7 Minute Workday


Transcript of 7 Minute Workday

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Andrew Barnett

The author may be contacted at [email protected] Copyright © LTG GoldRock 2010

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

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“The Credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those

cold timid souls who neither knew victory or defeat”

Theodore Roosevelt, in a speech at the Sorborne, 1910

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Chapter Index:

Introduction: Teaching the Elephant not to Dance .................. 4 Chapter 1: Time is Money in the Currency of the Time Rich .. 7 Chapter 2: Why Do You Earn What You Earn? ..................... 9 Chapter 3: How Productive Are You-Really? ......................... 12 Chapter 4: Who Or What Are The Time Rich? ........................ 14 Chapter 5: So What Is A System For Financial Leverage? ..... 17 Chapter 6: Not All Systems for Financial Leverage Are Equal 19 Chapter 7: The Elephant Awakens.......................................... 24 Chapter 8: How To Lose Money On A Sure Bet. .................... 29

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Introduction: Teaching the Elephant not to Dance

No one will argue that an Elephant is the most powerful land animal we have on earth and is capable of huge physical force and feats of strength. Observe an Elephant in the wild and you will see it has the ability to push down massive trees, just to get the berries from a branch out of its reach. Yet anyone who has been to a circus or a zoo will notice that Adult Elephants are tied down with a simple rope from their leg to a stake in the ground. To the observer this makes no sense. How can a simple rope hold down the world’s most powerful and majestic animal? The fact is, it does this very successfully. The rope keeps this enormous strength under total control at all times. How is this so? Wouldn’t the rope simply break or the peg leave the ground the instant the elephant applied even the smallest amount of force. The answer is yes, it would absolutely break with little effort. However, this would only happen if the Elephant was able to break (not the rope), but its years of training and the way it was taught to think: its mental rope. What most people don’t know is that Elephant trainers could never do this with a wild Elephant. This is only possible with an Elephant they have trained since it was barely able to walk. They manage this by taking the baby Elephant and tying its leg to a very deep stake with a solid chain that the baby Elephant is incapable of breaking with its relatively limited strength. After constraining the baby Elephant this way for some years, it begins to realize pulling and trying to escape the chain and stake is impossible.

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As the Elephant grows and gets used to the idea that the stake and chain is unbreakable, the trainer can attach just about any old flimsy rope to the Elephant’s foot and tie it to a stake of limited strength, relative to the Elephant’s abilities, and the Elephant will be secure. It may be obvious to you by now why I wrote this book about ‘Living the Life of the Time Rich’ this way. Elephants are extremely smart if you observe their behavior. But human beings are even smarter right? We have incredible brains and ability to use logic better than any other animal on earth. We go to school for 13 years and some onto higher education for 2-6 more years, yet we work our whole lives to make a living because we are told that’s the way to get ahead. “Get a good job, work hard and success will come”, we are told by people we trust and admire. For some this is true. They will become successful working long hours; however on this road sacrifice their wives/husbands/relationships with their children and health, working hard for ’the man’. For the majority it would seem, no matter how much they try, what they hoped they would gain by working hard becomes a lost cause. Now if you are one of the relative few I congratulate you and wish you continued success. If, however, you are one of the many like me who found themselves wondering where the great promise has lead you, I would like to suggest that perhaps there is another way. Now is the time for you to escape the mental constraints of the ‘rope’ that you have around your feet and begin to use your true strength and immense capabilities to live out your full potential. Only when you realize this and are prepared to break years of limiting beliefs about what you can and can’t do, can you truly be free. If not, you will simply join the growing momentum of those who are frustrated, unhappy and discontent with their current paths, yet still allow themselves to be held back by their constricting beliefs. Whatever you choose to do of course is up to you. As much as I would like to reach out of the book and grab you, I cannot force you to learn from my mistakes.

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I can only try to encourage you and help lead the way, not from a place of fear and scarcity, but from a place of experience, strength and hope. You see I am free. Why? I freed myself after I found myself in a place I did not want to be. Desperation drove me to this new place. I learned the hard way, but you don’t have to take the same path as I did unless you want to. Some of us, myself included need to learn the hard way until we are ready to travel a new path. Whatever you do is up to you of course. I hope my story and these ideas I present to you will inspire you and help you to break your mental chains and live the life you so richly deserve. Sincerely, Andrew Barnett Author

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Time is Money in the Currency of the Time Rich

Why would anyone want to work 8 hours a day when they can make the same money in 4 hours? They would not of course. Very few people I know would disagree with this. For example, if you earn $20 per hour and work 8 hours a day your income is $160 per day. If your boss offered to double your hourly pay because you are doing a great job, but then said s/he could only offer you a maximum of 4 hours per day. Logic says this would make you extremely happy-Correct! Why is this so? The answer is obvious; now you have something you did not have before besides money! Now, you have something equally valuable to everyone, TIME. Let’s assume s/he offered you even more, $80 per hour but cut your hours down again to only 2per day. I would suggest that you would be even happier. Again for the same reason above, now you have even more time! So the question is- are you better off working an 8 hour day or a 2 hour day? The answer is obvious and almost ridiculously simple. However, as we progress in this exercise, there is an interesting psychology at play. That is, the higher the hourly rate goes in our exercise above and the lower the amount of hours worked, the more cynical we are likely to become in believing that this is possible for 2 reasons:

1. You will at some point if we keep going, stop believing that because you were earning $20 per hour (or whatever your current base hourly rate is)

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that you can achieve, or are worth, 2, 4, 6, 16 or 64 times this amount on an hourly basis.

2. You will stop believing there are opportunities to make the same daily income that you earn now by doing 2,4,8,16 or 64 times less work to achieve the same outcome.

Be honest with yourself right now and check in with your belief system regarding this aspect of your life. If you are feeling cynical and saying to yourself, ‘there’s got to be a catch or this is all very well in theory’, then you are not alone. Millions of others feel the same way. I know as I used to be one of them. The psychology I refer to here is the psychology I describe in the introduction “teaching the elephant not to dance”. If you are cynical or don’t believe it is possible to work 2, 4 8, 16 or even 64 times less, you need to look down and check your leg for a rope!

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Why Do You Earn What You Earn?

Let’s start at the beginning. Why are you earning what you are currently earning? It does not matter what it is for this example! I don’t care if its $9.68 per hour ($20 000 per year) or $96.80 per hour ($200 000 per year). Why are you earning this and not more? You might be thinking, “well that’s what my job pays”, or “that’s what I asked for when I joined my company”. Okay, but what makes your time worth this amount of money on an hourly basis based on an 8 hour day? The true answer revolves around the economics of supply and demand. The more specialized and therefore scarce your skills are, the higher your hourly rate will be. Similarly, the less specialized and therefore more available your skills are, the lower your hourly rate will be. So what most people do to try to climb this demand and supply curve is try to increase their skill base by going to University and specializing so they get a qualification to get more pay. Sometimes this works. However this philosophy and methodology of increasing your skill base this way has limitations that you can never work harder or study more to overcome. Your ability to earn more pay has an absolute ceiling. No matter how much you are earning per hour, be it $9.68 or $98.60, there is a limit to what you can earn, why? Because there is a limit to what you are effectively selling: Your TIME.

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You have no more than 24 hours a day, no matter who you are, and this is why trading your time for money is a certain road to disappointment for most of us. It leads to a life less traveled. In chapter 1 we demonstrated the more time you gain back the happier you will be. Time is the currency of the Time Rich. What people do, however foolishly, is to try to sell more and more of it and sacrifice time for more money, based on the fact that they have a limited ceiling to their hourly earning capacity. So, if this is our strategy to get ahead in life we are at odds with ourselves. We instinctively know and have shown the logic that getting our time back makes us happy. But the pressures of life force us to sell more time and in most cases all of what we have, leaving very little left to live and enjoy life. Whatever little leisure time we do have is spent trying to squeeze so much into it that we don’t even enjoy it! The end result is a society that is over worked, over stressed, and unhappy because we have no spare time to enjoy life. We spiral down physically and mentally as we struggle to pay our bills. We quickly realize that every time we manage to sell more time to earn more, our expenses quickly expand to meet the new level of income we have gained- by selling more time. This is why many people work 2 jobs, work ‘overtime’ and work unnaturally long hours. This is not as admirable as society would have us believe. In fact, it’s insane.

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Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We are on a treadmill that we put ourselves on because we were told it is the road to happiness. When the realization sets in that perhaps we are indeed on a treadmill and tired after years of working and struggling just to keep up, we become disillusioned with the direction our lives have taken. This brings on enormous mental stress and stress is the number 1 cause of illness and disease in our modern society. No wonder our hospitals are overflowing with sick people.

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How Productive Are You-Really?

Dr Fred Gross, a lifelong scholar of time management, said that in an 8 hour day most people actually work just 2 hours at their maximum productivity. The rest of the day is average or below average at best. This may sound interesting to you but if you really think about it, it is extraordinarily profound and presents enormous opportunity for you. When I first heard this, it was the catalyst that started my journey to where I find myself today. I went from working 10-15 hours a day and still not keeping up with my financial needs, to working just minutes a day and living the life of the Time Rich. When I heard Dr Gross make this statement I became determined to look at everything I ‘did’ in a day and while I was ‘doing’ things for all these hours, how productive was I really? Suddenly with this new perspective I came to realize how much time I wasted ‘doing things’, crazy things that distracted me from being financially productive and gave me little effective results. So, immediately I started to say no to things that I felt were holding me back:

a) I stopped wasting time b) I stopped doing things to simply ‘feel’ busy c) I stopped attending unproductive meetings d) I stopped driving in peak hour traffic e) I stopped running errands

It was an amazing revelation. Without much effort I eliminated approximately 50% of my ‘work’ day and went from ‘working’ 10 hours down to 5 with no negative consequence to my productivity.

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I was overjoyed and excited. I immediately set a challenge to cut this time in half again and set a goal to ‘work’ just 2.5 hours and gauge the results. What do you think happened? No matter what I did there were no more efficiencies or improvements I could make in my productivity without affecting my income levels. I hit the wall. I tried different techniques and approaches to things such as multi- tasking, but it made little difference to actual time saving. So what were my options? Could it be that Dr Gross was wrong? I was extremely disappointed and after some months of fruitless effort to become more efficient, I reached a critical point. I had to make a decision. If I was to get any more time back to become Time Rich, I was going to have to sacrifice my ability to earn and face becoming financially less well off. This unenviable decision seemed like a choice between two evils - this is because I did not realize that no matter what I did I was still in the TIME- MONEY selling game! The initial euphoria I had about the concept of time management as the guru’s talk about, had its serous limitations when it came to the concept of the Time Rich. This fact was not 100% clear to me at the time.

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Who Or What Are The Time Rich?

