9 Pm 12:11:11 Update Paper

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  • 8/2/2019 9 Pm 12:11:11 Update Paper



    The Impact of Confederates: Conformity in Groups

    Derek Henry, Ty Ward, Marisa Brahm, Rachel Wilson, and Fabio Coartney

    University of Alaska Anchorage

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    The Impact of Confederates: Conformity in Groups

    Solomon Aschs infamous line experiment has had a profound effect on the field of

    research psychology since its publication in the 1950s. Social conformity has become a widely

    studied and criticized subject for many years and interest on the topic continues to grow. This

    study investigated conformity using confederates based on the Aschs experiment by looking at

    the impact that confederates have on conformity in a group setting.

    Stowell, Oldham, and Bennett (2010) found that there was a relationship between

    conformity behaviors and levels of shyness experienced in a classroom setting due to voicing

    opinions publically. It was also found that technology can be used as a tool to circumvent this

    obstacle of anxiety that debilitates an individual from public participation. Student Response

    System (SRS) or Clickers were used to indicate opinions of 50 controversial topics, presented

    in the form of questions, in a public setting to induce levels of anxiety to participants. 128

    female students enrolled in an introductory psychology class were used for the study. The

    Academic Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) was administered to students and used to measure

    levels of shame and anxiety that parallels shyness using a one to five scale with five indicating

    the strongest belief in the statement presented on the questionnaire. When participants were

    given the option of hand rising or using the SRS to respond to questions, clicker responses

    supported their hypothesis that anxiety can be overcome while responding publicly to a question.

    Clicker results showed a substantial variation on agreement compared to hand raised responses

    suggesting the effects of public conformity or the unspoken power of the group and the need for

    group affiliation to avoiding ostracism or public humiliation.

    Brown and Schaefer (2010) focused on the effects of receiving information before

    attempting to recall a memory that is attached to a previously exposed stimulus to test the effects

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    of memory conformity. The results of this study suggests that memory strength is not as affected

    by outside influence upon the recollection of a memory. This study was comprised of having

    subjects remember and differentiate between new and previously experienced pictures. The

    pictures were classified as having a positive, negative, or neutral valiance to test if emotional

    stimuli (pictures) were more susceptible to corruptibility when presented with accurate or

    inaccurate information prior to the subjects independent testimony (before a confederate

    providing accurate or inaccurate information). The pictures were taken from the International

    Affective Picture System (IAPS). The pictures were given a standardized valence measuring one

    to nine with one being very negative and nine being very positive. This scale was also the same

    when rating the pictures for arousal ranging from a one to nine scale. The visual stimuli

    comprised of 72 pictures on both ends of the spectrum in valance ratings (one very negative, nine

    very positive) in which subjects were exposed to 36 of them then presented with the lot of 72

    pictures displayed on a computer screen. Participants were comprised of 48 individuals aged 18-

    24. There were 29 more females than males at 19. This study is very important to show that eye

    whiteness testimony can be subjective and can be inaccurate because of susceptibility to

    influence to information conform and corrupt results.

    The research method mentioned above reports that there is an effect on conformity

    behavior when confederates are involved in any studies. This paradigm for inaccuracy of

    recollection from eye witnessed events supports the importance of confederates in studies. The

    goal for the perception conformity experiment was to accurately predict behavior patterns of

    random individuals taking part in the study.

    Moscovici and Lage (1978) investigated the role of minority influence on individual

    susceptibility on judgment. The study was conducted in a libratory setting projecting 12 slides

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    that were either blue or green onto a wall for subjects to see. Subjects were asked to voice

    publically the color of the previously observed slide based on their individualistic experience to

    the visual stimuli. Two confederates were strategically placed in the group of six observers to

    maximize the introduction of the opposite belief to cause original judgments to be questioned

    and changed. This conformity study placed individuals in an environment where stress was

    produced by having to choose to stick to an original individualistic judgment or by conforming

    to the groups opinion to avoid conflict of being perceived as a threat to the group because of the

    differently held belief. The rules of social engagement acknowledge there rules or the demand

    characteristics of any given social situation. The three fundamental rules for social engagement

    and interaction are; objectivity, preference and originality. When test subjects were presented

    with a situation of having a group members go against the groups consensuses determining the

    color for the slide presented, individuals used negotiation tactics to suede others to their belief.

