7 Circular letters.docx · Web viewCARD – INDEX OF THE WRITINGS OF MARY OF THE PASSION. SOURCE 7...

CARD – INDEX OF THE WRITINGS OF MARY OF THE PASSION SOURCE 7 – CIRCULARS AND OFFICIAL LETTERS CR/1 : 1 14 March 1877 Themes Suffering 82 Humility 89 Abandonment 22 Authority 79 Maternal love - Order – Hierarchy 71 Respect for persons 24 Unity 87 Official letter to the House at Ootacamund Paris, 14 March 1877 My very dear children, Peace and charity of Jesus I may say to you now more than ever that you are mine and I am yours. Our Lord has permitted you to suffer because of me, and according to His holy will. I also have endured great crosses because of you. Dangers of all kinds surrounded us. I still wonder how our weakness was able to support so many trials. I had promised Our Lord not to refuse you the help which you sought from me during these evil days; and I have consoled you to the best of my ability as a mother rather than as a superior. My children, we have now overcome the greatest difficulties. There are others no doubt, but they are no longer the same as when we had to separate. The Institute of Missionaries of Mary has been founded. It is now a matter of urgency that we give it a legally elected Superior General. In the future only the professed will have the right to elect this Superior; but I am anxious that all those belonging to the Institute at the moment should take part in this first election. We are sending you our five sealed votes. When you receive them, Mother Marie de Saint-Esprit will tell Mgr. Bardou. Then, to him or Rev. Father Triquet presiding at the meeting, each one of you will give your own sealed vote. Mother Marie du Saint-Esprit, Mother Marie de Sainte Veronique with Monsignor will count the votes. Whoever receives the majority of votes will then be elected General, and you will draw up the minutes of her nomination. Send us the duplicate. ---------- CR/1 : 2 14 March 1877 Themes

Transcript of 7 Circular letters.docx · Web viewCARD – INDEX OF THE WRITINGS OF MARY OF THE PASSION. SOURCE 7...


CR/1 : 1 14 March 1877Themes

Suffering 82 Humility 89Abandonment 22 Authority 79Maternal love - Order – Hierarchy 71Respect for persons 24 Unity 87

Official letter to the House at OotacamundParis, 14 March 1877

My very dear children, Peace and charity of Jesus

I may say to you now more than ever that you are mine and I am yours. Our Lord has permitted you to suffer because of me, and according to His holy will. I also have endured great crosses because of you. Dangers of all kinds surrounded us. I still wonder how our weakness was able to support so many trials. I had promised Our Lord not to refuse you the help which you sought from me during these evil days; and I have consoled you to the best of my ability as a mother rather than as a superior. My children, we have now overcome the greatest difficulties. There are others no doubt, but they are no longer the same as when we had to separate. The Institute of Missionaries of Mary has been founded. It is now a matter of urgency that we give it a legally elected Superior General. In the future only the professed will have the right to elect this Superior; but I am anxious that all those belonging to the Institute at the moment should take part in this first election. We are sending you our five sealed votes. When you receive them, Mother Marie de Saint-Esprit will tell Mgr. Bardou. Then, to him or Rev. Father Triquet presiding at the meeting, each one of you will give your own sealed vote. Mother Marie du Saint-Esprit, Mother Marie de Sainte Veronique with Monsignor will count the votes. Whoever receives the majority of votes will then be elected General, and you will draw up the minutes of her nomination. Send us the duplicate.


CR/1 : 2 14 March 1877Themes

Authority 79 Victim 90Vocation of the Institute - Union with God 86Mary 68 Salvation of souls 81Mission 69 Will -World - Love of God 23Struggle 26 Church 60

Earth/Heaven 83Official letter to the House at Ootacamund (continued)

After having prayed fervently, I decided that the method for establishing authority among us should be such that no one could question it. I am looking after things just now. But It might be easily said: “Have you been elected to do this?” Therefore it is necessary that one from amongst us be chosen to govern us. Allow me, dear children, to say a few words to all of you now about this vocation with its larger horizons, given to us by

Our Lord. Whoever speaks of: Missionaries of Mary speaks of those who must continue their Mother’s work on earth. What was Mary’s work? She saved the world by giving it Jesus. Queen of martyrs, she was then united as closely as possible to our Lord Jesus Christ, the divine victim, and after him, had the first share in the sacrifice of the Cross. With Jesus the Redeemer and with Mary his Mother, a Missionary of Mary ought to be a victim of reparation contributing as far as possible to the reign of God and to the salvation of souls. Think of our Mother. She was nothing according to the world. Nevertheless, the world owes her everything, because she saved it in giving it Jesus. A Missionary of Mary is nothing in herself. But as a voluntary victim, the ardour of her desires and of her love must unceasingly seek the reign of God, the triumph of the Church of Jesus Christ, so cruelly tried at present. It was at Nazareth that Mary received the Saviour of the world. It is there also my dear children, that you the first members of this little Institute must unceasingly ask the grace to continue on earth your Mother’s mission. You must aspire to be victims and apostles, so as to make reparation for the evil that Satan never ceases to do on earth. I bless you with all my heart, wishing each one the grace of becoming a true Mary of Nazareth. Amen.

Marie de la Passion M. de M.


CR/1 : 3 8 March 1882Themes

Prudence 89 Glory of God 66Mission 69 Struggle 26Responsibility 79 Authority 79Suffering 82 Earth/Heaven 83Service -

To the Councillors of the M. of Mary in Coimbatore

St. Joseph, the Chatelets, 8 March 1882

My very dear children,P. C. C.

It seems that it was amongst God’s plans that my letter should be lost. There I had explained to you, according to the advice of the Council in the mother house, certain things which we felt needed to be clarified before sending you any subjects. I am very sorry about the delay in departure which the loss of this letter will cause, especially so, because if the choice falls on young religious, I feel it will be prudent for one of you to come and fetch them. We would be particularly happy of Mother St. Jean could make this journey, as we are convinced that it would achieve very fortunate results for the Institute. If she cannot come, then either Mother Marie Emmanuel or Mother Marie du Bx. Fernandez should be sent. If this is not possible, and being unable to take advantage of Monsieur Paul de Guigne’s departure, we will have to wait for another opportunity. I have confided to your discretion the approbation of Cardinal Simeoni, directly addressed to me, by which he confirms the fact that the S.C. will be glad to see us found another Mission. And he asks me to see to the arrangements for our Sisters there. I told Mgr. David and Monsieur Pernot (1) about this request of the Sacred Congregation, confidentially. They consider it a decisive step for the Institute. By that very fact, it adds to all our responsibility. As for myself, although the burden the good God has laid upon me in such sad and difficult circumstances is heavier than ever and although in spite of myself I desire only rest either in the next world or on earth, yet I have promised Our Lord to do all that seems to me to be for his service and glory in the fulfilment of my charge. Ask God that your Mother may keep her promise in spite of all the obstacles which hell will not fail to place in her way.

CR/1 : 4 8 March 1882Themes

Fidelity 89 Traditions -Suffering 82 Body/soul 28Humility 89 Mission 69Responsibility 79 Earth/Heaven 83Unity 87

To the Councillors of the M. of Mary in Coimbatore – 8 March 1882 (continued)

May I not expect from each one of you this devotedness, which I have promised to Our Lord? And has He not even more so, the right to expect it? It is true that loyalty to you, the elder sisters, has prompted my perseverance in the Institute, more even than fidelity to Heaven itself, and this in spite of the trials and humiliations in which I was steeped. At the time of my first journey to Rome, when interior as well as exterior sufferings of all kinds overwhelmed me without pause, I was convinced that Our Lord would not blame me, if tired out and feeling that insurmountable obstacles were being place before me by those who ought to have given me a helping hand, I were to go and seek in obscurity Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom no one had a right to take from me. I did not do this because I realized that amongst those who had followed me there were some who by themselves would not be able to manage alone, or whose souls would suffer in the process. This feeling, experienced so strongly in the churches of Rome, has returned to me often since! At this moment I believe that, even if you were all unfaithful, I would hold by the sacred commitment made by those who, by the very fact of our life, we have undertaken to unite to ourselves. One of the most sacred obligations of those who, willing or not, bear the responsibility of foundresses before God is to assure one spirit, like customs, and the same rule for all the members of their religious family.


CR/1 : 5 8 March 1882Themes

Obedience 71Mission 69Unity 87

The Fathers of the Missions Etrangeres may serve as models for us on many points, since they too are specially vowed to the missions. But on other points, their way of life would be incompatible with religious life. The complete independence of each of their Missions is understandable for secular priests. But this would be impossible for a religious order where each Mission would soon become a branch apart, with its own customs, spirit and rule. How then could the mother house send religious, formed according to its standards, to all these different types of centres? This seems so incompatible with religious life that I am sure, my children, you understand it in the way we do.

It is admissible for Houses which do their own recruiting, as with the Visitation or Carmelite Orders; but the Orders which must depend for subjects on those coming from a general centre and who make vows of poverty, chastity and obedience cannot change its specific life. Hence the necessity for general unity, which guarantees that the religious who leaves the centre to go here or there will find the same way of life. This is why, in discussing with you the question of subjects in the letter which was lost, I asked you the same question addressed to the Vicar Apostolic of America, who has asked for sisters. This will show you that it is nothing personal, but that an essential point is in question which it would be impossible to pass over.


CR/1 : 6 8 March 1882Themes

Authority 79 Glory of God 66Obedience 71 Unity 87Mission 69 Poverty 75Detachment 29 Absolute power of God -Renouncement 29

To the Councillors of the M. of Mary in Coimbatore – 8 March 1882 (continued)

“The Mother house of the Institute does not claim the right to recall all the subjects without referring to the Vicar Apostolic and the Propaganda but it reserves the right to recall an individual subject if that were necessary for her good or in the general interest of the Institute.” Do you promise to submit to this very natural condition for all the subjects who will be sent to you? Arrange also to have an assurance that Mgr. Bardou will not place any obstacle in the way of your sending back one of the subjects sent to you if she were recalled. Understand well, dear children, that I have no intention of taking back any of the subjects who will be sent to you. But I am determined that the principle must be laid down, and wish to have your word that there will be no transgression in regard to this matter. Incidentally among the Carmelites and Visitation Sisters, when a House, even an independent one, provides a subject for another, it retains the right to recall that subject to the original House. I will wait for your official, categorical and written reply before sending new subjects. I strongly regret the fact that you did not know earlier on what conditions our sisters would set out. And now, my very dear children, I pray to St. Joseph to make of you true Missionaries, ready for Our Lord’s sake to go from Jerusalem to Rome as did the Apostles. I believe your sisters in Europe as ready to go anywhere or to remain in the poorest corner. That alone is the true Missionary spirit. Another spirit which would hold on to a certain place or milieu, to Africa rather than Europe, to America rather than to Asia is only self-will, which hides itself under a so-called apostolic zeal. The true apostle has nothing to do with places. He goes from the north to the south and from the south to the north, anywhere that the glory of the name of God calls him. May good St. Joseph make of you such apostles, with the mission staff always at hand and the traveller’s cincture in place. Then you will be truly detached, truly stripped of all that is not God and his apostolate.


CR/1 : 7 4 October 1882Themes

Abandonment 22 Church 60Providence 22 Mission 69Suffering 82 Joy 89Grace -

Letter concerning the foundation of the House of Rome Rome, 4 October 1882

My very dear daughters,P. C. C.

In France and India, all of you know by this that for the general good of the Institute and with unanimous advice of my five Councillors, I thought it best to come to Rome. In fact, the results of this journey prove that it was indeed the will of God.

Not only have we obtained from the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda, with regard to the business which brought us to Rome, the desired decision: that is that all which concerns us may be examined by the Sacred congregation itself, but his Eminence Cardinal Simeoni has requested me to submit our Constitutions to the Sacred Congregation. The Cardinal Prefect has also shown that he would be pleased to see us found a house in Rome, as it was decided according to the plan of the Institute approved by their Lordships Bardou and David.

At this very moment, both points, so important for us and which were still only projects about 22 July, are now accomplished facts. Our Constitutions are not only placed before the Propaganda, but we have also had the consolation of offering them to the Sovereign Pontiff for the first Vespers of Our Lady’s Nativity. See in this, my children, one of those Providential lights that have never failed us in these often very sad days which we have passed through together. Our little Institute is still in its cradle, as was the Blessed Virgin the day of her Nativity. It is, whilst still very small, that we have been called to offer it to the Holy See. As Rev. Father Superior of the Mission Etrangeres, Monsieur Rosseille, wrote to me: “all that grows in the shadow of the Chair of Peter receives a special grace”. His Holiness, Leo XIII has deigned to bless all of us as well as our houses, especially that of Rome which we owe to his paternal goodness. He was kind enough to say to me that he hoped that it would fulfil all my desires.


CR/1 : 8 4 October 1882Themes

Mission 69 Church 60Presence of God 86 Thanksgiving -Victim 90 Mary 68Passion 74 Holy Spirit 61Spouse 25 Glory of God 66Work 75 Struggle 26

Earth/Heaven 83

(Concerning the foundation of the House of Rome – Rome, 4 October 1882 – continued)

This house at Rome has then been founded since August 18. In future, it will be as it were, the soul of the Institute and will bring to you, you can be sure, a new and true life. It name is St. Helen. These are the reasons we called it so:I had prayed to my patroness to obtain this foundation; the idea of this name came to me before the statue of the Saint at St. Peter’s when I was wavering between Saint Helen and the Apostles. We had not then taken any step to obtain the foundation. I remembered in God’s presence that St. Helen by the very fact of being the missionary Empress of Rome, had been one of those women who contributed most to the glory and triumph of the Eternal City and to the reign of Catholicism. It seemed to me than that our Roman missionary undertaking could not receive a more suitable name. Furthermore you offer yourselves as victims for the Church. Constantine’s conversion was one of St. Helen’s greatest triumphs. May you also, my daughters, conquer by this sign of the Cross and obtain for our Holy Mother the Church, Spouse of Jesus Christ, less sad days which will be more favourable to the salvation of souls.

All must show great gratitude to Heaven for the graces granted to your Institute recently. To your thanks, add petition. In each house, we will recite daily an Ave Maria in thanksgiving and a Veni Creator to obtain that the light necessary for the development of this work of the Blessed Virgin may be given to all our Superiors and especially to the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda. We will continue these prayers until the financial and other problems concerning us are solved.

CR/1 : 9 4 October 1882Themes

Gratitude 89 World -Providence 22 Suffering 82Love of God 23 Prayer 77Renouncement 29

(Concerning the foundation of the House of Rome – Rome, 4 October 1882 – continued)

I cannot end this letter without recalling to your gratitude, my very dear daughters, the soul of our well-loved Bishop, Monsignor David. If your work still lives on, you owe it to hi8m. To forget his holy memory would be for all the members of the Institute the height of ingratitude. I like to preserve the memory of one of those happenings which prove with how much love Providence watches over us. The very day of the death of this kind and venerable Prelate, the Cardinal Vicar conveyed to us the Holy Father’s consent for the foundation of our mother house in Rome. The telegram announcing this to our sisters in Brittany, arrived at five thirty in St. Brieuc. Three hours later, Mgr. David died. It was as if he had waited to hand over to the Holy See this work which was so dear to him before going to his rest in eternity. He had a deep faith in our Institute, and often said to me: “You do not trust yourselves enough”. He declared that you had come to fill up a gap in the Church, and that you were needed by your own times. I do not tell you these things to create in you or in myself a foolish self-love, but to preserve the words of one who was our father and benefactor. A few days before his death, he said: “I follow these children everywhere in Rome, even in my dreams”. And I believe that one of the last, if not the very last, signatures written by his trembling hand was that of our Constitutions. So, I ask that each day until the anniversary of his death, the De Profundis be said for him during the litanies. Each House will have three Masses offered for the repose of his soul and each member of the Institute will offer three Holy Communions for the same intention. Also I desire that during my lifetime we have a Mass celebrated on the anniversary of his death, and that now and in the future his soul may share in the prayers and merits of the Institute, in the same way as the members of our religious family. Already the good God has given us a means of proving to him even here below our gratitude. Friends of Saint Brieuc had wanted to get a special blessing of the Sovereign Pontiff for his funeral service. This seemed impossible, as it is never done. But the Blessed Virgin smoothed away all difficulties, and the good Bishop received this honour through the efforts of the poor Missionaries of Mary whom he had accepted as his daughters in spite of obstacles and sufferings.


CR/1 : 10 4 October 1882Themes

Prayer 77 Strength 89Renouncement 29 Unity 87Detachment 29 Traditions -World - Fidelity 89Word of God 73 Poverty 75Duty 89 Providence 22

Abandonment 22

I ask you to understand clearly, with the help of prayer, renunciation of yourselves and real detachment from creatures, all that you must be for this child, still in the cradle, whom we call the Institute of the Missionaries of Mary.

Before all else, my children, remember these sacred words: “Every kingdom divided against itself must fall”. In the measure in which we increase, let us redouble our unity amongst ourselves, our fidelity to the Constitutions and to our customs. May no one interfere with one of our houses without all feeling the effects; attach one of the fundamental points which are our strength without all uniting together to protect the little Institute which God has confided to us. Allow me also to beg of you to flee more and more from the spirit and maxims of the world, which tend to penetrate everywhere today. You will succeed in this by an absolute fidelity to your Constitutions and by the careful practice of holy poverty which, as you know well, is the guardian of the religious spirit. I earnestly ask you to weigh well before God your obligations and the call of Providence. Do not, I beg you, hinder God’s designs.


