8 Effective Web Design Principles You Should Know

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    8 Effective Web Design PrinciplesYou Should Know

    The design of your website is more important for conversions than you think. You can

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    implement any conversion boosting tactic in the world, but if it looks like crap, it wont do

    you much good.

    Designis not just something designers do. Design is marketing. Design is your product

    and how it works. The more Ive learned about design, the better results Ive gotten.

    Here are 8 effective web design principlesyou should know and follow.

    Effective Web Design Principle #1: VisualHierarchySqueaky wheels get the grease and prominent visuals get the attention. Visual hierarchy is

    one of the most important principles behind good web design. Its the order in which the

    human eye perceives what it sees.

    Exercise.Please rank the circles in the order of importance:





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    I identify where websites are

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    Without knowing ANYTHING about these circles, you were easily able to rank them.

    Thats visual hierarchy.

    Certain parts of your website are more important than others (forms, calls to action,

    value proposition etc), and you want those to get more attention than the less important

    parts. If you website menu has 10 items, are all of them equally important? Where do you

    want the user to click? Make important links more prominent.

    Hierarchy does not only come from size. Amazon makes the Add to cart button more

    prominent by using color:

    Start with the business objective

    You should rank elements on your website based on your business objective. If you dont

    have a specific goal, you cant know what to prioritize.

    Heres an example, its a screenshot I took of the Williams Sonoma website. They want tosell outdoor cookware.

    The biggest eye catcher is the huge piece of meat (make me want it), followed by the

    headline (say what it is) and call to action button (get it!). Fourth place goes to a

    paragraph of text under the headline, fifth is the free shipping banner and the top

    navigation is last. This is visual hierarchy well done.

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    Exercise. Surf the web and consciously rank the elements in the visual hierarchy. Then

    go look at your own site. Is there something important (key information points that

    visitors are likely seeking) that is not high enough in the hierarchy? Change that.

    More about visual hierarchy.

    Effective Web Design Principle #2: DivineProportionsGolden ratiois a magical number 1.618 ( ) that makes all things proportioned to it

    aesthetically pleasing (or so it is believed).

    Then there is also the Fibonacci sequencewhere each term is defined as the sum of the

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    two previous terms: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on. The interesting thing is that we have

    two seemingly unrelated topics producing the same exact number.

    Heres what the golden ratio looks like:

    Many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden

    ratio. A famous example is Pantheon built in Ancient Greece:

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    Can it be used for web design? You betcha. Heres Twitter:

    Image source

    Heres a comment by Twitters creative director, @stop:

    To anyone curious about #NewTwitter proportions, know that we

    didnt leave those ratios to chance.

    This, of course, only applies to the narrowest version of the UI.

    If your browser window is wider, your details pane will expand

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    to provide greater utility, throwing off these proportions. But the

    narrowest width shows where we started, ratio-wise.

    So, if your layout width is 960px, divide it by 1.618 (=593px). Now you know that the

    content area should be 593px and sidebar 367px. If the website height is 760px tall, you

    can split i t into 470px and 290px chunks (760/1.618=~470).

    Additional reading

    Heres a Golden Ratio calculatoryou can use to apply it to your site.

    How to apply Golden Ratio to typography

    Effective Web Design Principle #3: Hicks

    LawHicks law says that with every additional choice increases the time required to take a


    Youve experienced this countless times at restaurants. Menus with huge options make it

    difficult to choose your dinner. If it just offered 2 options, taking a decision would take

    much less time. This is similar to Paradox of Choice the more choice you give people,

    the easier it is to choose nothing.

    The more options a user has when using your website, the more difficult it will be to use

    (or wont be used at all). So in order to provide a more enjoyable experience, we need to

    eliminate choices. To make a better web design, the process of eliminating distracting

    options has to be continous throughout the design process.

    In the era of infinite choice, people need better filters! If you sell a huge amount of

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    products, add better filters for easier decision making.

    Wine Librarysells a huge amount of wine. They do a good job with the filters (on the left):

    Learn more about Hicks Law.

    Effective Web Design Principle #4: Fitts

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    LawFitts lawstipulates that the time required to move to a target area (e.g. click a button) is

    a function of the distance to the target and the size of the target. In other words, the

    bigger an object and the closer it is to us, the easier it is to use it.

    Spotify makes it easier to hit Play than other buttons:

    They also place it (on the fullscreen Desktop app) in the bottom left corner, which is

    considered the most valuable real estate since the corners are technically the most

    accessible. This does not, however, apply to web design (due to scrolling and the wayoperating systems are).