    This research found that the rules of engagement of social interaction did in fact get taken into

    consideration upon subjects making, conforming, and changing their original judgment of a

    perceived stimulus, but situations do vary.

    Taha Amir (1984) questioned whether or not the Asch effect is limited to western

    societies or if the phenomenon is universal. As in the original study, confederates were instructed

    to give a unanimous answer which was clearly incorrect.

    The results of the experiment suggest that male critical subjects and female critical

    subjects were equally likely to conform to the incorrect group response under experimental

    conditions (Amir, 1984). Furthermore, the experiments results were very similar to the results in

    Aschs experiments. Amir found that 29.01% of the experimental groups answers were

    erroneous which is comparable to the 33.2% of wrong answers in Aschs study and significantly

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    different from the 4.76% of the control group (1984). It was further noted that 18.75% of critical

    subjects remained independent throughout the experiment while 3.75% conformed to the group

    response every time.

    Amir concluded that his results were consistent with those of Aschs original study,

    therefore implying that the Asch effect is universal and not specific to American orEuropean

    cultures (1984). In addition, Amir found no evidence of significant differences in conformity

    between genders as he originally suspected.

    Collin, Sano, and Malik (1994) reproduced the Asch effect in a different way. One of the

    criticisms of Aschs experiment is that the methodology was flawed because it lacked external

    validity (Colin et al., 1994). To correct this, the experiment was changed in a way that would

    contain both external and internal validity. Instead objective stimuli such as line length, the

    experimenters utilized subjective stimuli, specifically color. Collin et al. also investigated

    whether or not gender played a role in conformity.

    Participants were sorted into one of four groups based on their availability which varied

    the genders of the confederates and critical subjects. Subjects were first shown a color and then

    asked to pick which of the two color names they felt it was closest to. There were ten trials, with

    6 being experimental or, critical trials and the remaining four being neutral trials (Collin et al.,

    1994, p. 359). The experiment showed that 97% of subjects conformed to the group response

    during critical trials with only one subject who did not conform. It was also found that while the

    confederate gender did not matter, female subjects conformed more frequently than male


    Sherif (1935) unintentionally demonstrated the conformity effect before it was known as

    the Asch effect. The experiment, which originally focused on gauging the distance a point of

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    light moved without an objective scale, was conducted in two parts: individual and group trials.

    It was questioned what the group may do when faced with the issue of having no physical basis

    for a norm (Sherif, 1935).

    Participants either started with an individual trial followed by three group trials or started

    with three group trials followed by an individual trial at a later date. The general trend showed

    that subjects who started with the individual trial had a wide range of values which narrowed to a

    smaller range consistent with the groups range as a whole. Those who started with the group

    trials showed a much narrower range of values which continued to stay consistently small. Upon

    return for their individual trial, subjects still held a range of values that was consistent with the

    standard set up by the group earlier in the experiment.

    Feeny, Polivy, Pliner, & Sullivan (2011) found that people conformed to the perceived

    eating habits of others whether the independent variable (confederate) was an actual person or

    whether it was suggestive information regarding the eating habits of others involved in their


    Schneider and Watkins (1996) research supports the ideathat participants perceived

    recognition of information can be influenced, or will tend to conform, to that of a confederates

    manipulated recognition. Participants were asked to memorize a list of words and repeat them at

    a later time. Confederates responded to the task first where they listed a different set of words

    then the words participants were shown. As a result, participants showed conformity and

    responded with the same set of words given by the confederates.

    Nosanchuk and Lightstones (1974) research supports the view of conformity because

    they found that when participants of their study were rating the quality of a joke, their opinion of

    its quality was influenced by the recorded sound of supposed other participants laughing at it.

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    (Nosanchuck & Lightstone, 1974). For example if the participants heard the sound of laughter

    while they were rating an operationally defined poor joke, they tended to rate its quality higher

    than its initial rating in regards to how it was operationally defined.

    Research on two types of social influence, explores studies done by Sherif, Asch, and

    Bovard on group influence to characterize the impact of many different kinds of social factors.

    This study hypothesized that normative social influence upon individual judgments would be

    greater among individuals forming a group than individuals who did not compose a group. The

    experiment was an experimental situation developed by Asch with certain modifications and

    variations. On 12 of the 18 perceptual judgments the confederates announced unanimously

    incorrect judgments while the participant was in a face-to-face situation. Results showed that the

    hypotheses received strong support from the experimental data. When a group situation is

    created, even when the group situation is as trivial and artificial, the normative social influences

    are higher, producing more errors in individual judgment.

    Research on normative assumptions has led psychologists to interpret the studies in terms

    of conformity causing a new approach to Aschs (1956) studies relating physical and social

    perception. Asch (1951) found that if another person dissents from the majority, participants

    rarely agreed with the majority. This study suggests that agreeing with the incorrect majority

    occasionally might not be an error, but a creative strategy to communicate unity. Tact and

    situational sensitivity may be as crucial to integrity and justice as accuracy and forthrightness.

    Aschs situation can be considered to be presenting a choice between competing and

    cooperating. A minority is most likely to be influential when it is consistent and persistent.

    Consistent disagreement with others is likely to generate anger and reactance, cutting of

    communication from the group.

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    Research on two commonly held ideas about Aschs Work in social psychology: (a) Asch

    was primarily interested in social phenomena in general and in-group processes in particular and

    (b) Asch was a forerunner of social cognition. Asch was not interested in groups, his main

    interest was the single individual, real social phenomenal experience, or meaning. The

    contextual factors which impact peoples judgment according to phenomenal rather than

    conditioning principles were also illustrated in Aschs (1948) studies. Asch proposed that the

    nature of the experimental setting may affect the perception of the task in a judgmental situation.

    Mugny (1984) presented the idea that a direct or an indirect influence could have

    different effects on conformity subjects. This study will only use direct influence to sway the

    subjects answers as conformity behavior is greatly influenced within a social setting.

    This study hypothesized that participants would conform to the false reports of

    confederates when indicating whether or not the visual stimuli moved. In addition it was

    hypothesized that there will be a higher level of conformity with a higher level of exposure to

    false report.



    Participants consisted of Undergraduate students taking classes at the University of

    Alaska Anchorage. Participation in the study was mostly due to partial requirement or for extra

    credit for a class.

    Materials and Procedure

    Visual Stimuli consisted of a battery operated red laser pointer. The laser pointer was

    taped to the on position then taped to the inside of the shoe box. The laser pointer was on the

    duration of the experiment. A one centimeter hole was cut in the shoe box to let the light escape.

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    The shoe box was then placed on a level surface twenty feet from a bare projection wall. Since

    laser pointer remained on throughout the experiment, a paper flap was constructed and taped to

    the box to impede the light from projecting to the viewing area between testing sessions.

    Subjects and confederates were seated in chairs during the entire experiment. A row of eight

    chairs were placed in a semi circle faced in the direction of where the laser light was. (Seating

    position in appendix c)

    Design and procedure

    Participants first filled out and return the research consent form with the demographic

    questionnaire (see appendix A and appendix B) before they received instructions to sit in a

    designated chair within the experimental condition. The eight participants in the control group

    were not asked to sit in a predetermined chair. Upon entering the room and taking their seats

    participants was asked to face towards the front of the room for the duration of the experiment.

    The room where the experiment took take place is 261 in SSB. Confederates were used in the

    experimental groups to test if exposure to false report causes conformity of agreement. Subjects

    sat alongside confederates unknowingly.

    Participants observed the visual stimuli for 30 seconds during each testing phase.

    Between tests, laser light was blocked by the paper flap to remove visual stimuli from wall.

    Participants were instructed to indicate movement of the visual stimuli by raising one hand

    during each testing session. The raising of hand indicated a yes response that was recorded. A

    hand not raised was indicated as a no response during testing phase. Indication of movement by

    hand raised was visible for rater and group to see.

