80 Per Day Blueprint

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80 Per Day Blueprint

Transcript of 80 Per Day Blueprint

  • The $80 Per Day BlueprintA fast and easy way to make $80 per day - starting from scratch.

    Welcome to the simple shortcut to making a full time income online.

    In this training Im going to give you everything you need to go from absolute scratch to making a minimum of $80 per day online.

    This is a shortcut.

    These are the two simple steps that CONSISTENTLY deliver sales without a website.

    First I wanna give you a zoomed out picture of the training.

    Its gonna be a very quick training. You can complete it in 1-2 days if you want to.

    I dont want to overwhelm you with content.

    I spent most of my time removing unnecessary steps and streamlining this system so you can make the most money with the least amount of steps possible.

    Theres four modules to this training as you can see here:

    In module one, Im going to go over the two steps that consistently deliver sales without a website.

    Im also going to share the big reason why this is different than anything you might have tried before.

    In module two, Im going to show you how to set up your $80 per day automatic sales machine...

    Im going to give you a copy and paste template so you can execute and take action without any friction.

    In module three, Im going to do what I call the printing money demo which is me demonstrating the actual results of money coming in from a campaign I setup from absolute scratch.

    By only using the 2 steps youll get in this system.

    I keep telling you about the video training, because it really kicks-ass.Its so much easier to demonstrate and guide you to $80 per day on video than with just writing. So I highly highly recommend you get the videos if you havent already.)

    I start from a blank slate, and show you every single step You see how I turn $60 into $145 with just 20 minutes of work.

    And module four is a bonus module that I think is extremely important for you to use.

    Module 4 is all about the mindset and super productivity hacks that I use that help me get things done and stop procrastinating.

  • The Only 2 Steps You Need To Make $80 Per Day...

    In order to profit from these two steps, youre NOT going to need a website, and youre NOT going to need to do any time consuming tasks like social media or article writing.

    I eliminated the boring technical steps that sabotage most people from making any real money online.

    Heres why I streamlines this system and forced myself to give you just 2 simple steps to make $80 per day instead of 20-30 steps like most of the other trainings out there.

    Lets say the typical make money online product has 22 steps.

    If you do 21 of the 22 steps perfectly, but you mess up on just one small part, you wont make any money.

    If you mess up on just one of those, you wont make any money.

    Screw that.

    Or lets say you get caught up and something in your life requires your attention.

    You put the project to the side and you get sidetracked.

    Now you lost your momentum and when you come back to it, you forgot what you were even doing in the first place.

    So I really believe that a vital key for you to make money with this system is to implement RIGHT AWAY and not let your momentum die.

    Dont say, Yeah, This is good stuff, Im going to take action tomorrow morning.

    Just do everything as fast as possible.

    Please dont put things off, execute the simple action steps Ill give you as fast as possible.

    Thats the only way youll be able to get the most value from this system and actually make money.

    The Money Is In The List...

    Whenever you listen to all the masters of marketing, whether its Gary Halbert or Dan Kennedy, they all say the same thing.

    The money is in the list

    You might have heard it before

    Yet, like everything else, the devil is in the details In just a few moments youll see the easiest way to build your list from scratch and make money from it in less than 24 hours.

  • Heres one of BIG ideas of why this system is so effective:

    Lets say for example you spend a hundred dollars on a banner to get traffic, and you get a couple hundred clicks.

    ...and nobody buys.

    What people dont think about is only a small percentage of people are ready to buy when they click ona banner.

    Think about all the different things that could be happening when someone clicks on a banner...

    They could be at work, they could not have their credit card in front of them, their kids might distract them, it could be time for them to go and they decide to buy it when they get home, yet they never get around to it.

    So heres another big idea that will help you make $80 per day.

    Only 15% of people are ready to buy now... 85% of people will buy later.

    This is ultra important.

    This is why Im going to show you the proper way to build a list without a website, and im going to show you the proper way to follow up with your leads so they buy multiple products from you and rarely unsubscribe from your list.

    Heres the video that breaks down why the most common reason people fail to make money online.

    The red line is how much you spend on advertising.

    Lets say someone spends a hundred bucks and doesnt make any money on day 1.

    Well, if they would have captured leads and followed it up with them.

    Heres what happens.

    Every day you follow up with them and offer them additional products and services and you make more and more money. (I have a really powerful technique for following up in a way that allows 1person to buy multiple affiliate products from you simultaneously Youll learn about this in the next module.)

    The point where the blue line crosses the red line means you made more money than you spent.

