876 Sao Tome Principe - Church of the Nazarenenazarene.org/sites/default/files/doclib/dj2010/Sao...

The Fifth Annual Assembly Journal Sao Tome & Principe District Church of the Nazarene Session held at: The Sao Tome Central Church of the Nazarene Rua Vila Fernanda, Sao Tome, Agua Grande Sao Tome & Principe 19 June 2010 Dr. David Graves Rev. Phil Patalano General Superintendent District Superintendent

Transcript of 876 Sao Tome Principe - Church of the Nazarenenazarene.org/sites/default/files/doclib/dj2010/Sao...

The Fifth Annual Assembly Journal

Sao Tome & Principe District

Church of the Nazarene

Session held at:

The Sao Tome Central Church of the Nazarene Rua Vila Fernanda, Sao Tome, Agua Grande

Sao Tome & Principe 19 June 2010

Dr. David Graves Rev. Phil Patalano

General Superintendent District Superintendent


District History

Organized Churches

1. The Sao Tome Central Church of the Nazarene (organized: 09 Abril 2000) 2. The Ribeira Peixe Church of the Nazarene (organized: 16 Dec 2002)

3. The Porto Alegre Church of the Nazarene (organized: 02 May 2010)

District Assemblies

1st Assembly 31 July 2005 (Sao Tome Central)

2nd Assembly 19 August 2006 (Sao Tome Central)

3rd Assembly 1 August 2007 (Ribeira Peixe)

4rth Assembly 25 July 2009 (Ribeira Peixe)

5th Assembly 19 June 2010 (Sao Tome Central)


I. Directory 1 A. District Officials 1

B. District Boards and Committees 1 C. District Auxiliaries 2 D. Church Directory 2

E. Ordained Elders 3 F. Licensed Ministers 3 G. Lay Pastors 3

H. Service Codes 3 II. General Information 3 III. Daily Proceedings 5 IV. Reports 8 A. District Superintendent 8 B. District Advisory Board 13 D. District NYI President 15

C. District SDMI Board Chairperson 16 E. District NMI President 17

F. District Evangelism Director 18 G. IBNAL Extension School 19 H. Ministerial Studies Board 20

I. Ministerial Credencials Board 20 J. Finance Committee 21 K. District Treasurer’s Report 22 L. Local Church Historical Statistics 25

M. Memorial Roll 27 N. District Nomination Committee 27 V. District Conventions 30 A. District NMI Convention Proceedings 30 B. District NYI Convention Proceedings 31 VI. Statistics 32

I. Directory

A. District Officials General Superintendent Dr. David Graves 17001 Prairie Star Parkway,

Lenexa, KS, 66220, EUA Regional Director Dr. Filimâo Chambo P.O. Box 44, Florida, 1710, RSA Field Strategy Coordinator Dr. Paulo Sueia P.O. Box 44. Florida, 1710, RSA District Superintendent Rev. Phil Patalano C.P. 474, Sao Tome, (tel: 222- 3943) [email protected] District Secretary Adelasio Carvalho C.P. 474, Sao Tome (tel: 991- 0481) [email protected] District Treasurer Heyde Palhares C.P. 474, Sao Tome (tel: 991-5952 ) District NYI President Yurgue Francisco, C.P. 474, Sao Tome (tel: 993-6229 ) District SDMI Chairperson Hilton R Catarina C.P. 474, Sao Tome (tel: 994-5230) District NMI President Hilton R Catarina C.P. 474, Sao Tome (tel: 994-5230)

B. District Boards and Committees

District Advisory Board Ordained Members

Rev. Phil Patalano CP 474, Sao Tome, STP (tel: 222- 3943) Rev. Martha Patalano CP 474, Sao Tome, STP (tel: 222- 3943)

Lay Members

Elisio do R. Neto CP474, Sao Tome, STP (tel: 996- 8776) Hilton R Catarina CP 474, Sao Tome, STP (tel: 994-5230) Yurgue Francisco CP 474, Sao Tome, STP (tel: 993-6229)

Advisory Board Helpers

Adelasio Carvalho District Secretary (tel: 991- 0481) Cisaltina F Lomba District Treasurer (tel: 992- 6655)

District Evangelism Director

Jorge Prazeres Ponta Baleia, Caue (tel: 994-0730) 1

C. District Auxiliaries

NYI Officers NYI District President: Yurgue Francisco (tel: 993-6229 ) NYI District Vice-Pres: Hamilton Varela (tel: 998-7105) NYI District Secretary: Jordiley da Silva (tel: 996-2830) NYI District Treasurer: Marguducho Antonio (tel: 999-2381)

NMI Officers NMI District President: Hilton Rampao (tel: 994-5230) NMI District Vice-Pres: Ignacio de Almeida (tel: 994-7967)

District Sunday School and Discipleship Minisitries International Board (SDMI)

Chairperson of the SDMI Board: Hilton Catarina (tel:994-5230) NMI District President: Hilton Catarina (tel: 994-5230) NYI District President: Yurgue Francisco (tel: 993-6229) Member at large: Elisio do R. Neto (tel:996-8776)

District SDMI Board Helpers Secretary: Hamilton Varela (tel: 994-2444) Treasurer: Heyde Palhares (tel: 991-5952)

D. Church Directory NEVES (Mission 1999) (#876 0060) Location: Neves, Lemba Address: Caixa Postal #474, Sao Tome, STP Pastor: Elisio do R. Neto (tel: 996-8776) PORTO ALEGRE (Organized 2010) ( #876 0075) Location: Porto Alegre, Caue Address: Caixa Postal #474, Sao Tome, STP Pastor: Adriano Cabole (tel: 996-2668) Secretary: Jordiley da Silva (tel: 996-2830) Treasurer: Jordiley da Silva (tel: 996-2830) NYI President: Yorgue Francisco (tel: 993-6229) MNI President: Anacleto Cabole (tel: 993-3286) SDMI Superintendent: Jordiley da Silva (tel: 996-2830)


RIBEIRA PEIXE (Organized 2002) (#876 0090) Location: Ribeira Peixe, Caue Address: Caixa Postal #474, Sao Tome, STP Pastor: Marcos Antonio (tel: 994-3866) Secretary: Marguducho F Antonio (tel: 999-2381 ) Treasurer: Maria Dulce Mendes NYI President: Vilmes do Ceu Henrique MNI President: Maria Fatima Mendes SDMI Superintendent: Marcos Fortes Antonio (tel: 999-2413) SAO TOME CENTRAL (Organized 2000) (#876 0100) Location: Vila Fernanda, Sao Tome, Agua Grande Address: Caixa Postal #474, Sao Tome, STP Pastor: Adelasio Carvalho (tel: 991-0481) Secretary: Clarice Riôa (tel: 994-3538) Treasurer: Ivone da Graça (tel: 995-8842) NYI President: Heyde Palhares (tel: 991-5952) MNI President: Hilton R Catarina (tel: 994-5230) SDMI Superintendent: Hamilton Varela (tel: 998-7105)

E. Ordained Elders

(There are no Ordained Elders on the District at this time)

F. Licensed Ministers 2009 PAS Adriano Cabole Porto Alegre, Caue (tel: 996-2668) 2010 PAS Adelasio Carvalho V Fernanda, Sao Tome (tel:991-0481) 2009 STU Jorge dos Prazeres Ponta Baleia, Caue (tel: 994-0730) 2010 PAS Marcos Antonio, Ribeira Peixe, Caue (tel:994-3866)

G. Lay Pastors

Feb09 PAS Elisio do R. Neto Neves, Lemba (tel: 996-8776)

H. Service Codes PAS:  Pastor   STU: Student    

    II. General Information

A. Ordained Elders/ Licensed Ministers who transfered to or from other districts during the year -No one was transferred to or from the district this year B. Ordained Elders or Licensed Ministers who retired during this year

- No one retired within our district this year. C. Ordained Elders or Licensed Ministers who died during this year - No District Ministers died during this year D. Ordained Elders who were removed from the List of Elders. - No one was removed from the List of Elders this year.


E. Licensed Ministers who were not given renewed District Licenses - There were no ministers who did not have their licenses renewed.

F. Names and addresses of ministry students in College or Bible School

- There are no ministry students on the district currently enrolled in College or Bible School this year.

G. Newly organized Churches, Missions or Preaching Points: - The Porto Alegre Congregation was orgainized this year.

   H. Disorganized or Inactive Churches - There are no disorganized/inactive churches on the District. I. Names of Churches or individuals who received awards

(all congregations paid their budgets in full)

“Budgets Paid in Full” Certificate

Neves, Ponta Baleia, Porto Alegre, Ribeira Peixe & Sao Tome Central

“Budgets Paid in Full for two consecutive years” Certificate Neves, Ponte Baleia, Porto Alegre

“10% or more Churches” Certificate

(World Evangelization Fund and other Mission offerings)

Sao Tome Central 12 % Neves 16%

Porto Alegre 17% Ribeira Peixe 29%

“Sunday School Growth” Certificate (10% or more)

Porto Alegre 10 more students (20%) Ribeira Peixe 11 more students (27 %) Sao Tome Central 7 more students (28%)

“Sunday AM Attendance Growth” (10% or more)

Porto Alegre 10 more participantes (20%) Ribeira Peixe 12 more participantes (31%) Sao Tome Central 10 more participantes (32%)

“Membership Growth” (10% or more) Certificate

Porto Alegre 9 more members (100%) Sao Tome Central 6 more members (22%)

J. Where to send District or Global budget payments

Send all budget payments to the District Treasurer: Heyde Palhares (Sao Tome Central), Caixao Grande, Sao Tome, tel: 991-5952


III. Daily Proceedings

The District Assembly of the International Church of the Nazarene in Sao Tome and Principe

Data: 19 June 2010 Lugar: The Sao Tome Central Church

Present: Rev Phil Patalano e Rev Martha Patalano Delegates Present: Neves: Pastor Elisio Neto & Adjangela Neto Porto Alegre: Pastor Cabole Cabole, Yurgue Francisco (District NYI Pres), Alvarito

Cabole (MNI Pres), Jordiley da Silva (SDMI Sup) &Jorge dos Prazeres Ribeira Peixe: Pastor Antonio Antonio, Vilves do Ceu Henriques (NYI Pres), Maria

Fatima Mendes (MNI Pres), Marcos F.Antonio (SDMI Sup) & Cesaria F. Antonio

Sao Tome Central: Pastor Carvalho Carvalho (Sec Dist), Heyde Palhares (NYI Pres), Hilton Rompao (MNI Pres), Hamilton Varela , Cesaltina F.Lomba (District Treasurer e District SDMI Sup) & Mendes Monteiro.

- 18 delegates present Delegates Absents: Porto Alegre: Maria F.L. Cabole, Humberto Sousa, e Tina Chanches. Ribeira Peixe: Marguducho Antonio Sao Tome Central: Clarice Riôa e Jony Carneiro – 5 delegates absent

Pastor Antonio opened the Assembly in prayer. 1 John 3:16-18 was read and Cesaltina F. Lomba presented a devotional message.

Rev. Phil Patalano led the Assembly with the approval of the Field Strategy Coordinator who was not able to be present.

Pastor Carvalho presented the District Nominating Committee Report. Mendes Varela made the motion to accept the report, Marculino Antonio seconded and the motion was approved.

Greetings from Dr. Paul Sueia (the Field Strategy Coordinator) and from David & Marquita Mocher (former STP missionaries) were presented. The Assembly requested the District Secretary write to Dr. Sueia and the Mosher family to express appreciation.

Rev. Phil Patalano presented his District Superintendent’s Report and certificates were given out for Church Growth (Sunday School, Sunday Morning Service participation and increased membership). Pastor Antonio made the motion to accept the report, Maria de Fatima seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Cabole was the first pastor to give his oral report. He thanked God for his life and opportunity for ministry. He officiated his first wedding and batismal services this past year. He spoke of the church property acquired for his congregation. He reported that the wooden sanctuary is close to completion. He encouraged those who need to get married to do so and


become members of the church. He asked for prayer for his ministry and for his newly organized church to grow. Pastor Adelasio Cavalho made the motion to accept the report. Cesaria F. Antonio seconded and the motion was approved. The District Secretary presented the District Advisory Board’s Report. Pastor Prazeres Jorge made the motion to accept the report. Hilton Rompao seconded and the motion was approved. The Assembly then voted for the District Advisory Board’s three laymembers. Cesaltina F. Lomba read her District SDMI Chairperson’s report, Pastor Neto made the motion to accept the report, Pastor Antonio seconded and the motion was approved. The District SDMI Treasurer gave her report. Marculino Antonio made the motion to accept the report. Maria Fatima seconded and the motion was approved. The Assembly then voted for the District SDMI Chairperson. Rev. Martha Patalano presented the Education (IBNAL) report. Pastor Prazeres made the motion to accept the report. Pastor Neto seconded and the motion was approved. The Assembly then voted on the question of whether or not the District Advisory Board will serve as the District Properties Board. Pastor Neto presented his report. He thanked to God for his life, his family, and his marriage with his wife. He said that starting this new year, he has four membership candidates. He went on to say that while he has had difficulties, he enjoys working for God and that his goal is to see the Neves mission become an organized church before the next District Assembly. He asked for prayer for his ministry and for his congregation’s growth. Heyde Palhares made the motion to accept the report. Pastor Prazeres seconded and the motion was approved. Adelasio Carvalho presented his Director of Evangelism report. Cesaltina F.Lomba made the motion to accept the report. Mendes Varela seconded and the motion was approved. The Assembly then voted for the District Evangelism Director. Pastor Carvalho gave his oral report. He spoke of his appreciation for God’s blessings in his ministry and for the successes his church has experienced: the growth of the Wednesday and Friday night Services, the construction process of the walls up to the second viga (reinforced row) and the connection of electricty to the church’s temporary sanctuary. He spoke of the need for more dedicted Christians to do God’s work. He asked for prayer and for the continued growth of his church. Vilmes Henriques made the motion to accept the report. Cesaltina F. Lomba seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Antonio gave his oral report. He thanked God for his ministry, for the help God has been giving through the missionaries, through his IBNAL classes to help him to lead His people. He spoke of his concern with his church’s severe roof problems and of his prayer for God to work a miracle. He asked prayer for his ministry and for the church’s growth. Pastor Prazeres made the motion to accept the report. Vilmes Henriques seconded and the motion was approved.