    After every session, participants in the control group indicated on a self report sheet a

    movement response by checking yes or no under the appropriate column (see appendix G). The

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    light of the room was needed to be turned on and off for the control group to indicate their

    answer on the answer sheet. The experimenter blocked and unblocked the light with the paper

    flap while verbally stating the start and end of testing sessions. In the experimental groups,

    confederates falsely reported movement of the laser light during all but one session. This method

    was conducted only on the weak experimental false report group and results were recorded. In

    the strong false report experimental group, two confederates gave false reports indicating

    movement of the laser light in all ten testing session. There were 10 trials each 30 seconds long

    given to all groups, control group which consisted of eight participants without the presents of

    confederates, weak false report experimental group which consisted of one confederate and six

    participants, and the weak false report group that consisted of one confederate among six


    Experimental groups differed in strength of false report experienced given by the number

    of confederates in the group. Expression strength for false report was determined as strong when

    confederate esthetically introduces false report by smiling, fidgeting in seat, and ooh-ing while

    raising their hand to indicate movement during the testing session. The weak false report was

    introduced by the confederates raise of hand. One experimental group had one confederate who

    was seated in the third chair. In the other experimental group, two confederates were placed in

    the seats four and five (see appendix c for seating arrangement of groups). The control group

    consisted of eight subjects seated in the testing environment without confederates.


    In order to test whether the number of false responses would increase depending on the

    percentage of confederates, three independent ttests were conducted. The number of false

    responses was expected to be lowest in the zero percentage confederate groups, higher in the

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    14% (weak) confederate group, and highest in the 200% (strong) confederate group. Contrary to

    our prediction, the number of false responses in the zero percentage group was higher than the

    weak percentage group, but not significantly, t(13) = 1.25, ns.

    Also contrary to our prediction, the number of false responses in the zero percentage

    group was higher than the strong percentage group, but not significantly, t(7) = 0.78, ns.

    In conjunction with our prediction, the number of false responses in the strong percentage

    group was higher than the weak percentage group, but not significantly, t(6) = 0.15, ns.


    The original hypothesis of the study stated that the false reports of the confederates would

    influence the responses of participants when indicating whether or not they saw the visual stimuli

    move. More specifically, it was hypothesized that there would be a stronger level of conformity

    in the experimental group with a higher confederate to participant ratio. The results of the study

    did not support the hypothesis because there was not a significant difference in conformity

    between the experimental groups. In addition to this, as a result of the control group being

    comprised solely of students from the same class as the experimenters, the baseline data rendered

    from the control group is non-significant as well. Research suggests that the results of this study

    would have supported the original hypothesis. The non-significant results could have been due to

    multiple confounding variables that were not accounted for when designing and conducting the


    Due to issues with the research portal, the amount of participants that the study required

    was not met. Unfortunately at the last minute the design of the experiment had to be changed due

    to this confounding variable. The experiment had to be conducted with a considerably lower

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    number of participants which affected the generalizability and external validity of the experiment

    because there was no way to control for this variable. As previously, stated the control group was

    solely participants that were also in the same class as the experimenters which affected the

    baseline data that was computed. Without reliable baseline data, there would be no point in

    comparing the experimental data to it. The weak experimental group was mostly participants that

    were also in the same class and the strong experimental group only had one participant who was

    in the same class as well. Because the majority of the participants in the study were class mates,

    it increased the possibility that the participants had an idea as to what the true intentions of the

    study were. If the participants believed they knew what the experimenters were actually

    studying, it could have caused them to try and give answers that they believed the researchers

    were looking for or inhabiting demand characteristics within the study. It also could have caused

    them to intentionally give wrong answers. This confounding variable introduced a very

    significant amount of bias in the implementation of the study.

    Flawed methodology had a detrimental effect on the study because it affected its internal

    validity. Specifying if the light moved more than an inch would have been a better way for the

    participants to indicate if the light moved because this would have minimized yes answers that

    resulted from the eyes natural saccadic movements, which are very slight. An unstable light

    platform was another confounding variable, especially because the study was conducted on the

    second floor of the SSB building, which shakes whenever there is minimal movement such as

    walking, shifting in chairs, etc. Doing the experiment on a ground floor and with a more stable

    platform such as a table would have been a more reliable way to set up the experiment. The

    design of the study had to be changed again at the beginning of the control group session as well.

