#+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2Þ Å × î #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2 · ¥ Research and Development of Spherical Motor...

ڦ ڦ⌫㠃✲◊ࡢࢱ Research and Development of Spherical Motor ḟୡ௦ᇶ┙ᢏ⾡◊✲ᡤ *1 ≉௵ᩍᤵ ▮㔝 Tomoaki Yano In this paper, the history of spherical motor development is reviewed. The history shows that there are a lot of application areas for the spherical motor and the spherical motor technology reaches the practical development stage now. Then, recent research results of our group are reported. Our project has two goals. One is to establish an academic framework of the spherical motor theory by extending the design theory of the conventional motor. Another one is to develop practical spherical motors. The future of the spherical motor is also discussed. Keywords: Motor, Multi DOF, Spherical, R and D, Polyhedron ࡌࡣ 㸪᧯ࢳࢡᢏ⾡㸪⌧௦ ࠶ࡢ⛉Ꮫ㺃⏘ᴗᇶ┙ᢏ⾡ (1) 㸬ຊࡃࡁ㸪ຠ⋡㸪ไᚚࡋࡀࡃࡍ㸪㍍ ࢳࢡồ㸪◊✲㛤Ⓨ⾜ࡀ (2) ࡀ࡞ࡋ㸪ᐇ⏝ࡗ࡞ࢳࢡ ࡣࢱࡢࡑᅇ㌿┤ࡣࡃࡋ1 ⮬⏤ᗘไ ࡗࡀࡓࡋࡢࢺ㛵⠇ከ⮬⏤ 㐠⾜ࡓ࠺⏤⮬ࡣࢳࢡ ࡀࢱᚲせ㸬ே㛫7 ⮬⏤ᗘ⭎ࡢᶵᵓᵓᡂ ࢳࢡ 7 ࡄ࡞ࡘᚲせ࠶ࡀᡭඛࢳࢡ⫪ࡀࢱࢳࢡ ࡢࢱ㈇Ⲵ㸪⫪ഃࢳࢡࡢࡑࡣࢱ㉁㔞ࡃࡩࡀ࠶㸪⭎ᶵᵓ⥲ࡢ㉁㔞ᦙ㔜㔞 ẚ㍑࡞ࡁ (3) ࡗ࠸㸪ே㛫⫪ࡢ㛵⠇ᡭ㤳㛵⠇ࡑࡣ1 3 ᅇ㌿㐠ࡗ࡞ࡗࡀࡓࡋ 3 㛵⠇ 7 ⮬⏤ᗘ࠼⾜ࡀ㸪ᢕᣢ㉁㔞ᑐ㉁㔞ẚ㍑ⓗᑠ࡞ࡃࡉ⫪ࡢ㛵⠇࡞࠺ࢳࢡࡢࢱ1980 ᖺ௦ࡍࡣࡢࡃ≉チ ฟ㢪 (4)-(16) 1 ே㛫⫪ࡢ㛵⠇࡞࠺ᐇ⌧ࢳࢡ ⌫㠃㸬ᮏㄽ1980 ᖺ௦ ⌧ᅾ⮳⌫㠃㛤ⓎṔ⌧≧㸪ᚋ ᒎᮃ࠸ࡘ⪃ᐹ㸬⌫㠃㛤Ⓨ ᖺ௦ 1983 ᖺ᪥ᮏタ❧⤒῭⏘ᴗ┬ ࠕࢺࢡᴟ㝈సᴗࢱࢫࡀ ࡇࡓࡋࢺࡓࡗࡇᖺ௦ ࡀࢺᕤሙࡌࡣタ⨨1980 ඖᖺ1980 ᖺ௦ࡢࢺ㛵⠇㥑ព㆑ࡢࡃฟ㢪㸬▮㔝㸪⤒῭⏘ᴗ┬⮬ࠕࢺ⦭〇ࢸࢫࢩ✲◊ࡢࡅ࠾⮬⦭〇⏝⭎ᶵ ✲◊ࡢࢳࢡ┤ࡀࢱ㠀ຠ⋡Ẽ 㸪ே㛫⫪ࡢ㛵⠇࡞࠺ࢳࢡ3 ḟඖࡌࡣ≉チฟ㢪 ࡓࡋ(17)-(21) ≉チฟ㢪๓ᚋ1985 ᖺ㡭 ⭎ࢺᶵᵓ㛵⠇㥑┠ⓗ⌫ࡓࡋ㠃㥑✲◊ࡢࢱ㛤Ⓨ Ⓨ⾲┒ࡀ ࡓࡗ࡞(22) NTT 㔠Ꮚ⌫ࡣ3 ⮬⏤ᗘ DC ヨస ࡓࡋ(23) ࢸࢫ 3 ࡢ⤌㟁ᶵᏊᕳ⥺ᕳXYZ ㍈࿘ᅇ㌿ไᚚ㟁ὶ㔜 2 ࡢ⤌Ọ☢▼ᵓᡂࡢࢱᅇ㌿㍈ไᚚ㸬స⠊ᅖZ ㍈୰ᚰ±15deg 㗹ෆ㸪 ฟຊ㍈࿘ 200rpm ᅇ㌿ࡘࡘࡋᅇ㌿㍈᪉ỴGeorgia ᕤ⛉ᏛLee ࢱࢡ3 ⏤ᗘ⌫㠃ࡢࢱᵓ㐀ᥦ ࡓࡋ(24) ☢▼㸪ࢸࢫ㟁ᶵᏊᕳ⥺ᇙ㎸㸪 Ọ☢▼㟁ᶵᏊᕳ⥺ຊ㊥㞳*ཎ✏ 2014 5 12 * 1 739-2116 ᮾᗈᓥᕷ㧗ᒇ1 E-Mail [email protected] 145 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 Vol. 52014145152

