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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Mother Nature’s Cures: Ancient Natural Remedies That Are Even Stronger Today 2

Natural Remedies for Babies and Children 2

Baby Reflux 2

Natural Cell Salts 3

Probiotics 3

Coconut Oil 3

ConstipationConstipation 3

Aloe Vera Juice 3

Fruit Juice 4

Natural Remedies for Weight Issues 4

Coconut Oil 4

Moringa 4

Turmeric 5

NatuNatural Remedies for Gastrointestinal Issues 5

Aloe Vera Juice 5

Turmeric 6

Digestive Enzymes 6

Acai 6

Natural Remedies for Viruses 6

Ginseng 7

ElderberElderberry 7

Cinnamon 7

Natural Ways To Sanitize 8

White Vinegar and Microfiber Cloths 8

Tea Tree Oil 8

Steam 9

Hydrogen Peroxide 9

VVodka 9

Mother Nature’s Cures: Ancient Natural Remedies That Are Even Stronger Today

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The art of healing the human body with medicinal plants has been around since at least 1500 B.C. Back in the days of Homer, Theophrastus and other great philosophers, Mother Nature was the ultimate physician.

Today, you might reach for a bottle of acetaminophen if you have a fever, but ancient civilizations were likely to use a mixture of common centaury and wormwood. They had similar remedies for everything from stomach cramps to joint pain.

HarnessingHarnessing the power of nature to heal the human body used to be prac-ticed by nearly everyone. That’s because back in those days, if you couldn’t use plants and herbs to heal yourself, you’d likely die.

They didn’t have well-trained doctors, massive hospitals and medications to help them recover from common illnesses and diseases. For this reason, people learned out of necessity about the remarkable cures Mother Nature offers.

These days, with the prevalence of hospitals and prescription medica-tions, the average person has forgotten how to heal the body with natural methods. If you get very sick, you head to the doctor’s office or the hospital and rely on someone else to make you better.

But what if you could learn the secrets of the ancient ones and discover the power of nature’s medicinal plants? What if Mother Nature’s remedies offer you the best chance of overcoming the sicknesses that are currently circulating the globe? What if the most powerful antidote to common ill-nesses lies within your body’s immune system instead of in syringes or neatly packaged medications?

Are you ready to learn the answers to these questions? Here are some of Mother Nature’s ancient remedies that are even stronger today.

Mother Nature’s Cures: Ancient Natural Remedies That Are Even Stronger Today

M other N ature’s Cures

Babies and young children can develop a variety of issues. Two of the most common include baby reflux and constipation. Western medicine is quick to prescribe harsh medications for conditions like these, but there are safe, natural alternatives available.


Natural Remedies for Babies and Children

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Does your baby scream if you lay him down on his back? Or does she frequently arch her back in pain? Does it seem like most of what you feed your baby comes back up minutes later? The culprit may be acid reflux. It’s more common among infants than you may think, and it can lead to sleepless nights and a lot of tears.

MainstMainstream pediatricians commonly recommend antacids, proton-pump inhibitors or histamine-2 blockers for infants with baby reflux. These drugs usually work well for the short term, but they can cause long-term problems with digestion. Prolonged use of proton-pump inhibitors has also been linked to dangerous problems with calcium and iron absorption in babies.

GeneGenerally, it’s best to use safe, natural remedies to help soothe your baby’s reflux. Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve when it comes to minimizing baby reflux. Here are some homeopathic remedies you may want to try to relieve your suffering babe’s symptoms.

Cell salts are mineral compounds that can be found naturally in the human body. The cell salt remedy is based on Virchow’s 1858 cell theory. He noted that since the boy is simply a col-lection of cells, all medical treatments should aim for the health of each cell.

Today, we understand that cell salts can balance the body’s normal function. In this way, they may aid the digestion of newborns when used in small amounts.

PROBIOTICSProbiotics are live microorganisms that can restore the body’s gut flora. The word probiotic is derived from Latin and means “For life.” In ancient times, people consumed fer-mented products, such as kefir, bread, yogurt and kumis for therapeutic purposes.

These products were full of beneficial probiotics. When administered to babies in appropriate doses, probiotics can help improve gut flora for optimum digestion.

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Another good natural remedy for baby reflux is coconut oil. It’s safe for babies older than 6 months and can easily be added to warm milk or baby food. It’s anti-inflammatory and can help soothe inflammation associated with baby reflux. People who live where coconuts naturally grow have been reaping the anti-inflammatory benefits for centuries.

Did you know constipation is one of the most common problems babies experience once they’re introduced to solid food? Constipation can cause discomfort, poor nutrient absorption and digestive issues. Here are some gentle remedies for constipation.