Rev Martha Patalano read the District Ministerial Studies Board’s report. Mendes Varela made the motion to accept the report.Yurgue Francisco seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Prazeres presented his oral report. He thanked God for his life and for everything God has been doing in his life. He talked of the new mission he is starting in Malanza, bringing in the members he had in the Ponta Baleia Mission to continue the work. Pastor Elisio Neto made the motion to accept the report. Marculino Antonio seconded and the motion was approved. Rev Martha Patalano read the Distict Credentials Report which recommended two minister license renewals and two new district licenses. Hilton Rompao made the motion to accept the report. Maria Fatima seconded and the motion was approved. Cisaltina F. Lomba read the Finance Committee Report. Mendes Varela made the motion to accept the report. Maria Fatima seconded and the motion was approved. Cisaltina Lomba then presented her District Treasurer’s Report for this past church year (2009-2010). Pastor Antonio made the motion to accept the report. Marculino Antonio seconded and the motion was approved. The voting results were announced: Three laymen for the District Advisory Board: Eliseo Neto (12 votes), Hamilton Varela (10 votes), Heyde Palhares (8 votes), Hilton Rampao (12 votes) e Yurgue Francisco (12 votes). The three District Advisory Board members elected were Elisio Neto, Hilton Rampao and Yurgue Francisco. The Assembly voted for the District Advisory Board to assume the responsibilities of the District Property Board with 15 “yes” votes and 3 “no” votes. The District Evangelism Director: Adelasio Carvalho (4 votes) and Jorge Prazeres (14 votes). Jorge Prazares was declared this year’s District Evangelism Director.

The District SDMI Board Chairperson: Hilton Rampao (10 votes) and Yurgue Francisco (8 votes). Hilton Rampao was declared this years District SDMI Chairperson. Vilmes Henriques made the motion to close the Assembly in prayer. Anacleto Cabole seconded and the motion was approved. The meeting ended with prayer.

Sao Tome on 19 June 2010.

Respectfully submitted, Adelasio Carvalho, District Secretary


IV. Reports

A. District Superintendent’s Report Dr. David Graves , Dr. Paulo Sueia, Pastors, other delegates and friends of the Assembly. Grace and Peace. It is a privilege to present my second annual report as District Superintendent of the STP District. You are a special group, showing good growth, developing as a district should. Last year we saw good district wide activity in both NYI and SMDI departments.

District NYI – Good Work! When we look at the Pastor’s reports over the years we see that from 2002 to 2009, we see that the Sao Tome Central church had an active NYI from 2004 to 2007 (with 13 to 17 members). The Ribeira Peixe Church only reported NYI members in 2007 (5 members). All the pastors reported zero NYI members last year (2009). This past year our District NYI held zone meetings (north and south) to encourage more local NYI meetings by showing how they could be done in the local church.

This year we read in our Pastor’s reports that each organized church reported ten or more NYI member (remember that each one declared “0” members the year before).

Church NYI Members (2010) Porto Alegre 10 Ribeira Peixe 10

Sao Tome Central 12 TOTAL: 32

I want to ask the NYI District Executive Committee to stand for a moment to recongnize their good work: Mendes Monteiro, Marcolino Fortes, Yorgue Francisco and Hamilton Varela. There is a much more we have to do to establish the NYI ministry here. It is our hope that the new Distirct NYI Executive Committee will continue this work to strengthen each local department and establish NYI groups in our missions. Our goal is for each congregation to have an NYI meeting each week.

District SDMI – Good Work! The District SDMI (“SDMI” stands for “Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International”) Chairperson held zone meetings this past year to to show our Sunday School teachers how their department could be improved. She also held a district Sunday School Campaign for all of March through Palm Sunday in April.


This year each congregation showed growth, especially in the organized churches.

2008-9 2009-10

Church Type Sunday

School Sunday School

Difference #

Growth %

Neves Mission 17 18 +1 6% Porto Alegre Organized 50 60 +10 20% Ribeira Peixe Organized 41 52 +11 27% Sao Tome Central Organized 25 32 +7 28%

We continue to encourage our churches to have three Sunday School teachers: one for the children up though eleven years old, one for the young people aged twelve through seventeen and one for adults eighteen years old or older. Porto Alegre had one teacher for the majority of the year and then they added two more. Sao Tome Central had two (sometimes three) teachers throughout the year. I would like the SDMI District Chairperson, the local Superintendents and their Sunday School Teachers to stand up for a moment of recognition. Thank you for your good work with our people.

District NMI

We want to to open another door for God’s grace in our churches. It is very important for our churches to start having monthly NMI meetings. Please help your local NMI President with your participation.

Development of our Churches

Porto Alegre The Porto Alegre Mission is now an organized church.

This church has its own land and is building a wooden sanctuary. We just purchased the alluminum sheets used for the roof this past week. I understand that the walls are finished. The work on the roof will start next week. The district is hoping that the sanctuary will be finished in time for the District NYI Retreat in three weeks (9-11 July 2010). Pastor Cabole held his first district license this past year and will be considered for a renewed license today. He officiated the first wedding ceremony done in our churches by a Santomean Nazarene Pastor. He has held Baptismal and Communion Services for his congregation

Sao Tome Central The Sao Tome Church continues to develope with Pastor Adelasio Carvalho. This congregation held a VBS program this past year with 85 children participating. Sunday Morning Services are growing in number. The Wednesday and Friday Services are developing a group of regular participants. The church board set up a contract with the electric company and is presenting evangelical films on Sunday nights (with the goal of starting Sunday night services).


Construction of the permanent sanctuary is progressing well. The balcony floor is in place and the walls go up to the “Viga” (reinforced row). I understand that the office is being used as a Sunday School class. The pastoral extention school center for the north continues to meet in their sanctuary.

Ribeira Peixe Ribeira Peixe has shown an increase in Sunday School and Sunday Morning service participation under Pastor Antonio this past year. This progress was made is inspite of the need to replace the leaking sanctuary roof. Please pray for us as we present this need to others while we are in the United States. The local leadership is talking about planting a mission in Molve, please pray that they are successful. The pastoral extention school center for the sorth continues to meet in their sanctuary.

The Neves Mission Pastor Neto is continuing to work with this mission. The Ribeira Peixe and Sao Tome Central congregations are starting to help with their Sunday School and Sunday Morning Services. Please pray that that we will see more dedicated members in this group this coming year.

The Ponta Baleia Mission and Malanza It was in April 2009 when Pastor Prazeres started to hold regular services on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Ponta Baleia. This mission closed it’s doors in September 2009. Pastor Prazeres is starting a new misson in Malanza this month (June). Please pray that this new work will be successful.

100 % Budget Participation - (Praise the Lord!) Thank you all. This is the first District Assembly year where all the churches completely supported the District, the World Evangelization and Education Budgets. In addition we received Alabaster and Haiti offerings to send to send out.

Budget payment comparison (20% =full payments of budgets)

Year Total Dbs

Raised Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

Neves 2008-2009 1.942.517 390.000 214.500 58.500 117.000 20% Neves 2009-2010 2.206.500 443.000 242.715 66.195 134.090 20%


Total Dbs

Raised Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

Ponta Baleia 2008-2009 185.000 37.000 20.350 5.550 11.100 20% Ponta Baleia 2009-2010 97.000 20.000 10.670 2.910 6.420 20%



Total Dbs Raised

Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

Porto Alegre 2008-2009 5.222.000 1.245.000 684.750 186.750 373.500 24% Porto

Alegre 2009-2010 7.048.000 1.410.000 775.280 211.440 423.280 20%


Total Dbs Raised

Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

Ribeira Peixe 2008-2009 4.595.000 517.000 284.350 77.550 155.100 11%

Ribeira Peixe 2009-2010 6.804.000 1.361.000 748.440 204.120 408.440 20%


Total Dbs Raised

Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

Sao Tome Central

2008-2009 5.424.173 579.000 318.450 86.850 173.700 11%

Sao Tome Central

2009-2010 11.031.020 1.793.000 1.213.410 330.931 663.660 20%

Support of Missions

Total Dbs Raised

World Evangelization


Alabaster and Haiti Offerings

Total Missionary


% dos todos

fundos Neves 2.206.500 132.390 224.000 356.390 16% Ponta Baleia 97.000 5.820 0 5.820 6% Porto Alegre 7.048.000 422.880 806.000 1.228.880 17% Ribeira Peixe 6.804.000 408.240 1.542.000 1.950.240 29% Sao Tome Central 11.031.020 661.861 698.500 1.360.361 12% District Total: 27.186.520 1.631.191 3.270.500 4.901.691 18%

(Certificates Presented)

Treasurers, when the name of your church is called, please come forward to receive the certificate for your congregation.

Complete Payment of the Budgets for this year (20%) Neves, Ponte Baleia, Porto Alegre, Ribeira Peixe e Sao Tome Central.

Complete Payment of the Budgets for these two past years

Neves, Ponte Baleia e Porto Alegre. 11

10% + Missions Supporting Church Sao Tome Central (12 %) Neves (16%) Porto Alegre (17%) Ribeira Peixe (29%)


Three churches showed good growth in Sunday Morning Attendance

2008-9 2009-10

Sunday AM

Service Sunday AM

Service Additional participants %

Porto Alegre 51 61 10 20% Ribeira Peixe 39 51 12 31% Sao Tome Central 31 41 10 32%

Pastors please come forward to receive your certificate:

AM Sunday Service Growth (10% +)

Porto Alegre 10 more participants (20%) Ribeira Peixe 12 more participants (31%) Sao Tome Central 10 more participants (32%)

There were two churches who gained more members this year

2008-9 2009-10 additional Members Members Members % Porto Alegre 9 18 9 100% Sao Tome Central 27 33 6 22%

Pastors please come forward to receive your certificate:

Membership Growth (10% +)

Porto Alegre 9 more members (100%) Sao Tome Central 6 more members (22%)

District Licensed Ministers

Today you (members of this Asssembly) will have the opportunity to renew district licenses for two pastors and grant two other pastors their first district licenses. This will be the first year that each local organized church will have a Pastor with full pastoral authority within His congregation. We are blessed to have the pastors who serve in our churches. They are Men of God who are sacrificially serving their congregations. Please pray for them and support them in their ministries.


When we help our pastors, we are helping ourselves. Sacrifically help them to do God’s work and He will reward you with a true movement of His Spirit which we need today.

New church plants

We need to have more churches here in Sao Tome & Principe, especially in the capital area where we have more people. We are asking each congregation to pray and then work to start a new mission congregation. You can do this by forming a team of three volunteers (one to be the Pastor, one to teach Sunday School and one to lead the music). If you do this, we will see more of God’s Spirit working among us. Each organized church has grown this year through your participation. These new missions will only be set up through you and when they are, you will be blessed. Thank you for your service for our Lord Jesus this year. Sao Tome on 19 June 2010 Rev. Phil Patalano


B. District Advisory Board Report

Dr. David Graves, Dr. Paulo Sueia, Pastores, Delegates and Friends of our District Assembly, Our Lord’s Peace be with you.

We met eleven times from June 2009 through May 2010: 29 August, 12 Setember (a), 12 Setember (b), 19 Setember, 29 Setember, 31 October, 13 February, 13 Marco (a), 13 March (b), 22 April and 6 May.

Our meetings started with prayer and a devotional message.

Our first meeting was a review of our responisbilities as listed in the Manual and throughout the year we worked to do fulful them:

District Administration 1. We chose Pastor Adelasio Carvalho to serve as District Secretary and Ivania Ramos to

be our Distict Treasurer. When she was disciplined, we appointed Cesaltina F. Lomba to serve in her place.

2. We printed and distributed the 2009 STP District Journal. 3. We continued the church year for the district and produced the district calendar

including NYI, SDMI and NMI seminars. 4. We studied the monthly congregational statistics and made recommendations to the

pastors to help. 5. Ivania Ramos was placed under discipline for personal use of district funds. 6. We recommended Adriano Câbole and Jorge Prazares for consideration for renewal of

district licenses. 13

7. We recommended Adelasio Carvalho and Marcos Antonio for consideration of their first district license.

8. We renewed Pastor Eliseo Neto’s local license. 9. We approved the method of forming the District Nominating Committee and the

District Assembly details.

Church Ministries 1. We served as an Evangelism Board for the District Evangelism Director (Pastor

Carvalho) at his request. 2. We purchased a DVD machine for each local congregation to use for evangelism and

other local church needs (each one would considered district property and the name of the local church it was assigned to would be written on the machine).

3. We discussed the progress of our churches towards the goal of forming a Phase Two District with five ordained elders, ten organized churches and an average of fifty members per church. We set long term goals of establishing new works in the capital of Sao Tome, as well as other areas such as Santa Catarina, Guadalupe, Trindade, Santana, Ribeira Afonso e Angolares.

4. The District Evangelism Director held a seminar on Evangelism in the Sao Tome Central Church in Vila Fernada.

5. The guitar lessons for church workers in the District continued this year in the Sao Tome Central Church.

District Funds

1. We helped the Sao Tome Central Construction project with five million, five hundred thousand dobras .

2. We paid four million, five hundred thousand dobras for IBNAL tuition costs for the students for classes in 2008 (Semesters I &II) and 2009 (Semesters I &II).

3. We used one million, six hundred thousand dobras to purchasae a drum for each

congregation’s music team.

4. We used nine hundred thousand dobras to purchase a guitar for the Neves Mission Music program.

District Property

The Jesus film generator, the portable Laptop which the Moshers left for the district, the Jesus film sound equiptment, cpu monitor, and cpu printer were finally returned to the district. The Jesus Film projector itself has not yet been returned. Sao Tome on 19 June 2010

Respectively submitted, The District Advisory Board (2009-2010)

Ordained Members: Rev. Phil Patalano and Rev. Martha Patalano Lay Members: Adelasio Carvalho, Elisio de Rosario Neto and Marcos Antonio


C. District NYI President’ Report Beloved Pastors, Missionaries, and other brethren present, Grace and Peace to all present so that each one can receive God’s rich blessings and live according to Psalm 23:1-2 which says:

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures, he leds me beside the still waters.

I am grateful for the privilege to serve as the District NYI President and must confess that it was a special experience .

Rev. Patalano and members of my council have helped me from the day I started to develope the NYI department.

We started the year with a plan for NYI activites activities every three months. We followed this plan and held meetings in the two zones (north and south). The north zone meetings were held in the capital with the Sao Tome Central Church and the Neves Mission. The south zone meetings were held in Ribeira Peixe with the Ribeira Peixe and Porto Alegre churches.

These planned events were successful .We had corregraphical presentations, skits, games and food.

