; Late N ew s’ . 3y Telegraph FOURTEENTH YEAR; ' ^O. 84; ASBURY: FARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1900-SIX PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT SAVE - Place, your Fire In- k . surarice with the old* - : t. est and best "com-...... panies in the world; Township; Fire Depattment CaHed? kf ' i Out Thia Morning.; r ,;i ISOLATION HOSPITAL BURNED MONEY Represented by D . C* C O y E R T ..^_jo8 -Bond Stlreet Asbury Park. Nr}. 48 U D K ^> A B K »nsi OOBAM. OKOVB i HotW Brunsvlom O m C u «RAUro&d Depoi'&nfi * - ? 1214 Bohrm Avenuel-• Prt»o;i> a Omco. . / .... . SOtf MAIN BTREK7 MooclHOTored At r«uiWmaT)iH rnt««, ' Telephone connection. P. O. W7, - - - - AsBHKT VhH* A “SPRING” NEED • , s s s s s s , Youmay wlnd and wlndforever. But wliersr the spring Is broken It Is '“ dead;” . . . ... '. Bring it to me and ! will restore . It to life. . ,• : I use only the'BEST MATERIALS arid ODARANTEE,-rfiy wqrlc. . ’ You 'may have a spring need in summe?>fal I or-wlnto'r I shall be. pleased to do your repairing all the year-round, Jeweler and Optician '545 ! #- C o r r ec t G l a sse s ; .- ABB A HELP to weak eyes aod often s-alieva dteitiese and headache. it you think yourgiaajOa w e not correct call mi have jour eyes ex- amined F.RKE OF*. CHAKGE. ITou aiay have your frames repafaefi a»4. adjusted while yuri wait. - ' ' *■ All work fully ’s’arrantod, at prloeo with- ia teach of all..- .. Willard C . Wiseman 1 ORADUATB OPTICIAN Asbury Park OptlealTarlor, . 003 Cooktnai* Avenue. Cor. Emory Street. ' j • WANTED $7,500.00 —AND- $1 3,000.00 : AT 5 PER CENT On Asbnrj; Park property. -Gilt-. ,edgo security. Title porIcc&, In, suranco to coT.er loan?, " ■ ' W . H . B EEG L^ . 22b Main St., Asbury Park eapltal $50,960 ^ToinTJtiMZ Asbury Park and Ocean Grrn e BANK .Corner. MittUon Ave. and Main St., ASBURY PARK; N. J. OmerJKalit Aveno6 and Pilgrim Pathway , OCEAN QROVE. H*a»ay 0 . W1NBOB, PrOBtaent. , GEO. W. SVASS,'Vlce-Pra»!1enV EDMUND E. DVTEON. Ombisr, :• JE 88E MINOT, AMlatoat CJaehljr. djbeototis: . T. riUKK t f f u 0* . OB. i. A..W. DCTBIGK. . fc; ». nc0ll&*0* . JDtlN HUDBilii' I o , 0 . CLAXTON. •• - lhww ttAtltUB r»*o;w. nvAjni-.*N^ otto; w. tbbat 3, U .r&nouzost n . am os tiwow • . f HKNOT C,WlK80B • . Aooounts Hespeotfully Solloltoc. Safe Doposlt Boxes to ;Rent, . Wa leo'jo Fpraign Drafts and Let* ers of C radii. . Forest- Fires -Have.Bberi. Raging Near W llltenvlllfj. for '.Two Days — Firem an Kindled Bapk Fires to- Have tiie Home' 'of . Charles, Slocum other . Uamaga ; •I>#ae. ' . . 1,-' ■.- , ’’ • . ,An. alarm 'of fire -was aoundad Park ttils ta&rnipg and thecntlrodepart. ajont of- tbe township. responded'. The blaze provAsl to be in tho woods aear VVhlMsvllle. The-housoof CharleB Slocum" was In (l itiBor of IjeSng.burnoa, and this was the resuion g'Ven.for turning iii nn alarit). The flra.ln tbo woods has-been jraglng for twodayf, and everythlng.ls to dry that'It burn'* With upmt fury fanned hy a.brlak norlliwc Btbrooa.’ Tim lire started.near the S6TiuppmTri®Itlin . Ludy observatory, •aud hft'a gradoilly worked Its way norosa the woods towafr4'Hjo cpmotHFf. Tho Iiousps located in that vicinity.wSiiuh were;nned by the city and towus'ilp for the leotitlon Of doriiiiglorus disnnsp1 , have l»:eji entirely c<n Brimed liy 'th e flames. 0 ;.her dam;iKe.has boon douo and thu llrd.stlll laBi-p. .When the ftremen r. Reh'cd tho scono this snornlnR.tha reshieiiM and st iblts of Mr. Slocum Inokeji hb though they werddoomed to dentni.:tlon,.(iS the fSirnes’ were lomlng toward tho building* wish startling, tapid- |ty. Btiok llcoi word lighted all along the edge of tho woods and around the house and barn,—and-the-iinderbnHh^waa con^ aamed, bo tliat when the htg tlce readlied a bertaln point.thore waa-nothips loft for it to feed upon. In this way‘the buildiiiga were saved. . ■ , .. .• . _____ The fire Was Btlll raging at noon, and it was fearoJ by.sbnin thit tit > (limes would tht’ir '.yay uc-jK* tlio rou !-(ind ilo rUHI greater' damaga. ■Every effort will he made, however, to ohedSf their progress aud pravent any furlhar diimago. INDIA FAMINE SUFFERERS Meeting "in Tlioir llvliuit A\'lll bd .Held ‘ lomorrovr Aftt-rnoon In I'lrHt Metli- odlfit Kp^lscopal Churcli. It Is not H 0 WB to tha citizens ot Afibury Park that a large number cf oar follow be- agswre-caOrering and dying from famlno Jn far away India, But tho severity of the famine' !s not genefiilly knowh. ' Thoro'Is no .doubt tfiafc the area of the-famine and’ ihe number of'Sufferers !b far.beyond any previous salamlty of tho same character that haa happened in the history oE India It Is certainly appaillng to know that mil Hoes, yes, absolutely millions, of our fellow beingB are imfTerinjj more or less as.lnhabit- BBts jf thei famine scourged districts of that j aso«ntlX_JDoa.repoxtaaj-a;Ja'ho aggregate Jamine area in British India and tho natlvo1 slaten ia about SpO.OOOsquaio miles, with a, population o f 40,000,000. There Is a further area of about 145,001s aquare miles, with-a popuiatlqij of 31,000,000, iu which more or leas general scarcity and distress prevail; where relief is bein? given in o tentative form, or will have to be given before the advent of the next m o n s o o n . " . . ■ Another report sajs “the area of vlsita tlon has expanded to a degree that has far surpassed tho worst fears of tho British of- ficials. Except In oortaln favorod provinces and localities every condition of nature and climate appeals durlu; the past threu months to havo fought agalust us, au<l wo are now faco to face with, famlao of water and food and cattle which, In particular areas aHejted, is. unprecedented In charac tor aad Intensity.” ! ; Jri vlaw 8 f these_andotj{6 r_very_8 ad.and alaruilng ’couaUloiis, It !'/(^rtnlnly to. be hoped that overy breast In which the milk of hpmaq kindness runs will feel a*sym- pathy Bincero. aiid IdtonsB, aud wo^ trust a deep desires to help ameliorate Hire lamenta- ble condition of theso poor su ifarera.-vrfio, though -far away from us googruphlcally,' are nevertheless near us by the ties' of human kinship. - A meotlng In behalf of tlipeo sulferers will bo heid in the First Methodist Eplsco pal church of this city tomorrow (Suhday) at 4 p. m. All citizens aro o irnostiy re- quested to attend. A general collection will ba taken nt the oloso <j,f. Ilw meeting. Itev. ■ilil Gifftird will presldfi. Ur. George J.AIlu- ginj traiV others 'wilf address tlio muotlug Tho ofaolala. ot the city aro respectfully asked toBepjresoht.f . .- The. abov9 oali is signed- hy Ttsve, G. J Mlugins, A. O. Bale, Dwight £. Marvin, Eli. GifTard and Z. Clarke Marten. .-. . , ---- 1— — -■ 4 jKpworth I.e»gas Group. Meetings. -. A meotln'fTof g,;»?otth League Group Ko, I0J wflPbe held in the Belraar M. E. church next Tiioaday Bvenhu, April 10. Tlie pro- gram is as follows: 7.4i> p'oloek, prayer and praise eervioe; 8.00, address, "After tho Ke- viyal—Whatf ” liev. Eli Gufard; 8.20, aipg- ing; 8.30, "Sharp Arro w s ,a—Hev.»J. G. Reed, 6 —Rev. W..G^ Moyer; 8.45, oansecra Son,' Ilov. H. ,W. Smllh. Group No. 10 is made up af chapters from Asbury Part, W est-Park, Ocean Grove, ‘ West Grove, Bradley Beach,; Bolmar, ltamilton, Wall, Spring Lako, Manasquai), Point Pioasant.-• \Vilcs.& Uornstclu Famotifi Wllej Manufacturing Co. iron bells a t $4.05, tisually sells a t *5.15 aridSS.fiij. Alev sole ngeuts lor tbo Bernstein belli; aiirlngs guaratiteedftva years. 7i)tf. Bl'KIXUACU COMPAKy. Vote for Hiram Walton for cbuucllmnn;- ~ b ;I85- Buslnesi, men,' 1 want your suppori Frank L. Tuttkv :. Butt Vote for’ Joseph L, Oliver, tho people’s choice for chosen freeholder. S3 tf "For freeholder votofor J.E . VYortrnan.[tt Vote foi1 T. A. Sigor for assessor;^ 80-8011 itawpa aiid cutpricqs. ■ WediSVi .Sltf TREASURER MILAN ROSS Prominent.iu..I?a»!ne» 8 , Fraternal ami So-, eliii AtfUSrs* H e Is Beeply Interest- - tul In Wclfuvo of Anbury I’arlt.. Milan Boss, wild lias; beets' . renominated without opposition-for tho responsible pfflce of. dty treasurer, was born Jap. fi,'1801, nt Rshway, Union .county. Mew Jgrpey, ' ajs parental anpstry was English. He resided in Rahway'until; lie wgs 15 years of ago and haa. the advontagiiof a.gbod commoa'school education. In 1870 ho came t)> Asbury Park -qtad accepted' a,’ ' position In. the offlco of James A: Bradley, la the spring oM8<71ie entered tile real estato office of Willisford. Dey, "whore he' remained for six years, fill- ing consecutively tiie positions of clerk, baBhierand maifiger. i On Jan. i, 18B5, Mr. turn fimbsfK^rin bnslness for himself a t 208 Main; strefit, where ho. is still located. He conducts -a " jtUlau ItosH. general roal eatato ‘and lnsumnco business and hla efforts have been crowned with suc- £eas. -During iiU bualncHS cttreer- Ue -bas THE 6. V^. COLE COMPANY r.xtvA^lw Manllfactdros^ of Famoug “0 Ijl 1 " uml .Uicyclti Sundries Olvo l-o- ;. _ ; - tui robplo Emiilbjmoiit. ’ TBo G, W. Colo compuny, (ft whibhG. W Colo of this city ia'president, piifliora of the celebrated " O n I'Vand- bicycle sundries, with faqtories In t!tl8_clty aM Connecticut, - recently left a verj? large order.for pflntiug at tbs OAttV Pbebs prihtery. That the. or-1 le r was filled iu a 'thorouglil'y satisfactory mannf-r.:io,siiown'by .tlio.fojlowjng-lo tter_ Just received: ..--^T DAitYPitEsa FmNTBijyiT-Iwish to com gratuiato you; upon your prompt,, lining of our last order for, 150,000 of oiir iiSrlOcIr' cular. Tha colors, wars, good and the regis- tering well done. - Hitherto oiir orders for 150,000 quantities' ot the various styles ot printed oircuiars we distribute throughout this country <snd abroad we iiave had filled tn Sow York, Jiot knowing that you were equipped to do this class of work cheaply dud promptly. ' You muy make ready to run .oif 150,000 of our;No. 0 circular.^. Yours truly, •". v • .. G. W, COLF. COJIPANY, ■ ' ■- 'w.: . -G7'W.CoTeryri513eiit7 The No, IQ cSrcuiar .toferred to is printed | In our advertising columns toilay, but hi t j la colors a« distributed by tha abovj com- | panyr PultySOD.0 10 pf this one.style will be j sent put this year'ln this country. • ' , . | On May 1 they will send to their Frenph agent, for distribution at the Parls exi-osl- tlou, tho llrst shipment- of 10,000 “3 In 1" samplo hpttlis. Thn labels and cifcu!ai;s used on tho regular'und samplo bottles sent there aro princ^id In the Froiich- latiiru tue. and those-sent to'Spain, ia Spanish, etc. The •eoiiipany’s-dlstributlon o? these samples last year was 50,000 iu tills country, and during t^ilvyear 70,000, about 8 Ji tofts; wijl bo sent a free gift to cyclists/typewriters aud gun* ners apdfgr household bses. ; - Besides their largo ontputof “8 In i,” they sell, during tho summer, 200 ,poo tubes. .of. brush top chulii lubricant. Thei.alio man. nfactaro. parcel bags,-too clips, wrenches. atid-rdTerrjp.-,.-dlgapsnt.-blBynifl'_hiuiiariai-- CITY CLERK_BURROUGHS For I>lglit A'ear.i He H im Filled'Iinport- nnt and ..Kxaetlnf- Poftltlou, Guard- injf Well A«l*u|,y Paris’s Interest. WilHam O. Burroughs has boon renomi- nated to fill the ofllce of city .clerk" His paBt record of efficiency in thjs position Is his best recommendation for rcelectlon. He lias proven himself fully oompeten(<to.mnn- age the important details tjf tills office. His- book aro in perfect coiiciltion and tllolnteji:- 09t§ of tlio cUyiUavpjliyays baen carefully guarded. ' s . • ' ; Mr. Burroughs is engaged In tho real estate ami insurance business, .belng'asso- elated with the Milan Hoss ogoecy. "He Is tho son of Robert and Catliarine.Burroughs apd^vaS born ne:if Laurel, Md; His parents wero of English ancestry, aufl jvhlle-Jio ’.vas a youtU-temoyed to Baltimore. In 1875 his father removed to Philadelphia, whero Mr. consummated spmesf tlio largest real es- tate deals, ou record in' this .section pf the state. . - As a citizai^ of tho gommunlty Mr Ross is hold in the highest eatee’nr. Hfi'ia t) promi nent Republican and has been elected many tinies as a dalegata to county and state con- ventions. He has been a public official in this city sinca 1881, and li'ia hakr tho ofltas of city treasurer ever since the city was in- corporated, In 1859 I 10 was .elected a director of tho First National blink, and he has also served sus # mfmmv of^the^bqRrd^pfJJrectors ol the Moiiinouth Trust and SafoDepositpom- pany. ’He 'wiis-a member of Wesley Engine nnd Hose company from 1877 to i 8 M, serv- ing five years as Its foreman. ,He is at present an hoborary member of tho depart- ment. ... V 'f: '■■■■■■■ Id fraternal aud social affairs ha te a prominent figure, 'telng ldontiiled-wlth a number of the leading organizations of.tho city. While always a busy jnaa ho is not too deeply sngross'ed in his own business to take aii interest in edjicational as well iis other matters of moment to the city. Bo Is known and esteemed as a r.rogresalve citi- zen cordially enlisted in-overy work of city Improveinbiit'.'" • -1 ' ■ ■: ROBERT T. LINCOLN HERE --i InRpected- the Summer Home ; lt^cently I.eiued-Qt Deal and Knjoyeil Drive in Thin City nnd Vicinity. . Hon. \(o!xrrtrTrI,lntn!n of Naw York, ac- companied by his daughter, Mrs. Isbam, wero visitors in this city today. They tamo down in a special parlor oar, •arriving here about 11 o’clock. Thoy visited the cottage nt Deal recently, vented by- lliem for tbo summer Boason .through • tho Appleby agency. Mr. A ppleby acjiompauied .'them aud- lho_ parly drJvh tl^ough .'Ailenhurat and Deal itud. then visited the Qoif club grounds. -MrJ Llucolr* expressed' idmstlf as being higfaly pleased with the place aud haa' -expressed his Intention of joining tho golf club, 'i'lio distinguished visitors ro- turnod to Now York tfils afternoon.. Uuuniim Arrangomontii C<»n»i»IctotI. 'Tho luiHcs’auxiliary of the Ocoau Grove board oC trade have practic.illy completed, tlio RTrai^ei'n ou Is 'f brUVo’ E.tster reunion ovonts. .tiaturdny evening,' April 14, they will huJd a reception. . Monday evening fol- lowing a “lawn party” will be given’ , and.on Tueaday evcnUitr thoy will hold a .“bonnet, sociable,” Mualc win be furnished Tuesday evonliig by- tho K’ tptunQ Towtishlp High School ofeheAtva, -A lU he ovema* wiU-tako plico*!a i\ 8Hoclation ball, over the jToatofli JO^ ; .' , ' Fire Now Mcinbors. - A mooting ot the HJou’s_jp;iguo of tho First'Congregational chuteli was lieW. at. tli» church last nig,lit nt tho olose of'fbo regular weekly praver.ineotlng: FIve.new. rxloiiibera wereiiddsd to t!ie_r6iratid¥omd othor matters of minor Importance wero disposed of. The next mooting ot tho leagua will be ligld at the residence ot Georges A 8niook dn tlio evening of Weducuday, Apiil is; .. ■ -— •" ' Noxt Tuesday, April 10,' au important hUsinfss roefcting of tlio’ludies interested )ii tha isolatloirCospita! wlll.be. Held at tho homo of Mib. Henry Mltoheil, FourtTl and Grapi^ avenues, promptly at’!l p;jm. ■. -Millinery .Opiyilnfir.; ’ . • . Minn DWn, HarfpeiicB tuw returned'from Now YorK and Philadelphia wIMiJuoareful- ly s-oh'cted utvok of apring ,millin»ry, which will ba ready for mspoctlon at .1103 Mattison aVoime, uext to'postoilioa. nn Friday Saturday, Aprl! 0 anti 7. T h a n k i n g . many ouatomeni for pa»t/avorn,.Mlaa,UHrt- pbnfco-soHeita a contluuailco of their patron •ftga^atlio future. ,.81-63.81 Vote for Hiram Wiiltou for councilman.-*- ' 88-83 ; , I •. **. 1 i *1.* v ' ____ For all people, cot for a ‘'class”—'Frank •* - -‘ SJtt F q L. Tuttle, Largo stook ot trussed ufKlilmonth’B. [tf For freeboldpr.votofor J. E. Wortman.Itf Vole for T. 'At Seger’for lisSessor^SO-Sfi* Girdon-secds; 4s paper. Wedel's. Sltf Many of •thosO goodsare assemblod ltf ttir houses of our rcsldentg and givB employ- ment to many who .would otherwise be idle Today the company Bant through tho to’ cai postnfllce 10,000 letters to the dealers in bicycle sundries la this country. I t Is not, often that to,000 stamped enTOlbpea. arfe or dered from a postofllce o f ' this size, bat President Cole informe us he will in tbe fn-- ture patronize home ^abor it the work can be done here, and good sarvlco secured. Among.other things mailed to'theeo deal- ers was n circular stating that IfThey will twdte tha .G. W, Cote^compauy they will receive by mail,free a full size tuba of Cole's tire fluid, whidli retails at 28 cents. Should the 10,000 dealers nil write for tljese tubes" they will all be sent thrbugli our local" mall' or express ebmpanles, oSjurgM prepaid. ;. . Persons not luterestedUu-advertisiiig and free distribution of-'tarnples •can scarcely believe the aggregate cost of marketing trade mirk, articles in a country of such large area as the United States. Mr. Cole says that notwithstanding they have spent money liberally, their “3 In 1” is just beginning to secure a foothold in the home, where it siiould be a hpaseliold neces- sity and - be used far. polishing furniture, [Jianos, etc.. Tiipy supply 000 gun clubs and do not sell 6 ao iu fifty of the sportsmen, and Iho same proportion holds good as to bi- cyclists and typewriters. Tbo homes are so very many and the channels for doing ef. fccilve advertising among'them aro so very few, that the best aud highest priced talent is employed- in inventing now W?iys of se- curing purchasers for.btaplo good3 . Shad in tlio Mnniiaqnpn ltlver, ’the llrst Bhad of I lie season ware taken from tho Mana^quan liver this weeK. The siuid in that river lire conoidored superior to uny other in tiie eastern section of-Monmouth cou.nl vl Where-their quail- flaii are "known theso ll'sii bring a very good price. ! ■_ _____ ItHSdLUTIONS OF ItESPIXT. At a meeting of tlia consistory of the Re- formed church of Afhury Far!;, N. J., hold Monday, March 20, lffOO.'the following i »ao- luiions wero adoptnd : ;-- - - Whoreaa, Our Heavenly Father;.In Hla Infinite wisdom-nnd mercy, has called our iialftveiL'.p3 STOl^= 5rt9 i«-Dr. Pstor-Strykerr from this world to tho world above, ■ That house not tr.ade with hands, eternal *n the heavens; ” therefore bo it -’ Resolved, That we, expressing the sentl- mont, of all those who wero associated with him in uhurchntiil coniniuulty, mourn most 'deeply lb» toss or one ho loved Bnd-ohP{lsh ed aa pastor and friend:- that wo nro mind- ful of t.iio noble example ha sot us or zoal in the Tisml’s. service, of Ids just, upright,layji and true oharacter 'Ittall Ills' relations rwltii hisJollow moui“that wo purpose not only to keep theso virtues of our pastor hefo>e us. but uisb, by tbo graco of the.Mastor whotr he served,-to Imitate them; -Resolved, .Tliat we hereby rocotd' our scu?c of tbe-deBp porsonai loss sustained .by' us In tlia oaiiBlstory, of which ho was presl uont, and tw whoso wlsa couhsel3 wo were ajor guided and streauthaned, and do also •In behalf of our church leader' to ills be- reaved family our .alfuetlonato sympathy, trusting -that God will graciously gbldo them aud give, them His own abiding ceu- 'SQlaiiou. itosolved, Thpt theso resolutions be en- Krjissed-ar.id extbiidud-lo-the-famlly-and-a copy .of. tha same tio forwarded to The Christian lutelllgoucpr aha lojml papers for publicatl6 n und.flio same bo spread upon t5d.minutes of the consistory.'' » Signed: - '- , C. 31. Roebiss, ' President pro tqm, . : '.''•"■jrirvAsalATKR, - ............. ... - Clerk. ' Flt.VSK Ii..WlLCUS,. Si Comniliiea OR Hesoiutious,' L v China. Notified to Suspend the Boxers in Two Months. ENGLAND-TRUSTS' ROBERTS ISellevo Ho 1» Able to Finally Conqner * tiie Boers—Brltisli I.os 8os Wednesday Nearly OOO—Seeond*Note to Torkey.W ill lie Stronger—Fire Is Destroying Town ill Ohio;-' . .1 Shanghai, Baturday—American, British, German and "French ministers a^ , Pekin have presented a joiiit ultimatum to the Chinese foreign . office, In threatening language demnnditig that (lie anti-foreign society known as tlie'“B;jxers” bo suspend- ed.within two months, otherwise tbo' four powers, whoso representatives sign tho ulti- matum will land troops and march Into the iuterlor provinces of Shan Tiing and Pe- oblli- to malntaiii tfie safety of ’tlia foreign perBons’b’f those- provinces.- . , GREAT FAITH IN ltOlIKMS. WUllam C. Burroughs. Burrougha ’became a Vtidtnt in tbo High school of that city, from which he grad- uated.. , • j -. Ha camelo this city* In 1882 and wns em- ployed as a cleric for three years, in 1885 bo became associated with the Ross agency, and has proven. his ability In this line of business. To his faithful nnd untiring ef- forts much.of tho success of the Urm ia duel For soma t line Mr. Burroughs was the Foe.- retary of-the D.irlington Land- aud Im- prQvemeiit-compahy;. .............. Mr. .Burroughs ia a" member of thaMa- soulc order and a charter member of the Mtmmouth club, Asbury Park’s moat proml. nent social organization. He is also idnnti- fled \yIth 8 oyerHl othor fraternal EQclptlea^ In-poiiticti iia is! a Republican and ts'an earnest, worker. for the party. Ho lias sorved' about eight years as city clerk and will be-reelected tills'year without opposi- tion. HIGH SCHOOL P T E S The Life, of ’Bismarck Discussed—Fine Players on Base Ball Team—*I£n- * .<* Postponed’ . An Instructive and interesting meeting was held yesterday by'tho members of the literary society.. The life ot Prince Bis- mGTgtl, one of;-.the world’s biost. famous ttatesmenj was discussed. Tho txerciBes were as follows.: Biography, Edward Wyckoff; characteristics of Birmarok, Eliz- abeth Batnmau; sketchei. l.-s; vocai duet, Belva Lyon, Ada Cooke; “Historic Situa- tion In Europe When Bismarck WasChosen Chancellor," Donald Hlaclt; ‘‘Dliagreoment With Emperor William II.” Jennie Davis; ‘•Reconciliation With. William II," Addle Stein; review of Blsuiafck’s life, 1-12; Spanish song, Purker--(Reed. - Tlia musical numbers by Miss Ada Cooke, jiis 3 Belvn Lyon njid Parker Reed wero especially welt rendered. Miss Margaret Wade >vas ap- pointed critic for,thn society. . v Aii lntoreetlng-.hasab.alT tvme, wnsplayml. at tha ‘athletic grounds, Thursday after- noon, by. the High School Athletic, associa- tion aiid tlio Asbury Park Athiotlc club. The score was 21-11 in favor ol II10.Asbury Park team'. .The High School club, wliich was recently organb.od, is composed ot line players and wijUiktlma i'ivai any team. Tho Eecoiid -High school) entertainment, which was lo havo taken placo before, tho Easttrvacatioij"fm3paS(3n postponed until after the Loufeii season, to that all inter ostod In tbe school may he able toenjoy tha splendid musical program which hair been prepared. Miss May Pawleymombor of tho “A” High .School class, who has teen absent from school becuuso 6 r severe,Illness, -will probubly-soon resumolier"stuill’es. '-■-.t.tt' W ar Office ‘Expresses', yueer Opinions ' About Finding tlio linemy EaRtlj*., London, Saturday.—’Tim nct.i.vltj of the Boers about Bloemfontein, despite tha, fact 'hat It has remltod In J(hc3 ,lot,.^oX two con-' -hieriiblB forces.oT British i;t ,les4 than one. wewl,-, is causing no utieasiness, I’hera is ■ibsijlnto trust In Roberts and hia ttbiilty lo do whlit ha.eets about to do. AU'oCBciitl Hspateli received at tha war office'thli* tlorning expressed tiie general opinion by s ijiiJK tliRt’tho nresance ot tlio Boera.ahout Bioemfonleln simply niivint.is tho necessipy .of General Roberta wasting tho strength of his forces in iparclilng about tiie country trying to find tho enemy. 1 ; TtlliKErS ItBPtY KVASIVE. American Protest May ltesalt ln.Cqiiinnk, mBeing Pf^rk importatlon^Qucstlbn, Constantinople, flatnrday.-— ,The. Sublime Porte has replied to Minister. -StrauB’ note protesting against the prohibition of Amor- li! in pork importations into Turkey. ,Tha reply is evasive,-and a eeeond-note; couohed tn stronger language, will- bo addressed 'to tho Porte next, week. Th6 result ot the American protest will probably, be- a com promise. Tho Porte has ordered an exami- nation of all imported bogs and will bar from entrance thoss whlch Bhow Blgna of- trichina; OHIO TOWN IN FLAMES. George L. D. Tompkins, D.D.8 ., will mova from,|tls presont, location, 017 Mattison nVb-' nue, to rooms 3, 3 und 4, Postofljco building, ou.April 1: > - 68 tf ' Veto for Hjram Walton for councilman. •' . (j385 .— —r.TT— - Vote fcr Joseph i^Cllysr,: the people’s choioo for ohosiiufreonoidsr: • Less ' “ politlcB” -.n'l*' more -good goVorn- ment—Frauk L. Tuttle. - .82tf ‘. Fcr'freeholder vote for J,',E.Wortmr.n.[tf Vote for. T: A. Sege “ for aBsessof. 80-SC » ■- -. 1 4 m• Easter cards aVWadeVs. ' . SVtr • Paying Dock Now Jersey's Loan. The state of New. Jeraoy has-'recelved-a- oheok from tin liatio'iKii-govariiraont for f.iV’OOf 77 on account of war exponsoi, The state praetigalbj loaned the goverpmant during the w ar $.1-I0,if>5.fli ot ■tfliicii, Includ- ing tho amount just racolved, $8S,727.21 has been paid back. ' __- Palln.-.Sutidny Tom orrow. * Tomorrow is tlio first day of hJly week, oaiiimonly-oalletl—Palm-Sunduy^—Bleased- paim branchesjvro dfstrlliuted to the people I11 'all tho Roman Catholic and EpiVtjoSal churches; . V -' v_^ ;__.. . .1 , . . .- Cyco is With you. . - : 1 -.Tho CyOo -moyolo cornimiiy-la nwrlncated at 518 Cookman i>vr,mw (In t he new K.*afor bioiik), and Cyct! will ho 'pleased- to serve youwithiils'usual courtesy and promptness. - - 83 81 • .' Sorosls Shoes. . ■ The now shfie for women. For sale ex- clusively at the -MammotH'-Opening Sat- urday. TnS STEiKiiiuu CaMPAsy,—rate Vote foe Hiram Waltou for councilman; - . • - 83-85 Kor freedom •from-J’po!ltics,i—Frank L« Tuttle.' - * - - I • 82tf If you want a.truss go to Kinmoulh’ 8 . -[tf For freeholder; vote for J. E. l\r6 rtman, [tf Vota for T,. A. Sager for assessor. 80 80* :sitc OnioVi aata atWcdeVa. ^Ire Stnctcu T - . Morning Haa Already BidJt^fOyed.Over' Thirty Buildings. Huntington, W Va., Saturday.—Prootor- viile,.0 bio, is baing-almdst totally-destroy- ed. by fire ‘which started a t 9 o'cfock this morning. More than 30 buildings' have aL ready bean destroyed, . -\ KOUEKTS' I.OSS WAS SOI. Reports Ills Casualties at Bethany Sta- tion on Wednesday I.nst. London, Saturday.—Uobarts^-eports that tho number of men killed, wounded and captured1near Betha&Mlation Wednesday was 391. y ' _^ZT_L ! ' The AVoatlier. Washington,--'Saturday.-—The conditions are favorable for local rains tonight and Sunday, -with trash northwesterly winds. OBITUARY ltECORD. Hurry Summers, Jr. Last flight Harry Summers, tiie -bright ypuug,son of Harry and Sarah Summers, died at the home of tho. parents, corner C|ark and Delaware avenues,'Ocean Grove, iuJiis l-l th yom^-Ho.had,been ill abouttwo weeks with soajlotr-fover. Tho- Intormeut took place today at Mt. Prospect tfemetery. Last fall a child of the same family died of diphtheria. They have one child left. Mr. Summers is one of Ocean Grovo’s mall cur- riers. .. . ' ' ' .. t. ...... - -|> 1| r j^, ^u8s jjurand. Last evening tbe home of Mr. and Mia William ii. Smith, 110 Anbury avenue, Ocean Grovo, was tho scano"of:i general good tlnia, it being tho birthday -amilver- Sary of.tlieir. niece, Miss Emma P'. Uurand. Tne o irly part of tlio evening: was fpent In playing ^a'dios. Later tho. gathering'i ad- journed to the .dining Voom anil partook of refreshments. "FriOuds weca present frotn Hofilentown, Lakewood, Newark, Ocean Grovo. and Asbury. Eatk, zrh E=iHr=lierr=_:~ Sexton Has Horses ,to Sell. A caiToad o r hursos arrived today., at M, E.~Seitdn's' Sooth Main street Btables, which will bo sold at prlvato sale. The ani mals.are acclimated mid nro just tho kina ot Btooi for buslhess men to purchase at this Benson of the'year.-.Parties needing horses ara invited to jc:ill nnd inspect this a-.ock. Park Opera. House Toniglit. The norfonimmiii^at TJ.~rk On-rn-Housn last night by tlifa cakowalk.vaudevllie ag- gregaiioti of colored artlBts Is spoken of H8 having boan very entartaiuing' and amus- ing. Theygavou matlneo this afternoon amV appear ugaln todlghir. Beo adv. Ior particiitarsr-r- '—— : ' Mrs; E. Dills wishes to ’announce that her millinery parlors .aro open uatil 8 o’olnok every ovenlogr * , . '84* Voto -for Joseph L. Oliver, tho pwinleV choliH to f chosoti treeliolder. S3 tf Vote for Hiram Walton for oouhoilman. . - .' .' ' . 83-85 Tho people's candidate—Frdnlf^K Tuttio. . - - :83tt For freeholder vote for J. E. WOrti£on. [tf Vdtb for T. -Av Segor for nesessor, 80-8®; Silt Trading stamps at Wedcl's. Hiram Waltor, tbo rfgular. BeiiubHcao nomineo for enuocilman in the yiret-warrt, 'S3-8C,' - WE’VE *A STORY - TO TELL YOU .Of how happy you would be in a home of your own, and one to x»f* fer for sale at a low price, with smajl payment down. The rentals saved in a.few years would, go a long way toward pay* ing the balance: ; Let us give.,you particulars.. MILAN ROSS' AGENCY ' '.. * . I; ,; 208 Main Street. Monmouth Trust AND — Sit fi sionmoulh Bulldinf, Asbury park; IJ. jr. CAP1TAL, .. ,,. SlOOJinb. SURPLUS, .'. .... 25.000. • Bxecates all trusta known to thr law. Loanft money oa bot»4 and mortgage, Receives Ueposlta subject to check and allow* Interest on daily balancer. , r Acts as Trustee Registrar andTranafer Aaeiit. Bays coupons. * - . Ma^es demand, and time loans on approved collateral. • • 8ale deposit vaults. , / " , ^ C. TWINING, Pres dent. ■ < G.'.D. M. HARVBY. ViM.Presldent, . JEL A. T U8TING, SecteUiy f D. C. CORNBU,. Treasurer x ' . DIRECTORS: O. H. Brown,: R. A. Tuatlnfar, H. Buctianon, Wenry Mitchell, M, I>. '..C. Cornell, . ' ‘ John P O’Brien, J Harrison, ■ Perry R_fimithi Col. G. B. M. Harvey, 8. A. Patterson. George F. Kroehl A. O. Twinini?, Bruce S: Keator, M. D„ H H Vreeland. G. D. W. Vrobm. ! H igli Grade.-Fisfiinjr Tackle ‘— JRepalring on Hods and Reela. . iSfij, A rs;A n d to b a cco r. Imported Key West and Domestic Clgare and all. Smokers* Artlolee. . v The best clsrar that 5 cents can buy. J. K. SEGER, Cookman Avenue EASTERCAIIDS . ALL LATEST DESIGNS .PRICES WITHIN REACH OF ALL EA5TES B00KLET5 PAA5 £QQ -DYE5 Froe fromipolaon. , P A A 5 P A P E R D ,Y E 5 Each enveI6pe-pf 12 shdotg S cents Prlnta boautlfu1 shades of various colora. Will color from 3 to © doz. eggs. • HARRY s . BORDEN ^ f- 7-— Stationer %cNewsdealer' Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave. Your Eyes TJJUl. taka care of you if you will take care of tbom. When they warn you that something is wrong pay attau- tlon to it. , Headache , and Neuralgia quiokiy ' rellevod. •’ , - STILES & CO. = i ::- - E ye- S p e c i a l i s t s 222 MAIN STREET KVRUY V » i i > A i . . Honrn I tji lp. m., 2ro ftp, ml Free examltmtlon. All Glasses guaranteed. Capital, $ 100,000 SurpluB, * 70 ,ooo First National Bank OF ARBDKT PARK ' Mattison A venae and Bond 8treet (Organised February, OFFIOEEB - ( 5*0. F. KnoanL, PreeWent, * O. B* Bkovn, 1st Vioe-Fretfdent. , . BIMMAH.-Cd VioerFresidaBl. U. V. Daobb, Cashier. . M. U. Boorr, Assistant Cashier*, DIREOTOPS . £ w •' Q.‘F. ICroehV Mablon 6.1 Marjferum.* Oliver H Brown, William H. Beegle, E s B. Keator, B. VT. Kirkbride, Oovert, M. L. Bamraan, . • - j. O. Kennedy, Charles A, SToung, * Milan Ross, Albort O. Twining, . gharman B. Oviatt, Samuel Johnson, ^WllUam Hathaway, • . > Comparative bepdslts September ft 1880.' . . . ; $878,704.5? •> ' 8, 1883. . - .!. M8.16i.<4 6, 1898: .... 489,111.18 , ■» 7, 1807. . .. . . 630,088 41 7, .18D8 .- e-84,944,7J f P».troii 8 vaiuftbUn mcetvad far Mfe FonHsn E ? b o n f t h t and«il4. 0 £jl*oiiarii

Transcript of 84; ASBURY: FARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · SOtf MAIN BTREK7 MooclHOTored At r«uiWmaT)iH...

; L a t e N e w s ’. 3 y T e l e g r a p h •

F O U R T E E N T H Y E A R ; ' ^ O . 84; A S B U R Y : F A R K , N E W J E R S E Y , S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 7, 1900- S I X P A G E S . P R I C E O N E C E N T

SAVE- Place, your Fire In- k . surarice with the old* -

: t. est and best "com-......panies in the world;

Township; Fire Depattment CaHed? kf ' i Out Thia Morning.; r ,;i


MONEYRepresented by

D . C * C O y E R T

..^_jo8 -Bond Stlreet

• Asbury Park. Nr}.

48UDK^>ABK »nsi OOBAM. OKOVBi HotW Brunsvlom

O m C u «RAUro&d Depoi'&nfi * - ? 1214 Bohrm A venuel-•

Prt»o;i> a Omco. . / . . . . .SOtf MAIN BTREK7MooclHOTored At r«uiWmaT)iH rnt««,' Telephone connection.

P. O. W7, - - - - AsBHKT VhH*

A “ S P R I N G ” N E E D• , s s s s s s ,

Y o u m a y w ln d an d w ln d fo r e v e r . B u t wliersr th e sp r in g Is b r o k e n

It Is '“ d e a d ;” . ■ . . ... '.B r in g it to m e an d ! w ill r e s to r e

. It to l i f e . . ,• ■■ : I u s e on ly th e 'B E S T MATERIALS arid ODARANTEE,-rfiy wqrlc. . ’

Y ou 'm ay h a v e a sp r in g n e e d in su m m e? > fa l I o r-w ln to 'r I s h a ll be. p le a se d to do y o u r r e p a ir in g a ll th e y ea r -ro u n d ,

Jeweler and Optician

'545 !

# -

C o r r e c t ■ G l a s s e s ‘

; .- ABB A HELPto weak eyes aod often s-alieva dteitiese and headache. i t you think yourgiaajOa w e not correct call m i have jo u r eyes ex­amined F.RKE OF*. CHAKGE. ITou aiay have your frames repafaefi a»4. adjusted while yuri wait. - ‘ ' ' *■

All work fully ’s’arrantod, a t prloeo with- ia teach of all..- ..

W illard C . W iseman1 ORADUATB OPTICIANAsbury Park OptlealTarlor,

. 0 0 3 C ooktnai* A v en u e .Cor. Emory Street. ' j •

W ANTED$ 7 ,5 0 0 .0 0


$1 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0: AT 5 P E R CENT

On Asbnrj; Park property. -Gilt-. ,edgo security. Title porIcc&, In, suranco to coT.er loan?, " ■'

W . H . B E E G L ^ .

22b Main St., Asbury Park

eapltal $50,960 ^ToinTJtiMZ

Asbury Park and Ocean Grrn eB A N K

.Corner. MittUon Ave. and Main St., • ASBURY PARK; N. J.

OmerJKalit Aveno6 and Pilgrim Pathway , OCEAN QROVE.

H*a»ay 0 . W1NBOB, PrOBtaent. • ,GEO. W . SVASS,'Vlce-Pra»!1enV

EDMUND E. DVTEON. Ombisr,: • JE 88E MINOT, AMlatoat CJaehljr.

• djbeototis: . •T. riUKK t f f u 0* . O B . i . A..W. DCTBIGK.

. fc; ». nc0ll&*0* . JDtlN HUDBilii' Io, 0. CLAXTON. •• - lhw w ttA tltU B

r»*o;w. nvAjni-.*N^ otto; w. tbbat3 , U . r & n o u z o s t n . am o s t i w ow

• . f HKNOT C,WlK80B • .

A o o o u n ts H e sp e o tfu lly S o llo lto c . S a fe D o p o slt B oxes to ;R ent, .W a leo 'jo F p ra ig n D ra f ts a n d Let*

e r s o f C r a d ii . . ”

F o re s t- F i r e s -H a v e .B b e r i . R a g in g N e a r W lllte n v ll lf j. f o r '.T w o D ays — F ire m a n K in d le d B a p k F ir e s to - Have t i i e H o m e '

' o f . C h a r le s , S lo cu m o t h e r . U a m a g a; • I>#ae. ' . . 1,-' ■ .- , ■ ’’ •

. ,An. alarm 'of fire -was aoundad Park ttils ta&rnipg and thecntlrodepart. ajont of- tbe township. responded'. The blaze provAsl to be in tho woods aear VVhlMsvllle. The-housoof CharleB Slocum" was In (l itiBor of IjeSng.burnoa, and this was the resuion g'Ven.for turning iii nn alarit).

The flra.ln tbo woods has-been jraglng for twodayf, and everythlng.ls to dry th a t'I t burn'* With upmt fury fanned hy a.brlak norlliwc Btbrooa.’ Tim lire started.near the S6TiuppmTri®Itlin . Ludy observatory, • aud hft'a gradoilly worked Its way norosa the woods towafr4'Hjo cpmotHFf. Tho Iiousps located in that vicinity.wSiiuh were;nned by the city and towus'ilp for the leotitlon Of doriiiiglorus disnnsp1, have l»:eji entirely c< n Brimed liy 'the flames. 0 ;.her dam;iKe.has boon douo and thu llrd.stlll laBi-p.

.When the ftremen r. Reh'cd tho scono this snornlnR.tha reshieiiM and st iblts of Mr. Slocum Inokeji hb though they werddoomed to dentni.:tlon,.(iS the fS irnes’ were lomlng toward tho building* wish startling, tapid- |ty . Btiok llcoi word lighted all along the edge of tho woods and around the house and barn,—and-the-iinderbnHh^waa con^ aamed, bo tlia t when the htg tlce readlied a bertaln point.thore waa-nothips loft for it to feed upon. In this way‘the buildiiiga weresaved. . ■ , .. .• . _____

The fire Was Btlll raging a t noon, and it was fearoJ by.sbnin th it tit > (limes would

tht’ir '.yay uc-jK* tlio rou !-(ind ilo rUHI greater' damaga. ■ Every effort will he made, however, to ohedSf their progress aud pravent any furlhar diimago.

IN D IA FAM IN E S U F F E R E R SM e e tin g " in T lio ir l lv l iu i t A \'lll b d .H e ld

‘ lo m o r ro v r A ftt-rn o o n In I'lrH t M e tl i- od lfit Kp^lscopal C h u rc l i.

I t Is no t H0 WB to tha citizens ot Afibury Park that a large number cf oar follow be- agswre-caOrering and dying from famlno Jn

far away India, But tho severity of the famine' !s not genefiilly knowh. ' Thoro'Is no .doubt tfiafc the area of the-famine and’ ihe number of'Sufferers !b far.beyond any previous salamlty of tho same character that haa happened in the history oE India I t Is certainly appaillng to know that mil Hoes, yes, absolutely millions, of our fellow beingB are imfTerinjj more or less as.lnhabit- BBts j f thei famine scourged districts of that

■j aso«ntlX_JDoa.repoxtaaj-a;Ja'ho aggregate Jamine area in British India and tho natlvo1 slaten ia about SpO.OOO squaio miles, with a, population o f 40,000,000. There Is a further area of about 145,001s aquare miles, with-a popuiatlqij of 31,000,000, iu which more or leas general scarcity and distress prevail; where relief is bein? given in o tentative form, or will have to be given before the advent of the next m o n s o o n . " . . ■

Another report sajs “the area of vlsita tlon has expanded to a degree that has far surpassed tho worst fears of tho British of­ficials. Except In oortaln favorod provinces and localities every condition of nature and climate appeals durlu; the past threu months to havo fought agalust us, au<l wo are now faco to face with, famlao of water and food and cattle which, In particular areas aHejted, is. unprecedented In charac tor aad Intensity.” ! ■;

Jri vlaw 8 f these_andotj{6 r_very_8 ad.and alaruilng ’couaUloiis, It !'/(^rtnlnly to. be hoped that overy breast In which the milk of hpmaq kindness runs will feel a*sym­pathy Bincero. aiid IdtonsB, aud wo trust a deep desires to help ameliorate Hire lamenta­ble condition of theso poor su ifarera.-vrfio, though -far away from us googruphlcally,' are nevertheless near us by the tie s ' of human kinship. -

A meotlng In behalf of tlipeo sulferers will bo heid in the First Methodist Eplsco pal church of this city tomorrow (Suhday) at 4 p. m. All citizens aro o irnostiy re­quested to attend. A general collection will ba taken nt the oloso <j,f. Ilw meeting. Itev. ■ilil Gifftird will presldfi. Ur. George J.AIlu- ginj traiV others 'wilf address tlio muotlug Tho ofaolala. ot the city aro respectfully asked toBepjresoht.f . —.-

The. abov9 oali is signed- hy Ttsve, G. J Mlugins, A. O. Bale, Dwight £. Marvin, Eli. GifTard and Z. Clarke Marten. .-.

. ,---- 1— — -■ 4jK pw orth I .e » g a s G ro u p . M eetings.

-. A meotln'fTof g,;»?otth League Group Ko, I0J wflPbe held in the Belraar M. E. church next Tiioaday Bvenhu, April 10. Tlie pro- gram is as follows: 7.4i> p'oloek, prayer and praise eervioe; 8.00, address, "After tho Ke- viyal—Whatf ” liev. Eli Gufard; 8.20, aipg- ing; 8.30, "Sharp Arro w s , a—Hev.» J. G.Reed, 6 —Rev. W..G^ Moyer; 8.45, oansecra Son,' Ilov. H. ,W. Smllh. Group No. 10 is made up af chapters from Asbury Part, W est-Park, Ocean Grove, ‘ West Grove, Bradley Beach,; Bolmar, ltamilton, Wall, Spring Lako, Manasquai), Point Pioasant.-•

\ V i l c s . & U o r n s t c l u “

Famotifi Wllej Manufacturing Co. iron bells at $4.05, tisually sells a t *5.15 aridSS.fiij. Alev sole ngeuts lor tbo Bernstein belli; aiirlngs guaratiteedftva years.7i)tf. Bl'KIXUACU COMPAKy.

Vote for Hiram Walton for cbuucllmnn;- ~ b;I85-

Buslnesi, men,' 1 w ant your suppori Frank L. Tuttkv :. Butt

Vote for’ Joseph L, Oliver, tho people’s choice for chosen freeholder. S3 tf

"For freeholder votofor J .E . VYortrnan.[tt

Vote foi1 T. A. Sigor for assessor;^ 80-8011

itawpa aiid cutpricqs. ■ WediSVi .Sltf

T R E A S U R E R M ILAN RO SSP ro m in e n t.iu ..I? a » !n e » 8, F r a t e r n a l a m i So-,

e liii AtfUSrs* H e Is B e e p ly I n te r e s t - - tu l In W c lfu v o o f A n b u ry I ’a r l t . .

Milan Boss, wild lias; beets' . renominated without opposition-for tho responsible pfflce of. d ty treasurer, was born Jap. fi,'1801, nt Rshway, Union .county. Mew Jgrpey, ' a js parental anpstry was English. He resided in Rahway'until; lie wgs 15 years of ago and haa. the advontagiiof a.gbod commoa'school education. In 1870 ho came t)> Asbury Park -qtad accepted' a,’' position In. the offlco of James A: Bradley, la the spring oM8<71ie entered tile real estato office of Willisford. Dey, "whore he' remained for six years, fill­ing consecutively tiie positions of clerk, baBhierand maifiger. i

On Jan. i , 18B5, Mr. turn fimbsfK^rin bnslness for himself a t 208 Main; strefit, where ho. is still located. He conducts -a

" jtUlau ItosH.

general roal eatato ‘and lnsumnco business and hla efforts have been crowned with suc- £eas. -During iiU bualncHS cttreer- Ue -bas

T H E 6. V . C O L E C O M P AN Yr.xtvA^lw Manllfactdros^ of Famoug “ 0 Ijl

1 " uml .Uicyclti Sundries Olvo l-o- ;. _; - tu i robplo Emiilbjmoiit. ’

TBo G, W. Colo compuny, (ft whibhG. W Colo of this city ia'president, piifliora of the celebrated " O n I'Vand- bicycle sundries, with faqtories In t!tl8_clty aM Connecticut, - recently left a verj? large order.for pflntiug a t tbs OAttV Pbebs prihtery. That the. or- 1 l e r was filled iu a 'thorouglil'y satisfactory mannf-r.:io,siiown'by .tlio.fojlowjng-lo tter_ Just received: ..--^T

DAitYPitEsa FmNTBijyiT-Iwish to com gratuiato you; upon your prompt,, lining of our last order for, 150,000 of oiir iiSrlOcIr' cular. Tha colors, wars, good and the regis- tering well done. -

Hitherto oiir orders for 150,000 quantities' ot the various styles ot printed oircuiars we distribute throughout this country <snd abroad we iiave had filled tn Sow York, Jiot knowing that you were equipped to do this class of work cheaply dud promptly. '

You muy make ready to run .oif 150,000 of our;No. 0 circular.^. Yours truly, • •". v• .. G. W, COLF. COJIPANY, ■

' ■ - 'w.: . -G7'W.CoTeryri513eiit7The No, IQ cSrcuiar .toferred to is printed |

In our advertising columns toilay, but hi t j la colors a« distributed by tha abovj com- | panyr PultySOD.0 10 pf this one.style will be j sent put this year'ln this country. • ' , . |

On May 1 they will send to their Frenph agent, for distribution a t the Parls exi-osl- tlou, tho llrst shipment- of 10,000 “3 In 1" samplo hpttlis. Thn labels and cifcu!ai;s used on tho regular'und samplo bottles sent there aro princ^id In the Froiich- latiiru tue. and those-sent to'Spain, ia Spanish, etc. The •eoiiipany’s-dlstributlon o? these samples last year was 50,000 iu tills country, and during t^ilvyear 70,000, about 8 Ji tofts; wijl bo sent a free gift to cyclists/typewriters aud gun* ners apdfgr household bses. ; -

Besides their largo ontputof “ 8 In i,” they sell, during tho summer, 2 00 ,poo tubes. .of. brush top chulii lubricant. Thei.alio man. nfactaro. parcel bags,-too clips, wrenches. atid-rdTerrjp.-,.-dlgapsnt.-blBynifl'_hiuiiariai--

CITY CLERK_BURROUGHSF o r I> lg lit A 'ear.i H e H im F i l l e d 'I i n p o r t -

n n t a n d ..K xaetln f- P oftltlou , G u a rd - in jf W e ll A«l*u|,y P a r is ’s I n te r e s t .