    Thats the point you acquired leads at a profit.

    Remember only 15% of people are ready to buy on the day they first see your offer. Some of your leadsare ready to buy on day two, some leads are ready to buy on day three, and some on day 7.

  • Not everybody is ready to buy the moment that they click on the link. Weregoing to make sure were in front of them when theyre ready to buy with an offer that will solve their problems and get us paid.

    All advertising is free as soon as you make your money back.

    Capturing leads and following up with them in the specific way Im going to share with you is an almost guaranteed way to build a massive list quickly and make $80+ per day while doing it.

    Knowing how to turn $20 into a $100 and then a $100 to $200 and then $200 to $400, gives you ultimate leverage because you can scale and automate the entire process since you dont have to put invest your time in order to grow your list.

    If you follow the simple steps Im going to lay out on this program, youll be able to capture leads without a website and youll be able to follow up with them in a way that makes you lots of money without spamming your list.

    The big idea I want you to remember for this module is that only 15% of people are ready to buy when you present them with an offer. 85% of people are gonna buy some time later.

    This is why building your list is so important.

    Your list is an automatic sales machine that makes sure we are in front of them with an offer when they are ready to buy.

    If you want to make a full time income online Then it is absolutely critical that you always follow the 2 rules to making a CONSISTENT $80+ per day.

    1) Always build your list.2) Always mail your list.

    Write those 2 things down on a post it note and tape it to your monitor.

    Remember.I took out all the annoying and technical steps so even a complete beginner can follow along and succeed with this system.

    Your 1st Action Step To Set Up Your Automatic Commission Machine:

    Your only action step for today is to sign up for AWeber.

    Its $1 so its not going to break the bank and then after that itll be just be 20 bucks a month.

    They have a 30-day money back guarantee so just use it for 30 days for a dollar, make more than 20 bucks with it, and just keep it running.

    This is the most valuable and only technology youll need to make $80 per day.

    You must have an email follow up system. And I really like Aweber.

  • Aweber is how well be able to capture leads without a website. They have a feature that hosts your opt in forms for you. It makes it super simple to capture leads.

    If you dont have an autoresponder, It is mandatory that you get one. If youre currently using another one and youre not familiar with it, I highly recommend you get Aweber.

    Thats your only action step for today, make sure you get Aweber, and be ready for module 2 tomorrow!

    Module 2: Setting Up Your $80 Per Day Automatic Sales Machine:

    Alright, lets get you capturing leads, mailing them and making money from them as fast as possible.

    Now that you have AWeber, heres what your dashboard looks like:

    Your only task for this section is to create your first list This takes about 5 minutes and Im about to walk you through the entire process step by step.

    Also, remember that AWeber hosts the Opt-In forms for you, so you can capture leads and make money from them without a website.

    Its really simple and easy.

    And in a later section, Im also going to share with you a really cool way to mail your list consistently so you make the most amount of money fromyour list.

    Were going to do it in a way that builds value and gets money you paid simultaneously.

    Its something I call the super PS method.

    Its one of the biggest secrets to making the most money possible from each lead while giving them exactly what they want, solving their problems, and making money simultaneously.

    Dont worry about any of that yet, I just wanted to give you a heads up of what's coming up in the later sections.

    For now, all were going to do is quickly and easily create your first list.

    So once youre in your AWeber dashboard, click right here where theres create and manage list.

  • And its going to take you to a page that looks just like this.

    Now, click the green button that says create a list.

    This is where well configure your list settings.

    First thing youll do is select a list name Its not important what you select just pick something.

    I simply named my list alexmedia.

    Next type in your name under the from name section.

    The from name is the name that shows up when you email your leads.

  • Next type in your email address under the Address section...

    Lastly enter your home address or office address in the contact address form.

    Click on the green button and save your settings.

    Then under notifications Enter your name and email address and click the blue Add button.

    Then click on the green save settings button again.

  • This will send you notifications to your email anytime someone joins your list.

    I like doing this because I can see how many leads Im getting per minute, per hour, per day really easily.

    Skip the tab that says personalize your list and go to the third tab that says Confirmed Opt Ins.

  • Click on the third tab that says Confirmed Opt-In

  • Scroll down and look for the Confirmed Opt-In option....

    Turn off the Require-Opt-In web form.

    Click on the green save settings button, and youre done!

    Thats all I want you to do for this section.

    Remember, Im going to baby step the entire process for you so if you simply follow along by the time youre done with this report youll have a legit $80+ per day commission machine.

    So to recap, youre only action step for this section is to create a list and make the tweaks I just demonstrated to your list settings.

    Please do that now before moving on to the next section!

    Getting Leads Without A Website:

    Ok, awesome!

  • If youre following along step by step you now have your first list on aweber setup and the ideal list settings configured.

    Before you create your opt in form Im going to go over everything you need to know about getting leads with aweber.

    So heres a quick overview.

    The first thing I want you to do is click where it says sign up forms.

    ...and its gonna take you to a page that looks like this:

  • And youre going to click on the big green button that says Create a Sign Up Form,

  • and itll take you to AWebers Web Form customized tool.

  • Aweber gives you a variety of templates to create really high converting opt in forms in seconds.

    Check out this simple opt in form I created with Aweber in 5 minutes that gets me 45%-65%, conversion rate: (Ill walk you through how to create your own in just a moment.)http://forms.aweber.com/form/49/1819004949.htm

    So this is where we design your opt in form...

    In a later section Im going to give you a copy and paste headline, subhead and image you can use for your opt in page.

    First I want to give you a quick overview of exactly how everything works when youre creating your first Sign Up Form.

    Next I want you to click on the second tab that says Settings:

    Here you can name your form whatever you want, I usually leave it as it is with the name My Web Form.

    The next option is really important...

  • Right here where it says Thank You Page Click on it and select Custom Page from the drop down menu.

    Here youll enter your affiliate link for whatever product youre promoting. Ill walk you through how to get your affiliate link later. For now all you have to know is that the Thank You Page option is whereyour leads get redirected to after they enteir their name and email address on your opt in form...

    Next is the Already Subscribed Page Option

    I simply put the same affiliate link I put on the Thank You Page Option.

    Thats it for your settings!

    Click on the green button and Save Your Form.

    Now lets have aweber host your web form with 2 clicks...

    Click on the third tab that says Publish.

  • Click on the third section that says Have Aweber Host My Form....

    ...And youll get a link:

    That link is all you need to start making $80 per day.

    This link is a website that AWeber set up for you thats going to capture leads for you and email those leads automatically.

    Thats how easy it is to start capturing leads.

    Heres the key takeaways from this section.

    I want you to see how easily you can redirect your leads anywhere you want after they opt in.

    I also want you to see that AWeber hosts your opt in page for you so you can capture leads and make

  • money without a website.

    So your action step for this section is to create your first opt in form.

    Just choose any design and play around with it. Create a self hosted form and get familiar with it.

    In a later section Ill tell you give you the exact headline, subhead and image in order to create a page that looks just like this: http://forms.aweber.com/form/49/1819004949.htm

    That opt in page gets me 45% - 65% conversion rates.

    It doesnt have to be difficult to make $80 per day. Just keep taking all the baby steps Im giving you.

    If you havent done the action steps for this $80 per day blueprint so far, please go back and do them before continuing to read this report.

    If you follow along step-by-step youll have a real $80 per day money machine by the time youre donereading this report.

    All I want you to do for this section is get familiar with creating forms on Aweber by being able to control where leads get redirected to after they opt, and by having AWeber host your opt in form for you.

    Well design your opt in box and write the copy for it in a later section.

    Done For You Follow Ups

    Ok, lets very quickly go over the autoresponder message settings.

    This is going to allow you to email leads automatically.

    Im also going to share a very valuable trick that allows you to make the most people possible from each lead while simultaneously reducing unsubscribes.

    So first thing I want you to do is click where it says, Messages,

    and then click on the green button that says create your first follow up message.

  • And thats gonna take you to a blank canvas like this one.

    Okay so in order to create a killer autoresponder messages and high converting opt in pages this next section is very important.

    Check out the timeline below for the weight loss market.

    On the left hand side is where the prospect is currently at, and on the right hand side is where he wants to get to.

    In the middle are all the micro problems he has to solve in order to get what he wants.

    Thats what were going to help him with when we email him with different affiliate products.

  • Were going to offer him/her products that solve those problems so they can get what they want.

    and this is the a timeline for the how to make money market...

    Heres why this timeline is so important.

    There are dozens of problems people need to solve in order to lose weight and keep it off

    And there are dozens of problems people need to solve in order to make money online.

    All we are doing when we email our leads is helping them solve one of these problems for free in the body of the email and then we simultaneously offer them affiliate products that will help them get theend result they want even faster.

    Simple enough?

    This timeline is super helpful in order to create our email follow up messages and our opt in page.

    You now understand the psychology behind the $80 per day money machine and why it works so well.

