“7 Steps to a Successful...

ARBONNE UNIVERSITY LEARN • BUILD • ACHIEVE ARBONNE UNIVERSITY LEARN • BUILD • ACHIEVE “7 Steps to a Successful Presentation” Congratulations on your new Arbonne International business. You’ve made a smart choice to team with this thriving company. The key to growing your new business is holding successful product Presentations. You will learn all seven steps to the best Presentations, coaching your Host, preparing for your Presentation, greeting your guests, opening your Presentation, intro- ducing Arbonne company and product information, giving product demonstrations and clos- ing your Presentation. With step one, you lay the groundwork for a successful Presentation by coaching your Host. Coaching develops a partnership between you and your Hosts. Your Host earns the maximum rewards and you grow your Arbonne business by making new contacts. Coach two ways; after Presentations when someone decides they want to be a Host or at someone’s house at a prescheduled time. In either case, coaching takes 20 minutes. When you coach your Hosts, you make sure they try the products so they are educated and enthusiastic about Arbonne. You will give them the Host Rewards brochure, Product Cata- logues and Retail Order forms and you will review the Product Line Overview and begin the invitation process. But remember, your Hosts have agreed to open their homes and spend some time making your Presentation successful. So coaching starts with a thank you. Making sure your Hosts use the products at home before the Presentation ensures you get heartfelt testimonies about their positive experiences. That helps generate excitement which spreads to their guests. Next, share the benefits of Hosting a Presentation. Let your Host know what’s in it for them. Detail some of Arbonne’s excellent Host rewards. It’s another way of saying thank you to your Host. Explain the “3 Ways to Win” with Arbonne since you will be discussing them at the Presentation.

Transcript of “7 Steps to a Successful...




“7 Steps to a Successful Presentation”

Congratulations on your new Arbonne International business. You’ve made a smart choice to team with this thriving company. The key to growing your new business is holding successful product Presentations. You will learn all seven steps to the best Presentations, coaching your Host, preparing for your Presentation, greeting your guests, opening your Presentation, intro-ducing Arbonne company and product information, giving product demonstrations and clos-ing your Presentation.

With step one, you lay the groundwork for a successful Presentation by coaching your Host. Coaching develops a partnership between you and your Hosts. Your Host earns the maximum rewards and you grow your Arbonne business by making new contacts. Coach two ways; after Presentations when someone decides they want to be a Host or at someone’s house at a prescheduled time. In either case, coaching takes 20 minutes.

When you coach your Hosts, you make sure they try the products so they are educated and enthusiastic about Arbonne. You will give them the Host Rewards brochure, Product Cata-logues and Retail Order forms and you will review the Product Line Overview and begin the invitation process. But remember, your Hosts have agreed to open their homes and spend some time making your Presentation successful. So coaching starts with a thank you.

Making sure your Hosts use the products at home before the Presentation ensures you get heartfelt testimonies about their positive experiences. That helps generate excitement which spreads to their guests. Next, share the benefi ts of Hosting a Presentation. Let your Host know what’s in it for them. Detail some of Arbonne’s excellent Host rewards. It’s another way of saying thank you to your Host. Explain the “3 Ways to Win” with Arbonne since you will be discussing them at the Presentation.

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Take a little time to explain the product lines to your Host. Let them choose which line will be featured at their Presentation. From there, they’ll start choosing guests who would be inter-ested in that line. Have your Host get started on the guest list right away. Then schedule a time to pick up your copy of the list so you can send out invitations. Leave a sample invita-tion and your business card behind in case your Host has any questions. Also, leave the Host with Product Catalogues so they can begin their wish list. And give them some extra Product Catalogues and Retail Order forms to hand out to anyone who might not be able to attend the Presentations.

Arbonne research shows there are a couple of key steps to getting the best possible turnout for your Presentation. Let the Host know they should call their guests and tell them the invita-tion is coming and you should personally call the guests the night before the Presentation to introduce yourself and see if guests have any skin care questions. It’s an easy call that lasts just moments. If you encounter guests who cannot attend, you have the opportunity to make an additional sale or fi nd a new business partner or get more referrals.

Be sure to coach your Host about having a distraction free environment for your Presentation. Remember to have fun when coaching your Host. By partnering with them, educating them and getting them excited to Host, you will be laying the foundation for a very successful Pre-sentation.

Step one: Coaching your Host will guarantee better attendance and higher sales at your Pre-sentation. It’s your responsibility as a Consultant to explain to the Host that basically you are business partners for this Presentation. It’s their job to invite the guests and make sure the guests show up. It’s your job to do a great Presentation. But if nobody shows up, you are not going to have a great Presentation.

I remember when I fi rst became an Independent Consultant, one of the very fi rst classes I did was for a woman I met at the gym. She offered to do a class, 3:00 o’clock on a Sunday after-noon, I got there at 2:30, all prepared and ready to go. At 3:15 nobody showed up, at 3:30 no-body showed up, at 3:45, I asked her where everybody was and she shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t know.” Then I asked her what, well, what did you say when you invited these people and then she said, “Well, I told them I was doing this skin care thing around 3 o’clock and if they wanted to come by, they could come by.” It was a good lesson for me. I learned at that point, I must coach my Host and after that, it certainly increased my sales.

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It’s defi nitely worth a half an hour of your time to pick up the phone and call and invite the guests personally, introduce yourself. If that’s not possible, and your Host is going to be the one responsible for inviting the guests and confi rming that the guests are coming, then it’s also worth your time to coach your Host, tell them what to say, you can do some roll playing. Remember, this is your business, it’s not their business and I promise you, you will fi nd it very valuable. You know the next person who offers to Host a class for you, might be the next Na-tional Vice President in your SuccessLine.

Step two: Preparing for your Presentation comes next. Start by assembling the materials you will need to bring with you for every Presentation. Be sure you have plenty of Product Cata-logues, including the Product Line Overviews; bring some Eye on Arbonne stories, some StartNOW Application and Agreement forms and some Consultant Product Order forms. Don’t forget Retail Price List & Order forms, Autoship Agreement forms and a few StartNOW Workbooks and CDs for guests who would like to become Consultants. People interested in starting an Arbonne business might also like ArbonneNOW Prospecting CDs and company brochures. If you plan to invite guests to a Makeup Madness party, a business Presentation or any other event, make sure to bring fl yers and don’t forget to bring pens.

If you are giving a Presentation on NutriMinCTM RE9, bring the NutriMinCTM RE9 set, with travel tote and the NutriMinCTM RE9 body system set with gift bag. Be sure to use full size products and remember to bring alcohol free wipes, which you can pick up from your lo-cal drugstore. You guests can use them to wipe off the face wash after they tested it on their hands. Be sure to bring the Awaken Sea Salt Scrub.

On Presentation day, arrive at your Hosts house a half hour early and set up products and order forms and snacks. Take a second to relax with your Host before the Presentation and re-assure them that it will be fun and all they have to do is to let you take charge. What’s crucial to step number two is that being prepared and organized is crucial to the success of your Ar-bonne business. Your Host is your partner in success. You want to reassure them that they’ve made the right decision inviting you into their home and sharing Arbonne with their friends. You’re advertising every time you work your Arbonne business. If you are keeping your busi-ness simple, relaxed and effortless, you’re sending the message, “hey, she can do this, I can do this too.” What you do, really duplicates so make sure that you arrive early and set up a very simple display in the area you are doing your Presentation. Also have a closing area a little bit away from there, where you can have your calendar, your calculator, some Host packs and maybe even a basket of products you are going to use to give away. Make sure you plan ahead at least two weeks, do you have enough Product Catalogues, Order forms and other tools to be prepared for the next several Presentations. Be prepared.

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Your Presentation begins with step three: Greeting your guests. Welcome everyone as they arrive and lead them to the sink where they will try the Awaken Sea Salt Scrub. This is a great way to introduce them to an Arbonne product, which lets them feel and smell the Arbonne dif-ference. And there’s instant gratifi cation with the product results, soft smooth skin.

Use this fi rst face-to-face meeting to get to know the guests and to discover if anyone might be a potential business partner. Once everyone has had a chance to try the Awaken Sea Salt Scrub and talk about the results, lead them into the living room for the Presentation.

Step three: Greeting your guest really sets the tone for your Presentation and in many cases; it’s the fi rst impression of you and the Arbonne products. So you really want to work to make it fun and a relaxed atmosphere. Maybe with some soft music playing in the background or perhaps some candles lit and personally I like to dress business casual. If you have pets or children, you want to make sure arraignments have been made for them so not to disrupt the Presentation.

When my guests do arrive, I like to meet them at the door and walk with them into the kitchen where I have an area set up for demonstrating with access to water and paper towels and that is where I like to demonstrate the fabulous Awaken Sea Salt Scrub on one arm and the NutriMinCTM RE9 body treatment on the other arm. This is a perfect opportunity for you to showcase the wonderful products.