WilHam O. Burroughs has boon renomi­nated to fill the ofllce of city .clerk" His paBt record of efficiency in thjs position Is his best recommendation for rcelectlon. He lias proven himself fully oompeten(<to.mnn- age the important details tjf tills office. His- book aro in perfect coiiciltion and tllolnteji:- 09t§ of tlio cUyiUavpjliyays baen carefully guarded. ' s . • ' ;

Mr. Burroughs is engaged In tho real estate ami insurance business, .belng'asso- elated with the Milan Hoss ogoecy. "He Is tho son of Robert and Catliarine.Burroughs apd^vaS born ne:if Laurel, Md; His parents wero of English ancestry, aufl jvhlle-Jio ’.vas a youtU-temoyed to Baltimore. In 1875 his father removed to Philadelphia, whero Mr.

consummated spmesf tlio largest real es­tate deals, ou record in' this .section pf the state. . • -

As a citizai^ of tho gommunlty Mr Ross is hold in the highest eatee’nr. Hfi'ia t) promi nent Republican and has been elected many tinies as a dalegata to county and state con­ventions. He has been a public official in this city sinca 1881, and li'ia hakr tho ofltas of city treasurer ever since the city was in­corporated,

In 1859 I10 was .elected a director of tho First National blink, and he has also served sus # mfmmv of^the^bqRrd^pfJJrectors ol the Moiiinouth Trust and SafoDepositpom- pany. ’He 'wiis-a member of Wesley Engine nnd Hose company from 1877 to i8M, serv­ing five years as Its foreman. ,He is at present an hoborary member of tho depart­ment. ...V 'f : ''■■■■■■■

Id fraternal aud social affairs ha te a prominent figure, 'telng ldontiiled-wlth a number of the leading organizations of.tho city. While always a busy jn aa ho is not too deeply sngross'ed in his own business to take aii interest in edjicational as well iis other matters of moment to the city. Bo Is known and esteemed as a r.rogresalve citi­zen cordially enlisted in-overy work of city Improveinbiit'.'" • -1 ' ■ ■ :


InR pected- t h e S u m m e r H o m e ; l t ^ c e n t ly I .e iu e d -Q t D e a l a n d K n jo y e il D r iv e

in T h in C ity n n d V ic in ity . .Hon. \(o!xrrtrTrI,lntn!n of Naw York, ac­

companied by his daughter, Mrs. Isbam, wero visitors in this city today. They tamo down in a special parlor oar, • arriving here about 11 o’clock. Thoy visited the cottage nt Deal recently, vented by- lliem for tbo summer Boason .through • tho Appleby agency. Mr. A ppleby acjiompauied .'them aud- lho_ parly drJvh tl^ough .'Ailenhurat and Deal itud. then visited the Qoif club grounds. -MrJ Llucolr* expressed' idmstlf as being higfaly pleased with the place aud haa' -expressed his Intention of joining tho golf club, 'i'lio distinguished visitors ro- turnod to Now York tfils afternoon..

U uuniim A rra n g o m o n tii C<»n»i»IctotI. 'T h o luiHcs’ a u x i l ia ry o f th e O coau G ro v e

b o a rd oC t r a d e h a v e p ra c tic .i lly com p le ted , tlio RTrai^ei'n ou Is ’ 'f b r U V o ’ E .ts te r r e u n io n ovon ts . . t ia tu rd n y evening ,' A p ril 14, th e y w ill huJd a re c e p tio n . . M onday e v e n in g fo l­lo w in g a “ la w n p a r ty ” w ill be g iv e n ’, an d .o n T u e ad ay evcnUitr th o y w ill hold a .“ b onnet, sociab le ,” M ualc w in be fu rn ish e d T u e sd a y evon liig by- th o K ’tp tu n Q T ow tish lp H ig h Schoo l ofeheA tva, - A lU h e ovem a* w iU -ta k o p lico * !a i \ 8H oclation ball, o v e r the jToatofli JO

; . ' , ' F i r e N ow M cin b o rs .- A m ooting o t th e HJou’s_jp;iguo o f tho F irs t 'C o n g re g a tio n a l chu teli w as lieW. a t. tli» church la s t nig,lit n t tho olose o f 'f b o re g u la r w eekly praver.ineotlng: FIve.new . rxloiiibera w ere iid d sd to t!ie_r6 ira tid ¥ o m d o th o r m a tte rs of m inor Im portance wero disposed of. The n e x t m ooting o t tho leagua will be ligld a t th e residence o t Georges A 8niook dn tlio evening of W educuday, A piil is; .. ■ • • -— •" '■ Noxt Tuesday, April 10,' au important

hUsinfss roefcting of tlio’ludies interested )ii tha isolatloirCospita! wlll.be. Held a t tho homo of Mib. Henry Mltoheil, FourtTl and Grapi^ avenues, promptly a t’!l p;jm.

■. -Millinery .Opiyilnfir.; ’ . •. Minn DWn, HarfpeiicB tuw returned'from Now YorK and Philadelphia wIMiJuoareful- ly s-oh'cted utvok of apring ,millin»ry, which will ba ready for mspoctlon a t .1103 Mattison aVoime, uext to'postoilioa. nn Friday Saturday, Aprl! 0 anti 7. T h a n k i n g . many ouatomeni for pa»t/avorn,.Mlaa,UHrt- pbnfco-soHeita a contluuailco of their patron

•ftga^atlio future. ,.81-63.81

Vote for Hiram Wiiltou for councilman.-*- ■ ' 88-83

; , I •. **. 1 i * 1 .* v ' ____For all people, cot for a ‘'class”—'Frank •* - -‘ SJtt

Fq L. Tuttle,

Largo stook ot trussed ufKlilmonth’B. [tf

For freeboldpr.votofor J. E. Wortman.Itf

Vole for T. 'At Seger’for lisSessor^SO-Sfi*

Girdon-secds; 4s paper. Wedel's. Sltf

Many of •thosO goodsare assemblod ltf t t i r houses of our rcsldentg and givB employ­ment to many who .would otherwise be idle

Today the company Bant through tho to’ cai postnfllce 1 0 ,0 0 0 letters to the dealers in bicycle sundries la this country. I t Is not, often that to,0 0 0 stamped enTOlbpea. arfe or dered from a postofllce o f ' this size, bat President Cole informe us he will in tbe fn-- ture patronize home ^abor it the work can be done here, and good sarvlco secured.

Among.other things mailed to'theeo deal­ers was n circular stating that IfThey will twdte tha .G. W, Cote^compauy they will receive by mail,free a full size tuba of Cole's tire fluid, whidli retails a t 28 cents. Should the 1 0 ,0 0 0 dealers nil write for tljese tubes" they will all be sent thrbugli our local" mall' or express ebmpanles, oSjurgM prepaid. ;. .

Persons not luterestedUu-advertisiiig and free distribution of-'tarnples •can scarcely believe the aggregate cost of marketing trade mirk, articles in a country of such large area as the United States.

Mr. Cole says that notwithstanding they have spent money liberally, their “3 In 1” is just beginning to secure a foothold in the home, where i t siiould be a hpaseliold neces­sity and - be used far. polishing furniture, [Jianos, etc.. Tiipy supply 0 0 0 gun clubs and do not sell 6 ao iu fifty of the sportsmen, and I ho same proportion holds good as to bi­cyclists and typewriters. Tbo homes are so very many and the channels for doing ef. fccilve advertising among'them aro so very few, that the best aud highest priced talent is employed- in inventing now W?iys of se­curing purchasers for.btaplo good3 .

S h a d i n t l i o M n n i i a q n p n l t l v e r ,’the llrst B h a d of I lie season ware taken

from tho Mana^quan liver this weeK. The siuid in that river lire conoidored superior to uny other in tiie eastern section of-Monmouth cou.nl vl Where-their quail- flaii are "known theso ll'sii bring a very good price. ! ■ ■ _ _____

I t H S d L U T I O N S O F I t E S P I X T .

At a meeting of tlia consistory of the Re­formed church of Afhury Far!;, N. J., hold Monday, March 20, lffOO.'the following i »ao- luiions wero adoptnd : ;- - - -

Whoreaa, Our Heavenly Father;.In Hla Infinite wisdom-nnd mercy, has called our iialftveiL'.p3 STOl =5rt9 i«-Dr. Pstor-Strykerr from this world to tho world above, ■ That house not tr.ade with hands, eternal *n the heavens; ” therefore bo it -’

Resolved, That we, expressing the sentl- mont, of all those who wero associated with him in uhurchntiil coniniuulty, mourn most

'deeply lb» toss or one h o loved Bnd-ohP{lsh ed aa pastor and friend:- that wo nro mind­ful of t.iio noble example ha sot us or zoal in the Tisml’s. service, of Ids just, upright,layji and true oharacter 'Ittall Ills' relations r wltii hisJollow moui“that wo purpose not only to keep theso virtues of our pastor hefo>e us. but uisb, by tbo graco of the.Mastor whotr he served,-to Imitate them;-Resolved, .Tliat we hereby rocotd' our scu?c of tbe-deBp porsonai loss sustained .by' us In tlia oaiiBlstory, of which ho was presl uont, and tw whoso wlsa couhsel3 wo were ajor guided and streauthaned, and do also •In behalf of our church leader' to ills be­reaved family our .alfuetlonato sympathy, trusting -that God will graciously gbldo them aud give, them His own abiding ceu- 'SQlaiiou.

itosolved, Thpt theso resolutions be en- Krjissed-ar.id extbiidud-lo-the-famlly-and-a copy .of. tha same tio forwarded to The Christian lutelllgoucpr aha lojml papers for publicatl6 n und.flio same bo spread upon t5d.minutes of the consistory.'' »

S ig n ed : - '- ,C. 31. Roebiss, '

President pro tqm, . — : '.''•"■jrirvAsalATKR,

- ............. ... - Clerk.' • F lt .V S K I i . .W lL C U S , .

Si Comniliiea OR Hesoiutious,'


China. Notified to Suspend the Boxers in Two Months.


ISellevo H o 1» A b le to F in a l ly C o n q n e r * t i ie B o e rs —B r lt is l i I .o s8os W e d n e sd a y

• N e a r ly OOO—Seeond*N ote t o T o rk e y .W ill ■ lie S tro n g e r —F ir e Is D e s tro y in g T ow n illO h io ;- ' . .1 •

Shanghai, Baturday—American, British, German and "French ministers a^ , Pekin have presented a joiiit ultimatum to the Chinese foreign . office, In threatening language demnnditig that (lie anti-foreign society known as tlie'“B;jxers” bo suspend- ed.within two months, otherwise tbo' four powers, whoso representatives sign tho ulti­matum will land troops and march Into the iuterlor provinces of Shan Tiing and Pe- oblli- to malntaiii tfie safety of ’tlia foreign perBons’b’f those- provinces.- . ,

G R E A T F A IT H IN l tO l I K M S .

W U lla m C. B u r ro u g h s .

Burrougha ’ became a Vtidtnt in tbo High school of that city, from which he grad­uated.. • , • j -.

Ha camelo this city* In 1882 and wns em­ployed as a cleric for three years, in 1885 bo became associated with the Ross agency, and has proven. his ability In this line of business. To his faithful nnd untiring ef­forts much.of tho success of the Urm ia duel For soma t line Mr. Burroughs was the Foe.- retary of-the D.irlington Land- aud Im-prQvemeiit-compahy;. ..............

Mr. .Burroughs ia a" member of thaMa- soulc order and a charter member of the Mtmmouth club, Asbury Park’s moat proml. nent social organization. He is also idnnti- fled \yIth 8oyerHl othor fraternal EQclptlea In-poiiticti iia is! a Republican and ts 'an earnest, worker. for the party. Ho lias sorved' about eight years as city clerk and will be-reelected tills'year without opposi­tion.

HIGH SCHOOL P T E ST h e Life, o f ’B is m a rc k D isc u sse d — F in e

P la y e r s o n B a se B a l l T e a m —*I£n-* .<* P ostponed ’.An Instructive and interesting meeting

was held yesterday by'tho members of the literary society.. The life ot Prince Bis- mGTgtl, one of;-.the world’s biost. famous ttatesmenj was discussed. Tho txerciBes were as follows.: Biography, EdwardWyckoff; characteristics of Birmarok, Eliz­abeth Batnmau; sketchei. l.-s; vocai duet, Belva Lyon, Ada Cooke; “Historic Situa­tion In Europe When Bismarck WasChosen Chancellor," Donald Hlaclt; ‘‘Dliagreoment With Emperor William II.” Jennie Davis; ‘•Reconciliation With. William II," Addle Stein; review of Blsuiafck’s life, 1-12; Spanish song, Purker--(Reed. - Tlia musical numbers by Miss Ada Cooke, jiis3 Belvn Lyon njid Parker Reed wero especially welt rendered. Miss Margaret Wade >vas ap­pointed critic for,thn society. . v Aii lntoreetlng-.hasab.alT tvme, wnsplayml. a t tha ‘athletic grounds, Thursday after­noon, by. the High School Athletic, associa­tion aiid tlio Asbury Park Athiotlc club. The score was 21 -1 1 in favor ol II10.Asbury Park team'. .The High School club, wliich was recently organb.od, is composed ot line players and wijUiktlma i'ivai any team.

Tho Eecoiid - High school) entertainment, which was lo havo taken placo before, tho Easttrvacatioij"fm3paS(3n postponed until after the Loufeii season, to th a t all inter ostod In tbe school may he able toenjoy tha splendid musical program which hair been prepared.

Miss May Pawleymombor of tho “A” High .School class, who has teen absent from school becuuso 6 r severe,Illness, -will probubly-soon resumolier"stuill’es. '-■-.t.tt'

W a r Office ‘Expresses', y u e e r Opinions ' A bout F in d in g tlio linem y EaRtlj*.,

London, S a tu rd ay .—’Tim nct.i.vltj of the Boers abou t B loem fontein, despite tha, fact 'h a t It has rem ltod In J(hc3 ,lot,.^oX tw o con-' -hieriiblB forces.oT B ritish i;t ,les4 than one. wewl,-, is causing no utieasiness, I’hera is ■ibsijlnto tru s t In R oberts and hia ttbiilty lo do w hlit ha.eets abou t to do. AU'oCBciitl Hspateli received a t th a w a r office'thli* tlorning expressed t i i e general opinion by

s i j i i J K tliRt’tho nresance o t tlio Boera.ahout Bioemfonleln sim ply niivint.is tho necessipy

.of General R oberta w asting tho s tre n g th of his forces in iparclilng ab o u t tiie country try in g to find tho enem y. 1 ;

T t l l i K E r S I tB P tY K V A S IV E .

A m e r ic a n P r o te s t M ay l t e s a l t ln .C q iiin n k ,m B e in g P f^rk im p o r ta t lo n ^ Q u c s tlb n ,

Constantinople, flatnrday.-—,The. Sublime Porte has replied to Minister. -StrauB’ note protesting against the prohibition of Amor- li! in pork importations into Turkey. ,Tha reply is evasive,-and a eeeond-note; couohed tn stronger language, will- bo addressed 'to tho Porte next, week. Th6 result ot the American protest will probably, be- a com promise. Tho Porte has ordered an exami­nation of all imported bogs and will bar from entrance thoss whlch Bhow Blgna of- trichina;


George L. D. Tompkins, D.D.8 ., will mova from,|tls presont, location, 017 Mattison nVb-' nue, to rooms 3, 3 und 4, Postofljco building, ou.April 1: ■ > ■ - 6 8 tf '

Veto for Hjram Walton for councilman.•' . (j385.— —r.TT—-

Vote fcr Joseph i^C llysr,: the people’s choioo for ohosiiufreonoidsr: •

Less ' “politlcB” -.n'l*' more -good goVorn- ment—Frauk L. Tuttle. - .82tf

‘. Fcr'freeholder vote for J,',E.Wortmr.n.[tf

Vote for. T: A. Sege “ for aBsessof. 80-SC» ■ - -. 1 4 m•

Easter cards aVWadeVs. ' . SVtr •

P a y in g D ock N ow J e r s e y 's L o a n .The state of New. Jeraoy has-'recelved-a-

oheok from t in liatio'iKii-govariiraont for f.iV’OOf 77 on account of war exponsoi, The state praetigalbj loaned the goverpmant during the war $.1-I0,if>5.fli ot ■tfliicii, Includ­ing tho amount just racolved, $8S,727.21 has been paid back. ' __-

P alln.-.Sutidny T o m o rro w . * Tomorrow is tlio first day of hJly week,

oaiiimonly-oalletl—Palm-Sunduy^—Bleased- paim branchesjvro dfstrlliuted to the people I11 'all tho Roman Catholic and EpiVtjoSal churches; . V - ' v _ ^ ;__.. . .1 •

, . . .- Cyco is With you. . - : 1-.Tho CyOo -moyolo cornimiiy-la nwrlncated

at 518 Cookman i>vr,mw (In t he new K.*afor bioiik), and Cyct! will ho 'pleased- to serve youwithiils'usual courtesy and promptness.

- - 83 81 •

„ .' S o rosls S hoes . . ■The now shfie for women. For sale ex­

clusively at the -MammotH'-Opening Sat­urday. TnS STEiKiiiuu CaMPAsy,—rate

Vote foe Hiram Waltou for councilman;- . • - 83-85

Kor freedom •from-J’po!ltics,i—Frank L« Tuttle.' - * - ■ - I • 82tf

If you want a.truss go to Kinmoulh’8 . -[tf

For freeholder; vote for J. E. l\r6 rtman, [tf

Vota for T,. A. Sager for assessor. 80 80*

’ :sitcOnioVi aata atWcdeVa.

^ Ire S tnctcu T - . M orn ing H aa A lready BidJt^fOyed.Over' T h irty B uild ings.

Huntington, W Va., Saturday.—Prootor- viile,.0 bio, is baing-almdst totally-destroy­ed. by fire ‘which started a t 9 o'cfock this morning. More than 30 buildings' have aL ready bean destroyed,


R ep o rts I lls C asualties a t B e th an y S ta­tio n on W ednesday I.nst.

London, Saturday.—Uobarts^-eports that tho number of men killed, wounded and captured1 near Betha&Mlation Wednesday was 391. y ' _^ZT_L !

' T he AVoatlier.Washington,--'Saturday.-—The conditions

are favorable for local rains tonight and Sunday, -with trash northwesterly winds.


H u r ry S u m m e rs , J r .Last flight Harry Summers, tiie -bright

ypuug,son of Harry and Sarah Summers, died a t the home of tho. parents, corner C|ark and Delaware avenues,'Ocean Grove, iuJiis l-l th yom^-Ho.had,been ill abouttwo weeks with soajlotr-fover. Tho- Intormeut took place today a t Mt. Prospect tfemetery. Last fall a child of the same family died of diphtheria. They have one child left. Mr. Summers is one of Ocean Grovo’s mall cur­riers. .. .' ' ' ..t . . . . . . . - -|>1| r j^, ^u8s jjurand.

Last evening tbe home of Mr. and Mia William ii. Smith, 110 Anbury avenue, Ocean Grovo, was tho scano"of:i general good tlnia, it being tho birthday -amilver- Sary of.tlieir. niece, Miss Emma P'. Uurand. Tne o irly part of tlio evening: was fpent In playing a'dios. Later tho. gathering'i ad­journed to the .dining Voom anil partook of refreshments. "FriOuds weca present frotn Hofilentown, Lakewood, Newark, Ocean Grovo. and Asbury. Eatk, zrh E=iHr=lierr=_:~

S ex to n H as H o rse s ,to S e ll .A caiToad o r hursos arrived today., at M,

E.~Seitdn's' Sooth Main street Btables, which will bo sold at prlvato sale. The ani mals.are acclimated mid nro just tho kina ot Btooi for buslhess men to purchase at this Benson of the'year.-.Parties needing horses ara invited to jc:ill nnd inspect this a-.ock.

■ P a r k O pera. H o u se T o n ig lit .The norfonimmiii^at TJ.~rk On-rn-Housn

last night by tlifa cakowalk.vaudevllie ag- gregaiioti of colored artlBts Is spoken of H8 having boan very entartaiuing' and amus­ing. Theygavou matlneo this afternoon amV appear ugaln todlghir. Beo adv. Ior particiitarsr-r- '—— :

' Mrs; E. Dills wishes to ’announce that her millinery parlors .aro open uatil 8 o’olnok every ovenlogr * , . '84*

■ Voto -for Joseph L. Oliver, tho pwinleV choliH tof chosoti treeliolder. S3 tf

Vote for Hiram Walton for oouhoilman.. - .' .' ' . 83-85

Tho people's candidate—Frdnlf^K Tuttio. . • • ■ - - :83tt

For freeholder vote for J . E. WOrti£on. [tf

Vdtb for T. -Av Segor for nesessor, 80-8®;

SiltTrading stamps a t Wedcl's.

Hiram Waltor, tbo rfgular. BeiiubHcao nomineo for enuocilman in the yiret-warrt,

'S3-8C,' -



.Of how happy you would be in a home of your ow n, and one to x»f* fer for sale at a low price, with smajl paym ent down.

The rentals saved in a.few years would, go a long w ay toward pay* ing the balance: ;

Let us give.,you particulars..

M ILAN R O S S ' A G E N C Y■ ' ' . . * .

I; ,; 208 Main Street.

Monmouth Trust AND —

S it f isionmoulh Bulldinf, Asbury park ; IJ. jr.

CAP1TAL, . . , , . SlOOJinb.SURPLUS, .'. . . . . 25.000.• B x e c a te s a l l t r u s t a k n o w n to t h r l a w . •

Loanft money oa bot»4 and m ortgage,Receives Ueposlta subject to check an d allow*

Interest on daily balancer. , • rActs as Trustee R egistrar an d T ran a fe r A aeiit.B a y s c o u p o n s . • * - .M a^es dem and, and tim e loans o n approvedcollateral. ‘ • • •8 a le d e p o s it v a u lts . , / " , ^

C. TW INING, Pres dent. ■ < •G.'.D. M. HARVBY. V iM .Presldent,

. JEL A. TU8TING, SecteU iyf D. C. CO RNBU ,. T reasurer x

' . DIRECTORS: ■O. H . Brown,: R. A. Tuatlnfar,

H. Buctianon, — W enry M itchell, M , I>.'..C. Cornell, . ' ‘ John P O’Brien,

J H arrison , ■ Perry R_fimithiCol. G. B. M. H arvey, 8. A. Patterson.George F. K roehl A. O. Twinini?,Bruce S: K eator, M. D„ H H Vreeland.

G. D. W . Vrobm.


Higli Grade.- Fisfiinjr Tackle‘— JR epalring on Hods an d Reela. .

iSfij,A r s ; A n d t o b a c c o r.Imported Key West and Domestic Clgare and all.

Smokers* Artlolee. . vThe best clsrar th a t 5 cents can buy.

J . K . S E G E R , C o okm an A v en u e



E A 5 T E S B 0 0 K L E T 5

PAA5 £QQ -DYE5Froe fromipolaon. ,

P A A 5 P A P E R D , Y E 5

E a c h e n v e I 6 p e - p f 12 s h d o t g S c e n t s P r l n t a b o a u t l f u 1 s h a d e s o f v a r i o u s c o l o r a . W i l l c o l o r f r o m 3 t o © d o z . e g g s . •

HARRY s . BORDEN ^ f-7-—

S ta tio n e r % c N e w s d e a le r' Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave.

Your EyesTJJUl. taka care of you if you will take care of tbom. When they warn you that something is wrong pay attau- tlon to it. ,

Headache , and Neuralgia quiokiy ' rellevod. •’ , -

STILES & CO.= i ::- - E y e - S p e c i a l i s t s “

222 MAIN STREETK V R U Y V » i i > A i . .

H o n r n I t j i l p . m . , 2 r o f t p , m l

F ree exam ltm tlon. All G lasses guaranteed.

C a p i t a l , $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 S u r p l u B , * 7 0 ,o o o

First National BankOF ARBDKT PARK '

M attison A venae and Bond 8 treet(Organised February,

OFFIOEEB -(5*0. F . KnoanL, PreeWent, *

O. B* Bkovn, 1st V ioe-Fretfdent. ■ ,. BIMMAH.-Cd VioerFresidaBl.

U. V. Daobb, Cashier. .M. U. Boorr, A ssistant Cashier*,DIREOTOPS . £ w

•' Q.‘F . ICroehV Mablon 6.1 Marjferum.*Oliver H Brown, William H. Beegle,

E s B. K eator, B. VT. K irkbride,Oovert, ♦ M. L. Bamraan, . • - j.

O. Kennedy, Charles A, SToung,* Milan Ross, • A lbort O. Twining, .

gharm an B. Oviatt, Samuel Johnson,^WllUam H athaw ay , • . • >

C om parative b e p d sltsSeptember ft 1880.' . . . ; $878,704.5?

•> ' 8, 1883. . - .! . M8.16i.<4“ 6, 1898: . . . . 489,111.18

, ■» 7, 1807. . .. . . 630,088 41“ 7, .18D8 .- e-84,944,7J

f P».troii8 vaiuftbUn mcetvad far Mfe FonHsn E ? b o n f t h t and«il4. 0 £jl*oiiarii

± : A S B F R V J> A R K D A I b y PljtESS, S A T U R D A Y ,^ A P ^ I L 7 , 1900,

T H E ^ U X B A Y 'S C I K K O L .

LE&$C}N| IIrSECONp QUARTER, 1NJER*-. 1 N a t io n a l s e r i e s , a r r i lv s .- -.

