MAY MANTON PATTERNS. ALL TEN CENTS EACH. At nny MAY MANTON pattern agency, or nt MAY MANTON PATTERN CO.'S nrw store, No. 21 W. 25rd St. («** door to Fifth Avon* Hotel), New Yori^. A Urge May Manton catalogue, nwitstining 7<K> beautiful illustrations. 10 cents, or by mail 13 crnts Mail orders j)romj)tly filled. Ii" in a hurry send extra '2 cent stamp for e.ieh pattern, and we will mail by letter post. State number and size wanted corrccily. Factory and General Offices: 132, 184, 136, 138, 140 and 112 W. -JTtli St., Ne-.v York. SIMPLE AFTERNOON FROCKS FROM HACKETT, CARHART ft CO. (Photo -by Foley.) TAILORED CREATIONS. Perfection of Detail in All Gar- ments Rain and Travelling Coats. For man tailored ehirt*. skirts and street suits a woman, might search the tail chopping- district of this city over, but she would b<a reasonably sure In th« end to return to Hackett, Carhart & Co.. Broadway, at ISth-st., perfectly satisfied that New- York offered very little that was superior in that line. Unremitting attention to the minutest details of fit. cut and finish has won for this firm an enviable reputation as men's furnishers, and the tact that the earn* tailors are responsible for the tailored garments for women insures the same perfection. EoUaosaa, me6sallne.s and taffetas ar« recom- mendsd by tsla firm for wear In spring: and the cool days which even the hottest summer brings forth. A* these- costumes are often elaborately trimmed with lace, or artistic cable designs, or handsome Oriental embroideries, they are peculiar- ly acceptable for general wear, especially as their ££?2? w, ice , lv 2 8 , popular fa-vorires like reseda, whita with black hair checks, and Parsifal, a blue shad- teg on the gobelin. In taffeta the s*»mi-costume has achieved a great success, the chemisettes and gamp sleeves of «hetr materials providing a wel- come relief from the mora severe tailored effect. 2 Ajsxr* nne of lingua and aUover Lice waists. ,to be worn with girdles as.d Busj>enders, will inter- eft the visitor; also the medium priced silk waists, of which this house makes a specialty. As the season for outdoor athletics draws near the sweater becomes a popular form of garment. One novelty in a sweater for the golf and Hockey devotee is woven in a lovely honeycomb pattern and is Bhßn^d in Eton effect. Sweaters are thin- ner ar.d lighter this year than they have been. This particular sweater closes down the front with ornamental frogs and pearl buttons. Still another new style has a handsome ruching passing around the neck and down the front. For seaside and mountain the sweater is invaluable. Raincoats, cut on the most mannish principles, appeal to many women more strongly than those modelled on more feminine ideas. Hackett, Car- hart & Co. say they sell many of the unlined fine cravenette coats, the elegance of which depends on their cut and suitability. Travelling coats in Sicilian and pongee in all styles, from three-quarter to full length carry conviction on sight, while the same may be said of the covert coats, which are. man tailored and unimpeachable as to their materials, linings and tailoring. i To describe minutely the linen frocks and the blouse waists would be a superfluity, as no two are alike, ingenuity and 'he deft fingers of count- less needlewomen having produced frostlike il- lusions and transformations. Bach waist nnd dress has its own individual beauty, which is all the higher for being unique. ONE OF THE NEW FABRICS. Chine d*or is one of the charming npw- fabrics. It is a wonderful gold tissue embroidered with colored silken patterns. Another novelty Is gauze P<k'n. which shows velvet flowers on eatin Btripes. Side by side with the tendency toward lingerie and ajry effects la the tendency to. ward increasing richness. most exigent will find hor heart's dealrea satis- fled, A plateau of turquoia \u25a0 yedda braid Is turned up In the back after the precipitous French f.-^hion, and Is meant to be over the nosp. Around th» brim la a Bne. close wreath of tiny bunches of button roses, shading from pal* blue to yals pink. The back Is banked with I hi" malinea and more hunchi s of th \u25a0 roses Another millinery tendency Is [I)u3tr-it ammoth bouquei of American Beauties which, with a spreading bow of white satin tlcally conceals the brim is the sole trimming of .1 large whit.' Neapolitan. A little hat thaf w mid be caviare to the gen- eral, perhaps, but would delight the soul' f the elect Is a pink sailor of fancy hoi braid. The low crown is banded with i wn >:r of th? finest, smallest pink ; In j DUCK TURNOVER SETS. Turnover collar and cuff sets of butcher's !!ne:% riquo cr duck to trim, spring tailored suits art in vo^ue. -v TEA GOWN OF RIBCON AND LACE. \u25a0 with larg EVENING HAIR ORNAMENT. with hair r. of whil mix. d with ;i ill >n. FAD IN MILLINERY. A fad in millinery is the introduction of very long stzJfcPd flowers, a welcome relief from th» roFettelike button roses and other close set flow ers, like cainei'.lns ar>! dahlias. HOURGLASS FIGURE. Never w.ts the importance of a well fitting corset more c'.or.rly recognized than at prrsent. The trim waist line and more clearly define ! waist are wel- comed b\- most w>mon as a relief from the vague, rot to siiv unpainly. figure ol the last two or three seasoasL "It is easy tv-> cultivate the ••hourglass* figure, hut good taste suggests that it shall not extreme with pointed fronts falling over another bolero* wtth square fronts, cf a!l-over Swiss embroidery. The linen is lavishly embroidered in lons trailing* arabesques in white. A reseda ilr'en is inset Hitin Irish crorhet. with French knots in variegated slze» seeded over the tertha and skirt panel, and so la goes, each presenting some happy individuality oC cut. fabric or dtcorati'T. In th- direction of th* silk shirt waist a "Truly* Sbattuck" uress in mahogany taffeta is distinctly successful, and no less can be said of the aeoUcnnn semi-tailor suits in black and navy. One cf thesa> ha* its yoke of a!l-over lace picked out with bluai nailheada while taffeta cable trimming emphasizes the distinction ,>f the nrted bertha. A few years ago a costume of coral taffeta wouT<3 have seemed extreme, but such a little suit see* :.t Simpson-Crawford's carries instant conviction* Somewhat quieter is a blue imported pongee oC the frock and frillpersizasion. Lilac ponnee makes up into a very nice- little frock and frill affair WheOi toned up with a glint «>f gold thread on a, black- lie down collar and accompanied by white brai« ornaments. Notwithstanding the prediction that poTo turbans wou!d not "co." many a careful c.resser i* equip- ping herself with one of those diminutive chapeaua. the iet pelo, with its aigrette or twi?t of maHnes at the siJe. being in special request. For absolute nnd unassailable smurtress there is nothing to excel a liiae picture hat with a crown of heliotrope* str-»w and rihhor. tinl into bowknots. Two tinted purp'f plumes come toward the front. It is a sym» phony in purp!*. Crystallized in Gowns, They Are the Acme of Elegance. "Why. it's .i cross between Japan and fairyland!" count! v.- v/orr.en have exclaimed the last week, as they loitered under the wistaria blossoms strung with electric lights, with which the store of the Simpson Crawford Company. Sth-ave.. 13th to 20th St., has lv.ii transformed for the annual Easter opening. And the beet of it Is. all this benuty is going to stay for a while. The 2S.CCO purple wis- taria Mofscms that grow on real vir.es as the sidts of the rotunda and empower it from above, and the one thousand special electric lights, shaded by more wistaria, whi;h depend from the ceiling of the various depart mtnts. will be there for an- other fortnight or so, long cnougn to give every wcranr. a chance to soo thorn. Not so,_ however, with the coats, suits, dresses and hats. Every day makes papa in them. Even a casual glani can discern their merits, and a care- ful examination riis-closts much to attract the pur- charer. Tako the imported gowns to start with. Made every one of them with a silk ilrop skirt and double drcp skirt cf chiffon, they have crystallized the newest French notions, a poplin gown of N;. \u25a0 green, with a girdle o f hunter's jrren. a i[ the' gores of the skirt fagottcd tcirether v.-ith a narrow Nile ribhor.— who hut a Paris <!rcs.=maker would have known how to combine so nuich simplicity with so much style? A White rnr<=s:> line hi* the panel effect of the OOfllcs repeated down the front of the skirt the me- dium being iloisnew of exquisite Renaissance lice falling one over the other, shir^N w:>e. Girdles, brourbi up so high in the "oaek as to lorm nlmost a Jacket effect are a feature o' many of th»-.»e gowns, just as eoifee jackets and bcltro jackets are. A frock and frill suit in pale h'.iif linen— one of those tub zowrs that tome out from an interview with soap nnd w:it<r ;<.s rfaintiy immaculate as v. ;»•.\u25a0 they were f.vft donr:~d-has a little bolero NEWEST FREX( H IDEAS. a pink quill is stuck through a br.w of pink satin ribbon. (Fancy that on the head of one of those peachy-cheeked, golden-haired blondes!) Somewhat moi Itc is a largo i borough of purple Panama, with a high crown of old rose encircled by two shirred ruchings of pink plcot-edged rit>V»n. Th* two superb pink plumes coming front em- phasise the outre snap-, which Is much broader th;;n it is lon.tr. Quit- new is a delicious five- cornered black yed la hat, in which the I for mix< '! effei Uis shown i>y the mtng] heliotrope, i niture. FROM TUE EXHIBITION Of SPRING COSTUMES AT TUB SIMPSON CRAWFORD CO. Plateaus end Small Hats Individual and Becoming. Nothing more marks the true artist than the power of adaptation and nothing? places \.h<> hallmark of success on a great mercantile establishment more Indisputably than Its power to fill every need and satisfy every taste. It is, without doubt, to its power to Interest ;iiid please every type of the most critical— the wom- an of means, the woman of culture, and Tie •woman of social experience that Lord & Tay- lor, Broadway and 2Oth-at., . ith-av»., ll)th-sr., owes its present success, a fixed policy, -oti- slstently adhered to all these years, of «un- Plying nothing but the best and the newest. could have obtained no other result. A love of the quaint and picturesque distin- guishes many of the smart costumes roo-.vn here, as in a gray veiling gown, which shown shrimp pink and appliques of guipure on the bodies, and has a little, Fleeveless bolero for the third piece of the suit The period of Louis XIV has been largely drawn upon for fancy tailor and 'dressy" gowns, alt hoi; English taste still seems to dominate in the ...\u25a0:\u25a0 utili- tarian lines, as in the long, fifty-inch coats, with their strappings and elegant lines, and in the covert coats, which are loose fitting and mannish in the extreme. In BurUncham c! th* pongees, eoliennes, rajahs, drap d'etes, panamas and serges there are hundreds of good thincs to choose from. ** This, indeed, is one of the most marked ten. dencies of the present season the rage i., the individual and the becoming. The day la rone happily, whm there was one kind of hat, one cut to a coat, on shade for gloves. This holds for the separate blouses, without which no wardrobe is eonsldorrd complete— the airiest, mobl cobwebby confections, nnd tht-i again, the more robust embroidered linens Everything tends to lingerie this year. Even the tailored gowns have their ruffles and vent* of lingerie. This same rule that becomlngnsss and mum i tility are the final test of a hat, the dptittta \u0084r material ami shape being quite subsidiary holds In the department of millinery, when Via ARTISTIC MILLINERY. NECKLACES FOR RASTER GIFTS NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY. APRIL 9. 1905. 8

