740-Upd8 Global Warming Swindle Presentation

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  • 7/27/2019 740-Upd8 Global Warming Swindle Presentation


  • 7/27/2019 740-Upd8 Global Warming Swindle Presentation


    A Channel 4 documentary " The Great Global

    Warming Swindle"claims that man-made global

    warming is "a lie"and "the biggest scam of

    modern times."The documentary says the Earth

    has warmed and cooled throughout history. The

    recent climate changes are natural, it claims.


  • 7/27/2019 740-Upd8 Global Warming Swindle Presentation


    What is a theory?Theories are ideas created byscient is tsto explain why things happen.

    A theory explains evidence from

    observations or experiments.

    It predictsfuture


    A theory can b e testedby making observations

    and doing experiments.

    Climate change

    The Earth's climate has always been


    Now, climatechange


    changes in

    our climate

    sin ce 1900.

    Global warm ing

    Global warming is the r ise in

    temperatureof the Earth's atmosphere.

    Many scientistsbelieve that


    gases cause

    global warming.

    Global warming c auses cl imate change.

    Greenhouse gasesGreenhouse gases trap heat from theSun. They make up about 1% of theEarth's atmosphere.

    Carbon dioxide (CO2)is a greenhouse gas.

    Without greenhousegases, the Earth wouldbe 30C colder.

    Humans cou ld not surv ive.

  • 7/27/2019 740-Upd8 Global Warming Swindle Presentation


    There is evidence that

    thewor ld is get tingwarmer.


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    There is evidence that

    the curren t temperatu rer ise is unusual.


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    There is a fair ly s trong

    correlat ionbetween CO2

    levels and atmospher ictemperatures.


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    There is ev idence thathuman act iv i ty causesr is ing carbon diox idelevels.


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    There is ev idence thatglobal warm ing causesmore extreme weather.


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    There is ev idence thathumans cou ld p reventglobal warm ing.


  • 7/27/2019 740-Upd8 Global Warming Swindle Presentation



    Theory A:Human activity causes global warmingBurning fossil fuels

    releases greenhouse

    gases into the atmosphere.

    Extra greenhouse gases make

    global temperatures rise.

    This leads to climate change.

    Global temperatures have gone up by

    0.7C since 1700.

    Most warming was between 1910 and 1940and after 1976.The 1990's was the warmest decade of the

    last thousand years.

    Before the industrial revolution, 0.028% of

    the atmosphere was CO2. Now the level is

    0.037%.The increase in CO2 is linked to human


    The concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere

    is higher now than it has been for 650,000


    Many scientists agree that

    increasing amounts of

    greenhouse gases have madeglobal temperatures go up.Scientists predict that increasing

    global temperatures will make sea

    levels rise.Scientists predict more intense

    hurricanes.Carbon dioxide takes 100 years to

    disperse. If we stop making carbon

    dioxide now, the effects of what we

    have already done will influence

    our weatherfor years.

    The evidence:

  • 7/27/2019 740-Upd8 Global Warming Swindle Presentation



    Theory B:Global warming is naturalThe Earth has gone through many cool and warm periods.

    The causes of these climate changes are complex.

    Human activity is not

    significant when you

    consider all the factorsthat affect climate.

    Global temperatures have gone up by 0.7C

    since 1700. This is not significant. Global

    temperatures actually decreased between 1940

    and 1976.Satellites and balloons have measuredatmosphere temperature since 1979. This data

    shows little warming up to 8 km above the Earths


    Water vapour is the most important

    greenhouse gas. It makes up 95% of all

    greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Water

    particles in clouds reflect heat from the Sun.

    The Great Global Warming Swindle says that

    human activity makes 6.5 gigatonnes of CO2 each

    year. Plants and other animals make 150

    gigatonnes each year. Dying leaves make even

    more CO2. The oceans are the biggest source of


    CO2 levels in the atmosphere increase

    or decrease because of temperature

    change. When the climate cools,

    oceans absorb CO2. When the climate

    warms, oceans release CO2.Solar activity influences global warming

    and cooling more than any activity on

    Earth. Solar activity is now very high.

    This may have caused recent record

    temperatures.Current global warming is nothing

    unusual. Temperatures were evenmore extreme in the Medieval Warm

    Period.It is difficult to link weather events like

    hurricanes to global warming. The

    climate of the world is always


    The evidence: