7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business...


Transcript of 7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business...

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


7 Steps to Get More Clients

and Grow Your Business

A business owner’s guide to making $10,000 to $100,000 more from your existing business in the next 60 days!

by Charlie Cook

NOTICE: This Book is licensed to the individual reader only. Duplication or distribution via e-mail, floppy disk, network, printout or other means to a person other than the original purchaser is a violation of international copyright law. © Copyright 2008, Charlie Cook, In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by any means (including electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by: Marketing For Success In Mind Communications, LLC Old Greenwich, CT 06870

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.



The Secret to Rapid Business Growth 3 • The First Question You Should Ask Yourself 3 • 93% of Sales Are Lost Because of This Mistake 4 • Don’t Fight The Selling Cycle; Use It 6 Attracting Clients Step 1 Get More Attention Fast 8 Step 2 Build a Massive List of Interested Buyers 11 Closing More Sales

Step 3 Eliminate Annoying Obstacles 15 Step 4 Motivate More People to Buy 18 Maximizing Profits

Step 5 Make More With Each Sale 22 Step 6 Get Clients to Buy More Often 27 Step 7 Multiply Your Sales and Income 28

Making Incremental Gains to Maximize Your Income

• What’s Your Profit Potential? 33 • Where to Start 34

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


The Secret to the Rapid Growth of Your Business

The First Question You Should Ask Yourself How can I attract more clients and maximize my profits from existing ones? If you own a business or are responsible for marketing one, this should be one of the questions you ask yourself on a regular basis. Answering it is critical to your success. What You’re Missing

Most entrepreneurs and business owners, whether they’re just starting out or have been in business for years, know the fundamentals of marketing. You know that to attract buyers and make more money you need to generate more leads, convert more leads into sales and get more repeat sales. So, what’s the secret to making your business a real success? Over the last two decades I’ve personally helped companies that do everything from providing accounting, to consulting to printing services or that sell products ranging from hearing aids to travel incentives to GPS tracking systems. I’ve worked with people and companies making anywhere from $15,000 a month to over $1,000,000 a month. And the one thing I’ve found is - the problem is almost never a lack of ambition or willingness to work hard. I’m sure you’re motivated and are already working harder than you need to. What most entrepreneurs, business owners and marketers are missing is a simple set of proven tactics that will allow them to

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


make more from their existing efforts and business. That’s right, it is very possible to make more (a lot more) just by applying a few key profit-making strategies to your business. The purpose of this report is to help you leverage what you know in order to market your business like an expert and maximize your profits. Instead of taking shots in the dark, you will develop clear, reliable systems for growing your business.

93% of Sales Are Lost Because of This Mistake Most entrepreneurs, business owners and even marketing executives use a marketing model that is destined to fail. They use the One-Step model, which assumes that the best way to get the sale is to “go for the jugular,” so to speak, by trying to transform prospects into clients instantly. You know what I mean - ads, mailings or websites trying to sell products or services. I’m sure you see this everyday in your mail, newspaper, or inbox. Usually you’ll find the name of the business at the top, followed by the product name and a few features listed with contact information at the bottom. This is known as One-Step marketing because the goal is to convince the prospect to go directly from reading an ad to making a purchase or a phone call for more information - in just one step. Sounds nice, but it doesn’t work! If you’re using this one-step marketing model you’re wasting your time and money - and throwing away sales in the process. When you get a call from a stranger trying to sell insurance, stocks, etc. right off the bat, what’s your reaction? If you’re anything like me, you probably end the call as quickly as you can, and maybe even have them add you to their ‘do not call’ list, so they never contact you again, ever.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Trying to sell your products or services to someone who doesn’t know you, trust you, understand the value of your services or why they should be interested is fighting an uphill battle. Here’s something I hear far too often: “Charlie, I own a consulting business in Ohio and I’m going nuts. No matter how often or how many people I mail to I hardly get any responses. Just last month I sent a mailing to a list I’d bought of over 10,000 people. The result? I got one inquiry which doesn’t look promising.” – John Why is this type of one-step marketing doomed to failure? No one proposes on the first date. Partners need to nurture their relationship, to get to know each other and trust each other before they decide to make a commitment together. Similarly, If you want someone to buy from you, you first need to help them get to know you and trust you. That’s where a smart marketing strategy comes in. Once you’ve developed a prospect that wants to hear from you, you can get to work converting them into a buyer. You might be asking, “Hold on Charlie, don’t all the big companies use one-step marketing? I see tons of ads from big successful companies just trying to get me to buy.” Actually, Fortune 500 companies invest millions of dollars towards building a relationship with their target market. The sales-oriented ads that you see just represent the final step in their marketing sequence. Marketing is a multi-step process. First, you get your prospects’ attention, and then get them to contact you. You

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


build a relationship with them, and then, when they trust you and see the value of your product, they’ll buy from you. There are no shortcuts to getting the sale. Period. Well, maybe one, but I’ll cover that in Step 7. First, you’ll need to get Steps 1-6 down.

Don’t Fight The Selling Cycle – Use It To Increase Profits The three phases of marketing and sales are as vital as three acts in a play or opera. As much as we’d all like to sometimes, (sorry, opera fans) you can’t skip to the last act – it won’t make any sense. Growing your business is much the same. (Bear with me here) First you need to attract more buyers, then you need to close more sales, and finally, you need to learn to maximize your profits. You can’t have the last one without the first two. It’s the final act. The good news is, you can’t fast-forward a play, but you can control the marketing and sales cycle. You can influence your prospects and generate a steady stream of profits from clients. Attract More Clients, Close More Sales, Maximize Profits - Anticipate and influence this three-part cycle using the seven steps outlined in this profit-building guide. My Promise To You In the following easy-to-read pages, I’m going to share seven (7) proven profit-building strategies with you. I’ll make the promise that if you already have a business, you’ll generate at least $10,000 if you properly employ these strategies.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


What’s the catch? If you put these simple ideas to use, I’m confident that you’ll want more ideas and techniques to grow your business, and that you’ll make use of the detailed Insider Secrets you’ll find at http://www.mfsstore.com

- Charlie Cook Ready to get started making more?

Turn the page to discover the first step to higher profits >>

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Attracting Clients

Step 1 to Higher Profits Get More Attention Fast And increase sales by 21% to 500% or more If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’ve wished at one time or another that more people were aware of your products or services, and that more people were contacting you. Anyone in business knows that you won’t sell much if your potential buyers have never heard of you or your products. As you know, the first step to bringing in sales is to get attention. Get the phone ringing, and then you can get the orders pouring in. What can you do to stir up interest? Most companies take out ads, send out mailings and put up websites. Typically these tactics cost a fortune, and produce only a small trickle of sales. Why is it that so many marketing efforts fall flat and fail to generate interest or sales? It’s the words they’re using – specifically, the marketing message. When prospects meet you, read your mailings or visit your web site, the first few words they see will determine whether they’ll keep reading, and whether they'll take the next step and contact you. The words you use in your marketing make the difference between generating a lead and losing it.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Your marketing message is like a key. If you've got the right one, it will help you unlock doors to new business and start the process of converting them to clients. However, if your message is poorly crafted or the wrong size, you'll be locked out in the cold, wondering why your business isn't growing faster. What’s the most important thing you can do to get better results from your ads, mailings and website? Perfect your marketing message in order to generate as much interest as possible. So, lets get you started.

Power Action Step 1 Attract More Leads and Sales In Less Time With a Compelling Marketing Message • Develop a compelling marketing message that describes the

unique value you provide for clients and prompts prospects to contact you.

• Use your brilliant marketing message as the foundation of

all your marketing efforts, including meetings, phone calls, letters, newsletters, websites, etc.

Can I really make 21% or more with the right marketing message? On average, my clients see a minimum 21% increase in sales, and in many cases much more, after simply improving their marketing messages. I had one client, Bob, who had always refused to change his marketing message, despite my pleas. He’d been in business

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


for 10 years and, since things were going reasonably well, he didn’t want to mess with success. Then, in June 2007, I got an email from Bob saying he’d just tripled the number of leads he was getting from his website. How? He’d finally decided to test out the marketing message we had been working on and placed it at the top of his homepage. Needless to say, he saw the change immediately. Depending on your business, you should be able to increase your profits by 21% - 500% or more by creating a better marketing message. For most businesses, using this one profit-building strategy will add more than $5,000 of additional income. I can hear you saying, “Hey, We’ve already got a great marketing message. We’ve had it for years and no one has ever complained.” Okay, maybe so. But be sure to ask yourself: • Is your message client - centered? This is essential. If you don’t know what I mean, you may be losing most of your prospects. • Have you tested it against a problem-focused marketing message? Kris’s business was struggling for survival when we started working on his new marketing message. Upon implementation, he brought in 30 new clients in less than 6 weeks. Resource I wrote the Insider Secrets to 15 Second Marketing to show you precisely how to create a brilliant marketing message that will get you all the attention you want. With it you’ll be able to open doors to more business opportunities and higher profits.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Need a quick way to generate more interest in your products and services? Start using this proven technique >>

Step 2 to Higher Profits Build a Massive List of Interested Buyers And increase sales by 27% to 500% or more Wish you had more eager buyers? Okay, dumb question. The real question is, do you know what to do to attract more buyers? First, you need more qualified leads. I worked with a sales consultant based in MA who had been in business for over ten years and was still struggling to land new clients. In our first conversation, I asked him how many contacts he had that he reached out to regularly. His answer? 85. I was flabbergasted. If he’d included all the clients he’d worked with, people who had attended his talks, suppliers etc - everyone he’d made contact with over the last ten years, the number should have been at least a thousand. In short, this client was sitting on a goldmine, but was ignoring tons of potential leads. How about you? Are you sitting on a goldmine of potential profits?

"In the last three weeks I’ve gotten as many clients as I did in the last six months!"

Denise Annuciata, LeapLaw

"Immediately helped me make a $10,000 sale!" Kathy Mason, President, Mason Works, LLC

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


In marketing, the math is simple. The more qualified prospects you have interested in your products and services, the more you’ll sell. If you have a list of 100 people who hear from you regularly and know how you can help them, you’ll make a few sales here and there. With 1,000, you’ll make ten times as much. Again, simple math. Now imagine you kept in contact with 10,000 or 20,000 qualified prospects every month or even every couple of weeks. You’d pull in huge profits regularly. Any fisherman will tell you’re going to have better luck casting your line where the fish are plentiful and hungry. Maintaining a list of interested buyers to whom you can regularly market is just like keeping a pond stocked full with hungry trout. Then, when you throw in your hook, you’ll catch a lot more with a lot less effort. Ready to create your own pool of eager buyers, people who are just waiting to hear from you? Take this action step and watch your profits skyrocket.

Power Action Step 2 Automate Lead Generation to build your list of interested buyers • Give your prospects something for free in exchange for their

contact information. That way, you can stay in touch with them. Need an example? An earlier version of the free ebook you are now reading prompted tens of thousands of people to add their names to my mailing list, as you did.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


• Use your lead generation system in conjunction with your ads, mailings and website to maximize your list of qualified prospects - people who like to hear from you.

I know some of you are saying, “I already have a lead generation system.” Okay, but again, is it optimized? How much more could you be making if your list was fives times as big? Exactly. I myself recently tweaked my lead generation system and increased the daily number of leads I was getting by 30%. That’s 30% more profit. How much more could you be making with an automated lead generation system? I once worked with a division of Wyndham Worldwide that was getting tons of visitors to their web site but only a trickle of inquiries. By adding a lead generation system to the site, they ultimately increased the number of leads it was sending their way by a factor of 17. How much more would you be making with 17 times your number of qualified leads? Remember the math? In marketing, the bigger your list of qualified clients, the bigger your profits, pure and simple. What’s 17 times the amount you made this month? Resource I wrote the Insider Secrets to Highly Effective Marketing to show you how to position your business for success by creating a steady stream of leads. With my help, you’ll learn how to set up your own automated lead generation system.

"Our referrals are rolling in! I’ve tried a ton of ideas but this was the best investment I have ever made. I would

recommend it in a heartbeat." Craig Nash, President, ProgressiveRehab

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Want more qualified prospects and more sales? The sooner you start the sooner you’ll make more >>

“Charlie, these ideas seem pretty basic so far.” You’re right. But when it comes to marketing, the fundamentals are, well, fundamental. You’re wasting money on fancy ads and mailers if you’re not taking these basic steps. If you’re not using a killer marketing message in conjunction with an automated lead generation system, you are leaving huge profits on the table. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize the response you’re getting from your marketing with these simple strategies. Put them to use, and you could easily double your business this year. So far I’ve shown you how to increase your profits by a minimum of 48%. Optimize these strategies, and you could make a whole lot more. On the next page you’ll discover how to close more sales.

"My business has grown by 50% in two months. I’ve had to add two more trucks to handle

all the new business we're bringing in since I started using the ideas in your book.

Highly recommended." Donald Monroe, Monroe’s Plumbing

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Closing More Sales

Step 3 to Higher Profits Eliminate Annoying Obstacles And increase sales by 12% to 47% or more Have you ever lost a sale because a prospect had a silly objection? Have you ever had someone say to you - "I haven’t got the time right now." "Send me a written proposal and I'll think about it." "We already have a supplier." "We prefer working with a larger company." "Its too expensive." "We really don't need your services." "I need to get approval from my boss." “I need to think about it.” “I need to ask my wife.” It’s always annoying to lose a sale because a prospect has misgivings like this. What’s important to keep in mind is that when a prospect objects in this way, what they are really telling you is that they still have doubts about you. They don’t have all the information they need to trust you, to understand the value of your services and to justify the expense of the purchase. Every buyer has these concerns, whether they mention them or not - and even just one can kill a sale. Over 30% of the time that a prospect has an objection or doesn’t contact you to make a purchase, it’s because they still have an unanswered question. So what can you do to get your

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


prospects questions answered and avoid losing these sales (and increase your profits)? While there are any number of ways to better manage the sales conversation in order to eliminate objections, there is one easier way. The shocking fact is that 80% of sales are lost due to lack of follow-up. Plain and simple, most businesses drop the ball when it comes to this step. Qualified prospects contact them, but there is no system in place to convert that prospect into a client. As a result, businesses lose countless sales simply because the prospects eventually forget them. Ouch! I’m sure many of you take steps to follow up on inquires, but is that it? Do you address each of your prospects’ objections and eliminate them as obstacles before you even talk to a prospect? I’m sure you do your best to deal with your prospects’ questions when they come up, but by then it’s often too late. What’s more, many prospects just don’t bother to call if they have a question or a doubt. So what are you doing about all those lost sales? What’s the simple solution? In a word, set up a follow-up system that gives your prospects all the information they need to get to know you, trust you, and understand the value of your products and services. Let’s say you had important visitors coming over to your house. One of the most basic steps you’d probably take would be to make sure your front path and front door were clear of trash, dirty laundry, small children, and other clutter.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


The same is true with marketing. If you want to get more people in the door in order to increase your profits, you need to eliminate the obstacles that get in the way of your sales. So what’s the easiest way to put this idea into practice and get more people buying from you?

Power Action 3 Use A Follow-Up System to eliminate obstacles to sales • Identify and eliminate every obstacle to buyers. Anticipate

potential questions and use an automated sequence of emails or letters to systematically address each of your prospects’ concerns - pre-sell them.

How much more could you make by improving your follow-up? At the top of this section I gave a conservative estimate – 12% - of the bare minimum you could make by properly following up. Again, this is a bare minimum Do the math. Remember, 80% of sales are lost due to lack of follow-up. Thus, if you fixed this problem entirely you could increase your sales and profits by a whopping… 400%!

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Resource With the Insider Secrets to Highly Eliminating Obstacles to Sales you’ll discover how simple it is to convert a greater proportion of prospects into clients. Even if you think you’ve got it down, you can use these techniques to increase your sales by at least 12% (or a minimum of a couple thousand dollars per month).

Ready to close more sales? Use this strategy >>

Step 4 to Higher Profits Motivate More People To Buy And increase sales by 10% - 25% or more We’ve all heard the old adage – “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you could do today.” Nonetheless, everyone procrastinates a little every now and then. I’ve done it, you’ve done it, and, guess what – your potential buyers do it. We put off making a decision because it wasn’t at the top of our list or didn’t seem important at the moment. We all put off making decisions that we think can wait. The real problem for your business arises when this applies to your prospects’ purchasing decisions. They may want and need your products and services but they just don’t see the need to act today. No need to do anything

“Over $200,000 in additional sales! These ideas were easy to apply, smoothed out our sales process and as a result our closure rate is up. It paid for itself many times over and I'd recommend it to anyone in

marketing and sales." Bill Orser, President, Safeplay Systems

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


about it now when it can always be done tomorrow. But as you know, tomorrow never comes. One of the biggest obstacles to growing your business is human nature, your prospects’ proclivity to procrastinate! Getting prospects to make a decision and move forward can sometimes seem like an impossible task. However, there are actually some simple levers you can use to move them along. These are, again, based on human nature. Using the Ebay Trick to Improve Your Profits