    There was not enough light for the participants to mark their answers when the light was off in

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    the room. To solve this issue the researcher had to walk back and forth to turn the light on and

    off in between each fifteen second testing intervals (causing the floor to shake). It is also worth

    mentioning that the experimenter bumped the apparatus that was holding the visual stimuli

    which also caused the light to move. The accumulation of these variables caused the visual

    stimuli to move (or appear to move), when the intention of the study was that the stimuli remain

    still at all times. Feedback from participants indicated that the light looked like it was moving in

    almost all of the sessions. It is very probable that the participants of the study said that the light

    moved due to these confounding variables, not conformity.

    Experimental bias, which took away from the internal validity of the study, could also

    have affected the data rendered from the study. During the strong experimental group testing

    sessions, which had two confederates and one participant, the experimenter stared at the

    participant more than the other confederates. This could have made it more obvious that there

    were confederates in the experiment because the confederates and the participant were not

    treated the same. This experimental bias behavior could have skewed the responses of the

    participant in that they were less likely to conform to the confederates answers because they

    may have been aware of the confederates intentions.

    Two less severe confounding variables that may have skewed the results were that a way

    to record and code the answers of the participants was not formulated before the experiment was

    conducted, and the experimenter did not have a clear view of chairs one and eight during the

    testing sessions. The answers from each participant had to be matched after the experimental

    portion was over and it is possible that some of the data was matched incorrectly. Due to the fact

    that the experimenter could not see chairs one and eight clearly (due to computer monitors), it is

    also possible that he recorded the answers of the participants seated in the chairs incorrectly.

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    Accounting for the variables would have been simple if they had been foreseen. Formulating a

    way to match answers to specific participants before the experiment and conducting the

    experiment in a room other than a computer room would have eradicated both of these

    confounding variables.

    In conducting this study, the importance of attention to detail, preparation, and running a

    pilot study were all made very evident. A pilot study would have made the many confounding

    variables very clear and it would have allowed the researchers to make adjustments to the

    experimental design. Although there were many confounding variables that were not accounted

    for in this study, if it was replicated in a way that did account for these variables, the results

    could be used to make generalizations or provide insight in regards to conformity and college

    student behavior (because all the participants were college students). The study of saccadic eye

    movements is yet another topic that could be elaborated on through further research as a result of

    the study as well. It would likely open the door to a number hypothetical questions and research

    opportunities regarding all of these topics.

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    Amir, T. (1984). The Asch conformity effect: A study in Kuwait. Social Behavior and

    Personality, 12, 187-190.

    Brown, C., & Schaefer, A. (2010). The effects of conformity on recognition judgments for

    emotional stimuli.Acta Psychologica, 133, 38-44. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2009.08.004

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    Collin, C. A., Sano, F. D., & Malik, R. (1994). Effects of confederate and subject gender on

    conformity in a color classification task. Social Behavior and Personality, 22, 355-364.

    Deutsch, M., & Gerard, H. B. (1955). A study of normative and informational social influences

    upon individual judgment.Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51, 629-636.

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    Hodges, B. H., & Geyer, A. L. (2006). A nonconformist account of the Asch experiments:

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    Jugert, P., Cohrs, J. C., & Duckitt, J. (2009). Inter- and intrapersonal processes underlying

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    Leyens, J. P., & Corneille, O. (1999). Aschs social psychology: Not as social as you may think.

    Personality and Social Psychology, 3, 345-357.

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    Moscovici, S., & Lage, E. (1978), Studies in social influence IV: Minority influence in a context

    of original judgments.European Journal of Social Psychology, 8, 349365.


    Mugny, G. (1984). Compliance, conversion and the Asch paradigm.European Journal of Social

    Psychology, 14,353-368.

    Nosanchuk, T. A., & Lightstone, J. (1974). Canned laughter and public and private conformity.

