c o = 1. (8.31)

27[ t-n,n)

Hence (l/21t)gN is a p.d.f. on [—it, ir]. By Theorem 5.2, there exists a subsequence {gN -}

such that (1/27t)gN .(x) dx converges weakly to a probability measure u(dx) as N' -+ oo.Also, integration yields

i f exp{ —inx}g N (x) dx = ( l — Inj ^c„ (n = 0, + 1, ... , ±N). (8.32)2rc [ -,,.n[ N + 1

For each fixed n, take N = N' in (8.32) and let N' -• oo. Then

nC„ = lim^1 — j --c„ = exp{—inx}p(dx) (n = 0, ±1,...). (8.33)

N '- N' + 1 ;

In other words, c„ is the nth Fourier coefficient of p. If u({rz}) > 0, one may change pto p' where p'({—it}) = p({—R}) + p({rr}), and p' = p on (—it, n) to get a probabilitymeasure p' on the circle whose Fourier coefficients are c. Note that (8.33) holds withp replaced by p', because exp{—inn} = exp{inrc} = 1. n

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Corollary 83. A sequence {c„} of complex numbers is the sequence of Fouriercoefficients of a finite measure on the circle [ -n, it) if and only if {c„} is positive definite.

Proof. Since the measure p = 0 has Fourier coefficients c„ = 0 for all n, and the lattertrivially comprise a positive definite sequence, it is enough to prove the correspondencebetween nonzero positive definite sequences and nonzero finite measures. It follows fromTheorem 8.4, by normalization, that this correspondence is 1-1 between positive definitesequences {c„} with co = c > 0, and measures on the circle having total mass c. n

The Fourier transform of an integrable (real- or complex-valued) function f on(-oo, oo) is the function f on (-oo, oo) defined by

e`^yf(y)dy, -oo< <oo. (8.34)

As a special case take f = I(c,dJ• Then,

exp{ i^d} - exp{i^c }= (8.35)i

so that f() -. 0 as ICI -+ oo. This convergence to zero as - ± oo is clearly valid forarbitrary step functions, i.e., finite linear combinations of indicator functions of finiteintervals. Now let f be an arbitrary integrable function. Given e > 0 there exists a stepfunction f, such that

I14 — f II I °= f If(y) - f(y)I dy <. (8.36)W

Now it follows from (8.34) that (J ) - f( if ff - f II 1 for all . Since J) --* 0 as^ -. ± oo, one has lim 1 _,. I f(^)I < E. Since E >0 is arbitrary,

0 as {^j -+ co. (8.37)

The property (8.37) is generally referred to as the Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma.If f is continuously differentiable and f, f' are both integrable, then integration by

parts yields

.^^( ) = -if.). (8.38)

The boundary terms in deriving (8.38) vanish, for if f' is integrable (as well as f) thenf (x) -. 0 as x - ± oo. More generally, if f is r-times continuously differentiable andf e'), 0 < j < r, are all integrable, then one may repeat the relation (8.38) to get

f(r)(^) = (-if'(). (8.39)

In particular, (8.39) implies that if f, f', f" are integrable then f is integrable.It is instructive to consider the Fourier transform as a limiting version of a Fourier

series. Consider for this purpose that f is differentiable and vanishes outside a finiteinterval, and that f' is square integrable. Then, for all sufficiently large integers N, the

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gN(x):= f(Nx) (8.40)

vanishes outside (—n, n). Let Cn Ne °x, c e °S be the Fourier series of y ti. and itsderivative gN, respectively. Then

fCn.N — gN(x)e-;nx dx = 2R f (Nx)e

'— dx = 2

1 - ^r. f(y)e inl/N


=— f (8.41)1 n

2Nrz N

Now writing A = (2>2j, n-2)'/2,

1 1 1/z 1/2

kn,NI = ICo.NI + n>o InI

(I ncn.NI) Co.NI + > Z >2 Inen.Nl 2( ., on n#0

Ico,NI + A( >2 Ic^ 1NI 2)'/2

f ou n 1/2

= —j

g(x)dx + A (2rz f Ig (x)I 2 dx


x -R

Therefore, for all sufficiently large N, the following convergence is uniform:

f(z) = yN


- n Y>.

= n 1_.. f n e ;n 1N. (8.42)

N x, 2Nn N

Letting N - co in (8.42), if f E C(If', dx), one gets the Fourier inversion formula,

`°f(z) = -- .f(—y)ey dy = - J


.i(^)e_ ;^^ ds. (8.43)_^

One may show that this formula holds for all f such that both f and f are integrable.Next, any f that vanishes outside a finite interval and is square integrable is automaticallyintegrable, and for such an f one has, for all sufficiently large N,

1 I

1-IgN(x)I2 dx

= 2 I f If(y)I 2 dy,

2n f Ig(x)I 2 dx = Y ICn.NI 2 = 4NZrz2 Y, I f( — N^ 2 ,

so that

N n=^^ I f\ n/I2 2n J If(y)1 2 dy. (8.44)


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Therefore, letting NI oc, one has the Plancherel identity

1 . If(^)I Z dl; = 2n I

If(y)1 2 dy. (8.45)JJJ ^ JJ

Now every square integrable f on (— oo, oo) may be approximated in norm arbitrarilyclosely by a continuous function that vanishes outside a finite interval. Since (8.45) holdsfor the latter, it also holds for all f that is integrable as well as square integrable. Wehave, therefore, the following.

Theorem 8.6

(a) If f and f are both integrable, then the Fourier inversion formula (8.43) holds.(b) If f is integrable as well as square integrable, then the Plancherel identity (8.45)


Next define the Fourier transform µ of a finite measure p by setting

µ(ff) _ f e du(x). (8.46)j

If p is a finite signed measure, i.e., p = µ 1 — P2 where p, P2 are finite measures, thenalso one defines fi by (8.46) directly, or by setting µ = µ l — µ2 . In particular, ifp(dx) = f (x) dx, where f is real-valued and integrable, then µ = f If p is a probabilitymeasure, then A is also called the characteristic function of p (or of any random variablewhose distribution is p).

We next consider the convolution of two integrable functions f, g:

f *g(x) = .f(x—y)g(y)dy (—oo<x<oo). (8.47)J Since

If * g(x)I dx = JJ

If(x — y)IIg(y)I dy dx

= f If (x)l dx J Ig(y)I dy, (8.48)m

f * g is integrable. Its Fourier transform is

(f * g) ^(Z) = J m e'4X \J -

f (x — y)g(y) dy) dx

J J= e'Z(x-rie''yf(x — y)g(y) dy dx

e.42e14y f(z)g(y) dy dz = i( ( ), (8.49)

-m -t

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a result of importance in probability and analysis. By iteration, one defines the n-foldconvolution f, * • • • *f,, of n integrable functions f,, ... , f„ and it follows from (8.49)that (f, * • • • * f) = f, f. f.. Note also that if f, g are real-valued integrable functionsand one defines the measures u, v by µ(dx) = f (x) dx, v(dx) = g(x) dx, and µ * v by(f * g)(x) dx, then

(µ * v)(B) = I (f * g)(x) dx = 1' \J f(x — y) dx)

g(y) dyJJJe s

= J p(B — y)g(y) dy = J T µ(B — y) dv(y), (8.50)

for every interval (or, more generally, for every Bore! set) B. Here B — y is the translateof B by —y, obtained by subtracting from each point in B the number y. Also,(µ * v) = (f * g) = fo = µß. In general (i.e., whether or not p and/or v have densities),the last expression in (8.50) defines the convolution p * v of finite signed measures p andv. The Fourier transform of this finite signed measure is still given by (p * v) = µv".Recall that if X,, X2 are independent random variables on some probability space((2, d, P) and have distributions Q1, Q 2 , respectively, then the distribution of X, + X Z

is Q, * Q 2 whose characteristic function (i.e., Fourier transform) may also be computedfrom

(Q, * Q2) ^(Z) = Ee'zx, Ee`tx2 = Qt( )2( ). (8.51)

This argument extends to finite signed measures, and is an alternative way of thinkingabout (or deriving) the result (p * v) = µv".

Theorem 8.4 and Corollary 8.5 may be extended to a correspondence between finite(probability) measures on H' and positive definite functions on R' defined as follows.

A complex-valued function cp on R' is said to be positive definite if for every positiveinteger N and finite sequences {^„ , ... , N} c H' and {z,, Z21... , z„} c C (the setof complex numbers), one has

Z zjzk(P(Zi — Zk) i 0. (8.52)I fij.k<-N

Theorem 8.7. (Bochner's Theorem). A function cp on R' is the Fourier transform of afinite measure on H' if and only if it is positive definite and continuous.

The proof of necessity is entirely analogous to (8.28). The proof of sufficiency maybe viewed as a limiting version of that for Fourier series, as the period increases toinfinity. We omit this proof.

The above results and notions may be extended to higher dimensions H k . Thisextension is straightforward. The Fourier series of a square integrable function f on[—m, i) x [—n, n) x • • • x [—n, n) = [—rz, n) k is defined by E„ c,, exp{iv• x} wherethe summation is over all integral vectors (or multi-indices) v = (v', V' 21, .. , v (k '), eachvf° being an integer. Also v • x = v'''x—the usual euclidean inner product on U&k

between two vectors v = (v"'. .. , v°' ), and x = (x°', x (2 ', .. , x"k'). The Fouriercoefficients are given by

I n "

... 'vf(x)e . dx. (8.53)

( 2n )

C^ — k,,

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The extensions of Theorems 8.1-8.4 are fairly obvious. Similarly, the Fourier transformof an integrable function (with respect to Lebesgue measure on Il) f is defined by

i() = J ... J e f(y) dy (4 E R k ), (8.54)

and the Fourier inversion formula becomes

f(z) = (2 I f ...

.f(4)e d4, (8.55)

which holds when f(x) and f() are integrable. The Plancherel identity (8.45) becomes

J .. JIf(4)I Z d4 = (2n)k J ... J If(y)1 2 dy, (8.56)

which holds whenever f is integrable and square integrable. Theorem 8.6 now extendsin an obvious manner. The definitions of the Fourier transform and convolution of finitesigned measures on 08'` are as in (8.46) and (8.50) with integrals over (— 00, cc) beingreplaced by integrals over R". The proof of the property (it s * 12) = µl P2 is unchanged.

Our final result says that the correspondence P -+ P. on the set of probability measuresonto the set of characteristic functions, is continuous.

Theorem 8.8. (Cramer-Levy Continuity Theorem). Let P„(n >, 1), P be probabilitymeasures on (R', ,1k)

(a) If P. converges weakly to P, then P„() converges to P(4) for every e Ilk .(b) If P,,() - P() for every , then P. converges weakly to P.

Proof. (a) Since P„(, P() are the integrals of the bounded continuous functionexp{i4 • x} with respect to P„ and P, it follows from the definition of weak convergencethat PP(^) -> P(^).

(b) Let f be an infinitely differentiable function on l having compact support.Define f(x) = f(—x). Then f is also infinitely differentiable and has compact support.Now,

ff(x)P^(dx) _ (f * P„)(0 ), ff(x)P(dx) = (f * P)(0). (8.57)

As f is integrable, (f* P„) = / P., and (f * P) = f P are integrable. By Fourierinversion and Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem,

(f * P^)(0) = (2rr)k ^uk exp{

—i0 • x}f(4)PP(4) d --- (f* P)(0). (8.58)

Hence, f f dP„ - f f dP for all such f. The proof is complete by Theorem 5.1. n

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Author Index

Aldous, D., 194Aris, R., 518Athreya, K., 223

Bahadur, R. R.. 518Basak, G., 623Belkin, B., 506Bellman. R., 561Bhattacharya, R. N., 106, 228.513, 515. 518,

561, 623Billingsley. P., 79, 93, 94, 96. 104, 511, 637,

639, 652Bjerknes, R.. 366Blackwell. D., 561Blumenthal, R. M., 228Brown, B. M., 508Brown, T. C., 356

Cameron. R. H., 618Chan. K. S., 228Chandrasekhar, S., 259Chow, Y. S., 562Chung, K. L., 92, 105.361Clifford, P., 366Corson, H. K.. 228

Diaconis, P., 194Dobrushin, R. L., 366Dorisker, M. D., 103Doob, J. L.. 216Dorfman, R., 64Dubins. L. E., 228Durrett, R. T., 105. 362. 366. 506Dynkin, E. B., 501, 516

Eberlein, E., 356Etemadi, N., 647Ethier, S. N., 501

Feder. J., 356Feller, W., 67, 107, 223, 362, 498, 499. 616. 652Flajolet, P., 362Fleming, W. H., 562Fomin, S. V., 97Freedman, D. A., 228, 499Friedlin, M., 517Friedman, A., 502, 516Fuchs, W. H. J., 92

Garcia, A. M., 224Ghosh. J. K., 503, 518GiIbarg, D., 516, 517, 622Girsanov, I. V., 618Gordin, M. 1., 513Griffeath. D.. 366Gupta, V. K., 106, 362, 518

Hall, P. G., 511Hall, W. J., 503Harris, T. E., 363Has'minskii, R. Z., 616, 623Heyde, C. C.. 511Holley, R., 366Howard, R., 561

Ibragimov, A., 511lglehart, D. L., 105, 506Ikeda, N., 623It6. K., 105, 356, 497. 501. 503, 504. 506

Jain, N., 229Jamison, B., 229

Kac, M., 259Kaigh, W. D., 105Karatzas, I., 623Karlin, S., 504


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Kennedy, D. P., 105 Riesz, F., 505Kesten, H., 190, 227, 362 Rishel, R. W., 562Kieburtz, R. B., 217 Robbins, H., 562Kindermann, R.. 366 Rogers. L. C. G., 105Kolmogorov, A. N., 97 Ross, S. M., 561Kunth. D., 193 Rota, G. C.. 343Kurtz, T. G., 501 Royden, H. L.. 93, 228, 230, 501,

613Lamperti, J., 207.356Lawrance, V. B., 217 Scarf, H., 562Lee, O., 228, 513 Sen, K., 518Levy, P., 105 Shannon, C. E., 231Lifsic, B. A.. 513 Shreve. S. E., 623Liggett, T. M., 366 Siegmund, D.. 562Lindvall, T., 223 Skorokhod, A. V., 356Lotka, A. J., 207 Snell. J. L.. 366

Spitzer, F.. 68. 73, 190, 227, 343, 366McDonald, D., 223 Stroock, D. W., 502. 505, 517, 621McKean, H. P. Jr., 105, 497, 501, 503, 504, Sudbury, A., 366

506Maitra. A., 560, 561 Taqqu, M., 356Majumdar. M., 228, 561, 562 Taylor, G. 1., 518Mandelbrot, B. B., 107, 356 Taylor, H. M.. 504Mandl, P., 500, 501, 504, 505 Thorisson. H., 223Martin, W. T.. 618 Tidmore, F. E., 65Merton, R. C., 562 Tong, H., 228Mesa, 0., 362 Trudinger, N. S., 516. 517, 622Miller, D. R., 105, 506 Turner, D. W., 65Miller. L. H., 104 Tweedie, R. L.. 229Mina, K. V., 217Mirman, L. J., 228 Van Ness, J. W.. 107Moran, P. A. P., 107 Varadhan, S. R. S., 502, 505, 517.621

Nelson, E., 93 Watanabe, S., 623Ney, P., 223 Waymire, E., 106, 259, 362, 356, 518

Weaver, W., 231Odlyzko. A. M., 362 Weisshaar, A., 216Orey, S., 229 Wijsman, R. A.. 503Ossiander, M., 356 Williams, D., 105

Williams, T., 366Parthasarathy, K. R., 230

Yahay. J. A., 228Rachev, S. T., 482 Young. D. M., 65Radner. R.. 228, 562 Yosida, K., 500Ramasubramanian, S., 516 Yushkevich, A. A., 516

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Subject Index

Absolutely continuous, 639Absorbing boundary:

birth-death chain, 237, 309branching, 158, 160, 321Brownian motion, 412, 414, 451, 454diffusion, 402-407, 448-460Markov chain. 151. 318random walk, 114, 122

Accessible boundary, 393, 499, 615. See alsoExplosion

Actuary science:collective risk, 78contagion, accident proneness, 116, 273

After-tprocess, 118.425After-ssigmafield, 425Alexandrov theorem, 96Annihilating random walk. 330Arcsine law, 34, 35, 84AR(p), ARMA (p,q), 170, 172Artificial intelligence, 252Arzela-Ascoli theorem, 97Asymptotic equality (-), 55Autoregressive model, 166. 170

Backward equation. See also Boundaryconditions

branching, 283.322Brownian motion, 78, 410. 412, 452, 467diffusion, 374. 395, 442, 462, 463, 464Markov chain, 266, 335

Backward induction, 523Backward recursion, 522. 543Bellman equation, see Dynamic

programming equationBernoulli-Laplace model, 233, 240Be rtrands ballot problem, 70Bessel process, see Brownian motionBiomolecular fixation, 319, 321

Birkhoffs ergodic theorem, 224Birth-collapse model, 203Blackwell's renewal theorem, 220Bochner s theorem, 663Borel-Cantelli lemma, 647Borel sigmafield:

of CI0.cI, CI0.l . 23.93of metric space, 627of l8', 68' .626

Boundary conditions, see also Absorbingboundary, Reflecting boundary

backward, 396, 401.402, 452forward,398mixed, 407nonzero values, 485, 489time dependent, 485

Branching process:Bienayme-Galton-Watson branching,

115, 158.281extinction probability, 160.283Lamperti's maximal branching, 207time to extinction, 285

Brownian bridge. 36, 103Brownian excursion, 85. 104, 288, 362, 505Brownian meander, 85, 104, 505Brownian motion. 18, 350, 390,441

constructions, 93, 99, 105max/min, 79.414.431, 486, 487, 490scaling property, 76standard, 18.441tied-down, see Brownian bridge

Cameron-Martin-Girsanov theorem, 616,618

Canonical construction, 15. 166Canonical sample space, 2Cantor set. 64Cantor ternary function, 64


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Capital accumulation model, 178Caratheodory extension theorem, 626Card shuffles, 191, 194Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 630Central limit theorem (CLT):

classical, 652continuous parameter Markov process,

307, 513diffusion, 438-441discrete parameter Markov process, 150,

227, 513functional (FCLT), 23, 99Liapounov, 652Lindeberg, 649Martingale, 503-511multivariate classical, 653

Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, seeSemigroup property

Characteristic function, 662Chebyshev inequality, 630Chemical reaction kinetics, 310Choquet-Deny theorem, 366Chung-Fuchs recumence criterion, 92Circular Brownian motion, 400Collocation polynomial, 206Communicate, 121, 123, 303Completely deterministic motion, 113Completely random motion, 113Compound Poisson process, 262, 267, 292Compression coefficient, 185Conditional expectation, 639Conditional probability, 639Co-normal reflection, 466Conservative process:

diffusion, see ExplosionMarkov chain, 289

Continuity equation, 381Continuous in probability, see Stochastic


diffusion, 533-542feasible, 533feedback, 533optimal, 533

Convergence:almost everywhere (a.e.), 631almost surely (a.s.). 631in distribution (in law), see Weak

convergencein measure, 631

Convex function, 159, 628Convolution, 115,263.291.662.663Correlation length, see Relaxation timeCoupling. 197, 221, 351, 364, 506

Coupon collector problem, 194Cox process, 333Cramer-Levy continuity theorem, 664

Detailed balance principle, seeTime-reversible Markov process

Diffusion. 368. See also Boundary conditionsmultidimensional, 442nonhomogeneous, 370, 610singular, 591

Diffusion coefficient, 18, 19, 442Dirichlet boundary condition. 404Dirichlet problem, 454. 495. 606Dispersion matrix, see Diffusion coefficientDistribution function (c.d.f. or d.f), 627Doeblin condition, 215Doeblin coupling, see CouplingDominated convergence theorem. 633Domination inequality. 628Donsker's invariance principle, see Central

limit theoremDoob's maximal inequality. 49Doob-Meyer decomposition, 89Dorfman's blood test problem. 64Doubly stochastic, 199Doubly stochastic Poisson, see Cox processDrift coefficient. 18. 19.442Duhamel principle, 479,485Dynamic inventory problem. 551Dynamic programming equation. 527, 528Dynamic programming principle, 526

discounted. 527Dynkin's Pi-Lambda theorem, 637

Eigenfunction expansion. 409, 505Empirical process, 36, 38Entrance boundary, 503Entropy. 186, 213.348Ergodic decomposition. 230Ergodic maximal inequality, 225Ergodic theorem, see Birkhof -s ergodic

theoremEscape probability:

birth-death, 235Brownian motion, 25.27diffusion. 377.428random walk, 6

Essential. 121, 303Event, 625

finite dimensional, 2.62infinite dimensional. 2. 3, 23-24, 62

Exchangeable process, 116Exit boundary. 504Expected value, 628

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Explosion:diffusion. 612Feller's test, 614Has'minskii's test. 615Markov chain, 288pure birth, 289

Exponential martingale, 88

Factorial moments, 156Fatou's lemma, 633Feller property, 332. 360. 505, 591Feynman-Kac formula. 478, 606Field. 626First passage time:

Brownian motion, 32, 429, 430diffusion, 491distribution, 430random walk, 11

First passage time process, 429Flux, 381Fokker-Planck equation. see Forward

equation, 78Forward equation, see also Boundary

conditionsbranching. 285Brownian motion, 78. 380, 390diffusion. 379, 405.442Markov chain. 266, 335

Fourier coefficients, 653. 658. 663Fourier inversion formula. 661, 664Fourier series, 654Fourier transform. 660. 662. 664Fractional Brownian motion, 356Fubini's theorem. 637Functional central limit theorem (FCLT).

see Central limit theorem

Gambler's ruin, 67. 70, 208Gaussian pair correlation formula. 77Gaussian process, 16Geometric Brownian motion. 384Geometric Ornstein-Uhlenbeck. 384Gibbs distribution, 162Glivenko-Cantelli lemma. 39, 86Gnedenko-Koroljuk formula. 87Gradient (grad), 464. 466Green's function, 501

Harmonic function, 68, 329, 364, 366, 495Harmonic measure, 454. See also Hitting

distributionsHarmonic oscillator, 257Harnack's inequality, 622Herglotz's theorem, 658

Hermite polynomials, 487Hewitt-Savage zero-one law, 91Hille-Yosida theorem. 500Hitting distributions, 454Holder inequality, 630Horizon, finite or infinite, 519Hurst exponent, 56

i.i.d., 3Inaccessible, 393. 422. 503Independent:

events, 638random variables, 638sigmafields, 638

Independent increments, 18.262, 349, 429Inessential, 121.303Infinitely divisible distribution, 349Infinitesimal generator, 372

compound Poisson. 334diffusion, 373, 500Markov chain. 266multidimensional diffusion, 443, 604radial Brownian motion. 446

Initial value problem, 477, 604with boundary conditions, 467, 485. 500

Invariance principle. 24. See also Centrallimit theorem

Invariant distribution:birth-death chain, 238diffusion, 432, 433, 483, 593, 621, 623Markov chain. 129, 307, 308

Invariant measure. 204Inventory control problem, 557Irreducible transition probability, 123Irreversible process, 248Ising model, 203Iterated averaging. 204Iterated random maps. 174, 228ItO integral. 564, 570. 577.607Itö s lemma. 585.611Itö s stochastic integral equation, 571, 575

multidimensional, 580

Jacobi identity, 487Jensen's inequality. 629

conditional, 642

K-convex. 552Killing, 477Kirchoff circuit laws, 344, 347Kolmogorov's backward equation, see

Backward equationKolmogorov's consistency theorem, see

Kolmogorov's existence theorem

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Kolmogorov's existence theorem. 16, 73, 92,93

Kolmogorov's extension theorem, seeKolmogorov's existence theorem

Kolmogorov's forward equation, see Forwardequation

Kolmogorov's inequality, 51Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic, 38, 103Kolmogorov zero-one law, 90Kronecker's delta, 265

Lp convergence criterion, 634, 635LP maximal inequality, 602, 603Lp space, 633Lagrange's method of characteristics, 312Laplacian, 454Law of diminishing returns, 178Law of large numbers:

classical, 646diffusion, 432Markov chain, 145, 307

Law of proportionate effect, 78, 480Learning model, see Artificial intelligenceLebesgue dominated convergence theorem,

see Dominated convergence theoremLebesgue integral, 627Lebesgue measure, 626Levy-Khinchine representation, 350, 354Levy process. 350Levy stable process. 355Liapounov's inequality, 629Linear space, normed, 633Liouville theorem, 258Lipschitzian, local, global, 612

m-step transition probability, 113Main channel length, 285Mann-Wald theorem, 102Markov branching, see Branching process,

Bienayme-Galton-Watson branchingMarkov chain, 17, 109, 110, 111, 214Markov property, 109, 110

for function of Markov process, 400, 448,483, 502, 518

Markov random field, 166Markov time, see Stopping timeMartingale, Martingale difference, 43.45Mass conservation, 311, 381Maximal inequality:

Doob, 49Kolmogorov. 51LP, 602, 603

Maximal invariant, 502diffusion on torus, 518radial diffusion, 518

Maximum principle. 365, 454. 485, 495, 516,621

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, 63.393,481

Measure, 626Measure determining class, 101Measure preserving transformation, 227Method of images, 394, 484, 491. See also

Reflecting boundary, diffusionMonotone convergence theorem, 632Minimal process:

diffusion. 613Markov chain, 288

Minkowski inequality, 630Mutually singular, 63

Natural scale:birth-death chain, 249diffusion, 416, 479

Neumann boundary condition, 404,408Negative definite, 607Newton's law in Hamiltonian form, 257Newton's law of cooling, 247Noiseless coding theorem. 213Nonanticipative functional. 564, 567. 577. 579Nonhomogeneous:

diffusion, 370, 610Markov chain, 263, 335, 336Markov process, 506

Nonnegative definite. 17, 74, 658Normal reflection. 460Null recurrent:

diffusion. 423Markov chain, 144, 306

Occupation time, 35Optional stopping. 52, 544Orbit, 502Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, 369, 391. 476.


Past up to time, 118, 424Percolation construction, 325, 363Periodic boundary, 256, 398, 400, 493, 518Period of state, 123Perron-Frobenious Theorem, 130p-harmonic, 153Plancherel identity. 662Poincare recurrence, 248, 258Poisson kernel, 454Poisson process, 103, 261, 270, 279, 280, 351Poisson's equation, 496Policy:

c-optimal, 526feasible. 519

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Markov, 521optimal, 520

semi-Markov, 561stationary, 527

(S. • ), 550

Pölya characteristic function criterion, 74Pölya recurrence criterion. 12Pdlya urn scheme, 115. 336Positive definite, 17, 74, 356, 658. See also

Nonnegative definitePositive recurrent:

birth-death, 240diffusion, 423. 586, 621Markov chain, 141, 306

Pre sigmafield, 119, 424Price adjustment model, 436Probability density function (p.d.f.), 626Probability generating function (p.g.f.), 159Probability mass function (p.m.f.), 626Probability measure. 625Probability space, 625Process stopped at t, 424Product measure space, 636Products of random variables, 68Progressively measurable, 497Prohorov theorem. 97Pseudo random number generator, 193Pure birth process, 289Pure death process, 338, 348

Quadratic variation. 76Queue. 193. 295.296. 309. 345

r-th order Markov dependence, 189r-th passage time, 39. 40. 45Radon-Nikodym theorem. 639Random field, IRandom replication model, 155Random rounding model. 137, 216Random variable, 627Random walk:

continuous parameter, 263, 317general, 114max/min, 6, 66. 70, 83multidimensional, IIsimple. 4, 114. 122

Random walk bridge, 85Random walk on group, 72, 191. 199Random walk in random scenery. 190Random walk on tree. 200Range of random walk. 67Record value, time. 195Recurrence:

birth-death chain. 236Brownian motion, 25.447

diffusion, 419, 458Markov chain, 305random walk, 8, 12

Reflecting boundary:birth-death chain, 237, 238. 241, 308. 315Brownian motion. 410, 411.412, 460, 467diffusion, 395-402, 463.466random walk, 114, 122, 243, 246

Reflection principle:Brownian motion. 430diffusion, see Method of imagesrandom walk, 10. 70

Regular conditional probability, 642Relaxation time, 129, 256, 347Renewal age process, 342Renewal process, 193, 217Renewal theorem, see Blackwell's renewal

theoremResidual life time process, 342Resolvent:

equation, 338, 559operator, 501semigroup, 360

Reward function, 520discounted, 526

Reward rate, 539Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. 660

Sample path, 2, I11, 354, 358Scale function. 416.499Scaling. 76. 82. 355Scheffe's theorem, 635Schwarz inequality, see Cauchy-Schwarz

inequalitySecretary problem, 545Selfsimilar, 356Semigroup property, 264. 282. 372, 504, 604Semistable, 356Separable process, 94Shannon's entropy. see EntropyShifted process, 403Sigmafield, 625, 627Sigmafinite, 626Signed measure. 639Simple function. 627Singular diffusion, see DiffusionSize of industry model, 437Slowly varying, 361Source/sinks. 478Spectral radius, 130, 197Spectral representation. See also

Eigenfunction expansionbirth-death chain, 242diffusion, 410

Speed measure. 416.499

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Stable process. 355Stationary process, 129. 223. 346Statistical hypothesis test, 39Stirling coefficient, 157Stirling formula, 11.67Stochastic continuity, 350. 360Stochastic differential equation, 563. 583.

592Stochastic matrix, 110Stopping time, 39, 51, 117, 277, 424Strong law of large numbers (S.L.L.N.), see

Law of large numbers

Strong Markov property, 118, 277, 426, 491Strong uniform time, 194Submartingale convergence theorem, 358Sub/super martingale. 88.89Support theorem, 619Survival probability of economic agent, 182Survival under uncertainty, 535Symmetric dependence, see Exchangeable


Tauberian theorem, 361Taxicab problem, 558Telegrapher equation, 299, 343Theta function, see Jacobi identity

Thinned Poisson process, 343Tightness, 23, 646Time dependent boundary, 485

Time-reversible Markov process, 200, 241,254.346.478

Time series, linear. 168AR(p). 166, 170ARMA( p.q). 172

Traffic intensity of queue, 345Transience:

birth-death, 237Brownian motion. 27.447diffusion. 419.458Markov chain. 305random walk, 7

Transition probability, density, law, 110,123. 368

Tree graph. 200

Umbrella problem, 199Uniform asymptotic negligibility. 652Uniform integrability, 634Uperossing inequality. 357, 358

Wald's equation. 42Weak convergence. 24, 96, 97, 643Weierstrass approximation theorem, 653Wiener measure, 19, 105

Yule process. 293

Zero seeking particles. 348

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• p. 12, (5.3): Replace n by k on right side of (5.3).

• p. 30, line 8 from top: fo (t) should be foz (t).

• p. 40, line 15 from bottom: ES, = ESo.

• p. 53, line 8 from top: T ( r ) should be

• p. 69, Exc. 1(iv): q - p^ -1 should be (q - p) -1 .

• p. 70, Exc. 4: In 4(i) replace the equality by the inequality (Levy's Inequality)P(maxn<N Sn > y) < 2P(SN > y). Delete 4(ü).

• p. 71, Exc. 10(i): P(T9 = N)-'. (22 I N-3" 2 for y 0 and N = ^y) + 2m, m = 0,1, ... .

• p. 88, Exc. 7: "symmetric" should be "asymmetric".

• p. 88, Exc. 12(ii), (iii): Assume EX. = 0 for all n.

• p. 91, proof of Theorem T.1.2: P(A.n ii An ) should be P(A l A.).

• p. 93, line 6 from top: Delete p in µi, . Should read p..,, (dxz, • • • dxi ).

• p. 123, line 14 from bottom: Insert "> 0" (A = In > 1: pti^ > > 0}).

• p. 127, (6.7): Superscript N + 1 on the left side should be n + 1.

• p. 130: line 14 from bottom, should read: spectral radius is the largest magnitude of eigen-values of A.

• p. 135: line below (8.2): "return" times should be "passage" times.

• p. 137, line 13 from top: The reference should be to Exercise 6 (not Exercise 7).

• p. 137, (8.15): Should be (2p - 1) in place of (1 - 2p).

• p. 140, (9.8): First sum should start with m = n + 1.

• p. 150, (10.11): Replace X[l+l by f(X[nt]+1).

• p. 173, line before (13.35): Replace "p-th row" by "last row".

e p. 194, Exc. 4(iv), should read: Zn = X, n <T and Zn = Y,, for n > 1'.

• p. 197, Exc. 6(c), last line should read: with transition law p and starting at i.

• p. 197, Exc. 7(i), should read: the largest magnitude of the eigenvalues of A.

• p. 200, Exc. 5, should read: A tree graph on r vertices vi ... vT is a connected graph thatcontains no cycles. [That is, ... unique sequence ei, e2, . .. , er of edges ez = {vk^ , Vmi }such that u E e,., ej fl ei+i. 01, i = 1, ... , r - 1.] The degree....


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• p. 202, Exc. 1(ii): Insert n in hint: P(lY I > ne i.o.).

• p. 210, line 7 from bottom: cEizi 1 should be EZ I (delete e and -1).

• p. 225, line 2 from bottom: Replace T.9.1 by T.9.2.

• p. 234, 1st line of (1.2), should read: pi,i+l = (w+r z)(2T-2>

234, 2nd line of (1.2), should read: i(2r-i) (w-'+z)(w+r-i)

• p. 236, (2.16): Last term should be (1 - 6, - ,Qy )pw (i.e., missing factor pvv ).

• p. 239, (3.6): Right side of 2nd equation in (3.6) should be irk in place of j.

• p. 240, 6 lines from bottom: Replace first denominator (2 - r + j) in (3.14) by (w - r + j).• p.256, Exc. 4, should read: al = e -x1 is the largest nontrivial (i.e., 1) eigenvalue of p.

c'i is the eigenvector corresponding to al.

• p. 262, 2nd line of (1.4), should read: j < i.

• p. 278, lines 7, 8 from top: X-1 should be XT2 , and XT, should be XT,,^ }1 .

• p. 279, line 4 from top: Insert at the end: on the set {Yk = ik : k > 0}.

• p. 280, 2nd line of Proposition 5.6: Replace {Yt} by {Xt}.

• p. 285, line 4 from bottom: The reference should be to Example 8.3 (not Example 8.2).

• p. 290, line 7 from top: A,,,,+1 should be A, +i.

• p. 293, 3rd line of (7.2): Capital T in center of inequality show be lowercase t.

• p. 302, line 6 from top: {Vt : 0 < u < t} should be {Vu : 0 < u < t}.

• p. 303, line 5 from top: o(T) should be o(1).

• p. 307, (8.15): The right side should be divided by A2.

• p. 307, 3rd line after (8.15): The right side of the display should be divided by A.

• p. 309, 12 lines from top: The second and third sums in display (8.26) are E N pyrv- ,y_ N ^0" N(yNß ) ,

• p. 309, (8.27): Delete (^+p) I (a+jR) ° (a +N,3) wherever it appears in display (8.27).

• p. 325, (11.2): First sum is over n E Z d .

• p. 326, Figure 11.1: ( o-o(0)) should be (a„(0)).

• p. 329, 11.10: Insert d: Should be 2dpmn in second line of display (11.10).

• p. 333, Exc. 3: p(u) > 0.

• p. 334, line 1 from top: Replace "positive" by "nonzero".

