77 2015 RPT Final Corporate Report 2015 06 29


Transcript of 77 2015 RPT Final Corporate Report 2015 06 29

  • 2015 Canad

    a WIn

    ter Gam

    es FIn

    aL rePOrt / rappo

    rt final

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    I am very proud to present this final report on the performance of the Prince George 2015 Canada Winter Games Host society and the execution of the 2015 Canada Winter Games. many people in our community and across northern British Columbia dedicated the better part of six years to ensuring the Canada Games were delivered in spectacular form. In addition, we had a solid team of dedicated staff and an amazing army of green jacketed volunteers that worked hard to deliver the 2015 Canada Winter Games for the athletes, coaches, managers, officials, parents, citizens, sponsors and spectators.

    the Host society was fortunate to have the strong support from our government partners, the Canada Games Council, the other communities in northern BC, corporate sponsors and friends of the Games who provided the funding and support to pull off a very successful event. then the communities of northern BC stepped up and assisted the Host society in delivering a great Canada Games. For this I am extremely grateful and proud.

    the 2015 Canada Winter Games will leave an extensive list of legacies for northern British Columbian citizens and our provincial sport system. these legacies and the lasting memories of the Canada Games will inspire our next generation of athletes and artists for many years to come and build on what was accomplished here in northern BC. I am glad to have journeyed with you and shared many experiences with all of the people involved and that helped us deliver the 25th edition of the Canada Games.

    merci beaucoup/thank you very much/snachalhuya

    anthony everett

    Board Chair

    messaGe FrOm tHe CHaIr

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    messaGe FrOm tHe CeO

    I am very proud to have been a part of the 2015 Canada Winter Games and of the efforts by the Board of directors, staff and volunteers to come together and deliver a great Canada Games experience for everyone who attended and participated in the Games. there is a sense of accomplishment and confidence in the air above Prince George and it is great to know that the 2015 Canada Winter Games played a role in putting this community and the entire region of northern British Columbia on the national stage.

    as the Games fade into the distance the future for sport and events in Prince George is getting brighter and brighter. the Vancouver Canucks training camp and Hockey Canadas teLUs Cup are now coming and many more sports and events have a reason to consider Prince George as their next stop. the people are ready, the facilities are here and the regions ability to host has grown exponentially over the past five years.

    september 17, 2010 marked the start of a journey for the City of Prince George when it won the right to host the 2015 Canada Winter Games. From there the community rallied around a dream and executed one of the best Canada Games in the forty-eight year history of the event. the weather was great for the spectators and provided stress for the course builders and officials but everything worked out in the end. the athletes all got their chance at a medal performance and the spectators were treated to great feats of courage and accomplishment from every athlete.

    the icing on the cake was the festival atmosphere kicked off at the Cn Centre with the opening ceremony followed by seventeen days of great entertainment and capped off with a spectacular send off from UnBC. the artists, performers and entertainers pulled it all together every night in great Canadian spirit and their canvas was signed each night by an amazing fireworks show.

    thank you to the athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, artists, performers, entertainers, sponsors and spectators for making the 25th edition of the Canada Games a February to remember and great birthday present to the City of Prince George as its celebrates its 100th anniversary.

    merci beaucoup/thank you very much/snachalhuya

    stuart H. Ballantyne

    Chief Executive officer

  • 2015






    es O




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    aBOUt tHe HOst sOCIetyOur story began in 2009 when the City of Prince George formed the Bid Committee and began the journey to secure and host the 2015 Canada Winter Games. The bid was well thought out, well prepared and the pitch well executed. The fruits of the Bid Committees labour came on September 17, 2010 when Prince George became the successful host city of the 2015 Games.

    Travel forward to February of 2015, when thousands of Canadas best and brightest young athletes set their sights on Prince George and northern British Columbia as the region hosted the 2015 Canada Winter Games, the 25th Edition of the Canada Games. The year 2015 also marked the 100th Anniversary of the City of Prince George and the 25th Anniversary of the University of Northern British Columbia. These significant milestones enhanced the hosting of the Canada Games by combining the celebrations of Prince George and UNBC and invited the entire nation to join in the festivities.