CR/1 : 11 4 October 1882Themes

Joy 89 Vocation of the Institute -Detachment 29 Mission 69Glory of God 66 Salvation of souls 81Resurrection 80 Suffering 82Abandonment 22 Example 63Providence 22 Pope 60

Earth/Heaven 83

(Concerning the foundation of the House of Rome – Rome, 4 October 1882 – continued)

As to myself, my children, I have just made once again for you the sacrifice of what was truly dear to me, even as far as God is concerned. I speak of our novitiate of Saint Joseph the Chatelets, which I can visit only rarely because of the mother house. Although I feel the sacrifice, I am happy to have had the opportunity of giving you the example and having made once again for God, the Blessed Virgin, and the Institute, and for you all, the sacrifice of what I had undertaken for God’s glory. Be firmly convinced that you must be always ready to leave any place or any creature the moment Our Lord’s good pleasure demands it, if you are to receive in Heaven that fullness of glory reserved to the missionary daughters of the Blessed Virgin. Any other way of looking at things would be an illusion, which would alienate you entirely from the spirit characteristic of our vocation. St. Peter has left us the example from which we must draw the apostolic spirit. How attached he must have been to the salvation of his own people and to the holy places! Yes it is to his detachment that we owe Rome! Near his tomb, I ask for all of you the renunciation of an apostle which is so necessary so as not to hinder God’s plans and to fulfil our vocation.

It is not my blessing that I send you today, but that of the Sovereign Pontiff which he gave me for you. I remain, my dear daughters, your devoted mother as well as servant of Our Lord and yours in J.M.J.

Mary of the Passion Vic. Gen. le M.M.


CR/1 : 12 19 November 1882Themes

Struggle 26 Respect for persons 24Word of God 73 Mission 69World - Vocation of the Institute -Francis 65

(Circular pertaining to the affiliation to the Franciscan Third Order)Rome, 19 November 1882

Since the care of your souls has been confided to me, I have always felt sincerely the need to save you from the spirit of the world and to lead you to that of the Gospel. The world strays further from it every day. So, my desire would be to place between you and the world a barrier which cannot be crossed. Since the Institute was confided to me, I have hoped to achieve this through the support of one of the great families of Holy Church, the Order of the Seraphic Francis of Assisi, for our very young inexperienced work.

Apart from the evangelical spirit which attracted me to it, I saw in this the advantage of gaining for the Institute many indulgences, greater than will be accorded henceforth to modern congregations. I never had the idea of taking away from the Institute its special aim and individual character. Neither had I any notion of touching its Constitutions. But each one of us may, by entering the Third Order of St. Francis, share in the spirit and spiritual treasure of this Order, without in any way detracting from her obligations as Missionary of Mary, and without modifying in anything our way of life in the Institute. Nevertheless, I have delayed a long time before making this appeal to you. As to myself personally, the call evidently goes back many years.


CR/1 : 13 19 November 1882Themes

Pope 60 Abandonment 22Poverty 75 Prudence 89Simplicity 89 Joy 89Francis 65 Obedience 71Word of God 73 World -

Charity 24

Twenty-two years ago Our Lord deigned to show me the beauty of holy poverty, of evangelical simplicity, characteristic of Saint Francis of Assisi. If I have taken a long time to make the choice of a family, it was because I wished to study more fully the will of God. For several years, I even wondered if his will was not drawing me towards another very dear Saint. I mean Saint Dominic, to whose family, as you know, I have the great happiness of belonging through my ancestors. In fact, by entering the Third Order of Saint Francis, the great Spanish saint becomes our father. Perhaps you do not know that formerly in a general Chapter, the Franciscans decided to name the illustrious friend of their Seraphic Patriarch, father. What decided my final choice was the Encyclical of Leo XIII, who invited the whole world, Pastors and their flocks, to enrol in the militia of the Poor Man of Assisi, so that the world might find in his spirit of charity and detachment that regeneration it so badly needed. However, even then I did not want to decide by my own judgment. I consulted three Cardinals, their Eminences the Cardinal-Vicar, Cardinal Simeoni, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda and Cardinal Howard.…

CR/1 : 14 19 November 1882Themes

Judgment - Obedience 71Abandonment 22 Service -Francis 65 Humility 89Pope 60 World -Joy 89 Word of God 73

(Circular pertaining to the affiliation to the Franciscan Third Order – 19 November – continued)

Even more, having dared to request the Holy Father to make known to his poor servant the will of God, I received the answer that I could do nothing better than to enrol all my daughters in this Third Order, that he was pleased, and that he blessed all, with this in view. Having received this approbation and the desire of the Holy Father, I can no longer submit my project for anyone else’s opinion.I am sure, my dear children, that words of his Holiness united to the invitation of your Mother will be received by you with joyful and willing hearts. Knowing that we pleased the Pope, how can we be otherwise ourselves?I will now leave you without saying a word about Rev. Father General of the Friars Minor. I had to have recourse to him for our affiliation to the Third Order.The first opportunity I had of kneeling before him was on 4 October, Feast of the Seventh Centenary of St. Francis of Assisi. On approaching him, I understood at once that he would be a true father to me and would never fail me.We felt so much at ease with this true son the stigmatized of Alvernia. His is not the spirit of the world, but that evangelical spirit which I long to see you possess, and which I ask for you from Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I also request it for each of you when kneeling at the feet of St. Francis. I do not need to bless you since the Holy Father has done so.


CR/1 : 15 21 October 1884Themes

Responsibility 79 Mission 69Authority 79 Detachment 29Renouncement 29 Unity 87Suffering 82

To IndiaMy very dear daughters,

I am preparing myself to make for you a very great and intimate sacrifice. This will fall not only on me but on all your sisters in Europe. Mother St. Jean explained to the Chapter how much Mother Ste. Veronique was needed in your Mission. Then, seeing that Mother M. de Saint Jean Baptiste’s health, although improved, still suffered from the effects of that terrible illness which made her an invalid for more than a year, I believed it my duty in conscience to agree with the opinion of the whole Chapter. So, I consented to the departure of one whom I had chosen as my admonitress, never expecting to be deprived of her so soon by the advice of all the Capitulars.

Mother M. de St. Jean-Baptiste will fulfil the duties of an assistant General in Europe, and Mother de Ste. Veronique will have the authority of the Superior of the Mission amongst you, as also that of an Assistant General since she had been canonically elected at the time of the Chapter, presided over by Mgr. Bouché.

CR/1 : 16 21 October 1884Themes

Charity 24 Mission 69Poverty 75 Suffering 82Detachment 29 Peace 72World - Sentiment -Prayer 77 Example 63Responsibility 79 Unity 87

Earth/Heaven 83

(To India – 21 October 1884 – continued)

I know how dear to you is this good Mother, the foundress of your Mission. Profit, my beloved daughters, by the grace God gives you in sending her to you. God has shown himself so good to our Institute in Europe these last two years. Out of the cross has arisen a truly religious spirit. There may still be some gaps in our formation due to the few older religious there are. But the real foundations of religious life: charity, the spirit of poverty, detachment from creatures, the spirit of prayer, understanding of a serious apostolic life, have truly sown abundant seeds in the greater number of souls. Mother M. de Ste. Veronique has received a large part of those blessings brought by trial. Allow yourself to be dealt with by the good God and I am sure that you also will be reborn in the peace of Jesus.Today more than ever the Church has given me the right to speak to you as Mother and as Foundress. I promise you that your obedience as children to what I tell you here will be blessed, as is all obedience that is by Heaven itself. I understand that your hearts will suffer in not seeing the good Mother St. Jean return with Mother Ste. Veronique. But you know how few of the former religious we have here, and how important the life of each one is for the prosperity of the Institute. Then, you will think of the example given you by Mother M. du Coeur Immaculé who, although ill, voted for the departure of that daughter she loves more than all else on earth. Before such examples, we find the courage to make these sacrifices of the heart to Our Lord, knowing that they will help us advance in the holy love of God.So that it may grow in you and through you, I bless you, my beloved daughters, begging you to recommend me to Our Lord, who has united so many responsibilities with so much misery in your poor servant and Mother in J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 17 8 December 1884Themes

Service - Peace 72Mary 68 Purity 89Francis 65 Priests 60Glory of God 66 Respect for God -Eucharist 62 Resurrection 80

Earth/Heaven 83

Circular accompanying the sending of the Constitutions

Allow me to draw inspiration from a great saint and to address to you, on our patronal feast of the Immaculate Conception, some words prepared since the Chapter. Their spirit is that of our Seraphic Father.

After kissing your feet, my children, I, your poor Mother and servant beg you to listen to me, or rather to listen to the voice of the Son of God in whose name I speak: Keep in your hearts His commandments and let your love lead you to follow His counsels.Ponder on the fact that this divine Master gives himself to us, as to his children. I plead with you to give him love and glory in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist which has reconciled earth with heaven. Every time you approach the divine banquet, do so with pure souls and hearts. Think of making reparation for so many Judas kisses given to Jesus in this august sacrament of Communion.Listen once more, my daughters. If the blessed Virgin Mary is so rightly honoured because she bore Jesus in her virginal womb, if we have such great devotion for the tomb where the Saviour rested for some hours, what veneration should we not have for the priest who consecrates Jesus, touches him and places him on our lips and what respect for the tabernacle where Jesus rests day and night, no longer dead but living and glorious!


CR/1 : 18 8 December 1884Themes

Sanctity - Humility 89World - Hidden Life 68Respect for God - Offering -Eucharist 62 Absolute power of God -Goodness of God 23 Charity 24Salvation of souls 81 Unity 87

Earth/Heaven 83

(Circular accompanying the sending of the Constitutions – 8 December 1884 – continued)

O my children, be holy because Jesus your host, Jesus your nourishment is holy. Such is your vocation. What unhappiness would be ours if, called to live in the presence of so great a king, we allowed ourselves to be preoccupied by worldly frivolities!May the whole earth incline with holy respect, may heaven thrill with joy when the Son of the Most High deigns to come down on the altar, to descend between the hands of the priest. My daughters, admire your Eucharistic model. Truly I do not know which ravish our hearts most and fill them with love! His incomparable grandeur, his ineffable goodness or the humility of his condescension. We witness all these in the Host where He hides Himself.Oh! let us be humble, my children, in the presence of such humility. May our life be hidden like His, and breathe only love. Let us give ourselves entirely to Him, since He gives Himself entirely to us. What reservations can we make in His regard, seeing He makes none in ours?Let us increase our charity at this source of love. Jesus is in several tabernacles, but He is always everywhere the same, no matter who venerates Him. Let us be full of charity, in Europe as in the depths of Asia, loving all souls especially those of our sisters.


CR/1 : 19 8 December 1884Themes

Eucharist 62 Law -Mary 68 Unity 87Francis 65 Body/Soul 28Power of God - Supernatural Spirit 64Mission 69 Word of God 73

(Circular accompanying the sending of the Constitutions – 8 December 1884 – continued)

Let us unite the love of Mary Immaculate to the love of Jesus in the Host. I leave to you, my daughters, this double love. St. Francis often said to his children, when he was on earth: “Could we ever love Mary enough? Is it not through her that the Most High God wished to become our brother?” Our seraphic Father found everything in this thought: the grandeurs of Mary, her privileges and prerogatives, her love for us and the motives of our confidence in her.If Jesus is our Brother, his divine Mother is also our Mother – Mother most powerful, Mother most loving. As loving as powerful! Love therefore to our heavenly Mother! I tell you most clearly, my dear daughters, that if you wish to prove your love to such a Mother you must know how to imitate her. Only then will you merit to be called her missionaries. She sends you your Constitutions. From this moment on, observe the letter but still more the spirit of them.Try to render divine worship and praise by your songs, but think even more of the harmony of souls rather than of the melody of voices. May your voice be in accord with your soul and your soul in harmony with God.Grow each day in the spirit of faith and love. Have a special devotion for the word of God, Holy Scripture, even as for Jesus in the Host. Follow his counsels and contribute as much as you can to their observance by the whole Institute.…


CR/1 : 20 8 December 1884Themes

Vocation of the Institute - World -Law - Church 60Sanctity - Francis 65Conversion - Earth/Heaven 83Reign of God 78

Your poor mother wanted to give you these teachings at the same time as the Constitutions. May all Missionaries of Mary observe them henceforth. They will find there the special path of their vocation and the light of sanctity. Finally, my children, may this feast of Christmas 1884 be a true renewal for our small Institute. May we prepare for it by a holy Advent! On this blessed day, may we obtain from the divine Infant Jesus, the growth of his reign in our souls, and on earth wonderful days for the Church, especially for the flocks of the Pastor who have accepted us: in Rome, Coimbatore, Saint-Brieuc, and also for this dear Franciscan family, which has grafted our humble congregation on its ancient but ever vigorous tree.


CR/1 : 21 13 August 1885Themes

Suffering 82 Poverty 75Love of God 23 Nature 70Abandonment 22 Francis 65Sentiment - Struggle 26Death - Mary 68Mission 69 Unity 87

(after the death of M. M. du St- Esprit)Rome, 13 August 1885

I have no other title to your love than that of being truly a privileged friend of the cross. You all know how great my share of it was in the past. You can guess to what extent I am nailed to it at present. Formerly, my children, such a sorrow would have been above my strength. God spared me. Today my weakness still succumbs. But finally my love for God and for you will help me to raise myself up and to give you the example of a humble and meek submission to the always wise will of our love, Jesus.Mother Marie du St-Esprit was my oldest companion, my sister of first and last vows. But even more than the sacrifice to my heart, I feel the loss for the Institute. She was one of its most intelligent members and one of its strongest supports.This death, which destroys one of our greatest hopes, adds still more to our poverty which is frightening to nature. Our Very Reverend Father General said to me one day: “When Jesus saw the cross he ran to it.” And I add that when Saint Francis saw poverty, he flew toward it with the wings of a Seraph. Let us allow God our Father, and Saint Francis also our father, to act. They know better than we. My children, tighten your ranks to fight the common enemy which our little army went to attack in Africa, and who is taking revenge, you can be sure, for the triumphs which he foresees. Allow him no hold. Become more charitable, more regular, more detached, and more obedient. That is the only consolation you can offer me, the most powerful aid within your reach to help me conquer the furies of hell.The Blessed Virgin, with this poor instrument which the Institute is, has begun a battle with the ancient serpent. Be sure of it! I see it so clearly that I must say it to you now. The fidelity of each one facilitates the general progress, whereas infidelities must be paid for, and sometimes very dearly! Oh! If you understood your vocation, if you knew how necessary it is for a Missionary of Mary to triumph over the temptations with which the demon will not fail to surround her, you would walk with a sure step in the way that it has pleased divine Providence to lead you! May it be so in the future, my dear children. The good Mother, who was so devoted to all and who rests in this sanctuary where St. Monica wept for her son and made of him a great saint, will obtain, I am sure, great graces of perfection for you. Receive them faithfully.


CR/1 : 22 13 August 1885Themes

Example 63 Grace -Courage 89 Suffering 82Duty 89 Death -Work 75 Humility 89

The following are the suffrages offered for the Assistants General. In each house three Masses will be celebrated, and each one of us will attend three Masses, receive five Holy Communions and make five Ways of the Cross.

The House of Saint Monica, where she died, will have one extra Mass said as soon as possible, and each one there will make nine Ways of the Cross for the repose of her soul. Marseilles where she was Superior, will this time do the same as the House where she died. One extra Mass will be celebrated there and our sisters will make nine Ways of the Cross for the repose of her soul.Before ending, let me recall for you the great example left to us by my beloved Marie du Saint-Esprit. Imitate the virile courage, the love of duty and of work which she has so courageously taught you. God rewards such virtues. Her sad but glorious death proves that. Scarcely had she closed her eyes than this humble religious was already being praised by a Prince of the Church, an apostle whose words I am happy to repeat to you. Here is the telegram sent to me a few hours after her death by his Eminence, Card. Levigerie: Tunis II – 1:50 a.m.“Our regretted and venerated Mother du Saint-Esprit slept piously in the Lord yesterday evening at 10:30 p.m. We will bury her this evening, according to the desire she expressed to me, in the place where Saint Monica wept. Thus she will take possession, in the name of your dear religious family, of that land which you have come to enlighten by your devotedness and charity. It was at Carthage itself that our Tertullian wrote: the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians”.May your life merit such an end and my Our Lord always keep you in his holy grace. May He sustain us as much as He has tried us, and even more so. Give me alms of one Ave Maria in my great sorrow, and I, my dear daughters, bless and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 23 15 September 1885Themes

Poverty 75 Generosity 89Order 89 Responsibility 79Francis 65

Saint Helen’s, Rome, 15 September 1885

My very dear Daughters,P.C.C.

In conformity with our Constitutions, which have been sent for printing and will soon be ready, I designate R. Mother Marie Agnès de St. Jean-Baptiste, as Assistant General, in charge of supervising our finances. All difficulties regarding money should be referred to her. I ask that anything you may have to say to me on this subject, may first be referred to her, so that I am not troubled by details and useless worries which hinder me in the exercise of my charge.In a short time, we will choose one of our Mothers to fulfil the charge of Bursar General. She will maintain all the accounts, which I want to be completely regular. The situation through which we are passing is difficult from every point of view. I recommend it to your prayers. We will unite this intention to the ordinary intentions of the Rosary at the washing-up. This we will end morning and evening by three invocations to Saint Anthony of Padua.As well as this, let each one individually ask our Lord to show us mercy and help us to live. I also ask those, who feel sufficiently Franciscan to beg alms for their sisters, to kindly send me their names, as also to Mère St. Jean. Let them remember that God will reward them for their devotedness to their Institute.R. Mother M. Agnes de St. Jean-Baptiste will also be at the same time Superior of the house of Saint-Raphael at Marseilles; and R. Mother Paul of St. Augustin is Superior of the house of Saint Monica.I recommend both of them to the prayers of the Institute, asking all of you to give an alms of an Ave Maria to your Mother and servant, who blesses and confides you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 24 6 January 1886Themes

Providence 24 Universality -Word of God 73 Poverty 75Mission 69 Thanksgiving -Humility 89 Vocation of the Institute -Resurrection 80 Hope -Francis 65 Joy 89

My very dear daughters, P.C.C.

It is nine years ago today that His Holiness, Pius IX gave recognition to the Institute, blessed it and granted permission to establish a novitiate in Europe. This will be a hot house of missionaries for the entire world, for it was decided that we would undertake a universal work. I like to remind you again my children, of how the hands of the illustrious Pontiff rested on my head as if, by a particular design of Providence, God wished to consecrate my misery to the foundation of our little family.I repeat these things, because they are graces which belong to all, and which each one, like our Immaculate Mother, ought to preserve and ponder over in her heart. That Epiphany, therefore, is in reality the date of our foundation. This in fact fits well into Our Lord’s plans, since it is also the feast of the conversion of infidels. The good God wished to place a last seal of confirmation on our little family on this day of grace. During my retreat, whilst praying in chapel, I got the idea of asking the successor of Saint Francis to give me the gift of his mantle. I assure you that my faith saw in this a special grace granted by our Seraphic Father to the whole Institute.I have not had the opportunity of explaining this idea to the most Reverend Father General. But God gave him the same light, and his letter surpasses all the hopes of my soul. I copy it out for you here without any comments: After these truly evangelical words I will only add two lines. My beloved children, be small so as to always find a place under this seraphic mantle the protection of which is so solemnly promised to you. Be sure of it. It is a definit6e pledge of your eternal happiness.Thanking God with you, my very dear daughters, I wish you all a happy and holy year, and remain always your humble servant and Mother in J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 25 15 May 1886Themes

Mission 69 Unity 87Fervour 89 Word of God 73Renouncement 29 Authority 79Detachment 29 Responsibility 79Body/Soul 28 Tabernacle 86

Earth/Heaven 83

(Erection of two provinces)Very dear daughters


His Holiness Leo XIII during the audience of 14 April 1886 deigned to erect two provinces in our Institute. One will include all the houses in Europe and Africa, already existing or to be founded after this.

This province will bear the name of the Immaculate Conception. Mother Marie des Sts. Anges, having received all the votes, has been elected Provincial. The second province will include all the houses of Asia, existing or to be founded later. It will bear the name of the Province of Saint Joseph. Mother Marie de Ste. Veronique obtained, as Provincial, all the votes of the Council. She will fulfil this charge until the province presents the names of its candidates to the Council of the Institute.This is a new blessing that God has just given us, my dear daughters. I hope it will be for you the beginning of a renewal of fervor and religious spirit. I would like to see you all so dead to yourselves and to the things of this earth that you might be but one body and one soul, so that it might be said in truth: “These religious no longer live, it is Jesus-Christ who lives in them”.…


CR/1 : 26 15 May 1886Themes

Nature 70 Renouncement 29Sanctity - Spouse 25Absolute power of God - World -Reason - Glory of God 66Detachment 29 Conversion -

Franc is 65

(Erection of two provinces – Rome 15 May 1886 – continued)

The more I advance in life, my dear daughters, the more I see how small human passions are an obstacle to religious well-being and perfection. God, who is our beginning and our end, ought to be the whole of our life if we were holy, if we were perfect religious. I would even go so far as to say: if we were sensible; we ought to be able to say always with our Seraphic Father: “My God and my all!” Alas, my children, how different is the reality. Petty attachments, the spirit of proprietorship, seeking creatures, the desire to be loved, to please, what else to add! All play a large part in the life of a great number of the spouses of our Lord.

I beg of you, my dear children, renew in yourselves the spirit of detachment and death to self, and glory only in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ask this grace for your poor Mother, ask it for each of your Sisters and be assured that my soul will never cease to ask for these fundamental and essentially Franciscan virtues for all of you from our Lord. Without them, all is illusion.

(List of suffrages)

I bless you, my very dear daughters, and confide you to J.M.M. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 27 12 June 1886Themes

Obedience 71 Renouncement 29Unity 87 Charity 24Mission 69 Authority 79Nature 70 Universality -World - Supernatural spirit 64

(regarding correspondence)

My very dear daughters,P.C.C.

In future our little chat will take a little more serious form and will become part of the Acts of the Institute. They will be divided into three parts:

I. – Official noticesII. –The journalIII. – Documentation. This will include every three months, I hope, the printed Annals.

Each Mission will preserve its collection. But Europe will only have the Official notices and Documentation for each house. Carthage must send me each year all its Acts except the printed ones. I recommend all of you, my dear daughters, to be very zealous about correspondence. The more I advance, the more I pray, the more experience enlightens me, the more I am certain that obedience, union with the major authority and frequent correspondence among us all, are the only means of prosperity and stability for a missionary Institute. Cast to the four corners of the earth, we will either be divided amongst ourselves or will be but one heart and one soul. In the first case we will cause harm to the priests, to Christians, to the works and to ourselves. In the other, we will be supernatural not natural.Union with what does not fall within the domain of the sense, demands sacrifices and stability – everything contrary to miserable humanity and difficult for it. When we know about a danger, my dear daughters, it is easier to guard against it. That is why I like to point it out to you, begging all of you to be attentive sentinels who watch over the common treasure of obedience, union, charity, correspondence, etc. …


CR/1 : 28 12 June 1886Themes

Mission 69 Respect for persons 24Generosity 89 Earth/Heaven 83Unity 87Order – Hierarchy 71

Our Annals will soon appear and I hope that little by little the novitiate, which is the source of life for our whole family, will be able to draw its maintenance from them. If this is to be so, then our missionaries must write regularly and know how to make unimportant happenings sound interesting. I beg this of them like a poor woman holding out her hand to her missionary children, asking from them bread for the European novitiate.

I promise to those who take my request to heart an extra flower in their heavenly crown, and to those who ignore it a word of reproach from Jesus love, when he judges their missionary life.

According to the request and advice of several of our sisters, I ask the Mother Provincials to close all their letters written to the sisters of their province. I will take the same trouble for each one in the Institute. The sisters likewise are requested to seal their letters when writing to their Provincial or General. Local Superiors should see that they are not given to them open.I bless you, dear daughters, whilst confiding you to J.M.M. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 29 June 1886Themes

Authority 79 Prayer 77Unity 87 Family -Order 89

Note to the Superiors about the correspondenceFirst Part

Statutes of SuperiorsNo. 1

I remind you that the Acts will include three parts:1. The statutes of the Superiors, which will contain the suffrages, the statutes and other regulations of the same kind – as well as all that is communicated by the superiors.The second part is the journal. The third part will include all official communications, that is, documents or news not from the superiors but which should be made known to the whole Institute. The journal, in those houses where it remains, should be bound each year in a volume. For the statutes of the superiors and official communications, the superior should provide two small registers, both alike and with the name written on the cover. When these are complete, they will be replaced by registers of the same size.As the statutes of the superiors and communications are usually brief, we will not set aside a whole leaflet for them. On the other hand, it is not quite right to keep little notes in the archives. This is why the two parts of the Acts ought to be recopied in each house as soon as the paper containing them is received, beginning this one. We will then number them.Those of our sisters who wish to have the prayers of the Institute for their relatives should send a separate not to the general secretariat through Mother General.


CR/1 : 30 6 June 1888Themes

Death - Penance 76Providence 22 Earth/Heaven 83Prayer 77

Death O Mgr. Bouché – to the whole Institute Rome, 6 June 1888

My very dear daughters,P.C.C.

Death once again has come to take from the Institute another Prelate who was a true father and courageous protector during our days of trial.

Monsignor Bouché had an attack of apoplexy at Tréguier, near the tomb of St. Yves. He had gone there on his feast to venerate this great Franciscan protector of Brittany. Yesterday 5 June, I received a telegram informing me of the death of this venerable Prelate. We will offer for him, my dear daughters, very special prayers which he so well deserves. The novitiate and Roman house will have 9 Masses said. The other houses will have 3 offered; and each one of us will receive three Holy Communions and offer all our work for 3 days for him.Although it is right to pray for him, whom Divine Providence has taken from us, we must also ask from Heaven for the Saint-Brieuc and Tréguier diocese a bishop who will be a faithful champion of the holy Roman Church, full of zeal for the interests of his diocese, and a paternal protector for the family of St. Francis. We will have a Mass offered in each of our houses during the month of June for this intention. And a Mass will also be offered each first Friday of the month until the nomination and installation of the new Pastor. Every morning at oratory prayers, we will recite a Veni Creator with an invocation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to Saint Anne protector of Brittany, to St. Yves protector of the diocese of Saint-Brieuc, and to Saint Francis father of the Seraphic Order. To each of these invocations the choir will reply “give us a bishop who will be a pious servant of God and a father to the family of Saint Francis”.Besides these prescribed prayers for our deceased bishop and those asked that his successor may be Heaven’s consolation and ours, each one of us will take care to remember these two important intentions in our prayers, sacrifices and penance.


CR/1 : 31 3 April 1889Themes

Suffering 82 Abandonment 22World - Francis 65Prayer 77 Earth/Heaven 83

Resignation of Fr. Bernardino Rome, 3 April 1889

My very dear childrenP.C.C.

The hour of very great sacrifices has come for us. Our very Reverend Father General has asked the Sovereign Pontiff, at the end of last year, to take from the burden of the generalate which he has so generously borne for twenty years.The Pope has ended by granting his request. On 17 September next, feast of the Stigmata, the general Chapter of the Order will meet in Rome and on 3 October will elect a new successor of Francis.I do not need, my dear daughters, to stress for you the greatness of this trial nor the loss it will be to us. You are aware of all that the most Reverend Father has meant to the Institute and to myself in the hour of the cross. We certainly owe to him the prosperity of our religious family. He was the angel of salvation for us. It is also unnecessary, my children, to recommend to your prayers the election of his successor and the general Chapter.In the present state of the Church and the world, a Chapter of our Order may have an incalculable influence. From now until then, be devoted children who like Moses, will never cease to raise their hands towards Heaven.(List of suffrages).(…) I also dare to ask you, my dear daughters, for a prayer for your Mother. This change is a very great trial for me. Let us all seek refuge in the love of God’s will. It is there that I long to meet all of you always; there I bless you confiding you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 32 26 July 1890Themes

Thanksgiving - Fidelity 89Law - Service -Goodness of God 23 Earth/Heaven 83Vocation of the Institute -

Approbation of the Institute

My very dear daughters,P.C.C.

The good God has just granted us a very great grace. On the feast of the Precious Blood, also the octave of Saints Peter and Paul, the Holy Father deigned to definitively approve our religious family. You will all give thanks to God for this favour, and will have a Mass said for this purpose at which all will receive Holy Communion. After this Mass, the Magnificat will be sung.I hope to be able to send you without delay our Constitutions, which have scarcely been corrected except on those points requested by us.At the first examination of our Constitutions, the time of the Chapter was changed. We have obtained our request to return to the first plan. Therefore, we will only have a general Congregation now.To this consoling news of the definitive approbation of the Institute, I add that of the nomination of Rev. Mother Marie de Ste. Anne, who has been appointed Assistant General by the Council until the elections at the general Congregation. I hope, my dear daughters that the goodness of heaven in our regard will encourage you more to keep the spirit of our Institute like a precious treasure and to faithfully observe our Constitutions.This letter should be read in the refectory at the first midday meal which comes after its arrival. As soon as possible the Mass will be celebrated and Communions offered.I profit by this opportunity, my very dear daughters, to recommend myself to your prayers and to assure you that I am more than every your servant and devoted Mother in J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 33 21 January 1891Themes

Joy 89 Law -Conversion - Mission 69Prayer 77 Mary 68Fervour 89 Chastity 25Fidelity 89 Imitation 63

Francis 65

Announcement of the next sending of the Constitutions

My dear daughters,P.C.C.

Soon I will have the consolation of sending you our Constitutions. Each one will have her copy. This, I am sure, will be a great joy for all. At the same time you will receive the decisions of the general Congregation. I hope it will be for all an occasion for a renewal in prayer, fervour and fidelity to all the prescri8ptions of the Rule, the Constitutions and the Customs Books.

Through the intercession of St. Agnes, whose feast we celebrate today, I ask of God that we may love Jesus in order to be chaste, that we may be close to him in our thoughts, words, actions in order to be pure, and that we may possess him in order to be virgins. Then we will truly fulfil our vocation, we will continue the mission of the Immaculate. So as to prepare you to walk along this way, you will receive today two graces: a letter from our Very Rev. Father General who is so good to his missionary daughters, and a letter from his venerated predecessor in reply to all our wishes. I am sure that the soul of him who calls himself our “Grand-father”, will make ours vibrate. Profit by his teachings. I hope that these profound words will not be his swan-song, and that this venerated father will be preserved for a long time to our tenderness!I also thank you for your wishes, my dear children, and bless you, confiding you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 34 20 February 1891Themes

Meditation 77 Imitation 63Prayer 77 Vocation of the Institute -Cult 77 Mission 69Word of God 73 Francis 65

Letter of introduction to the MeditationsMy very dear daughters,

It is a long time now since from all sides you began to ask your poor Mother for meditations for everyday in the year. You would like to see brought together the few thoughts, which now and again I offered you as evening preparation for your meditations. I have prayed. It seemed to me that God wanted more. Holy Mother Church has always taught us in the divine liturgy, that the Scriptures and example of the saints are the purest sources at which souls of prayer should nourish themselves. By applying these treasures to the needs of our vocation, I felt that we would have now and in the future solid guidance in achieving strong and serious virtue. The recitation of the breviary would satisfy the attraction of our souls. But as missionaries, having to deprive ourselves of this joy, we can, more or less compensate for this by finding an abridged version of the Romano-Seraphic breviary in our meditation book.Two very rich sources came naturally to mind as a means of facilitating my tasks: the Liturgical Year of Dom Gueranger and the Aureole Seraphique of Fr. Leon de Clary. These two precious mines have delivered up their treasures to me. I found many graces for my own soul in them. I thought that God allowed this as a pledge of the fruit which these meditations will one day bear in yours.


CR/1 : 35 20 February 1891Themes

Contemplation/Action 27 Struggle 26Jesus 67 Victim 90Imitation 63 Mission 69Francis 65 Obedience 71Word of God 73 Maternal love -Mary 68 Lamb -

Spouse 25

The work was naturally divided into: the Proper of the Time and movable feasts, bound in one volume, the Proper of the Saints for each day of the year, forming four other volumes each containing three months.

It was easy for me to find in the mysteries of Our Lord, the life of the saints especially those of our Order, those lessons which will always be necessary to the Institute for the preservation of the evangelical spirit, which was that of Jesus himself, of his great servant Saint Francis, and of the Seraphic Order.Each day, you will find a practical application, destined to make you understand d the dangers of our way, the struggle against the demon and also the necessity of perfect union and devotedness to which we are obliged as victims and as Franciscan Missionaries.The meditations which I offer you have cost me much. I had to do research and find time for it in an already overcrowded schedule. Obedience gave me the courage, guided me to the end of this work and seconded my maternal love. May my daughters today and in the future receive with simplicity and obedience this celestial nourishment, prepared for them by God’s goodness. They will find there the secret of missioning Mary on earth, and of following triumphantly the divine Lamb to Heaven – he who has chosen them as spouses in His incomparable love.With this hope, I bless all those who are or will be part of the Institute, and I confide them to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F., always remaining in them, my dear daughters, your Mother and humble servant.


CR/1 : 36 14 March 1891Themes

Providence 22 Goodness of God 23Spouse 25 Obedience 71Passion 74 Mission 69Contemplation/Action 27 Unity 87Nature 70 Strength 89Order – Hierarchy 71 Sanctity -

Earth/Heaven 83

Sending of the decisions of the General Congregation and ConstitutionsMy very dear daughters,

P.C.C.Without having planned it, it is only on the eve of my religious feast, that I can begin to send out the decisions of our first general Congregation. Divine Providence has also willed that on this day a good Franciscan Father, our chaplain and extraordinary confessor, should bring me as feastday bouquet a blessing from the Sovereign Pontiff you and me.Whilst writing my letters, I was suddenly struck by this coincidence. It seems as if our crucified Spouse wishes to bless the decisions taken by the delegates, by this blessing of his Vicar. He also seems to want to teach you that by making our Lord’s Passion and the nourishment of your souls, you will be able to put into practice your Constitutions, your Customs books and the decisions of our general Congregation. The Constitutions, incidentally, have also been sent to all of you. God, in his goodness, does not allow anything useless in the arrangements made by obedience, especially when this is manifested by the Rules, Constitutions, Customs Books and Chapters.Take up your cross therefore. Accept everything which is painful to nature. Submit yourself even to death like your divine Model who was obedient even to the death of the Cross.One thing struck me in the blessing of the Vicar of Jesus Christ coming to us from heaven at this particular time. It is sent to all those who are under my obedience. Remember it will always be so. The more we understand the difficulties of a missionary Institute, the more we realize that its strength is in unity, its ruin in division, its sanctity in hierarchical obedience, its infidelity in independence and in a lack of submission. This blessing seems to be only for obedient souls, now and in the future, because one must always obey her Foundress.…


CR/1 : 37 14 March 1891Themes

Francis 65 Humility 89Passion 74 Love of God 23Joy 89 Service -Obedience 71

Sending the decisions of the General Congregation and of the Constitutions – 14 March 1891 – continued

This blessing comes and will always come to us through the channel of Saint Francis, through his Order, subject in an inviolable manner to the Lateran Church, that of Peter. It was at the Lateran, Mother of all the Churches in the world, that a Franciscan asked this favour for us. The Vicar of Jesus Christ will always bless us through Francis. Blessed are the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary who remember that the Passion of the Lord has left its mark on the Institute, through its first Mother!Blessed are those who always obey. They will be worthy of the name of minor because they are seraphic, and of the name of seraph because they are minors!Meditate upon these words. May they make you determined to remain united to the Master’s Passion until death, and to preserve all your life an inviolable obedience nourished by humility and love.I do not bless you since the Holy Father himself sends you his blessing, but I confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F. and in them I am your humble servant and Mother.


