9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15,...

9 9 th th CBUR Conference CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership Public & Private Partnership in University Financial in University Financial Support Support June 13 – 15, 2003 June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe Chairperson of the Council of Chairperson of the Council of Higher Education of Latvia, Higher Education of Latvia, professor Baiba Rivza professor Baiba Rivza

Transcript of 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15,...

Page 1: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.

99thth CBUR Conference CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in Public & Private Partnership in University Financial SupportUniversity Financial Support

June 13 – 15, 2003June 13 – 15, 2003

Latvia Higher EducationLatvia Higher Education

in New Europe in New Europe Chairperson of the Council of Higher Chairperson of the Council of Higher Education of Latvia, Education of Latvia, professor Baiba professor Baiba


Page 2: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


The Number of Students in Latvia Higher The Number of Students in Latvia Higher Educational Establishments 2002./2003.Educational Establishments 2002./2003.

Students118 845

State higher educational

establishments91 646 (77 %)

Private higher educational

establishments 27 199 (23%)

Full time students

54 694 (60 %)

Part time students

36 952 (40 %)

Budget students

31 244 (57%)

Budget students



students23 450(43%)

Self-paying students36 095(98%)

Page 3: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Budget Budget PPlaces in laces in DDifferent ifferent FFields of ields of SStudies (2002/2003tudies (2002/2003 ac.y., %)ac.y., %)





































Bachelor and professional studies

Master studies

Doctoral studies

Page 4: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Students Students EEnrolment for nrolment for SSelf – finances elf – finances and and GGovernment’s overnment’s BBudget, %udget, %

0 20 40 60 80 100

Education science and teacher's education


Social science

Nature science and mathematics

Engineering and technology


Health, health and social welfare


Study costs Government budget

Page 5: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Structure of the State Higher Structure of the State Higher Education Institutions Budget %Education Institutions Budget %





Other income

Income from research

Self-paid studiesincomeState budget donation

Page 6: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Portion of GDP (%), which is Allocated Portion of GDP (%), which is Allocated for Higher Education and Research for Higher Education and Research

from the State Budgetfrom the State BudgetYeaYea

rrEducation Education

all together, all together, %%

Higher Higher education, education,


% of HE % of HE funding in funding in educationeducation

R &DR &D


6,96,9 0,900,90 13,013,0 0,280,28


5,75,7 0,820,82 14,314,3 0,270,27


5,85,8 0,770,77 13,313,3 0,250,25


6,56,5 0,740,74 11,411,4 0,220,22


7,27,2 0,770,77 10,710,7 0,230,23


7,07,0 0,700,70 10,010,0 0,180,18

Page 7: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Self earned Self earned income in income in Latvia University of AgricultureLatvia University of Agriculture, %, %

1998. – 22,1%1998. – 22,1% 1999. – 26,6%1999. – 26,6% 2000. – 26,0%2000. – 26,0% 2001. – 30,0%2001. – 30,0% 2002. – 31,9%2002. – 31,9% 2003. – 33,8%2003. – 33,8%

Page 8: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Number of Grants and Total of Number of Grants and Total of Funding Among BranchesFunding Among Branches

Branch 2002

Number of grants Funding (Ls)

1. Computer science 48 187 944

2. Mechanics, mechanical and power engineering

61 250 694

3.Physics,mathematics and astronomy 89 448 374

4. Chemistry 66 343 437

5. Scientific principles of technology: materials, chemistry, pharmacy

33 156 940

6. Biology, ecology, geography and geology

71 327 918

7.Molecular biology, microbiology, biotechnology, virusology

38 243 187

8. Medical sciences 101 349 396

Page 9: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Number of Grants and Total of Number of Grants and Total of Funding Among BranchesFunding Among Branches

Branch 2002

Number of grants Funding (Ls)

9.Agricultural sciences 44 366 901

10. History (including history of culture) 14 102 102

11. Linguistics, history of literature and arts sciences

28 132 467

12. Philosophy, sociology psychology and pedagogics

56 206 661

13. Economics and law 33 197 101

14. Wood sciences 14 60 999

Total 696 3 374 121

Cooperation projects 25 1 467 888

Total 721 4 842 009

Page 10: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


The The PPotential of the otential of the UUniversities: niversities: PPower ower PPoints in ac.y. 2002.oints in ac.y. 2002.

IndicatorsIndicators Total in Total in LatviaLatvia

In In universitiuniversiti


In In universities, universities, % from total % from total

in Latviain Latvia

Total number of Total number of studentsstudents 118 000118 000 64 826 64 826 5555

for budgetfor budget 32 19132 191 22 59722 597 7070

Number of doctorants Number of doctorants for budgetfor budget 857857 780780 9191

PhD defence councilsPhD defence councils 5656 5050 8989

Defended doctorates Defended doctorates paperspapers 5757 5555 9696

Number of elected Number of elected professorsprofessors 317317 249249 7979

Number of elected Number of elected associated professorsassociated professors 511511 369369 7272

Page 11: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


The The PPotential of the otential of the UUniversities: niversities: ::WWeak eak PPoints:oints:

The aging of academic personal, The aging of academic personal, studies and scientific infrastructurestudies and scientific infrastructure

The dThe deecrease of real state financrease of real state financcing ing for universities comparing to other for universities comparing to other higher education institutions higher education institutions

Page 12: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


The The IIndicators of ndicators of AAchieving chieving PProgram’s rogram’s RResultsesults

Human resourceHuman resource

IndicatorsIndicatorsInstant Instant 2003.g.2003.g.

Achievable Achievable 2007.g.2007.g.

Number of students in Number of students in universitiesuniversities 64 82664 826 65 00065 000

Number of doctoratesNumber of doctorates 1 2001 200 3 0003 000

Number of professorsNumber of professors 249249 700700

Number of active working Number of active working in researching scientific in researching scientific doctorates in universities doctorates in universities

1 4001 400 2 8002 800

Page 13: 9 th CBUR Conference Public & Private Partnership in University Financial Support June 13 – 15, 2003 Latvia Higher Education in New Europe in New Europe.


Necessary Necessary FFinaninancces for es for RRealization of the ealization of the PProgramrogram


2003.g. (%)2003.g. (%)Achievable Achievable 2007.g. (%)2007.g. (%)

State budget grants for higher State budget grants for higher education in universitieseducation in universities 0.4 from GDP0.4 from GDP 0.7 from GDP0.7 from GDP

State budget grants for science in State budget grants for science in universitiesuniversities 0.04 from GDP0.04 from GDP 0.4 from GDP0.4 from GDP

Attracted private finances for Attracted private finances for education in universitieseducation in universities

25.0 from 25.0 from budgetbudget

45.0 from 45.0 from budgetbudget

Attracted finances of international Attracted finances of international projects for education in projects for education in universitiesuniversities

1.0 from 1.0 from budgetbudget 5.0 from budget5.0 from budget

PHARE and EU structural funds PHARE and EU structural funds financingfinancing 10 milj. EUR10 milj. EUR 100 milj.EUR100 milj.EUR

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