ALOE VERA JUICEAloe vera is an ancient medicinal herb that is still commonly used today. It is safe and effective for both internal and external use. It can promote daily regularity in adults and babies. To avoid stomach upset, place a small amount on your fingertip and give to your baby when he or she is experi-encing constipation.

If your child responds well to this dosage, you may consider slightly increasing it to achieve the desired stool-softening effect. If your child’s stool becomes too loose, cut back on the amount of aloe vera offered.

FRUIT JUICEThe concept of using food as medicine is not a new one. It’s been around for millennia. A number of respected ancient writers, including Hippocrates, Avicenna, Virgil, and Archilo-chus Pollux, referred to the nutritional, medical and dietary properties of prunes in particular.

Prunes are simply dried plums, and they contain a large amount of insoluble fiber. They also contain sorbitol, which is nature’s laxative. If your baby is constipated, feed him ¼ cup of prunes or ¾ cup of prune juice per day until stools return to normal.

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Coconut oil is a type of fatty acid found within coconuts. It’s one of the healthiest fats you can cook with or eat. When consumed, it acts as an appetite suppressant by enhancing feelings of satiety. Some modern research also shows that coconut oil may decrease the stubborn fat that accumulates around the belly.

TheThe recommended serving size for weight loss benefits is generally 2 tablespoons per day. Alternatively, you can take coconut oil in pill or capsule format for convenience.

Did you know the national obesity rate among adults has increased by 70% over the past 30 years? Obesity-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and stroke, are the leading causes of death throughout the world, so it’s important to take your weight very seri-ously. Unfortunately, many adults find it harder to lose weight the older they get.

While it may be tempting to turn to surgical interventions and con-troversial diet pills, the results may not be what you expect. For many people, the weight lost after surgery comes back on soon afterward.

The same is true for diet pills that can permanently damage the body’s metabolism. Instead of turning to questionable methods that often cost a lot of money, consider using the following natural methods to aid you in your weight loss efforts.

Moringa is a drought-resistant tree that is native to Asia, Africa and India. The leaves offer a variety of health benefits, thanks to their anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral properties.

MoringaMoringa was widely used in ancient Egypt and is still utilized for medicinal purposes today. Research suggests that moringa powder may promote weight loss by enhancing fat breakdown and reducing the formation of fat in the body, especially when combined with turmeric and curry.


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If you like Indian food, you’ve probably heard of turmeric. You might even have some in your spice cabinet right now. Turmeric is a flowering plant within the ginger family. The roots of the plant are ground up to make the powder commonly used in cooking. But turmeric’s benefits go far beyond flavoring foods.

TheThe ancient spice was commonly used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to treat swelling and sprains (as prescribed by Ayurveda). It may also help you finally get rid of those stubborn extra pounds.

StudiesStudies indicate that turmeric may help enhance insulin sensitivity, reduce fat tissue growth, minimize weight regain and promote healthy weight loss. In one study, people who previously tried and failed to lose weight sup-plemented with curcumin and piperine every day.

The study results showed that turmeric supplements led to significant reductions in body mass index, body weight, and hip and waist circumference. It’s important to take turmeric with piperine (black pepper extract) whenever possible to enhance absorption.

If you asked a room full of people to raise their hands if they’ve ever experienced gastrointestinal issues, every hand would probably go up (assuming everyone was brave enough to answer honestly). The Standard American Diet (aptly abbreviated “SAD”) can wreak havoc on digestive organs and harm the delicate balance of bacteria in the gut.

AsAs a result of poor daily nutrition, Americans are more likely develop gallstones, gastroesophageal reflux disease, deep peptic ulcers and other digestive problems. Swallowing loads of prescription or over-the-counter pills may help for the short term, but are unlikely to deliver positive long-term results. In fact, some medications commonly prescribed for digestive issues can further disrupt the flodisrupt the flora in your gut and lead to chronic issues.

To give your gut the best chance of recovering, try healing it from the inside out with natural methods. Here are a few suggestions for getting started on your path to greater gastrointestinal health.


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Aloe vera juice has already been mentioned as a remedy for constipation in toddlers, but it’s also very effective for adult digestive issues. Aloe vera has a rich history of use for diges-tive ailments in historic times. It’s still used today to minimize symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS.

When consumed, aloe vera juice can have a soothing effect on the inner linings of the digestive tract. Keep in mind that aloe juice with aloe latex acts as a laxative and can alleviate consti-pation but should not be taken if you already have normal or loose bowel movements.