    More than 2,400 young Canadian athletes were a part of over 3,400 total participants from across Canada competing in 19 unique sporting competitions. These participants were joined by more than 400 members of the national and local media, over 1,000 special guests and VIPs and approximately 500 officials, and thousands of visitors as they converged in the northwest corner of Canada. The 2015 Games marked the first time the winter edition of the Canada Games was held in the province of British Columbia. Additionally, it was the largest multi-sport and cultural festival ever held in northern British Columbia as the nation honoured and celebrated youth achievements over the 18-day event.

    The Canada Games are a uniquely Canadian event that is rarely duplicated across the globe. Each province and territory is given a chance to host and it could be up to 26 years before they return to British Columbia. 2015 was the time to showcase the province and in particular northern British Columbia and educate the rest of the nation on what this grand part of the country has to offer. The message was simple: Come and experience northern BC, a great place to visit, live, work, play, invest and learn.

    HOst sOCIety VIsIOn statement

    together, well write a northern story of spirit and passion inspiring unique and magical experiences for all Canadians.

    HOst sOCIety mIssIOn statement

    to design and create the best Canada Games experience that our region, people and resources can deliver leaving lasting memories and sustainable legacies for our sport and broader communities.

    HOst sOCIety COre VaLUes

    accountability l Collaborative l Fun l Inclusiveness l Integrity l respect l transparency

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    aBOUt tHe Canada Games

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    tHe seVen PILLars OF tHe 2015 Canada WInter Games

    exCeLLent COmmUnIty & reGIOnaL


    raIsInG tHe Bar

    On medIa COVeraGe

    exCePtIOnaL atHLete


    PrIVate seCtOr FUndInG


    QUaLIty deLIVery OF tHe Games

    PrOVIdInG meanInGFUL LeGaCIes FOr tHe reGIOn

    BUILdInG tHe Canada Games


    In February of 1967, in Qubec City, the Canada Games were born and for the first time in Canadas history, 1,800 athletes from ten provinces and two territories gathered to compete in 15 sporting competitions. These first Canada Winter Games paved the way to what is now Canadas largest multi-sport competition for young athletes.

    Held every two years, alternating between summer and winter, the Canada Games are a key event in the development of Canadas young athletes. With the Canada Games poised as a key step in the development of Canadas future stars, Canada Games athletes are the countrys next generation of national, international, and Olympic champions The Canada Games are a multi-sport competition with a cultural celebration and festival held every two years on an alternating basis between winter and summer.

    the Canada Games are: an icon of Canadian sport,

    the pinnacle of inter-provincial/territorial sport programs,

    a springboard for Canadas Olympic and Paralympic athletes,

    an event that inspires Canadas aspiring young athletes,

    a celebration of sport, culture, youth, and community that unites our nation.

    The Canada Games leave valuable legacies in host communities: enhanced facilities, new sport programs and equipment, and a human legacy creating stronger communities ready to take on new challenges.

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    2015 Canada WInter Games By tHe nUmBersFOOd and BeVeraGe74,623 meals served in the cafeteria60 cases of eggs2,500 pizzas = 30,000 slices15,000 litres of milk10,000 lbs. of potatoes2,500 lbs. of pasta21,000 muffins

    HeaLtH1,000 athletes served by the polyclinic700 athletes helped in the venues

    HUman resOUrCes 4,800 volunteers2,400 athletes55 staff

    mILestOnes 25th edition of the Canada Games100th anniversary of the City of Prince George25th anniversary of the UNBC

    nanGUz tHe FOx300 Nanguz appearances pre-Games160 Nanguz appearances at Games time

    Partners and sPOnsOrs 99 Top Tier Partners and Sponsors182 Friends of the Games

    tOrCH reLay9,000 km travelled by Roly McLenahan torch150 torchbearers, chosen by their own communities

    transLatIOn613,500 translated words from English to French

    transPOrtatIOn529 individual trips per day in motorpool266,000 total kms travelled in motorpool21,152 total passengers carried in motorpool292 trips per day in bus system58,348 total kms travelled in bus system

    WeBCastInG 900 hours of webcasting on CanadaGamesTV.ca

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    medaL COUnt

    Alpine Ski EventsArchery Badminton BiathlonCross Country SkiingCurling Mens

    Curling WomensFigure Skating Freestyle SkiingGymnastics TrampolineGymnastics Artistic Ice Hockey Mens

    Ice Hockey Womens JudoRingetteSnowboard Speed Skating Long TrackSpeed Skating Short Track

    SquashSynchronized SwimmingTable TennisTarget ShootingWheelchair Basketball

    2015 Canada WInter Games HIGHLIGHts

    COntInGent GOLd sILVer BrOnze tOtaL

    Quebec 52 39 40 141

    Ontario 47 40 25 112

    British Columbia 22 33 33 88

    Alberta 14 25 36 75

    Saskatchewan 6 8 14 28

    Manitoba 6 3 7 16

    New Brunswick 3 4 6 13

    Yukon 3 1 4 8

    Newfoundland and Labrador 2 2 0 4

    Nova Scotia 0 2 2 4

    Northwest Territories 0 1 0 1

    Prince Edward Island 0 0 1 1

    Nunavut 0 0 0 0

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    yOUnGest atHLete 10 year old Stephen Gogolev of Ontario in Mens figure skating.

    OLdest nOn-Para Or sPeCIaL OLymPIC atHLete Brody Johb of Team Yukon in wheelchair basketball (24 years old).

    OLdest OVeraLL atHLete 49 year old Yves Bourque of Quebec in Para-Nordic Skiing.

    WeatHer COnstrICtIOns Due to weather constrictions, 63 athletes took a 45 minute charter flight to Fort St. John where the long track speed skating competition was moved. Fort St. John is home to one of two indoor long track speed skating ovals in the country.

    QUeBeC sPeed skater Dominic Goyette broke Charles Hamelins 12-year-old Canada Games record from Bathurst-Campbellton in 2003.

    FOr tHe FIrst tIme in the history of the Canada Winter Games, Para-Nordic skiers were permitted to compete in the able-bodied event. Brittany Hudak, Saskatchewan, was the only Para-Nordic skier to suit up for an able-bodied team when she made history by skiing a leg of the race.

    WHen nUnaVUt deFeated Yukon 9-2 in Draw 2 of the womens curling event at the Canada Winter Games, it was the first win ever for a team from Nunavut at a national curling event.

    11 years OLd The age of Kaitlyn Muir, the mascot designer, whose original mascot design was chosen from almost 400 original submissions from kids in grades K-7 in schools across northern BC and 3000 online votes from voters across Canada.

    2015 Canada WInter Games FaCts

    sLOPe styLe is a new sport to the Canada Games in 2015.

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    Canada Games tV


    OFFICIaL HOst FIrst


    dIGItaL sIGnaGe VenUe PrOGram

    atHLete aPPrOVed adVIsOry


    2015 WInter Canada Games OrIGInaL InItIatIVes

    BC Games sOCIety


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    strOnG GOVernment


    nOVak FamILy LeGaCy WaLL at PG CIVIC


    enHanCed Games


    a sUCCessFUL Games


    Great transPOrtatIOn


    OFFICIaL LanGUaGes PrOGram

    a strOnG merCHandIse


    exCeLLent tICket saLes

    900 HOUrs OF


    sPeCtatOr attendanCe &


    Games amBassadOrs


    WeBsIte & Games

    mICrO sIte

    Canada Games tV


    tremendOUs COmmUnIty


    2015 Canada WInter Games sUCCesses

    GLOBaL BC neWs HOUr & Weekend

    neWs In PrInCe GeOrGe

    FrIends OF tHe Games

    sPOnsOrsHIP PrOGram

    LOCaL medIa Partners & neWs

    BrOadCasts FrOm Canada Games PLaza

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    a nOrtHern BrItIsH COLUmBIa Games

    aWards & reCOGnItIOn

    Gold award of excellence, CPRS 2015

    - Canadian Public Relations Society national awards of excellence

    - Best special event Project, Northern Health Preparedness Initiative

    2014 Chamber of Commerce Tourism Impact of the Year Award

    Bronze award of excellence, CPRS 2015

    - Canadian Public Relations Society national awards of excellence

    - Best electronic and social media Program

    - 2015 Games Website, Mobile Site and Digital Sign Program

  • PaVe tHe Way Free transIt

    InItIatIVe By UnBC


    tHe HOst sOCIety BOard aPPrOVed a

    POLICy statement On sUstaInaBILIty

    drInkInG Water InItIatIVe & BOttLe FILLInG statIOns at


    tHe 2015 Canada Games

    aCHIeVed CarBOn neUtraLIty

    tHrOUGH CredIts


    HOsted a sUstaInaBILIty & LeGaCy sUmmIt

    @ UnBC

    reCyCLInG PrOGram at aLL VenUes

  • Delivered over 300 community and regional events & major milestone events including: 1000 Days, 3 Years Out, 2 Years Out, 500 Days, 1 Year Out & 100 Days to the Games