I’ll let you in on one of the reasons online auctioning site eBay is so successful and, even better, how you can utilize this simple idea to increase your profits (even if you don’t auction anything). Most items on eBay are sold in virtual auctions that close within a few days or a week. When you find an item you want, you know it’s only available for a limited amount of time. If you don’t take action, someone else will likely snatch it up. No one likes to miss out on an opportunity, and therein lies the genius of this model. The limited time frame, coupled with the limited availability of the item, works to motivate you and others to take action. The closer the deadline, the more your emotions start to take over and the more likely you are to bid on the item. Now, your business may have the world’s best product or service, but if you’re only getting a trickle of orders, you need to prompt your prospects to buy today! Introducing a sense of urgency will help turn that trickle into a torrent. Out of fifty prospects in a given month, only one of them is likely to buy. It’s not that they don’t want your product or service. Without any sense of urgency, though, your

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


prospects don’t take action and your sales stagnate. How frustrating! We all put off doing things we know we need to do. Most of us don’t make purchases until there appears to be an urgent need. When it comes to marketing, however, you can’t afford to let your prospects procrastinate. Ready to put this profit-building strategy to work to prompt more sales? It costs nothing and typically increases sales by 10% to 25%. That’s easily another $5,000 to $15,000 per month for your business.

Power Action 4 Use Urgency to prompt more people to buy • Use your marketing to motivate people to buy today. If

you want people to buy right away, you need to give them a reason to act immediately. Time constraints, limited availability and special bonuses are all effective.

Why? Why does this work so well? No one likes missing out on a good deal, or on special opportunity to get what they want. What? You’re saying you already know this? Of course you do – it’s human nature. But have you tested tactics to determine which work best in terms of maximizing the number of prospects who buy immediately? Do you track results to see which call to action works best? How much more could you make if everyone who has considered your product or service actually made the commitment and bought this week?

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Earlier, I suggested that you would see a potential profit increase of 10% to 25% after implementing this one profit-building strategy. Once again, this number is a low estimate. If you use this technique properly, you could make at least twice that, or an additional $30,000 to $60,000 a month. Resource Want to finally do away with those nasty obstacles that get in the way of your sales? You’ll find the answers you need in the Insider Secrets to Highly Eliminating Obstacles to Sales, including tips to end buyer procrastination. No matter how well your business is doing now, you could always bring in better profits by motivating your prospects to buy now.

Ready to make more sales? Use this simple strategy >>

"The best sales system I've ever used. It's packed with the most powerful selling ideas I've ever tried and they're working to grow my business. A must for every business owner

or entrepreneur." Betsy Craz, Copywriter

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Maximizing Profits

Step 5 to Higher Profits Make More With Each Sale And increase sales by 30% Ever gone to a restaurant to grab dinner and ended up getting an appetizer, salad, dessert, and coffee in addition? Or have you ever planned to buy a digital camera for $150, but ended up spending $200 after adding in the spare battery, memory card, and case? How about when your take your car in to get an oil change, but end up getting your muffler replaced too? In most cases, you probably had no intention of making these additional purchases. But typically, people barely hesitate in situations like this. They say to themselves, “Why not? Might as well, I’m already here.” Whether you run an online business or an auto repair shop, you can – and should – make use of this simple principle to make more from each client. Offer your prospects a related product or service when they make a purchase, and about 30% of them will say yes. Why does this simple strategy work so incredibly well? Once a prospect has made the decision to make a purchase, he or she is in the “buying mode,” so to speak. They’ve got their wallet out and are looking to solve a problem or satisfy a need. When you offer them a better solution, they’ll pay more. At least 30% of them will!

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


It just makes good sense, for example, if you’re buying a camera, to get the case and batteries, or if you want a flat screen TV, to get the one with HD capability. But here’s the stunner - Almost 90% of businesses don’t use this simple strategy. If your business brings in $100,000 a year that means you’re losing $30,000. Or if your business brought in $1,500,000 last year, you could have made $500,000 more. The strategy is simple. You can Upsell your customer and get them to buy more of what they want, or you can Cross-sell them by helping them buy another related product or service. Here’s how to start using this idea to start increasing your sales and profits.

Power Action 5 Cross-Sell and Upsell Your Clients and Customers To maximize per-client profits • Identify your best selling product or service (A), and the product or service (B) that anyone who buys A may also want. For example, anyone who buys a hammer at a

hardware store will probably need nails. Or someone getting a haircut might need hair gel.

• Then, systematically provide your clients and customers

with this offer and track the results. It may take a few tries to find the right upsell or cross-sell product. But when you do, you’ll quickly see 2-3 people out of 10 going for it. Then, you’ll be motivated to systematically apply this strategy to all of your sales.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


The result? You’ll bring in 30% more with almost no additional work or expense. Resource

In my exclusive, one-on-one mentoring program, I’ll teach you exactly how to use this profit-building strategy to maximize your per sale profits. Apply here >>

This profit-building mentoring program has very limited availability. Use this link to see if you qualify >>

Step 6 to Higher Profits Get Clients To Buy More Often And increase sales by 10% or more Here’s a question - Did you know it’s at least eight times more costly and more difficult to attract a new client than to sell an existing one again? You might have, but have you looked at it from the other side? It’s 8 times easier to sell your existing clients than a new client. If you have a client base of any size you’re sitting on a potential gold mine – one that you can easily tap into with this single strategy.

"In the first month using Charlie's ideas we increased sales by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Over the last couple of years these

ideas helped us make 10-20 times that. Highly recommended."

Mike Trowbridge, VP Marketing, Wyndham Worldwide

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Many business owners are so focused on trying to bring in new business that they neglect the valuable resource right under their noses: their existing clientele - the people who already know them, trust them and are most likely to buy from them. Doesn’t it make sense to start with the easy repeat sales? Can you really increase your sales by 32% with repeat sales? Sitting on my desk right now is a little postcard from my dentist reminding me to schedule my next appointment for my regular teeth-cleaning. I don’t know about you, but if left to my own devices I’d probably get my teeth cleaned at most once a year. I’ve known members of my family who’ve put off going to the dentist for years. Thus, if I had my way, my dentist would make $125 a year from my teeth. But he’s no dumb bunny, which is why he regularly sends out these postcards to remind me to get my teeth cleaned three times a year. This would increase his profits by 300%. What my dentist is doing is trying to prompt me, his existing client, to buy more often. He’s tapping into his client base to look for more frequent business. Problem is, it isn’t working too well. This postcard has been sitting on my desk for 3 months and I still haven’t scheduled the next appointment. That’s because he hasn’t optimized this strategy. Well, that, and the fact that there is a long list of things I would rather do than go to the dentist. I’m assuming that your clients’ business experiences are less painful. If you employ this simple strategy, however, you could instantly boost your profits by 7% to 22%, if you know how to use it.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


What types of repeat sales could you use to increase profits? Repeat Sales of the Same Product or Service Like my dentist, if you provide a product or service people need regularly, you can sell it again and again. The more often you sell, the more profit you’ll make. This might be tough if you’re an accountant though - you can’t really prepare someone’s taxes more than once a year. Repeat Sales to the Same Customers Once someone has bought one of your products or services, it’s relatively easy to sell them another product - even if the original purchase was years ago. For example, my wife and I bought our dishwasher seven years ago, but I still remember we got a deal on it, and I like that it’s nice and quiet. So where did I go when my son needed a window air conditioner for his first New York City apartment? Back to the same appliance store I got the dishwasher from. It’s easier to sell to past customers because, if you did a good job with the first sale, you’ve already established a degree of loyalty. The key is to transform this existing loyalty into more sales. Pretty much a no-brainer, right? But here’s the shocker! When I ask my clients what they are doing to prompt their existing customers to buy from them again, often their repeat sales strategy is basically non-existent! Some may periodically send out a postcard, but most are lacking a real follow-up system that regularly reminds their best customers to buy more. If you know your customers’ buying habits - what they need and when they need it – you should easily find plenty of

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


opportunities to encourage them to come back and buy from you time and time again. This is one of the simplest strategies that most businesses neglect – maintaining a productive relationship with past clients. It’s important to stay in touch and share helpful information in order to maintain shelf space in your clients’ minds. Your clients are waiting to spend more with you. All you need to do is help them see how you can give them what they want.

Profit Action 6 Increase Repeat Sales to increase the value of every client Send out a newsletter twice a month to let your existing customers know about your other products and services. But, remember don’t make the mistake of going for the one-step sale. Instead, use your newsletter to entertain them with a story about someone who had a problem that you solved for them, or a need that you filled. Then, educate your readers about how your product benefited this client. Track your results, and see if you can’t trigger both repeat sales of a given product and new sales of a different product from repeat customers. How much more could you make by increasing repeat sales?