Transcript of #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2Þ Å × î #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2 · ¥ Research and Development of Spherical Motor...

Page 1: #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2Þ Å × î #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2 · ¥ Research and Development of Spherical Motor a æ ö% /¡%Ê'2 d*1 "I õ M 5 %®5 Û Tomoaki Yano In this paper, the history

Research and Development of Spherical Motor


Tomoaki Yano

In this paper, the history of spherical motor development is reviewed. The history showsthat there are a lot of application areas for the spherical motor and the spherical motortechnology reaches the practical development stage now. Then, recent research results of ourgroup are reported. Our project has two goals. One is to establish an academic framework of thespherical motor theory by extending the design theory of the conventional motor. Another one isto develop practical spherical motors. The future of the spherical motor is also discussed.

Keywords: Motor, Multi DOF, Spherical, R and D, Polyhedron







3 7









NTT 3 DC(23) 3 X Y Z

2Z ±15deg


Georgia Lee 3(24)* 2014 5 12

*1 739-2116 1E-Mail [email protected]

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近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 Vol. 5(2014)145-152

Page 2: #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2Þ Å × î #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2 · ¥ Research and Development of Spherical Motor a æ ö% /¡%Ê'2 d*1 "I õ M 5 %®5 Û Tomoaki Yano In this paper, the history

Benjamin 2(25)


0.15deg 0.015kg0.16kg CCD

(26) 3 3

0.2Nm 600rpmZ ±10deg


(27) Z ±45deg0.093Nm 0.026deg

5 MEISTER(28) MEISTER ±0.6mm ±0.7deg

1μm 100NIBM Hollis 6



3 61μm




2000Georgia Lee


(a)Johns Hopkins Stain 16

24(32) Aahen Kahlen 96

48115rpm 40Nm

(33) DSP 96

Z 1000rpm X,Y60rpm

(34) Louvain Dehez14000rpm 0.15Nm


AC(36) 75mm

0.03deg 0.03Nm AC 0.16deg0.008Nm




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Page 3: #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2Þ Å × î #+8 Ô î ± b%Ê'2 · ¥ Research and Development of Spherical Motor a æ ö% /¡%Ê'2 d*1 "I õ M 5 %®5 Û Tomoaki Yano In this paper, the history

(41) 2011(42)



2002 4

4 (44)-(47) 2015

“Multi-Degree-of-FreedomActuator” (Springer)






Georgia Lee

(50) 2 162 20



Hanyang Cho60deg 6

90degN S (52)

Southern Scientific Centre of Russian Academy ofScience Kochubey


0.7m 0.6m 0.051200Nm



3246mm 300rpm4Nm


90mm, 2Nm,-25deg-25deg


(c)Darmstadt NASA



(57).(d)Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology

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Onillon(58) 14.1kg 70w

6000rpm 6Nm 27Nms.









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1(a)N S 4


4 3



2 AXIS1 AXIS21(b) 1

2 1,2,3AXIS1 2,3,4



1,2,3 4,5,62





(a) (b)1.


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