9- H11tti1HtIhtI THEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz892923r/data/0160.pdf · iI I I n 9-H11tti1HtIhtI v Ir ±...

iI I I n 9- H11tti1HtIhtI v Ir ± BEREA PUBLISHING CO ± L C HINMAN Manager Kntertd al thi Pod oDlu at Bcrta All at n y eltui matt matkr 1II 11IHIiI1H1 + 1 I N VOL VI A Family Paper BEREA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY MAY 18 1905 One dollar a year = NO48 11 MONEY Money makes the money go indepomlcncoIIlItoll poiiHonwl investment You cnn of ton afford ono whero you cant tltu other Truo wealth consists in health vigor and courage domestic quint concord public liberty plenty of nil that in necessary and contempt of nil that la superfluous Fendon FROM THE WIDE WORLD Count Cnwini Iltisfllan Ambassndo to the United Status la to lw trans furred to Madrid Ho will ho suceej1 <xl ut WnBhington by Baron Koran Baron dos llunohos the Itnltnn Am bafwador to tho United States in to mnko n tour of thn South with n view to recommending loontloiis fnvornbli for of Italian taunt grant Tho iintioljKilod Mayday dent castrations in St Petersburg fallen to mntarlnltKo and theru was no bloodnhed and no disturbances of II serious nature Ono or two moot lags waroattompUtdby the soofalistio loll1ontrhut thuy wuro ciutckly brok vu up UT tho CoM OkA IN OUR OWN COUNTRY t Tho tenth nnnttal mooting 6f thu Nntlonal Mauufiicturors ASIIOointtonI began Tuesdayat moro than 800 dulegatas in nt tmuliuioo Titan Vlt8 it large nilcndnncc nt tug coromonlM at Iornwt Park UfIMtrlnn Forrofll errs unveiled Predictions worn nmdo in Chioagi Tumdny night dint tho tounwturs Kinks would lw wiled oft praluiblj within fortyeight hours unit curtain ly by the and of tho wouk A woman who alnimud to ho Cnr lotto widow of Maximilian has ro coutly duwppoHrml in 1ttonlfhr imjKwing on tho Italian colony ln lust city for years obtaining from lliwn many thoumud of dollars Nogntntioim for the puruhoso or VXMXX norm of oftfimrn III Northern Porkla awl Southern Am prneliualI Chicago Kansas City anti Omaha rico land IB intended for oattlofocd ing purposo VltnuR4oa woro I < ttl before tho Federal grand Jury in Chicago yesterday to show t datllo buyon for tho Mtaking uncurls mid ropro BoutnttvoH of eommlsmon houses herd adopted n pnictico of mooting imol marnlng anti agreeing on jirla of uutllo for tho day Tho dooldtnii of the Isthmian Cn nfil Commission to purchase its sup plies abroad id causing n growl dual of mina nurb to that dement of tin UOJlUbtiam party which is in favor of continuing tho existing high tarll prognumno and lion brought the is sue of sharply forward ns n mihject of consideration by the next Congress COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY Fire nl Owpnslwro Jtcflllflod a hit of 7000 j Mnj John D Harris former Stnh Senator died nt liichmoml May 12 Ho was tho father of Mrs S II Slono of Loultwlll- uCommoncnlths tMtorney Allen of Loxington will ask the Court of- ApIPals to pal upon tho legality of Jmlgo Parkers instructions to tin jury in tho James Hargis case and nlso upon tho right to reject curtain testimony which was not allowed Civil Service CommiBsionor Green IN iu hvonHboro investigating charg ¬ es that Collector E T Franks levied nSHussmontfl on inter mil mvouiia em Ploys to aid Dr W Godfrey Hunter In tho recent Eleventh district con ¬ gressioualcontest Tile Rivers nud Harbors Committee of Congress was in Louisville Mon ¬ tiny investigating tho necessity for river improvDtncut The members woro out nl Madison nd by Louis ¬ yule business men nnd escorted horo Tho needs wore sot forth to tho best advantage ossiblc maid tho day clos ed with n banquet nt thoCountry Club In honor cf tho visitors who later loft for Cairo Tho thirtyfirst Kentucky Dorby was witnessed by ono of time largest crowds over assembled at Churchill Downs tho attendance being estimat ¬ ed nt U5000 Tho historic event was icon by Agile owned by dipt S S Brown tho Tittsburgcoal king There woro only three starters Cnpt Jim Williams colt Rams Horn win ning second plaeo The rico was rmfOvor u muddy track and thetimo was 210 4 T THE CITIZEN LITHE MAN BEHIND THE DESK President Roosevelt Finds Himself Confronted by a Stack of Official Dust ¬ I ness Washington Dispatch PANAMARAILWAY1Some united in lluylng American Ships For the Company I THE PRICES HAVE BEEN RAISED A Question liaised ng to the Use by the United States or For olfinlliiilt Vessels o Secretary Taft Bays the Vessels If Purchased Would Fly the Flag of the Nation In Which Pur chase Was Made Washington May 17 Secretary Tuft indicated to tho president that some difficulty might bo experienced In purchasing ships for tho Panama Railroad Co Already some vessels which tho directors of tho railroad had In mind bad boon found to bo sold and the prices of somo others had been raised when tho owners had discovered for whom they were wanted A question was raised as to the use substantially by the United States government of foreignbuilt vessels and what nations flag they would fly Manifestly under tho law they could not fly tho United States flag not ¬ withstanding they