• p. 357, lines 3, 4 above (T.5.1): Tk - N should be T2k = N and X ,-k = N should be

X ,-2k = N.

• p. 357, (T.5.3) and 2nd line from bottom: Replace the upper limit of the sum by [N/2] + 1(not [N/2]).

• p. 363, line 6 from bottom: Replace (S,.T) by (E, C9).

• p. 363, line 5 from bottom: Replace F by 9.

• p. 364, line 8 from top: Replace F by 9.

Page 690: 9 tht Pr th ppltn · 2018. 4. 21. · txt n tht pr fr rdt tdnt. l rvd n nd ldtr rd, ln th nr bt th pblt f brnn t nd dtn, fr thtn, tttn, pht, ht, ntt, nd thr fr th .. nd brd. hp tht

ERRATA 675• p. 364, line 14 from bottom, should read: to y in the metric p as k - oo, then a° ("'k) (t) _

am(nk) (0) + a(0)( 0) _ aD(7n)(t) a.s. as k - oo.m(n,t) m(n,t)

• p. 364, line 12 from bottom, display should read: 1-2P.n , (o (t) = -1) = EQD""` ) (t) -f

Ean (t) = 1 - 2P.,(o n (t) = -1).

• p. 373, (2.12): tfH should be H f I.

• p. 374, line 2 from top: l 1(y) - f (x) should be f" (y) - f" (x)1.

• p. 375, line 3 from bottom: x = X. should be x = Xs .

• p. 380, (2:44): Delete square brackets on the right-hand side, and insert one parenthesisafter -a/ax.

• p. 400, (6.27): Insert a minus sign in the exponential.

• p. 414, (8.38), ist line: Replace by ddx.

• p. 439, 2nd line of (13.3): Replace f o fo by fo fo in first term and insert ds'ds at the endof the line.

• p. 476, Exc. 4(v): a 2 = yao should be a2 = ry 2 aö .

• p. 477, Exc. 5(i): Reference to (2.4) in place of (2.2).

• p. 485, line 9: Insert ds in the double integral.

• p. 487, Exc. 9(ii): The eigenvalues are 0, -1, -2, ... .

• p. 505, line 18 from bottom: "nonnegative" should be "nonpositive".

• p. 518, line 5 from top: The publisher is Wiley Eastern Division (not Eka Press).

• p. 564, line 20: In the definition of P-complete, replace N E .Ft by N E F.

• p. 565, (1.9): dBt should be dt.

• p. 566, (1.18): Should be .P« not. P,9 in (1.18).

• p.569,line2:Insert (ß-a) toread a+n(ß-a)<t<a+n1 (ß-a).

• p. 570, line 16: Insert (ß - c) after < on right side of the display.

• p. 571, (1.35): Delete first minus sign.

• p. 571: Theorem 2.2 at the bottom of the page should be named Theorem 2.1.

• p. 576, (2.29): Delete last = o(t).

• p. 577, first line of (2.31): dx should be ds.

• p. 578, (2.34): Insert f t after 1• p. 590, line 9 from top: P(IXt - xJ > e).

• p. 597, (4.37): Insert one prime on the right side: aa'.

• p. 598, (4.39): Insert one prime on the right side: aa'.

• p. 602, Exc. 8(i): In the last inequality of the Hint, transpose E and the first bracket {.

• p. 607, line 4: Insert factor eye in cp(s, y) = u(t - s, yl)eh/ 2 .

• p. 617, (T.3.30): Insert a'(Xt) after Z°'' in the dBt term on the right side of last lineof (T.3.30) and close parenthesis before dBt. Last line of (T.3.30) should thus read:A9(Xi )Z°'"dt + Z°'^ (a (Xi) grad g(Xe) + g(Xe ).f (X t )) • dBt.

Page 691: 9 tht Pr th ppltn · 2018. 4. 21. · txt n tht pr fr rdt tdnt. l rvd n nd ldtr rd, ln th nr bt th pblt f brnn t nd dtn, fr thtn, tttn, pht, ht, ntt, nd thr fr th .. nd brd. hp tht


• p. 618, lines 14, 15 from the bottom, should read: Then P and Q are absolutely continuouswith respect to each other on (Il, .Ft), with dQ/dP = Zo""

• p. 619, (T.3.36): c(s) should be replaced by µ(X8 )

• p. 620, line 4 from top: Insert (r): Should read ß(r) :=.

• p. 626, line 17 from top: I = [a, b).

• p. 640, Theorem 4.4(f): Delete the last "a.s. and".

• p. 648, lines 11, 12 from bottom: k = 2a/(a — 1) in line 11, and a should be a in line 12.

• p. 651, 4 lines from bottom, should read: where c = 2I I f" I C E Zl I3

• p. 654: Missing factor Zr—^ in (8.4) on the right; missing factor 21r on the left in (8.5).

• p. 668, line 15 from top: Martingale pages are 507-515 (not 503-511).

• p. 670, line 5 from top, should read: Kolmogorov forward equation, 78, 266, 335, 379, 380,390, 405, 442, 477, 478, 481, 492. See also Forward equation.

• p. 670, line 15 from bottom: Ornstein—Uhlenbeck pages are 369, 391, 476, 480, 581, 598(not 580).