9 frame analysis

Nine Frame Analysis War of the Worlds

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Nine Frame Analysis

War of the Worlds

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1) Titles and font

The titles and font are used to show the thriller genre as they stand out from the background and they also link to sci-fi thriller by the way they are displayed, the titles come out from a bright light which could link to the unknown. The font is bold and strongly structured, this could link to the thriller genre as it could link to the strength of the earth and how disasters wont break the world.

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2) Setting & Location

The setting and location of the film links to the sci-fi thriller genre, as it’s a modern setting, so almost futuristic, this is also show by the shot over the streets of America, which is a highly technological, thriller is shown, through the busyness, of the streets and also the fact its set in a normal housing estate, which links to how you would not expect anything to go wrong in normal day to day life.

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3) Costume & PropsThe costumes and props, in this film link to the sci-fi thriller genre as there costumes are normal everyday clothing, this links to thriller as again you would not expect anything to happen to normal people. This could also link to sci- fi as they have a lot of technological props, the son with the laptop and then also the fact the dad works in construction and has a fascination with engines.

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4) Camera work & Editing

The camera work and editing links to the sci-fi thriller genre as the initial establishing shot of America shows the innocence of the place and again it shows the unknown, the long shot of the cars on the street link to the thriller genre as it shows busyness and as if everyone is rushing around, they are carrying on with everyday life and don’t expect anything to happen, sci-fi is shown through the cars and the traffic lights which link to the future and again to the dads fascination with engines.

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5) plotThe sci-fi thriller genre is shown through the plot as this urban setting shows that the disaster is going to be happening to normal everyday civilians but it also suggests the characters to be coming from a working class background and to not have to be the richest of people. Sci-fi could occur through the bridge in the background, this is a rigid structure that is relatively new in building and so this links to technology and the future which are aspects of the sci-fi genre. Thriller is shown by the urban disturbed setting which therefore links to the unknown which is an aspect of thriller genre.

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6) Introduction of CharactersThe way the characters are introduced links to the sci-fi thriller

genre as they are all introduced in different ways, the dads introduced in the beginning using relatively new technology which could link to the sci-fi genre as an aspect of it is technology, the way the first child is introduced with the mum and the step dad links to the thriller genre as your left with a bit of an enigma as to why the parents split up in the first place, the daughter is introduced last this is because she is linked to the film as one of the main characters as she is mysterious as you know she has something wrong with her but your not sure what.

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7) Story & how the opening sets up the film

The opening sets up the film as it advertises the world in a different light and it changes, which shows the world can easily be changed and therefore linking to the film as it shows how it can therefore be changed or have a disturbance. The story is about a world disaster and the effects it has on the people and how they survive it.

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8) Genre and how its shown

The opening of the film links to the sci -fi thriller genre as the way its displayed. Sci -fi is shown as it starts with organisms which then turn into the earth, which turns into a traffic light this combination shows the link between the unknown and busyness which are links between sci-fi and thriller.

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9) Special Effects

Special effects are used especially at the beginning of the film. They are shown by how the atmosphere of different organisms changed into a raindrop which turns into the earth, which is then isolated in space before finally changing into a traffic light, this links to the sci-fi thriller genre as it shows how the unknown can be changed into the known, and how unsuspecting things can happen and things can change at any moment.