When I first heard the term the ‘Time Rich’ I completely misunderstood what this meant. On face value it was a new breed of people who made news in Fortune 500 Magazine or the BRW Rich list. The fact is it’s far more profound and important than that. You don’t have to make Fortune 500 Magazine or BRW to become the Time Rich. It’s easier than that. All you have to do is decide that your time has greater or equal value to money. This is your first step. You have probably heard the saying: “there has not been one person lying on their death bed that expressed regret about not spending more time in the office”. In fact, this saying reflects that amongst the many regrets people have at that final period in their lives, working more is not one of them. It’s the regret of not working less that always seems to take place. It’s the regret of not spending more time with their kids. It’s the regret of not taking more holidays. It’s the regret of taking life too seriously. This is a deep insight into true human desire. People want to be free to maximize their time on earth with those they love. They want to spend the time they have on earth in a meaningful way and be remembered for that. This is not to say working has no virtue. However, working too much at the expense of balance and moderation is a life wasted. This occurs simply due to our lack of understanding about money and how to properly earn it. We to continue to believe that selling time is the road to success ‘someday’ yet it is indeed a road for many to ‘nowhere’.

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The Time Rich understand this profound concept. It’s not that they don’t desire success and money. It’s not that they don’t have the pressures associated with life and the growing expenses they need to keep up with. Indeed, the Time Rich in many cases have these same problems and more. However, what distinguishes the Time Rich from the rest is their understanding of the relationship between TIME and MONEY and gaining the right skills to overcome their need to choose between the two. In effect, they gain both. This understanding is not only essential, it is critical, if you choose to start your journey today toward becoming one of the Time Rich. So How Do the Time Rich Get That Way? Once I realized my limitation and flawed strategy to becoming a Time Rich person, in that I was still dependent on trading TIME for MONEY, my initial reaction was great disappointment. Why? I had no idea how I was going to change this. I had no other training or other tools to help me know how to break out of this vicious cycle. But there was one thing I had in my favor to keep me going: I knew and have always known with certainty that every time something negative happens, something else good emerges. What did emerge was that I began to realize that there were many people before me that had figured this out. ‘They were the Time Rich’! And what I needed was a new strategy. I needed to learn from them. Why reinvent the wheel? So, I began by looking not only at ‘WHAT they did’ to earn money, but also ‘HOW they did’ to earn money. After many months of trying to learn as much as I could I had that ‘Eureka’ moment.

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In every case that I looked at I found the common denominator, the Holy Grail, the secret if you like, of the Time Rich. I discovered the one missing thing ‘they knew’ that was blindingly obvious but never occurred to me. I saw it for years but did not understand it innately, much like the Elephant who could not see that simply tugging on that rope, with a fraction of its strength would set it Free. And what was this Secret of the Time Rich that offered them both Money and Time? In a simple sentence: A System for financial leverage that I could learn that gave me back my time but did not limit my income opportunity in any way. Now, some of you might know what this is and others I suspect ‘think’ they know what it is. Yet like me, many will admit they do not know what it means. Remember, I was that Elephant who did not know I could just pull the stake out the ground!

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So What Is A System For Financial Leverage?

A System of Financial Leverage is not an investment product or something sold by a bank or stock broker. It’s not a get rich quick scheme and it’s not a software program. This is what it’s not. A System of Financial leverage is learning a METHOD OF EARNING MONEY OFF OTHER PEOPLE’S EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS!!! I wanted to be one of those people who had a system of financial leverage, no longer one of The Elephants! I no longer wanted to be one of the 95% of us who have been told and believe I should “work hard, be a good student and go out there and a get a good job and just stick with it, and save your money for retirement, then… you can relax and enjoy life,” yet end up broke and broken in spirit. So it comes down to this and you need to decide: Either you’re an Elephant or an Elephant Trainer. You know the guy who trains the Elephants to think they cannot get away, and then sells seats at the circus to people who pay to see the Elephant and the trainer gets all the money and all the elephant gets is some lousy peanuts! Finally I got it. I was an Elephant! I no longer wanted to be the Elephant anymore. Come to think of it, I have never seen a happy elephant in a circus, have you? I used to walk past and see them as a kid, going to the circus with my parents, roped down and ironically feel sorry for them, not realizing I was to be no different. The school system I was attending everyday was training me to be just like them.

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So finally I got it: I wanted to become the Trainer! I wanted and needed to develop a system for financial leverage for myself. Now one of the most abundant systems of financial leverage is of course as many people know, owning your own business. A business, structured correctly, is a great system of financial leverage. The Elephant trainers business is to sell tickets to see the Elephant, and therefore he is no longer dependent on selling his time. So what he has been doing is making his living (not off selling his time) but selling something that is more abundant than his limited 24 hours. It has greater supply and greater potential to exceed his hourly rate and skill level. He is selling the tickets to see the Elephant work. I am not the first to realize this as you can figure out for yourself. Millions of others have worked this out before me and this is what they do when they have this realization. They wake up one day and decide they want to be in business for themselves. Yes Sir! They figured it out - just as I did. It is time for them to break that TIMEMONEY treadmill and join the Time Rich. They too are going to become the Trainer and sell tickets from now on to see the Elephant and make some real money in a few hours, just while the circus is open, and take the rest of the day off. Does this sound like a good plan? Follow a System of Financial leverage. WRONG!

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Not All Systems for Financial Leverage Are Equal

Here are the statistics: Four out of five businesses no longer exist within their first five years. Of those that are left, four out of five will no longer exist within the next four years. This means that, of every say 800,000 businesses that commence operating on day one, there will only be about 32,000 left in nine years! A whopping 768,000 will have closed down, been liquidated, merged, been acquired, changed direction or become a new business. The more shocking statistic is that, of the 32,000 remaining businesses, only 5,000 or so—that’s 15 per cent—will be making a significant profit. The remaining 27,000 will barely be surviving. Why does this occur? Once people realize that they want to become an Elephant trainer they get excited by the prospect of being their own boss and becoming rich. They go out and hastily start their own business with the dream of making their first million fast. If they're honest, these people will tell you they started business to make money and to have a better life- the Life of the Time Rich. Thousands upon thousands have this same dream. But sadly in most cases the dream never eventuates. Most people don't have, and never develop, the most basic business and management skills that will ensure their success.

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It all begins when they see the lifestyle and the money that other successful business people are making, that they mistakenly rationalize that it can't be too hard. In his brilliant book ‘The E Myth’, Michael Gerber calls this phenomenon the onset of an 'entrepreneurial seizure'. He points out that most people are trained in a technical skill, and they are usually very good at what they do technically. They may be a good lawyer, doctor, motor mechanic, jeweler, stockbroker, builder, salesperson, chef, photographer or advertising copywriter. But that particular skill they possess doesn't at all qualify them to be a successful business person. Running a business is a specialized technical skill on its own, which must be learned like any other. It is a skill that very few people learn before going into business. Most people suffering from this 'entrepreneurial seizure' rush out to get into business. They usually begin by borrowing money secured against their entire home equity, or by using their life savings. They invest all their money setting up and getting everything ready--computers, furniture, leases, lawyers, fixtures and fittings, letterheads and business cards. But in all this planning and activity they have forgotten one essential element: customers--how to attract them and how to keep them? Very, very quickly the honeymoon is over. Most of these raw 'entrepreneurs' discover they do not have a business at all; they've simply bought themselves a job again, and a very tough one at that. They now work longer and harder and for less money (per hour) than they were earning in their last job. They have more stress and less time for fun and the family and they are driven by the fear of possibly losing everything. That's the entire reality of their business dream. The results are often catastrophic. People realize too late that owning one's own business means learning a whole new set of business skills. If they don't act to get those skills fast, the very next step is business failure.

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What 'Being in Business' Really Means It's important to realize that it's not as a great technician, but as a great business entrepreneur that you will create your success or failure. Most people who go into business, no matter how much they've studied or prepared themselves, cannot imagine the problems and challenges they will have to deal with. For most people, being in business will be the biggest challenge they've ever had to face in their lives. Being in business is not all glitz and glamour. It's a constant battle to overcome problems and obstacles. This is the reality, and don't for one minute let yourself think it's any different. That's why it's called business and not sport.

Back To Square One? But Andrew you told me that if I was to aspire to become one of the Time Rich and get my life back I needed to learn a System of Financial Leverage? You then tell me that not all financial leverage systems or businesses are the same and dash my hopes by saying less than 1% of people who strive to go into a business to become the Time Rich make it!! Would I not be better off staying in a job selling Time for Money as the odds are more in my favor? My answer is YES… if you don’t understand the difference in Systems of Financial Leverage and don’t select only those with a solid probability of success and learn how to manage financial risk, then you need to go back to selling your time for money. What do these look like and where do I start?

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When I looked at these numbers and the dismal statistical chance of success over a 9 year period, like you might be today I was to say the least, disheartened by it all. However, the alternative of staying on in the system of trading TIME for MONEY did not appeal to me either. The feeling I had at that time was reminiscent of Harrison Ford in the movie the Fugitive, when he had escaped the prison bus, was on the run and found himself cornered at the top of a 100 foot cliff. His choice was to go back to prison for something he did not do, or jump and perhaps not survive the fall. He had a split second to decide before he jumped. I had more time than a split second fortunately to make this decision, but I knew that going back to the TIME MONEY treadmill was a mistake for me and I needed to keep searching. I had to find the right answer for me. I knew I did not want to spend up to 9 years chasing a dream of becoming a Time Rich, only to sacrifice even more TIME for MONEY and have a 99% chance of being worse off then where I started. So the one thing that kept me going forward was continuing to look for a good system of financial leverage.

The Law of Attraction Now, everybody has heard about this by now. It became a worldwide phenomenon with the launch of the book and DVD called the ‘Secret’. But for anyone who missed it, in summary, this law of attraction suggests that ‘What You Think About, You Bring About’. This means that if you focus on what you want in life and focus on a mental picture; the universe has a way of making your vision come true for you.

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This is why the participants in the DVD suggest you create a ‘vision board’ and litter it with the things you want and have this placed in your environment where everyday you are looking at it. This will help you see it and define it. Now, since I became obsessed about the concept of finding a system of financial leverage that I could learn to manage risk and have a high upside, and I was very clear about it and knew that this is what I was looking for, a few things started to happen. Immediately, I noticed my mind opened up to new possibilities that I had never considered before. I became aware that I was interested in things that were being advertised or offered that I previously was not open to. I began reading books on topics around business and financial leverage. I started attending seminars by people who had become successful in this area. I would go so far as guessing that this is the point you may be at now, as clearly you are reading this book.

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The Elephant Awakens

I was that Elephant as we have established, but now, I was starting to consider not only the possibility of freedom but was seeking a way to survive and thrive once I was free. Many long months went by but all the time I was acutely aware of what I was looking for a Financial Leverage System that I could learn to help me break my TIME MONEY dependency. I did not know what this looked like but I knew this is what I was seeking at a minimum. This gave me hope and kept me going, and at least knew what questions to ask if and when I found such a thing. And as the universe tends to work. Then it happened. One day I was being a good son and visiting my parents who happened to live near a golf course on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. I was invited to play and make up a group of 4 as one of their group dropped out and they needed a 4th player. My assigned partner for that day was an older guy about my dad’s age whom I had seen playing golf just about every time I visited my parents. He pulled up in a stylish Mercedes and lived in one of the nicer homes overlooking the course. After a few holes making small talk I asked him what he did. He said that he made money with a system of financial leverage he had worked for 20 years to learn and create! Immediately he got my attention. Between strokes he was casually explaining this to me but I could not really grasp what it actually was something to do with stocks or shares or something similar. I asked him if I could visit his office so I could see what he did. He then went on to say that he worked a few hours at most from home and had no office or staff and basically did what he wanted to do, when he wanted to do it.

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What really got my attention was when he said that he’d worked his backside off for most of his adult life with little reward until he learnt this leverage system. He wished he was my age when he’d learnt this money leverage system. The technology wasn’t available when he was young. He went on to tell me that recent changes to internet technology meant that he could invest money in the market and leverage it at 50 or 100 to 1, with incredible low risk management, the same way as successful investors and banks do it. He said that when the rest of the world learned how to leverage their money properly, that the 9 to 5 workday would be a thing of the past. He explained that Australian’s, Americans and British shared one thing in common: that we all have a fascination with property and whilst you could certainly leverage your money and buy a house, it can take years just to make 15% or 20% return and you had to put down a fortune to do it. He was certainly talking my language as I had a mortgage that I could barely afford and my house had gone up just 5% in 4 years. He said he was investing a fraction of the amount of money you would need to buy a house and making 5% plus per month with low risk and sound money management. Most banks pay 5% per year. He also told me he was a qualified accountant and that gave me more confidence as I knew he would be conservative in his investing. I was now hanging on his every word and I could feel my stake that was holding me down being pulled out, hole by hole, as he told me more about learning this financial leveraging system. I quickly lost count of how many golf strokes I had played and was more interested in asking questions and learning about what I knew, was now going to be MY NEW FUTURE! – of that I was certain. When we finally hit the 19th hole, and we were saying good bye, he invited me to a seminar a few weeks later on what he called “Foreign Currency trading”. All he told me was that it was a system of financial leverage I was going to learn about, and not much else. All I cared about at this point was that he seemed to be doing

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well, had plenty of time on his hands and although I did not know exactly how well he was doing financially, he seemed pretty comfortable with his money. Before my awakening, I most likely would not have gone to this seminar as my old belief system would have stopped me under the banner of its not possible for anyone to earn 5% per month, that’s what banks pay in a year but my new mindset however had steered me to search for new information. To be frank even though I had no idea what foreign currency trading was, I agreed to go along and I was too embarrassed to admit my financial ignorance. It was being held at 7pm a cold and rainy Tuesday night. It was dark outside, I had just worked a long 11 hour day, I was hungry and tired and decided to skip it. I had packed my briefcase and was on my way home stuck in traffic, when he called. He sounded completely fresh, alive and energized. It struck me how different our situations were at that moment and I no longer wanted to be me. Cold, hungry, overworked, stressed and tired. I turned the car around and drove to meet him at the seminar. I rang my wife and said I might be late.

Love at First Sight! For the next 90 minutes I sat through this Foreign Currency trading seminar and to tell you the truth, I did not understand 90% of it. It was all new to me. But for the first time since my awakening, I was very, very excited as I knew enough to work out that this was what I was looking for. The details did not matter too much to me at the time. What I had found was a system this trading company had developed to give me financial leverage, with low risk and a high upside. I need to learn the system and once I did I had the opportunity to place investment decisions in less than 7 minutes that could

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potentially make me more money than I was making in a week. But the key was I need to learn from the professionals that were about to teach me. What struck me that night was that there were only a handful of people in the room and I kept thinking to myself, everyone should know about this! Why isn’t the whole city in this room learning this stuff? I decided then and there I was going to become what they called a ‘Currency Trader’. When I left that seminar I called a few friends who were immediately negative and told me that this is what they did in banks and the exclusive domain of financial whiz-kids, a highly risky and extremely difficult thing to do. Be careful they said, these are the guys that lose their shirt when things go wrong and play with millions of dollars of other people’s money. What I saw was nothing of the sort. Maybe we were not talking about the same thing. It was simple, logical and best of all a system of learning the basic steps with an incredible support team of professionals to hold your hand at first and for as long as you needed it. Like I said I still did not fully understand what currency trading was, but that 90 minutes changed everything for me and I began a new learning phase in my life. Once I got into it and began to understand, it was even better than I first thought. Some of the guys I were learning from were ex bankers and successful traders who had got tired of being the ‘Elephant’ and had taken the financial leverage system and were allowing me to learn and use the exact strategies and formulas of real successful traders. They had made it so anyone could learn this in a simple to follow format. In other words, I could trade (buy and sell) something that was not dependent on my

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Time once I had learnt the system. The education component was comprehensive for a novice like me. I could see that I had a high opportunity of success provided I committed to learning the system with them. The final straw for me was that I could do this without risking my life savings in a business. I could set my own hours and work as little or as much as I want. I realized that once I had learnt the system and gained some experience in less than 7 to 10 minutes I could potentially earn what I would in a 50+ hour week. I had something that I saw as a low risk system that would allow me to cut my working hours down to just a few hours per week. And it did not depend on me selling my time!

This Was The Breakthrough I Was Seeking So I began to learn about becoming a currency trader. It didn’t take long as I could learn as I traded with these professionals around me. And I was learning as I was making money. At first I did not want to tell my friends and family about this as I knew they would think the worst and try to warn me against what they had misunderstood about trading. So this was my secret for now as I learnt a system that could potentially change my financial future.

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How To Lose Money On A Sure Bet

The first thing they tell you in order to become successful as a trader is to have patience, discipline and to learn the established rules for successful trading. It was after all a low risk, potentially highly profitable system for financial leverage once you had learnt how the successful traders did it. But what happened was exactly the opposite. I had been a chained up Elephant for so long and now I was ‘set free’. I lost all discipline and wanted to speed up my road to success. No sooner had I started and saw a little success by following the system, I wanted money quicker and broke the golden rules of not following a tried and proven methodology. I began to lose money I had just made. There’s nothing like losing money to teach you a lesson. Fortunately for me, the system was designed so you can’t lose too much. It was painful to lose anything and it tested my faith just when I thought this was the answer I was looking for. Here I was worse off than when I started, or so I thought. I heard my friend’s voices in my head saying ‘we told you so’. But I was not about to give up. This is not one of my more admirable traits. After a while of trying it my way and talking with the other traders who were making money while I was losing it, I went back to the proven trading system… and so began my new life as the Time Rich.

Working Less, Earning More So I became very good at learning the systems and was able to work from home linked via the internet. That suited me and I was earning more than I had ever made at my former job.

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Within a year we had moved to the Sunshine Coast and were renting a beach side home with a back door down onto the beach at Noosa, QLD. I had purchased the car of my dreams and I was truly living the life of the Time Rich. I was dropping off the kids at school, playing at least 2 rounds of golf a week and we were planning and taking holidays to Fiji, the USA and Asia. It didn’t come without its ups and downs but I had a sensational team of supporters around me and the guidance I received on a daily basis from the other professional traders gave me the motivation to get through the down days. When I first started trading I grappled with the process of “probability” as all my life I had been trained to think in certainties. As a trader you cannot expect to get your decision right every time and I was told if I allowed myself to think that way I was doomed. So I learned to think in probabilities by going to the last place you would think of: A Casino! My mentor had told me that to learn the true game of playing with money and to understand probability and watch it work instantly, I needed to visit the casino and watch how much money the casino takes off the tables. A Casino can make millions in one night just by playing games with gamblers with the smallest of odds on the Casino’s side. The Casino does not gamble and doesn’t even have to put up any money. The Casino has the odds on its side, just as we do when we are using our trading system. Your only requirement is to learn to play the game of money like the Casino does and stop thinking in certainties and start thinking in probabilities. Think about it for a second? Does the Casino know who the winners and losers are going to be? No, they don’t. All they have to know is that they have a system that has the odds on their side no matter what. This is what successful currency trading is all about. Even if a lucky gambler is on a winning streak the system will always keep the odds in favor of the casino. So, even if a few gamblers win, MORE gamblers lose.

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If you doubt this theory, just go to the Casino right now! Don’t invest any of your own money, just watch the dealer racking in the money after each hand. Here’s another clue…formerly Australia’s richest man, Mr. Packer made huge investments into Casinos. What does he know that you or I don’t? The lesson of probability is a lesson you must understand to become a successful day trader. When you are at a Casino next, watch how much money the house takes off the table. The Casino understands probability better than anyone and if I was to become a long term profitable trader, I needed to learn to think in probabilities not certainties. From that day onwards I stopped trying to think every trade was going to be a winner, all I did was ensure my winning trades were bigger in profit than my losing trades and even if my success rate was at 50/50 wins vs. losses I still made money. Incredibly simple and yet incredibly profitable! I thought to myself, if I can do this anyone can do it. In only a fraction of the time I was surpassing what I made in a week. Why isn’t the world full of currency traders instead of Elephants roped to a stake? The 7 Minute Work Day was born for me as I had finally learnt the system that gave me the opportunity to earn more money in a few minutes work than I use to make in a whole week working 9am to 6pm. After my initial success I had time on my hands and was invited to become the general manager of the trading company I was trading with. I decided to take on this challenge as now working was not a matter of survival for me, but a matter interest. I need a purpose as believe it or not I was bored at home. Here I was 38 years old, make a huge six figure income and bored. But I do

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realize you need a purpose in life and my purpose I thought would be to teach others what I had done. My interest was more of curiosity and excitement about what had happened to me and how I was now in a position to help others who were still ‘trapped Elephants’. I realized that potentially thousands of people were interested in making money with currency trading, but the one thing holding them back were going to be: The Big hurdle of breaking the ‘Elephant’ mindset. Each trade only lasted about 24 hours, however, anyone serious about learning this incredible cash flowing system needs 4 hours dedicated learning a week if they were really serious about making money. Finding 4 hours a week at first may be difficult for many people because of their work, family and lifestyle demands but think about this; if I could teach you with that 4 hours a week over 6 months how to create a cash flow stream that can some months make more than 5% to 10% return on investment would you do it? Yes or no? Maybe your not convinced yet. Probably because you don’t know the power of compounding. Are you aware that $10,000 @ just 5% per month over 10 years is $3,489,119. Do you think you could find 4 hours per week for 6 months to learn how this system works? You can find whatever time you want it you want it bad enough. Once you have learnt the system you will then have the knowledge and experience to make decisions in less than 7 minutes and place currency trades that can potentially make you 2, 3, 4 or more times money per week than you do right now. Once you learn the successful systems, currency trading can potentially radically changed your financial future.

Forex is Not Beer So what is the underlying “thing” that this system uses to trade?

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It’s called Forex, short for foreign exchange currency trading. Foreign Currency trading is the most mature of all trading instruments and is also the largest traded financial product in the world, far larger and less volatile than the share market, with over 3 Trillion dollars traded every 24 hours. What I discovered was that the system we used was absolutely perfect for being able to trade foreign currency via a computer or mobile phone. Any mobile/cell phone with a windows application, which is common place today, is able to be loaded with the trading software that is needed as well as having it linked to my computer. If you have ever tried to surf the internet on a mobile/cell phone you will find it is extremely slow and within a few minutes you’re left thinking, “this is a waste of my time”. However, if you know what software to load and link it to your trading account, entering a trade is as quick and easy as sending a text message. Essentially currency trading is a 24 hour investment opportunity and you can be located anywhere in the world and provided you have the internet or a mobile phone, you are in business.

The Elephant’s Finally Free No more 9 to 5 for those who still have a job, (which I had discovered a few years earlier really stood for Just Over Broke). I decided to start my own company with some founding partners and we called it LTG GoldRock. Our company was born and has quickly become a worldwide success. So my mission in life with LTG GoldRock is not only to show you how to escape 9 to 5 forever but to make it immediately possible for you, by giving you the tools and systems to help you step by step along the way.

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Are You Sure it’s only Minutes a day? Sounds too good to be true! Once you learn the system it takes less than 2 minutes to place the trade on your computer and approx 3 minutes on the phone. We not only train you on the systems we use but we ensure you don’t miss any trades by sending you a text alert of the entry position, profit target, stop loss and how much % of your account to risk on the trade. Hey you don’t want to miss any winning trades right? You can then place these text alert trades onto your trading account within minutes via your trading platform that will be on your phone and your computer. So that’s 2 minutes. Why isn’t this book entitled the 2 minute work day? Because on average you will learn to recognize multiple trades per day so you will be busy for at least 4-7 minutes. Are you okay with being busy for 7 minutes per day? My clients at LTG GoldRock have an opportunity to learn and follow our professional team in the live market 24 hours per day through what is called a live web conference facility. A team of 8 – 10 professionals are waiting online speaking an commentating on the world’s currency markets and projecting their charts and screens onto your computer. They train you, trade with you and guide you safely and securely in and out of the market place LIVE in real time as it happens. They also text you all the trades they are making just so as you don’t miss a thing. Incredible isn’t it! Nobody in the world will train you and trade with you like we will and reading this book can potentially be the change in your financial future you have been looking for. Now there is a foot note to the paragraph you just read that is critical you read now. I don’t want you to think that you can join LTG GoldRock and just work 7 minutes a day and make money from day 1. You need to dedicate yourself and learn the systems we use and apply them for a good few months until you have the

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experience to be able to make a decision and place a trade within 7 minutes. Remember I said that we are going to train together for a minimum 4 hours per week for the first 3 to 6 months. That’s just 34 minutes a day! Some people when they read books or titles tend to have selective reading and build a perception that is not reality. I just want to keep things realistic for you. Would you be willing to spend 4 hours per week for 3 – 6 months to learn a skill that could pay you six figures or more every year for the rest of your life, working often 7 minutes a day or less? I do trust you said yes. If you do not have 4 hours per week to learn this skill, then let me save you some time. Quit reading this book now!

I will let you in on a little secret. The reason why hundreds of my clients are loving learning how to make money currency trading is because there are virtually no overheads to pay once you have learnt this incredible skill! What business in the world today can you start with $500 and build that investment into potentially $1,000,000 without a single additional dollar of overhead? You can’t! Unless of course you are a member of LTG GoldRock!

All about Foreign Currency and why it beats Share investments Foreign Currency trading is a simple money making instrument to understand. I bet you have probably already traded it and you didn’t even know it. If you have ever traveled overseas, you have been a foreign currency trader as you have exchanged your countries currency for another. For example if you exchange 1 Australian dollar into US Dollars, at the time of writing this book, you will receive .98 US cents for your $1 Australian dollar. What we are essentially doing at LTG GoldRock is sharing our group of professional traders. They look at the price of a currency and make an educated

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and calculated decision on whether or not that currency is about to rise in value or fall in value vs. another currency. They train you on what they do and how you will learn it. It’s that simple. However, we have the advantage of leveraging our money at 100:1. We can trade these currencies 24 hours per day and are not limited by set market times. For example, the share market opens between 9am and 10am and closes at 4pm and trades 5 days per week. Forex as we like to call Currency trading trades 24 hours per day and never sleeps. Unlike most investors in the share market who want the market to go up, as a Forex Trader we don’t care if currencies are rising or falling in value, we just want them to move in the direction we traded. In the past 2 years the world’s economies have taken a battering and with it, many people’s investments have taken a massive battering and in some cases completely wiped out family fortunes. People who were planning on retiring are now looking at another few years of working 9-5 (as if 40 years isn’t enough) hoping that the market recovers quickly, provided they didn’t sell. If you were a currency trader over the past 2 years you probably wouldn’t have cared at all about what the world’s economies were doing. Why? Because you are trading money whether it is rising or falling and you are not holding leveraged positions overnight where you are at risk while you are sleeping. Rarely do we hold a position overnight. In many financial markets positions are held overnight. In other words, people buy the position (perhaps $10,000 worth of a stock) and then sell the position at a time in the future, but they hold it for more than 1 day. I mentioned prior in this

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book we are traders, which means we only hold our positions for a few hours and very occasionally overnight. But what if I want the US dollar to go down and it goes up what do we do? We have what we call a ‘stop loss’ that triggers at a certain price to limit any losses. We do not live in hope; we exit the trade at a pre-determined price win or loss and move on to the next trade. Remember, we are trading probabilities not certainties. One of the many benefits of Currency Trading is that you can start with an investment size of as little as 0.10c and trade up to whatever figure you can afford.

Start as Big or as Small as you Like In other words you can be as big a trader or as small a trader as you like. We recommend you start small, FOLLOW THE SYSTEM and then get bigger. I have come to the realization that everyone’s desires beliefs and goals are different. No one person is the same. Some people are looking to make millions whilst others are just looking for a new Time Rich career like me and the money is an extra bonus.

Anyone Can Do This and Become the Time Rich Whether you’re a retiree, a stay at home mom, a job seeker or someone looking for a new business opportunity, Foreign Currency trading with the LTG GoldRock financial leverage system allows you to leverage your money and give you the time and freedom you are looking for.

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The vast majority of people I meet would be very happy to earn what they earn now and do it in just a few minutes a day. Before you read this book if I told you that you could potentially earn substantially extra income in only a few minutes a day, I bet you would have said I was crazy. Now you might just want to take a closer look at this if you are not happy working 9-5 and putting a limit on what you can earn in that time.

Japanese Women’s Secret Business There is one country that has already discovered the power of Foreign Currency trading and that is Japan. There is on average $9.1 Billion dollars a day traded on currencies in Japan. And you will never guess who is doing it. 20% of all foreign currency is being traded in Japan by Japanese housewives. Yes, that’s right, Japanese housewives! Japanese tradition frowns on women making money through means other than hard labor – means such as market speculation on stocks or currency trading. But this taboo is now out in the open thanks to Mayumi Torii. The 41-year old mother of one said she earned $150,000 since she started margin trading in currencies early in 2006. Torii now appears on TV promoting her FX Beauties Club. She says now “I can stand on my own economically". A necessity she discovered after her first marriage ended in divorce, and she and her son had to live off her meager savings. "I never want to feel that vulnerable again," she said. No one can take this away from you once you have learned this system. Once you learn how to trade Foreign Exchange it is a skill that you can use forever. You will never be dependant on anyone or anything again for your financial freedom!!

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Here’s What to Do Next

With Over $3.5 Trillion Traded Daily, There’s Plenty of Room Left for the Average Person to Tap in and Stake Their Claim

If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read… if you’re looking for a better way to make money, experience more freedom and an improved lifestyle… this might be exactly what you’re looking for.

You now have 3 Options

Option 1… Do nothing.

If you take this option, nothing will change. Things will stay the same. If you’re already earning as much as you like and have control over how much time you have to work each day, then this is probably the option for you.

Option 2… Attend a Free 90 Minute Cash Flow Trading Webinar

Because most people have never heard of Fx trading… (which is simply changing

one currency for another, and making a profit), I decided to run a series of free

live educational events.

People have flocked to these, but there were many who were too busy and

couldn’t make it (the irony is, if they were Fx Traders, they’d probably have more

spare time).

So, we created an online webinar where I will show you exactly how to trade the

Fx Market and make your life easier and more enjoyable! It can now be done in

just minutes each day, from your home computer and is a huge business if done

correctly. It could help you make $200, $300 or even $500 extra a day!

This is a small amount of money I know, but at the end of the week it adds up to a

tidy sum, perhaps an extra $1000 to $2000 per week - working part time. Now,

here's the best part... not only will I show you how to do it, I will also give you

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access to my professional traders to show you how they do it!! It does not get

simpler than that. At the end of 90 minutes you might just find this is exactly

what you have been looking for... a way to work less and earn more... in as little

as a few hours a week.

To find out the next date and register, simply go here www.ltggoldrock.com .

It’s that simple, and it's absolutely free with no obligation, so I look forward to

seeing you there.

Option 3…

Join an exclusive group of people that I keep informed with the latest tips, strategies, reports and news about the best and most prominent money making strategies in FOREX. Strategies that are being used today by mega wealthy and rich individuals. When you subscribe to this insiders club, you’ll receive…

An exclusive 12 month membership in the "Trade with Andrew Club"

VIP access to regular online coaching


‘The Insiders Report’ Personal Video

Messages from Andrew on Market

Updates, Mindset Management and

insider Trading Tips

Punters vs. Traders eReport

7 Steps to Making a Killing Trading

FX eBook

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To join the Trade with Andrew Club Go to: http://www.ltggoldrock.com/tradewithandrew/ I look forward to seeing you on the ‘Inside’ Sincerely , Andrew Barnett

Other Resources www.LTGGoldRock.com

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The material in this publication is of the nature of general comment only, and neither purports nor intends to be advice. Readers should not act on the basis of any matter in this publication without considering (and if appropriate, taking) professional advice with due regard to their own particular circumstances. The author and publisher expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person, whether a purchaser of this publication of not, in respect of anything and of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. Live Trader Global GoldRock Disclaimer: Live Trader Global GoldRock Pty Ltd (ACN 135 321 649.) is a corporate Authorized Representative (Authorized Representative number # 335434) of LTG GoldRock Pty Ltd (AFSL 286 510 / ABN 94 099 107 365). Trading involves the risk of loss as well as the potential for profit. Please be advised that any advice provided by LTG GoldRock is general financial product advice only, and may not be suitable for everyone. Please consult your licensed financial consultant to decide if trading in Foreign Exchange is suitable for your personal financial situation. HIGH RISK WARNING: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage creates additional risk and loss exposure. Before you decide to trade foreign exchange, carefully consider your investment objectives, experience level, and risk tolerance. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Educate yourself on the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial or tax advisor if you have any questions. ADVISORY WARNING: Any news, opinions, research, data, or other information contained within this document is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment or trading advice. Live Trader Global, Inc. dba LTG GoldRock expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on

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such information. As with all such advisory services, past results are never a guarantee of future results. Trading involves the risk of loss as well as the potential for profit. The author of this book takes no responsibility for the individual investment decisions the reader of this book takes and recommends all readers of this book consult a licensed financial planner prior to making a decision to invest in Foreign Currency Trading. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading. Reliability of trading signals for mechanical systems is in probabilities only. Trading real money involves hard work, risk, discipline and the ability to follow rules and trade through any tough period. If you are looking for guarantees, trading is not for you. The potential to lose money is real. Many people lack the discipline and are unable to be consistent. A system can help you become consistent. The ability to be disciplined and take the trades is equally as important as any technical indicators a trader uses. Ironically, worrying about the money aspect of trades can contribute to and cause a trader to make trading errors. Therefore, it is important to only trade real money with a risk capital plan. The reader of this book acknowledges that Live Trader Global, Inc. dba LTG GoldRock recommends and advises all its members track and keep their own statistical results on trades and to develop a trading plan in accordance with this analysis. They take complete responsibility for their trades and acknowledge and accept the risks associated with Forex trading.