7-2 Notes Absolute Ages of Rocks Chapter 7, Lesson 2.

7-2 Notes 7-2 Notes Absolute Ages of Absolute Ages of Rocks Rocks Chapter 7, Lesson 2 Chapter 7, Lesson 2

Transcript of 7-2 Notes Absolute Ages of Rocks Chapter 7, Lesson 2.

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7-2 Notes 7-2 Notes Absolute Ages of RocksAbsolute Ages of Rocks

Chapter 7, Lesson 2Chapter 7, Lesson 2

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What is Earth’s Age?What is Earth’s Age?

• Scientists discovered and used a natural “clock” to date the age of Earth, meteorites, and the moon.

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What is Earth’s Age?What is Earth’s Age?• Scientists used this

natural clock to determine the age of bog bodies.

The Lindow Man has The Lindow Man has been Carbon-14 dated been Carbon-14 dated to sometime between 2 to sometime between 2 BCE and 119 CEBCE and 119 CE

The Tollund Man is the The Tollund Man is the naturally mummified corpse naturally mummified corpse of a man who lived during of a man who lived during the 4the 4thth century BCE. century BCE.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• Atoms are the microscopic building blocks of all matter on Earth.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes• Atoms have 3 small parts:

– protons (positive charge) and neutrons (no charge) are located in the nucleus (center)

– electrons (negative charge) orbit in clouds around the nucleus

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• An element is defined by the number of protons it has (listed as the atomic number on the periodic table).

Carbon’s atomic number is 6.It has 6 protons.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• An isotope is when atoms of an element have the same number of protons, but differing number of neutrons.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes• Normal carbon is called carbon-12 and it

has 6 neutrons.

• Carbon isotopes:– carbon-13 has 7 neutrons– carbon-14 has 8 neutrons

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• Isotopes may be stable or unstable.

• When they are unstable, they are called radioactive, and they can’t keep themselves together – they decay.

Radioactive Decay

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable nucleus changes into another nucleus by emitting particles and energy.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• The isotope that undergoes radioactive decay is the parent isotope.

• The stable form of the element that forms is the daughter isotope.

Parent Daughter

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• This decay is the natural clock that scientists use to find the ages of Earth’s rocks.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• Parent isotopes decay into daughter isotopes at a constant rate called the decay rate.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• The half-life of an element is the calculated length of time it takes for half a specific amount of a parent isotope to decay.

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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

• Half-life of the carbon-14 isotope:

1/1 at start

1/2 leftafter5730years

1/4 leftafter


1/8 leftafter


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Atoms and IsotopesAtoms and Isotopes

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

• Scientists use radiometric dating to calculate absolute ages of rocks and minerals.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

– Comparing the amount of parent to daughter material determines the number of half-lives the material has been through.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

– Igneous rock is most commonly used for radiometric dating because it came from melted rock, which “resets” its natural clock.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

• Rock grains from continental shields, where the oldest rocks on Earth occur, are estimated to be 4.0 to 4.4 billion years old.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric DatingAbout 4.5 billion years ago, there is

evidence that a rogue planet, Orpheus/Theia collided with Earth and formed our moon. This reset the age of

many of Earth’s rocks.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

• Scientists used radiometric dating to determine the ages of meteorites and the Moon.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

• The ages of meteorites recently collected in Antarctica are 4.5 - 4.6 billion years old.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

• The ages of rocks collected from the moon are about 4.6 billion years old.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

• Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old.

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

50% of Americans believe the UNIVERSE is less than 10,000 years old…

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

That would mean the universe began AFTER the domestication of the dog…?

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Radiometric DatingRadiometric Dating

• The closeness of calculated ages of Earth, the Moon, and meteorites helps confirm that the entire solar system formed at the same time.

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The isotopes of an element have a different number of what?

A protons

B neutrons

C electrons

D atoms

7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

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What important feature of radioactive decay has allowed geologists to date rocks?

A the isotopes of an element may be stable or unstable

B the nucleus gains or loses protons

C parent isotopes decay into daughter isotopes

D the decay occurs at a constant rate

7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

Page 35: 7-2 Notes Absolute Ages of Rocks Chapter 7, Lesson 2.

What do scientists use to measure the absolute age of a rock?

A radiometric dating

B amount of carbon in the rock

C absolute dating

D relative dating

7.2 Absolute Ages of Rocks

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

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What type of rock is most commonly used in radiometric dating?

A metamorphic

B igneous

C sedimentary

D minerals

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

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Which type of rock is the most useful for relative dating?

A igneous

B sedimentary

C magma

D metamorphic

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

Page 38: 7-2 Notes Absolute Ages of Rocks Chapter 7, Lesson 2.

What term describes time it takes for a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay to half its original mass?

A absolute age

B half-life

C radiometric dating

D relative age

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

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Which describes a daughter isotope?

A decays into a parent isotope

B is an unstable form of the parent isotope

C is the result of parent isotope decay

D is heavier than its parent isotope

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

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What percentage of parent isotope remains after 2 half-lives?

A 75%

B 30%

C 37.5%

D 25%

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

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Which best describes the relationship between the ages of the Earth and the Moon?

A They are about the same age.

B Earth is much older than the moon.

C The moon is much older than Earth.

D Earth is much younger than the moon.

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

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Scientists believe that the Earth is about ___ billion years old.

A 7.3

B 2.2

C 3.5

D 4.6

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D