T ex t of «the Lesson* 1^14.•V : M em ory V erses, 7; 8,*-' T ex t, Blatli. '• v il, .iy C o iiiiiiea tn r;y

•'. P repared b y jih e Uev. J), SI. S tearns. ’' fCopyright, 10&0; <by.. D. M. • fleams. J '

wl,. 2.* "Judge not tliat- ye be.not judg* ed." Our lesson 1h on t itled ‘TrecepU n n d - P I'oin Ik i: y f-i h u t it is part of the ser­mon on tho mount, the Jaw s of the king* doni., nutl if ivo are joint heirs with Christ

, o£-.this kingdom the*foatuVerf of the kiiig*.. dour should;; lio more fiiii.v ;-sei’iV in "oui

dully life. After .saying th a t. righteous-, f.ness which dot1# tiof exceed* .that of the,, scHbea and; Pharisees .is worth uotUiug: f u i h e sight of Clad /tv , 2U), lie -then tutighf them that tno Ten'C.onnu'indinenta. meant not* nuVely iht» letter, .but \be spirit of the commaiui and; that all almsgiving; prit.vi.ng and fa i t mg* tliat bas any regard

V to what tuen think of it 1:4 of jio use. All must .lie in ;the sight' of -.’(Stra and 'uuto Ilini alone, who Is oiu* Fathi'r ,ln -heaven,-; who. can t h -for lilies.and sj;nnows‘and- \yill not ail'-Hv an.\*-chii'd of tils to luck any fccuul thing. ’ * *' ' ’(

: i’i is dilliciilt for us to bhlieve tfifljtwhen thing's seem wrong the beam is in our eye and only a mote in the other s

" eye* We can hardly Ije persuaded of .‘ this*, for. we thin!; that things:uiust.-be, as they, seem, ahd the.beatn is nlwayjTin the, otht’f’s eye.' . Cut it is, the . Lord, who* Is speaking to us. He who teads’ tiii*-heart, and l ie fcnows. Let us s erk earnestly to bl* right with (Soil,.seeing things and peo-

L-ple-iu liis-Uightl-ttnd-then only shall we

Bed Room SuitsThU season we are showing about 40 d i f ­

ferent patterns in bed room furniture;’ N ot one ;lK u t that is Worthy of a place Among good furni- ‘

t))re. . WhilfTwe'do not claim mere cheapness a ■ virtue, yet we have reliable, well rhacfe" suits of

solid oak with French plate jnirrdrs as low as

S i5 -suits

' ' - - 'From this up to $ipa. . There are in ashy curly birch, birds, eye maple and

mahogany.': Some beautiful in . simplicity and plainness; others ornate with carvings. : - Every taste can . be satisfied in this great collection of styles and woods.1 — , '

In this department there are—also some very pretty odd dLessers in the fancy ^voodstylere mention of one foi tcday. T- A beautiful ‘

4 . ' «. ', • . * * dainty birds eye njaple bureau for only

7 Just the thing to go with an ejiameled iron bed.

§cje clearly. When we are tempted to think (that-others are wrong.and we nre rjglit,.it would-be well.to consider prayer­fully the possibjiity of our being wrong before we say anything. 1 . ,0. Dogs and swine ; suggesty.thc'un- clwtn, the. unrenewed who, whatever pro-: .fe&slou they may moke; are still natural and unsaved.'.(II Pet. ii. 22). ' I^dr__othei‘

» references to dogs.or to the unsaved as dogs see Ps. xxii; lfc, 20:,Phil, iii, 2; te r- xxii, 15. John Wesley said: “Speak .jfftjL tof the deep thiugs of God to: those w hoi#

* you know to be whjlowing in sin nor de­clare the great things God hath done for

• your soul to'pt’ofaue; furious, persecuting __wretcbes.r=-’T a lk ^ o t pf_perfeetion_to.,.the_|

former uor oi.you*;‘heart’s experience* to the latter, t f we are filled with the Holy

: -Spirit. :IIe will- tell us ■‘.when-to-spertk and. to whom>nnt\. what He would have us tosay. ^Be. lHiud with the..Spirit/*.... ' __

7, 8. W iso is w ise enough to know when to speak and. w hat to say ? None but l ie who is pei fe tt J n know ledge. - VVho tea t‘li-;

— e tlH iive-4-I-im-4»k*t>—m i xa-1 * - * 1 2 {-‘I—-4-f H e .• sees that, we eainV-st'ly desire .to "he til led

w ith, emit rolled .jitvd[.taught l»v II i'm,. H e’ will do i t , , . f u t i le wIlLfliUjll th e desire Of them VhSit,fear I l i u i jP s . cxlvi V i l , Ask-

< ing^Hugtrei't s. II IC ui^Sji, SI; n _7^hron..l, ■ 7 ; ix, t - f ,I;vItu iv. tnr xiy,

"io, t-i: :: r, •'' 7t.- .1 , a ml v ise:' t passages. Seeking n'lid.iIilg/W 1‘rov. i. vlli....17: Ps; xxviv,: 4;* jer.' jXT-vi IU: .Zeph. Ji. 0 , aud others. .:Muo(;i;.iu';;: is a tyiuM less common : \vord, found ouly in the Old

'Testament in Kong v. 2. and in tlie New Testament iu Luke xi. V.'\; xiii,257 lets xii. i;i, mrTleVriTir^V: l;esirles

v o n r lf*ss r^ n ^ —1t™ v- t-h*.t *i t‘. (uV j laj_ 1 or_d. ; knu^F^r^; i: ifevUir-.r* I., -o'f •

‘ we wi!i i>ettt;r undei^tawd'!JiVrfrBSsi*'-that wt >b«ii»ld jisk, *seek :»jd l;i)«i‘eU .that- we may'~rejy iver "j’-ii t i ~a n i h-l m-vov.-Ii'ts-.- wtv le-

/kingdomVl-,,,^d'..?o u» : ; ^ ‘ ’O i l . No p.arri■w''^adjl'giv«*)M:i-elijhl an

—' evi 1 01 mg'i ns.tea'l 1 of ,'n gp*.•• 1. tfi ing.. ilo w. nv.;>*! \ \ e.V4 MVi xM i* 11 ea vi-tdy! I-'ti.iiier w i I h‘-

1 1;n! —r > . n v -7 0 0 11 From --I'fts e!ii!<\re1i-?- Thtr V'a,:^Laf-1 vj vefA«>.i J it:. Luk

.. xi. VI sn'yK '.‘Thv ‘ lloly: S j>ir-itlf iusie*: dv . Who is this v.'ho is

. hV' ;J*si/ vlt».ljs.o nafl; feaeh'et h- ‘ like - no f rtu-r biij-: t oe T.l .rly. .Kpirli V: O ur Lord

said • iia*? WisV*\W>!t^in«hi;vv/X»Fe’ shall tea<• h ’’"'you''all thing^1' ■ ^nV'Avili'gUid.; y.m;imo , ail t;-::t!r’ olidip ' r s i x ' . -xyi,‘. 1JW.' , t>e-

caiisVv-Jo. havV sueli ^ “TTTCher::\v#ynve- ther.*’fo;*e t5;anke nn thought ’ for. life or.

j;.' fo.- iV:«ii1- vu i i v ’it :w ire.st.fpl ’t'hihfjwn of i ; l«:r.i,fy.TJ iiiv hy vl^4iig- lU[iMl - u ^h

' Hit-- ?;i]iiiitCmy!•:•}!IUiMUKtUj|iUVtQ.; . e o n ; . e - f .. ; 4 g i i j ‘v^xt'tV^-j^d V Vi l ion otir Fiii-lior^ecs'Thit* :'we dl:5»»*e'‘(»iis

w ili:'J'hti'vAs-hf^hlgvrt; ;'v?U nut with-.-1k;P*v tbe^fuU ije^ itrf ' ’ hi* :.-‘fr;»ui any

• o * ■ ± Id r i m a j i ji.cirtest-y; ;.6 e-

• d.in.r.T'i’i lv,-ill);, ••••'.: ; '1!h<.‘se ' ■■oiiiHso’ sii;:Yinalies' at’t* solit-1pliii.' .lis 10,.--»ye h!ad.:4-*\Loye.AVOt'Ui ili-nO iSl - i i > Xiiv'iiUwi-,‘-1Itero^uifo

■ • Love t’uir.iiiug tlio-huv.V I.I’ei*?our L«rd' :rivef.-. -.ca'a.MmiiiiUry of the law



Grand and Cookman Avenues, Asbury P ark ,'ft. J .

: -1lii f » I - - j imt -llien- " sh'oMi! f ‘iKrye evi n v r to t.hem.-1’

Uji’hlii itiili tho-Tuinv-.al, '‘\Viia.t-soever .loMhysuTf tliat ilo not

' to'Tiiy.' uci^kl-HvV at:tl/i\)liit iv. I.”),;says, f'Vui tlmi t-i »;•’> inati whieh tliou ha test.’’

*I»»:t •tfa I.-a <I Jesus* lakes hi/her ground and tells i:s tiot merely not l«»;do wttut is wreng; hut to do. what is. right in tho sight nf < iml e.:Vd*mau.• 1 . “ Litter e* in nt the strait ^ a t o ^

There Is.a bro;:\!. easy way. with*a wide entrance1, and it is liS.led with* people who think^hey are going to heaven, uot.know* ipg tjnit It leafleth.to destruction. Those- whi»"*lM*lp’ to Cl| this broad .way teach that ajriiii* ( ‘liii.-tians who luu’e-a desire to .be gnud aud.ait in ntfy^vay like the Lord Jct ::*. AU '.who are kitpr and amfable and iivij 1 : unselfishly, these we are told. 111’*' J ’ LveU'.the heatheiT. who

“ The Strange Adventureso f M is s B r o w n ”

# -. * • . ■*. *A C O M E D ^IN TH REB-A CTS, B y R obert B u ch a n an an d C. M arlow e


Members-of Co. Ht Tllird New Jersey Regiment•C‘

I * a u k O p e r a H o u s b

-o s -

Thiirsrinv Rvenlne, A P R I L , 1 9U n d o r d i r e c t i o n M R . F R A N K L . T U T T L E

n^raFC oO T -tflnny^sroavalry 'o ffloer.^ .Major. p ’GiillHUhorv» cavalry offlecr.. w ;...........U r. S im u e l H ibhortao ii, a so lic ito r . a ........ •••B eru t-a il tT a u n o r , S eo iia n d y a rd d e te c tiv o .P|-o(.'Von Mi-zer, a DiUBle teacher... ........Mk'liuei Douihi-rty, a privateVoldier .Ariftefii Briglil well, a ward la ciiancery. . . . . . ••.,.....lkr»: 0 -«nllat'lier,:Hw ini-joVo wife... . . . . V:MiftB.U'mim-y. t 'f L'ictro House A c a d e m y ... . . :i'uiilWiiiia Scliwai tz, st.6 owns a title—and a dot.-....Mil tf Ida Ji;1«h. 11 coun try ,h>-lle .-. ttEmma LuVerag^ a w rit at,le nlren. ............. - Cfjllr-tablfh. School GlrlSi


EDWARD’ L. TiFPANY'............. . . .H BLAKE MARTINj . ....................HO W A R P 0 . W H IT E..................... G EO K GB E . H U L IO K. . . . . . . . F R E D . G O L L IfR....................H A R ItY L. W IS E M A N. . . . . . . . . . . . F ltA N K D. D U D L E Y


XCT^I—M njoi' O'GWIoehor's tpiariflni. The W edillt'ir. ' ■ . ■ • * .'ACT II—f'jtvM Hrtnse A cudem i. The honeymoon.

■ ' ACT. Ill-S n iiieas ao t.Ii;■ Aiil«2 lnt[aputht'slBof MissBr0 Wn;

time XaDk?i.TftAL ft R. Qf KtV

<■ r i tb r a rh e p i a l D s i- t E x c lu s iv e ly , I n s u t- Uhe^s sna ConiitJr4.

TiTi'iV- Ji.ou; fn w i t^ Januar^BrKO^.

. • ' HlAISS l.EAVK AHdDKV l'AHK.t or New VorR, Newartv u»-d Elizabutn vii ail rar . route. 6 17..B00 a m,»ia 10 4 U0 , 0 v'i) p m Hun ' (iH>B from hiterlaUeu station; 7- 37 a n\4 IB p iy. for Pbtittdelphu* aud Trebltin viiv £lizai)eth|Min a 17,8 00 a ai. I IU 4G0pm duuday fro to Id

Cerlaheti Station, 787 a u> fib pin.' o r Haliimore and WaHhlngton,.6 f7, tM*0 a ’ni.

V> 10,4 <)o p oi. Bundaye fram tnrerlalieB 8ta- . cion, 7^ram V ,4 18 p m; T-.

-or~Ea»ion,-BothIelioin, Alleutown and Maucb Chunii, ft 17,’8 Oo, a m; Vi 10, (4 00 to- Eaiiwn) p m. Sunday a from IntorlaUeo station; 4 18 p c i .

F or Wilkeflbarre arid 8cranton ,-800a m , J 2 10 p m . For Buflfalo and ChlcaRO via L. & W.< B. Hi, ^SOOaniu400Vm ' ' '

' : J , H. OLKAU8EN. Ood’1 Eupi.H P BaLn*rik. G«n • Paw* Asrt s . •

O m e U D le .s. j

4pKSYLMN(a RfllLRttflfi. jT b t S ta n d a r d R a i lr o a d o f A ir ijrica

. '* ■ •'vi- • ■. ■ ^ • .',. Ou rtO«l nfTi«r November 10.18W.— r.Hi insAjKAv jc.a«uohv- pauk-- w*&*-■}}

-*t’or N«v?A’orti^ji}(l-N^warkr710r8 Kl n li5 ao~rr*t pm ; •

For FJlzabetb 8 S') a a n d f i . f f l p m .For Itabway,.8 50 a m . 2,25 and ft 83 p nil F6t M atawan, 8 w iin i, ■-* *ifcand^5 88 p in ;F->r Long iirnnuh, 7 10, 8f»0. 11 OiVartt. 2 15, fc . f/38,540, 707 p m.

Rt-d .Bank, 7 10.850 a oi. 225and 5 33 p iu. Fur I'hlladplphla^BrcjHd-Street,and T ran ton .T ^

8 05 a m, 12J5 aDd-4^W-i» raT-rr -------- r—

entering heaven’''WlthOUJV'n' iTTTiE ..vl.n^TTTirnd itjnust n

4 ..

never hi^.ii^oMiud. if they do the [best , they ean*-’they?'too,''art*-^siijrrd.. Tab Mac- ‘ Laren says.oij page J03 of h‘i?4 “Miud of ‘"the M aster.” ‘‘According, to .Jesus, tbe

fiellish man was_lost: the' unselfish was saved^! This is the-kind of tea eh ing

;,»whieh Hlls 'tlit*htoad' way withv tleltidrd^ , souls^ who think .(hey are safe but have

no;foundation on^which to rest. • • •. 14. “Ileeatisi* strait Is the * gate and narrow ' is' the >yav whit h. lcadeth . unto

- life, ami fe;*,v -ils^re he ihat lind it.M "Many ’--do nutrlkuow of' it. ami. m.iny. who do’

. ' kiiow. of it do not like it. There is no ‘‘poSsihility of

*” rlghteotisnf’s.i. |T s______be. thsit_wh’n.h God has provtdtul by'.the

• sticrifiSj ;«yrf l-Hssptvvtf j ;‘ Cofr'v,” ‘2 1 It ■ is the*4)luod that njiilcaS atopemenjt -for

• ' tin* 'siiul. < Lev, xvii, 11),' ajid without shed-t ding [ofVblom). *,here is no remission of eins (Ileb..is,’•24).. Cain did not like tlio*

*. way^of hi (Hid, and; there a i e‘many in his W'dy-today..>-Avpastor’ of ati evangelical

‘ ehiircU itr fhe west said • phhliely from ’ lils own puipit- rhal.-r-'IXe wrtiild-raiher be

•. In st-th an * t o, 1 . v c j n-i n < • < 1 to heaven'--on the’ baek of a inV;rdeifi!; inliii” Uuly Watch word). - Tin,*: Loxiil '.Icsus who died for our bIhs and rpse .ai/tiiu and why is the only way to tiod ulohn.xlv; 15: Arts iv. -I2j of­fers all the'‘.benefits o? Il\< great sacrifico to every -penitent sinner who v.dll accept Illm iJoIiu“i r i i , :-vj. 07), but there‘is uc

- othf:r war< «Vets iv. I2 vS lp l f lu o n ly n f o o i . . .

‘Brussels, * A*0rii. 7V—The police.'in vest!-* gation intv tlje’ putvage upon^the_^Pnncc

• o f W a le s shown-that .lean Baptiste^Sipi. 1 do, V ‘-s assailant: acte l/ wjthu tatlon, Slpido was ;ui\d^r tl o f companions who had urged MyV against his.-willlo commit the outrage., r* •.

‘B lm n in s e d F r o m I h e A r i n r -l^yasliingtoii; Am il 7.-—tinder the final

un:iion - uuiL-rieu -uy iiil- uiLiunrs . , ip .on n g e n e ra l c o m m an d in g -in - th e -f ic ld i ^ b n i b o r t im id i^ iy » i static n . a t>r. XJene» nl O tis h a s ’ d ire c te d th e ciis-* w T ? f and 510 p m 8undava7^ 4

ju risd ic tfon ^oiiferred by ;tiib~aT ti^lps 'of w a r on M ajor. XJene' m issal from th e m ilitary serv ice of 'M ajor G eorge W . K irk lian i of the 'P x irty -iiiiith vo lun teer in fan try , c ap ta in of tire Tw en-

^ty-tnn d 'reg u la r- : in f a n try , i.and th rep olU’-- cers of v o lu n tee r'reg im en ts . P r i v a te ail1 vices fio m tho P h ilip p in es sa’y xtlfn t th e elm rges on w hieh M ajo r K irk h a in ; w as tried grew*out*:of h is .conduct* oh board, th e tran sp o rt; on Lw hieh' th e F o rty -n in th w as procee—ing to M nnila from San

;,£r?\tllds.i:p.> A rchb ishop C’hapelle, the postolic de iegate to th e Ph ilipp ines, wag

-.or Oamd*n via Trenton rand Hordentown, 7 2V 805 a ro* 1215 and 4 07 p m. • <■

For CaradeD and Philadelphia via Tom s i l m « . t 23 t* in; " . * . [ r *n r Tnma River, Island Heights and interm eototo

. «t ntions, 123 p m , . . .........^ ■ •• or Point Pleasant and. Interm ediate Htattei* a,

10,59 a m, 2 53,5 10 and 6 48 p.m . ^ . *For N ew -Brunswick, via-Tuonmouth Junoti* n,

8 05a m; 12 lftand 4 07 P m. . . ^ •TUAlJlt' LKAVB YOBH W3B AHBttBY PAB*

y rorn Wflat'Tw«nty»Third 8 troe t Htation,.8 56 a ii 12 40; 3 2ft and .4 55 p m. Sundays,.# 25 a m , ani>

- 4 55 p in ' a., • - •Prom iJptfbrosses Htreat station,-a t 00 a m ; 12 50,

^HO^andftll r p j t t— H u n d ays ,-0:4{L; «rmi:an drfi:lf-:

Tc^ro l^)rtlandi_6tr^ia staticn , a t 9 Q0_a__m; l2 l l J c r J h O p u rp o se o f e le c tin g :945_a m a n d U ir > . ' .

tp re m e d i-iti'lnence

passenger oil. the transport, i t was al leged thatM ajor Ivirkmnn became druhly and .annoyed the Krchbisliop by putting a blankeV ovtr., tho Xvindow o f his state­room..- When the -ii rchhishop' remoh.strat- ed, Major. I* irkin.an.~*it is* • eharged, used’ insulting language toward, him. Similar cha rges were made agaiust* [at legist, oho of the othor oil leers. -— *

. ^ .T r n n H v b r t 'b 'r o m i j u o n 'New York, April 7.—The United Stntes.

trihispprt.' Bv ford, from Matanxas MaveH 25,; Cien'fuegoa >>0 .and Havana .April 1. with^2 U ch£jin passengers and 0 0 dis- flutrgi'il'auil furlougjied soldiers und crvil-j ian employees to the United States quar-| feNiasfer's“"department, «ai*rircd i t the- bar-at 3:30 lo s t night. 7 - •

W ..H . f lh ipm au i B ea rd sley , M inn., .under o a th , s a y s h e su ffe red f ro m dyppppsitt fo r tw e h ty .f lv e ’y e a rs .^ D o c to re . and[ d ie tin g g tfve h u r llt.Me r e l i e f . . F in a l ly ho u sed K o- dol Dy«t*epsi i CJurn a n d Tiow .esta w hat^he ll^ e s and a s m u ch a s ho w an ts* a h d h e feels Hite a jif is s ra ii^ p .^ _ It diKHSts w b a t y o u eaU W : R . H am , 107 M ain s tr e e t .

•p m.On Sunday frill s top a t tnteriaken and A.voi* in

ulace of North.Anbury Park and A sbury Park to •H'off passengers ' -

- ;ju.iNB tJtAVit pniLAoawniA (Broad’S't.) kjb—, * *, iJBBUBT PARE. ~Vt- 8 20.11 10 a m,- 8 30, 4 02*p m week-days. Mar

ket Hi reel W harf, via uam den and .Trenton 7 30,10 30. a m« 2 80. 8 30p nr.. week-days. Leave Market Street W htuf .vla Jamesburpf, 780 a

"* 4 00 p i««, week-days.*"' '-.[,■w* s h T n o t o n T n ^

■ LKAVK OUOAD 8TBSRT, PEUliADItLPIllA. BfiK1morH‘ajn5“ W nsn[n^oii73'60;‘,r20 :‘8^2;

: - - s . v v - .

•7 v . p:


E l' ; [ - v:;- *- .

B u t D o n ’ t p o f g e t Y o u H a v e t o E ^ t . E v e r y b o d y i n T o w n K n o w s

6 2 9 C O O K M A N A V E K T t l B

D O N ’T fail to come and see us. W e sell good, first-class meat cheaper /than any otherplace on the coast. : You can save from 20 to 40 per cent, by dealing with us an-d.paying

cash. D on’t let your butcher tell you our stuff is not first class, but whil^ in our neigh­borhood stop in and convince yourself. . W e do just as we advertise.'/ N o ;fake about us.

W ^ h aw b een ;h ere ‘long^noug}rto~cqnvince.yoa1to 'th e c o n tra ry .“ - ~ - ^ " T“ — ^ — —-

ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST THE nARKET AFFORDS.Prime Rib Roast Beef, such as you pay 1 6 1 8 c lb. for. I 2 ^ c lbLegs, of Lamb, not M utton 11 c lbFore Quarter of Lamb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 9cl bSirloin• Steak, the b e st.. . Porterhouse Steak . . .. . Chuck Steak.Chuck Roast, the^finest............Good Pot RoastShoulder Lamb Chops........Rib Lamb Chops. . . . . . . . . ,Stew~ L a m b . . . . . r r r v r . . tttti

, . . i • 15c lh .i i6-i8clb . r.T 3 lbs 25 c .... qc lb

8clb joc lb

.. .. 14c lb

.“ 4c to 6c lb

Frankfort Sausage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bologna. . . . . ,Bacon, by the strip . . . .Good Chuck ^.Qast. . . . . . . . . .Cross R i b . . . . . . .I'op Sirloin. . .Extra Fine Large Roasting Chickens. Extra Fine Dry Picked Turkeys. . . . .Sausage, . . . . . . g. . . . .Pork Loin or chops .•.[;'..................Round-StCakTi

. ^ 1 0 c lb ■3 lbs 25c ; i i c l b . 8c lb . ‘ tic. lb . 12c lbi ': .15c lb .“ j6c lb' . 8c lb ,. Ioc lb. 2 lbs 25c

JERSEY VEAL A SPECIALTY,.7 Pressed Ham, Prepared Ham, Headcheese, Liver Pudding, Blood Pudding, Pigs Feet, 'Fresh

Corned Beef. - Tn fact we handle everything apperraming to a first-class Meat' Market. Not only

everything we handle at the lowest prices. "“ Don’t ^nake a mistake or forget the number,

Tripe, Hams,- Bacon,

one thing cheap but


T E L E P H O N E 61a.

6 &9 -G o o l£n iQ n A .veiitie4v“ E D W A R D B . H I L I * .

A Few .Words from an Abused Watch ;I WANT to tell yon how I have been usod. After bfilngr

DianDfaotored by tbo Elgin Watch Company ^nd named B. Raymond, 1 was then cased np In 'a solid gold house and sold. I itept excellent time and my beeper was very proud of me until I g o ta llttlequ to |_ order: then I was taken to a swell jewelry B'oro j th e bosa paused me over to a cheap warkin«n ; he wont a t me like he woold an old'mowlng machine—with plnohersimd .dirty hatida. He soon had my face scared and my hands crippled and my Inaldes bound up bo tight that ..f could barely waddle. Then I was glvpn back to my kecpur and tho bill was t 2 ; but I could not keep time and I *as left with every person that *biiug out a B lgn‘-Fine Watch Uepalrlng.”- They went on crippling m y, joljjtB’and oleanlrig mo out of nvorythlug that, was any go'od>and I was

considered worthless. Then-I-was taken to.CASWELL’S and he gave me....... .-...a dose of ether and put me to sleep. Now, when I woke up I was-clean,

— my joints were free and easy, I felt just like, running, and I dfd rim and - : •kept time. My keopcr is once more proud.of me.. Now, If ever anything alls me again," pray take me to •'

6 3 9 M a t t i s o n A v e n u e V-f'

NOTICEiviotio Iti horeby given tn a tan election 1 1'* will be held In th“ city of Asbury Fark, in the county of Monmouth, on

TUESDAY, RPRIt 10, I900r;Between-tho-hou¥ff of-slx-o’clock-in-the morning fthd eeven o’clock In the. evening


W r-H nitim ortranar-w nsm ngtonr i f o a . r w o u v , : ,10 20,1123..U88 am,(1288 Lim ited, D loinpCar).

1 13 (D ining C ar), 312, .4 41 (6 2f Oongresaiensl Limited, Dining O ar), 6 05, ffatT, 06ft (Dining {’a r t . 7 3V< Dinlmr CAr) j m , and 12 20nlRht wot k

3 50. 720, 9 12, 11 23, U .8 3 a jn , . , 312, 4 41 (5 20 {Jongreeaiona*

Dining p a r ) , 6 05 fl 55- (D ining .Oar).113 (DiningLimited,* Dining < . . ..7 31 (Dining C ar), p ra and 1220night,.Time tab les ot u-ft othi*r trains, o r thesyBtenji

>.*nay be obtained ao th e tioket officee o r stations , v ' * J . H, WOOD. a e n . P ase A gt-,

....J».j^.Hntohlnpon,Qen,.trtanasfer....:. .........

B R A Z IN GNICKELINGa n de n a m e l i n g

B i c y c l e R e p a i r i n g“ A nd A'll- -

D lfflo u lt R ep a ir in g 'O ut-S F S o la l t y . ’ .


J . E D G A R S O O Y:--^:V-_512,.L-2 C<Jpkrnan A v e ._ ^ .i - I

Opp..PaitrWg«&Iilobardeon's.r^' .

T h e c irc u la t io n , o f 'th e DAILY fo rw a rd s te a d i ly a n d rafyldly.

One member of council from the ward. • ’

One memher.of council from the Second ward. ” 'V r • • •. . ^- A City Clerk. , -A Treasurer. ■ , . -./

' A Collector of Tax^s.One Overseer of the Poor. - - •One Aspexsor from the First ward. , • -

. One Aswessor from tha Second-ward.— : ...^One.iCboson .- Freeholder from the First ward.

One Chosen Freeholder from the Secondwat-d. .- - - ■ ^

Three Commissioners ol Appeal-’in pases of taxation “ ■-'; .-

T« o Constables from- the First ward.: Two Constables from the Second ward: -.