    Were capturing leads and emailing them with different affiliate products that will help them solve theirproblems so get what they want faster and easier.

    Remember - Im going to give you copy and paste templates for your emails as well as your opt in page.

    Alright. So lets take a look at this Opt in form I created with aweber.

    This is a template that works for any of those micro problems on the timeline.

  • For example, the headline can be:

    The new and easy way to stop procrastinating. (Problem 2)


    The new and easy way to stop craving carbs before bed. (Problem 1)

    All Im doing is inserting one of the micro problems from the timeline into this headline template.

    In order to make the most money from this training, Im going to recommend you select large markets that have to solve several problems in order to get what they want.

    So for example in the how to make money online market, theres always new ways to get traffic, theres always new conversion tricks, theres always new software that makes things easier.

    Its a market thats in constant need of new ways to solve problems.

    Meaning that theres always ways for you to make commissions by promoting products as an affiliate.

    Same goes for the weight loss market. Theres always new and faster ways to lose weight. New science is always coming out, and new studies and new research on food come out.

    So theres always a need for new products and new advice.

    If you dont know what to choose, I recommend you select with the make money online market sinceIm going to give you copy and paste templates so you can get started right away without any friction...

    Later on you can go after other markets if you want.

    Fair enough?

    Your only action step for this section is to choose a market you want to go into and draw a timeline for it.

    Whether youre going to go into the making money online market, or the weight loss market, or that dating and relationship market.

  • Make a timeline for it... I dont care if you copy mine just make a timeline with 4 micro problems that youre going to help them solve through your email follow ups.

    I just want you to get your mind thinking with this framework. All were doing is solving problems so people get to an end result that they want.

    Thats it for this section!

    Great job so far! Were almost done laying all the groundwork you need to start making a full time income online.

    Choose your market and make your timeline. If youre not sure what to do just copy mine, but please dont get stuck in paralysis by analysis. Just do anything and keep going. Dont try to create the perfect timeline.

    In the next section Im very excited to share with you how the super PS method A simple and powerful technique that will help you make $80 per day easier than you might think.

    $80 Per Day With The Super P.S. Method

    Heres the big secret that allows you to email your leads four to five times a week and get consistent sales.

    So heres an example of an email we would send out.

    Were simply going to give some valuable tips on the body copy.

    Yet, heres whats most important.

    Take a look at the P.S in the picture below.

  • So after we give them some valuable content on the body copy (Ill show you where to get this, you dont have to create the content.)...

    In the P.S. of the email were simply going to use the following phrase:

    Here are 3 ways I can help you make more money online right now


    Here are 3 ways I can help you burn more fat today

    Then we offer them 3 affiliate products in the P.S. that will help them solve the micro problems they have. Remember the micro problems from the timeline?

  • Were going to offer them solutions to 3 different micro problems they have on their timeline.

    Whats great about promoting affiliate products with the Super P.S. method is that its a very friendly and stealthy way to make lot of commissions without being salesy.

    Plus very often, one person buys several products from you on the same emailsince they want several of the affiliate products youll recommend.

    So for example, lets say were going to solve the micro-problem, doesnt know how to get web traffic.

    Well use a Super P.S. like this:

    P.S. Here are 3 ways I can help you make more sales online:

    1. Heres a new way to get traffic to your website without using social media. Click here. (Your affiliate link This is gonna be your affiliate link for any product that shows you how to get traffic without social media.)

    2. Here an easy way to stop procrastinating and get things done. Click here.(Your affiliate Link for a stop procrastinating product.)

    3. How to quickly and easily build a list that makes you $80 per day. Click here(You can refer them to this training as an affiliate and Ill give you 100% of the commissions. More on this later)

    You follow me?

    Were just getting paid to refer people to valuable products that solve their specific problems in the P.S.... But at the same time were being cool because were giving them really valuable information first in the body of the email.

    Heres an example of an email I sent out with the Super. P.S. method.

  • Subject line is Crush Procrastination: the best productivity SECRET Ive ever seen.

    The body says:

    Hey, Ive tried the three most popular productivity systems, and I think this simple video blows all them away.

  • Then I link to a great productivity video by Dean Jackson.

    Notice that I didnt create this content, Im just sharing with them content someone else created.

    Then in the Super P.S. is where I offer them additional products to solve their micro-problems faster and easier.

    Cool right?

    So, its three different challenges that Im solving, in one email.

    Its really subtle, but very powerful since it allows you to make the most money possible from each email you send out.

  • Heres why the Super PS works so well.

    Everyday a certain percentage of your leads are going to want to solve Problem A, a certain percentage your leads are going to be experiencing Problem B, and another percentage are going to be frustrated with Problem C.

    And by including solutions to all three of those problems in every email you send, you dramatically increase the number of sales you make from each email.

    So heres a quick recap.

    When we write emails well give them 100% valuable content in the body of the message...

    which help them solve the problems they already have:

  • and then we give three solutions to three of their problems in the SUPER P.S. These three links will be affiliate links that will get you paid when someone clicks and buys.

    Its that easy.

    And guess what? A lot of times one person will buy more than one of the products you offer in the Super P.S.

    In the next section Im about to give you copy and paste emails you can use.

  • Then youll be ready to start getting traffic, getting leads, and getting paid every single day.

    There is no action step for this section.

    Take a quick break if you want, get a cold drink and do a stretch before moving to the next module.

    Please take the actions in this module before going on to module 3

    Module 3: Printing Money Live Demo

    If you have been following along step by step then the foundation has been set for you to start making $80 per day.

    Now Ill simply give you the templates to use for your opt in form as well as copy and paste follow up emails.

    The best way to show you how powerful this system is, is for me to show youa live example of how I turned $60 into $149 with less than 20 minutes of work.

    Im going to show you the entire process from scratch so YOU can do it as well.

    So, I simply purchased $60 dollars worth of traffic. In a later section Ill show you my favorite place to buy traffic.

    Its the only traffic source you need to start making $80+ per day.

    The first thing I want to show you is how I got 48 leads and made $149 from this $60 investment.

  • The exciting part is what Im about to share with you...

    So, you probably remember this graph from Module 1...

    If you havent already watched the video that breaks down this chart, please do so now. Its ultra important that you watch it before continuing on.

    The moment the blue line crosses the red line is when you made your money back on your investment.

    Thats the tipping point where you are now profitable.

    And now, not only did you make your money back, but youll start making a profit each day that you follow up with those leads.

    So, instead of just turning this into theory and giving you this random graph, this is what I did.

  • These are the results from the campaign Im about to break down for you step by step.

    I actually made more than double my money on day 1 I basically acquired leads at a profit. Its like someone paying me $2 for every lead I captured

    This is not hard to do when you follow the strategy Im laying out on this training.

    If you ever buy traffic, dont get freaked out if its not profitable on day one...

    Its very likely that you will be profitable on day one, especially when you use all the templates Im

  • going to give you.

    If youre not profitable on day 1 for whatever reason dont freak out.

    Just keep following up with your leads like Ill show you until you turn a profit.

    Ive never purchased traffic that Im not profitable with by Day 11.

    And if youre not profitable by Day 11, you probably purchased some garbage traffic. Just follow my advice on the traffic-getting section (coming up later) and youll get quality high converting traffic, every time.

    Heres an interesting story of what I used to do when I was being hyper aggressive with my email marketing. Im talking about capturing thousands of leads per day and making several thousand dollars in profit per day.

    When I was testing new places to buy traffic, I would spend, $2,500 on a new place to buy traffic. (Thisis not required for you to make $80 per day, all you need is an initial $20 - $100 investment)

    So, lets say I invested $2,500 and I got 3,000 unique visitors from that investment.

    I knew one of my credit cards closed on the 11th of the month, so I would buy that $2500 worth of traffic on the 12th and Iwould send all that traffic to an opt in page and captured the leads.

    I would then begin to follow up with the leads until I made my money back.

    So now I had a boatload of new leads that I would make money every time I emailed them.

    Since I purchased the day after my credit card monthly statement closed, I had 30 days to make my initial investment back.

    I always made my money back in less than 7 days.

    Then I would keep reinvest the profits into more traffic until my list grew to approximately 250,000 leads.

    Now every time I mailed those leads I would make several thousand dollars in profits.

    And thats how you start making some serious money online fast.

    All that started for me with a small $50 investment. And you can grow profitably. Its not like I reinvested all the profits into new leads. I purchased a lot of toys with part of my profits.

    You hit a snowball effect, where youre getting leads at a profit, and you can buy more leads with theprofits, and then you start stacking the leads, and you start stacking the profits.

    And the amount you make from these leads gets bigger and now you can buy more traffic.

    You hit the snowball effect, where your list is growing profitably and exponentially.

  • Thats the best place to be at, and thats what this training shows you how to do.