belonged to tho United States government without coning Into conflict with tho naviga ¬ ball laws of the country Secretary Taffftnld that the vadeals It purchaSe odL would fly tho flag of tho nation In which tho purpchaso was made and not tho stars and strips The Purchase of Supplies As to tho purchase of supplies of va ¬ rious kinds for time canal work Scores tary Taft Indicated that It was time purpose of tho commission tQ buy ev ¬ erything posslblo In the United States on which tho prices approximated the prices abroad New York May 17Plnns for tho enlargement of tho terminal and dock fncllltli at Colon and Panama and the doublo trucking and reequipment of tho road entailing an expenditure of approximately 2000000 wore npprov ed by tho board of directors of tho Panama Railroad Co at a meeting held hero It was stated unofficially by ono of tho directors present that time question of rates was discussed but that no action was taken The Treaty of Commerce Panama May ITTIlotrlllty of commerce argued upon at Washington between Mr Takahtra tIe Japanese minister and Sonar Obaldla tho Iah amnn minister will be approved by President Amador with slight modifi ¬ cation Gifts To the American University Washington May 17Dr David H Carroll of Baltimore presided at the semiannual meotlngjof tho trustees of tho American university Several re- cent gifts approximating about 333 000 In value were announced Death of Col Q W Clark Washington May 17Col 0 W Clark a woll known resident of Cin ¬ cinnati died suddenly hero of heart failure Col Clark was a veteran of tho civil war Ho will bo burled at Arlington Secretary Hay Improving Dad Nauheipi May 17 Secretary Hay will go to Berlin It Is aUnounc d attar ho leaves here at tho ond of an- other ton days treatmont Ho Is fool tag much bettor Appointed a Commissioner Washington May 17 Secrotnr Tart appointed Maj Gen Lunsfoni L Lomax of Virginia a member of the Gettysburg battlefield park commit stun to fill the vacancy cauMtl tty the death of Maj W M Robins Mrs Madden Lexington Ky May 17Mrs Atlnbo Madden wife of the noted taUAr L and breeder John R Madden arrivS hero A report which has boon circa lated hero for several days was to the effect that ovorturos had boon made to Madden to buy the Charles Losha farm on tho Winchester pike and give It to his wife as her future home where she could bo In close touch with her children and at the samo Urns not come In contact with tho master of Hamburg paoo- Louisville Tobacco Market Louisville Ky May 17 Fortytw hhdii of burley were offered on the to bucco breaks at prices varying front Jt10 to 14 Time number of dark hhds offered was 170 and tho prices ranged from 320 to 050 The mar- ket was about tho same as last week Explosion of Acetylene Gas Newport Ky May 17By the ox plosion of an acetylene gas generator nt tho residence of oxMayor It W Nelsons residence William Gabriel engineer at the Juggins manufnctur Ing plant was Injured so badly that ho will probably logo his eyesight Ohio Will Overflow Henderson Ky May 17 Govern ment officials have notified Wharfmas tor Soapor hero that tho Ohio will overflow all the bottom lands in the Horseshoe Bond above time city Hun dreds of acres of corn have already been planted In tho bond Eight Years For Murder Owlngsvlllo Ky May l7Jns Rid die charged with the murder of Odd- S Rodgers was sentenced to eight years In the penitentiary An appeal will probably lo taken by Riddles at tornoys The Jury deliberated about 16 hours Paul Campbell Goes Free ModlBonvlIle Ky May 17Paul Campbell who shot and killed Will Coffman near Slaughtorvlllo two weeks ago In a quarrel over an old pistol was given his freedom the grand jury falling to return an Indictment against him Henry E Youtsey Still III Frankfort Ky May 17lIenry R Youtsoy the Goobel murder convict In the state penitentiary continues sorl ously thin limo prison hospital lit In suffering from an attack of sioti fc ver He Is not thought to oe critically 111 The Louisville Races Louisville Ky May 17 Georgo C Bennett ran truq to form and scored his third win out of three starts at the present meeting when ho captured time Rashford Manor stakes for twoyear olds In easy fashion A Pistol Duel Harlan Iy May 17 While resist- ing arrest Carlo Halt fired six shots at Marshal Cox Tho marshal returned the fire fatally wounding Hall None of Halls shots took effect on the mar hal i e NEARING THE END Indications Arc That the Team ¬ stern Strike in Chicago Will Ho Called Off PROBABLY BY END OF THE WEEK President Samuel Compere of time American Federation of Labor In Consultation With Leaders Mayor Dunne Intimated That If tho Strike Spreads It Would Be Nee ecsary For Him To Call Out the State Militia Chicago May 17Although no facts have as yet transpired to fully war- rant the prediction It la asserted both by members of tho Employers asso elation and by tho conservative ele went in tho ranks of the teamsters that tho present strike will bo called oft probably within 48 hours and cer tainly by the end of tho week It Is not likely that any definite no- tion looking to an adjustment of tho trouble will bo taken prior to time meet ¬ ing of the national officers of the team- sters ¬ union Chief among tho causes which load to tho prediction of a settlement are the firm stands taken by Mayor Dunne when In conference with President Shoo and officials of tho local team- sters union he assured thorn that any further spread of the strike would cer- tainly ¬ make It necessary for him to call for troops and the arrival of President Samuel Gompors of time Am ¬ oilcan Federation of Labor who reach ¬ od the olty Gompera Has Hope Although possessed of executive power in the settlement of the strike President Oompors declared that he had overt hope that Its end was not far distantIt my Intention to come to Chicago anyway at the end of tho week said Mr Compare but after holding a conversation over the tele phono with Mr Shea decided to an ¬ ticipate my visit somewhat and come at once I certainly shall do all In my power to end the strike and I have goat hopes of success Immediately on leaving his train President Gompors went Into confer- ence with President Shea and local of ¬ ficials of the teamsters union This conference lasted unUl a late hour Scope of Delivery Increased The Employers association and the express companies Increased their scope of delivery still further Some- thing over 2000 wagons woro la use and business for the most part was transacted without hindrance of any kind There were a few cases of small sized rioting which were dispersed by a tow policemen who used their clubs in vigorous fashion Tho merchants nnd department stores are confident that they will bo able to extend their operations still further and have at least 2100 wagons In full service Three hundred and nety men were brought Into tho city to take places of strikers and as ninny more are ex ¬ petted SCHOOL BOYS STRIKE They Quit School In Sympathy With the Teamsters Chicago May 17At a meeting of tho board of education warrants were sworn out for eight boys who have been leaders In the recent strikes at the schools in sympathy with the strike of tho teamsters It was an ¬ flounced by tho superintendent of com- pulsory ¬ education that ho had definite information to time effect that tho may jority of tho strikes at tho schools had boon Instigated by hoodlums who had told tho pupils that It was their duty to refuse to attend school becauso the schools wore buying coal of tho wrong firms Tho threat of arrest of par ents whose children did not attend school had tho effect of settling three of the strikes and a normal attendance of pupils Is expected AMERICAN MUSICIANS President Joseph N Weber of Cincin ¬ nati Renomlnated Detroit Mich May 17At the ses- sion ¬ of tho annual convention of the American Federation of Musicians President Joseph N Weber of Cin ¬ cinnati and Secretary Owen Miller of St Louis and Treasurer Otto Oscen dorf also of St Louis were renoml natod by acclamation without opposi ¬ tion Other nominations were First vice president G W Fope of Colum ¬ bus William J Kerogood WashingS ton D C second vlco president P E Hayden Lynn Mass and George H Wooley of Paterson N J District o III cora Include George Schath Cin cinnati I J Masten Cleveland G E Rogers Grand Rapids Mich for tho Fourth district Twins Drowned Mt Holly N J May 17Whlle boating on Jones Hill pond at Julius town George G and Thomas D G years old twin sons of Noah Gasklll wore drowned and their brother WU Liam nged 16 years was rescued Tho HHHMMM 1H MIMHH- I Sixteen Departments j Eight Pages I I II I II II II I I II I I I I + i + d 7i bbdl73i rPoottI ml- t Mswu t Ut t + 5 tACT μ SIIlLUsioooOJ 1 May 4 1905 f i 1 I ARE WE JUSTIFIED < Perhaps wo ought to be oatisfied with present achievements But you knowthe more a man gets the more he 1 I wants This being true we are then justified in soliciting new busi ¬ c r ness and especially so since we are so well equipped to handle it- t Accuracy an3 promptnesssafety rI and liberality are the marked feat re of our business j + We invite you to try us I r Cashier II t t i- e + + 44 + 0oooooq a- A o r ° IS Look here new customer I Y s 0- o ° We have a new line o- fSpring o > t x and Summer Goods a a o And are prepared to offer the buyers a oo I solicit spring trade the your on represen ¬ < x oa o We carry a full line of mens and ladies oo 11 quality of goods for the price and our prices are always the lowest Call and see us o o 0q 0 THE NEW CASH STORE 0 ° eC C RHODUS Pay o- oroltoStolto I oao7lo okoSloStoko51aS1o otlolto7loeo oto dltoito o This Way Sinners I A word about the flour you use OBELISK C GOLD MEDAL flour ia made by special process of aeration in time manufacture tho flour stock passing through the various machines is constantly agitated and subjected to currents of cool purifiedair This not only makes tho minuto flour particles sharp and granular but also keeps the machine system sweet and sanitary There is no possibility of dust or foreign matter iu tho Udur Time mills nro at nil times as clean and neat as a irst class restaurante You can buy this flour in bags at 70 cents or in bar ¬ role at 575 at Welchs- n

Transcript of 9- H11tti1HtIhtI THEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz892923r/data/0160.pdf · iI I I n 9-H11tti1HtIhtI v Ir ±...

Page 1: 9- H11tti1HtIhtI THEnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz892923r/data/0160.pdf · iI I I n 9-H11tti1HtIhtI v Ir ± BEREA PUBLISHING CO ± L C HINMAN Manager y Kntertd al thi Pod oDlu at Bcrta All





± L C HINMAN Manager

Kntertd al thi Pod oDlu at Bcrta All at ny eltui matt matkr

1II 11IHIiI1H1 +1I N VOL VI A Family Paper BEREA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY THURSDAY MAY 18 1905 One dollar a year

=NO48 11

MONEYMoney makes the money go

indepomlcncoIIlItollpoiiHonwl investment You cnn of tonafford ono whero you cant tltu other

Truo wealth consists in healthvigor and courage domestic quintconcord public liberty plenty of nilthat in necessary and contempt of nilthat la superfluous Fendon


Count Cnwini Iltisfllan Ambassndoto the United Status la to lw transfurred to Madrid Ho will ho suceej1

<xl ut WnBhington by Baron Koran

Baron dos llunohos the Itnltnn Ambafwador to tho United States in tomnko n tour of thn South with n viewto recommending loontloiis fnvornblifor of Italian tauntgrant

Tho iintioljKilod Mayday dentcastrations in St Petersburg fallento mntarlnltKo and theru was nobloodnhed and no disturbances of II

serious nature Ono or two mootlags waroattompUtdby the soofalistiololl1ontrhut thuy wuro ciutckly brokvu up UT tho CoMOkA


t Tho tenth nnnttal mooting 6f thuNntlonal Mauufiicturors ASIIOointtonIbegan Tuesdayatmoro than 800 dulegatas in nttmuliuioo

Titan Vlt8 it large nilcndnncc nttug coromonlM at Iornwt Park

UfIMtrlnnForrofll errs unveiled

Predictions worn nmdo in ChioagiTumdny night dint tho tounwtursKinks would lw wiled oft praluibljwithin fortyeight hours unit curtainly by the and of tho wouk

A woman who alnimud to ho Cnrlotto widow of Maximilian has rocoutly duwppoHrml in 1ttonlfhrimjKwing on tho Italian colony lnlust city for years obtaining fromlliwn many thoumud of dollars

Nogntntioim for the puruhoso orVXMXX norm of oftfimrn III

Northern Porkla awl Southern AmprneliualIChicago Kansas City anti Omaharico land IB intended for oattlofocding purposo

VltnuR4oa woro I < ttl beforetho Federal grand Jury in Chicagoyesterday to show t datllo buyonfor tho Mtaking uncurls mid roproBoutnttvoH of eommlsmon houses herdadopted n pnictico of mooting imolmarnlng anti agreeing on jirlaof uutllo for tho day

Tho dooldtnii of the Isthmian Cnnfil Commission to purchase its supplies abroad id causing n growl dualof mina nurb to that dement of tinUOJlUbtiam party which is in favorof continuing tho existing high tarllprognumno and lion brought the issue of sharply forward ns nmihject of consideration by the nextCongress


Fire nl Owpnslwro Jtcflllflod ahit of 7000

j Mnj John D Harris former StnhSenator died nt liichmoml May 12Ho was tho father of Mrs S IISlono of Loultwlll-

uCommoncnlths tMtorney Allenof Loxington will ask the Court of-

ApIPals to pal upon tho legality ofJmlgo Parkers instructions to tinjury in tho James Hargis case andnlso upon tho right to reject curtaintestimony which was not allowed

Civil Service CommiBsionor GreenIN iu hvonHboro investigating charg ¬

es that Collector E T Franks leviednSHussmontfl on inter mil mvouiia emPloys to aid Dr W Godfrey HunterIn tho recent Eleventh district con ¬

gressioualcontestTile Rivers nud Harbors Committee

of Congress was in Louisville Mon ¬

tiny investigating tho necessity forriver improvDtncut The membersworo out nl Madison nd by Louis ¬

yule business men nnd escorted horoTho needs wore sot forth to tho bestadvantage ossiblc maid tho day closed with n banquet nt thoCountryClub In honor cf tho visitors wholater loft for Cairo

Tho thirtyfirst Kentucky Dorbywas witnessed by ono of time largestcrowds over assembled at ChurchillDowns tho attendance being estimat ¬

ed nt U5000 Tho historic eventwas icon by Agile owned by diptS S Brown tho Tittsburgcoal kingThere woro only three starters CnptJim Williams colt Rams Horn winning second plaeo The rico wasrmfOvor u muddy track and thetimowas 210



President Roosevelt Finds Himself Confronted by a Stack of Official Dust¬I ness Washington Dispatch


united in lluylng AmericanShips For the Company I


A Question liaised ng to the Use

by the United States or Forolfinlliiilt Vessels


Secretary Taft Bays the Vessels IfPurchased Would Fly the Flag

of the Nation In Which Purchase Was Made

Washington May 17 SecretaryTuft indicated to tho president thatsome difficulty might bo experiencedIn purchasing ships for tho PanamaRailroad Co Already some vesselswhich tho directors of tho railroad hadIn mind bad boon found to bo sold andthe prices of somo others had beenraised when tho owners had discoveredfor whom they were wanted

A question was raised as to the usesubstantially by the United Statesgovernment of foreignbuilt vesselsand what nations flag they would flyManifestly under tho law they couldnot fly tho United States flag not ¬

withstanding they belonged to thoUnited States government withoutconing Into conflict with tho naviga ¬

ball laws of the country SecretaryTaffftnld that the vadeals It purchaSeodL would fly tho flag of tho nation Inwhich tho purpchaso was made andnot tho stars and strips

The Purchase of SuppliesAs to tho purchase of supplies of va ¬

rious kinds for time canal work Scorestary Taft Indicated that It was time

purpose of tho commission tQ buy ev¬

erything posslblo In the United Stateson which tho prices approximated theprices abroad

New York May 17Plnns for thoenlargement of tho terminal and dockfncllltli at Colon and Panama andthe doublo trucking and reequipmentof tho road entailing an expenditure ofapproximately 2000000 wore npproved by tho board of directors of thoPanama Railroad Co at a meetingheld hero It was stated unofficiallyby ono of tho directors present thattime question of rates was discussedbut that no action was taken

The Treaty of CommercePanama May ITTIlotrlllty of

commerce argued upon at Washingtonbetween Mr Takahtra tIe Japaneseminister and Sonar Obaldla tho Iahamnn minister will be approved byPresident Amador with slight modifi ¬


Gifts To the American UniversityWashington May 17Dr David H

Carroll of Baltimore presided at thesemiannual meotlngjof tho trustees oftho American university Several re-cent gifts approximating about 333000 In value were announced

Death of Col Q W ClarkWashington May 17Col 0 W

Clark a woll known resident of Cin ¬

cinnati died suddenly hero of heartfailure Col Clark was a veteran oftho civil war Ho will bo burled atArlington

Secretary Hay ImprovingDad Nauheipi May 17 Secretary

Hay will go to Berlin It Is aUnouncdattar ho leaves here at tho ond of an-

other ton days treatmont Ho Is fooltag much bettor

Appointed a CommissionerWashington May 17 Secrotnr

Tart appointed Maj Gen Lunsfoni LLomax of Virginia a member of theGettysburg battlefield park commitstun to fill the vacancy cauMtl tty thedeath of Maj W M Robins

Mrs MaddenLexington Ky May 17Mrs Atlnbo

Madden wife of the noted taUAr Land breeder John R Madden arrivShero A report which has boon circalated hero for several days was to theeffect that ovorturos had boon madeto Madden to buy the Charles Loshafarm on tho Winchester pike and giveIt to his wife as her future homewhere she could bo In close touchwith her children and at the samo Urnsnot come In contact with tho masterof Hamburg paoo-

Louisville Tobacco MarketLouisville Ky May 17 Fortytw

hhdii of burley were offered on the tobucco breaks at prices varying front

Jt10 to 14 Time number of darkhhds offered was 170 and tho pricesranged from 320 to 050 The mar-ket was about tho same as last week

Explosion of Acetylene GasNewport Ky May 17By the ox

plosion of an acetylene gas generatornt tho residence of oxMayor It WNelsons residence William Gabrielengineer at the Juggins manufncturIng plant was Injured so badly thatho will probably logo his eyesight

Ohio Will OverflowHenderson Ky May 17 Govern

ment officials have notified Wharfmastor Soapor hero that tho Ohio willoverflow all the bottom lands in theHorseshoe Bond above time city Hundreds of acres of corn have alreadybeen planted In tho bond

Eight Years For MurderOwlngsvlllo Ky May l7Jns Rid

die charged with the murder of Odd-

S Rodgers was sentenced to eightyears In the penitentiary An appealwill probably lo taken by Riddles attornoys The Jury deliberated about16 hours

Paul Campbell Goes FreeModlBonvlIle Ky May 17Paul

Campbell who shot and killed WillCoffman near Slaughtorvlllo two weeksago In a quarrel over an old pistolwas given his freedom the grand juryfalling to return an Indictment againsthim

Henry E Youtsey Still III

Frankfort Ky May 17lIenry RYoutsoy the Goobel murder convict Inthe state penitentiary continues sorlously thin limo prison hospital lit Insuffering from an attack of sioti fcver He Is not thought to oe critically111

The Louisville RacesLouisville Ky May 17 Georgo C

Bennett ran truq to form and scoredhis third win out of three starts at thepresent meeting when ho captured time

Rashford Manor stakes for twoyearolds In easy fashion

A Pistol DuelHarlan Iy May 17 While resist-

ing arrest Carlo Halt fired six shots atMarshal Cox Tho marshal returnedthe fire fatally wounding Hall Noneof Halls shots took effect on the marhal




Indications Arc That the Team ¬

stern Strike in Chicago WillHo Called Off


President Samuel Compere of time

American Federation of Labor InConsultation With Leaders

Mayor Dunne Intimated That If thoStrike Spreads It Would Be Nee

ecsary For Him To Call Outthe State Militia

Chicago May 17Although no factshave as yet transpired to fully war-rant the prediction It la asserted bothby members of tho Employers assoelation and by tho conservative elewent in tho ranks of the teamstersthat tho present strike will bo calledoft probably within 48 hours and certainly by the end of tho week

It Is not likely that any definite no-tion looking to an adjustment of thotrouble will bo taken prior to time meet ¬

ing of the national officers of the team-sters


unionChief among tho causes which load

to tho prediction of a settlement arethe firm stands taken by Mayor Dunnewhen In conference with PresidentShoo and officials of tho local team-sters union he assured thorn that anyfurther spread of the strike would cer-tainly


make It necessary for him tocall for troops and the arrival ofPresident Samuel Gompors of time Am ¬

oilcan Federation of Labor who reach ¬

od the oltyGompera Has Hope

Although possessed of executivepower in the settlement of the strikePresident Oompors declared that hehad overt hope that Its end was notfar distantIt my Intention to come toChicago anyway at the end of thoweek said Mr Compare but afterholding a conversation over the telephono with Mr Shea decided to an ¬

ticipate my visit somewhat and comeat once I certainly shall do all In mypower to end the strike and I havegoat hopes of success

Immediately on leaving his trainPresident Gompors went Into confer-ence with President Shea and local of¬

ficials of the teamsters union Thisconference lasted unUl a late hour

Scope of Delivery IncreasedThe Employers association and the

express companies Increased theirscope of delivery still further Some-thing over 2000 wagons woro la useand business for the most part wastransacted without hindrance of anykind There were a few cases of smallsized rioting which were dispersed bya tow policemen who used their clubsin vigorous fashion Tho merchantsnnd department stores are confidentthat they will bo able to extend theiroperations still further and have atleast 2100 wagons In full service

Three hundred and nety men werebrought Into tho city to take placesof strikers and as ninny more are ex¬



They Quit School In Sympathy Withthe Teamsters

Chicago May 17At a meeting oftho board of education warrants weresworn out for eight boys who havebeen leaders In the recent strikes atthe schools in sympathy with thestrike of tho teamsters It was an ¬

flounced by tho superintendent of com-


education that ho had definiteinformation to time effect that tho may

jority of tho strikes at tho schools hadboon Instigated by hoodlums who hadtold tho pupils that It was their dutyto refuse to attend school becauso theschools wore buying coal of tho wrongfirms Tho threat of arrest of parents whose children did not attendschool had tho effect of settling threeof the strikes and a normal attendanceof pupils Is expected


President Joseph N Weber of Cincin ¬

nati Renomlnated

Detroit Mich May 17At the ses-


of tho annual convention of theAmerican Federation of MusiciansPresident Joseph N Weber of Cin ¬

cinnati and Secretary Owen Miller ofSt Louis and Treasurer Otto Oscendorf also of St Louis were renomlnatod by acclamation without opposi ¬

tion Other nominations were Firstvice president G W Fope of Colum¬

bus William J Kerogood WashingSton D C second vlco president PE Hayden Lynn Mass and GeorgeH Wooley of Paterson N J Districto III cora Include George Schath Cincinnati I J Masten Cleveland G ERogers Grand Rapids Mich for thoFourth district

Twins DrownedMt Holly N J May 17Whlle

boating on Jones Hill pond at Juliustown George G and Thomas D G

years old twin sons of Noah Gasklllwore drowned and their brother WULiam nged 16 years was rescued Tho

HHHMMM 1H MIMHH-I Sixteen Departmentsj Eight Pages


+i +


7i bbdl73i rPoottI ml-t Mswu tUt t


tACT µ SIIlLUsioooOJ 1

May 4 1905 f



Perhaps wo ought to be oatisfiedwith present achievements But you

knowthe more a man gets the more he 1I

wants This being true we are then

justified in soliciting new busi ¬

c rness and especially so since we

are so well equipped to handle it-t

Accuracy an3 promptnesssafety rIand liberality are the marked feat re

of our businessj


We invite you to try us Ir

Cashier II


e+ +44 +0oooooqa-

Ao r°IS Look here new customer I




We have a new line o-

fSpringo>t x

and Summer Goodsa aoAnd are prepared to offer the buyers aooI solicit spring trade theyour on represen ¬ < xoao We carry a full line of mens and ladiesoo11 quality of goods for the price and ourprices are always the lowest Call and see us o


0° eC C RHODUS Payo-



oao7lo okoSloStoko51aS1o otlolto7loeo oto dltoito o

This Way Sinners I

A word about the flour you use OBELISK C GOLD

MEDAL flour ia made by special process of aeration in time

manufacture tho flour stock passing through the various

machines is constantly agitated and subjected to currents of cool

purifiedair This not only makes tho minuto flour particles

sharp and granular but also keeps the machine system

sweet and sanitary There is no possibility of dust or foreign

matter iu tho Udur Time mills nro at nil times as clean and neat

as a irst class restauranteYou can buy this flour in bags at 70cents or in bar ¬

role at 575 at