    It doesnt mean that bigger is always better. A button that takes up half the screen is not a

    good idea, and we dont need a mathematical study to know this. Even so, Fitts law is a

    binary logarithm. This means that the predicted results of the usability of an object runs

    along a curve, not a straight line.

    A tiny button will become much easier to click when given a 20% size increase, while a

    very large object will not share the same benefits in usability when given the same 20%

    boost in size.

    This is similar to rule of target size.

    The size of a button should be proportional to its expected frequency of use. You can

    check your stats for which buttons people use the most, and make popular buttons bigger

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    (easier to hit).

    Lets imagine theres a form you want people to fill. At the end of the form, there are two

    buttons: Submit and Reset (clear fields).

    99.9999% want to hit submit. Hence the button should be much bigger than reset .

    More about Fitts Law.

    Effective Web Design Principle #5: Ruleof ThirdsIts a good idea to use images in your design. A visual communicates your ideas much

    faster than any text.

    The best images follow the rule of thirds: an image should be imagined as divided into

    nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical

    lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or

    their intersections.

    See how the image on the right is more interesting? Thats rule of thirds in action.

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    Image credit:

    Using beautiful, big images contributes to design as it is (not withstanding the growth

    of Pinterest), following this rule will make them more interesting and thus your website

    more appealing.

    Effective Web Design Principle#6: Gestalt Design LawsGestalt psychology is a theory of mind and brain. Its principle is that the human eye sees

    objects in their entirety before perceiving their individual parts.

    Heres what I mean:

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    Notice how you could see the dog without focusing on each black spot that the dog

    consists of?

    The key takeaway here is that people see the whole before they see the parts. People

    always see the whole of your website first, before they distinguish the header, menu,

    footer and so on. As one of the founders of gestaltism Kurt Koffkasaid: the whole exists

    independently from the parts.

    There are 8 so-called gestalt design laws that allow us to predict how people will perceive

    something. Here they are:

    1. Law of Proximity

    People group things together that are close together in space. They become a single

    perceived object.

    With effective web design, you need to make sure things that do NOT go together, are not

    perceived as one. Similarly, you want to group certain design elements together

    (navigation menu, footer etc) to communicate that they form a whole.

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    Craigslistuses this law to make it easy to understand which sub-categories fall under for


    2. Law of Similarity

    We group similar things together. This similarity can occur in the form of shape, colour,

    shading or other qualities.

    Here we group black dots into one group and whites into another one, because well, the

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    black dots look kind of similar to each other.

    Codeschoolmakes all the testimonial boxes similar, so we see all the testimonials as asingle group:

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    3. Law of Closure

    We seek completeness. With shapes that arent closed, when parts of a whole picture are

    missing, our perception fills in the visual gap. We see two squares overlaid on four circles

    even though none of these shapes actually exist in the graphic.

    Without the law of closure we, would just see different lines with different lengths, but

    with the law of closure, we combine the lines into whole shapes.

    Using the law of closure can make logos or design elemets more interesting. A good

    example of this is the World Wide Fund For Nature designed by Sir Peter Scott in 1961:

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    4. Law of Symmetry

    The mind perceives objects as being symmetrical and forming around a center point. It is

    perceptually pleasing to be able to divide objects into an even number of symmetrical


    When we see two symmetrical elements that are unconnected, the mind perceptually

    connects them to form a coherent shape.

    When we look at the image above, we tend to observe three pairs of symmetrical brackets

    rather than six individual brackets.

    People prefer symmetric appearances over asymmetric ones. Balanced three columns and

    the curve add to the enjoyment of BootBweb design:

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    5. Law of Common Fate

    We tend to perceive objects as lines that move along a path. We group together of objects

    that have the same trend of motion and are therefore on the same path.

    People mentally group together sticks or raised hands pointing somewhere, because they

    all point in the same direction. You can use this to guide the users attention to something

    (e.g. a signup form, value proposition etc).

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    For example, if there is an array of dots and half the dots are moving upward while theother half are moving downward, we would perceive the upward moving dots and the

    downward moving dots as two distinct units.

    6. Law of Continuity

    People have a tendency to perceive a line as continuing its established direction. In cases

    where there is an intersection between objects (e.g. lines), we tend to perceive the two

    lines as two single uninterrupted entities. Stimuli remains distinct even with overlap.

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    Fixeluses this to connect faces to bios:

    There are other gestalt laws as well such as Figure and Groundor Law of Good Gestalt

    (objects tend to be perceptually grouped together if they form a pattern that is regular,

    simple and orderly like the Olympic rings), but I think the ones mentioned here are

    most useful to know.

    Effective Web Design Principle #7: White

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    space and clean designWhite space (also called negative space) is the portion of a page left empty. Its the

    space between graphics, margins, gutters, space between columns, space between lines of

    type or visuals.

    It should not be considered merely blank space it is an important element of design. It

    enables the objects in it to exist at all. White space is all about the use of hierarchy. The

    hierarchy of information, be it type, colour or images.

    A page without white space, crammed full of text or graphics, runs the risk of appearing

    busy, cluttered, and is typically difficult to read (people wont even bother). This iswhy

    simple websites are scientifically better.

    Enough white space makes a website look clean. While clean design is crucial to

    communicating a clear message, it doesnt just mean less content. Clean design means adesign that makes the best use of the space it is in. To make a clean design, you have to

    know how to communicate clearly by using white space wisely.

    Made.comdoes white space well:

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    The fine use of white space makes it easy to focus on the main message and visuals, and

    the body copy easy to read.

    White spaces promotes elegance and sophistication, improves legibility and drives focus.

    Read more aboutwhite space and simplicity.

    Effective Web Design Principle#8: Occams RazorOccams razoris a principle urging one to select among competing hypotheses that which

    makes the fewest assumptions and thereby offers the simplest explanation of the

    effect. To put it in the design context, Occams Razor states that the simplest solution is

    usually best.

    In a post about their Angelpad experience, Pipedriveguys say the following:

    The Angelpad team and mentors challenged us in many ways.Do you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!

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    You have too many things on your home page was something

    we didnt agree with at first, but were happy to test. And it

    turned out we had been wrong indeed. We removed 80% of the

    content, and left one sign-up button and one Learn More link on

    the home page. Conversion to sign up increased by 300%.

    Its not just about the looks, but also about how it works. Some companies like

    37Signals have turned simple into a business model. Heres a quote from the book

    Rework(written by their founders):

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    Lots of people hate us because our products do less than the

    competitions. Theyre insulted when we refuse to include their

    pet feature. But were just as proud of what our products dont

    do as we are of what they do. We design them to be simple

    because we believe most software is too complex: too many

    features, too many buttons, too much confusion.

    Simple, minimal design does not automatically mean the design works, or is effective. But

    in my experience simple is always better than the opposite and hence we should strive

    to simplify.

    ConclusionEffective web design and art are not the same.

    You should design for the user and by having a business objective in mind. Using these

    web design principles you can get to aesthetically and financially rewarding results.

    Rating: 4.7/5(63 votes cast)

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    Peep LajaPeep Laja is an entrepreneur and conversion optimization expert. He's been doing digital

    marketing for 10+ years in Europe, Middle East, Central America and the US. He has

    extensive experience across verticals: in the past hes run a software company in Europe, an

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    website designing



    Sep 20, 2012@ 14:49:34

    This blog post should be GOSPEL to anybody involved with designing websites.


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    Jan 16, 2014@ 12:27:49

    so, its made up and shouldnt be believed?


    Peep Laja

    Jan 18, 2014@ 20:23:08

    Whats made up?


    Drew Callison

    Feb 14, 2014@ 14:52:31

    Otto appears to be referring to the bible Peep.

    Your work is brilliant and certainly invokes a

    serious change of my web designing consciousness.

    Great Post!



    Oct 24, 2012@ 01:45:08

    nice research, thanks for sharing


    Sivakumar, HTML Developer



    Nov 08, 2012@ 03:05:29

    I knew some and i`ve learned some thnx for sharing this research work


    Ross Beamish Reply

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    Nov 11, 2012@ 16:30:17

    My yr.10 ICT students are going to get a LOT from this tomorrow. Thanks for the great


    Peep Laja

    Nov 11, 2012@ 19:19:17

    Great, hope theyre interested.


    Abhi Rao

    Nov 12, 2012@ 12:29:25

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    webfoliosgreat info, thanks!


    ConversionXLs Top 10 Posts of 2012 | ConversionXLDec 20, 2012@ 22:48:17

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    8 Principles of Excellent Website Design | EvolvingSites Blog

    Dec 28, 2012@ 12:47:53

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    Aki Andrew

    Feb 03, 2013@ 13:23:55

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    Mukesh Mak

    Mar 25, 2013@ 02:32:26

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    things with helping concept. I am almost brand new to blogging and really useful for me

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    Thank you


    Shelly O'Neill

    Mar 27, 2013@ 17:26:00

    Great article. Really useful information. Best Ive read in a while on this subject. Thanks

    so much for all your efforts.



    May 27, 2013@ 05:24:10

    Great article! I shared it in my article Newbies Guide to Getting Started in Web Design

    Business I wrote for Webiny.com


    8 Universal Web Design Principles You Should Know | Alex Guldbeck, Web


    Jun 05, 2013@ 03:08:21

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    Logo Design Singapore

    Jul 04, 2013@ 20:35:57

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    Web Design Principles Every Designer Should Know - Internet Business UK

    Jul 05, 2013@ 00:26:15

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    Web design principals notes | Keep connected

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    Taylor DeanJul 18, 2013@ 04:05:01

    nice post. i learn so many things from your article. ive been reading your articles and i

    find it helpful in making my projects.



    Jul 18, 2013@ 17:38:31

    Another amazing blog post Peep! How the heck did you learn about all these laws andthen apply them to design? Brilliant!


    Bill B

    Jul 29, 2013@ 10:58:00

    Web designers would be wise to use products such as Microsoft OneNote and EverNote

    as a way to jot down any ideas they have. These programs are great for organizing your


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    thoughts and putting them all in one place Its a great starting point when trying to

  • 8/12/2019 8 Effective Web Design Principles You Should Know


    thoughts and putting them all in one place. It s a great starting point when trying to

    determine how to build your site.

    Pooria Kh.

    Aug 10, 2013@ 15:03:10


    Great article, complete is a better expression here, complete set of basis i designer

    should have,

    wonderful article, thanks to you


    Michael Lysiak

    Aug 20, 2013@ 14:12:23

    Thanks for sharing. These principals will definitely be useful to me.



    Aug 23, 2013@ 12:27:02

    Wow! I really enjoyed reading this. Im an aspiring web designer and these information

    made me think I still have a lot to learn to be certified one.

    Nice piece of article. Tweeted it as well. :)



    Sep 05, 2013@ 11:34:54

    These are all good tips and that piece of meat in the middle reminded me how hungry I



    bobit ReplyDo you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!

    S 6 @

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    Sep 16, 2013@ 22:37:05

    really worth tips

    i like the first principle very much


    Oct 05, 2013@ 08:45:36

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, ive bookmarked the page and will referring to it untilit has been memorised!



    Oct 21, 2013@ 22:48:02

    Good article. Next time you might want to have someone proofread it for spelling and

    punctuation. (That is, if you value aesthetically and financially rewarding results.



    Oct 22, 2013@ 03:46:29

    Thats the Acropolis, not the Pantheon (which is in ancient Rome).



    Oct 22, 2013@ 04:29:05

    actually, the Parthenon to be more specific!


    8 Universal Web Design Principles You Should Know | PROforma CCG ...

    Beyond The Transaction

    Oct 22, 2013@ 05:08:21

    [] http://conversionxl.com/8-universal-web-design-principles-you-should-to-know/



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    Matthew H

    Oct 22, 2013@ 18:04:57

    Superb article, bookmarked with a plan to read over and again to sink your musings in.



    Oct 27, 2013@ 22:30:42

    The Occams razor part is incredible. 300% increased conversion, wow



    Oct 29, 2013@ 19:50:09

    Great post but I would like to make a correction. Pantheon is in Rome and not Greek

    In the photo this the Parthenon from Athens.



    Oct 31, 2013@ 04:25:04

    Thank you for a brilliantly concise overview and compelling examples. It all has that ring

    of unstated truth about it.

    Well done Peep!



    Nov 25, 2013@ 20:03:38

    Great Post, i learn a lot form this article. I hope you can post more for beginners in web

    design like me..


    Chris Brown Reply

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    Jan 14 2014 @ 23:48:41

  • 8/12/2019 8 Effective Web Design Principles You Should Know


    Jan 14, 2014@ 23:48:41

    I like the information shared. Your efforts in researching such a good content is really

    appreciated. I like everything written but the important that taken my attention is the

    Law of Common Fate, which is really new to me. I am a web designer and love reading

    blogs. Keep sharing latest news about market.


    Mar 08, 2014@ 09:31:28

    Great article, loved reading it. I think it will influence my future desings a bit, though I

    allready know about some things. Keep it up!


    Jacquelyne Bicklein

    Mar 23, 2014@ 21:36:49

    I couldnt refrain from commenting. Exceptionally well written!


    Rusty Macauley

    Mar 27, 2014@ 13:39:43

    Its nearly impossible to find knowledgeable people in this particular subject, but you

    seem like you know what youre talking about! Thanks


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