    Point of the story is that, whenever I was testing new traffic sources, I would buy the traffic on the date my credit card monthly statement closed, so I would have an entire 30 days to make the money back onthat traffic I purchased.

    It really helps with the cash flow.

    And very rarely would it take me more than seven days to recoup my investment

    I want to be very clear here I dont recommend you start out buying $2500 worth of traffic.

    I recommend you start with $20, $60 or $100, $200, $400, at the most.

    Then keep reinvesting your profits until your list is big enough that you can pay for all your monthly expenses while still growing your list.

    This is pretty powerful.

    Yes, on this campaign Im about to breakdown I was profitable on Day one.

    As you can see here, I spent 60 bucks,

  • I got 48 leads, and I made $84.55 on Day one.

  • Then I followed up with my leads on day 2 and made an additional $51.30

  • And Ill keep mailing the leads to make more and more every day

    Pretty awesome right?

    This is why we always, always, always capture leads.

    We never send traffic straight to an affiliate offer.

    Printing Money Campaign Breakdown

    Heres the actual Opt-In page and follow up messages I used for this profitable campaign.

    This is a self-hosted AWeber.

    Youre more than welcome to copy it word for word and use it to promote this product as an affiliate. http://forms.aweber.com/form/49/1819004949.htm

  • If you want to promote this product as an affiliate, thats great.

    Ill give you 100% commission as an affiliate, so you can make just as much money as I did.

    There is a tab in your members area that says Opt in Form Swipe. There youll find the link for the image as well as the copy and paste headline and subhead you can use to create this opt in page in minutes.

    In an upcoming section Ill actually share with you a video on how you can design this high converting opt in page in minutes.

    Alright, lets very quickly talk about the follow up messages.

    The follow up messages are the secret sauce behind this training.

    Because thats what we use to turn cold leads into hot leads that buy over and over from us We do this with the super PS method.

    We give our leads valuable content in the body of the email and then we offer them three different products in the PS that each solve a different problems for them.

    Theres a tab in your members area that says email swipes. There youll get 4 done for you emails that you can copy and paste and use immediately.

    So all you have to do is insert your affiliate into the emails and youre good to go!

    Its super easy.

    Ok, so lets do that now, lets load up your first 4 follow up messages.

    Go to aweber and click on Messages

    In aweber theres something called campaign sharing.

    And Im about to give you a line of code that when paste it in here, itll load up the first 4 messages of your follow up campaign automatically.

  • Just copy this code in that box: get-new-e338a-$F

    ...and then click on Load Campaign button.

    After you do that Turn on campaign sharing.

    So where it says Enable campaign sharing for authorized users: Click on that drop down menu and select Follow Ups Only

    Then click on the green save button that says save.

    Youll instantly see 8 emails loaded into your follow up series.

  • Then all youll have to do is insert your affiliate links in the Super P.S. and youre ready to start makingcommissions.

    Pretty cool right?

    Your only action step for this section is to load up the first 4 follow messages by using the aweber load campaign code I gave you above.

    Easy as pie.

    Theres only one step left before you start getting traffic, leads and commissions... Were going to create your opt in page with aweber.

    This will be easy and fun.

    But first! Load up your first 4 follow up messages...

    Hope youre excited.

  • Hope youre starting to see how real this is, and how you can really start turning $50 into a $100, and then $100 into $200 over and over again.

    And then you can keep reinvesting your profits until you hit the snowball effect where your list is growing profitably.

    And eventually, youll hit that point where your online income is three times as big as your living expenses

    This is the most sure fire way to do it, Ive ever found.

    So lets get to it.

    The Quick and Easy Way To Get Your Affiliate Links

    Before you create your opt in form youre going to need your affiliate links.

    This is where people will get redirected to after they give you their email address and you capture the lead.

    If youre totally new and you have no idea what affiliate marketing is.

    Its simply this... You get a special link thats connected to you and any time someone clicks on that link and buys, you get a commission.

    And if you choose to promote my product, Im going to give you 100% commission so you can make as much money as possible.

    You can promote whatever product you want as an affiliate. Im recommending you promote mine since Im giving you the email follow ups and opt in page template.

    Youll be able to get started right away without getting caught-up with urgent demands life will inevitably throw at you.

    So promote my product first if you want, make some money and then promote other products.

    So lets get your affiliate link. Now, in your members area, therell be a tab that says, affiliate links and itll take you to a page that looks just like this:

  • Im going to continuously update this page with products I recommend you promote as an affiliate.

    High quality products that are converting really well.

    The very first step to getting your affiliate link is to sign up for JVZoo, which is 100% free.

