7. Miranda v. Abaya

  JOEL G. MIRANDA VS. ANT ONIO M. ABAYA  Jose "Pempe" Mirand a, then incumbent mayor of Santiago City , Isabela, led his certicate of candidacy for the same mayoralty post for the synchronized May 11, 1! elections Pri#ate respondent $ntonio M $baya l ed a Pet it ion to %eny %ue Course to and& or Canc el Cert i ca te of  Candidacy 'he petition (as )*$+'% by Comelec and they further ruled to %IS-.$/I0 Jose "Pempe" Miranda 2n Ma y 3, 1!, (a y be yond the deadli ne for ling a certi cate of  candidacy, petitioner Joel ) Miranda led his certicate of candidacy for the mayoralty post, supposedly as a substitute for his father, Jose "Pempe" Mi randa %uri ng the Ma y 11, 1! el ecti ons, peti ti oner and pr i#ate respondent #ied for the mayoralty seat, (ith petitioner garnering 44,554  #otes, 1,333 more #otes than pri#ate respondent (ho got only 45, 663 #otes Pri#ate respondent led a Petition to %eclare +ull and 7oid Substitution (ith Prayer for Issuance of 8rit of Preliminary In9unction and&or 'emporary *estraining 2rder :e prayed for the nullication of petitioner;s certicate of candidacy for being #oid ab initio because the certicate of candidacy of  Jose "Pempe" Miranda, (hom petitioner (as supposed to substitute, had already been cancelled and denied due course Issue< 82+ the peti ti oner, (h o (a s beyond the dead li ne for l ing a certicate of candidacy, be =ualied to substitute a candidate (hose C2C (as cancelled and denied> Held< +2 In  Bautista vs. Comelec the Court e?pl icit ly ruled that "a cancel led certicate d!es n!t i#e rise t! a #alid candidac$."  $ person (ithout a  #alid certicate of candidacy cannot be considered a candidate in much the same (ay as any person (ho has not led any certicate of candidacy at all can not, by any stretch of the imagination, be a candidate at all 'he la( clearly pro#ides< SC @6 Certifcate o candidacy -- +o person shall be eligible for any electi#e public oAice unless he les a s(orn certicate of candidacy (ithin the period ?ed herein By its e?press language, the foregoing pr o#isi on of la( is absol ut ely mandatory It is but logical to say that any person (ho attempts to run for an ele ct i#e oAice but does not l e a certi cate of candidacy , is not a candidate at all +o amount of #otes (ould catapult him into oAice

Transcript of 7. Miranda v. Abaya

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 Jose "Pempe" Miranda, then incumbent mayor of Santiago City, Isabela, ledhis certicate of candidacy for the same mayoralty post for the

synchronized May 11, 1! elections Pri#ate respondent $ntonio M $bayaled a Petition to %eny %ue Course to and&or Cancel Certicate of Candidacy 'he petition (as )*$+'% by Comelec and they further ruledto %IS-.$/I0 Jose "Pempe" Miranda

2n May 3, 1!, (ay beyond the deadline for ling a certicate of candidacy, petitioner Joel ) Miranda led his certicate of candidacy forthe mayoralty post, supposedly as a substitute for his father, Jose "Pempe"Miranda %uring the May 11, 1! elections, petitioner and pri#aterespondent #ied for the mayoralty seat, (ith petitioner garnering 44,554 #otes, 1,333 more #otes than pri#ate respondent (ho got only 45, 663 #otes

Pri#ate respondent led a Petition to %eclare +ull and 7oid Substitution(ith Prayer for Issuance of 8rit of Preliminary In9unction and&or 'emporary*estraining 2rder :e prayed for the nullication of petitioner;s certicateof candidacy for being #oid ab initio because the certicate of candidacy of  Jose "Pempe" Miranda, (hom petitioner (as supposed to substitute, hadalready been cancelled and denied due course

Issue< 82+ the petitioner, (ho (as beyond the deadline for ling acerticate of candidacy, be =ualied to substitute a candidate (hose C2C(as cancelled and denied>

Held< +2

In  Bautista vs. Comelec  the Court e?plicitly ruled that "a cancelledcerticate d!es n!t i#e rise t! a #alid candidac$."  $ person (ithout a #alid certicate of candidacy cannot be considered a candidate in much thesame (ay as any person (ho has not led any certicate of candidacy at allcan not, by any stretch of the imagination, be a candidate at all

'he la( clearly pro#ides<SC @6 Certifcate o candidacy -- +o person shall be eligible for any

electi#e public oAice unless he les a s(orn certicate of candidacy(ithin the period ?ed herein

By its e?press language, the foregoing pro#ision of la( is absolutelymandatory It is but logical to say that any person (ho attempts to run foran electi#e oAice but does not le a certicate of candidacy, is not acandidate at all +o amount of #otes (ould catapult him into oAice

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In Gador vs. Comelec D SC*$ E61 F1!5GH, the Court held that acerticate of candidacy led beyond the period ?ed by la( is #oid, and theperson (ho led it is not, in la(, a candidate Much in the same manner as aperson (ho led no certicate of candidacy at all and a person (ho led itout of time, a person (hose certicate of candidacy is cancelled or denied

due course is no candidate at all +o amount of #otes should entitle him tothe electi#e oAice aspired for 'he e#ident purposes of the la( in re=uiringthe ling of certicates of candidacy and in ?ing the time limit thereforare< (a) to enable the #oters to no(, at least si?ty days before the regularelection, the candidates among (hom they are to mae the choice, and (b)to a#oid confusion and incon#enience in the tabulation of the #otes cast 0orif the la( did not conne the choice or election by the #oters to the dulyregistered candidates, there might be as many persons #oted for as thereare #oters, and #otes might be cast e#en for unno(n or ctitious personsas a mar to identify the #otes in fa#or of a candidate for another oAice inthe same election

 $fter ha#ing considered the importance of a certicate of candidacy, it canbe readily understood (hy in Bautista the Court ruled that a person (ith acancelled certicate is no candidate at all

 $ dis=ualied candidate may only be substituted if he had a valid certicateof candidacy in the rst place because, if the dis=ualied candidate did notha#e a #alid and seasonably led certicate of candidacy, he is and (as nota candidate at all If a person (as not a candidate, he cannot be substitutedunder Section @@ of the 2mnibus lection Code Besides, if (e (ere toallo( the socalled "substitute" to le a "ne(" and "original" certicate of candidacy beyond the period for the ling thereof, it (ould be a crystalline

case of une=ual protection of the la(, an act abhorred by our Constitution

:ence, Comelec ruling to $++./ the election and proclamation of petitioner (as $00I*M%