Transcript of 8 NEW- DAILY TRIBUNE, MAY...

Page 1: 8 NEW- DAILY TRIBUNE, MAY MANTONchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1905-04-09/ed-1/seq-68.pdf · ££?2? w,ice,lv28,popular fa-vorires like reseda, whita withblack hair checks,


At nny MAY MANTON pattern agency, or nt MAY MANTON PATTERN CO.'S nrw store,

No. 21 W. 25rd St. («**door to Fifth Avon*Hotel), New Yori^.A Urge May Manton catalogue, nwitstining 7<K> beautiful illustrations. 10 cents, or by mail 13 crnts

Mail orders j)romj)tly filled. Ii"in a hurry send extra '2 cent stamp for e.ieh pattern, and we willmail by letter post.

State number and size wanted corrccily.

Factory and General Offices: 132, 184, 136, 138, 140 and 112 W. -JTtli St., Ne-.v York.



Perfection of Detail in All Gar-ments

—Rain and Travelling Coats.For man tailored ehirt*. skirts and street suits

a woman, might search the tail chopping- districtof this city over, but she would b<a reasonably sureIn th« end to return to Hackett, Carhart & Co..Broadway, at ISth-st., perfectly satisfied that New-York offered very little that was superior in thatline. Unremitting attention to the minutest detailsof fit. cut and finish has won for this firm anenviable reputation as men's furnishers, and thetact that the earn* tailors are responsible for thetailored garments for women insures the sameperfection.

EoUaosaa, me6sallne.s and taffetas ar« recom-mendsd by tsla firm for wear In spring: and thecool days which even the hottest summer bringsforth. A* these- costumes are often elaboratelytrimmed with lace, or artistic cable designs, orhandsome Oriental embroideries, they are peculiar-ly acceptable for general wear, especially as their££?2? w,ice,lv28,popular fa-vorires like reseda, whitawithblack hair checks, and Parsifal, a blue shad-teg on the gobelin. Intaffeta the s*»mi-costume hasachieved a great success, the chemisettes andgamp sleeves of «hetr materials providing a wel-come relief from the mora severe tailored effect.2 Ajsxr* nne of lingua and aUover Lice waists.,to be worn with girdles as.d Busj>enders, willinter-

eft the visitor;also the medium priced silk waists,of which this house makes a specialty.

As the season for outdoor athletics draws nearthe sweater becomes a popular form of garment.One novelty in a sweater for the golf and Hockeydevotee is woven in a lovely honeycomb patternand is Bhßn^d in Eton effect. Sweaters are thin-ner ar.d lighter this year than they have been.This particular sweater closes down the frontwith ornamental frogs and pearl buttons. Stillanother new style has a handsome ruching passingaround the neck and down the front. For seasideand mountain the sweater is invaluable.

Raincoats, cut on the most mannish principles,appeal to many women more strongly than thosemodelled on more feminine ideas. Hackett, Car-hart & Co. say they sell many of the unlined finecravenette coats, the elegance of which depends ontheir cut and suitability.

Travelling coats in Sicilian and pongee in allstyles, from three-quarter to full length carryconviction on sight, while the same may be saidof the covert coats, which are. man tailored andunimpeachable as to their materials, linings andtailoring. i

To describe minutely the linen frocks and theblouse waists would be a superfluity, as no twoare alike, ingenuity and 'he deft fingers of count-less needlewomen having produced frostlike il-lusions and transformations. Bach waist nnd dresshas its own individual beauty, which is all thehigher for being unique.

ONE OF THE NEW FABRICS.Chine d*or is one of the charming npw- fabrics.

It is a wonderful gold tissue embroidered withcolored silken patterns. Another novelty Is gauze

P<k'n. which shows velvet flowers oneatin Btripes. Side by side with the tendencytoward lingerie and ajry effects la the tendency to.ward increasing richness.

most exigent will find hor heart's dealrea satis-fled, A plateau of turquoia \u25a0 yedda braid Isturned up In the back after the precipitousFrench f.-^hion, and Is meant to beover the nosp. Around th» brim la a Bne. closewreath of tiny bunches of button roses, shadingfrom pal* blue to yals pink. The back Is bankedwith Ihi" malinea and more hunchi s of th \u25a0 roses

Another millinery tendency Is [I)u3tr-itammoth bouquei of American Beautieswhich, with a spreading bow of white satin

tlcally conceals the brim is thesole trimming of .1 large whit.' Neapolitan.A little hat thaf w mid be caviare to the gen-

eral, perhaps, but would delight the soul' • fthe elect Is a pink sailor of fancy hoibraid. The low crown is banded with i wn >:rof th? finest, smallest pink ; Inj

DUCK TURNOVER SETS.Turnover collar and cuff sets of butcher's !!ne:%

riquo cr duck to trim, spring tailored suits artin vo^ue. -v



with larg


with hair r.of whilmix.d with ;iill >n.

FAD IN MILLINERY.A fad in millinery is the introduction of very

long stzJfcPd flowers, a welcome relief from th»roFettelike button roses and other close set flowers, like cainei'.lns ar>! dahlias.

HOURGLASS FIGURE.Never w.ts the importance of a well fittingcorset

more c'.or.rly recognized than at prrsent. The trimwaist line and more clearly define !waist are wel-comed b\- most w>mon as a relief from the vague,rot to siiv unpainly. figure ol the last two or threeseasoasL "It is easy tv-> cultivate the ••hourglass*figure, hut good taste suggests that it shall not b»extreme

with pointed fronts falling over another bolero*wtth square fronts, cf a!l-over Swiss embroidery.The linen is lavishly embroidered in lons trailing*arabesques in white. A reseda ilr'en is inset HitinIrish crorhet. with French knots in variegated slze»seeded over the tertha and skirt panel, and so lagoes, each presenting some happy individuality oCcut. fabric or dtcorati'T.

In th- direction of th* silk shirt waist a "Truly*Sbattuck" uress in mahogany taffeta is distinctlysuccessful, and no less can be said of the aeoUcnnnsemi-tailor suits in black and navy. One cf thesa>ha* its yoke of a!l-over lace picked out with bluainailheada while taffeta cable trimming emphasizesthe distinction ,>f the nrted bertha.

A few years ago a costume of coral taffeta wouT<3have seemed extreme, but such a little suit see*:.t Simpson-Crawford's carries instant conviction*Somewhat quieter is a blue imported pongee oCthe frock and frillpersizasion. Lilac ponnee makesup into a very nice- little frock and frillaffair WheOitoned up with a glint «>f gold thread on a, black-lie down collar and accompanied by white brai«ornaments.

Notwithstanding the prediction that poTo turbanswou!d not "co." many a careful c.resser i* equip-ping herself with one of those diminutive chapeaua.the iet pelo, with its aigrette or twi?t of maHnesat the siJe. being in special request. For absolutennd unassailable smurtress there is nothing toexcel a liiae picture hat with a crown of heliotrope*str-»w and rihhor. tinl into bowknots. Two tintedpurp'f plumes come toward the front. It is a sym»phony in purp!*.

Crystallized in Gowns, They Are the

Acme of Elegance."Why. it's .i cross between Japan and fairyland!"

count! v.- v/orr.en have exclaimed the last week, asthey loitered under the wistaria blossoms strung

with electric lights, with which the store of theSimpson Crawford Company. Sth-ave.. 13th to 20thSt., has lv.ii transformed for the annual Easteropening. And the beet of it Is. all this benuty isgoing to stay for a while. The 2S.CCO purple wis-taria Mofscms that grow on real vir.es as thesidts of the rotunda and empower it from above,and the one thousand special electric lights, shadedby more wistaria, whi;h depend from the ceilingof the various depart mtnts. will be there for an-other fortnight or so, long cnougn to give everywcranr. a chance to soo thorn.

Not so,_ however, with the coats, suits, dressesand hats. Every day makes papa in them. Even acasual glani can discern their merits, and a care-ful examination riis-closts much to attract the pur-charer.

Tako the imported gowns to start with. Madeevery one of them with a silk ilropskirt and doubledrcp skirt cf chiffon, they have crystallized thenewest French notions, a poplin gown of N;. \u25a0green, with a girdle of hunter's jrren. ai[ the'goresof the skirt fagottcd tcirether v.-ith a narrow Nileribhor.— who hut a Paris <!rcs.=maker would haveknown how to combine so nuich simplicity with somuch style?

A White rnr<=s:> line hi* the panel effect of theOOfllcs repeated down the front of the skirt the me-dium being iloisnew of exquisite Renaissance licefalling one over the other, shir^N w:>e.

Girdles, brourbi up so high in the "oaek as tolorm nlmost a Jacket effect are a feature o'manyof th»-.»e gowns, just as eoifee jackets and bcltrojackets are.

A frock and frill suit in pale h'.iif linen— one ofthose tub zowrs that tome out from an interviewwith soap nnd w:it<r ;<.s rfaintiy immaculate asv. ;»•.\u25a0 they were f.vft donr:~d-has a little bolero


a pink quill is stuck through a br.w of pinksatin ribbon. (Fancy that on the head of oneof those peachy-cheeked, golden-haired blondes!)

Somewhat moi Itc is a largo iborough of purple Panama, with a high crownof old rose encircled by two shirred ruchingsof pink plcot-edged rit>V»n. Th* two superbpink plumes coming front em-phasise the outre snap-, which Is much broaderth;;n it is lon.tr. Quit- new is a delicious five-cornered black yed la hat, in which the Ifor mix< '! effei Uis shown i>y the mtng]heliotrope, initure.


Plateaus end Small Hats Individualand Becoming.

Nothing more marks the true artist than thepower of adaptation and nothing? places \.h<>hallmark of success on a great mercantileestablishment more Indisputably than Its powerto fill every need and satisfy every taste. Itis, without doubt, to its power to Interest ;iiidplease every type of the most critical— the wom-an of means, the woman of culture, and Tie•woman of social experience that Lord & Tay-lor, Broadway and 2Oth-at., .ith-av»., ll)th-sr.,owes its present success, a fixed policy, -oti-slstently adhered to all these years, of «un-Plying nothing but the best and the newest.could have obtained no other result.

A love of the quaint and picturesque distin-guishes many of the smart costumes roo-.vnhere, as in a gray veiling gown, which shownshrimp pink and appliques of guipure on thebodies, and has a little, Fleeveless bolero for thethird piece of the suit The period of LouisXIV has been largely drawn upon for fancytailor and 'dressy" gowns, alt hoi; Englishtaste still seems to dominate in the •

...\u25a0:\u25a0 utili-tarian lines, as in the long, fifty-inch coats,with their strappings and elegant lines, and inthe covert coats, which are loose fitting andmannish in the extreme. In BurUncham c! th*pongees, eoliennes, rajahs, drap d'etes, panamasand serges there are hundreds of good thincsto choose from.

**This, indeed, is one of the most marked ten.dencies of the present season the rage i., theindividual and the becoming. The day la ronehappily, whm there was one kind of hat, onecut to a coat, on shade for gloves.This holds for the separate blouses, withoutwhich no wardrobe is eonsldorrd complete— theairiest, mobl cobwebby confections, nnd tht-iagain, the more robust embroidered linensEverything tends to lingerie this year. Eventhe tailored gowns have their ruffles and vent*

of lingerie.This same rule

—that becomlngnsss and mum itility are the final test of a hat, the dptittta \u0084rmaterial ami shape being quite subsidiary

holds In the department of millinery, when Via