8week Report Bhargav

7/21/2019 8week Report Bhargav http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/8week-report-bhargav 1/22 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 ALLOY 800  Alloy 800 is a Fe-Ni-Cr alloy with typically 30-35% Ni, 39.5% Fe and 19-23% Cr. his alloy possesses hi!h te"perat#re stren!th, resistance to o$idation, car#risation and other types o& hi!h te"perat#re corrosion. he "echanical properties o& the alloy co"ined with resistance to hi!h te"perat#re corrosion "a'es it s#itale &or #se as stea" !enerator ()*+ t#in! in press#rised heay water reactor (/+ and other n#clear reactors. )* t#es hae  een indi!eno#sly deeloped and are ein! #sed in the #pco"in! reactors.  $cellent resistance to chloride stress-corrosion crac'in! is another i"portant &eat#re o& alloy 800.he hi!h nic'el content in Alloy 800 "a'es the alloy hi!hly resistant to oth chloride stress-corrosion crac'in! and to e"rittle"ent &ro" precipitation o& si!"a phase een a&ter lon! ti"e e$pos#re at 94C 6. he chro"i#" and nic'el contents o& the alloy !ie e$cellent o$idation resistance, !ood resistance to car#ri7ation and resistance to s#lphidation at low concentrations o& o$idi7in! and red#cin! s#lph#r 6. he alloy is typically desi!ned &or #se in che"ical, petroche"ical and &ood processin!, &or n#clear en!ineerin! and &or the sheathin! o& electrical heatin! ele"ents. 1.2 EDDY CURRENT TESTING (ECT)   C:N );N* is ased on the principles o& electro"a!netic ind#ction and is #sed to identi&y or di&&erentiate a"on! a wide ariety o& physical, str#ct#ral, and "etall#r!ical conditions in electrically cond#ctie &erro"a!netic and non-&erro"a!netic "etals and "etallic parts. An e$citer coil !enerates a pri"ary "a!netic &ield which is 1


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1.1 ALLOY 800

  Alloy 800 is a Fe-Ni-Cr alloy with typically 30-35% Ni, 39.5% Fe and 19-23% Cr. his

alloy possesses hi!h te"perat#re stren!th, resistance to o$idation, car#risation and other 

types o& hi!h te"perat#re corrosion. he "echanical properties o& the alloy co"ined with

resistance to hi!h te"perat#re corrosion "a'es it s#itale &or #se as stea" !enerator ()*+

t#in! in press#rised heay water reactor (/+ and other n#clear reactors. )* t#es hae

 een indi!eno#sly deeloped and are ein! #sed in the #pco"in! reactors.

  $cellent resistance to chloride stress-corrosion crac'in! is another i"portant &eat#re o& 

alloy 800.he hi!h nic'el content in Alloy 800 "a'es the alloy hi!hly resistant to oth

chloride stress-corrosion crac'in! and to e"rittle"ent &ro" precipitation o& si!"a phase

een a&ter lon! ti"e e$pos#re at 94C 6. he chro"i#" and nic'el contents o& the alloy

!ie e$cellent o$idation resistance, !ood resistance to car#ri7ation and resistance to

s#lphidation at low concentrations o& o$idi7in! and red#cin! s#lph#r 6. he alloy is

typically desi!ned &or #se in che"ical, petroche"ical and &ood processin!, &or n#clear 

en!ineerin! and &or the sheathin! o& electrical heatin! ele"ents.


  C:N );N* is ased on the principles o& electro"a!netic ind#ction and

is #sed to identi&y or di&&erentiate a"on! a wide ariety o& physical, str#ct#ral, and

"etall#r!ical conditions in electrically cond#ctie &erro"a!netic and non-&erro"a!netic

"etals and "etallic parts. An e$citer coil !enerates a pri"ary "a!netic &ield which is


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responsile &or the ind#ction o& eddy c#rrents on the s#r&ace and s#-s#r&ace o& the "aterial

 ein! tested. )#ch c#rrents !enerate a secondary "a!netic &ield, which is opposition to the

applied &ield. he interaction o& these two (pri"ary<applied and the ind#ced+ &ields res#lts in

a co"ple$ i"pedance &or the proe coil, that can e "eas#red y the inspection syste". ddy

c#rrent inspection can e #sed to 26=

1+ >eas#re or identi&y s#ch conditions and properties as electrical cond#ctiity, "a!netic

 per"eaility, !rain si7e, heat treat"ent condition, hardness and physical di"ensions.

2+ etect sea"s, laps, crac's, oids, and incl#sions,

3+ )ort dissi"ilar "etals and detect di&&erences in their co"position, "icro str#ct#re, and

other properties,

+ >eas#re the thic'ness o& a noncond#ctie coatin! on a cond#ctie "etal or the thic'ness

o& a Non-"a!netic "etal coatin! on a "a!netic "etal.


The f!!"#$% &'e he &*&$&%e+ f ECT

1+ )ensitie to s"all crac's and other de&ects. ence C can e #sed to detect crac's, pits,

s#r&ace and near s#r&ace de&ects which are #ndetectale y other non-destr#ctie testin!


2+ ddy c#rrent inspection !ies i""ediate res#lts #nli'e other detectin! techni?#es which

inole a lot o& ti"e.

3+ he C "ethod can e #sed &or "#ch "ore than &law detection. C can e #sed to

'now the electrical cond#ctiity, "a!netic per"eaility o& the "aterial which can e #sed to

characteri7e the "aterial.

+ est proe does not need to e in contact with the part ein! tested, this helps in protectin!

the proe &ro" any s#r&ace da"a!e.


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5+ ?#ip"ent is ery portale. >ini"#" test part preparation is re?#ired. ;nspects co"ple$

shapes and si7es o& cond#ctie "aterials

The f!!"#$% &'e he !#,#&#$+ f ECT

1+ @nly e&&ectie on cond#ctie "aterials. he "aterial "#st e ale to s#pport a &low o&

electrical c#rrent.

2+ )#r&ace "#st e accessile to the proe. estin! sa"ples with lar!e areas and co"ple$

!eo"etries is a little di&&ic#lt. he "ore co"ple$ the !eo"etry eco"es, the "ore di&&ic#lt it

is to di&&erentiate de&ect si!nals &ro" !eo"etry e&&ect si!nals.

3+ ery s#sceptile to "a!netic per"eaility chan!es. )"all chan!es in per"eaility hae a

 prono#nced e&&ect on the eddy c#rrents, especially in &erro"a!netic "aterials. his "a'es

testin! o& welds and other &erro"a!netic "aterials di&&ic#lt.

+ epth o& penetration is li"ited. /hich can e increased y decreasin! the &re?#ency this

res#lts in red#ced sensitiity and resol#tion.

5+ Flaws that lie parallel to the proe coil windin! and proe scan direction are #ndetectale.  

he &low o& eddy c#rrents is always parallel to the s#r&ace.  ;& a planar de&ect does not cross or 

inter&ere with the c#rrent then the de&ect will not e detected.


  #e inspection is #s#ally per&or"ed #sin! oin coil proes operatin! in asol#te or 

di&&erential "ode. he &irst one is #se&#l in the eal#ation o& !rad#al discontin#ities li'e

wasta!e or wall thinnin!. A techni?#e that is o&ten #sed inoles &eedin! a di&&erential oin

 proe into the indiid#al t#e o& the heat e$chan!er. /ith the di&&erential proe, no si!nal

will e seen on the eddy c#rrent instr#"ent as lon! as no "etal thinnin! is present. /hen

"etal thinnin! is present, a loop will e seen on the i"pedance plane as one coil o& the


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di&&erential proe passes oer the &lawed area and a second loop will e prod#ced when the

second coil passes oer the da"a!e. ;& t#e internal dia"eter is too s"all or the t#e is not

installed, e$ternal proes "ay e e"ployed. /hen the corrosion is on the o#tside s#r&ace o& 

the t#e, the depth o& corrosion is indicated y a shi&t in the phase la!. he si7e o& the

indication proides an indication o& the total e$tent o& the corrosion da"a!e.