You already know that turmeric can help with weight loss, but did you know it can also minimize inflammation in your diges-tive tract? Like aloe vera, turmeric has been linked to a reduc-tion in some IBS symptoms. It has also been shown to alleviate gastric ulcers. It does this by protecting and support-ing the stomach’s mucus lining while inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause ulcers.

Though western medicine is just now catching on to the great benefits turmeric offers, the ancient spice has been used medicinally for more than 4,000 years. Turmeric is even con-sidered sacred in Indian culture.

ACAIAcai berries grow on Acai palm trees in the rainforests of South America. It has been used for its nutritional and medici-nal benefits for thousands of years, but it wasn’t introduced to the western world until the 1990’s.

Acai berries are loaded with beneficial antioxidants and are very nutrient-dense. Acai may cleanse the colon and bladder and could play a role in fighting digestive complications.

DIGESTIVE ENZYMESDigestive enzymes are a group of enzymes known to break down the food you eat. As they do, they make it easier for your body to absorb nutrients from your diet. Studies show that digestive enzymes may help relieve chronic diarrhea, bloating, and other symptoms associated with IBS. If you feel gassy, bloated or otherwise uncomfortable after eating certain foods, digestive enzymes may help.

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Ginseng is an herbal supplement that has enjoyed centuries of use in Chinese medicine. The plant grows in the Eastern Asia mountains, and the root of the plant is the medicinal portion. Ginseng has long been valued for its ability to enhance wellbeing and boost energy. It is also an important supplement for immune system function.

KKorean Red Ginseng is particularly valued for its pharmacological activi-ties. Studies show that this type of ginseng can provide protective effects against microbial infections, including a variety of human pathogenic viruses. You can consume ginseng root in many different ways, including in tea, lightly steamed or raw. You can also find ginseng supplements that allow to get the full effects of this herb without tasting its pungent flavor.

M other N ature’s Cures8

Viral infections work by hijacking cells within the body. Viruses overtake the cells and commandeer their internal machinery so that they create even more virus particles. Most viruses spread through contaminated bodily fluids, such as mucous, urine or feces.

When you touch a contaminated surface and then touch your eyes, nose, mouth, or any other point of entry, the virus can gain access to your body. You can also contract a virus by simply breathing contaminated air.

Your body’s most effective line of defense against viral contamination is its immune system. A healthy immune system is much more capable of fighting off viruses than a compromised immune system.

WhileWhile healthy food is the best source of fuel for your immune system, you may not get all the nutrients you need from your daily diet. If your immune system is weak and you currently get sick a lot, you may want to consider taking one or more of the following supplements


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Elderberry is a small fruit with dark flesh. Elderberries resemble grapes in their shape and the way they grow in clusters. Elderberry tea has been used by Cherokees for centuries to treat rheumatism, boils and constipation. In Europe, elderberry extractions were historically used to reduce fevers and treat colds.

WhenWhen it comes to viral infections, compounds within elderberries can give your body a fighting chance at over-coming illness. Elderberry can weaken viral infections before they take a strong hold in your body. They do this by inhibiting the virus’s ability to gain entry into human cells for replication purposes.

While the humble elderberry fights off viral advances, it simultaneously strengthens cytokines, which are your immune system’s chemical messengers. Cytokines raise the alarm and help coordinate efficient cellular responses against invading pathogens.

YYou can consume elderberry in the form of syrups, lozenges or in capsule form. It is important not to over-consume elderberry, since too much of it can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness. Always follow the recommended dosage instructions to enjoy the benefits of this powerful plant without the side effects.

Do you love the taste of cinnamon? You’re in luck, because this sweet spice is not only tasty, but healthy to consume. It’s obtained from the inner bark of trees within the Cin-namomum genus. Cinnamon has been used by ancient civilizations all the way back to 2,000 B.C. Egyptians used it during the embalming process, and the Old Testament mentions it as an ingredient used in anointing ordinances.

Medieval physicians used cinnamon to treat a variety of common problems, including sore throats, coughing and hoarseness. It was also valued for its anti-bacterial prop-erties, which made it an effective preservative for meat.

Today, you can add cinnamon to your arsenal of natural remedies for viral infections. Studies show that cinnamon may have antiviral effects that can prevent humans from becoming infected by some viruses. Including just one or two tablespoons of cinnamon in your daily meals twice per day can be an effective way to prevent viruses from infecting your body during cold and flu season.

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M other N ature’s Cures10


White vinegar is made from water and acetic acid. It’s a strong natural cleaner and is effective against bacteria. It won’t leave surfaces completely bacteria-free though, which is why it’s a good idea to use it in combination with a high-quality microfiber cloth.

ThoughThough microfiber doesn’t actually kill bacteria, the fibers cling to and remove bacteria from hard surfaces, such as counter-tops and floors. Look for microfiber cloths that contain at least 2 million fibers per square inch for best results. Cheaper versions with fewer fibers per square inch don’t work as well.

To make your own white vinegar disinfecting cleaner, combine 1/2 gallon of warm water and ½ cup of white distilled vinegar in a bucket. Dip a microfiber washcloth in the solution, then wring it out and use it to wipe down everything from refrigerator doors to bathroom tile. Make sure the surface you’re cleaning stays wet for a few minutes before you wipe the cleaning solution away with a clean, dry cloth.

As important as it is to learn how to treat illnesses and other health problems when they arise, it’s equally important to keep them from happening in the first place. You can do this by sanitizing your hands and your living spaces regularly.

DidDid you know you don’t have to use harsh chemical sprays and commercial products to sanitize effec-tively? Common disinfecting products are loaded with ingredients that can actually make you sick if you experience continued or prolonged exposure to them. Toxic substances, including volatile organic com-pounds, bleach, and ammonia, can cause a variety of symptoms. Those symptoms may be as mild as eye irritation or as serious as breathing problems and cancer.

Fortunately, you can ditch those products for good by learning how to use natural ingredients to sanitize your home. Here are some of the top natural ways to sanitize.

Natural Ways To Sanitize

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TEA TREE OILTea tree oil comes from Melaleuca alternifolia plant leaves. The oil has been used as a healing treatment for nearly 100 years, and it has been studied by many sci-entists who are interested in its antimicrobial proper-ties.

To use this product as a disinfectant, combine 1-2 tea-spoons of tea tree oil with 1 cup of room-temperature water in a spray bottle. Shake well to mix. Then, spray countertops and other nonporous surfaces with the solution. Allow the treated surface to remain wet for a few minutes, then wipe the liquid away with a clean cloth.

STEAMWhat if you could disinfect the surfaces in your home using only water and not a single drop of cleaner? If you have the right equipment, you can! A steam cleaner gives you the power to heat water to super high tem-peratures and disinfect various surfaces with the steam. There are different types of steam cleaners for different cleaning applications. Some are designed for carpetscarpets while others can be used on countertops and other durable surfaces.

People have been cleaning with steam for more than 150 years. When it’s hot enough, steam can disinfect surfaces better than most chemical cleaners—without any side effects. Although you will need to invest some money to purchase a steam cleaner, the cost is worth the benefits for many homeowners.

HYDROGEN PEROXIDEHydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that’s nearly clear in color and that is commonly used as an antiseptic. Though it isn’t necessarily an ancient disinfecting method, it has been used for over 120 years. It also occurs naturally in the atmosphere and in groundwater and surface water.

This substance can be useful for household cleaning purposes, thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial qualities. It’s less toxic than commercial household cleaners and does a great job disinfecting nonporous surfaces.

TTo quickly create a cleaning solution with hydrogen peroxide, combine 2 cups of distilled water with 1 cup of peroxide in a spray bottle. Shake gently to mix, than spray down solid surfaces with the solution. Allow the surface to remain wet for a few minutes before gently wiping the solution away with a clean cloth.

TTo make this cleaner smell fresh and clean, add up to 10 drops of lemon essential oil to it. Lemon is not only a wonder-fully aromatic natural perfume, but it also has antimicrobial properties of its own. Keep in mind that fresh lemon juice is not very shelf-stable, and it quickly loses its cleaning properties. It’s better to use the concentrated lemon oil extract whenever possible.

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VODKADid you know vodka is an excellent disinfectant? If you watch action movies, you’ve probably seen vodka poured into wounds before in order to clean them. It turns out the potent liquid can also be used to clean and disinfect household surfaces. You just need to make sure that you use the high-est-proof vodka possible (at least 120 proof) to get the antimi-crobial effects.

To create your own vodka cleaner with just three ingredients, get out an empty spray bottle. Fill it with ¼ cup of water, ¾ of vodka (at least 60% alcohol), and 15 drops of your favorite essential oil. Choose essential oils that smell good and also have antimicrobial properties, such as thieves, lavender, tea tree or thyme.

ShaShake the bottle to mix the ingredients, then spray on every-thing from door knobs to toilet seats. If possible, let the surfaces air dry for maximum benefits.

These natural remedies and cleaning solutions are all more affordable than expensive prescription pills or chemical cleaning products. Many of the ingredients are readily avail-able online.