7th Grade - Social & Societal Pressures

Instant Activity What do you think this song is about? ? “Pressure. Pressure pressing down on me, pressing down on you. Splits a family in two... ”That’s the terror of knowing what this world is ab Watching some good friends scream ‘LET ME OUT!’.” “Turned away from it all like a blind man. Sat on a fence but it don’t work.”


7th Grade PPT on handling social & societal pressures

Transcript of 7th Grade - Social & Societal Pressures

  • 1. Instant Activity What do you think this song is about? ? Pressure. Pressure pressing down on me, pressing down on you. Splits a family in two... Thats the terror of knowing what this world is about. Watching some good friends scream LET ME OUT!. Turned away from it all like a blind man. Sat on a fence but it dont work.

2. SOCIAL PRESSURES 3. UnitTarget Peer pressure affects individual and group self-esteem. 4. Unit Performance of Understanding Act out a skit that involves one positive and one negative way in which a group member(s) were effected by peer pressure during a team sports or activities. 5. Day 1 LearningTarget Others effect our self-esteem. 6. Questions to get us heading towards our learning target We are constantly under pressure from ourselves and from things and people we come in contact with. Who and what are some things that put pressure on you? What happens when were pressured to do something we might not like? If we are constantly forced into things we don't feel comfortable doing what could be some of the consequences? Self-Esteem - satisfaction with self; self-respect How do those pressures affect our self-esteem or self-respect? 7. Clumps Numbers will be called.You are to get in groups of that number and then sit down with them. Do NOT dive or crawl into the middle of another student's group. 8. Self-Esteem Ideas about who you are. 9. Whip Around Give one way your self-esteem has been effected by others. 1 WAY 10. Instant Activity What do you think of the quote by Martin Luther King Jr.? We may have come in different ships but were in the same boat now. 11. Self-Esteem Ideas about who you are. 12. Thoughts to think on Was the quote you read a positive one? Does it only talk about negative things in the past? What are some positive things in your life? Who are some people in your life that are really positive? How do they act? How do you feel around those people? Do they want to make you a better person? 13. Day 2 LearningTarget Positive pressure helps us improve. 14. Challenges The only way we improve or change ourselves in any area is to push and challenge ourselves beyond what we are currently comfortable with. 15. Lines 1. Lonely You will have a topic/question to talk about.You will start in one line walking around thinking of the question. 2. Paired You will now be partnered up and receive similar questions to talk with your partner about. 16. Improvement Which line did you enjoy more? Which line helped you to improve and expand your views more? 17. Who Am I? You will receive an animal card face down.You will not be able to flip the card over yet.When you hear the signal, you will then put the card directly on your forehead without looking at it. Go around to other individuals and you are allowed to give them a one word clue and then move on to the next person. At no point are you to take the card from their forehead. 18. Think Pair Share Turn and talk to your neighbors about a pressure you put on yourself that was positive. Be ready to share your partner's answer. 19. Next Class Who are your closest friends and how did they get that close? 20. Instant Activity Start working So what are 2 things your closest friends or family have said to try and persuade you to do something?Was it something you wanted to do? 21. Day 3 LearningTarget Pressure comes from our friends in positive and negative ways. 22. Thoughts to get us started. Loved Ones Who here believes their family members love them and/or care about them? Who here thinks the teachers here, for the most part, love and care about them? How about your friends, do they love and care for you? Today's learning target How our friends pressure us in positive and negative ways. 23. E.T. Phone Home In groups of 2 or 3, one person will be the listener.The listener will stand in the hoop at one end of space.The rest of the group then has to go to the designated end-line and stand next to a cone without the listener seeing where they are.The students in the hoop will be blindfolded and spun around. The groups at the endline cannot make a sound or they are disqualified. This prevents the students from trying to give clues to their teammate in the tube. On the instructors signal, the teams will try and call their teammate back to their group.Once the blindfolded student gets to their group he or she can take off the blindfold and proceed with their group back to the hoop. 24. Spectrum Assessment 1. Line up in columns 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+ depending on how many times you felt pressured in a positive way by their friends today. 2. Line up in columns 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+ depending on how many times you felt pressured in a negative way by their friends today. How many times today do you remember being pressured in any way? How many of them were positive? How many of those times were negative? 25. Lets reflect and apply. So were there more positive pressures today or negative? What does it feel like to have your close friends pressure you in negative ways? What happens if you stay with friends who continually pressure you in negative ways? How might you feel about yourself? 26. Next steps 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Self-Esteem Positive Pressure Pressure from Friends Pressure from Groups Do you act differently around groups than you do around one or two of your friends? 27. Instant Activity Get to working 28. Day 4 LearningTarget Pressure comes from groups in positive and negative ways. 29. TODAY We are going to discover what are some of those positive and negative pressures that come from within small groups of people we might not be as comfortable with. You see it is very easy to only work with people we like. It is even easier to only accept criticism from people we like.The challenge for you and your group today will be to use each other's skills and pressure each other in positive ways to come up with the best result. 30. Tower of Power In groups, you will attempt to build the tallest tower by only using these folders.There is no limit to how you use the folders except for the fact that you cannot alter the folders, no rips, tears, etc. Just remember: there is no right way to build the tallest tower. But there are positive and negative ways to treat each of your group members. Let's see if you can see what that looks like. 31. The Big 2 In groups come up with ONE big way you felt pressured in a positive way today and one way you felt pressured in a negative way during today's activity. Then have one person write it in on the board. 32. Lets reflect and apply Was there a difference between the pressures you felt last week and the pressures you felt this week in small groups?What were they? Was there a time today that you just went along with the group because most people were thinking along the same lines?What positive or negative things can come from that? 33. Next Steps 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Self-Esteem Positive Pressure Pressure from Friends Pressure from Groups Performance of Understanding Next week you will be demonstrating how well you have understood what weve been discussing and practicing the last 4 weeks in our Social Pressures unit Come Ready!!! 34. Instant Activity While standing form a circle with your group members.Then press your hands against the person next to you, palm to palm.Then start to slowly walk your feet back while putting more and more pressure on your teammates hands to keep you upright. Goal is to get your feet as far back as possible without falling. 35. DEMO DAY Today you will be demonstrating how well you understand what we have been working on 36. Day 1 LearningTarget Others effect our self-esteem. 37. Day 2 LearningTarget Positive pressure helps us improve. 38. Day 3 LearningTarget Pressure comes from our friends in positive and negative ways. 39. Day 4 LearningTarget Pressure comes from groups in positive and negative ways. 40. Social Pressure Demonstration of Understanding Your group will have 10 minutes to come up with a skit that involves one positive and one negative way in which a group member(s) is effected by peer pressure during an activity, game, or team sport. Your group will then have 2-3 minutes to act out this skit in front of the class. 41. Assessment Rubric Skit Requirements Scoring Rubric (Out of 100) 1. Includes every team member 5 10 20 2. Includes clear positive way PP affects esteem 5 10 20 3. Includes clear negative way PP affects esteem 5 10 20 4. Relates to team sports or activity 5 10 20 5. Includes how self-esteem relates to peers 5 10 20 *Extra Credit Skit is written down or use of visuals