    Developed a national torch relay plan that travelled from Ottawa to Victoria, to Vancouver, New Westminster, Burnaby, Kamloops & northern BC Illuminate the North, the northern British Columbia Torch Relay Tour

    Developed an Official Host First Nation partnership with the Lheidli Tenneh Nation; a first in history for the Canada Games

    Enhanced the Canada Games national online programming through Canada Games TV Today in conjunction with ViaSport & BCIT

    Developed the Athlete Approved Advisory Group consisting of 30 age-eligible northern British Columbia athletes to solicit feedback, guidance, and support of elements within the 2015 Canada Winter Games business plan.

    8 Official Media Partnerships with local, regional, provincial, and national media generated $2.5 million of value in kind media

    4 major regional celebrations, 28 community visits & 5,300 km travelled

    marketInG & COmmUnICatIOns HIGHLIGHts


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    18days OF Free


    15VIP GIFtInG


    20artIsts In tHe art

    market at tHe FestIVaL sIte

    2 mUraL artIsts (Canada Games HOUse & PrInCe GeOrGe aIrPOrt)

    18 nOrtHern BC COmmUnItIes

    rePresented In nOrtHern BC


    18VIsUaL artIsts

    FOr nOrtH exHIBIt

    292 PerFOrmInG


    arts & CULtUre HIGHLIGHts

  • 17

    5 local artists showcased during Opening & Closing Ceremonies

    100s of local dancers used for the Opening & Closing Ceremonies

  • 2015 Canada WInter Games COLd snaP FestIVaL


    12% First Nation programming

    10% Francophone programming

    Genres included: Rock, Pop, Country, Jazz, Latin, Childrens, Folk, Electronic, Classical, Hip Hop, Rap

    72% of artists from British Columbia

    44% of artists from Prince George & northern British Columbia 100% of artists were paid

    Festival was 100% free for the public

    100% of performers were Canadian

  • OVer

    74,600 meaLs InCLUdInG 9,500 LItres

    OF CHOCOLate mILk Were serVed at tHe CIVIC Centre WItH exCeLLent ratInGs By

    tHe atHLetes


    5,800 BUs HOUrs transPOrted

    PartICIPants OVer 18 days WItH sIGnIFICant

    PraIse FrOm aLL

    22 OFFICIaL test eVents FrOm

    marCH 2013 tO JanUary 2015

    sPOrt & VenUes HIGHLIGHts

    all outdoor events completed in one of the warmest and driest winter on record

    Sport venues performed well with many receiving rave reviews from technical delegates, coaches, NSOs and athletes

    327 medical personnel delivered a robust medical program that did not have any critical incidents to attend to. Special recognition to Northern Health for their support and contributions from planning through to service delivery

    Pave The Way free transit initiative led by UNBC Students in partnership with the City of Prince George resulted in over 78,000 rides (40%-50% increase) over the 18 days

    Athlete accommodations in the downtown core hotels contributed to the vibrant downtown during the Games

  • Green JaCket VOLUnteersOver 4,800 volunteers supported the 2015 Canada Winter Games

    Columbia Sportswear uniform package provided by the Host Society

    Week One Volunteer Recognition Event @ Canada Games Plaza

    Week Two Volunteer Recognition Event @ Canada Games Plaza

    Planning Volunteer Celebration @ Prince George Civic Centre

    Volunteers provided a minimum of 36 hours to the Games

    The Green Jackets did an amazing job

    reGIstratIOn & aCCredItatIOn

    Over 12,000 accreditation badges were produced

    Excellent Accreditation Centre location in the Games Village

    Great support from Konica Minolta for printing the badges

    The accreditation team did an outstanding job credentialing everyone

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    FInanCIaL OVerVIeW & eCOnOmIC ImPaCt

    Games FInanCIaLs

    Total Games Funding: $46,949,484 103% Achieved

    Public Sector: $37,202,039 105% Achieved

    Private Sector: $9,747,445 98% Achieved

    Sponsorship $7,272,777 88% Achieved

    Ticket Sales $1,643,580 164% Achieved

    Merchandise Sales $151,584 101% Achieved

    Other Revenue $679,504 131% Achieved

    Total Games Expenses: $46,749,484

    Pre-Games Legacy Fund: $500,000

    Operating Expenses: $27,082,745

    Capital Expenses: $19,166,739

    Surplus: Post Games Legacy Fund: $200,000+

    Note: The expenses are $2 million below the City Council approved Bid budget

    Total Prince George Rest of Province

    Initial Expenditure $55,097,569 $55,097,569 $0GDP $62,924,764 $37,328,453 $25,596,311Wages & Salaries $43,070,646 $28,839,822 $14,230,823Jobs 692.6 468.6 224.0

    Industry Output $123,428,057 $83,244,615 $40,183,442

    Total Taxes $24,802,540 $16,180,789 $8,621,751 Federal $11,890,067 $7,509,492 $4,380,576

    Provincial $9,718,373 $6,569,497 $3,148,876

    Municipal $3,194,100 $2,101,800 $1,092,300Source: Survey conducted by CSTA using the STEAM Pro economic assessment model

    eCOnOmIC ImPaCt

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    the northern way of caring








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    SALMON | SAUMONAligned Capital Partners

    All-West GlassAlliance Group of Companies

    Bandstra Transportation SystemsChieain AutopartsColumbia Bithulithic

    DWB Consulting ServicesEnergy Wise Distributors

    FYidoctorsGroup Health Benefits

    Interior OffroadThe Keg Steakhouse & Bar

    KJM SalesLaprairie

    LomakMotion Canada

    Mr. Quick Lube & OilNauroth & Associates Insurance Brokers

    Northern Capital RestorationsPine Centre Mall

    Prince George EsportaSuperior Fencing

    Tropical Pool and SpaUniversal Restoration Systems

    Western OneWhite Goose BistroWindsor PlywoodWolek Industries

    COUGAR | COUGARAndrew SheretAJ Forsyth

    Allens Scrap & SalvageAllteck

    Babine Truck & EquipmentCanaSteel Rebar ServicesCentral Mountain Air

    CLACEnvironmental DynamicsFolklore ContractingFormula Contractors

    Fraser Plumbing & HeatingGeotech DrillingHarris Rebar

    Hummus Brothers Restaurant and LoungeInfo Pages Directory

    Kelly O-Bryans Neighbourhood RestaurantKode Contracting

    Lakes District MaintenanceNorth Lands Water & Sewer Supplies

    Peterbilt PacificPG Floor Fashions

    The Pita PitPraxair

    Simson MaxwellSpectrum Resources

    Sterling CraneStinger Welding

    The Twisted Cork RetaurantVan Way Cabinets


    Accommodations Prince GeorgeBC Sports Hall of Fame

    City of QuesnelCollege of New CaledoniaDistrict of VanderhoofEnhance Prince George

    Exploration Place

    SPECIAL THANKS | MERCIGateway Business Improvement Area

    Kidz SportPacific Sport Northern BC

    Prince George Advisory Committee on Accessibility Prince George Community Arts CouncilPrince George Heritage Commission

    Prince George Public Library

    Prince George Symphony Orchestra School District 57

    Sport BCTheatre North WestTwo Rivers Art Gallery

    List of confirmed Friends of the Games as of December 19, 2014 | Liste des amis des Jeux confirms au 19 dcembre 2014.

    SPIRIT | ESPRIT4 Oak Oil & Vinegar

    Accurate Door & Hardware Co.All Points Fire Protection

    All Pro Plumbing & HeatingArmtec

    Bartle & GibsonBritish Columbia Northern Exhibition

    Brock White CanadaBryant ElectricBullfrog Power

    Canuck MechanicalCariboo Chrome & Hydraulics

    Carlson Wagonlit TravelCFI Steel

    Chinook YogaCIF Construction

    Cimo Mediterranean GrillCorestock Industrial Supply

    CTL ContractorsDollar Saver Lumber

    Equity Plumbing & HeatingGirard Financial ServicesGuillevin International

    JFT Secure

    Heartland Steel DoorsHomesteader Meats

    Hoya VisionIQ BuildersKarahi King

    Kenroc Building MaterialsKim Forest Management

    Lakewood ElectricLiveWork Communications

    The Logomap & Guide CompanyMarathon Eavestroughing


    Nancy Os RestaurantNational Concrete Accessories

    Nechako OptometryNew Look InteriorsNorthway Glass

    OhhChocolat CafPG Surg-Med

    Phoenix Transition SocietyPrince George Chamber of Commerce

    Prince George Portable Toilet ServicesRaymond James

    Shiraz Caf & RestaurantSiding Specialists at WR Ventures

    Sonic Interactive SolutionsTimberline Footfitters

    TwinRivers DevelopmentsUnited Rentals of Canada

    Van Valve Service Centre & SalesVereburn Medical Supply

    Zettl Masonry

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    Canada Games LeGaCIesthe Canada Games are about more than just sport: they are about partners, the community, culture and creating long-term legacies before, during and after the events take place.

    the Canada Games leave valuable legacies in Host Communities: enhanced facilities, new sport programs and equipment, and a human legacy creating stronger communities ready to take on new challenges.

    together, over $250 million has been invested in the Canada Games; about half of that has been invested in capital projects in the various host communities. a legacy of over 300 sports facilities have been built in over 16 communities across Canada.

  • Volunteerism

    Volunteer Capacity for the City of Prince



    Building on the practices established

    in Sherbrooke


    Great relationships with multiple stakeholders


    Pre-Games Legacy Fund + the surplus


    sport equipment

    Extensive donations to the local sport clubs


    Enhanced Sport Hosting Capacity for the City

    2015 Canada WInter Games LeGaCIes

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    nOVak FamILy LeGaCy WaLL in the Prince George Civic Centre: a fundraising wall for sport in northern BC.

    a FantastIC neW arena featuring a convertible ice surface from NHL to Olympic size for Short track speed skating and figure skating competitions at the Canada Games and training, hockey, sledge hockey, Ringette, public skating and more after the Games.

    a neW mULtI-PUrPOse aLPIne skIInG rUn for training and competitions for years to come at Purden Mountain.

    a neW skI CrOss and Snowboard cross course at Tabor Mountain.

    a neW sLOPe styLe COUrse and big air ramp at Tabor Mountain for freestyle skiing and snowboarding.

    a neW BIatHLOn ranGe, penalty loop and stadium area upgrades at the Otway Nordic Centre.

    neW COmPetItIOn tramPOLInes for the gymnastics club.

    neW COmPetItIOn JUdO mats for the local judo club.

    neW sHOrt traCk sPeed skatInG tImInG system

    neW sHOrt traCk sPeed skatInG saFety mat system

    neW LOnG traCk sPeed skatInG tImInG system for the Pomeroy Sport Centre in Fort St. John.

    B-nettInG saFety system nets for alpine skiing, freestyle skiing and snowboarding.

    2015 Canada WInter Games LeGaCIes

  • 27

    reFUrBIsHed CUrLInG rOCks for the curling club.

    neW Led LIGHtInG for the curling club.

    neW Led LIGHtInG for the Aquatic Centre.

    UnderWater sOUnd system for the Synchronized Swimming Club.

    neW Led LIGHtInG for the Prince George Coliseum.

    COmPetItIOn HOstInG Items for most sports hosted during the Canada Games for use at future sport competitions hosted in the region.

    tWO COmPetItIOn BadmIntOn COUrts for the local badminton club.

    LOnG traCk sPeed skatInG saFety mats to Red Deer for the 2019 Canada Winter Games.

    neW Permanent CaULdrOn at Canada Games Plaza from HGTVs the Timber Kings.

    FULLy renOVated CIVIC sQUare at Canada Games Plaza will host many events after the Canada Games.

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    a nOrtHern BrItIsH COLUmBIa Games

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    a nOrtHern BrItIsH COLUmBIa Games

    Contact Information:2015 Canada Winter Games Canada Games House545 Quebec streetPrince George, BCV2L 1W6

    www.canadagames2015.ca250. 596 . 2015

    Journey With Us:
