8I6 IJAET0612661

International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012. ©IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963 62 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 FRACTAL CHARACTERIZATION OF EVOLVING TRAJECTORIES OF DUFFING OSCILLATOR Salau, T. A.O. 1 and Ajide, O.O. 2 1, 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. ABSTRACT This study utilised fractal disk dimension characterization to investigate the time evolution of the Poincare sections of a harmonically excited Duffing oscillator. Multiple trajectories of the Duffing oscillator were solved simultaneously using Runge-Kutta constant step algorithms from set of randomly selected very close initial conditions for three different cases. These initial conditions were from a very small phase space that approximates geometrically a line. The attractor highest estimated fractal disk dimension was first recorded at the end of 15, 22, and 5 excitation periods for Case-1, Case-2 and Case-3 respectively. The corresponding scatter phase plots for Case-1 and Case-2 agreed qualitatively with stroboscopic-ally obtained Poincare sections found in the literature. The study thus established sensitivity of Duffing to initial conditions when driven by different combination of damping coefficient, excitation amplitude and frequency. It however showed a faster, accurate and reliable alternative computational method for generating its Poincare sections. KEYWORDS: Duffing oscillator, Fractal, Poincare sections, Trajectories, Disk dimension, Runge-Kutta and phase space I. INTRODUCTION Duffing oscillator can be described as an example of a periodically forced oscillator with a nonlinear elasticity [14].This can be considered as chaotic system since it is characterized by nonlinearity and sensitivity to initial conditions. Available literature shows that Duffing oscillator has been highly studied and this is due to its wide modelling applications in various fields of dynamics. The dynamics of duffing oscillator has been studied using various tools. [9] investigated the dynamical behaviour of a duffing oscillator using bifurcation diagrams .The results of the study revealed that while bifurcation diagram is a resourceful instrument for global view of the dynamics of duffing oscillator system over a range of control parameter, it also shows that its dynamics depend strongly on initial conditions. [11] Investigated the dynamic stabilization in the double-well Duffing oscillator using bifurcation diagrams. The research paper identified an interesting behaviour in the dynamic stabilization of the saddle fixed point. It was observed that when the driving amplitude is increased through a threshold value, the saddled fixed point. It was observed that when the driving amplitude is increased through a threshold value, the saddle fixed point becomes stabilized with the aid of a pitchfork bifurcation. The findings of the authors revealed that after the dynamic stabilization, the double-well Duffing oscillator behaves as the single –well Duffing oscillator. This is because the effect of the central potential barrier on the dynamics of the system becomes negligible. A fractal generally refers to a rough or fragmented geometric shape which is capable of been divided into parts. Each part is an approximately reduced-size copy of the whole. This property is popularly referred to as ‘self-similarity’. We can also describe fractal as geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. The complex nature of fractal is becoming to attract more researchers interest in the recent time. This is because it has become a major fundamental of nonlinear dynamics and theory of chaos.



Transcript of 8I6 IJAET0612661

  • 1. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963FRACTAL CHARACTERIZATION OF EVOLVING TRAJECTORIES OF DUFFING OSCILLATOR Salau, T. A.O.1 and Ajide, O.O.21, 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.ABSTRACTThis study utilised fractal disk dimension characterization to investigate the time evolution of the Poincaresections of a harmonically excited Duffing oscillator. Multiple trajectories of the Duffing oscillator were solvedsimultaneously using Runge-Kutta constant step algorithms from set of randomly selected very close initialconditions for three different cases. These initial conditions were from a very small phase space thatapproximates geometrically a line. The attractor highest estimated fractal disk dimension was first recorded atthe end of 15, 22, and 5 excitation periods for Case-1, Case-2 and Case-3 respectively. The correspondingscatter phase plots for Case-1 and Case-2 agreed qualitatively with stroboscopic-ally obtained Poincaresections found in the literature. The study thus established sensitivity of Duffing to initial conditions whendriven by different combination of damping coefficient, excitation amplitude and frequency. It however showeda faster, accurate and reliable alternative computational method for generating its Poincare sections.KEYWORDS: Duffing oscillator, Fractal, Poincare sections, Trajectories, Disk dimension, Runge-Kutta andphase spaceI. INTRODUCTIONDuffing oscillator can be described as an example of a periodically forced oscillator with a nonlinearelasticity [14].This can be considered as chaotic system since it is characterized by nonlinearity andsensitivity to initial conditions. Available literature shows that Duffing oscillator has been highlystudied and this is due to its wide modelling applications in various fields of dynamics. The dynamicsof duffing oscillator has been studied using various tools. [9] investigated the dynamical behaviour ofa duffing oscillator using bifurcation diagrams .The results of the study revealed that while bifurcationdiagram is a resourceful instrument for global view of the dynamics of duffing oscillator system overa range of control parameter, it also shows that its dynamics depend strongly on initial conditions.[11] Investigated the dynamic stabilization in the double-well Duffing oscillator using bifurcationdiagrams. The research paper identified an interesting behaviour in the dynamic stabilization of thesaddle fixed point. It was observed that when the driving amplitude is increased through a thresholdvalue, the saddled fixed point. It was observed that when the driving amplitude is increased through athreshold value, the saddle fixed point becomes stabilized with the aid of a pitchfork bifurcation. Thefindings of the authors revealed that after the dynamic stabilization, the double-well Duffing oscillatorbehaves as the single well Duffing oscillator. This is because the effect of the central potentialbarrier on the dynamics of the system becomes negligible.A fractal generally refers to a rough or fragmented geometric shape which is capable of been dividedinto parts. Each part is an approximately reduced-size copy of the whole. This property is popularlyreferred to as self-similarity. We can also describe fractal as geometric pattern that is repeated atever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classicalgeometry. The complex nature of fractal is becoming to attract more researchers interest in the recenttime. This is because it has become a major fundamental of nonlinear dynamics and theory of chaos. 62 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72

2. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963Fractal structures and dynamical systems associated with phase plots are inseparable. The strongrelationship between fractal structures and chaos theory will continue to remain the platform ofsuccess in nonlinear dynamics. Fractals are highly employed in computer modelling of irregularpatterns and structures in nature. Though the theory of chaos and the concept of fractals evolvedindependently, they have been found to penetrate each others front. The orbits of nonlineardynamical system could be attracted or repelled to simple shape of nonlinear, near-circles or othershapes of Elucid[10].He furthered his explanation that,however,these are rare exceptions and thebehaviour of most nonlinear dynamical systems tends to be more complictaed.The analysis ofnonlinear dynamics fractal is useful for obtaining information about the future behaviour of complexsystems [5] .The main reason for this is because they provide fundamental knowledge about therelation between these systems and uncertainty and indeterminism. [5] research paper focus on fractalstructures in nonlinear dynamics. The work clearly describes the main types of fractal basin, theirnature and the numerical and experimental techniques used to obtain them from both mathematicalmodels and reap phenomena. [7] Research paper was on intermingled fractal arnold tongues. Thepaper presented a pattern of multiply interwoven Arnold tongues in the case of the single-wellDuffing oscillator at low dissipation and weak forcing. It was observed that strips 2/2 Arnold tonguesformed a truncated fractal and the tonguelike regions in between a filled by finely intermingled fractallike 1/1 and 3/3 Arnold tongues, which are fat fractals characterized by the uncertainty exponent alphaapproximate to 0.7. The findings of authors showed that the truncated fractal Arnold tongues ispresent in the case of high dissipation as well, while the intermingled fractal pattern graduallydisappears with increasing dissipation. [16] Research paper was on 1/3 pure sub-harmonic solutionand fractal characteristic of transient process for Duffings equation. The investigation was carried outusing the methods of harmonic balance and numerical integration. The author introduced assumedsolution and was able to find the domain of sub-harmonic frequencies. The asymptotical stability ofthe sub-harmonic resonances and the sensitivity of the amplitude responses to the variation ofdamping coefficient were examined. Then, the subatomic resonances were analyzed by usingtechniques from the general fractal theory. The analysis reveals that the sensitive dimensions of thesystem time-field responses show sensitivity to the conditions of changed initial perturbation ,changeddamping coefficient or the amplitude of excitation. The author concluded that the sensitive dimensioncan clearly describe the characteristics of the transient process of the subharmonic resonances.According to [15] , the studies of the phenomenon of chaos synchronization are usually based uponthe analysis of transversely stable invariant manifold that contains an invariant set of trajectoriescorresponding to synchronous motions. The authors developed a new approach that relies on thenotions of topological synchronization and the dimension for Poincare recurrences. The paper showedthat the dimension of Poincare recurrences may serve as an indicator for the onset of synchronizedchaotic oscillations. The hallmark of [12] paper in 2007 was to examine the application of a simplefeedback controller to eliminate the chaotic behaviour in a controlled extended Duffing system. Thereason was to regulate the chaotic motion of an extended Duffing system around less complexattractors, such as equilibrium points and periodic orbits. The author proposed a feedback controllerwhich consists of a high pass filler and a saturator. This gives the opportunity of simpleimplementation and can be made on the basis of measured signals. The authors sufficientlydemonstrated this feedback control strategy using numerical simulations. [8] Study was oncharacterization of non stationary chaotic systems. The authors noticed that significant work has notbeen done in the characterization of these systems. The paper stated that the natural way tocharacterize these systems is to generate and examine ensemble snapshots using a large number oftrajectories, which are capable of revealing the underlying fractal properties of the system. Theauthors concluded that by defining the Lyapunov exponent and the fractal dimension based on aproper probability measure from the ensemble snapshots, the Kaplan-Yorke formula which isfundamental in nonlinear dynamics can be shown. This finding remains correct most of the time evenfor non- stationary dynamical systems.Chaotic dynamical systems with phase space symmetries have been considered to exhibit riddlebasins of attraction [1].This can be viewed as extreme fractal structures not minding how infinitesimalthe uncertainty in the determination of an initial condition. The authors noticed that it is not possibleto decrease the fraction of such points that will surely converge to a given attractor. The main aim of 63 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 3. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963the authors work was to investigate extreme fractal structures in chaotic mechanical systems. Theauthors investigated mechanical systems depicting riddle basins of attraction. That is, a particle undertwo-dimensional potential with friction and time-periodic forcing. The authors was able to verify thisriddling by checking its mathematical requirements through computation of finite-time Lyapunovexponents as well as by scaling laws that explains the fine structure of basin filaments denselyintertwined in phase space. A critical characterization of non-ideal oscillators in parameter space wascarried out by [13].The authors investigated dynamical systems with non-ideal energy source. Thechaotic dynamics of an impact oscillator and a Duffing oscillator with limited power supply wereanalyzed in two-dimensional parameter space by using the largest Lyapunov exponents identifyingself-similar periodic sets, such as Arnold tongues and shrim-like structures. For the impact oscillator,the authors identified several coexistence of attractors showing a couple of them, with fractal basinboundaries. According to the paper, these kinds of basins structures introduce a certain degree ofunpredictability on the final state. The simple interpretation of this is that the fractal basin boundaryresults in a severe obstruction to determine what attractor will be a fine state for a given initialcondition with experimental error interval.Fractal characterization of evolving trajectories of a dynamical system will no doubt be of immensehelp in diagnosing the dynamics of very important chaotic systems such as Duffing oscillator.Extensive literature search shows that disk dimension is yet to be significantly employed in fractalcharacterization of Duffing oscillator. The objective of this study is to investigate and characterize thetime evolution of Poincare sections of a harmonically excited Duffing oscillator using fractal diskdimension.This article is divided into four sections. Section 1 gives the study background and brief review ofliterature. Section 2 gives the detail of methodology employed in this research. Subsection 2.1 givesthe equation of harmonically excited duffing oscillators that is employed in demonstrating fractalcharacterization of evolving trajectories. Subsection 2.1 gives explanation on the parameter details ofall the studied cases. Different combinations of damping coefficient and excitation amplitudeconsidered are clearly stated. The methodology is concluded in subsection 2.3 where explanation isgiven on how attractor is characterized. Section 3 gives detail results and discussion. The findings ofthis work are summarized in section 4 with relevant conclusions.II. METHODOLOGY2.1 Duffing OscillatorThe studied normalized governing equation for the dynamic behaviour of harmonically excitedDuffing system is given by equation (1).xx + x (1 x 2 ) = Po Sin(t ) (1) 2 In equation (1) x , x and x represents respectively displacement, velocity and acceleration of theDuffing oscillator about a set datum. The damping coefficient is . Amplitude strength of harmonicexcitation, excitation frequency and time are respectively Po , and t . [2], [3] and [6] proposed thatcombination of = 0.168, Po = 0.21, and = 1 .0 or = 0.0168, Po = 0.09 and = 1.0 parametersleads to chaotic behaviour of harmonically excited Duffing oscillator. This study investigated theevolution of 3000 trajectories that started very close to each other and over 25 excitation periods at aExcitation periodconstant step ( t =) in Runge-Kutta fourth order algorithms. The resulting 500attractors (see [4]) at the end of each excitation period were characterized with fractal disk dimensionestimate based on optimum disk count algorithms.2.2 Parameter details of studied casesThree different cases were studied using the details given in table 1 in conjunction with governingequation (1). Common parameters to all cases includes initial displacement range ( 0.9 x 1.1 ),64Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 4. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963Zero initial velocity ( x ), excitation frequency ( ) and random number generating seed value of9876.Table 1: Combined Parameters for Cases Cases Damping coefficient ( )Excitation amplitude ( P )oCase-10.16800.21Case-20.01680.09Case-30.01680.212.3 Attractor CharacterizationThe optimum disk count algorithm was used to characterize all the resulting attractors based on fifteen(15) different disk scales of examination and over five (5) independent trials.III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe scatter phase plots of figures 1, 2 and 3 shows the comparative attractors resulting from the timeevolution of trajectories of Duffing oscillator for the studied cases. Initial attractor of all Cases1.000.900.800.700.60velocity0.500.400.300. 1.001.05 1.101.15dissplacem entFigure 1:Attractor of all cases at zero excitation period. Attractor of Case-1 at 2-excitation Attractor of Case-1 at 3-excitation period period0.30 0.300.20 0.20 0.100.10 0.000.00-0.50-0.10 0.00 velocityvelocity -2.00-1.50 -1.000.50 1.00 1.50 -0.10 0.60 0.801.001.20-0.20 -0.20-0.30-0.40 -0.30-0.50 -0.40-0.60 -0.50-0.70displacementdisplacement Fig. 2 (a)Fig. 2 (b)65 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 5. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963Attractor of case-2 at 2-excitation Attractor of case-2 at 3-excitation periodperiod 0.00 0.600. -0.050.40 -0.100.20 -0.150.00velocityvelocity -0.20-2.00-1.50-1.00-0.500.00 0.501.001.50-0.20 -0.25 -0.40 -0.30 -0.60 -0.35 -0.40 -0.80 displacementdisplacementFig. 2 (c)Fig. 2 (d)Attractor of Case-3 at 2-excitation periodAttractor of Case-3 at 3-excitation period 0.800.60 0.600.40 0.20 0.40 0.00 0.20-0.20 0.00-2.00-1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.50 1.001.502.00 velocity velocity 0.00 -0.40-2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.501.001.50 -0.60-0.20-0.80-0.40-1.00-0.60 -1.20-0.80 -1.40 displacement displacementFig. 2 (e) Fig. 2 (f) Figure 2: Comparison of attractors at 2 and 3 excitation periods.Attractor of Case-1 at 5-excitation period Attractor of case-1 at 25-excitation period 0.60 0.60 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00 velocityvelocity -2.00 -1.50 -1.00-0.50 0.00 0.501.001.50 -2.00-1.50 -1.00-0.50 0.000.501.001.50-0.20 -0.20-0.40-0.40-0.60-0.60-0.80 -0.80displacement displacementFig. 3 (a)Fig. 3 (b)66 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 6. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963Attractor of Case-2 at 5-excitation periodAttractor of case-2 at 25-excitation period 0.800.80 0.600.60 0.400.40 0.200.20 velocityvelocity 0.000.00 -2.00 -1.50-1.00-0.50-2.00 -1.50-1.00 -0.50-0.20 0.000.501.00 1.50 2.00 -0.20 0.00 0.501.001.50 2.00-0.40 -0.40-0.60 -0.60-0.80 -0.80displacementdisplacementFig. 3 (c)Fig. 3 (d)Attractor of case-3 at 5-excitation periodAttractor of Case-3 at 25-excitation period1.003.002.502.000.501.501.000.00velocityvelocity0.50 -2.00-1.50-1.00-0.500.000.501.00 1.50 2.000.00 -0.50-3.00-2.00 -1.00 -0.50 -1.00 -1.00 -1.50 -2.00 -1.50 -2.50displacementdisplacement Fig. 3 (e)Fig. 3 (f) Figure 3: Comparison of attractors at 5 and 25 excitation periods.Referring to figures 1, 2 and 3 the geometrical complexity of the attractors varied widely with casesand number of excitation periods. This is an affirmation of high sensitivity to initial conditions ofDuffing oscillator behaviour if excited harmonically by some parameters combinations. The attractorsof Case-1 and Case-2 approach qualitatively their respective stroboscopic-ally obtained Poincaresection with increasing excitation period.The varied geometrical complexity of the attractors presented in figures 1, 2, and 3 can becharacterized using fractal disk dimension measure. The algorithms for estimating the fractal diskdimension is demonstrated through presentation in table 2 and figure 4.Table 2: Disk required for complete cover of Case-1 attractor (Poincare section) at the end of 25 excitationperiods. Disk scale OptimumDisk counted in five (5) trialsDisk counted 1 2 345 123 2 222 245 4 454 368 6 888 4 11 141212 12 11 5 17 191818 17 17 6 21 212122 21 21 7 25 252827 26 28 8 28 313128 30 31 9 34 383734 39 37 1040 404245 41 4367Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 7. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963 11 4547 47 49 46 45 12 5254 53 55 52 54 13 6060 62 61 60 62 14 6165 65 67 64 61 15 6872 69 69 72 68Table 2 refers physical disk size for disk scale number one (1) is the largest while disk scale numberfifteen (15) is the smallest. The first appearances of the optimum disk counted in five independenttrials are shown in bold face through the fifteen scales of examination. Thus the optimum diskcounted increases with decreasing physical disk size. The slope of line of best fit to logarithm plots ofcorresponding disk scale number and optimum disk counted gives the estimated fractal diskdimension of the attractor. Referring to figure 4 the estimated fractal dimension of the attractor ofCase-1 at the end of 25-excitation periods is 1.3657 with an R2 value of 0.9928. Estimated fractal disk dimension of Case-1 attractor 2.00 1.80Log of optimum disk counted 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 y = 1.365x + 0.231 0.40 R = 0.992 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.801.00 1.20 Log of disk scale number Figure 4: Fractal disk dimension of case-1 attractor at the end of 25 excitation periods.The variation of estimated fractal disk dimension of attractors for studied cases with increasingexcitation period is given in figure 5.Attractors Characterization 1.80Estimated fractal disk 1.60 dimension 1.40 Case-1Case-2 1.20 Case-3 1.00 0.800.00 5.0010.0015.00 20.00 25.00Excitation periodFigure 5: Variation of estimated disk dimension of attractors with excitation period. Figure 5 refers a rise to average steady value of estimated fractal disk dimension wasobserved for all studied cases except Case-3. This observation with Case-3 may be due to its lowdamping value ( = 0.0168 ) and relative very high excitation amplitude ( Po = 0.21 ). The attractorhighest estimated fractal disk dimension of 1.393, 1.701 and 1.737 was recorded for the first time atcorresponding excitation periods of 15, 23 and 5 for Case-1, Case-2 and Case-3 respectively. 68Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 8. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963Table 3: Estimated fractal disk dimension of Case-1 attractors at the end of 26-different excitation periods.StandardExcitation Case-1 attractor different estimated fractal disk dimensionsdeviationperiodOptimum Average Five different trials1 234 50.020 0.9280.9030.898 0.8960.8780.924 0.9190.021 0.9270.9180.917 0.9080.9200.888 0.9560.012 0.9480.9380.929 0.9490.9560.933 0.9230.033 1.1701.1461.128 1.1611.1371.121 1.1820.034 1.3141.2591.262 1.2851.2051.261 1.2840.035 1.3761.3401.351 1.3481.3081.315 1.3800.026 1.3331.3051.275 1.3151.3171.293 1.3270.017 1.2921.2971.307 1.3041.2921.293 1.2900.018 1.3251.3271.331 1.3441.3121.323 1.3280.029 1.3551.3411.358 1.3091.3511.332 1.3570.02101.3681.3331.319 1.3771.3311.323 1.3170.02111.3411.3241.323 1.3501.3481.295 1.3060.02121.3501.3351.309 1.3261.3691.349 1.3200.02131.3441.3411.330 1.3571.3611.348 1.3100.02141.3391.3141.330 1.2961.2821.333 1.3280.03151.3941.3451.324 1.3241.3251.400 1.3510.02161.3501.3321.309 1.3241.3481.361 1.3200.02171.3741.3451.361 1.3561.3621.327 1.3200.03181.3491.3321.313 1.3561.3711.332 1.2900.01191.3431.3411.325 1.3571.3411.333 1.3520.06201.3461.3191.335 1.3571.3561.216 1.3310.04211.3681.3401.344 1.3551.2701.341 1.3900.02221.3591.3421.355 1.3181.3191.344 1.3750.05231.3561.3231.342 1.3311.3351.362 1.2420.02241.3421.3311.329 1.3581.3051.315 1.3450.06251.3661.3311.229 1.3831.3611.325 1.356Table 4: Estimated fractal disk dimension of Case-2 attractors at the end of 26-different excitation periods.StandardExcitation Case-2 attractor different estimated fractal disk dimensionsdeviationperiodOptimum AverageFive different trials1 23450.010 0.8890.9100.924 0.9090.898 0.896 0.9230.031 0.9260.9060.920 0.8900.894 0.883 0.9440.062 0.9750.9480.955 0.9840.845 0.976 0.9790.013 1.0631.0581.063 1.0591.057 1.041 1.0710.024 1.3471.3261.330 1.3341.308 1.353 1.3080.025 1.4991.4631.481 1.4951.452 1.449 1.4370.026 1.5521.5281.513 1.5491.515 1.540 1.5200.057 1.6051.5581.567 1.6211.554 1.480 1.5710.018 1.6381.6091.596 1.6051.598 1.617 1.6260.029 1.6461.6301.626 1.6531.601 1.643 1.6290.02101.6691.6361.616 1.6661.622 1.627 1.6470.02111.6741.6481.667 1.6501.621 1.651 1.6500.01121.6441.6461.630 1.6571.642 1.642 1.6560.03131.6781.6531.669 1.6901.631 1.637 1.6390.02141.6831.6581.671 1.6581.658 1.626 1.6760.02151.6911.6641.669 1.6501.702 1.661 1.6390.01161.6971.6711.665 1.6851.659 1.670 1.6730.01171.6791.6641.675 1.6531.652 1.653 1.6830.05181.6961.6571.695 1.6821.577 1.680 1.6540.01191.6751.6551.653 1.6571.655 1.641 1.6670.02201.6821.6691.676 1.6591.635 1.683 1.6940.02211.6881.6751.681 1.7071.674 1.667 1.648 69 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 9. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-19630.0222 1.6881.6641.6371.664 1.664 1.6611.6950.0523 1.7011.6561.7121.583 1.643 1.6811.6610.0124 1.6561.6561.6651.660 1.664 1.6301.6610.0125 1.6601.6521.6651.660 1.647 1.6501.636Table 5: Estimated fractal disk dimension of Case-3 attractors at the end of 26-different excitation periods.StandardExcitationCase-3 attractor different estimated fractal disk dimensionsDeviationperiod Optimum AverageFive different trials 1 234 50.0300.9170.9150.895 0.9050.889 0.9450.9430.0110.8810.8920.895 0.8980.910 0.8830.8750.0221.1071.0941.122 1.0791.108 1.0901.0730.0231.4411.4341.457 1.4301.436 1.4151.4340.0241.6191.5931.597 1.6201.584 1.5831.5840.0551.6821.6151.592 1.6541.683 1.5891.5580.0461.7371.6481.623 1.6351.628 1.7241.6310.0571.7041.6361.564 1.6711.651 1.6191.6750.0481.6951.5981.536 1.6101.601 1.6321.6090.0491.5271.4531.434 1.4331.429 1.5301.4400.0210 1.4151.4081.380 1.4111.423 1.4191.4090.0311 1.4321.4101.361 1.4211.412 1.4221.4340.0412 1.4671.4321.470 1.4091.385 1.4401.4580.0213 1.5041.4951.506 1.5081.497 