9 steps to build a business

9 Steps To Build A Business By MAOC Studio

Transcript of 9 steps to build a business

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9 Steps To Build A Business

By MAOC Studio

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Based on statistics nine out of ten businesses fail within the first five years of starting a business, if they make it that far to begin with!

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As much as it has been said that was due to the lack of planning or lack of proper management, it is due to the lack of working on BUILDING a long-term business with full COMMITMENT and PROPER STRATEGIC MARKETING!

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How To Build A Business? 9 Steps:

1- Define Your Service and Product Clearly 2- Create A Marketing Strategy 3- Create A Budget For Operation, Marketing & Advertising 4- Create A Financial Structure, Marketing & Advertising Structure and

Operational Structure. 5- Write A Business Plan 6- Build Online Presence 7- Connect With Consumers 8- Advertise 9- Sell

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1- Define Your Services or Products Clearly: Even though this step sounds basic, we tend to work with lots of

business owners who don’t have them defined, especially when it comes to services. Defining the offered services with a set price that is studied based on cost and market analysis is the very beginning of building a business.

When you alter your services to suit a customer, you are laboring not building a business. When you negotiate a price, you are selling on a short-term, not building a long-term business. Once you have the menu of your services defined and priced, know that you have put the first brick in building a long-term successful business.

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2- Create A Marketing Strategy: Creating a marketing strategy doesn’t mean setting an action plan. When you ask

a business owner, who just started a business “what is your marketing strategy?” he says “I will have a website, get on Facebook and social media, make friends and sell” well, this is not a marketing strategy whatsoever. This is just an untargeted action plan that been applied by many business owners and failed miserably.

A marketing strategy must be created based on market research, target market, price analysis and competitor analysis. You need to know your objectives or goals and connect them to the mentioned data. Then get creative in formulating the numeric and intellectual data into an artistic and creative approach to set your business apart and achieve your objectives.

Without a marketing strategy, a business has nothing. Every spent dollar is spent randomly. Every action is done in a wishful thinking mode that is based on luck.

If you don’t know how to create a marketing strategy, which is fine, because it takes a lot of expertise and talent to create one, you can consult with experts and work with marketing experts. Success can never be built with an effort of one person. A team of experts must share their expertise together to produce quality results and build a long term professional success.

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3- Create A Budget For Operation, Marketing and Advertising: After defining your services and marketing strategy, creating a

budget for operation, marketing and advertising is a must to automate expenses and define goals and expected results.

There are many articles online to educate a business owner on how to create a smart budget. However, working with marketing and financial experts is the recommended way to figure out the numbers and create a smart budget. To educate yourself on how to do it, is powerful, but working with experts to get it done right, is the productive step that saves time and money.

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4- Create A Financial Structure, Marketing & Advertising Structure, and Operational Structure:

Creating a structure helps you automate your business. The more it is automated the less worries and problems you will deal with. Productivity will increase and the quality of your services will advance. When you have a marketing, advertising, financial and operational structure you are in control of your business not the other way around.

Work with experts to create the structure. Once it is created you can manage easily and professionally for receiving worthy results.

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5- Write A Business Plan: Put together the collected data and write a business plan with the

help of an expert to figure out the startup cost, needed capital, monthly expenses, expected sales and projected profit or loss.

If the marketing strategy is the floor plan for your business, the business plan is the blue print you need to build a successful long-term business.

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6- Build Online Presence:

Now the implementation process starts. You have the marketing strategy. You know what you are doing and

what you need to say and communicate to your targeted customers, start the implementation by building a website. Implement the strategy within its design. Optimize the website to get seen on the first page of search engines and start the SEO for your business.

Start Facebook page, and implement the marketing strategy with your content writing and posts. Connect with consumers based on the strategy. The more you connect and optimize your business the more powerful your business gets online.

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7- Connect With Consumers: Connecting with consumers is not a onetime step but it is a task that

must be done on daily basis. The key to productive connection is consistency. Stay consistent with the marketing strategy to gain trust and credibility.

The more you connect the more you can understand what your customers need and what you need to do to improve the quality of your services or products and elevate your business.

As you connect with consumers on daily basis you are gaining credibility and trustworthiness. Your business is getting known and people are getting familiar with its name, services and products.

Connecting with consumers is a major part of the marketing process, it produces results, it connects the business on a deeper level, it helps in spreading the word and it paves the road for receiving greater return from the advertising investment with less risk.

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8- Advertise: You have your marketing strategy, start putting together your

advertising campaign. Start by defining what you need. Do you need more sales, more leads, or more brand awareness? Create an advertising strategy and budge accordingly. Defining your advertising goal will determine your strategy and where your money should go.

Online advertising PPC is great but it differs from business to business and it must be tested to define the best metrics, keywords and timing. Work with a marketing expert or work with Google advertising experts directly.

Local advertising is powerful, seeing is believing. Once consumers see your business ad online first, then they see it in print advertising, it is a repetitive affirmation that leads to sales.

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9- Sell:

Now that you have built a business and advertised, the selling process starts. But it differs from reaching out to people one on one and trying to sell your neighbors and family members.

Now, your business is known, it has online presence, and your business name is everywhere and it is credible. Customers will come to you verses you run after them to sell.

After building a business, the selling process is about mastering excellence in servicing your customers, educating your customers, listening to their needs and recommending the right services or products and maximizing sales as well.

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The Benefits of Building A Business:

It Attracts Customers It Generates Higher Revenue and A Long-Term Prosperity It Creates Jobs

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Building A Business Requires:

Investing in marketing and advertising Working with experts to produce quality results for the business

owner and customers. Patience and Commitment. Let the marketing process incubate and

give it time to get built. Within 6 months to a year, depends on the nature of the business, it starts attracting customers and sales, it grows and advances constantly.

The amount of time, money, stress and struggle that get consumed in selling services and products, can be replaced by investing in building a business to produce a long-term success and prosperity.

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MAOC Studio www.maocstudio.com