Then at this point, I like to offer my guests something to drink and then direct them into the living room where the rest of the guests are seated and where the demonstration or Presenta-tion will take place. This gives you a perfect opportunity to introduce them to the rest of the guests and thank everyone for coming and paint the picture that this is really going to be a fun, relaxed and informative Arbonne Presentation. And remember, all the time you spend in preparing yourself and your home for the Presentation will result in a positive experience for your guests and a very successful and product Presentation for you.

Step four: Opening your Presentation is all about kicking off your Presentation right. When your Presentation begins, give your Host a Host gift. As they accept, ask for their testimoni-als. Follow up with your Arbonne Why so everyone understands what your Arbonne business means to you. Invite guests to introduce themselves and share a skin care question they may have. This will help involve them in the Presentation and tell you what type of information to cover so you can tailor your Presentation to your guests.

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Step four: Opening your Presentation. This is so important because this is where you get to share your Why, your reason for doing Arbonne. Now what I want to encourage you to do is to make your Why about the business not about the products because one of your goals at the Presentation is to fi nd a business builder.

So when you share your Why, make sure you share incredible things about the company and what the business has done for you and what it has done for other people you have met or even from Eye on Arbonne stories that you have read with your guests. Now this is very un-comfortable for a lot of people because it is more natural for us to feel comfortable talking about the products because they’re awesome but it’s so important for you to get our of your comfort zone and talk about the business at this time.

One of the things that I teach the Consultants on my team to say so they can feel more com-fortable talking about the opportunity is this, say to your guests, “I know that a lot of you are here tonight because you can’t wait to hear about our incredible products and we are going to get to that. But I have to share the Arbonne opportunity with you tonight because I know some of you may be looking for something like this. And maybe if you are not, you may know some-one, a friend or a family member who can benefi t from this opportunity. And as I share some of the facts about Arbonne with you, I want you to be thinking about people who you know that could be the right fi t for us.”

For example, someone who might not be happy in their current job situation, or someone who might want to quit their job and stay home with their children, maybe someone who has debt and who would like to be debt free, someone who would like fi nancial freedom whatever the reason may be, I would love to visit with you at the end and if you like what you hear for your-self and you like more information, I have a special packet of information that I would like to give you at the end of the Presentation so just let me know. So step four, opening your Presen-tation is the best way to share the Arbonne Opportunity with other people.

After the guest introductions and skin care question, begin step fi ve: Giving Arbonne company and product information. It’s your chance to make the company shine, show off the Arbonne difference; make sure every guest knows how special these products are. All the information you will give your guests is in your Product Line Overview or in your Product Catalogue. You don’t have to memorize a thing, just read from your materials, and make sure your guests have the same materials so they can follow along.

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Now that you’ve planted the seeds of “3 Ways to Win” with Arbonne and you’ve explained the “7 Avenues of Income,” you’ve left no stone unturned in sharing the Arbonne opportunity. By simply providing this information, you will sponsor new Consultants and help others how to know how they can enjoy having their own business. Next, show your guests how incred-ible the Arbonne products are. Review the skin care lines so your guests can understand Arbonne’s varied skin care systems and know the importance of using each complete skin care line.

The purpose of step fi ve is providing an overview of Arbonne and that’s a challenge because there is so much to say about Arbonne because it’s about so many different things. The im-portant things you want to convey is that Arbonne is a well-established company with high standards and very comprehensive product line that focuses on anti-aging. And you want to be sure to tell people why Arbonne is different and how it’s different in the market place. You want to know the points you want to say, then you want to relax and you want to let your en-thusiasm show because enthusiasm is contagious.

And what I like to do to make sure that I’m not overwhelming people with information is to stick to the materials already written by Arbonne. Like the product overview and the Product Catalogue. I like to go through the Product Catalogue within the fi rst couple of pages and pick out a couple points about the history, a couple of points about the people and a couple of points about the environment. And then go over the Arbonne difference points in that section and that helps me stay on track without overwhelming people with information. So relax, know what you are doing and just be excited.

Demonstrating the product is step six. Again, nothing needs to be memorized when doing the demonstration, just read the description of the product you are demonstrating from the Prod-uct Catalogue itself.

