


How to increase your revenue in the fitness industry. Seven steps to help you increase your income

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Seven weeks later, I was $25,000 ahead and I’ve never looked back “When I first opened my facility, I enrolled in DEEP CORE™, the first DEEP

CORE™ class ever, and the first day of class was on the same day that I

opened my facility. I remember thinking, “Wow! Look at all this stuff. Where do

I start? Seven weeks later I was $25,000 ahead, and I’ve never looked back.

The community of NPE, the other NPE members, VIP especially, without a

doubt, is the tightest community that I’ve ever been associated with. Everybody is willing to

help. There isn’t anywhere that I’ve experienced that has a community that does that. We’re in

the same industry. Basically, we’re kind of competitors, but we’re really not because we’re not

in the same area, but we’re willing to help each other evolve. We’re willing to help each other

get better at what we do and we’re really creating life-long bonds. To me, that’s the best part of


If I was going to give somebody advice that was in my same situation that I was in two years

ago, it would have to be, first and foremost, that you have to say, “I need help.” Raise your

hand and say, “I need help.” Secondly, you have to find somebody that is not only capable of

giving you the help that you need, but also has the heart and the desire to help people. In my

experience, that’s been NPE.”

Clint Barr, Raising the Barr Fitness, Ridgeland, MS, USA

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I had my biggest month in June at $31,000 gross, with a pretty healthy margin...past 60%

“Before I started with NPE, I was doing okay, I think. Better than most people in my

area, I think, just because of my drive and sheer, ‘I’m going to do it,’ attitude,

despite red eyes and pain. Working through it, I was getting close to six figures

already. After I implemented much of what you have to offer, which is really just the

beginning for me, next year’s going to be crazy.

In this first year alone I’ve more than doubled what I’ve done. This year it will be well past a quarter of a

million. I had my biggest month in June at about $31,000 gross, with a pretty healthy margin...past 60%.

Where I am right now, I think I’m 10 years younger. Even though I’m a year older calendar-wise, I’m 10

years younger. I’m fit again because I can focus time on my own fitness. I have a better relationship with

my family because I’m not pushing them off. I’m not stressed out and saying, “I don’t have time right

now.” Just that little thing is enormous. It’s enormous.”

Daniel Iversen, Portland Boot Camp, Portland, OR, USA

10-fold increase in my business in just 6 months

“I saw from the first six months to the second six months about a 10-fold

increase in my business. All of a sudden, I had to hire two new trainers. After

that, it just kept growing and kept growing and kept growing. That first year, I

think it was 400% increase year-over-year. Now, this year versus last year, I’m up

30% on my gross. That’s incredible.”

Tom Jackobs, Body3 Fitness Center, Houston, TX, USA

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"Six months ago I had nothing, seeing clients for a few sessions here and there, no business plan or model or anything really, and now I am making £2-6k in sales a month"

"My business before NPE wasn't a business, I had literally no income,

and no idea how to get clients or develop a business. I knew I wanted to

grow a successful business in the fitness industry, helping people

achieve more than they thought they could, but I had no clue where to


I joined NPE, after ages and ages of reading marketing material from various books and

companies, blogs etc. Although I now had some knowledge I didn't know how to apply it. After

seeing and chatting to Sean and Ben at Fit Pro in the UK, I was sold, and haven't looked back

since. My initial thoughts for joining NPE, were "I need more clients", little did I know that I

would get not just clients, but an actual business.

My business is now growing, and I am loving it. Six months ago I had nothing, seeing clients for

a few sessions here and there, no business plan or model or anything really, and now I am

making £2-6k in sales a month and have systems in place that make it all nice and easy. I am

pushing my boundaries each day, challenging myself to become a business owner rather than

just a personal trainer.

The coaching and support from NPE has been fantastic, and has totally kept me driven and

excited about achieving my business goals. As I said, business is now continually growing, and

I am looking forward to the next few years."

Chris Wright, Pursuit Fitness Training, Esher, Surrey

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"I've closed sales of 3x a week for 6-12 months, a total sales package worth £50k with three paying up front for 12 months. Yes, £50,000!"

"I left my full time Police career on 1st March and signed up to NPE in


Since April, having completed Auto Closer and changed prices etc., I've

had over 25 people contact me for PT and turned away 20 of them - yes,

20! I've closed sales of 3x a week for 6-12 months, a total sales package

worth £50k with three paying up front for 12 months. Yes, £50,000!

One client is the CEO of a hotel group. To quote him, "I chose you on your prices and

professional sales pitch. You pay for what you get, right?". Auto Closer just works, and yes I

was concerned, like you maybe, about turning 20 people away at first.

Fear not people, and just dive into the system!"

James Breese, Kettlebell Fever, Croydon, Surrey

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"I can confidently say I've recouped at least 5x my investment in NPE ALREADY thanks to the tools, systems and processes I've learned and coaching I've received"

"I joined NPE before I even opened my gym because I recognized the

value on offer. As a power lifter, athlete and accountant I knew that I had

certain things locked down (training and financials) but was smart

enough to recognize my weak points (sales and marketing) and realized

I needed to act to improve them. I did this by tracking down the best in

the industry, asking for their help and just "following the damn

instructions". If you're a personal trainer or coach and aren't willing to be coached on something

yourself, you're mental!

Within two months of joining NPE I'd surpassed my (ambitious) 6 month budgeted target, and

am operating at a revenue level now (after 4 months) where I didn't expect to be for at least a

year. All this means I've got too busy to handle everything myself, so with NPE's help I'm

actively seeking trainers and an admin assistant to help me grow Revolution Fitness, and

ensure I can deliver the best service possible to people in Dublin to help them look, feel and

perform better.

As far as how much money I've made since being an NPE member, I can confidently say I've

recouped at least 5x my investment in NPE ALREADY thanks to the tools, systems and

processes I've learned and coaching I've received (and that includes paying for the cost of a trip

to Orlando for Mega Training 2012), and I can only see many multiples of that continuing to

happen each month. Remember, it's an investment in yourself; it's not a "cost".

James Hanley, Revolution Fitness, Dublin

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"Follow the program and you will have no choice but to drastically increase your profits!"

"I made back my EVOLUTION ACCELERATOR investment within the

first two consults using this program (first was $999, next was $4,125).

It's definitely a 10 out of 10, miles above anything else. I loved the

structured plans and scripts and the amazing amount of personal contact

through the coaching. Follow the program and you will have no choice

but to drastically increase your profits!"

Julian Gaynor, Perfit Health & Wellness, Ballaratt, Australia "$5,000 a month average to $15,000 a month"

"We've gone from $5,000 a month to $15,000 a month on average, in the

last three months. The feeling is great. We knew that was going to

happen, but it's just awesome to go from $5,000 to $15,000 with over

30% profit margin. With the growth we have, we already need more

space. We think this is going to get bigger and bigger."

Matt & Kristen McBryde, Tennessee Kettlebell, Brentwood, TN, USA

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"What I like about NPE is their structured and organized way in totally dissecting your business and rebuilding it 1 step at a time."

Finding NPE was like a new lease of business life, as my business grew

from me driving to clients homes to having staff and a studio, tasks

started to build up fast. Jobs that I did not have the right skills for were

costing me time and causing stress and frustration. What I like about

NPE is their structured and organized way in totally dissecting your

business and rebuilding it 1 step at a time.

Sometimes as an independent studio owner you feel quite isolated not quite knowing what the

next step should be, with the support of not only the team at NPE but the community of fitness

business owners has helped me see some light at the end of the tunnel

I joined NPE so I could work my way out of multiple jobs, training clients, managing staff,

cleaning the studio etc and purely work on creating a better experience for clients and a place

for fitness pros to really excel at what they do.

Nicky Sehgal, Body Fitness Personal Training, Leicestershire, England

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7-Step Fitness Sales System “Salesmanship” is one of the greatest skill sets you’ll ever learn. When developed, the selling

"skill set" has unbelievable power to explode your business (and therefore your life) in an unbelievably powerful direction.

Yet selling isn’t taught in school, in college, or in any fitness certification course.

And that’s a real shame. Because by NOT teaching you how to sell, our educational system and certifying organizations therefore leave you with the impression that sales just "automatically happen” when you do a good job delivering results for your clients. And I hate to break it to you, but the reality is… that’s just not the case.

Sure you can (and will) create a 'buzz' about your services by being good at what you do. And getting referrals are an offshoot of that 'buzz'. But even with a referral, if you assume that people will just walk up to you, hand you their wallets, and automatically purchase a package of training sessions, group classes, or whatever (and commit to the length of time required to reach their goals with your program), then I’m sorry to say…

You’re Living In Fantasy Land! NOBODY just walks up and throws money at you. If you’re not just good, but exceptional at

delivering amazing results for your clients then you’ll probably have some experiences close to this every once in a while in your career. But, “hoping” prospective clients will walk up to you and hand you their wallets is NOT a business strategy.

When you’re ready to get serious about growing your business, then you must commit to learning and mastering the skill set of “salesmanship”. And you must commit to mastering it with the same intensity and commitment to discipline that you would in learning how to coach a new fitness skill or movement.

What Good Sales Is Really All About Another common mistake most fitness professionals make is thinking that good sales people

are 'born'. Often you’ll hear people make comments like, “If you’re good at talking, then you’ll be good at selling”, or “If you’re a ‘people’ person, then you’ll be good at selling.” Well very often the complete OPPOSITE is true. To be good at selling you must be better at LISTENING than you are at TALKING.

Because ultimately, that is what a good sales person does. You must listen to the needs of your prospects and help them to gain clarity on the problems they want to solve or the goals they want to achieve. After that, it’s just a simple matter of presenting them with the appropriate solution and… Ta-Da! A sale is made.

THAT’S what sales really equates to: “connecting” your prospect with the solution he or she is already looking for.

Don’t foolishly think that you ‘create’ demand. That’s silly.

Your prospect already has an emotional desire; your job is to simply to help them gain clarity on what it is, why it’s important, and how to fulfill that desire by investing in your program.

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A SYSTEM To Selling Over the last several years we’ve developed a "system" for teaching anyone how to sell

personal training services. And it IS a true "system". If you have a high school education, and some basic communication skills, then you too can master the system to have consistent and predictable results in selling your professional services every single time.

And because it is a true "system", when you get to the point in your business growth that you’re ready to hire a manager or full-time salesperson to work for you, then you can train them how to use the system to get the same consistent and predictable results that you were getting. It is NOT ‘personality dependent’; you simply follow the system, use the tools, and it works.

We call it AUTO-CLOSER™.

The system involves seven (7) defined steps. Think of them as your roadmap. When you learn the points on the map, then you have a reference point to always know where you are, at any given point in time, in the sales process. Let me walk you through them.

Step #½ Pre-Qualifying OK, I told you the AUTO-CLOSER™ system involves 7 steps. Actually it involves 7 ½ J,

because there is a ½ step that MUST occur before you get face-to-face with a prospect.

Fail to complete this step at your own peril. I can’t tell you how many people we’ve trained on this system that every once-in-a-while get lazy and skip this step, and then it comes back to bite them in the ass later. And these people know better!

So listen up and pay attention here, this is VERY important! The two most common objections you’ll ever get in selling fitness services are: 1) “That’s too expensive” (price objection), and 2) “I need to talk it over with my partner” (spouse objection).

And you have the power to take these objections out of the way, before you ever meet with a prospect, by making sure to address them upfront in the ½ “pre-qualifying” step.

We have a tested and proven script that we spend a lot of time training on in our AUTO-CLOSER™ classes, but the short version of the story is you need to describe your program, give your prospect a price range for the program, and then just ask the simple question “Is that in your budget?”. If yes, great! Continue on in the pre-qualifying process. If no, then offer them information about a lower priced program you offer (like group training or program design) or refer them on to someone else.

There is no value in wasting your time (or your prospect's time) in meeting for a consultation when even if they like your program and everything you have to offer… they can’t afford you!

Being broke is NOT an objection, it’s a condition. And you can’t fix that.

The second most common objection, “I’ve got to talk it over with my husband/wife” (the partner objection), should be addressed after you’ve already established your program is in the budget range your prospect can afford and is comfortable investing in.

An easy way to handle the spouse objection is to use a qualifying statement first like, “Mrs. Jones, when many of our current clients first made the decision to join our program they preferred to review the information with their spouse or a family member. And frankly, we

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encourage it because having a good support system at home is important to making a lifetime commitment to your health and fitness goals. So, may I ask, if you like our program and we have a good fit, is there anyone else involved in the decision of you joining our program?”.

That qualifying statement, and the following question, allows your prospect to feel comfortable admitting to you that investing in your program is a joint financial decision in their household. Which is great! You WANT to get that on the table upfront, before you even begin your consultation or ever try closing a sale.

And it’s the truth!

Having a spouse or family member involved in the decision of signing up for a fitness program IS essential because making lifestyle changes and having a good support system at home ensures your client gets the best results from their program and your services. And the ‘bonus’ to all this is when you have both a husband and wife in front of you for a consultation, and do a good job showing them you’re professional and really care about helping them achieve their health and fitness goals, then VERY often BOTH of them will sign up for your program!

Now you’ve just doubled your sale and helped them support each other in their programs and instilling lifestyle changes necessary to get (and keep) great health and fitness results!

Commit to properly pre-qualifying a prospect… before every single consultation (whether they called you on the phone or just ‘walked-in’ for more information)… and you’ll set yourself up for sales success - right from the start.

Step #1 Rapport Rapport is a very simple step to perform correctly, but it’s also a very easy step to mess up.

What is rapport anyway? Well, establishing rapport is really just about helping your prospect get comfortable. They’ve just driven to your facility (or you’ve just arrived to their home if you offer in-home training services) and it’s a little awkward at first. They don’t know you, and you don’t know them. And you both know you’re about to get into talking about some very personal stuff…their health and fitness goals. It’s your job as the professional to address this. Think of yourself as the host of a party; it’s your responsibility to ensure that when your guests arrive they relax, enjoy themselves, and have a good time. Same here. Help your prospect get comfortable and relax before you begin the consultation. You can do this by paying attention to a few key items.

First, your appearance. Look the part. Be clean. DON’T show up sweaty, in a cut-off t-shirt, having just finished a workout and then expect your prospect to feel comfortable forking over a big chunk of money to you. If you want to earn top dollar, you’ve got to look top dollar. Think about a golf-pro or high-level tennis coach who gets paid £150+/hour. Consider dressing in a similar appearance. Nice shirt with a collar. Decent shorts or trousers. Imagine walking into a solicitor’s office and he’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt - would you feel more comfortable giving him your money or another solicitor who’s dressed in a suit and tie? All things being equal, you’d say the well-dressed professional. They took the time to look the part. You feel more comfortable. Same goes here.

Second, SMILE! It’s such a simple thing to do and it sets the tone for everything. Look your prospect in the eye, smile and greet them! It’s probably the easiest thing you can do, and it goes a very, very long way to set things up right from the start. Then simply ask your prospect a

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couple of simple questions like, “Welcome, Mrs. Jones, did you find the gym/health club/studio all right?” and make a little small talk. If you can mention something that came up in your initial pre-qualification phone call even better. Remember the “little details” they may have been shared with you on the phone and reference them if you can. This shows you actually listened to them and remembered the conversation… which instantly separates you from just about every other service provider out there today!

Step #2 Probing/Discovery Questions After you’ve established a good rapport with your prospect and made them feel comfortable,

it’s time to begin your probing/discovery questions. This is the most time-consuming portion of a consult, and you shouldn’t rush it (but you do want to control and direct it).

You’re going to be asking a series of questions about your prospect's goals, motivation, level of commitment, current exercise and nutrition habits, etc. We have a tested and proven worksheet of questions, delivered in a very specific order, that we provide as a tool in our AUTO-CLOSER™ system (now part of our EVOLUTION ACCELERATOR™ program). But basically you’re going to be asking a question, and then allow your prospect to do all the talking. This is where it’s very important you learn how to become a great listener.

One of the many benefits of selling in a face-to-face environment (like your consult here) is you can gather a LOT of information by not only listening to the words your prospect uses to answer your question, but the tone of voice and watching their body language. There are a thousand different ways someone can say something and answer a question. They can be leaning forward to sitting back (leaning forward indicates engagement). They can have their arms open or folded across their chest (folded arms indicates a defensive position). And they can be looking at you or looking off to the side of the room (eye contact indicates interest and engagement, and that’s what you want and need to sell)!

Just watch a good actor vs. a bad actor. Timing and delivery of their words mean everything! You’ll be able to gather a lot of information by watching and listening to your prospect, then as you become a master at the selling ‘skill set’ you’ll learn how to fine tune your questions and subtle points of the consultation based on the live feedback you’re getting from your prospect.

The most important aspect of this step is that you make sure to, as we say in selling, effectively “peel the layers of the onion”. You’ve got to dig down in your questioning until the prospect reveals the “emotional reasons" why they truly want to solve their problem or achieve their goal. Because our emotions are the ‘fire’ inside us all and behind everything we do.

Goals without emotion behind them are virtually meaningless. And for you to best serve your prospect and client you have to really understand what makes them tick. A very important component in being a great coach is not only mastering the technical knowledge of teaching movement, but learning how to help your clients get the best out of themselves.

As a fitness coach, you play a vital role in motivating, supporting, and holding your client accountable to accomplishing the action steps required for achievement of their goals. Getting to know and understand them helps you better sell your program, helps them buy your program, and helps you both work best together in accomplishing the goals and objectives you’ve established for their program.

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Step #3 Identifying Needs Identifying needs is a simple, but critical, step in the sales process. We refer to it as "holding

up the mirror".

Because most fitness professionals work with a fair number of clients so you’ve got a pretty good idea of someone’s needs when you sit down for a consultation with them. Most clients have the same pretty general ‘needs’. They’ve all been eating badly, not exercising (or not exercising correctly), and now they’ve gained some weight. They want to lose some fat, build some muscle, and achieve a better level of health and physical fitness.

However, the BIG mistake almost every fitness professional makes is they ASSUME that because they understand a client’s needs, that the client will inherently understand their own needs. After all, it’s pretty obvious, right? NO WAY! If you make that assumption, you’re dead wrong.

You see that’s the whole problem, your prospect has 'blinkers' on. They don’t really understand their needs because they’re not looking at their situation objectively or through the same ‘filter’ of knowledge and experience that you have. So you’ve got to help them ‘see the light’.

We have a very simple template script for handling this. It’s basically a summary of all the answers your prospect gave in answering the probing/discovery question you asked them in step #2. You’ll say, “So Mrs. Jones, what I’ve heard you say is _______, ________, ________. Is that correct?”.

And they have to acknowledge the ‘mirror’ you’ve just held up in front of them. This is a very big moment, and you can see the ‘light bulb' turn on (even if it isn’t a very pretty sight) in your prospect. This sets up you up perfectly for the next step that is…

Step #4 Problem Building This is the MOST important step of all. If you want to ensure a successful consultation, you

have to get this step right. Because without a problem (or a very weak problem), it’s VERY hard to establish any type of value to your solution!

This is an area we spend a lot of time training on in the AUTO-CLOSER™ course. We have a defined script to use, and we role-play, role-play, role-play.

The better you become at building the problem as a sales professional, the easier it is for your prospect to jump… no, RUN like the wind... to your solution and buy what you’re selling. Get this right, and closing a sale is VERY, very easy. Get this wrong, or do it half-baked, and closing a sale is like pulling teeth. So, what does this tell you?

If you want to become really good at selling, invest in your training on the right system, and then practice, practice, practice. Top performers in any endeavor (business, sports, etc.) commit to studying and mastering the 'skill sets' required for success. If you want to become a good sales professional, then you’ve got to commit to studying and mastering this essential step of the sales process.