1.4941.4690.0414 1.6051.5141.510 1.5011.505 1.5761.4780.0415 1.5401.4861.495 1.4571.437 1.5431.4960.0516 1.5411.4901.465 1.4451.461 1.5411.5360.0217 1.5621.5451.552 1.5431.508 1.5541.5660.0118 1.5511.5381.548 1.5561.528 1.5301.5290.0319 1.5651.5361.489 1.5361.543 1.5481.5660.0420 1.6831.5711.634 1.5451.565 1.5651.5450.0221 1.5921.5611.574 1.5641.564 1.5281.5750.0222 1.6061.5901.617 1.5771.606 1.5691.5810.0623 1.6871.5991.586 1.6031.576 1.6951.5340.0124 1.6141.6031.584 1.6181.610 1.5991.6030.0325 1.6231.5761.607 1.5561.606 1.5251.584Tables 3, 4 and 5 refers the variation of optimum estimated fractal disk dimension with increasingexcitation period is shown in figure 5. Attractors Characterization 1.80 1.70Average estimated fractal disk 1.60 1.50 1.40Case-1 dimension 1.30Case-2 1.20Case-3 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.800.05.010.0 15.020.0 25.0Excitation period Figure 6: Variation of average estimated fractal disk dimension of attractors with excitation period. 70 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72 10. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Jan 2012.IJAETISSN: 2231-1963In addition the variation of average estimated fractal disk dimension based on five independent trialswith increasing excitation period is shown in figure 6. Figures 5 and 6 are same qualitatively.However the average estimated fractal disk dimensions are consistently lower than the correspondingoptimum estimated fractal disk dimension for all attractors characterized. Standard deviationestimated for five trial results lies between minimum of 0.01 and maximum of 0.06 for all the casesand the attractors.Figures 5 and 6 indicated that the attractors for different cases ultimately evolve gradually to steadygeometric structure.IV. CONCLUSIONS The study has demonstrated the Duffing oscillator high sensitivity behaviour to set of very closeinitial conditions under the combination of some harmonic excitation parameters. Cases 1 and 2evolve gradually to unique attractors which are comparable to corresponding Poincare sectionsobtained in the literature. On the final note, this study establishes the utility of fractal dimension aseffective characterization tool and a novel alternative computational method that is faster, accurateand reliable for generating Duffing attractors or Poincare sections.REFERENCES[1]. Carmago, S.; Lopes,S.R. and Viana.2010.Extreme fractal structures in chaotic mechanical systems :Riddled basins attractor. 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He was the recipient of M.K.O Abiolapostgraduate scholarship in 1993/1994 academic session while on his Ph.D researchprogramme in the University of Ibadan. Salau has many publications in learned journalsand international conference proceedings especially in the area of nonlinear dynamics. He had served as externalexaminer in departments of Mechanical Engineering of some institutions of higher learning in the country and areviewer/rapporteur in some reputable international conference proceedings. His area of specialization is solidmechanics with bias in nonlinear dynamics and chaos. Salau is a corporate member, Nigerian Society ofEngineers (NSE). He is a registered Engineer by the council for Regulations of engineering inNigeria.(COREN). He is happily married and blessed with children.AJIDE Olusegun Olufemi is currently a Lecturer II in the department of MechanicalEngineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He joined the services of the University ofIbadan on 1st December 2010 as Lecturer II. He had worked as the Project SiteEngineer/Manager of PRETOX Engineering Nigeria Ltd, Nigeria. Ajide obtained B.Sc(Hons.) in 2003 from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria and M.Sc in 2008 from theUniversity of Ibadan, Nigeria. He received the prestigious Professor Bamiro Prize (ViceChancellor Award) in 2008 for the overall best M.Sc student in Mechanical Engineering(Solid Mechanics), University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He has some publications in learnedjournals and conference proceedings. His research interests are in area of Solid Mechanics,Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering. Ajide is a COREN registered Engineer. He is a corporatemember of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) as well as corporate member of the Nigerian Institution ofMechanical Engineers (NIMechE).72 Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 62-72