    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 29, 153-156. doi:10.1037/h0035737

    Schneider, D. M., & Watkins, M. J. (1996). Response conformity in recognition testing.

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    Sherif, M. (1935). A study of some social factors in perception: Chapter 3. Archives of

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    combat conformity and shyness. Teaching of Psychology, 37, 135-140.

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    (Appendix A)

    University of Alaska Anchorage

    Research Consent Form

    Visual Perceptions

    Principal Investigator: Ty Ward

    Research supervisor: Vickie Wesolowski - (907) 7861617

    Department: Psychology

    The purpose of this experiment is to determine how lighting conditions effect the perception of

    an individual. During this experiment, participants will observe a stimulus and report the actions

    of the stimulus. The experiment will consist of 10 trials to be preformed back to back and will

    take approximately 10 to 15 minutes. There is no known risk to you as a participant in this

    experiment. Your actions and responses during this experiment will remain anonymous and any

    publication or presentation of the data derived from this experiment will not carry any personally

    identifying information.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding your participation in this experiment, please

    contact Research Supervisor Vickie Wesolowski at the number listed above. If you have any

    further questions regarding your rights as a participant, please contact the UAA Office of

    Academic Affairs at (907) 786-1921.

    Your participation in this project is completely voluntary, and you will not be penalized in any

    way if you choose not to participate. If at any point you chose to withdrawal from the

    experiment, you are free to do so. Your signature below indicates that you fully understand the

    above study, what is being asked of you, and that your involvement is voluntary.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask now or at any time during the


    Signature _________________________________________ Date ______________

    Printed Name ______________________________________

    A copy of this consent form is available for you to keep.

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    Please fill out questioner to the best of your abilities. Upon completion, please return form to the

    rater to receive further instructions.

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    (Appendix B)

    How old are you? (Age)_______

    What is your gender? (male/female) _______

    How tall are you? (Feet)________(Inches) ________

    What is your major? _______

    Do you wear glasses/contacts/and or both? (yes/no)_______

    How many years have you been enrolled in college?_______

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    (Appendix C)

    Good afternoon participants,

    We will like to thank you for participating in our perception study. You will be observing the

    visual stimuli for 15 seconds during each experiment test session. During the test you will

    indicate whether you observed the visual stimuli to move or not move. If at anytime you see

    movement of the red dot raise your hand to indicate that you have seen movement of the dot. A

    no answer will be recorded if you do not raise your hand to indicate what you have seen

    movement of the dot. Please refrain from talking at anytime during this experiment and please

    silence your cell phones. Upon exiting the room you will be debriefed.

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    (Appendix D)

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    (Appendix E)




    Manipulation: Participant Response














    Trial Participant Response Comments




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    Trial Participant Response Comments











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    (Appendix F)

    Debriefing Statement

    This experiment is officially over and I will explain what this experiment is about. This is called

    the debriefing.

    In this experiment we are examining the effect of close proximity social pressure on our

    participants tendency to conform to that social pressure. There is a significant amount of

    research that supports the idea that we as human beings more often than not tend to conform to

    what is seen as normal or acceptable social behavior, even if that behavior is not correct,

    (Aschs line experiment).

    Our experiment has nothing to do with measuring perception. It was designed to see if our

    participants would start conforming to a wrong answer given by confederates, when indicating

    whether or not the visual stimuli shown on the board at the front of the room moved. There were

    three different groups of participants that were examined. One group had four confederates,

    another had two confederates, and the third had no confederates. The question that was asked

    regarding how far the visual stimuli was thought to move, had no other purpose in our study

    except to try and make the study seem more like it was measuring perception. The results of this

    study will help us evaluate and determine whether or not the need to be seen as normal, or

    correct in the eyes of others, is stronger than ones own opinion.

    It is very important that you not discuss the details of this study with your classmates. In order to

    collect good quality data, it is imperative that each person who participates in this study is

    unaware of the nature and details of the study, like you were, until it ends.

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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    You may now sign the appropriate sign-in sheet to receive your extra credit. Thank you for your


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    Appendix G

    Self report control group table