Two members of the Board of Education for tho torm of two years,

One member of tbo Boardyof Education for the term-of one year.

-Raid election will behold in the following, plages: . ,;tn the First ward In said olty. at tho

southeaat 6 0 rner Bond street and Bangs ^avenue.

In tho.Second ward in said, clfy, In Edu­cational Hall, Third avenue ana Grand ave nue. . ,-. , •. * >- Witness my hand thlB 2flth-day of Marchr

A.D,;i900„ ■

W ILU AM O. BURKOUGBS.' - .CltjrlQlerltof Asbury Park.

. The P eess glvesmqre readlngmatter for one (cent than any other neWBpapei' ln As bnry .Park . • ' ' ~ ~ J -

/^ R O SB IE will con- ^.-tirvue his auctionon

A t 1 o ’c lo c k sharp.

Lots of Jew and Second Hand

M. M CROSBIE, Auctioneer

Frank H; Walker. Practical

Paper Hanger j - and dealer.in ■

W a ll P a p e r s and b W a ll lV lou ld in^s “

Bamplts brought to your home, thus af­fording a better chance to matoh your oar. Ijets, furniture at,d other decorations.

I Call or ad d re ss 1112 tfanroe Avenue. West Asbury Park.

ELECTRIC tIGHT; WIRINGf l e o t r i c C a s L igh tin g . , *

.E le c tr ic B e lls an d A n n u n c ia to r s ., B u r g la r A la r m s, E tc . -----


N ew K eato r Dlock;’


E X C L U S IV E P A T T E R N S .





T A I L O R , C L O T H IE R F U R N I S H E R6 2 2 C o o k m a n A v e n u e . .



DEALER IN ' ' j " ^


P O S T O k F IC E Box 9 05 A SBU R Y PA RK , N . J

flsbury ParK fioiei? flsbury ParK 9 0 10f a m i l y h o t e l

G r a n d a n d S e w a l i A v e n u e sOPEN ALL THR-YEAiL (*

Stoam heat. Electrlo lights.A llm o d o rn -Im p ro v e m e n

Son parlor. niabie prlccs

T h e ^ S l a f f o r d. Corner Pllth Avenue Bad Heck Street ■ Open All The Year '

Opposite 'Suoset Lake : - Special ttccommodatlonc for' bicycles' ' y . .’ f o r term s address MBS- A . h . O P Y .

CFormerlv. 8 t. • Jam e«). CorntT Cookman avc- n u a a n d Wobh stree t; Open all tlio year. Com-

. m anding fu ll of th e boa. -13ro»d porches,large, airyrComfortabl&rooms. Bteam-heated th roughou t. Service and cuisine excellent, v _

■ .- VAN AKEK.‘

Commercial Hotel

Grand Avenue Hotel Open a ll the f t proven. E lectrlo _ lor*. Superior tab le

,e a r . . italarged und Im* 0 lights and gaa: Bun par- * *■ 1. BILL. Vrop»1eV».

i OceairCroce

The Alasi8 and 6 I'U tnsn avenue, 4 and 0 McCiintocb vtreot.. This hote l h open ail •'le year. Bun parlors and well heated roorm fo r tho cool iijon th . /h o oply hotel in Ocean Grove Bupplled tf lth sea wnter baths. T b e lo ca tlo n Is or th e beat, 100 feo t from boaMwaJtr and

to »ndl>wrt»m and oott otnox' N. H. KILMKR. P roprietorTT

T h e P r e s s c o n t a in s a l l t h e n e w s

5 eeps stales free from Rust

oijs the” j 'Rollers,

JI Cleans aiid' Removes I/ all.Residue.in the Barrels • afferSKpofigg. Prevents Rust

in all Climates. , ' Lubricates. Never<Jums. Clean to Use.

3 3 Oils R « l9'Does-notGun!,. Clean to use.c S r T W z

usually J ops tor ] "•apt o f . o i l . . I m

PlJre Try it. / ill

prevent! Rtut on -v NicUermd Stetl parti i .of Harness. Poliilte* \ Nickel, SiWtr »nd \ Brass. -


II JI v prevents\ \ JJ Rust on'

Nick'd. Cleans" and Polishes

Enamel and' Nickel. Lub­ricates Bearings and C liains. Never Gums.. — - n

Oils tUe •liecliantsm.

Will not gum. Prevents Rust

” on Metal J. — 1 Parts.

Rubricate? theWorks of Music ’ Boxes-and Cleans and Polishes the Casei r*

Clipper: also ’revents Rust

Cleans and Polishes'

Furniture, ' Woodwork,

j etc.(I l " “J> .■ Bureau ana Deskf Driwtra makes j U tbeni slide easily, j

T t^ [cs rW ' ^ o o ,ia s s e s s *

Oils ' Hinge3L ocks(

n vtork ‘

ta iZ ** ' i i ^ c c w s J e

Oils and Prevents ^ Rust on Tools.; f ~ !;1 -Perfect for Oilstones;

a,i Friction MakesSmootWy-

o : . a i v t H T S .o •" ro" . s w e a t^ouiV tTcLSj f U

"UqFm.lllliiiniiiiiMiimii.1 n„|||nJ | | i ^

Time for Seryices* and Subjects •7 ; of SBrm onrto b^fiiyenj;; -I

’ r > T 7 r - rBEGINNING i OF HOLY W EEK

•■■■■.. ' f > -HAM ' m i *. O r d e r o r K x e r c ls e s l h t h e V a r io u s H o u s e .

t n t A^’o r . l i l p a t A s b n r y V a r k , O c e a n , « r u 'v e a n d V tc ln t t7 -~*Rp e c l a 1 T<Jp I o a f o r

• I ’r e H e n tu t lo n C o n i ld e r a t i o n —- P ro f -I tu v e n o f I t n t f r e t* C o l le g e t o I 'r e f te f a . '

, ■ Thornloy chapel, Ocean. Grove. Holiness mooting alA.80 p. m. every Spnday.

■ Church pf'the.Holy.Bplrlti, Rev.:M. £. Glonnoii, pastor,^,Hate a t 9 a. in. JJcne-

, ’ diction after mass. ' p1—^lfcM orIahobapBl,,W estl'a»k;;' Services

' a t 10.80 "a. m. and 7.81) p-'ln.,'|n charge; of ‘ Ilev. Thomas Robinson.' ' ■

■ Christian and Missionary Auianoe," Mi­kado building. Meeting- every'Sunday a t a.80 p: m., and every Thursday! evening

■ a t 7.80. • :■ •JSvangellcal Lutheran, Churoji. of ' Vthe

' Atonement, Kev. Geori^a' ' A. OeMmqr, pas: tor., Sunday-school afc.9.80a,;m.; morning service a t 10.45; evening a t 7.4S. • 1 :

West Park M. E. church, Rev: 0 .E . Han- , cock, pastor. Services at. 10.80- n. m., and

7.30 p. m. Sunday-School a t 2 p. tn.andEp- ■ worth I.oague meeting a t C 80. . ' • "

Ijfescuo Mission, 81 South' Main street. Sunday-school and adults’ Bible class (Mrs.

• Hlil,, teacher), a t 2 p .m . Holiness m a t­ing a t 3.30. Evening service a t 7.45.. .

Klrst Bnptlst church, Rev. Z. Clark Mar­ten, pastor. . Preaching a t 16.80 a. m. and7.30 p.'m. Sunday-school a t 2.80 p .m . B. TL.V. tl. inlets Wednesday at 7.80 p. ml

■" ■ :l St. Paul's' M. E. church,' Oufian Qrove.; Preaching a t 10 80 a .jh . and 7.80.p. by the pastor, Rev._J.. G. Read. Sunday* school a t. 2 p. m. and .Epworth Leaguo a t 0.30. , ' ’ , ■.

A. M. E. ZI011 cburph, Springwood avb- hue.“ Preaching by-pastor, R^v.JiHrWhlte,-

■ • D.D., a t 10.45, a. ni. Sunday-school a t 2.80 -p .m . Christian Endeavor society meeting : a t 7 o'clock. ^Preaching by pastor a t 7.45,.followed b/.song service.., .

. Ilradley Beach M.E church, Rev. ThomasJ] - S. Brock, pastor. At'O.pO a. m., class meet*|i ■ 'Ing; 1 0 .W,.sermon by—the pastor, followed

q |^ ;trJjy :iM > m inlatrafionrjtzpB ^ 6 ra’s2 Snppflt;: ji 2.30 p. ’m. Sunday-BcUobl: 8.80, Epworth

,.J. I.engne;7.So, sermon by the pastor.Grand Avon’uo Reformed ohureh. Proach-

Ing nt 10.80 a. m. and 7 80'p. m. by Rev.. !j' . John' Rnyen, professor of Hebrew a t|| Ituttfora college, New Brunswick. Sabbath'■ii , . ' school a t 2.30 p. m. Meeting of Y. P. S. C. f E. a t G 43. Praise nnd prayer service Frfc j! ■ ., day at7.i)0p.m . ',' '• ■..;'>■■ - ■■'•

' |r West Grove M; E. churchjtRev. WilliamG. Moyer, pastor. Pentecostal -meeting at

,!i '.. !t a. m. Sormoii by.pastor a t 10.30; subject:Ji ' ,''AnAnclentInyltatlontoJolntba Chnruh.!!, "j| Sunday-school a t 2 p. m. Young people’sif meeting a t 0 30. Sermou by pistor a t 7.80;

■ ii' subjpct, "Delustons.”ij ... First Methodist Episcopal, church, Rer.■ji Ell GIITard, pastor. Sorvlcss a t 10.30 a.m .|j . and 7 . p. tn / Bui>]6otof morning sermofi, ij ' v ■‘ThevlGospeliof • Christ:^- evonhig; ."The j; Wall ot Jerusalem Spiritualized.’’ Sunday* ii school a t 2 30.' S ecl&T devotional mission- !, . ’ ary service of Epworth League a t 0.80. •

:Flrst Preebyterian church,'Rev.A.G;Ba!e7 pastor. Morning worship a t 10.80; Palm

Ji Sunday sormon, "Cbrlst Entering Jerusa­lem os King.” Sunday sphool a t 3.80 p. m.

I Meeting of CCbrlstlan Endeavor society a i 7 o’clock. Evening servloe s t 7.8i); sermon, “ Christ Viewing Jerusalem fro a Mount

;!! "• Olivet.” -|(-; Westminster Presbyterian chnrch, Rer.

George J. Minglns,. D^D, pastor.- Sermon ; topic a t 10.30 .a. m. servfee, “Tho Antidote|i of Trouble—God's Way-of Helping the Sor- F rowing.” Sunday school,and pastor’s Bible

clnsa itt 2.SO p. m. Young people’s meeting 0 .4 5 ." People’s service a t 7.80; Illustrated locturer-‘,The Miracles of Christ."

\~ Trinity P. E. church, Rev. A. J . MlUer,j ; i rectory Bundays—Holy communion, 7.80 a.

^ m .i morning prayer, litany and sei> -J mon, 10.30; evening prayer, litany and ser-

—— mon,-77;30.—'Weekdays-(exoept“Thureday») llQly.cDmmnnIpn,.7 .a. m,; on Thursday, 9

| ' - o’clock; dally (except Thursday) morning Ji'. prayer, 9„ o'clock; dally (eitcopt Friday)- j| ■ evening prayer, 6 o’clock;, Thursdays,|:-' ' ' , morning prayer, 8.80; Fridays,; evening I!' . prayer, 7.80. . ■ L ,[ 'i

,; ; O r g a n R e c i t a l . : / 'ij ~ ;A complimentary organ recital descrlp.

9 tlvo of tho<leath and'resurrection or Christ | .- _^}vJlHiagItfen in the First Methodist Epls<4o‘ '

palchnrch,;thlsclty^by the organist, M«. :l!'V- ' ~ Br'uco S. KwtorTon^^JPrlday evening, Aprilji M, a t 8 6 'b lo cl^ ';^h ^‘ir^i^lw iirtako^'t1|io1i_ place of the regnlar prayer serVloe ot the j;’ chitrchrand^ltrisrtotaHaM thatinieeplyre- j; . '• llglous Bplrlt shalljpervade It. Appropriate I}- quotations from theHoly Word will bertadi

“T ^ 6 iiciLSnerfpllftwM"l^TCdBMflptlra."a^aC solectlon. Among tho organ nUmbora will bo hoard “A TwIllghtr Ploturo,’’ (flhollfty); "Tho Chorublc Hoit,” (Gaul); “March to the Judgment Hall," (Buck); “He was De- splBod,” (Randel), and a number of others.;

A . I m n t i U U I n a T .« K U m ilt D r t t l < ib . ■;' Ai-cih. IlHtiali fliilil.Cuiskt,.Africa',' April T.—'l'rlI111I'Hlgliting'. linn tnkcii iiliird lit

t Aslinnll. Tho Kiivcrnor nnd Lady Hodg- sun nro at .CotminHKlp. The telopraph- wtios Imvc been cut, tommunicatliSn Rtop

, pcil .and ilispatchea iIi'Ktvoycd. ■ A body ot IIiiiis-ii 1 rained,troops in leaving hero for

'"CoonmKsV." 'Pile sUuatlon appeara to’.b i'SeriiitiK. , ___________

I oualit Over [ le tte r . - fctilcago, April 7.—Eugene Tucker, col-

<li-eil. inul f.JciiiKe 'Miller, a barber, both of whom litiil ,beiMi diiiikinjj, qil'arrclcd oyer Admiral •Dewey’* caudidacy . fov proHidcnt. ltlow.s were litruCk. and then llie liegrri attacked Miller witli a razor. MJlif): shot Tucker dead and may tile of I1I3 InjmleH. , ■ • ; ' ' , "■ .

’ ’ 8 t'ennicr-MeXIco HunUr- v - j-C npn ■ T o w n , + A pril 7 . - 7 T h e 1 .B r i t i s h

s te a tn e r S Je s le a tt o f tlio U n io n lin«-. C up - .. ta in M jiitlif . w hlq li a r r iv e d 1 (e re M a rc h

1-1 f ro ii i ' 8 n n t) ia in p t» n , m id i w h ic h lo ft llW'i* A p r lj I. h a s l i e e n s u n k ill coIIIhIou w ith a outfit- t r a n s p o r t . T in.' M e x ic a n ’s. fiassenK i'iH ro tu v n e il iie ro oil b o a r d th «

o a t t l o iio iit. 1 . *

W. W.- Mayhew, Morton, WIs., says; *1 •coimlder Ono Minute Cough Cure a most wonderful medicine, qulok. and safe.” - I t Is the only bnrmlepa remedy that gives ltrnne- dlato ruaults. I t ourea cougbs, colds, oroup,bronchltlii, grippe, w hooping cough, pneu-

- m onlu nnd a ll th ro a t a u d lung diseases. I ts early ,usd proventu consum ption. Children n lw iiy ^ llk e ltn n d m others endorso" It. W.R Ham, 1G7 Main streot.

A S B U R Y J P A t t K D A I L Y P R E S S , S A 'rr U R l ) A _ Y , , A P i i n } 7 , lf)0 0 .

SOURCE OF GLYCERIN.j; ’ • _ • ' JA U y - P r o d a c t o f S o a p a n d C a n d l e

F a o f o r l e i w h l c U l a In . O r e t t ,D e m a n d J u s t N o tr , ■ -

Glycerin is iosed; In . m alting nitr'o- glycerln, and n itroglycerin ia the, chief co n stituen t o t dyjlnmlte. I t ulso ou­te rs , largely Ihto tb« composition of softie ot .the; nnioItelesH -powders—cor* elite, fo r instance. T he Boiltli African ivari’r ti>erefo.re, has b rough t i t ' itito increased flemnnd -ln E ngland ju st now; although Its .exportation has noi.

'been prohibited, as >vns the case witli cnrbqlie( apitl a 'few weelts ago. 1’iie fac t is,'.]^ddltii,’in..tl(Q m anufacture of which derivative of earboUeNacid i»

;tised,:con ‘tie handled w ith less fhatice bf nccident tlian dynnm ite; bo th a t up to th e p resen t'tim e th e 'la tte r lias not found ahy . extensive application id i.var. • A;td even nltrbglyc.erih guij- powdere a re ' gpin'g o u t of favor jae* ofitise o f 'tlie lr unstable chtjracteriand o th e r drawbacks. Still; folr th e time

Jiellig n itroglycerin .enjoys j a n . ' eh- haneed pbpulArtyy in th e m arkets bf Europe. . ' •. ' ,■' .• i ■

8omethirfg like 40,000 tons o t^ th is edintnodlty dris made y e arly j'u s t ndw,- y e t th ere is nowhere a factory devoted prtm tii'lly to i ts nianufactiire. I t is n by-product o f soap 'and candle fac­tories. I t is no t itself fa tty ,' b u t It is associated w ith fa t Iti natu re . When alkalies-are combined w ith -the fat, inm aking e ither stenrlne candles or soap, utid then a little, salt, is .ad d id to th e compound, th e stearine, or ispap, w ill separate from tlie re s t of; the'-fluid, which is coiled “spent lye.” Form erly the m anufacturer allowed th e . la tte r to flow away. r Sow, how­ever, lie saves i t arid seeks-'io^elim ­inate th e glycerin!

To begin with, he has ti.mixturt- of 'w ater,, glyocrln; snlt and Rome~otlie^ im purities. -The \vateij, is boiled off, th e sa lt recovered for fu tu re use und tije ' residue is crude glycerin^ This «iiist_l>e,cnrefull,'Clefined„beforfi.itJs fit for use, bu t tlie degree .of refinei m en t to which It Is subjectied depends 6n the p a rticu lar fate to | w hich it is then to be devoted. Out of a hun­dred tons of fa t ;not over .flve tons of glycerin can be obtained.

:, At n a n t Hope.B risto l county,~1S I:,1b noted RB ’con-

tn in ing th e eminence known as Mount Hope, which 1b celebrated aB.the resi­dence o f 'K in g Philip, th e last, of . the Wdmpsricag®, the Indian chief th a t carried o long arid destructive w ar­fa re w ith -N ew England’* ‘ early set- tle rs . Ph ilip signe’d a trea ty w ith the-. M assachusetts Bay colony in 1671, in th e old chrireh .at, Taunton, b u t the negotiations were abridged and fierce i tn f e b roke out in 1675 arid lasted for some tim e. 'K ing Philip’s wigwam was flxed near th e brow of the hill. Irving w rote h |s biography,.Southey perp tt- uated h ls memory In poetry , and F or­re s t portrayed him on th e - stage. Mount'.Hope is nearly opposite Fail River, Mass.—^Detroit F ree Press.-C v- g , ; , , ..

, A B o e r P a t r o l .j A‘Boer,patrol consists iot th ree men, a veteran and two youngsters, usually

-an-'uncle-and-two-nephewSror-a fatheif- and tw o bf his“sons.—NI Y. World.

-^jdim-HWl-has-movedTfronrQlendoiaTo WestGrove, ■ ’

John Bills has moved from the Kennedy farm a t Oakhurst to.West Grove.

Special music by the oholr of the First,M. 5 . ohureh will be a feature of the services tomorrow. - - -, .V

MIbs Gertrude Moore, Mlsa VIrglnla Moore and Miss Harriet Hall have returned to this city from n visit to Jacksonville, Fla;

Dr. J . E, Burt^wlll djemme charge of tbe First M. BJ. Suddpy-scfibfiLtomorrow a t 5.30 p .m .' The orchestra will play several se­lections.

Frank C. Jones and wife of McAfee,N.J., ire vIsitingT. Frank Appleuy.of thleciiy Hr. Jones‘ Is connected with tho White ROck tim e company. V

Tustlng advertises six piano bargains to­day. By-the-way, Tustlng' has the agency, for th% Weber “baby” grand referred to In the Press thursday,

During tho alteration sale recently in- augui^itod a t the-Le Maiatre-store-aotrad- ing stamps will bo given to every purchaser of one dollair'a worth of goods.

William Buhler was arreatsd by Constable McLaughlin tuid taken before Justice Dodd tbls ^morning, charged with being drunk. He. was illned t l and the costs, which wero paid, i ■■.-.. '

Dr. and Mrs. B. H. B, S'leglit of Newark are guests ait tbe Grand AvepuSiiotel^ Dr. Sleght ls recovering from, an-. attricf of pneumonia. J, He ls otlD of Newark's loading physicians..'

J t d s l n s h r the U m brella.I t ’i UnwIstT'to judge a man by the

m m brella he carries Until you find out w ho own* it.—Chicago Daily News.

A a o t h e r K i n d o f L y i n g . s.• I f a m an conceals llie t ru th he lie* In am bush.—Chicago Daily News.

0* 0# 0# 0« 0'»0»0.1(;0.*0* 0* 0* 0* 0*0 o H E N C F O R 8U N D A Y . o '

O Drink notlitns' wtthout Mtlnj I t . : ilga £;* nothin* w ithout rcaJltig It.— Portusuwe X O Proyetb. v- . . . . ‘ *

2 ' ' "■'--• BREAKFAST. ' ■ SQ flteweU Rhubarb. O* Oatmeal anil Cream. !?: O — ——— Ba kr J Houim.—Fii*h Ba IU.—.— - O« . •:* Boston Brown Br«a<i.O j i JJrtakfait'Coflea. ,* ■■■ ■ . •: •-• o ,; .d in n e r . .2*; - Vtozea Chicken Soup 16 Cup*..2 • . Roost Beef. •; ......X s , Jlew Boeia, Steamed Rice..- 9 W dttr C rm Sutad, French J - , Dresfilnjf. .2 C ider* q Nut*.,*S . s . ’ S U ri’ER; ,Q X&Cold Sliced Meat. Clillled Oupnmbera.# V v . Canned Crapes. Toasted Crackera.., :O ‘ Fresh Pot Cheese. • . ,

: ,':v Tea.O - , .* PRUNE: PIE.^8oal: one cupiuVsof prunes g 0 ovefjfjlght, boll 20 minutes.; and- remove V v from tbe llqUor.. Pill .th e . pic plate,' cover I 9 w ith, crust without- wettlnK th»; edges and-^j!" t l«ke for-20 niihufes. Moke a sirup, of two g •9 tabldpoonfult) of the prune, liquor and three j ,

tablespoanfulH of Huftar; boll 11 vj» minutes} q ^ add the grated rind of half a lemft> and.bne ^S tlbltflpooriful of lemon julee. raise Ih c upper q JjJ CTuB and^pm ir i t o v b r th e fru lt. . ^P J t Q A O X O # Q * O i t O * O * 0 * 0 O ^ Q v ia ^ P

o*otto*b*O tto»Otfo*:*ofcotfo#o*o*o.t- - - • , '“ 'V " •••-•■ • ♦o - M E N U v o n M ON D AY , r ; . O

o ’* o a o * o


A cheerful life la what the muses love; A toaiintr spirit la thvli* priuia deiiRhtr


; Iced CherrWs.Jojiuny, e, lloney.

Cocoa RhellK

LUXCHKOn(,o rnWan

P in e ap p le anImported

Oyytera.I R olls.1 D anana S a lad . G in g e r A le .

. DINNER.; M ock B isque Soup.

;• S p li t E n g lish M u tto n C hops.O ral l e a K id n e y . . S p lit D r il le d S ausage;

- I F re n c h F r ie d POtiNtoes.., Ceteryi Sa|ad. Spiced I readies.

‘Walnut Ice Cream. •Jupiblea.‘ \ ’ ‘ | : ‘C a fc N o Ir .

o *•£ oO COHN OYSTEI13.—8core Ihe. com, down o

the center of'eacji row of com dnd press out a O the pu lp w ith the back of a knife. Fo r eV- 6 * -ery two cups of pu lp .beat one ccg acj a* * O rately; a d d .th i yo lk , then the white to the O *ie corn; m ix gently, quarter, o f a teaflpoontul >{t O o f s a l t , d a s h ; uf* cayenne anti the aajjio O

a m o u n t 'o f b lac k p e p p e r ; _O a d d tw o tfcbleifpoonfulfl o f s ifted -I ln u r.

m ix a g a in , th e n *- ,___ _____ ..treed llnu r. I)ruji O

th e .b a t te r from a d e s v r ts p o o n In to b o il in g O f a t . S erve very hot'. , • O


H. Clarfe, Chwnoey. Ga.. sosrs Do Witt’s "WltoU Hattl'Ralvtt ourtd him of pllea m&t had afflicted b ltt "for twenty, ytiars. It-is also a ' sbpedy enre for skid diseases: Bf>- wnro of dangerpua counterfeits, -W, H, Ham, 107 Main street. .


. C o n ip le te^ fth fixtures, : , . ’ektensions, •’ h \ . .,' S 'c e n t s , '. '


Xj/ie Sreat Tjuttfe cftore ; 9/fattison Jive. .

OIL & GASOLENE STOVESTVone so good. W e’ve got th e bestartd we shall run

' th e m ark e t n t th e — ;TUTTLE STORE.


Ilavo beon received this week


- 15c. yd., ,v \ 2?c.--yd. •'■'• . 49c.Special a t TUTTLE’S This U the- u m i gooils tor which other stores charge you 40c. and . and u n to th e b ig ash barre ls

youihave the berietltot decent patterns at'TllTTCE'S. < n t TUTTLE’S s

AGATE. IRON WAREThe kind you want->at'


TIN WARE IS?.C ham ber Pa lls , covered, 19c--

■ ‘ ‘a t T U T fL E ’S.

a t TUTTLE’S s

GALVANIZED W A REThe m ost complete line in the county . a t prices th a t defy competit.on .


J Prices from

★A* v

★ :

f.l: J. PARKER| The Grocer

Cor. I^ike Ave. and Tlaln ,St.J - 604 to <508 Cookman-Ave. ■J f ■ ■•» - . - - ■ _____________ -


Tht>"tanual sishool j.census-of-Neptune township'will betaken by Harry G. Shrove ot Ocean Grove. JW: will begin the enum­eration, on May 1 and expects tp completo tbo work by the end of the month.

Mr and Mrs. Hamlitou Hunt of this oily returned yesterday from an extended vaca­tion spent a t Daytona, Fla. They will pro- paro'at onoo for the early opening of the Hotel Brighton, on Third avenue, of which they are proprietors. |

Mrs. it. Ten Broeck ‘Stout Is having a handsome residence erected a t Ix>ch Ar­bour. I t will be modern la every partlonlar, and when completed \vill be one of tbe hand­somest hooses a t Loch Arbour. The build- will cost about ( 10,0 0 0 .

Mm. Joseph Frey of Branchport has sign­ed a contract with suNew York theatrical manager for the servlcea; of her 6 year old daughtA Bella a t a salary of $50 a week; for the first six weeks and $ 1 0 0 a wee^ there after. -Thelittle girl Is wellTtnown in this city, having appeared here a t several enter­tainments. •- -i

Louis Erloh, 15 years old, of Newark, was caught In'an elevator In a department store' yesterday. - One leg was broken and he re­ceived Internal Injuries^ • ' ' ■ .

O PER A HOUSEW . H. M ORRIS,iM flnnger

i s ?

The Great Novelty and Colored Sensation of Hie Casino Roof Garden,N^w York City.

- O R O R I G I N O F T H B C A K E 9 ' • . W A L K .

Dusky, Dancing Dudes and Datnsels. A Rare Treat. A Re^l Coon Show, i ■ -— SEE THE GREAT, CAKEWALK — • ..

P O P U L A R P R IC E S , E v e n in g , 25c. S5o. an d 50o./ M a t i n e e , C h i ld r e n , lo c e n t s . A d u l t s , Ji5 c e n t s . A U p a r t s o f b o u B e . - ‘

Seats' on Sale a t Crenelle's’P harm acy. ! < ,

WALL PAPER STORE *All tho new nnd pretty patterns In this spring's designs; In ndditlon to carrying tho moot, up-to-date Riock of WALL PAPER wo also enrry a fai line of fA lN T S.sO lliS ,’ VAKNltfH a n d al I PAINXKItS’ STJPPIiIjBSPAPER HANGING AND HOUSE PAINTING A SPECIALTY.

.Before placing your order let us glve you an estimate. All papers purchased from us vfflrbatrlmmeq froo of charge. ■ i . .

B ranch. Newark, N. J .



-ik ★ ★ ★ * * ★

WE WILL TAKE FROM, CAR NO. 1 .6 c a s e s K l n g a n ’s S o n p s a t 6 c c a n7 b e s t C orn S ta r eta, a p k g s s c . , (la sm all lo u ,)x o b b l s . f l n e S o d a C r a c k e r H , 4c l b . 2 lbs. to each custom er

/ 5 Bbls. Granulated Sugar, 5c Pound. .• In B-pound sacks—with other goods. V.*

a C a s e s M i n c e M e a t , a l b . c a n C d . ■3 B b l s . B e s t P r e p a r e d B u c k w h e a t , 6 l b s . 17c

Tb!s will be tbe la s t buckw hoat sale fo r the season.

50 Cases Condensed Bilik, 8c can

■ CAR NO. 2. 1SO Bbls. COLUMBIA FLOUR, $4.09 B

Ip one-half bartel Sacks.' Not over 2 barn Is to a custojuer. .

Fiesl Eis 22 for 25 Cems:; Only 25tf worth to each customer. 1 . •. -. . '

5 B o x e s L a u n d r y S o a p , 3 C a k e s f o r 7 c c n t s ./— .‘..^-Tliefie burua'los a re fo r Satu rday only, and fo r c.ish o n l y , /; .



1776,-3c p ack age .; • a Mice Slackerel for 7c

.-’v ' a L a rg e F at m ackerel for 10 c. i , Best N ew Y o rk State Corn

'Pork 5 x-ac l b . . .'.-■•■,'r — 'Best W lijle Beans 8c qt,j

E a rly Ju n e Peas 4 cans f o r a s c

3 cans Fan cy T ab le tfvrqp for

★' k *★★ i t .

★ OUR RELISHES BEAT *THE WORllD"k ■—■— r r —— — ‘--------- 1 .---------- , ' , . . 1 1 ..X_ aoc Bottle Pickles, rue ^ aoc Bottle Catsup for xocX 15 c Bottle WorcesteruliIre Sau ce 5c

'■—W ' xoc bottle P ick les for 5cI*

S o m e 'G o o d H otel M ari's O pportunity*

A^seashore company opening Its tract for a residential resort and not wishing to un­dertake hotel management, olfers a hand­some,modern hotel, furnlnhfd, a t less than half cost for quick sale. I t faces the ocean on 2 0 0 feet of beach front; three stories; wide piazzas “around three sides on two Boors; 6 8 largo sleeping rooms, with open

-fire places; wide halls andstalrways; laun­dry machinery;- has-lts own water and gas plants and sewerage; one blook from sta­tion and two • from Barnegat Bay; B8 miles from Philadelphia, 70 from New York, on the Philadelphia and Long Branch railroad.

Price, $20,000, three-fourths of which may remain o i mortgage a t S per cent. Title perfect; possession Immediate. . Address THE ISLAND BEACH REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 227 Market street, Camden, N. J.,.or Enw. M. riTiirSN, president, Bridge-’ ton, N .J . 83-85

GIVENCommencing SATURDAY?7th, and continuing the following 1 week untii^ATUPDAYrAPRIir'H , 1

•.inclusive, we will PRESENT TO ALL purchasers 0 ! our world-renowned

. New Season Freshly Roasted

TEAS | COFFEESA- P . E x tr a c ts , S p lo e s , B a k in g P o w d e r an d S a u c e



=A Household Necessity!!


/ / ° ‘!s- • f y - Never

becomcs, Stickv on Knives

See otir Name ^nd Trade riark Blown in Bottle^. To Clean rub parts with soft

' moistened sparingly withc I ot H, np^v e 1Aher;cIeafring;with, “3 in 1’“3ini” I v r face until dry,.with a soft,c

7:ftih sur- clean cloth

jjVsk your Dealer tor Take no ottyer oil.


T h e D a i l v H P r e s s .



.. 1 * AT ,THE * . 'J - ' ;.c i 'x>Aii,y pRKsa fiun.DiNG,*0 0 7 M a ttU o n A T enno^A aly iry P a r k .. - v : '* v .. . . '/ [T R L B P H O K * CJLLLS t ,... -• ••' ;E dito ria l.R oom *,.. . . .« • • • • • ......... * W> aBasinets Office...... ................. M b•' *''* " ' •• ' \ ' ; .

TERM S p p SU BSCRIPTIO N:One year (strictly' In advance) On£ week....;. 4?.S in g le cop ies

A d v ertis in g Ratea^ton, A pplication,

R ece iv e s th e te le R r a p h n e w s sefc- T l c A t h e Fobllehera Pres»A«socli- t lo n , an d tb e n o w . service,;p?- t i e Aroeric.ua P ress A ssociation —T w o o t th o b e i t . J,.


H ir a m W a l t o n , th e p o p u la r c a n d i­date for council, is receiving assurances on every hand that he will be'elecfed on Tuesday next by a rousing majority. The people will certainly make no mis­take in conferring this honbr upon such an abie young business mtin ' .

The value to our community bf such enterprises as the G, W . Cols company can scarcely bn calculated, and If such

” firms which; have their factorleiFbere:could only ba induced to pu t AsEury

\ Park on'all their goods and in all -hair• •adverti8eme?!i«,J|s)>Ury P ark • would Jbs

widely advertised without axpense to' anyone.. “ Three in one" was inyented here. Is .manufactured . here, and while, the company have their m ain offices in. New York . city: we still long for the name of the city of its b irth ?n the label.

m .

Congress Views Most of Them With:Disfavor.


j j l q n i y . Tl*oi»?- F o r

:‘W h b m v. I b t ^ ' n d e d - C a j i U i o B o b E v - nni»* C o t t a f f c - . o n G o .v « 2- n x u e n t L a n d . T h e J o k e W a l o n S e n . l o r S l i p u p . ' •

■ .W Asmkoitov: ^April 7.—[Special.]— W ar claims before, cougiess, save.with, a very few exceptions, are dead. Meri- •toriouS claims cannrot-get. through, be­cause tin; advocates of those wliieli lire questionable w ill-pot allow' one class to pass . unless there Is. some, umlfliv stanUlngithat the other \v1 1 pnsol)i?-ioft- sldered.! A ’'rough estim ate of the war claims ponding In congress shows that lit. ivpuhl cost somewhere in the neigft- borllood of ?200,000,000 to pu j then! if t lie government once entered upou tliat policy. I t is well known that lit­tle of tills money would reach the per­sons who lost t(Vg property during the w ar or iliofr heirs. The general belief is—aud, in .fact, it Is well understood here iu W ashington—th a t si large per- O T nageor_ nfcTnoiT^"^r(niT^gonn(o' the liands, of attorneys and lobbyists who linvc hud their names connected .with- the various claims for many years. When the French - spoliation claims were passed, a large piirt of the money was divided up in fees of men who had been representing these claims. The last eongrcAs passed oue claim of over $300,000, and i t turned out tliat nu attorney received $108,000 of the-sUnj.—Xhis_was_f011oTCeiL.ta.an' Investigation Ip 'w hich the j;omtmttee on clntnis severely condemned the ac­tion of. the men, implicated in the big fee. This-.one act has given all Claims something'of•it blacl^.ej'C. The men iu congress representing districts where there arc claims do . not despair, blit introduce their bills every congress and have them . reported from the -variouscommittees. ' ' '

, “P lirH liig Boft'n'1 , »•'


Spring; Lake Is to hove a new steel lock­up, - „ .

" .. Toms River expects to have electric lights ^ by the middle ot nes t June.

The Tnckerton building association, now in , its '27th year, has jas t started Us first foreclosure suit.

The members of the Lakewood Methodist' . ■. church have presented thoir pastor, Kev..S.

•:< Cf. Pitt, with atyeyole.Joseph Smith,- 3 years old, of Harrison,

was drowned In a cistern in the rear o£ his , parents’ home laateventag.. ,

The Presbytery of Monmouth will hold its spiing meeting a t Hightstown on, Tuesday

, and Wednesday of next week. / „J. S. Rose of Eatont-ayro has sbM 870

quarts of milk, the produot of “one cow, from Sea SI last to March 20.

The council of administration of the New Jeamy-fk-A. R. aas fixed hpon TreotoBt May 17 and 18, hs the place for holding the n e tt state encampment.

Mrs. Margaret C. Buckale^r, who died re- centlyat Jamesborg, in her. will leaves ta,- 000 to the trustees of the-Jamesb.arg Pras- fiyterlan.chnrch for church purposes^* .

A strong petition will be presented a t the next meeting1 of the Ocean county board of freeholders praying for a double , draw and a wider passage way through the Mantoiok- lngbridgij, ; ■

Heisley & Morris, lawyers of Long ■Branch, have Bislolved partnership, Mr. Helaley having^beeh appointed judge of Monmouth county, thelaw would have de­prived his partner bf the right of practicing before him.

Albert Ware of Osbornville, while fishing in the Metedeconk riyqr a t Lazy Boint,

“ picked up ail old pocketbook, and on ,ex^• amlnlng It found it to contaia a ilOO note, fx *59 notfc, andj other, money, aggregating^

Tey^The Berkeley houaa a t Seaside Park will

hereafter be know as ho Hlivwatha. This hotel was originally Srailt for ubo in* West

■ Philadelphia to accommodate the Centen­nial crowds, and was afterwards-taken apart and Bet up at Seaside Park, where a Baptist association was trjing a t that time to start another Ocean Grovo for that de­nomination. ^ *

• iCooky Spring Opening.-The ladies wlir be interested in tho an-

, nouncement' ttjat nest Thursday, Friday and Saturday,' April 13,-14 andI 15, wllLbe millinery opeulig days a t Cook's Boa Hive. At tbo saijao l.lme all other spring necessl- tlas for men, jvomen and children In tlio clpthlifg, dress goods, bat and shoe depart­ments will be ready fpr Inspection and'pur chaso. The llna:of goods in , overy depart­ment is very large this year iind the assort-

: ment sufficient to satisfy the laosffastidl OUS. '

T h o C ost.uiuos S ele 'cto il.Vf. H.'Pancoast and 8, Isaac Naftai, tho

committee representing Company H, went — to-N ow —¥ o rk - y e s te rday -an d -se lto red -ftl W he-

costumes to-be. worn in the play, "The Strange Adventures o! Mlas Brown," t ; bo alven In Park Opera-House on Thursday, April io ’ The costumes nro riebind costly, Snoh players as Walter T>-Hubbard, George S. Hullck,' William H. Paneoast, H. Blake Martin bead tbe list, ol Asbury Park's fav­orite fun makers.- Sea adv.

CETItliT S t i ;u t lo n 6 J to ^ C ungrcus.Samuel S. Childs, wbp raus-a system of

, restaurants in New York and lives iii 8otn- ' erset county, Jf. J., isjbelng Mentioned as a Democratic candidate for congress In fhe .Third district, to oppose Congressman B. F. Howell, who will probably. Ins renominated by the RepublloanB. Mr. Childs waB de- featedJorithe aB3etribly two years ago.

“I think DaWltt’s Little fiarjy Risers are ..the b « t pills in 'the world," says-W. E.. Lake. Happy {^gelr, 'Vq. They remove all ■obstructions of tUe llvsr "and bowele, act sjuiekljr and never gripe.' W, R. Hairy 107 Maid-etrGetl■ u •

Advertise In the'Passim - J S - ' '■

(J t Is not, the custom of w ar depart- tr.ent jptticlnls to allow .private houses to " be pbullt on' ’ governments resdrva^ tions, blit nu exception has been .made in favor of “Fighting Bob,” Captain Rbbloy p . IJvjius of the' nA jv^rEyans has u very fine eottiige:on tlioqtttilitary reservation a t Fort Monroe; i'jft is 'right next • to the seashore, nbd from its porclioft One may look ''aw ay across Hampton Roads in one tlirectiou, to tbo open sea ;t>etweeu Capes' Henry ¥ndX harles“in 1iimthei7“apd fpi'”u irtbe Chesapeal;c‘in still ajiotheiV* Xo more choice location could be found.. It seems tlint "Fighting Bob” got perr mission to build (.lie bouse llis t fiom the treasury department when It w as' Supposed 'tlitftl'{h'fe' land upon whi<;li_i£_jvita. erected belonged to a plat set, apnrt_for the lighthouse'serv­ice'. Afterward it was discovered tliat tlils was not the case hnd that the cot­tage of the- naval officer was upon the sacred soil of Fort Monroe. B ut this did not scare “Fighting Bob” in the least, aud he got another permit -froiu- theisceretary of war, which has allow­ed his cottage to reniain. His cottage will not be as valuable In the future as it lias been in the past, as some of the new fortifications lire being Erected di­rectly in-front and will slmtofT the sea ylew from the cottage. It is said that the intimacy of the uaval captain with President Cleveland was instrumental in securing this privilege which m any hiifitiier man would be glad to have: Nearby the cottage of Captain EvHus is the m ilitary residence of .Colonel O'Reilly, surgeon in the army} who, with Evans, accompanied president Cleveland , ou many a shooting trip iu the Virginia and North Carolina wn=

— o u r o r S b o u i i ; — - —A good^story is being told about Sen-

eraf land oitiec was being moved from its old quarters In the interior depart­ment to the1 building formerly occupied by the postotHce' department,—a, great

i&onjr -lniioreit»^eji».„enuda£eAwt!fi iii>o- ra rlly 'to r the service. Senator Slioup, who had some business before the land office, went first to the old building and. when lie’ lound it hud moved, went across the.street to.the other one. The firs;t person 8ft niet. was tAe man who had been employing the laborers,, und as he starteil lo’go iu liie man stopped ldin. sa.viug: "We have got all tbe men employed:.on this jv ,ork 'that we. waul now, old mail. 1 am sorry, bntj’cau ij glye. you unylhing to. do-here bow.”’ Senator Slioup, who knows how to take a joke liiinselffrsmiled a t tiie official and said, ."My term as-United States senator does’not expire uu til the -1th of next March, and (Uulug tbat tim e 1 am*;norlookliiB'for:aiiotlier."job:"—i t is uceillcss to say that' tbe .official who liad made such a mistake nearly fell In. a faint and is still kicking himself. J-

X e t^ , S A ftie ii a n d E » 9 e n « t b r i * ; . . ‘I sajv ex-Senator Gilbert -A. Pierce

“niDcl ex-SeTfator w. 'X".’'Rbflch, bSWPOf North.^lukola; oil the .floor of- theTicn- ate the outlier day. 11 rcmTnded me of the fact that here w:\s a statu only about .10 years old anti already ..had throe.(iwsenatofs, willed goes-to prove that tho new state* usually change senators very frequently^ while the older states are-apt to keep tbeir iucn iu service a. long .time. Of tho other states hat came in a t the ,suuic time ns North Dakota, M ontana-bad .three ex-senators <nnd W ashington the sain'e number. South Dakota has only-one. Idaho, whiel)-H-ame-iu-lat"cry—lins twb ex-senatQi-s and. Wyoinitig ope, and Utah, the youngest of the stateij, two. Some.of these changes, s'rc due to .ths 'fact that the jitateh have had uiffereut political- parties in control sibcc tt)ey were admitted. A.rt1iur ^ '. Dunx.

J. I. Carson, ProtUonotary, Washington, Pa.,.aay8: “ISiaVe fpund Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ac exoePer;!, remedy in case < stoni och trouble, and have derived great benefit, .from its It digests what you eat andcan not fall to cure. W. R.-Heto, 107 Mam

1 a tM a t. '


Kentucky’s Court of Appeals Decrdes'Tn His Favor. . .


Two llcitnlillcnn JadffCN Concur In . .Do’clitltm — A l l i e d boufeniion of

l'o u lsey ImitUcntea G eneral T ny lo rIn Aaganwinntlon of Goebel.Frankfort, Ky„ April 7.~Thp court

npportly has handed,down .its. decision in the ^^lii'niatorial contest. Two Repub­lican judges, Bmnam and Guffy, handed down a separate opinioni which differed ii its reasons from, tho.^opinion of the. Democratic judges', but ogr^3''>vith them in it* coneltiPion. /Judge Hobson, one Of the four Democratic judges, wrote the opinion oC the majority of the’court, af- firming' the decision of Judge Field of; TToulsviile. Judge Diirclle (,Uep.) dis­sented.*- ■■■ >l

It recites the 'tyork ot- the state can­vassing hoard and of1 the -contest-pro­ceedings in the legislature and all subse­quent proceedings and continues:

MWe hn.ve no more right to supervise tho decision' of the general, assembly it; determining the result of this) eleetiou than ^ve fvdyc to superjise the action of the governor iu calling a special session of the legislature or in pardoning a crim­inal, ci£ the action of the legislature in contracting debts or determining upon the election its memlers jor doing any otlier act airthorlzccTTiy tiie. con«tTllitiolit' There, is iio conflict between the action of the state canvassing board aud that of the legislature in these cases. The state canvassing board was without power toj go behind the return*. They were not au- tluiVized to hoar evidence and determine who was in. truth elected, but were re­quired to give a certificate of election to those who. on the face of the ReturnsMhad received-the' liiglicstT number of votes. '* .

•For the state board to J^ave received evidence to impeach the returns before them would have been, for them, in effect, to act as a board for contesting, the elec­tion, and if they, had done this they would have usurped the* power vested in the general assembly by tiie. constitution, tor by its express tertns only the general-as­sembly can determine o contested elet*- tion for governor and Heiiteuant gov­ernor. - . ■ ~ q

'We are. therefore, unable to see how this case jean be distinguished from any other legislative action, taken in a matter' o^er-which-tho-conHtitutionJms-given_thc_ legislature exclusive jurisdiction, i\ntl we nrc, therefore, of the. opinion that the court is without‘jurisdiction, to. go behind the record mjide by the legislature under the constitution; “Such a record seems to u5v~eutltled'^ro 'every presumption in its fawr^which the records of this court, kept unHet its supervision, would be enti­tled to. receive, at the hands' of the legis­lature in a m atter before it.”

Rc^pnbllcnnii W ill Appeal,Ex-Governor Bradley, chief counsel for

Governor Taylor, has authorized, th^ statement that an appeal on-T)eha1f of Governor Taylor and Lieutenant-Govern­or Marshall will be carried to -the su­preme! court.of the United States. '.- .

Foes of W. S. Taylor, Republican claimant of the governorship of1'K en ­tucky, have made public! the .evidence on which, they, hope'to convict him of com­plicity in the plot, which repijlted.m. the assassination of his rivJi^W illiam Goe­bel. It was in the form| of'^two alleged coufessions attributed to W. H. Culton hnd jlenry E. Youtsey.^ These were giv­en out by Colonel Thomas Campb*»U~and Commonweaith Attorney Franklin, law- yers for the prosecution in the conspiracy" casus. .

Youtsey and Culton, who . have been in jail for almost two wrecks, are alleged to have given details which agree in al­most all particulars with the story told by F. Wharton Golden. They are mad'' to.appear-to have hnd a. part.in the. as sassuiation scheme.and to have given de­tails .which Goldeii could not supply.

It is asserted that tho. shooting of Goe­bel was douf* by Jim Howard, a noted mouutain feudist, the Republican lead­ers concerned being afraid' to trust the colhmwston 'of' ItiO' deed to the negroes Combs dnd .Hockersmith. Youtsey*" is Quoted a^ saying that on the morhing.of- the shooting the man chosen for the task demanded andjwas paid $1 ,0 0 0 and that he, procured Hie money autVpaid it. ~Youtsey’s-statomenLnames-nine-men.asr having been - principally concerned in the murder of the Democraticuclaimant £o»* .tha..govej:nor^hip. .vThcy»yare-.A\-^-S»*'-3,'iViP> loiv'Caleb -Powers,-Keptiblicaji-secretary^ of state; Jo’ n. L. Powers^ his brother; Charles Finl .y/Wv H. Cultoiv-Jim How-, nrd, two otlu r*then and hintSelf,

J t i o t n I n P o r t o l l t c o , *‘San Juan, I ’orto Rico, April 7.—A t 4

o’clock Wednesday evening, the natives made a eoVceut rated movement a t Puerto Tiora. I)ifferei|t^.mobs, totaling about 2 ,0 0 0 men. attacked therforeign colored men. Any. rilglish speaking^'hegro was subject to attack, particularly the natives of St. Thomas and St.. K itts. One Porto Rican was lalleH, one was seriously in- •jured, and three negroes of Sf, K itts

dangerously—w'ouinh’rti---1G’lie affair wak -theToutcome of’the ’pier strike; and

'the pretense of the-attack,*, apparently, was thut- the English .islanders ‘were

lUcan labor. The island- trouble. ^rud some of them

with»revolvers. A' company. «f'»uantr.v inuler Captain Alexauder aud Lieutenants An sell and Parker was cali- ed-out,-nnd -mnrtml-Iaw-was-declnred. Soldiers now patrol the streets, and the rum sliops are closed. The'tncre presence* of the soldiers dispersed the crowd". There were no, demonstrations after the 'arrivalVf* the troops. *•

S a r t t l n K o M c w i ip n p o r S a p p r e a w e d/ Sitntiag(h Cuba, April 7.~*Tlie/tction of the new mayor,-"Henor' Grinan, in > up pressing El Cuhunp Libre and placing the editorial staff of five men nndpr-arfest created intense excitement when it be­came known. El/Cubano Libre had al­ways been’ intensely radical in its utter­ances (Tgaitist AjuericanS; Spaniards apd

^wliite (Cubans. 'ThurH(i5jy‘*it publishetlH«T editorial both oITchsive^and indcceijt in criticism of th^civir'governineiit.^articu lari.v the munic.ipnl bVanth^* The editorial clurracterjzvd the palace as ‘‘an oflicial fiewer.’.and U cesspool of moral cbijmi)- -tlon” ami, used otljer language not-fit*f*r .publicanon.* It charged- c Hi cm Is with stealing, eveu specifying the coutracts.

_ .;^ _ K a n tM » iT C Ity * ii U u l l d t n g : F u n d . '•Kansas. City, April 7.—Work* ofi .re­

building Cimfcntion lmll is already under, .way. M ore than ITjO laborers are clear­ing the site. At a mass meeting tho pop ular subscriptioii was ruu up in tu1> hours to $50,-148. This, w ith 'the $1,0 0 , 0 0 0 i snrjlnce and; the foundation .already i would provi^e a better-buildiu'g thaii flic oile destroyed, .hut -the eouunifte^ will raise»$ 1 0 0 .WU. .,^ ’lie new: lmll is to .be liieploor,, • ‘J ....„■ . • ■■■ 'V • • —*- ■

DUN-S REVIEW. .. .:I q c r e o s c In* A V Iic a t; K x p b f t* . C a m e i

T t ls c i n Prlcc.. . Kcw York, April 7.*—It. i*. Dun & Co/s weekly review of trade-snys:- a k

‘*Onl^rvwlce,' in 2 y ' ypars \youtd ‘ such fmntres as, those of tTn’ first. quarter of 10(»0 have seemed larpe. •Tliey arc large compared with •i'a'i’t yei'ir and ISOS nnd wonM have looked iirge ia 18S8/' The. amount of ;• Uahilities*, $50,077*,^oo, in-, clndc-j $21,101,000 for'the Unitbd States Flout* Milling, company, and $2,4J)2,4S2 for 1 0 banks an<l other financial corpora­tions, leavlpg 2,804 commercial failures,; With ^n,022.572;liabnities. .

‘.Quarterly renew s show that outsid^ the jmmedia’te effects of stock specula-, "tion and industrial consolidations th'e vol*. nine of businOsQ luiK been larger this year tlian a year ago." - At tllat.time the exten­sive riscrin wages which followed coilibi- natiou in many cases'had-nbt yet.taken place, and the purchasingrpow;er of the pcajile was srahller than ii Is now. - • . ,t

“A little1 increase: in '.foreign export$)of wheat from Atlantic ;f>ortfe tlour h»eI|hi-§ ed, , 2j2G8,(»22 s biisi^ely against 2,071»7ilf)J last year,^se>vcdva^ oc6 asirtu for a .little, rise in .price,'*though fhy'clost'is only a quarter of a .cent higher for the week.