Step six is so important because it engages the Client. It allows them to get involved in the demonstration and I always love to give a personal product testimony during step six. This way I am actually making a personal connection with the Client, they are able to identify with me and Arbonne is all about building relationships and that’s going to even further build the relationship with the client. So just remember, facts tell. I can tell all about the NutriMinCTM RE9, that is has nine key ingredients but stories sell. So that’s the important thing for me to give my own personal testimony. If you don’t’ have your own personal testimony, then borrow someone else’s.

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I also like to during the demonstration like to explain to the Clients that they are going to use all their senses to experience Arbonne. They are going to smell the wonderful citrus aroma. They are going to be able to see the difference in the treated hand versus the untreated hand. I like them to use their sense of touch and touch the treated hand and then touch the untreat-ed hand. And also to examine it, examine the treated hand, just after even you apply one-step you can see the difference. So have them compare the treated hand and the untreated hand. That’s the really exciting thing, it’s an almost immediate change and they really get engaged with that.

So the last little tip I would like to give about step six is that I actually have the Client apply the NutriMinCTM RE9 Transforming Lift to their skin, even over there makeup. I do it for them, I pat a little of the NutriMinCTM RE9 Transforming Lift on for them and then I have them wave their hand in front of it and they will actually feel it tightening on their skin and that’s a really exciting thing for them, you can see the light bulb going off. So it’s really wonderful to have them be able experience it for themselves and then back that up with your personal testi-monial about your experience and they will become engaged and involved and will see that Arbonne makes a difference in your skin and with your testimony with their lives.

It’s time now to close your Presentation, step seven. Thank your Host for the hospitality and thank the guests for attending. Remind everyone about the “3 Ways to Win” with Arbonne. Now is the time to answer questions, take orders and fi nd new business partners. Offer your guests snacks and beverages and encourage them to review their Product Catalogues to build their wish list. Let everyone know you would like to meet with those who need to leave fi rst. And don’t forget to request referrals from everyone attending your Presentation.

There are several opportunities to help your guests choose what they want. They will give you Client orders; some guests will decide to become an Arbonne Consultant for the discount. A new Client or future Consultant may want to Host a Presentation to take advantage of the Host Rewards and best of all, guests may decide to become Arbonne business builders. Pres-ent all the Arbonne options to your guests. Don’t assume they will tell you what they want, remember every guest is different. Ask questions to fi nd out which Arbonne opportunity inter-ests them.

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Once the guests have gone home, sit down with your Host and wrap up your Presentation. Express your sincere gratitude for Hosting your Presentation. Ask your Host for any outside orders they received from people who couldn’t attend. Remind your guests the benefi ts about becoming an Arbonne business builder and tell them whether any quests signed up to be Consultants or expressed interest in the opportunity. Offer the opportunity to your Host, em-phasis the guests who just signed up to become Consultants will be the people who will help them launch their new Arbonne business.

All new Consultants have an Upline for support and guidance and the Host of the Presentation would be the perfect Upline for those quests. If the Host is interested in starting an Arbonne business, schedule a time to follow-up with them to discuss the opportunity. If they can meet when you are meeting with the others who are interested, you can bring everyone together at the same time, which helps them to bond to become a successful team.

Finally, take your Hosts orders and help them take advantage of all the specials and discounts available based on the Presentations orders and their outside orders. The specials and dis-counts generate more excitement about Arbonne and then show how Arbonne rewards their Host. Plus, the special prices are a nice way to reward the Host for their help and involvement in your Presentation.

Presentations are the best way to grow your business and share the Arbonne opportunity with others. It’s gratifying to be a part of a business that not only help you reach your fi nancial goals but it helps other to reach their goals and dreams to. Your sponsor will help you on your fi rst few Presentations because with Arbonne, you are not in it alone.

Just remember the seven simple steps to a successful Presentation:1. Coaching your Host2. Preparing for your Presentation3. Greeting your guest4. Opening your Presentation5. Giving Arbonne company and product information6. Giving product demonstrations7. Closing your Presentation

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Now, it’s up to you. You have to make it happen. It’s not going to feel comfortable and it’s not going to feel natural when you fi rst start. You are going to have to practice. Practice in front of your mirror, have some friends over, practice in front of your kids, have family members over. But you have to make it happen. You have all of the tools that you need to be successful in this business. If you duplicate what you have heard but add your own twist to it, this can fi t your personality. You will be successful in Arbonne and I hope to see you at the top someday.

Don’t wait to start taking advantage of the unique Arbonne opportunity that can help make anyone’s vision of the future a reality.