70-483 Programming in C# Complete Study

Exam Prep: 70-483 Programming in C# Complete Study

Transcript of 70-483 Programming in C# Complete Study

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Exam Prep: 70-483 Programming in C#

Complete Study

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Session Objectives• Understand where 70-483 fits into overall

certification goals• Understand the objective domain for the

70-483 exam• Review a selection of topics covered by

the exam

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Microsoft Certifications

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For YouIncreased confidence in your abilities at workEnhanced product knowledgeLearn about certification to educate your coworkers and bosses

Shows drive and initiativeDemonstrate mastery of a productSets you apart from your peersRecognition inside and outside of MicrosoftCompletely achievable at TechEd

For Your Career

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MCSE and MCSD Certifications

Web Applications SharePoint Apps

Server Infrastructure Desktop Infrastructure

Business Intelligence Data Platform

Private Cloud

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Increased RigorReflection of the real worldLearn more, validate moreSolutions are more complex, questions must reflect thatBest way to measure candidates know what they know

New item typesFewer multiple choiceCase studies

Scenario basedSee big picture and make decisions

Innovative item types

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Exam Tips

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Exam Basics40-60 questions1-4 hours to complete the examCan review questionsCannot move between case studies700 is passing700 is not 70%

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All questions have a consistent anatomy:How to interpret questions

One or Multiple Correct Answers

Business Problem Goal Statement

Multiple Distracters

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Questions are not intended to trick you

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Exam ScoringEach exam has a “cut score”No partial creditNo points deducted for wrong answers

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Study Resources

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Skills MeasuredBroken down by percentage

Preparation OptionsInstructor-led training (MOC)Exam prep videoCommunity Links

Microsoft Learning Website

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Microsoft Learning Website

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Microsoft PressTraining Guide: Programming in C#

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Exam Topics

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Exam Outline

Manage Program Flow25%

Create and Use Types24%Debug Applications and

Implement Security25%

Implement Data Access26%

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Manage Program FlowCreate and Use TypesDebug Applications and Implement SecurityImplement Data Access

Topics Outline

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Manage Program Flow

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Task Parallel LibraryParallelForPLINQTasks

Async/Await keywordsConcurrent Collections


Asynchronous Processing

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Cancellation TokensCancellationTokenSource, CancellationTokenPassing into TaskCancelling a Task

LocksThread-safe methods


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Control Statementsif/thenwhiledo/whileswitchforforeachbreakcontinueGotoyield

Program Flow

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DelegatesFunc<T, U>Action<T>Comparison<T>Comparison<T, U>Predicate<T>EventHandler<T>

Lambda expressionsAnonymous methodsSubscribing/Unsubscribing from event

Events and Callbacks

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Example QuestionYou have an application that communicates with an external service.

The code to communicate with your service is implemented in a try block. You need a catch block that can re-throw the exception without loosing or changing the call stack so that you can log any unexpected exceptions.

Which catch block will fulfill your goal?





catch(Exception) { throw new Exception(); }

catch(Exception e) { throw e; }

catch(Exception) { throw; }

catch(Exception e) { throw new Exception(e); }

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Create and Use Types

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Value TypesStructsEnum

Reference TypesGenerics


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MethodsOptional ParametersNamed ParametersParameter AttributesPass by Reference vs. Value

Static Extension MethodsIndexersStatic VariablesOverloaded/Overriden Members

Class Members

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IDisposableFinalizationUnmanaged ResourcesGarbage Collection

Object Life Cycle

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InterfacesMember signatures

Base classesAbstract base classesVirtual membersAbstract members

Existing InterfacesIComparableIEnumerableIDisposableIUnknown

Class Hierarchies

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Example QuestionYou have an application that reads data from a database.

You need to combine 100+ lines of text.

Which of these is the most efficient way to combine the different strings?





StringWriter class

StringBuilder class

String concatenation

String append operator +=

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Debug Applications and Implement Security

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AsymmetricRSACryptoServiceProvider (RSA algorithm)Public and Private Keys

SymmetricCryptoStreamRijndaelManaged (Rijndael algorithm)

Hashing DataMD5CryptoServiceProvider (MD5 Hash)Hash + Salt Data


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System.Diagnostics.TraceTraceListenersInformation, Warning, Error

ProfilingPerformance CountersSystem.Diagnostics.EventLog


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DebuggingCompiler DirectivesBuild Types

Debug, ReleaseVersioning AssembliesSigning Assemblies using Strong Names


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Example QuestionYou have a web site that allows users to register new accounts with a username and password. Passwords are hashed and salted in your system.

At login, You need to use one of the encryption classes to hash and salt the user-provided password and verify that it matches the user’s stored password without exposing the original value of their password.

Which of these classes can be used to encrypt the password provided at login?









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Implement Data Access

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Working with FilesFile.ReadAllLines, File.ReadLineFile.WriteAllLines


System.NetWebRequest, WebResponseHttpWebRequest, HttpWebResponse

I/O Operations

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LINQ to XMLXDocument.LoadXElementXAttribute

ClassicXmlReader, XmlTextReaderXmlWriterXmlNavigator

Working with XML

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Binary SerializationCustom SerializationXML SerializerData Contract SerializerData Contract JSON Serializer

Serializing Data

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Writing LINQ extension methodQuery Syntax vs. Lambda SyntaxDeferred Query Execution


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Generic CollectionsDictionary<T, U>List<T>Queue<T>SortedList<T, U>Stack<T>



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Example QuestionYou have a service application that receives JSON data from client devices.

You need to deserialize the JSON strings to a pre-defined type.

Which of these classes can be used to deserialize your JSON strings?









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Example QuestionYou have an application that queries a list:

int[] values = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }; int threshold = 6;var highValues = from v in values where v >= threshold select v;threshold = 3;var results = highValues.ToList();

What is the contents of the result list?





{ 5, 7, 9 }

{ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }

{ 7, 9 }

{ 3, 5, 7, 9 }

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Microsoft Certification & Training Resourceswww.microsoft.com/learning

msdnResources for Developers


TechNetResources for IT Professionals


Sessions on Demandhttp://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd

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