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Well, what are your current annual sales? Let’s say last year your gross sales were $250,000. Using the conservative estimate of 10%, you could have pulled in an additional $25,000, simply by prompting your past customers to buy more and more often. Of course, if you really optimize this strategy, you could make two to three times this number with repeat sales.

Resource Do you have a website? Using email with your website is the most cost-efficient way to increase repeat sales. The Insider Secrets to Creating Web Sites That Sell shows you exactly what to do increase your repeat sales and profits.

Ready to bring in more repeat sales? Start here >>

Step 7 to Higher Profits Multiply Your Sales and Income And increase sales by 20% - 300% or more Okay, let’s talk bowling. You don’t aim to hit the pins one at a time. The winning strategy is to hit as many pins as you can with each turn. Of course it’s harder to do, but bowlers who hit the most pins with the fewest balls win every time.

“I earned an additional $1,000 the first week. The best way to increase sales! Easy to apply and understand. Worth every penny!”

Suzanne Falter-Barns, GetKnownNow

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Do you see where I’m going with this? Wouldn’t it be easier to increase your profits if you could attract dozens or hundreds of new clients at a go, rather than one by one? You’d bring in more sales while at the same time cutting your advertising expenses. And you’d multiply your profits. The truth is, one of the most powerful tools for growing your business can be had for free! And it works whether you’re netting $50,000 a year or $10,000,000 a year, whether you’re just starting out or have been around for decades. The Most Powerful Profit Multiplier For many years my business grew steadily. Each year I discovered a new way to improve my marketing and fine-tune my strategy. Then, I discovered a way to multiply my profits. A few years ago, I signed on a handful of super-affiliates - partners who promote my products to the mega-lists they’ve compiled of interested subscribers. As a result, my sales increase by over 100% in three months, with no additional advertising costs. Yes, it was more work to develop a relationship with these big sales partners than it is sign up one individual client. But the return brought in 50 to 100 times as many sales. The concept is simple: Instead of struggling to build your list bit by bit, get someone else who already has a huge list of people in your target market to promote your products. Of course, you’ll need to make it worth their while. It’s like a referral on steroids. You can get hundreds or even thousands of qualified leads sent your way. And when your

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


sales partner promotes you, those leads come pre-sold. Your partner has already established your credibility. You just need to offer them the product or service they want. In any business, sales and referral partners are those businesses that can send multiple clients, and do so at little or no cost to themselves. In this arrangement, both you and your sales partner stand to gain. So, where can you find sales partners who can promote your products and services? Let me give you a few simple examples. You’re an athletic trainer. You could partner with someone who provides sports massage or nutrition counseling. These business complement each other, but don’t overlap. Thus, if you exchange referrals, both of you could double your clientele at no cost. Or if you’re an accountant, you could partner with a tax lawyer to help your clients get the full range of services they need. Let’s say you own a web site that sells shoes. You could offer a $25 discount coupon for a site that sells socks with each sale over $75. Your partner with the sock site would do the same for your site. Thus, you’ve doubled your marketing reach with minimal effort. You both generate more sales and make more money without actually spending a penny. Each time you partner with a business that has a broad customer base, you’ll dramatically increase your reach (and your sales and profits). And you’ll do so at almost no cost. Joint-venture partnerships, referral partnerships or sales partnerships, it doesn’t matter. You stand to make enormous profits by partnering.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Ready to get started using this simple, effective strategy to power up your profits?

Profit Action 7 Sign-Up Sales Partners to multiple your income • Sign up one referral partner - a business with large list of

prospects and customers. Have your partner send out a mailing with an informative – but readable - article that explains how your product met a clients needs, and the partner’s endorsement of your product.

• Track results. Fine-tune and repeat at least every month,

adding new sales partners as you scale up your business. Yup, it’s that easy. But you might be asking, “Won’t I have to pay these sales partners, cutting into my profits?” In some cases, partners will expect a commission from your sales. However, even if you fork over a whole 35% of your profits, you’ll still be pulling in far more than you would be without the referrals. In some cases you can get leads for free. For example, I connected with Michael Angier at an Internet conference a while back. Michael had a similar list of editors and publishers to the one I had been building. Both of our lists were around 500. We simply combined our lists and deleted duplicates, and with a few minutes of effort, we both nearly doubled the number of publications to which we could send our articles.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Thus, by simply finding someone with an overlapping interest and agreeing to share your leads, you can immediately double your reach. Or, you can simply exchange services. For example, give a partner something for free in exchange for a promotional mailing. One Internet guru I’ve worked with agreed to send one of my mailings to his subscriber list of 40,000 in exchange for one of my marketing systems. What’s the potential for profit from taking on sales partners? Add one partner and you could easily increase your sales by 50% and your profits by 20%. Add two and you could increase your profits by 40%. Add three and… You get the idea. Using this simple idea your profit potential is infinite. Resource What’s the best method to attract, sign up and profit with referral partners? I’ve been using this strategy successfully for years in my business and teaching clients in my mentoring program how to do the same. If you’re making over $100,000 and want to make more, see if you qualify >>

Want to multiply your profits working with Charlie? Apply for one-on-one help. Limited space available >>

"I can honestly say that in 8 years, I’ve NEVER had this kind of success in such a

short period of time. After laying off most of my staff in 2007 I thought my business

was a victim of the slowing economy.

Using Charlie's ideas in the past two months we've sold 30 projects - which for a video production company is HUGE! More than we've

ever signed up in any two-month period. Kris Simmons, CEO, FireEye Productions

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


Making Incremental Gains To Maximize Your Income

What’s Your Profit Potential? Ok, I’ve provided you with not one, not two, but a whopping seven great strategies you can implement to increase your profits. By now, you should have a clear idea that you could easily add at least $10,000 to $50,000 in additional profits to your business within the next few months. If you take action, that is. Why have I shared these basic ideas with you? It’s good for business. I won’t beat around the bush. If you’re just getting started building your business and are currently making less than $100,000 a year, I want you to try my marketing systems and grow your business by leaps and bounds. If you’re already on your way and are currently making more than $100,000 a year, I want you to apply for my mentoring program so that I can help take you to the next level of success. It’s good for your business. I know that these ideas work and that if you take action and apply them you can easily increase your profits by at least $5,000. Of course for most of you, that $5,000 is just a start. Let’s take one more look at how much more you could be making – at a minimum - using all seven profit-building ideas.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


1. Replace Your Marketing Message = 21% 2. Automate Lead Generation = 27% 3. Use a follow-up system to eliminate obstacles = 12% 4. Use Urgency to Prompt Sales = 10% 5. Cross-Sell and Upsell = 30% 6. Increase Repeat Sales = 10% 7. Sign-Up Sales Partners = 20% Your total is a minimum of 130% increase in sales! Go ahead and multiply your total sales from last year with that number and enter it below. Total Expected Increase In Sales after Applying These 7 Ideas $ ___________

Where to Start It’s your turn now! I’ve given you seven ways to dramatically increase your sales and profits and make $10,000 or more in the next few months. And these ideas work no matter what the economy is doing. During the last two years, while the economy has been in a nosedive, I’ve helped many clients take their businesses to new levels of profitability. I’d like to help you do the same. I’ve given you seven great ways to increase your profits, but there one key to success that I’ve left out. It’s implementation. All the ideas in the world are worthless unless you put them to use. That’s why I want you to have the following resources, which will give you the step-by-step details of how to implement the fundamental strategies outlined in this report.

7 Steps to Get More Clients and Grow Your Business

© Copyright 2008 Charlie Cook • InMind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written perission is prohibited and a violation of International copyright law.


1. Get More Attention Fast with The Insider Secrets to 15 Second Marketing >> 2. Generate Twice As Many Leads and Sales with The Insider Secrets to Highly Effective Marketing >> 3. Eliminate Annoying Obstacles and Motivate People to Buy with The Insider Secrets to Eliminating Obstacles >> 4. Make Your Website Come Alive and Transform It Into a Money-Making Machine with The Insider Secrets to Creating Web Sites That Sell >> 5. Get Rock Solid Practical One-on-One Help Growing Your Business With My Unique Profit Building Program >> Employ just one of these resources and you can improve your sales by 20%-30%. Use them all and you can improve your sales by over 200%. The best way to get started is with The Ultimate Insider Marketing Secrets Special >>

Charlie Cook P.S. My goal in providing you with this special report was to give you ideas you could use right away to make thousands more. However, this is just a small preview of what you’ll learn from any of the Insider Secrets marketing systems listed above or at www.mfsstore.com P.P.S. The Insider Secrets Series shows you the step-by-step methods you need to maximize your profits. Last Chance Discover which Insider Secrets to success you’ve been missing at: www.mfsstore.com