9 Keys to Conscious Leadership TOOLBOX RUNA BOUIUS 2014

The Toolbox The 9 Keys to Conscious Leadership

Transcript of 9 Keys to Conscious Leadership TOOLBOX RUNA BOUIUS 2014

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The Toolbox The 9 Keys to Conscious Leadership

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Learn how you can…

Gain deeper understanding of human dynamics

Find your strengths and natural talents

Improve communication in the workplace and at home

Avoid fatigue, stress, and burnout

Steer away from negative modes of action and conflict

Balance thinking, feeling, and doing

Experience greater effectiveness and productivity

Increase general strength, health, and happiness

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®



Individuals, groups and organizations need continuous learning and development in order to adjust to constant change and

challenges, both in the workplace and in private life.

The 9 Keys to Conscious Leadership is a versatile program that offers inspirational insights into self-leadership, dynamic

team-work, and interaction with others. It strengthens problem solving, collaboration and stress management through a balanced

approach to life and work. It offers a practical toolbox full of powerful information and eye-opening ways to decode our own and

human behavior. The various keys will help you to discover and accept the unique, universal differences in people and unleash

hidden strengths that make creative and motivated individuals and successful organization.

We invite you to join us for an exciting learning journey that will maximize peak performance and improve your environment.

Through conscious cultivation and application of this body of knowledge in your every day life you will become wiser, smarter and

more successful and effective in your interactions with yourself and others. The 9 Keys to Conscious Leadership programs

are delivered with a light touch and humor and have a promise of giving you not only informative and practical tips for working and

living but also a fun-filled experience.

Warmly, Rúna

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Reveal Your True Nature!

Your Archetype explains what you really are about on the

deepest level; it is your true self. The seven Archetypes introduce variety

into life. We delve into their natural strengths and special traits.

• A r t i s a n s are colorful people who create, express,

invent, renew, and build • S t o r y t e l l e r s excel with words and communication; they love to be the center of attention, adding comic relief • S e r v e r s truly like to help out; they nurture people and space, preferring to stay in the background • P r i e s t s inspire, encourage and motivate others to grow and improve their lives towards higher ideals • W a r r i o r s are action-oriented organizers and steady in the pursuit of their targets • K i n g s are born leaders and oriented towards seeking mastery in everything • S c h o l a r s gather and absorb knowledge; they make good mediators due to their neutrality


Artisan Storyteller

Server Priest



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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Balance Your Thinking, Feeling & Doing!

Your primary R e a c t io n S t y l e describes how

you immediately respond to a given situation and your way

of communicating. Your reaction is either intellectual,

emotional, or action-oriented. We all have and use these

three qualities but in different ways. These differences in

communicating often cause challenges and conflicts between

people as we have a hard time understanding each other.

Intellectual Emotional

• I n t e l l e c t u a l l y oriented people discuss, analyze, and think things over before coming to a conclusion.

• E m o t i o n a l l y oriented people bring forth their feelings, intuitions, and perceptions.

• A c t i o n - o r i e n t e d people initially respond to a situation by taking action. They want to do something about the situation.


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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Choose the Right Attitude! Your A t t i t u d e is the lens through which you look at the

world. It is the primary perspective, the way you view things,

people, hopes, and fears. Attitude is crucial in our daily

interactions with others.

• S k e p t i c s doubt, investigate, check, and strive for truth and knowledge

• I d e a l i s t s seek to improve things, looking at everything in the most favorable light possible

• Poker-faced S t o i c s hold their feelings; they remain calm and stable in a crisis

• S p i r i t u a l i s t s look into the future; they tend to see all the possibilities of how things can be

• C y n i c s question commonly held beliefs; they are quick to identify what will not work

• R e a l i s t s see things as they are – no better and no worse; they see all sides of a situation and give trustworthy responses

• P r a g m a t i s t s are practical people; they know the most effective way to do things

Skeptic Idealist


Cynic Realist



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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Discover Your Primary Goal in Life! The G o a l is what you aim to achieve in life; it is your guiding

light. Life situations and challenges will tend to bring you face to

face with your goals so that you can examine those themes and

improve your skills. Organizations have their Goals, too.

• D i s c r i m i n a t i o n motivates people to be selective; they eliminate all that is not wanted, retaining only the best in life

• A c c e p t a n c e leads you to accept whatever occurs in your life, to seek harmony and affinity

• A b b r e v i a t i o n leads you to display simplicity, limiting the scope of life so that one or two major issues may be fully examined

• G r o w t h motivates you to constantly look for new challenges and to develop yourself

• S u b m i s s i o n is about searching for the appropriate people, ideas, or valuable causes to devote oneself to

• D o m i n a n c e is the desire to lead the way; these people are natural leaders who want the reins in their hands

• R e l a x a t i o n is to let life flow easily and effortlessly, taking the line of least resistance



Abbreviation Growth

Submission Dominance


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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Adjust Your Approach to People & Tasks!

Your M o d e describes your patterns and ways of acting, how you

approach people and tasks. Everything you do is tempered by your

style of action.

• C a u t i o n mode people approach life carefully, making sure the right choices are made

• P o w e r mode people have a powerful presence; they are influential and commanding

• R e s e r v e d people hold back, expressing their

emotions politely and in a refined manner

• P a s s i o n mode people leap fully and deeply into actions and emotions of the moment, expressing themselves colorfully

• P e r s e v e r a n c e mode people are persistent and

steady, willing to go step by step for as long as necessary to accomplish their tasks

• A g g r e s s i o n mode people are dynamic and

energetic, especially in the use of initiative and forcefulness

• O b s e r v a t i o n mode people watch and absorb

what is going on around them; they need to get clarity from all the watching before taking any action

Caution Power



Perseverance Aggression


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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Erase Your Fear Patterns! The O b s t a c l e s , sometimes referred to as the dragons,

represent our fear patterns and are our biggest challenges in life,

causing us to stumble when we activate them. They hang around our

workplaces too. All the Dragons thrive on fear. You can get rid of

them by not feeding them.

• S e l f - d e s t r u c t i v e people take extreme risks, hurt themselves, and develop addictions

• G r e e d y people fear that there is not enough to

go around, and therefore, they are insatiable

• S e l f - d e p r e c a t i n g people fear that they will fail and feel inadequate and inferior

• A r r o g a n t people are quick to take offence and

terrified of being judged

• M a r t y r d o m people are kill-joys who feel victimized and exploited

• I m p a t i e n t people are ruled by time worry; they

feel that there is not enough time, they cut corners, rush, and show up late

• S t u b b o r n people are stiff-necked and inflexible,

with a fear of change, pushing to get their own way

Self-destruction Greed

Self-deprecation Arrogance




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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Embrace Your Four Pillars of Vitality!

The Four Pillars are the cornerstones of a happy

and satisfying life. They are vital for your well-being,

productivity, and creativity. When balanced they

build up resistance to the dragons, negativity, and

the external pressure of society. They improve the

quality of your personal and work-life and support

you in every way. They ground and rejuvenate you,

strengthen focus and bring forth your talents.

True Play feels fun, positive, and expansive. It puts a smile on your face. Its

qualities are childlike and joyful, and it keeps you from becoming scattered, too

serious, and unproductive. It strengthens your expressive outlook.

True Rest restores and revitalizes you and supports your true work and true

study. It is any experience that rejuvenates you and brings inspiration to your life.

It gets you away from your habits, relaxes you, and puts your entire system back

into balance.

True work isn’t necessarily related to your daily work or what makes you

money. It is the work that you have true passion for and what makes you feel

happy and satisfied. It doesn’t feel like work, rather like something you enjoy

doing and that you have an innate talent for.

True Study prepares you to perform your true work. It helps you focus and can

be something you enjoy so much you forget everything else. It may involve

anything that totally fascinates you, sometimes a hobby that consumes all your

leisure time.

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Your Favorite Motivators!

The M o t iv a t o r s , sometimes referred to as the Nine Needs, are

keys to happiness. When you identify your top three Motivators and

nurture them, you achieve a sense of contentment. Do your team

members share any Motivators with you? When people have one or two

Motivators in common, they have greater understanding for each other.

• E x c h a n g e is the need to give and take, to share something: information, experiences, services

• S e c u r i t y is the need to feel protected and to know what comes next

• A d v e n t u r e is the need to seek new, powerful and stimulating experiences

• I n f l u e n c e is the need to be in a position of authority and to have responsibility

• E x p r e s s i o n is the need to show who you are through creative presentation

• F r e e d o m is the need to be self-determining, free from commitments and rules made by others

• E x p a n s i o n is the need to build and add onto existing structures, encouraging growth and evolution

• R e c o g n i t i o n is the need to have a feeling of belonging and to be tolerant of self and others

• C o m m u n i o n is the need to be with people, participate, and function as a member of the community

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Align Your Values & Worldviews!

Values & Worldview go hand in hand with our perception

of the world. They create our outlook in life, which is reflected

in the way we live. There are five different worldviews that

explain how we habitually see things. They differ greatly from

each other and can be the cause of major differences in beliefs

and behavior. No one Worldview is better than the other;

they are, however, very different. People with different values

are like people speaking different languages. Conflicts and

miscommunication are often the results of these diverse


Surviving-oriented individuals focus on seeking survival at any

cost and simply want to cope with the basics.

Rule-oriented people view life through laws, rules, and structure

that give them safety and protection in everyday life.

Competing individuals view life as competition with others. The

focus is on winning no matter what.

Relationship-oriented people view life in terms of partnership

and relationship with others.

Philosophical individuals view life with objectivity, tolerance,

and acceptance, knowing that everybody is affected by their


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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


THE Chart

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Brief Terminology Summary Axes: There are four axes: expression, inspiration, action and integration that give flavor to different personality traits.

Perspectives: The perspective is either specific or broad in the pairs of expression, inspiration and action. The integration axis is

neutral and can be put to use according to circumstances. Archetypes: The archetypes define who we really are, what are our natural strengths and interests. There are seven: artisan,

storyteller, server, priest, warrior, king and scholar.

Reaction Styles: The reaction styles describe how we react and communicate. They are: thinking, feeling and doing. Attitudes: The attitudes influence the way we see things. These seven lenses are: skepticism, idealism, stoicism, spiritualism,

cynicism, realism and pragmatism.

Modes: There are seven modes that define how we act and approach tasks and people. These are: caution, power, reserve, passion, perseverance, aggression and observation.

Goals: We are all driven by one of seven goals as they influence all our choices and drive us to our higher purpose. The goals are: discrimination, acceptance, re-evaluation, growth, submission, dominance and relaxation.

Obstacles: The obstacles are fear patterns that emerge when we are under stress. There are seven of them: self-destruction, greed, self-deprecation, arrogance, martyrdom, impatience and stubbornness.

Vitality Pillars: The vitality pillars help us reach balance in our lives. These are: true play, true rest, true work and true study. Motivators: We need to acknowledge our motivators or needs. The top motivators explain what we need and appreciate.

These nine needs are: exchange, security, adventure, influence, expression, freedom, expansion, recognition and communion.

Values&Worldviews: Our values and worldviews define what we appreciate most. They reflect our beliefs and behavior accordingly.

These tools help us identify our natural strengths. The key is HOW do we use our personality traits to become more self-aware, authentic, and present and master our relationship with ourselves and others.

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


Learning & Development Living & Working

Group and team learning can be tailor-made to our client’s needs

based on the standard universal 9 Keys to Conscious

Leadership. One or more of the keys can be used together to

create a unique training experience for targeted challenge areas.

• Reveal Your True Nature!

• Balance Your Thinking, Feeling & Doing!

• Choose the Right Attitude!

• Discover Your Primary Goal in Life!

• Adjust Your Approach to People & Tasks!

• Erase Your Fear Patterns!

• Embrace Your Four Pillars of Vitality!

• Your Favorite Motivators!

• Align Your Values & Worldviews!

The following program topics can be delivered through speaking

engagements, seminars, workshops, or retreats. The material is

based on Conscious Capitalism model, various disciplines such as

ancient philosophy, wisdom traditions, mindfulness, and energy

cultivating practices as well as the universal 9 Keys to

Conscious Leadership.

• Conscious Leadership in Action

• Meeting Change with Conscious Transition

• Stop, Review, and Renew Your Life-Vision

• Sharpening Communication Skills

• The Employee as a Living Energy System

• The Business of Knowing Yourself

• Wake Up to Health and Life

• Sweep the Stress Away

• Fire up Your Energy

• Lighten up Your Heart

• Power up Your Brain

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Runa Bouius Consulting | www.runa.la | @RunaBouius | ©2014 Runa Bouius. All Rights Reserved | Keys 2 Balance®


For Information and Bookings

Los Angeles, CA, USA tel: office: +1.310.746.5263 | mobile: +1.310.944.4331 [email protected] www.runa.la

Carita Nyberg, Helsinki, Finland www.tasapainonavaimet.fi [email protected]