I do not want to forget to extend my appreciation to the Pastors who supported our activities: Pastor Adelasio Carvalho, Pastor Marcos Antonio, Pastor Adriano Cabole, Pastor Jorge dos Prazeres and Pastor Elisio Neto. I do not want to forget to extend my appreciation to the Missionaries who helped us with transportation when we were in the south zone. I want to thank everyone. We are planning for a District NYI Retreat in the Porto Alegre Church from July 9th through 11th (after the District Assembly). The NYI Treasurer Hamilton, will present His report, but I would like to explain in that in each activity, we received an offering to help with our expenses such as transportation of our counsel members and those who lived far way. We thank the local churches who helped us with a generator and fuel during the meetings.

I want to thank each memer of the Distict NYI Coousel: Vice-President Marcolino Antonio , Secretary Yougue Francisco and Treasurer Hamilton Varela. In closing, I want to sincerely thank them and all the young people of the local churches. Written in Sao Tome on 12 June 2010

Mendes Monteiro Varela District NYI President


D. District SDMI Board Chairperson

To the District Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarenene in Sao Tome & Principe, Pastors, Leaders and all the brethren, Greetings in Jesus.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

I thank God for my salvation, for everything He has done for me, for the privilege I had to serve in this position for this church year (2009-2010) and for all worked wiht me in this ministry.

I started in my position in July 2009, by God’s grace, I had the opportunity to give seminars on these dates: 14 November, 2009 in Ribeira Peixe (South Zone) 27 February, 2010 in Ribeira Peixe (South Zone) 21 Novembro 2009 in the Sao Tome Central Church (north zone) 20 Fevereiro 2010 in the Sao Tome Central Church (north zone) 28 Fevereiro 2010 in the Neves Church (for the local church)

In these seminars we had some pastores, department leaders, sunday school teachers, and others who wanted to help in the ministry. They talked of their sucesses and failures of their Sunday School Departments. I thank God for the good attitudes, love and dedication of the pastors and Sunday School leaderes in each local chuch that showed growth and the willingness to develope more in each class. Problems that were brought up included the lack of qualified teachers, materials needed, late arrivals, lack of participation of the students, etc.

To help deal with these difficulties, teaching methods were introduced (ideas to improve the creativity and orientation of the classes of this Christian Ministry) along with the the idea of separating 20% of the local SS oferings for District SDMI Board for the purchasing of supplies and other District level expenses.

In the month of March through Easter Sunday, by God’s grace, we had a district-wide Sunday School Campaign. The theme of this five week program was “Easter”. The average attendance for each church was:

Neves 22 students Porto Alegre 60 students Ribeira Peixe 50 students Centro Sao Tome 30 students


My special thanks goes to the Porto Alegre Church for their participation which averaged 60 students during the SS campaign. The Porto Alegre Church will receive five plastic chairs for their sanctuary as their reward. I want to give “Sunday School Growth Certificates” to those Sunday School Departments showing 20% growth or higher:

Porto Alegre 10 more students (20%) Ribeira Peixe 11 more students (27%) Sao Tome Central 10 more students (28%)

My appreciation to all the local churches who committed themselves this past church year and participated in the Sunday School campaign to further develop Christ’s Church knowing that the Sunday School Department is important in the growth of the Body of Christ. Conclusion: Our goal is to grow our local church through the ministry of Sunday School. I want to encourage the next District Chairperson along with the District SDMI Board to have the vision to train more SS teachers, so that there is a teacher for each class, for more campaigns, to help the local departments have more activities to help this ministry grow. Written in Sao Tome on 17 June 2010.

Chairperson of the District SDMI Board Cesaltina da Fonseca Lomba

-------------------------------------------------------------------- E. District MNI President’s Report

Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was with great pleasure I received the responsiblity of District NMI President.

Mathew 28: 18-20, says:

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’"

It was not possible for us to present our three MNI Seminars because of difficult

situations that kept us from completing this work. We were able conduct one MNI seminar in the Sao Tome Central Church with the participation of members from the Ribeira Peixe, Neves and Sao Tome Central Churches. We talked about the start of Nazarene Missions , we learned about Mexico, it’s culture, clothing and typical food.

Jesus taught us to evangelize the world as he said in Matthew 28:18-20. It does not matter if we are adults, young people or children, the important thing is that we are completing Jesus’ Grand Commission.


I like to encourge the next District NMI President to have love and dedication to do God’s work through our missions. God will reward you. Do this work with all of your heart, stay true to the path and evangelize this world.

Sao Tome on 10 June, 2010.

Ivone da Graça District MNI President


F. District Evangelism Director’s Report

Date: 19 June 2010 Place: Sao Tome Central Church

When this church year started, I asked the District Advisory Board to work with me. The work did not go as we wanted.

We held an Evangelism Seminar in Sao Tome Central Church. Up to now we have not had access to the Jesus Film Projector but we have been able to work with the program. We purchased DVD machines with the remainder of the Jesus Film funds. These were distributed to each of our Nazarene churches on the district. The name of the local church is written within each machine. Each church can now present the Jesus Film and other evangelical films each month as a means to evangelize. We have been praying for the return of the Jesus Film Projector for the whole year and the brother who has the projector has not returned it to this day. Please continue to pray that the projector will be returned. When we can show the film to a larger audience, we can reach more people for Christ. Sao Tome, on19 June 2010.

Respectively submitted, Adelasio Carvalho District Evangelism Director


G. IBNAL Extension School

Dr. David Graves, Dr. Paulo Sueia, Pastors, Delegates and Friends of the District Assembly, Our Lord’s Grace and Peace . We are pleased to present our third IBNAL report to the STP District Assembly. We continue to have two education centers for our pastoral students: the Sao Tome Central Church here in the north and the Ribeira Peixe Church in the south. This year there were ten students in the program (three in the north and seven in the south) and we taught the following classes: 1. Evangelism & Ch Planting RP June 26 - July 24 2. Evangelism e Plantaçao ST August 18 - September 8 3. Life of Jesus II RP August 18 - September 22 4. Prayer Life ST September 17-29 5. Prayer Practicum ST October 13-27 6. God’s Plan RP October 13 - November 5 7. Worker as a Student ST November 9-13 8. God’s Plan ST November 25 - December 8 9. World Perspective RP Nov 11 - Fev 17 10. World Perspective ST January15 - March 2 11. Jesus Film RP Feb - March 25 12. Jesus Film ST April 14 – May 11 13. Methods to Study the Bible RP March 31- June 4 This year we had four graduates from the first year program: Adriano Cabole, Adelasio Carvalho, Marcos Antonio and Jorge Prazeres. We now have four second year students and six first year students (and two auditors). We need to pause our teaching schedule until Novembro 2010 (we will be in the US to raise more funds for our ministry). When we return, we plan on continuing the second year program in Riberira Peixe and repeating the first year program in both Sao Tome Central and Ribeira Peixe. Please use the time of our absence in prayer asking if God is calling you to study with us. We need more students in order to have more pastors. Sao Tome on 19 June 2010.

Sincerely, Phil & Martha Patalano


H. Board of Ministerial Studies

Dr. David Graves, Dr. Paulo Sueia, Pastors, Delegates and Assembly friends, our Lord’s Grace and Peace.

We qualify as a Phase One District. When we are a Phase two district, we will have a District Ministerial Studies Board consisting of five or more members (including the District Superintendent) elected through the District Assembly.

When a district qualifies as a Phase One District, as we do, the missionaries serve as this Board until the time when there are enough ordained ministers to serve.

At the end of this past church year, we have four second year students and six first year students. There are fourteen classes in each year program.

Second Year Students Church Classes Completed Adriano Cabole Porto Alegre 15 Jorge Prazeres Porto Alegre 15 Marcos Antonio Ribeira Peixe 15 Adelasio Carvalho Sao Tome Central 14

First Year Students Church Classes Completed Eliseo Neto Neves 12 Odailson Biatriz Ribeira Peixe 9 Firmino Costa S.Marçal (Batista) 9 Marguducho F Antonio Ribeira Peixe 8 Hilton Rampao Ribeira Peixe 6

Marcos F. Antonio Ribeira Peixe 4 Sao Tome on 19 June 2010.

Respectively submitted Rev. Phil Patalano Rev. Martha Patalano

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Ministerial Credentials Board

Dr. David Graves, Dr. Paulo Sueia, Pastors, Delegates and Assembly friends, Our Lord’s Grace and Peace. We qualify as a Phase One District. We have three organized churches and one mission. When we are a Phase Two district, we will have five to fifteen ordained ministers to form this District Board of Ministerial Credentials (including the District Superintendent) elected through the District Assembly.

When a district qualifies as a Phase One District, as we do, the missionaries serve as members of the Board until the time there are enough ordained ministers to serve.


We examined Pastor Cabole Cabole and recommend that the District Assembly renew his district license.

We examined Pastor Jorge Prazeres and recommend that the District Assembly renew his district license.

We examined Pastor Adelasio Carvalho and recommend that the District Assembly grant him a district license

We examined Pastor Pastor Marcos Antonio and recommend that the District Assembly grant him a district license Sao Tome on 19 June 2010.

Respectively submitted, Rev. Phil Patalano Rev. Martha Patalano


J. District Finance Committee Report

Dr. David Graves, Dr. Paulo Sueia, Pastors, Delegates and Assembly friends, Our Lord’s Grace and Peace. The tithes and offerings which we receive in our churches belong to God and are for all of His work in our Nazarene Churches. We have been following the twenty percent system where eighty percent of the money received locally is used in the local church for the pastor’s salary, local church expenses, etc. The rest of the funds received in the local church (20%) are considered “budgets” to be sent to the Distict and Regional Offices for supporting the work of the District and rest of our International Church of the Nazarene. This twenty percent is seperated into three different parts:

11 % - the District Fund 3 % - the Education Fund 6 % - the World Evangelization Fund 20 %

The local Treasurer has to send this twenty percent to the District Treasurer each month.

Our Manual: Church of the Nazarene says: 136. The duties of the treasurer of the church board are: 136.1. To receive all moneys not otherwise provided for, and disburse the same only on order of the church board.


136.2. To make monthly remittances of all district funds to the district treasurer, and of all general funds to the general

treasurer through the appropriate office, except as otherwise provided.

Here in our district in STP, we work with the “except as otherwise provided” clause. The local treasurers are instructed to give the District and General Funds to the District Treasurer (all of the twenty percent) each month. The District Treasurer is responsible to send the Education and World Evangelization Funds to our Regional Center inSouth Africa. We recommend to the District Assembly that each Nazarene congregation on the District continue this system. We need to be faithful to the rest of our Church of the Nazarene by sending twenty percent of all the tithes and offerings received locally each month to the District Treasurer. SaoTome, on 19 June 2010

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Phil Patalano

Rev. Martha Patalano

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ K. District Treasurer’s Report


District Treasurer: Cisaltina F.Lomba (all the funds are listed in STP Dobras)


Region Neves P.Baleia Porto. A R. Peixe

10.710.370 443.000 20.000 1.410.000 1.361.000 Sao Tome

Central Alabastro Ivania R Misc Total 2.208.000 3.365.500 2.600.000* 312.000 22.626.870

* 6.022.356 - 2.600.000 = 3.422.356 dbs (remainder to be returned)


Bank Office Music Alabaster

31.295 2.968.000 3.395.000 3.562.500

Region Transport Misc Total 4.322.182 1.800.000 17.519.356 33.598.333


Inicial Balance: 13.235.320 Credits: +22.626.870

Total Dobras: 35.862.190

Total Dobras: 35.862.190 Debits: -33.598.333

Final Balance: 2.263.857

Cash location

Bank: 999.921 On Hand: 1.263.936

Total: 2.263.857

Credits by Category

Regiao Neves P Baleia P Alegre R Peixe 1.077.370 300.000 20.000 380.000 55.000 1.095.000 100.000 154.000 64.000 2.555.000 96.000 190.000 1.200.000 250.000 75.000 1.793.000 122.000 212.000

990.000 35.000 115.000 2.000.000 373.000 140.000

95.000 132.000

_______ ____ ____ ____ 83.000 10.710.370 443.000 20.000 1.410.000 1.361.000

Sao Tome C Alabaster

Repayment 6.022.356 (Ivania R) Misc

286.000 406.000 100.000 100.000 390.000 997.000 1.000.000 62.000 405.000 108.000 500.000 150.000 100.000 351.500 1.000.000 378.000 304.000 234.000 300.000 415.000 300.000

545.000 _____ 54.000 _____ _____

2.208.000 3.365.500 2.600.000 312.000


Debits by Category

Bank Office Music Alabaster 30.576 470.000 995.000 2.166.500 95.598 695.000 200.000 1.199.000

-94.879 203.000 800.000 197.000 140.000 800.000 160.000 400.000 80.000 200.000

64.000 225.000 ____ 931.000 ____ ____

31.295 2.968.000 3.395.000 3.562.500

Region Transport Misc Explanation* 1.563.182 30.000 117.000 #1 2.447.000 560.000 6.022.356 #2 312.000 240.000 1.380.000 #3 150.000 5.500.000 #4

80.000 4.326.000 #5 30.000 174.000 #5 20.000 110.000 110.000 20.000 80.000 30.000 80.000 160.000 40.000 30.000 ____ 30.000 ____ 4.322.182 1.800.000 17.519.356

* Miscelleneous Column Explanations

#1. 117.000 dbs – gasoline and oil used by generator during the 2009 District Assembly #2. 6.022.356 dbs Money taken by the then treasurer and used personally. The former

treasurer is in the process of paying back the funds. 2.600.000 dbs has been returned to date (she still needs to repay 3.422.356 dbs)

#3. 1.380.000 dbs” – Wheel barrel purchased to help in construction within the district. #4. 5.500.00 dbs – funds given to the Sao Tome Central Building Fund #5. 4.326.000 + 174.000 dbs = 4.500.000 dbs - IBNAL Tuition Payment for Students for

2008 Semesters I/II e 2009 Semesters I/II.


L. Local Church Historical Statistics



Year Sunday School

Sunday AM

Members begining of year

Members at end of year

2001-2 28 28 0 0 2002-3 28 28 0 0 2003-4 0 21 0 0 2004-5 6 11 0 0 2005-6 2 8 0 0 2006-7 10 4 0 0 2008-9 17 19 0 2 2009-10 18 17 2 2


Year Total Dbs

Raised Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

05-06 223.000 0 0 0 0 0% 06-07 307.000 0 0 0 0 0% 08-09 1.942.517 390.000 214.500 58.500 117.000 20% 09-10 2.206.500 443.000 242.715 66.195 134.090 20%

Ponte Baleia

Year Sunday School

Sunday AM

Members beginning of year

Members at end of year

2008-9 15 8 0 1 2009-10 9 7 2 0*

* this mission closed in September 2009

Ponta Baleia

Year Total Dbs

Raised Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

2008-9 185.000 37.000 20.350 5.550 11.100 20% 2009-10 97.000 20.000 10.670 2.910 6.420 20%


Porto Alegre

Year Sunday School

Sunday AM

Members beginning of year

Members at end of year

2001-2 4 4 0 0 2002-3 29 29 0 0 2003-4 15 24 0 0 2004-5 50 50 0 0 2005-6 28 49 0 0 2006-7 62 24 0 2 2008-9 50 51 2 9 2009-10 60 61 9 18

Porto Alegre

Year Total Dbs

Raised Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

05-06 5.845.000 495.000 0 0 495.000 8% 06-07 6.333.500 321.000 0 0 321.000 5% 08-09 5.222.000 1.245.000 684.750 186.750 373.500 24% 09-10 7.048.000 1.410.000 775.280 211.440 423.280 20%

Ribeira Peixe

Year Sunday School

Sunday AM

Members beginning of year

Members at end of year

2001-2 30 52 30 25 2002-3 12 34 25 25 2003-4 37 37 25 22 2004-5 30 30 22 22 2005-6 13 43 22 19 2006-7 28 42 19 22 2008-9 41 39 22 35 2009-10 52 51 35 27

Ribeira Peixe

Year Total Dbs

Raised Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

05-06 2.534.500 536.000 436.000 0 100.000 21% 06-07 5.533.500 87.000 0 0 87.000 2% 08-09 4.595.000 517.000 284.350 77.550 155.100 11% 09-10 6.804.000 1.361.000 748.440 204.120 408.440 20%


Sao Tome Central

Year Sunday School

Sunday AM

Members beginning of year

Members at end of year

2003-4 24 26 30 31 2004-5 18 22 31 21 2005-6 11 17 21 21 2006-7 16 22 21 25 2008-9 25 31 25 27 2009-10 32 41 27 33

Sao Tome Central

Year Total Dbs

Raised Total paid

Paid: District.

Paid: Educ.

Paid: Evang.

% paid

05-06 2.006.000 416.500 229.000 62.500 125.000 21% 06-07 4.637.000 567.000 221.000 60.000 286.000 12% 08-09 5.424.173 579.000 318.450 86.850 173.700 11% 09-10 11.031.000 1.793.000 1.213.410 330.931 663.660 20%


M. Memorial Roll

We did not have any church members within the District who passed away this year.


N. District Nominating Committee’s Report

Date: 1 May 2010 Location: Vila Dolores Members present: Rev Phil Patalano, Rev Martha Patalano, Pst.

Elisio Neto, Pst. Adriano Cabole, Pst. Marcos Antonio, Marcolino Antonio, Pst. Adelasio Carvalho e Hilton Rompao

Members absent: one Porto Alegre member, one Neves member

Meeting Secretary: Adelasio Carvalho

We started the meeting with prayer and an explanation of our Church’s Manual’s Paragraph 39 which states that Church Officers have to be persons: - who profess to have the experience of Entire Sanctification; - who’s lives are public testimonies of God’s Grace who calls us to live a holy life; - who are in total agreement wiht the doctrine, goverment and practices of the Church of the Nazarnene; and - who faithfully support the Church with regular attendance, tithes and voluntary offerings.


Pastor Carvalho Carvalho made the motion that Rev Martha Patalano serve as the leader for the ballot counters and that Otavio and Clinton (Neves), Maria Dulce and Gilk (Ribeira Peixe), Isaias and Sander (Sao Tome Central) serve as Ushers and ballot counters. In the event that some of these persons are not present, the pastors of their churches find others to serve in their places. Pastor Adriano Cabole seconded and the motion was approved.

Marcos Antonio made the motion that Eliseo Neto (Neves), Fidel Sanches* (Porto Alegre- name later removed for personal reasons), Hamilton Varela (Sao Tome Central), Heyde Palhares, Hilton Rampao (Sao Tome Central), Yurgue Francisco (Porto Alegre) be presented as the laymember candidates for the District Advisory Board vote in the District Assembly. Pastor Cabole seconded and the motion was approved. Marculino F.Antonio made the motion that the Assembly vote to decide if the Distridt Advisory Board will serve as the District Property Board for the following year. Hilton Rompao seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Elisio made the motion that in the event that the Assembly voted not to have the District Advisory Board serve as the District Property Board, Adelasio Carvalho, Adriano Cabole, Jorge Prazares e Marcos Antonio be presented as the Ministerial Candidates to serve on the District Property Board. Pastor Antonio seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Cabole made the motion made the motion that in the event that the Assembly voted not to have the District Advisory Board serve as the District Property Board, Gustavo (Sao Tome Central) Hamilton Varela (Sao Tome Central) Ignacio de Almeida (Porto Alegre) be presented as the Laymember Candidates to serve on the District Property Board. Pastor Antonio seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Antonio made the motion that Adelasio Carvalho and Jorge dos Prazares be presented as the District Evangelism Director Candidates. Pastor Elisio seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Elisio made the motion that Hilton Rampao (Sao Tome Central) and Yurgue Francisco (Porto Alegre) be presented as District SDMI Chairperson Candidates. Pastor Carvalho Carvalho seconded and the motion was approved. We recommend that the District Assembly vote with these choices:

******************************************************* District Advisory Board: Three laymembers (for one year) (Vote for three persons with an "X" to the left of the name)

_____ Elisio Neto (Neves) _____ Hamilton Varela (Sao Tome Central) _____ Heyde Palhares _____ Hilton Rampao (Sao Tome Central) _____ Yurgue Francisco (Porto Alegre)



******************************************************* A Junta de Propriedades da Igreja

(Vote “yes” or “no” with an "X" to the left of the answer) The District Advisory Board should serve as the District Property Board (for one year)

_______ yes _______ no *******************************************************

(if the Assembly votes to have a separate District Property Board) District Property Board Two Ministers (for one year)

(Vote for two persons with an "X" to the left of the name) ______ Adelasio Carvalho

______ Adriano Cabole ______ Jorge Prazares ______ Marcos Antonio


(if the Assembly votes to have a separate District Property Board) District Property Board two Laymembers (for one year)

(Vote for two persons with an "X" to the left of the name) ______ Gustavo (Sao Tome Central)

______ Hamilton Varela (Sao Tome Central) ______ Ignacio de Almeida (Porto Alegre)



District Evangelism Director (for one year) (Vote for one person with an "X" to the left of the name)

______ Adelasio Carvalho ______ Jorge dos Prazares

******************************************************* Chairperson of the District SDMI Board (for one year)

(Vote for one person with an "X" to the left of the name) ______ Hilton Rampao (Sao Tome, Central) ______ Yurgue Francisco (Porto Alegre)

The STP District Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene (19 / 06/ 2010)

******************************************************* We concluded our meeting in prayer. Sao Tome on 19 June 2010. Respectfully submitted,

Adelasio Carvalho, District Secretary 29

V. District Conventions A. District NYI Convention

Date: 12 June 2010 Location: Ribeira Peixe Time: 10:30 am to 12 noon.

Delegates Present: (Neves) Pst. Eliseo Neto; (Porto Alegre) Pst.

Adriano Cabole, Yorgue Francisco, Alvarito Adrande, Humberto Sousa), Ignacio de Almeida and Maria L. F. Cabole; (Ribeira Peixe) Pst. Marcos Antonio, Marcolino Fortes Antonio, Vilmes do Ceu Henrique, Claudio Mendes dos Reis, Izalde Neto, Pitti, Nilsa M Palhares; (Sao Tome Central) Pst. Adelasio Carvalho, Mendes Monterio Varela, Heyde Palhares, Clarice Riôa, Cheila Armando and Hilton Rompao Catarina.

Delegates Absent: (Neves) Adjangela Neto; (Porto Alegre) Fidel Sanches; (Ribeira Peixe)

Rosario Pereira; (Sao Tome,Central) Hamilton Fortes Varela, Isaias and Miguel Correia.

Mendes Monteiro opened the meeting with prayer. The devotional message was based on Luke 8:36-50 showing that Jesus’ followers

showed their love through their works. The Secretary read the District NYI Nominating Committee’s Report. Heyde Palhares made the motion to accept the report. Hilton Catarina seconded and the motion was approved. Pastor Antonio made the motion that Cesaltina F.Lomba, Marbuducho and Jordiley serve as the convention’s Ushers and Ballot Counters. Pastor Elisio seconded qnd the motion carried. Mendes Monteiro gave his report as District NYI President. Marculino F. Antonio made the motion to accept his report. Ignacio de Alva seconded and the motion was approved. The District NYI President Vote was taken resulting in: Heyde Palhares (Sao Tome Central) with 6 votes, Yurgue Francisco (Porto Alegre) with 14 votes.Yurgue Francisco was elected.

The NYI District Treasurer’s Report was read by Cesaltina F. Lomba for the absent Treasurer. Vilmes Henriques (Ribeira Peixe) made the motion to receive the report, Alvarito Andrade (Porto Alegre) seconded and the motion was approved. The District NYI Vice-President Vote was taken, resulting in: Hamilton Varela (Sao Tome Central) with 13 votes, Humberto de Sousa (Porto Alegre) with 7 votes. Hamilton Varela was elected. The District NYI Secretary Vote was taken, resulting in: Jordiley da Silva (Porto Alegre) with 12 votes, Lisete F.Antonio (Sao Tome Central) with 8 votes. Jordiley da Silva was elected.

The District Treasurer Vote was taken, resulting in: Clarice Riôa (Sao Tome Central) with 8 votes, Marguducho Antonio (Ribeira Peixe) with 12 votes. Marguducho Antonio was elected.

The Convention closed in prayer .

Sao Tome on 19 June 2010. Respectfully submitted, Adelasio Carvalho, District Secretary


B. District NMI Convention

Date: 12 June 2010 Location: Ribeira Peixe Time: 12 noon to 1:00 pm

Delegates Presents (Neves) Pst. Eliseo Neto; (Porto Alegre) Pst.

Adriano Cabole, Alvarito Adrande and Maria L. F. Cabole; (Ribeira Peixe) Pst. Marcos Antonio, Maria Fatima Mendes, Cesaria Fortes Antonio, Marbuducho Antonio ; (Sao Tome Central) Pst. Adelasio Carvalho, Ivone da Graça, Mendes Monteiro, Clarice Rioa and Hilton Rompao Catarina.

Delegates Absent: (Neves) Adjangela Neto; (Porto Alegre) Tina Sanches, Anacleto

Moreira Cabole; (Ribeira Peixe) Maria de Pascua; (Sao Tome Central) Hamilton Varela and Lisete F. Antonio.

Ivone da Graça opened the meeting wth prayer.

The devotional message was based on Matthew 28:19-20 where Jesus’ followers were given the responsibilty to disciple the nations. The Secretary read the District NMI Nominating Committee’s Report. Mendes Monteiro made the motion to accept the report. Marbuducho Antonio seconded and the motion was approved.

Pastor Antonio made the motion that Cesaltina F.Lomba, Marbuducho and Jordiley serve as the convention’s Ushers and Ballot Counters. Pastor Elisio seconded and the motion carried. The District NMI President read her report. Marbuducho Antonio made the motion to accept the report. Maria de Fatima seconded and the motion was approved.

The District NMI President Vote was taken, resulting in Hamilton Varela (Sao Tome Central) with 2 votes. Hilton Rompao (Sao Tome Central) with 13 votes. Hilton Rompao was elected.

The District NMI Vice-President Vote was taken, resulting in: Anacleto Cabole (Porto Alegre) with 2 votes. Ignacio de Almeida (Porto Alegre) with 13 votos. Ignacio de Almeida was elected. Pastor Elisio made the motion that the President and Vice-President organize others to help them with this year’s work. Adriano Cabole seconded and the motion was approved. Mendes Monteiro made the motion to close the meeting in prayer. Ivone seconded and the motion was approved. We closed the meeting in prayer

Sao Tome on 19 June 2010. Respectfully submitted,

Adelasio Carvalho District Secretary


VI. Statistics

District: Sao Tome e Principe Date: 19 Junho 2010 Church Pastor Situation Neves Elisio Neto Mission

Ponta Baleia Jorge Prazeres Closed Mission* Porto Alegre Adriano Cabole Organized Ribeira Peixe Marcos Antonio Organized S. T. Central Adelasio Carvalho Organized

Church Members last year

Received Prof of Faith

Rec from other denom

Rec from other Naz

Total Received

Neves 2 0 0 0 0 Ponta Baleia 2 1 0 0 1 Porto Alegre 9 7 0 2 9 Ribeira Peixe 35 1 0 0 1 Sao Tome Central 27 8 0 0 8

TOTAL: 75 17 0 2 19

Church Lost by Death

Lost by Removal ...

Transferred to other Naz

Total Lost

Neves 0 0 0 0 Ponta Baleia 0 1 2 3 Porto Alegre 0 0 0 0 Ribeira Peixe 0 3 4 7 Sao Tome Central 0 2 0 2

TOTAL: 0 6 6 12

Church Members at end of year

Inactive Members

Associate Members

Neves 2 0 16 Ponta Baleia 0* 0 0 Porto Alegre 18 0 7 Ribeira Peixe 29 0 7 Sao Tome Central 33 2 16

TOTAL: 82 2 46

Church Sunday AM

Average Responsibility

List Sun Sch Average

Neves 17 18 18 Ponta Baleia 7 10 9 Porto Alegre 61 65 60 Ribeira Peixe 51 60 52 S.T.Central 41 35 32

TOTAL: 177 188 171 *this mission closed in Setembro 2009


Church VBS NMI

Members NMI Assoc Members

JNI Members Caravan

Neves 0 0 0 0 0 Ponta Baleia 0 0 0 0 0 Porto Alegre 0 0 0 10 0 Ribeira Peixe 0 0 0 10 0 Sao Tome Central 85 0 0 12 0 TOTAL: 85 0 0 32 0


Total Funds Raised

Local Funds paid towards

buildings, etc.

Local Funds paid towards

other exp Neves 2.206.500 0 673.000 Ponta Baleia 97.000 0 77.000 Porto Alegre 7.048.000 4.123.000 3.000.000 Ribeira Peixe 6.804.000 2.518.000 2.518.000 Sao Tome Central 11.031.000 2.487.000 4.971.500

TOTAL: 27.186.500 9.128.000 11.239.500