  here are so"e &actors a&&ectin! the C si!nals 1, 26=-

 (1+ he presence or asence o& &laws or other discontin#ities in the part

 (2+ he electrical characteristics o& the part

 (3+ Chan!e in the "icrostr#ct#re

(+ Bi&t-o&& a&&ects sensor co#plin! eca#se o& the distance etween the coil and the "etal



  )o"e o& the t#es &ro" the &irst lot o& indi!eno#sly prod#ced )* t#es o& Alloy 800, with

inner dia"eter 1.80"", o#ter dia"eter 19.00"" and thic'ness 1.10 "", showed C

si!nals correspondin! to thic'ness red#ction &ro" the t#e internal s#r&ace. etailed

characterisation ("icrohardness "eas#re"ents, "icrostr#ct#ral oseration+ o& the t#e

locations hain! 10%, 19% and 21% loss o& thic'ness indicated y C si!nals was done

and possile "etall#r!ical chan!es leadin! to C si!nal were inesti!ated.

  o si"#late the conditions, the t#e with 0% C si!nal was rolled to ario#s thic'ness

red#ctions o& 10%, 2% and 30% and their characterisation li'e "icrostr#ct#ral e$a"ination,

hardness "eas#re"ent and &errito"eter "eas#re"ent done. ;t is planned to do C

characteri7ation o& these rolled t#es so that the reasons &or the chan!e in C si!nal d#e to

cold wor'in! is estalished.

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  ence this wor' is carried o#t to characterise the "etall#r!ical chan!es d#rin! the

"an#&act#re o& t#es. his is done y co"parin! the hardness al#es, -ray di&&raction

 patterns and C "eas#re"ents y si"#latin! the conditions at ario#s leels o& cold

wor'in! and strainin!.


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  For "etallo!raphic and hardness st#dies , Alloy 800 sa"ples were polished on di&&erent

!rades o& e"ery paper &ro" 80 to 1000 !rit s#ccesiely &ollowed y dia"ond polishin! (si7e

1 "icro"eter+ to otain a "irror &inish. o osere and record "icrostr#ct#res, the sa"ple

needs to e etched. lectrolytic etchin! is done y sat#ratin! 100 "l o& water with 10!"s o& 

o$alic acid. lectro-etchin! is done &or 10-15 seconds at 1 A<c"2 (10 olts+ y "a'in! the

speci"en anode and #sin! another s#r&ace o& stainless steel as cathode.


  F analysis is a power&#l analytical tool &or the spectro-che"ical deter"ination o& 

al"ost all the ele"ents present in a sa"ple. F radiation is ind#ced when photons o& 

s#&&iciently hi!h ener!y, e"itted &ro" an -ray so#rce, i"pin!e on a "aterial. hese -rays

#nder!o interaction with the ato"s, leadin! to ioni7ation o& inner shell electrons y the

 photoelectric e&&ect and th#s electron acancies in inner shells (D, B, > E+ are created. he

acancies th#s &or"ed in the inner shells are &illed y the electrons &ro" the o#ter shells

alon! with the e"ission o& photons with a well de&ined ener!y correspondin! to the

di&&erence in ener!y etween the ato"ic shells inoled.

he wor'in! principle o& F analysis is the "eas#re"ent o& waelen!th or ener!y and

intensity o& the characteristic -ray photons e"itted &ro" the sa"ple. his allows the

identi&ication o& the ele"ents present in the sa"ple and the deter"ination o& their "ass or 

concentration. All the in&or"ation &or the analysis is stored in the "eas#red spectr#", which

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is a line spectr#" with all characteristic lines s#peri"posed aoe a certain &l#ct#atin!



  >icro-hardness o& Alloy 800 sa"ples was "eas#red #sin! Fisheroscope "icro-hardness

tester #sin! a load o& 5!ra"s (50"N+ and dwell ti"e o& 20 seconds. ardness was "eas#red

alon! the "id-thic'ness, on the inner dia"eter side and the o#ter dia"eter side on the cross-

section o& the t#e<speci"en at re!#lar interals. An aera!e al#e o& at least &ie locations is



  ) proides ?#antitatie "icrostr#ct#ral in&or"ation ao#t the crystallo!raphic nat#re

o& "etals, "inerals, se"icond#ctors, and cera"icsGin &act "ost inor!anic crystalline

"aterials. ;t reeals !rain si7e, !rain o#ndary character, !rain orientation, te$t#re, and phase

identity o& the sa"ple #nder the ea" 36. ) is a near-s#r&ace techni?#e, #sin!

di&&raction patterns ori!inatin! 20 n" H 100 n" elow the s#r&ace.



  o si"#late the conditions o& !rain &ra!"entation, the inner dia"eter side o& the t#e was

strained #sin! a drillin! "achine &itted with a section with arasie "aterials &i$ed to it at

appro$i"ately 800 rp". )trainin! was carried o#t twice at the sa"e rate #t &or di&&erent span

o& ti"e on two di&&erent sa"ples &ro" the sa"e t#e with 0% C si!nal. @nce it was carried

o#t &or 20 "in #sin! steel wool and 20 "in #sin! 80 !rit e"ery paper. Bater strainin! was

done &or 10 "in #sin! steel wool and 10 "in #sin! 80 !rit e"ery paper. Al#"ina (Al 2@3+

 paste was applied to the strainin! "aterial (i.e., steel wool and e"ery paper+ d#rin! the

 process o& strainin!.


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  )peci"ens o& Alloy 800 plate o& di"ensions 5c"J2.5c"J1.c" were c#t and cold wor'ed

to otain thic'ness red#ction o& 10%, 20% and 30%. Bater, "icro-hardness was "eas#red

alon! the "id-thic'ness and alon! oth the ed!es. And these al#es are correlated with the

"icro-hardness al#es o& t#es which showed 10%, 19% and 21% C si!nals.


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.1 A!!95800 :,;+##$ <+#$% 4RF

Che"ical co"position was analysed "#ltiple ti"es and the analysed al#es are !ien in tale

elow.he analysed che"ical co"position "atches with the standard co"position o& Alloy

800. he ale 3.1 shows the che"ical co"position deter"ined y F.

ale 3.1 Che"ical co"position deter"ined y F (all in wt %+.

le"ent 1st readin! 2nd readin! 3rd readin! th readin! Aera!e

Fe .I1 I.22 I.03 .92 .9I

 Ni 30.2 31.1 31.39 31.0 31.05

Cr 20.89 19.88 20.I 20.9 20.3

>n 0.5 0.I9 0.9 0.58 0.8

i 0.I 0.5 - 0.53 0.

Al 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

>o - 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.0

N&,#$% he +&,;!e+

1. Bot 1 H sa"ple with no C si!nal (t#e+

2. Bot 2 H sa"ple with 10% C si!nal (t#e+

3. Bot 3 H sa"ple with 19% C si!nal (t#e+

. Bot H sa"ple with 21% C si!nal (t#e+

5. Bot 5 H sa"ple with no C si!nal (other than lot 1+ (t#e+

. Bot H sa"ple strained &or 20 "in (t#e+

I. Bot I H sa"ple strained &or 0 "in (t#e+

8. Bot 8 H Alloy 800 plate


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 The micro-hardness values of the cross-sectional surfaces of the tubes (as

designated above) were measured using the procedure described in

Section 2.3.The measurements are tabulated in Tables 3.2-3.11 for various

lots of samples. The Table 3.12 shows a comparison of the hardness

measured on all the specimen.

Table 3.2 Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# $

%#he s&ecime! 'i#h !o ECT si(!al) with Boad-50"N, and dwell ti"e K 20


).no >id thic'ness @ ;

1 13. 391.2

2 310.9 0I.9 33.I

3 33. 21 35.I

399. 85.9 09.3

5 32.I 25.2 2I.I

Aera!e 358.L20. 3I.2L13.I 38I.52L1.99

  Table 3.3 Vickers micro-har!ess remeas"re o! Lo# $

%#he s&ecime! 'i#h !o ECT si(!al) with Boad-50"N, and dwell ti"e K 20


).no >id thic'ness @ ;

1 31I.2 0.9 3.8

2 30.3 508.I 0.3

3 31. 502. 25.8

3.5 2. 38.8

5 35.9 5I. 51

39.9 395. 33.1


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I I.1 8.I 282.5

8 0. 31 391.8

9 33.8 89. 3.

10 3I1. 8I. 5.I

Aera!e 32I.2L13.I .05L11.2 10.82L1I.3

Table 3.* Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# 2

%#he s&ecime! 'i#h $+, ECT si(!al) 'i#h Boad-50"N, and dwell ti"e K 20


).no >id thic'ness @ ;

1 29.I 3I2.9 25.3

2 33. 385.1 09.2

3 289.8 01.2 391.3

30.I 20. 33.9

5 319.I I8.8 0.1

Aera!e 309.1L8.21 11.8L18.5I 18.5LI.8

 The vickers micro-hardness measurements on the ! side of the tube

which showed 1"# $%T signal is more than the hardness values on the !

side of the tube with "# $%T signal. This ma& be considered because of

the surface'bulk working done on the inner diameter side of the tube with

1"# $%T signal.

Table 3. Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# 3

%#he s&ecime! 'i#h $, ECT si(!al) 'i#h Boad-50"N, and dwell ti"e K 20


).no >id thic'ness @ ;

1 350. 0I.2 32.8

2 332. 29.8 359.8

3 32.9 33. 2.3

332.I I.2 8.8


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5 33 513.3 325.

Aera!e 335.L.2 51.L18.82 391.8L28.5I

Table 3./ Vickers micro-har!ess remeas"re o! Lo# 3

%#he s&ecime! 'i#h $, ECT si(!al) 'i#h Boad-50"N, and dwell ti"e K 20


).no >id thic'ness @ ;

1 33.I 1.9 311.3

2 315.8 3.I 322

3 32I. 23. 319.I 393.2 39I 299.8

5 338.3 50.1 30.2

Aera!e 33.8L13.2I 33.8L11.3 311.8L.13

Table 3.0 Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# *

%#he s&ecime! 'i#h 2$, ECT si(!al) 'i#h Boad-50"N, and dwell ti"e K 20


).no >id thic'ness @ ;

1 3I9. I3.2 I.I

2 3I. 5I. 11.I

3 3I.5 28. 38I.1

380 9. 512.9

5 1.5 I9 51.

Aera!e 3I9.2L10.5 .88L11. 2.2L21.31

 The vickers microhardness value on the ! side of the tube which showed

21# $%T signal is considerabl& more than the microhardness values of the

tubes with "# and 1"# $%T signals. This shows an increasing trend in the

microhardness values which clearl& sa&s with increase in the magniitude


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of microhardness values there is an increase in the magnitude of $%T


Table 3.1 Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# %#he

s&ecime! 'i#h +, ECT si(!al-o#her #ha! Lo# $ ) 'i#h Boad-50"N, and

dwell ti"e K 20 seconds

).no >id thic'ness @ ;

1 31.8 28.1 338.5

2 30.5 0I.5 02.3

3 331.2 1.9 328. 335.9 2.5 15.

5 31.9 3.9 3I0.3

382.2 .5 0.1

I 3.8 391.5 3I.2

8 3I1.I 9.2 39.8

9 395 3I. 33.3

10 39.5 9.8 35.

Aera!e 30.35MI.I 30.3M.1 3I5.IL11.83

Table 3. Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# / %#he

s&ecime! 'i#h +, ECT si(!al 'hich is s#rai!e or 2+mi! 'i#h

s#eel 'ool a! 1+ (ri# emer4 &a&er or $+mi! each) 'i#h Boad-50"N,

and dwell ti"e K 20 seconds

).no ;

1 10.

2 380

3 19


5 385.I


I 380.


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8 35.2

9 3I0.

10 01.1

Aera!e 39.08L8.12

 The surface working done on the internal diameter side of the tube which

showed "# $%T signal for 2"min with steel wool and " grit emer& paper

for 1"min each* resulted in fragmentation of grains on the ! side which

leaded to an increase in microhardness values.

+nd the tubes strained like the wa& described above on edd& current

testing produced a signal which showed 1,# decrease in the thickness.

Table 3.$+ Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# 0 %#he

s&ecime! 'i#h +, ECT si(!al 'hich is s#rai!e or *+mi! 'i#h

s#eel 'ool a! 1+ (ri# emer4 &a&er or 2+mi! each) 'i#h Boad-50"N,

and dwell ti"e K 20 seconds

).no ;

1 38.8

2 08.1

3 398.I


5 13.I


I 382.

8 0I.9

Aera!e 08.93LI.93

he s#r&ace wor'in! done on the internal dia"eter side o& the t#e which showed 0% C

si!nal &or 0"in with steel wool and 80 !rit e"ery paper &or 20"in each, res#lted in "#ch

"ore &ra!"entation o& !rains on the ; side which res#lted in &iner !rains than those in Bot-


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)o, the "icrohardness al#es al#es are !reater &or Bot-I than those in Bot-.en tho#!h the

t#e is strained &or 0"in the C si!nal otained is 1% which is si"ilar to the C si!nal

otained when the t#e is wor'ed &or 20"in.

Table 3.$$ Vickers micro-har!ess meas"re o! Lo# 1 %#he

s&ecime! %&la#e) 'i#h +, ECT si(!al a! 'i#ho"# col 'orki!()

'i#h Boad-3000"N, and dwell ti"e K 15 seconds

).no >id thic'ness 1 2

1 13.I 208.8 150.

2 1.3 20. 152.

3 10.5 203. 159.2

1.8 182.1 151.9

5 18.1 191.9 15

15. 20.8 15I.3

I 18.2 199. 10.2

8 1I.9 219 158.8

Aera!e 15M0.95 201.IIM.1 155.52M1.33

Table 3.$2 S<,,&'#+#$% he h&'$e++ *&!<e+

! T%/0$SS ! !

ot 1 3.452".4326.24513.6



ot 2 3"7.15.21 411.,51.6 41.456.4

ot 3 33.,54.2,343.,513.26



ot 4 367.251"., 4,,.511.4, 442.2521.31

ot 3,".356.6, 43".435,.14 36.,6511.3

ot , 37,."5.12

ot 6 4".7356.73


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he ic'ers "icrohardness "eas#re"ents "ade on speci"ens &ro" Bot-2,Bot- which

showed 10% and 21% C si!nal respectiely res#lted in hi!her al#es than the

"eas#re"ents "ade on the speci"ens &ro" Bot-1 and Bot-5, which showed 0%C si!nal.

@n cond#ctin! eddy c#rrent testin! on the speci"ens &ro" Bot- and Bot-I,with di&&erent

wor'in! ti"es, oth res#lted in the sa"e si!nal o& 1% red#ction in thic'ness.

hro#!h st#dies,it has een estalished that the eddy c#rrent o#tp#t is &o#nd to linearly

increase with increase in the hardness.6




he "icrostr#ct#res o& the cross-section s#r&aces o& all the lots o& alloy 800 speci"ens as

desi!nated in )ection 3.1 were deeloped as per the proced#re descried in )ection 2.1 and

are shown in Fi!#res 3.1-3.5. All the "icrostr#ct#res are ta'en &ro" the inner dia"eter side

o& the t#e.


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F#% .1 The ;#:&! ,#:'%'&;h +h"#$% he #$$e' #&,ee' (ID) f he +&,;!e f',

 L 1 ("#h 0> ECT +#%$&!) & 200?

F#% .2 The ;#:&! ,#:'%'&;h +h"#$% he #$$e' #&,ee' (ID) f he +&,;!e f',

L 2 ("#h 10> ECT +#%$&!) & 200?

F#% . The ;#:&! ,#:'%'&;h +h"#$% he #$$e' #&,ee' (ID) f he +&,;!e f',

 L ("#h 1@> ECT +#%$&!) & 200?


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F#% .6 The ;#:&! ,#:'%'&;h +h"#$% he #$$e' #&,ee' (ID) f he +&,;!e f',

 L 6 ("#h 21> ECT +#%$&!) & /00?

F#% ./ The ;#:&! ,#:'%'&;h +h"#$% he #$$e' #&,ee' (ID) f he +&,;!e f',

 L 7 (+'&#$e *e' he ID +#e <+#$% +ee! "! f' 20,#$ &$ 80 e,e'9 ;&;e' f'

20,#$) & 200?


  !ue to surface'bulk working on the ! side of the tubes* there is a

formation of a band of fragmented grains. The width of fragmented grain

band is measured from the micrographs in the Section 3.3 from the 8gures

3.1-3.. +nd the widths are tabulated in Table 3.13.


Specimen (lot number) 9idth of fragmented grain band(appro:. inm)


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ot 1 ;

ot 2 1-2"

ot 3 2"-2

ot 4 2

ot 6 2"

./ E-SD :h&'&:e'#B&#$ f +;e:#,e$ "#h 0> ECT +#%$&!

he ) characteri7ation was done as descried in )ection 2.1 and 2. and the res#lt is

shown in Fi!. 3..

<ig 3., $=S! map of tube with "# $%T signal showing orientation of di>erent grains

Fi!. 3. shows clear !rain str#ct#re near the ; side, tho#!h there is a li"ited e$tent o& !rain

re&ine"ent, that didnOt ca#se any si!nal o& thic'ness red#ction in eddy c#rrent testin!. ;t

clearly indicates !rain &ra!"entation on the s#r&ace d#e to li"ited e&&ort at s#r&ace wor'in!

&ro" the ; side o& the t#e.


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 ;t is clear &ro" the "icro-hardness "eas#re"ents and the "icrostr#ct#re oserations that

s#r&ace wor'in! does lead to !rain &ra!"entation o& alloy 800. his to!ether with strain

hardenin! leads to hardenin! o& the a&&ected re!ions. >eas#re"ents "ade on t#e speci"ens

with C si!nals 10%,19% and 21% respectiely showed an increasin! trend in "icro-

hardness al#es and increase in width o& &ra!"ented !rain and alon! the inner dia"eter side

o& the t#e. he C "eas#re"ents were done on cold rolled speci"en and the

characteri7ation o& the si!nals is #nderway. Fro" "icro-hardness "eas#re"ents and the


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"icrostr#ct#re oserations it can also e concl#ded that strainin! the speci"en which

showed 0% C si!nal on ; side #sin! steel wool &or 20"in and 80 e"ery paper &or 20"in

also lead to a di&&erent C si!nal !eneration that "i!ht indicate locali7ed thinnin! altho#!h

no s#ch thinnin! was present in the "aterial. he occ#rrence o& C si!nal on a wor'ed

t#e<speci"en is attri#ted to chan!e in electrical cond#ctiity and "a!netic s#sceptiility

&or the "aterial d#e to the "etall#r!ical chan!es ta'in! place d#e to s#r&ace<#l' wor'in!.

F#rther wor' on this aspect is #nderway at the host laoratory.


1.Peelop"ent o& a )#r&ace ;nspection echni?#e &or Core ;nternal ;nspections with an

ddy C#rrent estin! )yste"P y A. Nishi"i7#, . ndo, >. oo"a, itachi Btd., QapanR .

Do"etani, . @#chi, ;. oshida, . Nona'a, itachi-* N#clear ner!y Btd., Qapan

2. A)> handoo' on Non estr#ctie estin!


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3.Plectron ac'scatter i&&raction ()+ echni?#e and >aterials Characteri7ation

$a"plesP y i" >aitland and )cott )it7"an

.Plectron ac'scatter i&&raction rinciple and ApplicationsP y r. ""an#elle oeh"-


5. P#e inspection P &ro" N reso#rce center

. &&ect o& $pos#re eriod and e"perat#re on the Corrosion o& ;ncoloyT Alloy 800U in

ydrochloric Acid ic'lin! )ol#tions l-)ayed >. )heri&1,J and Asi&#l . )ei'h

I. echnical 'nowled!e portal o& /;

8 . AB AQ and . QAAD:>A ,Assess"ent o& e&ects and >icrostr#ct#res &oral#atin! a"a!e in ress#re etainin! Co"ponents , ecent rends in )t#rct#raV ;nte!rity

Assess"ent, 18-19 Qan#ary 2001, National >etall#r!ical Baoratory, Qa"shedp#r, ;ndia,


9.  Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar, M. Thavasimuthu,Text book on practical non-destructive testing, page no-!.