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Step #5 Presentation In the AUTO-CLOSER™ system we recommend your presentation be visual, and we give you

a pre-done PowerPoint template that’s ready-to-go. Why? Because it’s been proven in study after study that having a visual aid in your sales presentation can increase comprehension by as much as 400% in the mind of your prospect. That’s a huge impact, and you want to take advantage of it.

It’s akin to listening to a radio program vs. watching a television show. Remember words on paper (like you’re reading right now) are nothing more than lines that imprint to an established meaning in your brain. Words on paper are… in fact… pictures!

Before we had language and books to communicate, our ancestors had pictures on the walls of caves. In a very general sense, not a whole lot has changed in the best form of communication over the evolutionary process.

V i s u a l + A u d i o s e n s o r y i n p u t = b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d c o m p r e h e n s i o n o f y o u r m e s s a g e .

If someone is going to buy (and remember when you sit down in front of a qualified prospect for a consultation, your job IS to sell your program), then you’ll be well served to do everything in your power to clearly communicate what you sell. Most people have no idea what “hiring a coach or personal trainer" really means. And you have not only to clearly illustrate that in your presentation, but also ‘prove your case’ as to why your program is unique and different from other solutions and why your prospect “would be an absolute fool to do business with anyone but you"!

Step #6 Close Closing is the easiest step of all. Anything you’ve heard about closing being hard or “you have

to be a tough closer to be a good salesperson” is nonsense.

Closing is NOT something you do to someone. It’s an opportunity you give them.

You offer them the opportunity to grab the solution they want and buy what you sell. And when it’s done right, closing is effortless. It’s simply a natural extension of your sales process.

In the AUTO-CLOSER™ system, we teach what’s called the “alternate choice close”. You give your prospect a choice to go with 'X' or 'Y' as the appropriate solution to solve their problem or achieve their goal. This is a very easy close for both you and your prospect. And it allows your prospect to feel great about their purchase because you didn’t force anything on them. They have to make the choice to buy. You tossed them a lay-up, and they got to dunk the ball.

There is a lot more I could talk about here in terms of packaging, pricing, and presenting your close that affects your gross sales money, but frankly, it’s a VERY big discussion which gets more into sales strategy rather than the mechanics of how to close. And to do the discussion justice, would require another 10 sheets of paper. Just know that we cover a LOT of this in your training in the EVOLUTION ACCELERATOR™ program, and it’s true that ‘little hinges’ can swing open ‘BIG doors' in your business.

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Step #7 Objection Handling If you didn’t handle the first six steps right, then you get to go for a seventh round…objection

handling. An objection is not a “no.” A prospect’s objection can mean several things. Often what the prospect is really saying to you is, “You haven’t proven to me that you are the best solution yet” or “You haven’t shown me that I can trust you yet, so I don’t feel comfortable buying right now” or even, “I’m confused.”

We teach a 5-step process for objection handling in the AUTO-CLOSER™ program, and once you master the SYSTEM, it works for overcoming any objection you could ever get, every single time! Heck, even if you’re trying to sell the movie you want to go see tonight with your significant other and they say “No, I’d rather go see a different movie”, you can use this system to overcome that objection too!

But, let me share a couple things with you here. Track your consultations for a month and look at all your lost sales. You’ll find (and we’ve done the research over thousands of consultations from all over the world to know) that the top objections are always: 1) Price, 2) Spouse, 3) Think it over (which is not really an objection, but more of a stall), and 4) Purchasing a low-end package (which isn’t really as serious as an objection because it’s still a sale, but knowing how to handle this is really important because when your prospect fully commits to the length of time required to accomplish their goals upfront - they’ll do better AND you’ve made a bigger sale!).

So, it’s important to train on each of these and know how to handle them every time. When you know what’s going to happen, and you train on how to handle the situation upfront, then there will never be a prospect that ‘rattles’ you. You’ll stay in full control of the sales process.

Also, another VERY important point on objection handling is that the best way to get really good at the process is to better train on steps #½ (pre-qualification) and #3 (problem building) which will

eliminate almost any objections from coming up in the first place!

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