    JVZoo makes it ultra simple for you to get paid because it tracks all of your commissions.

    Itll take you to this page, which is to sign up to become a JVZoo affiliate.

  • Scroll down and click on the sign-up button below that says, SIGN UP NOW - ITS FREE!..

    After you click on it, youll be taken to a basic sign up form.

    Just enter your name, email, password, etc. and go ahead and register for JVZoo.

    Please register for JVzoo before you continue to read this report.

    Okay, great.

    So now youre signed up with JVZoo.

    Your next step is to request to be an affiliate for a product.

    There will be a button and you have to request permission to become an affiliate.

  • Request to be an affiliate and put a message that youre part of the $80 per day training, and Ill approve you for 100% instant commissions.

    Okay, simple enough.

    Once you get approved youll see a page that looks like this:

    As you can see, you get $7 and 100% of the commission... and there are 2 other products in the funnel so you get commissions from those as well.

    All you have to do to get your affiliate link is you click right here, where it says GET LINKS

  • Itll take you to this page:

    And itll give you this link, right here

    Save this link!

    Copy this link and paste it on a notepad somewhere and save it as My JVZoo Affiliate Link, since were going to need it when were creating your Opt-In form.

    This is the link youll redirect people to after they enter their name and email address on your opt in page.

    Well create your opt in form in the next section, for now just make sure to get your JVzoo affiliate link.

    Remember, you can do this for absolutely any product in the JVZoo marketplace.

    All different kinds of products that you can promote, listed by category, whether its weight loss, whether its other how to make money products, and pretty much any niche that you can imagine.

    Theres an entire marketplace of products you can promote as an affiliate, and get paid instantly with JVZoo.

  • Your only action step for this section is to get your affiliate link from JVzoo by following the directionsabove.

    Were finally going to create your Opt-In page in the next section, and then youll be ready to start getting traffic, capturing leads, and most importantly making sales.

    Create Your Opt In Page In 5 Minutes Or Less:

    Important:>>> Click here to watch a video that walks you through how to create and design your opt in page withaweber quickly and easily.

    Alright, lets super quickly create your opt in page that will look just like this:

    Insideyour members area, youll see a tab that says Opt-In form click on it and it will take you to a page that looks like this.

    And heres everything you need so you can just copy and paste, and create your Opt-In page that converts above 40%, which is what we want.

    Important:>>> Click here to watch a video that walks you through how to create and design your opt in

  • page quickly and easily.

    Please complete your opt in form before continuing to read this report.

    Good job! Were ready to start sending traffic, capturing leads and collecting commissions!

    How To Get Traffic That Is Guaranteed To Turn Into Commissions.

    In this section, Im going to give you the only traffic source you need to get to $80 per day and beyond.

    Best of all, you can start getting this traffic in less than five minutes from now.

    The reason I love this traffic is because you dont have to create banners, you dont have to create ads, you dont have to get pictures for you ads, you dont have to write ads, you dont have to choose keywords, you dont have to decide on your traffic demographics...

    You dont have to do all these extra decisions that mess up a lot of people from getting profitable traffic.

    You simply get guaranteed, high converting unique visitors to your Opt-In page... fast!

    And then your leads get followed up with automatically, with the copy and paste emails I provided for you.

    You automatically turn leads into customers with the powerful super P.S. method.

    Another reason why I love this traffic that Im about to share with you is because you get guaranteed Tier 1 traffic.

    Tier 1 traffic is traffic that comes from countries that have the best economies, which are the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia...etc.

    Tier 1 traffic simply converts better.

    So the traffic source that I recommend you use exclusively to get to $80 per day is called solo ads.

    What are solo ads?

    A solo ad is when you buy an email blast from someone who already has an email list.

    Lets say, I have a list of 10,000 people, you pay me $200, and I send you 200 unique visitors from my list.

    So I write an email to my list, and I put, Hey, check out this site he/she has a cool way for you to do this and this...

  • Then people from my list click on that link in the email and go to your opt in page...

    This is my favorite kind of traffic because theyre really qualified prospects.

    Not only did they open the email, they read the email, and then they clicked on the link.

    So, each unique visitor is already pre-qualified and interested in whatever it is that you have to offer.

    So, youre getting guaranteed visitors from tier 1 traffic.

    It doesnt get any better than that.

    And I want to emphasize that less is more when it comes to traffic sources.

    I dont want to give you 12 different ways to get traffic...

    Im giving you just this one traffic source I want you to master.