“Corn ’e X f i ' o ^>13;biishc 1 s against 3.412,4S0 lart -year* foi* the .week showed not much greater t g^la, while receipts were over 1 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 bushels larger fhan last year, but the.price rose centf* . •

*‘Xo. change has *conie in cotton goods this week, though dealings for the future a re hindered. Business in', woolens--is also somewhat unsatisfactory, with cancella­tions com para tireTy numerous and orders TfTu ulRirf hlurwvr e cxpT(TecTT: ; 7*

“The steel nhpet .consolidation, with President Me.Murtry o . the Apollo works at the head, promises great>Ujiportance.. If this, the Tin Plate, Hoop aim^fitttonal. Steel, works, makes nilinnce*with4he Car­negie company, as is reported, the whole industry will sooner or later he affected.

‘‘Failures for vheweck are 1 ) in' the United* States ..against 1 4 tl:is t y\n\i' und 29 iii Canada agaiiist .17 last year.*1 *

B i s C la im A g a l n i t ~ G a a t e m a l n ,S p r in g tie ld , M a s s ., ' A p ril,.-1 7 .-^ T h e

S p rin g fie ld U n io n s a y s t h a t ^to s a t i s f y a c la im o f $3 ,2 3 0 ,0 0 0 w h ic h S ig n o r in a M a ­r in C c d r o n i^ a n I t a l ia n w o m a n o f h ig h b ir th , 1ms a g a in s t the. g o v e rn m e n t o l G u‘atem alh ,v“tw o o f . th e le ad in g -* law y e rs o f I t a ly a r e o n th e i r w a y to th i s c o u n try to* le v y a t t a c h m e n ts on a rm s b e in g .m an- u f a c t iu e i l f o r G u a te m a la a t s e v e ra l p la c e s , in c lu d in g H nVt foriV a n d N e w H a ­v en . S ig n o r ia u (JcZlrioni* le f t h e r h o m e in R o m e u n d e r a t i \* L \y e a rs * -c o n tra c t’ w ith

_ th e _ ( lu a te m a Ian _ g av c riu n iin t. J iiiD /jjm fite . fine a r t s . i n t h a t re p u b lic .. S h e * w a s to h a v e re c e iv e d ’7 ,00 0 ,0 0 0 J ire-O r $i,2«“H)-;000t

'b u t - t h e g o v e rn m e n t, b ro k e . i t s c o n tra c t, . T h ro u g h ' th e in tiue 'nce o f th e I ta l ia f i g o v ­e rn m e n t th e ; m a t te r w a s r e f e r r e d to a S p a n is h b o a rd o f . /a rb i tr a t io n ^ ^ * h ic h -d e ­c id e d ' in th e '- s ig n o r in a ’s f a v o r . T i ie a w a r d h a s n e v e r been p a id a n d th e la w ­y e r s .yrill s e e k to g e t th e m oney b y a t t a c h ­in g a rm s b e in g m a n u fa c tu re d f o r Cfuate-* m a la . • ' • , J

"* , / F a t a l I^ x p fo fc lo n . r (j *Washington Courthouse, O., April 7.—

The.expio^fon of £ Steam rendering .tank; wrecked ,the M. Hamm, for til i 2e r ^ :or kV;. Fred Ilnmtn,' brother' of the proprietor, was crushed under. falling timbers, and Charles Mjller was hurled n distance of 50 feet and.^fU head terribly cut.*j TVe injuries of-ijothjnfin a re considered "fatal. Peter SermourfamTM'ac'ej;.Roberts wpre: thrown more than^wi fcet^-but. escaped* injury. ■ . * - f ^ # .

P o i s o n e d by S o c k s .Paterson,' X. J., April 7.—Patrick ‘

Quirk of 14 Smith street cut his'bigvtoe while paring a corn a few days ago; Then he put on socks that were.not fast* black, and blood pojp^i ensued. His leg. swelled to gfeat siii^uud he was taken- to St. Joseph’s hospital so that it might, be amputated, but he died before the op­eration could be performed.

SE E D SThe planting feafion.will soon b's

hero and in order to have good eropa it is important that you 'have GOOD SEEDS.'.'Our supply of


has jnet arrived and as i t . cdmos fropi one of tho most reliable ssert honseB in America; wo feel'tharron will "be botintiftrlly repaid b y pnr* chasing your seeds at enr store. Wc can anppl^jou seeds in any qnantitj and at prices that will bear inspec­tion.

Sole A g e n t,fo r (be


J . D. NEWLIH173 Msiin-Street

. As b u r y p a r k :


Uncle Sam is Awakening

To the dawn pf tho .campaign of 1900. We want yeu to awaken to tho possibilities of our BRADLEY

• PARK SECTION. We’ll make ■ it eauy for yon ; to purohasa a lot.

Consult 1 -j .-

T. FRANK APPLEBY,Cor; naltiStreetand Mt; (jt t Avenue


‘FamotiS' for* our Soda.’ ’ Egg Phosphates that are per- feqt. Lemon^ Ginger, Jtraw- berry, Pineapple and pther de- licious Phosphates. .

Hot drinks ,for cool, ^ven ings. "Goffee. and '.Chocolate with whipped creaim; Beef Tea and Clam Broth witli salt crackers, scents..

Every Prescription t h a t comes here is put up in an ab: solutely. perfect manner, and our .“Drugs that Cure” are al ways used. *; -•

U se our Sarsaparilla and be rid of that languid feeling, that dull headache and "backache. Sarsaparilla is a spririg, medi­cine that everyone needs. 60 cents- a-bottle.- ------—-— -

3 . ■ , .

M attison A ve . P harmacy.

the Artificial S u n lig h t .-taker, narf^the Cost of Ofls Light. -

A sixty sight m achine pan bo 6een in successful operation in Pharm acy-of William Ham , Main s tre e t‘ Address . — i " . . ..

. John S. VanDyke Electric Co.,1011 C o o k m an Aveirtue,

*8-83*— ------—r • A sb u rsr Pa r k ; — -

S p e c ia l i t o w m s e r t i 2 n t$AdTertisementa •’ containing . not more than

twenty-five«worda Inserted under this heading tor twenty-five cento first insertion sad 'fifteen centa each subsequent msertxon^ < ■ "' •

W A N T E DA neat youbc: woman as working housekeeper,

In,a family or two persons. Address No. 40, Prefce office. • 14*

F O R S A L E . ••Lot at Deal, east of macadam road. ' Price

81 CC0. No ca«*li required by party that will build.: Address P. O. Bor 1023,-Aabury Park. ‘84*

/ W A N T E D . ,An experienced wiiite waitress, wtth good ref*

erence Apply at once to Commercial Hotel, As • bury Pa lt. E ,VanAken. \ . 81tf

D R E S S M A K E R S . •' fMias fiririyon and Miss Gardner

\ No 116 Bond street, Asbury Park, N. J.-w a n t e d .

By a lady, from Anrll 8fth, good room and board. ROferencMrexchauged. AddresiW. 8 . Press office. 84 ^

w a n t e d .At oace: two active yoimg ladies a* learners

in millinery department. . Cook’s Bee Hive. WtfF O R S A L E .

1 onyx poda fountain, complete, new; 1 show case, 4 ft. Ioor; 18 nlckpl candy trays, 1 doz. Boda holder*, silvers 8-<lQg;soda gl-sscs, 2rpalr.flnw counterbchIpbj otaocandy j^rs. Iceereom dlahoa, soda spo ns. Ice cream and candy boxfes, « doz.. bent wood chttim, 4 tables, etc Apply at Strick­land Bros.1, : 618 Hookman. avenue, or Harir Duffie d, 016 Asbury avenue, Asbnry Park, N. J.

«0 tf.FO R S A L E . ,

Two young- horses in ajood condillon; *wil worlc any way; sir yeaWT31d>-kind and gentle Terms moderate. -Apply to\ .Wisley Husrglnsl Avon. 1 7atf.

W A T T . A P P L E G A T E ,Contracting Fainter and Decorator, 'Estimates

promptly given,-P.O. Box 10C4 . ' 7~59tf -

bo ah lo k eih w a n t e d .""Boarders can secure flrst-clara accommodation at 409 Third avenue; terms reasonable; house beat1 od, pas arid electric lights bath and all the com­forts of home. Manager of the Buckingham In the summer. Mrs. Geo. II. Doy ■ 38tfFO R S A L E O R E X C H A N G E .

Eleven building lots, 60x200 feet, adjoining Ocean Grove Heights. Price one hundred dollars each. Apply to 508 Fifth avenue, Asoury Park. 14 tf

.FO R S A L E .Nino roord house, store and barn , w ith c ity

w ater and sewers, on F s’ree t,.opposite post office, Belmar, Will ba B old reasonable. * AnFrank Ooberi, owper, on the premises. 30-K

T H E CRO W N,146 Main avenne, Ocean "Grove. Openal the

year. The most homelike boarding house tn Ocean Grove. Steam heat, baths and all Im­provements. Terms reasonable. — - 252tf -

JO S* L . D U RR AHPlastering, Brickwork. Cem enting. Jobb ing

prom ptly attended t o . . W ork guaranteed.20Qri04 — 607 T H lf ib AVENUE.

W H EN IN LAK EW O O DStop a t the Towers, Main stree t, opposite L aurel

House, ----- ..........----------------: —r “ ::—T enns reasonable. ' • .

- ^ v O flis. J . H unt.Summer season, A tlantic H ouse, Ooean Grove


_ j. Architect. _____1 S8 B roadw iy , lonq br a n ch ;

CONC E R N IN G PIA N O S. ': Z.8l O, FiacnEii made their one hundred thous­

andth piano In 1806, rlio largest output of any one concern in the hUtory of piano making. This make was sold in Apbury J*ark for $500. I Bt-11 them for $300. 8 cnouacker pianos, all strings gold plrited: Ne»er rubts nt tlio seashore- A perfect plnnb. 8 oIfl bv Asbury Park dealer for J475.' My price is $£00 .KnoEOKa pianos, established 1«P2 . made by a former superintend er.t of Rtelnway'e. Sold In town for 3550 I ask $250. Th**re aro others, but 1 bese three makes will serve to illustrate the di(Terenco between the dealer with heavy expenaia and the piapo,tuner •who sells direct from tho factory (thaiTa me). Intho face of the fact that these pianos are still lu’TlaburjM^ark and that I havo tuned them and show tuat they are giving entire satisfaction, and thatjjotb dealer who sold them andninnufac- Hirer who madoJthem are still responsljile for them, I ask if It4s not jUBt a little bit inconsistent for thn same deader to cry “thump box,” * furni­ture piano.” etc., eto., when I sell the same piano he fonnetly sold ? . * i'The Princeton, . * .... W. 0. DOHM* ,819 Cookman nvcnue....... * Piano Tuner 15.vearlF

J o h n N. BurtisUNDERTAKER

; 7 0 8 'Mattison Avonuo-Cbfada' a n l Bnrlai CaBhota on liand'.bV

.fnnsIsheJ tc order! ..........


‘ Do you want a istylish hat ? i f so, 'we have if. Some,people imagine thaf their ap pearanpe is about .the same, no matter what kind of a hat they wear.- In this, they are mis­taken,, as one style of hat is never suited to every face. Our stock Is made up of all the latest spring styles, including the always pretty HelviHe Sp ec ia l, the Dunlap, Young, Youmans, and two other shapes in derbys, and as many new styles ia the soft hats; Priced

. front :gi^5Q-tolg4.c i.

M a c H u r d l eBuy one of our MacHurdle Shirts; take it

home; try it . on, and if any fault, real or -fancied, bring it back-here and we will buy it of you at the price you pajd us. Safe-and sure, isn’t it? Haven’t-been.asked to buy any back as y e t ; " . _ ■■ : ■ .. ......

T h e “ H e a d ” H a t t e r . ;

J 303 M attison A v e n u e



K R 0 E G E R . . j .


. $ 95 BRADBURY (sq.)$ 40

, 140 M O ZA RT. . . . . . . . 135

v 290 B R IG G S .:.. v. . . . 275




IV ER S & ‘PONDS r "




iraylor_& Tusting Building, Mattison Avenue - -

And Bond Street” Asbury,. Park, N. J.

JR. A. T usting

N e w S t y l e s an* Novelties M „our stock fo r 'tlfo Easter trade. Hotel and boarding bousd'keepers needinft:.to_replenLsl» or replate their siivos wouid ^ b ' w'^Il^JO cal and get our prices, as we nre giving speolal rates on.Kucli.ordcrafr"'

ivlow ia a good tiino to have your clocks, attended to atid pu t in runn ing order fpr the summer, Let us know.; Wa will call' for them and deliver them when finished. - -

Aim W . Cornelius •6 2 4 C o o k m a n A v e n u e


100,000 EO LtS-O F

P 111 flRIyrom all the leading marufaoturers. v

* From 5 c R O L L up^nrJs .

PAPEFLHANGING,13*fo per roll and up.

WALL MOJJLPiNtSS;To match all papers, 2c a foot and up. .»

— i


541-543 Cookrtian Ave,

Tonsorial ComfortI t Is tho desire of every tr,nn who

’patronises a barber:to teceivoa snl- Jsfaotory shavsj fis well -as prompt*

.attention.'^ This will be accordcil to 'all those who patronlzii the, now ' establishftiont wbicli^pens .. \ .

Saturday, April 7th.Each patron may have either a hot

or cold towol, qolclf ser.vico and. sat-^ iBfaotory attention. - FurnighlngB,

-bow and up-to data-l?firfCGt_f^ultftry- ' applianoss., , * • ',.‘r

,Rtf RANK GAGE.Cookipaa Avenue Block, <

• Cookman Ave. below Emory'S',

A S B U R Y P A R K D A I L Y P R E S S , S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 7„ 1900;

Professional- DR?. BRYAN & BURT

PHYSICIANS AND HUBQEONS. 821 A lii w en a? , Aabary P i»k , N .J . Offle® hoar* 8 to a. in., S to 3 p. in,. 5 to $ p. 13 . PhoBeS.

; DR. F . F . COLEM ANN orthw est corner Fourth avenue and Kingsley

street. Office H oars: 9 to 10 a. m.» 1,80 to 2.50 p. m ., 7 to 3 p. m. Telephone I B. „

R .S . B EN N ETT, M . D.• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. B16A8buiyave ■hue, A sbury^Park. Office hours: 8 to 10 a .m ., A to 3 and 7 to 9 p m . 194-378

B eg to announce their removal, from their former

location, corner Main streetand ABbury Avenuei tp

Cookman and Mattison Avenues*, opposite jthe Postoffice, where they extend a cor­

dial invitation to their friends and patrons to call

upon them. / . J'-.KOwing to delay in .making alterations and improve­

ments they will :riot .have their store ,in perfect

order for a few days, but you will be none.the less

welcome .v i ,y \¥ 'ZAttractive goods at attractive prices-will Eepay you

for your visit should you desire to purchase. '

OR, M ARGARET Q . CURRIE120 Main "avenuo, Ocean OVove, N* J. Offlc*

flours: T to 10 a^m.. ,2 to Q.D- *n., 7 to 10 p. in. .

OR JELLA PRENTI8S UPRAM80ft Third avenne, Anbury P ark , N. J . Office

hours un til 10 a.'m ., IS to 2 p. m .. 0 to 7.80 p , m. Telephone ^all VQ I*

H . s 7 k i n m o h t h : M . D . "710 Grand avenue, and a t K ldm otith & Co.H

D ru g s to re , 724 Cookman nvonuo, A sbury P ark ,N »J *?..,■ . ' *

BURTON BROTHERS TDENTT8TP, Olto Cooktnnn avenue, ABbury P ark.

•Baudonlne buUdiop, S. W. C o r ,,Broadway- and -28tb stree t, New Y ork. New Y ork office closed from May until October. , '

DR. H . S . TAYLORDENTIST* (G raduate of University of Pennayl*

vanla), corner Cookmc.n avenue and Kmory street, over LeMaJstro's, opposite p o s t office; entrance

.op-Emory stree t, Afchury Fark. Office hours from 0 a; vi. to C o. m . Telephone 931. - *

iE o . p T s T "DKNTI8T, 017 M att Lion avenue (th e Keator

block, near postofflce), A sbury Park. Teeth e x ­tracted palmesaly w ithout rendering th e patient unconscious. Gaa adm inistered. Office hours:9 o .m . t o 6 p . m . -V

R . F . DORAN, D .D .8 .DENTIST. Successor to tho Boston Dentists.

715 AlattlRon avenue, W inckler Building.

CLAUDE V . QUERINLAW OFFICES. Transacts general legal bual*

ness. A cknowledgm ents taken fo r a ll states. Booms 9-10 Appieby Building.


23 Applpby_BuildIng, Aflbury P ark , N; J ,

W M . C. COTTRELLARCHITECT. P lans and specifications for-

nltnod a t abort ttotlco. Hotel work a specialty 415 Lake avenue. . ; , •

■Samuel A. Brodbe . -Brnkst’a . A m u■ BR0USE & ABEND

A rchitects. 981 C hestnut s tree t, Philadelphia. Forst-Ricbey Building, T ren ton ,If.-J . Applejby A sbury P ark, N. J . I . ,


njalrf. Office 508 Bewail avenue,, TeJephoneNo. C. A ibury P ark , N . J . ::----------- -------


MAIN ENTRANCE—607''609 Cookman avenue,[CARRIAGE ENTRANCE—606--608 Mattison

occupied the same building • for 40 years


HIOur sty les are alt in; have been,, in fact, for' a week_„-or--. tnore. A more complete line’ it would.be hard to find. Sniall checks and narrow, stripes will be the prevailing sty les th is spring. . ■ ' , ia


3 1 5 BOND STREET. .

goods are shipped to all parts of the United States



We have a -vory deeirableprcp- ertj to offer for Hale at LOOH ARBOUR, House has 10 rooms; 5 bod rooms. Two lots 50x180 tt. each, for only

J. L, TH OM PSO N, _

T H E G R O C E RNo. 17 South riain Street,

opp. Ocean Grovo Gatos, with'a cholco selection o£.

Staple and F a n c y Groceries,StockBoers Get ‘Away -With Five

----- .-‘Infantry. Companies.-

BESULT OF AN A IL DAY FIGHT, t-ot us g ive you full particulars,T akingMcthncn'rt Mafi-klnK .J lc licf Column

Cnptnroa Sntnll F orce, o f Iloem, ICIlllnf; G eneral tie V lllfljijia Mft- rcnfl, Uocr*1 F r e n c h AdVlnor.

London, April--‘,7*—Aiioilu’r story * of Buer trap ami .British vietimV mines from South Afriea, .Imt this. lime. it is roblit-tl of Kotin* of it hMlouu’ss hy news of u cDiintt’i* siieet’fls,;\v<u» l»y Moiltuen on tin* western frontier, involving the deatli of (leumil. VDIe.hnU- Mjn^uil,^cliicf utuon^ the trained’foreign advisers of the Boer military •leaders.

Tin* Iat<*5t ilis;^sli»r to B ritish a rm s, by iv Ii Teh live cn in panics w ere cupt lin 'd o r Itilted, in an o th e r ir is ta n rr o f tho retuarlc- ab le m obility o f llu* l*oers am i th e rapid* ily and seerrey o f tlie ir m ovem ents und lliu s lriites tlie di(li(ii)(y o f th e ta^k v.hieh Uoitei'iil (*at»ere has o f Uocpin^: opeu ihe lino o f t'.fimmuuioatton, *»i' J .o id Itohei'ts. A bout -10 m iles sou th o f Iiloeinfontein um l -It'll m ilos e a s t o f lle tlm ny S ta tio n w as RtaliotiQd th is fitlle B ritish force* fo r th e purpose, no dixiiit, o f pro(4>e tiu ^ the ra ilw ay line and preserv ing p eare in the d is tric t, w hieh was- reeen tlv iM i npied b y

the’ Boers, ' ' t h e ‘fom* prohah ly h a i ln tfitn o r tw o, a ltliiuydM he fae t U not mentioii-fii in Jljiheris-* tii;«p::itdit---r- - ------. * 'rin* British position was'siirnntiided beftire iioon Tuosilay by a strong fon e of the enemy, with 1'mjr or liye i?ims. A fter haring4iehl out for neaijy 1! 1 hours the British snrrendereth ;

How they were eaujrht in I his fashion, only a-few■ini!r»*fram“thir niilway;-l»y-llu!- envelopinjr emitiuKe^t»*r Boers, who must* liave taken‘some time to establish their

Monmouth Realty Co.ROOMS »r>3


Butter la high anil BUTTERING la taking 1 -Its placer __

Best Creamery P rin t..................KOo per !bBest CreHmery...................-r-“-~IH5rtaF1trBest Dairy............... ..17o per lbGranulated Bupar, Do lb. to e;ich cuatomor

purchaBlng.’otbor goods. ■ Not over 5 lbs to a customer.3 lbs Oatmeal, Gc. A large ,bottIo Pre­

serves, 10c., A Larga bottlo Ketulmp, So. Largo glusc Jelly, !!c. Beat Cold nicked Jersey Tomatoes, 8 c. Condense ! Milk, 3 onns for 25c. Floe irrarte Teas and Coffee,1!. Ciillfornliv Hams, lb..

« 7 . Z , . T H O M P S O NN o. 17 S ou th - M ain S t . , o p p o slto

O coan G rovo G a tes ..F O R C A S H O N L Y .

N o r th w e s t C orn er M attlson .A v e n u e . an d Bond S tre .e t •


aiv.en to ev ery pu rch ase r of ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF QOODS d u rin g o u r A ltera tion Sale.

W eek

Most of our new mpdeia havo arrived nnd are now on exhibition.' You aro invited to call and examine them . /.We have tiie IWrgest assortment ever of­fered in tbis fo?vH. OaVe all the lead* ing mtrtses. No old wheels left over from lS'Ji*. ■

It W ill Certainly P ay You To „. .Knffiv?..ptir. Store. ..... : I n l i o i ' I I a i i r r J 'n x 'I t p c o l p t v . - -

.'Mhiiu.v, Api'il (. -A larj-i■ amount, of co11 ntcriiL~i11lioritflru'O tax which has licru oolkuttofl duriiiK the cunpnt year '"•ill he available for govcimni'l'ital' vxpunnf* dur- hi" the next fiscal year. The death of Cornelius Vanderbilt has thun far lirmiKht trrllie state about?^Nl.(l(K).—l'’i’ourthe ef” tntc o fO o rjre Smith, formerly: of ('hiea- ro and Xew York oity 'ami later of Lon­don. tiie state hna received the sum of ST,- !W4,753. ■ Sniitli xvas a Seotcbmaii1 and wurth many millions i>f dollars. lie held securities in New York ;-t;itc valued at .f l2,0!)!i,!)70, upon which the state, claim- e^ a tax of $2,0.'if!,.“S2. The English gov- crnuient eolleoted from the estate a tax of over $(y)00,000. Another large tns .was c o lle c t^ ^ ro w .t l ic « iH ^ rM iw ,'^ u : Ilart, Ifate "of Watervliet, the amount Ue-ihg $70,000: " _________________ * • > •••


O rien ts__5pald2ngs -

H a ile s AND OTHERS

Clevelands W h ites — - Crawfords

D aytons -- Yaletr Baines

C h i n a H a ll .NO. 162-164 riain Street

- 1 Asbury Park. _


Beat and Moat Economical F u rn a c e Mad©

642 MATTISON, VEBDEA S B i m v P A R K r m (

C entral. H all 71 4 M a tt iso n Avcnujc

The OpeningIs O v e r i '


_ But^wa are stdli in the baslnbsB; Call and sap us a t tbs new giaad.

0 4 5 B l a t U s o n A v o n n e .

M y s to c k i s n o t in a d o u p o f w h o e ls t h a t a y e a r » b o I d e c la r e d n o u'Oifll<-“-,

I bavna’t all She whools, bnt ,two of the best—tbo popular • • v • *••

T h e r e a re n o n e b e t t e r ,Is It Your Kidneys? Try This---------- — STATUARY.— - -Vory pretty and a t reasonable prlcos.

UMBRELLA^, Etc.The naual complete line of-\T*tah6s

Diamonds, etc. ■ "

n o ite tfo g o o d . O u r la rg e

tra d e in th is l in e is th e. , >e v id e n c e w e o ffe r o f y e a rs

o f fa ir d e a l in g a n d g p o d

Why ask a pbyaiolan to find out whether your Kidneys are disensod? Tafeaa glass tumbler and flll" it with urine. If tilfdro is a r,fd! ma n t aftar-ste ud 1 n g twen ty-f 0 r. i-hn „ r ,v your Kidneys aro siok. . It you>have a de­sire to nrinate often, d pain In the back? o r it your1 urine utalna linen, yon should ut cnce take.Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy, as delay 1b dangerous. There -is .siq^juestioa about .Sts being tha best and s f e a t tnedicioe la ihe world for any and all diseases of the Kldnoya, Liver, Bladder and of the urinary passages. Rheumatism, Dy's- p TpSla, constipation of the bbwels, and the. al'iknesses peculiar to women. It quickly re- ■i'ivea inability to bold nrine, and the ceces ,srty of 'getting; up often during Oia night- I t Stops that,.8oald(dg pah];. When pftssliig urine and correatS the bad effects of wliiaktj* an'dbeer. • • - ... I '.

I t ig sold by all druggists ai ono dollar a ftottle. You oan' have a' trial bottle and pamplilet of valuable modlcRl advice free by.mali postpaid, by mentioning this paper and sendlog'your.aadioBR to tliH Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N; Y. The pnbljsher'ot this paper guarantees tho goi!- uinelneHs of this liberal oflter.;':’ ..: \


T. J. WINCKLER ASBURY PARKEugrafiug while you wait. , Tho FIERCE I have aojd .for eight years

and have foundjfcom tried and tree.r n iC K S PROM $ 1 :5 I O $ 7 .V

717 M attlison A yon ilc .


FIR S T D A K C E.o f r u n " :

'. m. L . C . r "; To b e ite ld ' . •

. . . . . . . 1 ■

Monday Hvenibg, Aprils 16thl i t EDUCATIONAL ’HALL.

G . T , S A N F O R D ,7A TTER 8 0 N , S AR 8 EN T & CO.

B ._ P . S . P A I N T S ; $ 1.00 Callor*. _ ,

B u c h a n o n i . St S m o c k .•< . 711 Main S t., Asbui-y PnrkV '

QUNEllAL. MAltKUII,.Btins mid <ietuclimcnts in such 11 t\-«y as to i ivfuiunvcr all ri:Ristiiiui’; is one ol' ti '.e lii.vaterit'K ol'.the itifiii^. Tli.i' onl.v c»n«luv Bion .t(l(tt' ciui: lie aviivcd nl here is thill their oht]iQjjlH Vt'crr not itllve to tlieir du- tE O »\ that. the. scouting was most inclli- efeijtinufrfonui'U.

A fine llpe ot casket* on 'hand terser' loot Flower tlwigua s specialty,Open d ay and n ight. . -

Telephone,--21 a. . Beaidenoe, 410 S«W*11 B rian s .

T ic k e t s a d m itt in g o n e / ' In d lud ins R e fr e sh m e n ts , 5 0 C e n ts . ,

• "DANCING AT 8 5 . M. » R E A D T H E P R E S S

, ;V \ " ,

rA S B U R Y P A R K T ) A I E Y 7, 1900.




APRIL 13, 14, 15.

EV E R Y T H IN G in the. way of imported shapes anil finish

will he ready for inspection, supplemented by a corps of

proficient designers and-trimmers, with ready ideas arid sug­

gestions which .help to make your millinery purchasing *'• ‘ ~

easy. .. • . ■ • -

On the same dates we will inaugurate the seasons open­

ing in • -

READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTSFor Ladies’, Men’s-atd-Cliildren’s Wear.

, . • - ______ v , •.' * I ■ • •There’s nothing we have-.omittcd from our purchasing

which goes to make an up-to-date line.




MEN’S SU,TS-* . J.. *' . - . ■ * .

All particularly adapted and designed for spring service; I t’s unnecessary tp mention>the“iifTp6fl^nce to you and our- selves of our ; !

H A T D E PA R T M E N T ,

Cook’s Bee Hive(3%HEN in the course of human events it becomes, neces-

V v ary” to repair your ROOF, COOK or GASOLENE STOVES, why not have the work done properly by

W QODW ORTH <£ HAHERGAHN,- ' v 712 COOKMAN A VS. Basement.

; GIFFORD & SON Plain and O rnam en ta l P la s te r e r s

Bricklaying, Setting of ilantels, Ranges a&dJBtmtere, . Also Boiler Setting and Foundations E aldr Tile Setting. ' .

' E s t im a t e s F u r n is h e d f o r A b o v e , w i t h R e f e r e n c e s . .

........................ P o s t o f f l o e B o x 4 8 j - B r a d l e y B e a o h ; Ar, J ,





I z.mu

LTfcHorAiR-FI• ; C H AS. A. B E N N E T T ,Aaent for tiie Specialty F u r n a c c , a n t i

moBt economlcal furnace made.' • "’ Stoves and Ranges. •

Guttors, I>oadcsr. Tin feooansr, Repairing. LaS me estimate for your .wort..


7 '. ■ P E R C E N T-

■ .We have; the above sum to pface in large or small .sauUBts on Brstrmortguge loans; on Asbury Park,. Loch Arbcur,. AllenUuraf and Deal businoss'or rtwe!-' Uug property.

J. W. Hetrick & Son,6 2 5 Mattlsfcn A venye;

. ' fc • . . . .K e a to r B lo ck . ' . ‘



• • . • C tT R E l P I L E S •-And all rectal' djgarder* o r raonay ?efnndod, P leasant. N ot.a puyal U hat. J. DJack,T. MVf of E t f a K rug Co., I ’m!;

pujalc. A radical c u re . fiOo a t u)mt. J. Olupk.T. H .suvart, L. O. rir*>«alte;^r

....................................... , l ’a, P ieas^ .try i t .- rs r ;*

N O M A T T E RW ho sold you, your bicycle, permit us to.repair it,-W e.are equipped to repair any make, and our constant effort is to do it better than anyone else, and to treat you so well that-

_ . ; i t^wili.^b.e " a “".pleasure to^dtf business with us, •

Z A C H A R I A S & C O .. 7 23 M a ttis o iiA v e . --~

a l l o v e r a t Al b a n y . 'I 'ix c t i T ii v H u tc * u if il T l io n

A d jo u r n * . - * . . \Albanr. .Aprils 7.—Tfir < Inst' of tho leg

islai iv(<>r.'»sjnii. \\»<i marked 1»v 110 uimsu- : i l ' s » A f t e r the.rush. confusion, und tir.jliir.ij ,n\ i!-i* '0:1 riy morning ntlendini: :!n* i»|» nfj»nsin*-.ss (Jit*;usual*•t !i ti> i:i*4-a nil ; rx» 4'.’a ircrerf auma^tin1 !c.til«»rs nf t‘l|r assi'in}»l,v.

Tin* « * » i i i i i i l t n » r t l i t r . a . s s c mh j v P a ^ 'l H»» .Marsliall-ilill MU ai^iop tia t- Tu f>nnu7n*fu fur a LUflimijmry survj*y of Hu* stale facials by n votr'of tiy to I,"; Tlii' siKiiiHc-jinrc nf in that il <*oiumit« (lie livjuiltliran party to ’th«* .S(}2 ,tM)(MM) .'.’•NP.t.MPlil.urj*,..UcmuqratH... ai'r?....also, roitnnilii'ii*.. w-auM1. tl»<*y votoil for tlio" aiiphiprlatii.ji in tUt* si*nalt». /= !IitfrrIi?jyrthitH!,t*-r-nxc,tWtlii r;ninitnl“ fMX' rate tor ihc coming Jist-al yrar at 1.,S(M0() mills. ‘.This is a. ictluctlon nf of atuill fronj tlie* tjilc lixi’il. Iiy llio .lasi legis­lature \vhif-li‘‘\Vas 2.4!M00 !iii*lls.‘- - ,m s- ta$ on tho estimated vahitVtioii of tho pninVrty ‘ of the state ot >r».4i;i;:i02,7r«0

111-sy-i 18 -n* t i^tr 1—5 < tr*"* 1 tiTr~ntX"*m to"fixeTl yVslecjlay in thr lowest ^inoo 185)1, when It; ;\vn» 'l-%:mllls: .■' in • ■ igj) 2 it:.Was" 1 .!)S-100 jnill^v * ■ . " • * .•

Telei!u, A pri I ' 1.—r’n*< l-f -^n rmeiJt er. siVcl.oii yplirsj. of ISun'alo. I>air(4 4^emau on a Lukt* Shorajftrnin -nuuitu^ hehvroti hert nnd Huft'alo. wus.nrieotcd on tl»^»'nfrivtil of. his train from the eiist yesttml'iy. ch.nt t:e«l with-.hanuj; rifled KncrKUgo Ur transit. TheYouiplaiut is itiado by Johii, Ti.. Kreemini, Vrent'm! .ba^iauv: OA'ont ot thl* Jiitltc. Shore, 'who sttys 4Uat Bimucis* ter-s (U'proilntions have Ijcen ^n|n»r on foi tlio past -two years!- 1 ’liu <leto<:tlVi»s and* Frconian say that Bunneistor haa admit* toddds tfmlt. In a suteliel fouud'^vith thO ffeensod \Vro* jroods said to be valued «t

* and \yliich. It is alloged, were iak* on. Iiy him fi‘6 mrtrunks. • . . . .

EASTg€ARpssTE|fl506H’S 5PRma SPE(IAL5W E DE L’

S p e c ia l B a r g a i n s i nShades, Tinware, Enamel Ware, Tubs, Wringers, OiW^Cloth, Wash Boards; Baskets and general moving ,time_ necessities.

Frfesh G a rd e n S e ed sA T W HOLESALE PRICES

■ W e T J x t d ^ x ' s e U ”

Spring OpeningM R S, E D IL T S

. # 1 ' % ..........

Announces that her Spring Millinery Opening will take place at her. Parlors, -.

t . .** • ..........1................... r . . . . . . * : ........— ..................... :.. - . . . . .

706 CbOkMAN A V E N yl . ~ ~‘■-1 • — —on—

Wednesday and Thursday, April 4 and SALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED-

D EW EY!S CANDIDACY.'t /1*. i ■ , -•-------------------------- • .1AnntTts He In n Dem ocrnl. bu t W on’t

’ Shy :WhntWaKhinpton, April-?,—“(’ertaiuly Tam

a' lJenmerat. Of ermrse I am a Demo­crat. . I have never been anything blit a Demoerat. No; I ’ve never voted in my life, lmt I came very close to it when >rr. Cleveland was running for the presiden* cy.. ;ljU d wimt to cast niy_ vote for him.**

Thoso statements woro made- by Ad: mirnl Dewey' when he w«s asked upon his'TPmrn .from Philadelphia i t he could give further expression to his’-political views, When he had^so unhesitatingly declared hiuu_u<ditics, he was asked it he was u gold Cleveland Democrat.-

“Oood night, gentlemen; good .night;*' the admiral, answered and started t\own the hall to join Mrs. l)ewe,v. •

The admiral was eatJetl haek to answer Q. question ns. to the date !:e would make a rmblic statement. This, he replied, would be iu about a week. ,r .. In this..public statement* Admiral £>ew- oy Juts*promised to define, his attitude lit regard to the new possessions, and it is expected he will inake declarations which will meet the- views of. Republicans op­posed to thi‘ir jflrty's Porto lticait-andexpinrsiiiirpoiiH®. ; ■. r*~........

Il is predicted that ho wilT declare iii favor of the , uitimate* independence of the Philippine*; under itfi American pro-: tectorate, 'the United States, maintaining ooi/lrol of .suJlieiVnt territory for a naval base, and in favor of .free trade and fair treatment for Porto Rico. . _ t

In referring to this statement the ad- miruil talks-in a. way to indieato that'he has'surprises'in store for the puldie. both is to Ms policy aml'the men behind liim;i

In case ol’ his failure to obtain, tho nomination ;it Kansas City politiciani ir le=-\v«m d m i 1 g; J f_ii\:;.rl'n,(iiii |,: Ji i^g*!^t ion* could be seeured-f«r*just4fiMiis uominiiUon as an independent candidate.

Praelical pulitieians here arer JtM»ldedl.V j )f the opinjou^that tlus# is the only possi­bility open (or Admiral Dewey. They thin!; JiU eandidaey has so eleared the MilieaI. atmosjihTiv- 1 s in 7ma'lfe'it Tno»re ceitaiu tUtui ever tlmt-.Mr.MeKinley and Air. Kryan will be renominated. j *

Soldier ,ArrcWtotl, “New York, April 7 — Viet or. Ciorrin, a

first sergeant of the Fifth atiilleiy, V. Sv A., has been arrevtetl at Newark. X. ,1, He was iiiru‘*d over“to' Lieuteliant F. O. .7ewell/aiui Sergeant, Frank Kelly of the Fil't li a i t Ulery, • whn, .u»«dr~hh 11 - bajJi_ to_ Foi t -Wadsworth. (Jefrin was married a few day-; ago, being ;;iven a furlough. anti.*jtrtjfr h^departu re , it . Is claimed,-is .waT- t’»Tm7d'^hat Tor"a".^vea7vpr so' lie* liud beeii <j))tjuning J?r» a month by forging supply bills at the.fort., (iorrln has bee« a soldier since he was yearn 'old. Hi. V\*ji t; bi,r n j 11 Knc Itf1 u l a m 1 e nil st ed as a d rntiimi-’fn) v in ail "iSnglTs 1 i' i;egi mei 11. • lie left the English army about four years- :igo-w It iie-his-..r<iginiotit-~w-as-in-Canada, enlisting in the' Fiftii United States ar­tillery. . • .

'"“Dewey Mny (<o lo ’Conven'tion^ » Kansas City, Aprir*7,—.tohn It. Me-..

Lean,* bi'ijthertinda-w of 'Atjinirul Dowb^, Ju.i■±\iigKgi:LLiilaMa»l,:^U<:n .thi iw iim . J u . one'(ii*’the leading‘hotels for the Denio-

.V>ra.tii^cnnyeiitjun in Ju ly .. Tlit wwiukjir§.- choice, and ii is rtnnored that tliey yre tn be shiirori Ikv Adtniral Dewey. When, the self'etion is jmuie, .Mr, >i>T«eaii.‘ it is sail*!, au,uouneed that tIn* romns would be i>eenpied bwv bttnself and.a friend., • '

family can nlTord to be Wlthout,Ono illnufe Coug:h • Cure. It will atop ia (»ugh and ouro a cold quiokor than any other meaicine;” writes 'O. W. WillUimfl, Bterlioff ltun, Pa. It ciireB croup, bronchitfa and aJl tliroatand Rtng troulilea and provenf'Tcon- piimptlnu. Plenpant and .harmless. W. H. Ham, 168 Main streou •. •

- - ‘ r a - - -------- -Why go bumpias wro}ind witli a

LAME BACK■ ' • V •WUcn j^oqican get l ost act relief £ri • 10*. box <4

i^^yE iu n u iT E ai c F i Q b ST h e beat K W oev w e p a r a llo n on ^ eatih , «nd al10-C E N T BOX contaios nearly,os rauch aa others sell, for 50 cents. 'I f your artiggial will not supply you, send us five a-ceat alampa aod get a bo* by mail.- * » • . ,t h e Jsh o sp n L abora to ries, issc., PSitla,F or a»je by ,W. B . n ’dm »nd‘»U lfad ia* dtBSHtat*

TO RETURN NEXT MONTHO tis’ R eq uest i to B e R elieved

Granted' by President.

MMJABTHira TO BE HIB 8U00EBS0BI ! ;__ t__.- - . *; •

Gpnernl'R yfenU h Hh 1 d to ’ IIhvg^B een Un<lcrn\liiQil by llie S tra in o f Ilia DatlcM In M nn!)a—He May Be Sent to Chicago.

Washington, April ,7,7—Major GeneVa! El well S. Qtis will notnrn to the UnfttHl States next montli>.j anrl Major OcncraL Arthur. MacArttiur ,wi11 Ruccecd 1dm as governor general of the- Philippines.

Considerable disnppoiutment is ex­pressed in ' administration -circled a t fhc decision of (ieiieral'Otis to leave, his post, and it is understmul that-the president, while complying with the geHeraTs wish­es, Has communicnti5H\o him his rcgret at his determination not to^ remain longer. •The presiduut. has.a very high opinion, of

ORX'RUAL M ACAK TW rn.__General Oils, ami as a mark of his ap­preciation of the general’s work has a thoiixed him tt» Select the route by which He will return. Similar permission.’^yas accorded to Admiral Dewey. u ■■ ‘ Seei-etary limit ssiid that the ..develop­

ments in the situation* would, depend t/* <iome extent oil the time when General Al is should retiirlfr ITc.^mdirateil~tliar -tlio-depart ment understands (Jeneral Otis does not eare to remain Jojiger, and it is shid-by ollieers-llii|t' his- health-has dieen- undermined :by *the.strain lie has under­gone. " • . X./ ■ ’" Mny Be Sent to C hicago. v ,

Upon his1 returii to. tlio .United States General Otis will come direct tn Wash­ington "and will make an 'exhaustive., it*-, port to the*president and _S 1 \eretarj'_Itofjit. His "future duty will be iargely 7le(er- miiVed by his own wishes, but i t is‘pre­sumed, ho will be assigned to command the department of the 4ak|'s, with head- quarters• in-Cllicago?* General>Krnokn wjll succeed General Morritt^kpou tho lattpr’s' retirement this suininor.

Tjprrainnnsigumonfc- nf<tlenerhl * Mae- Arthur,to duty asigovornor. genera!..QC4hp_ Phillppltifctt unothoi^m ^er w fll^e given' command of the department of Luzon, probably .General Scluvau’. It is not ex­pected thaf "»iy olUcers of General Otis’ Qllicial .staff will return with him, though his perHonal sfafT wiii uudonbtedly be or-

■dexed lo acconipany him. .• . ..At the ineetiug of the.eabiliet yesterday

eonsJderation was given to ttie instruct -lions under which the Philippine couubis- sfon Will act, .

Special a tte n tio n h a s been d irec ted to the d is tin c tiv e w ork ' w h jc li 'ilf j^ c o u im is-; sioh a n d the m iliuu 'y " 'l i t pe(,fon ii 'w To, .prevent any cliish in. tjieitv re la tio n s th e com m ission In s -b e e n g iven ch arg e of* dll civil alTair*# an d w ill*be sup rem e in u la t- te rs re la tin g 'to theiii,^ In sec tions w here opera tions ag itiu s t juK u igen ts n re ncces- s a ry th e -m ilita ry wilE be suprem e. *.

iiiff B eet Snarar l* ia iit,|u i^o rt1*', Lyons, N. Y,; A pril! 7.—Ground-has

Jieen broken. b f n» for the - Kmpire;.Ktate Su^ar company’s f5iM> ' ton ' beet sugar plant, the first modern beOt vsugar’.pluul in. th» atqte. * 1 **- -

advertising this_ .week relates to the new goo'ds provided for spring, W e hive been preparing for this showing formonths and when we say the stock of novelties

' for spring were never larger or more varied, or the prices inofe reasonable, we tell of the story and will leave the figures quoted to finish the. pleasing tale. . ....

§ S pring Dress Goods.. W e. began showing Spring {Dress Gpo^s a

month ago. Every day, though, brings new lines of the modish fabrics, and.the stock at prcs- ent is complete enough to satisfy the most fas. tidious. Of course we i Cannot, enumerate the hundrpd-and-one varieties In this ever-growing department,*but^ we quote priccs on a lew Of the leaders: '

fid peg. SS inch .Cashmera^ail colors . . . . , . 85c 3,090 yds. 44'inch ail wool H enrietta ,ail colors . 09c 1250 yds. OS inch'ali wool Flannels, ell colors 1 85c 3000 yds. 4& inch Figured DreK]Goods,all cpIora i)8 « 4500 yds. 40'inch a ll wool O raoite Cloth,, all

uoldre . ,7So

OurWorth Price

S5c G4o ■25o 20c

LsadiesV TaHor»made SuitsT h is'j ear finds our.Ladie’s’ Tailor-made Suit

Department better stocked than ever ; hereafter we will feature this section of our establishments. The presept-stock is modish in -every way anxi prices are considerable below present actual-value and regular selling prices elsewhere. Every gar­ment we sell will be altered ff necessary, so a pet* feet fit is guaranteed. Here, too, may be 'found a complete line of light weight Jackets, together with Ladies' Wrap's of every description. These prices will give you an idea of the bargains in this department: '

' Worth.Lot 1. Ladies’ all wool Cheviot tailor m ade ,

suits in all colors.sllk lined 1ackets$12.50

’Our . Prlco

5 0.08Lot 2. Ladies’ Cheviot and Covert tailor- -

made suits. Bilk lined . . . . . . 10.tK) -12.48L otS . Ladies’ tailor-made suits, applique >.

trim m ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 ‘ 15.4825 Ladies’ Silk "Waists, all c o lo r s .. . . . ... 4.08 3.08

. ■: :-v V . S

Bed and Table Linens.Our annual linen sale, b e g u n m o n t h 3go,

still contines and hotel keepers and housekeepers from all parts of the county are buying heavily of the immense, reasonably priced stock of these essential8r---Reaid the?following prices "and then fiilrry and secure your share of the good linen things

190 doz. buck Towels, sise 1 0 1 8 C . 1 0 0 doz } Mapkins, all l in e n . , . . SSSpcs bleached Dtsmask, 6 8 iqch . JOO doz. hleaehed-Sheetfi, 61x90. 100 doz Pillow Slips, 86x45 . . .

•Worth . $1,25 doz

'. doz 60c

. 65c

. l i e

Our Price •

(1;C0 doz SSodoz 4$c 46o .80

Carpets and Matting.Nothing makes a home look so cheerful as

fresh, pretty floor coverings Carpet, you ktiow,' has advanced in price. Our experienced' carpet buyer saw the price-change coming months and months ago, and placed his orders for this sprilig's stock at old price. - His foresight means money-, saving to you, for the quoted prices will show we are sharirig our bargains with you r . {SO rolls Matting, 40 yards to roll , , *sfii) Good quality Ingrain Carpet . ... . . . . \ , . , 2So ydGood quality Ingrain, 1 2 wool C a rp e t . ', . . .8 9 o y d -AU wool Ingrain U p rpet. . . . . . SOoyd0 W ire Tapestry Carpet . . . . . . eSo ycl'7 Wire Tapestry C a rp e t.................. . . , 45cyd

Spring Fu rn iture.Wlien ready to purchase new Furniture for

the^ hotel or cottage ' l e t us show.you what we consider a model, slock, .before you piaije £our orders. It .makes ho difference, what, you may desire in-the Furniture line, here ytfu can find it* Substantial Furniture, too, the ; only frailty dis.

,'cernable being the pricing.-- Here are a few Fur­niture specials: '• ; V; ' ' ' »“ • ' ■

■75'Combination Drescers . . . . . : . . / . . >10.75 up'1 Bed Room S u its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.50 up' Woven w ire bed.springs, all sizes . . . . . . . . . . (1.49.Iron Beds, all sizes . ; $2.08 up

Crockery and GlasswareW e buy our 'dor : -\3tic (crockery direct from

the home of the crockery trade in this, country. We also import from France and Germany, No

,'oTfTcr estaCl ushmcnt on the coast can • undersell us and’no- other establishment carries such an immense stock. Contracts made with hotel keepers for-a complete outfit for the dining room and bed rooms at figureslowerthanthose Quoted by wholesale houses in the • big cities. These"

. prices prove the truth of this- assertion :• ■ • ' 1 Our

‘ ■ Worth Price100 Opaque’Shade8, a ll colors . . . ••. . . . SOc 25c 10-piece white Toilet Sets'.*.. . $1.69 $1.2510-piece decorated Toilet Sets $2.60 $1.9&176 cases Granite W are a t- ju s t one-half its1 value.

lOmpany,General Providers for Home Essentials. '• ■ -

Two Modern Marts.Cookman and Emory. Cookman and .Main. ASBURY PARK.

HAN tf A TO: RET i RE.II, C, I'nyne W ill Be C linlrnm n o f Ite-

puh llcnn N ational Com m ltiee.“New” York, .April -7.—The Press ,jt|iis

n t o r ^ s n y - s that Senator H anna'is to decline re-election as chili nil an of the Iter publican national committee. I’his bus iieen Vuuiored rebcatedlj’;Tin“th e“lnFt~throc nionths. but when approached those uear- est ftrrhu"miatoH»;»ve-snid tKmt nothing- was settlod'^m d' that, a.ny .delinlte an-, nouneement would be-premature. Mr. Hanna’s invariable repjV. to inquiries on the subject has been that nobody else \vus authorized to sjjeak-for him and that IjlCuwajj. not yet ready to sneak fin- him- Hclf. That is still h[s. posirion, but those in his eoniidt*nce now for the first time ml ni i I that Ids retirement js-practien Ilya seiUvil'fact. .......

So .well understood is the- intention of Senator Hanna\’that the questloit of hi successor*.is now ‘being coiisidere'd Care­fully by the party lenders. first*choice iy said to be Henry ‘C. Payiie.of Wisconsin.' * By all present indications ho will-be- the-chairman,—This-would-bo-a. certainty if Mr. Payne were u morfr-ro- bust man. The plan favored b y most of those who have been eonsultedjs to make Mr. Payne the chairman'and place at the head of the executive -committee a vigor­ous 'personality to undertake the burdep- oMefnil-iiHeiHupaigiwmHHigcinentr—This^- sort...of j in . execujtlvo. lipad is found in

ssWta ii trifostinnkdw I loneiul -Per­ry S. Heath. H*essuro is being brought to‘bear upoii .Mr. IIeatli to uudertujio tliis work. AccentancO will necessitate; Mr Heath’s resignation* from the^ ofUcc.'lioh o l d s . - W * ' •-’■■■........ -

K nrtliaualce In W a r n i i u « t o n . .' Tacorna; V'jtsh.v April 7,—A tremen­dous uphcav-d of land is reported*to.haVo occuvre\l on- Nooksack river, ten miles wcst'""otf'“Mo,int Baker, ori'“Man'll.,. 27! W lmt had once .been a valley ami’lied of tlie Nooksack riy«ir“1s ilo”w n 'lii 11 7O feet high, -The' noise of’ the iiplieavnl was heard a t . Ilahiilloit, ten ml?Cs away. ,-A report-'of. the 4oceyrri>uco was brought’io this city by. ■’ ). P. SImonH, Jr., * who was Jn the ueighborhoodnit the tiiuo looklug over timber laud^ ;. • . - *: • ,-

Oilo Korb, Grand rh«tni ville, Ind., aayfi: “Dow Halve poothea ib

lllor. Kv P,,Boon- .«t’a Witch Hazel

be moat delicate ekm Andhoala tbe most stubborn uloer vritJ certain- A --------and pood roan Up,?* Cures • dlBeaees • Don’t.bev an Unit Hqm, 107 M ainatteot..

es and skin tion, -W* H.

Fine Furniture ' Made to Order

ilattresses Renovated.411 kinds 61 Cushion Work, Old Furniture made: to look

like new.A complete line ol Uphol­

stering Goods always in :/ ’s t o c k ; - . - ' ■' ~


Opfioislerer ano OecoijtorGxa C O O K M A N A V E .

PU R E ';v h ite le a d a n d ., ; linseed oil,

A p p l ie d with skin andpatient toil,

I ;N Jh e-gftgd _oM :fash -_ .ioned way.

N ORTwitl the price bemuch to pay.—

'T 'H E N -sendJQr .usJhis_ „* _ I vety_day\

? ’ E . J . S T R O U Dg ^ ^ g P a i ^ . p ^o . Box 057.

fE ElLSlOf liRBi!(SJNo W f LAKE.) .

’ Has moved Its main oBJco.fram 81.2 COok- man avenue to 621 Mattison avemue—Keator Block. - . •

W 'Patron a g e Solicited.

FIBST-G10BS WOBK aqd flQinPT 9EEVIGETolejifiono 85b ,

F or S a le-*-■ Business property^ - _

* paying io% . . . . , . .

Great Bargain. Come in and ask concerning i t . . .

WILLIAM GIFFARD233 r ia ln S tr e e t

Insurance> ■

Written; panies.

best com*

Money to loan $ ahd 6 per cent

Awnings/ Flags,

TEf/TS , BURGEES Canvas, Covers

m ade o f bost m aterial* and workmanA&Ip a t low­e s t prices;. y


A S P E C I A L T Y .

E l o v s i o r a r ia D u m b W a t t t e r 1 Rlgaring, Spliolnar, &c>

H J B M M B N W J l Y ’ S 6 t7 CookmaQ, 418 Haitlspn Ayesr