CR/1 : 38 22 April 1891Themes

Church 60 Respect for persons 24Obedience 71 Prudence 89Authority 79 Traditions -Liberty -

Circular sent to the Institutethe decree of the S.C. of Bishops and Regularsof the 17th December 1890 concerning the opening of conscience to superiorsand confession in religious communities.

22 April 1891My very dear daughters,


I hear that the Ordinaries are beginning to communicate the Sovereign Pontiff’s decree which treats of communities.I think it will be useful to send you the summary of this decree in the vernacular, just as the Cardinal Vicar sent to the communities in Rome.As we cannot adopt a different communication for each diocese, I asked his Eminence if we might put the one sent by him to our house in Rome into our Constitutions. His Eminence deigned to reply in the affirmative. This document is being printed at the moment in Paris. But I am sending it already to the superiors so that they may know it sooner.As you will see, my very dear daughters, this decree changes none of our customs, for which I thank divine Providence.


CR/1 : 39 22 April 1891Themes

Respect for persons 24 Law -Authority 79 Sacraments -Liberty -

(Decree regarding the manifestation of conscience and confession – continued)

IThe superiors have always been warned that they may in no way compel their subjects to manifest their conscience to them. We have only to faithfully observe our already established Rules on this matter.

II and IIIIt is required that subjects be free to have recourse to their superior. I have always upheld this.

IVExtraordinary confessors, sometimes very necessary for communities, can no longer be refused to us. We will no longer have to suffer on that account.

VSuperiors, in cases of public disedification, will be able to forbid Communion until the next Confession. One more question settled, which will obviate many difficulties.

VIAs to Communion, it was always the confessor who accorded it to us. The Church obliges the subject to inform the superior of the extra Communions which she receives, and the superior to warn the confessor, if in all truth, she feels we are unworthy of these extra Communions. I hope your prudent virtue will make it unnecessary for your Mothers to do this.Articles VII and VIII deal with submission to this decree.Thus, my very dear daughters, you will see that this decree instead of upsetting you, is a further security for you.I take this opportunity of blessing you…


CR/1 : 40 18 January 1892Themes

Providence 22 Peace 72Victim 90 Mission 69Jesus 67 Word of God 73Mary 68 Reign of God 78Francis 65 Vocation of the Institute -Struggle 26 Eucharist 62

Earth/Heaven 83To the whole Institute – a call to holiness

My very dear daughters,

The feast of St. Peter’s Chair is also the anniversary of my saintly mother’s death: this loss delayed my vocation. Here, as in so many other happenings, I see the will of the divine Master working, I almost dare to say without our cooperation, for the foundation of the Institute of which not one of us ever even dreamt.

It exists however! The Church has confirmed its special vocation. We belong to Jesus through Mary and Saint Francis. We are victims for the Church and for souls.Our first plan already reminded us that the Blessed Virgin had made peace between heaven and earth by giving it the Saviour, and that the Institute of the Missionaries of Mary was called to continue this mission.In a transition period St. Francis is still, in the shadow of Our Lady of the Angels, a star who gave as it were a new flowering of the Gospel to the world. This is the reign of Jesus Christ himself.Since the beginning of the year, I have felt an urgent need to remind you of our special vocation, of the graces we have received, and to forewarn you against the attacks of hell, storming against us, because of the special appeal heaven has for our souls, consecrated to the needs of the Church and the neighbour.Mary Immaculate and her servant Francis have obtained many favours for us. Outsiders always remark this. My daughters cannot be the only ones to fail to see the graces poured out on the Institute by the good God. May you never be so ungrateful! Listen to the assurance which I give you in the name of God: the Virgin Mary has raised up her Missionaries, victim adorers of the most Blessed Sacrament to appeal to the mercy of her Son and to hold back his avenging arm whilst drawing down a new effusion of the reign of Jesus.My daughters you see that to continue Mary’s mission, we must have saints!…


CR/1 : 41 18 January 1892Themes

Thanksgiving - Power of God -Sanctity - Repentance -Providence 22 Frankness 89Glory of God 66 Abandonment 22Francis 65 Communion of Saints 87Unity 87 Eucharist 62

(to the whole Institute – call to holiness – continued)

I have to thank God and you. Truth, so dear to me, obliges me to say that grave faults are generally avoided among us, yet this same truth leads me to ask you to look deep into your consciences. And then we must admit that sanctity is still but a rare flower in our religious family. From this year onward, this gap has to be filled.On the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, I gave our Institute more than ever before, to Him, and to His most pure Mother as well. Let each one take to heart the desire to become a saint, so as to accomplish God’s plan. To achieve this I propose some practical resolutions for all.


In the future we will hear Holy Mass, all united together, to obtain the grace for the Order of St. Francis that it may accomplish its mission for the glory of God and according to His divine will. It is usually on Thursday that the Meeting of the general Curia is held. Important business of the Order is dealt with during this meeting. We will make ourselves, on that day especially, its advocates during the Holy Sacrifice and also at Communion, during our adorations and by the good deeds of the day.We are part of this Seraphic Order for which we will offer Thursday’s Mass. We are Mary’s flower, blossoming on its ancient trunk in the seventh centenary of the birth of St. Francis. We will also ask for saints for the Institute so as to accomplish God’s plan.

My children, have you thought of the power of the Sacrifice of the Mass? The Lord is at the same time a Host of praise, worthy of his Heavenly Father; an act of thanksgiving capable of repaying divine benefits; a victim filling up the abyss caused by sin and the channel of all graces. Let us adore, thank, expiate and petition with Our Lord Jesus Christ during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.For the last year especially, obedience has led me to an understanding of the power of the Holy Sacrifice. Let us unite each day so as to experience this.


CR/1 : 42 18 January 1892Themes

Obedience 71 Renouncement 29Respect of the Hierarchy 71 Common life 91Humility 89 Responsibility 79Authority 79 Respect for persons 24Sanctity - Supernatural spirit 64Repentance -

(to the whole Institute – call to holiness – continued)


I ask of you a limitless obedience, respectful, humble, modest in the presence of authority, never excusing oneself when a reprimand or prudent counsel is given to enlighten.In this connection, I ask for more religious recreations. If you are not taking part in the general recreation, which is animated by the sister presiding, do not speak indiscreetly to those far away but only to your neighbours. Many private conversations tend to lessen respect for authority, prevent edifying and instructive conversations, and lead to dissipation and frivolity.


May humility become a treasure and the ambition of all! Let us base our sanctity on this solid foundation; let us love to read about the practice of humility in the life of the early Minors. God has not changed. Why should we not use the means which led them to death to self?Let our superiors introduce souls to the practice of voluntary humiliations. Those who, lacking a spirit of faith, do not know how to obey all authority, ought to be especially subjected to obedience.May each one humbly repair her faults, even the superiors. The Venerable Mother Emilie, foundress of the Holy Family, loved to say that it was a means of increasing respect for authority.…


CR/1 : 43 18 January 1892Themes

Silence 89 Sentiment -Charity 24 Detachment 29Union with God 86 Sanctity -Fidelity 89 Love of God 23World - Struggle 26Grace - Eucharist 62

Service -(to the whole Institute – a call to holiness – continued)

IVLet us practice silence, then we will not offend against charity. We will be united to God and faithful to the Rules. Let us observe these scrupulously, asking only for the necessary dispensations and giving these up as it is possible.

VHearts on high, my daughters! Let us not give them to a creature, a place or a charge. Human affections are the great thieves of the love of God. He who separates himself from the living trunk of the Church is a branch stricken with death. It is the same with our hearts. If they detach themselves from Jesus to give themselves to all that is created, if they become humanized, they can no longer produce any fruit of sanctity.I hope that amongst you some will hear this appeal to sanctity. God has allowed your Mother, more than others, to understand the evil which devours society, the punishments which threaten it, and the graces which could be obtained.To move God to pity at this moment would be a benefit, the extent of which would be difficult to appreciate. Carry on, along the road of sanctity; let us practice our motto for 1892: “Love is bought by sacrifice”.May our daily Mass take Heaven by violence. May the flower of sanctity germinate and grow throughout the entire Order, in our souls specially, my very dear daughters. For that I bless you and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F. and am your humble servant and devoted Mother.


CR/1 : 44 16 April 1893Themes

Sentiment - Francis 65Nature 70 Love of God 23Authority 79 Fidelity 89Detachment 29 Sanctity -Mission 69 Victim 90Eucharist 62 Struggle 26

Supernatural spirit 64

To the whole Institute – feast of superiors

My very dear daughters,

For a long time now we have been trying to prevent the superiors’ and directresses’ feasts from becoming occasions for manifesting human and hardly religious affections. The Chapter took some steps in regard to this subject. But we noticed that in spite of the wise regulations prescribed, young religious especially seize upon these occasions in order to flatter authority, so that in certain houses above all, there is far too much

preoccupation with rendering homage to a creature. Time which is due to God is dissipated in a human manner to the detriment of the religious spirit. Believe it, from your Mother’s experience, attachments to a creature, to a particular house, to a province, to a country are always detrimental to our vocation as Franciscan Missionaries, to our religious perfection and to our love of God, so much so that when we feel a natural preference we ought to supernaturally avoid its object. God knows, my dear daughters, how much I wish to see you saints and faithful to the great vocation to which God has called you. Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, victims for the Church and for souls, adorers of the Most Holy Sacrament. What a horizon! What sanctity if we are faithful! Human attachments are an important means used by hell to turn us from God and from fidelity to the graces He gives us.


CR/1 : 45 16 April 1892Themes

Authority 79 Order – Hierarchy 71Obedience 71 Common life 91Poverty 75 Traditions -Sentiment -

(to the whole Institute – feast of superiors – continued)

In agreement with the Assistants General, we have taken the resolution to cut short as much as possible these opportunities for offering incense and flattery to the superiors. This is as detrimental to their spiritual good as it is to their subjects’, and is even more dangerous still for the young religious who would be in charge of the works.We have therefore abolished forever the feasts of superiors and of the directresses of the works. To give the good example, although I have been asked to make an exception in favour of the Mother General, I was the first not to be feasted on 15 August 1892. All that I permitted and all that will henceforth be permitted on the feastdays of those in authority will be the offering of a very simple flower gathered in the garden and the offering of the following day. This offering will be presented by the sister in the highest authority after the one being feasted. All the religious will then embrace the superior being feasted. For provincials, a picture sent by distant houses with the same offering will be permitted. For the Mother General, a picture from all the houses of the Institute with the same gift. Any other manifestation will be strictly forbidden. We would fail in obedience and in poverty if by indirect means we were to offer or receive certain little presents for the feastdays of the religious of the Institute. Songs and plays are likewise suppressed. We will choose the patronal feast of the house or some other to give these kinds of recreations in the works.…


CR/1 : 46 16 April 1893Themes

Authority 79 Order – Hierarchy 71Common life 91 Traditions -

(To the whole Institute – feast of superiors – continued)

Moreover, no solemn reception will be given to local superiors returning to their house. However the bell could be rung for an extraordinary reunion and the community could be assembled in the community room to embrace her and receive her blessing. For that, her absence must have been more than a week.The same regulation will be followed for the provincials when they are not making the visit. But once a year, when the visit has been announced, they must be received according to the Customs Book of the visit.As to the Mother General in the houses where she does not reside, she will always be received according to the Customs Book of the visit. In the houses where she resides, Mother Vicar General in agreement with her, will regulate, according to the length of her absence, the manner in which the Mother General will be received.In the houses where there are more than ten novices, it will be permitted to give to the Mother General and to the Provincials during their annual visit one concert during recreation, made up mostly of short songs easy to learn. A pious performance could be added, such as that of a martyr’s life. Where there are not ten novices, these concerts at recreation are formally forbidden.…


CR/1 : 47 16 April 1893Themes

Joy 89 Obedience 71Renouncement 29 Gratitude 89Example 63 Mission 69Authority 79 Generosity 89Woman - Poverty 75Order – Hierarchy 71 Supernatural spirit 64

(To the whole Institute – feast of superiors – continued)

Being the first Mother given to you by divine Providence, I have always felt great joy and gratitude in receiving the wishes you sent me. But I have not hesitated in making a sacrifice of them so as to prevent abuses. I hope that all those who will be superiors in the Institute and all their subjects will generously make the same sacrifice to God which I have offered Him for them and that there will be no attempts to evade by small feminine subtleties, obedience to the resolution taken by the general Council.As the superior general and the provincials have heavy charges, it is right that each year the houses under their jurisdiction send them some little works of art or some curios which will help them to express our gratitude to our benefactors. This will also accustom the houses to take an interest in and to give to the Province and the entire Institute, and not only to their own house to the detriment of the general good. When these objects come from the missions they are most likely to please our benefactors.And on this note, my daughters, I bless you and ask you to become more and more supernatural, and I confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.Your servant and devoted Mother.

----------CR/1 : 48 26 July 1893


Poverty 75 Courage 89Work 75 Unity 87Generosity 89 Struggle 26Order 89 Eucharist 62Word of God 73 Suffering 82

Church 60

To all my daughters of Europe and Carthage – appeal for soliciting almsFeast of Saint Anne, 1893

My dear children,P.C.C.

Our workrooms at Vanves and everywhere are being organized and I hope that in a short time we will be even able to meet all our obligations, without your feeling – especially your superiors – so much the rigours of poverty. It doesn’t matter how, my children, although it may be hard, let us love it as a treasure and let us live generously this difficult time which remains before we have a complete organization that will permit us to live evangelically by the work of our hands.Until then, it is absolutely necessary that the novitiate where most enter without a dowry, Vanves where the installation has to be arranged, and Rome which has almost 150 subjects and no source of income, should be helped by the courage and the generosity of all.To found an Institute is to accomplish a work much greater than most of you can understand and to found a missionary Institute is to attack even further the demon in his very stronghold.The first Christians gave their blood to form the foundations of the Church and we benefit from their generous and heroic courage.Following the same line of thought, we who are the first stones of this missionary Institute in the Church and must place the Blessed Sacrament exposed opposite Satan’s altars, must purchase by sufferings, through temptations and trials of all sorts the establishment of our Institute.…


CR/1 : 49 26 July 1893Themes

World - Word of God 73Poverty 75 Obedience 71Work 75 Courage 89Goodness of God 23 Humility 89Francis 65 Prayer 77Generosity 89 Suffering 82

(To all my daughters of Europe and Carthage – appeal for soliciting alms – continued)

In very bad times and through persecutions which surpass all that one can imagine, our sisters have had to seek and ask for our daily bread. Alas! Many have done it as if forced, allowing themselves to be discouraged by the unauthorized blame with which they were received, often by the clergy themselves. Sometimes their charge was criticized, other times their Institute was calumniated. Sad and discouraged, they asked to return or they failed in fidelity whilst continuing their painful pilgrimage.

Nevertheless, God will have counted their steps and their painful life, I am sure, will win them great mercy from their divine Master.Today there is no longer any question of seeking mediocre soldiers. I ask all: “Who has the courage to go forward to the most painful cross, but also the one dearest to St. Francis? God has not changed and whatever happens, the poor are always the dearest section of his flock, and an Institute, approved by the Church, which is vowed to poverty, defies all criticism. The world will blame it. But Our Lord has said: “Misfortune to the world.” And He Himself, the divine Master, was he not blamed?Those, who have decided to go on to the end no matter what happens, blindly obedient, leaving when told to leave and returning when told to return, should send me their names and a copy to Mother of the Redemption. Those who do not feel this courage will do better to ask for nothing, to humiliate themselves, and to take as their share the duty of praying for their more generous sisters. To offer oneself and then to withdraw at the moment of action would only cause more expense and a new cross for the superiors. I warn all those who give their name that as soon as they prove to be cowardly and unfaithful in spite of their promise, they will be required to return at once. But they will lose a great grace.…


CR/1 : 50 26 July 1893Themes

Example 63 Generosity 89Suffering 82 Authority 79Work 75 Service -Poverty 75

(To all my daughters of Europe and Carthage – appeal for soliciting alms – continued)

As I wish to share in this suffering, I have resolved no matter what it costs me and in spite of the crushing crosses which overwhelm me, to take upon myself the final direction of our finances. All the superiors will kindly explain to me all their debts. M.M. de St. Joseph and in her absence M.M. of the Redemption will send me also each week the total of the receipts of all the commissioners.

For the good of the Institute I have already deprived myself of M.M. de St. Joseph whom I had trained as my secretary. I will give another example of devotedness by taking from around me two or three almost indispensable subjects.

If you, my dear children, thank that I can do more, be kind enough to tell me. I would very willingly go myself to seek your bread, but I see no one who could undertake the ever increasing work which weighs me down each day.

This letter will be read during an extraordinary reunion which will take place as soon as possible after its reception. The superiors will translate it for the subjects who do not know French, and in the hope of its arousing some generous devotedness, your servant and your Mother blesses you all and confides you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 51 8 May 1895Themes

Sentiment - Prayer 77Duty 89 Renouncement 29Providence 22 Mary 68Abandonment 22 Struggle 26Gratitude 89 Glory of God 66

Love of God 23

To the whole Institute – death of Fr. Bernardino

My very dear daughters,P.C.C.

My soul and heart have a duty to accomplish at this moment when I am about to go by train on a long journey which will bring me to the feet of the heavenly Madonna of Spain, N – D del Pilar.This morning, just when the Mass was about to begin, we learnt of the death of Mgr. dal Vago, who has been rightly called by the Institute – our Grandfather. He died yesterday, Tuesday, 7 May at 7 p.m. struck by a new attack. His blessed end is deliverance for his beautiful soul, but daughters always love their grandfather. However, my children, divine Providence have brought me a consolation. God’s will obliging me to leave during the first fortnight of May, I wanted to find a feastday which might be a protection for the journey and the real sacrifice that I was making in leaving Italy just when the general Congregation was taking place at Saint Mary of the Angels. The 8 May, when we celebrate one of the feasts of the Archangel Saint Michael, united to the memory of the Venerable Joan of Arc, seemed to me the day indicated to obtain the graces for which I offered my sacrifice. Several times I was tempted to delay by a few days. But I was prevented by the thought that this was the day willed by God. Finally, Very Rev. Father Raphael told me not to change. And it is this feastday which brings us the news of the death of one who has loved us so much and who will now love us still more. My last communion before my departure, offered in this little chapel where he had been so good, was for him. Thus have ended the thirteen years that I have just spent in Rome during which, thanks to the protection of our Grandfather, so many graces have been granted to the Institute. And this time has passed between the centenary of the birth of St. Francis (1882) and that of the birth of St. Anthony (1895). Now it is a new dawn which is going to appear. May our sacrifices, our prayers, our love obtain the grace of its being very beautiful for the glory of God. …


CR/1 : 52 8 May 1895Themes

Francis 65Prayer 77

(To the whole Institute – death of Fr. Bernardino – continued)

I end by prescribing the prayers which we will offer for the illustrious and regretted deceased. Apart from the Gregorian Mass, prescribed by the decisions of the Chapter, and the 30 Masses which I will have offered from those which are at my disposal, each of our houses, beginning on Ascension day and ending on Pentecost day,

will have a Holy Mass celebrated each day for the repose of the soul of Mgr. Dal Vago and for the general Congregation and its results.The Holy Communions, adorations, ways of the cross, which ought to be made in common, and all the work and prayers of each day will be offered for the same intentions. Finally, we will have a procession each day in honour of the Blessed Virgin, of St. Joseph, patron of Monsignor or of one of the holy protectors of the Order, according to the superior’s choice. Our communities on the missions, who will not receive these decisions on time, will observe them during nine days.Let us ask this dear and venerated Grandfather to be the best protector of the Congregation of Saint Mary of the Angels, and let us give him, all during our life dear daughters, a large share in our prayers, works and sacrifices.I bless you more tenderly than ever on this very sad yet very consoling day, and I confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.

Mary of the PassionSup.re G.le f.m.m.

Note. – All the members of the Institute are requested to send to the house at Rome a copy of letters from Mgr. Dal Vago, which can be shared with others, and an account of all that each one knows or has remarked in the venerated deceased.


CR/1 : 53 13 January 1896Themes

Obedience 71 Francis 65Duty 89 Judgment -Maternal love - Joy 89Humility 89 Abandonment 22Jesus 67

Letter on Obedience

Today at holy Mass, in a remarkable way our Saviour granted me such a clear view of Obedience that I believe I should be failing in my maternal duty, if I did not communicate it to all. It is not the Superior General who writes to you this time, it is the Mother who shares her thought with her daughters.

These last days, I have been impressed, while correcting the proofs of the life of the Venerable Franceschino, with the advice given him by his director upon his entering religion. The following of this advice made this venerable friar a faithful imitator of our Seraphic Father Saint Francis, the imitator above all others, of the humility and obedience of Jesus himself. “When I entered religion,” he often related, “I requested my Father, Peter de Venaco, to give me advice which would help me live well. He replied that I should never seek the reason for orders or commands which might be given me.” Franceschino observed his counsel to the letter. Even more, his obedience was joyous when the order given was difficult. He found pleasure in the certainty of doing the will of God when acting by obedience.…


CR/1 : 54 13 January 1896Themes

Obedience 71 Reign of God 78Word of God 73 Law -Incarnation/Redemption 67 Judgment -Abandonment 22 Earth/Heaven 83Power of God -

(Letter on Obedience – continued)

Yesterday I had the opportunity of telling some of our sisters the value I attached to the practice of this virtue which has been my safeguard on so many occasions. The same evening the Very Reverend Father Raphael came to give a conference to the community. He spoke on the Gospel of the day, the search of Mary and Joseph for the lost Jesus and the finding of Him in the temple upon their return there. He then gave us the last words of this Gospel as the foundation of all perfection: “He was subject.” “For eighteen years,” Father said, “nothing further is said of the Word of God, of the Eternal Incarnate Wisdom.”

This morning at meditation I thought of the obedient soul as receiving the holy will of God through all legitimate channels and of Almighty God bestowing upon such a soul the graces, blessings and supernatural help which always accompany His commands. If the creature acts in agreement with the divine plan, the Kingdom of God will spread accordingly – and the soul accomplishes God’s will on earth as in Heaven. There is no discord when the powerless is united to the All-powerful.

But should it happen that after examining the divine command, communicated either by the law of God or the Church, by superiors or the Rule, by the Customs Books or finally, by the acts of divine Providence, should it happen that the soul examines the “why” of the divine Will, which is one with the why of obedience, and then judges and even acts according to what her own understanding tells her, then the blessing, the help, the graces offered by the power of God for the observance are withdrawn as being without purpose.


CR/1 : 55 13 January 1896Themes

Judgment - Discernment of spirits -Obedience 71 Goodness of God 23Power of God - Eucharist 62Struggle 26

(Letter on Obedience – continued)

The Lord cannot oppose Himself. Who is strong against God? This was the cry of Saint Michael in the hour of the great rebellion. The angels, sent to help this soul to obey, look upon her in sorrow while she is doing what she herself judges to be best, and God Himself contemplates His creature with pity. He understands better than anyone else her folly, her injustice, her complete powerlessness, etc., and what is still more deplorable, the evil spirits rejoice when the good are grieved, and they replace by their evil inspirations the enlightening influence of the angels. Moreover, these spirits who were the first to rebel are bound to exercise their

influence over such an act; they embroil it, they poison it, and the disobedient soul falls deeper and deeper into all kinds of illusions and faults.

This, my children, is the twofold image which the mercy of our Lord has held before my soul, for you and for me, during the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Help is promised to obedient souls; she who obeys will count her victories. The fall of disobedient souls: Lucifer fell from heaven; Adam and Eve were obliged to leave the terrestrial Paradise.


CR/1 : 56 13 January 1896Themes

Unity 87 Frankness 89Obedience 71 Power of God -Contemplation/Action 27 Word of God 73

(Letter on Obedience – continued)

I send these lines to Mother Vicar General, to Assistants General, Provincials, Superiors of houses and Mistresses of Novices. Let each one keep them with her and have them read now at a general meeting of the community, and once each year on the Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany, also at a general reunion, which will be help in all our Houses and Novitiates. I would urge all my daughters present and to come to make a copy and keep it with them. If from time to time they make it the subject of their meditations, they will understand obedience, its safeguards and its rewards. Do not forget, my daughters, that God is not deceived. He will always know whether we are sincere, frank, submissive to all legitimate authority, or whether we replace this submission by any illusion or any will of our own. It matters little that creatures do not know it. He knows it; and He is Almighty. That He may ever find you obedient, and that at your death you may merit also the words spoken of Jesus Himself: “He was subject”, I bless you and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 57 14 May 1896Themes

Law -Church 60Thanksgiving -

Final Approbation of Constitutions

Dear daughters in our Lord,P.C.C.

In July 1890 our Institute had been definitively approved. Last 8 December, accompanied by the General Council of the Institute, I placed at the feet of the Sovereign Pontiff the humble prayer that he might be kind enough to definitively approve our Constitutions, adding to them several special privileges.Today, feast of the Ascension, 14 May 1896, the very Rev. Father General, accompanied by very Rev. Father Raphael and their secretaries, Father Celestin and Father Sabatino, came to promulgate in the presence of the

whole community the Decree of the Holy See according us the great favour of the definitive approbation of our Constitutions.

Not one change contrary to our desires has been made and great favours have been accorded to us. That is sufficient to impress upon you all how much we have to thank God.The Community, after having kissed the hand of the Rev. Father General went to the Chapel singing the Te Deum and the Magnificat. This is what will be done in all the houses of the Institute during the Benediction which follows the reading of this general letter. As soon as it is received, it will be read at an extraordinary reunion.…


CR/1 : 58 14 May 1896Themes

Thanksgiving - Work 75Law - Goodness of God 23Mary 68 Humility 89Word of God 73 Grace -Suffering 82 Earth/Heaven 83

(Final Approbation of Constitutions – continued)

The same day a novena of thanksgiving for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff, of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda and of the Order, especially for those of Very Rev. Fr. General and for us, will be begun. For nine days the Magnificat followed by three times the invocation: Sancte Joseph, ora pro nobis, will be sung after Benediction, with the Antiphon; Salve Sancte Pater and three times the invocation: Sancte Antoni, ora pro nobis. For, the great thaumaturge had much to do with the immense grace which has just been accorded to us. You will even see in the Decree of definitive approbation of our Constitutions that our workrooms, very much praised by the Nuncio in Paris, Monsignor Ferrata, have earned for his house the honour of being considered the principal house of the Institute. After this official part of my letter what shall I say to you dear daughters? Allow me to apply to myself in these circumstances the words of our Immaculate Mother:“My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour because He has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid. Henceforth all generations (if I do not become unworthy) will call me blessed.”And in fact, after so many years of tears and work, it is great kindness on the part of God to allow me to see during my lifetime the consecration of the work of which He wished to make me the poor Mother in spite of my misery. It is sure that this is one of the greatest graces God could grant to a soul, that of using her to found another religious family in the Church. Ask that I do not become unworthy of it, and obtain for me rather the grace of corresponding to this precious favour, so that I may merit to see it crowned in heaven. Because like every other grace as long as we are on earth, we can lose it.…


CR/1 : 59 14 May 1896Themes

Law - Francis 65Fidelity 89 Service -Providence 22 Joy 89Mission 69 Earth/Heaven 83Mary 68

(Final Approbation of Constitutions – continued)

It is as much to you as to me that this benefit of the Lord has been given. Let us all become worthy of it by practicing to the best of our ability the Constitutions which his Holiness Leo XIII has just approved and blessed. If we keep them, they will protect the whole Institute, causing us to accomplish the plans of God, which he had in mind in creating it.Let us be henceforth true Missionaries of the Blessed Virgin and of Saint Francis. Let us continue on earth the mission of Mary Immaculate. All is to be found there for us. In all, everywhere and always, may our religious family be like Mary, the servant of the Lord.I earnestly recommend you to pray much for the Seraphic Order of whom we are the daughters, and to help me obtain for the Institute itself different favours which I am asking from Heaven.For your consolation I( add to this letter an account of the state of the Institute when we asked for the definitive approbation of our Constitutions. All our bishops and the Nuncios of Paris and of Lisbon sent letters of approval which were full of praise for the Institute. It is up to us, my daughters, to show them our gratitude by justifying the paternal and kindly references, which they sent to the Holy See.I bless you, my dear daughters, and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 60 6 January 1897Themes

Authority 79 Francis 65Church 60 Unity 87

The General Council to the Superiors of the Institute(Introduction to the Acts of the Chapter of 1896)

The General Chapter of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary which has just taken place in Rome, from 5 to 12 December, could be considered as the first and model of all Chapters and General Congregations which will follow. The Chapter of Ootacamund held 24 April, 1897, had as its purpose only to establish the powers of the Foundress, as Superior General. When that of the Chatelets was held, 26 July 1884, our Institute had still only the verbal approbation of the Holy See, and that meeting had no other purpose than to confirm the first one.Our General Congregation, held in Rome under the presidency of Very Rev. Fr. General, Louis de Parme, had already much more comp0lete results.The preceding six years had been fruitful: the brief of approval had been accorded to the Institute, on 12 August 1885; and on the same date a share in the privileges of the Stigmatines. On the following 14 January, the Institute obtained the communication of the Indulgences of the Order. Finally, on 17 June 1890, the Institute had received the canonical approbation, and its Constitutions had been approved for five years.

However, the Congregation of 1890 was not a General Chapter and the Institute not having received the definitive approbation, could not act with as much certainty as at the present moment.…CR/1 : 61 6 January 1897


Joy 89 Universality -Francis 65 Authority 79Unity 87

The General Council to the Superiors of the Institute(Introduction to the Acts of the Chapter of 1896 – continued)

This definitive approbation was granted us on 11 May 1896; and we have the happiness of reading in the decree that “the Institute having requested that the privileges of depending entirely on the Friars Minor, already accorded to the Stigmatine Sisters might be extended to the Sisters, Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, the Holy Father very willingly gives his full and entire approval.”The presidency of the Chapter belongs then to our Very Rev. Fr. General. It was as representative of the Vicar of Jesus Christ that we have had the happiness of seeing him amongst us.Moreover, the request for a Cardinal Protector is left, as for the Stigmatines, to the very Rev. Father General. We may have the Protector of the Or4der so that “the Institute may be still more united, in spite of its expansion and preserve the unity of spirit and of regular observance among its subjects dispersed in so many places.”The whole Institute will easily understand how such graces have helped us to establish our definitive organization on solid foundations. Amongst other resolutions, we took the decision of having the Acts of the Chapter printed – this being the first Chapter since our definitive approbation- so that in the future we can continue this work after each Chapter or General Congregation. It seemed to us sufficient to give above the date of those which preceded this one of 5 to 12 December 1896. In view of their relative importance, their having taken place before the definitive approbation, we felt it was enough just to mention them.…


CR/1 : 62 6 January 1897Themes

Authority 79 Providence 22Death - Salvation of souls 81Prayer 77 Sanctity -Fidelity 89 Mary 68Church 60 Francis 65

The General Council to the Superiors of the Institute(Introduction to the Acts of the Chapter of 1896 – continued)

We will divide the Acts of the Chapter or Congregations of the Institute into three parts:


The Acts, properly speaking


The Documents coming from the Holy See, the Bishops and the Order, obtained since the last Chapter or General Congregation and useful for consultation.


The Necrology of the dead who passed on to a better life since the last Chapter or General Congregation.This last part will be printed twice, so to be able to make a separate volume to be read after the Martyrology. Thus the anniversaries of our dead Sisters will be remembered when we pray.


The Council of the Institute, in offering the Acts of the Chapter to all the superiors of our religious family, wishes that each one of them may help, as far as it is possible for her, to see to the observance of the resolutions taken and thus make sure of the Institute’s fidelity to its providential purpose in the Church of Jesus Christ, the salvation of her own soul and that of her neighbour. This is what Mary Immaculate and our seraphic Father Saint Francis expect of their missionary family.


CR/1 : 63 20 January 1897Themes

Generosity 89 Unity 87Poverty 75 Charity 24Work 75 Authority 79Maternal love - Order 89

To the Superiors: financial question

To my daughters, the Superiors,

Yesterday, I spent one of those days which are never forgotten in the life of a Mother Foundress. Never before perhaps have I felt so much that I had reached the limit of my devotedness, that I had given even the last drop of the pelican’s blood to her little ones, and that God wished that those little ones should now give in their turn, whilst they in reality are inclined only to groan, complain and seek all that is of interest to themselves without moving a finger for the general good. During the Chapter we gave Mother de la Redemption the charge of General Bursar, so that she might follow up with more exactitude the financial question. We decided that each house would send 500 francs to the house in Rome so as to free the Generalate from material and temporal worries. Would you like to know the practical results obtained:

I. – For reasons, which discretion does not permit me to explain, Sainte-Rose no longer deals with affairs connected with the property, litigation etc. Mother M. de la Redemption spends almost all her time trying to get out of the difficulties which Sainte-Rose has created for us, and yet she has not finished with it. The help which she gives me is almost nil, as she is so absorbed and fatigued, even physically so, by these questions which never end.

II. – In Corsica, at least 50 francs per week are requested, otherwise they say it is not possible to go ahead.

…CR/1 : 64 20 January 1897


Poverty 75Mission 69Authority 79

(To the Superiors: financial question – continued)

III. – In Marseilles, debts have been allowed to accumulate. They moan, lament and ask what to do. And no news comes to us to attempts being made to acquire some income.

IV. – At Paris where we sent personnel who gave me great hope, they cannot even send me the financial state of affairs each week. And no practical results have even been mentioned. I had to pay the Loan Society of Marseilles. Twice I came to their help, for the debts of the workroom.

V. –In the Chatelets, they cannot manage to pay the Loan Society.VI. – At Antwerp and Gooreind, my attempts at founding a Bursary for missions has failed.VII. –At Fribourg, they are always asking for Sisters and they do not manage to support the personnel.

They have just borrowed 3,000 francs, which I will have to pay, no doubt.VIII. – In Tyrol, I had to leave Immaculata’s dowry so that they could live, and I must support

Immaculata.IX. –In Rome, we receive nothing from anyone, except perhaps the 500 francs this month from

Antwerp. And I must give all.X. – Mother de la Redemption receives almost nothing from Sainte-Rose and Assisi. It is I who must

furnish her with funds; otherwise they would begin to get into debt again in Italy, something I do not wish at any price. We have enough troubles here already with regard to our business affairs.

XI. – Canada is in debt for its workroom. Carthage also, I believe.


CR/1 : 65 20 January 1897Themes

Struggle 26 Courage 89Poverty 75 Work 75Authority 79 Unity 87

(To the Superiors: financial question – continued)

XII. – Registration causes us difficulties in Italy and in France. In Italy, because at the death of Mother Ste. Anne things were badly arranged in Sainte-Rose when I was in Portugal and Mother de la Redemption in Gooreind. In France, because the Cassine has been bought they say at a lower price. This is the wickedness of the devil of money. Because small or very badly kept premises are offered as being important.

You understand, my children that, when to this horrible state of affairs there are added letters asking me what to do when I am in my cell in Rome unable to stir or to get Mother de la Redemption to act, since she is too taken up by these unfortunate matters in Sainte-Rose, it is enough to kill me – yet without profit to anyone since I can do nothing in Rome.

It is up to you to bestir yourselves, even if you must go out yourselves to look for work and a means of selling the products. Lamentations are useless. What is necessary, no matter what it cost, is that you work and find sufficient work to live by. Let those who find more, help those who find less, and take more subjects. And let those who cannot support the sisters be ready to lose them and so lessen the numbers in their houses.…


CR/1 : 66 20 January 1897Themes

Unity 87 Fidelity 89Charity 24 Prayer 77Word of God 73 Silence 89Renouncement 29 Poverty 75Detachment 29 Work 75

Earth/Heaven 83

(To the Superiors: financial question – continued)

When we have acquired an evangelical unity and charity, when egoism and self-love will no longer blind us, then we will find means of saving the finances of the Institute and of no longer being bewildered by this material problem. But so long as money is asked for and one is tempted to complain and this taken for granted, we will not have the blessing of heaven. Father Raphael, to whom I wrote this morning about the terrible day I had yesterday, answered me in two sentences which are very true. I copy them here for you: “You have so many treasures in hand. You lack the head to find outlets. Seek to multiply the Guardian Angels of the sales.” A nice practical idea!I beg of you my children stir yourselves a little, but in a practical way. Go out with the products, seek for work to do. It does not matter what we do so long as we earn our bread by the sweat of our brows. And this, not only in one house but in all. Let those who have sufficient work seek some for the other houses.Do I need to add that if there were more fidelity and prayer, we would obtain more help from God.Another thing I also recommend is silence. For mercy’s sake, no useless words. And above all in Paris, it is urgent that not a second is lost.…


CR/1 : 67 20 January 1897Themes

Struggle 26 Authority 79Time - Courage 89Poverty 75

(To the Superiors: financial question – continued)

I wish that each week an account be sent to me from everywhere. Call this, if you like, the “Holy Combat”. It is truly the holy combat against the demon of money that is stronger than we. And day by day, let each one tell me what has been tried in order that the Institute may live by the work of its hands, and the results. There is no need for long discourses. These are only a waste of time. Simply: “Tuesday, tried to place some sample ornaments – sold at 40 francs – found work for 50 francs.” Let everyone search for some good angels. Get yourselves orders if you have none. And encourage among the commissioners the desire to search for them too. If they really desired it they would find them. If you do not listen to me, my daughters; if you do not bestir yourselves wherever it is possible, and if you always come to Rome seeking financial aid which we cannot give, if without any help it is always I who must get everyone out of trouble, you will kill me and gain nothing by it. I beg God to make you understand the seriousness of this letter in which I have exaggerated nothing. I bless you, confiding you and our state of affairs to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.

Mary of the Passion,Sup. Gen. f.m.m.

Note. - I know that now-a-days charity given through a spirit of faith scarcely exists and that gifts are generally given for human motives. This is why the demon of money is so strong against us, and it is a further reason for fighting courageously and in a practical manner. I would gladly send Mother de la Redemption back to France but it is impossible for the moment. If it were necessary to add the unending hours she spends on the affairs of Sainte-Rose to all my work and all my troubles, I would have to give up the Institute.I mention Mother Dieudonné with approval, as she has sent Celeste to London to find work there.


CR/1 : 68 10 September 1897Themes

Francis 65 Charity 24Imitation 63 Nature 70Joy 89 Sentiment -Mary 68 Respect for persons 24Jesus 67 Heart of Jesus 67World - Mission 69

Earth/Heaven 83

Appeal for the leprosaria

My very dear daughters,

It is something that concerns all which brings me to you today.It is a question of founding two leper asylums, the first in December in Burma.You know, my children, how dear the lepers were to our Lord, to all the Saints, especially to our Seraphic Father and his first disciples. From its foundation, the Institute has always worked with the lepers, looking after them, helping them. I myself for many years had the joy each Saturday of helping them in honour of Mary Immaculate and her divine Son. However, until now we have not had charge of one of these asylums where these rejected ones of the earth receive the care of heroic charity. God calls us to this twice this year. I would not be telling you the truth if I did not admit, as a mother might, that it costs my nature and my heart to make an appeal to my daughters for such a service. But although my weakness trembles, my soul is still more full of joy seeing the divine hand engrave in us this new resemblance to the divine Master, with Francis, the Seraphic one, and with our first Fathers. It is clearly understood, children, that I will never force anyone, whoever she might be, to devote herself to the care of these poor lepers so dear to the Heart of Jesus because

they are held in horror by the world, and by all which belongs to the world. A call, a special vocation is needed to consecrate oneself to such a task.…


CR/1 : 69 10 September 1897Themes

Will - Charity 24Grace - Service -Holy Spirit 61 Fidelity 89Mary 68 Abandonment 22Francis 65 Vocation of the Institute -Truth-Charity 88 Victim 90

Earth/Heaven 83

(Appeal for the leprosaria – continued)

Those who wish and desire this, will send me their names; and with the grace of God, the help of the Holy Spirit, the aid of Mary Immaculate and of our Father St. Francis, I hope to worthily choose those chosen by the Lord for this service of heroic charity.This choice should be looked upon by all as recompense of heaven and of earth. Because, I have no doubt about it, next to the palm of martyrdom in heaven there grows the palm of the servants of lepers. Let those who have the desire to go to them see in this another reason for entire fidelity to their Rule and to the grace of the religious life.So that God may do with us all that He wishes and finally make us fulfil in its entirety our special vocation, I bless you.Do not forget that the end of this century is an unfortunate time when truth is held captive and by that very fact charity is banished.Let us accomplish our vocation in all its aspects. Let us be victims for the Church and for souls.So that this may be, I confide you to J.M.J. and our Father Saint Francis.


CR/1 : 70 3 May 1898Themes

Death - Generosity 89Prayer 77 Sentiment -Judgment -

Death of M.M. des Pasteurs

My very dear daughters,P.C.C.

You know of the great trial that God saw fit to send me by calling to Himself our dear Mother Marie des Pasteurs, Assistant General. God gave her such a gentle and consoling death that it would be selfishness not to accept fully the flight of this innocent soul towards the heavenly country. Nevertheless, pray for me, my dear daughters. I can say I was doubly her mother, as daughter and as religious. The wound to my heart, sent by

God is therefore cruel. In spite of her youth, Mother des Pasteurs had excellent judgment and was very serious.Her devotedness and affection for the Institute and its foundress were unusual. I am sure that already each one of you will have performed the suffrages to which she had a right as Assistant General.Before my departure from Rome, we had to arrange to have her replaced. In full agreement, all the Assistants General and I elected Mother Marie Charles. Because of this election, she leaves her charge as Provincial of the province of the Immaculate Conception. So that this province will not be deprived of guidance, the General Council also elected as Provincial Delegate Mother Marie Benoite who has been already Assistant in Carthage and Vicar Provincial in Portugal, at the same time as Superior and Novice Mistress in the convent of Remedios. She will be given the name of Provincial and will have all the powers. During my absence and that of Mother Vicar General, Mother Marie Charles will be Delegate of the house in Rome.…


CR/1 : 71 3 May 1898Themes

Suffering 82 Fidelity 89Body/soul 28 Communion of Saints 87Poverty 75 Gratitude 89Work 75 Service -Prayer 77

(death of M.M. des Pasteurs – continued)

I begin my visits completely upset by fatigue and suffering. However, I want this Exposition in Turin to help us make known our workrooms and to find us an income. May your prayers and fidelity help me to obtain this.I also recommend brave Spain to your prayers. Its cause seems to me closely connected with that of all Catholic nations. Include it in your prayers and adorations, your works and merits as long as the war lasts.Do not forget either to recommend to God the visits being made just now by Very Rev. Father Raphael for the Order. The gratitude we owe the Order, and him in particular, makes this a duty.I would like to be able to say to all: I will see you soon. At least I can write it to many. I bless them as also those who are too far away for me to visit. I am more tenderly than ever, dear daughters,Your Mother and servant in J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 72 2 February 1899Themes

Duty 89 Victim 90Mary 68 Word of God 73Jesus 67 Grace -Meditation 77 Holy Spirit 61Dove - World -Vocation of the Institute - Mission 69

Earth/Heaven 83

Organization of the Institute

My very dear daughters,

Today, on the feast of the Purification, I wish to accomplish a duty which has been on my mind some time, especially since the retreat.The years of my life are flowing past and I must hasten to communicate to you all that Our Lord and his Immaculate Mother placed in my heart and soul for our religious family.Whilst making my meditation, I was struck by this prayer: “O God, who commanded that two turtle doves or two small pigeons be offered for the purification of mothers, prepare us to be a living victim, you who made yourself our Victim, who come to accomplish the law and not to destroy it, deign to develop in us the grace of the Gospel in all its richness.” All our vocation is there: two trembling turtle doves, victim doves. We ought to be filled with the grace of the Gospel in all its richness. Then, we will fulfil our reason for being.After the Ascension, the Holy Spirit gave himself to the earth, descending upon Mary Immaculate and on the Apostles. The world was regenerated by Pentecost. The apostles became capable of teaching the grace of the Gospel in all its richness to the world.…


CR/1 : 73 2 February 1899Themes

Francis 65 Meditation 77Mary 68 Salvation of souls 81Word of God 73 Contemplation/Action 27Mission 69 Earth/Heaven 83Law -

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

In the thirteenth century our Seraphic Father, under the protection of Our Lady of the Angels, received in his turn the mission of teaching “the grace of the Gospel in all its richness” to the world. And now, at the end of the century of the Immaculate Conception, God has brought forth the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in the East. Our Most Rev. Father, Monsignor Bernardino de Portogruaro said on 19 March 1883 about us: “Our Lord has his Missionaries, Mary Immaculate had to have hers and you have come into the Church of God.”

My children, we are also called to spread the grace of the Gospel in all its richness according to our Constitutions.But to do that, we must develop it in ourselves, we must possess it. May this thought become the habitual object of our meditations, of our desires, of our constant seeking – for ourselves and for the souls of those whom we have charge. In order to achieve this, I draw the following points to your attention.…


CR/1 : 74 2 February 1899Themes

Order – Hierarchy 71 Respect for the Hierarchy 71Authority 79 Responsibility 79World - Example 63Supernatural spirit 64 Law -

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

I. – To facilitate the task of the Provincials during the life of the Foundress.As our Institute is becoming daily more important, it is necessary for its progress, that local superiors as a rule deal directly with the provincial superior, and that the latter bring the questions to the attention of the Mother General. Thus the Mother General will be spared having to write to both at the same time: to the local superior in order to answer her, and to the provincial superior so as to inform her of the reply given to the local superiors.

II. – To observe hierarchy.It seems to me that the grandeur of the divine call ought to banish far from us all that is trivial and tastes slightly of the spirit of the world. This is why, I have taken the resolution to ask you to cultivate in yourselves and in your houses the spirit of faith. If it reigns amongst us, we will avoid this very common stumbling-block of seeking obedience and light from those who are higher, whilst God has placed both of these as a rule within reach.Our religious family having spread with such rapidity made it often necessary for superiors, provincials and myself, the Mother of all, to allow ourselves to reply to questions and to deal with matters which in the ordinary way ought to have been taken to those of lower rank.Now that our more numerous subjects have made our organization more complete, I recommend respect for the hierarchical order all the way down. Let those in charge allow the necessary latitude to their helpers, the Assistant to those in charge, the Superior to the Assistant, the Provincial to the Superiors, and the Mother General to the Provincials. And may the Assistants General be in our midst a living example of the Rule, at the same time as the Counsellors and the support of their Superior General.…


CR/1 : 75 2 February 1899Themes

Authority 79 Unity 87Responsibility 79 Order – Hierarchy 71

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

III. – Visits and provincial councils.I recommend the Provincials to hold the Provincial Congregation with care. I remind them that it ought to take place every three years and that the Acts of this Congregation should be sent to the Mother General.

The Councils ought to be held conscientiously every fortnight. So as to assure exactitude in the councils, it would be well to send to the Mother General each year the date of the Councils held with an abridged report of the important affairs dealt with. As to the others it will suffice if they are noted down in the Minutes book.…

CR/1 : 76 2 February 1899Themes

Authority 79 Strength 89Mission 69 Judgment -Obedience 71 Nature 70Unity 87 Holy Spirit 61Universality - Order – Hierarchy 71

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

IV. – Union with the Superior General.We must not conclude from the above recommendation that we may separate ourselves even in the slightest way from major authority. My children, especially you who are superiors, remember the words I am about to write as the testament of your Foundress. May my long missionary experience make it sacred to you: “Obedience, union with your Superior General will be the strength of the Institute and the key which will open for you the gate of paradise.”Our convents are at such great distances, we are destined to work with secular priests and those of all religious Orders, since the Holy See may send us anywhere. If we form a group apart, if we do not tend with all our strength towards the community spirit, which is the family spirit, we will have lost this union which is the strength of the missionary religious life. Hence, my children, especially those of you in charge of your sisters, have a horror of every word which tends to draw you away from the directions of the Mother General and her Council. It is a great illusion to believe that because of the distance you are not understood. This is to judge things in a very natural way. It is the great danger of the missionary life where one is necessarily far from the principal Authority.But does the Holy Spirit pay attention to distances? Is not His grace promised to authority, to obedience? Would it not be more correct to say and to think that He is with authority in spite of distance? If we judge differently it is because nature, our passions, and those of the people around us, make us appreciate things in a very human and natural manner.…


CR/1 : 77 2 February 1899Themes

Respect for the Hierarchy 71 Pope 60Gratitude 89 Francis 65Obedience 71

(Organization of the Institute – 2 February 1899 – continued)

My dear daughters, I am not thinking of any particular person in writing these warnings. It is rather of the future that I am thinking. As long as I am alive a certain respect and gratitude for all I have suffered to give you birth in the religious life will preserve the Institute from the too common disasters which happen on the missions. But after my death I beg of you my daughters, present and future, remember my testament and the explanations of it which I have left you. I repeat it and I wish to engrave it in your hearts and souls: Obedience,

union with your Superior General will be the safeguard of the Institute and the key of paradise for a Franciscan Missionary of Mary.What has she to fear who is united by obedience with her Mother General, with representative of Saint Francis and thus with the Vicar of Jesus Christ Himself?…CR/1 : 78 2 February 1899


World - Common life 91Time - Prudence 89

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

V. – Feasts and diversions.After these recommendations, the execution of which belongs especially to the Provincials both present and to come and which are always meant to place the Institute in the seriousness of its vocation, I resolved to abolish forever comedies and plays of all kinds. For the feast of the Holy Innocents for example, we could allow some songs which each one will study privately or at most in a trio, but which will always be short and not need long rehearsals. If we change in a small way our religious habit, may we always do so whilst remembering that we do wear one. Finally, if we permit the novices and young religious to jump about in order to warm themselves and for some distraction, let it be in a circle as children do, and not in the manner of the world which gives itself up to twirling dances, without either gravity or modesty. In the probandat, during the visit of a bishop, of the Superiors, of the Provincials or of myself, only once some small plays may be acted. But, even in this case, they ought all to have the approbation of the Mother General; and as I said already these dramas should not be multiplied.…


CR/1 : 79 2 February 1899Themes

Formation - Renouncement 29Mission 69 Authority 79Responsibility 79 Unity 87Courage 89

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

VI. – Vestitions and professions.I ask you also, my daughters, to be exact about the vestitions and professions of first and last vows.In the houses where there are postulants, novices, and young professed, these should take place at least every three months. You should not wait for the visit of the Provincial or of Mother General, thus delaying without serious reason the promotion of subjects necessary for the missions.Remember also, my daughters, that when there is no dispensation necessary, the Provincials and even the Superiors may receive a postulant, also send away a postulant or novice. In case of illness or of bad spirit, it would be imprudent to wait to consult the Mother General or even the Provincial. We must have a little courage and death to self and, no matter what personal inconvenience may arise, we must take, with the advice of the Counsellors, the decisions demanded by the circumstances and necessary for the common good.


CR/1 : 80 2 February 1899Themes

Authority 79 Poverty 75Courage 89 Generosity 89Law - Frankness 89Responsibility 79

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

VII. – Observance of the Rule.There is another point which I recommend to all in authority. It is to have the courage, after having asked the advice of the Council, to refuse in their entirety, those things contrary to the Rule and the dispensations for which they have not the necessary basis. To always refer the odium of refusal to the Mother General, and sometimes to the Provincial, is neither generous nor worthy of a Franciscan Missionary of Mary. Besides, there is a rule clearly drawn up for everything to do with the Constitutions. If it is a question of a dispensation, you may always tell the Major Superiors later of your refusal. It is easier to give back hope even when it has been taken away, rather than to destroy it if the local Superior or the Provincial has encouraged it at the expense of the Superior General.…


CR/1 : 81 2 February 1899Themes

Poverty 75 Humility 89Mission 69 Suffering 82Unity 87 Time -Responsibility 79 Common life 91Providence 22 Word of God 73Example 63 Work 75

Authority 79(Organization of the Institute – continued)

VIII. – Financial Prudence.With regard to the financial question, my desire is that no more help in the way of money should be asked from the Mother General and her Council. Be assured that when they have or will have resources, their missionary soul will use them according to the Constitutions, for our most urgent necessities and works.Each house and Province should not go more quickly with its foundations and works than is indicated by divine Providence. Do not ask for more subjects than you can support without creating debts.

Wait patiently for God to indicate the development which your houses and your works are to take. Do not give anyone the hope that the Mother General, whose obligations are so great, can send financial help. Let all this, my daughters, be given by you the name which it deserves now and in the future: it is a cowardice which can easily make the local Superior appreciated by her little circle, but which casts odium on the Superior General. All these ways of acting are dangerous in the missionary vocation.

The Roman house will forever remain an example of patience for the Institute. For eighteen years it has been a building which today scarcely suffices for the infirmary, the Assistants General and the sacristies. Therefore God has just shown Himself truly magnificent for the house of Saint Helen, rewarding its submission these long trials, by an installation which I bless.It will be the same for you, my daughters, i8f you know how to wait with humility, with the love of poverty and patience, for God’s hour for the development of your community and of your works. Most often, the human mind desires and even wants to attain right from the beginning the results of old foundations. This is a human and rash pretension, and cannot be blessed by God. Has he not said: “One sows and the other reaps?” We must not want to reap before having suffered the labours of slowing.…


CR/1 : 82 2 February 1899Themes

Unity 87Communion of Saints 87Order 89

(Organization of the Institute – continued)

IX. – Chronicles of the Institute.I also request you, my daughters, you and your sisters, especially those who have gone begging or on commission, to note well all that might be used in the chronicles of the Institute. God is calling many of us to the heavenly Fatherland and so many precious souvenirs could be lost. I will be obliged if you send me these memoirs at the end of this year 1899.

X. – Statistics.Also be kind enough, to send each year the exact and complete statistics of the houses of the Institute. The local Superiors ought to send them to the Mother General and to the Provincial.They should be given as follows, with all the headings included even if not applicable. In this case indicate by a zero:

Professed of last vowsProfessed of first vowsNovicesPostulantsPostulants in the worldResidential aggregatesAggregates in the worldTertiariesVirginsProbationers

Aspirant probationers…


CR/1 : 83 2 February 1899Themes

Authority 79 Mission 69Responsibility 79 Fidelity 89Mary 68 Vocation of the Institute -Jesus 67 Respect for persons 24Dove - Word of God 73Grace - Body/soul 28

(Organization of the Institute – continued)XI. – Doctor.

I do not know why in the Institute there are Superiors who have taken it into their heads that permission is necessary in order to call the doctor or to arrange for an operation.You must understand, my daughters, that it is those who are on the spot who can judge what is needed in such cases. It is the Superior who, if the case is delicate, consulting her Council, must decide whether it is necessary to call the doctor.With regard to operations, the subject herself must decide if she wishes to undergo one.To write to the Major Superiors, when they are far away is imprudent. For the illness may become aggravated whilst awaiting a reply.

-I remind you that every subject admitted to the Institute must supply at least 500 francs for the general fund. Only in the case of educated subjects can the General Council make some exceptions.And now, my dear daughters, it remains for me to bless you as Simeon must have blessed Our Lady; to offer you to our heavenly Father, as Mary offered her Jesus and her two doves, whilst saying to you: “I bless you, missionary phalange, whom the divine Mother has destined to manifest her Jesus to all peoples, and the light which enlightens the nations”.May I find you faithful to this sublime vocation, so that I will be able to say to you: “Now, Lord, you can dismiss your servant in peace”.In the hope that you will develop in yourself and in others “the grace of the Gospel in all its richness,” I confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 84 29 September 1900Themes

Mary 68 Mission 69Word of God 73 Victim 90Humility 89

Massacre of Tai-Yuan-Fou

My very dear daughters,

In speaking to the whole Institute I allow myself to appropriate the words of our Immaculate Mother and to sing with her: “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts, he has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree.”Yes, he has truly raised the humble. Mary Hermine and her six companions: Marie de la Paix, Marie Chiara, Marie de St. Just, Marie Nathalie, Marie Amandine, and Marie Adolphine have been martyred in China. We do not yet know the details of the massacre. We know only what was in the following cable:“Three Jesuit missionaries have been massacred in Petchili. The massacre of two Italian bishops of Septerntrional Chan-si, of an Italian missionary, of a French Franciscan, of Father Balat and of seven European religious, of several protestant ministers has been announced. It is certain that the governor of the Province has had them beheaded before him in his court”.…


CR/1 : 85 29 September 1900Themes

Victim 90 Suffering 82Francis 65 Joy 89Mary 68

(Massacre of Tai-Yuan-Fou – continued)

Our seven young victims were gloriously surrounded by two Bishops of the Order, old missionaries. Two Franciscan Fathers have also received the palm; one of them belongs to the Province of France, through which divine Providence gave us to the Seraphic Order, in giving us Very Rev. Father Raphael.We are, for Saint Francis, a souvenir of the century of the Immaculate Conception. In its last year which is the Holy Year, the blessed Virgin completes her Memorandum by giving to the Seraphic family seven martyrs, gathered from among her white Missionaries.I may therefore say with Saint Francis; “Now I have seven true Franciscan Missionaries of Mary; house of Saint Pascal, sacred ground, you have produced and offered to the King of Heaven seven beautiful purple flowers of a very sweet perfume. O holy house be always inhabited by saints!”What shall I add, my daughters, to the words of our divine Mother and of our Seraphic Father which in my misery I dared to make my own? What shall I add to this news which is for us at the same time union with the seven Sorrows and seven Joys of the Queen of Angels?…


CR/1 : 86 29 September 1900Themes

Victim 90 Humility 89Hope - Common life 91Resurrection 80 Hidden life 68Grace - Unity 87

Example 63

(Massacre of Tai-Yuan-Fou – continued)

The martyrdom of our Sisters speaks for itself. By their vocation they were victims for the Church and for souls.They have been this, right to the end of the holocaust, they have gathered the palm, they are now crowned – we can firmly believe.May the name of Marie Hermine, the Superior, remain a teaching for all of us. I remember that at the beginning of the Institute, during a vestition in the chapel of Saint-Brieuc, it was said:“God has had his divine reason for placing in Brittany the first novitiate of the Institute. It is because the Missionaries of Mary, victims for the Church, ought to be true hermines of Brittany – as their habit expresses clearly – fulfilling even unto death their most beautiful motto: Death rather than stain.”Let us be proud of our Hermine and of her companions. Above all let us imitate them. Be sure, my beloved children, that martyrdom is a reward, and the intimate conviction of my soul is that Hermine’s virtue has merited this grace, not only for herself but for her six daughters.I could never tell you of the edification which she gave me on her arrival in Saint Pascal’s house.Without delay, a biography will share with you my just admiration for this soul, so humble and so hidden.Oh! My children, may the example of our seven martyrs preserve all of you hence-forward from these deviations from the common life and from the family spirit!…


CR/1 : 87 29 September 1900Themes

Communion of Saints 87 Offering -Love of God 23 Contemplation/action 27Generosity 89 Spouse 25Struggle 26 Word of God 73Jesus 67 Passion 74

(Massacre of tai-Yuan-Fou – continued)

If the Communion of Saints is one of the joys of the Church, how abundant it is in the religious family. You know that David decided that those who had watched over the baggage merited an equal reward with those who fought, because as members of the same army, though they had not fought, they had however contributed to the victory.

It seems then that a little of the blood of our dear martyrs will be as it were the inheritance of all their faithful Sisters who know how to appropriate to themselves this treasure. May this blood, mingled with that of Jesus, cause lilies, hermines to grow up amongst us!

For that, it seems to me that the hour has come to invite all of you to a greater love for Our Lord. It will assure you stability in generosity.

Study Jesus! When you know him more perfectly you will not be able to prevent yourself from giving your heart entirely to Him.

Understand your divine Spouse in His gospel, above all in His Passion. And since I began by words of the Blessed Virgin, let me finish with part of the Stabat which you will meditate and put into practice, I hope, with your poor Mother and in imitation of her.…

----------CR/1 : 88 29 September 1900


Struggle 26 Mary 68Obedience 71 Passion 74Maternal love - Love of God 23

(Massacre of Tai-Yuan-Fou – continued)

“O thou Mother! Fount of love! Make my soul to glow and melt with the love of Christ my Lord. Holy Mother, pierce me through; in my heart each wound renew of my Saviour crucified. Let me share with thee His pain, who for all my sins was slain, who for me in torments died. Let me mingle tears with thee, mourning Him who mourned for me, all the days that I may live. By the cross with thee to stay; there with thee to weep and pray; is all I ask of thee to give.“O Virgin of all virgins best, listen to my fond request; let me share thy glory divine. Let me, to my latest breath in my body bear the death of that dying Son of yours. Wounded with His every wound, steep my soul till it has swooned in His very blood away. Be to me, O Virgin, nigh, lest in flames I burn and die in His awful judgment day. Christ, when you shall call me hence, be your Mother my defence, be you cross my victory. While my body her decays, may my soul your goodness praise safe in paradise with you.”Now I end with two thoughts which will be our weapon for the end of 1900 and the coming year.Let us fight the good fight!Obedience teaches love!So that you may live of this obedience and love, so as to merit to die of it, I bless you and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 89 3 November 1901Themes

Suffering 82 Body/soul 28Gratitude 89 Humility 89Providence 22 Francis 65Obedience 71

Departure of Father Raphael

My very dear daughters,

You no doubt know the great cross which God has just sent to all the Institute. It would not be right if your Mother Foundress were to allow it to pass without asking you for your prayers for Very Rev. Father Raphael, for all your religious family and for herself.

If the humility of our good Father restrained our gratitude up to this, and did not allow us to give him the name of Father Founder which belongs to him, as that of Foundress belongs to me in spite of my misery, now that

the holy will of God has taken him away from us, it is our duty to recognize the place which divine Providence has assigned to him.

The foundation of the Institute, my daughters, has been a work of submission both for me and for him. For twenty years, I lived of obedience, and I found my light in the pious Friar Minor whom Mary Immaculate, Queen of Angels and Saint Francis chose for me. Obedience has been my only light during these twenty years during which I passed through spiritual, temporal and corporal trials which were known only to God and the Very Rev. father Raphael.There is another soul whom God has called to Him and who until his death also knew all my troubles: it was the Most Rev. Bernardine de Portogruaro, Minister General who received me into the Order and who gave me Very Rev. Father Raphael as guide.…


CR/1 : 90 3 November 1901Themes

Obedience 71 Francis 65Suffering 82 Vocation of the Institute -

(Departure of Father Raphael – continued)

As I practiced obedience with regard to him, father Raphael in his turn practiced it with regard to Most Rev. Father Bernardine in all that concerned the Institute and my soul. I had given him full permission to repeat to his Superior General all that he knew of the Institute and even of my soul; and with regard to our religious family and myself he always obeyed the Most Rev. Father Bernardine up to the Chapter of 1889.

I came to Rome in 1882 and entered the Seraphic Order on 4 October, the day when the seventh centenary of St. Francis’ birth was being celebrated at the Aracoeli. It was during those seven years – between 1882 and 1889 that God’s holy will laid, as it were, the foundations of the Institute and during this period took place what one might call the history of its true foundation. Until then we were nothing. Your Mother, discouraged as she was, limited herself to assuring, for her companions and herself, the religious life until death. We had only our two houses of the Cotes-du-Nord and our two houses in Coimbatore.

It will be for you always, my children, a lesson, a consolation and a glory to be so certain that the foundation of your Institute has been a work of double obedience. Very Rev. Father Bernardine de Portogruaro, “an unforgettable man, with a profound knowledge of men”, as the Dominican Father just said, in delivering the funeral oration of Father Lauer at the Minerva – had fully understood God’s designs on Father Raphael. He wanted him to be the one to receive me first into the Order. Mother Ste. Veronique was the second received. He often said to me and to my daughters: “It is not I who am your Father. Father Raphael is your Father. I am your Grandfather.” It was thus that he was given and that we all gave to him that venerated and blessed name, which he will always retain in the Institute of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. How many times has he not signed his letters by this one word: Grandfather.…


CR/1 : 91 3 November 1901Themes

Suffering 82 Church 60Francis 65 Salvation of souls 81Providence 22 Vocation of the Institute -Prayer 77 Offering -

(Departure of Father Raphael – continued)

Many in the Institute preserve these precious memories.Although the difficulties of the foundation were over, Very Rev. Father Raphael showed, in our regard, the same obedience to Very Rev. Father Louis de Parme and Very Rev. Louis Lauer. According to the decree obtained from the Holy See, 12 August 1885, his position became official as delegate of the Minister General of the Order for the Institute.As soon as he took up his charge, Very Rev. Father Vicar General had been kind enough to retain Rev. Father Raphael as Delegate. Then suddenly I heard unofficially, by someone who was neither French nor Italian that V.R. Father Raphael had been sent to France as Vicar Provincial of the Province of Aquitaine. It is useless for me to tell you of my suffering. You all know V. Rev. Father Raphael’s virtue and the place assigned to him by Divine Providence in our regard. I still do not know if he is changed and why.In my great sorrow, I took refuge in prayer; I offered it, according to the purpose of our vocation, for the Church and for souls especially for Catholic nations which are so disturbed.…


CR/1 : 92 3 November 1901Themes

Example 63 Duty 89Suffering 82 Obedience 71Fervour 89 Service -Humility 89 Earth/Heaven 87Silence 89

(Departure of Father Raphael – continued)

Imitate, my dear daughters the poor example of your Mother. Let us try to profit from this trial so as to be renewed in fervour.

I have spoken to no one of our suffering and I will not speak of it. I have not made enquiries from anyone about this decision. Doubtless it was my duty to seek some advice in this matter with regard to my spiritual direction, apart from Father Raphael. But I have done it humbly and in the silence of spiritual direction.

Imitate me, my children, be silent and pray. Do not hide the fact that Father Raphael is our Father Founder and that his departure is an incomparable trial for the Institute. That done, speak to Heaven and not to earth.

Let us show ourselves worthy both of the profound silence kept by our Father and of the great virtue he has shown in leaving Rome.

That fit may be thus, your Mother and servant blesses you and confides you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.

----------CR/1 : 93 16 January 1903


Pope 60 Fidelity 89Love of God 23 Work 75

Audience of Leo XIIIMy very dear daughters,

Very Reverend Father Raphael has sent you his wishes for the year 1903, and your Mother remains silent. May the New Year be for all my daughters, full of the love of God and of the fidelity which results from this!I would have liked to end the year 1902 with a pretty bouquet, the account of my visit to the Holy Father.The life of our Mother Hermine and of her companions was one of the flowers of his jubilee. I therefore wished to offer it to him. It had been bound ad hoc in our Roman printing press; and the box containing it was also the work of my daughters.The audience which I had requested, in order to place this life of our martyrs at the feet of the Sovereign Pontiff, had been very graciously accorded.Without saying anything about it, I had also prepared our humble contributions of Saint Peter’s pence. The Institute has expanded and it seemed to me during prayer that the time had come to offer our annual contribution to the Vicar of Jesus Christ. But I had not spoken of this when requesting our audience. The box which was to hold our offering was delightful. It was in old ivory leather and all the houses of the Institute were indicated on the cover. You were therefore all present at the feet of Leo XIII. When we reached the Holy Father’s rooms, we were preceded, I think, by a group of religious not wearing the habit. Thus when the Sovereign Pontiff saw us, he cried out with delight: “Here are religious with their habit. These have their religious habit. They are dressed as religio9us.”…


CR/1 : 94 16 January 1903Themes

Pope 60Vocation of the Institute -Victim 90

(Audience of Leo XIII – continued)

Once we were at the feet of the Holy Father, we were able to notice his good health, the strength of his speech, the vivacity of his eyes. He kept them fixed on mine all the time as if he wished to read my heart. He showed great interest in our missions, our martyrs and especially, it must be said, in your poor Mother.I have often told you how Pius IX placed his hands on my head, and how I had borne all their weight. How moved I was in seeing Leo XIII lean over me whilst saying to my daughters:“I want to place my hands on her so that she may do the work of God.” Naturally I bowed down. The Pope placed his two hands on my head, and again I felt the weight of the Papacy.

I cannot help but believe that God permitted these two events so that I may feel the weight of our vocation as victims for the Church and for souls.Leo XIII prayed and my soul was raised towards God in offering all of you to the Lord and in asking that each one may be faithful to her vocation as victim.….

----------CR/1 : 95 16 January 1903


Joy 89 Prayer 77Victim 90 Pope 60Vocation of the Institute -

(Audience of Leo XIII – continued)

But what was an unparalleled consolation for my poor tired soul, was the Pope’s look as he held my eyes. After a moment’s silence and having thus looked at me, he cried out with a force which neither I nor my daughters will ever forget:“You will go to Paradise.”Surely, I know that these words do not dispense me from working to win eternal beatitude. But nevertheless, when one hears them from the mouth of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, from an old man whose life and sufferings deserve admiration and respect, one is very happy to have been the cause of such words. I then said to the Holy Father very simply that I had never had the vocation of being a Foundress and that of victim, had as it were, been born with me.He then answered me:“Preserve carefully in your Institute this attachment for the Church and its Head. Preserve it as a treasure. Give all your attention to it and never let this devotedness diminish.” At that moment Leo XIII’s voice was powerful, full of authority at the same time fatherly. It was at the same time both an order and a praise which I gathered preciously to my heart. We could see that the Holy Father believed in our love for him and for the Church, and that he desired with all the strength of his will that we should continue to walk along this way.He added more softly, speaking to me all the time:“Every day, a prayer for the Pope?”I replied. “Oh! Most Holy Father, we pray for your Holiness much more often than once a day!”…


CR/1 : 96 16 January 1903Themes

Church 60 Vocation of the Institute -Pope 60 Body/soul 28Fidelity 89

(Audience of Leo XIII – continued)

I believe that Leo XIII understood so well what my soul feels for the Church and the Pope, that he felt the need of thanking the Institute for it. Whilst we were making our genuflections in leaving, he said to us three times in a fatherly and deeply moved manner: “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”I had expected one of those kindly audiences which are all rather alike; therefore I tell you that on hearing such profound and spontaneous words from the Holy Father – since we had not asked for this assurance – I was amazed and deeply touched. God allowed it, my dear daughters. He wished that the Holy Father in his Jubilee year should recommend to us more and more fidelity to our special vocation, and should beg us to preserve and increase it.If I had written earlier, I would have been able to recount to you at greater length the Sovereign Pontiff’s words. But almost immediately I had to go to bed then rest in my armchair because of influenza. I even had to stop my correspondence, and it is only today that I am able to share with you the emotion and the grace which were to end the Jubilee year of the Institute.Could it have ended better? Assuredly, no! Ask that all of Leo XIII’s wishes be realized.Every day a prayer for the Pope – that I may do God’s work – that the Institute may preserve its love and attachment for the Church and its Head – and finally that one day your poor Mother may go to Paradise.So that it may be so, I bless you and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 97 21 July 1903Themes

Meditation 77 Pope 60Suffering 82 Power of God -Joy 89 World -Grace - Prayer 77Providence 22

Death of Leo XIIIFribourg, 21 July 1903

Dear daughters,

Yesterday, feast of St. Marguerite, a telegram came to inform us that his Holiness had gone to eternity. I have no need to tell you how deeply moved my soul was. We could almost say that I have known the progress of the Institute only during the government of Leo XIII.Some words of Pius IX had given it life on 6 January 1877.But, from 2 February, the great Pontiff had stopped saying Mass. A year later in the same month of February, he was taken from the Church and Leo XIII received the supreme Pontificate.During his twenty-five year’s reign, how many sorrows and graces have marked the Institute and its poor Foundress!I have just made my meditation in the chapel and I remain amazed at all the work accomplished by Divine Providence under the Pontificate which has just ended:First and last approbationAn extraordinary and unexpected expansionMany vocationsGraces of all kindsThe world sees only this astonishing prosperity; but how many thorns have accompanied these roses! It seems to me, my daughters, that having received so much from Leo XIII, the all-powerful God will hear us, more so than many others, when we pray for the repose of his soul. You will therefore fulfil immediately the suffrages

prescribed in the Customs Book, have a Mass said at once at which all receive Holy Communion for His Holiness.…


CR/1 : 98 21 July 1903Themes

Prayer 77 Francis 65Pope 60 Victim 90Word of God 73 Spouse 25Truth – Charity 88 Obedience 71Mary 68 Earth/Heaven 83

(Death of Leo XIII – continued)

To these prayers for the dead Pope, you will unite ardent supplication so that God may grant to his Church a Pope who may be not only a grace according to the divine promises, the accomplishment of which is certain, but a holy Pope who may be during this terrible time for Catholics, a grace of choice – such as God grants to the earth when He gives it a Saviour charged with a special mission, the image of His own. You will ask for such a Pontiff every day from now until his nomination.After the Ave Maris Stella, the Veni Creator will be sung, and each day nine Sisters will hear Mass, receive Holy Communion and make the Way of the Cross for these intentions. All our adorations will be made for the same intention.On the Missions where this letter will arrive too late, the same prayers will be said for ni8ne days so as to obtain for the chosen Vicar of Jesus Christ the graces necessary for his Pontificate.Ask and obtain the grace that the Jubilee of the Immaculate Conception may witness the dawn of a renewal in the spirit of the Holy Gospel. May truth and charity reign once again in the heart of God’s children.The Seraphic Family always faithful to Mary’s privilege has greatly contributed to the creation of her immaculate diadem.In return, ask Our Lady of the Angels to give it a share in her jubilee triumph and to seek from it those apostles of universal renewal which is so longed for and desired.So that you may at last understand your great vocation as victims for the Church and for souls, and that you may fulfil it so well until 8 December 1904 that your divine Spouse will not be able to refuse you those graces holy obedience has asked you to request, I bless and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 99 10 December 1903Themes

Goodness of God 23 Unity 87Thanksgiving - Francis 65

Audience of Pius X

The General Congregation has naturally caused me to be silent. It ended on the 10 th. Profoundly moved and thankful for God’s goodness, I am going to give you the unforgettable account of the closing day of the General Congregation.At six-thirty Most Reverend Father General, assisted by Very Reverend Father Raphael and Father Amando, entered the sanctuary for the vestition and profession ceremonyPresent were: Very Reverend father Joseph Kaufmann, Definitor General, Reverend Father Celestine, Custodian of the Acquitaine Province, Reverend Father Subiger, uncle of one of the new novices. The Very Rev. Father General wanted to give a homily in German to the religious who participated in the ceremony.After the vestitions and the vows, Most Rev. Father had lunch in the parlour with the priests proving himself more fatherly than ever.It was then that we remarked a fact which had remained unnoticed until then. Since the last Chapter the Institute has had seven martyrs. The number of those with votes at the General Congregation which followed upon their holocaust is twenty-one: three times seven!The number of novices to whom Most Reverend Father gave the habit on the closing day of the Congregation is likewise three times seven, that is twenty-one. The Professed were seven and the elections of the General Congregation took place on 7 December. The seating accommodation was so arranged that the President of the Congregation sat facing their large picture. Let us thank God who gave them to us as protectors. It is to them no doubt that we owe this great union for which the Acts of the Chapter will invite you to give thanks by having the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated for this intention.At quarter past eleven we had the audience with the Holy Father.On the 6th Very Reverend Father Raphael came with us as President of the General Congregation. His socius, Father Celestin, accompanied him.…


CR/1 : 100 10 December 1903Themes

Pope 60Humility 89

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

His Holiness Pius X does not live in the apartments of Leo XIII, but in those which formerly were occupied by Cardinal Rampolla.The twenty three of us were brought into a first room. It was about ten thirty. We were bringing to the Holy Father the life of our dear martyrs, bound by our printing presses in Rome and enriched with his coat-of-arms in embossed silver.The book was in a beautiful box, also our work.Another contained Peter’s Pence of the Institute, 2,000 francs.The evening before, I had asked Mgr. Bisleti if we might be allowed to offer the Holy Father a beautiful skin of brown bear which my daughters in Canada had sent me. The reply was affirmative so we brought this large carpet also. On our arrival, Mgr. Zichy, a Hungarian, made me enter a room very near the Pope’s apartments, saying that the Mother General alone should come. At the moment fixed, eleven-fifteen, I was brought into the Sovereign Pontiff. I had brought only the life of my martyred daughters.The apartment in which the Holy Father receives visitors is small, long and narrow. His desk is in the middle and takes up almost half of the room, the window is opposite, and the entrance door is to the right of the Pope. The Holy Father was standing in front of his desk. The door being to the side I had to make my

genuflections at a slant. The Sovereign Pontiff turned to the side and was facing me. He already looked upon me with great kindness. I prostrated myself at his feet and said to him in a very moved voice because tears were overcoming me, though I held them back: “Most Holy Father, I am a poor creature who has come to place at your feet my Institute, all that I have, all that I am. In spite of my misery, I bring to your Holiness an offering which seems to me to have value, the life of my seven daughters martyred in China. Is that not something?”…


CR/1 : 101 10 December 1903Themes

Pope 60Courage 89Communion of Saints 87

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

The Pope touched it seemed to me, replied: “Yes, certainly, it is something. It is much!”He took the book himself, placed it on his desk, opened the box, considered the cover, work of our young artists, for a long time.I was then on my knees near him, as near as one is to a superior.Seeing with what kindness he looked at the book, I added: “Most Holy Father, it is the work of my daughters, all is the work of their hands, the printing, the binding, in fact all!” The Holy Father opened the book. It was one of those moments during the audience which impressed me most. It seemed to me that the souls of my dear daughters must be hovering over me.Pius X stopped at the picture of our martyrs. He was thoughtful. What was he thinking of? He did not say. I simply added: “They have been very courageous.”After this moment given to our martyrs, the Pope invited me to be seated. Near his throne were two chairs, one slightly behind, the other more opposite the Pope. It was on that one that I sat whilst leaning of the other to rise.…


CR/1 : 102 10 December 1903Themes

Mission 69Universality -Pope 60

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

The Pope seemed to want to learn something about our missionary Institute and questioned me on various points.“How many houses have you?”“About 80, most of them far away in China, Mongolia, Central Africa, North America: in a word we are missionaries.”

His Holiness showed me his satisfaction at our missionary vocation in a few words. I then said to him: “Most Holy Father, you must excuse me, I speak Italian badly. When I came to Rome I was no longer young, I had spent long years on the missions. I learnt it only by using it in order to speak with my daughters.”

The Pope had the kindness to reply to me: “But you speak very well. I understand you perfectly.” And in fact, we had not spoken a word of French.…


CR/1 : 103 10 December 1903Themes

Pope 60 Mission 69Work 75 Providence 22Poverty 75 Vocation of the Institute -

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

The Pope continued: “You live on alms?”-“Yes, Holy Father, and even still more by the work of our hands. The Institute has a great devotion to the Holy Family, and God has allowed us, like its members, to live by our work. At first we thought only of supporting our subjects. But during my annual visits throughout Europe I have been struck by the importance of this question of workrooms, and I find in your awareness of this fact a special permission of divine Providence.”The Holy Father continued: “Do you make vows’”-“Surely, Holy Father, after two years of novitiate, vows are pronounced for three years. I asked for this, because our vocation as missionary is somewhat frightening.After these three years, we make our perpetual vows.”-“Oh! Very good!” replied the Pope, happy to know that we bind ourselves for ever to the Spouse of Virgins.-“Do you go out?”-“Yes, Holy Father, for travelling and for business. In Rome we also go to the “Laboratorio Fides” which was confided to us under the Pontificate of Leo XIII, and which is doing well. This is a consolation. Up to the present, Holy Father, God has given the Institute the grace of having nothing to regret in our outings. Everywhere the Blessed Virgin has protected and guarded us.”The Holy Father showed great satisfaction at this and added: “Continue like this!”-“Holy Father,” I then said very simply, “I do not say that my daughters are saints, but they are good children.”The Sovereign Pontiff said to me: “Let us thank God for that!” or something similar.…


CR/1 : 104 10 December 1903Themes

Nature 70 Joy 89Francis 65 Pope 60Grace - Mission 69Courage 89

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

He added: “You have leprosaria?”

-“Yes, Holy Father. It is a work which goes so much against nature that we send only those who insistently ask to go. When the leprosaria were confided to us, I appealed to the whole Institute, explaining how dear the lepers were to St. Francis and even before him, to Our Lord and that I looked upon the leprosaria as a grace of Heaven but that I would not force anyone, asking only those who felt they had the courage to send me their names. More than a thousand offered to go, Holy Father, and those who have been chosen are happy with their lepers.”The Sovereign Pontiff appeared more and more content and fatherly. He asked me: “Many of you have come, have you not?”-“Twenty-one, Holy Father, with Very Reverend Father Raphael whom Most Reverend Father General designated to preside over our General Congregation and who founded the Institute with me. He has suffered much. You will be very kind to him will you not?”The Pope then rang a bell. Monsignor Zichy entered.“They are many it seems, said the Pope.-“Yes,” replied Mgr. Zichy, “I do not think that all will be able to come in here.”The Holy Father’s expression was one of great kindness and even of gaiety.“All right,” said he, “since this room cannot hold them all, we will go and meet them.” Then turning to me he added: “Come, we will go to the other room.” He began to walk out quite simply and I followed him as a sheep follows his shepherd. On entering the room where Father Raphael, Father Celestin and my daughters were gathered the Pope stopped in front of the bear: “What a terrible beast!” he said jokingly. I was near him and added: “It is the image of the devil whom the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary have to conquer in the missions and to place under your Holiness’ feet.”…


CR/1 : 105 10 December 1903Themes

Work 75Poverty 75Pope 60

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

The Pope began to bless all my daughters. When he came to V.R. Father Raphael, I crossed the room and said to His Holiness: “This is the Father who was founder of the Institute with me. He is now in France as Provincial of Acquitaine.”Father Raphael in his humility objected and added:“I am Provincial of a Province in exile.” -“Where are you exiled?”Father Raphael replied: “Partly in Fribourg, and in northern Italy.”The Pope looked at Father and said: “Courage!”As he continued to give his blessing, I offered him our St. Peter’s Pence, to which Father Raphael added the contribution of the Tertiaries of Beziers.Touched and in a tone of paternal regret, the Sovereign Pontiff said to me: “You have just told me that you live on alms and you make me such an offering?”I replied: “Holy Father, I also said we live by the work of our hands. Your Holiness cannot refuse the fruit of your daughters’ work. It is the alms of the poor for those who are poorer.”-“All right,” the Pope replied with great gentleness, “for the poor. God will give it back to you.”Each one recommended her intentions to the Holy Father. To all he replied:

“Yes, I bless you. My blessing is for all, for each one!” To Mother Marie-Colombe he replied: “I bless the lepers in a special way.”All of us having kissed his hand the Pope withdrew a little towards the door by which he had entered.…


CR/1 : 106 10 December 1903Themes

Mission 69 Mary 68Victim 90 Power of God -Vocation of the Institute -

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

Then speaking to all, he said:“May God reward you for the good you do on the Missions and everywhere. Continue it and increase it. Besides, your Mother General told me you were all saints.”The Pope looked at me and his paternal goodness put me so much at ease that I dared to say: “Holy Father, I did not say to your Holiness that my daughters were saints. I said that they were good children. And it is true.”“Well,” answered the Sovereign Pontiff, “that is what they ought to be. If they are good children, they are saints. In any case, they will be. May God bless your houses, your undertakings and your work, all that you do, especially for the lepers and for the poor. May they be for you a means of sanctification.”Then laying aside his seriousness, the Pope looked at the skin of the brown bear: “Are you not going to take away this ferocious beast? You are not going to leave it at the Vatican?”Smiling, I said: “Certainly, if we leave him to your Holiness.”“What shall I do to conquer him?” said Pius X again in a serious tone of voice seeming to enter into an interior encounter with this infernal beast. Very Reverend Father Raphael then said: “Holy Father, he is already conquered!” and I added: “The aim of the Institute is to offer ourselves as victims for the Church. The daughters of Mary Immaculate will pray for your Holiness, and the beast will be powerless.”…


CR/1 : 107 10 December 1903Themes

Joy 89 Fidelity 89Action of graces - Order 89Unity 87 Pope 60Fervour 89 Earth/Heaven 83

(Audience of Pius X – continued)

The Pope then had the goodness to thank us for all we had brought him, and asked us to pray for him, he then blessed us.I waited until he had finished to say to him: “Holy Father, I am a dreadful daughter, but are not all the objects of piety which we have with us blessed?” And for the last time I kissed his hand.

The Pope in his inexhaustible kindness replied: “Yes, all are blessed.” And to reassure me he gave a second blessing.We retired, moved and consoled. We all went to thank Monsignor Bisleti, the Camerlengo, who seemed as glad as we were, on seeing our happiness.We were then received by Cardinal Merry del Val, the Secretary of State, who leaves on all his visitors such a very deep impression.During this audience, I said to him that I would not forget that he was called Raphael, that the whole world needed the medicine of God and that we would ask Divine Providence to make him the doctor of those nations who so badly need to be cured.On the 14th, Father Raphael said a Mass of thanksgiving to thank Heaven for so many favours and for the union which marked our reunion.There now, my dear daughters, is the summary of the last day of our General Congregation, the work of which will remain, I hope, as the unshakable basis of our union, fervour, regularity and order.Soon we will send you the Acts. You will receive them then in good spirit and with joy.So that this may be so I bless you and confide you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.


CR/1 : 108 6 January 1904Themes

Peace 72 Mission 69Charity 24 World -Joy 89 Dove -Unity 87 Fidelity 89Fervour 89 Prayer 77Pope 60 Law -

Authority 79

Introduction to the Acts of the General Congregation of 1903

The General Congregation of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary which has just taken place in Rome, from 30 November to 10 December 1903, ought to rejoice the whole Institute. Let us thank God for the peace, charity and also joy which reigned unceasingly amongst the Vocals.

We might have feared that union and discipline would have been weakened since the Institute has spread so rapidly. It was exactly the opposite that we found. The Institute, now more vigorous, begins to acquire deeper roots. Now more numerous we are better able to provide for all its needs and obligations. All this has produced an increase of visible fervour and an ever growing fecundity in the works.

Surely, it is impossible to attribute such results to ourselves. We must refer to someone higher. God, in his goodness, has raised up our Institute for purposes which are already vast but are not yet entirely known to us. Most Reverend Fr. Bernardin of Portogruaro, Mgr. Dal Vago said on 19 March 1883: “Our Lord had his missionaries. Mary Immaculate did not. It was indeed right that her divine Son should give her some.”In these increasingly bad times, we understand that he, who loved us so much and whom we like to call Grandfather, had a very clear view of the future destiny of his doves. This was the name he gave us.

In this jubilee year of the Immaculate Conception, let us obtain the grace of being true doves of the Arc. The deluge of iniquity surrounds us. May our fidelity lead us to gather the olive branch of peace! We will all ask for this and we will say a special prayer for the new Pope whom God has just given to his Church.

Let us take as our motto the words with which he ended his homily to the Cardinals for Christmas: “Sustained by the prayer of the whole world, we ask only the grace of adoring in tranquillity all that divine Providence allows to happen.


CR/1 : 109 10 June 1904Themes

Goodness of God 23 Fidelity 89Providence 22 Law -Unity 87 Word of God 73Traditions - Common life 91Love of God 23 Order 89Ecce 68 Service -

Heart of Jesus 67

Letter of Introduction to the Customs

Our written Customs Books have now been on trial for twenty years; the General Congregation of December 1903 has decided to have them printed. Divine goodness has overwhelmed our religious family with graces; amongst the greatest of these, my daughters, we must count the Customs Books of the Institute which I began through obedience, as early as 1885 onwards.

We then had only our house at the Chatelets, and those of Rome, Ootacamund and Coimbatore. All the other houses were founded after the Customs Books were drawn up and we owe to this disposition of divine Providence the great uniformity of customs which reigns amongst us.

Let us, my daughters, have a deep respect for this union which is at the same time a grace and a deposit, confided to the fidelity of each one by the love of God.

Let us keep the Rule and it will keep us. We may sometimes have excellent ideas, ways of seeing things which in themselves surpass some of our customs. But nothing is more valuable than respect for disciplinary traditions. To touch these is to introduce a slight division and Our Lord has said:“Every kingdom divided amongst itself, must fall.”

To follow customs costs us something, simply because they are religious subjection and nature loves liberty.

In the common life however it is necessary that order and concord be assured on the whole. This grace has been given to the Institute. Let us know how to profit by it in remaining faithful to our Customs Books.Let each one of us reply to their prescriptions by the words which begin our day: “Ecce Ancilla Domini.”

So that you may be the true and faithful servants of Jesus our Love, and that you may console His Divine Heart in all, I bless you for now and for the future, confiding you to J.M.J. and O.F.S.F.
