7 Digital Marketing Performance Boosters

7 Digital Marketing Performance Boosters Digital marketing is continuously evolving, with customers, channels, and technology moving at lighting fast speed. These seven tips are aimed at helping you create out of this world marketing strategies that will boost your brand's performance.

Transcript of 7 Digital Marketing Performance Boosters

7 Digital MarketingPerformance Boosters

Digital marketing is continuously evolving, with customers, channels, and technology moving at lighting fast speed. These seven tips are aimed at helping you create out of this world

marketing strategies that will boost your brand's performance.

1. TargetTotal ValueDeep customer insights can be much more powerful than analyzing transactions alone. All customers are not created equal and the sooner you get to meaningful metrics like lifetime value of a customer, the sooner you’ll be investing your marketing dollars more intelligently. As you understand more about the true value of a customer, you’ll have a better idea of what you are willing to pay to attract and retain those buyers that mean the most to your business.


2. Close The LoopTo communicate effectively with customers - and to make smarter decisions about how you market your products or services to meet individual customer needs - you need to be able to integrate all the intelligence you’ve been gathering about them.

It all starts with a single unique identifier for each customer that can be accessed across the enterprise in a centralized customer database. As customers interact with your business over time, at multiple touchpoints, every interaction is tracked and details about those interactions fuel future marketing decisions. This also provides a single view of each customer that can be accessed across the organization and allow you to close the loop from the initial touchpoint through purchase (and beyond).

Major brands are successfully linking back-office systems with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms and creating closed loop cycles that enable management of customer relationships across the company.

3. Move ToMulti-Channel AttributionAs your customer’s journey increases in complexity, your marketing measurement should evolve as well. Last-click attribution has been replaced by advanced models that can help you more accurately analyze, optimize, and predict the impact of marketing investments across online and offline channels. Get a clearer picture of performance and assign credit to all of the marketing tactics influencing conversion by making the switch to a more sophisticated measurement methodology.

Want to know more? See our blog post on Advanced Marketing Attribution.

It’s time to ditch last-click. Here’s why!

When you consider that, according to Google Analytics, customers interact with a brand 4.3 times over a two-day period before they make a purchase, it stands to reason that attributing a conversion to the last marketing touchpoint simply isn’t accurate.

4. Get Up Close& PersonalShouldn’t your marketing “speak” to customers? To get the results you want and deliver the experiences they demand, relevancy is now a requirement. Data and technology have allowed us to personalize every aspect of the digital experience - in email messaging, advertising creative, landing pages, and more. And customers are thanking us - study after study shows the significant impact that personalization can have on results. Truly personalized digital marketing is more than a possibility and it’s delivering BIG results to the leading brands that are doing it right.

Interested in the value of personalization? Check out our recap from the Internet Marketing Leadership Series

in New York City.

Remember the 3 R’s

of Personalization:

Resonance, Relevancy,

& Respect


According to a survey conducted by Econsultancy and Adobe, 39% of digital marketers consider CRO to be a top priority for their organizations. They’re realizing that even small uplifts in conversion rates can mean significant financial gains.

5. Create A CultureOf TestingWith all that you’re doing (and paying) to attract traffic to your website, you want to be sure that the customer experience exceeds expectations once they arrive. By making testing a priority in your organization, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that you’re delivering an optimal experience. After all, wouldn’t you want to know if your website is actually turning visitors away? Or that your shopping cart abandonment rate could be improved with a simple form change?

There is no value in testing for testing’s sake, but you can, and should, continuously experiment with new ways to optimize your website and improve customers’ experiences. Think about the impact an extra 1 or 2 or 3 percent increase in conversion could have on performance. Consider heat and click maps, A/B and multivariate testing tools, session replay, or voice of the customer data to test and optimize things like forms, copy, and design elements. This investment in a conversion rate optimization (CRO) philosophy will drive greater results for you and more engaging experiences for your customers.

6. Power UpWith Programmatic

Digital marketing has come a long way since the first banner ads appeared. Today, there are many new and exciting ways to leverage rich customer data to reap more value from your display advertising than ever before.

Strategies like programmatic buying, for example, can actually save you money by letting automated technologies do the data-intensive work.

Rather than buying a single page or a network of sites, programmatic buying offers marketers an auction-based system that works in real time to deliver targeted and personalized messages across the web. It’s a cost-effective and efficient tool that offers extended reach and targeting capabilities to

help ensure that your advertising messages are delivered to the right people at the right time and at the right cost.

Learn more with our Beginner’s Guide to Programmatic Buying



Today’s marketers have more data than they can even dream of using, but don’t let all of that information be a distraction. You’re looking for answers that will help drive your future marketing initiatives. Organize data and map metrics directly to your business objectives and marketing goals. You don’t need one-size-fits-all spreadsheets with rows upon rows of data; you need comprehensive, custom dashboards packed with actionable insights.

Think about what questions you're trying to answer and go get the data you need to accomplish this. Focus on the data that will help you test your assumptions, improve future communications, and boost qualified sales. Consider developing customized dashboards that provide insights tied to your specific metrics and that ultimately help you deliver on your goals.

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7. Don’t Let Big DataBe A Big Distraction


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please visit www.riseinteractive.com or email us at [email protected]

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