7 Mysterious Underwater Cities That You Never Heard Before

7 Mysterious Underwater Cities You Never Knew Existed…

Transcript of 7 Mysterious Underwater Cities That You Never Heard Before

7 Mysterious Underwater Cities You Never Knew Existed…

The Lost Kingdom of Cleopatra, Heracleion (Thonis), Egypt

Believed to be a myth, this ancient city was discovered in the year 2000. Thonis was home to the Pharaohs, and archaeologists have found amazing things like gold coins, Green and Egyptian stone slabs, 16 foot statues, 64 sunken ships, and many other artefacts.

The Ancient Lion City, Shi Cheng, China

This city was not sunk by a natural calamity. The Chinese government sunk this city to make way for a hydroelectric power station. Located 130 feet below water in the Quiandao Lake, Shi Cheng is a puzzle made up of temples, arches, and homes.

The Mysterious Ancient Pyramids of Yonaguni-Jima, Japan

This site is home to an ancient pyramid which is the subject of a lot of controversy. Many believe it to be a relic of an advanced civilization, and many others believe that is a natural phenomenon. One thing is for sure, this is an amazing site.

The Pirate City of Port Royal, Jamaica

Struck by a Tsunami, Port Royal was considered to be ‘the wickedest city on Earth’ because it was a pirate city, with crime rampant everywhere. People believed that the Tsunami was God’s judgement Whatever the truth be, many historical artefacts have been recovered and put up for display in museums.

The Neolithic Settlement of Atlit-Yam, Israel

One of the oldest cities ever, this amazing underwater city is dated back to 6900 BC. Archaeologists have found stone ritual sites, tombstones, and even skeletons. And in a mother-daughter pair of skeletons found here, the oldest known case of tuberculosis was found.

The Classical Roman City of Baia, Italy

Volcanic activity in the nearby area caused the ocean to rise, and swallow this city completely. Baia was once a thriving city known for being the entertainment capital. This is one of the few archaeological sites open for public. You can either dive or take glass bottomed boat rides here.    

The Ancient Greek City of Pavlopetri, Greece

This ancient city is a well over 5000 years, making it one of the oldest submerged cities in the world. The city went underwater in the year 1000 BC because of a landslide. Till date, they have found 15 structures in this 9 acre wide city, and exploration is still on going.

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