    This is all you need to get to $80+ per day.

    Dont get sidetrack with buying banners or ppc traffic from search engines. There are just too many variables from those traffic sources that could mess you up.

    Solo ads are guaranteed traffic that converts.

    I want you to remember this mantra You should write this down on a post it note and put it next to your computer.

    The two things you must be doing every day in order to make a full time income online...

    1. You must be building your list ...and 2. You must be mailing your list. Every day.

    Building your list and mailing your list with the super PS method

    This is how were able to get more cash from each lead than most people who buy a solo ad randomly

    Most people don't understand the 85-15 rule, they dont know that the majority of the leads are going to buy later.

    I also want you to remember that all traffic is free once it pays for itself.

    In the example I showed in this training, I actually got paid to build my list.

    I actually made a profit from getting leads.

    Now, I can use those profits to buy even more leads, and theyll make even more money as I keep mailing and growing my list.

  • It just becomes a snowball of profits, while your list gets bigger and bigger.

    And you eventually hit that tipping point where your online income is larger than your living expenses.

    Thats my goal for you throughout this training.

    Okay, now

    Let me show you how youre going to purchase this solo ad, in a way that almost guarantees you get high quality traffic that converts.

    Now, this is something I wish existed when I first got started buying solo ads several years ago.

    Im talking about solo ad groups on facebook:

    And as you can see, over on the left-hand side, there are a bunch of solo ad groups you can join for free..

  • Click on the link in your members area that says Traffic Sources and join the solo ad groups I have listed there. Its free.

    Now, heres what I love about them:

    First of all, theyre recent So people are reporting on results from solo ads they purchased today! So you know these solo ads are working and converting!

    These are current results from solo ads.

    So, this guy right here, Eugene Collinger is saying, Hey, I bought a solo from Marina and then he tells you how many clicks he ordered and how many clicks he received.

    He actually received more clicks than he purchased This is another reason why I love solo ads, most sellers over deliver on clicks.

    Eugene received 76% tier 1 traffic, which remember are those countries that have better economies, and tend to convert much better.

    And guess what I can do now?

    I can message Marina right now and say hey I want to buy $50 worth of your solo ad traffic how many unique visitors can I get for $50?

    I know her traffic is quality and I know its converting...

    How awesome is that?

    And every day theres people leaving reviews for solo ads they purchased. So you can simply get proven high converting traffic over and over again.

    This is a goldmine!

    I used to have to go to random, sketchy websites that said, Hey, I sell solo ads. Click here to buy... and then I would just hope the guy sent me any traffic. It was a nightmare.

    This Facebook solo ad group makes it so easy.

    On Facebook youre seeing exactly who they are. These are real people, and you can message them directly...

    Also, they have a reputation to uphold.

    Anybody whos selling crappy traffic in any of these groups will get kicked out and wont be allowed to sell solo ads anymore.

    It doesnt get any more guaranteed than that... This is a surefire way to consistently receive high quality traffic that converts.

  • Your only action step for this section is to join these facebook solo ad groups I listed in the Traffic Sources section of your members area.

    Then I want you to message just one person and say, Hey, I saw (Name of Person who left solo ad testimonial) had great success with your solo ad. I want to test your traffic by purchasing 100 unique clicks from you. What would you charge me?

    And thats it.

    Schedule your first solo ad, capture the leads, follow up with them and get paid!

    Its that simple.

    Youre going to send the traffic to the self hosted opt in form we created with aweber and theyll automatically receive the emails that are queued up.


    Remember the 85-15 rule.

    Only 15% of people are ready to buy today.

    Follow up with them your leads! Always.

    You have to be in front of them with the solution when they have the pain and frustration they want to solve.

    You have to stay in front of them with constant follow up messages. I gave you the first 4 follow up emails that you can use right away.

    I dont know any other model that will help you start making $80 per day faster and easier than what I shared in this training.

    Its up to you to follow through

    And the only thing that could stop you is yourself.

    You have to take action.

    Click on the traffic sources link, join all these groups, and message just one person today.

    Just one person, and tell him you want to buy a hundred clicks.

    Thats it.

    Please dont put this off.

    You have everything you need to make $80 per day.

  • You have your opt in page, you have your follow up messages, and you have the only traffic source youneed for guaranteed unique visitors from tier 1 countries.

    Take action Join the Facebook solo ad groups And schedule your first solo ad right away!

    Traffic Sources:

    Video5 in Module 3 describes how to use these facebook groups in order to get to $80 per day and beyond... Make sure to watch that video:
